2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx

download 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx

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Transcript of 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    APUSH Review: Key Concept 8.3(Period 8: 1945 - 198!

    Credit to Ad"# $orri%

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    QuickWrite – ShortAnswer Practice (8.3.II)

    &Po%tw"r econo#ic' de#or"p)ic' "nd

    tec)no*oic"* c)"ne% )"d " +"r-re"c)in i#p"cton A#eric"n %ociety' po*itic%' "nd t)eenviron#ent.,

    1: U%in yor now*ede o+ United St"te% )i%tory'

    "n%wer p"rt% " "n /.

    A! 0riey e2p*"in w)y ONE o+ t)e +o**owin )e*pedi#p"ct A#eric" "+ter or*d "r .

    •  )e 0"/y 0oo#

    •  )e 0e"t 6ove#ent

    • Roc "nd Ro**

    0! 0riey e2p*"in w)y ONE o+ t)e ot)er option% i% not

    "% per%"%ive "% t)e one yo c)o%e.

    S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    Key Concept 8.3&Po%tw"r econo#ic' de#or"p)ic' "ndtec)no*oic"* c)"ne% )"d " +"r-re"c)ini#p"ct on A#eric"n %ociety' po*itic%' "nd t)eenviron#ent.,

    P"e B0i de" e%tion%:

    How did econo#ic rowt) i#p"ct A#eric"n%ociety "nd A#eric"n v"*e%;

    How did new i##ir"tion *"w% in 195i#p"ct i##ir"nt%; (C)"ne "ndcontinity!

    How did t)e conterc*tre i#p"ct onA#eric"n %ociety;

    S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    Key Concept 8.3'

    &A% +eder"* pror"#% e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt) re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny %o)t re"ter "cce%%to pro%perity even "% critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e /reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    A: ntern"* "nd ntern"tion"*i##ir"tion incre"%ed -D

    econo#ic opportnitie%

    ##ir"tion @"w o+ 195:

    EEEA/o*i%)ed t)e ot"%y%te# +ro# t)e 19F%EEE

    G"#i*ie% o+ *e"* i##ir"nt%*ivin in t)e US were ivenpre+erenti"* tre"t#ent

    %peci"**y /enetedi##ir"nt% +ro# @"tin

    A#eric" "nd A%i"

    S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    n+errin >"t"Re%*t% v. Conc*%ion%


    1. An"*y7e on*y

    "t *e"%t 1 #inte.

    F. )"tJARA0@S "re in

    t)e d"t";

    3. )"t "re t)eRSU@S o+ t)e


    4. )"tC?$C@US?$S

    c"n yo et +ro#t)e d"t";

    S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    Key Concept 8.3'

    0: ncre"%ed c"**% +orcon%erv"tion "nd )tinpo**tion:

    C"%ed /y:

    A/%e o+ n"tr"* re%orce%

    nviron#ent"* pro/*e#%:

    R"c)e* C"r%on "nd Si*entSprin (19F! - wrote"/ot t)e d"ner% o+pe%ticide

    He*ped in%pire t)e PA

    S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    Key Concept 8.3'

    0: ncre"%ed c"**% +or con%erv"tion"nd )tin po**tion (inc*din#otor ve)ic*e e#i%%ion% Id#pin in t)e ?@ An%wer " peer-ev"*"ted (wit)

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    Key Concept 8.3' S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;

  • 8/18/2019 2016 - Key - Concept - 8.3 - II - DOL.pptx


    ?@• &A% +eder"* pror"#% e2p"nded "nd econo#ic

    rowt) re%)"ped A#eric"n %ociety' #"ny

    %o)t re"ter "cce%% to pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n to e%tion t)e /reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    1: U%in( yo-r now*ed(e o+ United St"te% )i%tory'

    "n%wer p"rt% " "n /.

    A! 0riey e2p*"in w)y ONE o+ t)e +o**owin( )e*pedi#p"ct A#eric" "+ter 3or*d 3"r 44.

    • ##ir"tion @"w o+ 195

    • $i2on "nd t)e 9PA

    • R"c)e* C"r%on "nd Si*ent Sprin

    0! 0riey e2p*"in w)y ONE o+ t)e ot)er option% i%not "% per%-"%ive "% t)e one yo- c)o%e

    S0A "n"*y7econtent +ro#APUSH crric*# -Key concept 8.3.(1945-198!

    &A% +eder"*

    pror"#%e2p"nded "ndecono#ic rowt)re%)"ped A#eric"n%ociety' #"ny%o)t re"ter"cce%% to

    pro%perity even "%critic% /e"n toe%tion t)e/reonin %e o+n"tr"* re%orce%.,

    : How didecono#ic rowt)

    e2p"nd opportnityon t)e one )"nd "ndt)re"ten n"tr"*re%orce% on t)eot)er;