2015 Convention Booklet, Diocese of Southwest Florida

7/23/2019 2015 Convention Booklet, Diocese of Southwest Florida http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/2015-convention-booklet-diocese-of-southwest-florida 1/48  MERCY IN MISSION:  47h Dcesa Conventin The Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida Friday, October 16 and Saturday, October 17, 2015 Inside: Speakers, Workshops, Elections, Reports, 2016 Proposed Budget  Heaing Hurting Wl 

Transcript of 2015 Convention Booklet, Diocese of Southwest Florida

  • 7/23/2019 2015 Convention Booklet, Diocese of Southwest Florida



    47h Dcesa ConventinThe Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida

    Friday, October 16 and Saturday, October 17, 2015

    Inside: Speakers, Workshops, Elections, Reports, 2016 Proposed Budget

    Heaing Hurting Wl

  • 7/23/2019 2015 Convention Booklet, Diocese of Southwest Florida


    2 Mercy in Mission:

    Te Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida

    8005 25th St. East

    Parrish, FL 34219

    Phone: (941) 556-0315

    In Florida: (800) 992-7699

    Fax: (941) 556-0321


    The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith, Bishop

    September 2015

    Dear Friends in Christ,

    Te theme for the 47th Annual Convention is Mercy in Mission: Healing a Hurting World. Tisthematic statement includes a portion of our Diocesan mission statement and Episcopal Relief andDevelopments mission. Tis shows that while we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of ERD at ourConvention the local work we do here compliments the global work the ERD accomplishes. We areproud to welcome Abagail Nelson from the ERD with us for our Convention.

    Regarding our local efforts, each of our 77 congregations performs Mercy in Mission outside themselveseach year. Our parishioners work in homeless kitchens, fill food pantries, establish medical programs,enlist missionary volunteers and educate children. We are all a part of literally hundreds of programs,some inside the church, some outside the church.

    My vision for us and for this Diocese is to continue to expand that Mercy in Mission. We pray that Godwill equip and enable the people around us each day to heal our hurting world. We seek to become moreand more the true Body of Christ.

    Our work in Healing a Hurting World does not just happen when we are doing social work, orparticipating in programs. Healing our world happens when people in our parishes engage ministry intheir daily lives. Healing comes when local officials ensure that laws are applied fairly; when studentswork to better working conditions for our farm workers; when nursing home and hospital administrators

    dedicate their work to the glory of God; and when our business leaders use the ethics of the Gospel.

    One New estament example is described in the story of the Good Samaritan as told by Jesus in thegospel of Luke. Luke 10:36, 37 reads:

    Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers? Hesaid, Te one who showed him mercy. Jesus said to him, Go and do likewise.

    We are all confronted with those who have been robbed on the road. Realistically, we often know whatwe should do in like circumstances, yet we often fail for a wide variety of reasons. Being together helpsgive us the strength of correct spiritual thinking and bold hearts for decision making no matter whatcircumstance confronts us.

    I welcome you to our 47th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Tis convention

    guidebook will help you be a part of the Body of Christ that is always called to Mercy in Mission andsent to Heal our Hurting World.

    Faithfully yours,

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    3Healing a Hurting World

    About Convention 2014

    Whats Insidefor 2015

    Speakers ........................................... 6

    Agenda ........................................... 9Rules of Convention .................... 11Elections........................................12Nominees .................................... 13Resolutions ................................... 22The proposed 2016 Budget ......... 23Reports to Convention ................ 37

    On the Cover

    Views of mission efforts in, and supported by, the Diocese of SouthwestFlorida. From top left: Reach Rwanda; Cornerstone Kids, ampa; St.Georges food pantry, Bradenton; Leap of Faith afterschool programSt. Raphaels; Interfaith Outreach of Venice supported by St. Marks;backpacks in Arcadia at St. Edmunds the Martyr; Interfaith Outreachfood distribution; Interfaith outreach lunches; Cornerstone Kids, ampa.Inset from top, Day of Hope at Church of the Redeemer; baptism at St.Edmunds Arcadia; deacon run Canley Cup at Diocesan Convention.

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    4 Mercy in Mission:

    Welcome to Punta Gorda

    Some of our convention delegates have attended 15 ... 20... 30 or more conventions. Others are here for the first time.Whether youre a seasoned delegate or a new one, were glad

    youre here to help do the work of the Diocese, meet your fellowEpiscopalians from all around the Diocese, and get to know thebreadth and depth of what it means to be an Episcopalian inSouthwest Florida.

    We join together forcontinuing education, acelebration of ministries,worship, and the work of thediocese. Tank you, delegates,for your gift of time andattention to this important work.

    Pick up your conventionbutton at the registration tablesand make the most of our timetogether. Were glad that you, theleaders of this Diocese, are here.Tis is our time to work, play andpray together.

    Fridays Workshops:Building Up Your Toolkit

    Our workshops on Friday are designed to equip you withpractical advice, useful suggestions, and fresh ideas you can

    take home and start using immediately. We suggest ways toget outside your doors and meet your neighbors. We offerhealing prayer and training for Lay Eucharistic Ministers. Getnew ideas on youth ministry. Were delighted that were ableto bring the experts to you.

    Please see all the details on Page 6.

    Friday Night Food and Fellowship

    One of the highlights of conventionis the chance to share a meal, meetnew friends and connect with old ones.By popular demand, our Friday nightparty aga in this year is at HurricaneCharleys restaurant, directly west of theConvention Center across U.S. 41.

    You must pre-register and pay inadvance for the Friday night party. Youllreceive your tickets when you register atthe Conference Center on Friday. We are

    unable to accommodate walk-ins.How to Get Tere:After the opening

    Eucharist, exit the Conference Centerthrough the doors on the north end

    (the river side, onto the patio where lunch is served). Guideswith flashlights wil l direct you to the walkway, whichruns UNDER U.S. 41. It is accessible for those who usewheelchairs or walkers.

    You can leave your car in the parking lot, take this safewalkway, and enjoy a fun evening.

    About Convention 2015

    For 2015: Mercy in Mission -Healing a Hurting World

    Healing a Hurting World is the workof Episcopal Relief & Development,which is celebrating its 75th Anniversary.Preaching at our opening Eucharist isAbagail Nelson, senior vice president/programs for the Episcopal agency.

    At the Ministry Fair

    Joan Kline of Church of theAscension, Clearwater, visits the boothof Our Little Roses, represented byCarol Garrison, wife of Bishop MichaelGarrison. Our Little Roses supports girlswithout families in Guatemala.

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    5Healing a Hurting World

    Doing the Work of the Diocese

    At the business meeting on Saturday morning, BishopSmith will deliver his state of the Diocese address. Delegateswill pass resolutions, elect candidates to fil l vacancies oncommittees, councils, and boards, and approve the budget.We will also congratulate All Souls, North Fort Myers, as itmoves from mission status to become the newest parish in ourdiocese.

    Please see the Rules of Convention on Page 11 so youunderstand how convention operates and how you canparticipate in the debate.

    Please also look at the Convention Primer you receivedin the packet that was mailed to you in August. Tere youwill learn how to register, how alternates may change to fulldelegate status, how delegates are seated, and much more.

    Te business meeting is where we set the agenda for thefuture of the Diocese. Dont wait until Saturday morning todo your homework. Examine the budget, read the biographiesof those seek ing offi ce, and study the resolutions.

    Worship Throughoutthe Weekend

    Our worship knits us together as a diocese. Whether we

    come from a small church or a big one; whether we preferRite I or Rite II; whether we like the Hymnal 1940 orpraise music ... when we join in prayer, we are one.

    We begin with Morning Prayer at 9 a.m. Friday,October 16, in Hibiscus Hall. Were delightedthat once again the string players from GoodShepherd Day School will be with us.

    Our opening Eucharist is at 5:30 p.m. Friday inHibiscus Hall. Our preacher is Abagail Nelson,senior vice president/programs for EpiscopalRelief and Development, which is celebrating its75th anniversary.

    Our business meeting on Saturday, October17, begins at 9 a.m. with Morning Prayer. Our

    organist and music director for the weekend isDwight Tomas, who serves in that capacity atthe Cathedral Church of St. Peter.

    Check in Friday Morning

    Locate the registration tables on the concourse of theconference center. Registration for Friday is alphabetically organized fromA Z. Tere is no designation for clergy, lay delegate/alternate and guests/visitors.

    Everyone is listed by individual name, not by congrega-tion or city. You will be handed your nametag and your tickets forlunch and dinner if you have ordered these. No additionallunch or dinner tickets will be sold or will be available atconvention. Once you have received this information you may helpyourself to the continental breakfast, visit the MinistryFair tables and locate your first workshop room.

    The Canley Cup Food DriveIt wouldnt be convention without the friendly

    competition of the Canley Cup Food Drive. We offerconvention participants the opportunity to help restockthe shelves of food pantries that serve those in need.Our deacons are in charge of this deanery smackdown,which leads to the awarding of the coveted Canley Cupaward at the business meeting on Saturday.

    Please be generous: Start stocking up now at sales andthe buy one/get one offers at your supermarket. Tefood we collect goes to families, so we ask you to buythe sizes of cans and packages that you would buy foryour own use. (In other words, not giant institutional-

    sized cans and boxes.) Dont forget items such as spices,seasonings, condiments and shelf-stable milk.

    Well have tables and scales to receive your donationsat the front entrance doors of the Conference Center.Please bring your contributions in boxes rather thanbags (theyre easier to stack, move and store) and makesure they are clearly marked with the name of thedeanery so we can give credit where due.

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    6 Mercy in Mission:

    place and possible in every place.Participants will be introduced

    to the proven and effective Tree-Phase Model developed by Youth

    Presence Ministries that enables yourcongregation to explore youth ministryin new and exciting ways. Wellhave time for Q&A and discussionof the challenges youre facing inyour congregations in reaching andinvolving young people in leadershipand ministry. Canon Palarine will offerindividual congregational follow-up, support and consultationfor those who want to continue the conversation beyondconvention.

    If young people are important to you, whether yourcongregation is small or large, whether you have a thriving orstruggling or non-existent youth ministry, this workshop is for

    you.Presenter: Te Rev. Dr. John Palarine, Canon for Program and

    Youth, Diocese of Southwest Florida

    Going Through: Navigating Your Church inTimes of Change

    When challenges come to your church,such as financial obstacles and culturalshifts, how does your church go throughthese times of change? ransition iscrucial for renewed life in a congregationand it brings out either the positive or thenegative witness story of a church. Whatis your witness as a congregation? Jesussays, Let us cross over (Mark 4:35). Ifhealing is foundational in the church,not an afterthought, it becomes thenavigational tool through the transitionaltime, bringing the whole church(corporately and individually) throughthese challenging times, intact andtransformed. Let us cross over together.

    Presenters: Te Rev. Doug Scharf,Rector, Holy Innocents, Valrico; the Rev.Dr. Sharon Lewis, Amazing Love HealingMinistries

    Safeguarding All Gods People

    Tis is the standard training to heighten awareness of sexualabuse and harassment of children and youth, seniors, staffand volunteers, and offers detection and prevention training.rainees will be issued a certificate of completion that is goodfor five years.

    Recommended for those who work with children, youth,and seniors, including eucharistic visitors.

    Presenter: Diocesan Safe Church team


    9:30 a.m. to 12 noon

    Understanding Mission Through the Eyes ofNeighbors

    In this workshop participants will discover ways in whichtheir congregation can reevaluate their parish mission andstrategic plan based on cues and clues from their surroundingneighborhoods. Tis workshop will be presented by Te Rev.

    Ronald Byrd, Lead Consultant for theEpiscopal Church Foundations newestprogram initiative called Vital eams.

    Vital eams is developing a two-day training for Episcopal vestries,mission-committees, and othertypes of strategic leadership teams incongregations. It is also partneringwith seminaries and other leadershipformation institutions across the

    Episcopal Church to place greater priority on teaching teamleadership skills. Finally, Vital eams is developing a set ofeasy-to-use tools to help congregations identify individualswith strong team leadership ski lls, tools that can be applied ina variety of contexts including clergy search processes. In thesethree ways - training, partnerships, and tools for identifyingnew leaders - Vital eams aims to strengthen the leadership

    teams that are at the heart of every Episcopal congregation.Tis pilot is currently in its second year of a three-yeardevelopment process.

    In 2011, Ron and St. Katherines developed and successfullylaunched the Forster Woods Day Center, a day care facilitythat provides assistance to persons living with dementia andother physical and mental impairments. Prior to becomingan Episcopal priest in 2007, Ron was employed for over 20years in executive management and leadership positions atfour Fortune 500 companies. Ron is a Certified DementiaPractitioner and holds degrees in Marketing, Management,Finance, and Business Administration.

    Presenter: Te Rev. Ronald Byrd; Lead Consultant for theEpiscopal Church Foundations newest program initiative called

    Vital eams; Rector of St. Katherines Church in Williamston,Michigan

    Creating a Strong Youth Presence

    Tis workshop is not how to do youth ministry for youthleaders. It is designed for parish leadership, vestry membersand other key leaders who want to see a strong and thrivingyouth presence in their congregation and consider it a priority.Te basic premise is that youth ministry is different in every

    Friday Speakers & Workshops

  • 7/23/2019 2015 Convention Booklet, Diocese of Southwest Florida


    7Healing a Hurting World

    An Afternoon with Brian McLaren:The Christian Faith of the Future

    Any list of the major figures in Christian thinking today includesBrian McLaren: author, public theologian, ecumenical networker,

    leading figure in the emerging church movement. He is thefounding pastor of Cedar Ridge Community Church, an innovative,nondenominational church in the Baltimore-Washington region.His most recent book, We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-LongQuest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation and Activation, exploresconstructive and practical theology and looks at what Christian faithwill be in the 22nd century and beyond. ime magazine named himone of Americas 25 most influential evangelicals.

    As McLaren says in his book Everything Must Change, Jesussmessage of the Kingdom of God was not focused on how to escapethis world and its problems by going to heaven after death, but insteadwas focused on how Gods will could be done on earth, in history,during this life.

    About Brian McLarenBrian graduated from University of Maryland with degrees

    in English (BA, summa cum laude, 1978, and MA, magnacum laude, 1981). His academic interests included Medievaldrama, Romantic poets, modern philosophical literature, andthe novels of Walker Percy. In 2004, he was awarded a Doctorof Divinity Degree (honoris causa) from Carey TeologicalSeminary in Vancouver, BC, Canada. And in 2010, he wasawarded a second Doctor of Divinity Degree (honoris causa)from Virginia Teological Seminary.

    Friday Speakers & Workshops


    1 to 2:30 p.m.

    He began his career teaching college English. In 1982, hehelped form Cedar Ridge Community Church, an innovative,transdenominational church in the Baltimore-Washington region.He left teaching in 1986 to become the churchs first full-timepastor, and served until 2006, when he left the pastorate to devote

    full time to writing and speaking.Brian has been active in networking and mentoring church

    planters and pastors since the mid 1980s, and has assisted in thedevelopment of several new churches. He is a popular speaker forcampus groups, seminaries, and clergy and leadership conferences,nationally and internationally. His public speaking covers a broadrange of topics including the gospel and global crises; theologyand postmodernity; liturgy, preaching and spiritual formation;evangelism and inter-religious dialogue, and faith and social justice.

    Brian has also co-authored and edited several books, andhas contributed articles, columns, and interviews to manyperiodicals, including Leadership, Sojourners, Worship Leader,and Conversations. He has been profiled in Christian Century,Christianity oday, Te Washington Post, and many other

    print media, and ime listed him among twenty-five influentialChristian leaders in America. He has appeared on a variety ofnational media, including Larry King Live on CNN, Nightline onABC, FOX News, PBS, and NPR.

    He was a founding member of Emergent Village, Red LetterChristians, and the Cana Initiative, and has served on several othernonprofit boards including International eams (iteams.org), theSeattle School (theseattleschool.edu), and Sojourners (sojo.net).He has taught or lectured at many universities and seminaries(including Yale, Princeton, Fuller, George Fox, Biblical, Asbury,Western, Mars Hill Graduate School, Wesley, and Dominican).

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    8 Mercy in Mission:

    Opening Eucharist Features

    Abagail Nelson ofEpiscopal Relief & Development

    Our opening Eucharist is at 5:30 p.m. Fridayin Hibiscus Hall. Our preacher is Abagail Nelson,senior vice president/programs for Episcopal Reliefand Development, which is celebrating its 75thanniversary.

    Friday Events


    3 to 5 p.m.

    Get Ready Before Disaster Strikes

    Southwest Florida is a prime targetfor hurricanes, flooding and lightningstrikes. Dont wait until a disasterhappens to start thinking about howto respond. Tis session will presenta proven process for effective disasterplanning, response and recovery. Learn

    how easily you can create and maintainyour plan using a web-based/mobileapplication.

    Tis presentation will highlightsuccesses, failures and lessons learnedfrom decades of church propertydisasters both large and small. Learn how to establish abenchmark for the properties to ensure continuity of informationthat can be passed from vestry to vestry over the years.

    Presenter: Dave Mistick of Circumspex LLC in Orlando, thedisaster guru, expert in disaster recovery, insurance, and churchrestoration; winner of an American Institute of Architects awardfor church renovation.

    Training for Eucharistic Visitors andEucharistic Ministers

    Tis workshop will provide training for those in the layministries of Eucharistic Minister and Eucharistic Visitor. AEucharistic Minister is a lay person authorized to administerthe consecrated elements at a celebration of Holy Eucharist.A Eucharist ic Visitor is a lay person authorized to take theconsecrated elements in a timely manner, after a celebrationof Holy Eucharist, to members of the congregation who, byreason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at thecelebration. Eucharistic Visitors are also required to be currentin Safeguarding Gods People training. Open to those a lreadylicensed and those who would simply like to learn more aboutthis ministry.

    Presenter: Deacon Melissa Sands

    Hang Out with Brian McLaren

    Our plenary speaker will be available in a relaxed settingto chat informally, answer questions and sign his books. Cometalk with Brian about how his ideas might be translated to yourcongregation.

    Unpacking General Convention 78

    Members of the General Convention in Salt Lake Citypresent some of the highlights of the 78th gathering of TeEpiscopal Church.

    Te two-hour session will include a half-hour of orientationon General Convention, and then followed by comment andreflections on actions by the House of Bishops and by the Houseof Deputies.

    Presenter: A selection of bishops and deputies.

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    9Healing a Hurting World

    Registration and Coffee ..................................... ...................................... ....................................... ..................... 8 8:50 a.m.

    Quiet ime before Morning Prayer ...................................... ....................................... ...................................... .. 8:50 9 a.m.Morning Prayer, Rite II: Te Rt. Rev. Michael Garrison, Officiant .................................. .................................. 9 9:30 a.m.Bishops Address..... ...................................... ...................................... ....................................... ............ .9:30 10:15 a.m.First Business Session ...................................................................................................................................10:30 11:30 a.m.

    1. Introduction of Visiting Dignitaries .................................... ...................................... ....... Te Rt. Rev. Dabney . Smith2. Appointments for Convention ............................... ....................................... .................... Te Rt. Rev. Dabney . Smith3. Credentials Report ...................................... ....................................... .......................... Te Rev. Canon Michael Durning4. Welcoming All Souls, Ft. Myers As a Parish ...................................... ...................................... Te Rev. Alisa Carmichael5. Introduction of New Canonically Resident Clergy .................................. .................... Te Rev. Canon Michael Durning6. Introduction of Non Canonica lly Resident Clergy .................................. .................... Te Rev. Canon Michael Durning7. Final Credentials Report .................................... ...................................... .................... Te Rev. Canon Michael Durning8. Report of the Committee on Dispatch of Business .................................. ............................. Te Rev. Canon Eric Cooter9. Report on Nominations, Elections and Explanation of Process .................................. .......................... Ms. Sheree Graves

    10. First Ballot ..................................... ....................................... ...................................... .......................... Ms. Sheree Graves


    11. Voice Vote Confirmation/Deanery Reps to Diocesan Council ..............................Committee on Dispatch of Business12. Bishop Appoints and Convention Confirms ...................................... ........................Committee on Dispatch of Business13. Bishops Appointees .................................... ....................................... ........................Committee on Dispatch of Business14. Report of Vote ...................................... ...................................... ....................................... ................... Ms. Sheree Graves15. Noonday Prayer ............................ ....................................... ................................ Te Rt. Rev. Barry R. Howe, Officiant16. Necrology ...................................... ....................................... ...................................... .................. Te Rev. Rosalind Hall

    Lunch 12:30 to 1:15 p.m.

    17. Second Ballot .................................. ...................................... ....................................... ......................... Ms. Sheree Graves18. Report of the reasurer and Budget Presentation ..................................... ................................... Ms. Anne Vickers, CFO19. Resolutions through Constitution and Canons ................................................. Te Very Rev. Becky Robbins-Penniman20. Report of the Resolutions Committee .................................. ....................................... .................... Mr. Gregory Hearing21. Report of Vote ...................................... ....................................... ...................................... ................... Ms. Sheree Graves22. Tird Ballot .................................... ...................................... ....................................... ......................... Ms. Sheree Graves23. Announcement: 2016 Diocesan Convention ..................................... ...................................... ...................Ms. Judy Stark24. Other Resolutions (if necessary) ..................................... ....................................... .......................... Mr. Gregory Hearing25. Courtesy Resolutions ................................... ...................................... ....................................... ....... Mr. Gregory Hearing26. Report of Vote (if necessary) ..................................... ...................................... ...................................... Ms. Sheree Graves27. Closing Prayer and Adjournment.................................... ....................................... ............ Te Rt. Rev. Dabney . Smith

    Saturday Convention Agenda

    Forty Seventh Annual ConventionThe Episcopal Diocese of Southwest FloridaSaturday, October 17, 2015

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    10 Mercy in Mission:

    Credentials and Seating

    Te annual business meeting of the diocese requires a separateregistration process from Friday. We do this to differentiatemembers of convention (lay and clergy voting delegates) from all

    other attendees.At the business meeting, seating is designated as follows: Voting members of convention sit at designated tables at the

    front of the hall labeled by deanery and congregation. Retired clergy, who retain seat and voice, sit at tables

    specifically designated for them. Tey do not sit with theirformer congregations.

    ables marked Special Guests are set aside for membersof Standing Committee, Diocesan Council, FinanceCommittee, Chancellor and Vice Chancellors, Chapliansfor the Retired, Honorary Members of Convention, VisitingBishops and other designated Special Guests.

    All others are seated in the designated guest gallery.Tese include, but are not limited to, lay alternates; non-canonically resident clergy; clergy spouses; and anyone

    else wishing to attend this annual business meeting of theDiocese of Southwest Florida.Te Saturday registration and seating maintain the integrity

    of the voting system, ensuring that everyone who is on the floorof convention is authorized to be there. From this registrationwe are able to obtain an accurate count of the delegates and thecongregations represented in order to determine a quorum. Tatestablishes the number of votes required to conduct the business ofconvention, such as approving resolutions and the budget, electingcandidates and dealing with other business that may be brought tothe floor.

    You may not pick up your Saturday voter packets or sign infor the business meeting before Saturday morning. In your voterpacket you will find convention information, ballots, tickets forlunch, etc. Nametags for Saturday are specifically color-coded as anadditional way for us to easily distinguish the credentialed members

    of convention from our guests.

    Clergy Members of Convention

    Diocesan Canons list six separate distinctions for clergy membersof convention. Te canon that applies to you will be noted on yournametag. Te preliminary roster was posted online in July so thatyou have adequate time for review and change requests. It is too lateto make status changes on convention weekend.

    Lay Member Change, Alternate to Delegate

    Delegates who know in advance of convention weekend that theywill be unable to attend may arrange to have their congregations

    alternate changed to full delegate status. Te change form is on thediocesan website along with other convention registration materials.Tis form must be completed and signed by the rector/vicar/priestin charge and senior warden or secretary of the vestry, and mailed toJan Nothum in the bishops offi ce to be received no later than closeof business on Friday, Oct. 9, 2015.

    For delegate changes on the day of convention (Saturday only),alternates and their rector, vicar, priest-in-charge or interim mustvisit the credentials table in the registration area. Te clergymember must sign the change form. If no clergy member fromthe congregation is present, a clergy member of the bishops staffwill verify and sign the change form. At that point the alternates

    nametag will be updated and the alternate will receive a voterpacket and will be seated at the congregations table on the floor ofconvention.

    Delegate changes are only permitted prior to the presentationof the final Credentials report (usually this comes about atapproximately 10 a.m. on Saturday). After that time no changes indelegate/delegation status may be made.

    Once you have picked up your nametag and voter packet, you areoffi cially registered and you alone are responsible for your personalconvention materials and ballots.

    No duplicate materials will be handed out. Your voter packetincludes the days agenda.

    We begin with registration at 8 a.m. followed by Morning Prayerat 9 a.m. and the business session at 9:30 a.m. You are invited toenjoy a continental breakfast and visit the Ministry Fair in theconcourse before you enter the floor of convention in Hibiscus Hall.

    Saturday Convention Details

    Saturday On-Site Registration

    Begins at 8 a.m. Locate the registration table in the concourse of

    the conference center that corresponds to yourstanding as an attendee. Te choices will beclergy/clergy spouse/lay delegate/lay alternate/pre-registered guests/visitors. In each section,there will be alphabetically designated signs atopeach table (A-J, K-N, and so on) and you will beshown where to form a line. Make certain youare at the correct table category and in the correctline alphabetically. Everyone is listed by individualname, not by congregation.

    You will be handed your nametag and packet. You will be handed your lunch tickets for Saturday

    No additional lunch tickets will be sold oravailable at convention.

    Once you are registered, proceed to the floor ofconvention in Hibiscus Hall. Locate your deanerysign then find the table designated with yourchurch name. Joint Ministry Congregations willbe seated together at adjoining tables and marked.Only voting delegates may sit at these tables.Retired clergy sit at their specially designatedtables.

    Those who are members of convention are seated on the floor with

    their respective congregations.

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    11Healing a Hurting World


    Unless otherwise specified, all decisions shall be by majority of theMembers of Convention.

    RULE II: DISRIBUION OF MAERIALS(A) No items of any kind, except waterand similar generic provisions, shall beplaced on the tables on the Conventionfloor.

    (B) Except for materials acceptedfor inclusion in the registrationpackets, no papers, includingbiographical data for personsrunning for offi ce, shall bedistributed on the tables on theConvention floor or to people asthey register for Convention.


    Objection to the consideration ofa question can be made only whenthe question is first introducedbefore it has been debated. Suchobjection requires no second,cannot be debated or amended,and must have a two-thirds vote tosustain it.



    All questions of order shall bedecided by the Presiding Offi cerwithout debate. If a memberwishes to request reconsiderationof the decision, it must berequested immediately. TePresiding Offi cer shall take suchconsultation as seems advisableand make a final decision, which isnot debatable or appealable.


    (A) Members of Convention intending to address the Conventionshall use one of the designated microphones and shall preface theirremarks with their name and congregation or organization.

    (B) Remarks shall be addressed to the Presiding Offi cer and not toanother member.

    (C) Debate shall be confined strictly to the subject before theConvention.

    (D) Members presenting nonprocedural motions shall havethe motion written out prior to making the motion, and shallimmediately furnish the written motion to the Secretary of theConvention to ensure that it is accurately stated to the Conventionand recorded in the journal of the Convention. Nonprocedural

    motions that are not written out prior to presentation shall beruled out of order.

    (E) No Member may speak longer than two (2) minutes at onetime, without leave of the Convention.

    (F) No member may speaka second time to a questionif any other Member who sodesires has not spoken for afirst time to that question.

    (G) No member may speakmore than twice in the samedebate without leave of the


    (H) otal debate on amotion shall be limited tofifteen (15) minutes, exceptwhen extended by a two-thirds (2/3) affi rmative voteof the Convention.

    (I) otal debate on anyone Resolution, includingall proposed amendmentsthereto, shall be limitedto forty-five (45) minutes,except when extended by a

    two-thirds (2/3) affi rmativevote of the Convention.


    In order for a Resolutionto be presented toand considered by theConvention, it mustconform to the provisions ofthe Canons of the Dioceseof Southwest Florida. Aproposed resolution that is

    not presented to the Convention in accordance with the Canonsshall be ruled out of order.


    A Motion to Suspend the Rules requires a two-thirds (2/3)affi rmative vote, is not debatable, and cannot be amended orreconsidered.

    Rules of Convention

    Speaking at Convention Once the business meeting has begun, if you wish

    to speak at an appropriate time, please approach one ofthe two microphones on the convention floor and waitto be recognized by the chair.

    First state your name and congregation, and thenmake your comments, which are limited to threeminutes. Ten return to your seat.

    Convention works through the agenda, withscheduled breaks and a lunch period. immediately afternominations close.

    Clergy from Clearwaters Church of the Ascension reviewconvention nominations in 2014. Pictured are The Rev. LindaBarley, The Rev. Dr. Michael Branscombe and The Rev. John Hiers.

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    12 Mercy in Mission:

    Election A: Standing Committee, Lay Member(elect 1) Mr. Kevin Fitzgerald Ms. Renee Osborne

    Election B: Standing Committee, PresbyterMember (elect 2) Te Rev. Randall Hehr Te Rev. Cesar Olivero Te Rev. Jon Roberts Te Rev. Michael Rowe Te Rev. Ryan Wright

    Election C: Diocesan Council At Large LayMember (elect 2) Mr. Ronald Stuart Clayton Mr. Blanton Garnett Mr. Allen O. Getz

    Election D: Disciplinary Board, Lay Member(elect 2) Mr. Allen O. Getz Ms. Virginia Harper Ms. Jackie Lavelle Smith Te Hon. Douglas Spangler

    Here, William Pardy of the mission to

    State College of Florida in Bradenton

    collects ballots.

    Business Session,Seating and Voting

    As you enter Hibiscus Hall, a floor managerwill direct you to the appropriate area -- thefloor of convention or the guests gallery.We do this to assure that only those who areentitled to vote are seated on the voting floor ofconvention. Tis is how we insure the integrityof the vote, which you, the delegates, have toldus repeatedly, is critically important to you.

    Once the business meeting has begun, if youwish to speak at an appropriate time, pleaseapproach one of the two microphones on theconvention floor and wait to be recognizedby the chair. First state your name andcongregation, and then make your comments,which are limited to three minutes. Tenreturn to your seat. Convention works throughthe agenda, with scheduled breaks and a lunchperiod.

    Votes will be taken throughout the day ona variety of issues. For some votes, you will fillin a printed ballot and hand it to an assignedpage, who will then carry the ballots to thetellers to be counted electronically.

    Other votes may be taken by a show ofred or green cards, which you will receive inyour voter packet, along with other offi cialmaterials. At the appropriate time, hold up redfor No and green for Yes. Te floor pageswill count the cards. We believe this is a moreaccurate system than a voice vote.

    Election Overview

    Election E Disciplinary Board, ClergyMember (elect 1) Te Rev. Charles Roy Allison

    Election F Trustee, University of the South Mr. Aaron Welch

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    13Healing a Hurting World

    Election NomineesElection A:Standing Committee, Lay

    Elect one lay person to a three-year term

    Kevin M. FitzgeraldSt. Marks, Marco IslandBiography: Kevin M. Fitzgerald, anative of Chicago, graduated from TeUniversity of Missouri-Columbia. Heand his wife Lana have been a part ofSt. Marks Episcopal Church on MarcoIsland since moving to Florida in 2002.Fitzgerald has served as Jr. Warden, athree time Sr. Warden, endowmentcommittee member and has led abuilding capital campaign, and wasSecretary of the Search Committee thatcalled the Rev. Kyle Bennett in 2005.Fitzgerald is also responsible for trainingand scheduling acolytes and lay readers at St. Marks. In additionto his leadership duties with the Brotherhood of St. Mark, he actsas trainer for the Safeguarding All Gods Children Program. Ona diocesan level he is currently in his second year as the vice chairof the Standing Committee, completing his first term. He haschaired the Congregational Development Committee made upof both Clergy and Lay members from around the Diocese thatreports directly to the Bishop. Fitzgerald was a member of theCDC for five years, and works as one of the online administratorsfor Safeguarding All Gods Children. Fitzgerald just returned fromthe 78th General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Salt

    Lake City as an elected Deputy from the Diocese of SouthwestFlorida. He and Lana own a full-service commercial real estatecompany with offices in Naples and Fort Myers, NAI SouthwestFlorida, Inc. with a focus on the west coast of Florida. Fitzgeraldsexperience is in corporate real estate working with real estateexecutives around the world that have multi-market assignmentswith limited human resources. In 2011 he served as Board Chairof NAI Global, a worldwide commercial real estate organizationwith 6,700 advisers in 55 countries.

    Nominee Statement: On a diocesan level Kevin M. Fitzgeraldcurrently is in his second year as the vice chair of the StandingCommittee completing his first term. Fitzgerald is seekingre-election to continue the important work of the Standing

    Committee as it relates to the development of seminarians seekingordination to the the deaconate and priesthood. In the recentpast he has chaired the Congregational Development Committeemade up of both Clergy and Lay members from around thediocese that reports directly to the Bishop. Fitzgerald was amember of the CDC for five years, and works as one of the onlineadministrators for Safeguarding All Gods Children. Fitzgeraldjust returned from the 78th General Convention of the EpiscopalChurch in Salt Lake City as an elected Deputy from the Dioceseof Southwest Florida.

    Renee OsborneSt. Marys, Bonita SpringsBiography: I am currently a member of St. Marys in BonitaSprings (4 years), and previously a

    member of St. James in Wichita, KSfor 10 years. When I met my husband14 years ago, he introduced me to alife-changing experience the EpiscopalChurch! Having been born and baptizedLutheran, and later transitioning to theMethodist Church, I have experiencedmany aspects of church life throughSunday School, Youth Ministry,Development and Strategic Planning. olearn the Episcopal Churchs formationand structure, I had a great teacher inmy father-in-law, who was an Episcopalpriest for 65 years. While in Kansas,

    my husband and I, through the Kansas2Kenya (K2K) Missionin Africa, developed the Foundation for the Osborne Library,which opened in June 2013 in Maai Mahiu, Kenya. Additionally,last year, we opened the Osborne Library in Nakuru, Kenya.Working with the K2K team, along with Bishop Dean Wolfe,I acquired great internal experience within the Diocese. I alsoworked with the Development eam, Bishop Wolfe and theDiocese, for the Kansas School of Ministry (renamed in 2013,Bishop Kemper School for Ministry). Presently, at St. Marys, I amserving my second year on the Vestry, 2015 and 2016 StewardshipChairperson, and Co-Chair for our newly rebranded ECW. Priorto retiring to SW Florida, I held the position of Vice President ofSales and Marketing for our company, Midwest Single Source,Inc. I have served numerous positions on various non-profitBoards of Directors. After 25 years in the Printing/Office Suppliesindustry, I now have the good fortune to volunteer my time at St.Marys Episcopal Church in Bonita Springs.

    Nominee Statement: I am very interested in serving on theStanding Committee as Lay Representative. With past experienceson non-profit Boards, and most recent, my involvement withthe infrastructure of K2K in Africa, I believe I can bring awealth of experience. Subsequently in my tenure at St. Marys,the Stewardship Commission led the most extremely successfulcampaign with a spiritual awakening attitude. Earlier this year,I and another ECW member partnered as co-chairs to unite theFellowship Commission and ECW into one vibrant, cohesiveunit. Energy, life experiences and perspective are a few ways I canoffer my service and discernment to the Standing Committee. Ihope you will consider me for this position. Tank you.

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    14 Mercy in Mission:

    Election B:Standing Committee, Clergy

    Elect two presbyters to a three-year term.

    The Rev. Dr. Randall K. Hehr

    Priest-in-Charge, Holy Trinity, ClearwaterBiography: I was born and raised in St. Petersburg, confirmed byBishop Hargrave at the Cathedral, and ordained in the Dioceseof Connecticut. I received my Bachelorof Music degree from Indiana Universityand a Master of Music and Master of Artsin Religion degree from Yale University.In 2012 I received a Doctor of Ministrydegree from Virginia TeologicalSeminary. I have served four parishes inthe Diocese of Southwest Florida overthe past 25 years. I currently serve Holyrinity in Clearwater as Priest-in-Charge,a position I have held since 2013. Te

    Diocese of Southwest Florida is my home.I value our diocesan community andwish to offer my service as a member ofthe Standing Committee.

    Nominee Statement: I served on the diocesan EvangelismCommittee from 1989 to 1995, the Congregational DevelopmentCommittee from 2011 - 2012, and as Dean of the ampaDeanery from 2008 to 2011. Tese opportunities, as well as manylearning experiences in parish ministry, have prepared me to serveon the Standing Committee. I will bring careful listening andcaring support to my colleagues in this ministry.

    The Rev. Cesar Olivero

    Rector, St. James, Port CharlotteBiography: I am currently seeking nomination for my fourthterm on Standing Committee. I have served the diocese in thiscapacity for the past nine years andit has truly been a blessing. I havealso served as a Deputy to GeneralConvention twice. I have served theVenice Deanery as Dean for fiveyears. I was also a member of theCursillo secretariat for five years.

    Nominee Statement: Te experienceI have gained as a StandingCommittee member, has allowed meto better serve the Diocese and ourBishop. As the church continues tomeet new challenges, I am hopefulto be of use to this Diocese. Tisposition allows me to be involved inthe ordination process as well as consent to new bishops comingbefore the church at large. I am excited about the election of ournew Presiding Bishop Elect and believe the church is headed forgreater and more powerful evangelism to reach those for Christ.Tere are other challenges that the church will be faced with and

    we will meet them straight on if we keep our focus on the greatcommission. Our world has many hurting people and it is myhope that we will continue to embrace them all with the love ofChrist.

    The Rev. Jon Roberts,Rector, Calvary, Indian Rocks BeachBiography: Te Diocese of Southwest Florida has been my

    home for the last fifteen years and I continue to serve within itfaithfully and joyfully. I have served churches in North Carolina,Wisconsin, Louisiana and Florida and joined Calvary EpiscopalChurch in Indian Rocks Beach in 2013 with my wife Lynneand our two children, Emma and Watson. Prior to becominga parish priest, I was a scientist who worked in both academicand corporate industries serving as a molecular biologist at DukeUniversity and later in the Biotechindustry. Te transition from biologyto theology was most natural for meas it helped me understand the worldin which God has created. Troughmy voluntary mission experienceworking with young people as a

    lay minister in both domestic andinternational places, my love hasdeepened as a servant leader for theLord. Liturgically and theologicallyI was trained at Nashotah Housetheological seminary in Wisconsinwhere I learned to practice theBenedictine Rule of Life andcontinue to practice to this day. Beinga youth minister and a parish priest,I feel that I am uniquely devoted and qualified to understand thelarger body of Christ.

    Nominee Statement:My special gifts include helping

    congregations through difficult transitions, helping them growunder limited resources and exercising pastoral care and mutualrespect through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    The Rev. Michael G. RoweRector, St. Marys, Bonita SpringsBiography: Raised in Montreal and educated at McGill andOxford (and later at the University of the South), I have servedin Montreal, Bermuda, Maine and Southwest Florida giving mebroad experience of our church indifferent contexts. I was blessed tobe nurtured in a Christian homeand to come to adult faith throughthe Anglo-catholic parish of St.

    John the Evangelist in Montreal. Atthe same time friends in evangelicaland charismatic circles broadenedmy experience and understanding.I hope this has drawn me to a deepappreciation of the rich variety ofChristian faith within our Churchand within the whole church. Ilove to celebrate our faith in Christ,invite others to share it and withthem go deeper into the heart of

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    15Healing a Hurting World

    God. I know that God not only makes sense of our lives and helpsus live them well; he also gives us the great privilege of workingwith him in his great adventure of restoring the whole creation.I am a better person for being married to my wife Dianne andsharing with her the joys and tragedies of family life.

    Nominee Statement:I am completing my first term on theStanding Committee. Te Standing Committee has a particularresponsibility for the integrity of our church life. Policy and

    program are generally developed and implemented elsewhere.Te Standing Committee is especially responsible for ensuringthat those who are ordained as deacons, priests and bishops aretruly called and appropriately equipped for their ministries andthat they have followed the steps that our constitution and canonsrequire. Other issues go to the same point: ensuring that we asa church live up to our standards and practices that we haveenacted. Te Standing Committee also advises the Bishop, usually(although not necessarily!) at his request. Tis work requiresthoughtful deliberation, attention to detail, fidelity to churchdecisions and standards whatever ones view of them might be anda readiness and ability to hear, understand and consider otherspoints of view. I hope I bring these characteristics to the work ofthe Standing Committee. I have been clerical deputy to General

    Convention and have served in many capacities in four diocesesin three countries, including Anti-racism Committee, seminarylecturer, tutor and examiner, Cursillo Secretariat and LeadersSchool, Diocesan Council and Episcopal Nominating Committeeas well as one term on the Standing Committee here in SouthwestFlorida.

    The Rev. Ryan A. WrightChurch of the Epiphany, Cape Coral;

    St. Johns, Pine IslandBiography: I joined the EpiscopalChurch during my first year ofundergraduate studies. I quickly

    became involved in student ministrybecoming the president of religiouslife council which oversaw all faithlife on campus. At the same time Ibegan to grow into leadership in thechurch participating in countlesslay ministries. I graduated fromStetson University with a doublemajor in World History and religiousstudies. Following college I workedin University administration and

    started a MS in Marriage and Family Terapy. During thattime I received a call to ordained ministry, entered the process,and left for Seminary. I graduated from the General Teological

    Seminary in Manhattan. I was ordained deacon and began workat St. Pauls Church in Naples, where I was ordained Priest. AtSt. Pauls, I oversaw a complete renovation of the church, workedtogether with a team to begin the farmers market, and began asuccessful growth program. Following my work at St. Pauls, I wascalled to become the Priest-in-Charge of Church of the Epiphanyin Cape Coral, and Vicar of St. Johns Church on Pine Island.Both churches were in crisis when I arrived. Diligently workingto restore health and bring stability over the past years, with thehelp of a great clergy team and devoted members, we are on our

    way to success. During my time in the Diocese, I have enjoyedworking with both the Naples and the Ft. Myers Deaneries. I haveserved the Diocese in sundry ways including but not limited tothe Diocesan School of Ministry Board, Clergy Events PlanningCommittee, the Ecclesiastic Court, and have been active withCursillo.

    Nominee Statement: I believe that I am uniquely qualified tobring some diversity to the Standing Committee. I have just

    celebrated my 8th year of ordination yet I am still under theage of 40 (38). My age coupled with my experience gives mea unique perspective on the church and its future. My workwith congregations in crisis and my responsibility for multiplecongregations simultaneously has required dynamic thought,creativity, and complex solutions while still remaining grounded intradition, scripture, and reason. If elected I will be prepared witha readiness to listen, consider others point of view, and offer myperspective thoughtfully and prayfully. I am prepared to devotethe time and energy necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of thisoffice with excellence and integrity.

    Election C: Diocesan Council,At Large, Lay

    Elect two lay representatives to a two-year, at-large term

    Ronald Stuart ClaytonSt. Bartholomews, St. PetersburgBiography: Retired Senior Officerwith D Financial Group (35years) with a wide knowledge offinancial markets and instruments.Served as rustee for private trustsfor politicians and as a directorand officer of corporations. Mybackground in finance andmanagement has helped our Churchturn itself around. I believe mybackground can assist other churchesto stabilize their finances. I believe inproviding social services to those lessfortunate. Our Church has startedprograms to distribute food andclothing. We have assisted a schoolfor children up to age 5, funded by Government programs sinceits inception.

    Nominee Statement: I have served as reasurer for seven yearsand have also served as a member of vestry. I run our stewardshipcampaigns. I also provide advice on products available through theEpiscopal Church Foundation. We have built a solid portfolio ofdonors which will provide long term funds for our Church. Mydegree in religion and anthropology gives me a broad perspectiveand beliefs. I believe I have unique talents which can be put togood use in helping to guide our Diocese to further growth.

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    16 Mercy in Mission:

    W Blanton Garnett, Jr.Cathedral Church of St. Peter, St. Petersburg

    Biography: I am the founder and president of a financial advisoryfirm. I specialize in designing and implementing customizedcorporate retirement plans and personal private wealth strategies

    for individuals and families. Ihave been in the financial services

    industry for 27 years and have beena corporate consultant for 33 years.I am a graduate of University ofNebraska (1981). I have been marriedfor 30 years to my wife Lela; wehave 3 daughters and 1 grandson.I have served on numerous Boardsof Directors for local not-for-profitorganizations in various roles aspresident, vice president, secretaryand treasurer. In the church, I haveserved as a vestry member (4 terms),Senior Warden, treasurer (5 years),

    capital campaign chair (twice), stewardship chair (4 times!),

    Audit Committee, Sunday School teacher, Lay EucharisticMinister and Lay Eucharistic Visitor. I have served as a leader ofthe Cathedral through difficult times and have learned a greatdeal about understanding differing points of view and workingtogether to arrive at consensus. I have also had the pleasure ofserving in leadership positions during times of plenty and havelearned the importance of leaders who understand the importanceof for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health in the life ofour community. Te skills and abilities I have gained in guidingmy clients through good times and bad and serving the Churchin good times and bad has given me the understanding, abilityand patience to prayerfully evaluate all sides of situations andcircumstances, determine appropriate solutions and implement aplan to deliver the desired outcomes. I am a planner; the talents

    I have developed through the years in service to the church andin business appear to make me well-suited to be a productivemember of the Diocesan Council.

    Nominee Statement:: I am honored to have my name submittedin nomination as a Lay Member at-Large of the DiocesanCouncil. I am a small business owner and I have significantexperience in planning and implementing business plans/solutions, corporate strategies and financial plans. I also have agreat deal of experience in church leadership as Senior Warden,reasurer, Vestry member, Stewardship Chair, Capital CampaignChair, Audit Committee, Parish Life Committee, LEV, LEM,Sunday School teacher. As a church leader I have assisted ineverything from planning and implementing annual stewardshipcampaigns to annual budgeting and planning capital fundraisingfor planning of and building new facilities. Te role of theDiocesan Council necessitates that its members have a broadspectrum of experience and skills. Te Cathedral and the Diocesehave been such an important part in my familys and my life thatthe opportunity to serve our community in this important role isboth an honor and a privilege.

    Allen O. GetzSt. Andrews, TampaBiography: Born in Massachusetts and moved to Maine.Relocated to ampa 32 years ago. Undergraduate work atUniversity of Maine and graduate work at University of SouthernMaine. Been involved in all aspects of business from sales tooperations. Senior Management at several large companiesdirecting successful expansion development. Also experience

    in turn-around situations and have had success in turningcompanies in a losing situation toone of profitability. Past Memberof Diocesan Council, FinanceCommittee and the CongregationalDevelopment Committee. Currentlyon the Disciplinary Committee.

    Nominee Statement: I was onDiocesan Council previously fromthe ampa Deanery. I would like tooffer my experience and knowledgeto the Council again. I am currentlyon the Vestry of St. Andrews and

    am the Junior Warden. I have heldposts also as reasurer. I have servedon Vestries in Maine and also here inFlorida. I was Senior Warden of St.Marys in Dade City and have served on the Vestry previously hereat St. Andrews and was reasurer. I also served on the Vestry atthe Cathedral of St. Luke in Portland. I was Chair of the FinanceCommittee in our Diocese for six years.

    Election D: Disciplinary Board, LayElect two lay persons to a three-year term.

    Allen O. GetzSt. Andrews, Tampa

    Biography:Born in Massachusetts and moved to Maine. Relocatedto ampa 32 years ago. Undergraduate work at University of Maineand graduate work at University of Southern Maine. Been involved inall aspects of business from sales to operations. Senior Management atseveral large companies directing successful expansion development.Also experience in turn-around situations and have had successin turning companies in a losing situation to one of profitability.Past Member of Diocesan Council, Finance Committee andthe Congregational Development Committee. Currently on theDisciplinary Board.

    Nominee Statement: I was on Diocesan Council previouslyfrom the ampa Deanery. I would like to offer my experience andknowledge to the Council again. I am currently on the Vestry ofSt. Andrews and am the Junior Warden. I have held posts alsoas reasurer. I have served on Vestries in Maine and also herein Florida. I was Senior Warden of St. Marys in Dade City andhave served on the Vestry previously here at St. Andrews and wasreasurer. I also served on the Vestry at the Cathedral of St. Lukein Portland. I was Chair of the Finance Committee in our Diocesefor six years.

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    17Healing a Hurting World

    Dr. Virginia HarperIona Hope, Ft. Myers

    Biography:A cradle Episcopalian, Dr. Virginia Harper is a5th generation Floridian by proxy. Her maternal grandparentsand great great grandparents are credited with founding St.Johns in allahassee and St. Andrews in Fort Pierce. She is thedaughter of a Navy officer and banker. While Florida has been

    her generational home, Dr. Harper has lived in 10 different statesand Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. For the past 29 years she hascalled Fort Myers home. Her secondhome is Alexandria, Virginia and theWashington, D.C. area. Dr. Harper,when not at church, has lived a dualprofessional life both as a teacher anda business owner. She is currentlyresuming studies to finish herparalegal degree. She has been activein and served on various communityboards including the FGCU StudentConduct Committee, the Fort MyersWomens Community Club, the Lee

    County Alliance for the Arts, andthe National Association for Womenin Construction. Dr. Harper is theproud mother of two grown children,Rob and Jill, who are both about tobecome attorneys.

    Nominee Statement: I am a joyful, engaged, yet humble,Episcopalian. We are all the best ambassadors for our faith. Iam a planting member and former vestry woman of Iona HopeEpiscopal Church in Fort Myers and most recently serve as Clerkof the Vestry. My ministerial passions include hunger ministriesand welcoming and ushering, and serving where I am needed(which suits well as I am an extrovert.) My personal journey

    includes daily Bible study, checking on my friends, and givingpersonal support to the Love A Child ministry of Sherry andBobby Burnette in Haiti. I believe that we have a special heritagethat includes historically honoring the contributions our churchhas made to universal Christian growth, and my next greatpassion is getting the word out about our great faith. For the pastthree years I have served on the Ecclesiastical Board includingbeing trusted with a leadership role. I have learned a lot and thereis still a lot more to be learned with the Canons as my guide. Iwould be honored to be elected to continue to serve.

    Jacqueline (Jackie) LaVelle Smith,St. Johns, ClearwaterBiography:In 1979, my young daughter was beginning toexplore her faith path and was seeking guidance through herjourney. Realizing this was a journey that I myself had notcompleted, it was time to begin. In my church exploration, theEpiscopal Church warmed my heart and provided the love andcompassion of Christ that I was seeking in my church home; I wasbaptized in 1980 in Pensacola, FL. After relocating to Cleveland,Ohio in 1982. I found a new faith family within the walls of St.Pauls Episcopal Church. I served in many roles including AltarGuild, Church School teacher, Choir Mom, Adult Youth Leader,EYE, Vestry and Commission for Racial Understanding. I also

    greatly enjoyed cooking and serving various meals for the churchmembers for many years as well as answering the call to GreaterCleveland Congregation Ministry. After moving to Clearwater, Ifound my faith family at St. Johns where I am an active member.I presently serve as a Eucharistic Minister, Daughters of the King(Vice President) and the Jr. Warden on the Vestry. It has also beenpleasing for my faith growth as I attend Sunday services, BibleStudy and the healing service regularly. All these experienceshelp me grow in my commitment to Christ. In my retirement

    I have found greater opportunities to expand my services to thecommunity. As a member of the Board of AIDS Partnership,which holds a faith -based mission, I serve as Dinner Coordinatorfor the monthly client meals. I have also been certified as anHIV ester and take great pleasure inproviding a resource for people throughfaithful compassion. I now feel called toadditionally serve at the Diocesan level.I therefore willingly raise my hand andsay, Here I am Lord.

    Nominee Statement: I am interestedin serving on the Disciplinary Boardbecause I enjoy problem solving. I

    have the ability to see both sides of anissue and to remain neutral. I believethe listening experience that I gainedfrom serving with the Commissionfor Racial Understanding, the Greater Cleveland CongregationMinistry, from being a parent and from working with FAS, haveallowed me to hear and respect many views. I believe that I havemade sound decisions when asked. I embrace all voices that areto be heard and do not prejudge or put people or ideas into a box.My faith walk and my life experiences enable me to serve on thisBoard. I have a willingness to serve, experience in listening andam a member in good standing of the Episcopal Church. I ask foryour confidence in allowing me this responsibility.

    Hon. Eugene Douglas Spangler,Jr.Church of the Redeemer, SarasotaBiography:A lawyer member ofFlorida Bar since 1975, I am nowserving for the last eight years as aJudge of Workers CompensationClaims, currently in the ampaoffice. I am married to my wife of35 years, Jan, and live in Parrish.We have three grown sons. I havebeen a member of Redeemer morethan three decades. I have previouslyserved in diocesan offices: Deputyto General Convention 2000,Diocesan Council (x2), Dioc. ReviewCommittee, Cursillo teams andCommittee, Vestry (four terms) andprevious Senior Warden, Church ofRedeemer, youth leader, lay reader,verger more than 20 years, mens ministry, and Home Fellowshipleader/participant.

    Nominee Statement: My previous term on the Diocesan ReviewCommittee, the predecessor of this committee, taught me the

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    18 Mercy in Mission:

    importance of this responsibility. My legal training and judicialexperience will allow me to serve this Diocese to my highest andbest ability. As mentioned above in my biography, I enjoy servingat the local level of my parish weekly but continue to feel called toserve my greater diocesan family in any way I can.

    Election E:Disciplinary Board, ClergyElect one clergy member.

    Rev. Charles Roy Allison, IIRector, St. Marks, TampaBiography: I was born and raisedin the Diocese of Southwest Florida,and have been married to my wife,Marcia, for 20 years. We have 2daughters, and I am currently theRector of St. Marks in ampa,and the Chaplain at St. AnslemsChapel Center at Te University

    of South Florida. I spent most ofmy professional life working inoperations for pharmaceutical andHME health care companies in theampa Bay area, and graduatedfrom Nashotah House TeologicalSeminary in 2012. When I take thetime, I enjoy fishing, kayaking and cycling.

    Nominee Statement:I studied the changes and impact of itleIV while in seminary, and served on the Disciplinary Board from2012-2015. I feel it is important that the laity are heard and theirconcerns investigated when allegations about clergy conduct causethem concern. However, I also acknowledge that the clergy are

    dealing with varying opinions, desires and frustrations that mayor may not be issues or behaviors requiring disciplinary action.Reconciliation has to be the focus of issues brought before theDisciplinary Board, while also identifying conduct and behaviorsnot consistent with that of ordained clergy, and are in violation ofthe canons of the church.

    Election F:Trustee, University of the SouthElect one lay trustee to a three-year term.

    Aaron WelchChrist Church, Bradenton

    Biography:Aaron is a graduate ofUniversity of the South with BAin Biology. He earned his Mastersand Ph.D. at North Carolina StateUniversity in Plant Pathology.

    Nominee Statement:Aaron hasserved multiple terms on the Vestryof Christ Church and currentlyserves as the Senior Warden. He hasalso been active in assisting ChristChurchs youth groups for more than20 years.

    Connect, Share Ideas andNotes at the Ministry Fair

    Walk down the main concourse of the Conference Center and itsministry central. Tis is where we show off the missions and ministries

    that thrive in our diocese. Tis is a great place to network and findresources and contacts ... to be inspired ... and to do some shopping tosupport these ministries.

    Visit our very popular Altar Guild Free Market, where congregationsoffer at no charge vestments and equipment they no longer need.

    Te Ministry Fair opens at 8:30 a.m. Friday and closes af ter lunch onSaturday.

    Pictured here, Olatha Leggett of Cornerstone Kids greeting attendeesat the 2014 Convention.

    Hashtag #episcopal please!

    Follow us on the web: Moredetails on Convention,including a PDF of this booklet,are online at episcopalswfl.org.

    witter or Instagram? Usethe hashtags #episcopal or#anglican to let the world (and convention) know

    whats happening.

    We will retweet, repin and repost to our ownDiocesan followers.

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    19Healing a Hurting World

    Election A

    Standing Committee, Lay

    Elect One Lay Person to a Three-yearTerm

    1. Mr. Kevin M. Fitzgerald, St. Marks,Marco Island

    2. Ms. Renee Osborne, St. Marys, BonitaSprings

    3. _________________________________

    4. _________________________________

    5. _________________________________

    6. _________________________________

    7. _________________________________

    8. _________________________________

    Election B

    Standing Committee Presbyter

    Elect Two Presbyters to a Three-yearTerm

    1. The Rev. Dr. Randall K. Hehr, Priest-in-Charge, Holy Trinity, Clearwater

    2. The Rev. Cesar Olivero, St. James, Port


    3. The Rev. Jon C. Roberts, Calvary, IndianRocks Beach

    4. The Rev. Michael Rowe, Rector,St. Marys, Bonita Springs

    5. The Rev. Ryan Wright,Church of the Epiphany, Cape CoralSt. Johns, Pine Island

    6. _________________________________

    7. _________________________________

    8. _________________________________

    9. _________________________________

    10. _________________________________

    11. _________________________________

    Voting WorksheetsUse these worksheets to know which candidates are on the ballot


    The Rev. Canon Michael Durning, Chair ofNominations Committee, thanks DiocesanCouncil for this opportunity to be of service.

    Committee members:

    Clearwater: The Rev. Wayne FarrellFt. Myers: The Rev. Charles CannonManasota: Mr. Kraig KoachNaples: The Rev. Edward GleasonSt. Petersburg: The Rev. Robin WhitlockTampa: Mr. Steve StraskeVenice: Mr. Bobby Wood

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    20 Mercy in Mission:

    Election C

    Diocesan Council, At-Large

    Elect Two Lay Persons to a Three-year Term

    1. Mr. Ronald Stuart ClaytonSt. Bartholomews, St. Petersburg

    2. Mr. W. Blanton Garnett, Jr.Cathedral Church of St. Peter

    3. Mr. Allen O. GetzSt. Andrews, Tampa

    4. _________________________________

    5. _________________________________

    6. _________________________________

    7. _________________________________

    8. _________________________________

    9. _________________________________

    10. _________________________________

    11. _________________________________

    Election D

    Disciplinary Board, Lay

    Elect Two Lay Persons to a Three-yearTerm

    1. Mr. Allen O. GetzSt. Andrews, Tampa

    2. Ms. Virginia HarperIona Hope, Ft. Myers

    3. Ms. Jacqueline LaVelle SmithSt. Johns, Clearwater

    4. The Hon. Doug Spangler, Jr.

    Church of the Redeemer, Sarasota

    5. _________________________________

    6. _________________________________

    7. _________________________________

    8. _________________________________

    9. _________________________________

    10. _________________________________

    11. _________________________________

    12. _________________________________


    HIGHLIGHTSAdditional candidates may be nominated from the floor of convention. We are unable toprovide biographical information for floor nominees because voting takes place immediately afternominations close.

    Take time to study the candidates and their qualifications and give prayerful consideration indetermining whom you will choose to do the work of the Diocese in the years to come.

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    21Healing a Hurting World

    Election E

    Disciplinary Board, Clergy

    Elect One Clergy to a Three-yearTerm

    1. The Rev. Charles Roy AllisonSt. Marys, Tampa

    2. _________________________________

    3. _________________________________

    4. _________________________________

    5. _________________________________

    6. _________________________________

    7. _________________________________

    8. _________________________________

    Election F

    Trustee, University of the South

    Elect One Lay Trustee to a Three-yearTerm

    1. Mr. Aaron WelchChrist Church, Bradenton

    2. _________________________________

    3. _________________________________

    4. _________________________________

    5. _________________________________

    6. _________________________________

    7. _________________________________

    8. _________________________________

    9. _________________________________

    VOTING Here, Parish Administration Resource Martha Goodwillaccepts pencil-cast ballots from The Rev. Canon Eric

    Cooter from Dispatch of Business.You will needthree itemsin order to fill out your ballotproperly: The candidates list; theballot and a No. 2 pencil. On thecandidates list, youll notice eachcandidate has a unique numberin front of their name. To vote fora specific candidate, find theirname on the candidate list andnote that candidates number.

    On the ballot, fill in thebracket with the numberthat corresponds with thecandidates number. Fill thebracket in completely.

    Please, no circles, check marksor other stray marks on theballot. Ballots that are markedincorrectly will not be counted.

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    22 Mercy in Mission:

    Presented ResolutionsResolution 2015-1: Resolution to Amend Diocesan Canon II.4.b.1.Offered by Diocesan Committee on Constitution and Canons, conferring electronicallyin June and July, 2015:

    RESOLVED, by the 47th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Floridameeting at Punta Gorda on the 17th day of October, 2015

    ThatCanon II of the Diocese of Southwest Florida be amended as follows:

    Canon II

    [No changes to Sections 1, 2, or 3]

    Section 4. Convention Committees.

    [No changes to subsection a.]

    b. A Nominating Committee that is charged with developing a slate of candidates for the various elections that may be

    held at a meeting of the Convention. The Committee shall be charged with nominating candidates representative

    of the Diocese. The Committee shall consist of seven (7) persons, one (1) from each deanery, plus the chair, who

    shall be a clergy Member of Convention or an elector and who shall be named by Diocesan Council.

    1. No later than seven (7) FIVE (5) months prior to the scheduled date of the annual meeting of the Conven -

    tion, the Committee shall circulate a request to all Congregations and deaneries for names of persons to be

    nominated to positions to be lled by Convention.

    [No changes to the rest of Section 4, or to Section 5.]


    The current timetable for requesting nominations has proven unrealistic in practice. Moving the timeframe from seven months to

    ve months before the Annual Meeting of the Convention will still permit adequate notice without adding to the administrative demands

    already placed on both congregations and diocesan staff during the rst quarter of the year.

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    23Healing a Hurting World

    2016 Diocesan Budget

    * The Office of the Bishop staff communicated with a variety of diocesan leaders regarding individual line items.* The Endowment Fund Board determined the 2016 spending rule per the Endowment Fund Policy. Funds available fordistribution are determined by using a total return principal. The approved spending rate for 2016 is 4.5% of the three-year rolling average market value of the endowment account ending in June 2015.

    * The Bishop Compensation Subcommittee reviewed the compensation of the Bishop.* The Finance Committee reviewed draft budgets in their July and August meetings, and recommend the final draft to


    * Diocesan Council approved the final budget at their August 15, 2015 meeting.* The budget was presented to convention delegates and clergy at the Fall Deanery Convocations in September.

    Within this budget presentation are the following:

    A. Operating Budget - Summary (one page summary of the operating budget)

    B. Operating Budget - Detail (detailed operating budget)C. Capital Budget Summary (summary of DaySpring Master Plan implementation)D. Endowment Spending Rule Analysis (explanation of endowment spending rule calculation)E. Designated Funds (summary of the activity of the council-designated funds)F. Restricted Funds (summary of the activity of the individual donor-restricted funds)G. Apportionment Schedule (detailed schedule of 2016 apportionment amounts which fund the diocesan budget, by church)H. Apportionment Calculation (detailed definition of the apportionment calculation in our diocese)

    I. Parochial Report Analysis (comparison of parochial report totals for 2013 and 2014)

    This diocesan budget is the product of a deliberate process of conversations that include the diocesan community throughDiocesan Council, committees, leaders and focus groups. While truly a year-long process, the budgeting work formally beginsin June and continues through final presentation in October.

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    24 Mercy in Mission:

    Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida

    2016 Operating Budget Summary

    2015 Budget 2016 Budget $ %


    Operating Apportionment 2,953,079$ 3,047,176$ 94,097$

    Investment Income 6,785$ 5,106$ (1,679)$

    Income Released from Restricted/Designated Funds-General (a) 63,367$ 72,418$ 9,051$

    INCOME 3,023,231$ 3,124,700$ 101,469$ 3%


    Congregational Support and Development

    Seminarian Transition 9,132$ 32,096$ 22,964$ 89%

    Deanery 7,000$ 7,000$ -$ 0%

    Congregation Leadership Development 32,000$ 32,000$ -$ 0%

    Mission and Congregational Development 168,031$ 162,900$ (5,130)$ -2%

    Uncollectable Apportionment Allowance 147,654$ 152,359$ 4,705$ 3%

    Total Congregational Support and Development 363,817$ 386,355$ 22,538$ 4%


    Ministry Development 34,086$ 17,554$ (16,532)$ -43%

    Cultural & Ethnic Ministries 115,000$ 125,000$ 10,000$ 9%

    Recovery Ministries 13,800$ 13,800$ -$ 0%

    DaySpring Program Development 55,000$ 55,000$ -$ 0%

    Youth, Young Adult and Families 126,000$ 186,000$ 60,000$ 41%

    Beyond Diocese 698,630$ 594,026$ (104,604)$ -17%

    Total Ministry 1,042,516$ 991,381$ (51,135)$ -5%


    Administration 263,966$ 280,824$ 16,858$ 7%

    Cemetery 3,739$ 3,394$ (344)$ -9%

    Bishop Discretionary -$ -$ -$ 0%

    Investments -$ -$ -$ 0%

    Personnel 1,390,470$ 1,438,024$ 47,554$ 4%

    Retired Personnel 24,722$ 24,722$ -$ 0%

    Total Administration 1,682,897$ 1,746,964$ 64,068$ 5%

    EXPENSES 3,089,229$ 3,124,700$ 35,471$ 1%

    NET TOTAL OPERATING (65,998)$ 0$ 65,998$


    a. Income released from restricted or designated accounts that is res tricted to a particular expense category is presented with the expense (see detailed budget).b. Starting with 2016, capital-related items are presented in a separate Capital Budget

    2015-16 Change

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    25Healing a Hurting World

    Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida

    2016 Operating Budget Details

    Line Accounts 2015 Budget 2016 Budget $ %

    1 INCOME

    2 Apportionment3 570000 - Operating Apportionment 2,953,079$ 3,047,176$ 94,097$

    4 Total Apportionment 2,953,079$ 3,047,176$ 94,097$ 3%

    5 Investment Income

    6 570200 - Investment Income 6,785$ 5,106$ (1,679)$

    7 Total Investment Income 6,785$ 5,106$ (1,679)$

    8 Transfers of Released Income (a)

    9 572000 - Released from Restricted Funds-General 63,367$ 72,418$ 9,051$

    10 Total Transfers 63,367$ 72,418$ 9,051$


    12 TOTAL INCOME 3,023,231$ 3,124,700$ 101,469$ 3%



    15 Congregational Support and Development

    16 Seminarian Transition

    17 572002 - Released from Restricted Funds-Seminarian Transition (13,368)$ (15,404)$ (2,036)$

    18 582180- Seminarian Transition/Deployment 22,500$ 47,500$ 25,000$

    19 Total Seminarian Transition 9,132$ 32,096$ 22,964$ 251%

    20 Deanery

    21 583350 - Deanery Support 7,000$ 7,000$ -$

    22 Total Deanery 7,000$ 7,000$ -$ 0%

    23 Congregation Leadership Deve lopment

    24 580492 - Congregation Education 10,000$ 10,000$ -$

    25 580491 - Fresh Start (Transition) Programming 6,000$ 6,000$ -$

    26 581400 - Stewardship Programming 5,000$ 5,000$ -$

    27 583340 - Meetings 11,000$ 11,000$ -$

    28 Total Congregation Leadership Development 32,000$ 32,000$ -$ 0%

    29 Mission and Congregational Development

    30 572003 - Released from Restricted Funds-Mission (46,534)$ (53,851)$ (7,317)$

    31 572001 - Released from Designated Funds-Mission (55,435)$ (63,248)$ (7,813)$

    32 580493 - Congregation Expertise Support 45,000$ 45,000$ -$

    33 581020 - Congregation Aid 130,000$ 120,000$ (10,000)$

    34 581265 - New Mission Investment-Program 15,000$ 15,000$ -$

    35 581266 - New Mission Investment-Personnel 80,000$ 100,000$ 20,000$

    36 Total Mission and Congregational Development 168,031$ 162,900$ (5,130)$ -3%

    37 Uncollectable Apportionment Allowance

    38 570100 - Uncollectable Apportionments 147,654$ 152,359$ 4,705$

    39 Total Uncollectable Apportionment Allowance 147,654$ 152,359$ 4,705$ 3%

    40 Total Congregational Support and Development 363,817$ 386,355$ 22,538$ 6%


    42 Ministry

    43 Ministry Development

    44 573750 - School for Ministry Development Revenue (4,000)$ (4,000)$ -$

    45 582121 - School for Ministry Dev Expense* 4,000$ 4,000$ -$

    46 582150 - Education for Ministry 2,000$ 2,500$ 500$

    47 572004 - Released from Restricted Fund - Seminarian (28,914)$ (33,346)$ (4,432)$

    48 582160 - Seminarian Support 50,000$ 35,000$ (15,000)$

    49 580720 - Clergy Spouse Association 5,000$ 5,000$ -$

    50 582190 - Commission on Ministry 6,000$ 8,400$ 2,400$

    51 Total Ministry Development 34,086$ 17,554$ (16,532)$ -49%

    52 Cultural & Ethnic Ministries

    53 582194 - Cultural & Ethnic Ministries 115,000$ 125,000$ 10,000$

    54 Total Cultural & Ethnic Ministries 115,000$ 125,000$ 10,000$ 9%

    55 Recovery Ministries

    56 573900 - Recovery Ministries Revenue (18,000)$ (18,000)$ -$

    57 584030 - Recovery Ministries Expense* 31,800$ 31,800$ -$

    58 Total Recovery Ministries 13,800$ 13,800$ -$ 0%

    59 DaySpring Program Development

    60 582400 - Program Development 55,000$ 55,000$ -$

    61 Total DaySpring Program Development 55,000$ 55,000$ -$ 0%

    62 Youth, Young Adult and Families

    63 573500 - Youth Program Revenues (50,000)$ (90,000)$ (40,000)$

    64 580850 - Youth Programs Expense 110,000$ 180,000$ 70,000$

    65 582182 - Youth Program Personnel Support 2,000$ 2,000$ -$

    66 582179 - E.Y.E./Prov. Youth and Young Adult Events 4,000$ 4,000$ -$

    2015-16 Change

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    26 Mercy in Mission:

    Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida

    2016 Operating Budget Details

    Line Accounts 2015 Budget 2016 Budget $ %

    2015-16 Change

    67 572007 - Released from Restricted Fund - SCF Chaplaincy (1,168)$ (1,346)$ (178)$

    68 573510 - USF Chapel Center Income (12,000)$ (19,660)$ (7,660)$

    69 582195 - USF Chapel Center Expenses 24,000$ 28,660$ 4,660$

    70 582196 - College Ministry Programming 12,168$ 10,946$ (1,222)$

    71 582197 - College Ministry Personnel 22,000$ 56,400$ 34,400$

    72 585218 - General Young Adult and Family Ministry Programming 15,000$ 15,000$ -$

    73 Total Youth, Young Adult and Families 126,000$ 186,000$ 60,000$ 48%

    74 Beyond Diocese

    75 584010 - Episcopal Networks & Travel 5,000$ 5,000$ -$

    76 585010 - Episcopal Church Asking 580,474$ 537,153$ (43,321)$

    77 585015 - Millenium Development Goals 18,156$ 16,873$ (1,283)$

    78 585080 - Episcopal Relief & Development 5,000$ 5,000$ -$

    79 585020 - Province IV - Support 10,000$ 10,000$ -$

    80 585030 - Sewanee - University of the South 5,000$ 5,000$ -$

    81 585050 - General Conv/Synod Expenses 60,000$ -$ (60,000)$

    82 585060 - Dominican Development Group 15,000$ 15,000$ -$

    83 Total Beyond Diocese 698,630$ 594,026$ (104,604)$ -15%

    84 Total Ministry 1,042,516$ 991,381$ (51,135)$ -5%


    86 Administration87 Administration

    88 583300 - Office Expenses 26,000$ 24,000$ (2,000)$

    89 583315 - Maintenance, Housekeeping, Repairs 23,574$ 25,432$ 1,858$

    90 583310 - Utilities 28,892$ 28,892$ -$

    91 583302 - Background check expense 3,000$ 3,000$ -$

    92 583330 - Insurance 38,000$ 38,000$ -$

    93 583335 - Legal and Auditing 31,000$ 30,000$ (1,000)$

    94 583336 - Banking and Professional Fees 4,000$ 4,000$ -$

    95 583 360 - Dioces an Conv ent ion 3 5,000$ 38,000$ 3,000$

    96 582100 - Diocesan Liturgy Support 3,000$ 3,000$ -$

    97 583600 - Publication Costs and Website 40,000$ 50,000$ 10,000$

    98 583325 - Postage 8,000$ 8,000$ -$

    99 583345 - Equipment and Software 3,000$ 3,000$ -$

    100 580370 - Office of the Bishop 5,500$ 5,500$ -$

    101 583601 - Bishop Endowment Appeal 15,000$ 20,000$ 5,000$

    102 Total Administration 263,966$ 280,824$ 16,858$ 6%

    103 Cemetery

    104 572060 - Released from Restricted Fund - St. Barth's Cemetery (2,261)$ (2,606)$ (344)$105 599040 - St. Bartholomew's Cemetery 6,000$ 6,000$ -$

    106 Total Cemetery 3,739$ 3,394$ (344)$ -9%

    107 Bishop Discretionary

    108 572005 - Released from Restricted Funds-Bishop Discretionary (17,285)$ (18,326)$ (1,041)$

    109 573300 - Donations to Discretionary Fund (10,000)$ (10,000)$ -$

    110 599090 - Bishop Discretionary - Miscellaneous 27,285$ 28,326$ 1,041$

    111 Total Bishop Discretionary -$ -$ -$ 0%

    112 Investments

    113 583308 - Unrealized (Gain) Loss on Invest. -$ -$ -$

    114 Total Investments -$ -$ -$ 0%

    115 Personnel

    116 The Episcopate

    117 580100 - Bishop - Stipend 102,032$ 109,175$ 7,143$

    118 580150 - Bishop - Housing 70,090$ 74,996$ 4,906$

    119 580200 - Bishop - Insurance 21,015$ 21,015$ -$

    120 580250 - Bishop - Pension 30,982$ 33,151$ 2,169$

    121 580300 - Bishop - Professional Exp. 30,000$ 30,000$ -$

    122 580310 - Bishop - Continuing Ed. 3,000$ 3,000$ -$123 580900 - Assisting Bishops - Stipend 16,000$ 16,480$ 480$

    124 580910 - Assisting Bishops - Prof Exp 8,000$ 8,000$ -$

    125 281,119$ 295,816$ 14,698$

    126 Mission and Ministry

    127 580400 - Canon to the Ordinary - Stipend 72,645$ 74,824$ 2,179$

    128 580410 - Canon to the Ordinary - Housing 51,692$ 53,243$ 1,551$

    129 580420 - Canon to the Ordinary - Insurance 18,840$ 18,840$ -$

    130 580430 - Canon to the Ordinary - Pension 22,381$ 23,052$ 671$

    131 580440 - Canon to the Ordinary - Prof Exp 12,000$ 12,000$ -$

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    27Healing a Hurting World

    Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida

    2016 Operating Budget Details

    Line Accounts 2015 Budget 2016 Budget $ %

    2015-16 Change

    132 584450 - Canon for Ministry Dev - Stipend 48,581$ 50,638$ 2,057$

    133 584460 - Canon for Ministry Dev - Housing 20,000$ 20,000$ (0)$

    134 584470 - Canon for Ministry Dev - Insurance 24,860$ 24,860$ -$

    135 584480 - Canon for Ministry