2009 Connecticut State Employee W2 Summary

FIRST NAME LAST NAME DEPARTMENT 2009 INCOME James A Calhoun University of Connecticut $1,717,497.02 Randy D Edsall University of Connecticut $1,464,183.04 Cato T. Laurencin UConn Health Center $941,492.65 James D. Whalen UConn Health Center $869,396.28 Hilary Onyiuke UConn Health Center $822,874.93 John C. Nulsen UConn Health Center $790,574.32 Michael J Hogan University of Connecticut $625,577.40 Hanspaul Makkar UConn Health Center $591,614.10 Peter J. Deckers UConn Health Center $570,049.87 Jeffrey Hathaway University of Connecticut $563,967.75 Michael S. Aronow UConn Health Center $545,618.26 Douglas W. Fellows UConn Health Center $540,026.74 Jay R. Lieberman UConn Health Center $503,235.82 Bruce D. Browner UConn Health Center $474,383.19 Paul C Earley University of Connecticut $467,429.88 Peter C. Albertsen UConn Health Center $430,166.69 David George Carter Sr Connecticut State University $429,676.75 Carolyn D. Runowicz UConn Health Center $425,387.78 Craig M. Rodner UConn Health Center $421,181.25 Robert A. Arciero UConn Health Center $421,161.54 Patrick B. Senatus UConn Health Center $418,715.58 Robert A. Mohr UConn Health Center $414,815.16 Edward A Blanchette Department of Correction $412,557.30 Suzanne E Ducate Department of Correction $411,862.36 Kevin P. Shea UConn Health Center $410,255.49 James O. Menzoian UConn Health Center $401,616.00 Jay M. Bolnick UConn Health Center $395,544.89 Harold Moskowitz UConn Health Center $391,685.90 WHAT CONNECTICUT STATE EMPLOYEES WERE ACTUALLY PAID IN 2009 Source: W2 report from Office of Administrative Services


Actual amounts paid to Connecticut state employees from W2 summaries provided by the state Office of Administrative Services, ranked from highest to lowest. Does not include legislature.

Transcript of 2009 Connecticut State Employee W2 Summary

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