2012 Discover Young Hackney Programme

FREE YOUTH ARTS IN FEBRUARY www.discoveryounghackney.com


Youth arts festival programme for Discover Young Hackney 2012.

Transcript of 2012 Discover Young Hackney Programme

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free youth arts in februarywww.discoveryounghackney.com

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bedroom Grime artist? friends’ fashion consultant? livinG room soa P star? Develop your talent at Discover young hackney. you’ll get to work with creative industry professionals, gain experience for your CV and make great contacts – all for free!

festival calendar

09 January c-12 dance theatre rehearsals start – pg18

15 february artist training starts for bbc hackney Weekend – pg 17

4 february london college of fashion Jewellery Workshop Part 1 – pg 22

13 - 18 february shoot your own music video – pg 30

14 - 17 february Professional t-shirt designing – pg 21

11 february london college of fashion Jewellery Workshop Part 2 – pg 22

3 february alter ego talent finals – pg 07

14 January alter ego auditions – pg 07

16 & 17 february interactive theatre sessions – pg 13

23 february arcola academy starts – pg11

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bedroom Grime artist? friends’ fashion consultant? livinG room soa P star?

1 January short documentary competition Open till 6 February – pg 27

15 february your short documentary screened at hackney Picturehouse – pg 27

13 - 16 february threads fashion intensive – pg 23

4 february youth take over Weekend – pg 06

26 January turkish musical rehearsals start – pg 10

15 february one day video challenge – pg 28

13 - 16 february tv Production workshops – pg 32

4 february anna fiorentini theatre & film school starts (every Saturday till 3 Mar) – pg 09

1 february music manager training starts – pg 17

2 January autism and special needs friendly screenings (every Monday) – pg 29

25 february one day film making workshop – pg31

25 february festival closing party – pg34/35

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Welcome from the mayor 2012 is a huge year for Hackney. The Olympic and Paralympic Games are just around the corner and there will be a summer of celebration events as well as the sporting competitions. Discover Young Hackney is the first festival of 2012 and is all about showing the world the skills and talents of young people in the borough.Now in its sixth year, the Discover Young Hackney festival has shown it can last the distance and we’re proud to be able to offer sustainable opportunities for creative young people in our borough.Through this festival you get to build your skills, challenge yourself and network with arts industry professionals. You get accreditation, more confidence and a platform to showcase your talents. This is what you’ve asked for – and we’ve responded with more opportunities than ever in 2012.Of course, Discover Young Hackney has always been about young people taking the lead, and for the third year the festival has been

awarded the Inspire Mark by the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, marking it as part of the big celebrations this year. This is a great achievement but a source of even more pride is that young people have been involved in every aspect of its production, from designing this programme to planning the events themselves.We wouldn’t have achieved it, however, without the cultural and creative organisations that have shown continued commitment and enthusiasm for putting youth arts at the heart of our community. Hackney’s Youth Arts Cluster offers real and lasting creative opportunities for young people and I warmly thank the organisations involved.So, over to you. This festival is designed by young people for young people and I’m looking forward to seeing your energy and talent shape Hackney’s first big cultural programme of 2012.

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Hackney is full of creative opportunities and we want to make sure you can get your hands on them. As Cultural and Media Ambassadors we’re here to point you in the right direction. As Media Ambassadors we’ve formed our own creative agency, working with YH World to set the direction for publicity materials. The Cultural Ambassadors, with help from Hoxton Hall, have been checking out the venues and getting involved in the festival event management.

Lydia Noura, 15, is a Media Ambassador and will be official photographer for the festival this year.

Photo by: Agenda Photography

younG creatives Get behind the scenes

I went to the Discover young hackney workshops on photography

last year. I definitely feel more confident that photography is something I could get into as a career and getting involved in Discover young hackney has already given me a head start. I would say do something different, you never know where it may lead.

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youth take overoNe weekeND of lIVe musIC, workshops, performaNCe aND CreatIVe INDustry aDVICe

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the search is on for hackney’s untaPPed talentauditions 14 January 2012finals 3 february 2012

alter eGo

Do you kNow SomeoNe wHo caN DAnce // Sing // Act // RAP // tAP Juggle // BAlAnce //cOntORt PeRFORM A tRick // get A lAugh Fly thROugh the AiR MAke PeOPle gO OOOOOh OR AAAAAh?

hang onto this flyer to get 3 for 2 entry to the big night for you and your friends. keep an eye on www.discoveryounghackney.com for updates and ticket info.

Auditions 14 January 2012 Book your audition slot now: [email protected] 020 8510 4396Submit a video and vote online at www.discoveryounghackney.com

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PerforminG arts

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siGn uP noW!Contact amy on 020 7682 1403, or email [email protected] www.annafiorentini.com

dancer or diva? Get your biG break

Dance, drama and singing – your thing?. Then work with top performing arts professionals over a month to develop your talent. Past students have ended up on Eastenders, been on Brit flicks and appeared on the west end stage.

Anna Fiorentini

13 19age range

Every Saturday, 4 February to 3 March, 2.30 – 5.30pm

Almack Road, Hackney, E5 0RB

When Where

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13 19 age range

siGn uP noW!Contact Guluzar on 020 7241 6285 or email [email protected] www.alevinet.org

music and drama from turkey

Explore music and drama with a Turkish twist and put on a performance for friends and family. You don’t have to be Turkish to be part of this 10-session cultural programme.

Alevi Music and Drama

PerforminG arts

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 26 January – 29 February, 5 – 7pm

Alevi Cultural Centre & Cemevi, 89 Ridley Road, Hackney E8 2NH

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16 19age range

the biG toP comes to dalstonArcola Academy

PerforminG arts

Over two weeks in the Summer of 2012, young people from across Hackney will be staging exciting new productions inside a Big Top Circus Tent in the heart of Dalston. This Festival of Youth Theatre will feature three plays including a new play by Natasha Sutton Williams, written especially for Discover Young Hackney.

4-7 July 2012 Arcola Theatre, 24 Ashwin Street, Dalston E8 3DL

When Where

siGn uP noW! Contact arcola Creative learning on 0207 503 1645, or email [email protected] www.arcolatheatre.com

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find out more onwww.discoveryounghackney.com

Sang - SongTraditional Vietnamese culture combines with contemporary dance and fashion in a collaborative performance that will be part of Hackney’s celebrations to welcome the London 2012 Games in July. Young people from Hackney’s Vietnamese community have teamed up with Tropical Isles carnival group to produce Sang –Song, which means cross river, mirroring the cross-cultural lifestyle of Hackney’s young Vietnamese.

ParTNerS: hackney Family Action Step Out Arts tropical isles

PerforminG arts

vietnamese contemPorary culture exchanGe

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age range

Get your tickets noWContact rachel on 020 7923 8180 or email [email protected] www.immediate-theatre.com

get the greedyImmediate Theatre’s Advanced Youth Theatre group are staging an interactive experience exploring cultural identity. This is the world premiere of a brand new show.

immediate theatre

all aGes

16 and 17 February Thursday and Friday

Arcola Tent, 2 Ashwin Street, E8 3DL

When Where

PerforminG arts

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siGn uP for the my voice ProGramme atwww.discoveryounghackney.com

Writers, poets, journalists and activists – My Voice needs you to make hackney’s libraries your own.Motivational and personal development expert Action Jackson has inspired people from all walks of life to achieve their goals and live their dreams. He will be at the new C.L.R. James Dalston Library to help you turn your aspirations into reality.

my voice

PerforminG arts

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13 19age range

Local Congolese young people will devise, design and stage-manage a theatre production, gaining skills in acting and technical theatre in a series of workshops. Over eight weeks they will have the chance to tell their personal story and start a discussion with their parents about immigration, life in Hackney and what it means for them to be part of the community.

conGolese youth theatre ProJect

PerforminG arts

Family Action BMe Well Family Service

more info:[email protected], 020 7241 4022

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find out more on www.discoveryounghackney.comcontact: [email protected]

Rehearsing, jamming and then performing in Arcola’s big-top tent as part of the Headstart House Weekender. Young people with disabilities have formed their own band, proving that there are no limits when it comes to creative talent.

huddleston centrethe bam Jam!

Performance Saturday 25th February


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Places are limited so siGn uP noW. Contact Gabin, 020 8986 3222 or email [email protected] www.rising-tide.co.uk

music manaGer and artist traineeshiPs

Do you have an ear for talent? This is your chance to train with professionals from major record labels and top radio DJs in music and artist management. You’ll be managing a local artist who will perform as part of the BBC Hackney Weekend 2012.artists looking for professional development and a chance to perform should get in touch now.

Rising tide

PerforminG arts

Weekly: Feb -Mar Monthly: Apr-July

270 Mare Street, Hackney, E8 1HE

When Where

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C-12 Dance Theatre creates high quality professional touring dance theatre work that engages and inspires the community and commercial sectors. Partnering up with Bridge Academy, participants will be performing at the Discover Young Hackney Youth Take Over at Hackney Empire.

c-12 dance theatre

PerforminG arts

Rehearsals start 9 January, Monday Performance 3 February, Friday

Bridge Academy Laburnum street E2 8BA

When Where

contact adam07782 251 816, adam@c – 12dancetheatre.com www.discoveryounghackney.com

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Xavien russell, 12, played Michael in the hit Channel 4 series Top Boy and trained in acting with Anna Fiorentini Performing Arts School. Anna will be running workshops as part of Discover Young Hackney 2012.How did you get into acting? “I signed up to drama school and I’ve been there for like four years now. I’ve been performing at the Hackney Empire every year doing dancing, singing, all rounders.How do you think being part of your drama school has help you? “It’s something for me to do, so I don’t waste my time doing bad or stuff like that. It’s a great experience.”

what did you enjoy about being on top boy? “I like the filming, when we were off set just cracking jokes and stuff and talking it’s a lot of fun, it wasn’t boring.”what can young people learn from r’nell? “Don’t do drugs, don’t sell it, stay away from anyone who is trying to put you into it, and just do school, be good at it and stuff like that.” what would you tell other young people who want to go down a creative route? “If you are doing acting or dancing keep on doing that, don’t go and start messing about, keep yourself to yourself and enjoy life.”

toP boy xavien russell

By Simone Barclay and Shannique Smith

Photo by: M.A.D. Photography

PerforminG arts

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fashion and desiGn

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siGn uP noW!Contact kirsty on 07535 446 160 or email [email protected] www.artagainstknives.com

oursPace... in the fashion industry

Design your own t-shirt that expresses your life and surroundings. Starting with a research trip to a design studio, industry professionals will guide you from planning to printing. The top three designs will feature in a photo shoot and could end up for sale in the AAK shop in BoxPark.

Art Against knives

16 19age range

14 – 17 of February (Half Term), 11am – 5pm

Unit 55 BOxPARK, Bethnal Green Road E1 6JJ

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siGn uP noW! Contact lesley on 020 7514 9350 or email [email protected] www.fashion.arts.ac.uk

Design and ShineDevelop your designing skills with a range of materials to make sculptural fashion jewellery and accessories. You’ll work in a professional studio, produce sketchbook ideas and learn more about life as student at London College of Fashion.

london colleGe of fashion

16 19 age range

4 and 11 February, 10am – 4pm Saturday

Workshop B107, London College of Fashion, 182 Mare Street, E8 3RE

When Where

fashion and desiGn

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Try your hand at designing and making a garment in just four days. You’ll learn to research, design, cut and stitch your ideas from the page to the catwalk. Your creation will be exhibited in a mini-showcase and fashion shoot giving you photographs you can use to kick-start your portfolio.

Girls only13 19age


siGn uP noW!Contact Natalie on 07713 083 995 or email [email protected] www.peabody.org.uk/living/projects/threads

13 – 16 of February (Half Term), 11am – 4pm

Pembury Youth Club, Shellness Road, Hackney, E5 8JU

When Where

fashion and desiGn

the Peabody trust

threads fashion intensive

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find out more at www.discoveryounghackney.com

Discover Young Hackney have teamed up with YH World, Tropical Isles and Art Against Knives to create a new opportunity for young designers and makers to sell their wares at markets in Hoxton market. Art Against Knives will be taking professionals from the design industry into schools and youth groups across the borough to talk about the highs and lows of making it big.Suported by Lady Gaga’s stylist, Anna Trevelyan

hackney younG desiGners and makers

fashion and desiGn

find out more Contact kate on 020 8356 7209, or email [email protected]

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Create! the V&A’s programme for 11 to 21 year olds, offers an exciting mix of workshops, courses and free events in Fashion, Digital and Graphic Design. Learn from professionals in the creative industries, join CreateVoice and explore the V&A’s extensive collections. www.vam.ac.uk/create

victoria and albert museum

Boundaries will be explored through visual art when local Somali young people work with an art therapist in workshops run in partnership with Off Centre.

Purim, the Jewish festival of fruits will be the inspiration for an exhibition of works from 15 young people with moderate to severe disabilities who are part of Hackney’s Orthodox Jewish community. They’ll learn new designing and making skills and their work will be displayed as part of an exhibition in February.

somali visual arts WorkshoPs

steP by steP

Partners: Family Action BMe Well Family Service

Off centre

fashion and desiGn

siGn uP [email protected], 020 7249 8109

more information:[email protected], www.stepbystepkids.org.uk

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Photo by: Agenda Photography

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13 19age range

siGn uP noW!Contact the DfG team on 020 7249 6600, or email [email protected] www.thedfg.org

You make a short doc - we show it on the big screen. Whatever your experience, and whether you make a new film from start to finish or submit something you’ve already made, if it fits the brief on our website then it could be shown at this year’s festival.

docscreen: short doc festival

Submission deadline 6 February Screening – 16 Febuary

Screening at Hackney Picturehouse, Mare Street, Hackney, E8 1EH

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13 19 age range

siGn uP noW!Contact Jess on 020 3556 5772 or email [email protected] www.poachedcreative.org.uk

Press Play: one-day video challenGe

Plan, shoot, edit and promote a video all in one day. Become a festival reporter as you get behind the scenes at an event. Find out how to make a video that your friends will want to watch, and that will raise your profile on YouTube.

Poached creative

15 February 10 – 4pm, Wednesday

Space Studios, 129 -131 Mare St, E8 3RH

When Where


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discover younG hackney is giving away 10 free tickets during february 2012.

to aPPlywww.discoveryounghackney.com [email protected], 020 8356 7209.

Roundhouse’s media and broadcasting team will be heading to Hackney to train young people in radio and recording skills. The young people will then use these skills to cover the action at The Alter ego finals

Hackney Picturehouse is offering screenings especially for young people on the autistic spectrum or with special needs. During screenings we keep the lights on low and turn down the volume. You can move around, make noise or take a break.

Every Monday




www.roundhouse.org.uk /radio

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13 19 age range

siGn uP noW!Contact amelie on 020 7422 7505, or email [email protected] www.villageunderground.co.uk

Learn the basics of filming and editing in these live music film production workshops. Create a music video, then discover how to launch it on the web and get the social media buzzing. You’ll be working with some of East London’s most exciting creatives at the legendary Village Underground studios.

shoot your oWn music video

13 – 18 February (Half Term), 9.30am – 5pm

Village Underground, 54 Holywell Lane, EC1A 3PQ

When Where

Village underground


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12 15age range

siGn uP noW!Contact sara on 020 7241 9419 or email [email protected] www.riocinemaeducation.org.uk

Make a short film, from the drawing board to DVD in just one day. Working in a group you will write, act, direct, shoot and edit. Everyone is welcome, whatever your experience, and at the end of the day you’ll take home a copy of your very own film.

Rio cinema

Saturday 25 February, 10am – 6pm

Rio Cinema, 107 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB

When Where

discover film

ParTNer: chocolate Films


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13 19 age range

siGn uP noW!Contact andy on 020 7923 0022 or email [email protected] www.ysn.org.uk

Got something to say? Strait Talk is a live broadcast TV chat show that gives young people a voice. This is your chance to create and produce your own episode in a fully equipped HD broadcast studio.

youth Skills network

13 – 16 February (Half Term), 12 – 4pm

Tomlinson Centre, Queensbridge Road, E8 3ND

When Where

strait talk

ParTNer: tomlinson centre


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16 19age rangemedia

Pantha (aka aaron cowan) 21, is an up and coming music producer who has been involved with the music charity Rising Tide and the Hackney music scene since he was 12. He has just signed a publishing deal BMG.How did you get into music? “I started writing poetry when I was about 12, that evolved into writing lyrics, which evolved into writing songs. And when I couldn’t get any backing tracks for the songs I started producing.”what’s your involvement been with rising Tide? can you explain what rising Tide do? “I started as a student about 5 or 6 years ago and then moved into mentoring.

Rising Tide is a music education charity which helps young people realise their dreams in music, and at the same time…gives them a root into the industry. I’m happy to help any young person who is focused and determined to reach their goals.”what are your goals for the future “Learning! Just learning more, keeping my head down, learning more, creating more, increasing my output.”what message would you give to young people in Hackney who want to get involved in this field? “Into music? Um…focus, to keep an open mind is very important, practice and determination.”

intervieW With Pantha

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13 19 age range

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siGn uP noW!Contact april for more info 020 8536 5381 [email protected] www.anewdirection.org.uk/headstart

A pop-up pitstop celebrating the best of Discover Young Hackney 2012. One day of exhibitions, performances and workshops showcasing arts and culture across East London, for young people, by young people.

headstart house Weekender

25 February, 3-9pm Saturday

Arcola Tent, 2 Ashwin Street, E8 3DL

When Where


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access all areas

tell the World

Everyone should be able to access these activities and we’re here to make sure that’s possible. If you need some kind of support so that you can take part, use the contacts named for each event. All contacts can answer your questions and help you get what you need. You can even get this programme in Braille, audio-tape or disc if you need it - just ask.Graeae Theatre champions accessibility and provides a platform for new generations of Deaf and disabled talent.They have been working with our Cultural Ambassador team to make sure Discover Young Hackney is open to everyone, regardless of their needs.


Hackney is home to some of the best creative and cultural talent in the world and we’re sure you want to hear about the opportunties on offer to learn from them. That’s why we’ve taken charge of marketing and communication about the festival, making sure it will appeal to young people like us. Give us a hand and tell your friends about it.

hoxton hall cultural Ambassadors

yh! World Media Ambassadors

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it’s simPle. visit www.discoveryounghackney.com and follow the links. we’ll keep you up to date with festival news, interviews, programme updates and more.

Discover Young Hackney is a free youth arts event where you and your friends can develop your talent or try something new – from design to media to performance. For more details, contact kate or Naleni

Design The Surgery Illustrations Kezia Levitas/The Surgery words Poached Creative Interviews YH World

We’re everyWhere

Want more?

find us on facebook

Watch us on youtube

see us on flickr

phone: 020 8356 7209 email: [email protected] web: www.discoveryounghackney.com

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events maP

Venue accessibility

a B c D e F g

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venue directoryalevi cultural centre & cemevi 89 Ridley Road, e8 2nh

Almack Road, e5 0RB

arcola Tent 2 Ashwin Street, e8 3Dl

arcola Theatre 24 Ashwin Street, e8 3Dl

Boxpark, unit 55 Bethnal green Road, e1 6JJ

Bridge academy laburnum Street, e2 8BA

children’s centre at Tyssen Old hill Street, n16 6QA

Dalston c.L.r. James Library Dalston Square

Hackney empire 291 Mare St, e8 1eJ

Hackney Picturehouse Mare Street, e8 1eh

Hoxton Street market

London college of Fashion 182 Mare Street, e8 3Re

Pembury youth club Shellness Road, e5 8Ju

rio cinema 107 kingsland highStreet, e8 2PB

rising Tide 270 Mare Street, e8 1he

Space Studios 129-131 Mare Street, e8 3Rh

Tomlinson centre Queensbridge Road, e8 3nD

Village underground 54 holywell lane, ec1A 3PQ

01 c
























a B c e

a B c e





















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phone: 020 8356 7209 email: [email protected] web: www.discoveryounghackney.com