2013 fall 7th class facts properties약물남용,사이버마약

Drug Abuse – 7 약약약약 -7 Facts & Properties of Illicit drugs Choongnam Natl. Univ. Dept. of Forensic Sciences 약약약 약약약약약약 Aug.- Dec., 2013 약약약 Sungwoon Choi 1

Transcript of 2013 fall 7th class facts properties약물남용,사이버마약

Page 1: 2013 fall 7th class facts properties약물남용,사이버마약

Drug Abuse – 7약물남용 -7

Facts & Properties of Illicit drugs

Choongnam Natl. Univ.Dept. of Forensic Sciences

충남대 과학수사학과

Aug.- Dec., 2013

최성운 Sungwoon Choi 1

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First, Terminology 용어

Euphoria: “An excited state of joy, a good feeling, a state of intense happiness” - 행복감 , 도취감 ? - after “rush” 다행증 . 쾌홀감 ? 매우 강한 행복감 , 유포리아‘High’: “A period of euphoria, from excitement or from an intake of drugs” – 고양감 ? – after “Rush” ‘Crash’: “A comedown of a drug” 술과 유사 , 술 섭취 후 혈중 농도 감소 시 추락 , 실추 , 전락‘Comedown’: “A sudden drop to a lower states, condition or level, a disappointment or letdown” 실망 , 의기소침 “A calm, mellow period experienced after 온화한 , 부드러운 the initial ‘high’ from taking drugs” – 몰락 , 실추 , 전락

Rush – Euphoria – High – Crash(Comedown) 의 순서


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Review on Drug Terms

Illicit drugs 금제 , 위법 ? 금제약물 legal & Illegal (Schedule I,II) 합법적 약물도 포함 a drug taken outside its regulated or medically prescribed use 의료외적 , 규제 ( 통제 ) 외적 사용Drugs of abuse 남용 약물 (vs. drug use) a common term to refer to recreational drugs, legal & Illegal used in an irresponsible or harmful way 무책임하고 해롭게 , 즐기는 ( 기호성 ) 약물에 대한 말 , 합법 + 불법 포함 Psychoactive drugs 향정신성 약물 – 모든 마약류 포함 , 중추신경 작용 affect the CNS, not all of them are illegal 중추신경계 작용 , 모두 불법은 아님Recreational drugs 기호성 약물 taken for non-medical purposes, for pleasure – 술 , 담배 의료외적 효과 쾌락 , 즐거움 (?) 을 위해Narcotics (“ to numb” by the Greek) Orig. – sleep inducing 마약 psychoactive drugs, Legal. – one that totally prohibited 법정 , 법률 refers specifically to drugs related to opium or its synthetic forms 특징적으로 아편 , 합성 , 반 합성 아편을 말함 – 주의


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마약분류 in South Korea 한국에서의 마약류를 분류 하고 예를 드시오

마약류 : 마약 , 대마 , 향정신의약품 + 유해화학물 ( 유해화합물 ) - 환각성 유기용매 -대마 : 대마초 ( 마리화나 ), 대마수지 ( 해쉬쉬 ), 대마수지기름 ( 해쉬쉬기름 ) - 도취감 , 약한 환각 cannabis

마약 : 천연마약 : 아편 , 헤로인 opium, heroin, 몰핀 코카나무잎 , 코카잎 coca, cocaine 합성마약 : 페치딘류 , 메사돈류 , 프로폭시펜 , 벤조모르핀

향정신성 의약품 : 각성제 : 메스암페타민 , 암페타민류 , 펜플루라민 , 암페르라몬 AMs 환각제 : LDS, 페이요트 , 사일로사이빈 , 메스칼린 억제제 : 바르비탈염류제 , 비바르비탈염류제 , 벤조디아제핀염류제 대개 신경 안정제 , 수면제 등

미국에서는 Schedule 1 to 5 로 분류


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Hard drug vs. Soft drug 의존 , 신체 해로움 에의거

Red: hard drug

Orange: Borderline drug

Yellow: Soft drug

Hard Drugs: Psychoactive drugs: Addictive and perceived as Damaging 중독성 - 손상을주는 탐익성

Soft Drugs: Non-addictive (or minimally addictive) 낮은 중독성 Fewer dangers associated with their use. 사용시 낮은 위험성 ?

“The term "soft drug" is considered controversial by its critics 논쟁의 여지있다 because it implies that the drug causes no or insignificant harm.” 유해성 ?


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Some Chemical Structures of illicit Drugs



MethadoneSynthetic opioid analgesicAnti-addictive - opioid dependencyAnalgesic - Chronic pain40-90% oral bioavailabilityhepatic metabolism24-36 half lifeSchedule II (US)






BuprenorphineSemi-synthetic opioid Anti-addictive - opioid addictionAnalgesic - moderate chronic pain40-50% sublingual, ethanolic sol'nhepatic metabolism20-70 half lifeSchedule III (US)




Ketaminehuman, veterinary medicine, No respiratory depressionanesthesia, recreational use, classified as NMDA R antagonistAnalgesia, anesthesis(general), hallucination, etc.40-50% sublingual, ethanolic sol'nhepatic metabolism, renal excretion2-3hs half lifeSchedule III (US)


NH24-MTA (4-methylthioamphetamine)illicit drug, research chemicalNon-neurotoxic selective serotonin releasing agent in animalsLack of euphoriaSchedule I (US)


대부분 진통 , 진정 , 수면 작용

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“American Disease” – How about S. Korea?

About 4% of World’s Population - U.S.A. 세계인구의 4% 차지 But consumes 65% of World’s Supply of “Hard Drugs” ~4% 인구에비해 ~65% 의 하드드럭소모

General Two Attitudes on Illegal Drugs 불법약물에 대한 2 가지 일반적 태도

1) Health Issues – Illegal Drug Use is an “Illness” 마약류 사용 - 전통적 한국적 사고 Drugs are “Evil” – Infectious Disease 악 - 감염 , 질병과 동일시 Threat to Individual’s well-being & Society 개인 , 사회안녕협박

2) “The Forbidden Fruit” - Bold, Adventurous Attitude 금단열매 Drug Use is Sensuous & Fun 감각을 기쁘게 / 즐거운 Drug Prohibition is Unnecessarily Severe 금지는 불필요하게 심하다


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Some Drugs are Illegal, Why ? 왜 불법화 했나 ?

Danger to Self toxic to the body & mind 특히 자가처방 시 - 자신 ( 몸 / 마음 ) 에 위험 solvent inhaler – gasoline, glue & paint thinner – toxic, used to get “high”, not illegal (has practical use) 용매흡입 환각성유기용매 – 불법이 아님

Danger to Others 다른 사람에 위험 unpredictable or compulsive behavior – bring sufferings to friends family, co-workers 예측 , 조절이 어려운 / 강박적인 행동

Danger to Society 사회에 위험 less respectful of regulation & traditions 사회 , 전통 , 규범등에 반항적 hard to control, may lead to a breakdown in social harmony 조절이 어려워서 alcohol & tobacco – socially tolerable 사회조화를 깬다 술 , 담배 - 견딜만함 ? 사회적 허용


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Types of Illegal Drugs Use – 단계 – 불법약물 사용 마약류 사용을 단계별로 설명하시오

Usually begins with Curiosity, Encouragement by friends, or Desire to find relief from boredom, Pain, Anxiety, or Depression. 보통 호기심에서 무료함 통증 불안 , 염려 우울증 에서 해방 친구의 권유에서 1)Experimental Use 실험적 사용 , 단기간 , 비규칙적 사용 , 호기심에서 short-term, random use, out of curiosity, encouragement by friends , or desire to reach an altered state of mind 격려 , 장려 친구에의한 2)Recreational Use 기호적 사용 most often with friends, out of interest or pleasure 친구들과 , 쾌락 , 흥미충족 3)Circumstantial Use 상황적 사용 used for specific purpose, to cope with a problem 특정 목적 , 문제 극복 용도 or to achieve a certain mood( 기분 ), with friends, strangers, or alone 친구 , 제 3 자 , 단독4)Compulsive Use 강박적 사용 – 조절 사용시 큰 문제 없음 –쉽게 통제불능상태도달 drug addiction, dominated by getting & using the drug, can function well when have access and use it in a regulated way( 조절사용 시 - 정상기능 ),

easily uncontrollable & lead to physical, social, & legal problem 쉽게 조절불가 상태로 전환 - 문제야기 사회적 , 법적 문제 9

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Drug use illness 마약류 사용시 발생하는 문제점을 설명하시오

Single-Dose problems 일회사용상 / 시 ( 량 ) 발생 문제점

IV drug use 정맥주사

Overdose 과량투여

Long-term problems 장시간 문제

Withdrawal 금단

Pregnancy 임신상 문제


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Problems with single-dose, IV, overdose, long-term use

Drug users – unknown amounts of drugs from unreliable source

사용자 – 믿을 수 없는 소스로 부터 모르는 용량 – 과량투여 가능성

A danger of a bad reaction 부작용의 일종 /총칭 위험

From impurities in the drug, from infection, overdose 불순물 , 감염 , 과용

or other physical condition 신체 , 물리적 상황

Can occur after minutes, hours, days, or even years 급성적 / 만성적 발생

1960s – sharing needles – hepatitis C, HIV 60년대 주사기공유

간염 , 에이즈


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Problems with single-dose, IV, overdose, long-term use

A danger from IV use 정맥주사 시 위험성

No body defenses vs. smoking, snorting, chewing, ingesting

신체 방어기능이 없다 immune cells on the surface of the lungs


다른 투여경로에 비해 & mucosal membranes 또한 경구투여에 반해서

Non-sterile powders or crushed pills in water 비 살균 가루 사용 문제

fine particles irritate the blood vessels 미세입자 - 혈관 자극

- vascular inflammation, permanent damage

- undissolved fragments can lodge(막다 ) in tiny vessel

of the lungs, heart, brain, eyes – 폐 , 심장 , 뇌 에서

causing hemorrhage, strokes, blindness

녹지 않은 미세조각 – 주요 장기에서 미세혈관 막음

- 출혈 , 스트로크 , 시각상실 12

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A danger form IV use ( 정맥주사 ) - continued

“Cotton fever” – filter the drug through a pinch of cotton 소량 면으로여과시도

remove large fragments but tinier fragments form the cotton itself

- cause a strong immune responses from the body 면역반응야기

- begins about 10-20 minutes after IV inj. 정맥주사후 10-20 분 후

- headache, chills, breathless, nausea, vomiting, pain in the

muscles, joints, abdomen, and lower back 여러 문제 야기

- disappear in 12 to 24hs 두통 , 한기 , 숨참 , 구토 , 여러부위 통증

면화에 기인한 발열 문제

IV drug users die from – 11% from overdose, ~ 50% from the HIV virus

정맥주사 - 통상 11% 는 과량투여로 사망


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A danger from long-term drug use 장기간 사용에서 오는 위험

a withdrawal syndrome due to development of tolerance 내성 - 금단증상

the cumulative impact – MDMA, Amphetamine – gradual erosion 뇌세포파괴

누적 /축적효과 ,영향 of brain nerve cells – not noticed until old age

most common effect – loss of interest & motivation in life

가장 흔한 영향 인생 흥미 , 동기 상실


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Drug use illness - continued

Pregnancy 임신에 영향 The fetus – during the first 8 weeks – greater risk to the unborn child 태아 increase in the risk of miscarriage, infant deformity ,sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 유산 , 기형 , 유아급사증

Addiction 탐익 /닉성 Substance Dependence 물질에 대한 의존성 Psychological dependence – craving for the drug, desperate to get more 갈망 , 욕망 --- 정신적 의존 can be addicted without withdrawal symptoms Physical dependence – physical symptoms of withdrawal 신체금단증상 hangover, body aches, a flue-like 감기 / 몸살느낌 feeling --- 신체적 의존

American Psychiatric Association (APA) “A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to impairment 적응성 없는 or distress( 고통 ), with at least three of the following:” --- next slide 물질사용에서 야기되는 고통 , 손상


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Drug use illness - continued

American Psychiatric Association (APA) – 탐닉성 정의 ---addiction “A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to impairment 비적응 형태 or distress, with at least three of the following:” 손상 , 고통 , 괴롭힘 최소 3 가지 이상 보임Tolerance 내성

Withdrawal: Some drugs cause a withdrawal syndrome after stop taking them (Opposite effects). Opiates – numbness, euphoria, dry skin & mouth, constipation, slow pulse, pinpoint pupils etc. pain, anxiety, runny nose, diarrhea, rapid pulse, dilated pupils etc. 금단증상 대부분 반대 - 투여 시에 비해 상반된 증상Increasing amounts - larger amounts and/or longer period 용량 / 사용기간 증가

Attempts to stop use – cut down, try to control 사용량조절 , 중지시도

Drug-seeking behavior – spend lots of time to get the drug 약물취득위해 장시소모

Neglecting other activities 다른 일반 활동 무시

Drug problems – continue to use 지속사용 16

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Stages of Addiction 중독 / 탐닉의 과정을 설명하시오

Addiction dose not occur immediately – from gradual process 천천히 ( 서서히 ) 발생 약물 중독 / 탐닉 – 서서히 발생Experimental Stage 단순호기심 , 절차 -관례 simple curiosity, a rite of passage into a social group, peer pressureSocial Stage still feels normal 여전히 정상느낌 the use of the drug is a big part of social acceptance, identityInstrumental Stage 도구로 사용 for a specific purpose: pleasure, cope with anger, shame, guilt, stress, boredom, or loneliness 특정목적위해 도구로 away from old friends, more time with heavy users – getting “high” tolerance, extreme mood swings no longer feels normal 더 이상 정상적이라 느끼지 못함Compulsive Stage 강제 , 억지 the final stage, preoccupied with drug & will do anything to get it - theft, prostitution 약물에 몰두 / 열중

But, only small % fall into this category, most of them stop before this stage 적은 수의 사용자만 마지막 상태 빠짐 , 대부분 이전 단계에서 중지 17

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Top 10 reasons to use illegal drugs 불법약물을 사용하는 이유를 열거하시오

1) To numb the body 신체로부터의 영향을 무력화시키기위해 escape pain, dissociate from the body, achieve a sort of mental vacation - ex. Prostitutes: the body is no longer a source of embarrassment, suffering 신체로부터의 고통 등 , 정신적 휴가2) Recreation - simply for pleasure ( 쾌락 ), most common reason 일종의 취미 가장 일반적 이유3) To join a social group 친목 , 사교 그룹 합류

4) Social functioning – MDMA, Amphetamine help shy, inhibited people to open up socially, business dealings 내성적 , 부끄럼움 등 , 사업상5) Mind expansion – explore other realms of consciousness, for music? 새로운 경험 , 음악 ? 6) Religion – to contact God 종교적 목적

7) To improve performance – taken for energy and endurance( 인내 ) (Cocaine, Amphetamine) 일 능률증가


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Top 10 reasons to use illegal drugs - continued

8) To change the body 몸을 변화 시키려고 amphetamines for weight loss, GHB to increase muscle mass 체중감소 근육 량 증가

9) Self-medication 자가처방 - 복용 for a specific illness, medical use of marijuana 특정질병에 사용 - help cope with anxiety, depression, other illness 근심 , 우울 등 벗어나려고

10) Because the are illegal 단순히 불법이니까 the Greek myth of Pandora ( 호기심 -본능 ?) 판도라 박스 the story of the forbidden fruit – the book of Genesis (Bible) 성경의

금단열매 Adolescents – tend to question authority, risk-taking behavior 특히 사춘기 청소년




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Stages of Recovery 재활단계 중독으로 부터의 재활 단계를 설명하시오

1) Pre-contemplation – deny that a problem exists, blame others 문제존재 거부 , 제 3 자 비난

2) Contemplation 정관 , 명상 , 숙고 – recognize a problem, 문제인식 still focus on the past, problem not future and the solution 여전히 과거 , 문제집착 해결 , 미래지향불능 3) Preparation – set a date for action 준비 단계 , 계획필요 4) Action – time & energy – strong encouragement and support 격려 , 도움필요 5) Maintenance – remain focused to avoid lapses & relapses 퇴보 , 재발 can last from 6 months to a life time 유지 6 개월에서 평생 걸릴 수 있음6) Termination – no temptation 유혹 , 충동 사라짐 But addiction is a lifelong issue that never entirely disappears 중독은 평생문제 – 결코 완전히 사라지지 않는다


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The Fastest way to the Brain - 5 common methods of drug use

1) Smoking – lungs to (left side of heart) brain – 7 to 10 seconds ( 수사와 과학 , p257 참고 )

2) Injecting (IV) – slower than smoking – to the heart(right side), 정맥주사 then to the lungs, to the heart(left side) to the brain – 15 to 30 seconds (iv) IM, SC (3 to 5 minutes)

3) Snorting – to the heart – 3 to 5 minutes 비강

4) Contact – through the skin, eyes, mouth, vagina, or anus – 3 to 5 minutes (for eyes), 15 to 30 minutes (for skin, other areas)

5) Ingesting – eaten, drunk, taken as a pill to stomach – 20 to 30 minutes 경구

일반적인 마약류 투여 경로 ( 사용방법 ) 를 열거하고 특징 및 흡수속도를 비교 설명하시오


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The pupil (눈동자 , 동공 ) on Drug

Constricted (miosis) Dilated (mydriasis) Kerky (nystagmus)

BarbituratesCodeineHeroinMorphineOther OpiatesGlutethimide




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The Business of Illegal drugs – 특징 마약류 사업의 특징을 열거하시오

Producing, Marketing, Distributing & Selling – Normal (?) Economic Activities A hierarchy of agents 피라미드형직제 Specialists 전문가 Personal, financial risks (very high) 개인 / 금전 위험 매우크다 By an organized crime syndicate – corrupt police, government itself Basic Economy: Follows “Supply & Demand” 수요 -공급 The War on Drugs (USA) – on reducing supply 공급감소에 초점 - demand remain high, higher prices for illegal drugs 수요 / 가격 - increase in drug-related crime, number of people in prison - more people into the drug trade (economic downturn) 불경기 - not sensitive to threats of punishment 처벌에 불감증


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The Business of Illegal drugs – 특징 마약류 사업의 특징을 열거하시오

Youth Employment 젊은 층 고용 - 돈에 쉽게 빠짐 , 다른 적은 기회 - naïve, easily impressed by money, few other opportunities etc. Lookouts – warn dealer about police, rival dealers, gangs etc. 망보기 딜러에게 경찰존재경고 , 경쟁딜러 /갱단 경고 Spotters – direct buyer to an ideal location to make the purchase 찍기 구매자를 안전한곳으로 유도 Couriers – carry drugs around the town 조달 , 수송 Young dealers Enforcers – gang members, protect territory etc. 강화 - 구역보호등 expendable (injured, imprisoned or dead)


Page 25: 2013 fall 7th class facts properties약물남용,사이버마약

The Business of Illegal drugs – 특징 - continued

Prostitution 매춘

Smuggling – highly lucrative business, freight inside or disguised as other produ. 밀수 high volume of international trade – hard to detect 매우 이윤이 높음 hired travelers – “mules” 노새 “body stuffers” “body packing” – can cause accidental over dose 체내 이동 – 사고적 흡수 - 과량사고World drug trade 50% of all crimes in USA – drug related 미국 50% 범죄 – 약물 관련 War on Drug – estim. $18 billion / a year 1 Million south American – involved in cocaine (growing, harvesting ,into cocaine) usu. for USA


Page 26: 2013 fall 7th class facts properties약물남용,사이버마약

Neurotransmitter & Basic Chemistry --- review




Dopamine (DA)CatecholamineDA1 - DA5 ReceptorsCan't cross BBBCognition, Movement, MotivationPunishment-Reward etc. ---CocaineDAT - reuptake & Monoamine Oxidase to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid



Serotonin (5-HT)Tryptamine - Indole5-HT ReceptorsMood, Appetite, Sleep etc. - MDMA, AM, Cocaine etc.SERT - reuptake & Monoamine Oxidase to 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid


Ogamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA)Amino acid - major inhibitory neurotransmitter - CNSGABA Receptors - ligand-gated ion channel(GABA-A) GABA-B: metabotropic - G protein-coupled RRegulate excitability of Nervous SystemBrain development etc. - GHB









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Neurotransmitter & Chemistry --- review -- continued




HistamineImmune responses, neurotransmitterH1 - H5 R (GPCR), H2 - GI gastric acid secretionImmune system disorder, allergies, schizophreniaH2 antagonist - cimetidine etc. - Libido lossH1 antagonist - classical antihistamines: produce sleep



AcetylcholineCNS & Peripheral neurotransmitter - 자율신경Nicotinic, Muscarinic Ach RAcetylcholinesterase - choline + acetate ---- neurotoxin Nerve agents: Sarin, VX, pesticides (organophosphates & carbamates) Botulin, black widow spider, methylmercury





Norepinephrine (NE, noradrenaline)





Epinephrine (Adrenaline)


Page 28: 2013 fall 7th class facts properties약물남용,사이버마약

Legal & Illegal drugs – 일반적 특징 증상 마약류 종류별 증상을 설명하시오

Slurred Speech, slow reaction time, impaired judgment, reduced coordination - depressants- alcohol, barbiturates & tranquilizers 억제제 술 , 진정 , 마취 , 신경안정 – 언어장애 , 반응시간저하 , 판단저하 , 협동조절저하 Intense emotional responses, anxiety, altered sensory perceptions 환각제 / 대마 - hallucinogens- marijuana, LSD, PCP & MDMA 강한 감정반응 , 불안 (근심 , 염려 ), 감각인식변화Alertness, feelings of strength and confidence, rapid speech and movement decreased appetite 경각심증가 , 자신감 / 용기상승 , 빠른언어와 행동 - stimulants- Am, Meth, cocaine 흥분제 - 각성제 식욕감퇴

Drowsiness, intense feeling of well-being, relief from pain( 진통 ) 마약 - narcotics- heroin, morphine, codeine, synthetic opiates 졸림 , 심한 다행 / 행복감 , 진통