2013 Website List - Moriah Fund · For NIF’s efforts to promote human rights in the Palestinian...

2013 Website List $13,105,262.91 I. ISRAEL $4,253,000 A. NEW ISRAEL FUND (NIF) $4,112,000 www.nif.org 1. For general support of this organization, which advances democracy and equality in Israel through grantmaking, programs and public advocacy; and to reach out to donor communities in Israel and worldwide to build awareness and support for these efforts. ($450,000) 2. For its Core Grants Program, which provides institution building grants to social change organizations working to strengthen democracy and promote social and economic justice in Israel. NIF used Moriah funds to fulfill its commitment to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), Israel’s leading human and civil rights organization. ($200,000) 3. For Shatil, the action arm of the New Israel Fund. Shatil strengthens Israeli social- change organizations through a wide range of capacity-building services, revitalizes the field through leadership development and volunteer service programs, increases effectiveness by facilitating and coordinating coalitions and, where necessary and appropriate, mobilizes and leads the social-change sector in response to critical issues through proactive initiatives. ($150,000) 4. For NIF/Shatil’s Social and Economic Justice Initiative, which works to reduce the gap between rich and poor and to enable Israel's marginalized populations to improve their living conditions. ($40,000) 5. For NIF/Shatil’s Shared Society Cluster, which promotes a shared society that safeguards multiculturalism and tolerance, and where both Jewish and Palestinian Israelis share an equal sense of ownership and belonging that will be reflected in public life. Shatil employs consulting, training and proactive support for vital individual voices in the Palestinian community in Israel to augment the impact of their efforts toward sustainable change. ($60,000) 6. For its Infrastructure Support Project, to implement carry out major upgrades to its core financial reporting, grants management, and program analysis systems. ($200,000); for its Major Gifts program, which aims to build significant new capacity to package, pursue and secure major gifts of $100,000-$1,000,000 and which can support

Transcript of 2013 Website List - Moriah Fund · For NIF’s efforts to promote human rights in the Palestinian...

2013 Website List $13,105,262.91  

I. ISRAEL $4,253,000

A. NEW ISRAEL FUND (NIF) $4,112,000 www.nif.org

1. For general support of this organization, which advances democracy and equality in Israel through grantmaking, programs and public advocacy; and to reach out to donor communities in Israel and worldwide to build awareness and support for these efforts. ($450,000)

2. For its Core Grants Program, which provides institution building grants to social change organizations working to strengthen democracy and promote social and economic justice in Israel. NIF used Moriah funds to fulfill its commitment to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI),  Israel’s leading human and civil rights organization. ($200,000)

3. For Shatil, the action arm of the New Israel Fund. Shatil strengthens Israeli social-change organizations through a wide range of capacity-building services, revitalizes the field through leadership development and volunteer service programs, increases effectiveness by facilitating and coordinating coalitions and, where necessary and appropriate, mobilizes and leads the social-change sector in response to critical issues through proactive initiatives. ($150,000)

4. For NIF/Shatil’s Social and Economic Justice Initiative, which works to reduce the gap between rich and poor and to enable Israel's marginalized populations to improve their living conditions. ($40,000)

5. For NIF/Shatil’s Shared Society Cluster, which promotes a shared society that safeguards multiculturalism and tolerance, and where both Jewish and Palestinian Israelis share an equal sense of ownership and belonging that will be reflected in public life. Shatil employs consulting, training and proactive support for vital individual voices in the Palestinian community in Israel to augment the impact of their efforts toward sustainable change. ($60,000)

6. For its Infrastructure Support Project, to implement carry out major upgrades to its core financial reporting, grants management, and program analysis systems. ($200,000); for its Major Gifts program, which aims to build significant new capacity to package, pursue and secure major gifts of $100,000-$1,000,000 and which can support

the new initiatives defined in the strategic thinking process. ($125,000; and for its Los Angeles Office in order to increase fundraising, donors and visibility in this region over the next three years. ($75,000).

7. For its Strategic Planning Project, which is now moving from the conceptual to the implementation phase in order to strengthen NIF as an effective advocate for change in Israel. ($200,000); and for its Public Advocacy Program in Israel, which works to strengthen the capacity of NIF to defend itself and its grantees; to position NIF to have a greater impact on Israeli society, and to build a broad and organized constituency for democratic values. ($225,000)

8. For NIF and Shatil's National Budget Reform Project, which seeks to address the lack of accountability and transparency in social, economic and financial matters, especially in relation to the approval of the State budget. ($25,000)

9. Recommended for HaKol Hinuch: the Movement for Promoting Education in Israel, which seeks to ensure equal, accessible and quality education for all Israelis. ($25,000)

10. Recommended for Shutafut-Sharakah: Organizations for Shared, Democratic and Equal Society, which aims to promote a shared and more democratic society by influencing the public and media discourse regarding inequality and discrimination against Arab citizens of Israel. (20,000)

11. For its SLAPP funding pool to be used to provide legal advice and assistance to organizations that have been the target of libel suits in response to statements that are critical of government policies or of NGOs promoting pro-settlement or anti-democratic policies. ($25,000)

12. Recommended for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) for general support of this organization, which promotes respect for human rights in Israel and the Occupied Territories through education, litigation, public outreach, and international advocacy. ($150,000)

13. Recommended for the Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI), an action-think tank that aims to engage both policy makers and the public at large in ending the Occupation and promoting a just and sustainable resolution to the conflict on the basis of a two-state solution. ($7,000)

14. Recommended for Bimkom: Planners for Planning Rights, for its efforts to bring about system-wide change in planning policies and practices affecting the lives of residents in Israel, Area C of the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. ($40,000)

15. Recommended for Breaking the Silence (BTS) for its project, Soldiers Speak Out-Testimony Collection Project, which collects, verifies, edits and publishes soldiers’

testimonies about their service in the Occupied Territories to raise awareness and educate Israelis about the nature and reality of the Occupation. ($30,000)

16. Recommended for the Hotline for Migrant Workers for its project: Safeguarding the Rights of Asylum Seekers. ($25,000)

17. Recommended for Ir Amim, for its efforts to shape policy to meet the needs of Jews and Arabs sharing Jerusalem, and to minimize the damage caused by unilateral actions such as settlement in East Jerusalem and government policies that erode the option of a negotiated two-state future ($25,000); and for its efforts to assist the residents of Beit Safafa who are opposing the construction of a highway though their neighborhood ($7,500).

18. Recommended for Merchavim – The Institute for the Advancement of Shared Citizenship in Israel for its project; Arab Teacher Integration, which will support and ensure the success of the Ministry of Education’s plan to integrate 500 Arab teachers in Jewish schools within the next four years.($30,000)

19. Recommended for MOLAD: The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy, a progressive think tank. ($80,000)

20. Recommended for Yod Bet Cheshvan for the Tag Meir-Light Tag Coalition to raise public awareness and media attention about religiously based racism and efforts by the religious right to undermine democracy. ($12,500)

21. Recommended for Shaharit: Creating Common Cause, for production of "The Promised Podcast," which seeks to bring a more complex and nuanced discussion about Israel to English-speaking listeners in North America and Israel. ($20,000)

22. Recommended for Social Guard in order to encourage public participation in monitoring legislative work in the Knesset that would increase public accountability and transparency. ($20,000)

23. Recommended for +972-Advancement of Citizen Journalism, a progressive, English language e-magazine. ($20,000)

24. For NIF’s efforts to advance equal rights and opportunities for Palestinian Citizens of Israel; recommended for:

Injaz: The Center for Professional Arab Local Governance in Israel, for its efforts to assist Arab municipalities to become professional organizations and leaders of social and economic growth within Arab society in Israel. ($30,000)

Ma’an, Women’s Forum, which seeks to promote equal rights for Bedouin women in the Negev. ($20,000)

Mossawa Center: The Advocacy Center in Israel, to conduct advocacy activities on the socio-economic needs of the Arab minority, and to strengthen capacity building for socio-economic development in mixed cities. ($30,000)

NIF’s Palestinian Society Program, which provides grants to organizations working to promote equality and justice for the Palestinian minority in Israel. ($150,000)

Sikkuy: The Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality for its Equality Policy program, which promotes equality in government policies and budget allocations for Arab citizens of Israel. ($75,000)

Women Against Violence (WAV), which promotes policy change for the advancement of Palestinian women citizens of Israel. ($25,000)

25. For NIF’s efforts to empower and improve living conditions for Ethiopian Immigrants and Falash Mura awaiting emigration from Ethiopia; recommended for:

Fidel: The Association for Education and Social Integration for Ethiopian Jews in Israel, which works to strengthen and expand mediation, empowerment and advocacy services to the Ethiopian community. ($100,000)

The Israel Center for Educational Innovation to raise literacy achievement in schools with concentrations of Ethiopian students. ($1,000,000)

The Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews, which advocates for changes in employment, education, and housing polices for Ethiopian Israelis. ($90,000)

Olim Rising Up Together, which aims to increase employment of Ethiopian Israeli university graduates through its core program: Employment, Empowerment and Leadership for Ethiopian Israeli University Graduates. ($25,000)

For NIF and Shatil's Assistance to Ethiopian Immigrants Project, which provides Ethiopian community activists and groups with the tools needed to strengthen their communities through specially designed courses, consultation and coalition building. ($80,000)

South Wing to Zion, which is the leading advocate for the continued immigration and absorption of the remaining Ethiopian Jews. ($45,000)

Tebeka, a legal advocacy and aid organization serving Israel's Ethiopian Israeli community. ($40,000)

26. For NIF’s efforts to promote human rights in the Palestinian authority areas; recommended for:

Human Rights Defenders Funders to cover the cost of legal fees to human rights defenders subject to legal proceedings because of their human rights activities. ($40,000)

Yesh Din, which seeks to compel the State of Israel and its agencies to fulfill their duty under Israeli and international humanitarian law to protect Palestinian residents of the West Bank. ($40,000)

27. For NIF’s efforts to foster peace in the Middle East, recommended for:

B’tselem, for its project, Visual Impact: Deterrence, Accountability and Public Awareness, to use video documentation and new media to bring about greater protection of the rights of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip through increased legal, public and moral scrutiny of human rights violations committed by Israel's security personnel and settlers. ($35,000)

B. Americans for Peace Now ($91,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to support Israel’s grassroots peace movement, Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) and educate and persuade the American Public and its leadership to support and adopt policies that will lead to a durable, Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab peace, based on a two-state solution. www.peacenow.org

C. New America Foundation ($50,000) For its Open Zion project, an online blog that fosters an open and unafraid discussion about what it means to be responsible stewards of a Jewish state. www.newamerica.net



Applied Research Center ($25,000) For its work on comprehensive immigration reform, which focuses on educating the public, media and policymakers on the policies and practices that will support families and change the language and frames used to describe immigrants. www.arc.org

Bend the Arc ($145,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which mobilizes American Jews and their partners to find solutions to the most pressing domestic problems of the day by leveraging the Jewish community’s historic roots in social justice and civil rights ($35,000); (b) its Care Fund, which supports the work of the Caring

Across Generations initiative to create and improve long-term care jobs. ($75,000) and (c) its Care Fund to develop a communication strategy regarding immigration rights ($35,000). www.bendthearc.us and www.caringacrossgenerations.org

Center for Community Change ($179,000) For (a) its Human Rights Project for Girls, which works to make the lives of U.S. young women and girls a human rights priority ($50,000); (b) for its Movement Building Fellowship program, which recruits and trains fellows to work in their communities on issues related to economic security ($100,000); (c) its Alliance for Citizenship, a coalition effect to education the public about comprehensive immigrant reform ($25,000) and (d) general support ($4,000). www.communitychange.org

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities ($65,000) For its State Policy Fellowship Program, which recruits and places policy analysts from under-represented populations with State Fiscal Analysis Initiative groups. www.cbpp.org

The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region ($6,500) For its Black Philanthropic Alliance leadership development programs ($6,500) www.cfncr.org; and www.blackphilanthropicalliance.org

Direct Care Alliance ($25,000) For general support of this organization, which organizes and empowers direct care workers to advocate for federal and state policy reforms to improve direct care jobs and to reform the long-term care system ($20,000); and for its strategic planning initiative to set a course for its work in the next two years under the leadership of the newly hired executive director ($5,000). www.directcarealliance.org

Family Values @ Work: A Multi-State Consortium ($100,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which works to build a national movement for earned sick days and family and medical leave insurance and to raise the national visibility of these issues ($50,000); (b) its efforts to build an individual donor plan to support its work ($50,000). www.familyvaluesatwork.org

Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) ($53,000) For general support of this organization, which works to ensure that the SNAP Program (formerly Food Stamps) and key child nutrition programs better serve low-income families. www.frac.org

Georgetown University ($5,000) For its Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor's State of the Black Worker in America conference.

Institute for Policy Studies ($50,000) For its New Economic Project, which focuses on providing support for new organizing models and advocating for shared prosperity. www.ips-dc.org

Leadership Center for the Common Good ($20,000) For its Maryland project to develop the leadership skills of low-wage workers in several communities. www.commongoodcenter.org

Leadership Conference Education Fund ($50,000) For its efforts to educate policy makers and the public about immigrant rights. www.civilrights.org

Mosaica ($5,000) For its Executive Directors of Color Coaching Initiative. www.mosaica.org

Movement Strategy Center ($40,000) Recommended for Rebuild the Dream, which leverages 21st century social networking and media technology to advance inventive solutions to put America back to work – and pull America back together. www.movementstrategy.org

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation ($15,000) For its Black Women’s Roundtable Summit in March 2014. www.ncbcp.org

National Domestic Workers Alliance ($75,000), for its We Belong Together project, which educates policy makers and the public about women immigrants’’ rights. www.domesticworkers.org

National Employment Law Project ($45,000) For general support of this organization, which works to build economic opportunity for low income working families ($40,000) and for its National Minimum Wage Convening of State partners, which will provide information and best practices on winning minimum wage campaigns ($5,000). www.nelp.org

National People’s Action ($20,000) For its internal leadership development program for people of color staff. www.npa-us.org

National Partnership for Women and Families ($70,000) For general support of this organization, which promotes fairness in the workplace, access to quality and affordable health care, and polices that help parents meet the dual demands of work and family ($20,000); and for its paid family leave campaign to help workers meet the dual demands of work and family ($50,000). www.nationalpartnership.org

Restaurant Opportunities Center United ($50,000) For general support of this organization, which is dedicated to improving working conditions for restaurant employees across the country. www.rocunited.org

US Action Education Fund ($80,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which provides information, training, technical assistance and research to state, regional and national organizations promoting social, racial, economic and environmental justice

($50,000)  ); and (b) project support for its organizing efforts in support of immigration rights ($30,000). www.usactioneducationfund.org



Academy of Hope ($50,000) For its Policy and Advocacy initiative, which focus on improving policies and practices related to increasing adult literacy rates in the city. www.aohdc.org

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities ($250,000) For its D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute (DCFPI), which analyzes budget, tax, and programmatic issues affecting low-and moderate-income District families and individuals to assist policymakers, advocates, and the media ($150,000); and to build DCFPI's capacity to implement a comprehensive development plan. ($100,000). www.dcfpi.org

DC Appleseed ($70,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which organizes volunteers, including attorneys and other experts, to work in teams to analyze and develop solutions to problems facing Washington, DC ($45,000); and (b) its DC Adult Literacy Project, which will assess what literacy investments the city is making and propose policy and systems changes to improve and increase services ($25,000). www.dcappleseed.org

DC Employment Justice Center ($55,000) For general support of this organization, which works to secure, protect, and promote workplace justice for low-income workers in DC. www.dcejc.org

DC Jobs With Justice ($40,000) For general support of this organization, which works to bring together labor, community, faith-based, and student organizations to build power for working families in Washington, DC. www.dcjwj.org

Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) ($35,000) For its DC Hunger Solutions project, which focuses on increasing the use of federal nutrition resources in the District. www.dchunger.org

Jews United for Justice ($85,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which organizes a visible Jewish presence and takes action for economic and social justice in the Washington, DC area ($45,000); and (b) its DC Paid Sick Days Coalition, which is working to extend paid sick leave to tipped workers. ($40,000) www.jufj.org

Southeast Ministry ($11,000) To hire a consultant to assist in the development of a new advocacy coalition for adult literacy issues in DC. www.southeastministrydc.org

Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless (WLCH) ($100,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which seeks to provide legal representation to, and advocacy on behalf of, people struggling with homelessness and poverty in the District of Columbia ($45,000); and (b) its Fair Budget Coalition, which brings together community members, service providers, and faith organizations to collaboratively and strategically advance a public policy agenda that responds compassionately and effectively to the needs of the poor in DC ($55,000). www.legalclinic.org and www.fairbudget.org


Community Foundation for the National Capital Region ($40,000) For its Greater Washington Workforce Development Collaborative, which invests in strategies to help low-income adults in the Metro DC area gain the skills they need to advance into sustainable employment. www.cfncr.org

DC Jobs Council ($10,000) For general support for this organization, which seeks to strengthen DC's workforce development system so that it meets the needs of residents facing the highest barriers to employment. www.dcjobscouncil.org


DC Alliance of Youth Advocates ($50,000) For general support of this organization, which works to ensure the availability of policies, programs, and practices within DC that promote and propel youth into productive and healthy adulthood. www.dc-aya.org

DC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy ($15,000) For its What's the REAL Story?: Teen Pregnancy in the District of Columbia project. www.dccampaign.org

DC Lawyers for Youth ($45,000) For general support of this organization, which is working to improve juvenile justice policies in DC. www.dcly.org

Life Pieces to Masterpieces ($65,000) For general support of this organization, which provides academic support, art instruction, leadership development activities, and mentoring to boys and young men living in low-income and public housing east of the Anacostia river ($45,000); and to support its executive transition plan ($20,000). www.lifepieces.org

Metro TeenAIDS ($42,000) For general support of this organization, which focuses on preventing the spread of HIV infection among youth in Washington, DC. www.metroteenaids.org

Urban Alliance Foundation (UA) ($12,000) For general support of this organization, whose mission is to train high school students for employment through work skills development, life skills enrichment, and education planning preparation ($2,000); for its senior leadership development and training activities ($10,000). www.theurbanalliance.org

Washington Area Women’s Foundation ($26,000) For its Girls Grantmaking Strategy, which provides support to organizations that work to improve the economic security of low-income girls($25,000); and for general support ($1,000). www.wawf.org

Young Women's Project ($40,000) For general support of this organization, which builds and supports DC teen women and girl leaders so that they can improve their lives and transform their communities. www.youngwomensproject.org


Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development ($55,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to preserve affordable housing for low and moderate-income District residents, and to revitalize distressed neighborhoods through its training, capacity-building, public education and communications components. www.cnhed.org

Empower DC ($40,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to enhance and strengthen self-advocacy efforts to improve the quality of life for low- and moderate-income people in the District, specifically to preserve and create affordable housing; secure quality, affordable child care and educational opportunities; and encourage civic engagement. www.empowerdc.org

Manna ($35,000) For its Advocacy Department, which works to increase and improve affordable housing in DC. www.mannadc.org

Organizing Neighborhood Equity, DC (ONE DC) ($40,000) For general support of this organization, which works to create and preserve racial and economic equity in the District of Columbia. www.onedconline.org


Advocates for Justice and Education, Inc. ($45,000) For general support of this organization, which provides educational advocacy, support, legal services, and training to at-risk students and their parents. www.aje-dc.org

DC Action for Children ($15,000) For its project to address high rate of school absenteeism. www.dckids.org


CASA de Maryland ($30,000) For its Community Organizing Department, which organizes low-income Latino and immigrant workers to effect positive policy changes concerning economic security . www.casademaryland.org

Food Research and Action Center ($30,000) For its Maryland Hunger Solutions project, which focuses on increasing the use of federal nutrition resources in the state. www.mdhungersolutions.org

Job Opportunities Task Force ($60,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which works to promote and develop policies and programs that increase the skills, job opportunities, and incomes of low-skill, low-income workers and job seekers in Maryland ($35,000); and (b) a statewide earned sick days campaign ($25,000). www.jotf.org

Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations ( $40,000) For its Maryland Budget & Tax Policy Institute, which provides accessible research and analysis of state budget and tax policies. www.marylandnonprofits.org


Center for American Progress ($35,000) Recommended for the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy for its Half in Ten campaign to build political and public will to cut the state’s poverty rate in half over the next ten years. www.halfinten.org

Commonwealth institute for Fiscal Policy ($125,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which analyzes how policy, budget and tax proposals will affect low-income families and communities in Virginia ($110,000); and (b) to develop a new fundraising plan ($15,000). www.thecommonwealthinstitute.org

Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy ($40,000) For general support of this organization, an interfaith partnership focused on social and economic justice issues. www.virginiainterfaithcenter.org

Virginia New Majority Education Fund ($85,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which promotes civic participation among people of color ($50,000); and (d) to pilot a community voter education initiative in Northern Virgina ($35,000). www.vnm-educationfund.org

Virginia Organizing ($65,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which provides policy analysis, training and technical assistance to low-income individuals and organizations around the state working for economic justice ($40,000); and (b) its work on comprehensive immigration reform, which will focus on educating the public, media and policymakers about the policies and practices that will support families and advance economic justice for workers ($25,000). www.virginia-organizing.org


Latin American Youth Center: $52,000 For general support of this organization, which provides comprehensive youth development services to immigrant youth in the city ($2,000) and its transition fund to ensure the organization’s long-term financial sustainability ($50,000). www.layc-dc.org Management Assistance Group ($20,000) For general support of this organization, which strengthens the social justice community by providing technical assistance to increase organizational effectiveness. www.managementassistance.org

Mary's Center for Maternal and Child Care ( $10,000) For a full-page ad in the Mary's Center Gala brochure ($1,000) and for general support ($9,000). www.maryscenter.org Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington ($9,500) For its Karel Fellowship program that recruits and places in local nonprofits college students of color interested in public interest communications. www.nonprofitroundtable.org

Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington ($20,000) For general support of this organization, which provides comprehensive, culturally sensitive, affordable and confidential family planning and reproductive health services to low-income, at-risk teens, women, and men in the metropolitan Washington area ($18,500); and for its 2013 Gala ($1,500). www.ppmw.org

Sasha Bruce Youthwork ($20,000) For general support of this organization, which works to improve the lives of runaway and homeless youth in DC. www.sashabruce.org


Bellwether Education Partners ($22,000) For the creation of a policy “playbook” of actionable policy ideas that state and local policymakers can use to expand access to new educational models. www.bellwethereducation.org

Colorado Non-profit Development Center ($53,000) Recommended for the Education News Network (ENN), which provides deep local coverage of education policy and practice that informs decisions and actions, leading to better outcomes for children. www.cndc.org

DC School of Law Foundation ($1,000) For general support of this organization, which provides financial support for needy students. www.dcslf.org

Education Reform Now ($60,000) For general support of this organization, which promotes social welfare dedicated to creating an America in which every child, regardless of class or race, has the social and economic opportunities afforded by an excellent public education. www.edreformnow.org

Families for Excellent Schools ($105,000) For general support of this organization, which mobilizes charter school families in support of aggressive education reform. FES trains, equips, and supports parents to participate in a coordinated advocacy campaign that fights for every family's right - especially families in poverty - to choose an excellent school. www.familiesforexcellentschools.org

Friends of Hebrew Language Academy Charter School ($25,000) For the Harlem Hebrew Language Academy Charter School, which aims to provides a new model for effecting community change through education and civic involvement. www.harlemhebrewcharter.org

Fund for the City of New York ($50,000) Recommended for the Promise Project, which aims to provide effective, all-encompassing services for children with learning disorders in Harlem, the Bronx, and Washington Heights, while creating a model for effective evaluation and educational support for all underprivileged children with learning disorders. www.fcny.org

Future Is Now - New Orleans ($150,000) For general support of this organization, which works with students, parents and the community to turn around some of the most challenging schools in New Orleans. www.finschools.org

The Gillen Brewer School ($25,000) For general support of this organization, which provides young children classified as learning disabled with an intensive 12-month

school program that includes a full academic program, speech therapy, occupational therapy, play therapy/counseling, physical education, music and art. www.gillenbrewer.com

Inwood Academy for Leadership ($5,000) For general support of this organization, which empower students in Inwood and Washington Heights to become agents for change through community-focused leadership, character development and college preparedness. www.inwoodacademy.org

Landmark College ($50,000) For general support of this organization, which uses integrated services and a culture of innovation, discovery and application to produce confident, independent learners. www.landmark.edu

New Classrooms Innovation Partners ($50,000) For general support of this organization, which aims to be the national leader in Next Generation Learning through its flagship product, Teach to One: Math.

Success Academy Charter Schools ($100,000) For general support of this organization, which operates 14 schools with more than 4,500 students in underserved communities in Harlem, Brooklyn, Manhattan and the South Bronx. www.successacademies.org

Stephen Gaynor School ($100,000) For its scholarship program, which provides financial assistance to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to access the school resources regardless of family income. www.stephengaynor.org

Tapestry Project ($50,000) For general support of this organization, which aims to create a model of urban educational transformation through racially and economically diverse charter schools in Northern Brooklyn. www.thetapestryproject.org

TeachPlus ($25,000) For general support of this organization, which creates and runs programs aimed at effective urban teachers who want to stay in the classroom while expanding their impact as leaders. www.teachplus.org

The Urban Assembly ($55,000) For general support of this organization, which prepares students from under-resourced neighborhoods in New York City for success in college. www.urbanassembly.org

Wesleyan University ($25,000) For a current use scholarship that will fund approximately 50% of a need-blind student’s four year career at the University.  www.wesleyan.edu  

Yonkers Partners in Education ($5,000) For general support of this organization, which works to increase the number of students in the Yonkers public school system that complete post-secondary education. www.ypie.org



American Sexual Health Association ($10,000) For its project to convene sexual health leaders for a meeting on dual use of condoms and Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARCs). www.ashasexualhealth.org

Legal Voice ($20,000) To develop an alliance of five state-based women's law and policy centers in order to strengthen their advocacy capacity and step-up pursuit of pro-active legal and policy strategies to advance women's rights and reproductive justice in the states. www.legalvoice.org

Funders Network on Population Reproductive Health and Rights ($5,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to improve communication, foster collaboration, increase resources and enhance the overall effectiveness of grantmakers who address issues of population, reproductive health, rights and justice, both domestically and internationally. www.fundersnet.org

Ms. Foundation for Women ($25,000) To develop a strategy to better integrate its economic and reproductive justice programs. www.forwomen.org

National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association ($40,000) For general support of this organization, which works to secure access to voluntary, comprehensive, and culturally sensitive family planning and reproductive health care services and to support reproductive freedom for all. www.nfprha.org

National Health Law Program ($40,000) For its Initiative to Promote Reproductive Health Access for Low-Income Women, which works to protect and expand low-income women’s access to reproductive health services, including support for healthy pregnancies, pregnancy prevention and abortion. www.healthlaw.org

National Women's Health Network ($100,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to ensure women’s self-determination in all aspects of their reproductive and sexual health; establish universal health care that meets the needs of diverse women; and challenge the inappropriate medicalization of women’s sexual and reproductive lives. www.nwhn.org

National Women's Law Center ($50,000) For its projects to (a) protect and advance women’s reproductive rights and health and (b) increase the availability of high-quality, affordable child care and early childhood education for low-income families. www.nwlc.org

Reproductive Health Technologies Project ($75,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to advance the ability of every woman to achieve full reproductive freedom with access to the safest, most effective, and preferred methods for controlling her fertility and protecting her health; and to expand its communications and development capacity so that it can intensify pro-active advocacy over the next several years. www.rhtp.org

RH Reality Check ($100,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to (a) foster evidence-based coverage in the online, broadcast, and print media of sexual and reproductive rights, health and justice issues; (b) provide rapid response to distortions of these issues by the far right; and (c) offer a platform through which members of the broader reproductive and sexual health communities can share ideas. www.rhrealitycheck.org

The Guttmacher Institute ($10,000)    For its Cory L. Richards Memorial Scholarship Fund, a graduate education scholarship in memory of Cory Richards. www.guttmacher.org


Advocates for Youth ($40,000) For its project to encourage and assist young people to access reproductive and sexual health services through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). www.advocatesforyouth.org

Black Women's Health Imperative ($70,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to advance the health and well-being of African American women and girls through advocacy, community health and wellness education and leadership development ($40,000); and for its project to transition to a new President/CEO ($30,000). www.blackwomenshealth.org

Choice USA ($100,000) For general support of this organization, which mobilizes and provides ongoing support to the diverse, upcoming generation of leaders who promote and protect reproductive choice. www.choiceusa.org

DC Abortion Fund ($20,000) For general support of this organization, an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that makes grants and no-interest loans to women in the DC region who cannot afford the full cost of an abortion. www.dcabortionfund.org

Forward Together ($60,000) For general support of this organization, which promotes reproductive justice through local and national organizing, leadership development, alliance building and education. www.forwardtogether.org

Hampshire College ($15,000) For its Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), and specifically for its Summer Leadership Institute, a training project for new leaders that provides in-depth skills building, as well as education about the history of the reproductive justice movement and emerging reproductive justice issues.      www.clpp.hampshire.edu

Law Students for Reproductive Justice ($150,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which seeks to develop legal expertise and leadership for the future of reproductive freedom in the US and around the world ($50,000); and (b) two one-year reproductive justice (RJ) fellowships as part of a program designed to build the capacity of reproductive justice (RJ) organizations and build a pipeline for RJ lawyers ($100,000). www.lsrj.org

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force ($30,000) For its project to integrate reproductive rights and justice work throughout its programming and to develop strategic partnerships with reproductive rights and justice organizations to achieve common goals. www.thetaskforce.org

National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health ($190,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to promote the reproductive health, dignity and rights of Latinas ($100,000); (b) its National Coalition on Immigrant Women’s Rights ($90,000). www.latinainstitute.org

National Network of Abortion Funds ($100,000) For general support of this organization, which works to increase access to abortion and full reproductive health care for women who face the greatest barriers: low-income women, women of color, immigrant women, and young women; and for its Coalition for Abortion Access and Reproductive Equity (CARE), a long-term campaign to remove barriers to public funding for abortion care. www.nnaf.org

New Venture Fund ($75,000) For its Groundswell Fund, and specifically for (a) its Catalyst Fund, which works to increase resources for U.S.-based women of color-led efforts in the reproductive justice arena in order to build a more inclusive and effective movement for sexual and reproductive health and rights ($45,000) and (b) its Reproductive Justice Fund, which supports leading grassroots organizing and policy advocacy efforts led by historically marginalized people ($30,000). www.groundswellfund.org

Nursing Students for Choice ($30,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to expand opportunities for reproductive health care training and activism for nursing students. www.nursingstudentsforchoice.org

Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice Educational Fund ($40,000) For its project to build its communications and donor development capacity, which will help the organization launch a major donor program and disseminate faithful and compassionate messages about reproductive justice. www.rcrc.org

The Religious Institute ($30,000) For general support of this organization, which advocates for sexual health, education, and justice in America’s religious communities and in society. www.religiousinstitute.org

Tides Center ($110,000) For its National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF) project, which seeks to build a movement of Asian and Pacific Islander women and girls in the U.S. to advance social justice and human rights. www.napawf.org

University of California, San Francisco ($15,000) For its CoreAlign project, which seeks to build a network of leaders and develop a long-term strategy to change policies, culture and conditions so that they support all people's sexual and reproductive decisions; specifically, this grant would support travel for individuals from under-resourced and underrepresented communities to participate in CoreAlign programs. www.corealign.org

Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers ($20,000) For its Washington AIDS Partnership, which addresses DC's HIV/AIDS epidemic with a variety of strategies that focus on preventing new infections and improving the regional system of HIV/AIDS prevention, testing, treatment and care. www.washingtonaidspartnership.org


Catholics for Choice ($65,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to shape and advance sexual and reproductive ethics that are based on justice, reflect a commitment to women's well-being, and respect and affirm the capacity of women and men to make moral decisions about their lives ($40,000); and to provide assistance to sexual and reproductive health and rights organizations in Latin America to advance comprehensive reforms of reproductive health and rights policies ($25,000). www.catholicsforchoice.org

Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE) ($125,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to ensure that U.S. international policies and programs promote sexual and reproductive health within a human rights framework for women and girls worldwide. www.genderhealth.org

Global Justice Center ($25,000) For its August 12th Campaign, which seeks to use international humanitarian law to challenge policies that restrict the use of U.S. funding for abortion services and information, even for women and girls who become pregnant from rape in armed conflict. www.globaljusticecenter.net

Health Global Access Project (Health GAP) ($40,000) For general support of this organization, including its Treat the People Campaign, which seeks to eliminate the barriers to HIV treatment for all people living with AIDS. www.healthgap.org

Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) ($35,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to promote access to medicines for people in developing countries by changing norms and practices on university patenting and licensing; encouraging development of treatments for neglected diseases that disproportionately affect the poorest patients in the world; and empowering students to respond to the access and innovation crisis. www.uaem.org


Fund for Global Human Rights (FGHR) ($115,000) Recommended for general support of (a) Centro Mujeres (CM), a community health and rights organization dedicated to fostering the empowerment and well-being of women, adolescents, and migrant workers; providing community health education and leadership training; and advocating for changes in policies and programs that promote respect for reproductive and sexual rights in Baja California Sur, Mexico. ($50,000); (b) Fondo Centro Americano de Mujeres, which provides funding for women's organizations in Central

America that are committed to advancing women's human rights ($35,000); (c) Minga Peru, which produces educational radio programs and trains a network of community promoters to provide culturally appropriate health and income generation education in indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon ($30,000); for. www.fcmujeres.org; www.mingaperu.org; www.mingaperu.org

San Miguel - CASA, Inc. ($60,000) For general support of this organization, which raises funds for the Centro para los Adolescentes de San Miguel de Allende (CASA); CASA trains peer promoters and develops young leaders, operates Mexico’s first nationally accredited midwifery college, and provides reproductive health services and education in the state of Guanajuáto, Mexico. www.casa.org.mx

Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights ($35,000) For general support of this organization, a rapid response fund to support and protect women’s human rights defenders as they create a culture of justice, equality and peace. www.urgentactionfund.org


American University ($30,000) For its National Immigrant Women's Advocacy Project, which seeks to reform laws, policies and practices to improve legal options and access to services for immigrant women and children, especially immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and other crimes. www.wcl.american.edu/niwap

Asylum Access ($102,000) For general support of this organization, which advocates for the rights of refugees - particularly women - through direct legal counsel and representation, community legal empowerment, and policy advocacy and strategic litigation at the national and international levels. www.asylumaccess.org

International Rescue Committee (IRC) ($75,000) For its IRC’s Women’s Refugee Commission, and specifically, for its Migrant Rights and Justice Program, which promotes reforms in U.S. law, policy and practice to ensure human rights protections for women, children, and families who are fleeing persecution and seeking asylum. www.womensrefugeecommission.org

Tahirih Justice Center ($135,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which enables immigrant women and girls fleeing gender-based violence to access justice under U.S. law ($50,000); and (b) investments in capacity building to implement its three-year strategic plan ($85,000). www.tahirih.org

University of California Hastings College of Law ($85,000) For its Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, which works to advance the rights of women and children

through legal advocacy and support for asylum seekers in the United States, and with direct responses to the systemic gender-based human rights abuses that force them to flee their home countries. www.cgrs.uchastings.edu

Women’s Link Worldwide ($75,000) For general support of this organization, which is dedicated to advancing women's rights through the development and strategic implementation of human rights law worldwide. www.womenslinkworldwide.org


ActionAid USA ($150,000) For its “Je Nan Je” Land and Housing Rights Campaign in Haiti, which will enable campaign members to effectively advocate for key policy reforms. www.actionaidusa.org

Alliance for Justice ($43,000) For general support of this organization, which provides non-profit organizations with the training and education they need to effectively advocate for public policies that benefit their constituencies and advance social justice. www.allianceforjustice.org

As You Sow ($30,000) For its Responsible Sourcing Network Project, which seeks to eradicate egregious human rights abuses in the value chains of consumer goods. www.asyousow.org

Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) ($20,000) For general support of this organization, which produces economic analysis for the use of the public on both domestic and international issues, promotes social and economic progress, and fosters a more balanced debate on key domestic and international economic issues. www.cepr.net

Center for Effective Government ($5,000) For its Charity and Security Network Project, which works to eliminate the unnecessary and counterproductive barriers to legitimate charitable, peacebuilding and development work found in current counterterrorism measures. www.foreffectivegov.org

The Fund for Global Human Rights ($1,010,000) For general support of this organization, which provides funding to local human rights organizations around the world ($1,000,000); and for its 10th Anniversary Gala. ($10,000) www.globalhumanrights.org

Global Rights: Partners for Justice ($25,000) For general support of this organization, which builds human rights capacity alongside local activists in Africa, Asia and Latin America to promote and protect the rights of marginalized populations. www.globalrights.org

Human Rights First ($450,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which seeks to promote effective and principled U.S. human rights policies at home and abroad, to expand the rule of law, and ensure the dignity to which every individual is entitled ($50,000); and (b) its efforts to expand legal representation for asylum seekers and to reform the U.S Immigration system. ($400,000) www.humanrightsfirst.org

International Labor Rights Forum ($44,762.91) For (a) general support of this organization, which is dedicated to achieving just and humane treatment for workers worldwide ($20,000); and (b) in-kind contribution for base rent and operating expense ($24,762.91). www.laborights.org

Justice At Stake Campaign ($2,000) For general support of this organization, which works to keep U.S. courts fair and impartial through citizen education, civic engagement, and reform. www.justiceatstake.org

Latin America Working Group Education Fund (LAWGEF) ($25,000) For general support of this organization, which seeks to promote human rights in U.S. foreign policy towards Latin America. www.lawg.org

Proteus Fund ($2,000) Recommended for the International Human Rights Funder's Group (IHRFG), to strengthen philanthropic efforts to achieve the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the treaties and laws it has generated. www.ihrfg.org

Public Citizen Foundation ($15,000) Recommended for the Peruvian Network for Globalization with Equity - (RedGE), which promotes equitable alternatives to corporate globalization and builds public awareness of the implications of international trade agreements. www.citizen.org T’ruah (formally Rabbis for Human Rights-North America) ($12,000) For general support of this organization, which works with rabbis in the United States and Canada to address human rights issues and which provides resources and training to rabbis to strengthen their ability to be human rights leaders. www.truah.org

Refugees International ($65,000) For (a) general support of this organization, which generates life-saving humanitarian assistance and protection for displaced people around the world, and works to end the conditions that create displacement ($25,000); and (b) its evaluation trip to Egypt and Israel, to evaluate the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers and to advocate for increased services ($40,000). www.refugeesinternational.org

Urban Justice Center ($122,000) For its Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project, a legal and policy advocacy organization that works to develop and enforce a system of legal and human rights for refugees, and specifically to support its Middle East Program Director ($52,000) and to fund IRAP’s new development staff ($70,000). www.refugeerights.org

Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) ($25,000) For general support of this organization, which promotes human rights, democracy, and social justice by working with partners in Latin America and the Caribbean to shape policies in the US and abroad. www.wola.org

VI. RELIEF $155,000

UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)-$40,000, American near East Refugee Aid -$20,000, ActionAid-$40,000, Center for Victims of Torture -$40,000 ($120,000) Emergency assistance and support for four organizations that are responding to the needs of the 6.8 million Syrian people estimated by the United Nations to be in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.

Doctors Without Borders USA/Medecins Sans Frontieres ($30,000) For its Emergency Relief Fund, which allows MSF to flexibly respond to critical humanitarian needs, including those that may not receive public or media attention. www.doctorswithoutboarders.org

Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger ($5,000) For general support of this organization, which works to eliminate hunger in the United States and around the world. www.mazon.org

VII. OTHER $87,500

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay ($1,500) For general support of this organization, which works to restore the health and vitality of the Chesapeake Bay, given in honor of George William Schriefer. www.allianceforthebay.org

Alonzo King Lines Ballet ($8,000) For general support of this organization. www.linesballet.org

Center for Community Change ($4,000) For general support of this organization. www.communitychange.org

City Harvest ($20,000) For general support of this organization, which works to fight hunger in New York City.

Clearwater Initiative ($1,000) For general support of this organization. www.clearwaterinitiative.org

Convergence Center for Policy Resolution ($5,000) For general support of this organization. www.convergencepolicy.org

Funding Arts Network ($1,000) For general support of this organization. Friends of the Arava Institute ($5,000) For general support of this organization, which prepares young leaders to solve environmental challenges in the Middle East. www.friendsofarava.org Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services ($2,500) For general support of this organization. Mississippi Center for Justice ($2,500) For general support of this organization, which works to advance racial and economic justice. www.mscenterforjustice.org National Museum of African Art ($3,500) For general support of this organization.

National Museum of African American History and Culture ($2,000) For general support of this organization.

New York Live Arts ($1,500) For general support of this organization, which works to create a robust framework for the nation's dance and movement-based artists through new approaches to producing, presenting and educating. www.newyorklivearts.org

Pacific Environment and Resource Center ($7,000) For general support of this organization, which works to protect the living environment of the Pacific Rim. www.pacificenvironment.org

Resource Foundation ($1,500) Recommended for Minga Peru. www.resourcefnd.org

Southeast Senior Center for Independent Living ($1,000) For general support of this organization.

Star Scholarship Foundation ($5,000) For general support of this organization.

Stevens Forest Cooperative Nursery School ($2,000) To support the purchase of a new supply shed.

Stevens Forest Elementary School ($3,000) For (a) supplementary support for the PTA’s efforts to purchase additional I-Pads for the docking station cart ($2,000) and (b) to pay for supplemental activities such as field trips, school activities, and school supplies for children from families that lack resources ($1,000).

Super Leaders ($2,500) For general support of this organization, which works to help youth develop leadership skills. www.super-leaders.com

University Legal Services ($3,000) For its project to provide advocacy and alternatives to incarceration for persons with mental illness.

WAMU American University Radio ($5,000) For general support of this organization, which works to explores regional issues such as education, community development, crime and the environment. www.wamu.org