20080229 - ECSiebelAnalytics

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    Siebel Marketing & Analytics Case StudyJoe McCall Regional Vice President

    David Gwinup Project Manager

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    Eagle Creek Software Services

    225 Siebel CR



    100% Dedicated to Siebel

    Largest Dedicated SiebelIntegrator

    Experience in 300+ Engagements

    2+ Million Hours on SiebelImplementations

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    Business Case

    Vision & Goals Functional Capabilities

    Risks & Challenges


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    Global Communications Products company

    $30B+ revenues3 Business Units

    Siebel CRM for partner managementAlready deployed to 1 Business Unit

    Oracle/Siebel Software Strategy

    Corporate directive for marketing platform

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    Current Situation in B2B Marketing No centralized customer database & inconsistent profile information

    Limited targeted campaign & preference management capabilities

    Inability for strategic communication to Customers/Prospects across the businesses and


    Inefficient ability to track leads from marketing through to sales

    Accountability/visibility issues for campaign/lead management (No lessons learned)

    Global email opt-out and preference management capabilities are limited

    Opportunities Incremental revenue opportunities derived from better targeted marketing campaigns and

    personalized communications

    Marketing investment dollars can be better targeted with improved capability to measure

    campaign effectiveness and return on objectives/investment

    Improved marketing efficiencies can be realized by standard processes and tools

    Reduced liability and risk through the deployment of a global opt-out/opt-in capability

    Business Case

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    Single Data Repository

    and Customer Insight

    Goal Aligned

    Planning/Budget and

    Global Marketing Calendar

    Segmentation and

    Campaign Management

    Closing The Loop and

    Measuring Real Time

    Return on Objectives

    Lead Management Permission-based

    Marketing & Personalized

    Customer Experience

    Have a comprehensive solution for the complete design, execution, and management of

    personalized, permission-based campaigns across different channels of customer


    Long Term Vision

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    Establish a global process framework for database

    management, campaign management, lead management andoutbound email that accommodates required regional

    variations with minimal customization

    Deploy a global toolset to support the above capabilities that

    can be integrated with other relationship marketing tools (e.g.Partner Relationship Management, sales force automation,


    Enable the capability to measure campaign effectiveness and

    return on objectives / investment

    Enable the capability to globally track email opt-outs & opt-ins

    Phase 1 Goals

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    Marketing Planning

    Marketing planning done

    inconsistently across


    Many marketing calendars

    across Mktg Comm teams,

    product marketing teams, etc.at global and regional levels

    Limited opportunity to leverage

    each others work

    Consistent marketing plans and

    goals (within Phase 1 user set)

    which are aligned with

    executive objectives

    One marketing calendar in

    Siebel for global and regionalcampaigns

    Ability to leverage or reuse

    creative assets and templates

    developed by other users

    (Produce for Reuse)

    Consistent marketing plans and

    goals across B2B Organization

    which are aligned with

    executive objectives

    Total view of all marketing

    activities across B2Borganization

    Continue to drive non-working

    dollars into working dollars

    Optimize allocation of

    marketing dollars

    Today Tomorrow Phase 1 Future Phases

    Changes: Siebel CRM will allow client to design & automate targeted marketing campaigns & programs Set program and campaign goals that tie to a marketing plan Coordinate timeline & budget Share documents and templates for reuse Institutionalize key performance metrics

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    Campaign & List Management

    Manually compile lists

    Work with Global Suppression

    Tool for email opt-out

    Agency executes

    Drive recipients to web/micro

    site, collect responses/leads via

    web forms direct to agency

    Store campaign response data

    in various formats, at various

    agencies, with varying data

    Agency/marketer reports on

    campaign performance

    Segmentation manager assists

    with lists based on marketers


    Guaranteed privacy compliance

    through automated tool

    Send eDM from Siebel

    Unified data/formats for

    campaign responses

    Dashboard and real-time

    reporting for Phase 1 Users

    Easy access to pre-existing

    subscription lists (newsletters,

    or previously existing


    Marketing Return on Objectives

    Siebel-hosted microsites using

    Web Marketing

    Real-time response reporting

    Global Lead management tool

    and process

    Closed loop from lead

    generation to closed sale

    Marketing ROI & dashboard

    across B2B marketing


    Leverage organizational best


    Today Tomorrow Phase 1 Future Phases

    Changes: Marketers will deliver segment requirements to segmentation manager to obtain distribution

    list Agencies can work within Siebel to upload/tweak creative for eDM (Direct Marketing) Marketers can access campaign reports via analytics tool Track and manage campaign expenses

    Enable preference-based marketing

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    Lead Management

    Call Center manages

    Campaign Responses/Leads

    through legacy application

    Web inquiries direct to agency

    Different Lead Management


    Direct Sales Leads exported

    from legacy system and

    manually loaded into SFDC

    (Batch weekly job)

    Inability to see status on direct

    sales leads

    Partners access 2 systems to

    manage relationship/leads

    Agency reports on call center

    and lead performance

    Call Center manages

    Campaign Responses/Leads

    within Siebel

    Web forms direct to Siebel

    Different Lead Management

    tools, but global process

    Direct sales leads exported

    from Siebel and manually

    loaded into Salesforce.com

    (Batch weekly job)

    Status of direct sales leads

    exported from SFDC and

    uploaded into Siebel

    Partners will be accessing 1

    system to manage


    Real-time reporting

    Global Call Center manages

    Campaign Response/ Leads

    within Siebel

    Global access to web inquiries

    within Siebel

    Global Lead management tool

    and process

    Bi-directional link with Siebel &

    SFDC for direct sales leads

    Closed loop with sales

    Data Quality to ensure data


    Today Tomorrow Phase 1 Future Phases

    Changes: Global process for lead management within one tool Marketers will have visibility to leads associated to their campaigns within Siebel Common reporting tools for closed loop marketing & lead performance Visibility and accountability for direct sales leads

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    Database Management & Reporting

    Multiple data sources

    Inconsistent customer profiles

    Data mining and segmentation

    impossible across organization

    First step toward unified global

    marketing database

    Segmentation enabled for

    phase 1 users

    Database visibility rules toensure data security and

    appropriate access across the


    One Global B2B Marketing


    Segmentation enabled across

    all verticals and markets in B2B


    Optimize database to take

    advantage of cross-sell and up-

    sell opportunities across B2B


    Today Tomorrow Phase 1 Future Phases

    Changes: Single marketing data repository across business units with permission-based data visibility Marketers will work with segmentation manager to identify ideal segments Optimize campaigns through access to existing & new data through segmentation manager Ability to measure real-time return on objectives Common reporting capabilities and dashboards across B2B marketing organization

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    Database Management

    Start fresh: Original scope had no historical

    data conversion for marketing responses

    Asked to bring in contacts & accounts from prior

    database consolidation project


    Working with external agency to ensure

    contact data can be transferred smoothly

    Historical campaign responses held by data

    cleansing agency for the interim period.

    Possible impact on ability to deploy

    Willingness to adopt/utilize tool

    Risk: Possible change in functionality


    Engaged users early & often to ensure

    effective change management

    Completeness and cleanliness of all data

    records from legacy system


    Additional dedicated integration developers

    Engaged agency to provide data cleansing

    Lead Management automated capabilities

    Risk: Lead Management Automation in existing system

    more complex than initially stated


    Working through gaps

    Some manual processes for several months after

    initial deployment

    Additional resources to configure basic automation

    Automated capabilities planned post deployment

    Project Resource Management Due to gaps and higher than expected complexity

    budget for Siebel BA resources limited


    Load balance existing resources

    Additional budget request for training resources

    Processes inconsistent across business units

    Stakeholders had difficult time agreeing on requirements


    Business process re-engineering


    Risks & Issues

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    Engage the necessary parties and achieve buy-in

    Cross-functional senior management direction

    - Project funding and approval

    Fully dedicated core CRM team- Project planning, rollout, communication

    - System testing, data and application integration

    - Process, reporting and dashboard, training

    Frequent end-user input

    - Establish recommendations for ongoing system and process improvements

    Ensure a manageable project scope Three-year CRM implementation vs. Six months plan for quick-win projects

    Technological limitation vs. No pre-packaged, holistic solutions

    High up-front costs vs. Lower investment, greater focus

    - integrating the data we already have, Call center management, Segmentation & analytics

    Defining CRM initiative objectives / Project success factors

    Reducing costs: automate campaign execution, automate campaign measurement,

    automate lead generation, eliminate ineffective campaigns

    Boosting Revenues: leverage best practices, boost marketing response rates, improve

    needs identification, increase cross-sell ratio, improve customer data analysis

    Improving customer experience: tailor marketing efforts, improve needs identification,

    personalize Web interactions, engage customer in dialogue

    Challenge #1

    Defining CRM

    Initiative Objectives &



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    Encourage CRM system use

    Communicate benefits of use

    Support user queries on system use

    Train people on how to use the system & provide access to in-the-field super users

    Ensure marketing managers utilize system throughout marketing management cycle

    Create tools to facilitate job functions

    Global compliance with privacy regulations

    Organize around a customer centric strategy

    Avoid incomplete new prospect data, inconsistent data standards

    Marketing: market research, brand management, Email campaign management

    Leads Management : Leads management automation, large accounts, small business,high qualified leads

    Front-End IT solutions all funnel to central Siebel database

    Engage key project stakeholders

    Regular update meetings with representatives of all the functional teams

    Establishing a process to capture feedback/concerns

    Engaging representatives in the testing/training processes

    Challenge #2

    Aligning Key

    StakeholdersBehind a Customer


    Challenge #4

    Supporting Decision

    Making Over Time

    Ensure data integrity over time

    Ensure analysis supports decision making and change marketing activities in

    progress to maximize marketing return on investment

    Track benefits of CRM initiative over time

    Challenge #3


    User Adoption


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    Marketing Planning

    Integrated processes and collaboration capabilities

    Global view of marketing calendars

    Marketing budget, plan and program goals and details,

    launch schedule

    Common goals and metrics for all marketing activities

    Campaign Management

    Coordinate campaign activities

    Segment the audience and distribute personalized eDM

    Leverage organizational best practices and pre-

    approved templates

    Optimize campaign tactics mid-stream

    Store and analyze campaign response data, report


    Lead Management

    Marketing leads managed through to opportunity

    Accountability and visibility for direct leads

    Optimize partner lead engagement

    Opportunity Management

    Direct leads will tie into SalesForce.com

    Partner leads managed within Siebel

    Database Management/Measurements

    Global compliance with privacy regulations

    Single data repository with permission-based data


    Ability to govern communication to contacts

    Common prospect, contact and account records

    across all divisions

    Common reporting capabilities and dashboard

    Common and consistent measurement of results

    and return on marketing investment

    Project Overall Capabilities/Scope, Phase 1

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    Targeting determines which groups client should try to serve

    Evaluating the attractiveness of each segment Selecting the most attractive segments to serve

    Determine the level of resources to allocate to those segments

    Finding customers and prospects in targeted segments

    Positioning addresses how clients products and solutions will compete with others

    in the targeted segment

    Positioning identifies how a brand is viewed relative to competing brands

    Defines a point of differentiation that is to be communicated

    Becomes the foundation for all communications both inside and outside an organization

    Products may be positioned on several dimensions

    Attribute of a product; Quality of the product; Benefits delivered Use of product; Appropriate user of the product

    Relative to competitors

    Price charged; Availability/delivery time or place

    Future Phases Targeting & Positioning

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    The Application

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    Web Marketing Home

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    Marketing Calendar

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    Campaign Scorecard

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    Marketing Analytics


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    O f

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    Opportunities from Marketing Activities

    S l Ali t

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    Sales Alignment


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