· 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and...


Transcript of  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and...

Page 1:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture
Page 2:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


Page 3:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


So...what is the Prostate Health Program?

Let me explain.

I have been on a mission to help men improve their prostate health for almost 20 years now.. But over the last few years, I began noticing a trend.

A select group of men taking my supplements seemed to be getting better, faster results than everyone else.

Now, I know that everyone’s health, diet, exercise regimen and situation is different, so I initially just put it down to that. Different men, eating different foods, doing different workouts, getting different results. It made sense, so I never really gave it much thought.

The Prostate Health Program

Page 4:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


However, the customer service team did.

Why? Because this group of men always wrote testimonials earlier than everyone else.

For some reason they were feeling the impact of the supplements earlier, and to a greater degree than everyone else.

Now I read every comment, testimonial, complaint and question that gets sent through to us.

Your testimonials light up my day – hearing how men have improved their health and are feeling happier, stronger, fitter and feeling younger all while sleeping through the night – literally puts a massive smile on my face.

But I have never concerned myself with how long it takes before someone might leave a testimonial or review.

However the customer service team does. And they noticed something that I didn’t. A pattern…

The men who got the best results in the shortest time all had one thing in common…

They were all taking the same 3 supplements.

And this pattern went back for years. We tracked down old testimonials all the way back from 2008 and saw the same thing.

Those that got the best results… same 3 supplements.

Those that got the fastest results… same 3 supplements.

Those that saw the biggest improvement in symptoms and the largest reduction in PSA levels… same 3 supplements.

Looking back on it, it is a little embarrassing that I didn’t work it out sooner.Because, just like those men, I take all 3 of these supplements everyday to maintain my

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


prostate health.

Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power.

A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture and an all-natural symptom alleviator.

3 supplements which were designed, from the beginning, to work together to address the different facets of prostate disease.

3 supplements which, when taken together, are more powerful, more effective, and more complete than any single supplement could ever be.

Something better even than Total Health for the Prostate itself!

And the best thing is that as part of my Black Friday sale, I’ve not only included a whole bunch of incredible bonuses if you join my program, I’ve also found a way for you to save money as well!

Click here to join the Prostate Health Program TODAY.

Page 6:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


If you are eating the ketogenic diet that I recommend for good health, fully one 3rd of your dietary intake should be good quality fat.

For that reason, I recommend eating small oily fish such as trout, sardines, mackerel and also supplementing my raw and wild Antarctican krill oil. The minimum dosage is 2 gels per day but I myself take 6 gels every day because I have noticed their dramatic benefit in terms of boosting my cognitive skills.

The other delicious foods that I highly recommend for their fat content are olive oil, avocados and nuts. Those all contain monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have linked higher blood levels of MUFAs in older adults to greater general intelligence. So you may want to consider adding avocados, olive oil and nuts to your grocery list.

Study leader Aron K. Barbey, a professor of psychology at the university, and colleagues recently reported their results in the journal Neuroimage.

MUFAs are fat molecules present in a variety of foods, including olive oil, avocados, and a range of nuts and seeds.

MUFAs are considered healthy fats, as they can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by helping to lower levels of “bad” low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood. And these naturally occurring beneficial fats are not only more effective than toxic drugs such as Statins, they also are side-effect free.

Page 7:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


MUFAs and the brainFor the new study, Prof. Barbey and colleagues set out to determine whether or not the benefits of MUFAs might extend to the brain.

Prof Barbey stated “Our goal is to understand how nutrition might be used to support cognitive performance and to study the ways in which nutrition may influence the functional organization of the human brain,”.

“This is important,” he went on to explain, “because if we want to develop nutritional interventions that are effective at enhancing cognitive performance, we need to understand the ways that these nutrients influence brain function.”

The study involved 99 healthy older adults. Blood samples were also taken from each participant and analyzed for a wide variety of nutrients.

“Historically, the approach has been to focus on individual nutrients,” notes Barbey. “But we know that dietary intake doesn’t depend on any one specific nutrient; rather, it reflects broader dietary patterns.” The Chinese have known this crucial fact for millennia and have always recommended a broad range of foods for your diet.

All subjects also underwent general intelligence testing and functional MRI of the brain, which allowed the researchers to measure brain activity in certain networks.

Dorsal attention network and intelligenceThe analysis revealed that general intelligence was associated with a brain region called the dorsal attention network, which plays a key role in problem-solving and goal-directed attention.

More specifically, the researchers found that a person’s general intelligence is influenced by the efficiency of small-world propensity in the dorsal attention network - that is, how well the neural connections within this network are organized.

Interestingly, the study results revealed that adults who had higher MUFA levels in their blood demonstrated “greater small-world propensity in the dorsal attention network,” and the team observed an association between higher MUFA levels and greater general intelligence.

Overall, the researchers believe that their findings suggest that increasing intake of MUFAs might be one way to boost cognition.

“Our results suggest that if we want to understand the relationship between MUFAs and general intelligence, we need to take the dorsal attention network into account. It’s part of the underlying mechanism that contributes to their relationship,” says Prof. Barbey.

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


My exclusive Prostate Health Program consists of 3 supplements which all target BPH and the prostate in unique ways. In this article I’m going to explain to you exactly what those differences are, and why they work best when taken


Total Health for the Prostate

The first supplement in my program is Total Health. It contains 23 ingredients, and each of them was carefully selected for its beneficial effects for prostate health.

This combination has significant synergy, meaning that each of these ingredients BOOSTS the effects of the others.

Each nutrient in Total Health for the Prostate is backed by dozens of independent, peer-reviewed and double-blind scientific studies that prove their efficacy. And each ingredient is of the highest quality and in a clinically significant dosage.Let me highlight just 3 of the powerful, all natural and proven ingredients that make Total Health so effective… Beta SitosterolStudy after study has demonstrated the effects of Beta Sitosterol, from lowering prostaglandin levels (increased prostaglandin supports tumor growth), to significantly improving urine flow and decreasing urgency and

Page 10:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


frequency, and quickly decreasing prostate size. In addition to prostate health, Beta Sitosterol has also been used as a chemo-preventive agent. That means that it helps prevent cancers across the board in laboratory animals. QuercetinTotal Health contains 200mg of natural Quercetin, Quercetin is a flavonol, derived from plants; in the case of Total Health it comes from the flower buds of Japanese Sophora.

Laboratory studies show it may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are beneficial for men with prostate disease. Quercetin has been shown to reduce prostate-related pain and swelling. Vitamin D3The third nutrient I wanted to highlight for you is Vitamin D. Total Health contains 5000IU of Vitamin D3, (the non-synthetic vitamin D). Being Vitamin D deficient has been linked to higher risks of Prostate cancer. There is also evidence that suggests a strong link between Vitamin D deficiency and heart disease, depression, and faster weight gain.

And these are just 3 of the ingredients...there are 20 more in Total Health for the prostate alone!

It’s also worth noting that all our minerals are chelated, which is to say that they are bonded to an amino acid. Chelation has been shown to significantly increase the bioavailability of minerals.

Part of the incredible synergy of our ingredients is the fact that we maximize bioavailability of all of our ingredients, allowing the body to fully absorb and process them. We are the ONLY prostate health supplement makers who use chelated minerals...an important point!

Prostate Healer

This unique tincture took years of work to perfect.

Along time ago I was researching Ayurvedic medicine, (an ancient Indian naturopathic approach to health). I was reading over a translation of a 5000 year old Ayurvedic

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


document, when I came across a recipe for apProstate tincture. The recipe kept appearing in a number of ancient Ayurvedic documents; in fact I found references to it in no less than eight ancient documents. The ingredients were interesting to me because I had seen recent research into several of these herbs. So I set my product development team to work.... And only a month later we had managed to recreate the exact tincture from the manuscript. We sent it over to our clinical team and had them analyse it. And that said it was okay, but not amazing. What followed was years of R&D, formulating, testing, reformulating and perfecting. Eventually by using herbs so fresh they are still wet from the morning’s rain, and by macerating and maturing them in a pharmaceutical grade alcohol we managed to create a herbal prostate tincture that is so much more powerful than anything else on the market. It has a proven track record of clearing out both chronic and acute prostatitis, reducing urgency and lowering PSA. It is a perfect blend of ancient wisdom and modern science, and has become one of my best selling supplements. Prostate PowerAnd last, but not least, my Prostate Power, this potent little supplement is a natural and side-effect free urinary symptoms alleviator. What that means is unlike the other two it isn’t primarily meant to restore prostate health. Basically prostate power is modelled on the pharmaceutical approach. It does the same thing as the drugs, it won’t cure BPH, but it will stop you waking up and night with an urgent need to urinate. And unlike typical pharmaceutical medication, Prostate Power is 100% SIDE EFFECT FREE and is actually GOOD for your prostate. Prostate Power combines a pure Rye flower pollen extract with a 45% saw palmetto Berry extract.

Page 12:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


I reviewed 19 studies from 1981 onwards on the effects of symptoms in BPH and prostatitis of a combination of rye flower pollen 45% extract and saw palmetto berry extract. They all show a significant improvement in the symptoms experienced by men taking this combination. Generally the studies reported an improvement in between 75% to 90% of men. The largest meta study on this was conducted in January 2003 at the National Centre for Natural Products Research, located at the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, at the University of Mississippi. The conclusion, was that it was “safe... [and] provides relief of symptoms and improves the quality of life for men with BPH and prostatitis”. So don’t suffer sleepless nights, weak stream, urgency and fear of cancer when you don’t have to. Don’t wait until your BPH gets worse, or until your doctor berates you into unwanted surgery with permanent side effects…

Join the million man prostate health revolution NOW.

Start using my Prostate Health Program and say goodbye to BPH and a high PSA forever.

Page 13:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’





I love how simple this dish is to make and how clean, yet satisfying the ingredients are. The great thing about this recipe is that you can really use any meat and veggies you have on hand. There is also the added bonus of only dirtying one pan. Healthy, satisfying and only one pan? Time to get cooking!

1. In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the butter.

2. Add the chicken sausage, garlic and onion to the skillet and saute for 10 minutes.

3. Add zucchini, squash, bell peppers, mushrooms, Italian seasoning, red pepper flakes, sea salt and pepper to the pan and saute for an additional 10-15 minutes or until vegetables are crisp tender.

NUTRITIONAL INFO (Per Serving) Calories: 317 | Carbs: 9.5 g | Fat: 23 g | Protein: 20 g | Fiber: 1.5 g | Net Carbs: 8 g

• 3 tbsp butter or ghee• 5 chicken sausage links,

sliced• 2 cloves garlic, minced• 1 small sweet onion, cut

into large chunks• 1 small zucchini, halved

lengthwise and sliced into moons

• 1 small summer squash, halved lengthwise and sliced into moons

• 1 small red bell pepper, cut into large chunks

• 1 small yellow bell pepper, cut into large chunks

• 6 cremini mushrooms, quartered

• 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning• 1/2 tsp crushed red

pepper flakes• sea salt and black

pepper, to taste







Page 14:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’




quick fritatta with tomatoes & cheese

Frittata is a tasty and convenient summer dish. It takes just a few minutes to prepare and can be served either hot or cold. It’s also a great way to use leftover vegetables, cheese, sausages or bacon.

This recipe is made with feta cheese, fresh herbs and tomatoes for a more satisfying taste.

1. Preheat the oven (or ideally broiler if you have it) to 200 C / 400 F. Peel and slice the onion. Place on a hot pan greased with ghee and cook until lightly browned.

2. Crack the eggs into a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Add finely chopped herbs (I used chives) and whisk well.

3. When the onion is browned, pour in the eggs and

cook until you see the edges turning opaque.

4. Top with the crumbled cheese and halved cherry tomatoes. Place under the broiler and cook for 5-7 minutes or until the top is cooked. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool down. Serve immediately or store in the fridge for up to 5 days.

• 6 large eggs, free-range or organic

• ½ medium white onion (55 g / 1.9 oz)

• 2/3 cup soft cheese like feta, crumbled (100 g / 3.5 oz)

• 2/3 cup cherry tomatoes, halved (100 g / 3.5 oz)

• 1 tbsp ghee (you can make your own)

• 2 tbsp freshly chopped herbs such as chives or basil

• salt to taste (pink Himalayan is best)

• freshly ground black pepper







Page 15:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


Some of the most common questions I’ve been getting about the Prostate Health Program are…

• Why do I need it?• Why 3 supplements, not just 1?• Why every month?

I’m going to answer those questions for you today.

1) Different Ingredients Are Prepared In Different WaysFirst of all, different nutrients, compounds and ingredients need to be prepared in different ways. This ensures maximum bioavailability and efficacy.

• Herbs: cold pressed and preserved in alcohol to maximize efficacy.

• Minerals: chelated with amino acids to increase potency.

• Vitamins: 100% natural in their most bioavailable form and non-GMO.

However, different preparations and different treatments makes it impossible to bottle them all together in a single supplement.

Page 16:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


That’s why I had to create 3 separate supplements to ensure that you could get clinically significant dosages of all the nutrients and compounds you needed to restore prostate health.

2) Quantity And DosagesThere are simply too many nutrients to fit in a single bottle. Each supplement in my program is a complex, proprietary formulation.

Total Health alone has 23 ingredients, Prostate Healer has 9 and Prostate Power has high doses of another 3.

Each ingredient needs to be in clinically significant quantity. Otherwise they are not effective. And it’s simply not possible to get all of that into a single bottle.

3) Causes Need To Be Addressed IndividuallyThe third reason you need to follow a program is that BPH or an enlarged prostate is caused by decades of metabolic damage building up in your system. That’s why it’s so common in older men: it’s a disease that has been building for decades.

It’s also a disease with numerous causes, side effects and symptoms. It’s a complicated metabolic condition with many facets. And each of these need be addressed individually, using specifically targeted ingredients, if you want to beat it.

That’s why most cheap supplements don’t work. They use ineffective, artificial ingredients in such low doses that they can fit them all into single capsules.

4) More Affordable For YouFinally, the reason I send it monthly is because it’s more affordable for YOU that way.High-quality supplements are not cheap. But then again, they work. Everyone knows you get what you pay for.

By sending them in monthly doses to you, I make it affordable for as many men as possible. And don’t worry, I DON’T charge you shipping (even though it costs me more to ship it every month!). Shipping is always FREE to those on the program.

Page 17:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


Tens of thousands of other men, just like you, follow this program every day.

This is the same program I created to restore and maintain my own prostate health. It’s the same program I still follow every day. Even this morning, just before i sent you this email, I took my supplements and felt fantastic.

Believe me, I would NEVER suggest you try anything I wasn’t willing to try first.

This program MASSIVELY amplifies the results you’ll get when you follow my guide!It’s also a program you will feel working in just a few short weeks.

Click here to find out more about my exclusive Prostate Health Program.

Page 18:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


More than 500,000 people worldwide are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year. About 200,000 people die each year

because of prostate cancer. With these figures, can you see now how prostate cancer is like the male equivalent of breast cancer?

The number of men suffering from prostate cancer is quite staggering. It’s also heartbreaking to think that conventional medicine doesn’t do much to bring down the figures. Prostate surgery and radiotherapy simply don’t work well. Recent studies also found that these radical treatments may not even be needed for men who have low-grade prostate disease.

But now, researchers are going back to basics. There are natural alternatives to treat prostate cancer, and vitamin K2 is a promising way to treat and prevent it.

What is Vitamin K2?

Most people have never heard of vitamin K2. It has not received much attention, and has yet to become part of mainstream diet. However, experts have uncovering its essential role in many aspects of health. Vitamin K2 is a powerful nutrient.

Vitamin K comes in two forms. These are K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). Vitamin K1 is mainly found in leafy greens. But vitamin K2 is found in fermented foods like yogurt and natto, a soy product. They are also found in dairy products like eggs and butter.

Page 19:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


Fermented foods have the highest concentration of vitamin K2. Foods such as natto can provide several milligrams of vitamin K2 daily. It’s sad to know though, that most of us don’t eat these healthy, vitamin-rich foods.

How Does Vitamin K2 Work?

The main use of Vitamin K is to modify proteins so that they can bind properly to calcium. Vitamin K is like an activator. This process is important, because we cannot live without calcium. Calcium is a vital mineral. It’s not just for building our teeth and bones. Calcium is an electrolyte that is needed for muscle and nerve function. It also plays a key role in blood clotting and cell signaling.

However, vitamins K1 and K2 act in different ways. K1 is mostly involved in blood clotting. It is mostly used in the liver and activates calcium-binding proteins for blood coagulation. Our body also uses calcium for other purposes, and this is where vitamin K2 works. It primarily removes calcium from the blood, and moves it to the teeth and bones. It also promotes a healthy cardiovascular system.

Vitamin K2 is made by intestinal bacteria, and is absorbed from the distal small bowel. However, keep in mind that it needs bacteria to be synthesized. Antibiotics can prevent vitamin K2 absorption. Vitamin K2 as a Prostate Cancer Preventative

There is emerging evidence that vitamin K2 can prevent cancer. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) did some cohort studies on this. A population of 11,000 males was given increased amounts of vitamin K2 in their diet. Results show that increased intake of vitamin K2 reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 35 percent. They also found that the results were more evident on subjects that have advanced prostate cancer.

Another study explored the anticancer potential of vitamin K2. Through a series of assays, they found that menaquinone helps prevent prostate cancer by suppressing androgen hormones. Some prostate cancer cells are dependent on androgen. Vitamin K2 was also found to decrease the secretion of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). This substance increases with prostate disease.

The mechanism might not be totally clear. But vitamin K2 has been found to affect tumor

Page 20:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


growth. How? It acts by modifying growth factors and receptor molecules. This makes cancer cells less able to grow and progress.

Vitamin K2 disrupts the cancer cell cycle. Thus, the tumor cannot create more cells. Vitamin K2 also has mechanisms that programs cell death. In addition, Vitamin K2 stimulates oxidative stress to prostate cancer cells, causing their destruction. It does this without harming the healthy tissues.

Scientists also suggest that vitamin K2 can treat other types of cancers. Vitamin K2 as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease is also being explored.

How much Vitamin K2 Should You Take?

Although vitamin K2 can be obtained from food sources, you can have it through supplements. Dr. Cees Vermeer, a vitamin K expert, recommends that we should take between 45 to 185 micrograms daily. However, we have to be careful before feeding our bodies with Vitamin K2. Not everybody is recommended to take this dose. You have to ask your doctor first, if you’ve had stroke, heart disease in the past. Vitamin K2 is a coagulant, which means it creates blood clots.

It’s exciting to know that we have natural, non-invasive methods of treating prostate cancer, like Vitamin K2. More and more researchers are confirming it as a prostate cancer preventative. If you have yet to add vitamin K2 to your diet, now is a good time to start.

References:Clinical Trials.Gov. 2009. Dose-Finding Study for Vitamin K2 in Human Volunteers. Available at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00483431 (Accessed: 17 February 2017).

Landsman, J. 2014. Vitamin K stops cancer tumor growth. Available at: http://www.naturalhealth365.com/0946_vitamin_k.html/ (Accessed: 17 February 2017).

Nimptsch, K., et al. 2008. Dietary intake of vitamin K and risk of prostate cancer in the Heidelberg cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Heidelberg). Am J Clin Nutr. Apr;87(4): pp. 985-992.

Samykutty, A., et al. 2013. Vitamin K2, a Naturally Occurring Menaquinone, Exerts Therapeutic Effects on Both Hormone-Dependent and

Hormone-Independent Prostate Cancer Cells. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013: 287358.

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


Oftentimes, we asked ourselves, “Can I eat eggs?” or “Should I eat eggs?

Those who refrain from eating eggs usually are persuaded by opinions and diet myths which are, unfortunately, very old news! I have read different recent studies about eggs busting old myths and have concluded they are fine. It even turns out they could contribute in improving your overall health as they contain essential hard to find nutrients that your eyes, brain and muscles need.

Where do you think this alarming caution on eggs came from? New studies reveal that the warning made by health authorities about eating eggs may have been taken out of context and have been an exaggeration after all. In order to appreciate the benefits of eating eggs, I need to explain what cholesterol is.

What is cholesterol?The word cholesterol is often taken as something negative. People often think about medication, obesity and heart attacks when cholesterol is mentioned. When the truth is, our body needs it.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in the body in two sources – manufactured by your own body and taken in from different food sources. It is found in every cell of our body and plays significant natural functions. Cholesterol can be both your friend and foe depending on the level.

The packets of cholesterol are carried by two types of lipoprotein: Low-density lipoprotein

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


(LDL) or the bad cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or the good cholesterol. When cholesterol level is normal, it contributes to the normal functioning of your body and production of certain hormones however, if it is high, you have an increased risk on having coronary heart disease that causes heart attack.

Cholesterol in EggsSo, if you have high cholesterol, should you eat eggs? And do eggs contribute in increasing your cholesterol levels?

Eggs are supposed to be “no-brainer” simple foods – packed with protein, 11 vitamins & minerals, health fats including omega-3s - yet they have been in a lot of controversy in terms of nutrition and diet.

One egg has about 5 grams of fat (3.5 grams being unsaturated or health fat and 1.5 grams of saturated fat; no trans fat)

You should really not worry about eating eggs. Eggs do not necessarily cause your high cholesterol. It has almost no effect on our cholesterol level. You should take note that the culprits of your high bad cholesterol or LDL are saturated fats and trans fat that we eat. You need to take a better look at foods that people usually eat together with eggs. Traditional American breakfast consists of eggs and bacon, sausages, hams that have high sodium content and saturated fats. We think the egg is the culprit and overlook the other foods that eat with it.

But wait, I know you will ask, what about the “yolk”? Yolks have this bad reputation for its high cholesterol content. We are made to believe that our body produces more cholesterol when we eat cholesterol rich foods. It turns out when we consume foods rich in cholesterol, our liver starts to produce less.

Benefits of Eating Eggs• Eggs contain lutein and Zeaxanthin, antioxidants that reduces the risks of eye diseases such

as cataracts and other age-related macular degeneration. Free aromatic amino acids in egg yolk show antioxidant properties. Consuming eggs on regular basis shows association on reduced risks of cardiovascular diseases and cancer due to its antioxidant properties.

• It has high choline content, nutrient needed for brain development in growing fetus and plays important role in brain function for adults

• Helps you lose weight. Eggs has low-calorie (74 calories)• Contains high quality protein that increases muscle mass because of its superior amino acid

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


mix• Improved bone health. Eggs are one of the few natural sources of Vit. D• Another study shows that eggs have properties that may lower your blood pressure.

We have concluded that eating eggs are safe however how many eggs should one consume.

How many is too much? Regardless of its benefits, I would suggest to still take it in moderation.

The most recent American Heart Association guidelines no longer include a recommendation to limit egg consumption however recommend adoption of better eating practices associated to good health.

Base your egg consumption with your diet. If you have a healthy one, 4-6 eggs a week should be fine. Make sure you get your eggs from free-range chicken.

Most eggs that are from the supermarket are grain fed and raised in farm-factories. Preparation is also important. Avoid using oils that have trans fat when frying eggs.

Eggs are best consumed when poach or boiled. If you are the type of person who follows the typical American diet – high in saturated fat, trans fat, with limited to zero consumption of organic fruits & vegetables- then you should not be eating more than one egg per week.

If you do not wish to deny yourself from eating eggs, it is important that you maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Cutting out or zeroing on egg intake will not lower your cholesterol if your food intake consists mainly of saturated fats and trans fat that normally abnormally increases your cholesterol level.

To know more about my recommended diet, visit my video library diet section.

Page 24:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


Every week, my team and I answer hundreds, sometimes even thousands of questions, and a lot of the time they look something like this.

“Ben, how do I know if this supplement is good quality....”

“Ben my doctor recommended such and such supplement, is it really good...”

“Ben, can you look at this supplement label and tell me if i should buy it...”

So how can you tell effective, high-quality supplements that actually work from, cheaper, ineffective, synthetic supplements which don’t?

A supplement (or supplement program) should be judged on 4 important questions:

1. Does the supplement contain clinically significant dosages?2. Does the supplement use all natural ingredients?3. Does the supplement company have a good quality control?4. Is the supplement based on real science and endorsed by real doctors?

Let’s go through each of these questions, one by one…

Page 25:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


1) Clinically Significant Dosages

A clinically significant dosage means that the supplement contains the optimum dosage for the desired effect.

Too many supplement companies exploit the name of a nutrient. But the truth is they either use a lower quality version of the nutrient, or put in such a low dose that it barely helps or has no effect at all.

Always look for the clinically significant dosage (a dose based on scientific research, a dose that actually works).

Also be careful of labels that don’t list purities, strengths, recommended daily amounts, or try and hide the overall quantities of each individual nutrient.

Every single ingredient I use in my supplements will always be the highest quality, greatest purity and always in the proven, most effective and clinically significant dose.

That’s why the program works. That’s why it’s used by thousands of men every day. 20 years of being in this industry, and I can proudly say my supplements are the very best you can get.

2) Natural Ingredients

Sometimes I get asked...do natural ingredients really make the difference?


Look, not all nutrients are created equal. Artificial, synthetic vitamins are not the same as the real deal. They can be sourced from different parts of the plant, which will result in different molecular makeups. They can come from GMO modified plants, or they can even be synthetic.

What this means is that even if you see the same name on the label, it’s NOT always the same thing.

Artificial vitamins don not have the same bioavailability as the natural versions.

A 1998 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition gave doses of 300mg of natural vitamin E to one group of patients and 300mg of synthetic vitamin E to another.

After 5 days they measured the amount of vitamin E in their bloodstream.

Guess what?

Page 26:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


The group of patients who took natural vitamin E had 65% more of it in their system than the group who got the synthetic form.

The only difference was natural vs synthetic. The dose for each test group was exactly the same. So while it might look the same on the label, it most definitely is not.

And let me tell you, as someone who has been in this industry for 20 years, the synthetic one is A LOT cheaper to put in a supplement.

Every vitamin, mineral, nutrient, compound and herb I put in my supplements are 100% natural. They are non-GMO, always chelated to increase bioavailability, and the highest purity and strength possible.

3) Quality Control

Many companies claim quality. But I know that quality requires action. 20 years of experience means that I know what it takes to make a high-quality, all-natural supplement.

Don’t trust a supplement that doesn’t tell you where they manufacture their supplements and how they do their quality control.

All of my supplements are made at a full-service cGMP manufacturing facility that is certified under 21 CRF Part III. My facilities are registered with the FDA and are certified by the State of Washington for dietary supplement manufacturing. They are approved in over ten countries for dietary supplement exporting.

My supplements are subject to rigorous testing protocols. We use a NSF-designed hazard analysis program to ensure that no adulterants, toxins or heavy metals enter the supplements. Every raw material is tested for a minimum of two adulterants using the USP and/ or AHPA recommended standards.

My laboratory guarantees that all our botanicals are radiation-free. Unlike many of our competitors, we ensure that no radiation is used in the sterilization of our botanicals. When sterilization is needed, we use a dry-steam technology or other non-destructive technology.

In addition, our in house laboratory conducts identity testing using USP method 1119 Near-Infrared spectroscopy. We developed a program utilizing spectroscopy USP method 1119 to establish chemometric models of finished products and all our capsules contain exactly what the label says they do.

Our laboratory also maintains strict relationships with third party laboratories, enabling the use of cutting edge methods such as DNA analysis. We also use these laboratories to confirm the in

Page 27:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


house results, and to cross tests their results.

Dietary supplement regulations do not require this. However, with my supplements, I’m only interested in the best. As far as I know, no other supplement company goes to the same lengths to ensure quality, efficacy and purity.

My supplements are not just the best, the strongest, or the fastest working. Because of our quality control program, they’re the safest.

4) Real Science, Real Doctors

According to the CRN’s 2015 and 2016 Customer Survey on Dietary Supplements, 85% of Americans will talk to their doctor about which supplements to take. On top of that, 55% of Americans say doctors are their most trusted source of information when it comes to supplements.

No wonder cheap, scammy supplement companies plaster stock photos of doctors all over their websites. They are trying to convince you that their product is endorsed by real doctors.

But the truth you’re really re looking at an actor in a lab coat!

I don’t ever use fake reviews or fake doctors.

Every doctor who endorses my program recommends my advice, sells my products, and is a real medically licensed doctor - currently practicing or teaching in the US.

Every customer review I have is a real, unsolicited, unpaid for and genuine review from a man just like you - and they are all verified by 3rd party services like amazon.

Quantity, Quality, Safety and Proven Track Record.

These are the 4 questions you need to ask before getting involved with a course of supplements.

And my Prostate Health Program passes the test with flying colors.

Click here to try it TODAY.

And say goodbye to BPH and a high PSA forever.

Page 28:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’



In case this is your first issue of our monthly journal The Natural Choice, Ask Ben is a recurring segment in every issue in which Ben responds to questions from you, the reader.

Many of our readers love engaging with us and asking a multitude of deep questions regarding their lifestyle. We provide feedback that inspires and equips our customers on exactly what they need to do for themselves in order to be victorious in their battle with health problems.

We believe all of your questions are valuable and choose some of the best to include in our monthly Natural Choice Articles. This is so that others going through similar experiences can learn how they can also live a more fulfilling life with the contribution of you and the community.

We are empowered by your feedback and this propels us to do more to provide the best service we can.

If you would like to have your prostate health or supplement related question, no matter the nature, answered by Ben in an upcoming issue of The Natural Choice then please feel confident to email your question to [email protected] or alternatively click the button below.

Get Involved With Our Community

Page 29:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


How should I take the supplements on the Prostate Health Program?

To celebrate the launch of my Prostate Health Program, I’ve gathered together some questions that I’ve already been asked by men who are interested in joining the program.

For maximum effect take the program as follows: • All 6 Total Health veggie caps should be taken with your first meal of the day.• 1 veggie capsule of Prostate Power should be taken with each of your main meals

(breakfast, lunch and dinner).• A 10ml dose of Prostate Healer Tincture should be taken with your last meal of the day.



Should I stay on the program to maintain prostate health after I’ve restored my prostate health?

Yes, and in fact I would advise that you do. Men who stop taking my supplements when their symptoms improve often find it difficult to get the same benefits from the same supplements if their symptoms return. You must think of of maintaining your prostate health - and taking my supplements - as a lifestyle choice, not a quick fix. You don’t go to the gym for a month to get in shape and then stop going once you are fit and healthy. You keep going to keep healthy. And it’s the same with your prostate. To maintain a perfectly healthy prostate, you have to maintain a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a continued supplement regime.



Page 30:  · 2017. 11. 20. · osta 5 prostate health. Total Health for the Prostate, Prostate Healer and Prostate Power. A multi vitamin, multi-mineral approach, combined with a Herbal tincture

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’


When will I be charged?

We never charge you before we dispatch, only after your order has been sent to you do will you be billed. We always notify you 10 days before your next delivery is scheduled to be dispatched. If you want to change your shipping and billing date you can do so anytime by contacting customer support.

Customer Service Email Address: [email protected] Service Toll Free Phone Number : 1-888-868-3554.



Could you explain what the “free seasonal supplements” bonus is?

Every few months, we will look over your account and decide which additional supplements you would benefit from the most. Then we are going to send them to you for FREE!

These will be sent out every few months. We will notify you in advance to let you know which supplements are being sent out as a seasonal bonus.

