2017 MPC Special Bonus Report - Lillian Too Feng Shui


Transcript of 2017 MPC Special Bonus Report - Lillian Too Feng Shui

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A Special Bonus Report from Lillian Too

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Most feng shui courses that are offered today and books written on this subject focus exclusively on the space and time dimensions of this ancient practice. Yet there is another, more powerful dimension, the spiritual dimension that can and will change your life and circumstances, should you choose to embrace it.

Being knowledgeable in this third dimension adds potency to your practice. It is the third dimension that empowers our arrangements in the space dimension and keeps us in sync with the changes in energy over time. Why? Because spiritual feng shui practice combines the energy of our material physical space or surroundings with the energy of the cosmic universe making our space and time feng shui work faster and more effectively.

Going Deeper Into Spiritual Feng Shui

In spiritual feng shui we are dealing with ourselves as spiritual beings as well as the spiritual environment surrounding us. And if you delve more deeply into the history of feng shui, you will find that all the old masters used spiritual feng shui on a regular basis, although it was not openly talked about. It was not considered a religious practice, but rather they used specific rituals and methods to strengthen and empower their minds as well as to deal with the environment. You need only to think today of the feng shui master who is called to “bless” the land and appease the local spirits and landlords at a construction site before building begins to ensure their cooperation; or consider the many other rituals they perform to protect against accidents, illnesses and even bad weather.

Special Bonus ReportCopyright © 2017 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

Now You Can Create an Extraordinary Life by

Unlocking The Hidden Powers of Feng Shui 

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Once you have the feng shui of your physical space done correctly, the next step is to make sure that your inner feng shui is also in harmony. Everyone wants to be happy and successful but success and wealth achievement does not only come from correct placement of furniture, flying star corrections or the use of symbolic items. Your internal energies must also radiate success and be in balance with your outer space. The positive energies of your mind are very

Enter the Realm of Cosmic Consciousness

Copyright © 2017 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

You see, your own feeling of self-worth is critically important. When you internalize a positive sense of self- worth, you imprint this onto your subconscious mind. You know you are a winner and will achieve your goals and exceed your expectations. Thinking this way and having a winning attitude develops your mind set positively and helps clear out feelings of unworthiness and insecurity which are not productive. It’s important to undertake this

As you go deeper into spiritual feng shui, you find yourself entering into the realm of cosmic consciousness. Here there are parallel realms of existence, inhabited by other spirits that may create obstacles to your practice and who can interfere with your mind and thinking. They can also help you! That’s why this third dimension is so critical – you will learn how to recognize when this is happening and how to appease the local spirits and landlords; you will know how to enlist their help and aid rather than having them work against you. Believe me, it is much easier and will make a great difference to your level of good fortune when you have them working for you rather than against you.

personal mental re-programming process if you really want to attain great wealth, good health and happiness.

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Are You Ready to Develop Your Spiritual Essence?

powerful…but so are the negative ones. You must have faith and believe in yourself!

Look Better, Feel Better and Raise Your Self Esteem 150%

From this day forward ignore the little things that annoy you or get in your way. Accept yourself for the wonderful human being that you are. You ARE a really magnificent creation. Stop comparing yourself to others who may have more money or beauty than you. Stop making excuses to help yourself feel better or feel less guilty.

Special Bonus Report

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Remember that practicing feng shui requires the harnessing of energies – both physical and mental – inside and outside of the mind. Make success a habit by doing things daily that are positive and self-worthy. Help others, be nice to people, smile a lot, go to work cheerfully and work hard – even if your co- workers complain a lot. You are different. You are successful. Develop your success energies externally and internally. Your boss and others will notice your winning attitude and you will reap the rewards. Look for the good and be grateful. You may not have everything you want in life yet…but be happy while you are pursuing what you want. Set your goals and move forward with a positive attitude.

Copyright © 2017 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

Make Success a Daily Habit

If you don’t have any idea where you are going or what you want to achieve or how you will do it, it won’t happen. Simple as that. Just to say: “I want to be rich” WILL NOT work. Here’s what to do: write down both your long and short-term goals. Having long term goals helps us overcome the short-term obstacles that get in our way. Be specific and elaborate about what you want to achieve and be sure to add a deadline. Putting a date on a dream gives it powerful energy. It is no longer a dream but a goal. It’s alive with energy. Achievable.

In spiritual feng shui, having a goal is very important because defining and thinking about it helps enormously in the actualization process. Don’t worry too much how you are going to make it happen, just focus on the end results that you want. When you do this regularly, you’ll find that your thoughts and the positive energies you send outward blend with the positive energy flows of your environment…and then wow! Just look at what you can attract. You will find that when you go to work on your goals and plans they will also work on you. You will improve in different areas. Things will begin to happen in ways that you never thought possible and you’ll say…” wow, maybe I do have good feng shui!”

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Special Bonus Report

Set Your Success Goals

Whatever we put our thoughts and attention to grows. If you are positive and do things with a positive intention and a good heart, the energy you create is simply amazing. While alternatively, if you are always a bit sour, selfish and a negative thinker the energy you emit is rather toxic. Who will attract the good fortune?

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You can also use things as simple as positive affirmations to help you. When done regularly these penetrate your subconscious mind and empower your inner success energies quickly. Say them before you go to bed or when you awake first thing in the morning. Tape them to your mirror and read them several times – make it a daily routine. Be sure you are looking in the mirror at yourself, into your own eyes as you repeat them. This is a simple, but highly effective way to build self-confidence and self-esteem.

Copyright © 2017 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

Learn how to strengthen your spirit and heart no matter what difficulties you face and despite how bad things may seem sometimes. Maybe you have just lost your boyfriend after a long relationship; maybe your husband (or wife) cheated on you; maybe you have been betrayed by a close friend that you put your absolute trust in; maybe you’ve been passed over for a promotion at work; maybe no matter how hard you try you can’t beat theaddiction you suffer from. I think you get the idea, right? We all have difficulties in life. But the strength of our minds and spiritual empowerment can conquer any obstacle that gets in your way.

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Once you realize how powerful the mind is and how it can serve you, there is no stopping you! Learn to chant, to visualize, to meditate and develop this incredible, invisible resource that you already possess. As human beings, we exude huge amounts of energy or chi that directly affects our outer, physical space – be it at home, the office, with our family or co-workers. Be aware of any negative energy you may be sending forth – it can act as a poison arrow and destroy the harmony of a room or space that you have already created with good feng shui.

Special Bonus Report

Use Positive Affirmations

Naturally an important part of all success is discarding the negative things in your life that stand in your way of achieving your heart’s desires. When we let negative thoughts or people invade our hearts and minds we are opening ourselves up to failure. Think of life as an ongoing event– there will always be negative people, situations and events that can cause us to fall flat on our faces if we let them. You must be aware and strengthen your army of protectors and support within. Don’t let the weeds take over the garden of your mind – be on guard and ready to call on your spiritual army for help!

Let Go of Negative Thoughts & People

The Power of Inner Feng Shui

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Copyright © 2017 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

Feng shui is about manipulating the energies that surround you – using the space and time dimension and also the spiritual dimension – your own personal energy. There is no greater positive or negative energy than you, yourself. Develop your spiritual feng shui and it will serve you in ways that you have never dreamed of. This is the real secret of powerfully good feng shui.

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Special Bonus Report

Spiritual feng shui is not as easy to practice as space and time feng shui since it requires more

time and discipline on your part. But it is well worth the effort because it is so very potent. Learning meditation and visualization techniques, cosmic rituals, chanting and other practices allows us to go deep within ourselves and also deal positively with spiritual beings around us at home and in our work spaces.