2014 12 participant

1 Procedure for obtaining the Participant status Submit an applica-on Formal check (the Founda-on’s internal procedure) Substan-ve examina-on (independent experts) www.sk.ru – Registra-on at www.sk.ru Fill in the online form Applicant Par-cipant’s process Founda-on’s process Comple-on check for the applica-on and the set of accompanying documents Legal due diligence Verifying foresight compliance (priority areas within the five key strategic areas supported by the Skolkovo Project) Vo-ng by experts: 10 experts specializing in the Project’s foresight area are randomly selected CRITERIA The product/technology has compe--ve advantages over compe-ng global solu-ons. The product/technology has considerable commercializa-on poten-al at least in the Russian market. The project is feasible in technical terms Key Project researchers have the requisite exper-se to successfully implement the project / carry out the research The Project Team has an expert with interna-onal experience in research and development / commercializa-on of R&D results Par-cipant

Transcript of 2014 12 participant

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1  Procedure for obtaining the Participant status

Submit  an  applica-on   Formal  check    (the  Founda-on’s  internal  procedure)  

Substan-ve  examina-on  (independent  experts)  

www.sk.ru  –  Registra-on  at  www.sk.ru  

Fill  in  the  online                form  



Par-cipant’s  process  

Founda-on’s  process  

Comple-on  check  for  the  applica-on  and  the  set  of  accompanying  documents    

Legal  due  diligence  

Verifying    foresight  compliance  (priority  areas  within  the  five  key  strategic  areas  supported  by  the  Skolkovo  Project)  

 Vo-ng  by  experts:    10  experts  specializing  in  the  Project’s  foresight  area  are  randomly  selected  

CRITERIA  The  product/technology  has  compe--ve  advantages  over  compe-ng  global  solu-ons.      The  product/technology  has  considerable  commercializa-on    poten-al  at  least  in  the  Russian  market.    

The  project  is  feasible  in  technical  terms  Key  Project  researchers  have  the  requisite  exper-se    to  successfully  implement  the  project  /  carry  out  the  research    The  Project  Team  has  an  expert  with  interna-onal  experience  in  research  and  development  /  commercializa-on  of  R&D  results  



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2  Advantages for Project Participants

• Tax relief

Project participants using the general taxation system are given the following tax exemptions: Exemption from profit tax Exemption from VAT (except for VAT payable on goods imported into the Russian Federation) Exemption from corporate property tax Lower insurance premium (14%) Reimbursement of (exemption from) customs duties and VAT payable on goods imported to construct and equip real estate property in Skolkovo or required for research carried out in Skolkovo Benefits to participants are not contingent on their focus areas within the project

•  Extra funding

Skolkovo Foundation participants may apply for a grant to finance their project.

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Advantages for Project Participants

•  Services provided on preferential terms Subsidiaries of the Skolkovo Foundation offer their services to Project Participants on preferential terms - Services offered to Project Participants by the Skolkovo Technopark - IP services offered by the Skolkovo Intellectual Property Center - Services offered by the Customs and Finance Company of the Skolkovo Innovation Center

•  Simplified procedure for recruitment of foreign employees

The Skolkovo Foundation assists those project participants who are foreign nationals in obtaining the documents required for employment in Russia and assumes responsibility for getting work permits from the Federal Migration Service. Additionally: In accordance with the Federal Law On the Skolkovo Innovation Center, foreign nationals involved in the Skolkovo Project and their families are not subject to any immigration quotas Family members of highly qualified foreign employees involved in the Project get a guaranteed job permit in Russia.

•  Information and PR support

Project participants may count on information support for their activities under the Project through a range of channels and on assistance in the organization of advertising and promotion events.

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4  Key responsibilities of Project Participants

Carry  out  research  within  the  innova-on  priori-es  approved  by  the  Founda-on  

Publish  informa-on  on  their  par-cipa-on  in  the  Project  for  the  crea-on  and  support  of  the  opera-on  of  the  Skolkovo  Innova-on  Center  on  their  products  (at  manufacturing  and  marke-ng  stages)  and  on  their  web-­‐pages;  give  this  informa-on  in  their  public  statements  and  presenta-ons  in  the  form  set  out  by  the  Founda-on  

Publish  and  update  their  informa-on  about  key  people  and  opera-on  in  relevant  sec-ons  of  the  Founda-on’s  web-­‐site  

Submit  Research  Reports  and  progress  reports  in  accordance  with  the  exis-ng  procedure  

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5  Monitoring compliance with research rules

Scheduled  audits  and  spot  checks  may  include  desk  or  field  inspec-ons  

The follow-up system of the Foundation includes:

Scheduled annual audits of research reports or progress reports by project participants

Spot checks conducted at any time in any of the following situations:

a)  delays  in  taking  ac-on  on  the  Founda-on’s  compliance  no-ce  reques-ng  to  address  detected  problems;  

b)  receipt  of  claims  or  complaints  from  third  par-es,  including  self-­‐employed  businessmen  and  legal  en--es,  as  well  as  no-ces  from  government  or  municipal  authori-es  or  mass  media  appeals;  

c)  delays  in  submiYng  progress  reports  exceeding  15  days;  inclusion  of  false  informa-on  in  progress  reports.  

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Reasons for early termination of a legal entity’s registration as Project Participant


Reasons  for  status  termina-on   Procedure  for  removal  from  registry  

1. Refusal  by  the  Project  Par-cipant  to  par-cipate  in  the  implementa-on  of  the  Project  for  the  crea-on  and  support  of  the  opera-on  of  the  Skolkovo  Innova-on  Center  

Uncondi-onal  removal  from  the  registry.  The  Founda-on  removes  the  en-ty  from  the  registry  upon  receipt  of  official  


2. Liquida-on  or  reorganiza-on  of  the  Project  Par-cipant  (except  for  conversion  or  merger  where  each  party  involved  has  the  Par-cipant  status)  

Uncondi-onal  removal  from  the  registry.  The  Founda-on  enters  a  record  in  the  registry  of  Project  Par-cipants.  The  status  is  deemed  terminated  as  of  the  date  of  liquida-on  or  


3. Project  Par-cipant’s  cons-tuent  documents  authorize  opera-ons  other  than  those  matching  the  defini-on  of  research  

The  Founda-on  sends  a  compliance  no-ce  to  the  Project  Par-cipant.  The  decision  to  remove  the  Par-cipant  from  the  registry  is  made  if  the  problem  is  not  addressed  before  the  

deadline  set  in  the  no-ce  

4. Project  Par-cipant  is  engaged  in  opera-ons  other  than  those  matching  the  defini-on  of  research  

The  Founda-on  sends  a  compliance  no-ce  to  the  Project  Par-cipant.  The  Par-cipant  is  removed  from  the  registry  if  the  problem  is  not  addressed  before  the  deadline  set  in  the  no-ce  

5. Provision  of  false  (misleading)  statements,  documents  or  informa-on  by  Project  Par-cipant  to  the  Founda-on  

The  Founda-on  sends  a  compliance  no-ce  to  the  Project  Par-cipant.  The  Par-cipant  is  removed  from  the  registry  if  the  problem  is  not  addressed  before  the  deadline  set  in  the  no-ce  

6. Failure  to  submit  or  delays  in  the  submission  of  research  reports  and/or  other  documents  or  informa-on  requested  

The  Founda-on  sends  a  compliance  no-ce  to  the  Project  Par-cipant.  The  Par-cipant  is  removed  from  the  registry  if  the  problem  is  not  addressed  before  the  deadline  set  in  the  no-ce  

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Causes for early removal of a legal entity from the register of project participants

7. A  breach  of  the  requirements  of  the  Federal  Law  On  the  Skolkovo  Innova.on  Center,  Research  Rules  or  other  rules  of  the  Project  

The  Founda-on  sends  a  compliance  no-ce  to  the  Project  Par-cipant.  The  Par-cipant  is  removed  from  the  registry  if  the  problem  is  not  addressed  before  the  deadline  set  in  

the  no-ce  


Non-­‐compliance  by  the  Partner’s  Research  Center  with  the  requirements  for  Partner  Research  Center  under  the  Regula-on  on  the  Awarding  and  Termina-on  of  the  Status  of  a  Par-cipant  in  the  Project  for  the  crea-on  and  support  of  the  Opera-on  of  the  Skolkovo  Innova-on  Center  

Immediate  termina-on  of  the  status  

9. Research  work  is  materially  inconsistent  with  the  Project  descrip-on  for  12  successive  months  

The  Founda-on  may  decide  to  remove  the  en-ty  from  the  registry  of  Par-cipants  if  the  en-ty  fails  to  take  ac-on  on  

the  no-ce  in  due  -me  

10. No  research  is  carried  out  for  12  successive  months  The  Founda-on  may  decide  to  remove  the  en-ty  from  the  registry  of  Par-cipants  if  the  en-ty  fails  to  take  ac-on  on  

the  no-ce  in  due  -me  

11. Infringement  of  third  par-es’  rights  for  the  results  of  intellectual  ac-vity  

The  Founda-on  may  decide  to  remove  the  en-ty  from  the  registry  of  Par-cipants  if  the  en-ty  fails  to  take  ac-on  on  

the  no-ce  in  due  -me  

12. The  head  of  the  Project  Par-cipant’s  organiza-on  commits  an  economic  offence  directly  related  to  the  opera-on  of  the  Project  Par-cipant  

The  Founda-on  may  decide  to  remove  the  en-ty  from  the  registry  of  Par-cipants  if  the  en-ty  fails  to  take  ac-on  on  

the  no-ce  in  due  -me