2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus

PROSPECTUS Academic Year 2013/14


This publication includes details about 170 full-time courses which MCAST will be offering during the 2013/14 Academic Year. Further details on how to apply for these courses on www.mcast.edu.mt

Transcript of 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus

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PROSPECTUSAcademic Year 2013/14

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PROSPECTUSAcademic Year 2013/14

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Biex jipprovdi edukazzjoni u ta˙ri© vokazzjonaliu professjonali li jintla˙qu minn kul˙add,b’dimensjoni internazzjonali, u li jaqdu l-bΩonnijiettal-individwu u tal-ekonomija.


To provide universally accessible vocationaland professional education and training with aninternational dimension, responsive to the needsof the individual and the economy.


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Publisher: MALTA COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Main Campus, Triq Kordin, Paola PLA 9032

00356 2398 7100 00356 2398 7316 [email protected] www.mcast.edu.mt@

MCAST is engaged in a constant consultation process with industry stakeholders to upgrade the quality of its programmes. This ensures that they are regularly updated to reflect the latest best practices and technologies required for students to achieve a more successful employment career. MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of the programmes according to these changing needs and circumstances.

MCAST reserves the right not to offer courses if there are insufficient applications.

The programmes that are featured in this Prospectus are governed byRegulations, Policies and Procedures as approved by the Council of Institutes. These documents are available for viewing at any of the

Institutes, at the Office of the Registrar, or on the MCAST websitewww.mcast.edu.mt.

This Prospectus has been compiled by MCAST, who is also the copyright owner. No reproduction, copying, image scanning, storing or recording by any means in any form, for broadcasting or transmission through any medium of any part of this Prospectus is permitted without the express written consent of MCAST. All intellectual property rights are reserved.

MCAST shall not accept responsibility for any errors, omissions,or inaccuracies that might occur.

© 2013. All rights reserved

Cover photo: Students at the MCAST Main Campus, Paola.

Back row, left to right: Cedric Farrugia (Institute of Mechanical Engineering), Jeanette Cutujar (Institute of Information and Communication Technology) and Andrew Farrugia (Institute of Building and Construction Engineering).

Middle row, left to right: Alan Falzon (Institute of Applied Science), Joseph Pullicino (Maritime Institute), Suzanne Busuttil Naudi (Institute of Business and Commerce), Naomi Axisa (Pathway to Independent Living Programme) and Martina Rizzo (Institute of Art and Design).

Front row, left to right: Thea Rizzo (Institute of Agribusiness), Sefora Sacco (Institute of Community Services) and Saviour Vella (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering).

(Make up by MCAST Institute of Community Services beauty care students Rodianne Abela, Deborah Bugeja, Gabriella Cardona, Alessia Casha, Elizabeth Dalli, Jessica Desira, Maria Garzia, Francesca Grech, Lorianne Marie Linwood and Abigail Vella, with the assistance of their lecturer Nadia Cauchi.)

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Welcome to MCAST 4

Institute of Agribusiness 30

Institute of Applied Science 52

Institute of Art and Design 76

Institute of Building and Construction Engineering 108

Institute of Business and Commerce 148

Institute of Community Services 172

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 204

Institute of Information and Communication Technology 236

Maritime Institute 258

Institute of Mechanical Engineering 276

MCAST Gozo Centre 316

Method of application and other details 348

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Six MCAST students represented Malta in the 2012 edition of EuroSkills, an international skills competition. Two of them, Matthew Monreal and Jethro Farrugia, won a silver medal in the Electronics Technician category

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Il-Kulle©© Malti tal-Arti, ix-Xjenza u t-Teknolo©ija (MCAST), imwaqqaf fl-2001, huwa l-istituzzjoni ta’ ta˙ri© u edukazzjoni vokazzjonali ewlenija f’Malta. Permezz ta’ 10 istituti differenti f’Malta u Çentru f’G˙awdex, noffru 170 kors fuq baΩi full-time u 300 o˙ra part-time. Dawn ivarjaw minn çertifikati g˙al lawrji (minn MQF Livell 1 sa Livell 6). L-istudenti tag˙na ji©u ppreparati g˙al karrieri f’oqsma differenti tal-ekonomija, jew biex ikomplu l-istudji tag˙hom f’livelli og˙la. Na˙dmu id f’id mal-industriji lokali biex niΩguraw li l-g˙erf, il-˙iliet u s-snajja li nwasslu lill-istudenti jkunu adegwati g˙all-˙ti©ijiet ta’ ekonomija dinamika u li ta˙seb fil-©ejjieni. Din ir-relazzjoni tixpruna s-suççess tal-Kulle©© – il-programmi tag˙na huma flessibbli, rilevanti u jwie©bu g˙all-aspirazzjonijiet tal-istudenti, u l-˙ti©ijiet tal-industriji, hekk kif dawn kontinwament jevolvu biex jilqg˙u g˙all-isfidi tal-bidliet fl-ekonomija dinjija.

Established in 2001, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) is the country’s leading vocational education and training institution. Through our ten institutes in Malta and the Gozo Centre, we offer 170 full-time and over 300 part-time vocational courses ranging from certificates to degrees (MQF Level 1 to Level 6). Our students are prepared for careers in different sectors of the economy or for higher education. We collaborate closely with local industries to ensure that the knowledge, skills and competencies within our curricula are appropriate and relevant to a dynamic and forward-looking economy. This relationship stimulates the College’s success - our programmes are flexible, relevant and responsive to the aspirations of our students and the needs of industries, which are constantly evolving to meet the challenges of a changing global economy.

Find out more about MCAST

President’s message 6 Principal’s message 7

Why choose MCAST? 9

Student support services 12

Learning Support Unit 16

Pathway to Independent Living 18

Library and Learning Resource Centre 20

Apprenticeships at MCAST 21

Sports at MCAST 23

External Affairs Office 25

Administration 26

Academic Calendar 2013/14 27

MCAST Main Campus map 29

Mer˙ba fl-MCASTWelcome to MCAST

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Ninsab onorat li qed nippreżentalkom dan il-Prospectus tal-MCAST għas-sena akkademika li ġejja.

Din il-firxa wiesgħa ta’ korsijiet tiftaħ ħafna opportunitajiet għal studenti prospettivi li jixtiequ jiżviluppaw il-personalità u l-karriera tagħhom bl-għajnuna tal-MCAST. Hija wkoll xhieda tal-ħidma li qed issir mill-gvernaturi, management, diretturi, lecturers u l-istaff, li jagħmlu l-almu kollu tagħhom biex joffru l-aħjar taħriġ u edukazzjoni vokazzjonali lill-eluf ta’ studenti li jattendu f’dan il-Kulleġġ.

Bħala student prospettiv, inħeġġuk tifli dan il-Prospectus sew, u tfittex aktar gwida u pariri qabel ma tagħżel il-kors adattat għalik. Il-Prospectus jgħinek ukoll tippjana l-progress tiegħek minn livell għall-ieħor. Għalhekk, trid tiddeċiedi f’liema livell ikun l-aħjar li tibda l-istudji tiegħek, waqt li tqis ukoll l-għażliet differenti ta’ żviluppedukattiv li għandek miftuħa quddiemek. Ikun x’ikun il-livell ta’ ħiliet jew kwalifiki tiegħek, l-MCAST għandu korsijiet li jgħoddu għalik, minn dawk fil-livelli tal-bidu, għal oħrajn li jwasslu għall-kwalifika ta’ lawrja.

Aħna kburin li minn meta twaqqaf l-MCAST, eluf ta’ studentiavvanzaw minn korsijiet tal-bidu u kisbu diplomas u lawrji li għenuhom jibdew karrieri produttivi f’setturi differenti tal-ekonomi-ja. Nistiednek biex tkun parti minn din l-istorja ta’ suċċess, billi tiżviluppa ħilietek waqt li tgawdi l-esperjenza tiegħek fl-Istituti tagħna.

Messa©© mill-President tal-Bord tal-Gvernaturi Joseph FarrugiaMessage from the President of the Board of Governors Joseph Farrugia

I am honoured to present you with this Prospectus of MCAST courses for the upcoming academic year.

This wide range of courses opens up many opportunities for prospective students to develop their character and careers at MCAST. It is also testimony to the constant hard work being undertaken by the governors, management, directors, lecturers and staff who are committed to offer the best vocational education and training to thousands of students who attend MCAST today.

As a prospective student, we encourage you to go through this Prospectus carefully, and to seek guidance before choosing the course which is most appropriate for you. The Prospectus also enables you to plan your progression across different levels of qualifications. You need to decide upon the entry point which is most suitable to you, and also to look into the various options that are available for your educational development. No matter your level of skills or qualifications, MCAST has a course for you, starting from introductory programmes and leading to degree level qualifications.

Our pride lies in the fact that, since MCAST’s inception, thousands of students have progressed from entry level qualifications to obtain diplomas and degrees which are enabling them to pursue productive careers in different sectors of our economy. I invite you to be part of MCAST’s success, to develop your skills and knowledge and to enjoy your experience in our Institutes.

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Messa©© mill-Prinçipal u CEO Stephen CachiaMessage from the Principal and CEO Stephen Cachia

Merħba! Dan il-ktieb jixħet dawl fuq id-dinja ta’ opportunitajiet li joffri l-MCAST. Permezz tiegħu, qed nippreżentawlkom deskrizzjoni dettaljata tal-korsijiet full-time li qed noffru għas-sena akkademika 2013/14.

Nistedinkom biex tesploraw l-għażliet differenti li qed noffru, u tagħżlu l-kors li l-aktar jaqbel mal-aspirazzjonijiet tal-futur tagħkom. B’dawn il-korsijiet, għandek l-opportunità li tgħix l-aspirazzjonijiet tiegħek, u taħdem biex ikomplu jsiru realtà, skont il-ħtiġijiet u l-abbiltajiet tiegħek.

Fl-MCAST, nimmiraw li noħolqu differenza pożittiva fil-ħajja tiegħek permezz tad-dedikazzjoni u l-ħidma tal-istaff tagħna. Nistinkaw biex noffrulek kurrikulu dejjem aġġornat, li jilqa’ għall-ħtiġijiet edukattivi tiegħek bħala element importanti fit-tibdil kontinwu tas-soċjetà u l-ekonomija tagħna. Nittamaw li nagħtuk ukoll esperjenza edukattiva sħiħa, b’għadd ta’ servizzi għall-istudent u attivitajiet li jiffurmaw parti importanti mill-esperjenza tiegħek fil-kampus tal-MCAST.

Aqra dan il-Prospectus biex issir taf aktar dwar il-komunità edukattiva tagħna. Nittama li dalwaqt nilqgħek bħala student ta’ dan il-Kulleġġ, biex inkunu nistgħu ngħinuk u nappoġġjawk biex tikseb suċċess fil-vjaġġ edukattiv tiegħek.

Welcome to our Prospectus! This publication is an important window into the MCAST world of opportunities. Through it, we present you with a detailed description of the full-time courses being offered during the 2013/14 academic year.

I invite you to explore the different courses and to choose a course which matches your educational hopes and aspirations for the future. Through these courses, you have the opportunity to live these hopes and work to make them a reality according to your own needs and abilities.

Our dedicated team of staff is committed to make a positive difference in your life. We strive to offer you a constantly updated curriculum which meets your educational needs as important players in today’s ever-changing society and economy. We also hope to offer you a wide-ranging educational experience through a number of student services and a selection of activities which form an important part of your campus life.

You can learn more about our community by reading through the pages of this Prospectus. I look forward to welcoming you to our College as one of our students so that we can help and support you continue along your path towards a successful and rewarding educational journey.

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G˙aliex tag˙Ωel l-MCAST ?

Opportunitajiet ta’ tagħlim għal kulħadd

Ta’ kull sena nipprovdu opportunitajiet ta’ taħriġ lil iżjed minn 6,000 student full-time. Kontinwament inżidu korsijiet ġodda mal-lista ta’ programmi li noffru biex ikollok aktar minn fejn tagħżel. Jekk verament tixtieq tavvanza fil-karriera tiegħek, għandna l-programm ta’ taħriġ li jgħodd għalik.

Karriera ta’ sodisfazzjon

Aħna ma nippreparawkx biss għall-eżami. Naħdmu id f’id mal-industrija biex flimkien nipprovdulek taħriġ prattiku fl-aħħar u l-aqwa prattiċi u teknoloġiji fid-dinja tax-xogħol. Għaldaqstant ħejji ruħek biex ixxammar il-kmiem u dak li titgħallem fil-klassi tapplikah fil-workshops, fil-laboratorji jew fuq il-postijiet tax-xogħol waqt xi placement jew apprentistat. L-għan aħħari tagħna hu li nagħtuk l-esperjenzi meħtieġa biex malli ttemm l-istudji tiegħek fl-MCAST, tirnexxi fid-dinja tax-xogħol u tikseb il-karriera ta’ sodisfazzjonli qed taspira għaliha.

Għajnuna u entużjażmu

Għalina, l-edukazzjoni ma tfissirx biss kwalifiċi u ħiliet tekniċi. Nistinkaw biex studenti bħalek ikunu rġiel u nisa responsabbli, b’entużjażmu għall-ħajja, u msaħħa b’valuri sodi. Lil hinn mill-klassi, fl-MCAST tkun tista’ tieħu sehem fl-isport u f’attivitajiet oħra, bħal dawk kulturali, li jgħinuk tagħmel ħbieb ġodda, issir iżjed kunfidenti u ttejjeb il-ħiliet tiegħek f’dak li hu teamwork u f’kif tikkomunika tajjeb. Ikollok ukoll opportunitajiet tidħol għal kompetizzjonijiet u avvenimenti nazzjonali u internazzjonali, kif ukoll tikseb esperjenza liema bħalha permezz tal-programmi internazzjonali ta’ bdil ta’ studenti. Meta ssib diffikultà, noffrulek ukoll firxa wiesgħa ta’ servizzi ta’ ħarsien u appoġġ personali.

Ċentru Internazzjonali ta’ Eċċellenza

Konna l-ewwel istituzzjoni fl-Ewropa li ġiet iċċertifikata bħala “International Centre of Excellence” mill-EDEXCEL , organiżżazzjoni ta’ fama internazzjonali. Nagħmlu minn kollox biex intejbu l-kwalità tas-servizzi kollha li noffru, u biex l-esperjenza tat-tagħlim li tirċievi tkunlek waħda pjaċevoli, bl-aħħar teknoloġiji fil-kamp tat-tagħlim, lekċerers u staff amministrattiv mħarġa tajjeb kif ukoll investiment qawwi f’apparat mill-aqwa.

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Why choose MCAST ?

The learning opportunities you require

Every year, we provide training opportunities to over 6,000 full-time students. New programmes are constantly added to our list of courses to give you more new training options to choose from. If you are determined to advance in your career, we have the right training programme for you.

A rewarding career

We don’t just prepare you for examinations. We collaborate with the leading industry players to offer you hands-on training in the latest best practices and technologies. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and put what you learn in the classroom to practice in our workshops, laboratories and in real work settings, through placements and apprenticeships. Our ultimate goal is to provide you with the skills and experiences required to help you achieve the thriving career you are aspiring for.

A caring and vibrant campus

We believe that education is not simply a matter of qualifications and technical skills. We are committed to help you develop into responsible, enthusiastic adults with strong social values. Beyond the classroom, at MCAST you will be participating in sport, cultural and other fun activities that help you make new friends, gain confidence and improve your teamwork and communication skills. You will also have opportunities to join national and international competitions and events, as well as to gain invaluable experience through international student exchange programmes. If you are going through a difficult moment in life, we provide you with a wide range of personal care and support services.

International Centre of Excellence

We were the first educational institution in Europe to be certified as an International Centre of Excellence by the renowned international body EDEXCEL. Our ongoing commitment to upgrade the quality of all our services and to provide you with an enjoyable learning experience includes the introduction of the latest teaching technologies, the employment of highly-trained lecturers and administrative staff, as well as investment in state-of-the-art equipment.

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Iċ-Ċentru tal-Informazzjoni

Iċ-Ċentru tal-Informazzjoni fil-Kampus Ewlieni tal-MCAST f’Raħal Ġdid joffrilek informazzjoni dettaljata dwar il-korsijiet li joffri l-Kulleġġ fid-diversi Istituti tiegħu kif ukoll dwar is-servizzi ta’ appoġġ li noffru lill-istudenti kemm qabel kif ukoll matul l-istudji tagħhom fl-MCAST.

2398 7100 / 7203 [email protected]

Gwida għall-karriera u counselling personali

Il-Counsellors u l-Career Advisers tal-MCAST jaħdmu flimkien biex joffru servizz mill-aqwa lill-istudenti prospettivi, lill-istudenti li diġà qed isegwu xi kors fl-MCAST, u lill-familjari tagħhom.

Gwida għall-karriera

L-edukazzjoni tiswa ħafna biex tkun tista’ ssib ix-xogħol li tixtieq. Il-kwalifiki akkademiċi li int tikseb permezz tal-istudji tiegħek huma ċ-ċavetta għall-karriera tal-ħolm tiegħek. Il-kwalifiki meħtieġa jgħinuk biex jiżdidulek l-opportunitajiet ta’ karriera li tista’ tikkunsidra. Il-Career Advisers tagħna jgħinuk tagħmel l-għażliet li jgħoddu għalik.

Biex ngħinuk tieħu deċiżjonijiet għaqlin dwar l-edukazzjoni u l-karriera tiegħek, ikkuntattjana għal appuntament jew żur l-uffiċċji tagħna f’Dar l-Istudent, fil-Kampus Ewlieni f’Raħal Ġdid.

2398 7135 / 7136 [email protected]

Servizzi g˙all-istudent

Counselling personali

Il-Counselling jgħinek tfittex u ssib dak li fil-ħajja jagħmilna kuntenti. Fl-MCAST is-servizz li noffru huwa ffokat fuq l-iżvilupp u d-direzzjoni li flimkien iwasslu biex l-istudent ifassal id-destin tiegħu. Inħeġġuk biex tagħmel appuntament u tiġi tkellimna kull meta tiltaqa’ ma’ xi sfida li tista’ tkun ta’ tfixkil fil-ħajja tiegħek. Permezz tal-interazzjoni bejn l-istudent u l-Counsellor, tkun tista’ tiffaċċja dawn is-sitwazzjonijiet diffiċli b’inqas diffikultà, tiżviluppa riżorsi ġodda li mhux normalment tuża, u tagħraf tintebaħ aħjar bl-opportunitajiet li jeżistu madwarek.

2398 7129 / 7133 [email protected]

Il-kors dwar Hiliet biex Tgħin lill-Oħrajn u l-iStudent-2-Student Network

Il-Counsellors jorganizzaw kors ta’ 30 siegħa biex tikseb il-ħiliet meħtieġa biex tgħin kollegi fil-bżonn. Dan il-kors jgħinek issaħħaħ il-ħiliet ta’ kommunikazzjoni u ta’ kreattività, kif ukoll tiżviluppa s-sens ta’ responsabiltà lejn l-oħrajn.

Wara li ttemm dan il-kors, il-Counsellors iħeġġuk tieħu sehem fl-iStudent-2-Student Network. Permezz ta’ din is-sistema volontarja, tkun tista’ tuża l-ħiliet li tikseb matul il-kors biex toffri appoġġ lil studenti sħabek li jkunu għaddejjin minn żminijiet diffiċli, b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Counsellors.

[email protected]





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Gruppi ta’ appoġġ u attivitajiet fi gruppi

L-esperjenzi tal-ħajja jista’ jkollhom impatt qawwi ħafna fil-ħajja tagħna. Permezz tal-Gruppi ta’ Appoġġ, tkun tista’ tingħaqad fi grupp ta’ madwar ħmistax-il student biex tiddiskuti temi personali u soċjali differenti flimkien mal-Counsellors. It-temi jintgħażlu mill-istudenti stess. L-esperjenza ta’ grupp fiha nnifisha toffri possibiltajiet differenti minn laqgħat individwali ma’ Counsellor u tista’ tkun ta’ għajnuna biex tkampa ma’ ċertu diffikultajiet emozzjonali. F’dawn il-gruppi tkun tista’ wkoll titgħallem kif tgħin lil persuni oħrajn u kif taħdem fi grupp, valuri li jservuk kemm fil-ħajja personali kif ukoll waqt l-istudji tiegħek.

L-iStudent Liaison Office

L-għan ta’ dan l-uffiċċju hu li jgħin biex l-MCAST ikollu ambjent li jappoġġjak fl-iżvilupp edukattiv u personali tiegħek, billi joffrilek punt ta’ riferiment minn fejn tista’ tikseb assistenza u gwida dwar is-servizzi kollha offruti mill-Kulleġġ. Tista’ tikkuntattja lil dan l-uffiċċju biex tikseb għajnuna dwar dak kollu relatat mal-istudji jew xi aspett ieħor tal-ħajja tiegħek bħala student fl-MCAST.

2398 7310 [email protected]

Magic Wonders Child Care Centre

Il-Magic Wonders Child Care Centre joffri opportunità lil ġenituri li jixtiequ jkomplu l-istudji tagħhom biex isegwu korsijiet fl-MCAST waqt li uliedhom jiġu mħarsa minn ħaddiema professjonali f’faċilitajiet tal-ogħla livell fil-Kampus tal-Kulleġġ stess. Studenti mill-Istituti kollha tal-MCAST li għandhom tfal ta’ età żgħira, minn trabi tat-twelid sa tliet snin, jistgħu jagħmlu użu minn dan iċ-ċentru, li qiegħed fil-Kampus Ewlieni f’Raħal Ġdid. Iċ-Child Care Board jipproċessa l-applikazzjonijiet kollha għal dawn is-servizzi.

2398 7161 / 7370 [email protected]

L-MCAST Chaplaincy

Hemm mumenti fil-ħajja meta nħossu l-ħtieġa ta’ għajnuna spiritwali jew pariri pastorali. F’sitwazzjonijiet bħal dawn iċ-Chaplain tal- MCAST Fr John Curmi u t-tim tiegħu lesti li jiltaqgħu miegħek f’kull Istitut tal-MCAST. Tista’ tiltaqa’ ma’ Fr Curmi fil-kappella tal-MCAST fil-Kampus Ewlieni. Tista’ wkoll tagħmel kuntatt ma’ Fr Marco Portelli fl-Istitut tal-Inġinerija tal-Bini u l-Kostruzzjoni, in-Naxxar, l-Istitut tal-Arti u d-Disinn, il-Mosta, jew l-Istitut tas-Servizzi fil-Komunità fil-Kampus Ewlieni. Lil Fr Joe Giuliano u Fr Ivan Scicluna, OFM Cap issibhom fl-Istitut tat-Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni.

2180 6706 jew 7924 0956 (SMS) [email protected]

It-Taqsima Edukazzjoni Inklussiva

L-istudenti bi ħtiġijiet partikolari, inklużi dawk b’diżabbiltà jew diffikultajiet fit-tagħlim jingħataw l-appoġġ meħtieġ biex jirnexxu fl-istudji tagħhom fl-MCAST. Sabiex tibbenefika minn dan is-servizz, tista’ tikkuntattja lill-Koordinatur tal-Inklużjoni u titlob appuntament qabel ma tapplika biex tibda xi kors fl-MCAST. Tiġi mistieden għal intervista kunfidenzjali biex jiġu evalwati u diskussi l-ħtiġijiet partikolari tiegħek u t-tip ta’ appoġġ li l-Kulleġġ se jkun jista’ joffrilek.

Tista’ tagħżel li tnaqqas jew twaqqaf kull għajnuna li tkun qed tirċievi wara li tkun tlabt biex tagħmel dan b’mod responsabbli. Kull informazzjoni li tingħata tibqa’ kunfidenzjali u l-lekċerers jiġu infurmati biss jekk inti taċċetta li jsir hekk.

Nemmnu li biex tirnexxi fl-istudji tiegħek, jeħtieġ li nlaqqgħu r-riżorsi tagħna mal-ħtiġijiet tiegħek. Jekk tinfurmana dwar dawn il-ħtiġijiet qabel ma tapplika biex tibda tistudja l-MCAST, inkunu nistgħu niżguraw li tirċievi l-għajnuna li għandek bżonn bl-aħjar mod possibbli.

2398 7127 [email protected]





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The Information Centre

The Information Centre at the MCAST Main Campus in Paola provides you with information about the training programmes offered by the College’s Institutes, as well as the support services available to you before and during your studies at MCAST.

2398 7100 / 7203 [email protected]

Career guidance and personal counselling

The MCAST team of Counsellors and Career Advisers works together to offer an optimum service to prospective and current MCAST students, and their families.

Vocational guidance

Education plays an important role in securing the job you are aspiring for. The first stepping stones or pre-requisites for choosing your dream career are the qualifications required to achieve it. Equipped with the adequate qualifications, you will have a greater choice of career options. Our career guidance advisers can help you in selecting the courses suitable for you.

To help you make informed education and career choices, contact us for an appointment or visit our offices at the Student House, MCAST Main Campus, Paola.

2398 7135 / 7136 [email protected]

Student support services

Personal counselling

Counselling can help you seek more happiness and fulfilment out of life. At MCAST, this service is more growth-oriented and focuses on the goals that provide direction in life and on empowering you to create your own destiny. As a student, you are encouraged to call for a personal counselling appointment whenever you are faced with difficult life challenges. Through the student-counsellor interaction, you will be able to manage your challenging situations, develop unused resources and handle life opportunities more effectively.

2398 7129 / 7133 [email protected]

The Helping Skills Course and the Student-2-Student Network

Periodically counsellors organise a 30-hour training course in basic helping skills. Through this training you will have the opportunity to develop your communication skills, creativity, insight, ethical responsibility and other values. Successful participants are presented with a certificate of attendance.

Following this training, the counsellors will invite you to participate in the Student-2-Student Network. Through this voluntary system, you will be able to use the acquired helping skills to assist fellow students in need of support, in collaboration with the counsellors.

[email protected]





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Enrichment groups and group activities

Different life experiences can influence our well-being. Through enrichment groups, you can join groups of up to fifteen students to discuss various personal and social themes with the counsellors. The themes discussed are chosen by the students. The characteristics of group work enable a type of interaction that is not possible in one-to-one sessions. Thus, the experience can also be helpful in addressing emotional distress. Through these sessions you will also learn to help each other and work as a team, a personal skill that can be beneficial on both a personal and academic level.

Student Liaison Office

This office aims to create a college ambience that offers you a holistic experience towards educational and personal growth, providing a one-stop shop for assistance and guidance to all services offered by the College. As a student, you may get in touch with this office to seek assistance on any matter related to your studies or other aspects related to your life as an MCAST student.

2398 7310 [email protected]

Magic Wonders Child Care Centre

MCAST Magic Wonders Child Care Centre enables parents of young children to follow MCAST’s educational programmes whilst their children are professionally cared for in certified childcare facilities on campus. Students of all MCAST institutes who currently have children from newborn to up to three years of age can make use of this centre at the MCAST Main Campus, in Paola. All applications for child care services will be assessed by the Child Care Board.

2398 7161 / 7370 [email protected]

The MCAST Chaplaincy

There are moments in life when we feel the need for spiritual guidance or pastoral counselling. In such cases, the MCAST Chaplain, Fr John Curmi and his team are available to meet you at any of the MCAST Institutes. You can visit Fr Curmi at the MCAST Chapel, at the Main Campus, in Paola. You may also contact Fr Marco Portelli at the Institute of Building and Construction Engineering, the Institute of Art and Design, or the Institute of Community Services and Fr Joe Giuliano and Fr Ivan Scicluna OFM Cap at the Institute of Information and Communication Technology.

2180 6706 or 7924 0956 (SMS) [email protected]

The Inclusive Education Unit

The Inclusive Education Unit (IEU) provides the necessary support to MCAST students with particular needs, including disabilities and/or learning difficulties. To benefit from this service, you may contact the Inclusion Coordinator and ask for an appointment before applying for an MCAST course. You will be offered a confidential interview to assess and discuss your particular needs and the kind of support that the College will be offering you.

All support is optional and can be reduced or stopped upon your responsible request. Information provided remains strictly confidential and lecturers are only informed with your consent.

We believe that matching our human resources to your specific needs is of paramount importance for your academic success. By informing us about your requirements before the submission of your application to join MCAST, you will be helping MCAST provide you with a better service.

2398 7127 [email protected]




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Fit-Taqsima ta’ Għajnuna fit-Tagħlim nikkollaboraw mill-qrib mal-istituti tal-MCAST biex niżguraw li l-istudenti jirċievu l-appoġġ akkademiku neċessarju biex jiksbu l-ħiliet akkademiċi bażiċi (tagħlim tal-lingwa Maltija, il-lingwa Ingliża u l-matematika) u jsiru indipendenti fl-istudji tagħhom. Nużaw stili ta’ tagħlim differenti biex int tkun tista’ tilħaq il-miri tat-tagħlim fil-ħiliet bażiċi skont is-sillabi mfassla, mil-livelli tal-bidu sa dawk aktar avvanzati.

Appoġġ fil-korsijiet tal-livelli tal-bidu

Fil-korsijiet tal-MCAST fil-livelli 1 u 2, nibdew l-għajnuna billi nistabbilixxu f’liema suġġetti teħtieġ l-aktar appoġġ u tagħlim. B’din l-informazzjoni, jitfassal programm ta’ lezzjonijiet fi gruppi żgħar b’sapport addizzjonali fuq livell individwali skont il-bżonn, kif ukoll sessjonijiet ta’ taħriġ fit-teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni u fl-iżvilupp personali. It-tagħlim tas-snajjà, u ħiliet inklużi fil-kors li tkun għażilt jiġu mdaħħla f’dan il-programm b’mod li anke t-tagħlim tal-ħiliet bażiċi jkun marbut mal-ħtiġijiet tal-karriera li qed taspira għaliha.

Sapport addizzjonali lil studenti fil-korsijiet f’livelli oħrajn

Ngħinu wkoll studenti li jkunu qed isegwu korsijiet f’livelli ogħla li jkollhom bżonn taħriġ speċifiku f’suġġetti partikolari. Permezz ta’ din l-għajnuna, kull ġimgħa jkollok laqgħat ta’ tagħlim u appoġġ fuq bażi individwali jew fi gruppi żgħar. F’dawn il-laqgħat tingħata t-taħriġ li jkollok bżonn, bħal lezzjonijiet f’ħiliet tal-litteriżmu speċifiċi, għajnuna fit-taħdit, qari jew kitba, għajnuna fl-ippjanar tal-assignments u proġetti oħra li jagħmlu parti mill-kors, u taħriġ dwar kif tippjana l-istudji tiegħek.

It-Taqsima ta’ G˙ajnuna fit-Tag˙limLearning Support Unit

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At the Learning Support Unit, we collaborate closely with other MCAST units and institutes to ensure that students receive the necessary academic support to acquire the basic academic skills (Maltese and English languages and mathematics) and become autonomous independent learners.

We consider different teaching and learning strategies to help you acquire the basic skills in line with the set Key Skills syllabi, from foundation programmes to higher level courses.

Support during foundation level courses

In MCAST’s level 1 and 2 courses, we start by identifying the type and extent of basic academic skills assistance you require. Using this information, we prepare a programme of lessons in small groups, with additional individual assistance as required. The programme will also include IT training and lessons in personal development. The teaching of trades and skills included in the course you are following will be included in this teaching programme so that even the learning of basic academic skills will be oriented towards the requirements of the career you are aspiring for.

Extra support in courses at other levels

We also help students who are following courses at higher levels and require additional training in particular subjects. Through this assistance, every week you will have support meetings on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. During these meetings you receive the assistance you require, including specific literacy skills, speaking, reading and writing practice, guidance in the planning of assignments and other coursework and on how to manage your studies.

2398 7517 / [email protected]@

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Dan il-programm ta’ sentejn jipprovdi opportunità lill-istudenti li jkollhom diżabbiltà intelletwali u/jew diffikultajiet żgħar jew moderati, biex isegwu programm ta’ studju strutturat f’qasam li huwa qrib tal-ħtiġijiet ta’ dawn l-individwi. Il-programm huwa maħsub biex jgħin lill-istudenti jiksbu l-ħiliet li jeħtieġu biex isibu impjieg u jżommuh. L-istudenti mistennija jipparteċipaw, taħt superviżjoni, f’esperjenzi ta’ ħidma ta’ ġurnata waħda fil-ġimgħa fl-istess Kulleġġ matul l-ewwel sena u fl-industrija matul it-tieni sena. Jingħataw ukoll opportunitajiet biex jesperjenzaw tagħlim prattiku fis-suġġetti kollha.

Individwi li jixtiequ jidħlu għal dan il-programm huma meħtieġa jkollhom ħiliet bażiċi ta’ lingwa u matematika, u jridu jkunu jistgħu joqogħdu f’ambjent ta’ klassi u lesti li jidħlu għal xi forma ta’ impjieg. Biex tibda l-kors irid ikollok:

• Ċertifikat tat-Tmiem tal-Iskola• Valutazzjoni Psikoloġika (mhux aktar lura minn tliet snin)• Rapport Mediku u/jew Psikjatriku (fejn applikabbli)• Rapporti tal-Iskola (inkluż l-aħħar IEP).

Il-Kulleġġ jipprovdi Assistent ta’ Appoġġ fit-Tagħlim għal kull klassi (servizzi ta’ appoġġ jew faċilitazzjoni personali jingħataw biss f’każijiet partikolari). L-istudenti jgħaddu minn proċess ta’ selezzjoni li jinkludi intervista u Test ta’ Valutazzjoni Inizjali. Il-kors isir mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa.

Dan il-programm jiġi offrut fil-Kampus Ewlieni tal-MCAST f’Raħal Ġdid, kif ukoll fiċ-Ċentru tal- MCAST f’Għawdex, ix-Xewkija.

Il-Programm Pathway to Independent LivingPathway to Independent Living Programme

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The two-year Pathway to Independent Living Programme provides students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities/learning difficulties with an opportunity to follow a structured programme of study in subjects that are closer to these individuals’ needs. It is particularly designed to help them acquire the skills required to gain and maintain employment.

Students are encouraged to participate in one day weekly supervised placements within the College during their first year, and in different workplaces during their second year. They are also presented with opportunities to experience hands-on learning in all subjects.

Prospective students in this programme should have basic skills in literacy and numeracy, be able to tolerate classroom environment and be willing to take up employment. The specific entry requirements are:

• School Leaving Certificate (completed compulsory education)• A recent psychological report (not older than 3 years)• Medical and / or Psychiatric report (in case of medical/ mental

health concerns)• School reports (including the last IEP).

MCAST provides one Learning Support Assistant per class (one-to-one support/facilitation is offered in approved cases only). Students are required to pass a selection process which includes an interview and an Initial Assessment Test. The course is held from Monday to Friday. The Pathway to Independent Living Programme is offered at the MCAST Main Campus, in Paola, and at the MCAST Gozo Centre, in Xewkija.

2390 7320 / [email protected]@

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Il-Librerija u ċ-Ċentru tar-Riżorsi tat-Tagħlim (LLRC) jinstab fil-Kampus Ewlieni tal-MCAST, f’Raħal Ġdid u għandu wkoll ħames ċentri simili fl-Istituti li jinsabu f’lokalitajiet oħrajn, inkluż iċ-Ċentru tal-MCAST f’Għawdex. Dawn iċ-ċentri joffrulek firxa wiesgħa ta’ riżorsi u materjal biex jgħinuk fl-istudji jew għall-interess ġenerali. Issib kotba, rivisti, CD-ROMS, aċċess bla ħlas għall-Internet kif ukoll kollezzjoni kbira ta’ films. Għal iżjed dettalji, jew jekk tixtieq tagħti titwila lejn il-katalgu tal-librerija, żur www.mcast.edu.mt/llrc.

Kull ċentru jinkludi wkoll faċilitajiet oħrajn, bħal spazji għal xogħol fi gruppi u oħrajn li huma riżervati għall-istudju individwali. Issib ukoll kompjuters mgħammra bil-Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint u għażla ta’ programmi oħrajn. Hemm ukoll photocopiers u printers li tista’ tuża bi ħlas minimu.

Iċ-ċentri kollha huma miftuħa għall-istudenti u l-impjegati kollha tal-MCAST. Nistidnuk tkellem lill-membri tal-istaff f’dawn iċ-ċentri biex jgħinuk issib ir-riżorsi li teħtieġ u tagħraf tagħmel l-aħjar użu mill-faċilitatjiet li noffru.

The Library and Learning Resource Centre (LLRC) is located at the MCAST Main Campus, Paola and has another five similar centres at the off-site Institutes, in other localities in Malta and Gozo.

These centres offer a whole range of resources to support your studies at MCAST, as well as other general interest material. These include books, periodicals, CD-ROMS, free Internet access, as well as an extensive film collection. For more details, and to look through the library’s online catalogue,visit www.mcast.edu.mt/llrc.

Each centre also includes study facilities, such as areas for group discussion work and quiet areas for individual study. Computers equipped with Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and other selected software packages are also available. You can also make use of photocopying and printing facilities at a minimal charge.

The centres are open to all MCAST full and part-time students and employees. You are welcome to approach any member of staff at these centres for assistance in making the best use of our facilities.

Il-Librerija u Ç-Çentru tar-RiΩorsi tat-Tag˙limThe Library and Learning Resource Centre

2398 [email protected]@

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Il-Korporazzjoni ta’ Xogħol u Taħriġ qiegħda għal darb’oħra toffri skemi ta’ apprentistat abbinati ma’ numru ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġ mgħallma fl-MCAST.

Apprentistat jikkonsisti f’taħriġ fuq u lil hinn mill-post tax-xogħol għal perjodu speċifiku ta’ żmien. Kull min jagħżel li jidħol f’apprentistat ikun meħtieġ jagħmel perjodu ta’ żmien f’wieħed mill-Istituti fi ħdan l-MCAST, sabiex jakkwista tagħrif bażiku meħtieġ għax-xogħol partikolari magħżul. L-apprentist jgħaddi l-kumplament taż-żmien fuq post tax-xogħol biex jakkwista l-ħiliet prattiċi.

L-apprentistati mhux biss jiffaċilitaw il-bidla mill-bank tal-iskola għas-suq tax-xogħol, iżda jagħtu wkoll opportunità lill-parteċipanti li jakkwistaw ħiliet li ma jistgħux jakkwistaw kieku jqattgħu l-ħin kollu tagħhom f’istituzzjoni edukattiva.

Minħabba li l-apprentisti jkunu fuq il-post tax-xogħol, huma jgawdu l-istess kundizzjonijiet tax-xogħol applikabbli għal ħaddiema oħra, iżda fuq bażi pro rata.

Il-Korporazzjoni tmexxi żewġ skemi differenti: l-ESTS (Skema ta’ Taħriġ Estiż) u t-TAS (Skema ta’ Taħriġ Tekniku). Ċertifikat tal-Journeyman’s fil-livell ta’ Mgħallem jingħata lil min jispiċċa l-apprentistat tal-ESTS b’suċċess. Ċertifikat tal-Journeyman’s fil-livell ta’ Tekniku jingħata lil min jispiċċa l-apprentistat tat-TAS b’suċċess.

It-tul tal-apprentistat ivarja skond il-programm ta’ taħriġ li wieħed ikun qed jipparteċipa fih. Jekk inti qed tapplika biex tipparteċipa f’xi programm tal-MCAST bl-apprentistat għall-ewwel darba, tista’ tapplika wkoll mal-ETC fl-istess żmien.

Jekk inti diġa` student fi ħdan l-MCAST, agħmel kuntatt mal-Korporazzjoni ħalli nkunu nistgħu ngħinuk.

The Employment and Training Corporation is once again supporting a number of training programmes offered at MCAST on an apprenticeship basis.

An apprenticeship consists of on-the-job and off-the-job training for a specific period of time. The programmes begin at one of the MCAST Institutes, where the apprentice acquires the underpinning knowledge needed in the chosen occupation. This will be followed by the actual work training at an employer’s establishment for the acquisition of hands-on practice.

Apprenticeships facilitate the transition into the labour market and give participants the opportunity to acquire competencies that will otherwise not be acquired. Since apprentices will be in employment, they will also benefit from other conditions of employment enjoyed by their co-workers, on a pro-rata basis.

The ETC runs two different schemes. The ESTS (Extended Skills Training Scheme) and the TAS (Technician Apprenticeship Scheme). The Journeyman’s Certificate at Craftsman level is awarded on successful completion of the ESTS apprenticeship while the Journeyman’s Certificate at Technician level is awarded on successful completion of the TAS apprenticeship. The duration of apprenticeships varies according to the training programme being followed.

If you are joining an MCAST apprenticeship programme for the first time this year, you have to apply with ETC when you apply to join MCAST. If you are already an MCAST student, please contact the ETC for further guidance.

L-apprentistat fl-MCASTApprenticeships at MCAST

2220 [email protected]


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MCAST students during an internationalsports trip in Slovakia

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Fl-MCAST tista’ tieħu sehem f’firxa wiesgħa ta’ attivitajiet fiżiċi jew sportivi offruti mid-Dipartiment tal-iSport.

Tista’ tingħaqad f’xi waħda mill-attivitajiet sportivi kompetittivi jew ta’ taħriġ, li jittellgħu fl-MCAST, fosthom football, basketball, volleyball, handball, baseball/softball, rugby, badminton, tennis, table-tennis, weight-training, break dance, dance, chess, darts, martial arts, u weightlifting. Tkun tista’ tipprattika wkoll attivitajiet fiżiċi oħrajn offruti f’postijiet mhux fil-Kampus, bħal atletika, għawm, sports ta’ ħdejn il-baħar, għads, canoeing, canoe polo, sparar, karting, bowling, trekking, climbing, abseiling, camping u oħrajn.

Id-Dipartiment tal-iSport tal-MCAST jinsab fil-Kampus Ewlieni f’Raħal Ġdid. Hawn issibu żewġ gyms li fihom jistgħu jintlagħbu l-volleyball, basketball, badminton, dodgeball u dixxiplini oħrajn. Issibu wkoll fitness centre fejn tista’ titħarreġ permezz ta’ cardio machines u weights. Gym ieħor jinstab fl-Istitut tal-Inġinerija tal-Bini u l-Kostruzzjoni fin-Naxxar.

Id-Dipartiment tal-iSport jipprovdi wkoll informazzjoni dwar weight training, l-eżerċizzju, weight management, ix-xjenza tal-isport, kompetizzjonijiet nazzjonali, korsijiet marbutin mal-isport u għaqdiet sportivi lokali.

At MCAST, you will be able to participate in sport or physical activities organised by the Sports Department.

You may join in any of the different competitive and non-competitive activities practised at MCAST. These include football, basketball, volleyball, handball, baseball/softball, rugby, badminton, tennis, table-tennis, weight-training, break dance, dance, chess, darts, martial arts and weightlifting. You will also have the opportunity to practise other physical activities in different locations off Campus, including athletics, swimming, beach sports, diving, canoeing, canoe polo, shooting, karting, bowling, trekking, climbing, abseiling and camping.

Our Sports Department can be found at the MCAST Main Campus, in Paola. Here, we have two indoor gyms where you can practise volleyball, basketball, badminton, dodgeball and other sports. We also have a Fitness Centre where you can make use of the cardio machines and weights. Another gym is available at the Institute of Building and Construction Engineering in Naxxar.

The Sports Department can also help you obtain information about weight training programmes, exercise programmes, weight management, sports science, national competitions, sports courses and local sports clubs.

L-isport fl-MCASTSports at MCAST

2398 [email protected] @

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An MCAST student at the Art and Multimedia Communication lab of the Politechnic Institute of Beja in Portugal

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L-Uffiççju tal-External AffairsExternal Affairs Office

Dan l-uffiċċju twaqqaf fl-2011 bil-ħsieb li jiżviluppa l-għanijiet industrijali u vokazzjonali tal-MCAST fl-interess kemm tal-istudenti kif ukoll tal-istaff. Ir-responsabbiltajiet tiegħu jinkludu l-immaniġġjar tal-korsijiet part-time ta’ filgħaxija, il-korsijiet ad hoc ta’ natura kummerċjali għall-industrija, l-International Office u l-iżvilupp ta’ partnerships ma’ universitajiet u kulleġġi barranin. Nilqgħu ukoll lil istudenti barranin li jiġu jistudjaw fl-MCAST.

This Office was established in 2011 to enhance the industrial and vocational objectives of MCAST in support of the students’ interests and of the academic standing of the staff. Its responsibilities include the management of MCAST part-time evening courses, commercial ad hoc courses for industry, the International Office, the development of partnerships with foreign universities and colleges, and the hosting of foreign students at MCAST.

Opportunitajiet internazzjonaliInternational opportunities

2398 [email protected]@

Bħala student tal-MCAST, tkun tista’ tieħu sehem f’għadd ta’ programmi li jiftħulek opportunitajiet ġodda ta’ tagħlim u żvilupp lil hinn minn xtutna.

L-Uffiċċju Internazzjonali jinfurmak dwar il-parteċipazzjoni tal-MCAST fi programmi differenti tal-Unjoni Ewropea, fosthom Leonardo Da Vinci, Erasmus, Grundtvig u Comenius. Dawn l-inizjattivi jipprovdu l-fondi u l-appoġġ loġistiku meħtieġ biex l-istudenti jiksbu esperjenzi ġodda ta’ taħriġ vokazzjonali u edukazzjoni f’pajjiżi oħra tal-UE .As an MCAST student, you will be invited to participate in several

programmes that open up new learning and development opportunities beyond our shores.

Our International Office will be informing you about MCAST ’s participation in the EU ’s Leonardo Da Vinci, Erasmus, Grundtvig and Comenius programmes. These initiatives provide the necessary funding and logistical support to help students gain new educational and vocational experiences in other EU countries.

2398 7219 / [email protected]@

2398 [email protected]@

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President/President:Mr Joseph Farrugia

Deputy President/Deputat President:Dr Tonio Portughese

Membri/Members:Prof Ing Jonathan C BorgDr Anne Marie CallusMs Helga EllulDr Francis FabriMr Claudio FarrugiaMs Phyllis FarrugiaMr Michael MalliaDr Claire ShoemakeDr Sue Vella

Bord tal-GvernaturiBoard of Governors

Mani©ment u AmministrazzjoniManagement and Administration

Mr Stephen CachiaPrincipal and Chief Executive Officer

Mr Anthony SalibaDeputy Principal - Student and Academic Services

Mr Ronald CurmiRegistrar

Eur Ing Emanuel AttardChief Officer External Affairs

Ing Vincent MaioneQuality Assurance Director

Mr Oscar BorgAdministrative Director

Mr Alan VellaFinancial Controller

Mr John BartoloInformation and Student Support Services Director

Ms Joyce HiliHuman Resources Director

Mr Laurence ZerafaLibrarian

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2 ta’ Settembru Bidu tas-Sena Akkademika – L-Ewwel Semestru

2 – 13 ta’ Settembru Repetizzjoni ta’ eżamijiet/eżamijiet tat-tielet ċans/konklużjoni tal-bord ta’ reviżjoni

23 – 30 ta’ Settembru Ġimgħa ta’ introduzzjoni u tħejjija għall-istudenti ġodda u għal dawk li se jkomplu l-istudji tagħhom mis-sena ta’ qabel

1 ta’ Ottubru Bidu tal-lezzjonijiet għall-istudenti kollha

25 ta’ Ottubru Jum il-Fondazzjoni

9,10 u 11 ta’ Diċembru Ċerimonji ta’ Gradwazzjoni – Korsijiet fil-Livelli 5 u 6

24 ta’ Diċembru Bidu tal-btajjel tal-Milied


6 ta’ Jannar Tkomplija tal-Ewwel Semestru

31 ta’ Jannar Tmiem l-Ewwel Semestru

3 – 7 ta’ Frar Eżamijiet tal-Ewwel Semestru/Progress Week

11 ta’ Frar Bidu tat-Tieni Semestru

14 - 25 ta’ April Btajjel tal-Għid

28 ta’ April Tkomplija tat-Tieni Semestru

9 - 20 ta’ Ġunju Eżamijiet tat-Tieni Semestru

11 ta’ Lulju Tmiem it-Tieni Semestru

14 ta’ Lulju - 29 ta’ Awwissu Btajjel tas-sajf u tmiem tas-Sena Akkademika

Kalendarju akkademiku 2013/142013/14 Academic Calendar


2 September Beginning of Academic Year – Semester 1

2 – 13 September Resit examinations/ third attempts/ finalisation of review board process

23 – 30 September Induction week for all students and MCAST Freshers’ Week

1 October Start of lectures for new, progressing and continuing students

25 October Foundation Day

9,10 & 11 December Graduation days – Level 5 and 6 courses

24 December Start of Christmas recess


6 January Continuation of Semester 1

31 January End of Semester 1

3 – 7 February Semester 1 – Examinations/ Progress Week

11 February Beginning of Semester 2

14 - 25 April Easter recess

28 April Continuation of Semester 2

9 - 20 June Semester 2 – Examinations

11 July End of Semester 2

14 July - 29 August Summer recess and end of Academic Year

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Over 2,500 students completed MCAST courses during the 2011/12 Academic Year

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Mappa tal-Kampus EwlieniMain Campus Map

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A work experience at a localhydroponics farm

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Institute ofagribusinessAs Malta’s principal agriculture education institution, we provide training in horticulture, animal care and management as well as fish management. Our horticulture courses prepare students for careers in the management and care of nurseries, garden design, landscaping and cash crops. In the animal care programmes, you can gain experience in the care and management of domestic, exotic and farm animals. Our fish management training options target the skills required in aquaculture and other related studies.

You will benefit from practical experiences in laboratories, in the adjacent cultivated fields and in professionally equipped sheds where different animals are kept. Most courses also include work placements with local companies operating within this sector.

MCAST Agribusiness Institute

Triq Óal Luqa, Qormi QRM 9075

00356 2125 7006/8

00356 2125 7005

E [email protected]

Acting Director: Mr David Coleiro

Institute ofagribusinessInstitute ofagribusinessInstitute of


institute of

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Page Course Code Course Title 38 13/10/01 MCAST Introductory Certificate in Animal Husbandry and Horticultural Skills - Level 1*

39 13/10/02 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Horticulture and Animal Care - Level 2*

40 13/10/03 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Fish Husbandry41 13/10/04 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Animal Care43 13/10/05 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Horticulture

44 13/10/06 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Agriculture45 13/10/07 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Fish Management

46 13/10/08 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Animal Management47 13/10/09 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Horticulture (Garden Design)

49 13/10/10 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Animal Management50 13/10/11 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skont il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.









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“If you love nature, don’t shy away from studying agribusiness. It can offer you a bright future with careers that are fundamental to our wellbeing and to the safeguarding of our landscapes and natural resources.”

Jessica FenechBachelor of Science (Honours)in Animal Management, Trainer at the Ministry for Resources andRural Affairs

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“As part of my course I am participating in many hands-on activities. Recently we’ve been working on a study to find outmore about the Black Maltese Chicken, a native breed which was saved from extinction through breeding programmes coordinated by my Institute’s lecturers and former students.”

Robert Debono Second year student, MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diplomain Animal Management

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“Every week, we share in the tasks required to take care of the animals kept at the Institute. We also spend time practising in different workplaces. I have already worked on a farm and in an animal clinic. Through this training,I aspire to become a vet nurse.”

Sephora Mercieca Second year student, MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Agriculture

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“Studying at MCAST is not only about learning the skills you need to get a job. With the constant support of the Institute’s lecturers, I also acquired important life values such as self-confidence, perseverance and lifelong learning. These lessons are very important tools in every aspect of my daily life.”

Karol AzzopardiMCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in AgricultureWorks at Best Quality Hatchers Co. Ltd.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131001

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. understand how to handle and take

care of small animals and pets2. Carry out on site practical work related

to specific farm animals3. undertake practical tasks using

horticultural skills4. understand the basic skills needed in

taking care of a small garden.

this course is intended for school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate. the programme, although basic, equips students with a range of skills enabling them to begin to understand what various land-based animal and crop activities involve.

you will have the opportunity to handle a variety of farm animals as well as work on crop fields and fruit trees.

you will learn about soil management, establishing crops, animal management, livestock nutrition and farm maintenance. you will have the opportunity to feed various animals such as rabbits and poultry, incubate eggs and hatch chicks. this course offers the required hands-on experience in the horticulture and animal husbandry sector.

dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal dawk li għandhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja. huwa programm ta’ sena, li għalkemm f’livell bażiku, jiġbor fih firxa ta’ ħiliet li jwassluk biex tibda tifhem aħjar x’jitlob ix-xogħol li għandu rabta mar-raba’ u l-bhejjem.

tingħata l-opportunità biex tieħu ħsieb għażla ta’ annimali tal-irziezet u tkun tista’ taħdem ukoll fl-għelieqi fuq ħxejjex u siġar tal-frott.

titgħallem dwar diversi suġġetti bħal ma huma l-ħamrija u l-uċuh tar-raba’, il-ġestjoni u l-alimentazzjoni tal-bhejjem, kif ukoll il-manutenzjoni li jitolbu l-irziezet. tkun tista’ tagħlef għażla ta’ annimali, bħal ma huma l-fniek u t-tiġieġ, tuża l-inkubatur tal-bajd, tfaqqas il-flieles u tieħu esperjenzi siewja oħra fil-qasam tal-ortikultura u t-trobbija tal-annimali.



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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131002

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioNormCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCate

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. undertake different agricultural

methods and understand the principles of health and safety

2. understand procedures and explore measures to improve agricultural skills

3. use and apply correctly various agricultural equipment

4. understand and apply different technical skills relating to the care of animals as well as crops.


this course is intended for school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate. it is designed to equip students with a range of basic skills and competences enabling them to become competent in various land-based activities involved in the agriculture industry.

the programme includes a significant amount of vocational practice that will help you to form a clear idea of the nature of the trade or vocation you may wish to follow.

you will learn about soil management, establishing crops, animal management, livestock nutrition and farm maintenance. the students will have the opportunity to have hands-on experience with farm animals, exotic animals and plants.

dan il-kors japplika għal dawk l-istudenti li jkollhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja. il-kors jagħtik firxa ta’ ħiliet li għandhom rabta max-xogħol fl-industrija agrikola.

Bis-saħħa tat-taħriġ vokazzjonali li tieħu minn dan il-programm, inti tasal biex tifhem aħjar x’titlob din is-sengħa fiż-żminijiet tagħna.

titgħallem dwar diversi suġġetti bħal ma huma l-ħamrija u l-uċuh tar-raba’, il-ġestjoni u l-alimentazzjoni tal-bhejjem, kif ukoll il-manutenzjoni tal-irziezet. tkun tista’ tieħu esperjenza siewja fuq il-ġestjoni tal-bhejjem tal-irziezet, annimali eżotiċi kif ukoll pjanti.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131003

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: Biology and english language

At the end of the programme, you willbe able to:1. undertake practical tasks related to fish

husbandry and the caring of aquaria2. understand the principles of fish biology

and health3. understand and monitor fish production

units4. understand aquatic ecology and assess

the status of aquatic environments.

Career opportunities: Fish farm assistant assistant aquarium technician aquarium centre retailer

this course introduces students to the basics of fish husbandry. it provides the knowledge and skills required by the student for eventual entry into related work places such as the fish farming and the aquatics industry. Being the only course in malta solely dedicated to fish husbandry, this programme offers you an excellent opportunity to find employment in this industry, which is an important economic sector in the maltese islands.

you will develop the knowledge and practical skills needed, provided you attend all practical sessions which will be vital to back up the theoretical knowledge gained during lectures.

dan il-kors huwa introduzzjoni għall-prinċipji bażiċi marbuta mat-trobbija tal-ħut. il-programm joffri l-għarfien u l-ħiliet meħtieġa biex student ikun jista’ jidħol għal xogħol relatat ma’ dan il-qasam, bħal ma huma t-trobbija tal-ħut u l-industrija tal-akkwatika.

minħabba li huwa l-uniku kors f’malta li jittratta esklussivament it-trobbija tal-ħut, dan il-programm huwa opportunità tajba ħafna li tista’ twasslek biex issib ix-xogħol f’dan is-settur tal-industrija li huwa ta’ importanza fil-gżejjer maltin.

inti tkun tista’ tiżviluppa l-għarfien u l-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa, bil-patt li tattendi s-sessjonijiet prattiċi kollha sabiex tkun tista’ ssaħħaħ it-teorija li tkun ġbart mil-lezzjonijiet fil-klassi.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131004

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: Biology and english language

At the end of the programme, you will be able to: 1. understand how to prevent, identify

and treat diseases of farm animals and pets

2. Carry out practical grooming sessions on a range of domesticated animal species

3. understand the principles of animal biology and animal health

4. undertake practical tasks related to veterinary services including animal nursing and veterinary regulatory affairs.

Career opportunities: animal groomer assistant veterinary shop assistant animal technician

this course offers an introduction to working with and handling farm animals and pets, and the related hands-on experience required. it provides the practical skills and background knowledge required to form a solid foundation in animal care.

you will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge on various housing designs that can be used for farm and pet animals as well as accommodation, study feeding procedures and how to identify and solve animal health problems.

if you opt for this programme you will be expected to attend scheduled husbandry duties which form part of this course. this practical experience, coupled with motivation and responsibility, will back up the theoretical knowledge gained at the institute.

dan il-kors joffrilek introduzzjoni għax-xogħol fejn jidħlu l-annimali, kemm dawk tal-irziezet kif ukoll tad-djar. Jingħata taħrig prattiku u t-tagħrif meħtieġ sabiex l-istudent ikollu bażi soda fil-kura tal-annimali.

tkun tista’ tistudja l-għamliet differenti ta’ kif tista’ takkomoda kemm l-annimali tal-irziezet kif ukoll dawk domestiċi, kif tagħlef dawn il-bhejjem u kif tifhem u ssolvi l-problemitas-saħħa tagħhom.

Bħala parti minn dan il-programm, tkun mistenni li twettaq id-doveri tiegħek fil-kura tal-annimali. din l-esperjenza prattika, flimkien max-xewqa li titgħallem u r-responsabbiltà fix-xogħol, huma meħtieġa biex issaħħaħ l-għarfien li tkun ħadt mil-lezzjonijiettat-teorija.



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A work placement at the San AntonPresidential Palace

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131005

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: Biology and english language

At the end of the programme, you will be able to: 1. understand the biology of plants 2. describe and discuss the basic

principles of plant and soil science3. Grow and maintain a variety of

horticultural plants 4. Follow a work placements programme

in the horticultural sector.

Career opportunities: Nursery assistant assistant farmer assistant gardener

this course introduces you to the basics of crop production. you will develop the knowledge and practical skills needed to work on a modern horticultural farm.

the course is practically based, providing the required skills and competences as well as the foundation knowledge in plant management and production. you are expected to attend scheduled horticulture practical sessions which form an integral part of the course.

this experience will improve your employment opportunities and is a good foundation for future career opportunities such as working in nurseries, farms and gardening as well as for progression to a more advanced qualification.

dan il-kors jagħtik għarfien bażiku fuq il-prodotti tar-raba’. tkun tista’ tiżviluppa wkoll il-ħiliet prattiċi li jgħinuk biex tkun tista’ taħdem f’faċilitajiet tal-ortikultura.

il-kors għandu bażi prattika u joffrilek ħiliet, kompetenzi u għarfien dwar il-ġestjoni tal-pjanti u l-prinċipji tal-produzzjoni. inti tkun mistenni tattendi għal sessjonijiet prattiċi kif skedati mill-istitut għax dawn huma parti integrali tal-kors.

dan kollu se jtejjiblek l-opportunitajiet biex issib ix-xogħol u jservi wkoll ta’ bażi tajba għall-karriera tiegħek fil-ġejjieni. Għal dan il-għan, jaf jinteressak ix-xogħol fis-serer, il-farms, jew il-ġonna. tkun tista’ tikkunsidra wkoll li tkompli tistudja f’livell aktar avvanzat.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131006

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN Fish husBaNdryormCast-BteC diploma iN aNimal Care ormCast-BteC diploma iN hortiCultureor4 seC/o-level passes preferred: Biology, Chemistry, mathematics and english language

At the end of the programme, you will be able to: 1. understand a number of scientific and

technical aspects in the subject-areas chosen

2. understand the anatomy, physiology, Behaviour and health issues related to various farmed animals, fish or plants

3. undertake work-related experience in the land-based sector

4. develop business ideas and carry out investigative projects in the land-based sector.

Career opportunities: inspector technician veterinary assistant veterinary pharmacy assistant

this course provides a broad knowledge of the agricultural industry including crop management, livestock and farm machinery.

you may also wish to consider the fish management stream in which you will be given the required knowledge, skills and competences in both farmed and ornamental fish industries.

the course offers a wide perspective on the agricultural and fish management sector. the interconnectedness between these fields and other related aspects will be analysed throughout the study units.

you will be encouraged to relate theory to practice at all stages through assignments, projects, practical work and work placements. scheduled husbandry, crop and fish husbandry duties form an integral part of the curriculum.

in this programme you will be given the opportunity to choose either the animal care, the horticultural management or the fish management option.

dan il-kors joffri tagħrif wiesa’ li għandu rabta mal-industrija tal-biedja fosthom l-immaniġġjar tal-uċuh tar-raba’ u tal-annimali, kif ukoll il-manutenzjoni tal-makkinarju tipiku tar-razzett.

tista’ wkoll titħajjar tagħżel il-linja tal-immaniġġjar tal-ħut fejn tingħata t-tagħrif u l-ħiliet meħtieġa li għandhom rabta mal-industriji tal-ħut tal-irziezet u dak ornamentali.

dan il-kors joffrilek perspettiva wiesgħa tal-immaniġġjar tas-settur agrikolu u dak tal-akkwakultura. ir-rabta bejn dawn l-oqsma u aspetti relatati jiġu analizzati fl-unitajiet ta’ studju matul il-kors.

it-teorija u l-prattika jimxu id f’id u dan huwa rifless fix-xogħol li jidħlu għalih l-istudenti, f’dawk li huma proġetti fl-istitut kif ukoll meta jkunu fuq il-lant tax-xogħol. Għal dan il-għan jiġu skedati esperjenzi prattiċi u relatati kif jitlob il-programm ta’ studju vokazzjonali.

l-istudent jingħata l-opportunità jagħżel l-istudju li jixtieq isegwi, bejn dak li jirrigwarda l-kura tal-annimali, l-ortikultura jew l-akkwakultura.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131007

this course offers the student a wide perspective in different aspects of fish management and will provide students with a broad knowledge and aptitude related to the fish management sector and industry. learners will be given the required knowledge, skills and competences in both farmed and ornamental fish husbandry industries.

this is an opportunity for students to gain experience while learning new skills. students are encouraged to relate theory to practice at all stages through assignments, projects, practical work and work placements. scheduled fish husbandry duties form an integral part of the curriculum.

dan il-kors joffri lill-istudent perspettiva wiesgħa f’aspetti differenti relatati mas-settur tat-trobbija u l-immaniġġjar tal-ħut. l-istudenti jingħataw l-għarfien, il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi f’dak li jirrigwardja l-industrija tal-ħut b’mod ħolistiku.

din hija opportunità għall-istudenti biex iġibu l-esperjenza filwaqt li jitgħallmu ħiliet ġodda. huma jiġu mħeġġa jirrelataw it-teorija mal-prattika fl-istadji kollha permezz ta’ assignments, proġetti, xogħol prattiku kif ukoll esperjenza prattika fuq il-post tax-xogħol. il-mod ta’ kif jiġi ppjanat ix-xogħol fil-qasam tat-trobbija tal-ħut huwa parti integrali mill-kors.


Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN Fish husBaNdryormCast-BteC diploma iN aNimal Care ormCast-BteC diploma iN hortiCultureor4 seC/o-level passes preferred: Biology, Chemistry, mathematics and english language

At the end of the programme, you will be able to: 1. understand a number of scientific and

technical aspects in the fish husbandry area

2. understand the anatomy, physiology, Behaviour and health of fish

3. undertake work-related experience in the land-based sector;

4. develop business ideas and carry out investigative projects in the land-based sector.

Career opportunities: Fish farm inspector hatchery manager

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131008

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iNFish maNaGemeNtormCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iN aGriCultureor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory i-level: Biology or Chemistry

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand and apply principles of

animal biology including those related to ecology, animal adaptations, animal breeding, nutrition and animal behaviour

2. Carry out practical work on specific animal farm sites and undertake specialised tasks related to animal husbandry

3. undertake practical tasks related to veterinary services including animal nursing and veterinary regulatory affairs

4. understand and plan land based policies to build on sustainable development principles and business development.

Career opportunities: Farm manager (entry level) assistant veterinary clinic manager veterinary clinic manager NGo administrator pet shop manager assistant veterinary pharmacist veterinary assistant

this course is designed to expand the knowledge and skills of students from an animal management point of view.

you will be given opportunities to develop higher-level skills in a land-based context, and how your role and your business fits within the overall structure of the land-based industries and the national and international economy.

the programme will include site visits, practical sessions and work placements, laboratory work as well as project management.

you will be expected to attend scheduled animal husbandry duties which form part of this course. this practical experience will back up the theoretical knowledge gained at the institute.

dan il-kors jestendi l-għarfien u l-ħiliet tal-istudenti fl-immaniġġjar tal-annimali.

ikollok l-opportunità biex tiżviluppa ħiliet ta’ livell għoli fil-kuntest ta’ xogħol li jsir fuq l-art. tkun tista’ tifhem aħjar kif ir-rwol u l-attività tiegħek jagħmlu parti mill-istruttura ġenerali tal-industriji tas-settur u tal-ekonomija nazzjonali u internazzjonali.

il-programm jinkludi żjarat fuq il-post, attivitajiet prattiċi, esperjenza fuq ix-xogħol u fil-laboratorju, kif ukoll l-immaniġġjar ta’ proġetti.

tkun mistenni tattendi s-sessjonijiet kollha, kif jiġu skedati mill-istitut, biex tieħu ħsieb l-annimali. din l-esperjenza tiswa għax tgħinek tpoġġi fil-prattika dik it-teorija li tkun tgħallimt mil-lezzjonijiet fl-istitut.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131009

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iN aGriCultureor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory i-level: Biology or Chemistry

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the principles of ecology

and sustainable development2. demonstrate a knowledge of

scientific, technological and managerial processes

3. undertake surveys of a garden site and analyse the factors that determine an appropriate design solution

4. demonstrate knowledge of the application of design principles when proposing garden design solutions.

Career opportunities: environmental auditor professional gardener / landscaper agronomist Garden design consultant

during your studies, you will be able to use the latest technology, managerial and scientific techniques as applied to horticultural practices in outdoor and indoor environments. students shall also extend their knowledge and develop skills in garden design and landscaping. principles of plant care, plant health and ecology, will be studied, within the concepts of sustainable and organic horticultural activity.

the modules of this course are tuned to practical scenarios and this entails practical experiences in both indoor and outdoor horticultural activities.

the competences, skills and knowledge that you can acquire will enable you to find employment within regulatory agriculture local bodies and in the middle management level, including garden design and landscaping.

matul dan il-kors fl-ortikultura, inti tkun tista’ tapplika l-prattiċi tipiċi tas-settur, fl-ambitu tat-teknoloġija moderna, kemm f’ambjenti fuq barra kif ukoll fuq ġewwa. l-għarfien maniġerjali u dak xjentifiku jgħinuk testendi l-ħiliet tiegħek fl-oqsma tal-iddisinjar tal-ġonna u t-tisbiħ tal-pajsaġġ. l-istudju jinkludi l-kura u s-saħħa tal-pjanti u l-ekoloġija fi ħdan il-kunċetti ta’ attività sostenibbli u organika.

l-unitajiet ta’ studju jirriflettu l-attività prattika u x-xogħol li għaldaqstant inti tkun mistenni tagħmel kemm fuq barra kif ukoll fuq ġewwa.

il-ħiliet u l-għarfien li tieħu mill-kors jistgħu jgħinuk biex issib impjieg mal-entitajiet agrikoli regulatorji ta’ pajjiżna f’livell maniġerjali medju. dan jinkludi wkoll l-iddisinjar tal-ġonna u t-tisbiħ tal-pajsaġġ.

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An animal care student duringa work placement at a local pig farm

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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN aNimal maNaGemeNtFurther details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. understand and apply research methods

to carry out an advanced project study based on scientific research related to specific units within the course’s area of study

2. understand and research different entrepreneurial skills required at management level and to plan for a successful business

3. undertake practical tasks related to veterinary services including animal welfare and health and veterinary regulatory affairs

4. study and apply principles of sustainability, animal philosophy and ethics within the animal management sector.

Career opportunities: animal clinic manager animal welfare officer Farm manager Nutritional adviser researcher

this course builds on the two year higher National diploma programme in animal management. at the end of the full three year programme (2+1), students qualify for the Bsc (hons) in animal management.

you will have the opportunity to specialise in your main area of study during the last few years with the aim of seeking employment at management level or similar. this may relate to animal welfare, production, education, veterinary services, research and development and regulatory services both locally and internationally.

the programme offers the required knowledge and competences related to animal health and nutrition, welfare, ecology, philosophy, ethics and law.

you shall also undertake a research project whereby you will be expected to select a topic for investigation following an established methodology.

dan huwa kors li jibni fuq is-sentejn kors tal-higher National diploma u jwasslek biex tieħu l-lawrja fis-suġġett.

ikollok l-opportunità tispeċjalizza fil-qasam ta’ studju li tkun għażilt f’dawn l-aħħar snin bil-ħsieb li tfittex impjieg fil-livell ta’ management jew xogħol simili. dan jista’ jkollu rabta mal-ħarsien tal-annimali, il-produzzjoni, l-edukazzjoni, is-servizzi veterinarji, ir-riċerka u l-iżvilupp u s-servizzi regulatorji, kemm f’malta kif ukoll barra.

il-programm joffrilek l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li jkollok bżonn u li huma relatati mas-saħħa u n-nutrizzjoni tal-annimali, l-ekoloġija, il-filosofija, l-etika u l-liġi.

tkun mistenni wkoll tħejji u tippreżenta proġett li jinvolvi riċerka billi tagħżel suġġett li tixtieq tinvestiga skont il-metodoloġija stabbilita.

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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNaldiploma iN hortiCulture(GardeN desiGN)further details are available under the section “appliCatioNs For mCast voCatioNal deGrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand and apply research methods

to carry out an advanced project study based on scientific research related to specific units within the course’s area of study.

2. understand and research different entrepreneurial skills required at management level and to plan for a successful business.

3. undertake practical tasks related to horticultural skills and services including plant nutrition/fertilisation and agricultural technology.

4. study and apply principles of sustainability, integrated pest managenet and rural development.

Career opportunities: Farm advisory services provider Farmer trainer and adviser professional landscaper and garden

designer eu/national regulatory control manager Crop and fruit production manager pest management services provider

this course that enables students to obtain a degree after successfully completing the higher National diploma in horticulture (Garden design). students will have the opportunity to study and practice different aspects related to their main area of study, with the aim of seeking employment at management level in private enterprise, research and development and regulatory services both locally and internationally.

this course is aimed at students who want to work in the hortlculture sector in industries/sectors as varied as eu/national regulatory control sector, farmer training provision, farm advisory services, garden design and landscaping, crop and fruit production sector, educational and promotional horticulture services and pest management/regulatory sector. this programme offers the required knowledge and competences related to sustainable land use, integrated pest management, plant Nutrition and Fertilisation, agricultural technology, rural development and Garden design/landscaping.

during this course students need to undertake a research project whereby a topic is chosen and subsequently investigated, researched, a methodology formulated and data is collected, analysed and discussed.

dan huwa kors ta’ sena li permezz tiegħu l-istudenti jakkwistaw top-up degree wara li jkunu temmew b’suċċess il-higher National diploma in horticulture (Garden design). l-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità jistudjaw u jipprattikaw aspetti differenti marbuta mal-qasam prinċipali tal-istudji tagħhom bil-għan li jsibu impieg f’livell maniġerjali fl-industrija privata, fir-riċerka u l-iżvilupp, u fis-servizzi regolatorji kemm malta kif ukoll internazzjonalment. dan il-kors huwa mmirat għal studenti li jridu jaħdmu fis-settur tal-ortikoltura f’industriji/setturi li jvarjaw mis-settur tal-kontroll regolatorju nazzjonali u dak tal-unjoni ewropea, għas-settur li jipprovdi taħriġ lir-raħħala, għal servizzi ta’ konsulenza lill-irziezet, disinjar ta’ ġonna u landscaping, is-settur tal-produzzjoni tal-ħxejjex u frott, servizzi edukattivi u promozzjonali fl-ortikoltura, u s-settur tal-immaniġġjar u r-regolamentazzjoni ta’ dud u insetti qerrieda. il-programm joffri t-tagħrif u l-kompetenzi meħtieġa li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-użu tal-art b’mod sostenibbli, l-immaniġġjar integrat ta’ dud u insetti Qerrieda, in-Nutrizzjoni u l-Fertilizzazzjoni tal-pjanti, it-teknoloġija agrikola, l-iżvilupp rurali u d-disinn tal-Ġonna/landscaping. matul dan il-kors l-istudenti jkunu meħtieġa jaħdmu fuq proġett ta’ riċerka dwar suġġett li jagħżlu huma sabiex jinvestigawh, jirriċerkawh, jifformulaw metodoloġija, jiġbru d-data, janalizzawha u jiddiskutuha.



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This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

13/10/02MCAST Foundation Certificate in Horticulture and Animal Care - Level 2

1 year full-time

13/10/03MCAST-BTEC Diploma inFish Husbandry

1 year full-time

13/10/04MCAST-BTEC Diploma inAnimal Care

1 year full-time

13/10/05MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Horticulture

1 year full-time

13/10/07MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma inFish Management

2 years full time

13/10/10Bachelor of Science(Honours) in Animal Management

1 year full-time

13/10/08MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Animal Management

2 years full-time

13/10/09MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Horticulture (Garden Design)

2 years full-time







13/10/06MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma in Agriculture

2 years full time

13/10/11Bachelor of Science(Honours) in Horticulture

1 year full-time

13/10/01MCAST Introductory Certificate in Animal Husbandry and Horticultural Skills - Level 1

1 year full-time

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A work placement at Arrow Pharm (Malta) Ltd.

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Institute ofapplied scienceApplied science relates to the application of scientific knowledge to practical challenges and jobs. At the Institute of Applied Science, you are prepared for technological careers within the health, pharmaceutical, environment, food and beverage, or general engineering sectors. You learn to appreciate how the fundamental principles of science relate to the technological operations of the workplace, while developing the skills to work in laboratories and with environmental technologies and methodologies, as well as to apply basic engineering principles in industrial settings. Our recently built facilities at the new MCAST Campus include 11 fully-equipped laboratories for training and research in microbiology, chemistry, physics, environmental sciences and other specialised science and technology fields.

MCAST Institute of Applied Science

Main Campus, Triq Kordin, Paola PLA 9032

00356 2398 7369

[email protected]

Director: Dr Ing Alex Rizzo

Institute ofapplied Institute ofapplied Institute of



institute of

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Page Course Code Course Title 60 13/02/01 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Applied Science - Level 2*

61 13/02/02 MCAST Diploma in Applied Science - Level 3*

63 13/02/03 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Health Studies)64 13/02/04 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Environmental Sustainability 65 13/02/05A MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science66 13/02/06 MCAST Diploma for Pharmacy Technicians - Level 4*

68 13/02/07 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Health and Social Care (Practice)69 13/02/08 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Applied Chemistry70 13/02/09 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Environmental Conservation

72 13/02/10 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health and Social Care (Practice)73 13/02/11 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Engineering

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.








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“My studies at MCAST included an apprenticeship through which I started experiencing the world of work even before I completed my course. This opportunity helped me to better understand the skills I need to succeed in my career in applied science.”

Ruth AbelaMCAST-BTEC Extended Diplomain Applied Science,Laboratory Analyst at Arrow Pharm (Malta) Ltd.

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“I was very happy when MCAST started offering courses in environmental sustainability, as I always wanted to pursue a career in this field of study. Once I graduate, I plan to work as a freelance environmental consultant and toeventually start my own business inthis sector.”

Robert FarrugiaFirst year student,MCAST-BTEC Extended Diplomain Environmental Sustainability

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“MCAST’s health studies course introduced me to a very rewarding and satisfying career. It is all about learning how to make a positive change in people’s lives. For this, I am grateful to the Institute’s lecturers who eagerly shared their knowledge and experience to help us develop our caring skills.”

Remona MeliMCAST-BTEC Higher National Diplomain Health and Social Care (Practice),Work placement at Mater Dei Hospital

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“At the Institute of Applied Science, assessments are based on practical assignments that help us build on what we learn in class through experimentation or research.I believe this system is much better than studying textbooks by heart to prepare for written examinations.”

Matheas DeBattista First year student,MCAST-BTEC Extended Diplomain Applied Science

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130201

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioNormCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCate

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. understand what skills and qualities are

required for jobs in the science sector2. make accurate scientific observations

and measurements in given situations3. describe the main factors that affect the

health of individuals4. understand some of the factors that

influence scientific progress.

the programme gives students, who are in possession of the secondary school leaving Certificate, the opportunity to progress to a number of science-related areas including health science, general engineering, applied science and environmental science.

Besides the key skills subjects, namely english, maltese, mathematics, it and personal development, you will learn the basics of physics, chemistry and biology. you will also understand the applied use of these subjects in areas such as in the study of living systems and energy applications.

this programme is particularly suitable for students who have a scientific or technical aptitude, even if they have not fully decided upon their ultimate choice of career.

dawk l-istudenti li għandhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja, u li jinteressaw ruħhom f’xi qasam tax-xjenza, inklużi s-saħħa, l-inġinerija, ix-xjenza applikata u x-xjenza ambjentali, inħeġġuhom jikkunsidraw din il-linja ta’ studju.

minbarra s-suġġetti ta’ qofol, jiġifieri l-ingliż, il-malti, il-matematika, l-it u l-iżvilupp personali, ikollok ukoll introduzzjoni għall-fiżika, il-kimika u l-bijoloġija. dan iwasslek biex ikollok għarfien aħjar tal-applikazzjoni ta’ dawn is-suġġetti, per eżempju fl-istudju ta’ sistemi ta’ ħajja u l-enerġija.

il-programm huwa partikolarment addattat għal dawk li jippreferu x-xjenzi u x-xogħol ta’ natura teknika, ukoll jekk ikunu għadhom ma ddeċidewx x’karriera ser jidħlu għaliha.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130202

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes from english, mathematics, physics, Chemistry, Biology, design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the impact of human

activity on the environment2. investigate forces, motion, energy, light,

electricity and sound waves3. describe the factors that can affect and

control human health4. investigate chemical substances and

organic compounds.

this diploma gives you a strong grounding in fundamental science and technology principles, as well as an initial exposure to vocational science subjects found in health, environmental and engineering industries.

you will be able to understand the fundamental principles and laws of science, and how these are applied within laboratory and manufacturing organisations. you will be made aware of the physical principles behind certain technologies. you will also be able to understand the science of different materials, and gain an awareness of the principles concerning forces, speed, heat and energy.

din id-diploma toffrilek taħriġ fil-prinċipji fundamentali tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija u tintroduċik għas-suġġetti vokazzjonali tax-xjenza li tiltaqa’ magħhom fl-industriji tas-saħħa, tal-ambjent u dawk tal-inġinerija.

tkun tista’ tifhem aħjar il-prinċipji fundamentali u l-liġijiet tax-xjenza, u kif dawn jiġu applikati fil-laboratorju u fl-organizzazzjonijiet tal-manifattura. tkun tista’ tagħraf aħjar kif il-prinċipji fiżiċi japplikaw f’ċerti teknoloġiji u fix-xjenza tal-materjali. titgħallem ukoll dwar prinċipji marbutin ma’ qawwa, veloċità, sħana u enerġija.



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A training session at Mater Dei Hospital

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130203

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast diploma iN applied sCieNCe– level 3ormCast-BteC diploma iN health aNd soCial Careor 4 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: english language, mathematics, Biologypreferred: maltese

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the physiological,

sociological, and psychological approaches applied within a health and social care setting

2. recall how legislation, policies and procedures promote health, safety and security in health and social care settings

3. understand potential effects of life factors and events on the development of the individual

4. understand the factors that affect health status and patterns of ill health, and know the origins and application of current public health strategies.

Career opportunities: paramedic aide health administrator environmental health practitioner

this diploma has been developed to prepare students for health related careers.

students will learn about the impact of human beings on the environment, be able to understand the physical and psychological changes of ageing, understand aspects of the anatomy and physiology of the human body systems, and build competences in dealing with people with health problems and with challenging behaviour.

through work placements students will get the chance to develop the skills and competences required to work within the health sector.

din id-diploma tfasslet biex tħejji studenti għal xogħol f’karrieri relatati mas-saħħa.

titgħallem dwar l-impatt tal-bniedem fuq l-ambjent, dwar il-bidliet fiżiċi u psikoloġiċi fl-etajiet avvanzati, dwar aspetti tal-anatomija u l-fiżjoloġija tas-sistemi tal-ġisem. tkun mistenni tiżviluppa l-kompetenzi li jwassluk biex tittratta sew ma’ persuni li jkollhom problemi ta’ saħħa jew dawk b’imġieba diffiċli.

permezz tal-esperjenza li tieħu minn fuq il-post tax-xogħol, inti jkollok l-opportunità tiġbor l-għarfien u l-kompetenzi meħtieġa biex taħdem fis-settur tas-saħħa.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130204

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast diploma iN applied sCieNCe – level 3or4 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: at least 3 from english, mathematics, physics, Chemistry, Biology, design and technology, Computer studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand and be able to apply the

principles of sustainable development2. Carry out justification exercises and

feasibility studies leading to the efficient and effective utilization of resources

3. understand current legislation and best practice relevant to waste, pollution and efficiency in resource utilisation

4. implement an investigative environmental sustainability project.

Career opportunities: technical project manager environmental technologist environmental analyst

awareness of environmental sustainability and related environmentally-based sectors are growing rapidly in europe, with the maltese government recently introducing various laws and standards on reducing global warming, climate change, low carbon emissions and the need for conservation in general.

the extended diploma in environmental sustainability includes topics related to environmental monitoring and energy management that are fundamental to the development of environmental awareness, and provides practical skills and techniques that support environmental understanding.

this programme prepares you for employment within environmental sustainability sector-based organisations, as well as within medium to large organisations that face many environmental challenges on a daily basis.

il-kuxjenza dwar is-sostenibbiltà ambjentali u l-oqsma relatati qed tikber b’rata mgħaġġla fl-ewropa, hekk li l-gvern malti għadda numru ta’ liġijiet u stabbilixxa standards li jikkontribwixxu biex itaffu l-bidla fil-klima, inaqqsu l-emissjonijiet tal-karbonju u jiffukaw fuq il-konservazzjoni b’mod ġenerali.

l-extended diploma in environmental sustainability tinkludi unitajiet ta’ studju li jiffukaw fuq l-immaniġġjar tal-enerġija u elementi oħra li huma fundamentali għall-iżvilupp ta’ kuxjenza ambjentali. il-kors jipprovdilek il-ħiliet prattiċi u għarfien siewi dwar l-ambjent.

il-programm iħejjik għal xogħol f’organizzazzjonijiet f’dan il-qasam, kemm dawk ta’ daqs medju, kif ukoll aktar kbar, u li ta’ kuljum jiffaċċjaw ħafna sfidi ambjentali.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130205A

Course duration: 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast diploma iN applied sCieNCe– level 3or4 seC/o-level passes from english, mathematics, physics, Chemistry, Biology, design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Follow and communicate procedures in

the scientific workplace2. use scientific techniques to understand

technological processes within an organisation

3. understand how science-based organisations develop products and deliver services

4. understand the requirements of science technicians in an organisation.

Career opportunities: laboratory analyst laboratory technologist

this course is designed for students who wish to embark on a technological career in a range of possible industries and professions such as within health, pharmaceutics, environment and general engineering.

the programme contains a wide range of science and technology units that reflect aspects of employment within science-based organisations.

students will learn to appreciate how the fundamental principles of science relate to the technological operations of the workplace. they will develop the skills to work in a laboratory environment, to work with environmental technologies and methodologies, and to apply basic engineering principles within the workplace.

dan il-kors maħsub għal studenti li jixtiequ jidħlu għal karriera vokazzjonali f’xi industrija jew professjoni li għandha rabta mas-saħħa, il-farmaċewtika, l-ambjent u l-inġinerija ġenerali.

il-programm fih għażla wiesgħa ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju li jittrattaw aspetti varji ta’ impjieg f’organizzazzjonijiet li għandhom bażi xjentifika.

titgħallem tapprezza aħjar kif il-prinċipji fundamentali tax-xjenza jirrelataw max-xogħol ta’ natura teknoloġika. tieħu wkoll it-taħriġ biex tkun tista’ taħdem fil-laboratorju, f’ambjenti li jitolbu għarfien tat-teknoloġiji u l-metodoloġiji ambjentali. tkun mistenni tapplika l-prinċipji bażiċi tat-teknoloġija fil-post tax-xogħol.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130206

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast diploma iN applied sCieNCe– level 3or6 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: english language, mathematics, Chemistry

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand how to assist in the

provision of services within the pharmacy environment

2. recall the national regulations and policies regarding use, distribution, storage and supply of medicines to patients and pharmacy customers

3. explain the uses and limitations of medicines, including their management in practice

4. use standard pharmacy resources to provide a service to pharmacy customers.

Career opportunities: pharmacy technician

this diploma course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary for a career as a pharmacy technician.

students will be exposed to scientific and pharmaceutical principles as well as be given a sound knowledge of health-related material, resulting in an all-round approach to effectively and competently embark on a career as a pharmacy technician.

the programme is designed to provide participants with all the necessary information, technical skills, knowledge of procedures, legislation and responsibilities requested by such a career, which strongly underpins the provision of health care and services.

dan il-kors ta’ diploma maħsub għal dawk l-istudenti li jixtiequ jaqbdu karriera bħala pharmacy technician.

titgħallem il-prinċipji xjentifiċi u dawk farmaċewtiċi u tkun mistenni tifhem sewwa l-elementi siewja li huma marbuta mas-saħħa. dan l-għarfien sħiħ jagħtik il-kompetenzi meħtieġa u jippreparak b’mod effettiv biex tidħol għall-karriera ta’ pharmacy technician.

Għaldaqstant il-programm jipprovdilek l-informazzjoni kollha, il-ħiliet tekniċi, l-għarfien dwar il-proċeduri, il-leġiżlazzjoni u r-responsabbilitajiet li tkun teħtieġ għal karriera bħal din, karriera li hija waħda ta’ qofol fis-servizzi tal-kura u tas-saħħa.


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An MCAST student at Actavis Malta’s laboratories

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130207

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN health aNd soCial Care (soCial Care)ormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN health aNd soCial Care (health studies)ormCast diploma For deNtal surGery assistaNts - level 4ormCast diploma For pharmaCy teChNiCiaNs - level 4or2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passespreferred: Chemistry, Biology, physics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Conduct research in health and social

care practice2. maintain health and safety standards in

health and social care settings3. practice professional care in general and

specialised health care environments4. understand public health policy.

Career opportunities: health practice worker medical representative health administrator

this course has been developed to gear students for a higher level of work responsibility within the health sector. students will specialise in topics such as the principles of health management and practice, the physiological principles of health and social care, and how to create and sustain effective work partnerships within the health sector. students will experience work placement practice under the supervision of experienced health professionals, thus furthering their insights into the profession. this course is also intended for those who wish to further their studies in health and social care practice by means of the mCast Bsc (hons) in health and social Care (practice).

dan il-kors jimmira li jipprepara lill-istudenti għal impjiegi b’livell ta’ responsabbiltà ogħla fil-qasam tas-saħħa. l-istudenti jkollhom iċ-ċans li jispeċjalizzaw f’suġġetti bħall-prinċipji tal-management u l-prattika fil-qasam tas-saħħa u l-kura soċjali, kif ukoll kif joħolqu u jsostnu kollaborazzjonijiet effettivi fil-qasam tas-saħħa. l-istudenti jieħdu taħriġ f’postijiet tax-xogħol f’dan il-qasam, taħt is-superviżjoni ta’ professjonisti b’esperjenza. B’hekk ikomplu jkattru l-għarfien tagħhom f’din il-professjoni. dan il-kors huwa wkoll immirat għal dawk li jixtiequ jkomplu l-istudji tagħhom fil-livell ta’ lawrja permezz tal-kors Bsc (hons) in health and social Care (practice), offrut mill-mCast.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130208

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN applied sCieNCeor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passes Compulsory a-level: Chemistrypreferred: a or i-level: Biology, physics, mathematics (pure or applied)

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. undertake complex laboratory

investigations in a knowledgeable, safe and ethical manner

2. Work as an individual and in teams for successful performance in a chemically-

based industrial environment3. use a range of techniques in the synthesis

of substances and interpretation of results4. Know how to manage a quality system

and understand the typical duties of laboratory managers in different types of laboratory.

Career opportunities: this programme provides a route for

progression to that of senior laboratory technologist.

this diploma is geared towards the education and training of applied chemistry technologists who are employed in a variety of types of technical work, such as quality control, organic preparations, laboratory analysis, materials testing and research and education. this course has been developed to focus on giving individuals the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to succeed in employment in the chemical and related industries.

it contributes to the students’ development and prepares the educational foundation for a range of careers in chemical sciences and related industries. the programme also provides opportunities for learners to focus on the development of higher level skills in a scientific and technological context, providing opportunities for learners to develop a range of skills, techniques and attributes essential for successful performance in working life. the programme will enable progression to an undergraduate degree in applied chemistry or related scientific area.

din id-diploma hija mmirata biex tipprovdi edukazzjoni u taħriġ relatati mal-kimika applikata lil teknici li jaħdmu f’tipi varji ta’ xogħol tekniku, bħal kontroll ta’ kwalità, preparazzjonijiet organiċi, analiżi fil-laboratorju, ittestjar ta’ materjali u riċerka u edukazzjoni. il-kors ġie żviluppata bil-għan li jagħti lill-istudenti t-tagħrif u l-ħiliet meħtiega biex jagħmlu suċċess f’xogħol fl-industriji relatati mal-kimika. id-diploma tikkontribwixxi għall-iżvilupp tal-istudenti u tagħtihom bażi ta’ edukazzjoni għal numru ta’ karrieri fix-xjenzi kimiċi u industriji relatati. il-programm ta’ studju jipprovdi wkoll opportunitajiet lill-istudenti biex jiffokaw fuq l-iżvilupp ta’ ħiliet f’livelli aktar għoljin f’kuntest xjentifiku u teknoloġiku, u biex irawmu fihom ħiliet, teknika u attributi oħra li huma meħtieġa biex jirnexxu fil-karriera tagħhom. B’dan il-programm, student ikun jista’ jidħol għal kors fil-livell ta’ lawrja, fil-kimika applikata jew f’qasam xjentifiku ieħor relatat.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130209

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN eNviroNmeNtal sustaiNaBilityor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passes Compulsory a-level: physics or mathematics (pure or applied)preferred a or i-level: Biology or Chemistry

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the need for environmental

management to devise an environmental policy

2. understand the interdependence of environmental systems and the human influences on these systems

3. understand approaches to monitoring activities that ensure effective delivery necessary to implement planning, recording, analysis and reporting strategies

4. understand the mechanisms and ecological implications of evolution to be able to predict temporal changes in plant and animal communities in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Career opportunities: this programme provides a route for

progression to the mCast level 6 Bachelor of science in environmental engineering, or for employment in a technical or managerial post that demands an in-depth understanding of complex environmental sustainability

and conservation issues.

this course aims at equipping students with a broad, interdisciplinary background aiming at developing their understanding of environmental and resource problems, as well as what is needed to resolve them. the programme is designed to ensure that students acquire broad-based, integrated knowledge of how local and global ecological systems work, as well as an understanding of the interdependency between people and the environment. students will discover how political, institutional, and economic systems relate to environmental issues, and learn ways to sustainably manage human activities within the constraints of local and global ecological systems.

students will acquire a set of basic skills and problem solving tools that enable them to tackle complex environmental and sustainability problems. students will have gained work-based practical experience that will allow them to integrate and apply their accumulated knowledge and skills in solving environmental challenges of national importance. this programme forms a main component leading to the mCast Bsc (hons) in environmental engineering.

dan il-kors jagħti lill-istudenti sfond wiesa’ u interdixxiplinarju biex jifhmu aħjar problemi ambjentali u dawk ta’ riżorsi, kif ukoll kif dawn il-problemi jistgħu jiġu riżolti. il-programm huwa disinjat biex jassigura li l-istudenti jakkwistaw għarfien wiesa’ u integrat dwar kif jaħdmu s-sistemi ekoloġiċi ta’ pajjiżna u dawk globali, kif ukoll li jifhmu l-interdipendenza bejn il-bniedem u l-ambjent. l-istudenti jiskopru kif is-sistemi politiċi, istituzzjonali u ekonomiċi huma relatati ma’ kwistjonijiet ambjentali, u jitgħallmu kif jimmaniġġjaw l-attivitajiet tal-bniedem b’mod sostenibbli fil-limiti tas-sistemi ekoloġiċi lokali u globali. l-istudenti jitgħallmu ħiliet bażiċi u jingħataw għodda li permezz tagħhom ikunu kapaċi jsolvu problemi komplessi ambjentali u ta’ sostenibilità. tul il-kors l-istudenti jakkwistaw esperjenza prattika li tgħinhom jintegraw u japplikaw dak li jitgħallmu u l-ħiliet li jiksbu biex isolvu sfidi ambjentali ta’ importanza nazzjonali. dan il-programm ta’ studju huwa komponent ewlieni li jwassal għall-kors Bsc (hons) in environmental engineering, offrut mill-mCast .


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Water testing at Chadwick lakes, limits of Rabat

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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN health aNd soCial Care (praCtiCe)

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Conduct research in relation to health

and social care practice2. provide appropriate care in relation to

particular clinical case studies as part of a medical team

3. apply biomedical science for health and social care settings

4. understand ethical issues and make informed decisions within the context of the health and social Care sector.

Career opportunities: senior health practice worker medical representative senior health administrator

this degree programme provides students with the competences required to work in contact with clients making use of health and social care services.

you will have the opportunity to practice your care skills in different health and social care settings such as those catering for children, individuals with a disability, the elderly, and others.

the ability to conduct research in this area is a key issue and you will be expected to develop analytical skills and learn how to create tailor-made research programmes in the area.

dan il-programm, li jwassal għal lawrja fil-qasam tal-kura, irawwem fik dawk il-ħiliet professjonali li jkollok bżonn biex taħdem ma’ klijenti li qed jagħmlu użu mis-servizzi soċjali u dawk tas-saħħa.

inti ser ikollok l-opportunità tipprattika l-ħiliet tiegħek f’ambjenti tas-saħħa u f’dawk soċjali, fir-rigward tat-tfal, tal-persuni b’diżabbiltà u mal-anzjani.

il-ħila li tagħmel ir-riċerka hija ta’ qofol għal min jixtieq javvanza f’dan il-qasam. Għaldaqstant, inti tkun mistenni tiżviluppa ħiliet analitiċi kif ukoll tfassal u twettaq programmi ta’ riċerka fis-settur.



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the protection of natural resources, Co2 emissions, climate change and its effects, and demographic changes, are increasingly important topics in the local and international context. this degree course covers the national and global challenges of today and of the future, and includes a high level of interdisciplinary collaboration. the course of study is a merging of classical engineering with natural sciences.

environmental engineering deals with engineering solutions for environmentally relevant challenges of our future. this course will provide students with the ability to use problem solving approaches for dealing with ecological and technical challenges, in order to creatively arrive at a situation of resource sustainability.

the course is a challenging, technically-oriented programme that offers students a broad range of fields of application. environmental engineers can be active in the planning, construction, and operation of environmentally technological facilities, in research and teaching, in environmental organisations, in administration, and in consultancy businesses of their own.

il-protezzjoni tar-riżorsi naturali, l-emissjonijiet tas-Co2, il-bdil fil-klima u l-effetti tiegħu, u l-bidliet demografiċi, huma suġġetti li qed isiru dejjem iktar importanti kemm fil-kuntest lokali kif ukoll f’dak internazzjonali. dan il-kors ikopri l-isfidi nazzjonali u dawk globali, tallum u tal-futur, u jinkludi livell għoli ta’ kollaborazzjoni bejn dixxiplini differenti. il-kors jgħaqqad flimkien l-inġinerija klassika u x-xjenzi naturali.

l-inġinerija ambjentali tittratta soluzzjonijiet - bażati fuq sistemi ta’ inġinerija - għal sfidi ambjentali tal-futur. dan il-kors jagħti lill-istudenti l-kapaċità li jsolvu problemi relatati ma’ sfidi ekoloġiċi u tekniċi biex tinħoloq sitwazzjoni ta’ sostenibilità ta’ riżorsi. il-kors huwa programm ta’ studju ta’ natura teknika u jista’ jigi applikat f’firxa wiesgħa ta’ oqsma. inġiniera speċjalizzati fl-ambjent jistgħu jaħdmu fl-ippjanar, fil-kostruzzjoni, u fl-operazzjoni ta’ faċilitajiet teknoloġiċi ambjentali, fir-riċerka u t-tagħlim, f’organizzazzjonijiet ambjentali, fl-amministrazzjoni, u f’intrapriżi ta’ konsulenza.



Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eNviroNmeNtal CoNservatioN

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the basics of environmental

engineering within a wide range of industries

2. Carry out water, energy and environmental audits and basic environmental impact assessments

3. Comprehend environmental legislation and regulations required to devise environmental policies

4. implement monitoring, logging, data management and interpretation of various environmental parameters with an aim of arriving at scientific conclusions to a specific problem.

Career opportunities: this programme leads to a career in

environmental engineering.

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An apprenticeship atMater Dei Hospital’spharmacy

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13/02/03MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma in Health andSocial Care(Health Studies)

2 years full-time

13/02/06MCAST Diploma for Pharmacy Technicians- Level 4

2 years full-time

13/02/01MCAST Foundation Certificate in Applied Science- Level 2

1 year full-time

13/02/02MCAST Diplomain AppliedScience- Level 3

1 year full-time

13/02/05AMCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma in Applied Science

2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/02/10Bachelor of Science(Honours) in Health andSocial Care (Practice)

1 year full-time

13/02/07MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma inHealth andSocial Care (Practice)

2 years full-time

13/02/08*MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in AppliedChemistry

2 years full-time






13/02/11Bachelor of Science(Honours) in Environmental Engineering

1 year full-time

13/02/04MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma in Environmental Sustainability

2 years full-time

This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

13/02/09MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Environmental Conservation

2 years full-time

*Further progression to be offered in 2015.

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A student’s project on displayat the Institute’s Annual Exhibition

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Institute of

art and designWhen MCAST was founded in 2001, the Institute of Art and Design was one of the first institutions to be integrated in the College, through the amalgamation of two state schools. Since then, we have expanded to offer many new vocational education opportunities in 3D Design, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Interactive Media, Media (Moving Image), and Photography. We collaborate with local industries to give you the opportunity to practise what you learn by working on art, design and media assignments requested by real clients. These assignments are completed in state-of-the-art studios and workshops, under the guidance of an experienced team of lecturers.

MCAST Institute of Art and Design

Misra˙ l-G˙onoq, Tar©a Gap, Mosta MST 1735

00356 2398 7753/4

00356 2143 3205

E [email protected]

Director: Mr Stephen VellaDeputy Directors: Ms Melanie Mizzi, Mr Mark Theuma


institute of

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Page Course Code Course Title 84 13/07/01 MCAST Introductory Certificate in Art and Design - Level 1*

85 13/07/02 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Art and Design - Level 2*

87 13/07/03A MCAST Diploma in Printing - Level 3*88 13/07/04 MCAST Diploma in the Creative Arts - Level 3*89 13/07/05 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Art and Design

91 13/07/06 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production92 13/07/07 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Art and Design (Design Crafts)94 13/07/08 MCAST-BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design

95 13/07/09 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in 3D Design96 13/07/10 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Fine Arts97 13/07/11 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design 98 13/07/12 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Interactive Media 99 13/07/13 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Media (Moving Image)100 13/07/14 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Photography

101 13/07/15 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in 3D Design and Interiors 103 13/07/16 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fine Arts104 13/07/17 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Graphic Design and Interactive Media 105 13/07/18 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Media (Moving Image)

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.








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The Fashion Design Workshop

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“At the Institute of Art and DesignI was offered to work on assignments in collaboration with leading players in the design industry. These assignments were literally the key to my career – one of the companies with whom I had collaborated during my studies is now the companyI work for.”

Elisa Savona VenturaBachelor of Arts (Honours)in 3D Design and Interiors,Cosmetic Packaging Designer at Toly Products Ltd.

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“At the Institute’s workshops I have the resources to explore different media and inspirations. Our tutors are always ready to help us in this process. The best part is when I can sit back and admire a completed project which, until a few weeks earlier, would have been just anidea on a sketch pad.”

Marlon Chircop First year student, MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma inArt and Design (Design Crafts)

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“Interactive media brings together my two favourite subjects, computer programming and digital art. When I complete my studies, I’ll be graduating with an internationally-recognised qualification that leads to employment opportunitiesall over the world.”

Charlene DelceppoSecond year student,MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diplomain Interactive Media

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130701

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests and drawing test

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. observe and understand others’ work,

identifying formal elements2. explore mark-making and making skills3. explore and experiment safely with 2d

and 3d materials4. use observation and recording skills to

create simple art designs.

this programme provides students who completed their compulsory education and are in possession of their school leaving Certificate with an opportunity to follow an introductory course in the field of art and design.

the programme focuses on basic art and design principles, with an emphasis on vocational practice, which enables students to understand better the vocation they intend to follow and prepare them for further training in the field.

dan il-programm joffri l-opportunità biex dawk l-istudenti li għandhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja, ikunu jistgħu jsegwu kors ta’ studju bażiku fil-qasam tal-arti u d-disinn.

il-programm jiffoka fuq il-prinċipji elementari ta’ din il-ħidma kreattiva, b’enfasi fuq il-ħila vokazzjonali, li permezz tagħha inti tkun tista’ tifhem aħjar l-għażla li għamilt. tagħraf ukoll kif tista’ timxi ‘l quddiem u tkompli titħarreġ ladarba tispiċċa dan il-kors b’suċċess.



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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130702

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests and drawing test

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. research from primary and secondary

sources to inspire and develop own work

2. research and describe others’ work, using appropriate technical terms

3. use modelling techniques in various materials with emphasis on health and safety

4. apply learnt principles onto own work, keeping a visual record of progression and development of ideas.


the course provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to follow a structured programme of study in an area that is close to their interests.

the programme includes a significant amount of vocational practice that will help students form a clear idea of the nature of the vocation they intend to follow.

dan il-kors joffri l-opportunità biex dawk l-istudenti li għandhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja jkunu jistgħu jsegwu programm ta’ studju li jista’ jinteressahom.

il-programm jinkludi ammont sinifikanti ta’ prattika vokazzjonali li twassal biex l-istudent ikun jista’ jagħżel x’qasam ta’ ħila jew sengħa jkun jixtieq jitħarreġ fih fis-snin ta’ wara.


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MCAST printing students atProgress Press Company Ltd.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130703A

this course aims to deliver both general as well as area specific education and training. the course provides you with opportunities to enter employment in the trade.

this qualification provides opportunities for learners to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attitudes essential for successful performance in working life. successful students may apply for the Journeyman’s Certificate at craft level.

Based on an apprenticeship scheme, students will harness theoretical knowledge at the institute, backed up by practical training within the printing industry.

din id-diploma in printing toffri edukazzjoni u taħriġ kemm fuq livell ġeneriku kif ukoll fil-qasam tas-sengħa tal-istampar. il-kors iwassal biex l-istudent jifhem aħjar x’jitlob impjieg fl- istamperija u hekk ikun f’pożizzjoni aħjar biex isib ix-xogħol fis-settur.

minbarra li titgħallem it-teknika tipika li titlob is-sengħa, se jkollok opportunità titħarreġ f’għażla wiesgħa ta’ ħiliet, inklużi dawk li jirrigwardaw l-attitudni tal-ħaddiem fuq il-post tax-xogħol. l-istudenti li jispiċċaw il-kors b’suċċess ikunu jistgħu japplikaw għall-Journeyman’s Certificate (livell ta sengħa).

il-kors fih ukoll element ta’ apprentistat. B’hekk it-tagħrif teoretiku li inti tkun qed tiġbor mill-istitut, tkun tista` tapplikah fl-industrija tal-istampar.

Course duration: 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passes preferred subject: art (or art and design or textiles and design)

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the underlying principles of

printing technologies and processes and their safe application

2. Generate artwork towards the production of printed materials

3. produce finished printing products up to industry standards

4. evaluate printing products appropriately.

Career opportunities: pre-press assistant machine operator assistant printing machine operator

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130704

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:4 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: english language and mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the basic principles of art,

design and creativity2. show a contextual understanding of

others’ art and design work3. Work safely within different

environments while experimenting with various media, materials and techniques

4. develop and produce art and design work in response to design briefs.

this diploma provides a broad-based curriculum giving students the opportunity to explore a wide range of disciplines related to the creative fields. students registering for this course will normally have a strong inclination towards the creative disciplines, but will usually possess little or no prior training in the field.

thus, through this programme you will be able to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare for entry into higher level courses in the creative fields, such as the Foundation diploma in art and design and the extended diploma in Creative media production.

Based on a series of study units, students will harness theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills during workshop-based sessions related to given art and design briefs.

din id-diploma toffri firxa wiesgħa ta’ tagħlim u tagħti lill-istudenti l-opportunità li jitħarrġu f’oqsma varji tal-arti u d-disinn. dan il-kors jgħodd għal dawk li jħobbu jkunu kreattivi iżda li sal-lum ma ħadu l-ebda taħriġ f’dan il-qasam.

Għaldaqstant, permezz ta’ dan il-programm, inti tkun tista’ tibda tiżviluppa dawk il-ħiliet, l-għarfien u t-tagħlim meħtieġ biex tidħol f’wieħed mill-korsijiet ogħla li joffri l-istitut, per eżempju l-Foundation diploma in art and design jew l-extended diploma in Creative media production.

il-programm jikkonsisti f’serje ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju li jiżviluppaw it-tagħlim teoretiku kif ukoll il-ħiliet prattiċi fil-workshop, u skont dak li huwa mistenni fid-diversi eżerċizzji li jingħataw lill-istudent.



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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130705

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: art or art and designor textiles and design

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the basic principles

underlying art, design and creativity2. explore and experiment with a range of

media, materials and techniques3. develop different ideas towards the

solution of simple design problems4. describe and evaluate own and others’

art and design work.

this course provides underpinning knowledge and practical skills, giving students an introduction to various aspects of the creative industries. this programme is especially beneficial for those students who intend to progress to higher levels of education and training in art, Craft and design or media.

Based on a series of study units, students will harness theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills during lectures as well as workshop based sessions related to given art and design briefs.

dan il-kors joffri bażi soda ta’ tagħlim u taħriġ prattiku li jħejju lill-istudenti għal għarfien aħjar tal-aspetti varji li wieħed jiltaqa’ magħhom fl-industriji kreattivi. dan il-kors jibbenefikaw minnu dawk l-istudenti li biħsiebhom jissuktaw bl-istudju tagħhom fuq livelli ogħla ta’ edukazzjoni u taħriġ, f’oqsma bħal ma huma l-arti, l-artiġjanat, id-disinn jew il-media.

il-programm jikkonsisti f’serje ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju li jiżviluppaw it-tagħlim teoretiku permezz ta’ lezzjonijiet, kif ukoll il-ħiliet prattiċi fil-workshops, u skont dak li huwa mistenni fid-diversi eżerċizzji li jingħataw lill-istudent.

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The Institute’s Multimedia TV Studios

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130706

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN art aNd desiGNormCast diploma iN the Creative artsor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: art or english language or music studies and interview

Other entry requirements:interview

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. show a broad understanding of the

televison and film industries2. use industry standard equipment and

digital applications3. produce audio-visual work according to

set briefs4. evaluate own and others’ audio-visual


Career opportunities: assistant camera person assistant audio person assistant video editor

this diploma opens up a range of pathways leading to careers within the television and media sectors. examples of areas that media students may go on to work in are film, interactive media and television.

this programme gives you a broad introduction to the various aspects of audio-visual production. it provides you with a solid foundation in the underlying theories, while also covering practical areas such as audio, camera techniques and video editing. Knowledge and technical competences are linked through a number of assignment briefs, which shall give you the opportunity to apply learnt theories to practical audio-visual production work.

din id-diploma twitti t-triq għad-dħul f’diversi karrieri li għandhom rabta mat-televiżjoni u s-setturi tal-media. Bħala eżempju tal-oqsma li l-istudenti tal-media jistgħu jitħajru għalihom hemm il-film, il-media interattiva u t-televiżjoni.

dan il-programm ta’ sentejn iħejjik tajjeb għal aspetti diversi tal-produzzjoni awdjo-viżiva. Joffrilek ukoll pedament b’saħħtu fuq it-teoriji li huma ta’ bażi għas-suġġett. il-kors jidħol f’aspetti prattiċi bħalma huma l-awdjo, it-teknika tal-kamera u l-editjar tal-video. il-ħila kreattiva u dik teknika jintrabtu flimkien permezz tal-eżerċizzji assenjati. dawn jagħtuk l-opportunità tapplika t-teoriji li tkun studjajt fil-prattika u fil-produzzjoni ta’ xogħol awdjo-viżiv.


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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130707

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN art aNd desiGNor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: art or art and design or textiles and designpreferred: design and technology or equivalent, mathematics, english language

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Conduct research in response to a

variety of design crafts briefs2. develop ideas towards the production of

design crafts artefacts3. experiment safely and explore a variety

of materials, media and techniques4. describe and evaluate own and others’

design crafts productions.

Career opportunities: Craftsman - stone Carving, Ceramist,


Craftspersons and designer-makers often produce handmade objects for direct retail outlets. some artisans work alone and set up small workshops.

today there are a number of organisations and professional bodies giving advice for such start-ups. students following this programme will gain knowledge and competences in a number of areas, including ceramics, stone carving, craft objects in metal and wood, jewellery and textiles. you may then choose to specialise in selected media by following another course.

Based on a series of study units, students will harness theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills during workshop based sessions related to given art and design craft briefs.

hemm ħafna artiġjani u disinjaturi li jaħdmu l-prodotti tagħhom bl-id u jqassmuhom għall-bejgħ fil-ħwienet. hemm oħrajn li jbiegħu dak li jaħdmu direttament minn workshops żgħar.

illum hemm numru ta’ organizzazzjonijiet u gruppi professjonali li lesti jagħtu pariri siewja lil dawk li jixtiequ jiftħu għal rashom. dawk li jidħlu għal dan il-kors jistgħu jitħarrġu f’diversi ħiliet. dawn jinkludu ċ-ċeramika, oġġetti artiġjanali tal-metall u tal-injam, il-ġojjellerija u t-tessuti. inti tkun tista’ mbagħad tagħżel li tispeċjalizza f’xi sengħa minnhom.

il-programm magħmul minn serje ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju li jiżviluppaw it-tagħlim teoretiku kif ukoll il-ħiliet prattiċi fil-workshop, u skont dak li huwa mistenni fid-diversi eżerċizzji li jingħataw lill-istudent.


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Jewellery designed and producedby the Institute’s students

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130708

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast diploma iN the Creative artsora-level art (or art aNd desiGN) aNd seC o-level passes in english language and one other subjectori-level art (or art aNd desiGN) aNd seC o-level passes in english language and three other subjectsorseC/o-level passes in art (or art and design or textiles and design), english language and four other subjects

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. demonstrate critical awareness of the

visual world and the relationship of contemporary practice to historical, cultural, environmental and social influences

2. observe and interpret visual and written information in the development of exploratory creative work

3. display intellectual curiosity through the exploration of a wide range of media

4. extend own experimental work through to the realisation of finished, innovative products.

Career opportunities: Craftsman - stone Carving, Ceramist,


this course is distinguished by its recognition of the importance of independent thinking, organisation and motivation, leading to an informed choice of progression opportunities, such as the higher national diplomas.

this unique programme provides you with the fundamentals of creative thinking and development, allowing you to explore and experiment with a broad range of traditional and non-traditional media, materials and techniques.

Based on a series of study units, you will harness theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills during workshop based sessions related to given art and design assignment briefs.

l-istudenti li jidħlu għal dan il-kors mistennija juru livell ta’ maturità, indipendenza u motivazzjoni fil-mod ta’ kif jaħsbu u ta’ kif jorganizzaw xogħolhom. B’hekk jaslu biex jagħrfu aħjar l-opportunitajiet li jeżistu biex wieħed jissokta fl-istudji tiegħu, bħal, ngħidu aħna, id-diplomi fil-livell 5 (higher national diplomas).

dan il-programm uniku jrawwem fik għarfien sħiħ tal-ħsieb kreattiv u ta’ kif tista’ tiżviluppa l-ideat. ikollok l-opportunità tesperimenta u tesplora t-teknika li teħtieġ biex tħaddem diversi materjali, mhux biss dawk tradizzjonali.

il-programm jikkonsisti f’serje ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju u eżerċizzji relatati li jiżviluppawlek it-tagħlim teoretiku kif ukoll il-ħiliet prattiċi fil-workshop.


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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130709

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC FouNdatioN diploma iN art aNd desiGNormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN art aNd desiGN (desiGN CraFts)or2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: art or art and design, or equivalent

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out in-depth research and

investigation independently2. apply complex theories of 3d design to

own work, practically and creatively3. Work to a broad range of design briefs

within different 3d design contexts4. evaluate own and other 3d designers’

work and identify strategies for improvement.

Career opportunities: assistant product designer assistant interior designer

this course offers a strong emphasis on practical skills development alongside the assimilation of requisite knowledge and understanding in the field of product and spatial design.

you will be expected to be able to work individually as well as in teams, in the production of design work for fictional as well as real-life case scenarios. this holistic vocational programme meets individual progression needs, whether it leads to employment or further studies on degree courses.

dan il-kors jenfasizza kemm l-iżvilupp tal-ħiliet prattiċi fl-użu tal-materjali kif ukoll dawk kreattivi fil-qasam tad-disinn tal-prodott u d-disinn tal-ispazji.

Fix-xogħol li tiġi assenjat, li jinkludi kemm proġetti fittizji kif ukoll oħrajn ta’ veru, trid tkun lest li taħdem waħdek kif ukoll ma’ ħaddieħor. dan il-programm vokazzjonali jilħaq firxa sħiħa ta’ għanijiet, kemm dawk edukattivi kif ukoll dawk li jwasslu biex inti tidħol fid-dinja tax-xogħol jew biex tissokta bl-istudji tiegħek fil-livell ta’ lawrja.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130710

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC FouNdatioN diploma iN art aNd desiGNormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN art aNd desiGN (desiGN CraFts)or2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: art or art and design or equivalent

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. develop research and investigative

skills in relation to historical and contemporary practice in fine art

2. synthesise a range of concepts, knowledge and skills relating to fine art

3. engage with complex and/or unpredictable situations in fine art contexts

4. apply complex theories to practical realistic work situations in the fine art sectors.

Career opportunities: stone or wood sculptor Fine artist Junior creative artist

the programme units of this course may be considered as a synthesis of the most important elements of professional fine art practice, concerned as they are with underpinning knowledge, fundamental skills and understanding.

throughout the course, you will be encouraged to delve into the multidimensional aspect of Fine art theory and practice, tackling a broad range of issues, including spiritual, moral and ethical, as well as environmental and socio-cultural.

the programme culminates with the development of learners’ personal fine art identity, and the presentation of selected artwork through a self-managed fine art exhibition.

l-unitajiet ta’ studju ta’ dan il-kors huma sintesi tal-iżjed elementi importanti li jeħtiġilhom jifhmu tajjeb dawk li jixtiequ jaħdmu professjonalment bħala artisti. din il-ġabra ta’ ħiliet tinkludi l-għarfien kreattiv u l-kompetenzi tekniċi li mingħajrhom ma tistax timxi ‘l quddiem.

matul il-kors inti tkun tista’ tidħol fil-fond tal-aspetti multidimensjonali tat-teorija u l-prattika tal-arti. ix-xogħol tal-artist jista’ jkollu rabta ma’ kwistjonijiet spiritwali, morali u etiċi, kif ukoll ma’ dawk ambjentali u soċjo-kulturali.

il-programm jilħaq il-qofol tiegħu bil-parteċipazzjoni tiegħek f’wirja tal-arti finali. inti tkun mistenni ttella’ u tarma x-xogħol li tkun ħdimt biex tagħti xhieda tal-identità personali li tkun żviluppajt matul il-kors.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130711

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC FouNdatioN diploma iN art aNd desiGNormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN art aNd desiGN (desiGN CraFts)ormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iNCreative media produCtioNor 2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: art or art and designor equivalent

Note: as from 2015, students applying with the qualification mCast-BteC extended diploma in Creative media production also need to be in possession of either themCast-BteC diploma in art and design or the mCast diploma in Creative artsor seC/o-level pass in art.

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. research and investigate a broad range

of historical and contemporary graphic design work and applications

2. synthesise a range of concepts, knowledge and skills relating to graphic design

3. apply complex theories to practical realistic work situations in the graphic design industry

4. use a range of digital applications in the production of graphic design work.

Career opportunities: Junior graphic designer Junior animation assistant Junior web designer

this course provides a thorough grounding in the key concepts and practical skills required in this sector. this course equips individuals with knowledge, understanding and skills for success in employment or to further their studies through the degree programme.

throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to work alone or in groups in the development production of creative graphic design work in response to assignment briefs based on real-life cases.

this programme is delivered over a series of practical assignments backed up by theoretical knowledge in the fundamentals of graphic design as a discipline. Beyond the set guided learning hours, students are expected to work independently.

dan il-kors iwassal għal għarfien sħiħ tal-prattika u l-ħiliet kreattivi li jitlob dan is-settur industrijali. Fi tmiem dan il-kors ta’ sentejn inti tkun tista’ tagħżel bejn li tissokta bl-istudju tiegħek fil-livell ta’ lawrja jew inkella tfittex ix-xogħol.

matul il-kors, inti tingħata ċ-ċans taħdem kemm waħdek kif ukoll fi grupp ma’ studenti oħra. ta’ spiss tiġi assenjat eżerċizzji li jkunu bbażati fuq sitwazzjonijiet ta’ veru.

il-programm fih serje ta’ xogħlijiet prattiċi li jkunu msaħħa bit-tagħlim teoretiku li titlob din id-dixxiplina. Barra mil-lezzjonijiet fissi, li l-istudent jeħtieġlu jattendi, il-kors jitlob li jsir xogħol barrani u b’mod indipendenti.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130712

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC FouNdatioN diploma iN art aNd desiGNormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN itormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN Creative media produCtioN or2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory: art or Computing

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. research and investigate a broad

range of historical and contemporary interactive media work and applications

2. synthesise a range of concepts, knowledge and skills relating to interactive media

3. apply complex theories to practical work situations in the interactive media industry

4. use a range of digital applications in the production of interactive media work.

Career opportunities: Junior web designer Junior graphic designer

this higher national diploma has been developed to prepare learners to work in interactive media related careers.

the course provides you with opportunities to develop your ability in the interactive media area through effective use and combination of creative knowledge and computer skills.

the course is offered in conjunction with the institute of information and Communication technology.

din il-higher national diploma tħejji lill-student għal xogħol u għal karrieri fis-settur tal-midja interattiva.

il-kors joffrilek opportunitajiet biex tiżviluppa l-ħiliet tiegħek f’dan il-qasam speċifiku. titħarreġ fl-użu effettiv tal-kompetenza kreattiva u s-sengħa fl-użu tal-kompjuter.

dan il-kors huwa offrut flimkien mal-istitut tat-teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130713

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC FouNdatioN diploma iN art aNd desiGNormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN art aNd desiGN (desiGN CraFts)ormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN Creative media produCtioN*or2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passespreferred a-level: art or art and design or equivalent

* students progressing from the mCast-BteC extended diploma in Creative media production will be given preference in cases where the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places.

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Contextually investigate and interpret

historical and contemporary audio-visual work

2. synthesise a range of concepts, knowledge and skills relating to the audio-visual media

3. apply complex theories to practical realistic media work contexts

4. take responsibility to manage and direct own and others’ activities while engaging with complex and unpredictable situations

in media contexts.

Career opportunities: Camera person audio person video editor

an understanding of media studies has become critically essential in today’s society. this is a diverse sector compared to other types of industries and there are various different potential careers, ranging from creative and technical roles to commercial and administration-based jobs. this course offers learners the opportunity to build a strong portfolio of audio-visual productions.

throughout the programme, you will be challenged to work on real-life cases, applying theoretical knowledge to practical projects. Work is often conducted in teams, and you will be in a position to take up different roles so as to give you exposure in all media areas.

it-tħejjija ta’ ħaddiema kompetenti fil-qasam tal-media llum sar essenzjali. dan is-settur huwa wieħed diversifikat ħafna meta tikkomparah ma’ industriji oħra. Għaldaqstant il-potenzjal ta’ karrieri ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni huwa wieħed tassew wiesa’. hemm xogħol ta’ natura kreattiva u ieħor ta’ natura teknika, hemm il-lat kummerċjali kif ukoll dak li joffri l-impjieg fl-amministrazzjoni. din id-diploma twasslek biex tibni portafoll b’għażla siewja ta’ produzzjonijiet awdjo-viżivi.

tul il-programm, inti ser ikollok tipproduċi xogħol li jista’ jkollu rabta ma’ sitwazzjonijiet ta’ veru, fejn tapplika t-teorija li titgħallem fuq proġetti prattiċi. ta’ sikwit ser taħdem ma’ ħaddieħor u jkollok l-opportunità tassumi rwoli differenti sabiex titħarreġ f’diversi aspetti tal-mestier.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130714

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC FouNdatioN diploma iN art aNd desiGNormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN art aNd desiGN (desiGN CraFts)ormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN Creative media produCtioN or2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: photography or art or english

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. investigate, interpret and critically

evaluate a broad range of photographic work

2. develop in-depth understanding of and capability to handle digital photography equipment

3. use computer applications in the development of creative photographic work

4. Work to different types of briefs set within photographic contexts.

Career opportunities: Junior photographer assistant

throughout this programme of studies, students will be introduced to a broad range of photographic techniques, with particular focus on digital photography.

you will learn a set of skills and the knowledge relevant to a critical understanding of the production and consumption of photographic images. you will also be encouraged to develop a creative and critically informed methodology in your work.

this course embraces a broad approach to image making and you will be encouraged to develop the special skills which are necessary for the successful execution of photography in relation to fine art, advertising, fashion and installation work.

tul dan il-programm, l-istudenti jitħarrġu f’għażla wiesgħa ta’ prattiċi kif jitlob il-qasam tal-fotografija, u partikolarment dik diġitali.

minbarra t-teknika marbuta mas-sengħa, inti titgħallem tifhem aħjar u b’mod kritiku x’timplika l-produzzjoni u l-konsum tal-immaġni fotografika. tkun mistenni wkoll tiżviluppa metodoloġija kreattiva u informata fix-xogħol tiegħek.

il-kors iħaddan prattika wiesgħa fil-ħolqien tal-immaġni. Għalhekk, inti tkun mistenni tiżviluppa dawk il-ħiliet speċjali li jwassluk biex tapplika s-sengħa u l-arti tal-fotografija f’kuntesti varji bħalma huma l-pittura u l-iskultura, ir-reklamar, il-moda u l-installazjoni.

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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN 3d desiGN

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Conduct in-depth, contextual research

pertaining to complex design problems2. Challenge assumptions and accepted

conventions in design work3. develop industry-standard as well as

innovative design solutions to complex design briefs

4. analyse and evaluate a broad range of design solutions.

Career opportunities: product designer interior designer

Following their two-year higher National diploma, students who satisfy the entry requirements will qualify to progress to the third year of the mCast vocational degree. diversity is encouraged, enabling participants to explore a wide field of interests related to 3d design and interiors. a strong emphasis is placed on individual development, creative exploration, personal expression and interpretation.

you shall cover aspects of technology and contextual issues with particular focus on sustainability, principles of teamwork, communication and coordination for professional practice. you shall also negotiate and structure an individual major design project for a final exhibition.

l-istudenti li jissodisfaw il-kundizzjonijiet mitluba, wara li jkunu temmew il-kors tal-higher National diploma, jistgħu jitilgħu fit-tielet sena tal-programm vokazzjonali li jwassal għal-lawrja.

il-kors jinkoraġġixxi d-diversità u joffri l-opportunità biex l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jesploraw firxa wiesgħa ta’ attivitajiet fil-qasam tad-disinn tridimensjonali. l-enfasi qiegħda fuq l-iżvilupp u l-esplorazzjoni kreattiva, l-espressjoni u l-interpretazzjoni personali.

tistudja aspetti tat-teknoloġija f’kuntest relatat, b’attenzjoni speċjali fuq is-sostenibbiltà, il-prinċipji ta’ kif taħdem tajjeb ma’ ħaddieħor, il-komunikazzjoni u l-koordinazzjoni għall-prattika professjonali. tkun tista’ wkoll tiddiskuti proġett finali bi tħejjija għall-wirja tal-aħħar tas-sena.

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A painting by fine arts studentMariam De Giorgio

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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN FiNe arts

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. apply concepts and techniques

in personal practice, through to realisation and presentation of fine art work

2. Communicate effectively concepts, methodologies and outcomes both visually and verbally to your peers and fellow practitioners

3. investigate major contemporary theoretical fields of discourse in relation to alternative, historical and cultural contexts

4. display advanced skills in researching, developing and realising your own self-initiated programme of work.

Career opportunities: Fine artist

this one-year programme tops up the higher National diploma in Fine arts. the course entails practical work and is supported by historical and contextual studies with an emphasis on contemporary art. it approaches the study and practice of art in an investigative, experimental and research-minded way.

most course content is studio-based and students develop their own work with tutorial and technical assistance according to their individual needs. a degree in the area of visual arts prepares you to enter a variety of related fields within the creative industries. Fine artists typically work independently, specialising in preferred art forms. your future could include painting, sculpting, print-making, photography, digital applications and drawing/illustration, among other artistic careers.

dan il-programm ta’ sena jkompli jibni fuq is-sentejn kors tal-higher National diploma (Fine arts). Bħas-sentejn ta’ qabel, il-programm huwa wieħed ta’ natura prattika. it-tifsila tal-kors tħaddan ukoll l-istorja tal-arti u l-istudji kuntestwali b’enfasi fuq il-kontemporanju. Kemm l-istudju kif ukoll il-prattika jingħataw xeħta investigattiva, esperimentali u ta’ riċerka.

Bħala student/a tal-arti inti jkollok spazju fl-istudju fejn tkun tista’ tiżviluppa x-xogħol tiegħek. Fl-istess ħin inti tkun tista’ tiddiskuti mal-għalliema u tfittex l-għajnuna teknika li teħtieġ.

lawrja fl-arti viżiva tista’ tkun ta’ tħejjija siewja biex issib xogħol relatat mal-industriji kreattivi. Ftakar iżda li tipikament ħafna artisti, bħal pitturi u skulturi, jaħdmu b’mod indipendenti u jispeċjalizzaw f’dak il-qasam tal-arti li jixtiequ huma. tista’ għaldaqstant tikkunsidra l-pittura, l-iskultura, ix-xogħol tal-istampar, il-fotografija, l-applikazzjonjijet diġitali, it-tpinġija jew l-illustrazzjoni u l-bqija.



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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN GraphiC desiGN ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN iNteraCtive media

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Conduct in-depth, contextual research

pertaining to complex graphic design and interactive media problems

2. Challenge assumptions and accepted conventions in graphic design and interactive media work

3. develop industry-standard as well as innovative design solutions

4. analyse and evaluate a wide range of design solutions.

Career opportunities: Graphic designer Web designer

this programme is a top-up to the two-year higher national diploma programme. you will be supported and encouraged to develop a specialist focus and critical and analytical skills, to challenge design conventions and ideology.

Knowledge of Graphic design and interactive media will be sharpened through the provision of a highly contextualised curriculum model that draws on contemporary design practice together with relevant historical, theoretical and cultural material.

integrated into the students’ experience is a negotiated major project and advanced development of theoretical and contextual knowledge.

dan il-programm ikompli jibni fuq is-sentejn kors tal-higher national diploma. inti ssib l-għajnuna u l-inkoraġġiment li teħtieġ biex tiżviluppa l-ħiliet kritiċi u analitiċi tiegħek. l-għan ta’ dan hu li tagħraf fejn trid tasal u fejn meħtieġ tilqa’ għal dak li huwa biss ta’ natura konvenzjonali.

permezz ta’ mudell ta’ tagħlim prattiku u intensiv, il-kors iwasslek biex tifhem aħjar dawk l-aspetti tad-disinn grafiku u tal-media interattiva li l-iżjed tkun teħtieġ. il-programm jinkludi wkoll l-istudju tal-istorja, it-teorija u l-kultura.

il-progett finali ta’ kull student, li jseħħ b’riżultat tad-diskussjoni mal-għalliema, jgħin biex iwessa’ l-esperjenzi, kemm teoretiċi kif ukoll prattiċi, li joffri dan il-kors.



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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN media (moviNG imaGe)

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Conduct in-depth, contextual research

pertaining to audio-visual contexts2. Challenge assumptions and accepted

conventions in audio-visual creative productions

3. use industry-standard equipment and digital applications up to professional standards

4. manage holistically audio-visual productions.

Career opportunities: tv production assistant

Following their two-year higher national diploma, students who satisfy the entry requirements will qualify to progress to the third year of the mCast vocational degree. the programme coaches learners to work in this challenging, constantly changing environment with an aim to better understand how this particular industry functions as well as to develop ideas for its future.

you will work on productions using industry-standard equipment and facilities, supported and guided by a professional staff complement. experimentation with and exploration of production for new platforms, such as mobile and internet content, is highly encouraged.

you will have the opportunity to work within teams, taking up different roles in different audio-visual productions.

l-istudenti li jissodisfaw il-kundizzjonijiet mitluba, wara li jkunu temmew il-kors tal-higher national diploma, jistgħu jidħlu għat-tielet sena tal-programm vokazzjonali li jwassal għal-lawrja. il-programm huwa wieħed ta’ tħejjija għax-xogħol f’qasam li joffri sfida u li jinbidel minn mument għall-ieħor.

dan iwassal biex l-istudent ikun jista’ jifhem aħjar kif din l-industrija partikulari tiffunzjona u biex wieħed jitgħallem jiżviluppa ideat ġodda għall-ġejjieni.

taħt it-tmexxija ta’ għalliema professjonali, tkun tista’ taħdem fuq produzzjonijiet li jitolbu makkinarju u faċilitajiet tipiċi tas-settur. Ninkoraġġixxu l-esperimentazzjoni u l-esplorazzjoni ta’ teknoloġiji ġodda u l-applikazzjoni tagħhom fl-użu, ngħidu aħna, tal-mobile u l-internet.

ikollok ukoll opportunità taħdem f’tim ma’ ħaddieħor, u tassumi rwoli differenti fi produzzjonijiet awdjo-viżivi.



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13/07/07MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma inArt and Design (Design Crafts)

2 years full-time

13/07/12MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Interactive Media

2 years full-time

13/07/01MCAST Introductory Certificate in Art and Design - Level 1

1 year full-time

13/07/02MCAST Foundation Certificate in Art and Design - Level 2

1 year full-time

13/07/05MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Art and Design

1 year full-time

13/07/03AMCAST Diplomain Printing - Level 3

2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/07/04MCAST Diplomain the Creative Arts - Level 3

1 year full-time

13/07/06MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma in Creative Media Production

2 years full-time

13/07/08MCAST-BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art& Design

1 year full-time

13/07/15Bachelor ofArts (Honours)in 3D Designand Interiors

1 year full-time

13/07/16Bachelor ofArts (Honours)in Fine Arts

1 year full-time

13/07/17Bachelor ofArts (Honours)in Graphic Design and Interactive Media

1 year full-time

13/07/09MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in3D Design

2 years full-time

13/07/10MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma inFine Arts

2 years full-time

13/07/11MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design

2 years full-time

13/07/18Bachelor ofArts (Honours) in Media (Moving Image)

1 year full-time







13/07/13MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Media (Moving Image)

2 years full-time

13/07/14MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Photography

2 years full-time

This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

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Masonry heritage students during a restoration project at the Inquisitor’s Palace, Birgu

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Institute of

The Institute of Building and Construction Engineering offers vocational programmes focusing on the construction, civil engineering and building services industries, with training options ranging from design engineering and management to building and heritage restoration. Our courses give you the opportunity to start your studies at an introductory level, where you grasp the essential skills of the related trades, and subsequently progress to a higher level and acquire internationally-recognised qualifications, including the MCAST degrees.

The Institute’s facilities include workshops dedicated to masonry and trowel trades, wood and stone restoration, bench joinery, plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, welding and fabrication. It also has several computer laboratories customised for construction engineering design. Your personal development as an individual is an important element embedded in all our courses. Our lecturers are committed to helping you to smoothly integrate in work placements as apprentices.

MCAST Institute of Building and Construction Engineering

T/Ì fi Triq il-Kbira, Naxxar NXR 1971

00356 2142 3626/7

00356 2142 3624

E [email protected]

Director: Mr John VellaDeputy Director: Mr Martin Borg


institute ofbuilding andconstructionengineering

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Page Course Code Course Title116 13/04/01 MCAST Introductory Certificate in Construction Engineering - Level 1*

118 13/04/02 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Construction Engineering - Level 2*

119 13/04/03A MCAST Diploma in Construction and Stone Masonry - Level 3*121 13/04/04 MCAST Diploma in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Level 3*122 13/04/05A MCAST Diploma in Joinery and Furniture Making - Level 3*124 13/04/06A MCAST Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Sewwej) - Level 3*125 13/04/07A MCAST Diploma in Plumbing - Level 3*126 13/04/08A MCAST Diploma in Trowel Trades (Plastering and Tile Laying or Painting and Decorating) - Level 3*127 13/04/09A MCAST Diploma in Welding and Fabrication - Level 3*128 13/04/10 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Construction

130 13/04/11A MCAST Diploma in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Level 4*131 13/04/12A MCAST Diploma in Joinery and Furniture Making - Level 4*133 13/04/13A MCAST Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Mastru) - Level 4*134 13/04/14A MCAST Diploma in Plumbing - Level 4*135 13/04/15A MCAST Diploma in Welding and Fabrication - Level 4*136 13/04/16A MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering) 138 13/04/17A MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering)139 13/04/18A MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment

141 13/04/19 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering)142 13/04/20 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering)143 13/04/21 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment

145 13/04/22 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Construction Engineering146 13/04/23 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Building Services Engineering

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.








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“A career in construction engineering is all about contributing to the development of more sustainable building environments. By bringing together theoretical knowledge and technical experience, MCAST helped me develop the skillsI needed to work in this sector.”

Tiziana GattBachelor of Science (Honours)in Construction Engineering,Technician at theGovernment Property Division.

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“When I was young, I missed out on continuing my studies after secondary school. At MCAST, I found the support and resources required to fulfil my dream of getting qualified. Once I complete my studies, I plan to travel abroad and work as a chief welder fabricator on oil rigs or land oil fields.”

Pierre ZammitSecond year student,MCAST Diploma in Welding and Fabrication– Level 3

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“Malta’s unique built-up heritage is one of my keenest interests. Choosing a course in masonry heritage skills helped me become part of a very rewarding process through which we can revive the splendour of our historic buildings.”

Jolanka Zammit Second year student,MCAST Diploma in Heritage Skills (Mastru)– Level 4

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“As an MCAST student, I used to feel that I’m not just a name on an attendance sheet. Lecturers take time to get to know you and assist you in every step of the way. Today I form part of construction management teams working on major national projects and I’m still thankful for my years at MCAST.”

Claudio Bugeja Technician Course in Draughtsmanship,Package Manager at Bovis Lend Lease.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130401

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the importance of

following workshop safe practices and of handling hand tools safely

2. Follow instructions on how to mark simple templates

3. Follow instructions to produce simple products from various materials

4. appreciate the link between workshop practice and key skills.

the programme provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to explore the underpinning principles of common construction engineering skills.

it presents students with vocational practice to demonstrate the opportunities that can be followed in various sectors. this includes woodwork, plumbing, sheet-metal, bench-fitting and electrical practical exercises.

By the end of the course, provided you are successful, you would have experienced and gained sufficient basic knowledge to follow any foundation certificate level 2 programme offered by the institute of Building and Construction engineering or any other institute.

the course includes a significant key skills component which will help you improve your language, literacy and numeracy skills. it and personal development sessions are also part of the key skills component.

il-programm joffri opportunità lil istudenti li jkollhom Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja biex ikunu jistgħu jifhmu sew prinċipji bażiċi tal-inġinerija tal-kostruzzjoni.

il-programm jinkludi l-prattika vokazzjonali u b’hekk tkun tista’ tifhem aħjar l-opportunitajiet li jeżistu f’setturi diversi. hemm elementi ta’ xogħol fl-injam, plumbing, xogħol fil-metall, bench-fitting u eżerċizzji prattiċi f’xogħol tal-elettriku.

Jekk tmur tajjeb, sa tmiem il-kors tkun ħadt biżżejjed prattika u ġbart l-għarfien meħtieġ biex tkun tista’ tidħol għal kwalunkwe kors tal-foundation certificate kors fil-livell 2, li joffri l-istitut tal-Bini u l-inġinerija tal-Kostruzzjoni, jew xi istitut ieħor.

ikollok lezzjonijiet fil-malti, l-ingliż u l-matematika. irrispettivament mill-kors li tixtieq taqbad, dawn is-suġġetti ma tistax tgħaddi mingħajrhom. magħhom ikollok ukoll lezzjonijiet fl-it u l-iżvilupp personali.



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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130402

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the basic characteristics of

wood, plumbing, welding, fabrication, refrigeration and air-conditioning, and trowel trades

2. use basic hand tools effectively and safely, to carry out specific practical tasks in a workshop environment

3. apply the knowledge and skills gained throughout the programme to develop a practical project, under supervision

4. understand and use essential skills in mathematics, language communication, information technology and basic technical documentation to carry out simple assigned tasks and assessments responsibly.

this programme provides you with an opportunity to get acquainted with the different vocational trades related to construction engineering.

the vocational practice component is based on a ‘taster’ approach whereby you will learn about the tools, materials, processes and applications relative to:

• Welding and Fabrication• Plumbing, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning• Woodwork• Trowel trades, including Restoration, Stone

masonry and tile laying.

additionally, technical drawing will complement the four vocational areas listed above. scientific underpinning principles, directly related to the vocational units, are also embedded within the programme.

dan il-programm joffrilek opportunità biex tifhem aħjar is-snajja’ differenti li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-inġinerija tal-kostruzzjoni.

Fil-komponent vokazzjonali prattiku jkollok iċ-ċans titħarreġ fuq għodda, materjali u proċessi relatati ma’:

• Welding u Fabrication• Plumbing, Refrigeration u Air-conditioning• Xogħol fl-Injam• Trowel Trades, li jinkludu s-Sengħa tar-

Restawr, ix-Xogħol fil-Ġebel u t-Tqegħid tal-madum.

id-disinn tekniku jiġi inkorporat fl-erba’ oqsma li jidhru hawn fuq. il-prinċipji xjentifiċi li huma relatati mal-unitajiet ta’ studju wkoll jagħmlu parti mill-kors.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130403A

the course enables you to become a skilled craftsperson in the building trade. to consolidate knowledge and skills learnt during this course, you may be able to continue studying to obtain the mason’s licence which will enable you to work without supervision.

the course is based on both off-the-job and on-the-job training which gives an in-depth knowledge and experience in the building processes. successful students acquire skills ranging from interpretation of drawings to practical masonry that fall within the building binding legislation.

during the course you will also be given the opportunity to develop personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in your career.

il-kors iħarrġek fis-sengħa tal-bini. Jekk tkun tixtieq issaħħaħ l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li tkun ksibt, tista’ tkompli tistudja għal-liċenzja ta’ Bennej biex taħdem għal rasek u bla superviżjoni.

il-kors huwa bbażat fuq it-taħriġ li jsir kemm barra mill-post tax-xogħol kif ukoll fuq il-post tax-xogħol. dan jagħtik għarfien tajjeb u esperjenza siewja fil-proċessi tipiċi tal-bini. dawk l-istudenti li jmorru tajjeb ikunu kapaċi japplikaw il-ħiliet li tgħallmu u jinterpretaw id-disinji fuq xogħol prattiku u skond il-leġiżlazzjoni li tirregola l-bini.

matul il-kors, inti tingħata wkoll l-opportunità li tiżviluppa l-ħiliet u l-kapaċitajiet personali biex tirnexxi fil-karriera tiegħek.

Course duration: 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passes

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. use basic tools to carry out construction operations

3. set out building details4. describe the skills and construction

operation needed for demolition.

Career opportunities: stone mason Construction site manager assistant

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130404

this course provides the essential skills and knowledge related to heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (hvaC). it will enable successful students to work at technician level under supervision.

hvaC installers and service technicians must master a broad array of applied skills in order to work and communicate effectively. the course provides training to give you a better understanding on how to manually operate refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

the practical training is carried out in workshops equipped to industry standards and students are expected to participate individually and in teams to operate refrigeration and air conditioning systems. students will be given the opportunity to service and maintain refrigeration compressors, condensers, evaporators and other accessories.

dan il-kors jagħtik l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li teħtieġ fil-qasam tal-heating, il-ventilazzjoni u l-arja kondizzjonata (hvaC). dawk l-istudenti li jmorru tajjeb ikunu jistgħu jaħdmu bħala tekniċi taħt is-superviżjoni tal-imgħallem.

dawk li jinstallaw u joffru servizz fl-hvaC jeħtieġ li jkunu kapaċi japplikaw firxa sħiħa ta’ ħiliet biex ikunu jistgħu jaħdmu u jikkomunikaw kif mistenni. il-kors jipprovdi t-taħriġ li jgħallmek kif tħaddem manwalment is-sistemi ta’ refriġerazzjoni u tal-arja kondizzjonata. it-taħriġ prattiku jsir fil-workshops li huma mgħammra skont l-istandards industrijali u l-istudenti mistennija li jipparteċipaw b’mod individwali u fi gruppi biex iħaddmu sistemi ta’ refriġerazzjoni u tal-arja kondizzjonata. l-istudenti jingħataw l-opportunità li jagħmlu xogħol ta’ servicing u manutenzjoni fuq kompressuri, kondensaturi, evaporaturi u aċċessorji oħra.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passes

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. set out and form pipe runs for small commercial installations

3. set out equipment and accessories to fit for particular situations

4. Follow working procedure to ensure quality and maintenance.

Career opportunities: refrigeration technician air-conditioning technician First line supervisor

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130405A

Course duration: 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. manufacture batched interim products out of solid wood and composite materials

3. take off dimensions from drawings, nest and prepare cutting lists

4. set out to assemble (furniture) products.

Career opportunities: Bench joiner First line supervisor

this course includes both theoretical knowledge and extended practical training both off-the-job and on a work placement.

technological and practical lessons cover measuring, cutting, preparing and assembling timber and timber board products to make interior fittings such as kitchen cabinets, doors and window frames.

the practical training is carried out in workshops equipped to industry standards. you will be expected to participate individually and in teams to produce simple products from solid wood and composite materials. practical handling of hand and power tools and simple woodworking machine forms an integral part of the course.

dan il-kors joffri kemm għarfien teoretiku kif ukoll prattika estiża kemm fuq ix-xogħol matul work placement kif ukoll lil hinn minnu.

it-taħriġ jiġbor fih xogħol tipiku tas-sengħa, bħal ma huma l-kejl u l-qtugħ, it-tħejjija u l-armar ta’ prodotti tal-injam mastizz u tal-folji li jintużaw għall-għamara tad-djar bħal kċejjen, bibien u twieqi.

it-taħriġ prattiku jsir fil-workshops li huma attrezzati skont ma jitolbu l-istandards tal-industrija. tkun mistenni taħdem kemm għal rasek kif ukoll fi grupp biex tagħmel prodotti sempliċi tal-injam u materjali komposti. ikollok l-opportunità tipprattika bl-għodda tal-id u b’dik tal-elettriku. l-użu tal-magni għal xogħol sempliċi jagħmel parti mit-taħriġ.



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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130406A

Course duration: 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateormCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCate iN masoNry heritage sKills (riFFied)or 2 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: physics or Chemistry

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. use basic tools on surfaces to stabilise, preserve and restore historic buildings

3. interpret written specifications/drawings and evaluation reports for work on historic structures

4. identify the main types of materials in use.

Career opportunities: masonry heritage skills technician heritage site technical coordinator

this vocational course gives you the opportunity to take stone restoration as a career. it provides both practical and theoretical skills to enable participation in limited interventions in stone restoration. successful students will progress to the next higher level course in restoration.

throughout the programme learners will have the opportunity to obtain necessary maintenance, protection and preservation skills, understand preparation and recording techniques, and apply cleaning and testing procedures.

the programme is complemented with other essential units such as Safety at Work, Technical reporting, it and practical mathematics.

dan il-kors vokazzjonali jagħtik l-opportunità taqbad karriera fir-restawr tal-ġebla. il-programm huwa magħmul minn elementi prattiċi kif ukoll dawk teoretiċi u jkollok opportunità tieħu sehem f’interventi limitati ta’ restawr. dawk l-istudenti li jmorru tajjeb ikunu jistgħu jersqu għal kors tar-restawr f’livell ogħla.

titgħallem ukoll il-ħiliet ta’ manutenzjoni u konservazzjoni, kif tipprepara u żżomm nota dettaljata tax-xogħol li tkun għamilt, kif ukoll tal-interventi li jinvolvu tindif u ttestjar ta’ materjal.

il-programm huwa magħmul minn għażla bilanċjata ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju, u jinkludu wkoll elementi ta’ Sigurtà fuq ix-Xogħol, IT u matematika.



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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130407A

this course comprises theoretical knowledge and extended practical training both off-the-job and on work placement.

the practical training is carried out in workshops equipped to industry standards. students are expected to participate individually and in teams to install pipe systems/fittings. practical handling of hand tools, power tools and typical trade tools, such as thread cutting machines, form an integral part of the course.

you will learn about control systems with the use of actuators and passive solar panels installations. the programme also includes an introduction to liquid petroleum gas (lpg) installations.

dan il-kors part-time jinkludi l-apprentistat u jiġbor fih l-għarfien teoretiku li titlob is-sengħa u l-prattika li trid issir kemm fuq il-post tax-xogħol kif ukoll lil hinn minnu.

it-taħriġ prattiku jsir f’workshops mgħammra skont l-istandards li titlob l-industrija. l-istudenti huma mistennija li jipparteċipaw b’mod individwali kif ukoll fi gruppi biex jitgħallmu jinstallaw sistemi u fittings ta’ pajpijiet. il-prattika tinkludi l-użu għaqli tal-għodda tal-id u tal-elettriku, esperjenza bil-magni tipiċi tas-sengħa bħal dawk li jaqtgħu l-kamini, u l-bqija.

titgħallem dwar sistemi ta’ kontroll bl-użu ta’ actuators u l-installazzjoni ta’ pannelli tax-xemx. ikollok ukoll introduzzjoni għall- installazzjonijiet li jaħdmu bil-gass taż-żejt (lpg).

Course duration: 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. identify materials for specific applications in plumbing

3. take off dimensions from drawings4. Carry out installations, alterations,

repair and planned maintenance of existing systems.

Career opportunities: installation and maintenance

tradesperson plumber First line supervisor

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130408A

Course duration: 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. identify materials for specific applications3. set out tiling tasks from specifications

and drawings4. use tools to perform floor and wall tile


Career opportunities: assistant site coordinator tile layer plasterer

this course enables you to become a career trades person in plastering and tile laying or painting and decorating. these skills are used in the construction finishing process. the sector requires trained and qualified people in the use of finishing materials such as types of plaster, plastering processes, tiles and tiling materials of high standard, painting, both as a surface finish and style of living.

during the course you will be given the opportunity to develop personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in your career.

dan il-kors jista’ jwasslek biex taqbad karriera fis-sengħa tal-kisi, l-iċċangjar, u x-xogħol ta’ tibjid u dekorazzjoni. dawn huma l-ħiliet tipiċi li titlob is-sengħa tal-bini fil-proċess tal-irfinar. dan il-qasam jeħtieġ nies imħarrġa sewwa fl-użu tal-materjali bħal ma huma tipi ta’ ġibs, proċessi ta’ kisi u materjali li jintużaw fit-tqegħid tal-madum. Xogħol maħdum bis-sengħa jwassal għal standards għoljin u stil ta’ għixien kif mixtieq.

matul il-kors inti tingħata l-opportunità biex tiżviluppa l-ħiliet u l-kwalitajiet personali li huma essenzjali jekk trid tirnexxi fil-karriera tiegħek.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130409A

Course duration: 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateorCertiFiCate iN eNgiNeeriNg sKills(C&g 1155)or2 seC/o-level passes

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. produce simple patterns, developments and templates to fabricate from thin steel plates

3. identify materials and compare their properties

4. Carry out Oxy-Acetylene Gas Welding, Manual Metal Arc Welding and Metal Inert Gas Welding.

Career opportunities: Welding and fabrication tradesperson Welder Fabricator First line supervisor

dan il-kors ta’ apprentistat huwa magħmul minn għażla bilanċjata ta’ teorija u prattika estiża li ssir kemm fuq il-post tax-xogħol kif ukoll lil hinn minnu.

it-taħriġ prattiku jsir fil-workshops tal-istitut li huma mgħammra skont l-istandards li titlob l-industrija. inti tkun mistenni taħdem waħdek kif ukoll fi grupp ma’ studenti oħra biex tagħmel prodotti li fihom tidħol is-sengħa tal-welding.

titgħallem tuża l-għodda tal-id u dik tal-elettriku u tieħu t-taħriġ meħtieġ fl-użu tas-settijiet tal-iwweldjar, ħiliet li jagħmlu parti integrali mill-kors. dan kollu jitlob attenzjoni speċjali għal dak li jikkonċerna s-saħħa u s-sigurtà.

this apprenticeship course comprises a balance of theoretical knowledge and extended practical training both off-the-job and on work placement.

the hands-on training is carried out in the institute’s workshops equipped to industry standards. you will be expected to participate individually and in teams to fabricate welded products.

practical handling of hand and power tools and use of welding sets, with particular attention to health and safety considerations, are an integral part of the course.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130410

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the importance of health,

safety and welfare in the construction industry

2. understand the diversity of the construction industry and the contribution to society by those who work within it

3. apply construction drawing standards and conventions

4. describe the methods and techniques associated with pre-construction, ground works, substructure, superstructure and building services systems of low-rise domestic buildings.

Career opportunities: draughtsperson assistant land surveying assistant Quantity surveying assistant Joiner assistant mason assistant

the course consists of college-based training on the various subjects related to the building and construction sector.

this qualification gives you the knowledge, understanding and skills needed in this specialist area of employment and/or to continue your studies in the same, or related vocational areas such as Construction, Civil engineering or Building services.

during the course you will be introduced to the different types of technical drawings used in the construction industry. additionally, you will be able to apply construction drawing standards and conventions to produce sketches and professional working drawings.

F’dan il-kors, it-taħriġ isir fl-istitut stess u jipprovdi l-ħiliet meħtieġa fuq diversi fergħat li għandhom x’jaqsmu mas-settur tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni.

din il-kwalifika tagħtik l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li titlob is-sengħa li bi ħsiebek tagħżel. tkun tista’ wkoll tkompli tistudja, kemm jekk tissokta fl-istess linja kif ukoll jekk tagħżel xi qasam relatat, bħall-Kostruzzjoni, l-inġinerija Ċivili jew il-Building services.

matul il-kors ikollok taħriġ fuq id-diversi tipi ta’ disinn tekniku li jintuża fl-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni. Barra minn dan, tkun tista’ tapplika l-istandards u l-konvenzjonijiet tipiċi biex tipproduċi sketches u working drawings professjonali.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130411A

Course duration: 3 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast diploma iN heatiNg, veNtilatioN aNd air CoNditioNiNg – level 3or4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics and physics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. Carry out installations, repairs and planned maintenance of existing systems within local refrigerant handling legislation

3. identify materials, refrigerants and equipment that can be used for specific applications

4. prepare hvaC components for operation and commissioning.

Career opportunities: heating, ventilation and air-conditioning

technician Building services installation/

maintenance supervisor

this advanced diploma course gives participants the knowledge and skills which are in demand by the hvaC trade. students will be expected to carry out systems modification and customisation.

the course is based on both off-the-job and on-the-job training. students will gain an in-depth knowledge and experience which may entail working in supervisory roles.

during the course learners are also given the opportunity to develop personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in related careers.

dan il-kors li jwassal għal diploma f’livell avvanzat ikompli jsaħħaħ l-għarfien u s-sengħa li titlob l-industrija tal-hvaC. l-istudenti jkunu mistennija jwettqu modifikazzjoni u adattament tas-sistemi.

il-kors huwa bbażat fuq taħriġ li jsir barra mill-post kif ukoll fuq il-post tax-xogħol. l-istudenti jieħdu tagħlim u esperjenza li jistgħu jwassluhom ukoll biex jaħdmu fi rwoli ta’ sorveljanza.

matul il-kors, l-istudenti jingħataw ukoll l-opportunità li jiżviluppaw ħiliet prattiċi u kapaċitajiet personali li jservuhom ta’ ġid meta jiġu biex jaqbdu karriera f’dan is-settur.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130412A

Course duration: 3 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast diploma iN JoiNery aNd FurNituremaKiNg - level 3ormCast CertiFiCate iN CoNstruCtioN aNd eNgiNeeriNg sKills (BeNCh JoiNery) or (CarpeNtry) or4 seC/o-level passespreferred: english, mathematics, technical drawing, graphical Communication or design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. organise to manufacture batched interim products out of solid wood and composite materials

3. take off dimensions from drawings to calculate cost, nest and prepare cutting lists

4. perform site setting out to assemble complex products.

Career opportunities: Joiner First line supervisor tendering and estimating assistant production information technician

this diploma course comprises theoretical knowledge and extended practical training both off-the-job and on-the-job as part of an apprenticeship or work placement.

you will learn how to analyse and provide solutions to typical joinery and furniture products using solid wood and composites.

the practical training is carried out in workshops equipped to industry standards. you will be expected to participate individually and in teams to produce solid wood and composite materials products.

dan il-kors li jwassal għal diploma jiġbor fih elementi ta’ teorija kif ukoll taħriġ prattiku li jsir kemm fl-istitut kif ukoll fuq il-post tax-xogħol bħala parti mill-apprentistat jew esperjenza ta’ xogħol.

titgħallem tanalizza u tiġġenera soluzzjonijiet li jwasslu biex jinħadmu prodotti u għamara mill-injam mastizz u tal-folji.

it-taħriġ prattiku jsir f’workshops li huma attrezzati skont ma jitolbu l-istandards tal-industrija. inti tkun mistenni tipparteċipa kemm waħdek kif ukoll fi grupp biex taħdem prodotti mill-injam u l-materjali komposti.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130413A

Course duration: 3 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast diploma iN masoNry heritage SkIllS (SeWWej) - leVel 3orMCAST CeRTIFICATe In TROWel TRAdeSormCast CertiFiCate iN CoNstruCtioN iN stoNeor4 seC/o-level passespreferred: english, physics, Chemistry

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. use basic tools on surfaces to stabilise, preserve and restore historic buildings

3. prepare written specifications/drawings and evaluation reports for work to be carried out on historic structures

4. identify historic building materials and the main types of materials currently in use.

Career opportunities: stone masonry heritage skills technician stone masonry heritage sites supervisor tendering and estimating assistant

this is an advanced diploma course which consists of higher level study units in stone restoration.

it offers you the knowledge and skills which you will need to assimilate in order to be able to analyse and generate solutions concerning typical restoration interventions. the practical training is carried out in workshops, laboratories and at heritage sites.

throughout the programme, you will have the opportunity to work on historic sites and structures, master maintenance, protection and preservation skills, and apply cleaning and testing techniques.

dan huwa kors li jwassal għal diploma f’livell avvanzat fir-restawr tal-ġebla.

l-unitajiet ta’ studju jwassluk biex tiġbor l-għarfien u s-sengħa li tkun teħtieġ biex tkun tista’ tanaliżża u ssib soluzzjonijiet li jitolbu l-interventi tipiċi tar-restawr fuq il-ġebla. it-taħriġ prattiku jsir f’workshops u laboratorji kif ukoll fuq siti ta’ wirt storiku.

matul il-programm, ikollok l-opportunità li taħdem fuq siti storiċi u strutturi oħra, bil-għan li tifhem aħjar x’titlob il-manutenzjoni u l-protezzjoni. titgħallem ukoll dwar is-sengħa tal-preservazzjoni u s-sistemi tat-tindif u tal-ittestjar tal-materjal.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130414A

Course duration: 3 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast diploma iN plumBiNg - level 3ormCast CertiFiCate iN CoNstruCtioN aNd eNgiNeeriNg sKills (plumBiNg)or4 seC/o-level passespreferred: english, mathematics, technical drawing, graphical Communication or design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. identify materials for specific applications3. install solar heating panels to an existing

system4. Carry out installations, alterations, repair

and planned maintenance of existing systems.

Career opportunities: domestic, commercial and industrial plumber installation, maintenance and repair


this course comprises theoretical knowledge together with extended practical training both off-the-job and on-the-job as part of an apprenticeship or work placement.

you will learn how to analyse and generate solutions to typical plumbing installations, alteration, repair and planned maintenance.

practical training is carried out at the institute workshops which are equipped to industry standards. students are expected to participate individually and in teams to install pipe systems and fittings and accessories of domestic, commercial and industrial installations.

the course also covers liquid petroleum gas (lpg) systems installed to mra/msa standards.

dan il-kors jiġbor fih għarfien teoretiku kif ukoll taħriġ prattiku li jsir kemm fl-istitut kif ukoll fuq il-post tax-xogħol bħala parti minn apprentistat jew esperjenza ta’ xogħol.

titgħallem tanalizza u tiġġenera soluzzjonijiet għal installazzjonijiet, tibdil, tiswija u manutenzjoni skont kif titlob is-sengħa.

it-taħriġ prattiku jingħata fil-workshops tal-istitut li huma mgħammra skont standards tal-industrija. l-istudenti mistennija jipparteċipaw kemm b’mod individwali kif ukoll fi gruppi biex jinstallaw sistemi u fittings ta’ pajpijiet u aċċessorji relatati.

il-kors jittratta wkoll installazzjoni ta’ sistemi tal-gass taż-żejt (lpg) skont l-istandards tal-mra/msa.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130415A

Course duration: 3 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:MCAST dIPlOMA In WeldInGaNd FaBriCatioN - level 3ormCast CertiFiCate iN CoNstruCtioN And enGIneeRInG SkIllS (WeldInG And FaBriCatioN)or4 seC/o-level passespreferred: english, mathematics, technical drawing, graphical Communicationor design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the

immediate working environment before and after executing an assigned task

2. use tools and equipment related to steel fabrication

3. use tools and equipment to prepare and weld steel by a suitable process

4. identify and select common engineering materials fit for specific applications.

Career opportunities: Welding and fabrication technician Welding and fabrication supervisor pipe welding specialist production information technician

this course comprises theoretical knowledge and extended practical training. the practical training carried out in workshops equipped to industry standards.

you will be expected to participate individually and in teams to fabricate welded products. you will learn how to analyse and generate solutions to typical fabrication using thin plates and pipes.

you will also be given the opportunity to follow an apprenticeship to improve your hands-on experience.

in order to be able to appreciate the importance of good production management, supervised visits to complex production set-ups are organised during the course.

dan il-kors jiġbor fih għarfien teoretiku u taħriġ prattiku fil-workshops tal-istitut li huma attrezzati skont kif jitolbu l-istandards tal-industrija.

tkun mistenni li tipparteċipa kemm waħdek kif ukoll fi grupp biex taħdem fuq prodotti li fihom xogħol tal-iwweldjar. titgħallem tanalizza u tiġġenera soluzzjonijiet fit-twettiq ta’ xogħol bil-pjanċa u l-pajpijiet.

tingħata wkoll l-opportunità taħdem bħala apprentist biex ittejjeb l-esperjenza prattika.

sabiex tkun tista’ tapprezza aħjar l-importanza ta’ maniġment għaqli f’dik li hi produzzjoni, matul il-kors norganiżżaw żjarat taħt superviżjoni f’intrapriżi kumplessi.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130416A

Course duration: 1 year full-time and 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC First diploma iN CoNstruCtioNormCast-BteC diploma iN CoNstruCtioNormCast diploma iN heatiNg, veNtilatioN aNd air CoNditioNiNg – level 3or4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematicspreferred: physics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. explain responsibilities of employers and

employees under current health, safety and welfare legislation

2. identify main equipment, media and techniques in the production of drawings to detailing building services systems and processes

3. Calculate final quantities from dimensions and descriptions of construction and building services systems

4. apply scientific principles to provide a comfortable internal environment using natural and building services systems including heating, ventilation and air-conditioning designs.

Career opportunities: draughtsperson tendering and estimating technician Quality assurance technician design office assistant

the course enables learners to enter the industry of building services engineering to support in areas such as design, systems’ installation and facilities management. training is provided in a wide range of building services systems in the mechanical and electrical field. the theme of energy conservation and environmental impact is present throughout.

this enables you to be able to carry out duties at a technical level. Qualified technicians are continuously required in a building services design office and/or installation companies working with new installations and/or existing installations that require upgrading to conform with new legislations.

il-kors huwa maħsub għal dawk li jixtiequ jidħlu fl-industrija tal-building services engineering biex jaħdmu fil-qasam tad-disinn, il-bini u l-immaniġġjar tal-faċilitajiet. tieħu taħriġ fuq firxa wiesgħa ta’ sistemi ta’ servizzi, kemm dawk ta’ natura mekkanika kif ukoll dawk elettriċi. tingħata importanza kontinwa t-tema tal-konservazzjoni tal-enerġija u l-impatt ambjentali.

dan l-għarfien iwasslek biex tkun tista’ toffri s-servizzi tiegħek f’livell tekniku. l-uffiċini inkarigati mid-disinn tas-servizzi u l-kumpaniji li jispeċjalizzaw kemm fl-installazzjonijiet eżistenti kif ukoll fl-upgrades li jridu jsiru biex jiġu konformi mal-liġi, ifittxu ħaddiema bi kwalifiki bħal dawn.

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A work placement at Panta Lesco Ltd.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130417A

Course duration: 1 year full-time and 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC First diploma iN CoNstruCtioNormCast-BteC diploma iN CoNstruCtioNormCast CertiFiCate iN CoNstruCtioN eNgiNeeriNg sKillsormCast diploma - level 3 (iBCe Courses)or4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. explain responsibilities of employers and

employees under current health, safety and welfare legislation

2. identify main equipment, media and techniques used in the production of drawings to detail civil engineering installations

3. produce final quantities from dimensions and descriptions of construction and civil engineering works

4. perform linear/leveling surveys and the setting out of small civil engineering projects.

Career opportunities: draughtsperson tendering and estimating technician geospatial technician Quality assurance technician design office assistant

this course is based on both off-the-job and on-the-job training. it provides an in-depth knowledge and experience of the general requirements and specialist areas in the field of building and construction.

this enables you to be able to carry out duties, at a professional and technical level, that are continuously required in an architect’s office or firms dealing in construction and civil engineering projects such as design, land surveying, geospatial engineering, Quantity surveying and infrastructure projects.

dan il-kors huwa bbażat fuq taħriġ li jingħata kemm barra l-post tax-xogħol kif ukoll fuq il-post tax-xogħol. il-kors jagħti għarfien sħiħ u esperjenza ġenerali skont kif jitolbu l-oqsma speċjalizzati fil-qasam tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni.

dan iwassal biex inti tkun tista’ twettaq xogħol ta’ livell tekniku u professjonali, bħal ma huma d-disinn, il-land surveying, il-geophysical engineering, il-Quantity surveying u proġetti tal-infrastruttura u kif fil-fatt meħtieġ f’uffiċċju ta’ perit jew f’kumpanija li taħdem fuq proġetti ta’ inġinerija ċivili.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130418A

Course duration: 1 year full-time and 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC First diploma iN CoNstruCtioNormCast-BteC diploma iN CoNstruCtioNormCast CertiFiCate iN CoNstruCtioN eNgiNeeriNg sKillsormCast diploma - level 3 (iBCe Courses)or4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. explain the responsibilities of employers

and employees under current health, safety and welfare legislation

2. identify main equipment, media and techniques used in the production of drawings to detail building/construction techniques and processes

3. Calculate final quantities from dimensions and descriptions of construction and civil engineering works

4. interpret and evaluate building surveying techniques.

Career opportunities: draughtsperson tendering and estimating technician project management technician design office assistant

this course is based on both off-the-job and on-the-job training and gives an in-depth knowledge and experience of the general requirements and specialist areas related to the field of building and construction.

this should enable you to carry out duties, at a professional and technical level, that are continuously required in an architect’s office or firms dealing in the building and construction business such as design, Quantity surveying, land surveying, geospatial engineering, geographical information and project management.

dan il-kors Built environment huwa bbażat fuq taħriġ li jingħata kemm barra l-post tax-xogħol kif ukoll fuq il-post tax-xogħol. il-kors jagħti għarfien sħiħ u esperjenza ġenerali skont kif jitolbu l-oqsma speċjalizzati fil-qasam tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni.

dan għandu jwasslek biex taħdem f’livell professjonali u tekniku, u tagħmel ix-xogħol tipiku li huwa meħtieġ f’uffiċċju ta’ perit jew f’kumpanija li topera fis-settur u li tagħmel xogħol ta’ disinn, Quantity u land surveying, inġinerija Ġeospazjali, informazzjoni Ġeografika u Mmaniġġjar ta’ Progetti.

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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130419

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC eXTended dIPlOMA iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNt (BuildiNg serviCes eNgiNeeriNg)orMCAST-BTeC eXTended dIPlOMA iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNt (Civil eNgiNeeriNg)orMCAST-BTeC eXTended dIPlOMA iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNtormCast diploma iN heatiNg, veNtilatioN aNd air CoNditioNiNg - level 4or2 a-level passes and 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: physics and mathematics (pure or applied)

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the health, safety and

welfare legislation applicable to the construction and the built environment, and the importance of preparing plans incorporating risk identification in design and during construction

2. understand the principles that underpin the design and installation of building incorporating space heating, ventilation and air conditioning

3. produce design solutions that embed environmental assessment solutions in common use

4. appraise the energy efficiency and energy audits for buildings and building services installation.

Career opportunities: Building services design manager leading draughtsperson tendering and estimating manager Quality assurance manager

this course covers the key knowledge, understanding and practical technician level skills required in the built environment sector. this programme prepares learners for a technical career, for example as a building services technician, in the different fields of services namely heating, natural and forced ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing, fire fighting and the management control systems to make buildings comfortable and sustainable in operation.

this enables you to carry out duties at a technical level, that are continuously required in a building services design office and/or installation companies dealing with new installations and/or existing installations that require upgrading to conform with new legislations.

dan il-kors ikopri l-ħiliet ewlenin ta’ għarfien, fuq livell tekniku u prattiku, kif meħtieġ fis-settur tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni. dan il-programm jipprepara lill-istudenti għal karriera teknika, per eżempju bħala tekniku fis-servizzi tal-bini, fl-oqsma ta’ servizzi differenti, jiġifieri l-heating, il-ventilazzjoni naturali u artifiċjali, l-arja kondizzjonata, il-plumbing, it-tifi tan-nar u s-sistema ta’ kontroll ġenerali li lkoll jistgħu jagħmlu l-bini komdu u sostenibbli fil-funzjonijiet tiegħu.

il-programm jagħtik l-għarfien meħtieġ li jwasslek biex tagħmel xogħol f’livell tekniku, xogħol li ta’ sikwit huwa meħtieġ f’uffiċċju inkarigat mid-disinn tas-servizzi u/jew kumpaniji tal-installazzjoni u/jew installazzjonijiet eżistenti li jeħtieġu bidlabiex isiru konformi mal-liġijiet ġodda.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130420

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC eXTended dIPlOMA iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNt (BuildiNg serviCes eNgiNeeriNg)orMCAST-BTeC eXTended dIPlOMA iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNt (Civil eNgiNeeriNg)orMCAST-BTeC eXTended dIPlOMA iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNtor2 a-level passes and 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: physics and mathematics (pure or applied)

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the methods and techniques

used in excavation activities and site surveys procedures, and techniques to create substructures and superstructures

2. understand the techniques used in site investigation/evaluation/superstructure design/substructure and the technology of complex buildings

3. understand the health, safety and welfare legislation applicable to construction and the built environment, and the importance of production plans incorporating risk identification in design and during construction

4. devise a project scope and scheme of work and design detailed elements of a structure.

Career opportunities: Civil engineering design manager tendering and estimating manager geospatial engineering manager leading draughtsperson

the course covers the key knowledge, understanding and practical skills required in the civil engineering sector. it offers specialist fields of study such as land surveying, Quantity surveying, project management and design, through the choice of selected units that are relevant to the civil engineering sector.

this enables the successful learners to be able to carry out duties, at a professional and technical level, that are continuously required in an architect’s office or firms dealing in construction and civil engineering projects.

il-kors ikopri l-ħiliet ewlenin fir-rigward tal-għarfien u l-prattika fis-settur tal-inġinerija ċivili. il-programm joffri oqsma ta’ studju speċjalizzat bħal-land surveying, Quantity surveying, project management and design, permezz ta’ għażla ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju li huma rilevanti għas-settur tal-inġinerija ċivili.

dan iwassal biex l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jaħdmu f’livell professjonali u tekniku f’xogħol li huwa ta’ sikwit meħtieġ f’uffiċċju ta’ perit jew f’kumpaniji li jieħdu ħsieb proġetti ta’ kostruzzjoni u inġinerija ċivili.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130421

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC eXTended dIPlOMA iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNt (BuildiNg serviCes eNgiNeeriNg)orMCAST-BTeC eXTended dIPlOMA iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNt (Civil eNgiNeeriNg)orMCAST-BTeC eXTended dIPlOMA iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNtor2 a-level passes and 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: physics and mathematics (pure or applied)

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the health, safety and welfare

legislation applicable to construction and the built environment, and the importance of production plans incorporating risk identification in design and during construction

2. understand the techniques used in site investigation/evaluation/superstructure design/substructure and the technology of complex buildings

3. devise a project scope with a scheme of work and design and detail elements of a structure

4. produce sustainable design solutions that reduce the impact on the environment.

Career opportunities: Construction design manager Construction site manager leading draughtsperson tendering and estimating manager Quality assurance manager Quantity surveying manager

the course covers the key knowledge, understanding and practical skills, at technician level, required in the building and construction sector. it also offers specialist fields of study through the choice of selected units that are relevant to the trade.

this programme prepares you for a technical career (construction technician engineer) in the different fields of construction namely architectural design and Quantity surveying, Quality assurance and management.

Core study units, such as applied mathematics for Construction and the Built environment, are complemented with specialist units which would include aspects of architectural design, including technology of Complex Buildings and Conversion and adaptation of Buildings.

il-kors joffri l-għarfien u l-ħiliet ta’ qofol meħtieġa fix-xogħol tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni fil-livell ta’ tekniku. il-programm jittratta oqsma speċjalizzati permezz ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju li huma rilevanti għas-sengħa.

permezz ta’ dan il-programm, inti tkun tista’ taqbad karriera li tressqek lejn oqsma relatati bħal ma huma l-architectural design u l-Quantity surveying, il-Quality assurance u l-management.

l-unitajiet ta’ studju hekk imsejħa ta’ qofol, bħal dak tal-applied mathematics for Construction and the Built environment, jikkumplimentaw l-unitajiet speċjalisti, bħal technology of Complex Buildings, u Conversion and adaptation of Buildings, li jinkludu aspetti tad-disinn arkitettoniku.

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A work placement at Solar Solutions Ltd.

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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130422

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC higher NatioNal diploma iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNt (Civil eNgiNeeriNg)ormCast-BteC higher NatioNal diploma iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNt

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. evaluate and design management

techniques in the construction and built environment sector

2. analyse and evaluate sustainable design options for buildings

3. understand and compare construction materials in terms of properties, behaviour and characteristics

4. examine and coordinate installation, design and maintenance requirements of building services in domestic, commercial and industrial buildings; of construction and of civil engineering projects.

Career opportunities: design manager Construction site manager project manager Quality assurance manager Quantity surveyor geospatial engineering manager estate and facilities manager Building services installation and design

manager tendering and estimating manager accuracy control manager

this degree course provides you with the management skills and technical knowledge associated with the diverse and challenging industry of construction. in addition, the programme equips you with the necessary design and evaluation techniques to be able to make professional judgements on technological, social and ethical issues during the planning and execution of construction projects.

By the end of the programme, you will have an understanding of how human and material resources can be effectively managed. you are expected to work independently, with a significant amount of research and self-directed study, both within and outside the institute environment.

dan il-kors ta’ lawrja jrawwem fik dawk il-ħiliet maniġerjali u l-għarfien tekniku li huma meħtieġa fl-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni. it-taħriġ jinkludi elementi ta’ disinn u teknika ta’ evalwazzjoni sabiex wieħed jagħraf jieħu deċiżjonijiet ta’ natura teknoloġika, soċjali u etika matul l-ippjanar u l-eżekuzzjoni ta’ proġetti ta’ kostruzzjoni.

Fi tmiem il-programm, inti jkollok għarfien tajjeb ta’ kif ir-riżorsi umani u dawk materjali jistgħu jiġu mmaniġġjati sewwa. l-istudenti mistennija jaħdmu b’mod indipendenti kemm fir-riċerka kif ukoll fl-istudju, kemm ġewwa kif ukoll barra l-istitut.



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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC higher NatioNal diploma iN CoNstruCtioN aNd the Built eNviroNmeNt (BuildiNg serviCes eNgiNeeriNg)

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. examine and coordinate installation,

design and maintenance requirements of building services in domestic, commercial and industrial buildings; of construction, and of civil engineering projects

2. analyse and evaluate sustainable design options for buildings

3. understand and compare construction materials in terms of properties, behaviour and characteristics

4. apply technical skills and knowledge associated with energy efficient and renewable energy technologies for the energy demands of buildings.

Career opportunities: design management in building services

construction site management Quality assurance management Quantity surveying estate and facilities management Building services installation and design

management tendering and estimating management accuracy control management

this course aims to provide learners with the management skills and technical knowledge associated with the diverse and challenging building services engineering industry. the programme aims to equip the learners with the necessary design and evaluation techniques to make professional judgements on technological, social and ethical issues during planning and the execution of building services projects.

environmental and technical issues are covered within specialist units designed for this programme. learners are also expected to be more independent, with a significant amount of research and self-study, directed both within and outside the institute environment.

l-għan ta’ dan il-kors huwa li jagħti lill-istudenti ħiliet maniġerjali u tagħrif tekniku assoċjat mal-industrija tal-inġinerija fis-servizzi tal-bini. il-kors huwa intiż biex jgħallem lill-istudenti t-teknika tad-disinn u l-evalwazzjoni li huma meħtieġa biex wieħed jagħmel ġudizzji professjonali marbuta ma’ kwistjonijiet teknoloġiċi, soċjali u etiċi waqt l-ippjanar u l-eżekuzzjoni ta’ proġetti ta’ servizzi tal-bini. il-kors ikopri problemi ambjentali u tekniċi permezz ta’ unitajiet speċjalizzati li huma disinjati għal dan il-programm ta’ studju. l-istudenti huma wkoll mistennija li jkunu aktar indipendenti, b’ammont konsiderevoli ta’ riċerka u studju li jsiru kemm ġewwa kif ukoll barra l-ambjent tal-istitut.



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13/04/11AMCAST Diploma in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning- Level 4

3 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/14AMCAST Diplomain Plumbing- Level 4

3 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/15AMCAST Diploma in Welding and Fabrication- Level 4

3 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/17AMCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment(Civil Engineering)

1 year full-timeand 2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/01MCAST Introductory Certificate in Construction Engineering - Level 1

1 year full-time

13/04/02MCAST Foundation Certificate in Construction Engineering - Level 2

1 year full-time

13/04/03AMCAST Diplomain Construction and Stone Masonry- Level 3

2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/04MCAST Diploma in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning- Level 3

1 year full-time

13/04/05AMCAST Diploma in Joinery and Furniture Making- Level 3

2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/06AMCAST Diplomain Masonry Heritage Skills (Sewwej)- Level 3

2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/18AMCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment

1 year full-timeand 2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/12AMCAST Diploma in Joinery and Furniture Making- Level 4

3 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/13AMCAST Diplomain Masonry Heritage Skills (Mastru)- Level 4

3 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/16AMCAST-BTEC Extended Diplomain Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering)

1 year full-timeand 2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/23Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Building Services Engineering

1 year full-time

13/04/22Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Construction Engineering

1 year full-time

13/04/19MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering)

2 years full-time

13/04/20MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering)

2 years full-time

13/04/21MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment

2 years full-time

13/04/07AMCAST Diplomain Plumbing- Level 3

2 years part-timeon apprenticeship







13/04/08AMCAST Diploma in Trowel Trades (Plastering & Tile Laying or Painting & Decorating)- Level 3

2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

13/04/09AMCAST Diploma in Welding and Fabrication- Level 3

2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/04/10MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Construction

1 year full-time

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A business meeting at the Institute’s board room

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Institute ofbusiness andcommerceThe Institute of Business and Commerce offers vocational education and training in the fields of business and commerce. We are committed to providing quality education through courses which are relevant to the individual as well as to the country’s socio-economic needs. Through academic and practical learning opportunities, we help you to foster an entrepreneurial insight and seek the required innovation and creativity to succeed in your career. We collaborate with the local business community, with Government and with local and foreign institutions, to enhance students’ potential for development and employability.

MCAST Institute of Business and Commerce

Main Campus, Triq Kordin, Paola PLA 9032

00356 2398 7600

00356 2398 7640

E [email protected]

Director: Ms Yvonne PulisDeputy Directors: Mr Josef Buttigieg, Ms Jacqueline Micallef Grimaud


institute of

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Page Course Code Course Title

156 13/06/01 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Business - Level 2*

158 13/06/02 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Business

159 13/06/03 Certificate in Insurance - Level 4*

161 13/06/04 MCAST Certificate in Administrative and Secretarial Studies - Level 4*

162 13/06/05 MCAST Certificate in Marketing Studies - Level 4*

163 13/06/06 MCAST Certificate for Medical Secretaries - Level 4*

164 13/06/07 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Business

166 13/06/08 MCAST Level 4 Diploma in Financial Services

167 13/06/09 AAT Diploma in Accounting

168 13/06/10 Diploma in Insurance Studies - Level 5*

169 13/06/11 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business

170 13/06/12 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Enterprise

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.







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A work placement at Mediterranean Bank

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“Once you choose a course at MCAST, you’re starting a journey that can lead you to great achievements. When I started working I realised that I needed every bit of knowledge and experience gained during my studies to be proficient in my day-to-day tasks at the office.”

Jean Claude BriffaAAT Diploma in Accounting, Accounting Technician at FTIAS Ltd.

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“I’ve always wanted a career in business management and my studies at MCAST are helping me acquire the skills I need to master to become a successful manager. It is not always easy, but thankfully, when faced with difficult topics, our lecturers are always very supportive.”

Joanna MagroFirst year student, MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diplomain Business

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“As part of my studies, I was offered a work placement with FIMBank plc along with two other students. The Bank assigned us to a project and we were expected to deliver results within a specified timeframe. The feeling of satisfaction upon completing the project is my most memorable experience at MCAST.”

Yanica GrechFinal year student,Bachelor of Arts (Honours)in Business Enterprise

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“The growing banking and financial services sectors provide endless prospects to young individuals who are determined to advance in their career. MCAST opened up these opportunities to me. The Institute’s courses bring together knowledge, strong values and real workplace experiences to help students reach their targets.”

Giovanni Farrugia Diploma in Banking and Financial Services, Treasury Officer at Mediterranean Bank plc.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130601

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:MCAST INTroduCTory CerTIfICATeorfINIShed CoMpulSory eduCATIoN

Other entry requirements:Initial Assessment Tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. describe basic business concepts2. Communicate in Maltese and english in

a business environment3. Apply mathematical skills in everyday

life and in business4. use appropriate IT skills.

The course is designed to provide an opportunity to students to follow a structured programme of study in that area which is closer to their interests, in this case, Business.

The programme includes a significant amount of vocational practice that will help students to form a clear idea of the nature of the trade or vocation they intend to follow.

Students opting to follow the foundation Certificate in Business will be introduced to the world of business. They will also consolidate their knowledge of those basic subjects and skills required for them to join a variety of courses.

Il-kors jipprovdi opportunità biex inti tkun tista’ ssegwi programm strutturat ta’ studju f’qasam li l-iktar jinteressak, f’dan il-kaz, in-Negozju.

Il-programm fih elementi ta’ prattika vokazzjonali li tgħinek tfassal idea ċara ta’ dak li beħsiebek tagħmel iżjed ‘il quddiem.

l-istudenti li jidħlu għall-foundation Certificate in Business jibdew jifhmu aħjar x’toffri d-dinja tan-negozju. fl-istess ħin huma jkunu jridu jissaħħu f’dawk is-suġġetti li huma ta’ qofol għal kwalunkwe kors li joffri l-Kulleġġ.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130602

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BTeC registration fees

Entry requirements:MCAST fouNdATIoN CerTIfICATeor2 SeC/o-level pASSeS preferred: Business Studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the functions and purposes

of business organisations2. understand the role of people in

business organisations, and how these communicate and provide support to the organisation

3. Apply basic skills to manage personal finances and to keep basic financial books of a business organisation

4. understand basic concepts of branding and retailing as well as customer relations in a business organisation.

Career opportunities: Clerical assistant Customer care assistant front office assistant office assistant

This course closely examines the various basic business functions giving an overview of the most important areas by looking at the way business organisations operate.

you will learn how to deal with customers and with people within the organisation itself, how to communicate within and outside the organisation, and so on.

The programme therefore prepares you to better understand the different aspects of business operations. It offers you the opportunity to become more familiar with those areas of business and commercial studies you may wish to embark upon in the future.

Il-kors jifli l-funzjonijiet bażiċi u varji tan-negozju u jipprovdi stampa tal-oqsma l-aktar importanti u ta’ kif joperaw l-organizzazzjonijiet f’dan is-settur.

Titgħallem kif iġġib ruħek mal-klijenti u ma’ persuni oħra li jaħdmu fl-organizzazzjoni nfisha, kif tikkomunika sew kemm ġewwa kif ukoll barra mill-organizzazzjoni, u l-bqija.

Għaldaqstant, il-programm iħejjik biex tifhem aħjar l-aspetti differenti li ser tiltaqa’ magħhom fix-xogħol tan-negozju. Il-kors joffrilek l-opportunità li tagħraf liema minn dawk l-oqsma tan-negozju u l-istudji kummerċjali tkun tixtieq li ssegwi aktar ‘il quddiem.

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AWARDING BODY: CHARTERED INSURANCE INSTITUTE (UK) more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130603

This one-year course introduces students to the concept of insurance and is a core qualification equipping students with the various skills required to take up a career in all sectors of the insurance industry. It develops the students’ potential to enable them to become competent in insurance operations.

you will learn about basic insurance principles and disciplines such as the regulatory environment, underwriting and claims, insurance packages and the general insurance business and finance practice. The Certificate in Insurance develops the necessary knowledge, attitudes and skills which serve as a stepping stone to further studies and specialisation in the insurance sector.

dan il-kors ta’ sena jintroduċi lill-istudenti għall-kunċett tal-assigurazzjoni. Il-kwalifika hija waħda ta’ qofol u trawwem fl-istudenti dawk il-kompetenzi li huma meħtieġa għal karriera fl-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni. Il-programm ta’ taħriġ iwassal biex l-istudenti jsiru jafu sew kif taħdem l-assigurazzjoni.

Titgħallem dwar il-prinċipji u d-dixxiplini bażiċi tal-assigurazzjoni, bħal, per eżempju, il-qafas regolatorju, il-poloz tal-assigurazzjoni u l-claims, u ħwejjeġ oħra li jolqtu l-prattiċi tas-settur, in-negozju u l-finanzi. Il-kors li jwassal għal dan iċ-ċertifikat jiżviluppa l-għarfien, l-attitudnijiet u l-kompetenzi li jkollok bżonn jekk trid tkompli tistudja u tispeċjalizza aktar fis-settur tal-assigurazzjoni.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: CII registration feesCII course material fees

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC dIploMA IN BuSINeSSor 4 SeC/o-level pASSeS Compulsory: Maltese, english language, Mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the nature of the insurance

market, its structure and its main features

2. demonstrate a knowledge of basic insurance practice and products and of the main methods of handling and resolving customer complaints

3. Apply basic insurance principles including the regulatory environment and the main principles governing contracts

4. understand the nature and main features of risk and insurance.

Career opportunities: Account handler Claims handler Insurance claims surveyor Insurance clerk

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130604

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC dIploMA IN BuSINeSSor 4 SeC/o-level pASSeS Compulsory: Maltese, english language, Mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the key areas of

administration and services and supplies

2. use appropriate office equipment, routine procedures and standards

3. Take notes as well as transcribe business documents from a printed or hand-written copy to a suitable business standard

4. Communicate in different ways on the workplace.

Career opportunities: Contact centre agent filing / archiving officer office administrator personal assistant Secretary Support and administrative services


This course prepares students to work in different types of office environments, be it in business enterprises or government offices.

It gives you the skills necessary to administer the office, to manage the people in it and to deal with clients. It also prepares you to make the best use of equipment which is necessary for the office to function efficiently and to be aware of the different methods of communication, both verbal and written, needed at the workplace.

you will also receive training to acquire the soft skills necessary for this kind of work and at the relative level of competence.

Il-kors iħejjik għal diversi tipi ta’ xogħol li tiltaqa’ miegħu f’ambjent ta’ uffiċċju, kemm f’intrapriżi tan-negozju kif ukoll f’uffiċini tal-gvern.

Tieħu t-taħriġ li hemm bżonn biex tmexxi sewwa l-uffiċċju u l-persuni li jaħdmu fih, kif ukoll kif iġġib ruħek mal-klijenti. Titgħallem ukoll kif tagħmel użu tajjeb mill-apparat li huwa meħtieġ biex l-uffiċċju jiffunzjona b’mod effiċjenti. Tifhem aħjar il-metodi differenti tal-komunikazzjoni, kemm bil-kelma kif ukoll bil-kitba.

Il-kors jinkludi wkoll taħriġ fil-livell relattiv ta’ kompetenzi, li għalkemm ġeneriċi, huma ta’ qofol għal dan it-tip ta’ xogħol.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130605

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC dIploMA IN BuSINeSSor4 SeC/o-level pASSeS Compulsory: Maltese, english language, Mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the marketing concept2. explain the full range of marketing

activities including advertising, public relations, sales promotion and market research

3. describe the fundamental techniques applied to the marketing of products and services

4. Apply marketing concepts to real life marketing scenarios.

Career opportunities: Brand / sales executive Customer care coordinator Marketing assistant Media officer public relations officer Sales representative Selling and sales coordinator

The MCAST Certificate in Marketing Studies enables participants to acquire a clear idea of the basic principles of marketing and the role of marketing in businesses and organisations. you will learn what reliable customer service and public relations entail.

you will also learn about the practice of advertising and selling and sales management within the marketing environment and understand how a business researches new products and services and analyses how best to market them to its target audience.

you will also learn about the various ways to communicate with the public in the market environment.

l-MCAST Certificate in Marketing Studies jgħin lill-parteċipanti jiksbu idea tajba dwar il-prinċipji bażiċi tal-marketing u kif dan tal-aħħar jista’ jservi ta’ għajnuna għan-negozji u l-organizzazzjonijiet. Inti titgħallem x’jinvolvu r-relazzjonijiet pubbliċi kif ukoll x’jitlob is-servizz li jingħata lill-klijenti. Titħarreġ ukoll fil-prattika tar-reklamar, il-bejgħ u l-immaniġġjar tal-bejgħ fl-ambjent tal-marketing. Tibda tifhem aħjar kif in-negozju jfittex biex jiżviluppa prodotti u servizzi ġodda u l-analiżi li ssir biex jinstab l-aħjar mod ta’ kif dawn tressaqhom lejn il-klijentela li għaliha jkunu intenzjonati.

Titgħallem ukoll dwar il-metodi li bihom tista’ tikkomunika mal-pubbliku fl-ambjent tas-suq.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130606

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC dIploMA IN heAlTh ANd SoCIAl CAre with at least four Merit grades in units of 60 guided learning hours or their equivalentor 4 SeC/o-level pASSeS Compulsory: Maltese, english language, Mathematics and one science subject from Chemistry, physics or Biology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the key areas of

administration and services and supplies2. use appropriate office equipment,

routine procedures and standards3. Take notes as well as transcribe medical

documents from a printed or hand-written copy to a mailable standard

4. Communicate in different ways on the work place especially in a medical environment and recollect and use basic medical terminology.

Career opportunities: hospital administrative officer Medical secretary Medical support services officer

(administration) Secretary to the consultant Ward clerical officer

This course is aimed at those who wish to embark on a secretarial career in the health and medical sector. It gives students an understanding of the general key areas of administration, use of office equipment, routine procedures and services, work environment and communication with staff, colleagues and patients.

It also focuses on the medical and health environment and provides participants with basic medical terminology such as dermatology, oncology, medicine and mental health. of equal importance is the training that students receive in transcribing medical dictation, maintaining committee minutes, developing documents for publications and presentations such as power point presentations and projects and the safe keeping of medical records.

l-għan ta’ dan il-kors hu li jħejji lill-istudenti għal karriera segretarjali fis-settur tas-saħħa u fil-qasam mediku. permezz ta’ dan il-kors, l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jifhmu aħjar kif jitmexxew l-oqsma tal-amministrazzjoni, l-użu tal-apparat tal-uffiċċju u proċeduri ta’ rutina li jaffettwaw l-ambjent tax-xogħol, il-komunikazzjoni mal-istaff, mal-kollegi u mal-pazjenti.

Il-parteċipanti jitgħallmu t-terminoloġija bażika u li hija ta’ rilevanza għas-settur, per eżempju, id-dermatoloġija, l-onkoloġija u s-saħħa mentali. Ta’ importanza wkoll hija t-traskrizzjoni medika, kif jinżammu l-minuti tal-kumitati, kif tiżviluppa d-dokumenti għall-publikazzjoni, kif tagħmel preżentazzjoni, ngħidu aħna, permezz tal-powerpoint, il-parteċipazzjoni fi proġetti, kifukoll il-mod kif jinżammu d-dokumenti mediċi.



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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130607

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BTeC registration fees

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC dIploMA IN BuSINeSSor4 SeC/o-level pASSeS preferred: english language, Mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the range of different

businesses, their ownership and their goals

2. understand how businesses are organised to achieve their purposes and distinguish between the roles of supporting organisational activities and departments

3. understand different types of business information and be able to communicate and present this information effectively and use it critically and creatively

4. explain the impact on businesses of the economic, political and legal environment.

Career opportunities: human resources assistant Customer care officer / agent front office coordinator purchasing officer field research officer Supply chain / logistics officer

This course is designed for those wishing to find employment at a junior level within businesses and organisations. It provides a mixture of theory and a practical vision of real life situations in business. It also provides a sound basis of various business areas and specialisations through its different units.

The course is based on practical principles and is designed so as to develop the necessary skills and entrepreneurial spirit to enable you to solve problems and be able to work as part of a team. you are encouraged to think critically and creatively and to communicate effectively.

Il-kors huwa maħsub għal dawk li jixtiequ jsibu impjieg f’livell tal-bidu ma’ negozji u organizzazzjonijiet oħra. Il-programm joffri kemm elementi ta’ teorija u oħrajn ta’ prattika f’qafas ta’ sitwazzjonijiet li tiltaqa’ magħhom tabilħaqq. Il-komponenti tal-istudju jvarjaw skont l-oqsma tipiċi tas-suġġett.

Il-prinċipji prattiċi jiżviluppaw fik dawk il-kompetenzi u dak l-ispirtu ta’ intrapriża li jwassluk biex issolvi l-problemi u taħdem bħala membru fi grupp. It-taħriġ jgħinek ukoll biex taħseb b’mod kritiku u innovattiv u biex tikkomunika b’mod effettiv.


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A business plan presentation at APS Bank

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130608

This course leads to a qualification which provides knowledge about the local and the european financial services sector. Students develop and learn how to apply specialist knowledge within particular areas of banking and finance and on the financial services environment. Students will learn about and acquire skills in how to handle financial transactions, how to deal with customers and how to use and manage available information.

They will also acquire the necessary knowledge on available services for customers and how to market and sell them. The course provides a solid base enabling one to find employment in this sector or continue with further studies.

dan il-kors iwassal għal kwalifika li tipprovdi għarfien dwar is-settur tas-servizzi finanzjarji lokali u dak ewropew. Tul il-kors l-istudenti jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet u jitgħallmu kif japplikaw tagħrif speċjalizzat f’oqsma partikolari tal-banek u tal-finanzi u fl-ambjent tas-servizzi finanzjarji. huma jitgħallmu kif jagħmlu transazzjonijiet finanzjarji, kif igibu ruħhom mal-klijenti u kif jużaw u jimmaniġġjaw l-informazzjoni li jkollhom f’idejhom.

l-istudenti jakkwistaw it-tagħrif meħtieġ fuq is-servizzi li jeżistu għall-klijenti u kif jirreklamaw u jbiegħu dawn is-servizzi. Il-kors jipprovdi bażi soda biex wieħed isib impieg f’dan is-settur jew biex ikompli jistudja iktar.

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: examination fees

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC dIploMA IN BuSINeSSor4 SeC/o level pASSeSCompulsory: english language and Mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. develop analytical and evaluation

skills and understand the relevant moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental issues in financial services

2. understand the need for and the value of effective customer service within the sector

3. develop an awareness and understanding of the ways in which regulation and legislation impact on and are relevant to an organisation and the financial services industry in general

4. develop technical and management skills for a managerial career in financial services and for strategic decision - making.

Career opportunities: on completion of this course students

may find employment across the financial services sector including commercial and specialist banks, fund management and administration, investment services, together with related entities.

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Course duration: 3 years full-time

Fees: AAT registration fees

Entry requirements:4 SeC/o-level pASSeS

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Apply finance administration skills such

as double entry bookkeeping, basic costing principles, and purchase, sales and general ledgers

2. understand the processes and acquire the skills necessary to carry out the role of a finance officer

3. lead a finance team4. Apply the appropriate professional ethics

required in the accounting environment.

Career opportunities: Accounts administrator Accounts executive Accounting technician Audit assistant Credit management officer Senior accounts clerk

This course is intended for students who wish to work in the accounting and financial sectors. It provides you with the necessary academic and practical knowledge and skills to seriously consider a career in these sectors.

you will learn how to carry out a range of technical accountancy tasks such as management accounting skills for evaluating budgeting and performance and preparation of final accounts. you will be prepared to act as specialist support staff for employment in accounting and finance.

Successful students will be qualified to carry out accounting or financial duties in the offices of practising accountants and in industrial and commercial organisations depending on the level of studies and the competences they manage to assimilate.

Il-kors maħsub għal dawk l-istudenti li jixtiequ jaħdmu fis-setturi tal-accounts u l-finanzi. Il-programm joffrilek l-għarfien u l-kompetenzi li teħtieġ biex tkun tista’ tikkunsidra taqbadx karriera f’dawn is-setturi.

Titgħallem dwar għażla ta’ xogħlijiet ta’ natura teknika bħal ma huma l-kompetenzi maniġerjali tal-accounting li jwassluk biex tkun kapaċi tevalwa sitwazzjonijiet li jitolbu budgeting u t-tħejjija ta’ accounts finali.

dawk l-istudenti li jmorru tajjeb fil-kors ikunu kwalifikati biex jidħlu għal xogħol fl-accounting u l-finanzi f’uffiċini ta’ dan is-settur kif ukoll f’organizzazzjonijiet industrijali u kummerċjali. dan skont il-livell ta’ studju u l-kompetenzi li jirnexxilhom jakkwistaw.

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AWARDING BODY: CHARTERED INSURANCE INSTITUTE (UK) more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130610

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: CII registration feesCII course material fees

Entry requirements:CerTIfICATe IN INSurANCe

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Investigate insurance procedures in

more detail2. demonstrate technical knowledge and

understanding of insurance transactions3. understand the laws governing

insurance procedures4. understand the role of insurance in the

sphere of financial services.

Career opportunities: Captive insurance officer Claims processing officer Insurance broker reinsurance officer Tied insurance intermediary

The diploma in Insurance Studies is a technical and supervisory qualification for insurance staff in all sectors of the industry. It will provide a firm grounding in insurance fundamentals and will enable you to build towards advanced technical knowledge, equipping you with the means to function effectively in a challenging environment.

Building on the Certificate in Insurance, you will learn about the laws governing insurance operations and the fundamental principles and practices of claims and insurance business and finance. In addition to being a valuable qualification in its own right, the diploma can also be a milestone on the route to completion of further studies.

Id-diploma in Insurance Studies hija kwalifika teknika u ta’ superviżjoni għall-istaff li jaħdem fis-setturi kollha tal-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni. Il-kors joffri tagħlim u taħriġ fundamentali li hu ta’ siwi kbir għax, bis-saħħa ta’ dan, tkun tista’ tħares ‘il quddiem għal studju tekniku aktar avvanzat. B’hekk tkun tista’ taħdem b’mod effettiv f’ambjent impenjattiv.

Il-kors jibni fuq is-Certificate in Insurance u għalhekk tkompli titgħallem dwar il-liġijiet li jirregolaw l-operat tal-assigurazzjoni u l-prinċipji u l-prattiċi tal-claims, l-assigurazzjoni, in-negozju u l-finanzi.

Minbarra li hija kwalifika ta’ siwi fiha nfisha, id-diploma tista’ anki sservi bħala tarġa oħra fi triqtek lejn studji ogħla.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130611

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BTeC registration fees

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC exTeNded dIploMA IN BuSINeSS orMCAST CerTIfICATe IN MArKeTING orMCAST CerTIfICATe IN AdMINISTrATIve ANd SeCreTArIAl STudIeSorMCAST CerTIfICATe for MedICAlSeCreTArIeS - level 4or2 A-level passes and 2 I-level passesCompulsory A-level: Accounts or Marketing or economics.

As from September 2015, students applying on the basis of the MCAST-BTeC extended diploma in Business need to be in possession of the Certificate in Statistics level 4 or its equivalent.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Show a range of skills and techniques,

personal qualities and attributes essential for successful performance when working in different organisations

2. demonstrate the knowledge, understanding and skills for success in a range of administrative and management functions in the running of a business

3. develop flexibility and flexicurity through creative and innovative thinking and leadership skills

4. understand the legal aspects involved in running an organisation and acquire the skills to apply them, particularly in business situations.

Career opportunities: Assistant manager data handling and analysis officer eu funding / projects coordinator human resources coordinator Warehousing and logistics coordinator

The higher National diploma in Business is a two-year course designed to provide students with a comprehensive range of skills and knowledge necessary for a variety of careers in business especially in small and medium-sized enterprises.

It helps develop students’ personal qualities by offering them specialised studies which are directly relevant to the business sectors in which they are planning to seek employment.

It meets the needs of the major business functions and is of interest to those who wish to set up their own business.

Il-higher National diploma in Business huwa kors ta’ sentejn li jħarreġ lill-istudenti f’firxa wiesgħa ta’ ħiliet. Il-kors joffrilhom ukoll l-għarfien meħtieġ biex ikunu jistgħu jagħżlu karriera fin-negozju u b’mod speċjali fl-intrapriżi ż-żgħar u ta’ daqs medju.

It-taħriġ speċjalizzat li jingħata jrawwem fl-istudent dawk il-kwalitajiet personali mistennija mis-setturi tan-negozju u minn dawk l-oqsma relatati fejn l-istudenti beħsiebhom ifittxu x-xogħol.

Il-kors jissodisfa wkoll il-ħtiġijiet li hemm marbuta mal-funzjonijiet il-kbar tan-negozju. Għaldaqstant għandu jkun ta’ interess għal dawk li jixtiequ jgħinu fit-twaqqif u t-tmexxija ta’ xi qasam tan-negozju.

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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130612

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:MCAST-BTeC hIGher NATIoNAl dIploMA IN BuSINeSSfurther details are available under the section “Applications for MCAST vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Investigate different types of management

and leadership skills2. Show entrepreneurial, creative and

innovative skills in managing and running an organisation

3. demonstrate a good grasp of research tools and techniques

4. Analyse and develop arguments on a range of subjects.

Career opportunities: Branch / outlet / section manager Business development manager human resources manager operations manager project manager research manager and analyst

The degree programme provides undergraduates with specialist content which is constantly applied to real life business and management scenarios. It enhances competences in managing issues affecting modern business organisations.

you will be expected to develop appropriate analytical, critical and research skills in issues pertaining to the changing dynamics of modern organisations. emphasis will be made on creativity and innovation and on fostering entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship.

you will acquire the knowledge and skills of how to manage yourself and others within an organisation and how to run and manage the organisation itself. The focus will not only be on local organisations but also on the eu and international scenarios.

Il-programm fil-livell ta’ lawrja jikkonsistif’tagħlim speċjalizzat li huwa kontinwament applikabbli fl-ambjenti tan-negozju u l-maniġment. Il-kors irawwem fik dawk il-kompetenzi li jwassluk biex timmaniġġja tajjeb sitwazzjonijiet tipiċi li jaffettwaw l-organizzazzjonijiet tan-negozju llum il-ġurnata.

Tkun mistenni tiżviluppa kompetenzi analitiċi u kritiċi u titgħallem kif tagħmel ir-riċerka fuq kwistjonjiet li għandhom x’jaqsmu mat-tibdil li jiltaqgħu miegħu l-organizzazzjonijiet ta’ żmienna. l-enfasi tkun fuq il-kreattività u l-innovazzjoni u fuq il-ħolqien ta’ spirtu ta’ intrapriża.

Titħarreġ fis-sengħa ta’ kif timmaniġġja lilek innifsek u lill-oħrajn kif ukoll kif tmexxi ‘l quddiem l-organizzazzjoni nfisha. l-istudju ma jiffokax biss fuq organizzazzjonijiet lokali iżda wkoll fuq l-ue u xenarji oħra internazzjonali.



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13/06/03Certificate in Insurance- Level 4

1 year full-time

13/06/06MCAST Certificate for Medical Secretaries- Level 4

2 years full-time

13/06/09AAT Diplomain Accounting

1 year full-time

13/06/01MCAST Foundation Certificate in Business - Level 2

1 year full-time

13/06/02MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Business

1 year full-time

13/06/04MCAST Certificate in Administrative and Secretarial Studies- Level 4

2 years full-time

13/06/05MCAST Certificate in Marketing Studies- Level 4

2 years full-time

13/06/12Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Enterprise

1 year full-time

13/06/10Diploma in Insurance Studies- Level 5

1 year full-time






AAT Certificatein Accounting

1 year full-time

AAT AdvancedCertificatein Accounting

1 year full-time

13/06/08MCAST Level 4Diploma inFinancialServices

2 years full-time

13/06/07MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma in Business

2 years full-time

This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

13/06/11MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business

2 years full-time

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A work placement at Marsascala’s trainingcentre for persons with disability

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Institute of

The Institute of Community Services offers vocational programmes in hair and beauty care, in health and social care, sports, as well as early childhood education. With a wide selection of courses ranging from MQF Level 1 to Level 6, and depending on the MCAST approved progression rules, you are able to progress from one level to another while maintaining the flexibility to change your career orientation as you advance in your studies. Our courses focus on assessed work placements to ensure that you get the adequate opportunities to put into practice the principles and techniques learnt during lectures.

MCAST Institute of Community Services

Main Campus, Triq Kordin, Paola PLA 9032

00356 2398 7550

00356 2398 7590

E [email protected]

Director: Ms Tatjana ChircopDeputy Directors: Ms Claire Flores, Mr Patrick Galea


institute ofcommunityservices

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Page Course Code Course Title180 13/09/01 MCAST Introductory Certificate in Care - Level 1*

181 13/09/02 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Care - Level 2*183 13/09/03 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Hairdressing - Level 2*184 13/09/04 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Sport - Level 2*

186 13/09/05 Diploma in Hairdressing - Women (C&G 6902)187 13/09/05A Diploma in Hairdressing - Women (C&G 6902)189 13/09/06 ITEC Diploma for Beauty Specialists190 13/09/07 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Health and Social Care191 13/09/08 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Sport

192 13/09/09 ITEC Diploma in Holistic Massage, Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments, Diploma in Diet and Nutrition for Complementary Therapists193 13/09/09A ITEC Diploma in Holistic Massage, Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments, Diploma in Diet and Nutrition for Complementary Therapists195 13/09/10 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Social Care)197 13/09/11 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness)198 13/09/12 MCAST-BTEC National Diploma in Children’s Play, Learning and Development

200 13/09/13 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Advanced Studies in Early Years201 13/09/14 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Health and Social Care (Management)

202 13/09/15 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Health and Social Care (Management)

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.








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“My dream is to play football abroad and to learn as much as I can about sports. Eventually, through a career in coaching, I would love to pass on my sports experiences and all that I am learning now to other children and young people, helping them succeed in their chosen discipline.

Bjorn KristensenFirst year studentMCAST-BTEC Extended Diplomain Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness)

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“At MCAST, I benefited from a system of learning by doing, with the support of lecturers and support staff who really cared for us. Now that I am teaching children myself, I keep in mind a very important lesson I learnt during my studies – you may forget what teachers may have told you in class, but you’ll never forget how they cared for you.”

Francesca Agius-VadalàMCAST-BTEC National Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development,Kindergarten Teacher at San Anton School

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“At MCAST, lecturers give us ample individual attention to help us firmly grasp the techniques used in our line of work. Often, we are offered opportunities to practise our skills for a good cause. I will never forget the day when we held a face painting event for children to raise fundsfor people in need.”

Francesca BugejaFirst year student, ITEC Diploma in Holistic Massage,Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments,Diploma in Diet and Nutrition forComplementary Therapists

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“During my studies at MCAST, I didn’t simply learn about hairdressing. The lecturers emphasised the importance of being professional, paying particular attention to client satisfaction and rigorously following safety precautions at all times. These values are essential requirements to succeed in the fashion industry.”

Matthew Castillo Diploma in Hairdressing – Women (C&G 6902),Hair stylist and owner of Castillo Hair Salon

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130901

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests and interview

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. state the role of a carer within different

work environments2. Communicate with service users in a

respectful manner 3. demonstrate basic care skills within

different work environments4. perform basic first aid.

the level one introductory Certificate in Care is aimed at those students who still need a further understanding of the Key skills requirements at this level. the students will be able to focus on two study units which specifically pertain to the studies in care, namely introduction to Care and Care skills.

you will have the opportunity to visit care settings as part of your course programme. this course serves as the most basic introduction to the area of care and students need to complete the mCast Foundation Certificate in Care - level 2 as well as the mCast-BteC diploma in health and social Care in order to be able to work as carers.

is-Certificate in Care - livell 1 huwa maħsub għal dawk l-istudenti li jeħtiġilhom itejbu l-ħiliet ta’ qofol (Key skills) mistennija minnhom f’dan il-livell ta’ taħriġ. l-istudenti li jidħlu għal dan il-kors vokazzjonali jiffukaw ukoll fuq żewġ unitajiet ta’ studju, jiġifieri introduction to Care u Care skills.

Bħala element siewi għall-programm tiegħek, hemm l-opportunità li żżur id-djar tal-kura. Żomm f’moħħok li dan il-kors jagħtik biss introduzzjoni bażika. Għaldaqstant, inti tkun mistenni li ttemm l-mCast Foundation Certificate in Care - level 2 kif ukoll l-mCast-BteC diploma in health and social Care biex tkun tista’ taħdem bħala carer.



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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130902

the programme provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to follow a structured programme of study in an area which is close to their interests.

the programme offers students the opportunity of obtaining work experience. this helps students get a better idea of the nature of this calling. this course provides the basic skills necessary for further training.

you will be required to sit for tests in maltese, english and mathematics. Following these tests, mCast shall draw up a list of those who are found to require significant help in their studies. these learners will stand to benefit by joining the introductory Certificate in Care course at level 1 instead. this is a one-year course which is intended to help the students to progress to level 2 courses the following year.

il-kors jipprovdi opportunità lil dawk li spiċċaw l-iskola obbligatorja u għandhom iċ-ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja biex isegwu kors f’qasam li hu ta’ interess għalihom.

il-kors joffrilek opportunità biex tikseb esperjenza ta’ xogħol li jgħinek tifforma idea tajba tas-sengħa jew vokazzjoni li beħsiebek issegwi. dan il-kors jipprovdi l-ħiliet bażiċi li jwasslu għal aktar taħriġ fis-settur tal-kura.

tkun trid tersaq għal testijiet fil-malti, fl-ingliż u fil-matematika. Wara dawn it-testijiet, l-mCast iħejji lista ta’ dawk li jkunu jeħtieġu aktar għajnuna biex ilaħħqu mal-istudji tagħhom. dawn l-istudenti jidħlu għall-introductory Certificate in Care fuq il-livell 1. dan il-kors ta’ sena jgħinhom jgħaddu għall-korsijiet fuq il-livell 2 is-sena ta’ wara.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests and interview

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand basic care principles2. practise own proper personal care and

presentation3. understand basic scientific principles

needed to be an effective carer4. Work safely to protect yourself and

others within the care environment, under supervision.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130903

the hairdressing programme provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to follow a structured programme of study in an area which is close to their interests.

the programme does not only consist of vocational practice. it includes the study of key skills which will also help you to get a better idea of the nature of your preferred calling. in other words, the course provides the basic skills necessary for further training in the hairdressing trade.

il-kors tal-hairdressing jipprovdi opportunità ta’ taħriġ fis-settur lil dawk li jkunu spiċċaw l-iskola obbligatorja u li għandhom iċ-ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja.

il-programm ma jikkonsistix biss fi prattika vokazzjonali. Jinkludi wkoll is-suġġetti ta’ qofol li jgħinuk biex tifforma idea aħjar ta’ x’titlob is-sengħa li biħsiebek issegwi. Fi kliem ieħor, dan il-kors iservi ta’ bażi biex, fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, tkun tista’ timxi ‘l quddiem u titħarreġ iżjed fis-sengħa tal-hairdressing.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateor FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment testsapplicants may be called for an interview.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. describe basic hair and scalp structures2. practise proper own personal care and

presentation3. demonstrate an understanding of

basic scientific principles relating to hairdressing

4. Complete a range of basic tasks required to assist a hairdresser.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130904

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment testsmedical Certificate

successful performance in the Fitnesstest which includes :30 metre sprintsit and reachVertical jumpBeep testagility test

parental consent is required if the student is under the age of 18.

applicants are required to sign a consent form prior to the Fitness test

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. define and practise a healthy and

active lifestyle2. explain exercise and fitness methods and perform an exercise programme3. plan and assist physical activity

sessions for children4. identify and participate in a wide range

of major and minor sports

the Foundation Certificate in sport is the ideal first step for school leavers with a special interest in sports and physical activity. this entry-level course provides the basic knowledge and skills necessary to pursue further studies in sports including fitness instruction, sports development and sports coaching.

learners are introduced to the concept of healthy living and active lifestyle. they are also given the opportunity to describe and practise a wide range of sports, physical activities and exercise methods. learners are further introduced to the unique physical activity requirements of children and are given the opportunity to assist in the delivery of sessions.

il-Foundation Certificate in sport huwa l-ewwel pass għal dawk li jixtiequ jaslu għal karriera fl-isport allavolja m’għandhomx kwalifiki uffiċjali. dan il-kors specifikament joffri l-informazzjoni bażika biex jitkompla wkoll l-istudju f’livell ogħla fil-qasam sportiv li tinkludi kwalitajiet ta’ studju fil-qasam tal-eżerċizzju fiżiku, żvilupp tal-attivitajiet sportivi u coaching ta’ sports differenti.

l-applikanti għandhom l-opportunità li jitħarrġu iktar fuq stil ta’ ħajja iżjed attiva, sana u movimentata u jkollhom iċ-ċans li jipprattikaw għażla wiesgħa ta’ sports, attivitajiet fiżiċi u metodi ta’ eżerċizzju. l-istudenti jitgħallmu dwar l-attività fiżika meħtieġa mit-tfal u jingħataw l-opportunità jgħinu f’dawn is-sessjonijiet.

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A fitness training session atthe MCAST Gym

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AWARDING BODY: CITY & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130905

Course duration: 2 years full time

Fees: City & Guilds registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-leVel passespreferred: english language, art, home economics, Biology, physics, Chemistry, General science

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Cut, style and colour different hair

varieties2. manage a hairdressing salon reception

desk3. manage client consultations4. maintain health and safety standards

within a hairdressing salon.

Career opportunities: hairdresser

this course leads to a City & Guilds diploma (C&G 6902) which is designed for students wanting to start working in a hair salon, or who may want to work independently. the diploma provides a wide range of theoretical and practical skills in hairdressing.

such skills include shampooing, styling, massaging, cutting, colouring and perming. you will also learn to be aware of health and safety issues as well as how to manage a hairdressing reception. there is also the opportunity to practise your skills both during salon sessions at mCast as well as on your work placement.

dan il-kors iwassal għas-City & Guilds diploma (C&G 6902) li tista’ twassal biex l-istudenti jibdew jaħdmu f’salon tax-xagħar, jew għal rashom. id-diploma toffri firxa wiesgħa ta’ ħiliet teoretiċi u prattiċi fil-qasam tal-hairdressing.

dawn il-ħiliet jinkludu l-ħasil tax-xagħar, l-istil, il-massage, il-qtugħ, iż-żebgħa u l-perm. titgħallem dwar is-saħħa u s-sigurtà, u dwar l-informazzjoni u l-appuntamenti li tagħti lill-klijenti. ikollok iċ-ċans ittejjeb il-ħiliet li titlob is-sengħa tax-xagħar kemm fis-salon tal-mCast kif ukoll fuq postijiet tax-xogħol.

Career opportunities:

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AWARDING BODY: CITY & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130905A

Course duration: 3 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: City & Guilds registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-leVel passespreferred: english language, art, home economics, Biology, physics, Chemistry, General science

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Cut, style and colour different hair

varieties2. manage a hairdressing salon reception

desk3. manage client consultations4. maintain health and safety standards

within a hairdressing salon.

Career opportunities: hairdresser

this course leads to a City & Guilds diploma (C&G 6902) which is designed for students wanting to start working in a hair salon, or who may want to work independently. the diploma provides a wide range of theoretical and practical skills in hairdressing.

such skills include shampooing, styling, massaging, cutting, colouring and perming. you will also learn to be aware of health and safety issues as well as how to manage a hairdressing reception. there is also the opportunity to practise your skills both during salon sessions at mCast as well as on your work placement.

dan il-kors iwassal għas-City & Guilds diploma (C&G 6902) li tista’ twassal biex l-istudenti jibdew jaħdmu f’salon tax-xagħar, jew għal rashom. id-diploma toffri firxa wiesgħa ta’ ħiliet teoretiċi u prattiċi fil-qasam tal-hairdressing.

dawn il-ħiliet jinkludu l-ħasil tax-xagħar, l-istil, il-massage, il-qtugħ, iż-żebgħa u l-perm. titgħallem dwar is-saħħa u s-sigurtà, u dwar l-informazzjoni u l-appuntamenti li tagħti lill-klijenti. ikollok iċ-ċans ittejjeb il-ħiliet li titlob is-sengħa tax-xagħar meta jkollok il-prattika kemm fis-salon tal-mCast kif ukoll fuq postijiet tax-xogħol.

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A hands-on session at the Institute’s beauty salons

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AWARDING BODY: ITEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130906

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: iteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-leVel passes preferred: english language, art, home economics, Biology and Chemistry

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. use waxing techniques competently on

various parts of the body2. apply facial make up and also facial care

routines3. skilfully perform manicures and

pedicures4. recall the anatomy and physiology

essentials for beauty specialists.

Career opportunities: Beautician

this diploma course, designed for those wishing to find employment within the beauty industry, trains you to develop various skills, such as manicure, pedicure, facial treatments, waxing and make-up. you will study anatomy and physiology as well as basic dietary requirements.

you will have the opportunity to practise your skills in established salons as part of your work experience. you will be expected to improve your key skills which are indispensable if you wish to progress successfully in the vocational component of your studies.

successful students may proceed to higher level studies in holistic massage, Facial electrical treatments and diet and Nutrition.

dan il-kors, li jwassal għal diploma, jgħodd għal dawk li jixtiequ jsibu impjieg fl-industrija tal-kura estetika. titħarreġ f’diversi ħiliet, bħal ma huma l-kura tal-idejn u tar-riġlejn, it-trattamenti tal-wiċċ, il-waxing u l-make-up. tistudja l-anatomija u l-fiżjoloġija kif ukoll il-ħtiġijiet bażiċi tad-dieta.

ikollok l-opportunità tipprattika l-ħiliet li titlob is-sengħa f’salons stabbiliti bħala parti mill-esperjenza tiegħek tax-xogħol. Wieħed jistenna li inti ttejjeb il-ħiliet ta’ qofol li huma indispensabbli jekk tixtieq li timxi ‘l quddiem fil-komponent vokazzjonali tal-istudji tiegħek.

dawk li jmorru tajjeb fil-kors ikunu jistgħu javvanzaw għal livelli ogħla ta’ studju, fil-holistic massage, it-trattamenti tal-Wiċċ bl-elettriku, u d-dieta u n-Nutriment.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130907

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-leVel passes preferred: english language, Biology,physics and Chemistry

Note: as from 2015, the entry requirements will be:

mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-leVel passes preferred: english language, Biology,physics, Chemistry, maltese, social studies, Nutrition Food Consumer studies (home economics)

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand individual rights within the

health and social care sectors2. identify individual needs within the

health and social care sectors3. ensure safe environments for particular

client groups4. recognise human lifespan development.

Career opportunities: health and social care worker

this diploma course provides the knowledge and skills required at an operational level in the care sector. the programme helps you to progress to vocational qualifications in a variety of sectors such as early childhood education, social care and health.

you will be assigned work placements with various service users in different settings. among other skills, you will have special sessions on moving and handling as well as infection prevention and control.

as part of this programme, a key skills programme complements the vocational units so that students are given the opportunity to develop competencies in subjects such as english, maths, maltese, it and personal development.

dan il-kors, li jwassal għal diploma, joffri l-għarfien u l-ħiliet prattiċi fis-settur tal-kura. il-programm jgħinek timxi ’l quddiem fil-kwalifiki vokazzjonali f’diversi setturi, bħal ma huma l-edukazzjoni tat-tfal iż-żgħar, il-kura soċjali u s-saħħa.

tingħata prattika fuq il-post tax-xogħol ma’ diversi nies li jagħmlu użu mis-servizz f’oqsma differenti tas-settur. it-taħriġ jinkludi wkoll għarfien siewi dwar sitwazzjonijiet li se tiltaqa’ magħhom, per eżempju, kif terfa’ persuna, kif ukoll tagħrif speċifiku fuq il-prevenzjoni u l-kontroll tal-infezzjonijiet.

il-kors jinkludi tagħlim fil-ħiliet bażiċi li jikkumplimenta s-suġġetti vokazzjonali u ta’ prattika biex l-istudenti jkollhom iċ-ċans jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet tagħhom fl-ingliż, il-matematika, il-malti, l-it u l-iżvilupp personali.

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l-mCast-BteC diploma in sports (exercise and Fitness) hija mfassla għal dawk li jixtiequ jsibu xogħol fis-settur tal-isports. il-kors irawwem fik l-għarfien, it-tagħlim u l-ħiliet prattiċi li teħtieġ jekk trid tirnexxi fl-impjieg tiegħek, ngħidu aħna bħala assistent.

tkun mistenni li tattendi għal sessjonijiet prattiċi fuq il-post tax-xogħol f’ambjenti varjati. Jekk tmur tajjeb fil-kors, tkun tista’ tkompli bil-BteC extended diploma in sports.

dan il-kors jinkludi wkoll taħriġ fil-ħiliet bażiċi, fosthom l-ingliż u l-matematika, li huma ta’ qofol biex takkwista din id-diploma u tkompli tistudja f’livelli ogħla.





AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130908

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: english, Biology, physicaleducation

Other entry requirements:medical certificate

successful performance in the Fitnesstest which includes:30 metre sprintsit and reachVertical jumpBeep testagility test

parental consent is required if the student is under the age of 18.

applicants are required to sign a consent form prior to the Fitness test.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. practise one individual and one team

sport2. understand the foundations of anatomy

and physiology3. recall the basics of nutrition for sports

performance4. interpret a fitness training programme.

Career opportunities: assistant gym instructor

the mCast-BteC diploma in sports (exercise and Fitness) is designed for those who wish to find employment within the sports sector. the course equips you with the knowledge, understanding and skills required for success in employment in sport, such as that of a junior or assistant.

you will be required to attend work placements and practical sessions in a variety of settings. if you complete the course successfully, you may progress to the BteC extended diploma in sports.

a key skills programme including english and mathematics, is also offered alongside the vocational component, in order to improve your chances of success in this diploma and to facilitate further study.

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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130909

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: iteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:iteC diploma For Beauty speCialists

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand concepts of diet and

nutrition2. perform a range of holistic massage

techniques3. perform facial electrical treatments4. understand anatomy and physiology

principles essential for beauty therapists.

Career opportunities: Beauty therapist

these qualifications equip learners with knowledge to provide treatments for the purposes of relaxation and stress release as well as to improve the condition of the skin.

they also provide you with opportunities to develop a range of skills and techniques essential for qualifying as a beauty therapist.

the diploma in diet and Nutrition will enable you to recommend healthy eating habits in order to improve health and lifestyle.

you will practise what you learn as well as the skills you achieve in the Beauty specialist diploma through salon experience sessions at mCast. you will also be in a position to practise these skills as part of your work placements within established salons.

dawn il-kwalifiki jrawmu fl-istudenti l-għarfien biex ikunu jistgħu joffru trattamenti bl-għan ta’ rilassament u ħelsien mit-tensjoni u biex itejbu l-kundizzjoni tal-ġilda.

Jipprovdulek ukoll opportunitajiet biex tiżviluppa firxa ta’ ħiliet u t-teknika meħtieġa biex tikkwalifika bħala terapista fil-kura estetika.

id-diploma in diet and Nutrition twasslek biex tkun tista’ tirrakkomanda tipi ta’ ikel li jagħmlu tajjeb għas-saħħa u l-istil ta’ ħajja.

tkun tista’ tipprattika t-teorija li titgħallem u l-ħiliet li takkwista mill-programm tal-Beauty specialist diploma waqt sessjonijiet ta’ esperjenza fis-salon tal-mCast. ikollok ukoll l-opportunità tippratika dawn il-ħiliet fuq il-post tax-xogħol f’salons stabbiliti.

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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130909A

Course duration: 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: iteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:iteC diploma For Beauty speCialists

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand concepts of diet and

nutrition2. perform a range of holistic massage

techniques3. perform facial electrical treatments4. understand anatomy and physiology

principles essential for beauty therapists.

Career opportunities: Beauty therapist

these qualifications equip learners with knowledge to provide treatments for the purposes of relaxation and stress release as well as to improve skin condition.

they also provide you with opportunities to develop a range of skills and techniques essential for qualifying as a beauty therapist.

the diploma in diet and Nutrition will enable you to recommend healthy eating habits in order to improve health and lifestyle.

you will practise what you learn as well as what you achieve during the Beauty specialist diploma course through salon experience sessions at mCast. you will also be in a position to practise these skills as part of your work placements within established salons.

dan il-kwalifiki jrawmu fl-istudenti l-għarfien biex ikunu jistgħu joffru trattamenti bil-għan ta’ rilassament u tnaqqis mill-istress u biex itejbu l-kundizzjoni tal-ġilda.

Jipprovdulek ukoll opportunitajiet biex tiżviluppa firxa ta’ ħiliet u t-teknika meħtieġa biex tikkwalifika bħala terapista fil-kura estetika.

id-diploma in diet and Nutrition twasslek biex tkun tista’ tirrakkomanda tipi ta’ ikel li jagħmlu tajjeb għas-saħħa u l-istil ta’ ħajja.

tkun tista’ tipprattika t-teorija u l-ħiliet li titgħallem mill-programm tal-Beauty specialist diploma waqt sessjonijiet ta’ esperjenza fis-salon tal-mCast. ikollok ukoll l-opportunità tippratika dawn il-ħiliet fuq il-post tax-xogħol f’salons stabbiliti.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130910

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN health aNd soCial CareormCast diploma iN applied sCieNCe- leVel 3or4 seC/o - leVel passespreferred: maths, english language, maltese, physics, Chemistry, social studies, Nutrition Food Consumer studies (home economics), Biology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. provide a safe environment for adults

and children2. deal with challenging behaviour3. use effective communication in health

and social care settings4. use different psychological perspectives

when dealing with clients

Career opportunities: social support worker

the mCast-BteC extended diploma in health and social Care (social Care) has been developed to prepare learners to work in care-related careers in a professional capacity.

it provides a holistic approach in that the subjects covered are sociology, psychology, communication studies, human biology and law. it equips you with the skills and knowledge which are of utmost importance in the care sector.

this qualification prepares you for employment in various care sectors as a social support worker.

l-mCast BteC extended diploma in health and social Care (social Care) għandha l-għan li tiżviluppalek dawk il-ħiliet prattiċi li teħtieġ biex taħdem fil-qasam tal-kura b’mod professjonali.

il-programm huwa wieħed komprensiv u jiġbor fih numru ta’ suġġetti, jiġifieri s-soċjoloġija, il-psikoloġija, l-istudji tal-komunikazzjoni, il-bijoloġija umana u l-liġi. il-kors irawwem fik il-ħiliet u l-għarfien li teħtieġ biex tkun tista’ taħdem fis-settur tal-kura.

din il-kwalifika tippreparak għal impjieg f’setturi differenti fil-qasam tal-kura soċjali.

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Every year, MCAST sport students travel abroad to experiencedifferent sports activities. This student is trying out high ropesin the Dolomites, Italy

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130911

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN sports(exerCise aNd FitNess)or4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: englishpreferred: physical education and Biology

Other entry requirements:medical certificate

successful performance in the Fitnesstest which includes:30 metre sprintsit and reachVertical jumpBeep testagility test

parental consent is required if the student is under the age of 18.

applicants are required to sign a consent form prior to the Fitness test.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. practise two individual sports and two

team sports2. assess a variety of risks in different sport

events3. organise a range of sports events4. develop fitness and exercise pro-


Career opportunities: Gym instructor Coach sports development officer

the mCast BteC extended diploma in sports (development, Coaching and Fitness) has been developed to meet the growing employment opportunities within the sport and leisure industry.

the qualification provides opportunities for work applications in sports. these include careers in exercise and fitness, coaching, officiating and sports development as well as business ventures.

you are expected to attend work placements (including sessions at mCast’s own gyms) and coaching experiences throughout your studies for which you will be assessed.

you will also officiate several sporting events both within mCast as well as in the local sporting scenario.

l-opportunitajiet tax-xogħol fl-industrija tal-isport u l-ħin ħieles qed jikbru b’rata mgħaġġla. il-kors tal-mCast-BteC extended diploma in sports (development, Coaching and Fitness) ġie żviluppat bil-għan li jħejji l-ħaddiema għall-impjiegi li jitlob dan is-settur.

il-kwalifika tipprovdi opportunitajiet ta’ xogħol fil-qasam tal-isport. Jeżistu karrieri fl-eżerċizzju u l-fitness, xogħol bħala coach jew referee, kif ukoll il-ftuħ ta’ negozji.

inti mistenni tattendi sessjonijiet prattiċi li jinkludu coaching u taħriġ fil-gyms tal-mCast, kif u fejn meħtieġ matul il-perijodu tal-istudju. dan jagħmel parti mill-eżamijiet.

tkun inkarigat ukoll, din id-darba bħala uffiċjal, li tieħu sehem f’diversi attivitajiet sportivi kemm fl-mCast kif ukoll fix-xena sportiva lokali.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130912

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN health aNd soCial Careor4 seC/o-leVel passesCompulsory: english language, malteseand mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. plan activities for babies, toddlers and

children 3 to 5 years old2. maintain health and safety standards in

childcare and kindergarten settings3. implement activities and construct

resources for children aged 0 to 54. monitor and record the development of

children aged 0 to 5.

Career opportunities: Child care worker

this course is designed to enable students to work in a professional capacity with children in child care and kindergarten centres. the qualification provides the skills, knowledge and understanding required in an early years environment.

students are exposed to the most innovative teaching techniques and are also trained on observation techniques required to monitor the development of children.

there is a major emphasis on the practical components carried out in this course. in fact there are four different placements, namely: with a baby (age 0-18 months), with a group of toddlers (ages 19-23 months) and with both 3 year olds and 4 year olds in kindergartens.

students must possess a clean, full conduct certificate.

dan il-kors iwassal biex student ikun jista’ jaħdem professjonalment mat-tfal fiċ-ċentri tal-kura u f’dawk tal-kindergarten. il-kwalifika tħaddan il-ħiliet u t-tagħlim li wieħed mistenni jkollu f’ambjenti bħal dawn.

Bħala student fuq dan il-kors inti tiġi espost għall-aktar prattiċi innovattivi fit-tagħlim. tirċievi wkoll taħriġ fit-teknika tal-osservazzjoni sabiex inti tkun tista’ ssegwi l-iżvilupp tat-tfal.

issir enfasi fuq il-komponent prattiku tal-kors hekk li jkollok erba’ opportunitajiet ta’ taħriġ, jiġifieri, ma’ tarbija ta’ bejn it-twelid u t-18-il xahar, ma’ grupp ta’ tfal li għadhom kemm bdew jimxu (bejn 19 u 23 xahar) u ma’ tfal kemm ta’ 3 snin u ta’ 4 snin fil-kindergartens.

l-istudenti jrid ikollhom ċertifikat ta’ kondotta nadifa.

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A work placement at MCAST’s Magic WondersChildcare Centre

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130913

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC NatioNal diploma iN ChildreN’s Care, learNiNG aNd deVelopmeNt and seC/o-leVel passesin mathematics, english and malteseor2 a-leVel passes aNd 2 i-leVel passesCompulsory a-level or i-level: mathematics, english and maltese

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Conduct research in child care,

kindergarten settings and primary schools

2. maintain health and safety standards in child care and kindergarten settings

3. manage child care centre settings4. develop lessons for children aged 0 - 7 years.

Career opportunities: Child care centre manager

the mCast-BteC higher National diploma in advanced studies in early years has been designed to equip students with the underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills for success in employment within child care centres, kindergarten settings and preparation for primary schools.

it provides specialist studies relevant to pedagogy, developmental psychology and also skills required for the management of child care settings.

the programme is also designed to develop skills and techniques as well as personal qualities and attitudes which are essential for successful performance in working life, thereby enabling learners to make an immediate contribution within the field.

students must possess a clean, full conduct certificate.

l-mCast-BteC higher National diploma in advanced studies in early years toffrilek l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li teħtieġ biex ikollok suċċess fl-impjieg tiegħek ma’ ċentri tal-kura tat-tfal, f’ambjenti tal-kindergarten kif ukoll fit-tħejjija tat-tfal għall-iskola primarja.

il-kors huwa magħmul minn studju speċjalizzat li għandu rabta mal-pedagoġija, il-psikoloġija tal-iżvilupp, kif ukoll il-ħiliet li teħtieġ fit-tmexxija taċ-ċentri tal-kura tat-tfal.

il-programm huwa maħsub ukoll biex itejjiblek il-ħiliet tiegħek, it-teknika kif ukoll dawk il-kwalitajiet u l-attitudnijiet personali li teħtieġ biex tmur tajjeb fil-ħajja tax-xogħol. B’dan il-mod l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jagħtu kontribut immedjat f’dan il-qasam ta’ edukazzjoni.

l-istudenti jrid ikollhom ċertifikat ta’ kondotta nadifa.



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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130914

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN health aNd soCial Care (soCial Care)ormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN health aNd soCial Care (health studies)ormCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN applied sCieNCeormCast diploma For deNtal surGery assistaNtsormCast diploma For pharmaCy teChNiCiaNsor2 a-leVel passes aNd 2 i-leVel passes * preferred: Chemistry, Biology, physics

* as from 2015, sociology, psychology, human ecology, accounts, economics will also be considered as preferred subjects.

seC/o-leVel pass in english language will be mandatory.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Conduct research in the health and

social care field2. maintain health and safety standards in

health and social care settings3. assisting in the management of health

and social care setting and programmes4. analyse and evaluate the theoretical

concepts of legislation, social policy and care standards in the health and social care settings

Career opportunities: Administrative and operational posts in

various care settings/programmes

this course is intended for those who would eventually like to seek employment in the managerial/administrative and operative sectors of a care setting.

as part of your training, you will be able to participate in work placements under the supervision of experienced managers in related settings. the units chosen for this course will prepare you to further develop your studies by joining the Ba (hons) in health and social Care (management).

those who apply for this course would normally have worked in voluntary organisations or would have had various work placements and would have experienced practice in various health and social care settings.

dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal dawk li eventwalment jixtiequ impjieg maniġerjali/amministrattiv jew ta’ natura operattiva fil-qasam tal-kura soċjali.

Bħala parti mit-taħriġ tiegħek, inti tkun tista’ tipparteċipa f’esperjenzi ta` xogħol taħt is-superviżjoni ta’ managers li għandhom l-esperjenza meħtieġa. l-unitajiet ta’ studju jservu wkoll bħala tħejjija għal dawk li jkunu jixtiequ jkomplu bl-istudji tagħhom fil-livell ta’ lawrja, jiġifieri l-Ba (hons) in health and social Care (management).

dawk li japplikaw għal dan il-kors normalment ikunu ħadmu f’organizzazzjonijiet volontarji jew ħadu sehem f’diversi work placements. mistennija wkoll l-esperjenza prattika f’diversi ambjenti tas-saħħa u dawk tal-kura soċjali.

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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130915

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN health aNd soCial Care (maNaGemeNt)

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast Vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. Conduct research in relation to health and

social care management topics2. administrative and manage a care setting/

programme3. ensure quality in health and social care

settings4. evaluate current social policy and related


Career opportunities: posts in management and administration

in the care sector

the degree programme provides students with the managerial competences which are required for those who intend to manage care settings and to be involved in the social policy field.

you will have the opportunity to practise managerial skills in different settings.

research in this area is a key focal issue and students shall be expected to develop analytical skills and learn how to create tailor-made research programmes.

Bis-saħħa ta’ dan il-programm li jwassal għal lawrja, inti titħarreġ f’dawk il-ħiliet li se tiġi bżonn jekk tixtieq tidħol għat-tmexxija tad-djar residenzjali u istituzzjonijiet oħra għall-bżonnijiet soċjali li jitolbu taħriġ professjonali.

ikollok l-opportunità titħarreġ fil-ħiliet maniġerjali f’istituzzjonijiet fil-qasam tal-kura soċjali.

ir-riċerka f’dan il-qasam hija ta’ qofol għal min jixtieq jirnexxi u javvanza. Għaldaqstant, inti tkun mistenni tiżviluppa ħiliet analitiċi kif ukoll tfassal u twettaq programmi ta’ riċerka.



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13/09/09ITEC Diploma in Holistic Massage, Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments, Diploma in Diet and Nutrition for Complementary Therapists1 year full-time

13/09/12MCAST-BTEC National Diploma in Children’s Play, Learning and Development

2 years full-time

13/09/01MCAST Introductory Certificate inCare - Level 1

1 year full-time

13/09/02MCAST Foundation Certificate inCare - Level 2

1 year full-time

13/09/05Diploma in Hairdressing - Women(C & G 6902)

2 years full-time

13/09/06ITEC Diplomafor Beauty Specialists

1 year full-time

13/09/07MCAST-BTEC Diploma inHealth andSocial Care

1 year full-time

13/09/10MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma inHealth and Social Care (Social Care)

2 years full-time

13/09/15Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Health and Social Care (Management)

1 year full-time

13/09/13MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Advanced Studies in Early Years

2 years full-time

13/09/14MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Health and Social Care (Management)

2 years full-time

13/09/08MCAST-BTEC Diploma inSport

1 year full-time







13/09/03MCAST Foundation Certificate in Hairdressing- Level 2

1 year full-time

13/09/04MCAST Foundation Certificate inSport - Level 2

1 year full-time

13/09/09AITEC Diploma in Holistic Massage, Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments, Diploma in Diet and Nutrition for Complementary Therapists2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/09/11MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness)

2 years full-time

This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

13/09/05ADiploma in Hairdressing - Women(C & G 6902)

3 years part-timeon apprenticeship

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An apprenticeship with Methode Electronics Malta Ltd.

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Institute of

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering provides training opportunities to individuals aspiring for careers in some of the most important sectors of the Maltese economy. Our courses range from introductory certificates to Bachelor of Engineering degrees. Engineering subject areas include Electrical, Electronics, Renewable Energy, Computer Engineering, Microelectronics, Electronic Communications, Biomedical and Control. We strive to offer the best learning environment with state-of-the-art equipment, laboratories and highly trained staff, while continuously updating our courses to keep abreast of new technologies and the ever changing needs of industry.

MCAST Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Main Campus, Triq Kordin, Paola PLA 9032

00356 2398 7700

00356 2398 7740

E [email protected]

Director: Mr John SciberrasDeputy Director: Mr Kenny Muscat


institute ofelectrical andelectronicsengineering

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Page Course Code Course Title212 13/03/01 MCAST Introductory Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Level 1*

214 13/03/02 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Level 2*

216 13/03/03 Diploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures) (C&G 2365) - Level 3217 13/03/04 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Engineering (Electronics)

219 13/03/05A Diploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures) (C&G 2365) - Level 4220 13/03/06A MCAST Diploma in Computer Engineering - Level 4*221 13/03/07A MCAST Diploma in Green Energy Technologies - Level 4*222 13/03/08A MCAST Diploma in Industrial Electronics - Level 4*223 13/03/09A MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Electrical/Electronic Engineering

225 13/03/10 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering226 13/03/11 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Electrical Engineering227 13/03/12 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Electronic Engineering

229 13/03/13 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Electronics and Control Engineering 13/03/18 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics and Control Engineering230 13/03/14 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Electronics Engineering 13/03/19 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics Engineering232 13/03/15 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Electronic Communications233 13/03/16 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Power Generation and Renewables234 13/03/17 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Engineering

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.








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A training session with Alternative Technologies Ltd.

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“Biomedical engineering combines engineering and human biology to develop engineering technologies that help improve patients’ lives. Our lecturers guided us through practical examples of how different technologies can be applied to real scenarios and through hands-on sessions in laboratories. These experiences helped me to swiftly adapt to the responsibilities of my job.”

Maria Victoria BezzinaBachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Engineering,Research and DevelopmentEngineer at Baxter Ltd.

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“Gadgets and anything that includes electronic components always intrigued me. The practical aspect of my studies in computer engineering involves building and testing different electronic circuits. These activities are providing me with the experience I need to secure a good job in this sector.”

Matthew EllulFirst year student, MCAST Diploma in Computer Engineering

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“At work, I am regularly tasked with providing solutions to problems that involve different electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering aspects. MCAST provided me with the ideal environment to get used to these three fields by putting theory to practice and subsequently discussing the results, and mistakes,with my tutors.”

Nigel VellaBachelor of Science (Honours) in Power Generation and Renewables,Maintenance Engineer atST Microelectronics

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“My course at MCAST includes an apprenticeship. Twice a week I don’t go to lectures but report for work at an electronics company. Through this training I improved my technical skills and learnt more about the different career opportunities in electronic engineering.”

Shana Kirsty AtkinsThird year student,MCAST Diploma in Industrial Electronics

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130301

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment testsa medical certificate for colour blindnessis a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Carry out simple engineering

calculations2. understand the underlying principles

and applications of basic electrical and electronic components

3. Construct and test simple electronic circuits

4. Communicate using verbal, written and iCt methods.

this is a one-year programme designed to provide an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to experience the vocational field of electrical and electronic engineering.

the course will assist you to develop technical skills in basic electrical, electronics and it. the vocational component covers basic tool handling procedures, soldering techniques and simple electrical and electronic circuit construction.

you shall note that the programme also includes a significant amount of essential key skills, among which maltese, english and mathematics, without which it will not be possible to progress on any vocational course which mCast offers.



dan huwa programm ta’ sena li huwa maħsub biex jipprovdi opportunità lil dawk l-istudenti li jkollhom iċ-Certifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja biex jesperjenzaw il-qasam vokazzjonali tal-inġinerija elettrika u elettronika.

il-kors ser jgħinek tiżviluppa għadd ta’ ħiliet tekniċi ta’ natura bażika fl-elettriku, l-elettronika u l-it. il-parti vokazzjonali tinkludi proċeduri bl-għodda bażika, xogħol ta’ ssaldjar u l-bini ta’ ċirkwiti elettriċi u elettroniċi sempliċi.

innota li l-programm jinkludi ammont sinifikanti ta’ ħiliet essenzjali, fosthom il-malti, l-ingliż u l-matematika, li mingħajrhom ma tkun tista’ timxi ’l quddiem fl-ebda wieħed mill-korsijiet vokazzjonali li l-mCast joffri.

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Training in green energy technologies usingelectronic models

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130302

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioNormCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCate

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

a medical certificate for colour blindness is a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. use basic mathematical and scientific

principles to solve basic engineering problems

2. understand the basic principles and applications of a range of electrical/electronic components

3. Construct and test a range of simple electrical or electronic circuits

4. apply key competences to a range of actions within a contextualised environment in electrical and electronic engineering.

the programme provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to follow a programme of study in an area which is close to their interests, while improving their key skills.

the course is designed for those who need an understanding of electrical/electronic fundamentals and principles. you will thus be given the opportunity to develop the basic vocational skills required to further your studies in the electrical and electronic sector. you will be expected to strengthen your knowledge in key skills.

students who apply to join a vocational Foundation Course at level 2 shall be required to pass mCast tests in maltese, english and mathematics. Following these tests, mCast shall draw up a list of those who are found to require significant help in their studies. these learners will stand to benefit by joining the introductory Course at Vocational level 1 instead. this is a one year course which should help them to progress to the Foundation Certificate Course at level 2 the following year.

il-programm joffri opportunità lil dawk li jkollhom Certifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja biex isegwu kors f’qasam ta’ studju li jinteressahom filwaqt li jkomplu jitħarrġu fl-ingliż, il-malti u l-matematika. il-programm jinkludi l-prattika vokazzjonali li bis-saħħa tagħha, l-istudent ikun jista’ jifhem aħjar x’jistenna mis-sengħa li jixtieq jidħol għaliha.

tul il-kors tingħata l-opportunità tiżviluppa l-ħiliet bażiċi li se jkollok bżonn jekk tixtieq tissokta bl-istudju tiegħek fl-elettriku u l-elettronika. tkun mistenni wkoll ittejjeb l-għarfien tiegħek fil-ħiliet bażiċi. il-kors huwa maħsub għal dawk li jixtiequ jifhmu aħjar il-prinċipji fundamentali tal-elettriku u l-elettronika.

l-istudenti li japplikaw biex jissieħbu fil-Foundation Course fil-livell 2, ikunu jridu jgħaddu mit-testijiet tal-mCast fil-malti, l-ingliż u l-matematika. il-Kulleġġ imbagħad joħroġ lista ta’ dawk li ser ikollhom bżonn aktar għajnuna. dawn l-istudenti jibbenefikaw iżjed jekk jidħlu għall-introductory Course fil-livell Vokazzjonali 1. dan huwa kors ta’ sena li jgħinhom jimxu ‘l quddiem bil-ħsieb li jidħlu għall-Foundation Certificate Course fil-livell 2 is-sena ta’ wara.

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AWARDING BODy: CITy & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130303

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: City & Guilds examination Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-leVel passes Compulsory: mathematicspreferred: physics, english, Computerstudies, technical design, Chemistry,design and technology, engineering drawing and Graphical Communications

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindnessis a necessary requirement to attendthe course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the safety requirements of electrical installation2. interpret wiring regulations and

requirements for domestic electrical installation

3. design, perform and test domestic electrical installations to given requirements

4. troubleshoot, repair and modify existing single phase installations.

Career opportunities: assisting the qualified electrician.

Candidate will be able to assist in the construction of a domestic single phase electrical installation work under supervision.

allows candidates to learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression

in the electrical installation sector.

this is a one-year full-time programme for those interested in a career progression within the electrical installations industry. the course contributes towards an understanding of the relevant theory and allows candidates to develop practical skills required in this field. this is a qualification for candidates to work as electricians in the building services engineering sector. it allows candidates to learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression in the electrotechnology sector.

the course is a practical programme which covers all the basics of wiring and testing electrical installation circuits, using different cables, containment and testing instruments. it also addresses electrical installation regulations.

this course includes opportunities to develop one’s competences in technical english, maltese, mathematics, engineering drawing while supporting iCt skills.

dan huwa programm ta’ sena full-time u huwa mmirat għal dawk interessati li javvanzaw fil-karriera tagħhom fl-industrija tal-installazzjoni tal-elettriku. il-kors jikkontribwixxi biex l-istudenti jifhmu aħjar it-teorija marbuta ma’ dan il-qasam, filwaqt li jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa għal dan ix-xogħol. din il-kwalifika tapplika ghal studenti li jixtiequ jaħdmu bħala electricians fis-settur tal-inġinerija dwar is-servizzi tal-bini. l-istudenti jitgħallmu, jiżviluppaw u jipprattikaw il-ħiliet meħtieġa biex isibu impieg jew jimxu ‘l quddiem fil-karriera tagħhom fis-settur tat-teknoloġija elettrika. il-kors huwa programm prattiku li jkopri l-elementi bażiċi marbuta ma’ sistemi ta’ wajers u ttestjar ta’ ċirkwiti ta’ installazzjonijiet elettriċi bl-użu ta’ cables differenti, kif ukoll l-immaniġġjar u l-ittestjar tagħhom. l-istudenti jitħarrgu wkoll fir-regolamenti dwar l-installazzjoni tal-elettriku. tul il-kors l-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jtejbu l-kompetenzi tagħhom fl-ingliż tekniku, il-malti, il-matematika u d-disinn tekniku, filwaqt li jsaħħu l-ħiliet tagħhom fit-teknoloġija tal-informatika.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130304

the programme provides a basic work related qualification and also provides an opportunity to consider progression to higher level courses in the field of electrical and electronic engineering.

the vocational content of the course is designed around the needs of the electrical / electronics industry.

the engineering sector continues to suffer from a skills gap and needs to keep up with rapidly developing technologies. undoubtedly, this qualification gives new entrants the underpinning knowledge and specific skills required to meet the needs of the modern engineering industry.

il-programm iwassal għal kwalifika ta’ bażi li għandha rabta max-xogħol prattiku. din hija opportunità tajba biex tikkunsidra tixtieqx tkompli tistudja l-inġinerija f’livelli ogħla.

il-kontenut vokazzjonali tal-kors jirrifletti l-ħtiġijiet tal-industrija tal-elettriku u l-elettronika.

is-settur tal-inġinerija għadu jbati minn xi nuqqasijiet f’dawk li huma ħiliet u jeħtieġ li jkollna ħaddiema li kapaċi jlaħħqu mal-iżviluppi tal-lum. Bla dubju ta’ xejn, din il-kwalifika toffri l-għarfien kif ukoll il-ħiliet speċifiċi li teħtieġ l-industrija tal-inġinerija ta’ żmienna.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-leVel passesCompulsory: mathematicspreferred: physics, english, Computer studies, technical design, Chemistry, design and technology, engineering drawing and Graphical Communications

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness is a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work safely, efficiently and effectively in

the engineering workplace2. use mathematical concepts and

principles related to electrical and mechanical sciences

3. understand the function and operation of electrical and electronic system components

4. install, test and configure pC hardware systems, components and software packages.

Career opportunities: assistant electronic technician line setup technician

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AWARDING BODy: CITy & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130305A

the course provides opportunities for students to acquire accreditation in more advanced areas of electrical installations and maintenance. it provides progression from the diploma in electrical installations (Buildings & structures) (C&G 2365) - level 3 course and has been carefully designed and structured to integrate practical skills with the related technology. this will enhance the candidate’s knowledge and skills to a higher stage into the electrical installation industry.

the course will provide an understanding of the regulations and health and safety requirements governing electrical installation processes. students will also gain knowledge of the organisation and structure of the industry within which these activities are carried out.

at the end of the first year of studies, students will sit for the Wireman’s licence ‘a’ examinations. successful students will gain knowledge and experience in a domestic and an industrial electrical installation environment.

il-kors joffri opportunitajiet biex l-istudenti jiksbu ċertifikazzjoni f’oqsma avvanzati tal-installazzjoni u l-manutenzjoni elettrika. il-programm, li jittratta t-teorija kif ukoll il-prattika tas-settur, jibni fuq id-diploma in electrical installations (Buildings & structures) (C&G2365). permezz ta’ din l-integrazzjoni, l-istudenti jkabbru l-għarfien u l-ħiliet tagħhom u jkunu jistgħu jidħlu għal xogħol ta’ installazzjoni li jitlob impenn akbar.

il-kors joffrilek tagħrif siewi dwar ir-regolamenti tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà f’dak li hu xogħol marbut mal-installazzjoni elettrika. ikollok għarfien aħjar tal-organizzazzjoni u l-istrutturi tal-industrija li fiha jsir dan it-tip ta’ xogħol.

lejn l-aħħar tal-ewwel sena tal-istudju, inti tersaq għall-eżamijiet tal-Wireman’s licence ‘a’. l-istudenti li jmorru tajjeb ikollhom għarfien u esperjenza ta’ xogħol tal-installazzjoni, kemm dak li jseħħ f’ambjent domestiku kif ukoll f’dak industrijali.

Course duration: 2 years part-timeon an apprenticeship

Fees: C&G examination Fees

Entry requirements:CertiFiCate iN eleCtroteChNiCal teChNoloGy (C&G 2330)ordiploma iN eleCtriCal iNstallatioNs (BuildiNGs & struCtures) (C&G2365)– leVel 3

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness is a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand domestic and industrial

electrical principles to apply them in real electrical installation situations

2. understand the safety requirements of domestic and industrial installations and be able to apply them in real situations

3. design, perform and test domestic and industrial electrical installations and machinery according to regulations and requirements

4. Find faults, troubleshoot, repair and modify existing domestic and industrial electrical installations, motors and switchgear.

Career opportunities: Qualified electrician

Candidates will have the abilities to design, setup (erect) and test single and three phase electrical installation systems in accordance with the i.e.t (institute of engineering & technology) regulations.

industrial electricians’ job duties depend on the position and may include cleaning contacts or circuit boards, replacing worn components and performing inspections.

Candidates may also perform preventative maintenance, such as checking motors’ condition, erecting new installations and troubleshooting

a breakdown in the installation.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130306A

this diploma course provides students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills to analyse digital electronic circuits and develop and apply advanced software solutions to microprocessor based systems including the pC.

students will be able to analyse, compare and contrast the interaction of embedded systems with the pC. successful technicians will be able to build, test, troubleshoot and repair computer based systems and networks, perform electronic repairs on computers and office equipment, install software and operating systems and set up network systems.

dan il-kors ta’ diploma joffri lill-istudenti l-għarfien teoretiku u l-ħiliet meħtieġa biex janalizzaw ċirkwiti elettroniċi diġitali u jiżviluppaw u japplikaw soluzzjonijiet avvanzati f’dak li hu software ta’ sistemi li għandhom bażi ta’ microprocessor, inkluż il-kompjuter.

l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu janaliżżaw u jikkomparaw l-interazzjoni ta’ sistemi ‘embedded’ fil-kompjuter. it-tekniċi tas-sengħa jaslu biex jibnu, jittestjaw, isibu l-ħsara u jsewwu sistemi u networks, kompjuters u apparat ieħor tal-uffiċċju. huma jkunu wkoll kapaċi jinstallaw software u sistemi ta’ network.

Course duration: 1 year full-time and2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG (eleCtroNiCs)ormCast-BteC diploma iN itor 4 seC/o-leVel passes Compulsory: physics, mathematicspreferred: english, Computer studies, design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Construct and test analogue and

digital electronic circuits to required specifications

2. develop and debug software routines for specific engineering applications

3. programme and test microcontroller circuits for embedded system applications

4. install and maintain operating systems and computer networks.

Career opportunities: Computer networking technician

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130307A

the mCast diploma in Green technologies is intended for candidates who wish to embark in a career in electrical and electronic engineering with a particular focus on renewable sources of energy.

With the constant growth in this sector locally and internationally, an urgent need is arising for qualified technicians who are not only capable of installing and testing renewable energy systems, but who also have the required underpinning knowledge and competence to provide after-sales assistance, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair.

this course will include the necessary practical components to give candidates the desired hands-on experience on renewable energy technologies being installed in malta today.

l-mCast diploma in Green technologies hija maħsuba għal kandidati li jixtiequ jaqbdu karriera fl-inġinerija elettrika u elettronika b’enfasi partikolari fuq sorsi ta’ enerġija rinovabbli.

minħabba t-tkabbir kontinwu f’dan is-settur, kemm dak lokali kif ukoll dak internazzjonali, qed tinħoloq ħtieġa urġenti għal tekniċi kwalifikati. dawn ikunu mistennija jinstallaw u jittestjaw is-sistemi tal-enerġija, u jkollhom l-għarfien u l-kompetenza meħtieġa biex jipprovdu l-għajnuna wara li jsir il-bejgħ, u biex jagħmlu l-manutenzjoni u t-tiswijiet.

dan il-kors jinkludi l-komponenti prattiċi li huma meħtieġa biex il-kandidati jkunu jistgħu jieħdu biżżejjed esperjenza fit-teknoloġiji tal-enerġija rinovabbli u fl-installazzjoni.

Course duration: 1 year full-time and2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG (eleCtroNiCs)ormCast-BteC diploma iN itor4 seC/o-leVel passesCompulsory: physics, mathematicspreferred: english, Computer studies, design and technology

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for Colour Blindness is a necessary requirement to attend for the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. install and maintain renewable energy

systems according to power and safety regulations

2. Construct and test analogue and digital electronic circuits to required specifications

3. maintain, troubleshoot and repair power electronics and power electrical systems

4. Communicate effectively to offer after-sales assistance to customers.

Career opportunities: electrical / electronic technician with a

particular focus on renewable sources of energy

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130308A

Course duration: 1 year full-time and2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG (eleCtroNiCs)or4 seC/o-leVel passesCompulsory: physics, mathematicspreferred: english, Computer studies,design and technology

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness is a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work safely, communicate effectively and

take responsibility of own and others’ work in engineering

2. apply mathematical and scientific principles to solve engineering problems3. Construct, test and maintain complex

analogue and digital electronic circuits and systems to required specifications

4. programme and test microcontroller and programmable logic controller circuits for industrial applications using both low and high-level languages.

Career opportunities: electronics technician (general) plant technician (electronics) electronics maintenance technician electronics servicing technician industrial electronics technician line maintenance technician (electronics)

this three-year vocational course in industrial electronics provides candidates with the knowledge and skills required by the manufacturing and services industry. the course emphasis is on electrical and electronic engineering but a number of modules contain elements of software engineering, giving students sufficient knowledge to consider careers in other related technical fields.

the challenging and dynamic world of electronics, mechatronics and communications engineering offers excellent career growth opportunities and the diploma is widely accepted by the local industry.

dan il-kors vokazzjonali ta’ tliet snin fl-elettronika industrijali joffri t-tagħlim u t-taħriġ meħtieġ mill-industrija tal-manifattura u dik tas-servizzi. Filwaqt li l-inġinerija elettrika u dik elettronika tieħu l-importanza li jixirqilha, hemm elementi ta’ studju li jittrattaw l-inġinerija tas-software. it-tagħlim f’dan ir-rigward huwa wkoll biżżejjed biex student li jinteressah ikun jista’ jikkunsidra karrieri oħra f’oqsma relatati.

id-dinja tal-elettronika, dik tal-mekatronika u l-inġinerija tal-komunikazzjoni hija dinja dinamika u ta’ sfida. Fl-istess ħin hemm opportunitajiet eċċellenti għal dawk li qed ifittxu karriera f’dawn l-oqsma ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni. l-industrija lokali tapprezza l-livell milħuq mill-istudenti li jmorru tajjeb f’dan il-kors.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130309A

Course duration: 1 year full-timeand 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG(eleCtroNiCs)ormCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG(meChaNiCal)or4 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: physics, mathematicspreferred: english, Computer studies,design and technology

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness is a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work safely, communicate effectively and

take responsibility of own and others’ work in engineering

2. apply mathematical, scientific and control principles to solve engineering problems

3. install and maintain electrical plant and electronic systems to required

specifications in accordance with manufacturers’ procedures4. design and test printed circuit boards for

analogue and digital electronic circuits to meet given specifications.

Career opportunities: electrical technician (general) electrical plant technician electrical maintenance technician electrical servicing technician line maintenance technician (electrical)

permezz ta’ din il-kwalifika, l-istudenti jieħdu t-taħriġ u l-għarfien meħtieġ li titlob is-sengħa tal-inġinerija elettrika u dik elettronika, bit-tibdiliet kontinwi li jseħħu f’dan is-settur. dan ser ikunlek ta’ għajnuna meta tasal biex tfittex impjieg.

il-kors jinkludi kemm taħrig tekniku kif ukoll dak prattiku skont l-għażla ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni li tixtieq u huwa maħsub biex jilqa’ għall-isfidi li wieħed jiltaqa’ magħhom fid-dinja tax-xogħol u l-iżvilupp li jseħħ fl-industriji relatati.

din il-kwalifika fiha strutturi flessibbli u hija magħmula minn għażla ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju li jippermettulek tiffoka fuq il-qasam ta’ xogħol li l-aktar jinteressak.

the qualification is designed to equip individuals with the practical skills, knowledge and understanding required for success in employment and progression as technicians in the rapidly changing field of electrical / electronics engineering.

students will follow a range of practical and theoretical units according to the choice of specialisation, designed to satisfy the competences necessary to be able to deal with the challenges of business development in related industries.

the qualification has been designed with flexible structures and provides a wide range of units so that learners can focus on their chosen career or area of interest.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130310

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN eleCtriCal/eleCtroNiC eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC NatioNal diploma iN CommuNiCatioNs teChNoloGy ormCast diploma iN iNdustrial eleCtroNiCs – leVel 4ormCast diploma iN Computer eNGiNeeriNG – leVel 4 ormCast diploma iN GreeN eNerGy teChNoloGies – leVel 4or2 a-leVel passes aNd 2 i-leVel passesCompulsory a-level: physics and mathematics (pure or applied)

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. manage teams working on installaton and

maintenance of equipment and systems2. apply mathematical, scientific and

programming methods to find appropriate solutions to engineering problems

3. Construct, test and maintain electrical and electronic circuits and systems to required specifications

4. install and maintain electrical, electronic and communications systems to required specifications in accordance with manufacturers’ procedures.

Career opportunities: assistant electrical engineer head of technicians lead technician technical supervisor assistant research engineer

the course prepares you for technical and management careers in the electrical/electronic sector (systems development and maintenance).

the programme is strongly vocational and aims to produce quality engineering technicians who are able to play a major role in meeting the needs of a wide range of industries in the use of new technology. New technology creates a high demand for engineering technicians in a wide range of organisations. you will learn the fundamentals of engineering with a special emphasis on applications and design. the course will address the need for technicians skilled in the installation, maintenance and repair of communication systems and networks. employers will find mCast graduates to be adaptable and responsive to the rapid evolution of the communication engineering technological sector.

il-kors iħejjik għal karrieri tekniċi u maniġerjali partikolarment fil-qasam tal-iżvilupp u l-manutenzjoni ta’ sistemi elettriċi/elettroniċi.

il-programm huwa wieħed vokazzjonali u għandu l-għan li jħejji tekniċi ta’ livell għoli fl-inġinerija. dawn ikunu kapaċi li jaqdu rwol ewlieni biex jintlaħqu l-ħtiġijiet ta’ firxa wiesgħa ta’ industriji li jagħmlu użu minn teknoloġiji ġodda. it-teknoloġija u l-applikazzjoni tagħha jibqgħu jiżviluppaw u dan joħloq domanda kontinwa għal tekniċi kompetenti f’ħafna organizzazzjonijiet. titgħallem il-prinċipji fundamentali tal-inġinerija b’enfasi speċjali fuq l-applikazzjoni u d-disinn.

Bħala tekniku titħarreġ fl-installazzjoni, il-manutenzjoni u t-tiswija ta’ sistemi u networks tal-komunikazzjoni. dawk li jħaddmu se jsibu li l-gradwati tal-mCast huma persuni li jafu jadattaw għaċ-ċirkostanzi u huma kapaċi jwieġbu għall-bidliet kontinwi li jseħħu fis-settur tal-inġinerijatal-komunikazzjoni.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130311

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN eleCtriCal/eleCtroNiC eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC NatioNal diploma iN CommuNiCatioNs teChNoloGy ormCast diploma iN iNdustrial eleCtroNiCs – leVel 4ormCast diploma iN Computer eNGiNeeriNG – leVel 4 ormCast diploma iN GreeN eNerGy teChNoloGies – leVel 4or2 a-leVel passes aNd 2 i-leVel passesCompulsory a-level: physics and mathematics (pure or applied)

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. manage teams working on installaton

and maintenance of equipment and systems

2. apply mathematical, scientific and programming methods to find appropriate solutions to engineering problems

3. install, test and maintain electrical systems and plant to required specifications

4. investigate power generation and energy management systems and suggest feasible solutions to set specifications.

Career opportunities: assistant electrical engineer head of technicians lead technician technical supervisor assistant research engineer

the programme prepares students for technical and management careers in the electrical sector. it is aimed to develop a range of skills and personal qualities essential for successful performance in the electrical field.

the course prepares you for possible careers in electrical systems development and maintenance. the programme is strongly vocational and aims to produce higher engineering technicians who are able to play a major role in meeting the needs of a wide range of industries that use new technology.

the ever-developing application of new technology creates a high demand for engineering technicians in a wide range of organisations. you will learn the fundamentals of engineering with special emphasis on applications and design.

il-programm iħejji l-istudenti għal karrieri tekniċi u amministrattivi fis-settur tal-elettriku. huwa mmirat biex jiżviluppa firxa ta’ ħiliet u kwalitajiet personali li huma meħtieġa jekk wieħed jistenna li jaħdem b’suċċess fis-settur tal-elettriku.

il-kors iħejjik għal karrieri fir-rigward tal-iżvilupp u l-manutenzjoni ta’ sistemi elettriċi. il-programm huwa wieħed vokazzjonali u għandu l-għan li jħejji tekniċi ta’ livell għoli u li jkunu kapaċi jaqdu rwol ewlieni biex jintlaħqu l-ħtiġijiet ta’ firxa wiesgħa ta’ industriji li jagħmlu użu minn teknoloġiji ġodda.

it-teknoloġija u l-applikazzjoni tagħha jibqgħu jiżviluppaw u dan joħloq domanda kontinwa għal tekniċi ta’ stoffa f’firxa wiesgħa ta’ organizzazzjonijiet. titgħallem il-prinċipji fundamentali tal-inġinerija b’enfasi speċjali fuq l-applikazzjoni tagħhom u d-disinn.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130312

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN eleCtriCal/eleCtroNiC eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC NatioNal diploma iN CommuNiCatioNs teChNoloGy ormCast diploma iN iNdustrial eleCtroNiCs – leVel 4ormCast diploma iN Computer eNGiNeeriNG – leVel 4 ormCast diploma iN GreeN eNerGy teChNoloGies – leVel 4or2 a-leVel passes aNd 2 i-leVel passesCompulsory a-level: physics and mathematics (pure or applied)

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. manage teams working on installaton and maintenance of equipment and systems2. apply mathematical, scientific and programming methods to find appropriate solutions to engineering problems3. install, test and maintain electronic and control systems to required specifications4. apply digital and power electronic principles to find solutions to practical engineering problems.

Career opportunities: assistant electronic engineer head of technicians lead technician technical supervisor assistant research engineer

the programme prepares students for technical and management careers in the electronics/mechatronics sector. it aims to develop a range of skills and personal qualities essential for successful performance in the electronics field with careers which may range from electronics systems development to design applications and maintenance.

the programme is strongly vocational and aims to produce qualified engineering technicians who are able to play a major role in meeting the needs of a wide range of industries especially those which make use of new technology. developments in technology create a high demand for engineering technicians in a wide range of organisations.

dan il-programm iħejji l-istudenti għal diversi karrieri ta’ natura teknika u ta’ maniġment fil-qasam tal-elettronika u l-mekatronika. matulu tieħu taħriġ li jwasslek biex tiġbor dawk il-ħiliet u l-kwalitajiet personali li teħtieġ biex tirnexxi f’dan il-qasam tax-xogħol. Nistgħu nsemmu l-iżvilupp ta’ sistemi elettroniċi kif ukoll l-installazzjoni u l-manutenzjoni ta’ makkinarju u apparat elettroniku.

il-programm huwa wieħed vokazzjonali għall-aħħar u għandu l-għan li jħejji tekniċi kwalifikati tajjeb. l-iżvilupp tat-teknoloġija jitlob ħaddiema tas-sengħa f’firxa wiesgħa ta’ impjiegi. Ħaddiema tekniċi kwalifikati għandhom rwol siewi x’jaqdu fl-industrija maltija.

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MCAST students at the brewery ofSimonds Farsons Cisk plc.

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Course duration:B.sc (hons) – 1 year full-timeB.eng (hons) – 2 years full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal/eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNG

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast Vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. design and implement hardware

and firmware for embedded systems applications

2. analyse and design complex electronic control systems for various engineering applications

3. manage projects involving the installation and maintenance of engineering systems

4. Contribute in the development of research projects in the field of electronics and control engineering.

Career opportunities: design engineer electronics and control engineer electrical engineer

this course builds on the experiences and knowledge assimilated during your two-year hNd programme. the objective of this topup year, which leads to a degree, is that of producing professional engineers who are both academically prepared and practically trained to satisfy the requirements of local industry. moreover, graduates from this course will be suitably prepared to embark on careers or further their studies abroad.

Control engineering is, from many perspectives, at the peak of the various engineering disciplines. indeed, many engineering problems involve the processing of information of some form in order to control some system or variable within a more complex system. Giving students a good preparation in control increases their attractiveness to industry.

dan il-kors jibni fuq l-esperjenzi u l-għarfien li tkun ħadt matul il-programm ta’ sentejn tal-hNd. din is-sena, li twassal għal-lawrja, tgħinek tilħaq livell professjonali ta’ inġinerija biex inti tkun imħejji sewwa akkademikament u biex tkompli tieħu t-taħriġ prattiku li jqarrbek lejn dak li teħtieġ l-industrija lokali. Fuq kollox, il-gradwati minn dan il-kors ikunu mħejjija tajjeb biex isegwu l-karriera preferita tagħhom jew jissuktaw bl-istudju tagħhom barra.

minn bosta perspettivi, il-control engineering jinsab fil-quċċata ta’ bosta dixxiplini tal-inġinerija. tabilħaqq, ħafna problemi tal-inġinerija jinvolvu l-ipproċessar ta’ xi tip ta’ informazzjoni bil-għan li tikkontrolla xi sistema jew xi komponent varjabbli f’sistema aktar kumplessa. l-istudenti li jkollhom taħriġ tajjeb fil-control jiġbdu lill-industrija.





more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130313



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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130314

this course builds on the experiences and knowledge assimilated during your two-year hNd programme. the objective of this topup year, which leads to a degree, is that of producing professional engineers who are both academically prepared and practically trained to satisfy the requirements of local industry. moreover these graduates will be suitably prepared to embark on careers or further their studies abroad.

electronics is still a highly relevant and attractive technological field that has evolved at a rapid rate. this interdisciplinary field is practically used in every aspect of modern life as exemplified by the advances in computers and communications. the course will bring students in contact with the modern technologies and gives an in-depth mix of knowledge and skills.

dan il-kors jibni fuq l-esperjenzi u l-għarfien li tkun ħadt matul il-programm ta’ sentejn tal-hNd. din is-sena, li twassal għal-lawrja, tgħinek tilħaq livell professjonali fl-inġinerija. dan biex inti tkun imħejji sewwa akkademikament u biex tkompli tieħu t-taħriġ prattiku li jqarrbek iżjed lejn dak li teħtieġ l-industrija lokali. Fuq kollox, il-gradwati minn dan il-kors ikunu mħejjija tajjeb biex isegwu l-karriera preferita tagħhom jew jissuktaw bl-istudju tagħhom barra.

is-settur tal-elettronika, li żviluppa b’rata tassew mgħaġġla, jibqa’ rilevanti u attraenti mil-lat ta’ xogħol. it-teknoloġija tal-elettronika ssib l-applikazzjoni tagħha f’kull aspett tal-ħajja moderna. eżempju ta’ dan huma l-avvanzi fil-kompjuters u l-komunikazzjoni. il-programm iressqek lejn it-teknoloġiji ta’ żmienna u joffrilek l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li jitlob dan il-livell ta’ studju.



Course duration:B.sc (hons) – 1 year full-timeB.eng (hons) – 2 years full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal/eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNG

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast Vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. design and implement hardware

and firmware for embedded systems applications

2. design and evaluate complex analogue and digital electronic circuits to meet set specifications for various engineering applications

3. manage projects involving the installation and maintenance of engineering systems

4. Contribute in the development of research projects in the field of electronic engineering.

Career opportunities: design engineer electronic engineer electrical engineer

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A biomedical engineering student demonstrating his project during the2012 MCAST Expo

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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130315

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal/eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNG

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast Vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. develop hardware and software solutions

in the field of communications engineering2. design and implement wired and wireless

communications systems3. use specialised equipment for the analysis

of digital and analogue signals present in communication systems

4. Contribute in the development of research projects in the field of communications engineering.

Career opportunities: Communications engineer Networks engineer design engineer

the objective of this programme is that of producing professional engineers who are both academically prepared and practically trained to satisfy the requirements of local industry especially in the field of electronic communications. moreover these graduates will be suitably prepared to embark on careers or further their studies abroad.

Communications is one of the fastest moving technological fields that require constant updating. this course has been designed with that concept in mind and therefore strives to give you a sufficient solid foundation in the fundamental concepts so that you are in a position to further upgrade your knowledge and skills.

this interdisciplinary field is practically used in every aspect of modern life as exemplified by the advances in computers and communications. the course will bring you in contact with modern technologies.

l-għan ta’ dan il-programm hu li jitħejjew inġiniera professjonali li jkunu kompetenti akkademikament u li jkollhom esperjenza prattika tax-xogħol kif mistenni mill-industrija lokali b’mod partikolari fis-settur tal-komunikazzjoni elettronika. Fuq kollox dawn il-gradwati jkunu lesti biex jaqbdu l-karriera tagħhom jew jissuktaw bl-istudju tagħhom barra.

il-komunikazzjoni hija speċjalizzazzjoni teknoloġika li timxi ‘l quddiem b’rata tassew mgħaġġla u li titlob aġġornament kontinwu. dan il-kors għandu dan l-għan u għaldaqstant joffrilek tħejjija b’saħħitha f’dawk li huma kunċetti fundamentali sabiex inti tkun tista’ tkabbar l-għarfien u l-ħiliet tiegħek.

dan is-settur interdixxiplinari ssibu f’kull aspett tal-ħajja moderna bħal per eżempju fl-avvanzi fil-kompjuter u fil-komunikazzjoni. il-kors għaldaqstant ilaqqgħek mat-teknoloġiji ta’ żmienna.



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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal/eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNG

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast Vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. interpret power consumption trends and

evaluate renewable energy generation options for specific scenarios

2. specify, install and maintain power generation equipment and renewable energy systems

3. manage projects involving the installation and maintenance of renewable energy systems

4. Contribute in the development of research projects in the field of power generation and renewable energy sources.

Career opportunities: electrical engineer design engineer project engineer

the objective of this programme is that of producing professional engineers who are both academically prepared and practically trained to satisfy the requirements of local industry with a special focus on power generation and renewable energy systems. moreover thesegraduates will be suitably prepared to embark on careers or further their studies abroad.

the need to have qualified engineers who approach this technology in a professional and efficient way is heavily requested by all the major stakeholders. the modules in this degree course will give you a grasp of both the traditional and modern technologies as well as the support systems that would be required.

l-għan ta’ dan il-programm hu li jitħejjew inġiniera professjonali li jkunu kompetenti akkademikament u li jkollhom esperjenza prattika tax-xogħol kif mistenni mill-industrija lokali b’mod partikolari fis-settur tal-power generation u s-sistemi tal-enerġija rinovabbli. Fuq kollox dawn il-gradwati jkunu lesti biex jaqbdu l-karriera tagħhom jew jissuktaw bl-istudju tagħhom barra.

teżisti l-ħtieġa ta’ inġiniera kwalifikati li joperaw f’din it-teknoloġija b’mod professjonali u effiċjenti. l-unitajiet ta’ studju ta’ dan il-kors jagħtuk l-għarfien meħtieġ tat-teknoloġiji u s-support systems relatati, kemm dawk tradizzjonali kif ukoll dawk moderni.





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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130317

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal/eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN meChaNiCal eNGiNeeriNG, or maNuFaCturiNG eNGiNeeriNG, or operatioNs eNGiNeeriNG

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast Vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. appraise the interaction of medical

equipment and the human body2. analyse and design electronic and control

circuits for biomedical applications3. manage projects involving the

specification, installation and maintenance of biomedical equipment

4. Contribute in the development of research projects in the field of biomedical engineering.

Career opportunities: Biomedical engineer medical equipment operations engineer medical equipment maintenance engineer design engineer

the objective of this programme is that of producing professionals who have strong practical competences backed by solid underpinning knowledge related to the biomedical engineering sector. the exciting advances being made in artificial body parts and organs and other prosthetic implants all fall in the realm of biomedical engineering.

the course gives you a basic understanding ofthe functioning of the human body, a sound knowledge of biomechanics and the various interfaces that allow prosthetics to become an extension of the human body.

the various engineering fields involved are also studied to provide a seamless product to the client.

l-għan ta’ dan il-programm hu li joħorġu inġiniera professjonali li jkollhom il-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa u l-għarfien sħiħ ta’ x’jitlob is-settur tal-inġinerija bijomedika. il-progress kbir li qed jiġi reġistrat fil-qasam tal-organi u partijiet artifiċjali u impjanti prostetiċi oħra jaqa’ fl-isfera tal-inġinerija biomedika.

il-kors jipprovdilek għarfien bażiku dwar il-funzjonament tal-ġisem tal-bniedem, u tagħrif siewi ħafna fuq il-bijomekkanika u dawk l-elementi li bis-saħħa tagħhom il-prostesi ssir estensjoni funzjonabbli tal-ġisem tal-bniedem.

it-tagħlim jinkludi l-istudju tal-oqsma tal-inġinerija li huma relatati ma’ dan is-settur partikulari, sabiex il-klijent jinqeda bl-aħjar mod possibbli.



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13/03/05ADiploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures)(C&G 2365)- Level 4

2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/03/08AMCAST Diploma in Industrial Electronics- Level 4

1 year full-timeand 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

13/03/09AMCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Electrical/Electronic Engineering

1 year full-timeand 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

13/03/01MCAST Introductory Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering- Level 1

1 year full-time

13/03/02MCAST Foundation Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Level 2

1 year full-time

13/03/03Diploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures)(C&G 2365)- Level 3

1 year full-time

13/03/04MCAST-BTEC Diploma In Engineering (Electronics)

1 year full-time

13/03/06AMCAST Diploma in Computer Engineering- Level 4

1 year full-timeand 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

13/03/07AMCAST Diploma in Green Energy Technologies- Level 4

1 year full-time and2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/03/13Bachelor of Science(Honours) in Electronics and Control Engineering

1 year full-time

13/03/14Bachelor of Science(Honours) in ElectronicsEngineering

1 year full-time

13/03/15Bachelor of Science(Honours)in ElectronicCommunications

1 year full-time

13/03/18Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics and Control Engineering

2 years full-time

13/03/17Bachelor of Science(Honours) in Biomedical Engineering

1 year full-time

13/03/10MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

2 years full-time

13/03/11MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Electrical Engineering

2 years full-time

13/03/12MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Electronic Engineering

2 years full-time

13/03/16Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Power Generationand Renewables

1 year full-time







13/03/19Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics Engineering

2 years full-time

This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

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MCAST students during a visit to the Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA)

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Institute ofinformation andcommunicationtechnologyThe Institute of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provides academic and vocational education to prepare students for careers in this fast-growing industry. Our courses, ranging from foundation to degree programmes, provide you with the necessary qualifications for jobs in computer hardware, software development, ICT support, computer networks, digital gaming, and interactive media. Through our laboratories, work placements with ICT companies and the development of partnerships with leading international software and hardware manufacturers, you have the opportunity to support your studies with hands-on experience using the latest ICT innovations.

MCAST Institute of Information and Communication Technolgy

Main Campus, Triq Kordin, Paola PLA 9032

00356 2398 7350

00356 2398 7390

E [email protected]

Director: Mr Eric FlaskDeputy Directors: Mr Krassimir Andreinski, Mr Mario Pace


institute of

Page 240: 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus


Page Course Code Course Title 244 13/05/01 MCAST Introductory Certificate in Computing - Level 1*

246 13/05/02 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Computing - Level 2*

247 13/05/03 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in IT

249 13/05/04 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in IT (Software Development)250 13/05/05 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in IT (Networking and Systems Support)

252 13/05/06 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems Development (Software Development)253 13/05/07 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems Development (ICT Systems Support)

255 13/05/08 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Software Development256 13/05/09 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Networks

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.









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“Learning at MCAST involved a lot of hard work, including many challenging opportunities to put theories to practice, but once I graduated it all paid off. My qualifications and training helped me secure my dream job, through which I can continue developing my skills in networking.”

Tennille HalesBachelor of Science (Honours)in Computer Networks, NOC Technical Services Officer at theMalta Information Technology Agency (MITA)

Page 243: 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus


“I chose to study ICT at MCAST asI wanted to learn through a practical approach. I was not disappointed as I’m getting many opportunities to learn through experience. I even spent two months working with an ICT company in the Netherlands. This will surely be a big plus on my CV.”

Sirach VassalloSecond year student, MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diplomain Computing and Systems Development(ICT Systems Support)

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“I have been studying ICT at MCAST for five years. It has been a very satisfactory journey in a friendly learning environment and with the support of highly-trained lecturers. I now look forward to graduating, and to continue pursuing my studies at postgraduate level in Malta or abroad.”

Antoinette BorgFinal year student, Bachelor of Science (Honours)in Computer Networks

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“I started focusing my studies on computer networking at a very early age and eventually advanced from one level to another until I graduated with a degree. I encourage students to work hard and advance to higher level courses at MCAST as this will increase their chances of securing the best jobs around.”

Matthew VassalloBachelor of Science (Honours)in Computer Networks, Executive IT System Engineerat the Malta Tourism Authority

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AWARDINg BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130501

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. describe the basics of the windows

environment, software, hardware and the use of the computer in everyday life

2. use various desktop applications to perform simple tasks

3. understand the principles of the internet and the applications which provide various services

4. Carry out simple tasks in english, maltese and mathematics.

the programme is designed to provide necessary key skills training in english, maltese, mathematics and personal development as well as fundamentals of computer systems and web applications.

students will begin to appreciate the basic components that make up a computer, and the interaction of the components with each other to allow us to use this technology as an effective tool for study, work and leisure.

due to the major impact that the internet has had on society, students will also be introduced to the significance of the internet in today’s world, as well as the use of email as one of the most popular means of communication.

il-programm jagħtik taħriġ f’dawk il-ħiliet li huma ta’ qofol, jiġifieri fl-ingliż, il-malti, il-matematika u l-iżvilupp personali. Jipprovdilek ukoll tagħlim dwar l-elementi bażiċi tas-sistemi tal-kompjuter u l-applikazzjonijiet tal-internet.

tibda tifhem kif jinbena l-kompjuter, il-funzjoni ta’ kull komponent u kif dawn jaħdmu flimkien biex aħna nkunu nistgħu nagħmlu użu mill-kompjuter bħala biċċa għodda effettiva għall-istudju, ix-xogħol u d-divertiment.

minħabba l-impatt kbir li l-internet kellu fuq is-soċjetà kollha, inti se tkun tista’ tifhem aħjar is-sinifikat tal-internet fid-dinja tal-lum. titgħallem ukoll kif l-użu tal-email huwa wieħed mill-iktar mezzi popolari tal-komunikazzjoni.

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Specialised equipment at MCAST’snew IFTAC Fibre Optic Laboratory

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AWARDINg BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130502

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. identify the main hardware components

of a computer system2. Carry out simple programming tasks

using a high level language3. use several office applications in a

proficient manner4. Create simple web pages using several

web design tools.

the programme is designed to allow students with a school leaving Certificate to follow a study in the area of it. the course includes a significant amount of vocational practice that will help students to form a clear idea of the nature of the trade or vocation of it.

students will receive a proper understanding of the basic areas that make up information and Communication technology (iCt). this course is not intended to prepare you for immediate employment. however, it is the first in a series of programmes that will eventually prepare you to work within the computing industry.

dan il-programm iwassal biex l-istudenti, li għandhom iċ-Certifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja, ikunu jistgħu jaqbdu l-istudju fil-qasam tal-it. il-kors fih element tajjeb ta’ prattika vokazzjonali li għandha tgħin biex l-istudent jifforma idea ċara dwar x’titlob is-sengħa tal-it.

ikollok tagħrif siewi fuq l-oqsma bażiċi tat-teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni (iCt). dan il-kors waħdu ma jkunx biżżejjed biex issib impjieg mill-ewwel. madanakollu, huwa wieħed f’serje ta’ programmi li eventwalment jippreparawk għal xogħol fl-industrija tal-kompjuter.

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AWARDINg BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130503

this course is the first step in a block of athree- year training programme, designed to provide the necessary skills to work in the computing industry.

the course is a pre-requisite for the follow up two-year level 4 extended diploma programme, which we strongly recommend if you intend to embark on a career in it.

at this level of study, you will be introduced to fundamental subjects in both the networking and the software development areas. you will also be given the opportunity to upgrade your key skills.

dan il-kors huwa l-ewwel tarġa f’sensiela ta’ programmi li jdumu tliet snin. il-programm joffrilek għadd ta’ ħiliet li tkun teħtieġ biex tibda taħdem fl-industrija tal-kompjuter.

Jeħtieġ li tgħaddi minn dan il-kors jekk tixtieq li titla’ tarġa oħra u tkompli tistudja fuq l-extended diploma, programm ta’ sentejn tal-livell 4. dan aħna nirrakkomandawh jekk inti biħsiebek tidħol għal karriera fl-industrija tal-it.

F’dan il-livell ta’ studju, titgħallem is-suġġetti ta’ qofol kemm fil-qasam tan-networking kif ukoll f’dak tal-iżvilupp tas-software.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: mathematicspreferred: english language and one subject from Computing, physics, accounting and Business studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the fundamentals of

computer hardware2. understand the fundamentals of

communication and networks3. use multimedia graphic applications4. make use of basic techniques

of programming and software development.

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AWARDINg BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130504

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN itor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics and Computer studies preferred: english language and one subject from physics, accounting and Business studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. design, implement and administer mid-sized computer networks2. assemble and troubleshoot computer

hardware3. apply modern technologies in software

development4. develop and maintain websites with

interactive multimedia content.

Career opportunities: software tester programmer programme developer systems analyst

this intensive course aims to take further the knowledge and training you received at level 3. it also provides you with the required skills to work in the it industry.

in the second year of the course you will specialise in software development. you will study those subjects which are relevant to the needs of industry.

dan il-kors intensiv għandu l-għan li jtejjiblek l-għarfien u t-taħriġ li tkun ħadt fil-kors tal- livell 3. Jagħtik ukoll il-ħiliet meħtieġa biex tkun tista’ taħdem fl-industrija tal-it.

Fit-tieni sena tal-kors, tkun tista’ tispeċjalizza fl-iżvilupp tas-software u tistudja dawk is-suġġetti li huma rilevanti għall-ħtiġijiet tal-industrija.

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AWARDINg BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130505

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN itor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics and Computer studies preferred: english language and one subject from physics, accounting and Business studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. design, implement and administer mid-

sized computer networks2. assemble and troubleshoot computer

hardware3. apply modern technologies in software

development4. develop and maintain websites with

interactive multimedia content.

Career opportunities: Computer technician Network administrator help desk and systems support


this intensive course aims to take further the knowledge and training received at level 3 and to provide students with the required skills to work in the it industry.

in the second year of the course, students will specialise in Networking and iCt support. they will study subjects that are relevant to the needs of industry.

dan il-kors intensiv għandu l-għan li jtejjeb l-għarfien u t-taħriġ li l-istudent ikun ħa fil-livell 3 u jħejjik aħjar biex tkun tista’ taħdem fl-industrija tal-it.

Fit-tieni sena tal-kors, l-istudenti jispeċjalizzaw fin-Networking u fl-iCt support. ikunu jistgħu jistudjaw suġġetti li huma rilevanti għall-ħtiġijiet tal-industrija.

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A hands-on networking sessionat MCAST’s HP Training Centre

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AWARDINg BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130506

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN itor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: Computing and one subject from pure mathematics and physics Compulsory i-level: pure mathematics or applied if pure mathematics is not presented at a-level

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. expand the knowledge and experience

in advanced .Net and Java technologies2. implement advanced websites using

different tools3. apply methods of systems analysis and

design4. integrate database access in web


Career opportunities: software designer and developer Web designer systems analyst systems designer

this qualification aims to provide a foundation for a range of technical and management careers in computing and to enable students to make an immediate contribution in employment.

students who complete the mCast-BteC higher National diploma in Computing and systems development (software development) will find a number of career opportunities in the iCt industry or in it departments in a wide range of work environments.

din il-kwalifika tipprovdilek pedament edukattiv għal firxa wiesgħa ta’ karrieri tekniċi u maniġerjali fl-industrija tal-kompjuter. B’hekk l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jagħtu l-kontribut immedjat tagħhom fl-impjieg.

l-istudenti li jtemmu b’suċċess l-mCast-BteC higher National diploma in Computing jistgħu jsibu numru ta’ opportunitajiet ta’ xogħol fl-industrija tal-iCt jew fid-dipartimenti tal-it. hemm ħafna ambjenti f’dawn is-setturi li l-istudenti jistgħu jikkunsidraw bħala bidu għall-karriera tagħhom.


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AWARDINg BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130507

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN itor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: Computing and one subject from pure mathematics and physics Compulsory i-level: pure mathematics or applied if pure mathematics is not presented at a-level

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work with advanced hardware and

operating systems architecture2. perform the installation, setup and

administration of different networking operating systems

3. use, deploy and configure networking equipment such as routers and switches

4. design and implement fairly complex network setups.

Career opportunities: systems administrator Network installations and maintenance

personnel supervisory technical staff

this qualification provides a foundation for a range of technical and management careers in computing and enables students to make an immediate contribution in employment.

students who successfully complete the mCast-BteC higher National diploma in Computing and systems development (iCt systems support) will find a number of career opportunities in the iCt industry or in it departments in a wide range of work environments.

din il-kwalifika tagħtik il-bażi meħtieġa għal firxa ta’ karrieri tekniċi u maniġerjali fil-computing u tista’ twasslek biex tkun tista’ tidħol għal xogħol fis-settur.

l-istudenti li jkunu temmew b’suċċess l-mCast-BteC higher National diploma in Computing and systems development (iCt systems support) għandhom isibu numru ta’ opportunitajiet ta’ xogħol fl-industrija tal-iCt jew f’dipartimenti tal-it u f’firxa wiesgħa ta’ ambjenti tax-xogħol.

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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC higher NatioNal diploma iN ComputiNg (soFtWare developmeNt)Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. utilise advanced data structures and

algorithms2. develop internet mobile technologies

applications3. develop software securely 4. manage complex professional

activities or projects with autonomy and responsibility.

Career opportunities: senior software developer senior systems analyst senior web designer

this programme builds on the experience acquired in the mCast-BteC higher National diploma in Computing. once again, a good mix of both practical and theoretical subjects has been included to ensure that the student is well prepared for industry.

you will also obtain a good knowledge base to allow for further development in the field, both from an educational aspect, as well as research and development.

as a departure from previous programmes, students will be expected to be more independent learners, with a significant amount of research and self-study outside the classroom environment.

dan il-programm ikompli jibni fuq l-għarfien u l-esperjenza li inti tkun ħadt mill-kors tal-mCast-BteC higher National diploma in Computing. Bilanċ siewi ta’ suġġetti li jitolbu kemm prattika kif ukoll teorija jiżgura tħejjija għaqlija għax-xogħol u l-ħila li titlob l-industrija.

tikseb ukoll għarfien sħiħ ta’ dak li jitlob dan is-settur partikulari, sabiex inti tkun tista’ tkompli tiżviluppa u timxi ‘l quddiem, kemm mil-lat edukattiv kif ukoll minn dak tar-riċerka u l-iżvilupp.

F’dan il-livell ta’ studju, inti tkun mistenni taħdem indipendentement minn ħaddieħor, li jista’ jkun differenti minn dak li tkun drajt tagħmel fil-programmi ta’ qabel. il-kors jitlob ukoll li inti tgħaddi xi ħin tagħmel ir-riċerka u tistudja għal rasek lil hinn mill-klassi.



Page 258: 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus







Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC higher NatioNal diploma iN ComputiNg (iCt systems support)Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. apply the principles of network security

and digital forensics to ensure a secure networking environment

2. administer a database with autonomy and responsibility3. explain the inner working of the

operating systems4. design and deploy advanced laN and

WaN systems.

Career opportunities: systems administrator middle management help desk

and support middle management technical support

this programme builds on the experience acquired in the mCast-BteC higher National diploma in Computing. mCast has included within the degree programme a balanced mix of both practical and theoretical subjects to ensure that the student is well prepared for industry.

you will also be expected to obtain a good knowledge base to allow for further development in the field, both from an educational aspect, as well as research and development.

as a departure from previous programmes, students will be expected to be more independent learners, with a significant amount of research and self-study being conducted outside the classroom environment.

dan il-programm jibni fuq l-esperjenza li tkun ħadt fil-kors tal-mCast-BteC higher National diploma in Computing. il-Kulleġġ ħaseb li jinkludi fil-programm tal-lawrja bilanċ ta’ għarfien prattiku u teoretiku sabiex inti tkun imħejji tajjeb għax-xogħol fl-industrija.

tikseb għarfien sħiħ ta’ dak li jitlob dan is-settur partikulari, sabiex inti tkun tista’ tkompli tiżviluppa u timxi ‘l quddiem kemm mil-lat edukattiv kif ukoll minn dak tar-riċerka u l-iżvilupp.

F’dan il-livell ta’ studju, inti se taħdem indipendentement minn ħaddieħor, li jista’ jkun differenti minn dak li tkun drajt tagħmel fis-snin ta’ qabel. il-kors jitlob ukoll li inti tgħaddi xi ħin tagħmel ir-riċerka u tistudja għal rasek lil hinn mill-klassi.

Page 259: 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus

* This course is offered in collaboration with the Institute of Art and Design. More details on page 104.


13/05/01MCAST Introductory Certificate in Computing - Level 1

1 year full-time

13/05/02MCAST Foundation Certificate in Computing - Level 2

1 year full-time

13/05/03MCAST-BTEC Diploma in IT

1 year full-time

13/05/05MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in IT (Networking and Systems Support)

2 years full-time

13/05/08Bachelor of Science(Honours) in Software Development

1 year full-time

13/07/17*Bachelor of Arts(Honours) inGraphic Design and Interactive Media

1 year full-time







13/05/04MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in IT (Software Development)

2 years full-time

13/05/06MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems Development (Software Development)

2 years full-time

13/05/07MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems Development(ICT Systems Support)

2 years full-time

13/07/12*MCAST-BTEC HigherNational Diplomain InteractiveMedia

2 years full-time

13/05/09Bachelor of Science(Honours) in Computer Networks

1 year full-time

This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

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A practical session using the Institute’s Bridge and Communication Simulator

Page 261: 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus


Institute ofmaritimeThe MCAST Maritime Institute is renowned as the most advanced maritime training institution in the Maltese Islands. Our full-time and part-time courses lead to the attainment of the national and international nautical licences required to establish your career in the maritime industry. Key stakeholders in this sector have, on several occasions, expressed their satisfaction at the high level of preparedness shown by our graduates. Employers are encouraged to recruit them because the training programmes they undertake place an important emphasis on hands-on experience. This is achieved through our sea- andland-based facilities, including bridge and communication simulators and extensive work placements, ranging fromsix months to one year ocean-going experiences.

MCAST Maritime Institute

Villa Portelli, Triq Marina, Kalkara KKR 1211

00356 2180 6467/8, 2180 9004

00356 2180 9057

E [email protected]

Director: Capt Ghassan Abdullah

Institute of



Page 262: 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus


Page Course Code Course Title 266 13/08/01 Probationary Officer Cadet - Level 3*

268 13/08/02 OIC Navigational Watch*271 13/08/03 OIC Engineering Watch*

273 13/08/04 Chief Mate - Level 5*

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.






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Page 264: 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus


“This sector offers many rewarding job opportunities on board ships and ashore, at operational or at managerial levels. It is not a career for time wasters, but if you’re committed and disciplined, bright prospects are definitely in store for you.I am currently working on board a ship in South America.”

James Sammut OIC Navigational Watch, Second Officer atBremer Bereederungsgesellschaft mbH & Co.

Page 265: 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus


“Most of our lecturers have spent years working at sea and they relate a lot of direct experiences of what we should be expecting when we’re on board a ship ourselves. I believe that learning from such experiences is very important, as I can never find such knowledge in textbooks.”

Thea VellaFirst year student, OIC Navigational Watch.

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“During sea training, I was able to understand what a career at sea is really about. The lessons learnt in class, which may have seemed insignificant at first glance, were suddenly happening before me. I’ll never forget the day when we had a difficult fire-fighting training exercise, in which I learnt how teamwork, cooperation and trust in your colleagues can be crucial to saving your life, and that of others on


Philip Andrew MuscatThird year student, OIC Navigational Watch

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“Choosing a career at sea means choosing a way of life. As part of our course, we spend a year at sea, sailing to different ports around the world. On board three different ships, I was involved in cargo handling, navigated in heavy traffic on busy sea routes and lived and worked on deck with different crews.”

Kenneth Grima Third year student, OIC Navigational Watch

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130801

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:4 SEC/O-LEvEL paSSESCompulsory: English Language

Other entry requirements:Medical Test, physical aptitude Testand Interview

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. perform various basic tasks related to

boat handling and maintenance2. Identify and describe different types of

vessels, construction processes, stucture of a ship and related laws and regulations

3. Identify and interpret flag signals, the phonetic alphabet, flashing light signals and various basic meteorological processes

4. Carry out basic fire prevention, fire fighting and elementary first aid.

Career Opportunities Water clerk (shipping agency) Mooring man Shipping clerk

This study programme is intended for candidates who in future intend to apply for the course leading to an Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch or Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch, but who as yet do not possess all the academic entry requirements to commence the OIC Nav/Eng Watch course.

The probationary Officer Cadet Course gives candidates the possibility of experiencing what it would be like to train on the Officer in Charge of a Navigational/Engineering Watch Courses and will also help them choose the career path they wish to follow at sea, whether related to Deck (Navigation) duties or to Engineering.

Dan il-programm ta’ studju huwa maħsub għal dawk li qed jippjanaw biex ‘il quddiem japplikaw għall-kors li jwassal għal Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch jew Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch, iżda li għad m’għandhomx ir-rekwiżiti akkademiċi kollha biex ikunu jistgħu jidħlu għal dawn il-korsijiet.

Il-kors tal-probationary Officer Cadet jagħti lill-kandidati l-possibbiltà li jifhmu aħjar minn xiex jikkonsisti t-taħriġ fil-korsijiet tal-Officer in Charge of a Navigational/Engineering Watch. Il-programm jgħinhom ukoll biex jagħżlu l-karriera tal-baħar li jixtiequ jsegwu, jekk hux dik relatata mad-Deck (Navigation) jew mal-Inġinerija.


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Ship maintenance training

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AWARDING BODy: TRANSPORT MALTA more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130802

Course duration: 3 years (1 year full-time, 12 months ocean going experience, 1 year full-time)

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:prObaTIONary OffICEr CaDETor6 SEC/O-LEvEL paSSES Compulsory: physics (at grade 4/b or better), Mathematics and English Language.preferred: Geography and a foreign language

Note: Students under seventeen years of age applying for this course may have difficulty in finding an ocean-going placement. It is recommended that such candidates discuss this with the Director of Institute or seek guidance before applying.

Other entry requirements:Medical Test, physical aptitude Test and Interview

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Identify and use celestial bodies,

terrestrial points and electronic navigation systems for position fixing and navigation

2. Monitor the loading, stowage, securing and unloading of cargoes and their care during the voyage

3. Maintain a safe navigational watch4. respond to various emergencies that can

be encountered while at sea.

Career Opportunities Navigating officer (deck department) on

sea-going merchant ships Chief officer (deck department) on

coastal merchant ships Master on local cruising craft, yachts or

fishing trawler port inspector Terminal supervisor GMDSS operator yard/ship container planner Marine pilot vTS operator/supervisor

The course aims at giving the candidate the necessary training as an Officer Cadet to qualify for a Certificate of Competence as an Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on a foreign-trading merchant vessel.

Training consists of a number of maritime related subjects such as Navigation, Meteorology, Signals, Ship Knowledge and Stability, Cargo Operations, International regulations, as well as a high level of physical fitness training and leadership training in which all candidates are expected to participate and to attain a high degree of competence.

Officer Cadets are expected to dedicate a lot of time to their studies and are also expected to wear a merchant marine uniform whilst undergoing training both ashore and on board ships. Officer Cadets attending the course may also be assisted in finding a sponsor for the practical training period at sea during the secondphase of training on the course.

The Maritime Institute boasts a good reputation for discipline and all Officer Cadets are expected to abide by a Code of Conduct whilst attending the Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch Course.

Il-kors għandu l-għan li jagħti lill-kandidat it-taħriġ meħtieġ bħala Uffiċjal Kadett sabiex jikkwalifika għal Ċertifikat ta’ Kompetenza bħala Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch fuq bastiment merkantili li jagħmel il-kummerċ barra mill-pajjiż.

It-taħriġ jikkonsisti f’numru ta’ suġġetti relatati mal-ambitu marittimu bħal Navigazzjoni, Meteoroġija, Sinjali, Tagħrif dwar vapuri u l-Istabbilità tagħhom, operazzjonijiet marbuta mal-merkanzija u regolamenti internazzjonali. Jinkludi wkoll livell għoli ta’ taħriġ biex wieħed ikun f’kundizzjoni fiżika tajba kif ukoll taħriġ fil-qasam tat-tmexxija, li fihom il-kandidati kollha jkunu mistennija jipparteċipaw u jiksbu grad għoli ta’ kompetenza.

L-Uffiċjali Kadetti jkunu mistennija jiddedikaw ħafna minn ħinhom għall-istudji tagħhom u jkunu mistennija wkoll jilbsu uniformi tal-marina merkantili waqt li jkunu għaddejjin bit-taħriġ kemm fuq l-art kif ukoll abbord il-bastimenti. L-Uffiċjali Kadetti li jattendu l-kors jistgħu wkoll jiġu assistiti jsibu sponsor għall-perjodu ta’ taħriġ prattiku fuq il-baħar matul it-tieni fażi ta’ taħriġ tal-kors.

L-Istitut Marittimu għandu reputazzjoni tajba għad-dixxiplina u l-Uffiċjali Kadetti kollha jkunu mistennija jimxu ma’ Kodiċi ta’ Kondotta filwaqt li jattendu l-kors ta’ Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch.


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Sea rescue training

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AWARDING BODy: TRANSPORT MALTA more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130803

Course duration: 18 months including12 months at sea and workshop training

Fees: Not applicable


Other entry requirements:Medical Test, physical aptitude Test and Interview

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Operate pumping systems and

associated control systems2. Maintain a safe engineering watch and

follow safety and emergency procedures3. Use appropriate tools and measuring

equipment to carry out fabrication, repair and maintenance tasks on different ship plant, equipment and structures

4. respond to various emergencies that can be encountered while at sea.

Career opportunities: Engineer officer (engine department) on

sea-going merchant ships Third or second engineer on coastal

merchant ships Engineer superintendent/manager Engineer ship surveyor yard/workshop manager project manager

The course aims at giving candidates the necessary training as an Officer Cadet to qualify for a Certificate of Competence as an Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch on a foreign-trading merchant vessel.

The training consists of a number of marine engineering and other maritime related subjects such as Ship Engineering Knowledge and Watch-Keeping, Industrial Chemistry, Maritime Legislation, as well as a high level of physical fitness training and leadership training in which all candidates are expected to participate and attain a high degree of competence.

Officer Cadets are expected to dedicate a lot of time to their studies and are also expected to wear a merchant marine uniform whilst undergoing training both ashore, in shipyards and on board ships. Officer Cadets attending the course may also be assisted in finding a sponsor for the practical training period at sea as well as the workshop training.

The Maritime Institute boasts a good reputationfor discipline and all Officer Cadets are expected to abide by a Code of Conduct whilst attending the Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch Course.

Il-kors għandu l-għan li jagħti lill-kandidat it-taħriġ meħtieġ bħala Uffiċjal Kadett sabiex jikkwalifika għal Ċertifikat ta’ Kompetenza bħala Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch fuq bastiment merkantili li jagħmel kummerċ barra mill-pajjiż.

It-taħriġ jikkonsisti f’numru ta’ suġġetti relatati mal-inġinerija marittima u ma’ suġġetti oħra relatati mal-ambitu marittimu bħal Tagħrif dwar l-Inġinerija tal-vapuri, Watch-Keeping, Kimika Industrijali u Leġislazzjoni Marittima. Il-kors joffri wkoll livell għoli ta’ taħriġ biex wieħed ikun f’kundizzjoni fiżika tajba, kif ukoll taħriġ fil-qasam tat-tmexxija, li fihom il-kandidati kollha jkunu mistennija jipparteċipaw u jiksbu grad għoli ta’ kompetenza. L-Uffiċjali Kadetti jkunu mistennija jiddedikaw ħafna minn ħinhom għall-istudji tagħhom u jkunu mistennija wkoll jilbsu uniformi tal-marina merkantili waqt li jkunu għaddejjin bit-taħriġ kemm fuq l-art, kif ukoll fit-tarzni u abbord il-bastimenti.

L-Uffiċjali Kadetti li jattendu l-kors jistgħu wkoll jiġu assistiti jsibu sponsor għall-perjodu ta’ taħriġ prattiku fuq il-baħar kif ukoll f’workshops.

L-Istitut Marittimu għandu reputazzjoni tajba għad-dixxiplina u l-Uffiċjail Kadetti kollha jkunu mistennija jimxu ma’ Kodiċi ta’ Kondotta filwaqt li jattendu l-kors ta’ Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch.

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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130804




Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Course fees apply to all students

Entry requirements:valid OIC Navigational Watch Certificate of Competency plus 12 months at sea in that capacity

Other entry requirements:Medical Test, physical aptitude Test and Interview

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Maintain safe navigation through the

use of modern navigation systems to assist command decision-making

2. plan and ensure safe loading, stowage, securing, care during voyage and unloading of cargoes

3. Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements

4. Maintain safety and security of the ship’s crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-saving, fire fighting and other safety systems.

Career opportunities: Chief officer (deck department) on sea-

going merchant ships Master offshore vessel Ship surveyor Cargo surveyor GMDSS operator Ship security officer Marine pilot vTS operator/supervisor

This course is a continuation in the career of a Deck Officer in the merchant marina leading to the issue of a Certificate of Competence as a Chief Mate. The training provided is at management level and candidates attending this course are expected to dedicate a lot of time to their studies and are also expected to wear a merchant marine uniform whilst undergoing training ashore.

The Maritime Institute boasts a good reputationfor discipline and all Officers are expected to abide by a Code of Conduct whilst attending the Chief Mate Course and to actively participate in events organised by the Maritime Institute.

Dan il-kors huwa kontinwazzjoni fil-karriera ta’ Deck Officer fil-marina merkantili li jwassal biex jinħareġ Ċertifikat ta’ Kompetenza bħala Chief Mate. It-taħriġ ipprovdut huwa dak fuq livell maniġerjali u l-kandidati li jattendu dan il-kors ikunu mistennija jiddedikaw ħafna minn ħinhom għall-istudji tagħhom u jkunu mistennija wkoll jilbsu uniformi tal-marina merkantili waqt li jkunu għaddejjin bit-taħriġ fuq l-art.

L-Istitut Marittimu għandu reputazzjoni tajba għad-dixxiplina u l-Uffiċjali kollha jkunu mistennija jimxu ma’ Kodiċi ta’ Kondotta filwaqt li jattendu l-kors ta’ Chief Mate u li jipparteċipaw b’mod attiv fl-avvenimenti organizzati mill-Istitut Marittimu.



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A visit on board a container ship

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13/08/02OIC Navigational Watch

3 years(1 year full time,12 months ocean- going experience,1 year full-time)

13/08/01Probationary Officer Cadet- Level 3

1 year full-time

13/08/03OIC Engineering Watch

18 months including12 months at seaand workshop training




13/08/04Chief Mate- Level 5

1 year full-time

This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

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Marine engineering studentsat Cassar Ship Repair Ltd.

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A practical session using the Institute’s Bridge and Communication Simulator

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Institute ofmechanicalengineeringMechanical engineering is a crucial aspect of any modern knowledge-based economy. It embraces various industries, including transportation, such as the maritime, aviation and motor vehicle sectors, as well as manufacturing and plant maintenance, which incorporates the production of virtually all consumer goods and industrial equipment and materials. Through a combination of theory, practical assignments and project work, our Level 1 to Level 6 courses are specifically designed to help you acquire the required competences and qualifications to launch a successful career in the thriving, technology-driven world of engineering.

MCAST Institute of Mechanical Engineering

Main Campus, Triq Kordin, Paola PLA 9032

00356 2398 7450

00356 2398 7490

E [email protected]

Director: Ing Aurelio Micallef GrimaudDeputy Directors: Mr David Bonello, Ing Raymond Francis Vassallo


institute of

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284 13/01/01 MCAST Introductory Certificate in Mechanical Engineering - Level 1*

285 13/01/02 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Mechanical Engineering - Level 2*

287 13/01/03 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Mechanical Engineering288 13/01/04 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (C&G 2850)290 13/01/05A Diploma in Accident Repair Body and Paint (C&G 4291)291 13/01/06A Certificate in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (C&G 4290)

293 13/01/07A Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (C&G 4290)294 13/01/08A MCAST Diploma for Polymer Process Technicians*296 13/01/09 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering297 13/01/09A MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering298 13/01/10 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Operations and Maintenance Engineering299 13/01/10A MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Operations and Maintenance Engineering

301 13/01/11 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering302 13/01/12 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering303 13/01/13 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Operations Engineering304 13/01/14 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Marine Engineering

306 13/01/15 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Plant) 13/01/21 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Plant)307 13/01/16 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing) 13/01/22 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing)308 13/01/17 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Marine Engineering309 13/03/17 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Engineering

310 13/01/18 MCAST Aircraft Maintenance Technician Course (Leading to EASA Part-66 CAT B 1.1 Examinations)311 13/01/19 MCAST Aircraft Maintenance Technician Course (Leading to EASA Part-66 CAT B2 Avionics Examinations)313 13/01/20 EASA Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance Category A Licence Course

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.








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An MCAST apprentice at Playmobil Malta Ltd.

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“Besides my work placements with local companies, I had a particularly interesting three-week apprenticeship in Belgium. I worked for Punch Power Train, an engineering company that produces CVT power trains for different passenger vehicles.”

Laura Marie HaberFirst year student, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Plant)

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“My first courses at MCAST introduced me to mechanical engineering and the various areas of study within it. Eventually, I focused my studies on marine engineering. It was a more challenging subject, but my effortspaid off when I graduated as I soon found employment in this sector.”

Keith BugejaBachelor of Science (Honours)in Marine Engineering, Flag and Port State Control Inspectorat Transport Malta

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“Some may think that working in the manufacturing sector involves doing the same tasks over and over again. Think again. This sector has provided me with a challenging engineering job where no day is like the other – creating new things, overcoming different technical challenges and acquiring lots of new experiences along the way.”

Louisa BonniciMCAST-BTEC National Diplomain Manufacturing Engineering, CAD CAM Programmer atPlaymobil Malta Ltd.

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“Marine crafts have formed part of my life since I was very young. My dream is to graduate with a degree in marine engineering and subsequently start working on board different ships in a local shipyard or in any other place of work where I can put to practice the marine engineering skills I am learning.”

Mark Philip CassarSecond year student,MCAST-BTEC Higher NationalDiploma in Marine Engineering

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130101

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. perform simple mechanical

engineering tasks2. Follow safety requirements when

performing basic engineering tasks3. Communicate effectively through

verbal, written and iCt methods4. use and interpret basic engineering


this programme provides an opportunity to students who are in possession of the school leaving Certificate to enter vocational training and to improve their key skills in english and mathematics in particular.

it is important to point out that you will stand to benefit if you progress to the level 2 Foundation Certificate course the following year. if you are aiming for skilled employment you will certainly need further training.

the introductory Certificate will provide you with the basic trade skills to carry out simple tasks, and to work and study under direct supervision.

dan il-programm huwa opportunità tajba għal dawk l-istudenti li jkollhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja, biex jieħdu taħriġ vokazzjonali u jtejbu l-ħiliet tagħhom, fosthom l-ingliż u l-matematika, li huma ta’ qofol għall-futur tiegħek.

ikun jaqbel lilek jekk tkompli bl-istudji tiegħek fil-Foundation Certificate - livell 2, fis-sena ta’ wara. u jekk qiegħed taspira għal impjieg li jitlob ħila f’dik li hi sengħa, jeħtieġlek tkompli titħarreġ f’livelli ogħla.

l-introductory Certificate jagħtik il-ħiliet bażiċi tas-sengħa biex tkun tista’ tagħmel xogħol sempliċi u biex tkun tista’ taħdem jew tistudja taħt superviżjoni.



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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130102

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. use various basic marking,

measurement and hand tools found in a mechanical workshop2. understand the basic electrical and

electronic principles as a complement to mechanical engineering

3. perform basic tasks related to motor vehicles

4. apply key competences to a range of actions within a contextualised environment in mechanical engineering.


the programme is designed to provide an opportunity to learners in possession of the school leaving Certificate to follow a structured programme of study in an area which is close to their interests. the programme includes a significant amount of vocational practice that will help students to form a clear idea of the nature of the trade or vocation they intend to follow. assessment of each unit in this qualification is mainly through a system of continuous assessment and tests.

this one year foundation course provides a broad introduction to the theoretical and practical skills suitable for those students intending to start a career in one of the fields of mechanical engineering. during this time the students are given the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge in the basic subjects and learn new ones related to mechanical engineering leading them to progress to level 3 and also gain a City & Guilds certificate in engineering.

il-kors hu maħsub li jipprovdi opportunità lil dawk li spiċċaw l-iskola obbligatorja u għandhom fil-pussess tagħhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja biex isegwu kors fil-qasam li l-aktar hu ta’ interess għalihom. il-kors jinkludi ammont sostanzjali ta’ prattika vokazzjonali li tgħinhom jiffurmaw idea ċara tas-sengħa jew vokazzjoni li biħsiebhom isegwu. Kull unit f’din il-kwalifika hu assessjat primarjament b’sistema ta’ assessjar kontinwu u testijiet.

dan il-kors fuq bażi ta’ sena jipprovdi introduzzjoni ġenerali għall-ħiliet teoretiċi u prattiċi adattati għal dawk l-istudenti li biħsiebhom jaqbdu karriera f’wieħed mill-oqsma tal-inġinerija mekkanika. l-istudenti jingħataw l-opportunità li jsaħħu l-għarfien tagħhom fis-suġġetti bażiċi u jitgħallmu oħrajn ġodda relatati mal-inġinerija mekkanika li jwassluhom biex jgħaddu għat-tielet livell u anki jakkwistaw ċertifikat tas-City & Guilds fl-inġinerija.


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A practical session at theMCAST Daikin Training Centre

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130103

this mCast–BteC programme is your first step in the BteC system to embark on an engineering career. this course provides a practical, work related course. learning takes place by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.

it covers the basic knowledge and practical skills, providing a good foundation for future career opportunities in engineering. you will be exposed to a wide knowledge in related subjects such as mathematics, physics, engineering drawing and information technology.

dan il-programm tal-mCast-BteC huwa l-ewwel pass fis-sistema tal-BteC li jwasslek biex taqbad karriera fl-inġinerija. il-kors huwa wieħed prattiku u rilevanti għad-dinja tax-xogħol. titgħallem billi taħdem fuq proġetti u eżerċizzji li għandhom rabta sħiħa ma’ sitwazzjonijiet, attivitajiet u ħtiġijiet realistiċi.

il-programm ikopri għarfien bażiku u ħiliet prattiċi, u joffrilek bidu siewi għal numru ta’ karrieri fis-settur tal-inġinerija. ikollok l-opportunità ttejjeb il-ħiliet tiegħek fis-suġġetti relatati bħalma huma l-matematika, il-Fiżika, id-disinn tekniku u t-teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passesfrom mathematics, physics, Graphical Communication, design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work safely and effectively in mechanical

engineering fields2. interpret engineering related drawings

and diagrams3. perform basic machining and fabrication

processes4. apply mechanical and electrical

principles to address basic mechanical engineering problems.

Career opportunities: engineering apprentice handyman Fitter

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AWARDING BODy: CITy & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130104

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: C&G registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passes from mathematics, physics, Graphical Communication, design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work safely and effectively in the

different mechanical engineering fields2. interpret drawings and their

requirements3. Carry out basic machining, welding and

fabrication of simple components4. translate drawings into manufactured

simple components.

Career opportunities: engineering apprentice handyman Fitter

this City and Guilds programme in engineering has a very practical approach to the subjects offered. this programme is designed to provide a work related course, where learning takes place by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.

it covers the basic knowledge and practical skills, providing a good foundation for future career opportunities in engineering. you will be exposed to a wide knowledge in related subjects such as technology, engineering drawing and principles of manufacturing.

this could be your first step leading to a fruitful career in mechanical engineering.

dan il-programm tas-City and Guilds fl-inġinerija huwa wieħed prattiku maħsub sabiex jipprovdi taħriġ li għandu rabta mad-dinja tax-xogħol. Fil-kors inti tkun mistenni taħdem fuq proġetti li jkunu bbażati fuq sitwazzjonijiet, attivitajiet u talbiet realistiċi.

il-kors ikopri l-għarfien u l-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa biex l-istudent jifhem aħjar l-opportunitajiet li jistgħu jwassluh għal karriera fl-inġinerija. tieħu wkoll bosta tagħlim f’suġġetti relatati bħal ma huma t-teknoloġija, l-engineering drawing u l-prinċipji tal-manifattura.

dan jista’ fil-fatt ikun l-ewwel pass tiegħek fit-triq li twasslek għal karriera ta’ sodisfazzjon fl-inġinerija mekkanika.



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AWARDING BODy: CITy & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130105A

Course duration: 1 year full-time and2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: City & Guilds registration/examination Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: mathematics

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness is a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. use correct personal and vehicle

protection within the automotive environment

2. Carry out removal and fitting of non-permanently fixed motor vehicle body panels

3. Carry out the preparation of metal and pre-painted surfaces to accept foundation materials and paint topcoats

4. understand how to identify, mix and apply fillers and foundation materials in vehicle refinishing.

Career opportunities: panel beater sprayer

the course is intended for young learners with little or no knowledge and experience of the automotive industry. you will learn how to work on routine vehicle accident repair tasks in body work under minimal supervision. the course will also provide you with the skills required to carry out paint repairs. you will thus gain a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in automotive accident repair (panel beating) together with body paint principles. you will be expected to carry out effective housekeeping practices in the automotive environment, understand how to work effectively within the organisational structure of the automotive work environment and be able to work safely when carrying out removal and replacement of exterior vehicle panels and paint jobs. you will also be expected to improve your knowledge of the key skills subjects, that is mathematics, english, maltese, information technology and personal development.

il-kors huwa maħsub għal dawk iż-zgħażagħ li jixtiequ jitgħallmu s-sengħa biex jaħdmu fl-industrija tal-vetturi. se titgħallem kif issewwi l-ħsarat fuq il-vetturi wara xi inċident tat-traffiku bla ma jkollok bżonn ħafna superviżjoni. il-kors jagħtik ukoll dawk il-ħiliet li tkun teħtieġ biex issewwi l-ħsara fiż-żebgħa. Għaldaqstant inti jkollok kemm l-għarfien teoretiku kif ukoll il-ħiliet prattiċi biex tkun tista’ ssewwi l-ħsarat mekkaniċi tal-body (panel beating) kif ukoll dawk fejn tidħol iż-żebgħa. inti se tkun mistenni tieħu ħsieb l-ambjent fejn isir ix-xogħol fuq il-vetturi u tifhem sewwa kif taħdem b’mod effettiv u bil-għaqal fi strutturi organizzattivi. titgħallem ukoll kif taqla’ u tibdel il-pjanċi tal-metall tal-vetturi, u kif taħdem biż-żebgħa bla ma toħloq periklu għalik u għal ħaddieħor. Żomm f’moħħok li se tkun mistenni ttejjeb il-ħiliet tiegħek fis-suġġetti li huma ta’ qofol għal kull impjieg li għad trid tidħol għalih. dawn huma l-matematika, l-ingliż, it-teknoloġija tal-informatika u l-iżvilupp personali.



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AWARDING BODy: CITy & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130106A

Course duration: 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: City & Guilds registration/examination Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work safely when carrying out light

vehicles routine maintenance2. use correct personal and vehicle

protection within the automotive work environment

3. understand how light vehicles steering and suspension systems operate

4. understand how to select, use and care for hand tools and measuring devices in the automotive environment.

Career opportunities: motor vehicle mechanic service mechanic road side assistance mechanic

this qualification is for candidates who would like to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of motor vehicle engineering. the certification provides knowledge which may lead to employment as automobile light vehicle mechanics at tradesman level. through the various aspects of training that the certification provides, you should be able to gain a good understanding of tools; which to use for specific purposes and how to handle them safely. you will also learn how to modify and effect repairs in the automotive environment. you will thus develop the skills of the trade, including replacement of parts as required in the periodic servicing of vehicles, to carry out light routine maintenance. you will also follow studies in the academic subjects, that is, english, maltese, mathematics, information technology and personal development.

din il-kwalifika hija maħsuba għal studenti li jixtiequ jiżviluppaw l-għarfien u l-ħiliet tagħhom fit-tiswija tal-vetturi. iċ-ċertifikazzjoni tista’ twasslek biex issib ix-xogħol bħala mekkanik fil-livell ta’ tradesman.

permezz tal-aspetti varji ta’ taħriġ li jtik dan il-kors, inti tkun tista’ tifhem aħjar l-għodda partikolari li tintuża fis-sengħa u kif taħdem biha fil-prattika u bla periklu. titgħallem ukoll kif issewwi l-ħsara fl-ambitu tal-vetturi. Għaldaqstant inti tkun tista’ tiżviluppa l-ħiliet li titlob is-sengħa, inkluż il-bdil ta’ parts meta l-vettura tkun waslet għas-service jew biex tagħmel manutenzjoni ta’ rutina.

inti mistenni wkoll li ttejjeb il-ħiliet tiegħek fis-suġġetti li huma ta’ qofol għal kull impjieg, jiġifieri, il-matematika, l-ingliż, il-malti, it-teknologija tal-informatika u l-iżvilupp personali.

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MCAST’s automobile workshops

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AWARDING BODy: CITy & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130107A

this qualification is for candidates wanting to develop some of the key skills and understanding in motor vehicle systems. you will be able to identify hazards and risks in the automotive environment and work safely with equipment, materials and products. you should also gain a good knowledge of tools and measuring devices as well as routine light vehicle maintenance. you will be expected to develop an understanding of the construction and operation of common steering, suspension and braking systems (including wheels and tyres) as well as procedures involved in the inspection, serviceability, adjustments, removal and replacement of components and the evaluation of their performance.

students can also sit for the Journeyman Certificate at technician level from etC if they are registered with etC as apprentices.

din il-kwalifika hija maħsuba għal dawk li jixtiequ jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet u l-għarfien tagħhom fir-rigward tax-xogħol fuq il-vetturi. titgħallem tagħraf il-perikli u r-riskji fl-ambjenti fejn għaddej ix-xogħol fuq il-vetturi biex tkun tista’ taħdem kif jixraq bil-makkinarju, il-materjali u l-prodotti. ikun jeħtieġlek tifhem sewwa l-għodda li tuża u l-istrumenti li tkejjel bihom. tkun mistenni tifhem kif jaħdmu l-mekkaniżmi komuni - steering, suspension, brakes, tyres – kif ukoll il-proċeduri li għandhom x’jaqsmu ma’ spezzjoni, service, bdil ta’ parts u kif tittestja x-xogħol li jkun sar.

l-istudenti jistgħu jersqu għall-eżami tal-Journeyman bħala apprentisti fil-livell ta’ tekniku jekk ikunu reġistrati mal-etC.

Course duration: 1 year full-time and2 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: City & Guilds registration/examination Fees

Entry requirements:CertiFiCate iN liGht vehiCle maiNteNaNCe aNd repair (C&G 4290)or4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematicspreferred: physics, english and engineering drawing

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work effectively within the

organisational structure of the automotive work environment

2. Work safely when carrying out light vehicle engine diagnostic and rectification activities

3. understand how the light vehicle transmission and driveline systems operate

4. understand how light vehicle auxiliary electrical systems operate.

Career opportunities: motor vehicle technician service technician vrt technician

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130108A

Course duration: 3 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN meChaNiCal eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG (eleCtroNiCs)or4 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: mathematics, physicspreferred: Chemistry

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the science of plastic/rubber

transformations2. apply engineering knowledge in

resolving problems encountered during manufacturing

3. maintain and improve machinery involved in the processes to optimise their performance

4. understand the operations and failure modes of the large variety of specialised equipment.

Career opportunities: polymer process technician moulding technician machine setter

this diploma programme is designed to prepare technicians for a career in the field of the transformation of rubbers and plastics, their different types and compositions, into finished specialised products.

it provides a good level of knowledge in the fields of polymer sciences and manufacturing technologies. the scientific background of the technologies and processes involved, including material properties, process control and the effect of variables, such as, temperature, pressure, cycle time and other is also studied.

training is through a combination of theory and practical sessions of this latest technology in our lecture rooms and workshops, as well as at local industry leaders of this ever growing sector of manufacturing.

dan il-programm ta’ diploma huwa wieħed ta’ tħejjija għal dawk li jixtiequ jaqbdu karriera bħala tekniċi fil-qasam tal-prodotti speċjalizzati li jinħadmu minn diversi tipi u kompożizzjonijiet tal-lastiku u l-plastics.

il-kors jagħtik għarfien siewi fl-isfond tal-polymer sciences u t-teknoloġiji tal-manifattura. il-bażi xjentifika tat-teknoloġiji u l-proċessi involuti, li tinkludi l-istudju tal-materjali, il-kontroll tal-proċessi u oqsma relatati, jagħmlu parti mill-kors.

it-taħriġ isir fil-klassi, fil-workshops kif ukoll fl-industrija. il-komponenti tat-teorija u dawk tal-prattika jintrabtu flimkien u l-istudju jirrifletti dak li wieħed jeħtieġlu jitgħallem biex ikun midħla sewwa tal-aħħar teknologiji f’dan is-settur ta’ manifattura li qed jikber.

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A polymer process student atMethode Electronics Malta Ltd.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130109

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN meChaNiCal eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG (eleCtroNiCs)or4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics, physicspreferred: Graphical Communication,design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. describe and identify health and

environmental risks related to certain processes as well as the measures that are adopted to control them

2. Communicate and interpret drawings and manuals in the technical fields concerned

3. Choose appropriate tools and manufacturing processes for the implementation of work projects

4. apply mathematical and scientific principles to solve engineering related problems.

Career opportunities: machine setter machine operator production planning officer draughtsperson in basic (2d) mechanical

engineering (autoCad)

if you wish to start an interesting career as a technician in today’s highly technological area of manufacturing engineering, then this programme provides the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills.

this qualification provides access to more specialist units and therefore broadens and deepens your experience in preparation for actual work situations.

you will learn how to perform basic engineering operations in a safe and efficient manner, whilst safeguarding the environment. you willunderstand basic scientific and mathematical theories and how to apply these to manufacturing engineering processes such as draughting, design, problem solving, and machining.

Jekk tixtieq taqbad karriera bħala tekniku fil-qasam sofistikat tal-inġinerija tal-manifattura, tajjeb li tikkunsidra dan il-programm li jipprovdi kemm l-għarfien kif ukoll il-ħiliet meħtieġa.

din il-kwalifika tipprovdilek aċċess għal unitajiet ta’ studju speċjalizzati u għalhekk tkabbar l-esperjenza tiegħek bi tħejjija għad-dinja tax-xogħol.

titgħallem kif tagħmel xogħol bażiku ta’ inġinerija, kif tevita l-periklu u taħdem b’manjiera effiċjenti, waqt li tieħu ħsieb l-ambjent ta’ madwarna. tifhem it-teoriji bażiċi xjentifiċi u matematiċi u kif dawn jiġu applikati fil-kamp tal-manifattura, bħad-disinn tekniku, is-soluzzjoni ta’ problemi u x-xogħol fuq il-magni.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130109A

Course duration: 3 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN meChaNiCal eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG (eleCtroNiCs)or4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics, physicspreferred: Graphical Communication, design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. describe and identify health and

environmental risks related to certain processes as well as the measures that are adopted to control them

2. Communicate and interpret drawings and manuals in the technical fields concerned

3. Choose appropriate tools and manufacturing processes for the implementation of work projects

4. apply mathematical and scientific principles to solve engineering related problems.

Career opportunities: machine setter machine operator production planning officer draughtsperson in basic (2d) mechanical

engineering (autoCad)

if you wish to start an interesting career as a technician in today’s highly technological area of manufacturing engineering, then this programme provides the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills.

this qualification provides access to more specialist units and therefore broadens and deepens your experience in preparation for actual work situations.

you will learn how to perform basic engineering operations in a safe and efficient manner, whilst safeguarding the environment. you willunderstand basic scientific and mathematical theories and how to apply these to manufacturing engineering processes such as draughting, design, problem solving, and machining.

Jekk tixtieq taqbad karriera bħala tekniku fil-qasam sofistikat tal-inġinerija tal-manifattura, tajjeb li tikkunsidra dan il-programm li jipprovdi kemm l-għarfien kif ukoll il-ħiliet meħtieġa.

din il-kwalifika tipprovdilek aċċess għal unitajiet ta’ studju speċjalizzati u għalhekk tkabbar l-esperjenza tiegħek bi tħejjija għad-dinja tax-xogħol.

titgħallem kif tagħmel xogħol bażiku ta’ inġinerija, kif tevita l-periklu u taħdem b’manjiera effiċjenti, waqt li tieħu ħsieb l-ambjent ta’ madwarna. tifhem it-teoriji bażiċi xjentifiċi u matematiċi u kif dawn jiġu applikati fil-kamp tal-manifattura, bħad-disinn tekniku, is-soluzzjoni ta’ problemi u x-xogħol fuq il-magni.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130110

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN meChaNiCal eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG (eleCtroNiCs)or4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: english, mathematics, physics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. describe and identify health and

environmental risks related to certain processes and what measures are adopted to control these risks

2. Communicate and interpret drawings and manuals in the technical fields concerned

3. monitor and diagnose faults in engineering systems

4. analyse mathematically engineering situations to provide scientific solutions.

Career opportunities: maintenance fitter / technician plant operator health and safety assistant officer

if you wish to start a fulfilling career as a technician in the area of operations and maintenance engineering, then this programme provides the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills for your future. you will have the opportunity to learn basic scientific and mathematical methods to apply in subjects such as thermodynamics and heat engines.

you will be exposed to the different materials used in common engineering situations and their properties. this qualification not only provides access to more specialist units but it also broadens and deepens the learners’ experience in preparation for the real worldat work.

Jekk tixtieq taqbad karriera ta’ sodisfazzjon bħala tekniku fil-qasam tal-operations and maintenance engineering, dan il-programm għandu jrawwem fik l-għarfien u l-ħiliet meħtieġa għall-quddiem. ikollok l-opportunità titgħallem il-metodi bażiċi xjentifiċi u matematiċi li huma applikabbli f’suġġetti bħat-thermodynamics u heat engines.

tiltaqa’ ma’ materjali differenti u titgħallem dwar il-kwalitajiet partikulari tagħhom u dwar l-użu tagħhom f’sitwazzjonijiet komuni tal-inġinerija. minbarra li twasslek biex tissokta bl-istudju tiegħek f’livelli ogħla ta’ taħriġ, din il-kwalifika tkattarlek l-esperjenza tiegħek bi tħejjija għad-dinja tax-xogħol.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130110A

Course duration: 3 years part-time on apprenticeship

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN meChaNiCal eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG (eleCtroNiCs)or4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: english, mathematics, physics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. describe and identify health and

environmental risks related to certain processes and what measures are adopted to control these risks

2. Communicate and interpret drawings and manuals in the technical fields concerned

3. monitor and diagnose faults in engineering systems

4. analyse mathematically engineering situations to provide scientific solutions.

Career opportunities: maintenance fitter / technician plant operator health and safety assistant officer

this programme should be of particular interest to those who are already employed and wish to embark on a technical career, or to those who wish to further their studies. if you wish to work as a technician in the area of operations and maintenance, this programme provides you with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills.

this programme will provide you with access to more specialist units and therefore broadens and deepens the learners’ experience in preparation for the actual work environment. you will have the opportunity to handle, operate and diagnose electro, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, discovering how a variety of mechanical systems operate and how to rectify systems when they fail.

dan il-programm għandu jinteressa lil dawk li diġà qegħdin jaħdmu u li jixtiequ jidħlu għal karriera teknika, jew li jridu jkomplu jistudjaw. Jekk tixtieq taħdem bħala tekniku fil-qasam tal-operations and maintenance, dan il-kors joffrilek l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li jkollok bżonn.

il-programm joffrilek unitajiet ta’ studju avvanzati u jwessagħlek l-esperjenza tiegħek bi tħejjija għall-ambjenti attwali tax-xogħol. ikollok l-opportunità titħarreġ fuq sistemi elettriċi, dawk pnewmatiċi u idrawliċi biex tifhem kif sistemi mekkaniċi differenti jaħdmu u kif dawn jissewwew meta tiġrilhom il-ħsara.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130111

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iNmaNuFaCturiNG eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iNoperatioNs aNd maiNteNaNCe eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iNeleCtriCal/eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNGormCast diploma For polymer proCess teChNiCiaNsor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: physics and mathematics (pure or applied)

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness maybe requested to work in this field area.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. apply mathematical and scientific methods

to find appropriate solutions to engineering problems

2. design, implement and evaluate engineering projects utilising the latest available technologies

3. programme programmable logic controllers as used in control systems in industry

4. utilise advanced manufacturing processes.

Career opportunities: manufacturing technician section leader supervisor machine tool setter tool and die designer

the study units of the higher National diploma in manufacturing engineering centre around mathematics, science, design and implementation. the programme will enable you to develop mathematical knowledge and its use for analysis, modeling and solution of realistic engineering problems.

you will also build a fundamental understanding of the mechanical and electrical principles that underpin the design and operation of a large range of engineering equipment and systems. you will find opportunities to develop skills in decision making, problem solving and communication when completing a real project.

an understanding of how manufactured products and their associated processes are planned, monitored and controlled will be developed. you will develop an ability to apply both manual and computer-assisted methods to control plant and processes.

l-unitajiet ta’ studju tal-higher National diploma in manufacturing engineering għandhom elementi ta’ matematika, xjenza, disinn u implimentazzjoni. il-programm jiżviluppa l-għarfien tiegħek tal-matematika u kif din tista’ tgħinek tanalizza, tfassal u ssib soluzzjoni ta’ problemi realistiċi fl-inġinerija.

tasal ukoll biex tifhem aħjar il-prinċipji mekkaniċi u elettriċi li fuqhom jiddependu d-disinn u t-tħaddim ta’ apparat u sistemi tal-inġinerija. ikollok opportunità tiżviluppa l-ħiliet tiegħek f’sitwazzjonijiet fejn inti tkun mistenni tagħmel deċiżjoni, issolvi problemi u tikkomunika ma’ ħaddieħor meta tkun qed taħdem fuq proġett ta’ veru.

tifhem ukoll kif jiġu ppjanati u kkontrollati l-prodotti manifatturati u l-proċessi li bihom ikunu saru. tieħu taħriġ siewi fuq metodi u proċessi, kemm dawk manwali kif ukoll dawkli jaħdmu bl-għajnuna tal-kompjuter.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130112

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iN operatioNs aNd maiNteNaNCe eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iN maNuFaCturiNG eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iN eleCtriCal/eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNGormCast diploma For polymer proCess teChNiCiaNsor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: physics and mathematics (pure or applied)

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness may be requested to work in this field area.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. apply mathematical and scientific

principles to solve engineering problems 2. design, implement and evaluate

engineering projects utilising the latest available technologies

3. apply knowledge gained in materials used in general engineering and the application of science in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics

4. explain various manufacturing engineering processes.

Career opportunities: supervisor technician project leader draughtsperson (autoCad 3d)

the higher National diploma course in mechanical engineering will develop your understanding of an extended range of mechanical principles that underpin the design and operation of mechanical engineering systems.

study units involving statics, dynamics, thermodynamics, strength of materials and others will be covered in depth.

in your studies relating to material engineering and material science, you will learn about properties, strength, selection, processing and failure of materials and components, standard tests and the ability to interpret test data.

you will also gain a good knowledge of machine tools, such as cutting tools and their application in industry. other study units (such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, etc.), provide insight into other basic important aspects of engineering.

il-higher National diploma in mechanical engineering ikabbarlek l-għarfien ta’ firxa wiesgħa ta’ prinċipji mekkaniċi li fuqhom jiddependu kemm id-disinn kif ukoll it-tħaddim ta’ sistemi mekkaniċi.

l-unitajiet ta’ studju jittrattaw dwar statics, dynamics, thermodynamics u s-saħħa tal-materjali.

Fl-istudju relatat mal-inġinerija u x-xjenza tal-materjali, titgħallem dwar is-saħħa, l-għażla, il-proċessi u l-falliment tal-materjali u tal-komponenti, it-testijiet standard, u l-kapaċità li tinterpreta l-informazzjoni li jtuk dawn it-testijiet.

tiġbor informazzjoni siewja fuq l-għodda tal-makni, bħalma huma, l-għodod li jaqtgħu u l-applikazzjoni tagħhom fl-industrija. unitajiet ta’ studju oħra (bħal, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, eċċ.) jgħinuk tifhem aspetti oħra bażiċi tal-inġinerija.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130113

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iNoperatioNs aNd maiNteNaNCe eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iNmaNuFaCturiNG eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iNeleCtriCal/eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNGormCast diploma For polymer proCess teChNiCiaNsor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: physics and mathematics (pure or applied)

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness may be requested to work in this field area.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. apply mathematical and scientific

principles to solve engineering problems 2. operate, diagnose faults and maintain

engineering systems3. apply fundamental knowledge in

materials used in general engineering and the application of pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical and thermodynamic technologies

4. manage systems efficiently to minimise energy consumption.

Career opportunities: maintenance technician assistant plant manager supervisor refrigeration technician assistant designer

this programme will help you develop an understanding of the engineering principles necessary for the design and safe operation of plant systems and equipment. the appropriate management of those involved in the day-to-day running and servicing of plant equipment is also covered.

the advanced mathematics units aim to provide the analytical knowledge necessary for studying other engineering subjects. other interesting topics are concerned with the application of pneumatics and hydraulics principles, thermodynamics, and the use of complex control schemes. in today’s economic climate, studies relating to energy conservation will prove to be both interesting and beneficial.

From a management perspective you will learn about basic administrative skills to facilitate the running of both the organisation and its personnel.

il-programm ikabbarlek l-għarfien ta’ dawk il-prinċipji tal-inġinerija li huma meħtieġa kemm għad-disinn kif ukoll għat-tħaddim kif jixraq tas-sistemi ta’ manutenzjoni tal-impjanti. il-kors jittratta wkoll kif timmaniġġja tajjeb lil dawk li jħaddmu u jieħdu ħsieb l-istess impjanti.

l-unitajiet ta’ studju tal-matematika jipprovdu l-għarfien analitiku meħtieġ biex inti tkun tista’ tistudja suġġetti oħra tal-inġinerija. temi oħra interessanti jinkludu l-applikazzjoni ta’ prinċipji tal-pnewmatika u l-idrawlika, it-termodinamika, u l-użu ta’ skemi kumplessi ta’ kontroll. Fil-klima ekonomika ta’ żmienna, l-istudju dwar il-konservazzjoni tal-enerġija għandu jkun kemm interessanti kif ukoll ta’ siwi.

mil-lat ta’ maniġment, titgħallem ukoll dwar il-ħiliet amministrattivi li jgħinuk fit-tmexxija tajba kemm tal-organizzazzjoni nfisha kif ukoll tal-ħaddiema.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130114

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iNoperatioNs aNd maiNteNaNCe eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iN maNuFaCturiNG eNGiNeeriNGormCast diploma For polymer proCess teChNiCiaNsor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory a-level: physics and mathematics (pure or applied)

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness must be produced before starting to attend the course. prospective candidates may also be asked to carry out a physical test.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. apply mathematical and scientific principles

to solve marine engineering problems 2. design, implement and evaluate engineering

projects3. solve issues as typically encountered in the

operations and maintenance of marine main propulsion, auxiliary marine equipment and naval architecture

4. apply knowledge gained in the materials used in marine engineering, electrical technology, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.

Career opportunities: marine engineering technician assistant to marine structural designer ship repair technician assistant to marine engineering system

designer assistant to marine technical surveyor

if you wish to pursue an interesting career in marine engineering, the higher National diploma in marine engineering is the programme that you should consider.

this programme will equip you with the necessary skills to perform technical work at a professional level in the design, operation and maintenance of marine systems and equipment. you will not only learn about marine engines, ship propulsion and pumping systems, but also about maritime laws and regulations, fire fighting and first aid.

this vocational qualification is recognised and provides successful candidates with opportunities to further their technical educational knowledge by following other courses or by reading for a degree in related areas.

Jekk tixtieq issegwi karriera interessanti fl-inġinerija marittima, tajjeb li tikkunsidra l-higher National diploma in marine engineering.

dan il-programm irawwem fik dawk il-ħiliet li teħtieġ biex tkun tista’ tagħmel xogħol tekniku f’livell professjonali ta’ disinn, operazzjoni u manutenzjoni ta’ sistemi u apparat tal-baħar. titgħallem mhux biss dwar il-makni tal-baħar, il-propulsjoni jew il-forza li timbotta l-vapuri, u s-sistemi tal-pompi, iżda wkoll dwar il-liġijiet u r-regolamenti marittimi, kif tiġġieled in-nar u kif tagħti l-ewwel għajnuna.

din il-kwalifika vokazzjonali hija rikonoxxuta u tista’ twassal biex studenti li jmorru tajjeb ikomplu jibnu fuq l-għarfien li jkunu ħadu billi jidħlu għal korsijiet f’livelli ogħla jew billi jsegwu kors li jwassal għal lawrja.

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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130115

Course duration:B.sc (hons) –1 year full-timeB.eng (hons) – 2 years full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast–BteC hiGher NatioNal diplomaiN meChaNiCal eNGiNeeriNG oroperatioNs eNGiNeeriNG

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. analyse a variety of mechanical

engineering issues using mathematical and scientific knowledge

2. Comprehend the operations and rectify failures of a large variety of equipment

3. take structured and responsible decisions that will lead to effective and efficient solutions

4. understand complex electronically controlled systems.

Career opportunities: assistant to research engineer project leader entrepreneur mechanical engineering systems designer mechanical engineering analyst

this degree course in mechanical engineering builds on the two-year higher National diploma programme in the same specialist subject area. it is relevant to a range of industries, since it covers the key mechanical engineering principles and subject areas, such as design, mechanics, thermodynamics, instrumentation and control, as well as materials for the plant engineer.

the course is therefore wide-ranging and it will develop your ability to apply these principles to solve engineering problems in a variety of work environments and business concerns.

entrepreneurship, manufacturing management and sustainability are also studied, beyond the traditional purely technical aspects of this programme.

dan il-kors, li jwassal għal lawrja fl-inġinerija mekkanika, jibni fuq il-kors ta’ sentejn tal-higher National diploma, kors ta’ sentejn fl-istess qasam ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni. il-programm ta’ studju huwa rilevanti għal firxa sħiħa ta’ industriji, u jkopri l-prinċipji li huma ta’ qofol għas-suġġett, ngħidu aħna d-disinn, il-mekkanika, it-termodinamika, l-istrumenti u l-kontroll, kif ukoll il-materjali li jintużaw mill-inġinier tal-impjanti.

il-kors huwa wieħed varjat u jiżviluppa l-għarfien tiegħek biex tkun tista’ tapplika l-prinċipji li tgħallimt fis-soluzzjoni ta’ problemi, f’diversi ambjenti tax-xogħol u n-negozju.

minbarra l-aspetti purament tekniċi, it-taħriġ ta’ matul il-kors fih elementi ta’ intraprenditorija, ta’ maniġment u ta’ sostenibbiltà.



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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130116

Course duration:B.sc (hons) – 1 year full-timeB.eng (hons) – 2 years full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast–BteC hiGher NatioNal diplomaiN maNuFaCturiNG eNGiNeeriNG ormeChaNiCal eNGiNeeriNG

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. take decisions based on pertinent

information related to the manufacturing processes

2. manage the operational function of a manufacturing organisation

3. source, validate and apply information to find solutions to engineering related issues

4. design products, the manufacturing systems and facilities required for the production of products.

Career opportunities: manufacturing process designer entrepreneur Quality control manager research technologist production planner

this mechanical engineering degree provides you with a solid understanding of relevant engineering fundamentals and prepares you for a broad range of career choices in the manufacturing field. the programme is structured around studies which will develop in students a firm understanding of principles and disciplines which are needed in the modelling, measuring, analysis and design of mechanical and thermal components and systems.

on completion graduates are expected to demonstrate that they have assimilated the professional skills necessary for formulating and executing design projects, for teamwork, and for effective communication.

il-kors li jwassal għal din il-lawrja fl-inġinerija mekkanika jagħtik l-għarfien kollu li jixraq f’dak li jirrigwarda l-prinċipji fundamentali tal-inġinerija filwaqt li jħejjik għal għażla wiesgħa ta’ karrieri fis-settur tal-manifattura.

il-programm huwa mibni fuq studju li jrawwem fl-istudenti għarfien sħiħ tal-prinċipji u d-dixxiplini meħtieġa għall-immudellar, il-kejl, l-analiżi u d-disinn ta’ komponenti u sistemi tipiċi tas-settur.

Fi tmiem il-kors, il-gradwati jkunu mistennija juru li tħarrġu sewwa f’dawk il-ħiliet li huma meħtieġa biex wieħed ikun jista’ jfassal u jesegwixxi proġett, jaħdem fi grupp ma’ ħaddieħor, u jikkomunika b’mod effettiv.






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more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130117

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast–BteC hiGher NatioNal diplomaiN meChaNiCal eNGiNeeriNG ormariNe eNGiNeeriNG oroperatioNs eNGiNeeriNG

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. design, operate and maintain marine

engineering systems 2. decide upon entrepreneurial and

managerial activities related to the marine engineering field

3. propose solutions based on mathematical and scientific analysis of situations and issues at hand

4. Conduct research and apply accumulated knowledge to a marine engineering situation.

Career opportunities: marine structural designer marine systems designer marine technologist marine surveyor

this degree course builds on the knowledge, skills and competences of the two-year higher National diploma programme. it deals with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of engines and machinery in ships and marine installations.

you will gain an understanding of developed and emerging technologies while applying theoretical and practical methods in the analysis and solution of marine engineering related problems.

at this level of study you will be expected todevelop the qualities needed for employment in situations requiring the exercise of personal responsibility, technical leadership and commercial management in complex and unpredictable circumstances.

dan il-kors, li jwassal għal lawrja, jibni fuq l-għarfien u l-esperjenzi tal-programm ta’ sentejn, li jwassal għall-higher National diploma. l-istudenti jitħarrġu fid-disinn, il-kostruzzjoni, it-tħaddim u l-manutenzjoni tal-makni u l-makkinarju tal-vapuri u l-impjanti tal-baħar.

il-kors jagħtik għarfien ta’ teknoloġiji li diġà jeżistu kif ukoll ta’ oħrajn li huma ġodda filwaqt li titgħallem tapplika metodi teoretiċi u prattiċi fl-analiżi u s-soluzzjoni ta’ problemi ta’ inġinerija marittima.

F’dan il-livell ta’ studju inti tkun mistenni trawwem fik dawk il-ħiliet li huma meħtieġa f’sitwazzjonijiet li jitolbu responsabbiltà, tmexxija teknika u maniġment kummerċjali, f’ċirkostanzi kumplessi u li ma tistennihomx.



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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal/eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtriCal eNGiNeeriNG ormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN eleCtroNiCs eNGiNeeriNGormCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN meChaNiCal eNGiNeeriNG, or maNuFaCturiNG eNGiNeeriNG, or operatioNs eNGiNeeriNG

Further details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. appraise the interaction of medical

equipment and the human body2. analyse and design electronic and control

circuits for biomedical applications3. manage projects involving the

specification, installation and maintenance of biomedical equipment

4. Contribute in the development of research projects in the field of biomedical engineering.

Career opportunities: medical laboratory technologist Clinical technologist medical equipment specialist

the objective of this programme is that of producing professionals who have strong practical competences backed by solid underpinning knowledge related to the biomedical engineering sector. the exciting advances being made in artificial body parts and organs and other prosthetic implants all fall in the realm of Biomedical engineering.

the course gives you a basic understanding ofthe functioning of the human body, a sound knowledge of biomechanics and the various interfaces that allow prosthetics to become an extension of the human body.

the various engineering fields involved are also studied to provide a seamless product to the client.

l-għan ta’ dan il-programm hu li joħorġu inġiniera professjonali li jkollhom il-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa u l-għarfien sħiħ ta’ x’jitlob is-settur tal-inġinerija bijomedika. il-progress kbir li qed jiġi reġistrat fil-qasam tal-organi u partijiet artifiċjali u impjanti prostetiċi oħra jaqa’ fl-isfera tal-inġinerija Bijomedika.

il-kors jipprovdilek għarfien bażiku dwar il-funzjonament tal-ġisem tal-bniedem, u tagħrif siewi ħafna fuq il-bijomekkanika u dawk l-elementi li bis-saħħa tagħhom il-prostesi ssir estensjoni funzjonabbli tal-ġisem tal-bniedem.

it-tagħlim jinkludi l-istudju tal-oqsma tal-inġinerija li huma relatati ma’ dan is-settur partikulari, sabiex il-klijent jinqeda bl-aħjar mod possibbli.





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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130118

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: Civil aviation directorate examination Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG and seC/o-level pass in english languageoreasa part-66 airCraFt maiNteNaNCeCateGory a liCeNCe Courseor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics, physics, english languageora minimum of 3 years experience in a relevant sector: aviation, mechanical and electrical engineering

Note: as from intake 2015, new entryrequirements will be implemented:i) easa part-66 aircraft maintenance

Category a licence courseii) entry by o-level will not remainiii) entry by experience will not remain but

the maturity clause will apply.

Other entry requirements:applicants will have to sit for an interview and/or aptitude test in technical understanding and technical english. an aptitude test and a colour blindness test are required prior to acceptance on the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand advanced aircraft principles in

aviation engineering technology2. read and understand procedures,

drawings, schematics for maintenance purposes and report clear instructions

3. Carry out scheduled and unscheduled maintenance tasks according to approved maintenance documentation and procedures

4. apply the necessary theoretical and practical understanding of complex aircraft maintenance in the analysis and accomplishment of maintenance tasks.

Career opportunities: line maintenance technician Base maintenance technician Workshop technician

this course is designed to equip individuals with the necessary theoretical knowledge of aircraft maintenance and related mechanical systems at technician level, which is also backed by practical experience in our workshops.

students attending this course will be prepared to sit for the relative examinations organised by awarding bodies, which may lead to being awarded the easa part-66 Category B1.1 licence.

subject to restrictions imposed by the part-145 organisation, it will permit the holder to issue Certificates of release to service following scheduled works that may include line maintenance, defect rectifications, aircraft structure, power plants and mechanical and electrical systems.

dan il-kors, fil-livell ta’ tekniku, huwa maħsub għal dawk li jridu jitgħallmu t-teorija li hija meħtieġa għall-manutenzjoni tal-ajruplani u sistemi relatati, u li fl-istess ħin jixtiequ jsostnu dan it-tagħlim b’esperjenza prattika fil-workshops.

dawk li qed jattendu dan il-kors ikunu jistgħu jersqu għall-eżamijiet li huma organizzati mill-istituzzjonijiet li joffru dawn il-kwalifiki u li jwasslu għall-għoti tal-liċenzja tal-easa part-66 Category B1.1.

dejjem skont ir-restrizzjonijiet imposti mill-organizzazzjoni part-145, b’din il-liċenzja wieħed ikun jista’ joħroġ Certificates of release to service, wara li jkun sar xogħol kif skedat. dan jinkludi line maintenance, tiswija ta’ difetti, xogħol fuq l-istruttura tal-ajruplan, power plants u sistemi mekkaniċi u elettriċi.



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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130119

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: Civil aviation directorate examination Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN eNGiNeeriNG and seC/o-level pass in english languageoreasa part-66 airCraFt maiNteNaNCeCateGory a liCeNCe Courseor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics, physics, english languageora minimum of 3 years experience in a relevant sector: aviation, mechanical and electricalengineering

Note: as from intake 2015, new entryrequirements will be implemented:i) easa part-66 aircraft maintenance Category

a licence courseii) entry by o-level will not remainiii) entry by experience will not remain but the maturity clause will apply.

Other entry requirements:applicants will have to sit for an interview and/or aptitude test in technical understanding and technical english. an aptitude test and a colour blindness test are required prior to acceptance on the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand advanced aircraft principles in

aviation engineering technology2. read and understand procedures, drawings,

schematics for maintenance purposes and report clear instructions

3. Carry out scheduled and unscheduled maintenance tasks according to approved maintenance documentation and procedures

4. apply the necessary theoretical and practical understanding of complex aircraft

maintenance in the analysis and accomplishment of maintenance tasks.

Career opportunities: Base maintenance technician avionics workshop technician

this course is designed to equip individuals with the necessary theoretical knowledge of aircraft maintenance and related electrical and avionics systems at technician level, which is also backed by practical experience in our workshops.

students attending this course will be prepared to sit for the relative examinations organised by awarding bodies, which may lead to being awarded the easa part-66 Category B2 licence.

subject to restrictions imposed by the part-145 organisation, it will permit the holder to issue Certificates of release to service following maintenance on electrical and avionics systems.

dan il-kors, fil-livell ta’ tekniku, huwa maħsub għal dawk li jixtiequ jitgħallmu t-teorija marbuta mal-manutenzjoni tal-ajruplani u sistemi tal-elettriku u tal-avjonika relatati u li fl-istess ħin jixtiequ jsostnu dan it-tagħlim b’esperjenza prattika fil-workshops.

dawk li jattendu dan il-kors ikunu jistgħu jersqu għall-eżamijiet li huma organizzati mill-istituzzjonijiet li joffru dawn il-kwalifiki u li jwasslu għall-għoti tal-liċenzja tal-easa part-66 Category B2.

dejjem skont ir-restrizzjonijiet imposti mill-organizzazzjoni part-145, b’din il-liċenzja wieħed ikun jista’ joħroġ Certificates of release to service, wara li jkun sar xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni fuq sistemi tal-elettriku u tal-elettronika fuq l-ajruplani.



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A work placement at SR Technics Malta Ltd.

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AWARDING BODy: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130120

Course duration: 16 months

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor3 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics, physics, english languageora minimum of 3 years experience in a relevant sector: aviation, mechanical and electrical engineering

Note: as from intake 2015, new entryrequirements will be implemented:i) mCast-BteC diploma in engineering-

plus keyskills certificateii) entry by o-level will not remainiii) entry by experience will not remain but

the maturity clause will apply.

Other entry requirements:applicants will have to sit for an interview and/or aptitude test in technical understanding and technical english. a pass in the aptitude test and a colour blindness test are a pre-requisite for entry.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand basic aircraft principles in

aviation engineering technology2. read and understand sketches,

simple instructions and schematics for maintenance purposes

3. Carry out minor scheduled line maintenance tasks according to approved maintenance documentation and practices

4. apply the necessary theoretical and practical understanding of aircraft maintenance in the accomplishment of maintenance tasks.

Career opportunities: line maintenance mechanic Workshop mechanic

this course is designed specifically to equip individuals with the necessary theoretical understanding of aircraft maintenance and related systems, and is backed by practical experience in our workshops at mechanic level.

the course may lead to easa part-66 Category a licence, which subject to restrictions imposed by the part-145 organisation, will permit the holder to issue Certificates of release to service following minor scheduled works that may include line maintenance, defect rectification and components changes.

dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal dawk li jridu jitgħallmu t-teorija marbuta mal-manutenzjoni tal-ajruplani u sistemi relatati u li, fl-istess ħin, jixtiequ jsostnu dan it-tagħlim b’esperjenza prattika fil-workshops fil-livell ta’ mekkanik.

il-kors jista’ jwassal għal-liċenzja tal-easa part-66 Category a. din hija suġġetta għar-restrizzjonijiet imposti mill-organizzazzjoni part-145 u għaldaqstant dawk li jkollhom din il-liċenzja jkunu jistgħu joħorġu Certificates of release to service wara xi xogħol żgħir li jkun sar u li jista’ jinkludi line maintenance, tiswija ta’ xi difetti u bdil ta’ parts.



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A practical session at the MCAST Aircraft Maintenance Training Centre

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13/01/18MCAST AircraftMaintenance TechnicianCourse (leadingto EASA Part-66 Cat B 1.1Examinations)

2 years full-time

13/01/10AMCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma in Operationsand MaintenanceEngineering

3 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/01/19MCAST Aircraft MaintenanceTechnician Course (leading to EASA Part-66 Cat B2 Avionics Examinations)

2 years full-time

13/01/11MCAST-BTECHigherNational Diploma in ManufacturingEngineering

2 years full-time

13/01/01MCAST Introductory Certificate inMechanical Engineering - Level 1

1 year full-time

13/01/02MCAST Foundation Certificate inMechanical Engineering - Level 2

1 year full-time

13/01/04Diploma in MechanicalEngineering(C&G 2850)

1 year full-time

13/01/03MCAST-BTEC Diploma inMechanical Engineering

1 year full-time

13/01/05ADiploma in Accident RepairBody and Paint (C&G 4291)

1 year full-time and 2 years part-time on apprenticeship

13/01/20EASA Part-66 AircraftMaintenance CategoryA Licence Course

16 months

13/01/07ADiploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (C&G 4290)

1 year full-time and 2 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/01/09MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma in ManufacturingEngineering

2 years full-time

13/01/10MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma in Operations and MaintenanceEngineering

2 years full-time

13/01/09AMCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiplomain ManufacturingEngineering

3 years part-timeon apprenticeship

13/01/17Bachelor of Science(Honours) in MarineEngineering

1 year full-time

13/01/15Bachelor of Science(Honours) in MechanicalEngineering (Plant)

1 year full-time

13/03/17Bachelor of Science (Honours) in BiomedicalEngineering

1 year full-time

13/01/22Bachelor of Engineering(Honours) in MechanicalEngineering (Manufacturing)

2 years full-time

13/01/21Bachelor of Engineering(Honours) in MechanicalEngineering (Plant)

2 years full-time

13/01/14MCAST-BTEC HigherNational Diplomain Marine Engineering

2 years full-time

13/01/13MCAST-BTEC HigherNational Diploma in OperationsEngineering

2 years full-time

13/01/12MCAST-BTEC HigherNational Diplomain MechanicalEngineering

2 years full-time

13/01/16Bachelor of Science (Honours) in MechanicalEngineering (Manufacturing)

1 year full-time

13/01/06ACertificate in Light Vehicle Maintenanceand Repair(C&G 4290)

2 years part-time on apprenticeship







13/01/08AMCAST Diploma for Polymer ProcessTechnicians

3 years part-timeon apprenticeship

This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

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A health and social care student during a work experience at Residenza Sant’Annain Rabat, Gozo

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Institute of

The MCAST Gozo Centre offers Gozitan students a selection of the courses available at the College’s ten institutes on the island of Malta. MCAST’s course provision in Gozo is intended to meet the Gozitan young people’s demand for VET opportunities close to home, as well as to meet the skills demands of the Gozitan economy. Our training is offered through two sub-centres. At the Xag˙ra centre, we offer courses in business and commerce and ICT. At the Xewkija Centre, we have workshops, lecture rooms and a hairdressing salon for our programmes in mechanical, electrical, building and construction engineering, as well as for courses in community services. The MCAST Pathway for Independent Living Programme is also offered at the Xewkija Centre.

MCAST Xag˙ra Centre

132, Triq it-Ti©rija, Xag˙ra,

Gozo XRA 2013

00356 2155 6275

00356 2156 4521

E [email protected]

Director: Godwin Grech



MCAST Xewkija Centre

Triq tal-Óamrija, Xewkija,

Gozo XWK 9034

00356 2156 4146

00356 2155 1529

E [email protected]@

Page 321: 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus


Page Course Code Course Title324 13/04/01G MCAST Introductory Certificate in Construction Engineering - Level 1*

325 13/09/02G MCAST Foundation Certificate in Care - Level 2*327 13/05/02G MCAST Foundation Certificate in Computing - Level 2*328 13/04/24G MCAST Foundation Certificate in Engineering Skills - Level 2*329 13/09/03G MCAST Foundation Certificate in Hairdressing - Level 2*

331 13/03/03G Diploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures) (C&G 2365) - Level 3333 13/09/05G Diploma in Hairdressing - Women (C&G 6902)334 13/04/10G MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Construction335 13/03/04G MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Engineering (Electronics)336 13/09/07G MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Health and Social Care337 13/01/03G MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Mechanical Engineering339 13/05/03G MCAST-BTEC Diploma in IT

340 13/03/05GA Diploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures) (C&G 2365) - Level 4341 13/09/10G MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Social Care)342 13/05/04G MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in IT (Software Development)343 13/05/05G MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in IT (Networking and Systems Support)344 13/06/08G MCAST Level 4 Diploma in Financial Services345 13/09/12G MCAST-BTEC National Diploma in Children’s Play, Learning and Development

347 13/06/09G AAT Diploma in Accounting

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.







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A practical session at the Gozo Centre’s engineering workshops

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“The ICT courses offered at the Gozo Centre provided me with a stepping stone towards a career in this sector. They combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills, from crimping a network cable to managing a server environment.”

Christian GaleaMCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems Development(ICT Systems Support),ICT Governance Officer at the Ministry for Gozo

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“After completing a course in care, I found a job in a home for the elderly. Yet, I soon realised that I left school too early and decided to continue my studies at a higher level. I particularly look forward to work placements, where I get to work in different care settings, such as homeless shelters or hospitals, while learning about the specific needs of different people in need.”

Catrina PortelliSecond year student, MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Social Care)

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“As part of my course, I was offered a work placement with one of Malta’s most established banks. This was to be an important opportunity for me as eventually the same bank offered me a full-time job in Gozo, which I took up as soon as I completed my studies.”

Franklin VellaMCAST Level 4 Diploma in Financial Services,Clerk at HSBC Bank Malta’sGozo Services Centre

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“The first time I installed a complete electrical system in one of the installation cubicles at the workshop, I was overjoyed. After several theory and practice classes with our lecturers, I realised that I had learnt how to build and test a complete functional electrical installation on my own.”

Daniel MerciecaSecond year student, Certificate in Electrical Installation/Maintenance (C&G 2330)

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130401G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the importance of

following workshop safe practices and of handling hand tools safely

2. Follow instructions on how to mark simple templates

3. Follow instructions to produce simple products from various materials

4. appreciate the link between workshop practice and key skills.

the programme provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to explore the underpinning principles of common construction engineering skills.

it presents students with vocational practice to demonstrate the opportunities that can be followed in various sectors. this includes woodwork, plumbing, sheet-metal, bench-fitting and electrical practical exercises.

By the end of the course, provided you are successful, you would have experienced and gained sufficient basic knowledge to follow any foundation certificate level 2 programme offered by the institute of Building and Construction engineering or any other institute.

the course includes a significant key skills component which will help you improve your language, literacy and numeracy skills. it and personal development sessions are also part of the key skills component.

il-programm joffri opportunità lil istudenti li jkollhom Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja biex ikunu jistgħu jifhmu sew prinċipji bażiċi tal-inġinerija tal-kostruzzjoni.

il-programm jinkludi l-prattika vokazzjonali u b’hekk tkun tista’ tifhem aħjar l-opportunitajiet li jeżistu f‘setturi diversi. hemm elementi ta’ xogħol fl-injam, plumbing, xogħol fil-metall, bench-fitting u eżerċizzji prattiċi f’xogħol tal-elettriku.

Jekk tmur tajjeb, sa tmiem il-kors tkun ħadt biżżejjed prattika u ġbart l-għarfien meħtieġ biex tkun tista’ tidħol għal kwalunkwe kors tal-foundation certificate fil-livell 2, li joffri l-istitut tal-Bini u l-inġinerija tal-Kostruzzjoni, jew xi istitut ieħor.

ikollok lezzjonijiet fil-malti, l-ingliż u l-matematika. irrispettivament mill-kors li tixtieq taqbad, dawn is-suġġetti ma tistax tgħaddi mingħajrhom. magħhom ikollok ukoll lezzjonijiet fl-it u tal-iżvilupp personali.



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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130902G

the programme provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to follow a structured programme of study in an area which is close to their interests.

the programme offers students the opportunity of obtaining work experience. this helps students get a better idea of the nature of this calling. this course provides the basic skills necessary for further training.

you will be required to sit for tests in maltese, english and mathematics. Following these tests, mCast shall draw up a list of those who are found to require significant help in their studies. these learners will stand to benefit by joining the introductory Certificate course at level 1 instead. this is a one-year course which is intended to help the students to progress to level 2 courses the following year.

il-kors jipprovdi opportunità lil dawk li spiċċaw l-iskola obbligatorja u għandhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja biex isegwu kors f’qasam li hu ta’ interess għalihom.

il-kors joffrilek opportunità biex tikseb esperjenza ta’ xogħol li jgħinek tifforma idea tajba tas-sengħa jew vokazzjoni li beħsiebek issegwi. dan il-kors jipprovdi l-ħiliet bażiċi li jwasslu għal aktar taħriġ fis-settur tal-kura.

tkun trid tersaq għal testijiet fil-malti, fl-ingliż u fil-matematika. Wara dawn it-testijiet, l-mCast iħejji lista ta’ dawk li jkunu jeħtieġu aktar għajnuna biex ilaħħqu mal-istudji tagħhom. dawn l-istudenti jidħlu għall-introductory Certificate course fuq il-livell 1. dan il-kors ta’ sena jgħinhom jgħaddu għall-korsijiet fuq il-livell 2 is-sena ta’ wara.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests and interview

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand basic care principles2. practise own proper personal care and

presentation3. understand basic scientific principles

needed to be an effective carer4. Work safely to protect yourself and

others within the care environment, under supervision.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130502G

the programme is designed to allow students with a school leaving Certificate to follow a study in the area of it. the course includes a significant amount of vocational practice that will help students to form a clear idea of the nature of the trade or vocation of it.

students will receive a proper understanding of the basic areas that make up information and Communication technology (iCt). this course is not intended to prepare you for immediate employment. however, it is the first in a series of programmes that will eventually prepare you to work within the computing industry.

dan il-programm iwassal biex l-istudenti, li għandhom iċ-Certifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja, ikunu jistgħu jaqbdu l-istudju fil-qasam tal-it. il-kors fih element tajjeb ta’ prattika vokazzjonali li għandha tgħin biex l-istudent jifforma idea ċara dwar x’titlob is-sengħa tal-it.

ikollok tagħrif siewi fuq l-oqsma bażiċi tat-teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni (iCt). dan il-kors waħdu ma jkunx biżżejjed biex issib impjieg mill-ewwel. madanakollu, huwa wieħed f’serje ta’ programmi li eventwalment jippreparawk għal xogħol fl-industrija tal-kompjuter.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. identify the main hardware components

of a computer system2. Carry out simple programming tasks

using a high level language3. use several office applications in a

proficient manner4. Create simple web pages using several

web design tools.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130424G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the basic characteristics

of wood, construction, welding, fabrication, mechanical, auto and electrical fields of study

2. interpret different types of information and ideas in terms of core skills in mathematics and science, language communication, information technology and basic technical documentation

3. use basic hand tools effectively in a workshop environment

4. take responsibility for completing simple assigned tasks and assignments.

the course is designed for school leavers who are in possession of a school leaving Certificate and who wish to follow a structured programme of study in an area which is close to their interests. the programme includes elements of vocational practice that will help students to form a clear idea of the nature of the trade or vocation they intend to follow at further levels of vocational training.

the course thus provides practical and theoretical aspects of a number of useful trades (electrical, mechanical, Welding and Fabrication, Woodwork and Construction in stone).

you will be able to gain experience in the use of tools, materials and processes relating to these trades. the course will enable you to choose and progress in one specific trade as a career.

dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal studenti li jkollhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja u li jkunu jixtiequ jsegwu programm ta’ studju f’xi qasam li jinteressahom. il-programm jinkludi elementi ta’ taħriġ vokazzjonali li jgħinuk biex tifhem aħjar in-natura tas-sengħa li tixtieq taqbad u li tkun tista’ ssegwi f’livelli ta’ studju ogħla.

Għaldaqstant, il-kors jinkludi aspetti prattiċi u teoretiċi f’għażla ta’ snajja’ utli, bħal ma huma l-elettriku, il-mekkanika, il-Welding u x-xogħol tal-ħadid, ix-xogħol tal-injam kif ukoll il-bini.

tieħu esperjenza fl-użu tal-għodda, il-materjali u l-proċessi skont is-snajja’ li semmejna. il-kors jgħinek ukoll biex tagħżel is-sengħa li tgħodd għalik u l-karriera li tixtieq taqbad.

simple assigned tasks and assignments.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130903G

the hairdressing programme provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to follow a structured programme of study in an area which is close to their interests.

the programme does not only consist of vocational practice. it includes the study of key skills which will also help you to get a better idea of the nature of your preferred calling. in other words, the course provides the basic skills necessary for further training in the hairdressing trade.

il-kors tal-hairdressing jipprovdi opportunità ta’ taħriġ fis-settur lil dawk li jkunu spiċċaw l-iskola obbligatorja u li għandhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja.

il-programm ma jikkonsistix biss fi prattika vokazzjonali. Jinkludi wkoll is-suġġetti ta’ qofol li jgħinuk biex tifforma idea aħjar ta’ x’titlob is-sengħa li biħsiebek issegwi. Fi kliem ieħor, dan il-kors iservi ta’ bażi biex, fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, tkun tista’ timxi ‘l quddiem u titħarreġ iżjed fis-sengħa tal-hairdressing.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateor FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment testsapplicants may be called for an interview.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. describe basic hair and scalp structures2. practise proper own personal care and

presentation3. demonstrate an understanding of

basic scientific principles relating to hairdressing

4. Complete a range of basic tasks required to assist a hairdresser.

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AWARDING BODY: CITY & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130303G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: City & Guilds examination Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: mathematicspreferred: physics, english, Computerstudies, technical design, Chemistry,design and technology, engineering drawing and Graphical Communication

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindnessis a necessary requirement to attend forthe course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the safety requirements of electrical installation2. interpret wiring regulations and

requirements for domestic electrical installation

3. design, perform and test domestic electrical installations to given requirements

4. troubleshoot, repair and modify existing single phase installations.

Career opportunities: assisting the qualified electrician.

Candidate will be able to assist in the construction of a domestic single phase electrical installation work under supervision.

allows candidates to learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression

in the electrical installation sector.

this is a one-year full-time programme for those interested in a career progression within the electrical installations industry. the course contributes towards an understanding of the relevant theory and allows candidates to develop practical skills required in this field. this is a qualification for candidates to work as electricians in the building services engineering sector. it allows candidates to learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression in the electrotechnology sector.

the course is a practical programme which covers all the basics of wiring and testing electrical installation circuits, using different cables, containment and testing instruments. it also addresses electrical installation regulations.

this course includes opportunities to develop one’s competences in technical english, maltese, mathematics, engineering drawing while supporting iCt skills.

dan huwa programm ta’ sena full-time u huwa mmirat għal dawk interessati li javvanzaw fil-karriera tagħhom fl-industrija tal-installazzjoni tal-elettriku. il-kors jikkontribwixxi biex l-istudenti jifhmu aħjar it-teorija marbuta ma’ dan il-qasam, filwaqt li jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa għal dan ix-xogħol. din il-kwalifika tapplika ghal studenti li jixtiequ jaħdmu bħala electricians fis-settur tal-inġinerija dwar is-servizzi tal-bini. l-istudenti jitgħallmu, jiżviluppaw u jipprattikaw il-ħiliet meħtieġa biex isibu impieg jew jimxu ‘l quddiem fil-karriera tagħhom fis-settur tat-teknoloġija elettrika. il-kors huwa programm prattiku li jkopri l-elementi bażiċi marbuta ma’ sistemi ta’ wajers u ttestjar ta’ ċirkwiti ta’ installazzjonijiet elettriċi bl-użu ta’ cables differenti, kif ukoll l-immaniġġjar u l-ittestjar tagħhom. l-istudenti jitħarrgu wkoll fir-regolamenti dwar l-installazzjoni tal-elettriku. tul il-kors l-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jtejbu l-kompetenzi tagħhom fl-ingliż tekniku, il-malti, il-matematika u d-disinn tekniku, filwaqt li jsaħħu l-ħiliet tagħhom fit-teknoloġija tal-informatika.

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A work experience at Toni & Guy Gozo

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AWARDING BODY: CITY & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130905G

this course leads to a City & Guilds diploma (C&G 6902) which is designed for students wanting to start working in a hair salon, or who may want to work independently. the diploma provides a wide range of theoretical and practical skills in hairdressing.

such skills include shampooing, styling, massaging, cutting, colouring and perming. you will also learn to be aware of health and safety issues as well as how to manage a hairdressing reception. there is also the opportunity to practise your skills both during salon sessions at mCast as well as on your work placement.

dan il-kors iwassal għas-City & Guilds diploma (C&G 6902) li tista’ twassal biex l-istudenti jibdew jaħdmu f’salon tax-xagħar, jew għal rashom. id-diploma toffri firxa wiesgħa ta’ ħiliet teoretiċi u prattiċi fil-qasam tal-hairdressing.

dawn il-ħiliet jinkludu l-ħasil tax-xagħar, l-istil, il-massage, il-qtugħ, iż-żebgħa u l-perm. titgħallem dwar is-saħħa u s-sigurtà, u dwar l-informazzjoni u l-appuntamenti li tagħti lill-klijenti. ikollok iċ-ċans ittejjeb il-ħiliet li titlob is-sengħa tax-xagħar kemm fis-salon tal-mCast kif ukoll fuq postijiet tax-xogħol.

Course duration: 2 years full time

Fees: City & Guilds registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passespreferred: english language, art, home economics, Biology, physics, Chemistry, General science

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Cut, style and colour different hair

varieties2. manage a hairdressing salon reception

desk3. manage client consultations4. maintain health and safety standards

within a hairdressing salon.

Career opportunities: hairdresser

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130410G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the importance of health,

safety and welfare in the construction industry

2. understand the diversity of the construction industry and the contribution to society by those who work within it

3. apply construction drawing standards and conventions

4. describe the methods and techniques associated with pre-construction, ground works, substructure, superstructure and building services systems of low-rise domestic buildings.

Career opportunities: draughtsperson assistant land surveying assistant Quantity surveying assistant Joiner assistant mason assistant

the course consists of college-based training on the various subjects related to the building and construction sector.

this qualification gives you the knowledge, understanding and skills needed in this specialist area of employment and/or to continue your studies in the same, or related vocational areas such as Construction, Civil engineering or Building services.

during the course you will be introduced to the different types of technical drawings used in the construction industry. additionally, you will be able to apply construction drawing standards and conventions to produce sketches and professional working drawings.

F’dan il-kors, it-taħriġ isir fl-istitut stess u jipprovdi l-ħiliet meħtieġa fuq diversi fergħat li għandhom x’jaqsmu mas-settur tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni.

din il-kwalifika tagħtik l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li titlob is-sengħa li bi ħsiebek tagħżel. tkun tista’ wkoll tkompli tistudja, kemm jekk tissokta fl-istess linja kif ukoll jekk tagħżel xi qasam relatat, bħall-Kostruzzjoni, l-inġinerija Ċivili jew il-Building services.

matul il-kors ikollok taħriġ fuq id-diversi tipi ta’ disinn tekniku li jintuża fl-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni. Barra minn dan, tkun tista’ tapplika l-istandards u l-konvenzjonijiet tipiċi biex tipproduċi sketches u working drawings professjonali.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130304G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematicspreferred: physics, english, Computer studies, technical design, Chemistry,design and technology, engineering drawing and Graphical Communication

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness is a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work safely, efficiently and effectively in

the engineering workplace2. use mathematical concepts and

principles related to electrical and mechanical sciences

3. understand the function and operation of electrical and electronic system components

4. install, test and configure pC hardware systems, components and software packages.

Career opportunities: assistant electronic technician line setup technician

il-programm iwassal għal kwalifika ta’ bażi li għandha rabta max-xogħol prattiku. din hija opportunità tajba biex tikkunsidra tixtieqx tkompli tistudja l-inġinerija f’livelli ogħla.

il-kontenut vokazzjonali tal-kors jirrifletti l-ħtiġijiet tal-industrija tal-elettriku u l-elettronika.

is-settur tal-inġinerija għadu jbati minn xi nuqqasijiet f’dawk li huma ħiliet u jeħtieġ li jkollna ħaddiema li kapaċi jlaħħqu mal-iżviluppi tal-lum. Bla dubju ta’ xejn, din il-kwalifika toffri l-għarfien kif ukoll il-ħiliet speċifiċi li teħtieġ l-industrija tal-inġinerija ta’ żmienna.

the programme provides a basic work related qualification and also provides an opportunity to consider progression to higher level courses in the field of electrical and electronic engineering.

the vocational content of the course is designed around the needs of the electrical / electronics industry.

the engineering sector continues to suffer from a skills gap and needs to keep up with rapidly developing technologies. undoubtedly, this qualification gives new entrants the underpinning knowledge and specific skills required to meet the needs of the modern engineering industry.

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2 years full-time

BteC registration Fees

mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN aGriCultureor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory i-level: Biology or Chemistry

interview and portfolio

1. understand and apply principles of animal biology including those related to ecology, animal adaptations, animal breeding, nutrition and animal behaviour

2. Carry out practical work on specific animal farm sites and undertake specialised tasks related to animal husbandry

3. undertake practical tasks related to veterinary services including animal nursing and veterinary regulatory affairs

4. understand and plan land based policies to build on sustainable development principles and business development.

Career opportunities: Farm manager (entry level) assistant veterinary clinic manager veterinary clinic manager NGo administrator pet shop manager assistant veterinary pharmacist veterinary assistant



AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130907G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: english language, Biology,physics and Chemistry

Note: as from 2015, the entry requirements will be:

mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: english language, Biology,physics, Chemistry, maltese, social studies, Nutrition Food Consumer studies (home economics)

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand individual rights within the

health and social care sectors2. identify individual needs within the

health and social care sectors3. ensure safe environments for particular

client groups4. recognise human lifespan development.

Career opportunities: health and social care worker

this diploma course provides the knowledge and skills required at an operational level in the care sector. the programme helps you to progress to vocational qualifications in a variety of sectors such as early childhood education, social care and health.

you will be assigned work placements with various service users in different settings. among other skills, you will have special sessions on moving and handling as well as infection prevention and control.

as part of this programme, a key skills programme complements the vocational units so that students are given the opportunity to develop competencies in subjects such as english, maths, maltese, it and personal development.

dan il-kors, li jwassal għal diploma, joffri l-għarfien u l-ħiliet prattiċi fis-settur tal-kura. il-programm jgħinek timxi ’l quddiem fil-kwalifiki vokazzjonali f’diversi setturi, bħal ma huma l-edukazzjoni tat-tfal iż-żgħar, il-kura soċjali u s-saħħa.

tingħata prattika fuq il-post tax-xogħol ma’ diversi nies li jagħmlu użu mis-servizz f’oqsma differenti tas-settur. it-taħriġ jinkludi wkoll għarfien siewi dwar sitwazzjonijiet li se tiltaqa’ magħhom, per eżempju, kif terfa’ persuna, kif ukoll tagħrif speċifiku fuq il-prevenzjoni u l-kontroll tal-infezzjonijiet.

il-kors jinkludi tagħlim fil-ħiliet bażiċi li jikkumplimenta s-suġġetti vokazzjonali u ta’ prattika biex l-istudenti jkollhom iċ-ċans jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet tagħhom fl-ingliż,il-matematika, il-malti, l-it u l-iżvilupp personali.

et shop managerssistant veterinary pharmacisteterinary assistant

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130103G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passesfrom mathematics, physics, Graphical Communication, design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work safely and effectively in mechanical

engineering fields2. interpret engineering related drawings

and diagrams3. perform basic machining and fabrication

processes4. apply mechanical and electrical

principles to address basic mechanical engineering problems.

Career opportunities: engineering apprentice handyman Fitter

dan il-programm tal-mCast-BteC huwa l-ewwel pass fis-sistema tal-BteC li jwasslek biex taqbad karriera fl-inġinerija. il-kors huwa wieħed prattiku u rilevanti għad-dinja tax-xogħol. titgħallem billi taħdem fuq proġetti u eżerċizzji li għandhom rabta sħiħa ma’ sitwazzjonijiet, attivitajiet u ħtiġijiet realistiċi.

il-programm ikopri għarfien bażiku u ħiliet prattiċi, u joffrilek bidu siewi għal numru ta’ karrieri fis-settur tal-inġinerija. ikollok l-opportunità ttejjeb il-ħiliet tiegħek fis-suġġetti relatati bħalma huma l-matematika, il-Fiżika, id-disinn tekniku u t-teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni.

this mCast–BteC programme is your first step in the BteC system to embark on an engineering career. this course provides a practical, work related course. learning takes place by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.

it covers the basic knowledge and practical skills, providing a good foundation for future career opportunities in engineering. you will be exposed to a wide knowledge in related subjects such as mathematics, physics, engineering drawing and information technology.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130503G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: mathematicspreferred: english language and one subject from Computing, physics, accounting and Business studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the fundamentals of computer

hardware2. understand the fundamentals of

communication and networks3. use multimedia graphic applications4. make use of basic techniques of

programming and software development.

this course is the first step in a block of athree- year training programme, designed to provide the necessary skills to work in the computing industry.

the course is a pre-requisite for the follow uptwo-year level 4 extended diploma programme, which we strongly recommend if you intend to embark on a career in it.

at this level of study, you will be introduced to fundamental subjects in both the networking and the software development areas. you will also be given the opportunity to upgrade your key skills.

dan il-kors huwa l-ewwel tarġa f’sensiela ta’ programmi li jdumu tliet snin. il-programm joffrilek għadd ta’ ħiliet li tkun teħtieġ biex tibda taħdem fl-industrija tal-kompjuter.

Jeħtieġ li tgħaddi minn dan il-kors jekk tixtieq li titla’ tarġa oħra u tkompli tistudja fuq l-extended diploma, programm ta’ sentejn tal-livell 4. dan aħna nirrakkomandawh jekk inti biħsiebek tidħol għal karriera fl-industrija tal-it.

F’dan il-livell ta’ studju, titgħallem is-suġġetti ta’ qofol kemm fil-qasam tan-networking kif ukoll f’dak tal-iżvilupp tas-software.

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AWARDING BODY: CITY & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130305GA

Course duration: 2 years part-timeon an apprenticeship

Fees: C&G examination Fees

Entry requirements:CertiFiCate iN eleCtroteChNiCal teChNoloGy (C&G 2330)ordiploma iN eleCtriCal iNstallatioNs (BuildiNGs & struCtures) (C&G2365)– level 3

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness is a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand domestic and industrial

electrical principles to apply them in real electrical installation situations

2. understand the safety requirements of domestic and industrial installations and be able to apply them in real situations

3. design, perform and test domestic and industrial electrical installations and machinery according to regulations and requirements

4. Find faults, troubleshoot, repair and modify existing domestic and industrial electrical installations, motors and switchgear.

Career opportunities: Qualified electrician

Candidates will have the abilities to design, set up (erect) and test single and three phase electrical installation systems in accordance with the i.e.t (institute of engineering & technology) regulations.

industrial electricians’ job duties depend on the position and may include cleaning contacts or circuit boards, replacing worn components and performing inspections.

Candidates may also perform preventative maintenance, such as checking motors condition erecting new installations and troubleshooting a breakdown in the installation.

the course provides opportunities for students to acquire accreditation in more advanced areas of electrical installations and maintenance. it provides progression from the diploma in electrical installations (Buildings & structures) (C&G 2365) - level 3 course and has been carefully designed and structured to integrate practical skills with the related technology. this will enhance the candidate’s knowledge and skills to a higher stage into the electrical installation industry.

the course will provide an understanding of the regulations and health and safety requirements governing electrical installation processes. students will also gain knowledge of the organisation and structure of the industry within which these activities are carried out.

at the end of the first year of studies, students will sit for the Wireman’s licence ‘a’ examinations. successful students will gain knowledge and experience in a domestic and an industrial electrical installation environment.

il-kors joffri opportunitajiet biex l-istudenti jiksbu ċertifikazzjoni f’oqsma avvanzati tal-installazzjoni u l-manutenzjoni elettrika. il-programm, li jittratta t-teorija kif ukoll il-prattika tas-settur, jibni fuq id-diploma in electrical installations (Buildings & structures) (C&G 2365) - level 3. permezz ta’ din l-integrazzjoni, l-istudenti jkabbru l-għarfien u l-ħiliet tagħhom u jkunu jistgħu jidħlu għal xogħol ta’ installazzjoni li jitlob impenn akbar.

il-kors joffrilek tagħrif siewi dwar ir-regolamenti tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà f’dak li hu xogħol marbut mal-installazzjoni elettrika. ikollok għarfien aħjar tal-organizzazzjoni u l-istrutturi tal-industrija li fiha jsir dan it-tip ta’ xogħol.

lejn l-aħħar tal-ewwel sena tal-istudju, inti tersaq għall-eżamijiet tal-Wireman’s licence ‘a’. l-istudenti li jmorru tajjeb ikollhom għarfien u esperjenza ta’ xogħol tal-installazzjoni, kemm dak li jseħħ f’ambjent domestiku kif ukoll f’dak industrijali.tal-installazzjoni, kemm dak li jseħħ f’ambjent

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130910G

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN health aNd soCial CareormCast diploma iN applied sCieNCe- level 3or4 seC/o - level passespreferred: maths, english language, maltese, physics, Chemistry, social studies, Nutrition Food Consumer studies (home economics), Biology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. provide a safe environment for adults and

children2. deal with challenging behaviour3. use effective communication in health and

social care settings4. use different psychological perspectives

when dealing with clients

Career opportunities: social support worker

the mCast-BteC extended diploma in health and social Care (social Care) has been developed to prepare learners to work in care-related careers in a professional capacity.

it provides a holistic approach in that the subjects covered are sociology, psychology, communication studies, human biology and law. it equips you with the skills and knowledge which are of utmost importance in the care sector.

this qualification prepares you for employment in various care sectors as a social support worker.

l-mCast BteC extended diploma in health and social Care (social Care) għandha l-għan li tiżviluppalek dawk il-ħiliet prattiċi li teħtieġ biex taħdem fil-qasam tal-kura b’mod professjonali.

il-programm huwa wieħed komprensiv u jiġbor fih numru ta’ suġġetti, jiġifieri s-soċjoloġija, il-psikoloġija, l-istudji tal-komunikazzjoni, il-bijoloġija umana u l-liġi. il-kors irawwem fik il-ħiliet u l-għarfien li teħtieġ biex tkun tista’ taħdem fis-settur tal-kura.

din il-kwalifika tippreparak għal impjieg f’setturi differenti fil-qasam tal-kura soċjali.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130504G

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN itor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics and Computer studies preferred: english language and one subject from physics, accounting and Business studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. design, implement and administer mid-

sized computer networks2. assemble and troubleshoot computer

hardware3. apply modern technologies in software

development4. develop and maintain websites with

interactive multimedia content.

Career opportunities: software tester programmer programme developer systems analyst

this intensive course aims to take further the knowledge and training you received at level 3. it also provides you with the required skills to work in the it industry.

in the second year of the course you will specialise in software development. you will study those subjects which are relevant to the needs of industry.

dan il-kors intensiv għandu l-għan li jtejjiblek l-għarfien u t-taħriġ li tkun ħadt fil-kors tal- livell 3. Jagħtik ukoll il-ħiliet meħtieġa biex tkun tista’ taħdem fl-industrija tal-it.

Fit-tieni sena tal-kors, tkun tista’ tispeċjalizza fl-iżvilupp tas-software u tistudja dawk is-suġġetti li huma rilevanti għall-ħtiġijiet tal-industrija.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130505G

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN itor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics and Computer studies preferred: english language and one subject from physics, accounting and Business studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. design, implement and administer mid-

sized computer networks2. assemble and troubleshoot computer

hardware3. apply modern technologies in software

development4. develop and maintain websites with

interactive multimedia content.

Career opportunities: Computer technician Network administrator help desk and systems support technician

this intensive course aims to take further the knowledge and training received at level 3 and to provide students with the required skills to work in the it industry.

in the second year of the course, students will specialise in Networking and iCt support. they will study subjects that are relevant to the needs of industry.

dan il-kors intensiv għandu l-għan li jtejjeb l-għarfien u t-taħriġ li l-istudent ikun ħa fil-livell 3 u jħejjik aħjar biex tkun tista’ taħdem fl-industrija tal-it.

Fit-tieni sena tal-kors, l-istudenti jispeċjalizzaw fin-Networking u fl-iCt support. ikunu jistgħu jistudjaw wkoll suġġetti li huma rilevanti għall-ħtiġijiet tal-industrija.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130608G

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: examination Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN BusiNessor4 seC/o level passesCompulsory: english languageand mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. develop analytical and evaluation skills

and understand the relevant moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental issues in financial services

2. understand the need for and the value of effective customer service within the sector

3. develop an awareness and understanding of the ways in which regulation and legislation impact on and are relevant to an organisation and the financial services industry in general

4. develop technical and management skills for a managerial career in financial services and for strategic decision-making.

Career opportunities: on completion of this course students may

find employment across the financial services sector including commercial and specialist banks, fund management and administration, investment services, together with related entities.

this course leads to a qualification which provides knowledge about the local and the european financial services sector. students develop and learn how to apply specialist knowledge within particular areas of banking and finance and on the financial services environment. students will learn about and acquire skills in how to handle financial transactions, how to deal with customers and how to use and manage available information.

they will also acquire the necessary knowledge on available services for customers and how to market and sell them. the course provides a solid base enabling one to find employment in this sector or continue with further studies.

dan il-kors iwassal għal kwalifika li tipprovdi għarfien dwar is-settur tas-servizzi finanzjarji lokali u dak ewropew. tul il-kors l-istudenti jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet u jitgħallmu kif japplikaw tagħrif speċjalizzat f’oqsma partikolari tal-banek u tal-finanzi u fl-ambjent tas-servizzi finanzjarji. huma jitgħallmu kif jagħmlu transazzjonijiet finanzjarji, kif igibu ruħhom mal-klijenti u kif jużaw u jimmaniġġjaw l-informazzjoni li jkollhom f’idejhom.

l-istudenti jakkwistaw it-tagħrif meħtieġ fuq is-servizzi li jeżistu għall-klijenti u kif jirreklamaw u jbiegħu dawn is-servizzi. il-kors jipprovdi bażi soda biex wieħed isib impieg f’dan is-settur jew biex ikompli jistudja iktar.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130912G

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN health aNd soCial Careor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: english language, maltese and mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. plan activities for babies, toddlers and

children 3 to 5 years old2. maintain health and safety standards in

childcare and kindergarten settings3. implement activities and construct

resources for children aged 0 to 54. monitor and record the development of

children aged 0 to 5.

Career opportunities: Child care worker

this course is designed to enable students to work in a professional capacity with children in child care and kindergarten centres. the qualification provides the skills, knowledge and understanding required in an early years environment.

students are exposed to the most innovative teaching techniques and are also trained on observation techniques required to monitor the development of children.

there is a major emphasis on the practical components carried out in this course. in fact there are four different placements, namely: with a baby (age 0-18 months), with a group of toddlers (ages 19-23 months) and with both 3 year olds and 4 year olds in kindergartens.

students must possess a clean, full conduct certificate.

dan il-kors iwassal biex student ikun jista’ jaħdem professjonalment mat-tfal fiċ-ċentri tal-kura u f’dawk tal-kindergarten. il-kwalifika tħaddan il-ħiliet u t-tagħlim li wieħed mistenni jkollu f’ambjenti bħal dawn.

Bħala student fuq dan il-kors inti tiġi espost għall-aktar prattiċi innovattivi fit-tagħlim. tirċievi wkoll taħriġ fit-teknika tal-osservazzjoni sabiex inti tkun tista’ ssegwi l-iżvilupp tat-tfal.

issir enfasi fuq il-komponent prattiku tal-kors hekk li jkollok erba’ opportunitajiet ta’ taħriġ, jiġifieri, ma’ tarbija ta’ bejn it-twelid u t-18-il xahar, ma’ grupp ta’ tfal li għadhom kemm bdew jimxu (bejn 19 u 23 xahar) u ma’ tfal kemm ta’ 3 snin u ta’ 4 snin fil-kindergartens.

l-istudenti jrid ikollhom ċertifikat ta’ kondotta nadifa.

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Course duration: 3 years full-time

Fees: aat registration Fees

Entry requirements:4 seC/o-level passes

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. apply finance administration skills such as

double entry bookkeeping, basic costing principles, and purchase, sales and general ledgers

2. understand the processes and acquire the skills necessary to carry out the role of a finance officer

3. lead a finance team4. apply the appropriate professional ethics

required in the accounting environment.

Career opportunities: accounts administrator accounts executive accounting technician audit assistant Credit management officer senior accounts clerk

this course is intended for students who wish to work in the accounting and financial sectors. it provides you with the necessary academic and practical knowledge and skills to seriously consider a career in these sectors.

you will learn how to carry out a range of technical accountancy tasks such as management accounting skills for evaluating budgeting and performance and preparation of final accounts. you will be prepared to act as specialist support staff for employment in accounting and finance.

successful students will be qualified to carry out accounting or financial duties in the offices of practising accountants and in industrial and commercial organisations depending on the level of studies and the competences they manage to assimilate.

il-kors maħsub għal dawk l-istudenti li jixtiequ jaħdmu fis-setturi tal-accounts u l-finanzi. il-programm joffrilek l-għarfien u l-kompetenzi li teħtieġ biex tkun tista’ tikkunsidra taqbadx karriera f’dawn is-setturi.

titgħallem dwar għażla ta’ xogħlijiet ta’ natura teknika bħal ma huma l-kompetenzi maniġerjali tal-accounting li jwassluk biex tkun kapaċi tevalwa sitwazzjonijiet li jitolbu budgeting u t-tħejjija ta’ accounts finali.

dawk l-istudenti li jmorru tajjeb fil-kors ikunu kwalifikati biex jidħlu għal xogħol fl-accounting u l-finanzi f’uffiċini ta’ dan is-settur kif ukoll f’organizzazzjonijiet industrijali u kummerċjali. dan skont il-livell ta’ studju u l-kompetenzi li jirnexxilhom jakkwistaw.

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Il-bini ta’ Kampus ġdid għall-MCAST huwa proġett estensiv bl-għan li jipprovdilek faċilitajiet ġodda tal-ogħla livell għal esperjenza ta’ tagħlim aħjar.

Il-Kampus il-ġdid se jiġbor l-10 Istituti tal-Kulleġġ f’post wieħed, f’Raħal Ġdid. B’hekk, l-MCAST se jkun jista’ jilqa’ aktar studenti, jiżviluppa proġetti multi-dixxiplinarji għal studenti minn istituti differenti u jniedi korsijiet ġodda li jgħaqqdu flimkien suġġetti u setturi differenti. Għall-ewwel darba f’Malta, dan il-bini se jkun qed jiġi ddisinjat biex jilqa’ għall-ħtiġijiet speċifiċi ta’ istituzzjoni ta’ edukazzjoni u taħriġ vokazzjonali, biex tiffaċilita l-proċess ta’ tagħlim waqt li toffri ambjent isbaħ li jħajjar aktar studenti jkomplu l-istudji tagħhom u jiksbu kwalifiki ogħla.

Meta dan il-proġett ikun lest, l-MCAST se jkun jista’ jilqa’ mal-10,000 student full-time fis-sena. Il-Kampus se jinbena fuq medda ta’ 120,000 metru kwadru ta’ art, id-daqs ta’ 20 ground tal-football, mill-Knisja ta’ Sant’ Antnin f’Għajn Dwieli, sax-Xatt tal-Marsa, fejn se jkun hemm l-Istitut Marittimu b’aċċess dirett għall-baħar. Il-ġonna li hemm f’dawn l-inħawi, fuq in-naħa l-oħra tat-Telgħa ta’ Kordin, ukoll se jiffurmaw parti mill-Kampus il-ġdid, u fihom se jkun hemm faċilitajiet sportivi għall-użu tal-istudenti.

L-Ewwel Fażi ta’ dan il-proġett bdiet f’Awwissu 2011 bil-kostruzzjoni tal-binjiet li se jilqgħu fihom l-Istitut tax-Xjenza Applikata, l-Istitut tan-Negozju u l-Kummerċ, kif ukoll Dar l-Istudent. L-ewwel żewġ binjiet ta’ din il-fażi, li mistennija jitlestew sal-aħħar tas-sena 2013, huma ko-finanzjati mill-Gvern Malti u l-Unjoni Ewropea, permezz ta’ proġett tal-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali (ERDF).

L-iStudent House il-ġdida, b’finanzjament minn fondi nazzjonali, se toffrilek aktar faċilitajiet u riżorsi biex jiġu organizzati attivitajiet soċjali li jmorru lil hinn mill-kurrikulu tal-korsijiet, iżda li huma importanti ferm għall-iżvilupp soċjali u personali.

Taħt dawn il-binjiet, l-MCAST qed jibni parkeġġ għal madwar 630 karozza għall-użu ta’ staff u studenti. Dan il-parkeġġ jifforma parti minn Green Travel Plan dettaljat li l-MCAST qed iwettaq biex iħajjar aktar studenti jużaw mezzi tal-ivvjaġġar li jagħmlu inqas ħsara lill-ambjent ta’ madwarna. Il-bini tal-Kampus il-ġdid ġie ddisinjat sabiex ikollu l-ogħla livell ta’ konservazzjoni tal-enerġija, waqt li se jiġu installati aktar teknoloġiji li jiġġeneraw u jagħmlu użu mill-enerġija li tiġġedded.

The building of the new MCAST Campus is a long-term project aimed at providing you with new state-of-the-art facilities for an enhanced educational experience.

The new Campus will bring the College’s 10 Institutes together in one location, in Paola. This will make it easier for MCAST to provide training to an increased number of students, to develop new multidisciplinary projects involving students from different institutes and to launch new courses that combine different areas of study. For the first time in Malta, the new Campus buildings are being designed to meet the specific requirements of a vocational education and training institution, to facilitate the learning process and to provide a welcoming environment that encourages more young people to remain in education and successfully obtain higher education qualifications.

Once this project is complete, the College will be able to accommodate over 10,000 full-time students every year. The Campus will extend over an area of 120,000 metres squared, or the equivalent of 20 football grounds, all the way from St. Anthony’s Church in Għajn Dwieli down to the Marsa waterfront, where the new MCAST Maritime Institute will be located, with direct access to the sea. The new Campus will also incorporate the public gardens adjacent to Corradino Hill, where sports facilities for students and staff will be built.

The First Phase of this project started in August 2011 with the building of new facilities for the Institute of Applied Science, the Institute of Business and Commerce and a Student House. The first two buildings of this phase, which is scheduled for completion by the end of 2013, are being co-funded by the Maltese Government and the European Union, through a European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project.

At the new Student House, which is being financed through national funds, you will have new facilities and resources to organise social activities and services that extend beyond formal learning, but which are equally important for personal and social development.

A 630-space car park for students and staff will be constructed beneath these three new buildings. This parking forms part of a Green Travel Plan which MCAST is implementing to encourage more students to use environment-friendly means of transport. All buildings in the new Campus will incorporate the latest energy saving technologies while increasing the use of renewable energy sources.

Kampus ©did g˙all-MCASTThe new MCAST Campus

Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life

Project part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund

Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds

Investing in your future

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Bħalissa għaddejjin b’ħidma biex inwettqu tliet proġetti ko-finanzjati mill-Fond Soċjali Ewropew (ESF), biex naġġornaw u ntejbu l-korsijiet tagħna.

ESF 3.102Inclusion for employment

Il-korsijiet full-time tagħna jipprovdu firxa wiesgħa ta’ opportunitajiet għal studenti li jixtiequ jsegwu programmi ta’ edukazzjoni vokazzjonali ogħla, ikun x’ikun il-livell edukattiv li jkunu kisbu matul l-edukazzjoni sekondarja. L-istudenti tagħna jvarjaw minn individwi li għandhom il-kwalifiki meħtieġa biex jibdew l-istudji tagħhom f’korsijiet ta’ diploma fil-livelli tan-nofs jew avvanzati, għal oħrajn li jkollhom bżonn jibdew l-istudji tagħhom fil-livelli tal-bidu. Waħda mill-isfidi ewlenin tagħna hi li naċċertaw li l-istudenti kollha, f’kull livell, jingħataw opportunitajiet ta’ tagħlim mill-aqwa biex javvanzaw fl-istudji u jiksbu karrieri sostenibbli. F’dan ir-rigward, neħtieġu li niżguraw li l-istudenti fil-livelli tal-bidu jibqgħu interessati fit-tagħlim vokazzjonali waqt li jirkupraw it-tagħlim li ma jkunx irnexxielhom jiksbu fl-edukazzjoni sekondarja fl-inqas żmien possibli.

Biex nilħqu din il-mira, ksibna aktar minn €6 miljun f’fondi tal-UE għal proġett li permezz tiegħu se nirrevedu l-korsijiet tal-bidu illi noffru. It-titjib fil-kwalita’ ta’ dawn il-korsijiet se jgħin biex aktar żgħażagħ jiġu mħeġġa jkomplu l-istudji tagħhom f’livelli ogħla, u biex jitnaqqas in-numru ta’ studenti vulnerabbli li joħorġu mis-sistema edukattiva mingħajr il-ħiliet numeriċi u lingwistiċi meħtieġa biex isibu impjieg.

F’dan il-proġett se nirrevedu l-kurrikulu u s-sillabu ta’ 49 kors differenti fil-livelli 1, 2 u 3, kif ukoll tal-programm Pathway to Independent Living, biex niżguraw li jilħqu l-ħtiġijiet speċifiċi ta’ studenti vulnerabbli. Bħala parti minn din il-ħidma, qed noħolqu wkoll materjal tat-tagħlim u riżorsi oħrajn li jgħinu lill-istudenti jtemmu dawn il-korsijiet b’suċċess. Il-lekċerers u l-istaff amministrattiv tagħna qed jingħataw taħriġ speċifiku dwar kif isir it-tagħlim tal-korsijiet riveduti, waqt li jagħmlu l-aktar użu effettiv tar-riżorsi u t-tekonoloġiji ta’ tagħlim il-ġodda.

ESF 1.130Making VET education more relevant and attractive

Ir-rabta tagħna mas-setturi varji tal-industrija lokali u internazzjonali hija relazzjoni importanti ħafna għall-programmi edukattivi li noffru. Din ir-rabta tiżgura li l-istudenti tagħna jkunu mħejjija bil-kwalitajiet u l-esperjenzi meħtieġa biex jirnexxu fil-karrieri ta’ impjieg jew ta’ intrapriża tagħhom. Il-korsijiet tagħna jridu jkunu kontinwament aġġornati biex jirriflettu l-aħħar xejriet fis-suq u fit-teknoloġija, biex jipprovdu lill-istudenti bil-ħiliet u l-kwalifiki rilevanti għall-bżonnijiet tal-industrija, fil-preżent u fil-ġejjieni.

Il-proġett tagħna b’valur ta’ €4.8 miljun ko-finanzjati mill-ESF ‘Making VET education more relevant and attractive’ għandu l-għan li jibni fuq din ir-relazzjoni billi jiżviluppa korsijiet ġodda waqt li jtejjeb u jaġġorna l-korsijiet li l-MCAST diġa’ qed joffri, biex jaqblu mal-aħħar żviluppi fl-industrija. It-tnedija ta’ korsijiet ġodda f’suġġetti differenti se jagħti lill-istudenti l-opportunita’ li jiksbu kwalifiki li s’issa ma jistgħux jinkisbu lokalment. B’hekk, se jkollhom

ċans jibbenefikaw minn impjiegi ġodda f’setturi differenti. Permezz ta’ dawn il-korsijiet ġodda u tal-korsijiet li qed jiġu aġġornati, il-gradwati tagħna se jkunu f’pożizzjoni aħjar li jiksbu xogħlijiet aħjar, waqt li jħaddnu l-innovazzjoni u l-iżvilupp li imprendituri lokali għandhom bżonn biex iżidu l-produttivita’, jidħlu fi swieq ġodda u, fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, iżidu t-tkabbir ekonomiku.

Dan il-proġett beda bi proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni ma’ firxa wiesgħa ta’ entitajiet involuti fl-industrija, biex nagħrfu l-korsijiet li hemm bżonn jinħolqu f’għadd ta’ setturi differenti, fosthom it-turiżmu sostenibbli, prattiċi li jħarsu l-ambjent, l-industriji kreattivi, l-inġinerija, setturi żgħar tal-manifattura, l-ICT, il-ħarsien tal-wirt storiku u l-inġinerija marittima. Wara din il-konsultazzjoni, se jitfasslu madwar 30 kors full-time ġdid biex jibdew jiġu offruti mill-istituti tal-MCAST f’Malta u Għawdex fis-snin li ġejjin. Fl-istess waqt, qed naħdmu wkoll biex nirrevedu 19 mill-korsijiet tagħna fil-livelli 4 u 5, biex naġġornaw u ntejbu s-sillabi tagħhom. Dan il-proġett se jifrex il-ħidma tiegħu wkoll f’Għawdex, billi joffri tagħlim fil-ħiliet meħtieġa mill-ekonomija ta’ din il-gżira, b’korsijiet ġodda fiċ-ċentri tal-MCAST fix-Xagħra u x-Xewkija.

ESF 2.139Increasing accessibility, flexibility and innovation to MCAST life-long learning course offer

Permezz ta’ inizzjattivi differenti, nagħmlu l-almu tagħna biex inħeġġu adulti li jgħixu f’Malta u f’Għawdex biex jiddedikaw ħin għat-tagħlim ta’ matul il-ħajja. B’hekk jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet tagħhom, jiksbu kwalifiki ġodda u jżidu l-flessibilita’ u javvanzaw fl-impjieg. Hekk kif ir-rata tal-iżvilupp teknoloġiku qed tiżdied, il-ħiliet tal-ħaddiema qed ikollhom bżonn jiġu aġġornati ħafna aktar ta’ spiss. Noffru madwar 300 kors ta’ filgħaxija għall-adulti u nagħtu wkoll appoġġ speċjalizzat lil dawk l-adulti (ta’ 21 sena jew aktar) li jkunu jixtiequ jirritornaw għall-edukazzjoni formali billi jagħmlu xi kors full-time fl-MCAST taħt l-iskema tal-Maturity Clause.

Bħalissa qed naħdmu fuq proġett ta’ €6 miljun ko-finanzjat mill-ESF biex nibdew noffru għażliet ġodda ta’ tagħlim li jħajru aktar adulti jipparteċipaw fl-edukazzjoni ta’ matul il-ħajja. Dan il-proġett se jintroduċi tliet inizjattivi biex jgħin lill-adulti, anke lil dawk li qatt qabel ma kisbu xi kwalifika, jiksbu kwalifiki u esperjenzi u javvanzaw fil-karrieri tagħhom. Se nagħżlu 28 kors u nibdew noffruhom permezz tas-sistema tal-blended learning, li tgħaqqad flimkien metodi tradizzjonali ta’ tagħlim mas-sistema tal- e-learning.

Dan il-proġett se jintroduċi wkoll sistema ta’ Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) biex iħajjar adulti li diġa’ jaħdmu jipparteċipaw fit-tagħlim ta’ matul il-ħajja. Dan isir billi nidentifikaw xi kwalifiki jew tagħlim formali li dawn il-persuni jkunu kisbu fil-passat u nikkunsidraw jekk dawn ikunux jistgħu iservu biex jeżentaw lil dawn l-istudenti prospettivi minn xi ‘units’ tal-kors li jkunu jixtiequ jagħmlu (u b’hekk jiġi evitat li joqogħdu għal lezzjonijiet ta’ tagħlim li huma diġa’ jkunu jafu). Bl-istess mod, permezz tal- E-Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (eAPEL), se nkunu nistgħu ngħinu lill-adulti li jixtiequ jerġgħu jibdew jistudjaw billi nikkreditaw u nirrikonoxxu ħiliet u tagħrif li jkunu kisbu minn xi esperjenzi fil-passat, bħal xogħol jew ħidma ta’ volontarjat jew fil-komunita’.

Pro©etti tal-UE g˙al edukazzjonita’ kwalità og˙la

Programm Operattiv II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Insaħħu Ħilitna għall-Aktar Impjiegi u Kwalità ta’ Ħajja Aħjar

Proġett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea Fond Soċjali Ewropew (FSE)

Rata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali

Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek

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EU-funded projects for abetter quality education

We are currently implementing three European Social Fund (ESF) co-funded projects to update and improve our courses.

ESF 3.102 Inclusion for employment

Our full-time courses provide endless opportunities to students who wish to pursue further and higher vocational education programmes, regardless of their achievement at secondary school level. Our students range from individuals who have the appropriate entry qualifications to start their post-16 education at the middle or higher diploma levels, to those who need to begin at the introductory and foundation levels. One of our major goals is to make sure that all our students, at all levels, are provided with optimal learning opportunities to progress in their studies and secure sustainable careers. In this regard, we need to ensure that students that are following entry-level courses maintain an interest in learning whilst recovering the lost ground of their earlier school years within a relatively short period of time.

To reach this target, we secured over €6 million in EU funds for a project aimed at upgrading our entry-level programmes. By improving the quality of our training programmes at these levels, the project is expected to encourage more youths to continue their studies at higher levels and to decrease the number of vulnerable students who leave the education system without the basic literacy and numeracy skills required for employment.

Through this project we are revising the curricula and syllabi of 49 programmes at Levels 1, 2, and 3 as well the Pathway to Independent Living course, to make sure that they meet the specific learning requirements of vulnerable students in an adequate manner. As part of this process, we are also designing new teaching material and other resources that help students successfully complete these courses. Our lecturers and administrative staff members are being provided with specific training to deliver the newly designed courses whilst making the most effective use of the newly-acquired teaching materials and technologies.

ESF 1.130 Making VET education more relevant and attractive

Our close link with local and international industry stakeholders is a very important component of our education programmes. It ensures that our students are adequately prepared with the qualities and experiences required to succeed in their employment or entrepreneurial careers. Our training programmes need to be constantly in synch with the latest technological and market trends to provide students with skills and qualifications that are relevant to the current and future industry needs.

Our €4.8 million ESF co-funded project ‘Making VET Education More Relevant and Attractive’ aims to build on this relationship by developing new courses and by upgrading our existing home grown courses to match the latest industry developments. The introduction of courses in new subjects will give students the opportunity to obtain qualifications which were not previously available

locally, opening up new employment prospects in different sectors. Through these new and revamped courses, our graduates will be in a better position to secure better jobs, while embracing the innovation and development that local employers need to increase productivity, penetrate new markets and ultimately boost economic growth.

This project started with a thorough consultation process with industry stakeholders to identify the courses required in various sectors, including sustainable tourism, eco-practices, creative industries, engineering, niche manufacturing, ICT, heritage preservation and marine engineering. Following this consultation, over 30 new full-time courses will be introduced in our institutes and centres in Malta and Gozo over the next three years. At the same time, we are also reviewing 19 of our Level 4 and Level 5 courses, with a view to upgrading their syllabi. This project also aims to provide for specific training needs in Gozo by introducing new courses at our centres in Xagħra and Xewkija.

A substantial number of the courses that are being reviewed through this project are included in this Prospectus. Since this revision is currently underway, prospective students should note that course titles and contents are subject to change following the launching of this publication. ESF 2.139Increasing accessibility, flexibility and innovation to MCAST life-long learning course offer

We constantly encourage adults in Malta and Gozo to engage in life-long learning to develop their skills and acquire new qualifications for increased job flexibility and advancement. As the acceleration of technological advances increases, skills are more likely to depreciate at a faster pace. Besides offering 300 part-time vocational training courses through evening classes, we also offer specialised support to adults (aged 21 and over) who would like to return to formal education by taking up full-time courses at MCAST under the Maturity Clause. We are currently working on a €6 million project co-funded by the ESF to introduce new learning options that encourage more adults to take up life-long learning. The project will introduce three major initiatives to help adults, even those who have never obtained any qualification, acquire qualifications and experiences to advance in their careers. We will be choosing 28 of our current courses to be delivered through blended learning, which combines e-learning techniques and traditional teaching methods.

The project will also introduce an Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) system to help individuals already in employment facilitate their life-long learning prospects by identifying any previous qualifications they may have acquired and assessing whether or not these can serve to exempt them from certain modules within a programme (avoiding having the students sit for lessons in subjects they already know). Similarly, through the E-Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (eAPEL) we are introducing a system that awards prospective adult students credit for knowledge and skills gained through prior experience, such as learning derived from work, community or volunteer experience.

Operational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life

Project part financed by the European Union European Social Fund (ESF)

Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds

Investing in your future

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Din l-informazzjoni tapplika għall-korsijiet murija fil-Prospectusgħall-Korsijiet offruti għall-2013/14.

Il-korsijiet tal-MCAST huma fuq diversi livelli. Il-Foundation courses huma fit-tieni livell u l-ogħla korsijiet huma fis-sitt livell.

It-triq kif tagħmel progress minn kors għall-ieħor kif tidher f’danil-Prospectus hija dik applikabbli għas-sena 2013.

Il-Kulleġġ jirriżerva d-dritt li jibdel din l-informazzjoni meta jkun mehtieġ.

Applikanti ġodda - Kif tapplika1. Hu kkunsidrat Applikant ġdid jekk ikun: Jew: Applikant li f’Ġunju 2013 ma kienx jattendi l-MCAST. Jew: Student li falla l-ewwel sena tal-kors u jixtieq jerġa’ jibda l-istess

kors. Jew: Student li sa Ġunju 2013 kien jattendi kors l-MCAST u jixtieq

jibda kors f’qasam differenti minn dak li spiċċa f’Ġunju.

2. L-Applikanti kollha għandhom jimlew il- Formola ta’ Applikazzjoni uffiċjali.

3. Applikazzjonijiet mingħajr ir-rekwiżiti tad-dħul neċessarji kollha ma jiġux ipproċessati.

4. Grades 5/C jew aħjar huma kkunsidrati bħala ‘O’ level passes. Fil-każ ta’ ‘O’ level passes fil-Malti, it-Taljan u r-Reliġjon huma aċċettati biss riżultati tas-SEC.

5. Applikanti li għamlu eżamijiet ta’ Overseas Examining Boards u li fil-ħin meta jintlaqgħu l-applikazzjonijiet ikunu għadhom jistennew ir-riżultati, jistgħu jissottomettu applikazzjoni proviżorja (jimmarkaw is-suġġetti b’ittra P) li tiġi kkunsidrata jekk ir-riżultati jiġu ppreżentati sal-aħħar ġimgħa t’Awwissu.

6. Ebda dħul proviżorju ta’ suġġetti ma jiġi aċċettat wara d-data tal-għeluq biex jidħlu l-applikazzjonijiet.

7. Wara d-data tal-għeluq biex jidħlu l-applikazzjonijiet ma jiġi aċċettat l-ebda bdil fil-formoli ta’ applikazzjoni minbarra dawk ta’ dħul proviżorju meta jkunu ppreżentati r-riżultati li jaslu f’Awwissu mill-Overseas Examining Boards.

8. Meta timtela l-Formola ta’ Applikazzjoni t-Titolu tal-Kors li wieħed ikun applika għalih u n-numru tal-Kodiċi tal-Kors iridu jaqblu. Fil-każ li ma jaqblux, hu n-numru tal-Kodiċi li hu kkunsidrat bħala l-għażla tal-kors.

9. L-MCAST qed jagħmel l-almu tiegħu biex ikun Kulleġġ li joffri opportunitajiet indaqs lil kulħadd. Għaldaqstant jilqa’ fi ħdanu studenti bi bżonnijiet speċjali u li jsibu diffikultà biex jitgħallmu. Applikanti bi bżonnijiet speċjali għandhom:

• ikollhom il-kwalifiki meħtieġa għad-dħul• ikunu ddiskutew il-bżonnijiet tagħhom ma’ xi membru tat-Taqsima

għall-Inklużjoni fit-Tagħlim (IEU) qabel jitfgħu l-applikazzjoni• jipproduċu evidenza professjonali riċenti bil-miktub dwar il-kundizzjoni speċjali tagħhom• jipproduċu dokumenti professjonali riċenti dwar rekwiżiti speċjali

biex isegwu l-kors.

Biex tagħmel appuntament biex titkellem fuq il-bżonnijiet speċjali qabel ma tapplika għal xi kors ċempel dirett lill-IEU fuq 23987127 jew liċ-Ċentru tal-Informazzjoni fuq 23987000.

Għażla ta’ Applikanti u Informazzjoni Oħra1. Studenti li f’Lulju 2013 ikunu temmew b’suċċess kors fl-MCAST u

japplikaw biex isegwu kors ogħla fl-istess qasam ta’ studju jingħataw prijorità fuq dawk l-applikanti li applikaw għall-istess kors minn barra l-MCAST.

2. Wara d-data tal-għeluq, ma jiġux aċċettati applikazzjonijiet.

3. a) Meta n-numru ta’ postijiet disponibbli f’kors hu limitat u n-numru tal-applikanti li jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti tad-dħul jaqbeż

in-numru ta’ postijiet disponibbli, isir ordni tal-mertu fost l-applikanti.

b) Aptitude Tests u/jew Interviews - Fil-każi fejn hemm bżonn aptitude test u/ jew interview, l-għażla tal-istudenti tkun ibbażata fuq in-numru ta’ punti miksuba skond il-kwalifiki wara li jkunu għaddew mit-test u/jew l-interview.

c) Initial Assessment Tests - L-istudenti jingħażlu għal kors ta’ Livell 1 jew Livell 2 skont ir-riżultat tal-Initial Assessment Tests.

4. Il-gradi kollha ta’ riżultati ta’ eżamijiet huma allokati numru ta’ punti kif jidher fit-tabella ta’ hawn taħt:

Livell Livell Livell Avvanzat Ordinarju Intermedju Grad Punti Grad Punti Grad Punti 1/A 10 A 16 A 26 2 9 B 15 B 24 3/B 8 C 14 C 22 4 7 D 13 D 20 5/C 6 E 12 E 18 O 6

Metodu ta’ applikazzjoni

Page 356: 2013/14 Full-Time Courses Prospectus


Ċertifikati sħaħ u Diplomi sat-tielet livell jieħdu dawn il-punti:

MCAST, BTEC, C&G, oħrajnOverall Grade Pass Merit DistinctionCert.Level 2 12 16 20Cert/Diploma Level 3 24 32 40Cert/Diploma Level 4 54 66 78Cert/Diploma Level 5 96 128 160

Average Mark50 - 69% = Pass 70 - 89 % = Merit90 - 100% = Distinction

Ebda suġġett jew l-ekwivalenti tiegħu ma jista’ jingħadd darbtejn iżda l-ogħla grad jew livell fis-suġġett hu kkunsidrat.

5. L-Applikanti għandhom jippreżentaw l-oriġinali u l-kopji tad-dokumenti msemmija meta jintalbu.

• Karta tal-Identità valida • Ċertifikat tat-Tmiem tal-Iskola • Ċertifikat tal-kwalifiki msemmija fl-Applikazzjoni.

6. Wara li Applikant ikun ikkunsidrat eliġibbli għal kors, in-numru ta’ punti jinħadem skond ir-rekwiżiti tal-kors.

a) Il-punti totali għal suġġetti Obbligatorji hu multiplikat b’5.

b) Il-punti totali għal suġġetti Preferuti hu multiplikat bi 3.

ċ) Meta jkun hemm għażla fil-lista ta’ Suġġetti Obbligatorji, dawk bl-ogħla gradi huma multiplikati b’5. Passes oħra Obbligatorji

addizzjonali huma kkunsidrati bħala suġġetti Preferuti. Il-passes l-oħra kollha jingħataw in-numru relattiv ta’ punti


d) It-total tal-punti kollha li jikseb l-Applikant jindika l-post fl-ordni tal-mertu għad-dħul fil-kors.

7. Sakemm jinbena qafas universali għal APL, il-kwalifiki meħtieġa kif jidhru biss fil-Prospectus għal korsijiet speċifiċi huma aċċettati.

8. L-Applikanti kollha li jkunu offruti post biex jibdew kors tintbagħtilhom Formola ta’ Aċċettazzjoni għar-Reġistrazzjoni. Din il-Formola ta’ Reġistrazzjoni għandha timtela u tingħata personalment fl-Uffiċċju tar-Reġistratur fiż-żmien stipulat, bid-dokumenti meħtieġa. Jekk dan ma jsirx, il-post offrut fil-kors jista’ jingħata lil Applikant ieħor li jkun fil-lista ta’ dawk li jkunu qed jistennew.

9. Applikant jista’ jiddelega persuna oħra biex tippreżenta l-Formola tal-Applikazzjoni jew tar-Reġistrazzjoni sakemm il-persuna delegata tippreżenta l-Karta tal-Identità tagħha u tal-Applikant.

10. Jekk wara l-ewwel sejħa għal applikazzjonijiet ikun hemm korsijiet fejn ikun hemm postijiet għadhom disponibbli, ikun hemm sejħiet oħra għal applikazzjonijiet. Jekk wara t-tieni sejħa ta’ applikazzjonijiet ikun għad fadal postijiet vakanti, dawn jiġu offruti fuq bażi “first come first served”.

11. Kull applikazzjoni biex wieħed jibda kors jew kull talba għal bidla ta’ kors għandha tgħaddi mill-Uffiċċju tar-Reġistratur u ma tkunx aċċettata wara data li jaqbel fuqha l-Kunsill tal-Istituti.

12. Kull informazzjoni sottomessa fil-Formola ta’ Applikazzjoni tista’ tkun mogħtija lid-dipartimenti differenti fl-MCAST u dipartimenti differenti tal-Gvern u tintuża għal finijiet ta’ statistika u gwida.

13. Meta n-numru ta’ Applikanti għal xi kors ma jkunx vijabbli, il-Kulleġġ jirriżerva d-dritt li ma joffrihx u l-Applikanti jingħataw l-opportunità li jibdlu l-għażla tagħhom.

14. It-terminu ‘part-time fuq apprendistat’ użata f’dan il-Prospectus ifisser li student jattendi numru ta’ ġranet jew ġimgħat l-Istitut u l-bqija tal-ġimgħa jew tas-sena jkun sponsorjat fuq il-post tax-xogħol bl-għajnuna tal-ETC.

15. L-istudenti li jissodisfaw dawn il-kundizzjonijiet jistgħu japplikaw biex jiġu kkunsidrati jagħmlu korsijiet mal-MCAST bħala studenti maturi:

- Ikollhom fil-pussess tagħhom Ċertifikat tat-Tmiem tal-Iskola.

- Għalqu sad-data tal-applikazzjoni: a) 23 sena għad-dħul fi programmi fil-livell 5 tal-Qafas Nazzjonali

tal-Kwalifiki; b) 21 sena għad-dħul fi programmi fil-livelli 3 u 4 tal-Qafas

Nazzjonali tal-Kwalifiki. - Juru li jistgħu jibbenefikaw u kapaċi jsegwu l-kors waqt intervista li

ssirilhom apposta.

L-istudenti magħżula jiġu msejħa għal intervista biex jiġi stabbilit jekk il-kors huwiex addattat għalihom. Il-Bord tal-Għażla jista’ jitlob lil dawk magħżula biex joqogħdu għal studji addizzjonali bħala kundizzjoni tal-għażla.

Il-Bord jista’ jirrakkomanda kors aktar addattat għall-Applikant.

L-istudenti huma mħeġġa biex javviċinaw lill-Istitut jew is-servizzi tal-Career Guidance minn qabel ma jilħqu l-età għall-kwalifika hawn fuq.

16. Min japplika għall-korsijiet fl-Livell 1 jew 2 irid joqgħod għall-Initial Assessment Tests fil-Malti, Ingliż u Matematika. Dawk l-istudenti li juru l-bżonn ta’ għajnuna addizzjonali jiġu ggwidati biex isegwu l-kors li jwassal għaċ-ċertifikat fil-Livell 1.

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This information applies to courses shown on the Prospectus for Courses offered in 2013/14.

MCAST courses are at different levels. Foundation courses are at level two and the highest courses are at level six.

The progression routes as shown on the diagrams are those applicable to September 2013.

The College reserves the right to change this information and these routes at any point it deems appropriate.

New Applicants - Method of Application1. A new Applicant is: Either: An Applicant who in June 2013 was not attending a course at

MCAST. Or: A student who failed the first year of a course and wishes to

reapply to start the same course. Or: A student who up to June 2013 attended a course at MCAST and

wishes to start another course, not through progression, or to start another course in a different area of study.

2. All Applicants must fill in the official Application Form.

3. Applications without all the necessary entry requirements are not processed.

4. Grades 5/C or better are considered as ‘O’ level passes. In the case of ‘O’ level passes in Maltese, Italian and Religion only the SEC results are accepted.

5. Applicants who sat for examinations of Overseas Examination Boards and at the time of receipt of applications are still waiting for results, may submit a provisional application (subjects marked with a P), as long as the results are presented by the end of the last week in August.

6. No provisional entry of subjects will be accepted after the closing date for the receipt of applications.

7. After the closing date for the receipt of applications no changes in application forms are accepted except for results for Provisional

exams of Overseas Boards.

8. When filling in the Application form the Title of a Course applied for and the Course Code number must agree. In case they do not agree

it is the Code number that is considered as the choice of course.

9. MCAST strives to be an equal opportunity College and therefore welcomes students with learning difficulties and disabilities.

Special needs students are required to: • Have the necessary entry qualifications • Discuss their needs with a member of the MCAST Inclusive Education Unit (IEU) before submitting the application form • Produce recent professional evidence in writing concerning their

special requirements to follow the course • Produce recent professional documents on their special

requirements to follow the course.

For an appointment to discuss your special needs please phone the Inclusive Education Unit on 23987127 or the Information Centreon 23987000.

Selection of Applicants and Further Information1. Students who in July 2013 successfully completed a course at MCAST

and apply to progress to a higher course in the same area of study will be given priority over those Applicants who apply for the same course from outside MCAST.

2. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

3. a) When the number of places available on a course is limited and the number of Applicants who satisfy the entry requirements and choose the course exceeds the number of available places, an order of merit is drawn for all Applicants choosing the course.

b) Aptitude Tests and/or Interviews - In those cases where an aptitude test and/or an interview is carried out, the admission of students will be based on the number of points acquired on the basis of their qualifications after having passed the test and/or interview.

c) Initial Assessment Tests - Students are selected for the Level 1 or Level 2 course on the result obtained in the Initial Assessment Tests.

4. All grades of SEC, ‘O’ level, Advanced and Intermediate level examination results are allocated a number of points as shown in the

table below:

Ordinary Intermediate Advanced Level Level Level Grade Points Grade Points Grade Points 1/A 10 A 16 A 26 2 9 B 15 B 24 3/B 8 C 14 C 22 4 7 D 13 D 20 5/C 6 E 12 E 18 O 6

Method of application

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Full Certificates and Diplomas up to level 3 receive the following number of points:

MCAST, BTEC, C&G, oħrajnOverall Grade Pass Merit DistinctionCert.Level 2 12 16 20Cert/Diploma Level 3 24 32 40Cert/Diploma Level 4 54 66 78Cert/Diploma Level 5 96 128 160

Average Mark50 - 69% = Pass 70 - 89 % = Merit90 - 100% = Distinction

No subject/Certificate/Diploma and its equivalent may be counted twice but the higher grade or level is considered.

5. All Applicants must produce the original and photocopies of the following when requested: • Valid ID Card • School Leaving Certificate • Examination Certificates Results of qualifications claimed on


6. After an Applicant is considered eligible for a course the number of points is worked according to the course requirements.

a) The total points for Compulsory subjects is multiplied by 5.

b) The total points for Preferred subjects is multiplied by 3.

c) When there is a choice within the list of Compulsory Subjects the ones with the highest grades are multiplied by 5. Any additional

passes in compulsory subjects are considered as Preferred subjects. All other passes are given their relative number of points.

d) The total of all the points obtained by an Applicant indicates the place in the order of merit for admission into a course.

7. Until a universal framework for an APL policy is in place only the stated prior learning qualifications as shown on the Prospectus for

the specific courses are accepted.

8. All Applicants that are offered a place to start a course are informed to complete a Registration Form and produce any documents as

necessary.This official Registration Form must be completed and handed at the Office of the Registrar within the stipulated time together with original documents and their photocopies. Failing this the place offered on the course may be assigned to another Applicant on the waiting list.

9. An Applicant may delegate another person to present their Application or Registration Form as long as the delegated person presents his/her original Identity Card together with the original Identity Card of the Applicant.

10. If after the first call for applications there are courses where places are still available there will be other calls for applications. Any places

remaining after the second call will be offered on a first come first served basis.

11. Any application to join a course or any request to change a course must go through the Office of the Registrar and will not be accepted beyond a date agreed upon by the Council of Institutes.

12. All information submitted on the Application Form may be shared with different departments within MCAST and other government departments for statistical and guidance purposes.

13. When the number of applicants for a course is not viable, the College reserves the right not to offer the course and applicants will be given the opportunity to change their option.

14. The term ‘part-time on an apprenticeship’ as used in the Prospectus means that a student attends a number of days or weeks at an

Institute and the rest of the week or year is sponsored at a place of work with the help of ETC.

15. Students who satisfy the following conditions may apply for consideration to join MCAST programmes as mature students: - Be in possession of the School Leaving Certificate

- Have on the date of application: a) attained the age of 23 years for entry to programmes at MQC

Level 5 on the National Qualifications Framework; b) attained the age of 21 years for entry to programmes at Levels 3

and 4 on the National Qualifications Framework.

- Demonstrate that they stand to benefit and show that they are able to follow the programme through an interview held for

the purpose.

Shortlisted persons will be called for an interview to assess their suitability for the chosen programme. The Selection Board may

require candidates to undertake additional studies as part of their acceptance. The Board may recommend an alternative programme

where it considers it appropriate.

Students are advised to approach the respective Institute / Career Guidance Services well in advance to the qualifying age above.

16. Applicants for Level 1 and Level 2 programmes will be required to sit for the Initial Assessment Test in Maltese, English and Mathematics. Students found to require significant support will be guided to join the Level 1 Introductory Certificate course.

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1. Mis-sena 2013, l-Applikanti kollha li għandhom fil-pussess tagħhom il-Higher National Diploma b’minimu ta’ ħames gradi ta’ Mertu u total ta’ gradi ekwivalenti għal 106 punti jistgħu japplikaw. Applikanti li jkunu rrepetew unit wieħed jew aktar b’attendenza, li jissodisfaw din il-kundizzjoni u li huma eliġibbli skond ir-regolamenti tal-Kulleġġ, jistgħu japplikaw.

(Nota: Para. 1 tas-sezzjoni ‘Applikazzjonijiet għad-Degrees Vokazzjonali tal-MCAST’ kif pubblikat fil-Prospett 2011-2012 u 2012-2013 qed jiġi irtirat).

2. Dawk l-istudenti li qed isegwu l-kors tal-Higher National Diploma u li jinħteġilhom jirrepetu xi suġġett/i b’attendenza jistgħu jiksbu l-massimu tal-gradi possibbli f’dawn is-suġġett/i, jiġifieri Pass, Mertu jew Distinzjoni; iżda għall-iskop tal-klassifikazzjoni finali tad-Degree, dawn jingħaddu biss fil-livell ta’ Pass.

3. Applikanti bi kwalifiki komparabbli għal Higher National Diploma u maħruġa minn Istituzzjonijiet ta’ Edukazzjoni Ogħla jistgħu jiġu kkunsidrati. Applikanti bi kwalifiki oħra approvati mill-Kulleġġ jiġu kkunsidrati wara li jiġu segwiti l-proċeduri tal-Kulleġġ f’każijiet bħal dawn.

4. Normalment, l-Applikanti jrid ikollhom minimu ta’ 106 punti biex jiġu kkunsidrati għad-Degrees Vokazzjonali tal-MCAST. Il-punti jiġu allokati b’dan il-mod: Distinzjoni 10 punti, Mertu 8 punti, Pass 6 punti.

5. Studenti b’mhux inqas minn 102 punti flimkien ma’ 48 xahar ta’ esperjenza f’xogħol relatat wara li jkunu temmew b’suċċess l-istudju tal-HND jistgħu japplikaw. L-applikanti jingħataw punt wieħed għal kull sena sħiħa ta’ esperjenza sa massimu ta’ 4 punti.

6. L-MCAST jipprova jakkomoda lill-Applikanti kollha. Fejn dan mhux possibbli, tinħadem ordni ta’ mertu. Studenti tal-MCAST jingħataw preċedenza.

7. F’dawk il-każi fejn l-Applikanti jġibu punti ndaqs, is-suġġetti li huma core jingħataw punti doppji għal kull grad ta’ Mertu u punti tripli għal kull grad ta’ Distinzjoni. Fil-każ li l-Applikanti jibqgħu ndaqs, jittieħdu inkonsiderazzjoni l-ewwel in-numru ta’ gradi ta’ Distinzjoni u wara n-numru ta’ gradi ta’ Mertu miksuba mill-Applikanti. Fil-każi fejn l-Applikanti jerġgħu jibqgħu bl-istess punti, l-ewwel tittieħed inkonsiderazzjoni l-età tal-Applikanti u wara n-numru ta’ applikazzjonijiet sottomessi.

1. As from 2013 all Applicants in possession of the Higher National Diploma with at least five MERIT grades and the total grades equivalent to 106 points may apply. Applicants who repeat one or more units with attendance and satisfy this condition can also apply.

(Para. 1 of section headed ‘Applications for Vocational Degrees’ published in Prospectus 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 is hereby withdrawn.)

2. Students following a Higher National Diploma that need to repeat a subject/s with attendance can obtain the maximum possible grade i.e. Pass, Merit or Distinction for the units which are repeated, but for the purpose of the Degree final classification, these are considered as Pass grades.

3. Applicants with equivalent HNDs from approved Further Education Institutions may be considered for eligibility. Applicants with other qualifications as approved by the College will be considered after following the appropriate College procedures for such cases.

4. Applicants must normally have a minimum of 106 points to be considered for admission to the MCAST Vocational Degrees. Points will be allocated as follows: Distinction 10 points, Merit 8 points and Pass 6 points.

5. Students with not less than 102 points together with 48 months of related work experience after acquiring the HND may apply. Candidates will be allocated 1 point for every full year of experience to a maximum of 4 points.

6. MCAST will try to accommodate all eligible Applicants. When this is not possible, an order of merit will be issued. MCAST students are given preference.

7. In case of Applicants with the same number of points, core subjects will be given double points for Merit and triple points for Distinction. In the case of equal points, the number of overall Distinctions and thereafter the number of Merits obtained will be taken into consideration. In case of a further tie the Applicant’s age will be considered first, followed by the number of any previous applications submitted.

Applikazzjonijiet g˙ad-degrees vokazzjonali tal-MCASTApplications for MCAST vocational degrees

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Mis–sena akkademika 2013/14 l-istudenti li japplikaw biex jipprogressaw minn xi wieħed mill-korsijiet ta’ Livell 1 u Livell 2 irid ikollhom iċ-ċertifikat sħiħ tal-Keyskills maħruġ mill-MCAST jew ekwivalenti, fejn juru li għaddew mill-Malti, l-Ingliż, il-Matematika, l-IT u l-Iżvilupp Personali. L-MCAST jista’ jaċċetta applikazzjonijiet mingħand studenti li ma jkollhomx dan iċ-ċertifikat taħt kundizzjonijiet li l-Kunsill tal-Istituti jikkunsidra neċessarji.

Applikanti għal programmi ta’ Livell 4 iridu jippreżentaw iċ-ċertifikat fil-Keyskills fejn juru li għaddew mill-Malti, l-Ingliż, il-Matematika, l-IT, l-Iżvilupp Personali u x-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija.

L-MCAST jista’ jaċċetta applikazzjonijiet mingħand studenti li ma jkollhomx dan iċ-ċertifikat taħt kundizzjonijiet li l-Kunsill tal-Istituti jikkunsidra neċessarji.

As from academic year 2013/14 students who apply to progress from any of the Level 1 and Level 2 programmes will be required to provide the full Keyskills certificate issued by MCAST or its equivalent and showing passes in Maltese, English, Mathematics, IT and Personal Development. MCAST may accept applications from students without the certificate subject to further conditions as the Council of Institutes may consider necessary.

Applicants for all Level 4 programmes will be required to provide the Level 3 Keyskills certificate showing passes in Maltese, English,Mathematics, IT, Personal Development and Science and Technology.

MCAST may accept applications from students without the certificate subject to further conditions as the Council of Institutes may consider necessary.

Progress mill-korsijiet ta’ Livell 1, 2 u 3Progression from Levels 1, 2 and 3

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Malta’s National QualificationFramework for Lifelong Learning*









VET stands for Vocational Education and Training













4 (e)

3 (d)

2 (c)

1 (a/b)

* The National Qualifications Framework is designed in such a way as to be able to include diverse forms of qualifications not as yet covered by this Framework.

(a) Attainment of the Basic Employment Passport together with either the Adult Skills Certificate or the MQC 8 Key Competences at Level 1 are also considered as a Full VET Level 1 qualification.

(b) The MQC recommends that a Full VET Level 1 qualification should enjoy the same parity of esteem as a Full School Leaving Certificate.

(c) The Malta Qualifications Council recommends that a Full VET Level 2 qualification should enjoy the same parity of esteem as 4 General Education Level 2 subjects.

(d) The Malta Qualification Council recommends that a Full VET Level 3 qualification should enjoy the same parity of esteem as 6 General Education Level 3 subjects.

(e) The Malta Qualification Council recommends that a Full VET Diploma should enjoy the same parity of esteem as 3 Advanced Level subjects.

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