2011 monitor minute_september-13

Ryan McConnell [email protected] September 13, 2011 Why you should 'let the moment pass' The mistake of marketing around tragic events The Bottom Line Marketing efforts around politically charged events or human tragedies run a high risk of being perceived as crass, exploitative or disrespectful. It's almost always a better strategy to let the moment pass without comment. At the Root Cynicism about business' motives remains high 67% agree, "If the opportunity arises, most businesses will take advantage of the public if they feel they are not likely to be found out." 1 "Business as usual" amid tragedy violates social norms 79% agree, "Business is too concerned with profits and not enough with public responsibility." 2 Consumers want brands that align with their values 74% agree, "I appreciate it when companies make it clear what they stand for and stay true to their values." 3 Making the Case What do the Arab Spring, Japanese tsunami and the 10-year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks have in common? For too many companies this year, the answer has been the marketing opportunity these events present for their product or service. Even when executed with the best of intentions, many of these efforts have backfired and been perceived as exploitative or disrespectful. Why? For one, in an environment featuring a deficit of fairness and a surplus of economic anxiety, consumers are scrutinizing the motives of business like never before and are thus less likely to view a tongue-in-cheek tweet with the humor it was intended. Equally important, though, is the fact that these events are often viewed as sacred and thus subject to social norms and not market norms. In such situations, adding even the implied element of profit into the equation can feel like a violation of decency. Like a salesman passing out his business card at a funeral, it's almost always a bad idea. Lieb Family Cellars' 9/11 Wine Kenneth Cole's tweet during the Egyptian uprising

Transcript of 2011 monitor minute_september-13

Page 1: 2011 monitor minute_september-13

Ryan McConnell [email protected]

September 13, 2011

Why you should 'let the moment pass' The mistake of marketing around tragic events

The Bottom Line

Marketing efforts around politically charged events or human tragedies run a high risk of being perceived as crass, exploitative or disrespectful. It's almost always a better strategy to let the moment pass without comment.

At the Root

Cynicism about business' motives remains high

67% agree, "If the opportunity arises, most businesses will take advantage of the public if they feel they are not likely to be found out." 1

"Business as usual" amid tragedy violates social norms

79% agree, "Business is too concerned with profits and not enough with public responsibility." 2

Consumers want brands that align with their values

74% agree, "I appreciate it when companies make it clear what they stand for and stay true to their values." 3

Making the Case

What do the Arab Spring, Japanese tsunami and the 10-year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks have in common? For too many companies this year, the answer has been the marketing opportunity these events present for their product or service. Even when executed with the best of intentions, many of these efforts have backfired and been perceived as exploitative or disrespectful. Why? For one, in an environment featuring a deficit of fairness and a surplus of economic anxiety, consumers are scrutinizing the motives of business like never before and are thus less likely to view a tongue-in-cheek tweet with the humor it was intended. Equally important, though, is the fact that these events are often viewed as sacred and thus subject to social norms and not market norms. In such situations, adding even the implied element of profit into the equation can feel like a violation of decency. Like a salesman passing out his business card at a funeral, it's almost always a bad idea.

Lieb Family Cellars' 9/11 Wine

Kenneth Cole's tweet during the Egyptian uprising

Page 2: 2011 monitor minute_september-13

Taking Action

Remember: The risk often exceeds the reward

The chance of long-term brand damage far exceeds the short-term gains these high-profile events present.

Do good for goodness sake

If you believe you must involve yourself in a high-profile event or tragedy, act in a genuinely altruistic way. Give 100% of your profits to the cause, not just 10%.

Provide oversight to social media

Recent major PR blunders have occurred on social media sites such as Twitter. Don't let the summer intern damage the brand; provide clear standards for what is and what is not appropriate.

What's your take on marketing around tragic events? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page!

Case Study Marketing around the Japanese earthquake and tsunami

1 Source: 2011 Yankelovich MONITOR; vs. 32% agree, "With minor exceptions, the honesty and integrity of businesses in their dealings with the public is at a very high level." 2 Source: 2011 Yankelovich MONITOR 3 Source: 2011 Global MONITOR, US Sample

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