2010 China Study Abroad Catalog

chinastudyabroad.org China Study Abroad ® Study, Volunteer, Teach, Experience...


China: vast, ambitious, proud and transforming like never before. Speed down alleyways on your Beijing bicycle, devour dumplings in the shadow of a Shanghai skyscraper, or trek through the lush landscapes surrounding Kunming. China is not just a different country, it's a different world. Join CSA in one of thirteen diverse and dynamic cities across the Chinese mainland and experience the future now!

Transcript of 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog

Page 1: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


China Study Abroad ®

Study, Volunteer, Teach, Experience...

Page 2: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog

CSA Overview3 WhyCSA?4 AboutCSA5 All-InclusivePrograms6 ChinaBasics8 Living&Studying:ChinaStats10 Living&Studying:Profiles12 Activities14 Accommodations

PrOgrAmS16 Programs 18 3Cities19 Teaching20 MartialArts21 HighSchool22 YouthAdventureCamp23 BusinessPrograms 24 CorporatePrograms25 HongKong/Macau& ForeignBornChinese

PrOgrAmS, CON’T.26 VolunteerPrograms27 Internships28 WhatStudentsareSaying30 TailorMade&GroupTours31 AdditionalTravel

CiTieS34 Beijing 36 Shanghai38 Xi’an 40 Kunming42 Qingdao44 Tianjin46 Hangzhou48 Dalian50 Nanjing52 Guilin54 Guangzhou56 Chengdu58 Lhasa

FeeS ANd dATeS60 Fees62 Dates63 ExplanationofFees64 ScholarshipInformation65 ScholarshipApplication66 GivingBack68 StudentFeedback

APPlyiNg70 ApplicationProcedure71 ApplicationForm

wrAP UP74 www.chinastudyabroad.org75FAQs76 AsiaStudyAbroad78 MapofChina


Page 3: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


why ChOOSe ChiNA STUdy AbrOAd?

STUDENT SATISFACTIONAtChinaStudyAbroadwetakegreatprideinthesatisfactionofourstudents.Dayornight,weguaranteethatouremployeeswilldoeverythingintheirpowertomakeyour


PRICEOurprogramfeesareasmallpricetopayfor peace of mind, not to mention ourmanyservicesandactivities.ChinaStudyAbroadtakesasmallerfeethananyother

study abroad agency while exceeding the competition infactorslikeapartmentquality,courseflexibilityandnumberof group activities/excursions.AtChina StudyAbroadwecontinually check our prices against our competitors toensure thatweprovideourprogramparticipantswith thelowestpricesavailable.Infact,we’resoconfidentthatyouwon’tfindabetterdealanywhereelsethatwepromisetorefundyou 100%of thedifference if youfindan identicalstudy abroad package offering equivalent housing andprogramservices.

TRANSPARENCYThrough our forum, blogs, photos,and video you can learn about paststudents’ experiences directly from thestudents themselves. Want to know

what the accommodations are like in Kunming? Checkoutthephotographsoftheactualhousingthatyouwillbestayingin!Wanttoseewhatouractivitiesarelike?Watchthe videos of our various excursions and activities!WanttoknowhowitfeelstobeaparticipantintheChinaStudyAbroadprograms?Read throughourstudent, teacherandvolunteer blogs!Have questions about the program?Postyour queries in the forum and find your answers! We’reconfidentthatthosewhojoinChinaStudyAbroadhaveveryfunandfulfillingexperiences,andwe’renotafraidtoproveit.Checkusoutatwww.chinastudyabroad.org.

FLEXIBILITYChina StudyAbroad offers 8 programs tochoose from, in over 10 difference cities,6different typesofhousing,classesat20differentschools,and4waystopay.With

startingdates year-roundand customizable programs, ifYOUcandreamit,WEcanplanit.ChinaStudyAbroadoffersmorechoicessothatyoucanexperienceChinathewaythatyouwant.

SAFETYOn any CSA program safety is a toppriority. Every student is covered withcomprehensivemedical andemergencyinsurancethroughourpartnerInterGlobal


LEGITIMACYStudents should be wary when select-ing a study abroad company. They arenot all the same. China Study Abroadis registered in both China and Hong

Kong. We are also members of NAFSA (Association ofInternational Educators) and ACTFL (American CouncilofTeachingForeignLanguages).Ourprogramshavebeenfeatured in several trusted publications, and for goodreason.YoucanrestassuredthatbychoosingChinaStudyAbroad,youaretravelingtoChinawithan internationallyrecognized company that has been commended for itsprofessionalismtimeandtimeagain.

EXPERIENCEChinaStudyAbroadhashostedhundredsof students from over 36 countries,ranginginagefrom17to77,in13citiesthroughout China. We know China

through and through, and you will benefit from our vastexperience.WithChinaStudyAbroad,youcanbeconfidentthatyouhaveacompanyandastaffwithyearsofexperienceintheserviceandeducationindustry,fullypreparedtodealwithanyproblemsyoumighthave. Inall likelihood,we’veovercomeasimilarobstacledozensoftimesbefore.

LOCAL KNOWLEDGE, WESTERN SERVICE Wecombine thebestof theEast andWest when assisting our students.Our staff members have an intimate

knowledgeofthesurroundingarea,theeducationsystem,andthehousingmarket,buttheyhavealsobeentrainedto meet the world’s highest standards of customerservice. Several of our staffmembers have spent yearsworking in the service sector forwestern corporations,even living abroad in western nations before returninghometoChina.Witheachoftheirfeetfirmlyplantedinboth of these differentworlds, our employees are youridealguidesinChina.

COMMUNITY AWARENESSEvery year China Study Abroadcontributes to ruralschools throughoutChina. Most recently, our efforts havebeenconcentrated in the impoverished

Tibetan region of Qinghai province. As an educationcompany,ChinaStudyAbroadrecognizes the importanceof providing an education to those in need. Education isthekeytoupwardsmobility,everywhereintheworld.Withthis in mind, we’ve developed community schools thatprovide free basic education to those in need, regardlessofage,ethnicity,andgender.Moreover,weencourageourprogramparticipantstobecomeinvolvedinourcharitableprojectsbytakingthemontoursofourcommunityschools,recruiting volunteers, and organizing various fundraisingprojects such as our charity poker tournament. At ChinaStudyAbroad,ourultimateaimisbetteringtheeducationalexperienceforpeopleeverywhere.Wehopeyoujoinusinfurtheringthatgoal.


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1. AccommodationsBe it a luxury apartment, dormitories on campus, or ahomestaywithaChinesespeakingfamily,wefinditforyouandhave itpreparedbeforeyourarrival inChina.YouwillarriveinChinatoafurnishedlivingarrangementsothatyoucan start experiencing China immediately, instead ofdesperatelysearchingforaplacetolive.

2. SchoolAfteryouhavecarefullychosenyourparticularschoolandprogramfromourarrayoflearningoptions,wewilltakecareofallofyourschoolregistration.Youonlyhavetoshowuptoclass and learn; everything else is our responsibility. Weeven purchase your textbooks! And if you are seekingintensiveone-on-oneinstructionafterclass,wewillfindyouthe perfect tutor to accelerate your language learning.Anyonethathasattendedauniversityknowsthatitcanbeabureaucraticnightmare.Letusdotheworksothatyoucanbeafulltimestudent.

3. Excursions and ActivitiesStudyhardontheweekdays,andhavefunontheweekends!CSAoffersvariousactivitiesthroughoutthestudyingterm.Ourstaffwilltakeyouonall-inclusivetoursofalltheexciting

1.ThebestwaytolearnChineseisthroughimmersioninaChineseenvironment,and2.ComingtoChinashouldbefunandexciting,not difficult.


China Study abroad ProvideS Four eSSential ServiCeS

sightsaroundyourcity,providinganEnglish-speakingguideandadriver.Ourexcursionsgobeyondmerelysight-seeing:everwantedtogocampingontheGreatWallofChinaortryeating Scorpion for dinner? Moreover, there’s always thepopularCSAsocialnightssuchasourIronChefcompetitions,charity poker tournaments, and karaokenights! Lastly,wealso have various cultural events such as lectures fromscholarsonChinesecultureorlessonsinmakingdumplings!We guarantee that there will always be fun and edifyingactivitiesforyoutoattendifyoucometoChinawithCSA.

4. ServiceLastly,andmostimportantly,weofferourstudents24-hourcustomerservice.Whetheryouarelostat3inthemorning,needhelp buying a bicycle, need to go to the hospital, orsimplywanttoknowthebestplacetogetnoodles,wearethereforyou!Wearealsoyourpersonaltravelagencyandwill gladly arrange any travel plans you may have, frombuyingticketstoalocalfootballmatch,tobookingatriptoInnerMongolia.Wedoitall.Youcanrestassuredthattherewillalwaysbesomeone lookingout foryouandyourbestinterestswhenyouarestudyinginChina.You’llbespendinglesstimegettingacclimatedtoaforeigncountryandusingyourtimetoactuallylearnthecultureanditslanguage!


Page 5: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


✓ Welcomedinner✓ Studentorientationandreception

While in China✓ 24-hourcustomerservice✓ CSAnetworkingresources✓ Accommodationmanagementincludingitemizedutilities✓ ContinuedserviceandcorrespondencewiththeUSoffice✓ Personalizedmailandpackagedelivery✓ Travelarrangements–CSAisyourpersonaltravel agencywhileinChina,withouttheservicefees!✓ OptionalstudenttraveltoursarrangedbyCSAstaff withoutserviceorguidefees

aCtivitieS✓ CSASocialEventssuchasKaraokeNight, PokerTournaments,Bowling,Bar-hoppingnights, ThanksgivingDinner,ChristmasParty,Iron-Chef Competitionsandmuchmore!✓ CSAExcursionsincludingguidedtourstonearby cultural,historical,andnaturalsitesincluding,but notlimitedto,campingtripattheGreatWall,skiing andsnowboardingweekend,tripstosportingand musicevents,museums,temples,ChineseOperanight andbanquetsintroducingChinesecuisine(Excursions varybaseduponstudent'scityofstudy)✓ Workshops,lecturesandseminarsconcerningChinese Business,SocietyandCulture✓ StudentLoungewithwidescreenhigh-deftelevision, internetaccessandstudyarea(onlyavailablefor Beijingprogramparticipants)

additional oPPortunitieS✓ Freeinternshipandteachingplacementforlanguage studyparticipants✓ Volunteeringoptionsandplacement✓ Jobreferralandrecommendations✓ Featuredplacementforblogs,videoandphotography atwww.chinastudyabroad.org

returning home✓ Officialtranscriptsandreorderassistance✓ Airportdrop-off✓ Continuedacademicadvising&credittransferassistance✓ AccesstoCSAalumnidatabase,forums,andblogs✓ MembershipintheCSAbusinessandalumninetwork

Included in all China Study Abroad Programs:

the baSiCS✓ Tuitionandregistrationfees✓ Pre-arranged,fully-furnishedaccommodationfor thedurationofyourprogram(exceptforTeachingand VolunteerPlacementPrograms)✓ InterGlobal“StudentCare”HealthandTravelInsurance✓ Alluniversitystudentfees✓ Textbooks✓ Airportpickupanddropoff✓ Personalizedandknowledgeable24-hourcustomer servicefrombeginningtoend

aCademiC SuPPort✓ Placementtestsuponarrivaltofindtheexact Mandarinlanguagebefittingyourlevelofstudy✓ Personaladvisingforselectingthecity,university, housingandprogramthatbestsuitsyourneeds✓ Academicadvising✓ Credittransferandcourseapprovalassistancewith yourhomeuniversity✓ LanguagePartnerreferralandplacementtoaugment Mandarinlearning✓ ExperiencedMandarintutors(forIntensiveProgram)✓ AccesstotheChinaStudyAbroadlanguage learningwebsite

PredeParture✓ Acceptancematerials✓ Studentvisaadvising✓ Healthexamandvaccinationsinformation✓ InformationalCD-ROMwith“LivinginChina”package, Chinesedictionaryprogram,Chinesefonts,Chinese homeworktrainer,Chinesecharacter-inputprograms, Chinesecharacterrecognitiontests,andlinkstoonline Chineselanguageandtravelresources✓ Traveladvising,ticketbuyingtips,packinglist,and travelagencyandwebsitereferrals

Parent / Family SuPPort✓ ParentalInformationPacket✓ Studentactivityupdates,videos,photosandblogs accessibleatwww.chinastudyabroad.org

FinanCial aSSiStanCe✓ ExclusiveChinaStudyAbroadscholarship opportunities✓ FinancialAidtransferassistance✓ Customizablebillingandpaymentoptions✓ Financialguidewithadvice&samplestudentbudgets

on-arrival✓ Airportpickup✓ WelcomePackincluding:MobilePhonewithlocal SIMcard,CSAclothbag,Chinese-Englishdictionary, StudentOrientationBooklet,TaxiGuideCard,Insider's Guidebook,LocalMap,CSAPolo,andClassicChinese DVDs(WelcomePackcontentsdependentuponcity ofstudy)

All iNClUSive PrOgrAmS


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Page 6: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


China isa landofhyperbole: theoldestcontinuouscivilization inhumanhistory, theworld’s largestpopulation, thefastesteconomicgrowthrateeverseen,andthethirdlargestcountryontheplanet.Throughoutthemillennia,describingChinahasbeenaneffortlefttopropagandistsandpoets.Surely,thetruthaboutChinaremainssomewhereinbetweentalesofmassstarvationtoldtofussyeatersandaneconomicandpoliticalbehemothcapableofsendingtrainsovertheworld’shighestmountains,dammingragingrivers,controllingtheworldwideweb,anddelivering1.3billionpeopleintoprosperity.Itseemsalmostcontradictorythatwecanreallyknowsolittleaboutacountrythatissowidelycoveredinthenews,oft-mentionedbypoliticians,andthoroughlydissectedineconomicandpoliticalreports.ItbecomesincreasinglyapparentthatfullycomprehendingChinanecessitatesalengthystayinthisland,ifnotalifetime.


HISTORYChina traces its roots back over 5,000 years.ArchaeologicalartifactswithwritingssimilartoChinesescripthavebeencarbon dated back to 1500 BC. It is generally accepted,thatChinawasfirstunified in221BC,underEmperorQinShiHuang.MuchhasbeensaidaboutthefirstemperorofChina.Legendsofhisatrocitiesarealwayscounterpointedby his contributions to China including standardizationof the Chinese written language, introducing centralizedgovernment,implementinglegalcode,beginningtheGreatWall ofChina, standardizing currency andmeasures, andofcourseunifyingChinaunderonegovernment.Today,heisstillaniconicfigurethatisregularlyrepresentedinfilm,televisionandliterature.

ManyconsidertheimperialeraofChinatobetheapexofChinese civilization, with a sphere of cultural, economicand political influence that reached around the globe. Atthistime,itwasthegreatlandofCathay,writtenbyaboutMarcoPolo,theendpointoftheSilkRoad,theoriginoftheConfuciansystem,Daoism,andawrittenlanguagestillusedtoday all aroundAsia.Chinese culturewas so ubiquitousandencompassingthatwhenneighboringinvaderssuchastheManchuriansandMongoliansconqueredChina,insteadof colonizing the Chinese, both successfully assimilatedthemselves intoChinese culture, becoming theYuan andQing Dynasties respectively. Kublai Khan, the founder ofthe Yuan Dynasty did not vie for control in his ancestralhomeofMongolia,morethanhappytobetheEmperorofChina instead.TheMachurians,whonamedtheirdynastyQingafter theChinesewordfor“purity“,strictlyenforcedallcodesofConfucianbureaucracy,makingittheirmissionto“out-ChinesetheChinese.”

The imperial era lasted until 1911. During this 2000 yearperiod,thegeographicbordersofChinadynamicallyebbedandflowed,while the Imperialmandateofheaven to ruleChinawasheldbyover13dynasties.Somelastedaslongas300years,whileothersonly12.Nonetheless,theConfuciansystemwhichpositedthatthemandateofheavenresidedsolelywith the Emperorwent unquestioneduntil the late19thcentury,whenarevolutionarythinkerbythenameofDr. Sun Yat-Sen proposed to overturnmillennia-worth oftraditionbycreatingaChineserepublic.Severelyweakenedby revolutions at homeand foreign encroachment on thecoast,theQingDynastycrumbled.

Thetransitiontopopularrulewasnoteasy.Chinaunderwenta lasting warlord era as competing interests fought forcontrol.EventuallySen’srepublicrosetopower,butpeacewasnottolast,asChinawastheninvadedbyJapanattheonsetofWWII.Thiswasthenfollowedbybrutalcivilwarbetween the Kuomingtang (KMT) and the CommunistPartyofChina(CPC).Whenthesmokeclearedin1949,theCPCretainedcontroloverthemainlandandtheKMThadbeenrelegatedtotheislandofTaiwanoffthecoastofFujianProvince.

On October 1, 1949, the People’s Republic of China wasproclaimedunderitscharismaticleaderMaoZedong.From1949-1976,mainlandChinaunderwentasocialistoverhaul.Land, industry, andmany forms of private propertywerecollectivized. Confucianism and Feudalism wereabolished, while much of the populationwasmoved on to collectives.

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Title: People’sRepublicofChina|Capital: Beijing|Largest City: Shanghai|Government:SocialistRepublicOfficial Language:Mandarin|Population: 1,321,851,888|Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $3.25trillionDemographics:56nativeEthnicGroups|Currency: Yuan(CNY)

baSiC China FaCtS

TheseseriesofreformswerecalledtheGreatLeapForward,which largely devastated the economy and the Chinesepopulationbecauseoffamine,naturaldisasters,andgrossmismanagement.

With the failure of these campaigns and Mao’s death,DengXiaoping tookcontrolover theCPCaftera lengthypower struggle. Deng’s ascendancy ushered in a periodof financial reform in 1976 that de-collectivized thecountryside and aimed for decentralizing governmentcontrol over major industries. Deng proclaimed that thePeople’sRepublicofChinawouldutilizea“socialismwithChinesecharacteristics”andthat“toberichisglorious.”

Slowlybutsurelyoverthepast3decades,Chinahaslivedby these mottoes. Today, the story of China is not oneof starving children but monumental economic growthand a burgeoning super power fighting for its right to bea global player. Recently accepted into the World TradeOrganization,hostingthe2008SummerOlympics,leadingthe world in exports, and home of the world’s largestcorporation(SinoPec),Chinaismakingitspresenceheard.Afterahundredyearsofrelativeobscurity,1.3billionpeoplearereadytotakecenterstageinthe21stcentury.

GeOGRapHYthe word for China, Zhongguo, means “middle kingdom,” reflectingthelong-heldbeliefthatChinawasthecenteroftheworld.Nationalisticprideaside,onecan’treallyblametheChineseforthinkingso—Chinaishuge.Encompassing,theTibetanplateauinthesouthwest,theSiberianTundratothenortheast,theGobiDesertinthenorthwest,thetropicsofsoutheastAsiaduesouthandthevastPacificcoastlineto the east, China is estimated to be 9,640,821 km. Thecountryborders14othernationsandincludes14,500kmofcoastline.China boastsmountain ranges, deserts, alluvialplains,deltas,rainforests,frozentundras,grasslandsteppes,andcountlessrivers.Withover35UNESCOWorldHeritageSites(andcounting),thesceneryinChinaisunbeatable.

LanGuaGethe official language of China is mandarin,or“Putonghua.”ThewordChinese isabitofmisnomer, as thereareover158 different dialects of Chinese; Chinese is more aptlydescribedasalanguagefamily.Overthecenturies,effortshavebeenmadetostandardizethelanguage,withMandarinbeing the modern incarnation. Nonetheless, throughoutChina many children grow up speaking a variant dialectonlytolearnMandarinwhenstartingschool.Althoughtheyareoftencalled“dialects,” thesevariant formsofChineseare more aptly described as different languages. In fact,EnglishandFrencharemorecloselyrelatedthanMandarinand Cantonese. Commonalities between dialects includetonality,whichislargelyabsentinEuropeanlanguages.

What does unify these variegated dialects is the writtenlanguage.Becausethewriting isnon-phonetic,characterscanrepresentthesameobjectorideainmultiplelanguages.Standardizationofthiswritinghasalsobeenacentralizedgovernmental

effortthroughoutChinesehistory.Today,thetworemnantsare simplified Chinese (used in the People’s Republic ofChina) and traditional Chinese (used in the rest of theChinese-speakingworld).WrittenChinesescripthashaditschanges,buthasremainedrelativelyconsistentcomparedto its spoken counterpart. Thus, Chinese people fromdifferenttimeperiodsandgeographicareaswouldstillbeabletowriteeachotherletters,althoughthegrammarandformhasgraduallychangedwithtime.Aneducatedliteracyleveliscommonlythoughttobearound4000characters,allofwhichmustbememorized.Becauseofitspictographicandtonalqualities,Chineseisoneofworld’smostdifficultlanguages.However,theeffortiswell-worthitasChineseisspokenbyover1.5billionpeople,andwithChina’seconomicascendancy,Mandarinmay soon supplant English as thenewlinguafranca.

eCOnOmYover the past 25 years, China has boasted the world’s fastest growth rate at over 10% a year. With a grossdomesticproduct(GDP)ofover$3.25trillion,Chinapowerstheworld’s3rdlargesteconomybehindonlytheUSAandJapan. The per-capita income rises by 8% annually, andits annual exports are at$963billion.This economic risehas correspondedwith a slow loosening of governmentalcontroloverfreeenterprise,asonlyathirdoftheeconomyisnowcontrolleddirectlybythestate.Economicreformandencouragementofprivate incomehasalsobroughtaboutincreasedforeigninvestment,whichstoodat$700billionin2006.EverybodywantstobreakintotheChinesemarket.

Withsuchunrelentinggrowth,severalissueshavearisenin-cludingenvironmentalproblems,naturaldisasterssuchasfloodingandsandstormscausedbyerosionanddesertifica-tion,aswellasanever-wideninggapbetweenrichandpoor.AndwhiletheGDPisamongthehighestintheworld,theaverageyearly incomeofaChinesecitizen isonly$2000USD,86thintheworld.Moreover,severalthingsconstrainChinese growth including poor transportation infrastruc-ture, insufficientenergyresources,andmismanagedcom-municationsnetworks.Nonetheless,thestatecontinuestoaddressthesekeyissuesbyconstructingmassiveprojectsincludinghydro-technology,masshighwayandrailsystems,replantingof forests,aswellaseffortstoenvironmentallyregulateindustryandimproveincomedisparitythroughed-ucation.WhatremainsirrefutableisthateconomicgrowthhasdrasticallyimprovedpovertylevelsandlivingstandardsthroughoutmostofChina.

China’spast remainsaneverpresent reminderof itsvastpotential,andthoughthefutureofChinaisbrightthepathisalsofraughtwithpotentialpitfalls.Thepresentisatimeforbothcelebrationandcaution,aseveryoneiswatchingwitheyespeeled,desperatetounderstandChinaand itseffecton our globalized world. Don’t just sit and watch. ComeexperiencethisepicmomentinworldhistoryfirsthandwithChinaStudyAbroad!

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ChinaStudyabroadwillmakeyourtransitioninChinaaseasyaspossible,allowingyoutoimmediatelydiveintoyourstudies.Thatbeingsaid,thereisstillmuchtolearnandexplorethroughoutChina.Ofcourse,yourstudentexperiencewillvarygreatlydependinguponyourchoiceofprogramandcityofstudy(formoreinformationseetheprogramandcitypagesincludedinthiscatalog).ToprovideaglimpseofCSastudentlifewehavecompiledsomebasicprogramstatisticsbelow.Formoredetailedinformation,[email protected].

Program Breakdown

university attendance by %

type of housing

national origin

level of education

liviNg & STUdyiNg iN ChiNA STATiSTiCS








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experience matters


Study, Volunteer, Teach, Experience...

Page 10: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


Manuel Aguilar

China Study AbroadAvenida Colonia del Valle

Delegacion BenitoJuarez Mexico 03100

Photo: Manuel at the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing


living & Studyingin


In CSA, everyone knows Manuel. He has been with the CSA program for nearly a year, and also took part in the Summer Study and Travel program. During the 2 week travel portion, he and other program participants visited Shanghai, Xi’an, and Guilin. (For details, photos, and videos see the Summer Study and Travel Program Page: at www.chinastudyabroad.org/summer_csa.aspx).Though originally from El Salvador, Manuel spent the last 3 years studying engineering in the United States. After perusing the CSA website, Manuel decided to take a year off to learn Chinese. Now that he’s in China, he hopes to never leave. He loves the Chinese people and their culture and hopes to build a life here, although once a week he absolutely must fulfill his craving for authentic Mexican food by going downtown to eat at Fogoncito’s, which Manuel insists has the best tacos this side of the Pacific.

On his off time from studying and traveling, Manuel loves to play video games and watching sporting events. He can regularly be found at the CSA student lounge with his X-Box plugged into the widescreen HDTV. Moreover, he has led student excursions to the Formula One race in Shanghai and the Women’s Soccer World Cup Match in Tianjin. As CSA’s newest staff member especially hired for the Spanish Speakers program, expect to see him at all the events during the Beijing Olympics!


Par Avon

Anna Maitland

China Study Abroad

268 Bush Street #3248

San Francisco, CA 94104


POSTCARD living & Studyingin


Anna is a world traveler, who has lived in Central

America, Spain, London and Taiwan. Before coming

to China, she spent over a year teaching English in

Taiwan where she picked up her Mandarin speaking

ability. With her considerable linguistic talent and

passion for helping others, she was a natural fit

for the CSA volunteer program.

Through CSA, Anna was placed at the

Community Alliance (CA) in Beijing, a Chinese run

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that specializes in lobbying for the

rights of elders in China. As a Communications Officer, Anna spends 15

hours a week writing grants, translating and editing documents, petitioning

for additional international support, and other administrative work. Visit the

CA website at www.communityalliance.org.cn. Anna also found time during

the October 1st National Holiday to take the volunteer trip to the CSA

Community School in Golog to teach English to impoverished Tibetan youth.

Her teaching experiences were beneficial to the other volunteers.

Anna’s other weekly activities include 7 hours a week of Wu Shu and at

least 7 hours a week of English tutoring. When not running from one of

her activities to another, Anna enjoys cooking and salsa dancing. In fact, her

cooking prowess is renown throughout CSA, as she was the winner of the

inaugural Iron Chef Contest with her Green Pepper Mushroom Chicken over

Rice. In fact, for the CSA Thanksgiving banquet, she managed to concoct a

delicious Pumpkin Pie without the use of an oven!


Par Avon

Photo: Anna in Tibet


Page 11: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


San Francisco, CA 94104

Amy Gardner

China Study AbroadUniversity RoadYangPu District, Shanghai, China

Photo: Amy at the CSA Community School in Tibet


living & Studyingin

ChinaAmy is one of the most accomplished students in the CSA program. Her Chinese speaking is fluent and her character recognition is at over 2000 characters. She is also a talented violinist and musician. Before joining the CSA program, she spent a summer studying ancient Japanese music in Tokyo on a special grant through Columbia University. She also has spent time learning the 二胡 (“Er Hu”) a traditional Chinese stringed instrument.

Since moving to China, she has performed with the International Festival Orchestra at the Forbidden City Music Hall, done solo performances at the Ritz Carlton and the Soho Building, as well as regularly performed in a French Gypsy Jazz duo at Beijing’s finest French restaurant, Le Bistrot Parisien. She also spends her time giving music lessons, performing “musical therapy” at a local hospital, and interning at the Empowerment and Rights Institute (ERI), an NGO dedicated to human rights in China.Amy also joined the volunteering trip to the Tibetan Plateau and the CSA Community school, which was a profoundly moving experience for her. She nearly kidnapped one of the Tibetan children at the CSA co-sponsored Golog Orphanage. However, she promised him that she’d return. Upon completion of her Chinese studies, she intends on joining the volunteering program at the CSA Community school in Golog for a semester to teach music and English.


Par Avon

Dominic Hum

China Study Abroad

Hua Qing Gardens,

Bldg #18, 2-201

Cheng Fu Road, Wu Dao Kou

Haidian District,

Beijing, China 100083

Photo: Dominic at the WuDaoKou Beer Garden in Beijing

POSTCARDliving & Studying



Although ethnically Chinese, Dominic grew up

in the United States and could not speak any

Mandarin. This was something that he sought

to remedy in reconnecting with the heritage of

his parewnts. As a business major, Dominic

was also fully cognizant of the potential

economic windfall of being fluent in Chinese

because China has the fastest economic

growth rate in human history. Coupling these

factors, Dominic decided to join the CSA intensive Mandarin language

and internship program.

Through CSA, Dominic was placed as a paid intern at the venture capital

firm Vertical Oracle. The Beijing based company concentrates on


foreign investment for major entrepreneurial projects in China. As a

paid intern, Dominic was placed as a manager of other interns and was

also the project leader for a company side deal involvin

g manufacturing

and exports to the United States. With the valuable experience gaine


from his internship and his considerably improved Mandarin, Dominic is

now working in finance in Manhattan.

In between working and studying, Dominic spent a considerable amount

of time learning about the local nightlife. He was definitely the “guy

to know” for invitations to the best parties. Moreover, he set up the

weekly poker nights, which he used to fund his rather active


life. With this taste of life in China, Dominic intends on doing


in China again in the future.


Par Avon



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Cultural exCurSionSAllvisitorstoBeijingmustseetheGreatWallofChina,butvery fewcanclaimtohavehiked throughanentiresectionandsleptonthemonumentovernight.However,allprogramparticipantsinBeijinghavetheopportunitybyattendingtheannualGreatWallcampingtrip.ThisisjustoneexampleinthegamutofgreatculturalexcursionsprovidedtoCSAprogramparticipants. Cultural excursions are always guided by aknowledgeableEnglish-speakingtourguidewhocanexplainthe significance ofChina’s impressive nationalmonumentsandnaturalwonders.Moreover,theseexcursionsarealwaysexpansiveintheirbreadth.

For example, the CSA hutong tour first takes studentsto the urban planning museum, so that participants canbetter understand the past, present and future of Beijing’sarchitecture,beforetakingthemona tourof theremaininghutongsonarickshaw,andconcludingtheexcursionswithadinnerinatraditional4-squarehutonghomewithaChinesefamilythathaslivedinthehutongsforgenerations.Restassured,CSAstaffhavegonetogreatlengthstoensurequality and informativeness for these cultural excursions.


eduCational eventSEveryyear,CSAworkshardtofindadditionalspeakersforitsalreadyimpressiverangeoflectures&workshopsconcerning

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everythingfromChineseculture,business,society,andarts.TheselecturestypicallytakeplaceattheCSAstudentloungeor at special invitation-only eventsput onbyorganizationssuchastheAmericanChamberofCommerce.RecentlecturesincludeaspeechonEnergyconsumptionandsolutionsbyoilbillionaireandcorporateraiderT.BoonePickens,economicslectures, human rights lectures, and academically directeddiscussions on contemporary Chinese cinema. Outside oflectures, CSA also takes students to experience ChineseculturesuchastripstothePekingOpera,ChineseAcrobaticsShows,andbanquetswithtraditionalChinesecuisine.

SoCial aCtivitieSOfcourseeveryoneneedstohavea littlefun,whichiswhyCSAholdsmanyfuneventsgoodforcalmingthestressed-out student such as bar-hopping night, Christmas andThanksgiving parties, cooking competitions, charity pokertournaments,hiking trips,shoppingtrips,andofcourse theannual all-inclusive skiing/snowboarding trip! While theseevents aren’t as culturally or educationally valuable, CSAthinksthathavingalotoffunisavalueinandofitself.

volunteer aCtivitieSOccasionally,programparticipantswillalsohaveopportunitiesto join one-time only volunteer events. Past events haveincluded tree-planting programs as well as the bi-annualweek-longtriptoimpoverishedruralschoolstoteachEnglishandmakedonations.Anyextrafeesonvolunteeringactivitiesmust be borne by program participants. For specificallyvolunteer-onlyprograms,pleasesee“VolunteerProgram”onpage26.


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Thursday, September 13th: Welcome dinner, orientation, and Social night 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, September 15th: beijing Planning exhibition hall and hutong tour (including dinner with a local family) 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, September 18th: amCham event: Cultural Preservation in beijing: Saving the remaing hutongs

Saturday, September 22nd: Summer Palace 1:00 p.m.

October 1st-7th: the national holiday (recruit volunteers to visit the CSa golog

Community School in tibet)

Saturday, October 13th: the great Wall hike and Camping (bring your own sleeping bag and picnic lunch) 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 20th: hiking at the Fragrant mountain 10:00 p.m.

Sunday, October 28th: tiananmen Square and Forbidden City 1:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 3rd: Shopping at the Silk market and WangFuJing night Snack market 2:00 p.m.

Sunday, November 11th: lama temple and Confucius temple 1:00 p.m.

Sunday, November 18th: the temple of heaven and Peking opera 2:00 p.m.

Saturday, December 8th: Skiing/Snowboarding trip 5:00 p.m.

Monday, December 24th: Christmas Party 6:00 p.m.

Saturday, January 6th, 2008: acrobatic Show 6:00 p.m.

January 2008: Farewell dinner

Actual Activities Itinerary for Fall Beijing Program

FAll 2008 ACTiviTieS SChedUle

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ACCOmmOdATiONSall China Study abroad accommodations are located within the heart of the university district, minutes away from the major universities and only a short bus or taxi ride away from the others. accommodations always have a western-style kitchen, bathroom and accommodations with 24-hour hot water. unless in university housing, China Study abroad students always have their own room, high-speed internet, and air conditioning. each unit is located in a lively and safe area, with supermarkets, stores, nightlife, fitness clubs, public transportation and restaurants all in walking distance. nearly all accommodations have 24-hour security. Some accommodation options are unavailable in select cities. Please email [email protected] for more information.

luxury aPartmentSThese modern and spacious apartments come fullyfurnished. Each apartment has a living and dining room,bathroomandkitchen,andyourchoiceofasingle,double,ortriplebedroom.Thelivingareaincludesalounge,diningarea,TV(cable),DVD,desk,chairs,washingmachine,high-speed internetaccessand telephone.Thebedroomhasabedandstorageareaforclothesandpersonalbelongings.Thekitchenhasarefrigerator,microwaveandbasiccookingutensils. Students living in luxury apartments have allutilitiespaid for includinghigh-speed internet, gas,water,electricity. Moreover, luxury apartments have weeklycleaningserviceincluded.Theseunitsareamongthenicestlivingaccommodationsintheuniversitydistrict.

Standard aPartmentSThese are all fully-furnished, clean, and comfortableapartments. In each apartment you will have your ownbedroom,alivinganddiningroom,bathroomandkitchen.The living room has a sofa, TV, DVD, hi-speed Internetaccess, washing machine, and telephone. The bedroomhas a bed, desk, chair, and storage area for clothes andpersonal belongings. The kitchen has a sink, fridge,microwaveandstove.

Family homeStayLive with a Chinese family. China Study Abroad offers

the option of living with a Chinese family to maximizeyourMandarin-learning efforts while in China. Studentsthat staywitha familyare immediately immersed in thelanguageandcultureofChina.Regularly communicatingwith ahomestay familywill exponentially increaseone’slanguagelearningrate.

All of our families are middle to upper-middle class andhave been interviewed for suitability. Many participantsaresurprisedbytheoutstandingapartmentqualityoftheirhost family. Moreover, many families are eager to showforeignersaroundChina.Studentsareoften luckyenoughtotheirhostfamilytakethemonfreesightseeingtrips.

A private bedroom, necessary utilities and at least twomealsadayareincludedineveryhomestay.Allfamilieshavestandard amenities including a bathroom (often private),kitchen,diningarea,TV,DVD,internet,telephoneetc.Thesehomestay families are also located within the universitydistrict,withinwalkingdistanceofastudent’suniversity.


young ProFeSSional homeStayLive with a young, professional, Chinese roommate. Thishousingoption,onlyofferedbyChinaStudyAbroad,isideal

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for those who wish to take advantage of total languageimmersion,butdonotwanttostaywithaChinesefamily.ThislivingarrangementisalsothebestwaytoquicklymakeChinese friends and experience Chinese youth culture. Ifyouchoose thisoptionCSAwill arrange foryourhousingand select suitable roommates from a pool of potentialcandidates.ManyyoungChinesearealsoeagertolivewithaforeignersotheytoocanlearnaboutanothercultureandhave theopportunity topractice theirEnglish.ApartmentqualityissimilartothatoftheStandardapartment.

hotelFor students looking to live in the most luxuriousaccommodationspossible,ChinaStudyAbroadoffers theHoteloption.Studentsareplacedinaminimum-threestarhotellocatedminutesawayfromtheirschoolofchoice.

Each hotel room is fully equippedwithmodern furniture,bed,fridge,privatebathroom,satelliteTV,air-conditioning,andtelephone(IDDandISD).Hotelfacilitiesincludelaundry,daily housekeeping, a swimmingpool, fitness gym, and avariety of restaurants. Depending upon location, certainhotels also have bowling alleys, cyber cafes, businesscenters,arcades,tenniscourts,andbilliardsrooms.Singleroomanddoubleroomoccupancyisavailable.

univerSity houSingChina Study Abroad has carefully selected universityaccommodation options based on security, location

and comfort. For privacy and convenience, single roomoccupancy is highly recommended. Accommodationstartsthedaybeforetheprogram,andendsthedayafterthe program. Extra-night accommodations are subject toavailability. CSA makes all accommodation reservationsandpreparationspriortostudents’arrival.

Eachdorm roomhas oneor two single beds, desk, chair,telephone,TV,refrigerator,andairconditioning.Electricityand water are included in the accommodation. Studentshavetheoptionofsingleordoubleoccupancy.Fordoubleoccupancy,CSAmayassignaroommateortheUniversitymayassignoneforyou.

What StudentS are Saying...

“The strongest point of the service, for one who is going to China to really work and get down to the business of

studying Chinese language, is the fact that all of the accommodations, testing,

airport transport, etc., are taken care of before your plane lands.

The only thing I had to worry about was studying Chinese, which is why I went.”

—Matthew T. McDonald, Summer Program 2007, Beijing

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At the core of CSA is our Mandarin language learningprogram.AllstudentsinthestandardMandarinlanguageprogramwill receive4hoursof teaching,5daysaweek,for the lengthof theirprogram.Students in the intensiveprogramwill receive 6 hours of instruction (in-class andprivate tutor), 5 days a week. CSA’sMandarin languageprograms ensure a strong foundation for completebeginners, vast improvement for intermediates students,andcompletefluencyforadvancedstudents.

CSA has scouted China for the finest language teachinginstitutions, and most of our programs offer certificatesofcompletion, transcripts,aswellas transferablecollegecredits. Many universities have been teaching foreignstudents for over adecade.Also, theseuniversitieshavefull-scale language teaching departments, which offerclassesforalllevelsofChineseproficiency.Eachuniversityandschoolhasitsownindividualteachingstyle.BesuretoaskaCSAprogramadvisortofigureoutwhichschoolandprogramfitsyoubest.

Many of our students join theMandarin program, whileaddingadditionalsupplementalprogramssuchasteaching,internship positions, martial arts, volunteering, businessclasses, or travel. Many of these additional placementprograms are included with the standard Mandarinlanguage program. Additional fees may apply for otherprograms.Pleaseseeeachpagefordetails.

Studyingabroadisacumulativeandholisticexperience,so why limit yourself? Find the program that has

everything you need, and feel free to mix and matchprograms to find what fits you best. CSA knows thateverystudentisdifferent,whichiswhyflexibilityisourtop priority. Pick your city, pick your school, pick yourprogram,pickyourtypeofhousing,andpickyourlengthof study. In the following pages, youwill find some ofthemanyprogramsCSAoffers its students,and if youdon’t findwhatyou’re lookingfor, tellus!Wewillbendover backwards to satisfy your unique requirements.StudyingwithCSAmeansChinawithchoice.


SemeSterThevastmajorityofstudentsjointheCSAprogramforone school semester. Universities in China generallyrun on the semester program, which rotate aroundthewinterandsummerholidaysandroughlycorrelatewithsemesterprogramsworldwide.The fall semestergenerally begins in mid to late September, extendinguntilmid January, ending before the LunarNewYear.Unlike inwestern countries, universities do not breakfortheChristmasorNewYearholidays.Springclassesbegin in mid-February and extend until early July.In total, each university averages around 20 weeksof instruction, including orientation and placementtesting. The semester program is usuallymost viablefor college students looking to study abroad for oneschoolterm.

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12-WeekSForstudentsthatarelookingtostudyduringtheschoolyear,butcannotcommittosemester-longprogramsthatextendintoJulyorJanuary,CSAoffers12-weekprograms.Manyoftheseprogramsarealsoofferedbyaccrediteduniversities.Despite the length, these credits still transfer to almostall universities because of the long hours of instruction.Moreover, these are often accelerated programs, whichmakeupforthebrevitywithacceleratedlessons.

SummerSeveral universities offer summer programs, that lastanywhere from 4 weeks to 12 weeks. We find that thesummer programs are very popular, and because of therelativebrevityoftheprograms,studentsarefreetospendtimebeforeoraftertheirprogramstotravelthroughChina.AverypopularprogramisCSA’sstudyandtravelprogram,whichincludes4weeksofstudyatanaccrediteduniversitywith2weeksoftravelthroughoutChinaforonelowprice.Every year, returning students rejoin the CSA SummerStudy and Travel program. Simply put, it’s the perfectcombinationofstudyandplay.

yearTheyear-longprogram languageprogram isessential forstudents looking to master Mandarin. Extending for 2semesters,theseprogramsincludeaccommodationduringthesummerandwinterholidays,duringwhichstudentsarefree togohomeorexploreChina to the fullest.Studentsin the year-long programare assured ofChinese fluencyat the end of their study, and can boast of consummateknowledgeofChina.AfterreachingafluentMandarinlevel,several alumni of the year-longCSAprogramwere fully-prepared to pursue higher degree programs at ChineseuniversitiesorenteredtheChinesejobmarket.Lastly,theyear-longlanguageprogramisalsothebestvalueforthepriceofallCSAprograms.

Short-term ProgramSNomatteryourtimetable,CSAwillaccommodateyou.Forstudentslookingtodoprogramsfor4weeksorless,CSAoffers classes at privateMandarin learning academies invarious cities. Please inquire at [email protected].


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3 CiTieS

Theonlywaytotrulyknowandunderstandacityistolivethere.Infact,ChinaStudyabroadoffersstudentsthechancetoliveandstudyinthreecitiesduringonesemester!Thisistheidealprogramfor thosewhowish tounderstandChina’smodernrealities in thecontextofitslonganduniquehistory.Studentswhochoosethe3CitiesprogramstudyforsevenweeksinBeijing, twoweeks inXi’an,andsevenweeks inShanghaiat thecities’mostprestigiousuniversities.ThecurriculumisconnectedthrougheachcitybyitscentralthemesofintensivemandarinlanguageaswellasunderstandingofChineseculturethroughitshistory,politics,andeconomicfuture.eachcityoffersauniquecurriculumaswellasthegeographicalback-groundthatreflectsthecoursematerial.Duringtheirtimeineachcity,studentswillbetakenonall-inclusivesightseeingexcursionsof culturallyandhistorically significantsites.ChinaStudyabroad’s3-Citiesprogramismorethanjustaclass;it’salearningexperience.

beiJing - 7 WeekSBeijing is the capital of the People’s Republicof China, the country’s political, economicplanning and cultural center, the focal pointof its communications, and home to over 14millionpeople.Thesuccessful2008OlympicGames reflectedChina’s increasingstature inthe modern world. Beijing remains the mostpopular destination for students studyingMandarinChinese.

FortheBeijingportion,studentswill taketwosimultaneous courses in intensive Mandarinlanguage and Modern Chinese History andPolitics at China’s most prestigious schoolPeking University. The course traces thehistoryofthePeople’sRepublicofChina,fromthecommunistrevolutiontothereformsofthe1980sandChina’scurrenteconomicboom.

xi’an - 2 WeekSHomeoftheworldfamous,life-sizeTerracottaArmy,Xi’anwasthecradleofancientChinesecivilizationdatingback to4,000BC, and thecapital city for 11 dynasties dating back tothe9thcentury. It is fromhere thatcaravansstarted on the Silk Road to Europe, changingthe Western world forever. Today Xi’an is abustlingcitythesizeofNewYorkandagreatplacetostudyforthosewishingtoexperiencetheancientalongsidethemodern.

For the Xi’an portion, students will take two

simultaneous courses in intensive Mandarinlanguage and Ancient Chinese History atNorthwestern University. The course tracesthe epic and prolific history of the Chinesecivilization, starting with themythical YellowEmperor to the beginnings of the Qing --China’slastimperialdynasty.

Shanghai - 7 WeekSEnergy, excess, and glamour converge inChina’smostcosmopolitancity.Homeof thehistoricBund,traditionaltemples,thecovetedFrenchConcession, and the proudpioneer offuturisticarchitecture,Shanghaihas itall.Forthe final seven weeks students will live andstudy inChina’s exciting financial center andexperiencethefutureofChina.

FortheShanghaiportion,studentswilltaketwosimultaneous courses in intensive Mandarinlanguage and Chinese Business at JiaotongUniversity. The course will fully immersestudentsinthecomplexworkingsoftheChineseeconomy, such as regulatory governmentalcontrols, energy use, environmental pitfalls,transparency of law, overheating of theeconomy, globalization, the merging of theHongKongmarket,andthefinancialfutureoftheworld’ssoon-to-bethirdlargesteconomy.

For an exact itinerary, detailed activity lists, and further information, please see www.chinastudyabroad.org/three_cities.aspx.

Schools Duration Class Hours Starting Dates

Chinese Levels

Accomo- dations

Placement Services

Application deadlines

Beijing PKU Semester Daily4hrs.Mandarin,1.5hrs.ChineseSociety

Sept.3,Mar.3 All Hotel n/a Aug.15,



UniversitySemester Daily4hrs.Mandarin,

1.5hrs.ChineseSocietySept.3,Mar.3 All Hotel n/a Aug.15,


Shanghai JiaotongUniversity Semester Daily4hrs.Mandarin,

1.5hrs.ChineseSocietySept.3,Mar.3 All Hotel n/a Aug.15,


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ChinaStudyabroad’s teachingprogram isagreatoption forstudentswhowant toearnasalarywhile living and studying in China. CSa guarantees teaching placements that, at aminimum,comfortablycover livingexpenses. Inaglobalizedworld, increasingnumbersofChinese people recognize that knowledge of the english language is essential to upwardmobility. private english teaching schools are desperate for native speakers to teach thisgrowingmarket.applicants thatapply fora full-timeyear-longprogramor longer receivefree accommodation. applicants must be at least 18 years of age and be native englishspeakerswithoutastrongregionalaccent.Highersalariesareawardedtothosewithteachingcertificationandclassroomexperience.

Teachingpositions range frompart-timeone-on-onetutoringtofull-timeclassteaching.AllstudentsinCSAMandarinlanguageprogramsare offered free teaching placement. Paststudents have taken part-time teaching workduring weekends, off-time, and holidays tosupplement their expenses. Other studentsspendasemesterstudyingfull-time,afterwhichtheytakeonfull-timeteachingpositions.

Those applying to the teaching programseparate from Mandarin language programsare required to pay a $500 USD fee, whichoffersguaranteedfull-timeteachingplacementas well as all the other benefits of the CSAprogram, including airport pick up and dropoff, welcome pack, orientation, and 24-houremergency service. Applicants for full-timeteaching programs must commit for longerthan3months.

CSA employees will do their best to findteachingpositionsthatfityouruniqueskill-setand requirements. Wages are dependent onteachingexperience,levelofeducationandtheindividual schools, but typically vary between$14-28USDanhour.Full-timeteacherstypicallywork30-40hoursaweek.However,part-timepositionsarestillwell-paidandworkinghourscanbeaslittleas5-10hoursaweek.

Class sizes depend upon the school, rangingfrom5-30.Someteachersteachnightclassesto adults, while others teach children duringtheday.Allschoolsprovideteachingmaterials

andtraining.Manyhavestandardizedcurriculaand lesson plans they require for all classes,but others may be less strict, allowing forindividualteachingstyles.Regardless,teachingrequiresanextendedamountofpatienceandpeople skills.However, English teachersoftenhavefull-timenativeChineseteachingaidestohelpoutwithclassesaswellastheoccasionaltranslationproblem.

When applying, please make sure to detailyour work experience, teaching preferences,and time-commitment. Many CSA studentshavefoundteachingEnglishtobeaninvaluableexperience, not only for monetary reasonsbut also for getting to know Chinese peopleon an interpersonal level. The CSA teachingprogramalsoofferspeopleofallincomelevelsthe opportunity of an exciting experience inChina without significant financial cost tothemselves.

Duration Class Hours Starting Dates

Chinese Levels Accommodations

Beijing 4monthsorlonger 30-40hoursaweek Anytime All All(For students in teaching-only programs,

housing must be arranged separately.)

Shanghai 4monthsorlonger 30-40hoursaweek Anytime All All(For students in teaching-only programs,

housing must be arranged separately.)

Kunming 4monthsorlonger 30-40hoursaweek Anytime All All(For students in teaching-only programs,

housing must be arranged separately.)

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mArTiAl ArTS WhileitisamyththatallChinesepeople“knowKung-Fu”,ChinaisstillthebirthplaceofmartialartsandtheprogenitorofmanystylesthathavespreadworldwidesuchasKung-Fu,Wushu,Tai-Chi,Tai-jiQuan,andtheircousinsTaeKwonDo,Judo,Jiu-jitsuandmuchmore.Forthousandsofyears,themartialartshavebeenamainstayofChineseculture.

Cities Duration Class Hours Starting Dates Chinese Levels Accommodations

Sports University


9weeks/1Semester 12.5hoursaweek July1,Mar.1

&Sept.10 All All

Martial Arts Academy

Beijing,ShanghaiandKunming Anylength 2-5hoursaweek Anytime All All

The folklorearoundmartialarts inChina is legendary,asthe most famous Chinese literature such as “Journey totheWest”and“RomanceoftheThreeKingdoms”involvesweaponwieldingwarriors.Infact,China’sgreatestculturalheromayverywellbeHuoYuanjia,portrayedbyJetLi in“Fearless,”whodefendedChinesehonorduringtheageofforeign dominance by defeating fighters in the ring fromaroundtheworldincludinganAmericanboxingchampionandaRussianwrestlingchampion.Anothergreatmartialarts hero includes Wong Fei Hong, also played on thescreen by Jet Li as well as Jackie Chan.Wong’s martialartsexploitsandskillaresolegendarythatover113moviesandtelevisionserieshaveincludedhimastheprotagonist.Simply put, the martial arts are an entrenched part ofChinesecultureandtradition.

With the additional popularity of Chinese-made martialartsactionflicksstarringChinesesuperstarssuchasBruceLee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li, these folk tale legends havefoundtheirwayaroundtheworld,makingarcanestylesandschoolsofmartialartsiconicsuchasWu-Tang,Shao-LinandKung-Fu.Beforetheindustrialboomofthelate20thcentury,themartialartswereChina’sgreatestexport,outsideofteaand silk of course.Nonetheless, for decades, people havetraveledfromallovertheworldtostudymartialartsatthe

source.ThroughCSA,youtoocanlearnfromthemasters.AnyKung-Fuflickjunkiewilltellyouthatthemartialartsarenotjustabouthandtohandcombatorplayingwithnunchuks,classicalChineseformsofmartialartsencompassabroadspectrumofmentalandphysicaldiscipline.Learningmartialartsisabouttrainingthebodyandspirit.It’saphilosophicalaswell as physical exercise. Seriousmartial arts studentslearnnotonlyhowtophysicallybestanopponent,butalsohowtodisciplineandcontroloneself.

CSAoffersmartialartsprogramswithalldifferentstyles,foralldifferentlevels,fittinganyschedule.Forthoselookingtotrainwiththebest,weofferprogramsatChina’sbestmartialartsschoolssuchastheBeijingSportUniversity,whereJetLilearnedhiscraft.Attheseintensivemartialartsprograms,studentsstudywithamaster2.5hoursaday,5daysaweek.Classesareoffered instylessuchaswushu,taijiquan,andchongquan,atalldifferent levels.Certainclasses focusonformandtechniqueforcompetition,whileothersdealwithmoresparringandcombat.Studentslookingforapart-timehobbyduring timeoff fromstudying areplaced in privatemartial arts academies, where classes can be taught inevenings, afternoons andweekends depending upon yourschedule. For more information, please inquire at [email protected].

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Schools Duration Class Hours Chinese Levels

Accomo- dations

Placement Services

Application deadlines

Beijing BLCUandBMA



4hoursdaily,20hoursaweek All FamilyHomestay

&Dormitory n/a YearRound





4hoursdaily,20hoursaweek All FamilyHomestay

&Dormitory n/a YearRound

Because high school students are limited by their schoolschedule, CSA offers flexible program start dates andprogram lengths during the fall and spring semestersaswell as numerous summerprograms.Weoffer awideassortmentofcoursestofiteveryone’sneeds.Theyrangefrombeingasshortasoneweekforstudentslookingtowhettheir linguisticpalateduringschoolholidays, toyear-longprogramsforstudentstakingagapyear,andeverythinginbetween.ManyhighschoolstudentsjoinCSAduringtheirsummerholidays, for theirfirst-timeexperiencesof livingabroadandtakinguniversity-levelcourses.

TheCSAhighschoolprogramofferstheuniqueopportunityfor gifted and ambitious high school students to takechallenging university-level courses. Many high schoolstudents are eager for a taste of the college experience-- CSA gives these students the chance to see whatcollege is like in China! Very few college students havethe opportunity to study abroad during college, let alonewhile still in high school. This is the perfect program formature and adventurous high school students looking toaddsomevaluablelifeexperiencewhileimpressingcollege

admissionsboardseverywhere.ByenrollingintheCSAhighschoolprogram,studentscanevengetaheadstartontheircollege careers becausemost language programs includetransferable university credit and official transcripts,dependinguponthedurationofstudy.

Students enrolled in the high school language programare given the option of living in campus dorms orwith afamilyhomestay,whichincludesbreakfastanddinnereveryweekday.AswithallCSAprograms,studentswill receive24-hourcustomerservice,regularsupervision,emergencycareandinsurance,amobilephonewithlocalSIMcard,funactivitiesontheweekends,andawelcomepack.

Admissionsintothehighschoolprogramsaresignificantlymore competitive, as applicants need to demonstratea high-level of maturity and academic ability. For a funvacation,pleasecheckthetravelsection.Onlyhighschoolstudents prepared to take the early leap into college lifeshouldapply.Additional requirementssuchasapersonalessay or recommendation letters may be necessary foradmission,dependinguponschoolandlengthofstudy.

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ChinaStudyabroad’sSummeradventureCampscombinetheexcitementoftravelingtotwoofChina’smostfamouscitieswithanintensivemandarinlearningprogram.Studentsaged9-16arewelcometojoinoneofour3-weekprogramsheldeachsummer.OneachprogramstudentstakemandarinlessonsinBeijingfortwoandahalfweeksandthentravelto the ancient Chinese capital ofXi’an. In just threeweeks students have the opportunity to rapidly develop theirlanguageskillsinadditiontomakingfriendswithotheryoungpeoplefromaroundtheworld.CSa’sYouthadventureCampsaretheidealwayforstudentstoreceiveacomprehensiveintroductiontotheChineselanguage,cultureandwayoflife,whilealsohavingthetimeoftheirlives!

ClaSSeSEachsummer,ChinaStudyAbroadoffers3-weekadventurecamps inBeijing.During these threeweeks, students takepart in daily beginning Chinese lessons. These Chinesetwo-lessons are intensive, emphasizing correct speechand pronunciation, reading and writing, and real-worldapplication.Wedesignthecourseourselvestoensurethateachstudentisreceivingthebesteducationpossible.Aftertheir Chinese lessons, students take a fun Introductionto Chinese Culture class that teaches basics in Kung-Fu,Calligraphy, Tai-Chi, Cooking, Chinese Music, ChineseNeedleworkandCrafts,andChineseHistory.

aCtivitieSWhenclassisout,thefunbegins!StudentswillbetakenonexcursionsthroughoutBeijinganditsoutlyingareassuchastheForbiddenCity,TiananmenSquare,theSummerPalace,andtheLamaTemple.OtheractivitiesincludehikingattheFragrantMountain, a night at the PekingOpera, a specialPeking Duck Dinner, eating scorpion, starfish and otheroddities at theWangfujing night market, a rickshaw ridethrough theold hutongs, shopping at the SilkMarket andthePearlMarket,andofcourseacampingtripontheGreatWallofChina!Also includedwillbe funactivitiessuchasswimmingatthelocalparks,barbecues,andpicnicoutings.

Last,butmostdefinitelynotleast,onthelast3daysoftheadventurecamp,studentswillbetakentotheancientcityof Xi’an to see the TerracottaWarriors and the home ofImperialChinaforthousandsofyears!They’llseetheoldcitywallsandthebelltowers,thegreatmausoleumofQinShiHuang,thefirstemperorofChina,andmuchmore.Onthetour,theywillalsoreceiveaguidedtourdetailingthehistoryoftheseremarkablearchaeologicalsitesandacultureandcivilizationthathaslastedthemillennia.Thisisallincludedinthecamppricealongwith3mealsaday.


ourstudents.Withthatinmind,ChinaStudyAbroadhasnotcontractedoutanyofitsservices,unlikeourcompetitors.AllclasseswilltakeplaceattheChinaStudyAbroadMandarinacademyor localuniversities.Asalways,our teachersarepre-screened and selected to ensure professionalism andskill.Ourcampcounselors,whowillbewiththestudents24hoursadayandsleepon-siteatthecampdormitories,areexperiencedandresponsible.Thestudentaccommodationsalso include 24-hour security. Students will be given cellphones so that they can be reached 24 hours a day, andChinaStudyAbroadstaffwillalwaysbeavailabletospeakwithwheneverneeded.

AllChinaStudyAbroadparticipantsreceivetheStudentCarePlus! insurance coverage as part of the camp fee. AnypossiblemedicalemergencieswillbepromptlyaddressedandtakencareofatinternationalhospitalsinBeijing.Our24-hourstaffisexperiencedindealingwithanyandallmedicalissues that may arise. If students have any specializedmedicalneedssuchasdailymedication,counselorswillseetoitthattheirneedsareaddressedonadailybasis.

For more detailed information, set itinerary, and program fees please see www.chinastudyabroad.org/youthadventurecamp .aspx or inquire at [email protected]

*Beginner: 0 - 40 hours studied, 0 - 500 characters

Schools Duration Class Hours Starting Dates

Chinese Levels

Accomo- dations

Placement Services

Application deadlines

Beijing BeijingMandarinAcademy 3weeks Daily4hrs.Mandarin,

1.5hrs.CulturalClassJune3,July3 Beginner* Hotel n/a May30

Xi’an JiaotongUniversity 3weeks Daily4hrs.Mandarin,1.5hrs.CulturalClass

June3,July3 Beginner* Hotel n/a May30

yOUTh AdveNTUre CAmP


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Injust30years,China’smarket-orientedreformshaveunleashedtheeconomicpotentialofanationwithoverabillionpeople,generatingeconomicgrowthneverbeforeseen inmodernhistory.China’sdramatictransformationhashadaprofoundimpactnotonlyonChina,butontheworld.Inadditiontoliftinghundredsofmillionsofitscitizensoutofpoverty,Chinahasbecometheworld’s3rdlargesteconomywithfewsignsofslowingdown.

MuchliketheinternationalcorporationssuchasGoogle,Microsoft,andIntelthathaveinvestedheavilyinChina,many students hope to jump on the financial wave bylearning Mandarin and conducting business in China.None can afford to overlook China’s huge consumermarketanditsformidableindustrieswhichprovidegoodsfortheentireglobe.

However, doing business in China is not simple; thereare complicated local customs, language barriers,bureaucracy and many other hurdles which must beovercome.Tothisend,wehavecreatedourdualbusinessandMandarinlearningprogram.

Thiscourseisessentialfor individualbusinessmenandwomen.AnyonewhohasdonebusinessinChinaknowsthatknowledgeofMandarinisagreatasset,andwithourbusinessprogramwewillprovideyouwithaninsightintohow someofChina’smost successful local and foreignbusinessesconductthemselvesandprosper.

Students in this program are enrolled inMandarin

language classes at the local university of their choice,such as Tsinghua University or Peking University, andwillalsoattendbusinesslecturesprovidedbyprofessorsspecializing in business and economics. These lecturesare centered on doing business in China, from whichstudents learn everything from business-focusedMandarin to in-depth analysis of theChinese economyandmarketplace, aswell as culturally-specificbusinesspractices.

ThisholisticapproachincludestoursofChinesefactories,corporations, andattendanceatbusiness seminarsandnetworkingeventswithbusinessorganizationssuchastheAmericanChamberofCommerceinChina.AfterenrollinginCSA’sBusinessandMandarinprogram,studentswillbeequippedforafutureinChinesebusiness.


Schools Duration Class Hours Starting Dates

Chinese Levels

Accomo- dations

Placement Services

Application deadlines

Beijing PKU Semester Daily4hrs.Mandarin,1.5hrs.ChineseSociety

Sept.3,Mar.3 All Hotel n/a Aug.15,


Xi’an NorthwesternUniversity Semester Daily4hrs.Mandarin,

1.5hrs.ChineseSocietySept.3,Mar.3 All Hotel n/a Aug.15,


Shanghai JiaotongUniversity Semester Daily4hrs.Mandarin,1.5hrs.ChineseSociety

Sept.3,Mar.3 All Hotel n/a Aug.15,


In addition to our dualMandarin and business program, we also offer businessspecificcoursesatcertainuniversities.Theseclassofferingsare limitedbytimeand location. One example is our Chinese Economy summer course offeredat Fudan University in Shanghai. Themain topics include the Chinese stockmarket,RMBreform,China’stradingpartnersandlaws,marketinginChinaaswellashumanresourcemanagementinChina.Theclassistaughtbythefaculty

ofFudanUniversity.Spotsarelimitedforthesespecializedcourses.Pleasecontactusat [email protected] for availability. For those looking formore traditionalbusinessdegreesorMBAs,weofferjointbusinessandlanguageprogramsatTsinghuaUniversityandQingdaoUniversity.AhighlevelofChinese-speakingisrequired,andtheprogramsareverycompetitive.Dependingupontheprogram,studentsmayberequiredtoparticipateinafullapplicationprocess,includingbutnotlimitedto, a completed undergraduate degree, curriculum vitae, official universitytranscript, a recent GMAT score, letters of recommendation, as well aspersonalessays.Pleasecontactusatinfo@chinastudyabroad.orgformoreinformation.

bUSiNeSS PrOgrAm

CourSeS and degree ProgramS

Page 24: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog

COrPOrATe PrOgrAmSBusiness isbooming inChina.as theworld’s3rdlargest economy, China has positioned itself asoneoftheworld’sbest investments.However,asmanycorporationshavediscovered,gettingagoodreturnoninvestmentinChinaisnotasimpletask.Worriesovereconomicoverheating,environmentalconcerns, intellectual property rights, lack oftransparency, tight regulatory control of theeconomy by the central government, corruption,and over-speculation of the stock market byChinese investors has many companies wary toplunge into this booming market. While China’seconomicgainsconfirmthatthepotentialrewardsoutweightherisks inmostcases,thequestionofhowtomitigatethoserisksremains.

To that end, companies have utilized China StudyAbroad’s tailormade corporate programs to educatetheircompanyemployeestomakeinformeddecisionsabout entering the Chinese market. While keepingwitha foundationofMandarin language learningandlecturesandworkshopson foreign investment,ChinaStudy Abroad designs industry and trade specificshort and long-term curricula to meet corporategoals. Knowledge is a corporation’s most powerfultool, and China Study Abroad offers companies theinsidetrackonlearninghowbusinessisdoneinChina.

languageTounderstandthecomplexitiesoftheChinesemarket,itisessentialthatcorporaterepresentativesnotonlyspeakMandarin,buttheymustutilizeindustry-specificlanguage.Whether the focus is on finance,media, import/export,IT, tourism or other industry, China Study Abroad usesitsexpertise toplanacourse thatachievesany industrysensitivelanguagegoal.Accordingtotheclient’suniqueobjectives,ChinaStudyAbroadisabletoplaceemphasisondifferentaspectsofthefourcommunicationmacro-skills:reading,writing,listeningandspeaking.TheChinaStudyAbroadapproachtoteachingMandarinhighlightsinteractionandstudentinvolvement,ensuringstudentsnotonlylearn,butalsoenjoylearning.

For more traditional language learning, China StudyAbroadalsooffersenrollmentatpreeminentuniversitiesthroughout China. Geographically specific needscan easily be addressed as we offer courses in overthirteenChinese cities.With individualized corporateattentionanddifferentiatedcoursecurriculumsbasedon industry sector, program participants can expectrapid progression in their Mandarin language skills.ChinaStudyAbroadoffersflexibleclasshours,program

lengths, and start dates that can accommodate anyrequest.PrivatecoursesareavailablenowfornovicetoadvancedMandarinabilities.

CorPorate SPeCiFiC eduCationTomeetcorporateneeds,ChinaStudyAbroadlocatesindustry experts that have operated in the Chinesemarketforyearstogivelecturesandworkshops.TextilemanufacturersaretakenontoursofChinesefactories,observedeliverymethods,andmeetfactoryforemen.Tourism firms are taken on site inspections, discusswith hotel managers, and meet with representativesfrom Chinese tourism contractors. From production,delivery,qualitycontroltooverall infrastructure,everyaspectoftheindustrywillbeavailableforanalysis.

To buttress these industry-specific workshops andinformation sessions are lectures from mainstaysof foreign investment in China. Representativesfrom venture capitalist firms, heads of start upcorporations,corporateconsultantswell-versedinthecomplexChineselawsconcerningforeigninvestment,environmentalists, and human rights advocates willallbeavailableforlectures,questionsandnetworking.Clientswillreceiveabroad-basedprogramofstudyonconductingbusinessinChinaontopoftheirindustry-specificneeds.

ChinaStudyAbroad’scorporateprogramgivesclientsa unique opportunity to research theirmarket niche,learn industry-specific Mandarin, and develop afullercomprehensionof theChineseeconomybeforebreakingintotheChinesemarket.

Becauseofthehighlyspecificdesignofthisprogramandadditionaltimeneededtoorganizeworkshopscateringtoclientneeds,applicantsmustapplyatleasttwomonthsin advance. For more information and a sample itinerary, please see www.chinastudyabroad.org/corporate.aspx.


Page 25: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


Schools Duration Class Hours Starting Dates Chinese Levels Accommodations Placement Services

Application deadlines










Schools Duration Class Hours Starting Dates Chinese Levels Accommodations Placement Services

Application deadlines



1Semester Daily,4classesaday






China Study abroad has tailor-made a program to address agrowingpopulationof students forwhomnormativemandarinlanguageclassesforbeginnersareinadequate.Thesestudentsareadvancedbeginners;theyareeithernativeenglishspeakerswith a strong basic understanding of oral mandarin or speakanotherdialectofChinesesuchastheCantonese,Kejia,orFujiandialects.Tocatertothesestudents’specificneeds,ChinaStudyabroadhascreatedtheForeign-BornChineseprogramandtheHongKong/macau/Taiwanprogram.

Foreign-born ChineSeThiscourse isdesignedforstudentswho:1)wereborn inanon-Chinese-speaking country but were raised in a home whereMandarinwasspokenandpossesslittleornoreadingandwritingskills inChinese; or2)wereborn in aChinese-speakingcountryandreceivedzeroorlimitedformaleducationinthatcountryuptothesecondgrade.

Thecourseteachesbothpinyinandcharacters,introducesfunctionalvocabulary,andprovidesasystematicreviewofgrammar.Coursesarespecificallydesigned foradvancedbeginnerswhohaveweakcharacter recognition but already speak fluent conversationalMandarin. Course textbooks and curriculum are specificallydesigned with targeted students in mind. This acceleratedsemester-longcoursewillbringstudentstoaChineseliteracyratethatmatchestheirfluentspeakingvocabulary.Studentswillalsobe


hong kong/maCau/taiWanThiscourseisdesignedforstudentswhospeakanon-MandarindialectofChinese.Inparticular,thiscoursepreparesstudentslookingtotakethePutonghuaShuipingCeshi(PSC)andHanyuShuipingKaoshi(HSK)Tests,whicharenationallystandardizedtestthat gauge theMandarin abilities. The PSC is designed specifically with individualsfromHongKong,Macau,andTaiwaninmind.ScoringwellonthesetestsisessentialtoenteringChina’stopuniversitiesorfindingemploymentwithChinesecompanies.

Course curriculum emphasizes phonetics, listening comprehension, conversation,intensivereading,andgrammar.ThecourseaimisproficiencyinMandarinspeaking,with students eventually achieving an oral vocabulary thatmatches their advancedwritingandreadingskills.Thereisalsoa4-weekPSCpreparatoryclassavailable.

hK/mACAU & FOreigN-bOrN ChiNeSe


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OurfeaturedvolunteerprogramisattheCSaCommunitySchoolinGolog,Qinghaiprovince.GologisasmalltownontheTibetanplateauin14hourssouthofXining,thecapitalcityofQinghai,bybus.Itisaveryremoteruralandimpoverishedarea,historicallyinhabitedbyethnicTibetans.There is also a sizableHui (Chinesemuslim)population,aswellasHanChinese.asofSeptemberof2007, therehavebeenvariousethnicclashesbetweenthemuslimandtraditionallyBuddhistTibetan population. The goal of the CSa Community School is topromotecommunityandculturalunderstanding througheducation.To thatend, theschoolprovides freeclasses toallmembersof thecommunity,regardlessofage,ethnicityandclass.HeadedbyfamedhumanrightsactivistWenzhuoHou, theCSaCommunitySchool inGologservesanimportantrole inthisvolatilepopulationthatgoeslargelyignoredbythemediaandothercharitableorganizations.

Volunteers in the Gologprogramwillbeexpectedto

commitaminimumofthreemonths.Theirresponsibilitieswillincludeteaching remedialclasses inEnglish,Math,hygieneandhealth,basicartsuchasmusic,craftsandMandarinatthecommunityschoolaswellasthelocalCSA-sponsoredorphanage,whilealsoworkingonvarioushuman resource tasks.This includes communityoutreach, fieldworkandresearch,aswellaseffortstoseekmorefundingandsupportforthe program from local and international charitable organizations.VolunteerswillbeprovidedwithbasicfoodandhousinginGolog,butareresponsiblefortheirtravelfeesandanyextralivingexpenses.

vOlUNTeer PrOgrAmChinaStudyabroad(CSa)isveryproudtopresentitsChinavolunteerprogram.Whetheryourinterestisinhumanrights,environmentalism,teachinginruralareasorpovertyalleviation,CSacanplaceyouinthecorrectenvironmentforyoutomakethemostofyourpassionandindividualskill-set.




golog Community SChool


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Tapping into the massive potential of China’s growingeconomicmarketisatoppriorityformanyofourstudents.While studying abroad and learning mandarin is animportant first step, our more ambitious students arelooking tomakeheadway intoa career.moreover,manyorganizations based in China are searching for the nextwaveofbrightrecruits.Tothatend,ChinaStudyabroadoffersourinternshipplacementprogram,whichactsasabridgebetweenthesetwoparties.

CSA’svastnetworkwithinmajorChinesecitiesallowsustoplaceourstudentsinvariousdiverseandexcitingpositions.Forthoseinterestedinbusiness,wehaveplacedinternsinmultinational aswell asChinese companies specializinginsoftware,sales,venturecapital,marketing,andmore.Dependent upon the student’s level of qualification andexperience,thesecompaniesmayofferpaidemployment.Evenunpaid, internsgain invaluableexperienceworkingabroadthatstandsoutonanyresume.

For those looking towork in the non-profit sector, CSAconnects students with numerous internship positionswithin Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)involvedwithabroadarrayofcharitablecausessuchashumanrights,environmentalism,publichealth,non-profitlaw,anddiscrimination.Theseinternshipsarerarelypaid,butofferanessentialserviceto thepublicandauniqueexperience for interns to better understand Chinesesocietyandthetollofrapidmodernization.

Internships also vary based upon available work hours.More challenging and lucrative positions often requireworking full time. Other internships only require a parttime commitment, but rest assured that all internshipswill present their unique challenges. Many internshippositionsalsorequireaminimumtimecommitmentof3monthsormore.

CSA will guarantee interviews for internship positions,but employment is dependent upon the quality ofthe applicant’s resume/CV, skill-set, and interview.Competitionforpositionscanbefierce,butrestassuredthatCSA’sChinese-basedstaffwilldotheirutmosttofindaninternshipcateringtoyourparticularareasofinterest,timeconstraints,Chinese-speakinglevel,andexpertise.

Students inCSAMandarin languageprograms for threemonthsor longerareoffered free internshipplacement.

Those seeking direct placement without a languageprogram are required to pay an upfront $500USD fee,which includes all other benefits of being in the CSAprogram,includingairportpickupanddropoff,welcomepack,orientation,and24-houremergencyservice.

Because many internships may require a minimumChinese proficiency, we suggest that students enroll ina language learningprogramfirst inorder tosatisfy thisrequirement as well allowing for an adjustment period.Previous studentshaveenrolled in summeror semesterlanguageprogramsbefore takingon full-time internshippositions for another 3months or longer. Undoubtedly,CSA’sinternshipprogramoffersanexcellentopportunityfor those seeking a well-rounded experience whilestudyingabroadinChina.


Duration Chinese Levels Accommodations

Beijing Summer,Semester&Year All All* *Forstudentsininternshiponlyprograms,housingmustbearrangedseparately.

Shanghai Summer,Semester&Year All All* *Forstudentsininternshiponlyprograms,housingmustbearrangedseparately.

Page 28: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


whAT STUdeNTS Are SAyiNg

“I loved living in B

eijing for a sem


The city was incre

dible, I was shocked to

see how modern it

was and how great t


nightlife is. Thanks t

o CSA for helping me

get settled in an

d experiencing t

his great

city. Learned a

bit of Mandarin t

oo! “

—Emma Turner of Providenc

e, RI

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“CSA & its staff members were there from the very start. Whether it was accommodations, visa issues, school registration or setting up weekend trips to experience the sights and sounds of Beijing, CSA handled everything with professional competence and efficiency. Overall, CSA gave me a summer that will never be forgotten.”— Denise Tam, 25 • Toronto, Canada • Summer Mandarin Program

“CSA was much more than what I expected. I have never seen a study program that has so many options in where you want to study, or live. The staff is great! They are always very helpful, and nice, whether they are working or not. While I was in China, CSA took care of everything for me, and even if I had a question, I would just call one of the staff and get an answer right away. CSA even has fun weekend outings around the city, activities for everyone, and trips to other parts of China. I recommend this program for everyone at all ages!!”— Liang Cheng, 17 • High School Program • United States

“The simple fact is that CSA is China done easy. CSA is a wonderful and easy place to learn one of the most difficult languages. Coming to China is difficult, and learning to speak Chinese is even more difficult, but with CSA in charge that only the difficult thing that the student has to do is open the and study.”— Manuel Aguilar, 21 • Summer Study and Travel • San Salvador, El Salvador

“CSA was invaluable to me out here. There is no way I could have made it out here without them (especially in the first few weeks). I also made some life-long friends. Would recommend CSA to anyone.”— Nick Criado-Perez, 26 • Mandarin Intensive Yearlong Program • London, England

“After comparing with my friends that went to China with other organizations, I am sure that CSA is the best one. Other organizations do not offer aid 24 hours to the day nor do they have people guide them. They helped me everything that I needed, and even helped me when my sister came to me to visit for a few days. Their main goal is that the students are doing well and having a good experience. Studying and living in China can be difficult at times, but with the amiable, patient and funny staff, CSA made my experience in China unforgettable.”— Jessica Pedraza, 20 • Intensive Mandarin Study • Miami, Florida

“I thought CSA did a good job with providing the accommodation. They were right there when I needed to be picked up from the airport and made me feel comfortable and eager to start my Chinese courses. I stayed with a host family and I couldn’t ask for a better one. I’ve done home stay before and I thought they were quite nice. But my Chinese host family really out did themselves. I definitely have a lovely place to come back to whenever I’m in Beijing.”- Yorik Thebaud, 18 • Undergraduate • Port Au Prince, Haiti • Summer Mandarin Studies

“Overall the level of service was good, and the staff members were always cheerful and polite when I had any requests/problems. My apartment was fine: clean, modern and everything worked. I had no complaints with it. Any problems that did occur were quickly rectified by the staff.”- Richard Sayce, 22 • Professional • Cheshire, United Kingdom • Martial Arts and Mandarin Program

What The Pros Say“If you want to go to China to study, or just to learn the language, China Study Abroad is a great place to start! They have internships, business classes and volunteer programs available all over China.”- Student Traveler, Trusted by over 1,000 study abroad offices across the US • April, 2007

“China Study Abroad offers unique and affordable options for total immersion into Chinese culture, language, and way of life.”- Language Magazine: The Journal of Communication & Education • January, 2007


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For more student testimonials, visit www.chinastudyabroad.org!

whAT STUdeNTS Are SAyiNg

Page 30: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog



ChinaStudyAbroadoffersourclientsanytypeofhousing,inanycityorcities,anylanguagelevel,anycurriculumspecificprogram,at any time,and foranyduration.Mixandmatch fromourvariousprograms, locations, accommodationandschoolstofindtheexactstudyabroadexperiencethatyoudesireinyourtimeframe.ChinaStudyAbroadstaffwillworktirelesslytomeetyourspecifictime,location,financialandlearningrequirements.

Paststudentshaverequestedtodoprogramsinmultiplecities, incorporatetravel,andhavearrangementsmadetoinacertainlocationforatime-specificeventsuchastheQingdaoOktoberfest,theHarbinIceFestival,andtheWomen’sWorldCup.Withourflexibility,expertiseandvastresources,studentscanstudyintheduallanguageandbusinessprogramforasemesterinBeijing,internwithacorporationinShanghai,backpackthroughTibet,andvolunteerintheruralcountryside.ChinaStudyAbroadwillmakeallarrangementssothatstudentscanconcentrateontheirculturalandMandarinlearning.Tellusyouridealstudyabroadexperience,andwewillmakeithappen!

grouPSIf your group has a pre-designed programand itinerary in mind, China Study abroadstaff will work tirelessly to accommodateyour specifications. past group programshave included participants that requiredtranslators, detailed travel plans, conven-tions,andparticularcurriculum.ChinaStudyabroadiscapableofdesigningprogramstofitthoseoftravelingmusicalgroups,schol-ars interested in Chinese history, corpora-tions, and Chinese cultural hobbyists of allkinds. Let China Studyabroad design yourgroup’sChinaexperience.

ChinaStudyAbroadwill designyourgroup’saccommodations,travelplans,transportation,meeting centers, lectures, workshops,activities, excursions, research trips and siteinspections. Let China Study Abroad’s vastresources, experience in the industry, andskilledstaffbenefityourgroup.Wecanmeetany time, financial and size requirement.(Minimumgroupsizesevenpeople).

Along with your particular design, groupparticipants still benefit fromall thebenefitsof studying with China Study Abroad suchas insurance, 24-hour service,CSAwelcome

pack, and free internship and teaching placementservices.Weensure that all tailor-madeprogramswillmeet China StudyAbroad’s high standards. Ifwecan’tdoitright,wewon’tdoitatall.

Because of the highly specific design of thisprogram and additional time needed to organizeand design program details, clients mustapply at least two months in advance. For more information and a sample itinerary, please see www.chinastudyabroad.org/tailormade and group .aspx.

TAilOr mAde & grOUP TOUrS


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Schools Duration Class Hours Starting Dates Chinese Levels

Accomo- dations

Placement Services

Application deadlines

All Cities All Anylength Anylength Anytime Alllevels Any All Anytime

Page 31: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


ForthoselookingtodoadditionalsightseeingthroughChinabeforeoraftercompletingaCSaprogram,orjustlookingtodosometraveling,CSaoffersdiscountedguidedtours.Listedbelowarejustafewofthemanytoursoffered.Theminimumgrouprequirementisfourpassengers.TourguidesareavailableinenglishandSpanish.Formoreinforma-tion,additionaldestinations,travelitineraries,updatedprices,orcustomizedtourpackages,pleasevisit:www.chi-nastudyabroad.org/[email protected].


includes: airfare from los angeles, deluxe hotel, meals (as specified), tours admission fee, transportation, and english-speaking tour guide.

excludes: airport tax ($295), Chinese visa fee ($130) & service tips.

DAY 1 USA-Beijing: Fly transpacific fromyour home-towncity.

DAY 2 Beijing: UponarrivalinhistoricBeijing,youwillbetransferredtohotel.


DAY 3 Beijing-Tiananmen Square:Wewillstartex-ploringtheImperialwondersofthismajesticcitywithavisittothegolden-roofedForbiddenCity,ahugecompoundofpal-aces,pavilions,andcourtyards,wheretheEmperorsofMing&QingDynasties lived.Nearby is theawesomeTiananmenSquare,thelargestpublicsquareintheworld.Afternoonvis-ittothebeautifulImperialSummerPalaces,wherelovelypa-godas,temples&galleriesaresituatedaroundKunmingLake.(B/L/D)

DAY 4 Beijing-The Great Wall: TodaywetourthelandmarkofChina-TheGreatWall.Builttothwartthebar-barian invasions two thousand years ago, theGreatWall

AddiTiONAl TrAvel


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stretchesover3,000milesandistheonlyman-madestruc-turevisiblefromtheMoon.Awalkalongtheundulatingwalloffers unforgettable and spectacular vistas. En route backtoBeijing,visittheMingTombs,burialsitesfor13ofthe16MingDynasty Emperors. The underground palaces housethelavishwealthoftheEmperors.(B/L/D)

DAY 5 Beijing- Shanghai: Morningat leisure.Fly toShanghai,China’slargestcityandtheso-called“ParisoftheEast.”Uponarrival,wewilltourtheBund-thefamousriver-frontpromenade,thetranquilYuGarden,andtheTempleoftheJadeBuddha.(B/D)

DAY 6 Shanghai-Tongli-Suzhou: Morning visit tothe ancient town on the water, Tongli. Dated back 1,000yearsago,thecharmingtownwasbuiltamidstcrisscross-ingriversandlakes.Timelessly,thesimplicityandantiquityofthearchitectureremainsallthemoreattractive.ContinuetotourSuzhou,GardenCityofChinaviewingbeautifulpavil-ionsandbridges.(B/D)

DAY 7 Suzhou-Shanghai: Return to Shanghai in themorning,restofthedayfreeatleisuretoadventurethislive-lymetropolis.YoucanwalkaroundOldTownwhereshopslinedupalongthenarrowandwindingalleyssellauthenticartsandcrafts.(B)

DAY 8 Shanghai-USA: Enjoythemorningfreetimeforlastminuteshoppingorpersonalactivity.TransfertoAirportintheafternoontoflyhome.(B)

Page 32: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


AddiTiONAl TrAvel (CONTiNUed)Tourists ride camels at Mingsha Shan (Singing Sand Dunes) in Dunhuang, China.




includes: airfare from beijing/Shanghai–urumqi-dun-ghuang-beijing/Shanghai, hotel (4*), meals, tours, trans-portation, and english-speaking local tour guide.

DAY 1 Beijing-Urumqi:Webeginourexcitingadven-turetosilkroadwithaflighttotheremoteChineseTurke-stan,nowknownasUygurAutonomousRegion.Uponarriv-alinUrumqi,thecapitalcityofXinjiang,youwillbegreetedbyalocalprofessionaltourguide.Transfertohotel.Restofthedayfreeatleisure.(B/D)

DAY 2 Urumqi: MorningexcursiontothepristineLakeofHeaven.LocatedintheshadowoftheTianShanrange,andsurroundedbygrassymeadows,dense forestsand jaggedmountain, the lakewater isasblueassapphire.Cruiseonthelakeandenjoythecoolnessofthehighaltitudeandthebeautifulscenery.Afternoon,visitXinjiangMuseum-knownfor itswell-preservedmummiesandnumerouscollectionsofancientartifacts.(B/L/D)

DAY 3 Urumqi-Turpan:FollowthestepsofMarcoPoloto arrive in the fascinatingTurpan, theoasis knownas Fi-eryLand.Turpanlies505feetbelowsealevel,andproducessomeof theworld’smostspectaculargrapesbymeansofa vast undergroundnetwork of canals that are fed by themeltingsnow fromnearbymountains.Visit theexoticba-zaar to shop for eye-catching handmade shawls, Cossackarts and crafts, plentiful delicious sweet treats await youthere.(B/L/D)

DAY 4 Turpan-Urumqi-Dunhuang:Motorcoachre-turntoUrumqiandflytoDunhuang.Locatedontheedgeofthedesertwithspectacularsanddunesasstreetlandmarks,Dunhuanghasenduredmorethan2000yearsandstillholdsabrightspotinthedesert.Takeacamelridearoundthecityandclimbup250-meterhighsanddunesofSingingSandMountain,whereyoucanenjoybird’seyeviewofthedes-ertandexperiencetheroaringsoundofmovingsandswhenslidingdownhill.(B/L/D)

DAY 5 Dunhuang:MorningtourtothemagnificentarttreasuresofMogaoCaves.AUNESCOWorldHeritageSite,itsgrottoes,totalingover500caves,contain2,415coloredstatuesand45,000squaremetersofmurals,whichshowan uninterrupted history of Buddhist art over a period ofmorethan1,000years.Restofthedayfreeatleisuretoex-plore.(B/L/D)

DAY 6 Dunhuang-Beijing/Shanghai-Home:Trans-fertoairportforyourflighthomeortonextdestination.(B)



includes: round trip air inclusive from beijing or Shanghai, to cruise embarkation & disembarkation port cities, victo-ria Cruise ship (5*), tours, transportation, meals, one night hotel in beijing or Shanghai (4-5*), and english-speaking local tour guide.

The Yangtze River is China’s longest river (and the third larg-est in the world). The aptly named “River of Heaven” gracefully winds 4,000 miles through the majestic gorges, the cloud-cov-ered mountains, thick green valleys, the Three Gorges Dam and towns of ancient and modern. Cruising the fabled River provides a window into the soul and spirit of China.

DAY 1 Beijing/Shanghai - Chongqing - Embark Victoria Cruise: FlytoChongqingandtransfertopiertoboardtheluxuriousVictoriaCruiseshipadventuringdownthemightyYangtzeRiverforthenextthreenights.

DAY 2 Yangtze River Cruise:Dependson the localriverconditions,todayweeithervisitFengdu,orShibaozhai.Nicknamedas“GhostCity”,Fengduhasnumerousstatuesofdevilsandghoststhatroamtheafterworld.Shibaozhaiisfamousforits12-storytallwoodenpagoda,whichwasbuilt400yearsagowithoutusingasinglenail.(B/L/D)

Onboardactivitiesincludeawidevarietyofinformativelec-tures, painting demonstrations, acupuncture demonstra-tions,TaiChi,Chineseorwesternmassagesandfacials,as

Page 33: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog



wellas lessons inMandarin language,calligraphyandsilkkite making. Nightly entertainment includes traditionalfashion shows, colorful cultural presentations, and tradi-tionalChinesemusic.Or,enjoyfeaturefilms,HBOandBBCbroadcastinginyourowncabin.

DAY 3 Yangtze River Cruise: TodaywewillnavigatethroughthemostexcitingjourneyonYangtzeRiver:thefa-mousThreeGorges.Firstistheshortest,narrowestandyetmostvisuallydramaticQutangGorge.ContinuetopassWuGorge,knownforitsserenebeauty.Beforepassingthroughthe longestanddeepestof the three:XilingGorge, takeadetour tobeautiful LesserGorgesvia smaller vessels.To-nightwesailthroughtheThreeGorgesshiplocks.(B/L/D)

DAY 4 Yangtze River Cruise-Yichang-Beijing/Shanghai: MorningexcursiontourtoThreeGorgesDamSite.TheDamconstructionisthelargestofitskindintheworld,andoncecompletedin2009,willchangetheland-scape of the Yangtze River Valley forever.Our river jour-neyendsinYichang,transfertoairportforflighttoBeijing/Shanghai.Airporttohoteltransferisprovideduponarrival.(B/L)

DAY 5 Beijing/Shanghai: Transfertoairportforflighthomeoryournextdestination.(B)


includes: hotel (4*), tours, transportation, meals and eng-lish-speaking local tour guide.

DAY 1 Arrive Lhasa: Fly to Lhasa, the capital city ofmysticalBuddhistkingdomofTibet.Therestofthedayisfreetoadjusttothealtitudeofoneoftheworld’shighestplateaus-about12,000ft.abovesealevel.(D)

DAY 2 Lhasa:Today’shighlightisthetourofPotalaPal-ace,formerlivingquartersoftheDalaiLamaandthecenteroftheTibetangovernment.,Itsmassive1,000roomstruc-ture towers over thismountain city. Also visit one of Ti-bet’soldestshrines,JokhangTempleandthefamousBark-horMarketwhereyoumayshoplocalauthenticitems.Af-ternoontourofSummerPalace,builtbytheseventhDalaiLamainthe18thcentury.(B/L/D)

DAY 3 Lhasa:Todayisfreetoexplorethisholycity.(B)

DAY 4 Lhasa-Hometown: Transfertoairportforflighthomeoryournextdestination.(B)


includes: round trip air inclusive from beijing or Shang-hai, hotel (5*), tours, transportation, meals and english-speaking local tour guide.

DAY 1 Beijing/Shanghai to Guilin: Fly to pictur-esqueGuilinfromBeijingorShanghai.Uponarrival,youwillbegreetedbylocalprofessionaltourguide.Transfertoho-tel.Restofthedayfreeatleisure.

DAY 2 Guilin: LocatedonthebanksoftheLiRiver,Gui-linisrenownforitsuniquelimestonelandscapeandserenenatural beauty. Take a scenic cruise down the meander-ingLiRiver;continue to tour the famousReedFluteCavetoseesomeunusualstalactiteandstalagmiteformations.(B/L/D)

DAY 3 Guilin: Transfertoairportforflighttonextdesti-nation.(B)

***Land Service Only: $400.00/person/dbl

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beijingA truly remArkAble sight would be to look down at bei-jing from the sky above over the last 2,000 years. One would witness imperial palaces and fortresses being built and de-stroyed time and time again. in the 15th century and late 17th, one would see the largest city in the world, its empire reaching over the entire eastern globe, even sending emissaries to the Americas. Conquering armies would breach the city walls, first on horseback and later in tanks, only to be repelled, sometimes hundreds of years later, by liberating armies waving flags of yellow, purple, black and eventually a bright red. looking slightly north, one would see a wall of stone slowly grow and expand like a two-headed snake over the mountain ridges, ever widening beyond the peripheral horizons.

As these visions fade into memory, they are replaced by sky scrapers dotting the landscape. City walls that repelled invaders for millennia are demolished, making room for highways. Millions of bicycles are replaced by taxi cabs, scooters, air-conditioned double-decker buses, and subway lines. Businessmen, who only a decade ago dressed in government-issued garb, wear suits and ties with matching briefcases as they enter corporate office buildings over 70 stories high.

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Millions of construction workers from other provinces will engulf the city to prepare for the world’s greatest sporting event. The entire city will collectively hold its breath in dual hope and anxiety, as another army of foreigners infiltrates their city in the summer of 2008, but this time through the gates of its newly renovated international airport and the largest terminal in the world. An entire city built for royalty, forbidden to the general public for centuries, will be flooded by millions of visitors traipsing through the courtyard. Children will play upon the stone tortoises and dragons that once stood guard for the imperial court.

Beijing is big in its politics, its population, its acreage, its projects, and its reach. It is the great city of Cambuluc written about by

Marco Polo, located along the upper tip of the North China Plain. From Beijing, dynasties have lorded over nations thousands of miles away in every direction. To live and study in Beijing is to understand a culture and society whose history extends back into ancient times, flourishing a millennium before Hannibal sacked Rome, Charlemagne united France, or Jesus preached to crowds in the streets of Jerusalem. To comprehend Beijing is to witness 1.5 billion people on the cusp of international power, welcoming change with open arms while still cognizant of an illustrious past.

Beijingers will tell you that the city’s true greatness still lies ahead -- hope floats in this city, even higher than the oft-publicized smog. Only in Beijing can one ride a high-speed subway overlooking an imperial palace, party in a world-class night club housed in a 17th century traditional Chinese courtyard, or eat a gourmet dinner of Peking duck roasted the same way for centuries, followed by cappuccino and dessert at a chic lounge designed by the world’s most innovative architects. Beijing is a city where history meets modernity.

Students and travelers lucky enough to make the journey to Beijing will experience another milestone in a civilization’s great history. There’s a reason Beijing is our most popular destination -- come and find out why.

Studying in BeijingPeking UniversityPeking University is the most renowned and prestigious university in China. Established in 1898, the university is known within china as ‘Bei Da’. Each year over two thousand overseas students from more than sixty countries attend classes at Peking University. While some enroll in undergraduate and graduate degree programs, most foreign students come to the university for the Chinese Language Development Program. Peking University’s Chinese Language Center offers twenty levels of instruction from total beginner to advanced. The curriculum follows standards articulated by the National Committee on the Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language and offers certification at various levels through the HSK. Upon completing the program, students receive an official transcript from the University.

tsinghUa UniversityTsinghua University is one of the most famous universities in China and was built on the site of “Tsinghua Yuan” -- a former royal garden of the Qing Dynasty. As a comprehensive multi-disciplinary university, Tsinghua University is recognized as a world-class institution for both education and research, with strong disciplines in science, engineering, management and humanities. Tsinghua University welcomes international students who may enroll under various undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral programs. Many take part in the Chinese language programs offered by the University. As of Autumn of 2005, over 1,700 foreign students were enrolled at Tsinghua University, coming from 75 countries and majoring in science and technology, humanities, economics, management, law, arts and many other areas.

Beijing LangUage and CULtUre UniversityBeijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) is the only university in China whose mission statement is to teach the Chinese language and culture to foreign students. Since its inception in the 1970s it has become the most popular institution for foreign students wishing to study in China, annually attracting over 9,000 international students from over 110 countries. The university also attracts the same number of Chinese students a year; this mesh of local and foreign students provides a great atmosphere in which to learn Mandarin and Chinese culture. The university has also gained the reputation of being a world leader in the field of teaching Mandarin as a foreign language, providing text books and teaching methods used world-wide.

Tradition meets modernity in China's capital.ph




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When riding the blAzingly fAst mAglev trAin away from shanghai’s gleaming Pudong international Airport, it becomes apparent that China has arrived as a world superpower, and much like the 267.8 mph train that opened in 2003, shanghai is the city that propels China for-ward. One need only look at the prolific skyscrapers of the Pudong district with its Oriental Pearl tower and Jin mao tower, two of the world’s tallest man-made structures, the busiest cargo port in the world, or donghai bridge, the lon-gest sea-crossing bridge in the world, to know that shang-hai is among the world’s most modern cities.

A far cry from the ancient imperial histories of Beijing or Xi’an, Shanghai is representative of a new China. Located where the Yangtze River Delta and the Pacific meet, Shanghai, which literally translates as “on the sea,” was historically a small fishing village. Today, Shanghai is the most populated city in the world’s most populated country. The seeds of modern day China were planted in Shanghai: birthplace of Dr. Sun


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Yat-Sen, the founder of modern China, location of the first congress of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921, and hometown of basketball superstar and China’s unofficial international ambassador, Yao Ming.

During the late Qing dynasty, Shanghai’s strategic location as the gateway to the rich interior of the Yangtze River, an area which produces the vast amounts of food necessary to feed all of China, made it the envy of international powers looking to trade with China. With Beijing’s power weakening in the mid 19th century, Shanghai became the playground of foreign imperialists, who brought with them industry, western finance, and modernization, the vestiges of which can still be seen in the architecture of the Bund and the French Concession.

By the time of the Kuomintang Republic, Shanghai was the world’s third greatest financial center behind only New York and London. With the Communist takeover in 1949, Shanghai became largely impoverished due to heavy taxation from the central government as well as the purging of “bourgeois elements.” After the economic reforms ushered in during the late 20th century, Shanghai has led China’s economic resurgence with a GDP that dwarfs that of every other region except for Hong Kong.

Shanghai is also a center of politics and culture. Former Chinese president Jiang Zemin was first the mayor of Shanghai, and the city was the breeding ground of the right-leaning “Shanghai-clique” which was fiercely critical of the Cultural Revolution and highly influential in the recent reforms. And even with its modernist tendencies, Shanghai is a bastion of traditional culture with its famous schools of the arts such as the Songjiang School, the Huating School, and the Shanghai School. However, Shanghai’s most famous cultural school still may be the Chin Woo Athletic School of Wushu created by China’s most famous modern martial arts hero Huo Yuanjia.

Despite its cosmopolitan character, Shanghai will seduce you with its intimacy. Whether a scenic view of the historic Bund from a boat ride along the Huangpu river or the flavor explosion of Shanghai’s famous xiao long bao, (“little dragon buns”), Shanghai will leave a lasting impression.

To live and study in Shanghai is to have your fingers on the pulse of modern China. More than anything, one comes away with a greater understanding of the nation’s recent past and bright future. As Shanghai races into the 21st century, the rest of the country is hitching along on her coattails. We hope you come along for the ride. Don’t blink or you might miss it.

Studying in SHAngHAishanghai jiaotong University (sjtU)Founded in 1896, Shanghai Jiaotong University, better known as SJTU, is one of the oldest universities in China. Throughout its century-long history, SJTU has produced a number of important figures, made significant contributions to the development of science and technology, and was even once known as the “Eastern MIT.” The Chinese language department at SJTU offers a variety of courses for all levels. Located outside of metropolitan Shanghai, the large and scenic campus is abundant with both greenery and excitement. Due to its location, number and flexibility of language courses, and large population of foreign students, SJTU is a popular choice with students looking to learn mandarin in Shanghai.

FUdan UniversityNamed by the father of modern Chinese academics after a line from the Confucian Classics, Fudan University is regarded as one of the finest learning institutions in all of China. In the 1950s, Fudan became one of the first Chinese universities to enroll international students. Since that time, Fudan has accepted and trained over 10,000 foreign students from 100 different countries and regions worldwide. Presently there are over 1,800 long-term international students in Fudan, half of whom are actively pursuing degrees, 600 short-term students attending each year, and a number of general scholars and visiting scholars. With its rich history of academic excellence and openness to foreign students, Fudan University is an excellent place to pursue mandarin studies.ph




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Energy, excess, and glamour converge in China’s most cosmopolitan city.

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One Of the Oldest And mOst influentiAl Cities in China, Xi’an is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization. in its more than 3,100 year history, Xi’an was the capital of 13 dynasties, the eastern terminus of the silk road, the earliest link between China and the West, the economic, po-litical and cultural center of China during the formative Qin, han and tang dynasties, and the focal point of development for both Chinese buddhism and daoism.

Unsurprisingly, Xi’an is home to numerous historical sites as well as countless cultural and religious artifacts, most famous of all being Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s legendary Ter-racotta Warriors, an army of 6,000 life-sized clay warriors standing watch over the Emperor’s mausoleum. Other must-sees include: the immense Ming Dynasty city walls, the most well-preserved ancient city walls in the world, measur-ing up to 18 meters thick in some places; the Great Mosque, one of the largest in China, incorporating a fascinating blend of Chinese and Muslim influences; and the Muslim Quarter, home to the city’s Muslim minority (the hui), in which one can find numerous smaller mosques, butchers and even an Islamic food market.

Outside of these world famous landmarks, Xi’an also has an impressive collection of royal palaces, national parks, museums, temples and shrines. Six of the eight Buddhist Founder’s Temples are located in Xi’an. Hua Shan, one of the five sacred mountains in Taoism, can be found just south of the city in the Qinling mountains.


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Fast forward to the 21st century, in which Xi’an has resurfaced as a cultural, industrial and technological hub, laying claim to a flourishing software industry, a growing community of cutting edge artists, musicians and architects, a plethora of shopping malls, not to mention the world’s largest internet bar counting in at more than 3,000 computers.

The birthplace of Qinqiang, the oldest form of Chinese drama which went on to influence many other styles, including Peking Opera, Xi’an is also a focal point for various new art forms. The Chang’an School, a modern school of Chinese traditional arts, finds its home here, as does the contemporary art factory Spinning Town. Known for its underground music scene, Xi’an is also famous for producing Rock Stars.

As a city steeped in a rich historical legacy while simultaneously making its footprint in a modern context, Xi’an appeals to both the history buff and the techie, the scholar and the tourist, the artist and the business person. Regardless of your interests, Xi’an is sure to have what you are looking for.

Studying in Xi’An Xi’an jiaotong UniversityXi’an Jiaotong University is one of the nine leading universities in China directly administered by the Ministry of Education. The Xi’an Jiaotong School of Chinese Language Study was founded in 1995. It is famous for a beautiful study environment, advanced teaching facilities, professional academic staff, diversified courses and effective teaching. There have been about 2,000 international students studying Chinese from more than 30 countries since the school was established. After several years’ improvement, the School of Chinese Language Study has become an independent school offering a combination of Chinese teaching and cultural education. There are six different level Chinese classes. There are Preliminary A and B classes, Intermediate A and B classes, and Advanced A and B classes. After one-year study in Preliminary Class, the students will acquire a command of 1500-2000 Chinese words and reach the first level required by HSK test.

northwestern UniversityNorthwestern University is one of China’s leading comprehensive universities. Founded in 1902, it is also one of the oldest institutions of learning in Northwest China. The college offers a wide range of Mandarin language courses suitable for all levels. The university stresses international academic and personnel exchanges. Since the start of China’s opening and reform in 1978, Northwestern University has established cooperation and exchange relations with nearly 30 institutions of higher education and scientific research in the United states, Japan, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, and Hong Kong and Taiwan regions, received more than 5,000 visiting scholars and experts, enrolled over 1,000 international students, held more than 20 international academic conferences, and sent abroad more than 500 scholars to pursue advanced studies, give lectures, collaborate in scientific researches, or participate in international conferences. These exchanges have contributed to the rise of the university’s academic level and international renown.

Xi'an is the historic heart of China and the beginning of the ancient silk road.


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the PeOPle Of yunnAn PrOvinCe hAve A sAying: “the mountains are high and the emperor far away.” tucked away in the southwest frontier of China, yunnan was long considered a center of lawlessness and incivility. however, today yunnan is renowned as one of China’s premier tourist destinations, especially for those who enjoy outdoor activities.

Located on the Yunnan plateau, the province boasts colossal mountains to the north and dense jungle in the south. The capital of Yunnan Province, Kunming has been laid siege by sultans from the west, Mongols from the north, and Japanese bombers from above. With Burma, Laos, and Vietnam directly south, and Tibet to the west, Yunnan is home to 25 different ethnic minorities, making Kunming one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. Yunnan’s unique topography, plethora of natural beauty, and its rich melting pot of cultures makes it unlike any other place in China. In fact, the only thing that remains relatively homogeneous in Kunming is the weather. Often called the “City of Eternal Spring,” Kunming’s yearly temperature ranges from 10ºC (50ºF) to 21ºC (69ºF).

Kunming is, and always has been, a major transportation hub. In 1913, the French completed the Indochina Rail line which connected Kunming all the way to Hanoi in order to exploit Yunnan’s copper resources. The line is still in use today. During World War II, it was the terminus for the famed Burma Road, through which allied forces sent supplies to the Chinese to aid in the fight against Japan. Once the road was blocked by Japanese forces, pilots flew over the peaks of Nepal to airdrop supplies into Kunming. Today, there are direct highways from Kunming to its southern neighbors Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Burma, as well as to its northwest neighbor Tibet. Moreover, renovation of the Stillwell Road is underway, which will be a highway that connects Kunming to India. Needless to say, Kunming is a great jumping off point for world travelers.

As a smaller city, further away from the well-populated coast, Kunming is very popular with students looking to study in an environment with very little western influence. While Kunming does boast a large international population, most foreign students studying in Yunnan are actually from the Indian Sub-continent and Southeast Asia. Students hoping to mingle with mostly Chinese-speakers are encouraged to study in Kunming. In addition, Kunming’s status as a smaller city further away from more developed areas results in a significantly lower cost of living than in big cities such as Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing.

Because of its beautiful scenery, fantastic weather, and small western expatriate community, Kunming is CSA’s third most popular destination behind Shanghai and Beijing. Students looking for something more adventurous should consider studying in Yunnan Province, China’s original “Wild West.”

Studying in yunnAnyUnnan UniversityYunnan University was founded in December 1922. Currently, Yunnan University is among the “National Key Universities” under special development by the Chinese government. Yunnan University has also been included on the list of the universities essential to the “China Western Development” program.

The campus of Yunnan University is covered with the green shades of ginkgo and cherry trees under which grow patches of fragrant orchids and narcissuses. The teaching buildings, libraries, and laboratories stand out among a riot of colors from the countless blooming flowers. The beautiful campus was recently featured in acclaimed Chinese director Zhang Yimou’s latest film, “Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles.” Such picturesque surroundings in a salubrious climate are ideal for Mandarin study and other academic pursuits.

The "City of Eternal Spring" is the ideal place to explore the countryside of southern China.


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imAgine An entire AfternOOn spent studying mandarin after a full morning’s worth of class. now, add a sandy beach, a cool ocean breeze, and an icy, fresh-brewed german lager. sound appealing? if it does, Qingdao is the place for you!

Located on the tip of the Shandong peninsula, due west of the Korean peninsula, Qingdao is northern China’s premier ocean resort. The name of this fair city literally translates as “green” or “lush” (qing) island (dao). Students may be more familiar with its western postal name: Tsingtao, which shares the name of city’s most famous export, Tsingtao Beer. Qingdao has come a long way since it was a small fishing port only 100 years ago. Today, the city boasts a booming economy, one of Asia’s busiest seaports with daily ferry crossings to Korea and Japan, a fascinating modern history and cultural background, and of course, great beaches.

Like most of China’s northeastern seaboard, Shandong province was the subject of territorial disputes and foreign occupation during the late 19th century. In fact, Shandong’s occupation played a key role in the genesis of modern China. Fearing foreign imperialists, the Qing Dynasty deemed Qingdao a key strategic location and made the fishing town into a fortified naval base. However, before these plans came to fruition, the area was ceded to Germany in 1897. Thus, much of the city’s development was the result of German occupation, which is reflected in the city’s architecture even today. Qingdao’s first streets, many of its standing institutions, the beginnings of the modern harbor, and the world famous brewery were all constructed during the German occupation.

Retreating from the Allied Powers, German forces deserted Qingdao at the onset of WWI. Soon after, Japan occupied the territory and remained there after Germany’s defeat, despite promises by the Allied Powers that Shandong would be returned if China joined the Allied Forces. The Chinese citizenry were further incensed when The Treaty of Versailles in 1919 transferred all the German concessions in Shandong directly to Japan. This sparked enormous nationalistic fervor, leading directly to countrywide protests known as the May 4th Movement.


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Largely considered modern China’s political awakening, the mass revolt and student organizations involved in the movement sowed the seeds of Marxism in China. The May 4th Movement marked the downfall of the feudal Confucian era that had lasted over three thousand years and germinated a new political and cultural ideology that evolved into the China we see today.

With Qingdao’s legacy cemented in modern Chinese history, the city is paving its own path into the future. In the past decade, Qingdao has become a manufacturing powerhouse, and with a recently opened special economic zone, multinational companies have flocked to the area, especially from neighboring Japan and Korea. Qingdao has also experienced similar growth in tourism, as the city’s seaside location has made it ideal for large events such as several 2008 Olympic events and the International Beer Festival. Qingdao has it all: an emerging economy, great history, great beer and beaches galore.

Studying in QingdAOQingdao UniversityQingdao University (QU), the largest university in Shandong faces the Yellow Sea to its south with Mount Fushan as its background, creating a beautiful academic setting. Yearly, over 700 foreign students come to study at QU, which provides comprehensive Mandarin language courses for students at all levels. QU leads the country in research conducted on Luxun’s works, Pre-Qing Dynasty literature, non-linear excitation computer control systems, super low temperature cornea freezing, nutrition and immunity, and natural pigment extraction. The university also has cooperation with many provincial and municipal enterprises and has established specialty research institutes with electronics companies Haier, Hisense, Blue Goose and Double Star.

oCean UniversityOcean University of China (OUC) is a comprehensive university under the direct administration of the State Ministry of Education, which offers courses in Science, Engineering, Agronomy (Fisheries), Economics, Liberal Arts, Pharmaceutics, Management, Law, Education and History, etc. OUC is especially renowned for its disciplines in Oceanography and Fisheries and has been honored as one of China’s “National Key Universities”.

Ocean University has language courses running throughout the year and also offers first rate business courses, which are taught in English. OUC offers the unique opportunity for beginning Mandarin students to take language and business classes while living in China.ph




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Qingdao is northern China’s premier ocean resort.

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With its histOry of foreign concessions, international trade and european style architecture, tianjin is fast be-coming one of the more popular student destinations in China. tianjin’s urban center is located along the hai he river, which leads directly to the Pacific. As the historic port linking the capital beijing to the open sea, tianjin earned its name which means “the place where the em-peror crossed the river”. tianjin’s key status as a port city is not the only thing that recommends this growing city. Although often overshadowed by beijing, which is a mere 100 kilometers away, tianjin is returning to international prominence.

From the forced entry of foreign interests to the complex internal conflicts of China, Tianjin has been at the hub of many a dispute. In 1856, Chinese Imperial soldiers boarded a British Ship anchored in Tianjin Harbor and arrested 12 sailors suspected of piracy and opium smuggling. In response, British and French gunships were sent to bombard a garrison near Tianjin, leading to the Second Opium War. After humiliating defeat at the hands of western powers, the Chinese government signed the Tianjin Treaties which opened Tianjin to international trade in 1860 and allowed


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wholly foreign concessions to operate within the city.

European imperialism and a Chinese fiscal crisis incited an uprising in the late 19th century, led by the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, better known as the Boxers. Backed by the Chinese government, the Boxers seized control of Tianjin in 1900, but were defeated by the Eight Nation United Army, concretizing a foreign presence that would remain until the end of World War II. Since China was reintroduced to the world in 1978, Tianjin has undergone many changes. While not at the same rate as its large neighbor Beijing, Tianjin is in the midst of rapid development.

Tianjin is a special municipality and does not belong to any province. Set at the northern end of the Grand Canal of China, Tianjin has direct access to both the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. As the biggest trading port in Northern China, Tianjin has a thriving population of over 10 million people. While not yet a major metropolis, Tianjin still affords many of the comforts an international city.

Home to the first modern university in China, and the oldest newspaper, Tianjin has a thriving intellectual and cultural scene. Some of the first museums, theatres and art galleries in China were founded here, and the heavy presence of foreign concessions strongly influenced the music, art and architecture of the area. Take a stroll down Ancient Culture Street to see reconstructions of traditional Tianjin homes, or through Wudadao to look at turn of the century European villas. There are also plenty of venues for shopping, including the Antiques Market with its wide variety of relics from the cultural revolution.

While well known for its seafood dishes, Tianjin is best known for three culinary specialties: Guobuli, the local version of steamed buns famous all around China; dough twists, known as Mahua; and rice cakes filled with red bean known as Erduoyan. For those looking for a heartier meal, sampling the Eight Great Bowls will satiate even the most demanding palate.

Only an hour from Beijing, Tianjin has the positive attributes of a big city, yet retains a small city intimacy. With a relatively small foreign presence, there are ample opportunities for immersion and language practice without distraction. Despite its xenophobic history, residents are famous for being both extremely friendly and patient with foreigners, and openly proffer help and friendship, making Tianjin an ideal place to learn Mandarin.

Studying in tiAnjintianjin UniversityTianjin University (TU), known as Peiyang University in its early days, was founded on October 2, 1895. It was the first institution of higher learning in the history of modern Chinese education. Peiyang University changed its name to Tianjin University in 1951. In its century long history the university has seen more than a hundred thousand students come through its doors. The university began accepting foreign students in 1954. Since then more than 2,000 students from over 60 countries have studied at TU. In recent years the University has focused on attracting more students from abroad and has seen an average rise of 15% a year over the last 5 five years in its foreign student population. The Chinese language program at present attracts around 200 students a year. The program has become well established and is offered to all levels. The University also offers short term programs during the winter and summer.

nankai UniversityNankai University was founded in 1919 by the famous educators of Chinese modern history, Mr. Zhang Boling and Mr. Yan Xiu. Along with Peking University and Tsinghua University, Nankai is sometimes referred to as one of China’s “Ivy league” schools. Nankai provides comprehensive Mandarin language programs for students at all levels, but is better known as a comprehensive university with a complete curriculum that includes the humanities, natural sciences, technology, life sciences, medical sciences and the arts. Nankai offers 68 undergraduate specialties, 158 Masters programs, 98 Doctoral programs, 17 Post-Doctoral research stations and 12 authorized basic specialties. Nankai has been active in structuring disciplines to meet the demands of producing economic development and social progress in the 21st century.

Tianjin has a cosmopolitan yet intimate atmosphere.


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When siPPing A CuP Of the lOCAlly grOWn lOngJing (dragon Well) tea and admiring the scenery on a sunny day, it is easy to see why hangzhou has the reputation as the most beautiful city in China. it is a title that hangzhou more than lives up to with its tran-quil mix of hills and lakes, including the famous Xi hu (West lake) which attracts thousands of tourists every year from all over China.


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"The sky has the heavens, the Earth has Hangzhou."A popular Chinese phrase states, “shang you tian tang, xia you su hang,’ which means “the sky has the heavens, and the Earth has Suzhou and Hangzhou.” With its natural majesty and grace, Hangzhou has been muse to many scholars and artists of old. Yet Hangzhou is more than just a pretty face, it is a city with a long and dynamic history stretching back over 2,200 years. Once the capital of the Wuyue Kingdom and the Southern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou has witnessed China evolve from its infancy into the modern day powerhouse that it has become. As one of the seven ancient capitals of China (the others being Beijing, Nanjing, Luoyang, Xi’an, Kaifeng, and Anyang), Hangzhou has earned a special place in the hearts of Chinese people for its contribution to Chinese culture and history.

Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province, located on the fertile Yangtze River Delta about 180 kilometers south of Shanghai. With its relatively smaller population and awe inspiring natural beauty, its little wonder that many people favor Hangzhou over its densely populated northern neighbor.

It is reputed that Chinese rice was first cultivated only 100 kilometers from the city in the nearby town of Yuyao. Hangzhou is also the birthplace of silk in China. According to legend, one of the emperor’s concubines Yang Gui Hui discovered how to make silk and taught it to the people of Hangzhou. She

is also credited with being one of the most beautiful women in ancient China and had an appetite for consuming over 300 lychees a day!

Hangzhou is also the economic centre of the region, growing year by year. The electronics giant Toshiba has set up its sole overseas production plant here, and the Wahaha drinks company is headquartered in the city alongside traditional Hangzhou industries such as textiles and silk. From 2004-2006, Hangzhou was voted the number one city in China to do business according to Forbes magazine. Studying in Hangzhou offers a unique

experience like no other in China, encompassing centuries of culture and history, stunning scenery, and a thriving economy. Students choosing to study here would be hard-pressed to find another city offering as many delights as Hangzhou.

Studying in HAngZHOuZhejiang University Under the direct administration of China‘s Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University is a key comprehensive university whose fields of study cover eleven branches of learning, including philosophy, literature, history, education, science, economics, law, management, engineering, agriculture and medicine. Founded in 1897, Zhejiang University is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in China. Long reputed as the “Eastern Cambridge,” Zhejiang University has always been ranked among the top universities in China due to its broad academic strengths in teaching, research and social service. Zhejiang University provides a comprehensive range of Mandarin language courses for all levels, and there are currently over 1,200 foreign students enrolled at the university.ph




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When it COmes tO dAliAn, take every negative stereotype you have about China and throw it out the window. this is dalian – the cleanest, friendliest, most comfortable city in all of China. don’t just take our word for it, every year dalian is voted as China’s number one most “livable city” in the China daily news. Often called the “hong kong of the north,” dalian is widely considered an exemplar of quality city-planning. many cities throughout China have used dalian’s “city model” to make over their own cities with the newfound wealth and investment in infrastructure resultant of China’s explosive economic growth. With dalian’s urban population of only 3 million, reputation for cleanliness, sky-rocketing economy, clear blue skies, and the friendliest and safest city traffic you’ll find this side of tokyo, we’re sure you’ll agree.

Dalian is the capital city of Liaoning, a province that makes up what was once known as Manchuria. Through the last few 200 years, this area in particular has been through quite an ordeal. Manchuria was the ancestral homeland of the Qing monarchs, China’s last imperial dynasty, and thus was held in high regard. Towards the end of their reign, Dalian was annexed multiple times through wars of aggression by both Russia and Japan. As the northernmost ice-free harbor on the continent, Dalian has long been an area of strategic importance for all the superpowers of the region, and the area around the city was the battleground for many bloody battles during the early 20th century. During World War II, the Japanese set up a puppet government in Liaoning called Manchukuo to govern over China, with Pu Yi, the last Emperor of China, at its helm. After Japan’s defeat, the area was occupied by Soviet Russia for ten years before being returned to China.

From the city’s architecture to its industry, tangible traces of foreign influence can still be felt throughout the city. Dalian was once the terminus of the Orient Express, which ran from Moscow across Siberia, and was also Russia’s most important port-city in Asia. In fact, the city’s name is a transliteration of its original Russian name, Dalny.




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Today, both Russian and Japanese architecture is featured throughout the city, and keywords from Russia and Japan have made their way into the vernacular of the local dialect. However, the most lasting influence by these occupying powers has been in commercial industry.

Under Russian and Japanese rule, Dalian was a major center for ship-building and locomotive industries. Its history as an important port for international trade continues today, as it is now China’s largest petroleum port, the terminus for the oil pipelines of northern China, and its seaside areas are dotted with vital chemical, diesel, and oil refineries. With the opening of the northern Dagushan harbor, Dalian is one of the most important energy hubs in all of northern Asia. However, Dalian’s economic

might is not limited to its heavy and light industries, as there has been significant foreign investment once it was declared a “special economic zone,” making it ideal for investment by foreign manufacturing companies. Because of Dalian’s special economic status and its location as a worldwide transportation hub, major international companies such as Intel, Samsung, Sanyo, Canon, Pfizer and Toshiba have all opened factories and processing plants in the area.

Nonetheless, the heavy economic growth has not brought ruin to this idyllic city, with its broad avenues, armies of street sweepers, wide grassy parks, and sandy beaches. Areas of heavy industry are located far away from the city center, and the mild weather and constant breezes from the nearby water keep Dalian pleasant year-round. Come find out for yourself; you’ll soon agree that Dalian is the most livable city in all of China.

Studying in dAliAndaLian University oF Foreign LangUagesDalian University of Foreign Languages (DUFL), located in the center of the city proper, was founded in 1964. It is the only tertiary institution of foreign language studies in the northeast of China. DUFL is an international university with enrollment exceeding 800 international students of various levels and different durations. It has established exchange and cooperative ties with over 60 universities and research institutions. One of the first institutions to offer a BA degree in Chinese, DUFL’s School of Chinese Studies (SCS) is renowned for the quality of its Chinese language programs designed for international students in China. DUFL is also a National HSK Testing Centre.

daLian University oF teChnoLogyDalian University of Technology (DUT) is among the universities authorized by the State Ministry of Education in China to enroll overseas students. The university has set up a School of International Cultural Exchanges to take the responsibility for enrollment, education and management of international students. In order to further develop international friendships and promote the cultural and academic exchanges between people all over the world, DUT enrolls overseas students from numerous parts of the globe. There are currently overseas students from more than 20 countries enrolled at DUT, pursuing bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, or enrolled in Chinese language programs.

Clean, friendly, & comfortable, Dalian is consistently ranked the most "livable city" in all of China.


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mOdern buildings OverlOOking AnCient ruins provide a startling and thoughtful juxtaposition in the historical city of nanjing. the capital of Jiangsu, nanjing houses 5.29 million people yet still manages to provide a sense of openness and space with its many parks and lakes. its balmy weather and chic neighborhoods make this a perfect city to explore on foot.

Nanjing is perhaps most well known for the atrocities suffered at the hands of the Japanese during WWII, when over 300,000 of the city’s populace were killed in a systematic, brutal and appalling massacre. Yet this city has played a key role in the history of China, both as its occasional capital and the center of numerous conflicts.

First established as the capital in AD 229, Nanjing was later razed to the ground by the Sui Dynasty in a power bid. The Tang Dynasty began the reconstruction of the city and renewed its status as the capital, but it was the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty who finished the reconstruction, capping it off with the world’s longest city wall. When the Qing Dynasty took the city in 1864, over 100,000 people died in mass suicide and fighting, yet the infrastructure of the city suffered very little damage. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen would be the last to name this great city capital of China when the Republic of China came to power, though it was a short-lived return to prominence. No longer the capital in name, Nanjing is still a center of culture, commerce and beauty in China.

Despite Nanjing’s bloody history, it is an architecturally beautiful city, with much of its ancient sites still standing beside newer counterparts. Located on the Yangtze River Delta basin, there is a natural abundance of resources, from proximity to water sources to a wealth of naturally occurring minerals in Nanjing’s outlying areas. In addition, there are several hot springs located near the city. The wide avenues, lush vegetation and relative abundance of parks, trees and plants within the city give


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China's bustling intersection of commerce and cultural heritage.off a sense of pleasant abundance. Many of the more popular sites, such as the Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum and the Lingyi temple are located on the looming Zijin mountain, but there are also many interesting sites hidden throughout the city and its surrounding suburbs. Not to be overlooked, some of China’s leading art, theatre and dance groups are based in this city. Be sure to check out the Qianxian dance company, or see a performance of Kunqu, China’s oldest stage art.

The de jure capital, Nanjing is one of the largest cities in the East China Region, second only to neighboring Shanghai. A hub for academic and artistic pursuits, Nanjing is also a popular tourist destination and has a growing financial district. The numerous universities and large student body engender a lively night life, but its three hour proximity to Shanghai allows for convenient weekend getaways when looking for a change of venue. For the culturally inclined, the government hosts a series of festivals throughout the year, the most famous being the International Plum Blossom Festival, to which thousands of tourists flock each year to see the largest collection of plum blossoms in the world.

Studying in nAnjingnanjing UniversityNanjing University consists of two campuses, one in Gulou and the other in Pukou with a total area of more than 600 acres. It is one of the top universities in China, with beautiful campuses and modern teaching and research facilities. The university offers a comprehensive Chinese language program for overseas students. As one of the most active universities in China in its international academic exchanges, NU accepts students of all Mandarin levels. Since 1979, it has established links with more than 180 universities and institutions in nearly 30 countries. In the meantime, more than 6,000 international students have studied at this university. Nobel Prize laureates, such as Professors Chen Ning Yang, Tsung Dao Lee, Ilya Prigogine, Sheldon Glashow and Robert Mandel have been conferred Honorary Doctorates, or Honorary Professorship by the university.

nanjing normaL UniversityNanjing Normal University (NJNU), on the threshold of its 100th anniversary, is one of the “National Key Universities” under the “211 Project” and is also a provincially renowned institution of higher learning. NJNU is among the earliest universities authorized by the Ministry of Education to open up to the outside world. Since 1978, NJNU has established ties of academic exchange and cooperation with 44 overseas universities and institutes. Since then, over 6,000 overseas students have studied or received in-service training at NJNU, which provides a comprehensive range of Mandarin language courses for students of all levels.

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fOrmer u.s. President riChArd niXOn OnCe sAid, “i have visited more than 80 countries and over 100 cit-ies. i have found that no city can surpass the beauty of guilin. guilin is really a bright pearl in China.” A distant cry from the concrete jungles of beijing and shanghai, guilin is a breathtaking city to behold. With its beauti-ful natural scenery and picturesque landscapes, guilin has served as a muse for Chinese poets and painters for thousands of years, long before it inspired such praise from President nixon.

Guilin, formerly known as Guizhou is situated on the west bank of the Li River in southern China’s Guangxi province. Its name means ‘Forest of Sweet Osmanthus’ due to the abundant Sweet Osmanthus trees that grow throughout the city. In 1981, this ancient city was one of four Chinese cites chosen by the State Council to be designated for preservation of natural scenery, as well as historical and cultural heritage.

Guilin is a tourist city, home to 1.34 million people and several of China’s ethnic minority tribes such as the Miao, Zhuang, and Dong. It is much less crowded than the big cities, but Guilin really comes alive during the summer months with the buzz of tourists from all over the world clamoring for a glimpse of Guilin’s magnificent scenery. The town centre itself is surrounded by two rivers and

four lakes. Strolling down the city centre at night during the summer months is a must-see experience. The city refuses to sleep with its night markets selling all kinds of trinkets, gifts and food to tourists and locals alike set against the shadowy backdrop of the hills, mountains and shimmering lakes. The side street food vendors and restaurants all sell their take on the renowned Guilin rice noodles traditionally eaten with horse meat or the


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Guilin inspires the mind and fires the soul.

zhong zi dumplings made with mung bean and glutinous rice bound in a banana or bamboo leaf.

The city is also the starting point for cruises on the Li River, usually headed toward the once sleepy fishing town of Yangshuo, which now derives much of its income from tourists there to see cormorant fishing; an old technique in which trained cormorant birds tied to boats dive into lakes to bring fish for their masters. It is also here that the iconic Elephant Trunk Hill - the scenic image which appears on the back of the 20 Yuan note - Can be found.

Guilin has served as inspiration to countless scholars, artists and romantics. Follow in their footsteps and see China through their eyes. What better way to study than with Mother Nature on your doorstep? Be awestruck by one of the most beautiful places in China. From breathtaking mountains, hills, and rivers to caves and miles of unspoiled scenery, let Guilin inspire the mind and fire the soul.

Studying in guilingUanXi normaL UniversityGuangxi Normal University (GXNU) was established on October 12, 1932, as a teachers’ college and has grown to become a fully-accredited, comprehensive university. GXNU offers many basic and applied disciplines of liberal arts, natural sciences and teacher education programs. GXNU is divided into two campuses: Wang Cheng Campus, in the center of the city at the former site of Jingjiang Princes’ Mansion of the Ming Dynasty, and Yu Cai Campus, in the Qixing Hi-Tech Development Zone. Currently, the university consists of 14 colleges and schools, six teaching departments, five instructional centers, an educational technology center, 20 research institutes, two affiliated high schools, and an experimental kindergarten. The university offers over 60 junior college and undergraduate programs, 25 higher vocational programs, and 33 Master’s degree programs. GXNU combines academic excellence with a welcoming atmosphere. Its strong commitment to teaching and learning methods encourages students to develop independence and self-direction while still receiving abundant support from faculty and staff.

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With A myriAd Of nAmes such as the flower City, five rams City, or China’s southern gateway, guangzhou is more commonly known as Canton in the West. the capital of guangdong province, guangzhou is where Cantonese and man-darin culture, language and foods converge. located on the Pearl river, this port city bustling with life and full of energy is an excellent introduction to mainland China.

Guangzhou’s history dates as far back as 214 BC, when the small city of Panyu was built where Guangzhou now stands. Archaeological discoveries suggest that Panyu was involved in international sea trade as early as 206 BC, when Panyu became the capital of the kingdom of Nanyue. It remained a major trade destination throughout all the imperial dynasties, and


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was the starting point for the Silk Road of the Sea during the Tang Dynasty. Even when China shut its doors to all outside contact under Mao Zedong, Guangzhou still held its famous, invitation only, Canton Trade Fair. During the 16th century, Guangzhou hosted a Portuguese settlement and later expelled them to the island of Macao. Despite this, the city maintained a thriving trade with the Portuguese, and by the end of the 17th century, had a port commerce bustling with Dutch, Spanish, Indian and British traders. In the 18th century, Guangzhou was named one of the world’s great trading ports, leading to its distinction as one of the top three cities in the world until the outbreak of the Opium Wars. Guangzhou has also been host to numerous revolutionary movements, including housing the first president of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-Sen during his battles with warlords, and fostering the fledgling Communist movement and its prominent leaders in their early stages.

Located only 1 ½ hours by train from Hong Kong, this city’s prime location has made it one of mainland China’s top ranking commercial and manufacturing regions. As one of China’s most affluent cities, Guangzho’s development and public services are new, well funded and convenient. Beneath this veneer of a new and westernizing city lies a commitment and appreciation of the magnificent history to which locals lay claim. Visit the Temple of Six Banyan Trees and stand where the famous poet Su Shi of the Song Dynasty once wrote, or explore the Mausoleum of the Nanyue King, said to rival the Ming tombs of Beijing. For a break from the crowded streets of downtown, visit the island of Shamian, once the foreign concession of Guangzhou, or for a deeper understanding of Western repression, visit the Guangzhou City Museum located in verdant Yuexi park.

Guangzhou has a population reaching roughly 8.5 million, making it the third most populated city in China. With so many mouths to feed, Guangzhou is known for its excellent cuisine. Most famous of all is its legendary dim sum, known as yam cha, which can be found throughout the city. The Guangzhou cuisine is not limited to Cantonese food, also offering a veritable smorgasbord of different Chinese, Asian and European restaurants. However, it would be ill advised to stick to restaurants, as the street food is also delicious and provides a wonderful opportunity to chat with the locals.

Studying in guAngZHOugUangZhoU UniversityGuangzhou University (GU) was founded as a multi-disciplinary institution on July 11, 2000 by merging several tertiary institutions. While the undergraduate program remains the dominant part of its operation, GU is fully committed to consolidating and expanding its postgraduate programs and international students program. GU has so far established cooperative relationships with a wide range of universities and academic institutions in such countries as the USA, Australia, France, Russia, South Korea, Japan, and regions like Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. GU is now fully committed to the mission of developing itself into a modern, comprehensive and well-known university with a focus on teaching and research. With that in mind, GU has created several language programs, from short term courses to full degree programs.

soUth China normaL UniversitySouth China Normal University (SCNU) is active in international cultural and academic exchange, with its advantage of being close to Hong Kong and Macao as well as its strength in teacher education. Links have been established with over 50 universities in over 20 countries such as the United States, the UK, France, and Japan. Joint research projects are conducted with many companies, government sectors, and the army. Great achievements have been made in cooperation with universities and research institutions in Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan. SCNU is a renowned location for teaching Chinese as a foreign language. It is also a national base for the training of teachers in high schools and primary schools in Hong Kong and Macao. An astounding 70% of the teachers in the high schools, primary schools and kindergartens of Macao were educated and trained at SCNU.

Guangzhou is where Cantonese & Mandarin culture, language, and foods converge.


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in A COuntry AdvAnCing tOWArds mOderni-ty while holding on to a millennia’s worth of tradition, Chengdu may be the most prototypical Chinese city of all. the capital city of sichuan Province, Chengdu offers far more than just its well-known panda inhabitants. the province was named sichuan, which means “four rivers,” because China’s four most important rivers flow through the province’s landscape. like a bridge connecting the future and past, Chengdu comfortably straddles the two competing forces of tradition and modernity.

With a population reaching towards 13 million, Chengdu is the nation’s 4th largest city but still a step behind the more economically advanced coastal cities. However, this landlocked city is emerging as the financial capital of western China with significant investment from HSBC, Citigroup, Standard Chartered, and more. Chengdu is not immune


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to signs of westernization, such as neon-lit malls and skyscrapers. Yet, Chengdu houses more teahouses than any other city in China, double that of Shanghai despite having half the population. Nonetheless, this beautifully forested city, often shrouded in mist, allows students to experience a traditional Chinese township with the comforts of a major metropolitan city. This factor is not lost on the Chinese, who regularly rank Chengdu among China’s top four most “livable cities.”

While the Sichuan Province is held in high regard for its contributions to Chinese culture -- Marco Polo went so far as to call Chengdu “China’s Paris” -- its most famous export is its fiery cuisine. One would be hard pressed to find a major boulevard in any of China’s major cities lacking a Sichuan restaurant. A common saying among the Chinese is, “Shi zai Zhongguo, wei zai Sichuan,” which

translates as, “China is the place for food, but Sichuan is the place for flavor.” As the progenitor of the ubiquitous “la” and “ma” Chinese flavors (spicy and numb), Sichuan’s famous dishes include: “gong bao ji ding” (imperial chicken), “hui guo rou” (returned to the wok meat), “ma po dou fu” (pock-marked Grandmother Chen’s spicy tofu), “huo guo” (fiery hot pot soup), “dan dan mien” (carrying pole noodles), and “mayi shang su” (ants climbing a tree noodles). If you think the names are interesting, wait until you try the food!

For those less inclined to setting their tongues aflame, Chengdu still has much to offer. Its most famous residents are China’s celebrated Giant Pandas, which inhabit the mountain ranges of Sichuan. Located 10 kilometers north of the city limits, the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base holds nearly 50 pandas and works tirelessly at increasing the nearly extinct population. The center’s recent success was much publicized on YouTube when a record 12 baby pandas were born in 2006. Once in a blue moon, visitors willing to pay extortionate rates are even allowed to take photographs with the lovable giants. Students in the CSA program sometimes travel to Chengdu with the sole purpose of seeing the pandas up close and personal.

Studying in Chengdu allows a unique opportunity to see a Chinese city that comfortably integrates modernity with tradition. While Chengdu’s High-tech Industrial Development Zone is highlighted by companies such as Intel, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, and IBM, on every street one can still find traditional wooden houses, hundreds of bicycles, mahjong tables, roosters running wild, temples galore, and not a McDonald’s in sight. Whenever their Eastern neighbors unfairly stereotype them as lazy, the Sichuanese argue that they just enjoy life more in the land of the four rivers.

Studying in CHengdusiChUan UniversitySichuan University (SCU) has the widest coverage of disciplines and the largest operating scale in western China. The university enjoys a long history, with glorious traditions, and was one of the earliest institutes of higher learning in China, dating back to its origins as the Sichuan Chinese and Western School, established in 1896. This school’s tradition is directly descended from Jinjiang Shuyuan and Zunjing Shuyuan, both centers of classical learning and set up in 1704 and 1875 respectively.

SCU is also a pioneer of modern Chinese higher education. Through the nationwide adjustment of colleges and departments, SCU grew out to be a dominant comprehensive university in literature, historiography, religion, math, biology, etc after the People’s Republic of China was set up. In 1958, it was the only university outside of Beijing that was identified by the Central Government as a university directly under State administration to be used as a model for others.

Chengdu is an exciting blend of China's past and present.


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lhAsA, the PrOvinCiAl And AnCient CAPitAl Of tibet, is one of the most storied cities in all of China. it is the traditional home of tibetan buddhism, and called home by wandering tibetan nomads who have survived millennia traipsing across the “roof of the world” -- the tibetan Plateau. As the highest region in the world, the aver-age elevation of the plateau is 16,000 feet (4,900 meters). lhasa itself is nestled at the basin of the nyainqentanglha mountains. At 3,650 meters (11,975 feet) above sea level, the capital city of the ti-betan Autonomous region is one of the highest cities on the planet. Considered the holy center of tibet, thousands of buddhist pilgrims each year find their way to the city to circumambulate the sacred temples, make countless prostrations, light special yak butter can-dles, and pray.

With towering mountains and rocky valleys, sparkling lakes and muddy rivers, and glaciers hovering above grasslands dotted by yurts, the

lHASA, tibet

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Tibetan plateau offers some of the world’s most breathtaking views. Until recently, the scenery was exclusively reserved for Tibetan nomads and the few willing to brave icy mountain passes. With the completion of the Qinghai-Tibet railway in July 2006, Tibet has been opened up for tourism and economic expansion. The railway itself is a monumental feat of engineering, recording the highest track in the world, the highest railway tunnel, and over half of its track is laid out on permafrost, which must be painstakingly temperature controlled for safety. With its highest point reaching 16,440 feet (5,072 meters), the train is equipped with oxygen masks and its cabins are specially protected from UV rays. For precaution, all passengers must submit health registration cards.

Throughout history, various governing entities have vied for power over Tibet. As a result, Lhasa has become a rich repository of religious, political and cultural heritage. At the heart of the city lies the iconic Potala Palace. Once the traditional home of the Dalai Lama, it is now a destination for both pilgrims and tourists. Dating from the 17th century, this magnificent structure rises out of the Marpo Ri Hill overlooking the city. The now partially-converted museum of Tibetan Buddhist shrines, statues and artifacts also offers a spectacular view of the city and surrounding mountains. The nearby Johkang Temple sits at the heart of the Old City. The temple commemorates the first Tibetan Emperor to convert to Buddhism and is surrounded by the narrow, winding path of the Barkhor, a colorful and busy street that passes through the Old City.

Just a short trip outside the city reveals more wonders. The nearby Nam-tso Lake (“Heavenly Lake”) is the highest saltwater lake in the world at 4500 meters. A beautiful sight in and of itself, visitors may also ride a yak or explore nearby Buddhist shrines. Several monasteries are within a day’s trip or less from Lhasa, including the famous Drepung Monastery, considered one of the most important monasteries in Tibetan Buddhism and once housing as many as 7,700 monks.

More than just a location for those interested in Tibetan history and culture, Lhasa is also a city for those interested in learning Chinese in an environment of change and excitement. Students at Tibet University are also offered the unique opportunity of enrolling in Tibetan language and culture classes. With the large influx of Chinese immigrants and the increased tourism of the last several years, Lhasa is a city in transition – the possibilities for learning and research increase with each moment. Students interested in studying in Tibet must apply far in advance as there are special restrictions and tourists visas must be prepared. Program availability is highly variable; please inquire for current status.

Studying in tiBettiBet UniversityTibet University (TU) has been actively involved in the scientific research programs of both China and the Tibet Autonomous Region. Many prizes have been rewarded for scientific achievements in the field of Tibetan research, including the collating of folk music, developments in Tibetan Arts, the observation and research of cosmic rays, the development and use of natural resources, and Tibetan demography.

The school has had excellent results in developing relations with the outside world. TU has ongoing relations with 10 foreign institutes of higher education. Many teachers have been sent for training abroad and foreign experts and academics have been invited to teach at the school. Foreign students have been admitted for enrollment since 1993.

Because of its unique location and commitment to higher learning, TU has excellent conditions for the study of Tibetan language training and customs, available since 1999. Foreign students are also accepted for study in the Tibetan Music and Tibetan Art programs.

Lhasa is the spiritual center of Tibetan Buddhism.


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Fees For the up to date prices and deadlines for all cities and programs, please check the China Study Abroad website at www.chinastudyabroad.org, or inquire at [email protected] for more information.

TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY 1 semester 1 semester 1 year 1 year

Program Type Standard Intensive Standard Intensive

Campus Dorms - Econo Double $4,410 $5,550 $9,350 $11,400

Campus Dorms - Single $6,595 $7,665 $11,790 $13,930

Campus Dorms - Double $5,230 $6,300 $9,335 $11,475

Luxury Apartments - Private $9,705 $10,775 $17,385 $19,525

Luxury Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $7,920 $8,990 $14,185 $16,325

Luxury Apartments - 3 BR $7,275 $8,345 $13,020 $15,160

Standard Apartments - Private $8,170 $9,240 $14,625 $16,765

Standard Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $6,650 $7,720 $11,790 $13,930

Standard Apartments - 3 BR $5,995 $7,065 $10,745 $12,885

Hotel - Single $10,900 $11,970 $19,540 $21,680

Hotel - Double $8,905 $9,975 $15,945 $18,085

Homestay $6,610 $7,680 $11,810 $13,950

Apartment with Chinese Roommate $7,535 $8,605 $13,480 $15,620

PEkING UNIVERSITY 1 Semester 1 Semester 1 Year 1 Year

Program Type Standard Intensive Standard Intensive

Campus Dorms - Econo Double $4,550  $5,690  $7,960 $10,040

Campus Dorms - Single $7,045 $8,115 $12,690 $14,830

Campus Dorms - Double $5,680 $6,750 $10,235 $12,375

Luxury Apartments - Private $10,155 $11,225 $18,285 $20,425

Luxury Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $8,370 $9,440 $15,085 $17,225

Luxury Apartments - 3 BR $7,725 $8,795 $13,920 $16,060

Standard Apartments - Private $8,620 $9,690 $15,525 $17,665

Standard Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $7,095 $8,165 $12,690 $14,830

Standard Apartments - 3 BR $6,465 $7,535 $11,645 $13,785

Hotel - Single $11,350 $12,420 $20,340 $22,480

Hotel - Double $9,355 $10,425 $16,485 $18,985

Homestay $7,050 $8,120 $12,695 $14,835

Apartment with Chinese Roommate $7,985 $9,055 $14,380 $16,520

BLCU 4 Week 4 Week 5 Week 5 Week 6 Week 6 Week 8 Week 8 Week

Program Type Standard Intensive Standard Intensive Standard Intensive Standard Intensive

Campus Dorms - Econo Double $2,015 $2,230 $2,150 $2,400 $2,410 $2,710 $3,120 $3,520 

Campus Dorms - Single $2,365 $2,580 $2,685 $2,955 $2,935 $3,255 $4,095 $4,525

Campus Dorms - Double $2,025 $2,240 $2,235 $2,505 $2,415 $2,735 $3,400 $3,830

Luxury Apartments - Private N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $5,295 $5,825

Luxury Apartments - 2 BR or Suite N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $4,505 $5,170

Luxury Apartments - 3 BR N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $4,270 $4,850

Standard Apartments - Private $3,495 $3,710 $3,695 $3,965 $3,795 $4,115 $4,685 $5,115

Standard Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $3,095 $3,310 $3,245 $3,515 $3,345 $3,665 $3,945 $4,375

Standard Apartments - 3 BR $2,795 $3,010 $2,995 $3,265 $3,095 $3,415 $3,640 $4,170

Hotel - Single $3,525 $3,740 $4,095 $4,365 $4,395 $4,715 $6,255 $6,685

Hotel - Double $3,475 $3,690 $3,895 $4,165 $4,195 $4,515 $5,915 $6,345

Homestay $2,465 $2,680 $2,785 $3,055 $3,085 $3,405 $4,585 $5,015

Apartment with Chinese Roommate $3,445 $3,660 $3,545 $3,815 $3,395 $3,715 $4,900 $5,330


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BLCU 12 Week 12 Week Semester Semester Year Year

Program Type Standard Intensive Standard Intensive Standard Intensive

Campus Dorms - Econo Double $3,490  $4,070 $4,540 $5,680 $7,900 $10,000

Campus Dorms - Single $4,375 $5,020  $5,995 $7,025 $10,555 $12,695

Campus Dorms - Double $3,525 $4,170  $4,655 $5,725 $8,915 $11,055

Luxury Apartments - Private $7,295 $7,940  $9,260 $10,330 $16,585 $18,725

Luxury Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $5,795 $6,440 $7,560 $8,630 $13,535 $15,675

Luxury Apartments - 3 BR $5,095 $5,740  $6,945 $8,015 $12,425 $14,565

Standard Apartments - Private $5,670 $6,315 $7,795 $8,865 $13,955 $16,095

Standard Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $4,795 $5,440 $6,295 $7,365 $11,255 $13,395

Standard Apartments - 3 BR $4,340 $4,985 $5,745 $6,815 $10,265 $12,405

Hotel - Single $7,665 $8,310 $10,395 $11,465 $18,635 $20,775

Hotel - Double $6,395 $7,040 $8,495 $9,565 $15,215 $17,355

Homestay $4,685 $5,330 $6,295 $7,365 $11,255 $13,395

Apartment with Chinese Roommate $5,880 $6,525 $7,190 $8,260 $12,865 $15,005

FUdAN UNIVERSITY 1 Semester 1 Semester 4 Weeks 4 Weeks 1 Year 1 Year

Program Type Standard Intensive Standard Intensive Standard Intensive

Campus Dorms - Econo Double $4,160  $5,300  $2,015 $2,150 $7,650 $9,850

Campus Dorms - Single $5,435 $6,505 $2,295 $2,510 $10,520 $12,660

Campus Dorms - Double $4,245 $5,315 $2,025 $2,240 $7.745 $9,885

Luxury Apartments - Private $7,660 $8,730 N/A N/A $14,750 $16,890

Luxury Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $6,390 $7,460 N/A N/A $12,200 $14,340

Luxury Apartments - 3 BR $6,240 $7,310 N/A N/A $11,995 $14,135

Standard Apartments - Private $6,480 $7,550 $3,150 $3,365 $12,,225 $14,365

Standard Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $5,425 $6,495 $2,730 $2,945 $10.500 $12,640

Standard Apartments - 3 BR $5,170 $6,240 $2,550 $2,765 $9,815 $11,955

Hotel - Single $9,490 $10,560 $3,265 $3,480 $18,230 $20,370

Hotel - Double $7,980 $9,050 $3,175 $3,390 $15,365 $17,505

Homestay $5,865 $6,935 $2,365 $2,580 $11,340 $13.480

Apartment with Chinese Roommate $6,680 $7,750 $2,575 $2,790 $12,700 $14,840

JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY 1 Semester 1 Semester 5 Weeks 5 Weeks 1 Year 1 Year

Program Type Standard Intensive Standard Intensive Standard Intensive

Campus Dorms - Econo Double $4,165 $5,705 N/A N/A $7,950 $9,950

Campus Dorms - Single $5,630 $6,700 $3,050 $3,320 $10,890 $13,030

Campus Dorms - Double $4,430 $5,500 $2,860 $3,130 $8,610 $10,750

Luxury Apartments - Private $7,950 $9,050 N/A N/A $15,300 $17,440

Luxury Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $6,525 $7,595 N/A N/A $12,590 $14,730

Luxury Apartments - 3 BR $6,320 $7,390 N/A N/A $12,100 $14,240

Standard Apartments - Private $6,640 $7,710 $3,490 $3,760 $12,810 $14,950

Standard Apartments - 2 BR or Suite $5,710 $6,780 $3,290 $3,560 $11,040 $13,180

Standard Apartments - 3 BR $5,420 $6,490 $2,995 $3,265 $10,270 $12,410

Hotel - Single $9,790 $10,860 $3,970 $4,240 $18,800 $20,940

Hotel - Double $8,185 $9,255 $3,560 $3,830 $15,750 $17,890

Homestay $6,570 $7,640 $3,330 $3,600 $12,680 $14,820

Apartment with Chinese Roommate $6,795 $7,865 $3,445 $3,715 $12,920 $15,060


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DatesSemester Starting Dates Semester Ending Dates Application Deadline Payment Deadline

Tsinghua University Early September Mid January May 30th June 6th

Early February Late June December 30th January 7th

Peking Univerity Early September Mid January April 1st April 8th

Early February Late June November 1st December 8th

BLCU Late February Early July January 31st January 31st

Early September Mid July June 30th July 7th

4 Week Starting Dates 4 Week Ending Dates Application Deadline Payment Deadline

BLCU Late February Late March February 10th February 15th

Late June Late July May 10th May 17th

Late July Late August June 15th June 22nd

Early August Late August June 30th July 7th

6 Week Starting Dates 6 Week Ending Dates Application Deadline Payment Deadline

BLCU Early July Late August May 31st June 7th

12 Week Starting Dates 12 Week Ending Dates Application Deadline Payment Deadline

BLCU Late March Mid June February 10th February 17th

Early September Late November June 30th July 7th

Year Starting Dates Year Ending Dates Application Deadline Payment Deadline

Tsinghua University Early September Late June May 30th June 6th

Early February Mid January December 30th January 7th

Peking Univerity Early September Late June April 1st April 8th

Early February Mid January November 1st December 8th

BLCU Late February Early January January 31st January 31st

Early September Early July June 30th July 7th

5 Week Starting Dates 5 Week Ending Dates Application Deadline Payment Deadline

BLCU Mid July Late August June 15th June 22nd

Early December Mid January October 28th November 4th

8 Week Starting Dates 8 Week Ending Dates Application Deadline Payment Deadline

BLCU Late June Late August May 10th May 17th

Semester Starting Dates Semester Ending Dates Application Deadline Payment Deadline

Fudan University Mid February Mid July December 20th December 30th

Early September Mid January May 10th May 18th

Jiaotong University Late February Mid July January 31st January 31st

Early September  Mid January May 10th May 18th

Year Starting Dates Year Ending Dates Application Deadline Payment Deadline

Fudan University Late February Mid January December 20th December 30th

Early September Mid June May 10th May 18th

Jiaotong University Late February Mid January January 31st January 31st

Early September Late June May 10th May 18th

4 Week Starting Dates 4 Week Ending Dates Application Deadline Payment Deadline

Fudan University Early July Early August June 4th June 12th

Early August Late August July 1st July 8th

5 Week Starting Date 5 Week Ending Date Application Deadline Payment Deadline

Jiaotong University Mid July Late August June 10th June 18th


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China Study Abroad’s all inclusive programs offer a wide range of services. Your one time program fee pays for all of the services that extend throughout your stay. Below is a detailed explanation of how your program fees are used by CSA. (For an itemized list of inclusions, please see the “All-Inclusive Programs” on page 5.)

PERSONALIzEd PREdEPARTURE AdVISINGYour CSA program advisor will personally attend to your needs as soon as we have received  your  application.  Each  one  of our  advisors  has  lengthy  experience studying  and  traveling  in  China  and  is adequately prepared  to deal with all of your questions. Moreover, our advisors are in constant communication with our staff in China in order to gather specific information regarding your more  detailed questions.  Our  program  advisors  are also capable of addressing any academic requests,  including  financial  aid,  credit transfer, and transcripts.

VISA AdVISINGThe cost of a visa to China is approximately $100 USD. This fee is not included in your total program fee because the amount is directly  paid  to  the  government  of  the People’s  Republic  of  China,  however, your CSA program advisor will provide step-by-step instructions to ensure your entrance into China. Also, our CSA staff in China will address and assist with any visa extensions or changes that must be dealt with during your length of stay.

TUITION ANd FEESOnce  you  have  paid  your  program fee,  CSA  takes  care  of  all  necessary registration,  tuition,  and  campus  fees.  CSA  even  pays  for  your  textbooks. Dealing with big university bureaucracy is difficult enough in English, let alone in a foreign language. CSA takes the hassle out  of  applying  and  paying  for  school. You  just have  to attend class and start learning!

HEALTH INSURANCEAll  major  universities  in  China  require proof of medical  coverage. Participants in  all  CSA  programs  longer  than  4 weeks are insured by the internationally recognized  InterGlobal  “Student  Care” Health and Travel Insurance. This wide-ranging service includes travel insurance in  case  of  losses  during  travel  such  as money, luggage, and documents, as well as  diverse  medical  coverage  including 

dental  and  emergency  services.  For more  information  please  see:  www.chinastudyabroad.org/insurance.aspx.

PROGRAm ORIENTATIONUpon  arrival  in  their  city  of  study,  all students  on  the  CSA  program  will receive  a  detailed  orientation,  airport pick up, a welcome pack and a welcome dinner. Included in the welcome pack is a local guidebook, local map, orientation packet,  mobile  phone,  and  directions in  case  of  emergency.  Participants will benefit from the considerable knowledge of the CSA staff.

24-HOUR SERVICEStaff members  are  available  24  hours-a-day to attend to your personal needs. CSA  will  be  your  “eyes  and  ears”  in China,  smoothing  your  transition  into this  foreign  country  and  allowing  your attention to be focused on your studies. These  services  include  internship, volunteer,  and  teaching  placement, as  well  as  access  to  the  CSA  student lounge  where  available.  Also,  if  you decide to do any additional touring while in China, CSA staff will be happy to help you  arrange  your  travel  and  help  you purchase  any  necessary  tickets  or  find accommodations.

PRE-ARRANGEd HOUSINGWeeks before you even arrive in China, your  housing will  be  prepared  for  your immediate  habitation  as  soon  as  you arrive  at  the  airport.  Rest  assured  that you will have a comfortable bed waiting for you after your flight, which will be your bed  for  your  remaining  time  in  China. Moreover,  your  living  arrangements will  match  the  exact  specifications  of your chosen accommodation while also being  a  reasonable  distance  from  your school of study.

ACTIVITIESProgram  participants  will  be  regularly invited to fun activities, at no additional costs,  including  excursions  to  local spots  of  cultural  and  historic  value. These  excursions  vary  based  upon 

the  participant’s  city  of  study,  but  rest assured, that all places of interest in the surrounding area will be included as well as exhibitions such as the Peking Opera or Chinese Acrobatics. On top of these tours,  there  will  also  be  social  events including banquets, bar nights, karaoke nights,  and much more.  Besides  these fun events, there will also be educational lectures  and  workshops  on  different aspects of Chinese life and culture.

RETURNING HOmEAll program participants are guaranteed a final airport drop-off, but CSA services do not end there. CSA alumni still benefit from  advising  about  credit  transfers, transcripts,  and  future studying abroad opportunities.  Moreover,  CSA  alumni have  access  to  the  many  benefits  of the www.chinastudyabroad.org website including  forums,  blogs,  interactive language  learning  software,  and networking.  Also,  CSA  gladly  provides any necessary referrals for a participant’s future opportunities in China.


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One of the primary functions at China Study Abroad is to provide an opportunity for students from all over the world to study and live in China. We understand that studying abroad can sometimes be an experience bestowed mainly upon the more privileged, which is why we guarantee the lowest rates and the same, or typically higher, level of service as our competitors. However, financial difficulties may still arise for some of our potential students. In fear that we may be neglecting those that are academically deserving of this experience but lacking the financial means, China Study Abroad offers a “need-based” scholarship. This grant of $1000 for Summer and Semester programs or $2000 for yearlong programs is available only to applicants of the China Study Abroad program who have excelled academically in the face of financial limitations. To further offset financial burden, China Study Abroad also offers free teacher placement to any scholarship student wishing to find employment.

To apply for the China Study Abroad scholarship, one must apply to the China Study Abroad program, pay the program application fee AND fill out the attached scholarship form including the Statement of  Intent and Personal Essay.  (Please send email  submissions  to [email protected]). Alongside this application, we request that you have your most recent official academic transcript, be it high school or college, mailed by your institution to:

CHINA STUDY ABROAD BEIJING OFFICEHua Qing Gardens, Bldg. #18, 2-201Cheng Fu Road, Wu Dao KouHaidian District, Beijing, China 100083

Scholarships are highly competitive and will be accepted on a rolling basis. Applications will not be considered until all forms are received. If the student demonstrates sufficient financial need, he/she may request an application fee waiver.

schOLarshIP INFOrmatION

Page 65: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.: ____________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________

Most Recent Academic Institution: __________________________________________________________________

Institution Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

Field of Study: __________________________________ Dates Attended (Month and Year): ___________________

Level of Education Completed: ____________________________________________ Cumulative GPA: __________

Languages Spoken:

1. ___________________ (Native, Fluent, Conversational) 2. ___________________ (Native, Fluent, Conversational)

3. ___________________ (Native, Fluent, Conversational) 4. ___________________ (Native, Fluent, Conversational)

Please answer both essay PromPts and attach them alongside your aPPlication.

1. statement of intent (900 – 1,000 words)What are your specific reasons for wanting to study in China? How have your past experiences helped shape this decision? And, how do you plan to make the most of this experience if you do receive this grant?

For students more creatively inclined, China Study Abroad also encourages original video submissions that address the prompt of the statement of intent. These videos should be under ten minutes and uploaded to a video sharing site such as YouTube or Google Video, to which the student can send an online link to the admissions panel.

2. Personal essay (500 – 600 words)Please describe in detail any financial or personal difficulties you have faced in your lifetime that have been a hindrance to your academic and/or social development.

I, __________________________________________, do hereby confirm any and all statements provided in the attached essays and above-answered questions to be true. If at a later date, any falsifications are found, I revoke my right to the scholarship and all application fees.

Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date:___________________

schOLarshIP aPPLIcatION

Page 66: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


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China Study Abroad is committed to providing educational opportunities for Chinese students as well as international students. Each year CSA allocates a portion of its budget and resources to improving education in rural China. CSA’sefforts fall into three major categories: donations, volunteer work, and development.

dONATIONSThe largest problem when it comes to global education is a lack of funding. To combat this, CSA sends a percentage of  its  yearly  profits  directly  to  rural schools  and  orphanages  in  China. The most recent beneficiaries of  the charity was  the Golog Orphanage  in Qinghai Province.

Recently  founded  in  2004,  the orphanage takes in children regardless of  ethnicity,  gender,  and  religious affiliation. Because of  its  location on the Tibetan Plateau, the vast majority of  students  are  Tibetan  who  were either abandoned by their parents or had parents unable to care for them. The  Golog  Orphanage  was  founded by  a  Tibetan  from  the  region  who was also an orphan who raised funds after immigrating to Europe. Children of  the  orphanage  are  guaranteed college  funding  if admitted, which  is not  an  easy  task  for  children  in  this poverty-stricken area.

CSA  has  made  multiple  donations to  the  orphanage,  including  school supplies, clothing, toys, and sporting goods.  While  the  orphanage  is currently  building  bigger  and  better facilities,  the  orphanage’s  largest 

needs  remain  facility  upgrades  and education supplies. Due to its location on  the  frigid  Tibetan  Plateau,  one of  the  orphanage’s  most  egregious expenses is heating costs.

Other  schools  that  have  benefitted from  the  CSA  volunteer  and  charity trips  include  the  Zixing  Elementary School  in Hunan Province as well as the Shilin Boarding School of Yunnan Province.  For  photographs,  videos and more information please see the CSA website.

VOLUNTEERINGCSA  also  works  with  various organizations  to  send  volunteers  to rural  schools  throughout  China.  All CSA  students  have  the  opportunity to  volunteer  in  rural  schools  on  the CSA  Bi-annual  Volunteer  Trip.  (For more information see “Volunteering” on  page  26).  CSA  staff  members also  work  with  these  schools  to develop their volunteering programs, infrastructure, and publicity.

dEVELOPmENTCSA’s primary charitable focus is its development  of  community  schools in  impoverished  areas.  Our  current project  is  the  CSA  Community 

School  in  Golog,  which  promotes community  and  cultural  awareness. As  an  area  of  ongoing  ethnic  and religious  tension  between  the  Hui people,  Tibetans  and  Han  Chinese, Golog  is  in  desperate  need  of  such a  community  center.  Founded  and overseen  by  famed  human  rights activist  Wenzhou  Hou,  the  school is  in  its  opening  stages.  Funded entirely by donations from CSA, the community  school  admits  students regardless  of  age,  gender,  ethnicity, and  religion.  The  school  teaches basic classes in literacy, hygiene, and arts  while  also  promoting  ideas  of cross-cultural  collaboration  entirely free  of  charge.  The  goals  of  the community  school  are  to  promote community  awareness  and  provide upward  mobility  for  community members  lacking  fundamental  life and working skills.

CSA hopes that the Golog Community School is the first of many community centers initiated by the efforts of CSA and  its  constituents,  galvanizing  its lofty ideals of a truly global education. For more  information  on  the  school and  updates  from  the  headmaster Wenzhou Hou, please check the CSA website for her blog.

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Anna maitland & Abigail ko

Noah meyerson Rebecca Wirakesuma

Liana Sun & Connie Chen

Ye-mong To mike Antoniuk

Arielle Sadan Lynn Nguy & Jessica martin matthew T. mcdonald

stuDeNt FeeDback

Page 69: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


“To the China Study Abroad Staff: Thanks for assisting me and helping me adjust to the way of life in Beijing. I really ap-preciate all your effort to make the students of your program feel comfortable during their stay here.”— Abigail Ko, 22 • Undergraduate • Manila, Philippines • Semester Mandarin Studies

“Before starting the CSA program, I had already come to Beijing once for a shorter, month long program organized by an-other company. My experience up until now with CSA has been much better than my previous one. From the responsive-ness and professionalism of CSA staff to the variety of interesting programs that CSA offers, I have been very impressed with the program and would certainly recommend CSA to anyone wanting to optimize their time here in Beijing.”— Noah Meyerson, 24 • Professional • San Diego, U.S.A. • Tsinghua University M.B.A. Program

“My experience with CSA was super amazing! Overall I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The coordinators did a wonderful job of making sure new participants felt included and at home. After we got the ball rolling we had no trouble at all at making friends and enjoying ourselves, while learning basics in the Chinese Language.” — Liana Sun, 19 • Santa Monica, California • Summer Study and Travel Program

“Of all the different places that I have traveled to and lived in, I was most nervous about coming to China. The combina-tion of not being confident in my Chinese abilities and my concerns about the logistics of life in a foreign country with a foreign bureaucracy was very daunting (not to mention my parents’ enthusiasm about expressing their many concerns about my stay here). So, when my Chinese professor at university told me about how CSA takes care of many of the overwhelming tasks involved with coming to China, I was both excited and relieved. I still think that working with CSA to come to China was the best decision I could have made.”— Rebecca Wirakesuma, 22 • Surabaya, Indonesia

“Leaving CSA to take care of finding an apartment, university enrollment, and much of the visa application process allowed me to focus on enjoying my experience in China and improving my Chinese. On top of that, I have met so many friends through CSA’s social gatherings and outings (which include but are not limited to going to the Great Wall, Summer Palace, Chinese Opera, and riding dangerously fast and unsteady rickshaws through Beijing’s alleyways). Probably the biggest advantage of signing up with CSA is the peace of mind that I have—I know that if I get sick, or am in an accident, or there is a problem with school or my visa, the wonderful people at CSA know what to do and will help me to resolve the problem quickly and painlessly!”— Ye-mong To, 24 • Eastbourne, England • Intensive Mandarin Study

“I am sad to be leaving China, as the last two weeks passed quickly and there is so much more to see and learn. The CSA staff worked hard at helping me learn Mandarin Chinese, setting up tours, helping me with day-to-day living, but especially with making me feel welcome and seeing the authentic China! My biggest regret is not having more time to learn and visit. Having a one-on-one tutor was priceless as they worked on my phonetics and grammar structure. I would recommend learning and visiting China with CSA to others!”— Mike Antoniuk, 48 Alberta, Canada, Short Term Mandarin Study

“The service was great. I always felt that I was a phone call away from the staff. They consistently responded to my needs and questions with haste and the utmost courtesy.”— Matthew T. McDonald, 30 • Graduate Student • Knoxville, U.S.A. • Summer Program

“The accommodations were really great, thanks for sorting out duvets, sheets etc., in the apartment, which was in an awesome location, better than I’d expected. Even the hotels along the way traveling through China were so every choice of accommodation throughout had a perfect location, with lots of do locally, and it’s also nice that you position the students in the same or nearby apartment complexes, which made meeting easier and it gives you something to do if you’re bored.”— Jessica Martin, 20 • Undergraduate • London, United Kingdom • Summer Study and Travel Program

“My third day, right before school started, I was on the phone with my parents at the welcome dinner, begging them to let me go home, but when they refused over and over again, I insisted I would find a way out of China. Then, Laura, a CSA representative, took me aside and gave me her number. It was all I needed to convince me to stay. That, and of course a big hug from someone I had never met before. That someone turned out to be one of the nicest people I have ever met, and he represented another diverse culture that CSA was able to attract. My summer with CSA was the best of my life, and I hope to come back soon!” — Arielle Sadan, 17 • High School • New York, U.S.A. • High School Programph




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1. SELECT YOUR CITYChina  Study  Abroad  offers  study  abroad  programs  in  13 of  China’s  most  dynamic  cities:  Beijing,  Shanghai,  Xi’an, Kunming,  Qingdao,  Tianjin,  Hangzhou,  Dalian,  Nanjing, Guilin, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Lhasa. No matter where you choose to study, CSA will provide everything you need to have an enjoyable and educational experience in China.

2. SELECT YOUR PROGRAmWith over 12 programs to choose from, you can find the study abroad experience  that fits  you perfectly.  Study Mandarin full time, combine your language studies with an internship, prepare for a career doing business in China, teach English, volunteer  your  time  to  help  those  less  fortunate,  train  in martial  arts,  or  customize  your  own  program.  No  matter which  you  choose,  you’re  guaranteed  CSA’s  all-inclusive services.

3. SELECT YOUR UNIVERSITYWith a selection of over 20 universities and private schools you  are  sure  to  find  one  that  matches  your  needs  and interests.  For  more  information,  please  see  the  university descriptions  in  each  city  page  and/or  contact  us  at  [email protected]  for  help  finding  the  school  most befitting your language learning needs.

4. SELECT YOUR ACCOmmOdATIONFrom a shared university dorm to private luxury apartments, CSA can accommodate every need and taste. We also offer the option of homestay to maximize your language learning 24 hours  a day. Or,  if  you prefer  not  to  live with  a  family, you can choose our young Chinese professional homestay option. Rest assured that all of our apartments, families and individual roommates are pre-screened for suitability.

5. APPLY ONLINE OR BY FAxIt  takes  only  minutes  to  fill  out  our  online  application  at www.chinastudyabroad.org. Once  received, we can secure your  place  at  the  school  of  your  choice  and  reserve  your housing. If you’d like to send it through fax, please send the completed application form to 1-888-219-8597. Make sure to include your contact information so that we can continue the application process!

6. PAY PROGRAm dEPOSIT ANd APPLICATION FEEBank transfer, credit card, check, Google Checkout, or PayPal -- it’s up to you! Combining our online application with our convenient  payment options,  applicants  can provide  all  of their  information  and  program  fees  at  once,  without  the need to mail or fax a single document.

7. SENd US YOUR dOCUmENTATIONDepending upon your university of  choice, we will  require that  you  scan  and  email,  or  fax  several  documents  to  us for  your  university  registration.  These  documents  include a  passport-sized  photograph,  proof  that  you  are  a  high school  graduate  (such  as  a  college  transcript,  high  school or university diploma), a copy of your passport, and in some cases a teacher recommendation.

8. APPLY FOR YOUR CHINESE VISAGo  to  your  local  Chinese  Embassy  or  Consulate  (listed  at www.chinastudyabroad.org/consulates.aspx)  and  apply for a student or tourist visa.   CSA will send your university admission  documents  to  you  and  advise  you  on  all  visa preparation. It is possible to have your tourist visa changed to a student visa upon arrival  in China. Alternatively,  if you are unable to visit the embassy in person, visa services are available.  For  more  information  check  out  our  online  visa information  page  at  www.chinastudyabroad.org/visaapp.aspx.

9. PAY THE REmAINdER OF YOUR PROGRAm COST (IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREAdY)This should be the point where you make sure you have paid us the full cost of your program. This can be done via bank transfer, credit card, check, Google checkout, or PayPal.

10. PURCHASE YOUR TICkETThe final step is to purchase your ticket. Please make sure you inform CSA of your travel details, so we can make sure to have someone to meet you at the airport and make certain all  other  arrangements  are  in  order.  For more  information about finding a ticket to China see our online airfare page at (www.chinastudyabroad.org/airfare.aspx).

Welcome to China!

aPPLIcatION PrOceDure


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chINa stuDy abrOaD aPPLIcatION


Last: (Surname) _____________________________ First: (Given) _________________________________________

Middle: ___________________________________ Title: __________________ Gender (circle one): Male or Female

CHINESE NAmE (If you have one. If not, we will assign one to you.)

Characters:_________________________________ Pin Yin: ____________________________________________


City: ______________________________________ University Applying for: ________________________________

Program Selection: ______________________________________________________________________________

Program Duration: ______________________________________________________________________________

Program Start Date: ___________________________ Program End Date: ____________________________________

Program Hours: ______________________________ Standard Intensive: ___________________________________

Program Code: (details) ___________________________________________________________________________


Accommodation Choice: ________________________ Accommodation Start Date: _____________________________

Accommodation End Date: ______________________ Do You Smoke? (circle one): Yes or No

Do you prefer to live in a non-smoking room? (circle one): Yes or No or Doesn't Matter


Street/Apt.#: ____________________________________________________________ District:________________

City: ______________________________________ State/Province: ________________ Country: _______________

Zip/Postal Code: _____________________________


Street/Apt.#: ____________________________________________________________ District:________________

City: ______________________________________ State/Province: ________________ Country: _______________

Zip/Postal Code: _____________________________


Home Telephone (with country code): ___________________________ Work Telephone: _________________________

Fax: _________________________ Cell Phone: _________________ E-mail: ________________________________

Page 72: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


PERSONAL INFORmATION: (All information will be kept confidential. For more info see our privacy policy.)

Date of Birth: __________________ Age Range (circle one): Under 18 | 18-65 | Over 65

City of Birth: ___________________ Marital Status (circle one): Single or Married

Native Language: _________________________________________ Nationality (Passport Country): _______________

Country of Birth: Same as Nationality or, if not the same, please fill in: _________________________________________

Passport #: ____________________ Expiration Date: __________________________


Educational Level: ________________________________ Current or Last School: _____________________________

Date you attended/completed most recent academic institution: _____________________________________________


Occupation: ____________________________________ Current or Last Employer: ____________________________

Date you worked for most recent employer: _____________


Please tell us about any allergies, medications, chronic conditions etc.: ________________________________________


Please tell us about any special dietary requirements: Vegetarian, Vegan, Kosher, Muslim, etc.: _______________________


First Name (Given): ________________________________ Last Name (Surname): _____________________________

Relationship to Applicant: ________________ Occupation: ________________ Home Telephone: __________________

Employer: ____________________________ Work Telephone: __________________ Fax: _____________________

E-mail: ______________________________ Address: _________________________________________________

City: ___________________ State/Province: ___________ Country: __________________ Zip/Postal Code: ________

Will this person also serve as your financial guarantor in China (circle one): Yes or No

Name of Financial Guarantor, if different from Emergency Contact: ___________________________________________

Relationship to Applicant: ________________________________ Occupation: _______________________________

Home Telephone: ______________________________________ Employer: _________________________________

Work Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________

City: __________________ State/Province: _____________ Country: _______________ Zip/Postal Code: __________

Page 73: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog



Have you previously studied the Chinese Mandarin language? (circle one): Yes or No

If yes, please state the name of the institution/school: ____________________________________________________

Hours Studied Per Week: _______ Level: _______ Approximately how many Simplified Characters do you know?: ________

Traditional Characters:________________ Other Chinese Dialects Known (circle one): Cantonese | Shanghainese | Other

Do you require an official Transcript for credit? (circle one): Yes or No

Are you receiving credit for this course from your university? (circle one): Yes or No

If yes, how many credit hours? _______


List Preference of form(s) or style(s): _________________________________________________________________

Level and Years of Experience: _____________________________________________________________________


Method: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Detail: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Have you participated in another China Study Abroad program before? (circle one): Yes or No


Please include any additional information you feel we should be aware of (i.e. Joint Application-state name of joint applicant;

special needs; other requests regarding accommodation etc.): _______________________________________________



I declare that: The above information provided and documents given in support of my Application are complete, true and correct. I

agree to abide by the laws of the People's Republic of China and agree not to engage in any illegal activities during my academic

pursuit in China. I have read and I accept China Study Abroad's Terms and Conditions for Program Participants. I agree to observe

and accept all Rules, Regulations and Conditions of the host schools / institutes / organizations. I have read and I accept the

Terms and Conditions for Insurance and Medical Membership.

Applicant signature Date of signature


I agree with the declarations stated above (circle one): Yes or No

Applicant signature Date of signature

Page 74: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog



PHOTOS ANd VIdEO Choosing where to study is a big decision, and it’s hard to know what you’re getting until you’ve arrived. At chinastudyabroad.org you can see what we’re all about without leaving home! Check out thousands of photos and videos of our current and past students to see what life is like in China and the kind of experiences you can expect if you join one of our programs.

COmmUNITY  Join  our  Facebook  group,  read student  blogs  and  post  questions  to  our  forum.  At CSA we believe in the value of creating a community of  students, but we don’t wait until  you’re  in China. Join  Facebook  to  meet  future  classmates  or  find people  to  room  with,  pose  any  questions  you  may have to students and staff on our forum, and read the blogs of past participants to get a better idea of what life will  be  like  in  China  through  the  experiences  of previous students. We also strive to create an alumni network of past students in case you want to chat with someone directly or forgot to get someone’s contact info before heading home!

PAYmENT mETHOdS  PayPal,  Google  Checkout, Bank  Transfer,  Credit  Card,  Check,  Money  Order, Western  Union.  If  the  payment  method  exists,  we probably accept it...

INTERACTIVITY Did  you  camp  out  at  the  Great Wall,  eat  a  scorpion on a  stick,  or have an amazing night out and want to share it? You can win prizes like and iPod Mini or Flip video camera by uploading your pictures and videos to our website, while at the same time proving to everyone at home that you really did try eating snake on a stick.

Page 75: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


Q: I would like to travel to other parts of China while I’m studying, can CSA help?A: Absolutely, we have a travel section on this website and we would be happy to help you to make arrangements for travel within China. At CSA we pride ourselves on offering our students a wide range of services and help, which we hope will make their time in China an unforgettable one. As always please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Q: What are your admission requirements?A: The general requirements are:• Aged between 18-60 (except for specific programs such as the youth adventure, high school or group/tailor programs)• Have completed high school or equivalent (exceptions are sometimes granted)

Q: Can I receive university/college credit for course work completed in your program?A: China Study Abroad program participants can transfer the credits earned  in China to their home institutions. All  the universities  &  academies  in  CSA’s  programs  are  preeminent  in  their  fields,  and  have  cooperative  arrangements  with numerous universities and research  institutions around the world. The universities that program participants attend are internationally  accredited;  therefore most  international  universities  accept  credit  received  from  these  schools. Many of our students in the past have received credit for their coursework completed here. CSA assists students in obtaining any information and documentation required supporting their request for course credit. Of course, the final decision to offer academic credit is up to your university. Program participants are encouraged to check with their home institution’s credit transfer requirements.

Q: Do I receive a diploma or transcript for courses completed?A: Yes. Diplomas and transcripts are available; however, this is dependent on the university and course you choose.

Q: What is the best school to study at? Which city should I study in?A: Each city and school has its unique advantages. Students seeking a cosmopolitan feel, with large student populations, and  the  most  CSA  activities  would  be  best  served  attending  programs  in  Beijing  or  Shanghai.  Those  looking  for  a completely immersive experience in which they rarely hear any English at all often choose to go to smaller cities such as Kunming or Xi’an.

Q: What happens when I arrive at the airport?A: All students who come to China through our programs are met at the airport by a CSA representative. Once you have booked your course, CSA takes care of all your needs, including an airport pick up and drop off. Just inform us of your arrival details and we will be there. More information and detailed orientations are provided during the application process, but please always feel free to contact us at any time with you questions.

Q: My course is booked in a city for which I cannot get a direct flight too, what should I do?A: This is not a problem. Once you book a course, CSA will work closely with you to make sure you arrive at the proper destination and in good time. Most students, if they are unable to find a direct flight to their chosen city, arrive in Beijing  or Shanghai and book connections from there. CSA will be happy to help you with travel arrangements should the need arise, prices vary depending on mode of transport and destination.

Q: What kind of visa do I need and where do I apply for one?A: Students coming to China will require a visa. The type of visa will be dependent on the length of your stay in China: Students studying in China for less than 6 months require an F visa, which is also known as a business visa. Students studying  in China  for more than 6 months require an X visa, also known as a student visa. X visas require a medical check-up. Students who don’t have time or are unable to apply for and F or X visa, may apply for an L visa or tourist visa. Once the student has arrived in China, CSA will help the student convert the visa to one that is more suitable to their requirements whilst in China.

FrequeNtLy askeD questIONs

Page 76: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


Government: Chief ExecutiveOfficial Languages: English, Chinese Population: 6,921,700  Density: 6,352 people square km Area: 1,104 square kmGDP: US $203.0 billion  Currency: Hong Kong dollar (HKD)

Recently  returned  to  the  People’s Republic of China in 1997 after 100 years of British colonial rule, Hong Kong is one of  the most  cosmopolitan  cities  on  the planet  and  a  travel  hub  for  all  of  Asia. With almost 7 million people packed into one city, Hong Kong boasts the highest effective  population  density  on  the planet.  It  is a global hub of cultural and economic exchange. In fact, to get a job at a convenience store in Hong Kong, an employee must speak English, Cantonese and  Mandarin.  The  city’s  dramatic financial  turnaround after   WWII made it one of the economic miracles of Asia and  is  included  as  one  of  the  “Four Asian Tigers” for its dramatic economic growth  rate  in  the  latter  20th  century. Hong Kong also boasts some of the best universities in Asia, including Hong Kong University,  Chinese  University  of  Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The city boasts the highest GDP in all of China as well as the most efficient transportation system in  the  world,  while  also  serving  as  the entertainment  capital  for  the  rest  of Asia.

Capital: Taipei Government: Presidential Republic Official Language: Mandarin ChinesePopulation: 22,911,292 Area: 36,188 square km GDP: US $364,563 billion Currency: New Taiwan Dollar (NT$) 

Once  known  solely  as  a  “banana republic,”  Taiwan  experienced  an economic  transformation  during  the late  20th  century  becoming  one  of the  “Four  Asian  Tigers,”  alongside Singapore,  Hong  Kong  and  South Korea. Known as the “Taiwan Economic Miracle,”  the  rapid  annual  growth rate  between  1952  to  1982  averaged 8.7%. When the Kuomingtang (KMT) government  of  mainland  China  fled to Taiwan  in 1949, they brought along the mainland’s reserves of gold as well as the  intellectual and business elites, creating  an  effective  brain  drain  on China  that would  prove  very  valuable in economic growth  later on. Because Taiwan was  spared  the  effects  of  the cultural revolution on mainland China, it  is  a  bastion  of  traditional  Chinese culture  including  calligraphy,  painting, folk  art  and  Chinese  opera.  Also, traditional written Chinese  characters are  still  used  and  taught  there  today. What often goes unsaid about Taiwan is  that  it  is  a  beautiful  tropical  island, flushed  with  verdant  forests  and mountains to the interior.

Capital: Seoul Government: Presidential Republic Official Language: KoreanPopulation: 49,024,737 Area: 99,646 square km GDP: US $897.4 billion Currency: Won (KRW)

Another  member  of  the  “Four  Asian Tigers,”  South  Korea  didn’t  win  its complete  independence  until  1945, when  the  peninsula  was  liberated from 35 years of Japanese occupation. Despite  previous  assurances  that  the peninsula  would  remain  united,  the Cold War powers divided the country roughly along the 38th parallel. After a brutal civil war that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, South Korea has risen  from  the  ashes  of  centuries  of abuse by foreign powers to become one of the world’s great economic powers, including  numerous  wars  against the  Chinese  and  Japan.  Despite  the influence  of  its  imperialist  neighbors, South Korea has a unique culture that is  still  seen  as  the  great  trendsetter throughout Asia today. One of Korea’s greatest  innovations  is  its  phonetic written script, Hangul, created by King Sejong  the Great  in  1446  to  increase literacy  among  the  common  people and to promote an independent Korean identity.  Hangul  script  is  among  the world’s  most  modern  and  easiest  to learn. 

Starting in Fall 2010, China Study Abroad is proud to present several study abroad programs throughout Asia with its part-ner Asia Study Abroad. As the world’s largest continent, Asia contains more than 60% of the world’s population and yet most of it remains unknown to those living in the West. In this increasingly globalized world, several of these countries have become necessary cogs in the world economy and trading systems. These regions will undoubtedly shape the 21st century. Studying and living in Asia is an invaluable experience, providing insight and life skills that will prepare any stu-dent for a future in any field. Language and university courses are offered in many of these countries and locations. These inclusive study abroad programs come with the same high level of professionalism and customer service found in CSA. Please see www.asiastudyabroad.org for more details.

asIa stuDy abrOaD


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Capital: TokyoGovernment: Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy Official Language: JapanesePopulation: 127,433,494 Area: 377,873 square km GDP: US $4.911 trillion Currency: Yen (JPY)

There is not much left to be said about the “land of the rising sun” that has not already been meticulously detailed. This island nation dominated the Pacific and Asia throughout the early 20th century, was  at  the  mercy  of  western  powers after its defeat in WWII, was the victim of  the  world’s  only  nuclear  bombings, and  ultimately  resurrected  itself  to become the second strongest economy on  the  globe  with  an  annual  GDP  of 4.911  trillion  dollars.  Japan  is  arguably the backbone of the Asian economy and was the first economic “miracle” of Asia. After nearly colonizing all of Asia in the early  20th  century,  Japan  now  leads Asia  by  economic  example  through its  technological  innovation  and  high quality products. The country’s  leading export  may  actually  be  its  celebrated culture  which  includes  ninja,  samurai, sumo,  karaoke,  video  games,  manga, and  sushi!  Japan  was  also  the  first Asian nation  to break  into  the modern Western  art  world  with  its  great  film directors Akira Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu, and  Kenji  Mizoguchi  who  paved  the way  for  a  flourishing  national  cinema considered among the world’s finest.

Capital: Hanoi Government: Socialist Republic Official Language: VietnamesePopulation: 87,375,000 Area: 331,690 square km GDP: US $60,995 million Currency: Dong (VND)

With  an  economic  growth  rate  second only  to  China  in  East  Asia,  Vietnam followed  its  northern  neighbor’s  free-market  economic  reforms  with  great success  and  now  finds  itself  listed by  Goldman  Sachs  investment  bank in  2005  among  the  “Next  Eleven” nations prime for investment and future growth.  Mostly  known  to  Westerners for  being  the  only  nation  to  defeat  the United States in modern military battle, Vietnam will  soon be better known  for its  economic  prowess  and  domination of  the  Southeast Asian  economy.  That is  not  to  say  that  the  Vietnamese  are not proud of their military prowess—the nation’s two greatest heroes Ngô Quyen and  Ho  Chi  Minh  successfully  gained independence  by  expelling  foreign powers  in  the  face  of  overwhelming odds. After a millennium of subjugation by the Chinese, the Vietnamese gained independence in 938 AD after defeating the Chinese  in the battle of Bach Dang River.  Ngô  predicted  that  the  Chinese would  send  its  navy  down  the  river and  ambushed  the  armada  by  hiding thousands  of  wooden  pikes  below the  high  tide  of  the  river  and  baiting the  Chinese  ships  into  the  deathtrap, which immobilized the entire flotilla and resulted  in  overwhelming  Vietnamese victory.  Similarly,  in  1954  the  Viet Minh  communist  revolutionary  forces defeated the French army at the battle of Dien Bien Phu by dragging heavy artillery over  mountain  crests  to  bombard  the French  base  below,  effectively  ending over a century of colonial rule.

Capital: New DelhiGovernment: Parliamentary DemocracyOfficial Languages: Hindi, English Population: 1.12 billion Area: 3,287,590 km GDP: US $4.164 trillionCurrency: Indian Rupee (INR)

Despite  the  Indian sub-continent being the home of ancient civilizations and the origin of 4 of the world’s major religions, India as an inclusive ethnic and cultural identity has only existed since the time of British colonization beginning in 1856. This  is  relatively  recent  compared  to the  history  of  civilization  on  the  sub-continent,  which  began  over  9000 years ago. Before Western colonization, India was a series of separate kingdoms with  distinct  languages,  cultures, and  civilizations.  However,  since  the independence  movement  spearheaded by  Mahatma  Ghandi,  a  distinctive Indian  national  identity  took  root,  and upon gaining sovereignty  in  1947,  India was  proud  to  declare  itself  the world’s largest democracy. Ethnic and religious tension as well as rampant poverty still abound  in  modern  India.  However,  an increasingly  optimistic  view  is  shared by  the  nation’s  denizens  as  they  look towards  a  bright  future,  harbingered by one of  the world’s  fastest economic growth rates and the world’s 12th largest economy. India is also the new home of technology, as corporations around the world  continually  outsource  their work to the capable and educated Indian work force.  Aside  from  it’s  bright  economic outlook, India is also home to several of the world’s oldest  and  richest  cultures. This bastion of civilization is among the world’s  most  interesting  and  diverse places.


Page 78: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


GUILINBanyan Lake Pagodas

kUNmINGKunming Flower Market

LHASA, TIBET Tibetian prayer flags

CHENGdUWolong Conservation Area

Experience Matters


xI'ANTerracotta Warrior














Page 79: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


BEIJING The Forbidden City

TIANJINWomen's World Cup

dALIANRussian Street Market

QINGdAOBeach Resorts

SHANGHAIDancing on the Bund

HANGzHOULingyin Temple

GUANGzHOUFishing on the Pearl River

NANJINGWater Townships



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Page 80: 2010 China Study Abroad Catalog


Studying abroad in China is an inexpensive, life-changing opportunity to learn a new language, experience a new culture, and gain new perspective on our changing world. Speed down alleyways on your Beijing bicycle, devour dumplings in the shadow of a Shanghai skyscraper, trek through the lush landscapes of Kunming’s mountain forests, and see a nation transformed. China’s reemergence upon the global stage makes learning Mandarin more essential than ever before. Join CSA in one of thirteen diverse and dynamic cities across the Chinese mainland. A lifetime of experiences await!

Study, Volunteer, Teach , Experience ...

BEIJING OFFICEHua Qing Gardens, Bldg #18, 2-201Cheng Fu Road, Wu Dao KouHaidian District, Beijing, China 100083Phone 86-10-6261-8388FAX 01-888-219-8597E-Mail [email protected]

SHANGHAI OFFICEChina Study Abroad, Suite 101Building 10, Lane 189, University RoadYangPu District, ShanghaiPhone 86-21-6510-8819FAX 01-888-219-8597E-Mail [email protected]

HONG KONG ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICEChina Study Abroad, Rooms 604-7Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen’s Road EastHong KongE-Mail [email protected]

UNITED STATESADMINISTRATIVE OFFICEChina Study Abroad, 268 Bush Street #3248San Francisco, California 94104Phone 1-888-219-8596 (Toll Free)FAX 1-888-219-8597E-Mail [email protected]

MEXICO OFFICEChina Joven, Avenida Colonia del Valle 137–6Delegacion BenitoJuarez Mexico 03100Phone 00 52 55 55366013Phone 01-800-6332063 (Toll Free)FAX 00 52 55 55365721E-Mail [email protected]

UNITED KINGDOMChina Study AbroadPhone 0800-011-2696 (Toll Free)FAX 0800-011-2697E-Mail [email protected]

China Study Abroad ®