2012 Annual Report - Goodwill SWPA

2012 Annual Report

Transcript of 2012 Annual Report - Goodwill SWPA

2012 Annual Report

Without continual

growth and progress,

such words as


achievement, and success

have no meaning.

Benjamin Franklin

“ Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin

That eloquent quote from Benjamin Franklin was chosen as the theme for this year’s annual report because, even though the statement originated more than 200 years ago, it seems almost tailor-made for Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania today. As a human services organization, we are firmly committed to fostering continual growth and progress among the clients we serve and throughout the agency. Our success can be seen every day in the achievements of the people we help find a job, learn to read, master basic skills, and overcome other barriers in order to attain a degree of independence and self- sufficiency in their lives.

The past year was a very active and productive period for our agency. We developed new programs and services, strengthened our retail system to provide more financial support for our mission, and concluded our successful Goodwill Renews! Capital Campaign. All of these achievements came about through our continuing strategic planning process, which ensures that Goodwill continues to grow and improve.

Retail Strength GrowsFollowing the opening in January 2012 of our 30th store in Robinson Township – the first solar-powered Goodwill store in Pennsylvania and one of the very few in the nation – we continued to grow our retail capabilities throughout the year with the construction of two new stores to replace outdated facilities and the remodeling of another to meet the high quality standards of today’s Goodwill stores. Our new locations in Washington, Pa., and Morgantown, W.Va., and the renovated store on Pittsburgh’s South Side all provide modern, attractive retail environments for shoppers. The new Morgantown facility also includes an integrated human services office to help expand Goodwill employment and education services throughout north central West Virginia.

Financial Support CriticalOf course, Goodwill is much more than a collection of stores selling donated goods. Our primary mission is to provide a broad array of education and employment programs and services to help people with special needs deal with the issues they face. The funding that enables Goodwill to provide these programs and services comes from two primary sources: store revenues, which account for about half of our overall budget, and financial support from a variety of sources including government contracts, foundation grants, corporate gifts and individual giving. We are very grateful that the recent capital campaign was a success and the funds are earmarked for specific growth-oriented purposes. Going forward, however, it is critically important that we increase donations from personal and institutional sources, especially as governments at all levels tighten their belts, and reduce or eliminate service contracts, even as demand continues to increase.

Thanks to AllDuring the past year Goodwill continued to grow and strengthen our service capabilities. We gratefully acknowledge the remarkable efforts of our dedicated staff, Goodwill’s great Board of Directors, and our corporate partners. We also thank our many generous donors, volunteers, and shoppers for their support. Together, they make it possible for Goodwill to help people achieve their goals and improve their lives.

Michael J. Smith Patrick GuineePresident & Chief Executive Officer Chair, Board of Directors

President’s Letter

Michael J. Smith President/CEO

Patrick Guinee Chair, Board of Directors


for Fiscal Period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012

Revenue 2012 Percent of Total 2011 Percent of Total

Gross Sales $28,643,742 $23,095,766 Salvage Income 5,363,080 4,942,629 Less: Cost of Goods Sold (6,237,336) (5,082,837)

Net Retail Revenue 27,769,486 56% 22,955,558 49%Government Grants 12,002,152 24% 13,250,190 28%Program Service Fees 7,629,712 16% 6,812,803 15%Contributions 1,640,326 3% 3,432,593 7%Investment Income 70,691 0% 57,192 0%Gain on Sale of Assets 0 0% 0 0%Rental and Other Income 323,533 1% 563,257 1%

Total Revenue $49,435,900 100% $47,071,593 100%


Program Services: Retail Services $21,828,259 45% $18,202,355 40% Program Services 20,066,503 41% 20,564,198 46% Occupancy 2,242,195 5% 2,531,560 6%Supporting Services 4,257,158 9% 3,865,460 8%

Total Expenses $48,394,115 100% $45,163,573 100%

Consolidated Change in Net Assets: $ 1,041,785 $ 1,908,020

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position for Fiscal Period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012

Assets 2012 2011

Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 3,263,905 $ 1,805,880 Accounts Receivable 3,980,935 4,946,821 Other Current Assets 1,878,415 1,489,718 Investment 1,242,986 1,177,785 Pledge Receivable 2,459 502,459 Property and Equipment, Net 15,516,704 15,906,900

Total Assets $25,885,404 $25,829,563

Liabilities and Net Assets Notes Payable - Short Term $ 1,019,807 $ 149,412 Accounts Payable 900,575 2,208,248 Accrued Expenses 2,700,166 2,994,542 Notes Payable - Long Term 1,550,576 1,823,652

Total Liabilities $ 6,171,124 $ 7,175,854

Net Assets Unrestricted - Undesignated $19,247,771 $18,283,694 Unrestricted - Board Designated 73,139 55,255 Temporarily Restricted 353,370 274,760 Permanently Restricted 40,000 40,000

Total Net Assets $19,714,280 $18,653,709

Total Liabilities and Net Assets: $25,885,404 $25,829,563

Consolidated Statement of Financial Activity


Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania is audited by Schneider Downs, Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors. Housing activities are audited by other independent accountants to satisfy requirements of HUD and other investors.

In 2012, Goodwill of Southwestern

Pennsylvania recycled 27,271,299

pounds of donated goods. Some of the

items recycled, which make up this

figure, include:

• 182,658 lbs. of toner containers

• 4,391,626 lbs. of recyclables

collected at the Fayette County

Recycling Center – aluminum,

plastic, glass, newspapers

• 20,043,219 lbs. of retail

recyclables – such as books, shoes,

toys, housewares, hats, belts, purses,

clothes, domestics, plush

• 2,653,796 lbs. of e-waste – which

includes computers, computer

components and televisions

PROGRAM ANNUAL NUMBER SERVEDPA CAREERLINKPittsburgh Center ................................... 7,665Allegheny East ....................................... 5,212Allegheny West ...................................... 2,524Goodwill of SWPA ..................................... 545Fayette ................................................... 3,482Greene ...................................................... 696Total .................................................... 20,124

ASSESSMENTSVocational Evaluations.............................. 125CASAS / City Youth ................................... 123 Other Assessments .................................... 40Total ......................................................... 288

ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGYConsumers ................................................. 92Community Members ................................. 47Employees ................................................ 252Total ......................................................... 391

COMMUNITY SERVICESDuquesne Light ................................... 36,594Emergency Needs Fund ........................... 300Emergency Client Fund .............................. 30Food Pantry ........................................... 1,715Pleasant Valley Shelter Clinic Visits .......... 685Mission Vision ............................................. 46VITA Tax Prep ........................................... 349Clubhouse Fayette ...................................... 91Total .................................................... 39,810

DISABILITY SERVICESOffice of Vocational Rehabilitation ............ 307Office of Intellectual Disability ................... 346Passages .................................................... 22 Senior Citizen Center ................................. 30Total ......................................................... 705

PROGRAM ANNUAL NUMBER SERVEDEDUCATIONGoodwill Literacy Initiative – GLI .............. 590Goodwill Employment Training Center – GETC ............................. 23Driver’s Ed .................................................. 67Intake e-Job .............................................. 959Total ...................................................... 1,639

JOB TRAININGPittsburgh Initiative to Reduce Crime (PIRC)................................. 63Computer Recycling Center ....................... 52Economic Stability for Fathers (now AFFECT) ............................. 369Reintegration ............................................ 150McKeesport Career Development Center ................................. 404Total ...................................................... 1,038

EMPLOYMENT / PLACEMENTGoodwill of SWPA ............................. 293McKeesport ................................................ 69PA CareerLink - Job Order Hires .............. 282Total ......................................................... 644

SUPPORTED HOUSINGGoodwill Center ........................................ 137HEART House (Adult) .................................. 7HEART House (Children) ............................. 9Northside Common Ministries Night Shelter – Unduplicated .................... 314Northside Common Ministries Permanent Housing .................................... 11Total ......................................................... 478

TRANSITIONAL & YOUTH SERVICESTransition Works! Allegheny ....................... 24Transition Works! Westmoreland ................ 12Project SEARCH ........................................ 15GoodGuides Youth Mentoring Program – Mentors ....................................................... 31GoodGuides Youth Mentoring Program – Youth ......................................................... 145Total ......................................................... 227

GRAND TOTAL ........................... 65,344

More than 65,000 individuals were helped in 2012. Examples of growth are

highlighted in the stories that follow. Read about Dion, Josh, Joe and Dennis

whose spirits were lifted and lives were enriched when they found work.

2012 Recycling 2012 Service Statistics

Service Highlights• An increase of more than 4,000 individuals from 2011 who received services

and programs agency wide.

• Community Services, which includes help for the hungry

and assistance for seniors, totaled 39,810.

• Northside Common Ministries provided 5,752 nights of emergency

shelter for homeless men (with an average stay of 18 nights.)


Growth from Training

Work Experience in Retail

A new program, located in Goodwill’s Lawrenceville store,

focuses on training individuals for work in a retail environ-

ment. Since it opened in July, 2011, The Consumer Operated

Training Store (COTS) served 45 individuals. Some came to

the program for job training and others wanted to be assessed

for job readiness. Additional areas for improvement included

skills training, youth-designed work experience and welfare-

to-work programs (for community service).

A Personal Story of Growth

Dion was one of the first participants in the

COTS training class. He learned how to

process donations, stock and rotate

merchandise, keep the store clean and

organized, and provide quality customer

service. After graduating from the program,

Dion was able to land his “dream job” –

he works at a movie theatre and says he is

able to utilize his Goodwill experience in

customer service.


Skills in Health Care

Through a program called Transition WORKS!, young

adults are gaining valuable health care industry work

experience. School districts partner with this program

to offer students valuable skills in the areas of human

resources, nursing, escorting, physical therapy and medical

records. Additional work experience is gained in the areas

of housekeeping, maintenance, dietary, patient socializ-

ing and recreation. Goodwill’s Transition WORKS! staff

helps each student with his/her transition goals from high

school. Services offered include job coaching, case

management, work skills evaluation, employability skills

training, CareerLink enrollment, and job search support.

Josh’s Story of Growth

Josh attended the Transition WORKS!

program during his senior year of

high school and trained in the Dietary

Department at Redstone Highlands Care

Facility in Greensburg, PA. He learned

valuable skill sets and was later hired at

Redstone Highlands. Josh was recently

recognized for outstanding performance

and for displaying great customer service.


Goodwill Helps Our Neighbors in West Virginia

Human services are offered through Goodwill’s partnership

with West Virginia’s Division of Rehabilitation Facilities

and West Virginia General Services. Individuals who have a

barrier to employment receive support from Goodwill’s staff

in the Morgantown area. Goodwill of North Central West

Virginia offers individual plan development,

community-based assessment, job placement and

on-the-job training and job coaching.

Growth & Enrichment

Joe’s Story of Growth

Joe came to Goodwill as an

unemployed, but determined man.

He needed help with interviewing

skills and filling out applications.

With the support and guidance

he received from Goodwill’s

professionals, he was hired at a

local K-Mart. And, within three

months, he was named the

Employee of the Month.


Family Enrichment through the AFFECT project

AFFECT stands for Advancing Fathers and Family

Enrichment Collaborative. This project promotes economic

stability, positive parenting, a healthy marriage and

co-parenting relationships. While the program addresses the

effects of poverty on the wellbeing of parents and children,

its goal is to foster responsible fatherhood by providing

supportive, educational and employment services to

help economically disadvantaged fathers and families in

Allegheny and Westmoreland counties.

A Story of Growth from Dennis

Dennis attended parenting classes and

received help and supportive coun-

seling so he could reestablish himself

with his family and obtain meaningful



Goodwill’s golf fundraiser, the Burns & Scalo Golf for Goodwill, held in

August, 2012, was the most successful fundraising event in the agency’s

history. The event brought in nearly $170,000 to support Goodwill’s

training and education programs that help people with employment barriers

find meaningful jobs.

Held simultaneously at the Pittsburgh Field Club and the Fox Chapel Golf

Club, the event sold out for the second consecutive year while nearly

doubling in size from the previous year. A total of 228 golfers played in

the outing and dozens of sponsors pitched in to make it by far the most

successful year since the Golf for Goodwill fundraiser began in 2001.

Since 2010, the annual event has been co-sponsored by Burns & Scalo Real

Estate Services, Inc., headed by Jim Scalo, and Burns & Scalo Roofing, Inc.,

headed by his brother, Jack.

Growth of Golf for Goodwill


Golf emcee, Larry Richert; Goodwill’s

President, Mike Smith; Jack Scalo, Burns

& Scalo Roofing; Jim Scalo, Burns & Scalo

Real Estate

Platinum sponsor foursome; Martin Perry,

Aegis Realty Partners (second from left).

2013 Golf Outing & FundraiserMark your calendar now!Monday, August 19, 2013

Pittsburgh Field Club

& the Fox Chapel Golf Club

For more information,

visit Goodwill’s website at:


Dedication ceremonies took place in October for a special Donor Wall

display memorializing the names of individuals, companies and

foundations who contributed $250 or more to the Goodwill Renews!

Capital Campaign. Located near the lobby of the Goodwill Workforce

Development Center in Lawrenceville, the Donor Wall contains 140

diamond-shaped plaques bearing the donors’ names.

Growth from Generosity

Donors selected their memorial message.

Diamond-shaped plaques glisten with the

names of generous donors.

Representing Levi Strauss & Co., at the

introduction of the donor wall were Angela

Monticelli (left), Merchandise Coordinator for

the Pittsburgh area, and Vivian Finoli, District

Manager for Pittsburgh and Eastern Ohio.

2012 Donors

Businesses, Foundations, Churches, and Organizations3 Rivers Combined Federal CampaignA. J. and Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable TrustAAA EngravingAccel Sign Group, Inc.Advanced Communications CompanyAllied Building ProductsAllied WasteAmerican Endowment FoundationAmerican Land Abstract CompanyAmshel Charitable FoundationArch Masonry Inc.Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.Automated Entrance Systems Co., Inc.AW CommunicationsBender Consulting Services, Inc.Bethel Electric Motor Services, Inc.Betty Lou Yount TrustBirmingham FoundationBlumling & Gusky, LLPBNY MellonBNY Mellon Community PartnershipBozzone Family FoundationBruce D. & Treasure Sachnoff Charitable Family FoundationBurns & Scalo Real Estate ServicesBurns & Scalo Roofing Company, Inc.Campos Market Research, Inc.Carlisle Syntec SystemsCase Sabatini & Co. - A Professional CorporationCharles A. Brooks Charitable TrustCharles Talbot Campbell Charitable FoundationChrislynn Energy Services Inc.Ciminelli Real Estate CorporationCity Neon, Inc.Clearview Federal Credit UnionClimatechCohen & Grigsby, P.C.Colonna Family FoundationComDocCSA Fraternal LifeDan Taylor InteriorsDirect Mail Service, Inc.Dollar BankEat’n Park Hospitality Group, Inc.Economy Furnace Co Inc

Edwin R. Crawford EstateElectrical Workers IBEW AFL-CIO Local 5Estate of S. Wayne LauderFederal Home Loan Bank of PittsburghFederated Investors, Inc.Federated Mattress Co.Fidelity Charitable Gift FundFirst Commonwealth Financial CorporationFirst NiagaraFISA FoundationGeneral Hearing Aid Center Inc.Giant Eagle, Inc.Give Back FoundationGlimcher Family FoundationGuttman Oil CompanyH.J. Heinz CompanyHenderson Brothers, Inc.Henne JewelersHighmark Blue Cross Blue ShieldHuntington InsuranceHuntington Wealth AdvisorsIndependent RecyclingIntegrative Staffing GroupIntergroup CommunicationsIPLogic, Inc.Jack Buncher FoundationJames ConstructionJames Vending, Inc.Jefferson United Methodist ChurchJeram MarketingJM Paving, Inc.Johns ManvilleJPS Contracting Inc.Kaplan Career InstituteKatherine Mabis McKenna Foundation, Inc.Laurel House, Inc.Leasure K. Darbaker TrustLeonard A. & Mary Jane Schafer Charitable FoundationLevi Strauss & CompanyLions Club of Pittsburgh, Inc.Lutz & MeyersMassey Charitable TrustMatthews Educational and Charitable TrustMcGee Maruca & Associates, P.C.McKamishMcMasters United Methodist WomenMilan Vranish Insurance AgencyMilton G. Hulme Charitable FoundationModern Art & Plate Glass Co, Inc.Mt. Lebanon Office Equipment Co., Inc.Neishloss & Fleming, Inc.

Nina Baldwin Fisher FoundationNorman C. Ray Charitable TrustPentrust Real Estate Advisory Services Inc.Peoples Natural Gas Co. LLCPesaro’s PizzaPJ Dick IncorporatedPNC BankPNC Foundation Matching Gift ProgramPond Security Service, LLCPort Authority of Allegheny CountyPPG Industries FoundationPPG Industries, Inc.Presbyterian Senior CarePSI Packaging ServicesRenewal, Inc.ResCare Home CareRichard King Mellon FoundationRivers CasinoRobert & Mary Weisbrod FoundationRobert I. Glimcher Family FoundationRobert Morris UniversityRosalie M. Murrer Charitable FundRoscoe United Methodist WomenRotary Club of PittsburghSchneider Downs & Co., Inc.Snee-Reinhardt Charitable FoundationSpeakman Financial GroupSpringboard KitchensStrada, LLCSuper Mail, Inc.Taylor United Methodist WomenThe Eberly FoundationThe Edith L. Trees Charitable TrustThe Gateway Engineers, Inc.The Giant Eagle FoundationThe Heinz EndowmentsThe Huber GroupThe Norbell FoundationThe Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied SpectroscopyThe Pittsburgh FoundationThe PNC FoundationThe R. M. Brown & T. Y. Brown FoundationThe Rubinoff CompanyThe Sturges FoundationThe Sun PorchTippins FoundationTransitional Services, Inc.Trib Total MediaTucker Arensberg, P.C.U.S. Steel Corporation FoundationUniontown Herald StandardUnited Jewish FederationUnited Parcel Service (UPS)

UPMC Health PlanUPMC Health SystemVermin Control CompanyW.I. Patterson Charitable FundWagner Family Charitable TrustWaste ManagementWebbMasonWest Virginia Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Inc.Westmoreland/Fayette Workforce Investment BoardWilson Marketing GroupWindstream

Goodwill Champion ($1,000+)Mr. & Mrs. Donald O. Barth Mr. Gary R. Claus Mr. James M. Droney Jr.Mr. Frank M. Hammond Mr. Shawn P. Hanlon Ms. Barbara Hellberg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hotopp Mr. Stephen Lampe Ms. Karen L. Larrimer Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. McFarland Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Menovich Mr. Steven Mosites Ms. Michalina B. Pendzich Ms. Joan M. Pettler Mr. Mark Popovich Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Prizant Mr. James C. Roddey Mr. James E. Scheuermann Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Smith Mr. Jeffrey Sterling Mr. Sidney Zonn

Goodwill Builder ($500 - $999)Mr. Francesco Arganelli Ms. Nadine Bognar Mr. J. Ardie Dillen Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Dollins Mr. Mario Farina Ms. Rachel V. Hennessey Mr. & Mrs.George H. HerchenroetherMr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hodgdon Mr. Donald L. Kalkbrenner Jr.Mr. David G. Reese Mr. Stephen J. Reyes Mr. & Mrs. John G. Shortridge

Goodwill Steward ($250 - $499)The Honorable Robert J. BrooksMr. & Mrs. John A. Buchanan Ms. R. Yvonne Campos Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Fawcett


Ms. Suzanne Flood Mr. Worth M. Helms Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank Hess Mr. James Hodge Mr. & Mrs. Dirk B. Landis Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Lawrence Jr.Ms. Lisa Leake Mr. Jan A. Marks Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Marstiller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McNamaraMr. & Mrs. John D. Meehan Mr. John A. Mills IIIMs. Caroline O’Nan Mr. & Mrs. Elmer S. Sachse Mr. George R. Smalley Mr. Richard Standish Mr. & Mrs. William D. Walston Jr.Mr. & Mrs. James C. Warters Ms. Ruth E. Woods

Goodwill Advocate ($100 - $249)Ms. Madalon Amenta Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H. AndersonMr. & Mrs. Craig R. Andersson Ms. Martha Long Bagdes Mrs. Phyllis B. Beatty Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Benedek Mr. Paul G. Benedum Jr.Mr. Earl C. Benner Mr. & Mrs. W. Gerald Blaney Dr. & Mrs. Harry Boretsky Mr. Allan G. Bullen Dr. & Mrs. John A. Burkholder Mr. Richard L. Byrne Mr. Daniel E. Cancino Ms. Valerie D. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Carrier Dr. & Mrs. Domingo T. Chua Mr. & Mrs. Dan Cipriani Mr. Harry N. Cotabish Hanley Cox Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. CrammondMrs. Carmella DiCola Mr. Harold E. Dixler Mr. Ramon E. Dodson Mr. Richard B. Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Dripps Mr. Robert C. Felix Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Fitting Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Foltz Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd H. Fuge Mr. Patrick A. Fusco Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Getze Ms. Patricia M. Gussey Mr. & Mrs. James S. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Haney Mrs. Margaret W. Henderson Mr. Paul R. Holcomb

Ms. Sheila A. Holt Ms. Katherine Anne Holter Ms. Darlene L. Imling Ms. Helen B. Jacob Ms. Dorothy Jannelli Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Kestner Dr. & Mrs. Leonard S. KisslingerMrs. Jack Kocan Mrs. Elsie Y. Lewis Ms. Nancy R. Lewis Mr. Ralph C. Lovasic Ms. Jane M. Lubic Ms. Antoinette Magiera Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Malakoff Mr. Robert J. Malinic Mr. Jack A. Marshall Mr. Robert C. McCartney Commander Regina M. McDonaldMr. Richard C. McElhinny Mr. Albert H. Mercer Mr. & Mrs. William A. Meyer Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. MikluscakMr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Miller Ms. Lois Molt Mr. Howard O. Montgomery Ms. Julia Ann Mosko Ms. R. Jean Nelson Mrs. Wilbert A. Nicholl Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Norton Ms. Shirley Olander Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo A. Palmar Mr. & Mrs. Gerald B. Peszko Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Reisacher Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Robatzek Jr.Mr. Sidney Alan Rosenbluth Ms. Candace D. Schoenig Mr. John R. Seitz Ms. Maureen Shenkel Mr. & Mrs. Seymour A. Sikov Mr. & Mrs. William J. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Phillip H. Smith Mr. Raymond Steeb IIIMr. & Mrs. H. Donald Stone Jr.Mr. & Mrs. William H. Sullivan Ms. Helen R. Thornton Ms. Diane Tueck Mr. & Mrs. James A. Ulmer Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Jack E. Vande Visse Mr. Karl E. Voigt Mrs. Mimi B. Wells Mrs. William B. Wells Mr. & Mrs. Theodore L. Willke Rev. & Mrs. W. Gerald Witt Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Wolf Ms. Barbara L. Wolfe Mr. J. A. Wunderlich IIIMr. & Mrs. Hugh D. Young Mrs. Zlata Zaki

Goodwill Friend ($99 or less) Mrs. Carol A. Alberts Mr. Darrell Alfred Dr. & Mrs. John L. AmmerMs. Maureen P. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Angelone Mr. Eugene O. Armocida Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Aurila Mr. & Mrs. Albert T. Bacheler Ms. Genevieve Balicki Mr. & Mrs. Donald Balson Dr. Michael K. Ban Mr. Mark W. Barch Mr. Richard C. Barney Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Bartolac Jr.Bishop & Mrs. George W. BashoreMr. I. Keith Bell Mr. & Mrs. James C. Belz Mrs. Howard B. Benjamin Ms. Louise C. Bergstrom Mr. & Mrs. Lester Berkowitz Ms. Judith Berrick-Perry Mr. Anthony H. Bieltz Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Bigler Mrs. Audrey S. Blackstock Mr. Thomas P. Bracken Mr. Keith A. Brooks Mr. Andrew J. Brown Ms. Marian T. Brown Mr. & Mrs. John H. Brown Ms. Nancy T. Brown Mr. & Mrs. John R. Buchanan Mr. Edwin S. Burkhart Mr. Lawrence A. Butterini Dr. & Mrs. Carnegie Samuel CalianMr. & Mrs. James Campbell Dr. & Mrs. Albert A. Caretto Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Earl S. Carlson Mr. J. Timothy Carr Ms. Deborah A. Cenci Ms. Cathy C. Chapman Mrs. David H. Cissna Ms. Rachel Brown Clark Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Colen Mr. Jeffrey J. Conn Ms. Anne E. Conrad Mr. Mark D. Crowley Mr. Ronald A. D’Amico Mrs. Bertha DeCecco Ms. Melva E. Deitt Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. DeStefanoMs. Marylyn F. Devlin Ms. Harriet A. Dick Ms. Mary I. Dixon Ms. Freda Dobos Ms. Barbara A. Dombroski Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Douds Ms. Vicky Ryan Dougherty

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Dowd Ms. Marie T. Downs-Deasy Mr. Thomas F. Driscoll Ms. Rebecca S. Dunbar Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Dunyak Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dyba Mr. David Dzombak Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Ehrman Mr. & Mrs. Heinz L. EngelbrechtMr. Donald P. Eriksen Drs. Jonathon & Judith Erlen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fabry Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Feathers Mr. John D. Ferchak Jr.M. Ferrante Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Field Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Fink Mr. Max G. Fisher Mr. Ronald Flach Mr. Edward J. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Roger R. Flynn Mr. John J. Ford Jr.Mr. & Mrs. William Herman FosterMr. & Mrs. William H. Foster Mr. & Mrs. William R. Foster Ms. Janice L. Galanter Mr. Sanford A. Galanty Ms. Charlotte A. Gall Mr. & Mrs. William Gardner Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Randy Geller Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Gempe Mrs. Margaret D. Gessler Mr. & Mrs. David F. Giegel Ms. Susan E. Glessner Mr. Leslie A. Goldstein Dr. & Mrs. Milton S. Gordon Ms. Ida Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Marshall L. Gorr Mr. Francis J. Grassel Mr. & Mrs. James R. Guthrie Mr. Perry Haalman Mr. & Mrs. John F. Haeberle Mr. Jonathan Halpern Ms. Anne Handler Mr. Barry C. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Heilman Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Heller Mr. & Mrs. Jack Heller Mr. & Mrs. George A. HendersonMr. & Mrs. M. Hohn Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. HowensteinMs. Dianne F. Hu Mr. & Mrs. Keith Huey Mr. Fred L. Hufnagel Mr. & Mrs. James D. Hughes Ms. Sharon Humphrey Mr. & Mrs. John R. Inghram Jr.


2012 Donors (continued)

Goodwill Friend ($99 or less) (continued) Mr. & Mrs. H. Vaughn Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Jarmell Mr. & Mrs. John L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Johnson Jr.Ms. Roberta B. Jones Ms. Marjorie H. Jones Ms. Lori Kaczmarek Ms. Sherry G. Kaiser Mr. Kevin Kanai Mr. & Mrs. William B. Kania Ms. Carole A. Karn Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Kaufman Ms. Rhoda M. Kern Mrs. James P. Kinard Ms. Dorothy E. King Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Kissel Dr. & Mrs. Milton Klein Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Knight Mr. John R. Koehnke Mrs. Ann R. Kohl Mr. Paul L. Kosmach Ms. Sherri M. Krieger Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kristakis Mr. David P. Kunkle Mr. Joseph S. Lachcik Jr.Mr. James Paul Leindecker Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lemmi Mrs. Sarah T. Libson Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Loether Ms. Helen B. Losa Ms. Marilyn K. Luft Ms. Betty K. Lutton Mr. Frank M. Lyle Mr. Matthew D. Lynch Mr. Sankey M. MacDonald Mr. Jeffrey L. Macklin Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Madden Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Mann Ms. Judith Martin Mr. & Mrs. L. Glenn Matteson Mr. Thomas S. Mattis Ms. Carol McFarland Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. McGuirk Ms. Patricia A. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Merle E. McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Mechling Ms. Carol Micozzi Mr. & Mrs. William A. Monahan Mr. Richard A. Monheim Mr. Robert A. Morrow Mr. & Mrs. David V. Morse Mr. Thomas E. Morton Ms. Josephine D. Mullin Mr. Michael Murray

Mrs. Cookie Namie Ms. Martha L. Negley Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Newcomer Jr.Ms. Josephine C. Newman Mr. & Mrs. James E. Niece Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Noah Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Nowak Mr. David A. Nugent Ms. Sue Oates Ms. Sylvia E. O’Donovan Mr. & Mrs. William M. O’Kain Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Page Mr. James A. Parreco Mr. & Mrs. John F. Pasquarello Mr. & Mrs. John Peace Mr. George H. Pike Ms. Ruth I. Prakop Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Prince Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John Proch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Bruno A. Raso Mr. & Mrs. Joel R. Redfoot Ms. Mildred J. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Reynolds Mr. Michael J. Rhoades Ms. Lillian F. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Riedel Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Rockar Jr.Mr. Albert W. Rorer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Paul Roseman IIIMr. & Mrs. Charles L. Rubbo Mr. Recardo Russan Mr. Jim Saraceno Ms. Mary Scabilloni Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. SchaughencyMr. Walter H. Schlag Ms. Eleanor L. Schoenberger Ms. Sally L. Scott Ms. Patricia A. Sealy Dr. Lester F. ShapiroMr. Joseph R. Shepler Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Sherrett Mr. Darren Thomas Shipp Mrs. G. Albert Shoemaker Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Shulman Ms. Carol Shultis Ms. Annette Silverman Ms. Gail E. Slater Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Smidl Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Smith Ms. Frances S. Sokol Mr. Michael L. Sparlin Mr. & Mrs. James P. Stafford Mrs. Donna Stamoolis Mr. & Mrs. Jerold M. Starr Mr. William G. Stayduhar

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stefanko Mr. & Mrs. Myron A. Svantner Ms. Nancy J. Svoboda Ms. Florence Tambellini Ms. Evelyn Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Gordon H. Telfer Ms. Linette B. Toder Ms. Paula Toncheff Mrs. Catherine W. Trushel Ms. Mary Ann Turk Mr. Victor M. Turkle Mr. Shawn P. Ulmer Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Herbert UtechMr. Lawrence Vaccaro Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. VanfossanMr. Gerald Vanstory Mrs. Brenda T. Vogel Ms. Roma A. Vose Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Vukotich Mr. & Mrs. David L. Wallach Mrs. Mary Jo Wampler Ms. Joan M. Webb Ms. Elsie Ella Weber Ms. Gloria A. Weber Ms. Phyllis J. Weigel Mr. Ronald J. Weisner Mr. Glenn A. Wells Ms. Mary Louise White Ms. Doris L. Wilkins Mrs. John H. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Wilson Mr. Patrick A. Wilson Rev. E. Philip Wilson Mr. & Mrs. William H. Winslow Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wiseman Ms. Roberta N. Wisz Mr. Michael B. Woolley Mr. & Mrs. George A. Wyfker Ms. Tracy A. Zufall

In Honor OfDr. Robert S. Foltz by Mrs. Audrey S. BlackstockMs. Jean Hennessey by Ms. Barbara L. Wolfe

In Memory OfMs. Dottie Eibl by Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. HaneyMr. Leonard Eisenbarth by Mrs. Audrey S. BlackstockMr. James R. Fako by Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. MenovichMr. Robert Licker by Drs. Jonathon & Judith ErlenMr. Joseph Stadelman by Mr. & Mrs. James C. Belz

Ms. Jackie M. Mitchell by Mrs. Audrey S. Blackstock Ms. Michele M. Burlock Mr. & Mrs. William Gardner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Randy Geller Mr. Gary Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Heller Mr. & Mrs. Jack Heller Ms. Ella Holsinger Ms. Ewelina Humbertson Ms. Lindsay Jeffries Ms. Amy S. Kacmar Mr. Sankey M. MacDonald Ms. Carol McFarland Ms. Carol Micozzi Mr. & Mrs. John Peace Ms. Kay M. Polusny Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Mrs. Donna Stamoolis Ms. Florence Tambellini Ms. Evelyn Taylor Ms. Paula Toncheff Ms. Patricia Trainer Mrs. Jack Kocan Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Mikluscak Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo A. Palmar Ms. Elaine Swaney Mr. George R. Smalley Bethel Electric Motor Services, Inc. Economy Furnace Co Inc General Hearing Aid Center Inc. Goodwill of SWPA Accounting DepartmentIndependent Recycling James Vending, Inc. Laurel House, Inc. PSI Packaging Services The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy The Sun Porch Uniontown Herald Standard Vermin Control Company West Virginia Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Inc. Westmoreland/Fayette Workforce Investment Board

Employee Donors from Campaign Year 2012Ms. Jackie Abel-StavropoulosMs. Desiree AlvarezMr. Juan Arbasak Ms. Nora ArgottiMs. Jeannie BaronMs. Laurie BelsterlingMs. Marlene Betke Ms. Jinny BriaMr. Gary Brockman Ms. Ann BrownMr. Stewart Brown Ms. Lori BrunelleMs. Denise BuiceMr. Edward BurauMs. Michele M. BurlockMs. Patricia BurrellMr. Don Busch


Mrs. Rebekah CaldwellMs. Charlene CarterMr. Dennis ChurillaMs. Jennifer CotrellMs. Jill Counts Mr. Gary DarnellMs. Michelle DeckerMs. Heather DePalmaMs. Isabella Deutsch Ms. Joycelyn DiCaprioMr. Jarrett DriscollMs. Diane DrukerMr. Tom EvansMr. Dominic A. FalcioneMs. Megan FarzatiMs. Linzy Folberts Ms. Audrey FosterMs. Lisa FultonMs. Kristen FurlongMrs. Michelle GaineyMs. Jeannette GearyMs. Brittaney GeisingerMr. Gary GibsonMr. George GoettelPat GressMr. Michael Grettel Mr. Daniel GuzewiczMs. Melissa Handlovitch Mr. James E. HannMr. James Harland Ms. Wendy HarpsterMs. Katie HartMr. Jim Hayden Mrs. Marie HayesMs. Dolores Henderson Mrs. Tiffanee HeywoodMr. Richard R. HoffmanMs. Ella HolsingerMs. Cindy Horgan Mrs. Annette K. HostofferMr. Frank B. HralaMrs. Kathryn S. HralaMr. Richard E. HughesMs. Ewelina HumbertsonMrs. Janice HyltonMr. Gregg Imling Ms. Kim Innamorato Ms. Diana JacksonMs. Lindsay JeffriesMs. Jessica Jennings Ms. Amy S. JohnsMr. Derick Johnson Ms. Amanda Julian Ms. Amy S. KacmarMr. Alexander KacprzykMr. Rick Kelly Mr. Barry B. KingMs. Jenna Klaus

Ms. April KleinMs. Linda KlemensMr. Joseph R. Kleppick Ms. Leona KnightMr. Craig Krieger Ms. Lisa KuhnMs. Jessica C. Kunkle Ms. Joyce KunkleMs. Kimberly A. LaJoyMr. Lloyd LakeMr. Chester LampmanMs. Jennifer Lanz Mr. David LeeMr. Donald K. LilleyMs. Laurie LimerickMr. James Littell Mrs. Gabriella S. LloydMr. Richard LoDucaMs. Helen LongMs. Marilyn K. LuftMr. Don Mangel Ms. Gail MateraMs. Amy McCurdyMs. Sharon McKnightMs. Cerissa MellingerMs. Michelle MichauxMs. Lindaflor Miller Ms. Peggy MillsMs. Debra MizerskiMr. Kirk MoldstadMrs. Meghan M. MooreMs. Leitha NealMs. Elizabeth NeidleMr. James O’BrienMrs. Raeann OlanderMs. Holly OpatickMs. Judy OpelMs. Noreen Pago Ms. Barbara PefferMs. Deborah PerriMr. Jay PolizianiMs. Janet PollardMs. Kay M. PolusnyMs. Lisa Postlewait Ms. Lori PrestonMs. Lorretta ReedMs. Lynne ReynoldsMs. Mary Ellen Robertson Mr. Joseph RodgersMs. Karen RogoszMr. Ron Roston Ms. Norma RussellMs. Tricia RutherfordMs. Sue Ryan Mr. Kirk Selenberg Mr. Scott Sennett Mr. John ShenkelMs. Kimberly Simpson

Mr. Michael J. SmithMs. Christine SrdochMr. Robert StapeMr. Joe StraticoMs. Valerie StrosserMr. Mark StroupMs. Elaine SwaneyMr. Tarrell ThomasMs. Christine TobakMr. David J. TobiczykMs. Patricia TrainerMs. Peggy TroutMs. Peggy Unghajer Ms. Eliseke Van LaarMs. Mary VassarMr. Kenneth WashburnMs. Virginia Wenolt Ms. Donna WhiteheadMr. Darryl WhitesideMr. Bill WilsonMs. Themis Wise Ms. Melissa WolkiewiczMr. Brad Zelinsky Mr. David A. Zusinas

Golf for Goodwill DonorsAccel Sign GroupArsenal Bowling LanesAVI Foodsystems, Inc.big Burrito Restaurant GroupBuckhead SaloonCarnegie Museum of ArtCavacini Landscaping & Garden CenterChildren’s Museum of PittsburghCity TheatreComcast SpotlightCrystal Bead BazaarDELI on Butler StreetDiFioresFrank B. Fuhrer WholesaleFreedom Square DinerGallery on 43rd StreetGateway Clipper FleetGlengarry Golf LinksGrand BrewHabitatHard Rock CaféMr. & Mrs. Worth M. HelmsHighmark Blue Cross Blue ShieldHoulihan’s Station SquareKaleidoscope CaféKQV-AMLeMontMountaineer Casino Racetrack & ResortNational AviaryOmni William Penn Hotel

Pepsi Beverages CompanyPesaro’s PizzaPGA TourPittsburgh CLOPittsburgh OperaPittsburgh Penguins FoundationPittsburgh PiratesPittsburgh Steak CompanyPittsburgh Symphony OrchestraPittsburgh Zoo & PPG AquariumPressure Washer Systems of PARivers CasinoSheraton Station Square HotelSpringfield Restaurant GroupTarget CorporationThe Andy Warhol MuseumThe Cheesecake FactoryThe Spaghetti WarehouseT’s Upholstery StudioWashington Wild ThingsWillow Mini GolfWyndham Grand Pittsburgh

Major Auto Auction DonorsMr. Jon M. AmbriscoMr. William BezegoBMKramer & Co., Inc.Mr. Douglas CookMr. Timothy J. CurciMr. James Patrick DerdockDeborah & Alexander DixonMs. Lisa Paleos FevolaMr. Donald Lee FosterMr. Michael J. GorskiMs. Marilyn HydeckMr. John E. JoyntMr. Robert King Jr. Venkat KothuriMs. Christina LoweMr. John M. McGaw IIIHoward & Ruth Ann Miller Jr.Mr. Robert J. Musgrave Jr.Stanley & Edith NalitzMs. Gail A. OareLawrence & Karen PajakAnthony & Deborah ParavatiMs. Patricia E. PassMs. Dolores Y. PayneMr. Patrick PhelanMs. Loretta Mary PrizziMs. Laura RadermanRobert & Carol SapienzaMr. Jesse N. SchellNikki TufanoEstate of Edward S. TwymanGregory & Carol WoodEmmanuel & Roberta Zaimes



HeadquartersGoodwill of Southwestern PennsylvaniaRobert S. Foltz Building118 52nd StreetPittsburgh, PA 15201412-481-9005TTY: 412-632-1977

AffiliatesFayetteJacqueline Martinko Mitchell Building 40 Connellsville StreetUniontown, PA 15401724-437-9878

Goodwill of North Central West VirginiaWorkforce Development Center 1954 Hunters Way Morgantown, WV 26505 304-225-0105

Goodwill Commercial Services, Inc. Robert S. Foltz Building 118 52nd Street Pittsburgh, PA 15201 412-395-4316

Northside Common Ministries1601 Brighton RoadPittsburgh, PA 15212412-323-1163

Training & EmploymentWorkforce Development CenterPittsburgh: 412-481-9005

Fayette County: 724-437-9878

North Central West Virginia: 304-225-0105

Check with your local Workforce Development Center for their specific offerings. Some programs and services may include:

• Goodwill Employment Training Center (GETC)

• Goodwill Literacy Initiative & other educational programs

• Career and Employer Services

• Job Training

• Driver Training

• Vocational Assessment

• Welfare-to-Work Programs

• Youth Programs

Union Station Clubhouse (Fayette)Prevocational psychiatric rehabilitation services724-439-9311 / 724-437-9878

PA CareerLink CentersEmployment counseling and support services

Pittsburgh/Lawrenceville: 412-632-1711 / TTY 412-632-1712

Fayette Co./Uniontown: 724-434-5627

Greene County: 724-852-2900


Banksville Road2866 Banksville RoadPittsburgh, PA 15216412-942-0090

Belle Vernon140 Finley RoadBelle Vernon, PA 15012724-929-4202

Butler370 New Castle RoadButler, PA 16001724-284-1037

Centre Avenue5993 Centre AvenuePittsburgh, PA 15206412-924-0070

Cheswick1210 Pittsburgh StreetCheswick, PA 15024724-274-5883

Cranberry Township20668 Perry HighwayCranberry, PA 16066724-776-0955

Gibsonia4101 Gibsonia RoadGibsonia, PA 15044724-443-2100

Greensburg149 Donohoe RoadGreensburg, PA 15601724-834-2156

Lawrenceville125 51st StreetPittsburgh, PA 15201412-696-0205

Monroeville2604 Monroeville BoulevardMonroeville, PA 15146412-856-9840

Mt. Pleasant1054 Countryside PlazaMt. Pleasant, PA 15666724-547-2649

Murrysville4612 William Penn HighwayMurrysville, PA 15668724-327-0225

Natrona Heights4005 Freeport RoadNatrona Heights, PA 15065724-224-1213

North Hills 7221 McKnight Road Pittsburgh, PA 15237 412-635-9612

North HuntingdonNorwin Hills Shopping Center8755 Norwin AvenueNorth Huntingdon, PA 15642724-864-2980

North Side509 East Ohio StreetPittsburgh, PA 15212412-322-5666

North Versailles Outlet294 Lincoln HighwayNorth Versailles, PA 15137412-816-1420

Peters Township3492 Washington RoadMcMurray, PA 15317724-941-5437

Robinson3 Urbano WayRobinson Twp, PA 15205412-490-3015


RochesterRochester Plaza #720750 Ohio River BoulevardRochester, PA 15074724-775-3458

South Side2700 East Carson StreetPittsburgh, PA 15203412-481-5390

Uniontown1003 Mall Run RoadUniontown, PA 15401724-430-0448

Washington89 Jefferson AvenueWashington, PA 15301724-223-0917

WexfordWexford Shoppes10293 Perry Highway, Suite 201Wexford, PA 15090724-933-4520

Whitehall2780 Saw Mill Run BoulevardPittsburgh, PA 15227412-885-5151


Bridgeport1210 West Main StreetBridgeport, WV 26330304-842-3288

Buckhannon15 South Spring StreetBuckhannon, WV 26201304-472-0587

ElkinsElkins Plaza708 Beverly PikeElkins, WV 26241304-636-7529

Fairmont50 Southland DriveFairmont, WV 26554304-363-3155

Morgantown1954 Hunters WayMorgantown, WV 26505304-296-7900

Other BusinessesAuto Auction294 Lincoln Highway North Versailles, PA 151371-888-3040-CAR (toll-free)

ComputerWorksOffering low-cost rebuilt computers, computer parts and computer accessories

125 51st Street Pittsburgh, PA 15201412-696-0092

Computer Recycling Center412-632-1790

To schedule corporate pick-ups, call 412-632-1789

• Kil-a-Byte Data Destruction Service Safe, affordable, guaranteed way to

permanently destroy information residing on computer hard drives

• Reconnect Pittsburgh (A Dell / Goodwill Alliance)

A comprehensive computer recovery, reuse and environmentally responsible recycling program

Good-to-Go Café412-632-1807

Fayette County Recycling CenterResidential & commercial recycling for Fayette County residents

107 Romeo Lane724-437-9987

Goodwill Custodial ServicesJanitorial & maintenance services

Pittsburgh: 412-632-1779Fayette County: 724-437-9878

Production ServicesWorkshops employing Goodwill clients

Pittsburgh: 412-632-1779Fayette County: 724-437-9878

Housing FacilitiesApartment and independent living facilities

Goodwill Plaza: 412-771-0122

Goodwill Villa: 412-257-4180

Goodwill Manor: 412-257-4844

Jefferson Courtyard: 724-437-9878

Summerdale Court: 412-257-4180

Warren Plaza: 412-681-1749

MiscellaneousFinancial SupportAnnual giving, fundraising events, planned giving and agency tours


Volunteer Opportunities412-632-1931

Friends of Goodwill–Fayette Auxiliary724-437-9878

Media & Public Relations412-632-1942

Donation Drives412-632-1934 412-632-1931

For more information, please visit our web site at www.goodwillswpa.org.

Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/gwswpa

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ goodwillswpa



Bishop Thomas Bickerton

John Brier

J. Ardie (Butch) Dillen

James M. Droney, Jr.

Mario Farina

Cosette Grant-Overton

Frank M. Hammond

Shawn P. Hanlon

Worth M. Helms

Rev. Larry P. Homitsky

John C. Krouse

Stephen Lampe

Karen L. Larrimer

Marion P. Lewis

Regina McDonald

Albert H. Mercer

Mark Popovich

David G. Reese

Jamie Scarano

Michael Sparlin

Richard Standish

Morton D. Stanfield

William G. Stayduhar

Raymond Steeb III

Jeffrey W. Sterling

Emeritus Member

Robert S. Foltz

Honorary Life Members

James C. Roddey

Richard M. Scaife

Officers of the Board

Patrick J. Guinee Chairperson

R. Yvonne Campos Vice Chairperson

Sidney Zonn Secretary

John A. Mills, III Treasurer

Gary R. Claus Immediate Past Chairperson

Michael J. Smith President/CEO

About GoodwillGoodwill provides a wide array of human

service, residential and social outreach

programs that serve thousands of people

each year. To help people with disabilities

and other barriers to employment, our

Workforce Development Center provides

a comprehensive menu of employment-

related services, including evaluation and

testing, training and education, job

placement and on-going support.

Goodwill operates 30 regional retail

stores and other businesses to help fund

programs and to provide job training and

employment opportunities for our clients.

Mission StatementWe help people improve their quality of

life through work and related services.

Vision StatementThe vision of Goodwill of Southwestern

Pennsylvania is to be recognized as the

region’s premier human service

organization offering exceptional services.

We will be satisfied only when all persons

have the opportunity to achieve success in

their pursuit of meaningful work or other

quality of life experiences.

Agency Leadership (as of December 31, 2012)


Goodwill of Southwestern PennsylvaniaWorkforce Development Center

Robert S. Foltz Building

118 52nd Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Telephone: 412-481-9005

TTY: 412-632-1977


Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania is an Equal Opportunity

Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon

request to individuals with disabilities. For more information, call 412-632-1809

or e-mail [email protected]

Goodwill SWPA is committed to conducting its business in accordance with the

highest standards of ethical behavior and regulatory compliance and to treating

everyone with dignity and respect. The agency’s full Code of Conduct document –

“Ethics at Work” – may be viewed at www.goodwillswpa.org.