2013 iMedia Agency Summit Presentation - The Future of Social is Rich!

David Simon SVP of Strategic Development at PointRoll Todd Pasternack VP of Product Strategy at PointRoll 1 The Future of Social is Rich! Facebook now engages consumers across mobile devices with interactive rich and relevant creative delivered and targeted at scale.


Facebook Engages Consumers Across Mobile Devices with Relevant & Interactive Creative at Scale Driving Results: Discover how marketers across verticals can utilize rich media within Facebook to connect with their consumers, increasing brand awareness, CTR, and engagement rates across mobile platforms. Learn how big brands can couple Facebook's unmatchable reach and targeting capabilities with dynamic and interactive creative to measure and understand user engagement within a social environment, going beyond "Likes."

Transcript of 2013 iMedia Agency Summit Presentation - The Future of Social is Rich!

  • 1. David Simon SVP of Strategic Development at PointRoll Todd Pasternack VP of Product Strategy at PointRollThe Future of Social is Rich! Facebook now engages consumers across mobile devices with interactive rich and relevant creative delivered and targeted at scale.

2. Over YOU population will the US DID 50% ofinternet by mobile device be browsing the in 2014. KNOW? 3. Thats are over And over 114 million of There 36% of the total will be mobile themUS population!phone 146 million FacebookFacebook users users in the US. by 2014 4. FACEBOOK ADS TARGETED TO DAVID 5. We Live In A World of Engagement 6. ONLINE A WORLD OF WE LIVE INADVERTISING ENGAGEMENT 7. WHAT IF WE COULD COMBINE FACEBOOKWITHRICH ENGAGING CREATIVE874 MILLION MOBILE MONTHLY AVERAGE USERSENGAGING, RESPONSIVE CREATIVEUNPARALLELED AUDIENCE TARGETING*REAL-TIME MARKETING (DYNAMIC)NATIVE AD EXPERIENCE150+ PERFORMANCE METRICS*First and third party 8. ITS EDS WORLD. #MEETE Gym instructor and t-ball D by day coach ninja by night.YOURE JUST ADVERTISING IN IT.#MeetEd 9. EDS INTERESTS Cambodian food Power tools Fantasy football 10. EDS RECENT ONLINE BEHAVIOR Bought a snow blower Signed up for hot yoga Bought a bouncy castle Spent over 72 hours on his mobile phone usingFacebook last week 11. Scan the code to view Showcase! 12. CHALLENGECASE STUDYTest their highly successful desktop e-circular campaigns on Facebook mobile. 13. GOALCASE STUDYThe goal was to drive consumer action from in-hand technology and expand their Facebook reach and page exposure. 14. CASE STUDYPERFORMANCE FACEBOOK PERFORMANCE Total Reach 8,312,024Page Likes 6,914Engagement Per Like 187.97%Total CTR*: 17.28%, (17.17% higher than PointRolls mobile benchmark of 0.11%)Interaction Rate*: 0.81% (0.13% higher than PointRolls mobile benchmark of .68%)Activity Rate*: 44.53% (44.10% higher than PointRolls mobile benchmark of 0.43%)Page Engagements 12,996MOBILE RICH MEDIA PERFORMANCE 15. #MEETE Gym instructor and t-ball D by day coach ninja by night.BACK TO ED 16. EDS FRIENDS 752 Facebook friendsBelongs to following groups: Taylor Swift FansCrocs on my feetAfter Shower SelfiesCreated a group for his neighborhood Fantasy Football LeagueCreated his own Facebook Fan Page called Asian Dragon Tattoos 17. GIVE ED A TRY! 18. GIVE ED A TRY!Ed Facebook Campaign Impressions Served = 78,862Total Expansions = 939Expansion Rate = 1.2%79.4% of people who expanded the ad also interacted with the unit116 users Liked, commented or shared Eds storyDemographics: Male= 62Female = 38 19. GIVE ED A TRY!Ed App Engagement 20% of engaged users granted PointRoll permission to use their private information31% of app users shared their customized ad with their Facebook Friends Total Impressions of user custom campaigns shared = 2032 News Feed = 1024 Timeline = 372 Ticker = 636Total amount of users who clicked on shared ad = 133 20. FINAL THOUGHTS Social Targeting + Rich Creative = Deep Engagement Permission-based Advertising = Long-Term Engagement Social Media Relationships = Brand Advocacy 21. #THANKYOU David Simon SVP of Strategic Development at PointRoll Todd Pasternack VP of Product Strategy at PointRollEMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected]@simondavidu @toddpasternack