2009-2010 Citizenship Syllabus


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Transcript of 2009-2010 Citizenship Syllabus

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Mrs. Trullinger’s Citizenship Syllabus

What Am I Going To Learn? Both Integrated Social Studies and Advanced ISS will center on similar objectives and policies, though instructional strategies may differ from class to class. As we move through this course, you will examine how both conflict and cooperation are inherent in our local, national, and global political and economic systems. You will come to understand the principles upon which the United States was built and continues to thrive. You will learn to critique the positive and negative aspects of our government and will examine how you can positively contribute to our increasingly interdependent world. Course Objectives (Academic Expectations)

2.14 Students understand the democratic principles of justice, equality, responsibility, and freedom and apply them to real-life situations.

2.15 Students can accurately describe various forms of government and analyze issues that relate to the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democracy.

2.18 Students understand economic principles and are able to make economic decisions that have consequences in daily living.

2.19 Students recognize and understand the relationship between people and geography and apply their knowledge in real-life situations.


Prentice Hall, Magruder’s American Government, 2007 Edition Course Outline

Dates (Tentative)

Unit Title and Objectives

8/12 – 9/11 Foundations of US Government • Provide evidence that governments are created to establish order, provide security and protect

the common good. • Compare different types of government and analyze their effectiveness. • Find evidence that the American government embodies the values of limited government,

liberty, and justice. • Provide evidence that the Constitution is created by and based on compromise, which allows it

to grow and change over time.

9/14 – 10/7 Rights and Responsibilities • Evaluate the 1st amendment freedoms and analyze real-world scenarios where these freedoms

are sometimes limited in order to benefit the “common good.” • Examine how civic responsibility is essential to improving the lives of fellow citizens and the

effectiveness of government. • Evaluate the responsibilities that the US government has to its citizens (civil rights, due

process). • Determine the point at which individual rights end and the “common good” begin.

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10/8 – 11/6 US Political Systems • Analyze the evolution of and differences between political parties • Investigate the roles of money, interest groups, and the media in political campaigns. • Reflect upon the concept of political identity and examine the factors that help to shape it.

11/9 – 12/8 Legislative Branch • Evaluate how powers of and limitations on the legislative branch uphold the common good. • Experience how strategy and compromise are necessary in the legislative process. • Analyze the impact that the legislative branch has on a national/global level.

12/9 – 12/14 Finals Review

12/15 – 12/18 Winter Finals

Winter Break

1/4 – 1/28 Executive Branch • Explain how the Constitutional requirements (and functions) of the executive branch represent

the goals/needs of the nation as a whole. • Examine how the functions of the executive branch have changed to meet the needs of citizens. • Analyze powers within the executive branch and prove that the checks/balances between the

other branches of government work to meet the needs of society. • Evaluate the effectiveness of the departments within the executive branch and how they

balance individual rights with the common good. • Research current issues on a national and international level to investigate the impact of the

executive branch in an interdependent world. 1/29 – 2/19 Judicial Branch

• Describe how the judicial system helps provide security and order. • Evaluate how well the judicial process promotes justice and fairness. • Understand that the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the law can change over time, either

due to social change or contextual factors.

2/22 – 3/26 Economics • Examine how scarcity leads to economic choices, and how these choices lead to different

economic systems. • Experience how competition and incentives influence economic choices in a market economy. • Analyze the local and global impacts made by economic decisions.

Spring Break

4/5 – 4/30 Geography • Provide evidence of how our actions impact the environment and how the environment

impacts human actions. • Describe places using physical and human characteristics, and examine how those

characteristics reveal patterns. • Organize the world into regions, to better understand its systems and features. • Use maps to analyze, interpret, and apply information.

5/3 – 5/20 Semester Project and Finals Review

5/21 – 5/26 Spring Finals

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Supply List

Please note that I am not requiring you to maintain a notebook in any particular fashion, but organization is imperative to success. I will gladly recommend possible organization strategies and highly encourage you to speak with me if you know organization is not your strong suit. Notebook Pens and pencils – you may use either in class, but you will need #2 pencils for tests and exams. Optional – a USB / flash drive may be a very helpful tool to save projects when we work in the

computer lab, but this is optional and by no means required. A positive and mature attitude

How Will I Be Graded? 40% Tests and major projects 15% Participation and daily work such as bell ringers 10% Quizzes 15% Homework 20% Classwork

Late work. Assignments are a way for me to see what you know, and a way of practicing personal responsibility. For every day that an assignment is late, I will take an additional 20% off the grade (for example, a 95 would become a 75). However, I will only accept late work for one week after the due date. Cheating. I hold all students to the highest standard, and that includes having personal and academic integrity. Cheating will result in an automatic zero, and can result in in-school suspension.

What Do I Expect of You? I have very high expectations for you, mostly because I know you can do it. I will not tolerate distractions from learning. In order to be respectful of me, your fellow classmates, and ultimately yourself, several things must happen: Take yourself seriously. We both want you to learn about psychology. Listen, follow directions, do your homework, and success will follow. If you ever have a question or need extra help, please talk to me – my door is always open to you. Come to class ready to learn. Arrive with materials in your hand, personal conversations paused, and bathroom business done. Remain in your seat unless told otherwise. Allow others to learn. Follow the Bryan Station code of conduct, and the classroom expectations posted in my class. There will be a time when you don’t know what a word means (loquacious1?), or don’t know the answer to a question (what does the Fourth Amendment protect2?). In school, we learn – we’re not supposed to know everything; otherwise we wouldn’t be here!

1 adjective: talkative 2 The Fourth Amendment protects you from illegal searches and seizures, which is why police sometimes need warrants.

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What Are The Consequences? If I see that you have forgotten how to act in class, you will be given a warning. If your misbehavior is serious, or it does not stop, you have shown me that you do not know how to be successful – and that you want training from me. You will be my guest after class, at lunch, or after school. You will write an apology to me, and to others that you’ve disrespected. Your parents will also get to know me well.

What Are The Rewards? On the other hand, I am also eager to spot excellent work. I have been known to celebrate student success when I observe regular excellence, and I plan on doing a lot of class recognition this year. Learning is a huge reward in itself, but outstanding behavior and achievement deserves praise. Your parents will also get to know me well.

What Are The Other Policies? Bryan Station Expectations. Please remember: Get to class on time! If you are late, go directly to SAFE. No personal technology (iPods, cell phones, etc) from 8:25 to 3:15. No bathroom breaks the first or last fifteen minutes of class. Follow the dress code. Unprepared. If you misplace your supplies, ask a classmate to borrow the materials you need. I also collect pens left lying in the classroom for your use, but do not count on others for your preparation. The bathroom. I dislike interruptions in class, and five minutes in between periods is plenty of time to use the restroom. However, each student will receive TWO emergency bathroom passes per semester. Once you use up your passes, do not ask to go. Old passes expire at the end of the semester, and you can turn in any you haven’t used for extra credit. Absences. It is your responsibility to obtain materials and make-up work that you missed when absent. When you return from your absence, check the bin for work you need to make up. Come after school if you don’t understand the assignments you’ve missed.

And Finally... What Can I Expect of Mrs. Trullinger? Fairness and consistency. Excellent, engaging classes with clear agendas, taking place in a safe learning atmosphere. Letters of recommendation. An open line of communication. My door is always open to you. If you ever need to reach me, you can always find me in my classroom, call me on the phone (859-381-3308, ext. 2222), or write me an email ([email protected]). Looking forward to a great year,