2010 Rzeszow, October 2010 Employment and Enterprising Department. Valencia City Council.

2010 Rzeszow, October 2010 Employment and Enterprising Department. Valencia City Council.

Transcript of 2010 Rzeszow, October 2010 Employment and Enterprising Department. Valencia City Council.

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Rzeszow, October 2010

Employment and Enterprising Department. Valencia City Council.

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Population: 815,440 (Valencia has the third highest number of inhabitants in Spain).

Its population is relatively young:

19%: 15 – 29 years old.33%: 30 – 49 years old.

Main employment sectors:- Population working in the service sector: 74%- Population working in the industrial sector: 14%


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 Valencia City Council. Employment and Enterprising Department.   Services:  Associated centre to the ‘Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación’ (SERVEF) (Valencian Service of Employment and Training). Career Guidance. Employment programs for the unemployed. Advice and support for enterprising projects. European Programmes. www.valencia.eswww.valenciaemprende.es

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Valencia Emprende renders services related to entrepreneurship and business consolidation, promoting company initiatives which increase enterprising activity in the city of Valencia.

Activities:1. Municipal aids for business initiatives.2. Municipal aids for hiring.3. Advice for the setting up and consolidation of companies.4. Advice point and start-up of SLNE* processing.

*New Limited companies.5. Valencia Emprende Awards.6. Concilia-Te Prize.7. Training for entrepreneurs (entreprising itinerary, setting up and consolidation

of enterprises, support to small businesses and Valencia Emprende Workshops).

8. ‘Enterprise Incubator’(*It provides information, advice and training services to new companies)

9. ‘Geoemprende’ Report.10. All-in-one Business services company.11. We have an idea: To teach young entrepreneurs.

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Municipal aids for Business Initiatives.

Economic aids towards the creation of business activity in the city of Valencia, subsidizing incorporation costs and start-up expenses.

Maximum amount: 6,400 €.

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Municipal aids for hiring.

Economic aid to promote indefinite employment contracts for the unemployed of the city of Valencia.

Subsidy amount:

5,000 € per indefinite full-time contract 6,000 € per indefinite full-time contract if the hired person is younger than 30 years old.3,000 € per indefinite part-time contract.4,000 € per indefinite part-time contract if the hired person is younger than 30 years old.

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Advice for the promotion and consolidation of companies.

Services offered by Valencia Emprende:

Information related to the procedures of setting up a company.

Guidance for Company planning.

Information and advice about financing, tax system, aids towards the setting up and consolidation of new companies, hiring, etc.

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Valencia Emprende Awards:

This prizes consist of three participation categories:

1 Entreprising woman.

1 Business project.

2 Business management.

Prizes between 1.000€ - 2.000€.

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Concilia-Te Prize:

To acknowledge good working practice developed by Valencian companies as far as work-life balance is concerned.

To promote the starting-up of measures that contribute towards balancing personal, family and work life.


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Training for entrepreneurs.

The training actions that are carried out are:

Enterprising itinerary: 2 stages:•Business management training (100 hours).•Launching grant: the best participating projects will receive an aid of 5,600€ to start its business.

Course for the incorporation and consolidation of new companies: business management training (290 hours).

Support for small businesses: Course aimed at business owners and managers with the purpose of improving their management skills (320 hours).

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 The ‘Enterprise incubator’ programme in Valencia has the purpose of completing the creation process of a new company, allowing new companies to be located in enabled spaces and providing information, advice and training services.

(It consists in a series of modules with the necessary infrastructure and means to assure its proper performance).

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It is a tool which provides geographic and business-related information and supplies data about the city of Valencia.

It is possible to take a glance at the location of businesses in different areas, analysing, for example, the distribution of the activities, the demographic structure, business density, etc.


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All-in-one business services company.

 Entrepreneurs will be able to do all the necessary paperwork and formalities to start-up a company in one physical space.  Corporate name attestation from the Companies’ House.

Fiscal procedures: obtaining the Spanish Tax Identification Code for business (CIF), registration of the tax for economic activities (IAE), census declaration and emission of fiscal identifying labels.

Work and Social Security: enterprise registration and opening-up of the company’s contribution account number and registration of workers

Autonomous region: authorizations and registrations. Declaration of the opening-up of an enterprise, licences and certificates.

Valencia City Council: Municipal licences of activity, of building work and of occupancy of public dominions.

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We have an idea: To teach young entrepreneurs.


To encourage an enterprising spirit from the earliest To encourage an enterprising spirit from the earliest educational stages.educational stages.

To stimulate and motivate students to generate ideas, To stimulate and motivate students to generate ideas, developing the concept of self-employment and promoting an developing the concept of self-employment and promoting an enterprising attitude.enterprising attitude.

To develop enterprising qualities and skills, like creativity, To develop enterprising qualities and skills, like creativity, decision-making, responsibility, perseverance, group work, the decision-making, responsibility, perseverance, group work, the ability to take risks and planning.ability to take risks and planning.


A: Primary school students (10-11 years old)A: Primary school students (10-11 years old) B: Secondary school students (14 years old)B: Secondary school students (14 years old)

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A. Primary School Students


This game consists of a party organisation, taking into account costs and possible benefits.

Decision-making about:

Search for a place to celebrate the party.

Food and drinks preparation.




Tickets’ price.


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The game: The aim is to carry out the most attractive project and with The aim is to carry out the most attractive project and with

the largest benefit.the largest benefit. Groups of five. Groups of five. The winning party is the one that achieves the largest benefit.The winning party is the one that achieves the largest benefit.

Game development: Budget: Set a price for the tickets, afternoon snack, Budget: Set a price for the tickets, afternoon snack,

decorations, advertising, hiring the music.decorations, advertising, hiring the music. Advertising development (slogan) and information about the Advertising development (slogan) and information about the

party.party. Organisation of the party.Organisation of the party. Method: The activity is carried out with an active, participative method The activity is carried out with an active, participative method

which is based on values of respect and equality and which is based on values of respect and equality and adapted to student needs.adapted to student needs.

Conclusion: When students finish the game, they reflect on its similarities When students finish the game, they reflect on its similarities

with real life (putting plans into practice, technical and with real life (putting plans into practice, technical and economic viability, etc.)economic viability, etc.)

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75% of students had little or no knowledge about 75% of students had little or no knowledge about entrepreneurship before carrying out the activity.entrepreneurship before carrying out the activity.

92% believe that the activity has increased their knowledge 92% believe that the activity has increased their knowledge about this topic.about this topic.

79% think that the game has developed their creativity and 79% think that the game has developed their creativity and initiative.initiative.


The results of the surveys have been very satisfactory. The results of the surveys have been very satisfactory. The city council of Valencia is aware of the importance of The city council of Valencia is aware of the importance of

stimulating business spirit from early ages in order to motivate a stimulating business spirit from early ages in order to motivate a generation of entrepreneurs in our society.generation of entrepreneurs in our society.

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B. Secondary School Students



It consists of the development, in groups, of an idea for a business, following these steps: Enterprise name.Image or logo.What its activity will be.Who its customers will be.Necessary financing.Training needs for its staff.


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Game development

Achievement in three stages: Group development of the business idea. Group presentation of the enterprise. The rest of the students will vote the enterprise in which

they would invest and which offered product or service they would buy.

Enterprises classification according to the received investments and customers willing to buy its products.

Method: The activity is developed following an active, participative

method, based on the students’ needs.

Conclusion Once game is over, a reflection about the importance of both

the creation of an interesting product that receives capital investments and its posterior demand by the customers takes place, highlighting the importance of both processes.

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Characteristics that these dynamics have in common with real business:



Learning from mistakes.



Reasoning and defending ideas.

Planning and organisation.

Market research.

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The city council of Valencia is aware of The city council of Valencia is aware of the importance of stimulating business the importance of stimulating business

spirit from early ages in order to spirit from early ages in order to motivate a generation of entrepreneurs motivate a generation of entrepreneurs

in our society.in our society.