2014 Asian Mobile Landscape

[email protected] Asian Mobile Landscape Compiled by Mobext
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The 2014 Asian Mobile Landscape gives an overview of the APAC mobile market, showing opportunities and areas of growth. We also compiled statistics from different ad networks / research agencies to give snaphshots on the mobile markets of India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and China.

Transcript of 2014 Asian Mobile Landscape

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[email protected]

Asian Mobile Landscape

Compiled by Mobext

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The world’s largest mobile agency network




Mexico Brazil Chile

Argentina Colombia


France Spain

Portugal Poland

Asia Pacific India

Philippines Singapore Malaysia

Indonesia China

Vietnam Hong Kong


The world’s largest mobile agency network

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Full-Service, Pure-Play Mobile Marketing Agency Model

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APAC has the most mobile subscribers globally

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Source: eMarketer Global Media Intelligence Report, Sept 2013

• 2.56bn mobile users in 2014• APAC will have 4x as many smartphone users as the next largest region by that measure, Western Europe


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Mobile Adspend will increase to $5.4 billion in 2014

• 26.2% of all mobile internet ad spending in the world, making it 2nd only to North America by this metric.

• Includes spend on mobile ads & search, and not mobile messaging

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OS Share in Asia-Pacific

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Mobile Data Usage

Source: Ericsson Mobility Report, Q3 2013

Asia shows highest mobile data usage due to the number of subscriptions

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Growth of apps: Asia shows highest app user base and app revenue growth in the world

Source: Distimo, December 2013http://www.distimo.com/publications

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Smartphone vs Feature Phone penetration

• Developed APAC nations have higher smartphone penetration than Western markets

• Emerging markets’ smartphone share increases every year

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Source: Vserv.mobi and the Mobile Marketing Association 2013; n=3000

Demographics of APAC mobile web users

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Top Content Downloaded

Source: Vserv.mobi and the Mobile Marketing Association 2013 ; n=3000

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Users prefer mobile ads that let them…

Source: Vserv.mobi and the Mobile Marketing Association 2013 n=3000

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Source: Yahoo 2013

INDIA: Top Mobile Activities

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INDIA: impact of mobile

Source: Inmobi 2013

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INDONESIA: Mobile activities

Source: Inmobi 2013

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INDONESIA: Impact of mobile

Source: Inmobi 2013

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MALAYSIA: Mobile activities

Source: Inmobi 2013

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MALAYSIA: Impact of mobile

Source: Inmobi 2013

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PHILIPPINES: Mobile activities

Source: Vserv.mobi and the Mobile Marketing Association


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PHILIPPINES: Mobile activities

Source: TNS 2013

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VIETNAM: Mobile activities

Source: Vserv.mobi and the Mobile Marketing Association


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VIETNAM: Consumer profile

Source: Vserv.mobi and the Mobile Marketing Association


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HONG KONG: Mobile Activities

Source: Google Ipsos Media CT 2013

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CHINA: Top Mobile Activities

Source: Yahoo 2013

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Source: Flurry 2013

CHINA: Mobile app usage

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Source: iResearch 2013, Credit Suisse 2013

CHINA: Mcommerce spend & share of eCommerce on the rise

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CHINA: Social = mobile

Source: We Are Social, 2013

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SINGAPORE: Mobile activities

Source: Vserv.mobi and the Mobile Marketing Association


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SINGAPORE: Consumer profile

Source: Vserv.mobi and the Mobile Marketing Association


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SINGAPORE: Highest smartphone penetration

Source: Nielsen 2013

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SINGAPORE: mCommerce

Source: Havas Worldwide 2013

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SINGAPORE: High multi-device ownership

Source: Nielsen 2013

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For more insights on the APAC mobile market visit www.mobext.ph or email at [email protected]