2016 Brand Experience | Press Kit



J Beverly Hills | About us Copyright © J Beverly Hills

Transcript of 2016 Brand Experience | Press Kit

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INDEXvision. juan juanthe man behind the brand

collection. core l inefeaturing a range of shampoos, conditionersstyling and finishing to achieve the perfect look

platinum. ul t imate t reatmenta selection of products designed to restore

mens. modern malecustomized designer hair products for men

spa. body worksnourish the skin

colour. botan ica l ly in fusedexclusive revolutionary formula

tools. profess iona l technologyhigh performancestate-of-the-art mechanics

fashion. beyond colour8 daring intermixable shades

smooth. scient i fic ingenui tysmooth realignment systembreakthrough in hair straightening technology

prescriptive. leve l systemdiagnostic solutions for damaged hair

botanicals. the gu ideindex of botanicals infused into all our products

concept. the sa lonbusiness to business salon support

design. creat ive spacebecome a j beverly hills salon

learn. discover ing educat ioneducation programs and classesglobal concept an annual event

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botanically infused

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president | ceo JUAN JUAN“ E V E R Y O N E I S B E A U T I F U L , I O N L Y M A K E I T O B V I O U S . ”

juan juan’s v is ion is to empower fe l low sa lon profess iona ls by prov id -ing the knowledge and resources to establ ish themselves wi th an ind iv idu -a l i zed perspect ive and approach in an ever changing compet i t ive indust r y.

La v is ión de Juan Juan es capaci tar a l personal de los sa lons de bel le -za dándoles los conocimientos y recursos para establecerse con una perspect i -va ind iv idua l izada y enfoque en una indust r ia compet i t iva en constante cambio.

Цель Хуана Хуана в создании возможностей для повышения уровня квалификации профессионалов в салонах предоставляя им знания и ресурсы чтобы они могли развивать свои индивидуальные способности и могли конкурировать в постоянно меняющейся обстановке.

De visie van Juan Juan is om zijn collega’s, professionele saloneigenaren, door middel van het ver-strekken van de juiste kennis en middelen in staat te stellen zich met een persoonlijke aanpak en be-nadering in een steeds veranderende concurrerende industrie voortdurend te onderscheiden.

j u a n j u a n 沙 龙 一 直 致 力 于 提 升 姊 妹 店 的 专 业 水 准 , 为 他 们 提 供 技 术支 持 , 帮 助 他 们 在 竞 争 日 益 激 烈 的 市 场 中 建 立 个 性 新 颖 的 视 角 和 手 法 。

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J BEVERLY HILLS1999 - 2015

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1981 juan juan arrives to the united states

1982 juan begins working with josé eber

1984 opening of juan juan salon in beverly hills

1990 beginning stages of product developmentand custom formulations for select clients


1999 j beverly hills is launched with six products

2004 rebranding

2005 release of professional tool line

2007 platinum collection unveiled

2008 introducation to men’s line

2011 exclusive colour line becomes available


2015 revolutionary straightening/smoothing system is released

the j beverly hills mission is to offer a profes-sional salon product concept that best re-flects juan’s desire to promote his industry, rise above the ordinary and help salons real-ize true potential both artistically and financially.

La miss ion de J Bever ly H i l ls es of recer un concepto de producto profess iona l a los sa lones de be l leza que mejor refle jan e l deseo de Juan para promov -er su indust r ia , e levarse de lo ord inar io y ayudar a sa lones de be l leza hacer rea l idad e l verdadero potencia l tanto ar t ís t ico como económicamente.

Хуан из Беверли Хиллз. Наша миссия состоит в распространении среди профессиональных салонов продукции и концепций которые отражают наиболее передовые идеи, позволяющие салонам подняться над конкурентами и более полно реализовать их потенциал.

De missie van J Beverly Hil ls is om professionele sa -lons een compleet concept te bieden waarin Juan’s s ter-ke verlangen om zi jn vakgebied opt imaal te promoten en salons te helpen om boven zichzelf ui t te s t i jgen en zo het maximale resultaat , zowel in ar t is t iek als in f i -nancieel opzicht , te behalen, het beste tot ui t ing komt .

J B e v e r l y H i l l s 沙龙的目标是通过打造专业 的 沙 龙 产 品 理 念 , 帮 助 沙 龙 店 深 挖 经 济 和 艺 术的 潜 力 , 打 破 现 有 的 形 态 以 不 断 开 拓 产 业 业 务 。

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2 0 1 5 · H A I R T R E N D Screative designs © j beverly hills

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2 0 1 5 · H A I R T R E N D Screative designs © j beverly hills

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the j bever ly h i l ls cu l ture is defined by the t imeless influences of s ty le, fash ion and creat ion. our brand was created f rom nature ’s purest innovat ions, found in or-ganica l ly der ived botan ica l compounds.

j bever ly h i l ls cont ro ls and protects i ts brand by develop ing i ts formulat ions in-house and manufactur ing i ts prod-ucts at i ts own state-of- the-ar t indust r i -a l , env i ronmenta l ly responsib le fac i l i ty.

j bever ly h i l ls is pos i t ioned as a pre-mium l i festy le brand d is t r ibuted in over 42 count r ies g loba l ly and so ld exc lu-s ive ly to profess iona l sa lons that are independent, creat ive and pass ionate about what they do and how they do i t .

we st r ive to prov ide the core essent ia ls that a l low the independent sa lon and sty l is t the means through which they can grow as an ar t is t and thr ive as a bus iness.

educat ion is susta ined through on-go-ing and re levant co lour, cut t ing and sty l ing courses; th is guarantees the foster ing of creat iv i ty a t every leve l . sa lon management and socia l media programs are the core to our commit -ment to the sty l is t and bus iness owner.


vision. juan juanthe man behind the brand

collection. core l inefeaturing a range of shampoos, conditionersstyling and finishing to achieve the perfect look

platinum. ul t imate t reatmenta selection of products designed to restore

mens. modern malecustomized designer hair products for men

spa. body worksnourish the skin

colour. botan ica l ly in fusedexclusive revolutionary formula

tools. profess iona l technologyhigh performancestate-of-the-art mechanics

fashion. beyond colour8 daring intermixable shades

smooth. scient i fic ingenui tysmooth realignment systembreakthrough in hair straightening technology

prescriptive. leve l systemdiagnostic solutions for damaged hair

botanicals. the gu ideindex of botanicals infused into all our products

concept. the sa lonbusiness to business salon support

design. creat ive spacebecome a j beverly hills salon

learn. discover ing educat ioneducation programs and classesglobal concept an annual event

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f rag i le TM shampoo

frag i le TM condi t ioner

rescue TM shampoo

rescue TM condi t ioner

masque TM t reatment


addbody TM shampoo

addbody TM condi t ioner


everyday TM shampoo

everyday TM condi t ioner


contro l TM shampoo

contro l TM condi t ioner


clar i fier TM shampoo

solut ions TM shampoo

blonde TM shampoo

detangle TM

leave on TM

core l ine col lection inc ludes a botan ica l ly in fused range of shampoos, condi t ioners, t reatments and sty l ing products for a l l types of ha i r .

ma intenance

sty le & fin ish



gel me TM

g laze me TM

per fect ho ld TM

ho ld me l i te TM

ho ld me firm TM


bodifier TM

l i f t up TM

mousse up TM

vo lumis TM


shine drops TM

sh ine mist TM


crazy st ra ight TM

crazy cur l TM

thermotect TM

sizes: 3oz | 12oz | 32oz | gal lon | foi l pack

clear wax TM

fin issage TM

souvage TM

po l ish TM

beach spray TM

90ml | 350ml | 1000ml | 3-8L | 0.78ml

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platinum l ine the opt imum t reatment system for damaged ha i r ; reconst ruct ing, restor ing and hea l ing wi th botan ica l ly in fused ingredients.


pur i ty TM shampoo


nour ish TM recondi t ioner


take shape TM

dry c lean TM

s ty l ing emuls ion


repa i r TM

rev ive TM

sizes: .33oz | .6oz | 2oz | 3oz | 3.5oz | 6oz | 7oz | 8oz | 16oz | 18oz | 32oz


10ml | 20ml | 60ml | 90ml | 100ml | 170ml | 220ml | 225ml | 475ml | 500ml | 1000ml

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moistur iz ing shampoo

th ickening shampoo


shave ge l

a f tershave lo t ion


mold ing put ty TM

mold ing pomade TM

shaper TM

s t rong ho ld ge l TM

textur iz ing cream TM

g lue TM


dai ly condi t ioner

l i te ho ld condi t ioner

men's col lection a range of products specia l ly des igned and formulated wi th botan ica l ly in fused ingredients for a l l o f men's ha i r needs.

sizes: 2oz | 3oz | 4oz | 5oz | 7oz | 12oz | 32oz

60ml | 90ml | 120ml | 150ml | 200ml | 350ml | 1000ml

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hand & body lo t ion

hand & body wash

spa col lection botan ica l ly in fused bath and body care.

sizes: 2oz | 6oz | 18oz

60ml | 170ml | 500ml

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5 vo lume

10 vo lume

20 vo lume

30 vo lume

40 vo lume


2 t ransform gel


preboost prote in spray

erase co lour remover


colour swatch book

colour key

sca le

t imer

co lour/cut t ing cape



max l ightener

sof t l ightener

a new generat ion in botan ica l ly in fused profess iona l co lour • lowest ammonia content of any profess iona l co lour ava i lab le • a lpha numer ic ident i ficat ion system • la rger tube s ize • mix ra t io 1: 1.5.

94 intermixable shades in fused wi th argan o i l , b lack pear l powder, aca i ber r y and a loe vera. our co -lour l ine prov ides an unmatched leve l o f co lour in tens i ty, v ibrancy, and ha i r condi t ion. th is s ing le l ine con -cept features demi, semi and permanent co lour opt ions therefore a l lowing t rans lucent , opaque or mat te a l l f rom the same tube. th is 5 step formulat ion guarantees predicatab le resu l ts wi th up to 100% grey coverage.

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blow dryer

1’ ’ cur l ing i ron

1 1/4’ ’ cur l ing i ron

nano ceramic flat i ron 1 ’ ’

pro d i f fuser


5.0’ ’ cobal t a l loy shears

5.5’ ’ cobal t a l loy shears

6.0’ ’ cobal t a l loy shears

5.0’ ’ japanese stee l shears

5.5’ ’ japanese stee l shears

6.0’ ’ japanese stee l shears

6.0’ ’ 14 teeth textur iz ing shears

6.0’ ’ 30 teeth textur iz ing shears

5.0’ ’ le f t -handed japanese stee l shears


med - fine tooth

wide tooth icon ic


la rge paddle brush

detangl l ing brush

vent brush

cushion brush

ceramic wi re brush

ceramic br is t le brush

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accessory case

men’s to i le t ry case

reusable tote

ro l le r case


j bever ly h i l ls candle (3oz/6oz)

product manual


mannequin t r ipod

door decal

window decal

smal l banner w./stand

large bannger w/stand


8oz. spray bot t le

cut t ing cape

black mi r ror

ga l lon pump


shear fo l io

shear be l t

shear fo lder

accessor ies

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J BEVERLY HILLSfash ion co lour

8 in termixable shades, un l imi ted poss ib i l i t ies

botanically infused direct dye, formulated with a blend of botanical extracts including 8 shades that can stand alone or be intermixed to create an array of endless colour combinations!

8 shades include:lemon | hot pink | fire | sangria | turquoise | cobalt | amethyst | emerald

no mixing | no ammonia

jbeverlyhi l ls.com/fashioncolour

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J BEVERLY HILLSsmooth ing system

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J BEVERLY HILLSsmooth rea l ignment system

smooth real ignment system is a revo lut ionary breakthrough in ha i r s t ra ighten ing technology that rea l igns the st ructure of the ha i r g iv ing smoother , s t ra ighter resu l ts wi thout the need for harmfu l and damaging ingredients.


• botan ica l ly in fused for s t ronger, hea l th ier ha i r• one t reatment lasts up to three months• 100% formaldehyde f ree ( tested and cer t i fied to conta in no formaldehyde donors or der ivat ives)• same day co lour serv ice safe• t reatment and appl icat ion process shor test in the indust ry• lower pH for smoothest resu l t


smooth rea l ignment system

smooth rea l ignment system ant i f r i zz shampoo

smooth rea l ignment system ant i f r i zz condi t ioner

smooth rea l ignment system c lar i fy ing shampoo

sizes: 16oz | 32oz

500ml | 1000ml

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j b e v e r l y h i l l s u n d e r s t a n d s t h e n e e d t o r e t u r n t h e h a i r t o i t s o p t i m u m l e v e l o f c o n d i t i o n b e f o r e t h e c o m m e n c e m e n t o f a n y i n s a l o n s e r v i c e .

j b e v e r l y h i l l s c a t e g o r i z e s d a m a g e i n t o f o u r l e v e l s a n d h a s d e -v e l o p e d a s y s t e m t h a t i d e n t i fi e s t h e d a m a g e a n d o f -f e r s t h e p r e s c r i p t i v e s o l u t i o n f o r t h a t s p e c i fi c l e v e l o f d a m a g e .

the level systemB E A U T I F U L H A I R I S H E A L T H Y H A I R .


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level one

cut ic le damage

cause: the cut ic le or outer layer of the ha i r can star t to open and be-come abraded. th is is caused by ex-posure to the env i ronment, poor qua l i ty shampoo, sty l ing a ids and hot too ls.

how to identify:

cut ic le damage and ve lcro have the same ef fect . ha i r becomes tan-g led is du l l , l i fe less fee l ing rough.


• everyday shampoo

• everyday condi t ioner

• masque

level two

moisture loss

cause: hea l thy ha i r can reta in mois-ture when the cut ic le layer becomes damaged for the same reasons in leve l one moisture depr ivat ion oc-curs, abraded cut ic les a l low f ree rad ica l molecules to at tach to the ha i r caus ing progress ive damage.

how to identify:

when ha i r loses moisture i t loses weight which resu l ts in fly aways. the ha i r fee ls dry, swol len and rough to the touch.


• f rag i le shampoo

• f rag i le condi t ioner

• masque

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level three

prote in loss

cause: when the ha i r loses moisture i t w i l l then begin to lose prote in which st rengthens the ha i r. unt reated leve l two damage wi l l a l low th is to happen caus ing breakage and p igment lose.

how to identify:

prote in loss a l lows any chemica l serv ice to penet rate the ha i r cor-tex caus ing breakage, du l l , dry l ight weight ha i r and spl i t ends.


• rescue shampoo

• rescue condi t ioner

• masque

level four

elast ic i ty loss

cause: ha i r that has lost e last ic i ty due to moisture and prote in loss los-es st rength and is unable to stay in -tact . over look ing leve l three and dou-b le chemica l process ing wi l l resu l t in breakage and loss of e last ic i ty.

how to identify:

hai r is l i fe less, du l l and dry, fee ls rough to touch and breaks of f .


• repa i r t reatment

• plat inum pur i ty shampoo

• plat inum nour ish re-condi t ioner

• plat inum rev ive o i l t reatment

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botan ica l gu ide


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a | m





y | p




ber |






y | s





j bever ly h i l ls botan ica ls are the h igh-est grade found in the beauty indust r y.

juan juan and the j bever ly h i l ls research and development team work c lose ly on a day- to-day bas is wi th in-house chem-ists research ing what botan ica ls and ingredients are most ef fect ive in cre-at ing beaut i fu l , s t rong and heal thy ha i r.

j bever ly h i l ls products are su l -fa te and paraben f ree.

we replaced a l l forms of paraben wi th phenoxyethanol and ethy lhex-y lg lycer in. su l fa tes have many d i f -ferent rep lacements and some that we use are sodium laury l sarcos-inate and cocamidopropy l beta ine.


Los productos J Bever-ly H i l ls son l ibres de su l fa to y parabenos.

Продукция Хуан Хуана не содержит сульфидов и бензола.

Producten van J Bever-ly Hil ls z i jn parabeen- en sulfaatvr i j .

J B e v e r l y H i l l s 的 产品 不 含 硫 酸 , 对 羟 基 苯 甲 酸 酯 。

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alfalfa rich in protein, stimulates scalp and root area to help promote healthy hair growth

almond “plumps” fine hair while providing a natural light emollient for each hair strand

aloe vera curative possessing moisturizing qualities

argan oil rich in vitamin e and essential fatty acids

avocado vitamins a, b, d and e to protect against free radicals and nourish the scalp

baobob uses vitamins a, d and e to increase hair elasticity

black pearl powder protects against free radicals, smoothes and blocks uv rays that can fade hair colour

blueberry rich in antioxidants and emollients

blue malva neutralizes golden hues and intensifies cool tones

brazil nut rich in protein and builds strength

burdock root rich in essential fatty acids; it naturally detoxifies while adding strength and volume

carrot seed rich in beta-carotene, vitamins b, c, d and e to help shield hair from external aggressions while helping eliminate surface build-up

chamomile possesses gentle healing and anti-inflammatory qualities while soothing the scalp

cocoa is rich in antioxidants and emollients

coconut oil moisturizes the hair adding luster, shine and softness, prevents hair breakage and split ends

comfrey is an emollient with natural healing benefits

coneflower has moisturizing qualities and improves manageability

cucumber is a healing agent and rich in antioxidants

dead sea salt adds density and texture to the hair

eucalyptus is a natural clarifying eradicator that helps maintain a clean hair surface

fig is rich in antioxidants possessing healing and anti-aging qualities

grapefruit is a ph equalizer rich in antioxidants

grapeseed is rich in antioxidants and emollients

green tea neutralizes the spread of free radicals which occur during the oxidation process

honey (+vitamin b5) is a protein rich intense reconstructor that includes all eight essential amino acids for healthy hair and scalp

botanical index

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jojoba is one of nature’s most effective curative for treating the scalp

lavender is a rich emollient that helps calm and soothe hair fiber

lime blossom is a scalp stimulant that enables mild exfoliation, boosts shine and rejuvenates hair fiber

mango is a natural vitamin e that lays down a protective barrier locking in moisture

marshmallow root possesses emollient qualities that helps add shine to hair shaft

mint is healing and soothing to the hair and scalp

nettle is an anti-inflammatory that provides natural dandruff control, stimulates hair follicle and gentle cleansing

olive extract possesses anti-aging and softening qualities

peppermint is used for its medicinal and healing benefits as well as its hair detoxifying and cleaning properties

pomegranate is healing and soothing to hair and scalp

pro vitamin b5 infuses moisture and has moisture-binding qualities

rose geranium has great moisturizing and emollient qualities

rosemary is used to increase volume, strengthen fine hair, and stimulate follicles

rosemary mint possesses natural invigorating effects on scalp

safflower has natural vitamin e which possesses moisturizing qualities

sage is an antioxidant and ph equalizer

sea kelp is rich in protein, stimulates scalp and root area which promotes healthy hair growth

seaweed is rich in vitamins a, b, c, e and antioxidants

tea tree is used for its medicinal and healing benefits as well as its hair detoxifying and cleansing properties

thyme is an antioxidant that stimulates circulation and helps prevent product build-up

vanilla helps protect hair from free radical damage

walnut is healing, anti-aging and rich in antioxidants

wheat protein is plant based proteins to help strengthen hair fiber while smoothing the cuticular layer

yarrow is used for its anti-inflammatory qualities

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J BEVERLY HILLSconcept sa lon

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in nor th amer ica j bever ly h i l ls o f fers sa lon profess iona ls the opportun i ty to engage in a bus iness to bus iness par t -nersh ip wi th the j bever ly h i l ls brand.

th is par tnersh ip program is de-s igned to empower the sa lon owner wi th a leve l o f susta inabi l i ty and ex-c lus iv i ty that wi l l prov ide a stand out po int o f d i f ference protect ing your bus iness and your independence.

the concept program is a rewards based system that re invests a h igh percentage of sa lon sa les back to the sa lon in the form of sa lon edu-cat ion, backbar, bench stock, d is -p lay po int o f sa le systems and too ls.


the loya l ty program is ava i lab le to sa-lons wish ing to expand the i r cur rent mul t i -brand reta i l se lect ion by adding the j bever ly h i l ls product concept. the program is suppor ted wi th a number of opening order benefits and ongoing points based on the j bever ly h i l ls re -wards program.


concept sa lons are exc lus ive reta i le rs of the j bever ly h i l ls brand of fer ing on ly j bever ly h i l ls products and serv ices and receiv ing a much h igher leve l o f rewards in recogni t ion of the i r commit -ment and focus.


showcase sa lons rece ive a l l the benefits of j bever ly h i l ls concept rewards and in addi t ion, they receive d i rect des ign support ut i l i z ing j bever ly h i l ls sourced sa lon equipment, furn i ture, too ls, and media support .


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J BEVERLY HILLSs ignature d isp lays

- pictured from left to right -

brand banner (18’’wide x 80’’ high)available in black or white

wall mounted colour bar full colour barheight (84in/213cm)width ( 96.25in/244.5cm)depth (20in/51cm)

center unit only (h. 26.5in/67.3cm w. 60.25in/153cm d. 11.75in/30cm)center unit w/2 side storage areas (h. 26.5in/67.3cm w. 96.5in/244.5cm d. 11.75in/30cm)

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pedestal display (h. 51in/130cm w.16.25in/41cm d.12in/30cm )

modular shelves (h. 72in/180cm w. 24in/60cm d. 12in/30cm)

salon center (h. 72in/180cm w. 40in/100cm d. 14in/36cm)

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“as a professional stylist I have never faltered in my quest for knowledge and per-sonal growth. The j beverly hills education program offers salon professionals a comprehensive menu of in salon classes, designed to impart knowledge through education in either hands on or demonstration format. my mission is to empow-er salon professionals with the skills, tools and mental mindset required to be successful in this dynamic ever changing industry and to create for you a point of difference. j beverly hills education offers that point of difference.” - juan juan

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j bever ly h i l ls educat ion of fers sa-lon profess iona ls the too ls and re-sources to excel in th is ever changing indust r y wi th var ious acad-emies, in-sa lon c lasses, and events.


j bever ly h i l ls educat ion has as a re-source a network of over for ty j bever ly h i l ls educators and seven in ternat iona l ar t is t ic des ign team mem-bers. these teams are bedded wi th-in our d is t r ibutor network g lobal ly.


classes have been developed to of -fer the fu l l spect rum of s ty l is ts and co lour is t educat ion needs, cover ing cut t ing techniques, s ty l ing and fin -ish ing, product per formance and co-lour bas ics and techniques. to find a c lass near you contact your loca l d is -t r ibutor or j bever ly h i l ls corporate.


th is exc lus ive event br ings together the j bever ly h i l ls g loba l network of educa-tors, ar t is t ic ta lent d is t r ibutor pr inc ip les and sa les teams to ce lebrate the bev-er ly h i l ls l i festy le, fash ion, t rends, and ha i r educat ion. c lasses inc lude a fu l l range of hands-on advanced educa-t ion: co lour | cut t ing | products | s ty l -ing wi th main stage events and shows.


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2 0 1 5 · H A I R T R E N D Screative designs © j beverly hills

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1.800.980.0098 | www.jbeverlyhills.com

© j beverly hills

facebook.com/official.jbeverlyhillsfacebook fan page: jbeverlyhillscotwitter: jbeverlyhillscoinstagram: @jbeverlyhillspinterest: /jbeverlyhills

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