2018 360iSR Training Catalogue - visionairtronics.com · ourselves to how an asset works, we enable...

VISIONAIRtronics Courses 2018 Catalogue

Transcript of 2018 360iSR Training Catalogue - visionairtronics.com · ourselves to how an asset works, we enable...

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VISIONAIRtronics Courses

2018 Catalogue

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Training Services Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance


Cyber Operations

Information Operations

Leadership and Management

Military Operations

SMART Applications

Unmanned Air Systems

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Who are VISIONAIRtronics?

“VISIONAIRtronics are a shining light in the ISR domain, their knowledge and ability to communicate complex issues with simplicity and empathy makes them stand head and shoulders above their competitors.”

– Head of Intelligence, Singapore Police Force

VISIONAIRtronics is a globally recognised Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Services company. Our vision is to help our clients achieve excellence by delivering excellence and we have achieved this on many occasions to our varied partners. At VISIONAIRtronics, our mission and values are to help people and organizations throughout the world realise their full potential.


VISIONAIRtronics provides a bespoke service to niche clients who want to understand the application of ISR and UASs to their domain. We do not limit ourselves to how an asset works, we enable the customer to understand how to employ a system, integrate it and truly acquire a capability. We understand that ISR is about the whole not just the collect or the intelligence generation: it is about working in complex, contested, confused and connected environments to understand the unknown and achieve decision advantage.


VISIONAIRtronics is a unique in that it delivers training across the full spectrum of ISR, Intelligence and UAS skills. We have successfully delivered ISR training to Militaries, coalition organizations and Police and Border Forces. Away from the traditional student body, VISIONAIRtronics has been selected to deliver workshops for Universities and Multi-national companies. This global reach enables VISIONAIRtronics to have a truly unique perspective; one that is founded on globally accepted doctrine but is understood against the reality of operations.

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Our TrainingTraining shortfall is an enduring issue. Arguably the success of a training pipeline is often its own downfall as demand for graduates outstrips the ability to train. Additionally, highly trained operators are often moved to high tempo posts to support operations: training is often left as the poor relation.

The recent increase in demand for highly qualified ISR staff officers and UAS operators is often at odds with the ability to train. Recent moves by various states have attempted to address this shortfall. Of note the UK, Italian and US military have produced domestic training, the former having been developed in line with NATO doctrine and policy.

VISIONAIRtronics staff has been pivotal in the design and delivery of Joint ISR (JISR) training to both NATO Command and to member states, notably NATO AIRCOM, the Royal Netherlands Air Force and the Spanish Joint Forces. In addition we have helped the UK military in the application of UAS capability as well as working with clients around the globe. Of note, we have worked in Singapore on the development of a UAS road-map and in the Middle East on the training for all aspects of UAS employment. Recently, we have increased our portfolio to include cyber intelligence training and have successfully delivered to clients in need of understanding the next battlespace.

The experience gained from previous projects, as well as operational experience from previous military careers is used by our team to design and deliver doctrinally compliant, yet nationally

relevant training courses and services. Importantly, through liaison with the client, VISIONAIRtronics will ensure that any practical phase of training is tailored to focus on nationally relevant scenarios. In this way the course graduates will be more focused on current or future operations.

An example of practical training scenarios would be Mediterranean Migration, support to the coalition operations, Search and Rescue, Environment Monitoring and Response Planning Measures or national involvement in any other location. VISIONAIRtronics have conducted smaller courses focusing on specific issues such as cross border smuggling, urban ISR and Counter Terrorism.

Probably the best professional course I have

ever attended.– Senior USAF Intelligence Officer


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Training Design

Training will be Defence Structured Approach to Training ((D)SAT) compliant and all training documentation will be made available to the client. The training course will be designed to be assessed and a certificate presented on successful completion of the course.

All training material will be delivered in English and made available to the client and student body. In addition, VISIONAIRtronics will establish an after course on-line forum in which graduates of the course can post questions or queries to the VISIONAIRtronics Team. All electronic document storage and forum exchanges is on the VISIONAIRtronics server which is compliant with ISO 27001 and boasts 256bit AES encryption.

Training will be structured following the crawl, walk, run method. Courses will be designed from the basics of a subject such as ISR operations and lead students through ISR assets to the complexity of ISR planning and execution. In addition to the academic training

requirements, VISIONAIRtronics propose to ensure that graduates can contribute

to a operations, quicker through individually designed courses reflecting the national focus of the client.

VISIONAIRtronics believe in the concept of ‘through life training’: ensuring training courses are supplied to support career and professional development. This concept was introduced to the UK ISR fraternity by Ewen Stockbridge Sime whilst he was still Serving in the Royal Air Force, and the concept lives on to this day. The ISR Foundation Course offered is an introduction to the art; the Practitioner Course aimed at tactical operators and the QWI ISR Course aimed at the experts. It is also replicated in the UK MQ-9 Reaper fraternity.



I can genuinely say that in my professional opinion, the level of expertise within VISIONAIRtronicsis second to none.


The course will be created in accordance with DSAT procedures


VISIONAIRtronics will create a secure forum on which students can

post questions before and after the course


VISIONAIRtronics staff will liaise with the client to ensure that all requirements are met and the scenarios reflect National interest.


Truly representative of National interest





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Our Courses - ISRIntelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance


VISIONAIRtronics take best practice and lessons learnt from designing and delivery training to the UK, USAF, NATO and European Militaries to ensure that the best possible training course can be delivered in support of a client's ISR aspirations.

Courses will be founded on current doctrine and best practice but be sympathetic to National requirements, concerns and focus areas: we truly believe that training is individual to each client.

In addition, reference will be drawn from support to targeting and support to operations doctrine. To ensure that the training is focused on National areas of interest, the VISIONAIRtronics Team will liaise with the client to ensure that the correct scenario is chosen to maximise training benefit.

ISR CoursesISR Foundation Course 

ISR Practitioners Course 

ISR Commanders Course 

Land ISR Tactics Course 

ISR Strategies for Asymmetry Course 

Collection Managers Course

Mission Specific Training

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ISR Foundation CourseUsing a combination of classroom based lessons and practical exercises, we introduce the student to the fundamentals of the ISR process and its application within contemporary operations.  This course will cover the integration of intelligence with commanders decision making through Information Requirements Management (IRM), sensor to target matching and tactical employment of assets and capabilities through Collection Management (CM).  Although this course is designed as an introduction to ISR, we focus on ensuring that the ISR process is fully integrated into the wider context of military operations across the Air, Space, Land, Maritime and Virtual environments.

Course length:  2 Weeks

ISR Practitioners CourseFocusing primarily on the development and application of ISR tactics to exploit targetable signatures and providing decision advantage to commanders and operators.  The course is very practical in nature.  It focuses on developing the students abilities to understand sensor capabilities and efficiently employ them on ISR operations across a range of environments.  Further to tactical integration of sensors, the student will learn and practice how to dynamically adapt to changing situations such and emerging Time Sensitive Targets (TSTs) and developing contingency plans.

Course length: 2 Weeks

ISR Commanders CourseAs well as introducing commanders to the ISR process and employment of sensor types, we will explore the complexities that arise around the prioritisation process and provide guidance on the coordination of multifaceted operations.    During the course students will study the art of decision making in complex environments and efficient management of ISR staff.  Practice makes perfect.  This course will test commanders abilities to build, coordinate and lead great ISR teams in realistic synthetic environments.

Course length: 1 week 

Land ISR Tactics CourseThis course is designed primarily to support those commanders and planning staff operating in the land environment at the tactical level.  Leveraging the extensive operating experience of VISIONAIRtronics instructors, the students will learn how to optimise ISR support to ground based6

We were able to spend less time looking and more time doing. The work VISIONAIRtronics did was game changing.

- Senior UK Officer

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operations.  During the course the students will study real life case studies to ensure that they can apply ISR doctrine and theory into practical decision support to ground operators.  The emphasis throughout the course is on close cooperation and integration with both the planning and execution of tactical operations.  It covers the full range land operations from Force Protection and STAP through to HVI targeting and attack the network operations.

Course length:  1 Week

ISR Strategies for Asymmetry CourseAsymmetry is not a new concept in warfare, however, asymmetric tactics are changing and we must stay current with both the changing character of conflict and emerging technology.  In this course our instructors use their wide-ranging knowledge of contemporary operations and modern battlefield (and commercial) technologies to teach the students how ISR processes and collection capabilities can be employed against asymmetric and non-traditional threats.  The range of operations covered spans from ISR support to counter criminal networks through to ISR support to Information Operations.

Course length:  1 Week

Collection Managers CourseThe course is very practical in nature.  It focuses on developing the students abilities to understand sensor capabilities and efficiently employ them on ISR operations across a range of environments. Over the course of a week, VISIONAIRtronics instructors will build the confidence of the students in their abilities to deliberately plan and execute a collection operation.  Using a series of realistic synthetic scenarios, students are exposed to a variety of challenges that will stretch their

abilities and develop them as capable ISR collection managers in any environment and at any level of command.

Course length: 1 Week

Mission Specific CoursesVISIONAIRtronics offers a range of mission specific ISR course aimed at focusing on the client’s operation or mission set. In the past we have delivered training and scenario based workshops to address the following:

Cross Border Smuggling (2 weeks)

ISR for Urban Areas (2 weeks)

Border Security (up to 4 weeks)

Maritime ISR Employment (1 week)

Using ISR Capabilities in Contingency and Theatre Entry Operations (1 week)

ISR support to Counter Piracy/Counter Smuggling Operations (1 week)

ISR support to Coastal Defence Operations (1 week)

Conducting JIPoE in the Maritime and Littoral Environments (2 weeks)


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C2 of ISR and Intelligence Operations from within a Deployed Task Group (1 week)

Using ISR to Mitigate Sub-surface Threats (3 Days)

I can genuinely say that in my professional opinion the level of expertise within VISIONAIRtronics is second to none and I believe that it is the high caliber of the VISIONAIRtronics team which makes the company unparalleled when it comes to understanding and delivering the tactical, operational and strategic knowhow of ISR.

- Rob Murray, Head of NATOISR, SHAPE


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Our Courses - IntelligenceIntelligence is at the core all of human activity, be that military of civilian. The courses VISIONAIRtronics offer are proven and delivered by exceptional instructors.


Foreknowledge cannot be gotten from ghosts and spirits, cannot be had by analogy, cannot be found out by calculation. It must be obtained from people, people who know the conditions of the enemy.”

- Sun Tzu

Intelligence CoursesIntelligence Fundamentals Course 

Intelligence Analysis Course 

Deception, Counter-intelligence & Security Course 

Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Environment Course 

Open Source Exploitation Course 

Imagery Analysis Course 

Geospatial Intelligence Course

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Intelligence Intelligence Fundamentals CourseAt VISIONAIRtronics we fundamentally believe that all operations should be Intelligence led and that all Intelligence work should be carried out to support the operational campaign.  This course will provide students with a basic introduction to the purpose of intelligence and the fundamentals of utilising the intelligence process to both initiate and support operations.  It covers a wide range of topics from assessment theory to application of intelligence to tactical targeting. 

Course length:  1 Week

Intelligence Analysis CourseThis course is aimed at improving the holistic approach to all types of analysis. The course will cover inductive reasoning, used to  provide situational understanding in complex environments, through to deductive reasoning used to develop networks during targeting.

Course length:  2 Weeks

Deception, Counter-intelligence & Security CourseIf you know how to find intelligence, you also know how to prevent others finding it.  By utilising the skills the instructors at VISIONAIRtronics, we have put together a course that teaches the process of integrating deception into wider operational planning.  Students will also study potential security threats to operations and how to best protect against them.

Course length: 1 Week10

Ewen is a rare breed amongst contemporary ISR specialists, having conducted airborne dynamic ISR fusion and targeting during conventional and interstate ops, through to operational application of ISR in COIN. He was also a leader in RAF ISR policy and his role in setting up the UK’s leading ISR Course, QWI ISR, was pivotal. I still regularly seek his advice on ISR matters and rely on him as an impartial sounding board on ISR application, policy and training.

- Senior Australian Intelligence Officer

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Intelligence Preparation of the Environment CourseWe at VISIONAIRtronics have used our extensive collective experience to in contemporary operations to builds on military ‘best practice’ for conducting intelligence preparation of the environment.  Students will be guided through the IPOE process by conducting practical exercises based around a realistic and complex scenario that encompasses all of the facets of the contemporary operating environment. The course spans across the full spectrum of Physical, Virtual and Cognitive domains.  This ensure a comprehensive approach that take IPOE beyond situational awareness to real understanding.

Course length:  3 Days

Open Source Exploitation Course As societies become more connected and more digital the amount of information available through open-source exploitation is growing at an exponential rate. This course combines lessons learned from military operations and from the commercial sector.  Students learn technical skills for exploiting information available on the internet as well as how open source information should be analysed and fused with classified intelligence.

 Course length:  1 Week

Imagery Analysis Course  Imagery analysis is an art that can take months to master.  This course is the start of that journey.  Students will learn about technical geospatial collection and analysis systems, before being taught analytical techniques.  The course is very hands on and allows the students to practice all that they learn.

Course length:  1 Week

Geospatial Intelligence Course This course explains how geo-referenced metadata is at the heart of intelligence fusion; from Search visualisation Tools through to  the integration of geo-referenced material into the IPOE process.  This course is aimed at intelligence analysts.  

Course length:  1 Week

Intelligence OperationsThis course is designed to explain to intelligence analysts the operational cycle, and how intelligence prepared by themselves contributes to the success of a mission. The course is designed to support all intelligence analysts, making them more aligned to operations and more efficient in their primary role.

Course length: 1 Week


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Our Courses - Cyber Often regarded as the next battlespace, the cyber domain has featured strongly in the global news recently.

Building on the very strong Intelligence and ISR credentials, VISIONAIRtronics instructors offer a unique perspective in to the virtual world. Our courses are proven and delivered by field experts.


Cyber Courses

Cyber Fundamentals Course 

Defensive Cyber Operations Course 

Social Media Exploitation Course

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Cyber Cyber Fundamentals CourseCyber is a term that can mean many things to many people.  VISIONAIRtronics uses a simple common sense approach to explaining cyber operations.  This  fundamentals course bridges the gap between the often intangible and secretive world of Cyber operations and conventional operational planning.  Bringing cyber within the fold of truly ‘full spectrum’ operations. 

Course length:  2 Days

Defensive Cyber Operations CourseLike all defensive operations, cyber defence requires a coordinated layered approach combining specialist domain knowledge with wider understanding of the threats and good  risk management.  As protecting the digital enterprise becomes a growing issue for organisations worldwide, the requirement for experienced information security professionals has grown.  The course provides a strong understanding of information security technology with relevant knowledge from social sciences, law and management. 

Course length:  1 Week

Social Medial Exploitation CourseThis course teaches students how to combine the traditional skills of Human Network (HNA) Analysis and Human Terrain Analysis (HTA) with the technical skills required to exploit social media.  By the end of the course students are able to find and build virtual persona network maps and integrate them into wider targeting operations.

Course length:  3 Days


VISIONAIRtronics delivered training in theKingdom of Saudi Arabia to the RSAF, MOD and other agencies.  The training as focused on National issues and directly relevant to our work.  We were able to use the information contained within the training immediately.  I would endorse VISIONAIRtronics for anyonelooking for services in the ISR domain

- Col Khalid Aldosari, Head of RSAF ISR Centre

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Our Courses - Information Operations


Information Operations Courses

Information Activities Foundation Course 

Information Activities Operations Course 

Information Activities Planners Course 

Social Media Operations Course

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Information Operations

Information Activities Foundation CourseInformation is a pervasive function across the full spectrum of conflict and having the ability to collect, manage and exploit information is crucial to success in contemporary operations. This course is designed to introduce students to the increasingly complicated information environment.  The students will learn how to analyse the information environment, develop appropriate information effect and translate them into suitable information products.  From traditional Psyops through to engagement and social media exploitation.

Course length:  1 Week

Information Activities Operations CourseTaking the student through the process of taking a commanders information effect and turning it into a deliverable information action. This course is a mix of classroom based theory and practical exercises.  Students will learn from our instructors wide ranging experience in applying influence techniques on the battlefield to techniques used in commercial marketing.

Course length:  2 Weeks

Information Activities Planners CourseThis course introduces the students to the full range of information activities including; Media operations, CIMIC, Psyops, engagement, deception, OPSEC and  electronic warfare.  They will learn how to integrate information effects with manoeuvre to support the commanders plan. 

Course length:  2 Weeks


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Leadership and Management Courses Lessons learnt from studying and applying ISR and Intelligence disciplines has enabled us to offer these skills to leadership and management issues.

The world is a complex, congested, connected and often contested place. We are surrounded by data. We are bombarded with information and confused by fake news. How do we enable clarity in this environment.

VISIONAIRtronics has developed courses, initially aimed at he military market, but have since been delivered in UK Universities to a civilian audience trying to understand complex systems and big data.


Leadership and Management Courses

Decision Making in Complex Environments 

How to Foster Innovation 

Leadership & Organisational Culture 

Knowing what you need to know : Becoming Data Centric 

Changing behaviours : The Power of Influence

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Leadership and Management CoursesDecision Making in Complex EnvironmentsBy focusing on how we make decisions, we introduce the factors involved in decision making and explore the processes individuals and organisations go through when trying to rationalise complexity.  By drawing comparisons between the chaos of combat and the challenges faced by big data, we introduce hard fought lessons from military planning to overcome information paralysis.

Course length:  1 Week

How to Foster InnovationThe information age and big data results in ever more opportunity and need to do things differently.  During the course, we explore the concept of foresight and identifying opportunities.  We then look at how to link innovation to strategy to ensure these opportunities can be exploited. 

Course length:  3 Days

Leadership & Organisational CultureLeadership and organisational culture are ‘symbiotic‘.  We all have different ideas of what leadership is.  But if we don’t understand organisational culture we are only focusing on half the problem.  Using examples of both organisations successes and failures, this course focuses on the relationship between these two fundamental factors to achievement.

Course length:  1 Week

Knowing what you need to know: Becoming Data CentricIn this course, we demonstrate the process of breaking down complex problems into smaller manageable chunks, identifying what you need to know and linking this requirement to a potential sources.  This is the first step to creating a data strategy.

Course length:  1 Week

Changing Behaviours : the Power of InfluenceBy taking lessons from the world of marketing, social media strategy and military psychological operations we have put together a course that  will show how we can understand a target audience by harnessing the power of Big Data predictive analytics.  This understanding can be combined with targeted information campaigns to change peoples attitudes and behaviours.

Course length:  2 Weeks


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Leading Teams Under PressureSpeed is often better than accuracy.  Decisive, fast acting leadership may be appropriate in the initial response to a crisis.  However, unbounded and ill-structured problems benefit from more reflective approach that employs adaptive reasoning.  We need to recognise when to think fast or slow.  In this course, we explore the human decision making process and introduce the concept of the OODA Loop and explain how it relates to organisations. Using examples, the course will explain why it is not the strongest organisation that survives, but the one that is most adaptable to change.

Course length:  3 Days


Unique in the market place, VISIONAIRtronics delivers end-to-end ISR Services

VISIONAIRtronics: End-to-End ISR

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Military OperationsBorn from our legacy as ex-military personnel, we have developed courses that are as applicable to Service personnel as they are to the civilian domain.

Our instructors are all ex military and leaders in their field. Each one having first hand operational experience enabling them to provide case studies to assist the illustration of the courses


Information Operations Courses

Air Land Integration Course 

Joint Effects and Targeting Course 

Attacking the Network Course 

Campaign Planning Course 

Tactical Planning Course : The Combat Estimate  

Red Teaming and War-gaming

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Military Operations

Air Land Integration CourseAir Land Integration (ALI) is a particular form of interoperability between the Air and Land components of a military force. On this course students will learn how to create and execute operational and tactical air/land plans.  Synergistically blending air and land power across all activities, from ISR to fires, manoeuvre to sustainment.  The course covers both the physical and technical requirements of ALI as well as the more ethereal human factors that affect these types of operations.

Course length:  2 Weeks

Joint Effects and Targeting CourseThis is very much a ‘Full Spectrum’ targeting course, focused primarily on the integration of all aspects of the targeting process into wider military operations.  Our experienced instructors will take the students through the targeting process. The emphasis will be to develop the students’ ability to take a holistic approach reviewing multiple targets together and apportioning the full range of appropriate actions  in accordance with the campaign plan.  In this way linking tactical activity to strategic success.   

Course length:  3 Days

Attacking the Network CourseThis course teaches students the skills required for organising, conducting, and assessing Attack the Network (AtN) activities in support of military operations.  It describes the fundamental actions, analytical methodologies and frameworks that form the basis for identifying and exploiting threat network vulnerabilities. 

Course length:  1 Week

Campaign Planning CourseOperational art is the employment of military forces to attain strategic goals through the design and conduct of operations. The term Art in this sense, refers to the creative skill and imagination of the commander rather than just the application of a specific process or science.  This course is designed to develop and build these skills and give commanders the tools to translate strategic objectives into tactical actions.

Course length: 2 Weeks

Tactical Planning Course: The Combat EstimateThere are multiple tactical planning processes, but all of them have a common purpose; to make sense of complexity and allowing commanders and planning staff to make decisions  and develop realistic deliverable plans.  This course can be specifically tailored to focus on any specific estimate process, but was born out of the experiences of our instructors in planning UK and NATO operations. 

Course length:  2 Weeks


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Red Teaming and War-gamingAs the phrase goes, ‘no plan survives contact with the enemy’,  the key is not to build excellent plans, but to conduct excellent planning.  This will build in resilience and adaptability for when, inevitably, the situation changes.  The crucial element is to objectively test assumptions, face risks and pressure test the execution of the plan from the perspective of the competitor. This requires every action to be rehearsed and checked before executing.  We will teach you how to conduct red teaming, war gaming and rehearsals.  We will then cover contingency planning and consequence management.

Course length:  Dependant on the mission set


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Unmanned Air SystemsThe proliferation of Unmanned Air Systems UAS) is obvious.

There are many companies out there offering UAS training: VISIONAIRtronics is different. We apply the same ethos we have in other training areas to the UAS domain. We don't just train a pilot to fly a UAS, we train him to operate and employ the system. Our UAS training takes an operator from a CAA template ground school through a phase of simulator training, then out to the airfield for remote control training and live flying on our bespoke systems.

We use highly qualified, experienced operators and have provided fixed and rotary wing system training to a global clientele.


Unmanned Air Systems Courses

ISR and the UAS 

Counter UAS


Operator Training

UAS Tactical Employment

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Unmanned Air Systems

ISR and the UAS The UAS is often considered as a total ISR capability. However, the UAS simply collects data. This course is designed to enable the student to fully understand the utility of a UAS, how to task it effectively and how to exploit the most from the collected data.

Counter UASThe UAS is a powerful tool, but that power is not restricted for use only by the ‘good guys’. A UAS in the hands of the adversary is a complex and difficult issue to solve. VISIONAIRtronics worked on the Security Plan to the London Olympics in 2012 and dealt with the issue of how to find and defeat a small UAS before it could impact the games.

There are many threats from a small UAS: it poses a threat to privacy, media rights, freedom of movement and physical well being. Finding and defeating a UAS is difficult. But through years of experience and working with some multi-national companies, VISIONAIRtronics has put together a Counter UAS course. The course builds on experience from planning large, high visibility events using case studies to illustrate the complexity of counter UAS operation.

The UAS CONOPThe UAS CONOP course is designed to address a client’s need to understand the UAS as a capability, how to employ it to achieve effect and gain Decision Advantage. VISIONAIRtronics instructors will introduce the CONOP process, outline the mission or operation and then guide the student body through the generation of an organic CONOP.

The objectives of the course are as follows:

Illustrate the CONOPs

Understand the concept of ISR

Understand sensors and assets

Understand mission/environmental specifics

Lessons identified from previous operations

Produce an organic CONOP

The results of this course are tangible in that the students leave the training with a draft CONOP that can be used in their primary role.

Operator TrainingGround School

The Unmanned Air System Ground School follows CAA guidelines to ensure that all essential subjects pertaining to UAS operations are covered. The course assumes no knowledge and builds from first principles. The objectives of the course are as follows:

Principles of Flight



Human Factors (UAS Specific)

Flight Controls

Air Vehicle Performance


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Flight Planning

Pilot Training

External (RC) Pilot Training.

The EP training package is broken down into three distinct stages of training, allowing for a gradual and stepped approach. This will allow the student to develop the skills and confidence to operate a wide variety of aircraft types. Successful completion of the course at each stage is required before onward progression. Once qualified a conversion to the client’s aircraft will be carried out.

Internal (mission) Pilot Training.

The IP training course is designed to enable a student to operate their system safely and with effect. Trainees will be lead through an academic phase exploring the basics of UAS operations, a simulator and finally a live flying phase.

Sensor Training

The sensor operator course is designed to assist an operator in making the most efficient use of their sensor. Initially the course will explore sensor types and technologies and then look more specifically at imagery and full motion video. The course will then develop and specialise in the sensor technology specified by the client. These technologies could include the following:



Synthetic Aperture Radar

Ground Moving Target Indicators

Hyper & Multi Spectral Sensing

Technician Training

The final member of the UAS team is the technician. This course is designed to assist technicians with understanding the components and servicing requirements of a UAS. It will then explore operations procedures, logistics and maintenance.

UAS Tactical EmploymentMission Specific Training

Our mission specific training courses are designed for each client in accordance with their requirements. The training is designed to help individual clients understand their issues in more depth and how ISR and UAS employment can assist. Courses range from the following:

ISR for Border Security. Border security is one of the highest priority operations by any State. The training offered by VISIONAIRtronics has been delivered to European and Middle Eastern Government Agencies looking to understand how ISR and UAS capabilities can assist the security of the Nation.

Counter Smuggling Operations. Smuggling destabilises regions and it’s defeat is essential for economic security. This workshop looks at ‘attacking the network’ which allows a client to understand, exploit and defeat a smuggling threat.

Urban ISR. The urban environment is arguably the most complex in which an ISR Force has to operate. This course allows the client to understand the nature of the environment and the impact that is has


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on ISR operations, allowing client to make informed decisions concerning the utility of ISR in their urban spaces.

Urban UAS Employment. In a similar vein to the urban ISR course, this training helps the client understand the utility of an UAS for urban operations.

Pipeline Security. Pipelines carry a natural wealth, as such they are a lucrative target. Protection through prevention is the ideal solution to the issue and this course allows a client to understand how to identify potential perpetrators and enable predictive intervention.

Migration Monitoring. Migration is a global issue and it is applying direct pressure to some regions of the world. The ability to monitor migration is essential is governments want to either prevent or prepare for migration. This course uses experience from our instructors to explain how an ISR system can be used to monitor migration and enable a State to provide humanitarian assistance where required or to take remedial action to prevent a crisis from occurring.

Precision Agriculture. The technological revolution is here and ISR can assist in precision agriculture. Be it understanding and implementing efficient harvesting for farms or plantation management for commodities banks we can help.

Pollution Monitoring. Pollution is becoming a serious issue around he globe. UASs are now being employed to monitor everything from maritime pollution to oil slicks and from factory gas to car exhaust. This course uses real world case studies to explore the use of UASs to monitor pollution, drawing out strengths and weaknesses and enabling a client to make informed decisions.


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Air Land Integration

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Attack the Network

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Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance.

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Joint ISR

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Observe, Orientate, Decide, Act

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Unmanned Air Systems.

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