2011 Final Budget Overview

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  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Total Expenditure Budget - $37,507,495

    y Total Budget Breakdowny General Fund: $10,816,189

    y Other Funds: $17,945,028

    y Sewer Fund: $3,313,993

    y Water Fund: $5,433,285

    y 2010 Budget - $26,722,458; difference of $10,785,037 or 40%.

    y Reasons for Difference

    y PARC Grant Aquatic Center $4.7 million

    y EDA Wabash Avenue & E. 17th Street $2.0 million

    y Illinois Jobs Now! Airport Road & Calumet Street $2.5 million

    y SRTS Grant Sidewalk at Brookside $250,000

    y CDAP Public Facilities Phase VI Sewer Line $350,000

    y IGIG Grant Storm Sewer Project $400,000

    y New T- Hangar Grant - $600,000




    29%Other Funds



    Sewer Fund


    Water Fund


    Request 2011 ( $37,507,495 )

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Balanced Budget General FundOne of Citys Financial Management Objectives is to have a

    Balanced Budget Every Year

    y Proposed 2011 Budget is a Balanced Budget Meaning:

    y Revenues of $10,816,189

    Are Equal to

    y Expenditures of $10,816,189

    y Budget has been Balanced since 2005 (7 ConsecutiveBudgets)

    y Historyy 2004 Cash Balance: $679,713

    y 2011 Proposed Cash Balance: $1,067,946; or a 57% increase from2004 Cash Balance

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Impact to Tax Payersy Three out of the Past Four Years the Citys Tax Rate has


    y 2011 2.848 to 2.696


    This rate is lower than the tax rate in 2007










    2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Estimate 2011 Projection

    2.716 2.710 2.709



    Tax Rate

    DecreaseDecrease Expected


  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Sewer RatesThere is NO PROPOSED sewer rate increase for 2011.

    y In 2008, sewer rates increased by 4% raising the rate from$6.93 to $7.21y 2008 rate increase went toward IEPA Compliance

    Commitment Agreement projects.

    y Prior to 2008, the City had not increased the sewerrate since 2000; which constituted a 28% rate increaseat the time.

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Water RatesThere is NO PROPOSED water rate increase for 2011

    y In 2008, water rates increased the minimum bill from$7.41/1,000 gallons to $7.78/1,000 gallons

    y This increase represented a 5% increasey For the average user (6,000 gal per two months) this

    represented a $0.97 per month increase.y 2008 was the last time the water rate was increased

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Budget Priorities for 2011

    Fund Revenues Expenditures JustificationGeneral 10,816,189$ 10,816,189$ Balanced with $77,715 in


    Other Funds 18,285,655$ 17,945,028$ $4,139,000 TARP & EDP Funding

    $4,758,750 Aquatic Center Grant

    Sewer Fund 2,893,752$ 3,312,993$ $127,074 Phase VI Sanitary

    Sewer Line Improvement Project

    (Match for CDAP Public Facility

    Grant Request of $300,000)


    Water Fund 5,342,465$ 5,433,285$ $250,000 Phase I McCord Street

    Water Line Upgrade Project (inConnection with Illinois Jobs Now!


    $150,000 Engineering for

    Replacement of Water Treatment


  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Strategic Planning

    y How does this budget address our Strategic Plan

    y Strategic Plan includes the following Focus Areas:

    y 8 Key Focus Areas

    y Economic Development

    y Community Planning & Preparedness

    y CommunityImage

    y Improved Transportation Network

    y Improved Infrastructure

    y Enhanced Public Safetyy Citizen Services

    y Finance & Management

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Budget Priorities for 2011 (General Fund)

    1. Continued Commitment to Effective Communication with Citizens (City Annual

    Budget Document, City Newsletter The Centralian, Citizen Survey, CentraliaTV)Strategic Plan: Finance & Management Achieve a Community in which Citizens andBusinesses are informed about Local Issues and City Programs and Services

    2. Improve City Facilities (Engineering Study & Land Acquisition for East Side FireStation - Illinois Jobs Now! Funding, EECGB Grant Implementation Install NewDoors on Fire Station No. 1)

    Strategic Plan: Finance & Management Use all available funding sources to financecapital improvement projects consistent with City priorities

    3. Focus on Community Planning (Strategic Plan, Implementing Comprehensive Plan,Citizen Survey, Budget Document and Performance Measurements)

    Strategic Plan: Community Planning Ensure an integrated planning approach thatconsiders all elements of establishing long or short-range plans, goals and objectivesfor the City.

    4. Continued Improvement to CityInfrastructure (Streets, Sidewalks, Drainage)Strategic Plan: Infrastructure Improve and maintain existing infrastructure andleverage opportunities for new infrastructure.

    5. Improve Facility Energy Efficiency (HVAC Upgrade at CityHall - EECGB Grant)Strategic Plan: Finance & Management Use all available funding sources to finance

    capital improvement projects consistent with City priorities

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Budget Priorities for 2011 (Other Funds)

    1. Utilizing Grant Funding for Road & DrainageImprovements to Wabash & E. 17


    Street $4.2 million ($2.2 million from IDOT TARP and $2.0 million from EDAARRA)

    Strategic Plan: Finance & Management Use all available funding sources to financecapital improvement projects consistent with City priorities

    2. Aid Local Businesses with Development Loans for Business Assistance, FaadeGrants and Loans ($300,000)

    Strategic Plan: Economic Development Foster an environment that makes the Cityof Centralia an attractive location for quality, living wage paying jobs and growthindustry and business

    3. Enhancing Recreational Opportunities - Application for Grant Funding through thePark and Recreational Facility Grant Program ($4,758,750)

    Strategic Plan: Citizen Services Provide and maintain recreation facilities based oncommunity need, as well as on the ability of the City to finance, construct, maintainand operate these facilities now and in the future

    4. Continued Street Improvements (Frazier Ave Overlay from Lincoln Blvd. to PerrineAve.)

    Strategic Plan: Transportation Implement a Pavement Protection Plan, effectivelyranking roads into classification categories based on level of use and condition.

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    Budget Priorities for 2011 (Other Funds cont..)

    5. Improve Housing Stock utilizing CDAP (5 houses)Strategic Plan: Community Planning Ensure a high quality living and workingenvironment

    6. Improve Transportation Grant Application for Sidewalk Installation on BrooksideAvenue from 4th Street to 7th Street near Willow Grove School through the SafeRoutes to School (SRTS) Grant Program ($250,000)

    Strategic Plan: Transportation Encourage alternative modes of transportation torelieve vehicle burden on City streets.

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Budget Priorities for 2011 (Sewer Fund)

    1. Sewer Improvements (7th & Cherry Sewer Line, PhaseVI Sewer Line ImprovementProject CDAP Public Facility Grant)

    Strategic Plan: Infrastructure Continue to develop and implement the SewerRehabilitation Plan.

    2. IEPA Compliance (Phosphorus Removal and Plant Upgrade)

    Strategic Plan: Infrastructure Stay current on changing environmentalregulations.

    3. Storm Sewer Improvements - Downtown Storm Sewer Collection SystemImprovements (IGIG) Grant Program Application

    Strategic Plan: Infrastructure Maintain and operate the storm drain system sothat storm waters are drained from 95% of the streets within one hour after astorm.

    4. Commitment to Strong Customer Service - Remediation Services for SewerBackups in Private Residences or Business After Denial by CityInsurance Carrier(Restoration & Damage Fund)

    Strategic Plan: Infrastructure Continue to develop and implement the SewerRehabilitation Plan.

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    Budget Priorities for 2011 (Water Fund)

    1. Identify and Remediate All Areas of Leakage and Water LossStrategic Plan: Infrastructure Enhance water conservation plan during period of water


    2. Increased Use of Technology (SCADA Telemetry & Calibration)Strategic Plan: Infrastructure Explore ways to streamline operation and to maximizebudgeted funds.

    3. Increased Preventative MaintenanceStrategic Plan: Infrastructure Maintain water treatment facilities in highest workingorder.

    4.Improvements to Distribution System - Phase

    IMcCord Street Water Line UpgradeProject (in Connection with Illinois Jobs Now! Funding); Water Main Upgrade on

    Calumet Street from Perrine Avenue to S. Pine Street (in Connection with Illinois JobsNow! Funded Airport & Calumet Street Improvement Project)

    Strategic Plan: Infrastructure Ensure that existing and future raw water supplies andproduction capacity will be adequate.

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview


    New Funds Created

    PARCCreated to track Funds from the Park and RecreationalFacility Grant ProgramExpenditures Include:

    $366,000 Engineering$4,392,750 Phase I Materials & Construction


    Created to track Funds from the Safe Routes to SchoolGrant Program

    Expenditures Include:$45,000 Engineering$245,000 Sidewalk Installation

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview



    General Fund



    Other Funds



    Sewer Fund$3,178,724


    Water Fund



    Actual 2009 ( $28,628,907 )

    General Fund



    Other Funds$7,199,301


    Sewer Fund



    Water Fund



    Budget 2010 ( $23,792,056 )

    General Fund



    Other Funds



    Sewer Fund



    Water Fund



    Estimate 2011 ( $37,338,061 )

    RevenueEstimates Increased 57% (or$13,561,471) over 2010 Budget:

    From $23,792,056 to $37,338,061

    (Mainlydue to $4.7 million PARC

    Grant Funding and $2.0 million EDAGrant for E. 17th St. & Wabash Ave)

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    ExpenditureEstimates Increased 40%(or $10,785,037) over 2010 Budget:

    From $26,722,458 to $37,507,037

    (Mainlydue to $4.7 million PARCGrant

    Funding and $2.0 million EDA Grantfor E. 17th St. & Wabash Ave)

    General Fund



    Other Funds


    Sewer Fund



    Water Fund



    Actual 2009 ( $29,074,095 )

    General Fund



    Other Funds$8,412,671


    Sewer Fund



    ater Fund

    $ ,441,160


    Esti at 20 0 ( $2 ,722,45 )

    General Fund


    29%Other Funds

    $17,94 ,028


    Sewer Fund



    ater Fund

    $ ,433,28


    Request 20 ( $37,507,495 )

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Final Budget Overview

