2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry...

p Anniversary 2002 PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran • Joe Fuselier Ward Dufour • Al Briede ill • Dale Stiles • John McMahon • George Owen • Dale Stiles George Dedual • Harry Meredith • Cary Kuhlman • Ed Fleischmann • Willie Stamm • Mo Emory Rick Lusky • Rene LeRouge • Don Brinkman • Julie Boudreaux • Louis Burg • Rick Wilderman Rick Montgomery • Mario Lara • Charlene Brinkman NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB CHARTER MEMBERS WBriede III • J.D. "Sarge" Shaffer • Terry Turner • Cy Quinn • Richard Newcomb • Sam McNeely • Jerry Schoen Dr. Peter Salatich • Louis deLassus • Dave Meister • Larry Fuselier • Emile Drieul • CJ. Mouton • Dick Cochran John Morvant • Dan Fuselier • Joe Fuselier • James McNamara • John Linehan • Paul Matzen • Pat Delouise Paul Asuagua • Tom Olivier • Jon Ziegler

Transcript of 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry...

Page 1: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran • Joe Fuselier Ward Dufour • Al Briede ill • Dale Stiles • John McMahon • George Owen • Dale Stiles

George Dedual • Harry Meredith • Cary Kuhlman • Ed Fleischmann • Willie Stamm • Mo Emory Rick Lusky • Rene LeRouge • Don Brinkman • Julie Boudreaux • Louis Burg • Rick Wilderman

Rick Montgomery • Mario Lara • Charlene Brinkman

NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB CHARTER MEMBERSW Briede III • J.D. "Sarge" Shaffer • Terry Turner • Cy Quinn • Richard Newcomb • Sam McNeely • Jerry Schoen Dr. Peter Salatich • Louis deLassus • Dave Meister • Larry Fuselier • Emile Drieul • CJ. Mouton • Dick Cochran John Morvant • Dan Fuselier • Joe Fuselier • James McNamara • John Linehan • Paul Matzen • Pat Delouise

Paul Asuagua • Tom Olivier • Jon Ziegler

Page 2: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


is th e n e w s le tte r o f th e N e w O rle a n s T ra c k C lub .It Is p u b lish e d 6 tim e s a y e a r and d is tr ib u te d fre e to

m e m b e rs and a s so c ia te s o f th e C lub .


EditorJudy Lasseigne


Bob Lasseigne Ken Vicknair

Photographer George Waguespack

Contributors Dudley Stadler

AdvertisementEditor (466-5704)

CirculationChuck George

Gwen LundRace Results Preparation

Pattie Deibel Bob Lanteigne Production

Total Graphics

Advertising Rates(Per Issue/Camera Ready)

Full Page $125.00 Quarter Page $50.00H alf Page $75.00 Business Card $20.00

Articles, photographs, race Information, race reviews, letters, comments, orany other items of general interesttothe Club are welcomed and should be mailed to FOOTPRINTS, c/o Editor, P.0. Box 52003, New Orleans, LA 70152-2003. Material submitted by the 15th ofthe month w ill be considered for publication as space permits.



Charlene Brinkman (733-7432)Vice President

Sabrina Burgess Secretary

Peggy Metzler Treasurer

Bob Lasseigne Immediate Past President

Finish Line Coordinator Mario Lara (469-2769)MEMBERS-AT-LARGEGrand Prix ChairmanJanel Gioia Mumme

Membership Chairman Geoff Rose (482-2624)

Merchandise ChairmanSig Simpson

Race Dav Registration ChairmanMichael Burgess

Race Results ChairmanMary Stadler

Race Walking ChairmanDel Donner (849-0588)

T-Shirt Distribution ChairmanDella Donner


FOOTPRINTS Editor Judy Lasseigne Photographer

George Waguespack Race Course Coordinator

Rudy Smith Race Course Louis Schultz Race Results

Stacey Simpson Race Site/Safety Coordinator

Duke Wolverton Race Site/Safety

Ed Decossas Race Walking Dudley Stadler

Volunteer Coordinator Martha George

NOTC Web MasterBob Lanteigne

Mardi Gras Marathon Event DirectorBill Burke


Page 3: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


' H P r i i j rI f | r p

DEPARTMENTSFOOTPRINTS S ta ff ........................................................... 2NOTC Board o f D irectors.................................................. 2NOTC Administration.......................................................... 3From the Editor’s D e sk .......................................................5

New M em bers......................................................................6Executive Director’s R eport................................................ 7President’s M essage.............................................................8Happy Anniversary N O T C ......................................... 10-11Volunteers.......................................................................... 12

I I I If c r f c r ’ h r !New Orleans Track Club, Inc.

P.O. B o x 5 2 0 0 3N e w O r le a n s , L o u is ia n a 7 0 1 5 2

(5 0 4 ) 4 8 2 -6 6 8 2 / F a x (5 0 4 ) 4 6 9 -9 2 6 8 w e b s ite : //w w w . ru n N O T C .o rg E -m a il: N O T C @ ru n N O T C .o rg


Executive Race DirectorChuck George (504) 468-1488

AT THE RACES(J u ly /A u g u s t R e su lts & P ho tos)

Adm inistrative StaffGwen Lund

(504) 482-6682

Planet Beach Spillway Classic........................................ 13LaSalle Park D ash ..............................................................21

MGM Kickoff C lassic.......................................................2839th NOTC Anniversary R ace.........................................32

NOTC is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote fitness and running

in the community; a member of USA Track & Field, and

Road Runners Club of America.Our Club is made up of runners, joggers,

race walkers, fitness walkers, wheelchair athletes, and volunteers.


m u

Club #69


Club #102 Southern Association


Page 4: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

Best o f Luck to theNew Orleans TVack Club

CheeUUee/The Dig Chee/e in Dew Orleon/

Running Groups5:20 ClubSaturdays: 5:20 a.m.Gernon Brown Gym, City Park Harrison Avenue at Marconi Info: 764-6267

Hash House HarriersSundays: tba Location varies Info: 846-5469

Heavy RollersSaturdays: 6:30 a.m.Tennis Center, City Park Info: 485-0668

River Road RunnersWednesdays: 6:30 p.m.Live Bait, 501 River Road, Jefferson Info: 835-3479

Who...What...Where...When...Urban AnimalsSaturdays: 6:00 a.m. McDonald's on LapalcoPark at Woodmere in Harvey Info: 361-1817

SlidellSaturdays: 7:00 a.m.John Slidell Park Sundays: 7:00 a.m. Crossgates Athletic Club Info: 649-1245

Franco's Running ClubSaturdays: 6:30 a.m.From Franco's Athletic Club Sunday: 7:00 a.m.From Mandeville Lakefront Info: (985) 624-3791

SpotTeesThursdays: 6:00p.m.Jefferson Playground, Jefferson Info: 734-4078

Covington 15th St. Flyers Social Running & Walking ClubTuesdays: 6:00 p.m.Hubie Gallagher Pk, Covington Info: 893-3684

NOTC Weekly Group Run/WalkThursdays: 5:30 p.m.City Park Tennis Center Parking LotInfo: Chuck George 468-1488

Best Bank Track ClubInfo: 393-1668

To add or change a group listing, please call NOTC Director Chuck George at 468-1488 or e-mail NOTC at [email protected]


Page 5: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

From the Editor’s Desk...Happy Anniversary NOTC,

We are 39 and Counting!

Hi Everyone! I’m Judy Lasseigne. I have been a part of the FOOTPRINTS staff for the last couple o f years and was asked to continue on staff as Editor 2002-2003. Look­ing forward to it and thanks for asking.

A big Thank You to Ken Vicknair (Editor 2000-2002), good job! Ken will be helping me along with our Co-Editor Bob Lasseigne (my hubby), our favorite photographer George Waguespack and contributing writer Dudley Stadler.

We will be doing our best to make FOOTPRINTS en­joyable to look through and fun to receive.

So, le t’s celebrate our anniversary and begin the countdown to 40 years with NOTC.

h ImAamo/ uuxtf2yunls/ in/ time/ . . .

Your Footprints Staff,

^ u d y / , Cß o l , Sc D u d le y /


JOAN ALBUM, GRI M illion D ollar Club

Office: (504)443-3300 Fax: (504)466-1699Home: (504)888-3676 Beeper: 431-5848

3801 W illiams, Kenner, Louisiana 70065



Geoffrey L. Rose Registered Representative


969 Lane StreetNew Orleans, LA 70124-3951

Offering general securities through SWS Financial Services, Inc. 7001 Preston Road, Suite 300, LB 30, Dallas, TX 75205-1187

Member of the Southwest Securities Group (214) 443-0189


The following places are designated P re -R e g is tra t io n L o c a tio n s for N O T C races. These businesses support us by

giving d is c o u n ts on purchases to all N O T C C lu b M e m b e rs .Please consider them

on your s h o p p in g d a y s ...







Page 6: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

Welcome New MembersJay Anderson A llo ta ........N ew OrleansTommy A u s t in .................................HarveyBrian C asanova..................................New OrleansKristi C a to ........................................KennerM egan C a to ....................................KennerStephen C a to ................................. KennerSusannah C oo ley .............. N ew OrleansLynn C o u p e l..............................ChalmetteJesse C ra in ....................................... LulingRosary C ra in .....................................LulingBrendan D a ly ...............................M eta irieChristine D a ly ..............................M eta irieS. M ichae l D a ly ...........................M e ta irieSean D a ly ..................................... M e ta irieJuanita D auph in .................N ew OrleansDonna D a v is ....................................... N ew OrleansTerrance D a v is ...................................N ew OrleansTerry Davis, J r . ....................................N ew OrleansTerry Davis, Sr..................................... N ew OrleansKenny D e lca m b re ..................ThibodauxFred D e v a ll.......................................... N ew OrleansLisa D e va ll........................................... New OrleansAndrea D ifra n c o ..................... CovingtonCallie D ifra n co ..........................CovingtonEdna D e fra n c o ........................ Covington

M iche lle D ifra n c o ................... CovingtonThomas Doussan, J r . .................M eta irieJohn D u e n s in g ........................DestrehanCarolyn D e fre n e .............................Cut OffJodi D e fre n e ................................... Cut OffTika D u fre n e ................................... Cut OffHarold Dufrene, J r . ....................... Cut OffLeah G illis ........................... New OrleansBrooke H a u e r................... New OrleansM ary H icks .........................N ew OrleansElicia J u a re z ...................................HarveyGayle K n ig h t........................PonchatoulaBarb L a n d ry .......................N ew OrleansBeau L a n d ry ......................N ew OrleansBud Landry.........................N ew OrleansM egan L a n d ry .................. N ew OrleansShelby Lan ie r........................... DestrehanJenn ife r Laube rshe im er..............GretnaJoe LeB lan c .......................N ew OrleansDavid L e w is .......................Baton RougeAndrea Loden ...........................ChalmetteM a tthew M a c a lu s o .........Belle ChasseHeather M a g a n n ............................GretnaLaura M a g a n n ................................GretnaSebastian M a g a n n ....................... GretnaTim M a g a n n .................................... Gretna

Sally M a rn e r ........................N ew OrleansHannah M a rtin e z ............................LafitteM ary M a t is ....................................... LulingLatoya M cC o rk le .........................M arreroTacia M c C o rk le ...........................M arreroW alte r M etzinger, III .........New OrleansLoretta N a q u in ........................ThibodauxSanem O zdura l................... New OrleansBrandy P a n u n ti.................. New OrleansOsman R o d a s ..................... N ew OrleansLori S a n d e r ...............................ChalmetteDonald Sauviac, J r ............. New OrleansChristine S e a w o rth ............New OrleansS co tt S m ith ..........................New OrleansKelley S tra in ........................New OrleansSusan Thom as........................FranklintonTomeca T ill is ...................................HarveyShelly V o lle n w e id e r..................M eta irieStacy V o lle n w e id e r................... M eta irieElizabeth W a r re n ..............Ab ita SpringsM arla W a tk in s ........................... PicayuneRonald W h itn e y .......................... HarahanW anda W h itn e y ..................... ThibodauxLauri W ild ..................................... M e ta irieDavid W o o d a rd .................. Bossier City

RACE VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDAll races need volunteers to assist on the day of race. Please support your club

and help make each race better. Area’s of need include registration, course turns,timers, water stations, finish line.

Quality volunteers mean Quality races, you are the difference in making NOTC races the best.

Please look at the schedule and call 468-1488 or e-mail NOTC@run NOTC.orgto volunteer today...

(Volunteers receive t-shirts at each race also!!!)


Page 7: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

Executive Director’s Reportby Chuck George

The Fall and Winter long dis­tance races are now here. The NOTC is proud to present races in distances o f 10 mile, half­marathon, 25K, 30K and mara­thon. These events provide a challenge for all members to accomplish by being a finisher. From the 1/2 mile to the marathon the NOTC is the only club in Louisiana and the deep south that provides a full balanced schedule of events annually.

This is only accomplished with your volunteer support. Long distance races need plenty o f volunteers, especially ones that can be out on the course for several hours and under any weather condition. Call the NOTC volunteer line at 468-1488 or e-mail us at [email protected] in or­der to volunteer.

C fC O A ^C


Footprints is a great place to advertise. The NOTC magazine

is read by over 2,400 members and associates. Help support the

production of Footprints and place an ad with us.

CALL TODAY!Judy Lasseigne, Editor

466-5704 NOTC - 482-6682


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Page 8: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

President’sMessageby Charlene Brinkman

The NOTC is off and running to a great start! I’m very excited about leading the New Orleans Track Club into a new phase of races and events. I will give 100% of my time, talent, and effort. Thank you for your support and par­ticipation.

The 2002-2003 Board of Directors took over July 1 with a commitment to promote health and fitness in our running com­munity. In the last four months, this volunteer Board of Di­rectors has done an outstanding job in working the many NOTC races. Board meetings are well attended with awe­some cooperation, positive attitudes, and constructive ideas. Got a question or suggestion, please run it by us...board mem­bers are at the races in green t-shirts with gold name badges or just e-mail the NOTC at anytime.

Sincere sympathy to Mr. & Mrs. A1 Bricdc, Harold Flettrich, Ed Decosass, and the Passantino’s for the loss of a family member; Get well wishes to Bill Cox and Francis Ard. Congratulations on their marriages - Michael and Sabrina Burgess, Phil and Janel Gioia, Rich and Anna Boyer; and “Welcome” new NOTC members!

In closing, the New Orleans Track Club is a nonprofit organization that operates and produces strictly through “vol­unteers”. You are the NOTC, you are our volunteers. Please make a commitment to volunteer for at least one race this year. We need lots of help with the upcoming long distance races and especially with the 2003 Mardi Gras Marathon, February 16.

Looking forward to a great year in health and fitness!

See you at the races...

Quebec City ‘Marathon‘August 25, 2002

Congratulations Rudy S. Smith Marathon Time 4:30:51

“The marathon started in the city of Levin, Canada, which is directly across the St. Lawrence River from Quebec City, Canada. The first twelve kilometers consist of hills surround­ing Levin. After twelve kilometers, the course looped around the St. Lawrence River back to Quebec City and the finish. Crowd support from the neighborhoods was plentiful and bands were scattered throughout the course.”


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e -m a il: th o m a sd jr1 @ a o l.co m


Page 9: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

Terry’s Body&Fender W orks

• Complete Paint Jobs • V inyl Tops

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i mmscouNf : TO All NOTC MEMBERS

Terry J. Puglis NOTC M e m b e r

1314 A thens Street • K enner, LA 70062Phone: 469-9604


Page 10: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

Happy Anniversary NOTC!

O ur Founding M em bers and Presidents gather at ou r annual N O TC Anniversary Road Race ce leb ra ting 3Styears.

Left to r igh t: Ed Fleischmann, Rick Lusty, C harlene Brinkm an, A l B riede III, Larry Fuselier, Cy Q u inn , R ick W ilde rm an , D on Brinkm an, George Owen, M a rio Lara, Rick M ontgom e iy , John M orvant.

♦ ♦ ♦Take an active role in your running orwalking program by becoming a member

An invitationto join theßMPE

New Orleans Track Club. Inc.Member of

♦ ♦ ♦

The New Orleans Track Club......is an organization administered by runners and walkers to promote

roadrace events both as a competitive sport and as one of the best athletic activities for achieving physical fitness.

The NOTC was founded in 1963 with the purpose of developing running in the New Orleans metropolitan area. Since that time the club has grown to over 2400 members including runners, walkers and wheelchair athletes. The NOTC is a member of the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) and USA Track & Field Association.

A full schedule of running and walking events awaits you. From the 0 mile to the marathon our schedule includes such well known events as the New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon and the south’s oldest roadrace, the Jackson Day Race, held since 1907. Events take place in a variety of locations that include Audubon Park, City Park, Lakefront, Westbank, French Quarter, Downtown, New Orleans East, Metairie, Harahan and many other areas... even the Bonnet Carré Spillway!Reasons to Join the NOTC...■ Reduced entry fees at most NOTC races.■ FOOTPRINTS magazine sent to you, featuring race results, articles,

pictures and club news.■ Support the NOTC in maintaining a full schedule of events from the

mile to the marathon.■ Direct mailings of entry forms, club news, schedules.■ Discounts on shoes at some area running stores.■ Membership in the Road Runners Club of America (a national organiza­

tion representing over 675 Chapters and over 200,000 runners and walkers) and a subscription to FOOTNOTES.

■ Club meetings and training programs■ NOTC Grand Prix Series


Page 11: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

Here's To You NOTC I

At the finish line - Winter Trapolin, Sr. NOTC member and President Charlene Brinkman

Founding Members|ohn Morvant - Past Secretaiy and Club Historian

Larry Fuselier - Past Treasurer & VP. Elected Officers in 1966.

CMfflENew Orleans Track Club, Inc.

Cy Quinn-Founding Member,Past Treasurer-Elected 1963

Bob Lasseigne-Treasurer Tommy )eanne-Past Board Member

Don Brinkman-Past President (1991) and the First Gentleman of NOTC (2002).

His wife Charlene is our current President.






> r\

Mario Lara-Immediate Past President Earl Abadie, Harry Albohaire, Tommy leanne

¥ y


> ,


39 Yeors and Counting...FOOTPRINTS I Page II

Page 12: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Bob Lassigne Charlene Brinkman Del Donner Della Donner Dudley Stadler

Duke Wolverton Ed Decossas Geoff Rose George Waguespack Gwen Lund

Janel Gioia-Mumme Judy Lasseigne Ken Vicknair Mario Lara Martha George

Mary Stadler Mike Burgess Peggy Metzler Rudy Smith Sabrina Burgess

Sig Simpspn Stacy Simpson


Ambrose Michiels Frank Falgoust Lynn Wilderman Rick Wilderman Terry PuglisCarolyn Johnson Jackie Wolverton Madeleine LaCroix Ronny Thibodeaux Tommy JeanneDave Bartel Joy Cohen Marjorie Kobylatz Ruby Chaney Trevor JacksonDon Lee Kathy Jordan Nick Falgoust Ryan George Wayne OryEarl Allebone Kellene Jackson Pam Falgoust Sam BattleElisabeth VanBattum Kristen Lotz Phyllis Punch Spot MetzlerFay Herzog Kyle George Rhea Snyder Ted Dorsa

S P IL L W A Y C L A S S ICAl Yenchick Carolyn Johnson John Scott Lynn Wilderman Robin MurphyAmbrose Michiels Claude Greco John Wilson Mejia Madison Waguespack Ron CheekAmelia Gassen Dennis Surratt Jose Mejia Malia Gassen Roy BostickAngel Gassen Elisabeth VanBattum Josie Lyons Marion Neyrey Ryan GeorgeArthur Gassen, Jr Esther Ellis Joy Cohen Matthew Waguespack Spot MetzlerArthur Gassen III Evan Strickland Katie McDonald Megan Waguespack Stephen CrawfordBarbara Turner Fay Herzog Kelsey Gassen Pam Engle Steve ErwinBetty Waguespack Fred Lotz Kyle George Pat Driscoll Sue RiceBeverly Bahle Gabe Abene Lisa Buhler Pat Schwall Tom CunninghamBob Murphy Jackie Wolverton Lisa Fuselier Paulene KrenkelBob Westenfeld Jim Westenfeld Liz Lotz Phyllis MasonBrian Greer Joe Carbo Louis Mejia Randy SurrattCarolyn Guhman John Rincon Lydia Gassen Rick Wilderman

M A R D I G R A S M A R A T H O N K IC K O F F C L A S S ICAlcera Manzo Carolyn Johnson Josea Mazier Kristen Lotz Melba AndaraAmbrose Michiels Don Brinkman Josie Lyons Kyle George Oscar AndaraArthur Gassen Elisabeth V. Joy Cohen Luis Mazier Ryan GeorgeBarbara Turner Eugene Edler Karen Wolf Luis Mejia Spot MetzlerCarmen Andara Jim Westenfeld Kilbert Mazier Madeleine LaCroix Ted Dorsa

L A S A L L E P A R K D A S HAlcera Manzo Carl Wulf Jeffrey Villatta Larry Ayman Ruby ChaneyAlex Cook Carmen Andara Jim Westenfeld Loretta Hargrove Ryan GeorgeAmbrose Michiels Carolyn Johnson Jose Villatta Lynette Valinte Sam BattleAndrew Dwyer David Villatta Josh Rose Madeleine LaCroix Sherry JohnsonAndy Philip Don Brinkman Josie Lyons Marjorie Kobylatz Stephen CrawfordAnna Villatta Eleanor Gallagher Joy Cohen Mel Werner Ted DorsaArthur Gassen Elisabeth VanBattum Karen Wulf Melba Andara Wayne OryAstrid Andara Esther Ellis Kathy Jordan Oscar AndaraBarbara House Fay Herzog Kristen Lotz Phyllis PunchBetty Waguespack Issac Knightshead Kyle George Rhea Snyder

if you would like to volunteer fir an NOTC race, please cad Martha George at 468-1488

NOTC Race Director NOTC President NOTC Volunteer Chairperson


Page 13: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


S pillw ay Classic - 3 M ile Female Finishers

ZmilK m

July 21, 2002 Bonnet Carre Spillway

Norco, Louisiana

Presented by

% A - C *

The 2002 edition of the Spillway Classic had a record field of nearly 1400 partici­pants. The conditions were rated at 2.50 on a scale of 10 being extremely wet. A solid field of top runners from all over the metro area and beyond had Brendan Minihan, Jr. repeating his 2001 victory with a time of 15:40. Bryan Smith who just turned 40 and joined the masters division while setting a new masters course record of 15:53, finishing 2nd overall. Shawna Jones and Amanda Yeates battled it out down to the final few hundred yards with Shawna taking the victory at 19:01 to Amanda’s 19:04.

The post race festivités included plenty of refreshments, awards for muddiest team divisions and overall race divisions. Save the date for next year on July 20, 2003. Race Director: Chuck George, NOTC


910 11 121314151617181920 21 2223242526 27293031323334

N am e Div Time Pace Aae Place Name Div Time Pace Aae....19:01 .. .....6:20. ..... 32 35 ......................25:18 .. ..... 8:26. .....40....19:04.. ..... 6:21. ..... 33 36 ...................... 25 45.. ..... 8:35. .....15....19:11 .. ..... 6:23. ..... 20 37 ...................... 26 03 . ..... 8:41. ..... 58....19:17.. ..... 6:25. ..... 24 38 ...................... 26:05 .. ..... 8:41 . ..... 22....19:24.. ..... 6:28. ..... 25 39 ......................26:10 .. ..... 8:43. ..... 48....20:15.. ..... 6:45. ..... 25 40 ......................26:16 .. ..... 8:45. ..... 43....21:09 ..... 7:03. ....29 41 ......................26:18 .. ..... 8:46. ..... 31.... 21:17... ..... 7:05. .... 25 42 ......................26:19... ..... 8:46. ..... 15....21:23.. ..... 7:07. .... 16 43 ...................... 26:25... ..... 8:48. ..... 29....21:32 ..... 7:10. ....19 44 ......................26:28 ... ..... 8:49. ..... 20.... 22:27.. ..... 7:29. ..... 19 45 ...................... 26:36 ... ..... 8:52. ..... 32....22:35... ..... 7:31. ..... 34 46 ..... 26:40 .. ..... 8:53. ..... 27....22:40 ..... 7:33. ..... 26 47 ......................26:21 ... ..... 8:47. ..... 25.... 22:42... ..... 7:34. ..... 20 48 ..................... 26:44 ... ..... 8:54. ..... 42.... 23:02... .....7:40. ....18 49 ..... 26 45 .. ..... 8:55. ..... 16.... 23:20.. ..... 7:46. ....29 50 ...................... 26:46 ... ..... 8:55. ..... 27.... 23:25... ..... 7:48. ....49 51 ...................... 26:55 ... ..... 8:58. ..... 20....23:40 ..... 7:53. .... 22 52 ................... 26:56... ..... 8:58. ..... 22....23:43... ..... 7:54. .... 15 53 26:56 . ..... 8:58. ..... 20....23:45... ..... 7:55. .... 45 54 ..... 26:57 ... ..... 8:59. ..... 26....23:53 ..... 7:57. .... 42 55 ......................27:11 ... ..... 9:03. ..... 15.... 24.00... ..... 8:00. .... 47 56 ............ 27 24 ... ..... 9:08. ..... 22....24 11 ..... 8:03. .... 18 57 ..... 27:21 ... ..... 9:07. ..... 46

Erin N o la n ................................... ....24:11 ... ..... 8:03. .... 16 58 Jennifer C la rke .......... ...................... 27:22 ... ..... 9:07. ..... 33....24:19... ..... 8:06. .... 34 59 ...................... 27:28 ... ..... 9:09. ..... 19....24:19... ..... 8:06. .... 17 60 ...................... 27:29 ... ..... 9:09. .....30.... 24:30... ..... 8:10. .... 17 61 ..................... 27 33... ..... 9:11. .....44.... 24:46... .....8:15. .... 30 62 ...................... 27 36 ... ..... 9:12. .....32.... 24:50... .....8:16. ....19 63 ......................27:37 ... ..... 9:12. .....30....24:50... .....8:16. .... 33 64 ...................... 27:38 ... ..... 9:12. .....37....25:10... ..... 8:23. ....36 65 ...................... 27:40... ..... 9:13. .....48....25:11 ... .....8:23. ....17 66 27 43 . ..... 9:14. .....15

Victoria H e ro .............................. ....25:16... .....8:25. ....21 67 Sarah G w in ................ ...................... 27:45 ... ..... 9:15. .....23

686970717273747677787980 81 8283848586878889909192939495969798103104105106 108 110 111 112114115116117118119120 121 122 123125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143145146147148149150151152153154155156157158 160 161163164165166

N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A c..... 27:47 .... .....9:15.............. 27:49 .........9:16.........

M lah B roussard ............................... 27:50 .... .....9:16.............. 27:52 .........9:17.........

Isabel R ive ra .................................... 27:53 .... .....9:17.............. 27:54 .... .....9:18.............. 28:07 .... .....9:22..............28:08 ..... .....9:22..............28:09 ..... .....9:23.............. 28:10..... .....9:23..............28:11..... .....9:23.............. 28:12..... .....9:24..............28:13..... .....9:24..............28:16..... .....9:25.............. 28:18..... .....9:26.............. 28:19..... .....9:26.............. 28:22 ..... .....9:27.............. 28:31..... .....9:30.............. 28:34 ..... .....9:31.............. 28:31..... .....9:30.............. 28:32.... .....9:30.............. 28:33... .....9:31.............. 28:34 .... .....9:31.............. 28:50 .....9:36.............. 28:52.... .....9:37.............. 28:53.... .....9:37.............. 28:55 ... .....9:38.............. 28:56 ... .....9:38.............. 28:57 .... .....9:39.............. 29:17 .... .....9:45.............. 29:38.... .....9:52.............. 29:34.... .....9:51.............. 29:35.... .....9:51.............. 29:36.... .....9:52.............. 29:38.... ..... 9:52..............29:40 .....9:53.............. 29:52 .... ..... 9:57..............29:53.... ..... 9:57.............. 29:52 .... ..... 9:57.............. 29:53 .... ..... 9:57.............. 29:56 .... ..... 9:58.............. 29:57 .... ..... 9:59..............30:07 .... .... 10:02............30:08 .... .... 10:02............ 30:19.... .... 10:06............ 30:22.... .... 10:07............ 30:25.... .... 10:08............ 30:25... .... 10:08............30:41 ... .... 10:13.......

Jennifer W e is h a u p t................. .....30:41 .... .... 10:13............30:43.... .... 10:14............30:44 .... .... 10:14............30:45.... .... 10:15............30 48 . .... 10:16............30 49.... .... 10:16............30.50.... .... 10:16.......

30 53 .... 10:17............30:53.... .... 10:17............ 30:55.... .... 10:18............30:58.... .... 10:19............31:00... .... 10:20............31:00.... .... 10:20............31:00 ... .... 10:20............31:02.... .... 10:20............3108.... .... 10:22............31.16.... .... 10:25............ 31:16.... .... 10:25............31:25.... .... 10:28............31:26.... .... 10:28............ 31:27 .... .... 10:29............ 31:30.... .... 10:30............ 31:38.... .... 10:32............ 31:39.... .... 10:33............31:40.... .... 10:33.......

Heather T s ih lis ........................... .....31:44.... .... 10:34............31:45.... .... 10:35............31:52.... .... 10:37.......

Joelle B u rg a rd ........................... .....31:54.... .... 10:38............31:55.... .... 10:38...........31:56.... .... 10:38............ 31:57.... .... 10:39............ 32:28.... .... 10:49........... 32:30.... .... 10:50.......

Kelly B a ile y ................................. .....32:34.... .... 10:51.......Jennifer P a g a n .......................... .....32:35.... .... 10:51.......

..... 32:40.... .... 10:53.......

.....32:42.... .... 10:54.......


Page 14: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

PLANET BEACH GREAT SPILLWAY TRAIL RUNSpillway Classic - 3 Mile Female Finishers

167168169170171173174175176178179180183184185186187188189190191192193194196197198199200 202204205206207208 211 212213214 216217218219220 221 222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238243244245246248249250251252253254255256257259260 261 262263264265267268269270

S pillw ay Classic - 3 M ile Female FinishersN a m e D iv T im e P a c e A a e P la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A q eE K le in ..... ........ 32:43... .... 10:54.. ....43 271 ....39:00... .... 13:00. .... 25

32 49 .... 10:56.. ....26 275 ....39:05 .... 13:01. .... 15.....33:05... .... 11:01.. ....21 276 ....39:20 .... 13:06. .... 46

.33 08... .... 11:02.. ....26 277 ....39:22... .... 13:07. .... 37........ 33.10... .... 11:03.. ....33 278 ....39:28 .... 13:09. .... 38

.. .3316 ... .... 11:05.. ....31 279 ....39:29 .... 13:09. .... 10. 33 20... .... 11:06.. ....16 280 ....3940 .... 13:13. ....40

........ 33:21 ... .... 11:07.. ....16 281 ....39:52... .... 13:17. ....2833 22 .... 11:07.. ....16 282 ....39:52... .... 13:17. ....2633:28 .... 11:09.. ....35 283 .... 39:55... .... 13:18. ....2733 29 .... 11:09.. ....44 284 ....39.56 ... .... 13:18. ....46

.33 40 .... 11:13.. ....42 286 40 39 .. .... 13:33. ....3234 19 .... 11:26.. ....39 287 40:41 ... .... 13:33. ....56

.....34:14 ... .... 11:24.. ....17 289 ....41.16... .... 13:45. ....4234 15 ... .... 11:25.. ....11 290 ....41:16... .... 13:45. ....4134 18 11-26 ....30 291 ....41:17 ... .... 13:45. .... 15

Parrish S m ith ........................ ......... 34:17 ... .... 11:25.. ....25 292 Tori L e b o .................................... ....41:18... .... 13:46. ....13... 34:24 ... .... 11:28. ....45 293 .41:19... .... 13:46. ....20.....34:40 ... .... 11:33. ....17 294 . 41 20 ... .... 13:46. ....47

34 45 .... 11:35. ....32 295 ....41 28 ... .... 13:49. ....3434 46 .. .... 11:35. ....31 296 41 45 . .... 13:55. ....2934 50 ... .... 11:36. ....20 298 . 4 1 4 7 .. .... 13:55. ....3934 50 .... 11:36. ....14 299 ....41.49 ... .... 13:56. ....53

..... 34:53... .... 11:37. ....41 308 ....42:56... .... 14:18. ....44Jennifer Jeansonne............ ......... 34:54... .... 11:38. ....28 310 M isty P e rre t.............................. ....42:57 ... .... 14:19. ....32

..... 35:02... .... 11:40. ....35 311 ....42:57 ... .... 14:19. ....2435:02 . .... 11:40. ....29 312 ... 43:25 ... .... 14:28. ..... 3235:03... .... 11:41. ....27 313 ....43:25 .... 14:28. .... 3235 04 .... 11:41. ....25 314 43:26 .... 14:28. ..... 5435 05 .... 11:41 . ....43 315 43:27 ... .... 14:29. .... 4135 06 .... 11:42. ....33 317 ....44:15 ... .... 14:45. ..... 9935 07 . .... 11:42. ....34 318 44:20 .... 14:46. ..... 54

..... 35:20... .... 11:46. ....42 321 ....45:00 ... .... 15:00. ..... 2435:20... .... 11:46. ....20 322 ....45:50 ... .... 15:16. ..... 22

......35:21 ... .... 11:47. ....16 324 45:51 ... .... 15:17. .....14......... 35:22... .... 11:47. ....54 325 ....45:52 ... .... 15:17. .....32

..... 35:23... .... 11:47. ....13 327 ....45 58 .... 15:19. ..... 233532 . 11:50. ....33 328 ....45:56 ... .... 15:18. .....36

.. 35:38.. .... 11:52. ....35 329 ....45.57 ... .... 15:19. ..... 27..... 35:39.. .... 11:53. ....33 330 46:18... .... 15:26. ..... 39.....35:40.. .... 11:53. .....31 335 47:20... .... 15:46. ..... 29

......... 35:41 .. .... 11:53. ....44 336 .... 47:25... .... 15:48. ..... 253542 .... 11:54. .....32 337 47:25... .... 15:48. ..... 25

..... 35:43. .... 11:54. ....24 338 .... 47:25... .... 15:48. ..... 3035 44 .... 11:54. ....61 340 .... 47.30 .... 15:50. .....53

. 35:45 .. .... 11:55. ....26 341 .. 48:58 .... 16:19. .....40..... 35.48 .. .... 11:56. .....33 342 ....49:09 .... 16:23. .....44

35:49 .... 11:56. ..... 15 343 49 09 . .... 16:23. .....473551 11:57. ..... 17 345 ....50:58.. .... 16:59. ..... 37

......... 35:53.. .... 11:57. ..... 40 346 ....50:24.. .... 16:48. ..... 33

......... 36:00.. .... 12:00. .....17 347 ..... 50:24.. .... 16:48. ..... 62........36.04.. .... 12:01. .....46 348 ..... 50:30.. .... 16:50. ..... 43

36 06 ....12:02. .....32 349 ..... 50:30.. .... 16:50. .....1636:09 ....12:03. .....32 350 .. 50:31 .. .... 16:50. .....43

.....36:12 .. ....12:04. ..... 33 351 .....50:31 .. .... 16:50. .....1136 14 ....12:04. ..... 34 352 .....50:32.. .... 16:50. .....1636 15 ....12:05. ..... 46 353 50:33 . .... 16:51. ..... 1136:15.. ....12:05. ..... 31 354 ..... 50:38.. .... 16:52. ..... 15

......... 36:25.. ....12:08. .....44 355 .....51 00 .... 17:00. .....17

......... 36:25.. ....12:08. .....26 356 .....51:00 .... 17:00. ..... 20..... 36:25.. ....12:08. .....35 357 ..... 51:00 .... 17:00. ..... 19

36 30 ....12:10. .....36 358 51:00 .... 17:00. ..... 2536:35 . ....12:11 . .....16 359 .....51:03 .... 17:01 ..... 21

Christen S C och ran ............ ......... 36:36 ....12:12. .....25 360 Adrienne M a g e e .............. ....51:04. .... 17:01 .....23......... 36:38 .. ....12:12. ..... 22 361 ..... 51:05.. .... 17:01 .....23.......... 36 38 ....12:12. .....16 362 ..... 52 00 .... 17:20. .....44

..... 36:50.. ....12:16. .....38 364 ..... 52:06.. .... 17:22. .....35. 36 50 .. ....12:16. .....18 365 .....52 19 .... 17:26. ..... 11

36:52 ....12:17. .....53 367 .....52:24 ....17:28 ..... 3036:53 . ....12:17 .....19 369 52:26 ....17:28 ..... 2736 54 ....12:18 .....41 370 ..... 52:57 .. ....17:39 ..... 2637 08 ....12:22 ..... 40 372 ..... 53:00.. ....17:40 ..... 38

Cari Rhoton........................... ......... 37.14 .. ....12:24 .....27 375 Tifani M o rr is .............................. ..... 53:10 ....17:43 .....20.......... 37:32.. ....12:30 .....41 378 .....54:12.. ....18:04 .....61

......37:33.. ....12:31 .....13 382 .....54:15.. .... 18:05 .....353734 . 12:31 .....46 383 .....54:15.. .... 18:05 ..... 12

.....37:35 ....12:31 ....... 2 384 ..... 54:26. ....18:08 ..... 41.... 37 45 ....12:35 .....44 385 ..... 54:26.. ....18:08 ..... 12..... 37 46 ....12:35 ..... 18 386 ..... 54:30 .. ....18:10 ..... 14

37 48 ....12:36 .....26 387 54 30 .. ....18:10 ..... 1537.49 . ....12:36 .....33 388 ..... 54 40 .. ....18:13 ..... 15

......38:01 . ....12:40 .....32 391 ..... 55.04 ....18:21 ..... 10

......38:10. ....12:43 .....36 397 ..... 56:15.. .... 18:45 .....57.....38:21 . ....12:47 .....36 399 .....56 15 ....18:45 ..... 25..... 38:28. ....12:49 ...... 25 400 .... 56:20 ....18:46 ..... 30......38:27 . ....12:49 ......33 401 ..... 56:30.. ....18:50 ..... 18

.......... 38:30. ....12:50 ...... 34 402 Bella P ile t ................................. ..... 56:30 .. ....18:50 ......17

Spillway Classic - 3 Mile Female FinishersPlace Name Div Time Pace Aqe403 ..... 57:37 ... ....19:12.. ......37404 ..... 57 37 ... ....19:12.. ......32405 ..... 58.00... ....19:20.. ......42406 ..... 58:00 ... ....19:20.. ........5407 ..... 58:00 ... ....19:20.. ......34408 . 58 00 . ....19:20.. ......12409 58 00 ... ....19:20.. ......12410 ..... 58:00 ... ....19:20.. ......12415 ...1:01:04... ....20:21.. ......16416 ...1:01:04... ....20:21.. ......20417 ... 1:02:00... .... 20:40. ......19419 ... 1:02:42... .... 20:54. ......16420 ...1:02:42... .... 20:54. ......20

S pillw ay Classic - 3 M ile M a le FinishersPlace1

Name Div Time.....15:40 ...

Pace...... 5:13..


2 ..... 15:53 ... ...... 5:17.. ......403 ..... 16:09... ...... 5:23.. ......204 Andrew L i l ly ............. ..... 16:12... ...... 5:24. ......265 W ilS i lk ...................... ..... 16:13... ...... 5:24. ...... 266 M atthew H o e lle ...... 16:16 ...... 5:25. ...... 207 Jason D a m e ..................................... 16:28 ......... 5.29....... 228 Accardo A l la ....................................16 30 5:30....... 199 ........... 1636 .... ....5:32.... .... 1710 ........... 17.08...... ....5:42.... .... 1911 ........... 17 09... ....5:43.... ....4012 Roland L e B la n c ............................... 17:34...... ....5:51 .... ....1813 Jace G ohres..................................... 17:30...... ....5:50.... .... 1714 ........... 17:38...... ....5:52.... ....2115 ........... 17 40 .... ....5:53.... ..... 816 Richard K itch e ns ................. ........... 17 42 .... ....5:54.... .... 1817 Paul B o r re llo .................................... 17:45 ....... 5:55....... 3418 Brandon W ingate ....................... 17:50......... 5.56.........2719 ..........17:54...... .... 5:58.... ....3520 Spencer D ru ry .................................17:55...... ....5:58.... ....1821 Dr P a t ...................................... ..........17:57...... ....5:59.... ....5322 Steve S lo a n ............................ ..........17:58...... ....5:59.... ....3123 ..........17:59...... ....5:59.... ....3324 ..........18.03...... ....6:01.... ....3325 ..........18 17 .... ....6:05.... ....2326 Dion M c K in le y ....................... 18 40 ....6:13.... ....3127 .......... 18 40 .. ....6:13.... ....3728 , .. . 18:46.... ....6:15.... ....4329 Kenneth Schexnayder......... ..........18.47...... ....6:15.... ....4430 Andrew B a ie r................................... 18:50...... .... 6:16.... ....1931 K u rtS c o b y .........................................18:57........... 6:19......... 1732 Chris B lanchead ..............................18:59...........6:19......... 1533 19:05.........6:21.......... 1934 ........... 19:00...... ....6:20.... ...1535 ............. 1911 ....6:23.... ....3736 .............. 19 12 ...... ....6:24.... ....3337 .....19:22...... ....6:27.... ...4338 .............. 19:22...... ....6:27.... ....2639 .............. 19:24...... ....6:28.... ....2340 ............ 19:25.... ....6:28.... .... 1641 ........... 19:25 ....6:28.... .... 1742 19 26 . ....6:28.... ....3943 .............. 19 29.. ....6:29.... .... 1644 19 31 . ....6:30.... ....3945 Patrick S a w y e r................. 19 38 .... ....6:32.... ....1646 Leo LaF rance .................... .............. 19:39...... ....6:33.... .... 5047 .............. 19:40...... ....6:33.... .... 1248 .............. 19:42...... ....6:34.... ....2249 M ark P K e lly ............ .............. 19:43 .... .... 6:34.... ....3850 ............. 19:44.... .... 6:34.... ....2451 .............. 19:49 . .... 6:36.... ....2652 19 50.. ....6:36.... ....2553 19 50 .... ....6:36.... ....4454 .............. 19 52 .... ....6:37.... ....2555 ...............19:53...... ....6:37.... ....4256 Jaime L M arin II .............. ...............1956 ....6:38.... .... 1457 .............. 19:58 ....6:39.... ....2358 .............. 20:06 .... .... 6:42.... ....1459 ...............20:07 .... 6:42.... ....2960 .............. 20 08 . .... 6:42.... ....3061 ..... 20:20 .... ....6:46.... ....2162 .............. 20 20 ... ....6:46.... ....3363 .............. 20:23 .... ....6:47.... .... 1764 ............... 20:25 .... ....6:48.... ....2565 ............... 20 28 . ....6:49.... .... 1666 20 30 .... ....6:50.... .... 1767 .............. 20:30 .... ....6:50.... ....1568 .......... 20:33 .... .... 6:51.... ....3369 ............... 20:37 .... .... 6:52.... ....4170 ...............20 38 .. . .... 6:52.... ....4871 ............... 20:39 .... .... 6:53.... ....17


Page 15: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

PLANET BEACH GREAT SPILLWAY TRAIL RUNS p i l l w a y C l a s s i c - 3 M i l e M a l e F i n i s h e r s

P l a c e N a m e D i v T i m e P a c e A g e......23

S p i l l w a y C l a s s i c - 3 M i l e M a l e F i n i s h e r s

P l a c e N a m e D i v T i m e P a c e A g e......17

S p i l l w a y C l a s s i c - 3 M i l e M a l e F i n i s h e r

P l a c e N a m e D i v T i m e P a c


_e0 ..

A g e......34

73 20 45 .... 6 :5 5 . ......40 164 ... 2 3 3 2 ...... ... 7 :5 0 .. ......40 257 ............... 25:34 ...... . . .8 1 .. ......45

20 46 6 5 5 39 165 ......2 3 3 3 ....... ... 7:51 .. ......15 259 .................. 25.35 ...... . . .8 1 .. ......5420 49 6 5 6 35 166 ... 23:38 ...... ... 7 :5 2 .. ......47 260 ................. 25 36 ...... ... 8 2 . ......16

76 . 20:50 .... 6 :5 6 . ......47 167 ...... 23:40 ...... ... 7 :5 3 .. ......41 261 .................. 2 5 3 9 ....... ... 8 3 . ......4320 51 6 5 7 . ......21 168 ...... 23:40 .. ... 7 :5 3 .. ......19 262 .................. 25 41 . ... 8 3 . ......45

78 20 58 ... 6 :5 9 . ......27 169 . . . 23:42 ...... .... 7 :5 4 .. ......36 263 .................. 25:42 ........ . . .8 4 . ......132 1 1 0 7 0 3 19 170 ......23:43 ........ .... 7 :5 4 .. ......28 264 .................. 25 :43 ....... . . .8 4 . ......202 1 1 4 7 0 4 . .... 15 171 ......23 :4 5 .... .... 7 :5 5 .. ......47 265 .................. 25:44 . . .8 4 . ......33

81 2 1 1 5 7 :0 5 . ......41 172 ......23 45 ... .... 7 :5 5 . ......45 266 .................. 25:45 . ... . 8 3 5 . ......36

82 2 1 1 6 7 0 5 . ......16 173 ......23:46 .. .... 7 :5 5 . ......32 267 .................. 25 4 6 . . . . .8 3 5 . ......24

83 21:18 .. ... 7 :0 6 . ......17 174 . 2 3 4 8 ...... .... 7 :5 6 . ......29 268 ............... 25 47 ...... . . . .8 3 5 . ......25

84 ... . 2 1 :2 1 ...... .... 7 :0 7 . ......33 175 ...... 23:49 ...... . . . . 7 :5 6 . ......22 270 ............... 2 5 4 8 ...... . . . .8 3 6 . ......382 V 22 7 0 7 .4 0 176 ......23.53 ....... ... . 7 :5 7 . ......15 271 .................... 25 48 . . . .8 3 6 . ......15

86 2 V 23 7 :0 7 . ......32 177 ......23:54 ........ ... . 7 :5 8 . ......38 272 ....................25:49 ........ . . . .8 3 6 . ......16

87 2 1 2 4 .... 7 :0 8 . ......39 178 ......2 3 :5 4 ........ ... . 7 :5 8 . ......35 273 ....................25:50 ....... . . . .8 3 6 . ......282 1 2 5 7 0 8 19 179 ......23:55 ........ .... 7 :5 8 . ......46 274 ....................25 :52 ....... . . . .8 3 7 . ......25

89 21 27 ... . 7 :0 9 . ......14 180 ......2 3 5 6 ....... .... 7 :5 8 . ......32 276 .. 25:58 ..... . . . .8 3 9 . ......33

90 . 2 1 2 9 ... . 7 :0 9 . ......41 182 ......2 4 0 0 ........ .... 8 :0 0 . ......41 277 ................... 25.58 ...... . . . .8 3 9 . ......1721 30 7 -1 0 . ......15 183 J e f f ............................................................... ......24.01 .. ... . 8 :0 0 . ......99 278 .................... 25 59 . . . .8 3 9 . ......35

92 21 32 . 7 : 1 0 . ......17 184 .. 24:02 ... ... . 8 :0 0 . ......34 279 ....................26:00 ....... .... 8 4 0 . ......30

93 21 35 ... . 7 : 1 1 . ......39 185 .. 24:02 ...... ... . 8 :0 0 . ......28 280 .................... 26 03 ...... . . . .8 41 . ......4621 31 7 10 37 186 ...... 24:06 .... ... . 8 :0 2 . ......38 281 ................... 26.05 ....... . . . .8 4 1 . ....... 22

95 21-38 7 1 2 19 187 ......24:06 ........ .... 8 :0 2 . ......22 282 ....................26 :04 ........ . . . .8 41 . ....... 35

96 ......2 1 :3 9 ........ .... 7 :1 3 . ......38 188 ......24:08 ........ .... 8 :0 2 . .......29 283 ....................26 :05 ....... . . . .8 41 . ....... 50

97 21 -40 7 1 3 . ......20 189 ......2 4 :1 2 ....... .... 8 :0 4 . .......30 284 ....................26:06 ........ ... . 8 4 2 . ....... 34

98 21 40 ... . 7 : 1 3 . ....... 34 190 . 24 1 3 ..... .... 8 :0 4 . .......41 285 ................... 26:07 ...... . . . .8 4 2 . ....... 4399 21 41 ... . 7 : 1 3 . ....... 17 191 ......24 14 ... . 8 :0 4 . ....... 46 286 ................... 26.08 ...... . . . .8 4 2 . ....... 12

21 45 7 1 5 29 192 ......24 1 5 .. ... . 8 :0 5 . ....... 35 287 .................... 26 09 ...... . . . .8 4 3 . ....... 33102 21 49 . 7 : 1 6 . ....... 44 193 .. 24:18 ... . 8 :0 6 . ....... 52 288 ....................26 1 0 ....... . . . .8 4 3 . ....... 55

21 50 7-16 . 18 194 ...... 24:20 .. ... . 8 :0 6 . ....... 25 289 ................... 26 11 ....... . . . .8 4 3 . ....... 3821 53 7 : 1 7 . ....... 29 195 . 24:20 ... . 8 :0 6 . ....... 16 290 ................... 26 12 . . . . .8 4 4 . ....... 32

105 ......21:56 ........ ... . 7 : 1 8 . ....... 36 196 ...... 24:20 ...... .... 8 :0 6 . ....... 16 291 ....................2 6 :1 2 ....... . . . .8 4 4 . .......41

106 ......2 1 :5 7 ........ .... 7 : 1 9 . ....... 27 197 ...... 24:25 ... .... 8 :0 8 . ....... 55 292 ................... 2 6 :1 2 ........ . . . .8 4 4 . .......41107 220 1 .... 7 :2 0 . ....... 14 198 24:20 ...... .... 8 :0 6 . ....... 19 293 ................... 26:27 ...... . . . .8 4 9 . ..........7108 22 03 72 1 15 199 ......24:30 ........ .... 8 : 1 0 . ....... 42 294 .................... 26:32 ...... . . . .8 5 0 . ....... 52

109 22 06 .... 7 :2 2 . ....... 27 200 ......2 4 :3 1 ....... .... 8 : 1 0 . ....... 40 295 ................... 26:32 ....... . . . .8 5 0 . ....... 43110 2 2 0 7 .... 7 :2 2 . ....... 28 201 ......24:35 ....... .... 8 : 1 1 . ....... 36 296 ................... 26:34 ....... . . . .8 5 1 . ....... 48

42 202 24 36 .. .... 8 : 1 2 . ....... 40 297 ................... 26 37 ...... . . . .8 5 2 . ....... 54112 22 12 .... 7 :2 4 . .......29 203 ... 24:40 ..... .... 8 : 1 3 . ....... 21 299 ....................26:37 ....... . . . .8 5 2 . ....... 17113 22 13 .... 7 :2 4 . .......45 204 ......24.36 ....... .... 8 : 1 2 . ....... 46 300 ................... 26:40 ........ . . . .8 5 3 . ....... 29114 2 2 1 5 7 2 5 41 205 ....... 24:38 ....... .... 8 :1 2 . ....... 51 301 ....................26:40 ....... . . . .8 5 3 . ....... 33115 22 16 .. 7 :2 5 . .......26 206 ....... 2 4 :4 0 .... .... 8 :1 3 . ....... 44 302 ............... 26:40 . . . .8 5 3 . .......36116 22 18 7 26 ,. ..21 207 ....... 24:40 . . .... 8 :1 3 . ....... 42 303 ....................26:41 . . . .8 5 3 . ....... 20117 22 20 .... 7 :2 6 . ....... 28 208 ....... 24:42 .... .... 8 : 1 4 . ....... 31 304 .................. 2 6 :4 3 ... . . . .8 5 4 . ....... 50118 22 21 .... 7 :2 7 . ....... 40 209 ....... 24.43 .... .... 8 : 1 4 . ....... 46 305 ................... 26 .4 3 ... . . . .8 5 4 . ....... 36119 22 23 7 2 7 22 210 ....... 24 48 . .... 8 : 1 6 . ....... 43 306 .................. 26 45 . . . .8 5 5 . ....... 25120 22 27 ... 7 :2 9 . ....... 35 212 24:48 ... .... 8 : 1 6 . ....... 43 307 ............... 2 6 :4 6 ... . . . .8 5 5 . ....... 42

7 2 2 0 7 2 6 19 213 ....... 24:48 .... .... 8 : 1 6 . ....... 30 308 ....................2 6 :4 8 .... . . . .8 5 6 . ....... 23122 2 2 2 0 7 26 18 214 ....... 24 :4 9 .... .... 8 :1 6 . ....... 45 309 ....................2 6 :4 9 .... . . . .8 5 6 . ....... 35

77-30 7 3 0 17 215 ....... 24 :5 0 .... .... 8 :1 6 . ....... 24 310 .....................26 :5 0 .... . . . .8 5 6 . ....... 56124 22 31 7 3 0 38 216 ....... 24 :5 0 .... .... 8 : 1 6 . ....... 29 311 ..................... 26 :5 3 .... . . . .8 5 7 . ....... 28125 22 32 7 :3 0 . ... 17 217 ....... 24 51 . .... 8 : 1 7 . .......34 312 ..................... 26 :5 4 .... . . . .8 5 8 . ....... 14127 22 33 .... 7 :3 1 . ....... 99 218 .......24:51 .... .... 8 : 1 7 . ....... 36 313 ..................... 2 6 :5 5 .... . . . .8 58 ....... 43127 2 2 3 3 73 1 16 219 ....... 24.52 .... .... 8 : 1 7 . ....... 47 314 ..................... 2 6 :5 6 .... . . . .8 58 ....... 52

128 22 35 73 1 40 220 ....... 24 .5 3 ... ... . 8 : 1 7 . ....... 33 315 ..................... 26:51 .... ...... 57 ....... 327 -3 ? 27 221 . .. 24 :5 4 .... .... 8 :1 8 . ....... 22 316 ..................... 26:57 .... ...... 59 ....... 45

130 2 2 3 9 7 3 3 36 223 ....... 24 :5 5 .... ......8 :1 8 . ....... 46 318 ..................... 26 :5 8 .... ...... 59 ....... 44131 22 40 . ......7:33 .......36 224 ....... 2 4 :5 6 .... ......8 :1 8 . ....... 33 319 T Ell i s ............................................ ..................... 27 :0 0 .... ...... 00 ....... 49132 .......2 2 :4 2 .... ......7:34 ....... 27 225 ....... 24:57 . .. ......8:19 ....... 19 321 ..................... 27 :0 5 .... ...... 01 ....... 37

133 22 43 7 3 4 37 226 ....... 24:58 . ......8:19 ....... 28 322 ..................... 27 :0 6 .... ...... 02 ....... 12135 22 44 7 :3 4 . .. . .2 6 227 . 25:02 .... ......8:20 ....... 18 324 ..................... 27:07 .... ...... 02 ....... 47136 2 2 4 4 ......7:34 ....... 33 228 ....... 25:10 ... ......8:23 ....... 33 325 ..................... 27:08 .... ...... 02 ....... 41

137 2 2 4 5 7 :3 5 . 18 229 ....... 25 :0 0 . . . ......8:20 ....... 31 326 ..................... 2 7 :1 2 .... ...... 04 .......46138 22 46 ......7:35 ....... 45 230 ....... 24.58 .... ......8:19 ....... 33 327 ..................... 2 7 : 1 3 .... ...... 04 ....... 28139 22 48 7 36 27 231 ....... 25:02 ......8:20 ....... 33 328 ..................... 2 7 : 1 4 .... ...... 04 ..........9140 2 2 5 4 7 38 .. . .3 3 233 ....... 25 :0 3 .... ......8:21 ....... 19 329 ..................... 2 7 : 1 5 .... ...... 05 ....... 57141 22 56 ......7:38 ....... 41 234 ....... 25 07 .... ......8:22 ....... 50 330 .....................27 16 ...... 05 ....... 48142 . 22 57 ......7:39 .......24 235 JB ...................................... ....... 25:08 ......8:22 ....... 38 331 .....................2 7 : 1 7 ... ...... 05 ....... 20143 22 58 7 3 9 24 236 . 25 :09 . ......8:23 ....... 53 332 .....................27:18 ...... 06 .........13

23 01 7 40 21 237 ....... 25 :09 .. ......8:23 ....... 54 333 .....................27:19 . ...... 06 ....... 48145 23 02 . . . . 7:40 ....... 23 238 ...... 2 5 :1 0 .... ......8:23 ....... 27 334 ..................... 27:23 .... ...... 07 ........ 31146 23 03 ......7:41 ..... 33 239 .......25:10 ... ......8:23 ....... 39 335 ................... 27:24 .. . ...... 08 .........53

23 04 74 1 42 241 ....... 2 5 :1 2 .... ......8:24 ....... 34 336 ..................... 2 7 :2 5 .... ...... 08 .........45148 23 05 74 1 ....... 44 242 ....... 25 : 1 4 .... ......8:24 ....... 34 337 ..................... 27 :2 6 .... ...... 08 .........36149 2 3 0 8 .. 7:42 ....... 29 244 ....... 25 : 1 5 .... ......8:25 ....... 30 338 ..................... 27 :2 8 .... ...... 09 .........38150 23 09 ......7:43 ....... 33 245 ....... 25.16 ......8:25 ....... 32 340 ..................... 27 31 . . . ...... 10 .........31151 23 13 ......7:44 ....... 41 246 ....... 25 : 1 8 ... ......8:26 ....... 42 341 ..................... 27:33 .... ...... 11 .........54153 23 13 ......7:44 ....... 50 247 ....... 25 .2 0 .... ......8:26 ....... 35 343 ..................... 27.34 . .. ...... 11 .........34155 23 15 7 4 5 57 248 ....... 25:21 ... ......8:27 ....... 17 344 .....................27:35 ...... 11 ........ 48156 23 18 7 4 6 ....... 36 249 25:21 ......8:27 ....... 27 345 ................... 27:39 .... ...... 13 ........ 35157 22 19 ......7:26 ....... 28 250 25:21 .... ......8:27 ....... 37 346 ................... 2 7 :3 0 . . . ...... 10 ........ 24

158 .......2 3 :2 0 .... ......7:46 ....... 24 251 ....... 25 :2 2 .... ......8:27 ........ 56 346 ..................... 2 7 :3 0 .... ...... 10 .........24159 2 3 2 2 7 47 . . 54 252 ....... 2 5 :2 3 .... ......8:27 ........ 40 347 ..................... 27 44 .. ...... 14 .........48160 ....... 2 3 :2 5 .... ......7:48 ....... 22 253 ....... 25 :2 6 .... ......8:28 .........48 347 ..................... 27:44 ... ...... 14 .........48

161 2 3 2 6 7 4 8 .3 6 254 ....... 25 :2 8 .... ......8:29 .........49 348 ..................... 27 45 ...... 15 .........30162 Rickey G re m illio n .................... .......2 3 :2 8 .... ......7:49 ....... 51 255 Russell B ro w n ................................... ....... 25 :3 0 .... ......8:30 .........33 348 Scott B o rn e ........................... ..................... 27:45 ... ...... 15 .........30


Page 16: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

GREAT SPILLWAY TRAIL RUNSpillway Classic - 3 Mile Male FinishersPlace Name Div Time Pace Aqe349 .......27 :4 6 ... .........9 : 1 5 .. ........16349 .......27 :4 6 ... .........9 :1 5 .. ........16350 Danny M il le r ............... .......2 7 :4 5 ... .........9 :1 5 .. ........38351 Casey H a le y ............... ....... 27 :4 6 ... .........9 :1 5 .. ........28353 Don S c h w e n n ............ ....... 27:47 ... ........ 9 :1 5 .. ........35354 ....... 27:48 ... .........9 :1 6 .. ....... 34355 .......27:49 ... .........9 : 1 6 .. ....... 43358 .......2 7 :5 0 ... .........9 : 1 6 .. ....... 36359 .......27:51 ... .........9 : 1 7 .. ........51360 .......2 7 :5 2 ... .........9 : 1 7 .. ....... 44362 .......2 7 :5 3 ... .........9 : 1 7 .. ....... 29363 .......2 7 :5 4 ... .........9 : 1 8 .. ....... 43364 .......27:55 .........9 : 1 8 .. ....... 27365 ....... 2 7 :5 6 ... .........9 : 1 8 .. .......42366 .......2 7 :5 8 ... .........9 : 1 9 .. .....29367 Kobe L ......... I .............. .....2 7 :5 9 ... ...... 9 : 1 9 .. .....22368 .....2 7 :5 9 ... ...... 9 : 1 9 .. .....47369 ..... 28:07 ... ...... 9 :2 2 .. ..... 31370 ....... 2 8 :0 5 ... .........9 :2 1 .. .......31372 .......2 8 :0 6 ... .........9 :2 2 .. .......38373 C S ................................. .......28:07 ... ...... 9:22 - .....57374 .....28:08 ... ...... 9 :2 2 .. .....32375 . 2 8 :0 8 . ...... 9 :2 2 .. ..... 22376 .....2 8 :0 9 ... ...... 9 :2 3 .. .....34377 .....2 8 :1 0 ... ...... 9 :2 3 .. .....34378 Jim m y G a t t i................ .....28:11 ... ...... 9 :2 3 .. .....39379 .....28:12 ... ...... 9 :2 4 .. .....16380 .....2 8 : 1 3 ... ...... 9 :2 4 .. .....25381 .....2 8 :2 0 ... ...... 9 :2 6 .. .....40382 ..... 2 8 :2 4 ... ......9 :2 8 .. ....... 45383 .......2 8 :2 5 ... ......9 :2 8 .. ....... 17384 .....2 8 :2 6 ... ......9 :2 8 .. ..... 16385 .....28:27 ... ......9 :2 9 .. ....... 29388 .....2 8 :2 8 ... ......9 :2 9 .. .....46389 ...... 2 8 :2 9 ... ........ 9 :2 9 .. ....... 51390 .....28:31 ... ......9 :3 0 .. ..... 45391 .......2 8 :3 5 ... ......9 :3 1 .. ....... 36392 .....2 8 :3 6 ... ......9 :3 2 .. ..... 21393 .....2 8 :3 8 ... ......9 :3 2 .. ..... 27394 .....28:39 ... ......9 :3 3 .. ..... 14395 ...... 28:42 ... ......9 :3 4 .. .......46396 .....2 8 :4 3 ... ......9 :3 4 .. .....55397 .....2 8 :4 4 ... ......9 :3 4 .. ..... 35398 ..... 2 8 :4 5 ... ......9 :3 5 .. .....41399 .....2 8 :4 8 ... ......9 :3 6 .. .....42400 .......28:54 ... ......9 :3 8 .. .......35401 ..... 28:54 ... ......9 :3 8 .. .....44402 Gerald D a ne y............. .....29:00 ... ......9 :4 0 .. .......48403 .......2 9 :0 2 ... ......9 :4 0 .. ....... 13404 .....2 9 :0 5 ... ......9 :4 1 .. ..... 66405 .....29:11 ... ......9 :4 3 .. ....... 48406 .....2 9 : 1 3 ... ......9 :4 4 .. ..... 57407 .....29:14 ... ......9 :4 4 .. ..... 53408 .....2 9 : 1 5 ... ......9 :4 5 .. ..... 51409 .......2 9 :1 5 ... ......9 :4 5 .. ....... 33410 .....2 9 :1 8 ... ......9 :4 6 .. ..... 30411 ..... 29:22 ... ......9 :4 7 .. ..... 41412 .....2 9 :2 2 ... ......9 :4 7 .. ..... 29413 .....2 9 :2 3 ... ......9 :4 7 .. ..... 34414 .......29:24 ... ......9 :4 8 .. ..... 37416 .....2 9 :2 6 ... ......9 :4 8 .. .....22417 .....2 9 :3 0 ... ......9 :5 0 .. ..... 42418 .......29:32 ... ......9 :5 0 .. ....... 40419 .....2 9 :3 3 ... ......9 :5 1 .. ..... 32420 .......29:34 ... ........ 9 :5 1 .. ....... 31422 .....2 9 :4 0 ... ......9 :5 3 .. ..... 47423 Louis S h w a rtz ............ .....2 9 : 1 9 ... ......9 :4 6 .. ..... 19424 ....... 29:22 ... ........ 9 :4 7 .. ....... 25425 .....2 9 :2 3 ... ......9 :4 7 .. .....63427 .....2 9 :2 4 ... ......9 :4 8 .. ..... 52428 ....... 29:43 ... .........9 :5 4 .. ....... 53429 .....29:44 ... ...... 9 :5 4 .. ..... 17430 .......29:40 ... .........9 :5 3 .. .......44431 .....29:47 ... ...... 9 :5 5 .. .....49432 ..... 29:50 ... ...... 9 :5 6 .. .....31433 .....29:51 ... ...... 9 :5 7 .. .....42434 ....... 29:52 ... ...... 9 :5 7 .. .....36435 Chris H ill..... ....... 29:52 ... ...... 9 :5 7 .. ....... 13436 .......2 9 :5 3 ... ...... 9 :5 7 .. ....... 28438 .......3 0 :0 0 ... ....10 :0 0 .. .....40439 .....3 0 :0 0 ... ....10 :0 0 .. .....26440 .......30:01 ... ....10 :0 0 .. ....... 31441 .....3 0 :0 5 ... .... 1 0 :0 1 .. ..... 32442 .....3 0 :1 0 ... ....10 :0 3 .. ..... 34443 ..... 30:11 ... ....10 :0 3 .. ......33444 E ...” .............................. ....... 30:11 ... ......10 :0 3 .. ........39445 Je ff R a n lin .................. ..... 30 : 1 7 ... ....10 :0 5 .. ........47

Spillway Classic - 3 Mile Male FinishersPlace Name Div Time Pace Aqe446 ........................... 30:19... ....10:06., ......32447 Ken W o llfa r th ....... ........................... 30:19 ....10:06.. ......56448 Glynn T o rre s ..................................... 30:20 ......... 10:06...... . 40449 Hank Palm er..................................... 30:24 ......... 10:08........50450 ......... 30:25.... .... 10:08.... ....56451 ......... 30:27 ... .... 10:09.... ....31452 ......... 30:29 .. .... 10:09.... ....50453 ......... 30:30.... .... 10:10.... .... 25454 ......... 30:31 .... .... 10:10.... ....25455 ......... 30:32.... .... 10:10.... .... 33456 ......... 30:33.... .... 10:11.... .... 52457 ......... 30:35 ..... .... 10:11.... ....54459 E J a n ie r ................................... ......... 30:41 ... .... 10:13.... ....37461 ......... 31:45 .... .... 10:35.... .... 17462 ......... 31:52.... .... 10:37.... .... 29464 ......... 31:53.... .... 10:37.... .... 10466 ......... 31:54.... .... 10:38.... ....24467 ......... 31:54.. .... 10:38.... .... 13468 ......... 31:56... .... 10:38.... ....51470 ......... 32:00.... .... 10:40.... ....47471 ......... 32:09... .... 10:43.... ....63472 ......... 32:10.... .... 10:43.... ..... 9473 Ben B a ile y .............................. ......... 32:12... .... 10:44.... ....15475 Tony C re a th ............................ ......... 32:13.... .... 10:44,,.. ....34476 ......... 32:14.... .... 10:44.... .... 54477 ......... 32:16.... .... 10:45.... ....29478 ......... 32:21 .... .... 10:47.... ....60479 Hunter G u ilb ea u .................... ......... 32:23.... .... 10:47.... ....10480 ......... 32:23.... .... 10:47.... ....63481 ......... 32:24.... .... 10:48.... .... 23482 .........32:25.... .... 10:48.... ....36484 ......... 32:28.... 10:49.... .... 42485 .........32:29.... 10:49.... .... 43486 .........32:33.... .... 10:51.... ....56487 .........32:34.... .... 10:51.... ....31488 .........32:36.. .... 10:52.... ....27489 Lance D u fre ne .................................32:36.... .... 10:52.... ....29490 .........32:37 .... .... 10:52.... ....31491 .........32:38.... .... 10:52.... .... 51492 .........32:39.... .... 10:53.... .... 16493 .........32:40 .... 10:53.... .... 40494 .........32:41 .... .... 10:53.... .... 38495 .........32:41 .... .... 10:53.... ....44497 .........32:42.... .... 10:54.... ....41499 Phil M o n te ............................... .........32:44 .... 10:54.... ....99500 Ralph L ito l f f ......................................32:45 ... .... 10:55.... ....29501 .........32:54.... .... 10:58.... ....43502 .........32:54.... .... 10:58.... .... 63505 .........32:57.... .... 10:59.... .... 27506 .........32:58.... .... 10:59.... ....51507 .........32:59.... .... 10:59.... ....31511 John S w en se k.................................33:11 . .... 11:03.... ....54512 .........33:18.... .... 11:06.... .... 33513 .........33:19.... .... 11:06.... ....31514 .........33:20 .. . .... 11:06.... ....52515 .........33:22.... .... 11:07.... ....36517 .........33:25.... .... 11:08.... ....55519 .........33:26.... .... 11:08.... ....20521 .........33:27 .... .... 11:09.... .... 17522 .........33:27.... .... 11:09.... .... 17523 .........33:28... .... 11:09.... ...56525 .........33:30.... .... 11:10.... ....30526 .........34:00 .... 11:20.... .... 13527 Bill C ir lo t.................................. .........34:05 .... 11:21.... ....41528 .........34:12 .... .... 11:24.... ....42529 .........34:14.... .... 11:24.... .... 14530 .........34:15.... .... 11:25.... ....31531 Terry D u pu y............................. ........ 34:16.... .... 11:25.... ....41532 ........ 34:17 .... .... 11:25.... ....38533 .........34:18.,.. .... 11:26.... ....71534 Pranghar Cookie D ra p e r...... .........34:19.... .... 11:26.... ....47535 .........34:19.... .... 11:26.... ....46536 .........34:20.... .... 11:26.... ....42537 .........34:21 .... .... 11:27.... ....45540 .........34:22.... .... 11:27.... ....35541 .........34:24.... .... 11:28.... ....37542 Dustin R o llin s ...................................34:26.... .... 11:28.... ...23543 M att E s ta y ............................... ........ 34:21 .... .... 11:27.... ....17544 .........34:22.... .... 11:27.... .... 17545 .........34:23.... .... 11:27.... ..... 8546 .........34:23.... .... 11:27.... ....36547 Phil D ickey ............................... .........34:23.... .... 11:27.... .... 55548 .........34:24.... .... 11:28.... .... 10549 .........34:25.... .... 11:28.... ....41551 .........34:27.... .... 11:29.... .... 24552 Rey R iva s ................................. .........34:30.... .... 11:30.... ....30554 USMC Rhodes.................................. 34:30.... .... 11:30.... ....33

Spillway Classic - 3 Mile Male FinishersP l a c e N a m e D iv T im e

......3 4 :3 0 ....P a c e

.....11 :30 ....A g e.....22

556 ......3 4 :3 0 .... .....11:30.... .....30557 ......34:31 .... .....11 :30 .... .....20558 ......3 4 :3 3 .... .....11 :31 .... . ...3 5561 ......3 4 :3 6 .... .....11 :32 .... .....25562 ......3 4 :3 7 .... .....11 :32 ..., .....58563 ......3 4 :3 8 .... .... 11 :32 .........68564 J e f f r e y P i l e t ............... ......3 4 :3 9 .... .....11 :33 .... .....15565 Joshua P ile t ..................................... 34:39...... 11:33........16566 M att H e tz le r ..................................... 34:40.........11:33.........25568 .............. 34:45.... .... 11:35.... ....39569 .....34 46 .... 11:35.... ....99571 .............. 34 50.... .... 11:36.... ....45574 .............. 34.50 .... .... 11:36.... ....35579 .............. 34:50.... .... 11:36.... .... 12583 .............. 34:58 .... .... 11:39.... .... 25584 .............. 34:59.... .... 11:39.... .... 16587 .............. 35:00.... .... 11:40.... .... 55588 .............. 35:01 .... .... 11:40.... ....43589 .............. 35:02.... .... 11:40.... ....26590 .............. 35:03.... .... 11:41.... .... 57591 .............. 35:04 ... .... 11:41.... ....32592 Tim F rey.............................. .............. 35:05 . .... 11:41 .... ....32593 Mike M in tu rn .................... .............. 35:06.... .... 11:42.... ....58594 .............. 35:02.... .... 11:40.... ....53595 .............. 35:08.... .... 11:42.... ....26596 Grenes M eqat II .............. 35:09 .... 11:43.... ....31598 Nick T s ih lis ........................................35:10.........11:43.........24

600 ........... 35:12.... .... 11:44.... ....55602 ........... 35:14 .... .... 11:44.... .... 37603 ........... 35:15.... .... 11:45.... .... 17604 ........... 35:16.... .... 11:45.... ....99606 ........... 35 18.... .... 11:46.... ....28607 Brandon F e rra r i................... ........... 35:19. .... 11:46.... ....13608 ........... 35:20.... .... 11:46.... ....47610 ........... 35:45.... .... 11:55.... ....32614 ........... 35:50.... .... 11:56.... ....71615 ........... 36:04 .... 12:01.... ....75616 ........... 36:20.... .... 12:06.... ....53617 ........... 36:21 .... .... 12:07.... ....41618 ........... 36:22.... .... 12:07.... ....42621 ...........36:30 .... 12:10.... ....58622 ...........36:30.... .... 12:10.... ..... 9623 ........... 36:32.... .... 12:10.... ....52624 ......... 36:33.... .... 12:11.... ....58625 ...........36 34.... .... 12:11.... ....48626 ...........36 34 .... .... 12:11.... ....53633 ........... 36:36.... .... 12:12.... .... 66634 ........... 36:37 .... .... 12:12.... ....42636 ........... 37:02.... .... 12:20.... ....45637 ...........37:03.... .... 12:21.... .... 12638 ........... 37:04 ... .... 12:21.... ....67640 Brian H a rr is ......................................37:05.... .... 12:21.... ....15641 ........... 37:06 .. .... 12:22.... .... 27642 ........... 37 07.... .... 12:22.... ....54643 Jay M a in ................................ ........... 37 08 ... .... 12:22.... ....45644 ........... 37:09.... .... 12:23.... ....46645 ...........37.10.... .... 12:23.... ....36646 .......... 37:31 .... .... 12:30.... .... 40647 ...........37:33.... .... 12:31.... ....47650 David P o ir ie r ......................... ...........37:36... .... 12:32.... ....31652 .......... 37:52 .... .... 12:37.... .... 57653 .......... 38:02 .... .... 12:40.... ....43654 38:07 .... .... 12:42.... ....61655 .......... 38:08 .... 12:42.... .... 23656 .......... 38:09 .... .... 12:43.... ....33657 .......... 38:10. .... 12:43.... ....52658 ... .38 11 ... .... 12:43.... .... 53659 .....38:12 .... 12:44.... ....25660 .......... 38:13 .... .... 12:44.... ....60661 Vic VH ................................... .......... 38:40 .... .... 12:53.... ....46664 .......... 39:05 .... .... 13:01.... .... 74665 M ickey G ru b b e ..................... .......... 39 47 ... .... 13:15.... .... 55666 .......... 40:00.... .... 13:20.... .... 42669 .......... 40:27 .... .... 13:29.... ..... 9672 C h a d ....................................... .......... 40:29.... .... 13:29.... ....99673 .......... 40:35.... .... 13:31.... ....48674 .......... 41:06.... .... 13:42.... .... 53675 .......... 41:08.... .... 13:42.... .... 22676 .......... 41:09.... .... 13:43.... .... 57677 .......... 41:10.... .... 13:43.... ....99679 .......... 41:10.... .... 13:43.... .... 52681 Greg F ra tt............................... .......... 41:10 .... .... 13:43.... ....46685 .......... 42:50.... .... 14:16.... .... 23686 .......... 43:50.... .... 14:36.... .... 59689 Dustin B og le .......................... .......... 44:10.... .... 14:43.... ....10


Page 17: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

PLANET BEACH GREAT SPILLWAY TRAIL RUNSpillway Classic - 3 Mile Male FinishersP la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A q e691 ..............................4 4 :1 0 ... ......14 :4 3 . ........9692 Bill M i l le r .................... ............................. 44:11 ... ......14 :4 3 . ........56694 ............................ 45:27 ... ......15 :0 9 . ........30696 W arren Brase lm an.... .............................. 45 :2 8 ... ......15 :0 9 .. ........42698 Ricky M u rp h y ................................... 46:18 15:26.........46699 Chancelor Farm an........................... 46:30. 15:30.........7700 ............. 46:30 ... .... 15:30.... ....45701 ............. 46:30.... .... 15:30.... ....40702 47:02.... .... 15:40.... ..... 7704 Karl W u lf ............................. .....47:02.... .... 15:40.... .... 10705 Hunter R u sse ll................... 47:56.... .... 15:58.... ..... 8706 Lawrence R usse ll............. ............. 48:03... .... 16:01.... ....35

S pillw ay Classic - 3 M ile M a le FinishersPlace Nam e Div Time Pace Aae708 .....48:58... ....16:19.. ..... 10710 .....49:00... ....16:20.. ......42712 Joseph T h o m as ........................... .49:15... ....16:25.. ......17713 ..... 50:08 ... ....16:42.. ......47714 ..... 50:09... ....16:43.. ......10718 .....50:10 ... ....16:43.. ..... 13719 .....51:00 ... ....17:00.. ..... 16720 .....51:00... ....17:00.. ......15722 .....51:10... ....17:03.. ..... 15724 .....51:20... ....17:06.. ..... 16725 .....51:28 ... ....17:09.. ..... 14727 Kenneth M a n d a ...............................51:30... ....17:10.. ......20

Spillway Classic - 3 Mile Male FinishersP la c e N a m e D iv T im e

........................51:32...P a c e

....17:10..A q e

..... 20729 ........................51:33... ....17:11.. ..... 20730 ........................51:34... ....17:11.. ..... 11731 ....................... 52:00 . ....17:20.. ..... 14732 Wayne D e lC orra ll.... ....................... 52:00... ....17:20.. ..... 11733 lan M a rt in ......................................... 52:00 ....... 17:20........... 9734 Blake C rom b ie ................................. 52:02 ......... 17:20....... 11735 ............... 52:05.... .... 17:21.... .... 27739 ............... 52:17.... .... 17:25.... .... 37740 ............... 52:18 .... .... 17:26.... ....68747 Alex L a n d ry ...................................... 52:19.... .... 17:26.... .....7750 Alfred Jo h n s o n ................................ 52:25.... .... 17:28.... ..... 9


Page 18: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •



Page 19: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Page 20: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Page 21: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •



d a s h

1/2 & 2 MILE Saturday,

July 27, 2002


Angeb on EarthFOUNDATION

'fcfdftory' Auk yylead tfcaA wtnpi-

Sponsored by

Crane Rehab Center, LLC physical & occupational


One of the summers best races is the LaSalle Park Dash. In the 2 mile team division there were 27 entries. The field of participants topped 500. The usually fast field saw Asbel Ngetich and Amanda Yeates win overall honors in equally fast times of 9:46 and 11:25. Bryan Smith continued his domination of the masters division in placing 2nd overall at 9:47. Shawna Jones was 2nd female at 11:51.

Terry Blackwell captured the wheelchair division at 13:10. Top racewalkers were Glen Bodet and Denise Surratt at 17:30 and 20:04. The weight divisions were hotly contested with 1st Heavyweight Shea Cahill at 13:35, followed by David Reeder at 13:50, while the Superheavyweight division saw Earl Abadie at 13:21 followed by Mark Chapman at 17:59.

In the highly anticipated Bud Light Beer team divisions, the Hammond Track Club won overall male open, the Chalmette Track Club claimed the male masters and female open titles, the NOTC female masters won. See the complete list of all team finishers with race results.

The race benefited the Angels on Earth Foundation. Post race amenities were highlighted by the food prepared by the Village Inn Restaurant. Exceptional jambalaya, gumbo, etoufee and bread pudding! Thanks to Crane Rehab Center for organizing the sponsors and race amenities.Race Director: Chuck George

LaSalle Park Dash - ° M ile Female FinishersP la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A a e P la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A q e1 ..........................3 :10.. ......6:20. ..... 15 18 .......5:15.. .... 10:30. ........92 ..........................3 :13.. ......6:26. ......13 19 .......5 :35 .. .... 11:10. ......543 ..........................3 :36.. ..... 7:12. ......13 20 .......6 :15.. .... 12:30. ......64 ..........................3 :38.. ..... 7:16. ......10 21 ...... 6 .26 .. .... 12:52. ........45 ..........................3 :38.. ..... 7:16. ......11 22 .......6 :26.. .... 12:52. ......306 ..........................3 :42.. ..... 7:24. ......37 23 .......8 :00 .. .... 16:00. ......67 ..........................3:46 ......7:32. ........98 ..........................3 :53.. ..... 7:46. ........ 79 ..........................3 :54.. ..... 7:48. ......44

P la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A g e10 ......3 :58.. ......7:56. ......13111213141516 17

1 Craig Z e lle r ................ .......2 :25.. ..... 4:50. ......172 Garland H ill................ .......2 :35.. ......5:10. ......163 Roy Roberson........... .......2 :38.. ......5:16. ......514 Joshua Scarborough .......2:42 . ..... 5:24. ......165 Randy Talbot .......2:51 .. ..... 5:42. ......206 Colin Roberson .......2 :55.. ..... 5:50. ......147 Bo B e llo w .................. .......3 :00.. ..... 6:00. ......168 John O up lass ........... .......3:01 .. ......6:02. ......12

LaSalle Park Dash - ° M ile Female Finishers

9 ............ 3 :02 ..... ....6:04.... ....1010 Ian Roberson....................... ............ 3 :03 ..... ....6:06.... ....1111 Ryan M cP eek......................................3 :13 ...........6 :26.........1012 Jeremy S h a w ......................................3 :10 ...........6 :20........ 201314

Ryan G e o rg e ........................ ..............3:14..................3:23....


.....6:46........ 14 .... 12

15 ..............3:23.... .....6:46.... ..... 916 ..............3:23.... .....6:46.... ..... 717 ..............3:30.... .....7:00.... .... 1218 ..............3 :30 ..... .....7:00.... .... 1019 .............. 3 :31 ..... .....7:02.... ....4120 ..............3 :34 ..... .....7:08.... .... 1321 ..............3 :36 ..... .....7:12.... .... 1022 Clark H e llm e rs ..................... ..............3 :37 ..... .....7:14.... ...5123 ..............3 :38 ..... .....7:16.... ....2224 ..............3 :39 ..... .....7:18.... .... 1125 ..............3:43.... .....7:26.... .....726 ..............3:44 .... .....7:28.... ..... 927 ..............3:46.... .....7:32.... ..... 928 ..............3:47 .... .....7:34.... .... 1229 Trey W e is s ............................ ........... 4:04 ... .....8:08.... ..... 930 ..............5:30.... .... 11:00.... ..... 531 ..............6:20.... .... 12:40.... ..... 532 ..............6 :21..... .... 12:42.... ..... 533 Connor Passantino............................ 6 :22..... .... 12:44.... ..... 4

LaSalle Park Dash - 2 M ile Female FinishersP la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A a e1 ....11:25... ..... 5:42. ....232 ....11:51 ... ..... 5:55. ....323 ....12:32... ..... 6:16. ....204 ....12:38.. ..... 6:19. ....255 ....12:50.. ..... 6:25. ....166 .... 12:51 ... ..... 6:25. ....297 ....12:53... ..... 6:26. ....248 ....13:28... ..... 6:44. ....259 ....13:30... ..... 6:45. ....4610 ....14:06... ..... 7:03. ....3011 W endy P op ik .............................. ....14:07... ..... 7:03. ....1612 ....14:18... ..... 7:09. ....1613 ....14:22... ..... 7:11. ....3414 ....15:03... ..... 7:31. ....3715 ....15:07... ..... 7:33. ....4416 ....15:10... ..... 7:35. ....4917 ....15:22... ..... 7:41. ....4318 ....15:33... ..... 7:46. ....5719 ....15:33... ..... 7:46. ....1720 ....15:33.. ..... 7:46. ....1521 ....15:40.. ..... 7:50. ....4222 ....15:50.. ..... 7:55. ....3123 Rebecca A b b o tt......................... ....15:55.. ..... 7:57. ....1624 ....15:55 .. ..... 7:57. ....1525 .... 15:56.. ..... 7:58. ..... 1526 ....16:17.. ..... 8:08. ..... 4027 ....16:18 .. ..... 8:09. .....4428 .... 16:19.. .....8:09. ..... 1029 Joy C ohen.................................. 16:31.. .....8:15. .....4230 ....16:34.. ..... 8:17. ..... 1531 ....16:39.. .....8:19. ..... 3332 ....16:36.. .....8:18. ..... 5933 Julie A rd o in ............................... ....16:40 .....8:20. ..... 3734 Charlotte B ra c e y ...................... ....16:43.. .....8:21. .....5035 ....16:44 ..... 8:22. ..... 5036 ....16:49.. ..... 8:24. .....4937 ....16:50 ..... 8:25. .....4038 16:55.. .....8:27. ..... 3739 ....17:00 ..... 8:30. .....4040 M arcia F in e ls te in ..................... ....17:21 .. .....8:40. ..... 5141 .... 17:22.. ..... 8:41. ..... 5842 .... 17:23.. ..... 8:41. ..... 4144 Susan D e lC orra l....................... .... 17:32.. ..... 8:46. ..... 3945 M argaret C ra ig ......................... ....17:34.. ..... 8:47. ..... 4846 ....17:34.. ..... 8:47. ..... 4547 ....17:50.. ..... 8:55. ..... 1648 ....17:55.. ..... 8:57. ..... 1049 Erin S w is h e r.............................. ....18:35.. ..... 9:17. ..... 1250 .... 18:25.. ..... 9:12. ..... 2651 ....18:30.. ..... 9:15. ..... 3052 Brigitte P ayne ........................... ....18:48.. ..... 9:24. ..... 4353 ....19:08.. ..... 9:34. ..... 3554 Leone F e rra ri............................. ....19:16.. ..... 9:38. ..... 4655 ....19:20.. ..... 9:40. ..... 4656 Kristi V e rd a ................................ ....19:30.. ..... 9:45. ..... 2957 ....19:34.. ..... 9:47. ..... 1358 ....19:37 .. ..... 9:48. ..... 7859 ....19:50.. ..... 9:55. ..... 1060 Nina K o g e r................................ ....19:50.. ..... 9:55. .....1161 .... 20:00.. .... 10:00. .....3562 Loretta N a qu in .......................... .... 20:10.. .... 10:05. .....56


Page 22: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

LASALLE PARK DASHL a S a l l e P a r k D a s h -

Place N am e

2 M i l e F e m a l e F i n i s h e r s

D jv T im e t e e toe......................... 20:10 ....... 10 :0 5 ....... 13

L a S a l l e P a r k D a s h -

P la c e N a m e

2 M i l e M a l e F i n i s h e r s

D jv T im e P a c e..........................11:23 ............5:41..

A g e.... 17

L a S a l l e P a r k D a s h - 2 M i l e M a l e F i n i s h e r s

P la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e119 Benne Noble M D ............................... 15:46 .......... 7:53..

A g e....58

64 .... 20:21 ... ... 10:10... ... 44 29 ..........................11:24... ......5:42... ....43 120 .....15:49... ......7:54.. ....2865 .... 20:27 ... ... 10:13... ... 38 30 ..........................11:25... ......5:42... .... 17 121 .....15:50... ......7:55.. .... 1266 .... 20:28 ... ... 10:14... ... 41 31 ..........................11:28... ......5:44... .... 50 122 .....15:56... ......7:58.. ....4767 .... 20:29 ... ... 10:14... ... 35 32 ..........................11:30... ......5:45... ....34 123 .....16:10... ......8:05.. ....2768 .... 20:38 ... ... 10:19... ... 50 33 ........................11:40... ..... 5:50... ....29 124 ....16:11 ... ..... 8:05.. .... 1669 .... 20:59 ... ... 10:29... ... 37 34 ........................11:44... ..... 5:52... .... 15 125 ....16:12... ..... 8:06.. ....2570 ....w ........ ... 20:04... ... 10:02... ... 52 35 ........................11:50 ..... 5:55... .... 25 126 16:15... ..... 8:07.. ....6271 , w ...... ... 20:09 ... ... 10:04... ... 38 36 ........................11:56 ... ..... 5:58... ....33 127 ... 16:17 ... ..... 8:08.. ....5172 .... 21:13 ... ... 10:36... ... 57 37 ........................12:02 ... ..... 6:01 ... .... 53 128 ....16:18 - ..... 8:09.. ....3573 ... 21:36... ... 10:48... ... 41 38 ........................12:05 ..... 6:02... ....58 129 16 20 .. ..... 8:10.. ....7074 .... 21:30 ... ... 10:45... ... 27 39 ........................12:12... ..... 6:06... ....42 130 ....16:20 ... ..... 8:10.. ....4176 .... 22:00... ... 11:00... ... 34 40 ........................12:12... ..... 6:06... .... 16 131 ....16:21 ... ..... 8:10.. .... 1677 ....w ........ .... 21:25... ... 10:42... ... 55 41 ........................12:16... ..... 6:08... ....44 132 .... 16:22... ..... 8:11.. ....5278 .... 22:11 ... ... 11:05... ... 48 42 ........................12:17... ..... 6:08... ....53 133 ....16:23... ..... 8:11.. ....4579 .... 22:35... ... 11:17... ... 36 43 ........................12:19 ..... 6:09... .... 27 134 ....16:25... ..... 8:12.. ....6380 .... 22:34 ... 11:17... ... 32 44 .......................12 19 ..... 6:09... .... 19 136 16 30... ..... 8:15.. ..... 881 ... 22:00... ... 11:00... ... 29 46 ........................12:21 ... ..... 6:10... ....41 137 ....16:33... ..... 8:16.. .... 5682 .... 23:21 ... ... 11:40... ... 22 48 ........................12:33... ..... 6:16... .... 50 138 ....16:40... ..... 8:20.. ....4383 ... 23:23... ... 11:41... ... 36 49 ........................12:33... ..... 6:16... ....45 139 .... 16:40 .. ..... 8:20.. .... 4284 ... 23:30 ... ... 11:45... ... 47 50 .......................12:35... ..... 6:17... .... 56 140 ....16:43 ... ..... 8:21.. .... 5585 .... 24:24... ... 12:12... ... 39 51 ........................12:35... ..... 6:17... ....34 141 ....16:44 ... ..... 8:22.. ....5686 .... 24:31 ... ... 12:15... ... 62 52 ........................12:40... ..... 6:20... ....45 142 ....16:47 ... ..... 8:23.. ....7087 .... 24:32 ... ... 12:16... ..... 7 53 ........................12:46... ..... 6:23... ....41 143 ....16:48 ... ..... 8:24.. ....6688 .... 24:35... ... 12:17... ... 54 54 ........................12:52... ..... 6:26... ....51 144 . 16:48... ..... 8:24.. ....5190 .... 24:45 ... 12:22... ... 15 55 ........................12:57 ... ..... 6:28... .... 15 145 .... 16:49 ... ..... 8:24.. ....2191 BWtobd .... 25:05 ... ... 12:32... ... 48 56 ........................13:10... ..... 6:35... ....38 146 ....16:54 ... ..... 8:27.. ....5392 .... 25:25... ... 12:42... ... 53 57 ........................13:10 ..... 6:35... ....34 147 ....17:06 ... ..... 8:33.. ....4993 ..w ........ . . 24:58 ... 12:29... ... 42 58 ........................13:10 ..... 6:35... ....34 148 ... 17:07 ... ..... 8:33.. ....5794 ....w ........ .... 25:31 ... ... 12:45... ... 39 59 ........................13:14 ..... 6:37... ....63 149 ....17:09 ... ..... 8:34.. .... 6095 26:33... ... 13:16... ... 50 60 ........................13:18... ..... 6:39... ....50 150 ....17.12 ... ..... 8:36.. ....3796 ....w ........ .... 25:37 ... ... 12:48... ... 47 61 ........................13:20... ..... 6:40... ....39 151 ....17:13... ..... 8:36.. ....4297 ....w ........ .. . 25:43 ... 12:51... ... 55 62 ........................13:21 ... ..... 6:40... ....41 152 ....17:13... ..... 8:36.. ....7498 ....w ........ .... 25:43 ... 12:51... ... 56 63 ........................13:23... ..... 6:41... ....38 153 ....17:14 ... ..... 8:37.. ....3399 .... 26:45... ... 13:22... ... 49 64 ........................13:35... ..... 6:47... ....30 154 ....17:16... ..... 8:38.. .... 37102 .... 27 31 ... ... 13:45... ... 14 65 .......................13:37... ..... 6:48... .... 57 155 ....17:18... ..... 8:39.. ....41103 .... 27:31 ... ... 13:45... ... 67 67 ........................13:38... ..... 6:49... ....47 156 ....17:20... ..... 8:40.. ....55104 .... 27 32 ... ... 13:46... ... 49 68 .......................13:40... ..... 6:50... .... 50 157 ....17:24 ... ..... 8:42.. ....46106 .... 27:57 ... ... 13:58... ... 37 69 .......................13:46... ..... 6:53... ....41 158 ....17:24... ..... 8:42.. ....47107 TammyMcGarvey....... .... 27:30... ... 13:45... ... 30 70 M ichael G rie b ........ .......................13:46... ..... 6:53... ....45 159 Robert Reed ............... ....17:28... ..... 8:44.. ....49108 ....w ........ .... 27:12... ... 13:36... ... 50 71 .......................13:50... ..... 6:55... ....34 160 .... 17:26... ..... 8:43.. .... 10109 ... 28 13 ... ... 14:06... ... 41 72 .......................13:54... ..... 6:57... ....50 161 ....17:34 ... .....8:47.. ....61110 ... 28:15 ... ... 14:07... ... 55 73 ........................13:55... ..... 6:57... ....47 162 ....17:36 .....8:48.. ....40111 ..w ........ .... 27:37 ... ... 13:48... ... 60 74 ........................13:58... ..... 6:59... ....46 163 ....17:50 ... .....8:55.. ....24112 ... 29:12 ... ... 14:36... ... 71 75 ........................13:59... ..... 6:59... ....32 164 .... 17 56 ... .....8:58.. .... 16113 ... 30:30... ... 15:15... ... 12 76 .......................14.01 ... ..... 7:00... ....50 165 ....17:57 .. .....8:58.. ....51115 ..w........ .... 30:14... ... 15:07... ... 53 77 ........................14:01 ... .....7:00... ....41 166 ....17:58 .....8:59.. ....67117 .... 31:34... ... 15:47... ... 44 78 ........................14:04... ..... 7:02... .... 27 167 ....17:58 ... ..... 8:59.. ....47118 .... 31:40... ... 15:50... ... 39 79 ........................14:05 .. ..... 7:02... ....57 168 ... 18:01 ... ..... 9:00.. ....46119 ....w......... .... 30:41 ... ... 15:20... ... 32 80 .......................14:07 ... ..... 7:03... ....39 169 ....18:02 ... ..... 9:01.. ....40120 ....w ........ ....31:35... ... 15:47.. ... 61 81 ........................14:08... ..... 7:04... .... 54 170 .... 18:05... ..... 9:02.. .... 50121 .... 32:35... ... 16:17.. ... 67 82 ........................14:10... ..... 7:05... .... 50 171 18:06. ..... 9:03.. ....30124 .... 33:20... ... 16:40.. ... 51 83 ........................14:14 . ..... 7:07... ....42 172 ....18:07 .. ..... 9:03.. .... 54125 .....w......... .... 33:20... ... 16:40.. ... 74 84 ........................14:12 . ..... 7:06... ....51 173 18:11 .. ..... 9:05.. ....11127 .... 33:00... ... 16:30.. ... 61 85 ........................14:18 .. ..... 7:09... .... 54 174 18:13.. ..... 9:06.. ....32130 .... 36:00 ... ... 18:00.. ... 26 86 ........................ 14 28 ... ..... 7:14... ....68 175 ....18:21 ... ..... 9:10.. ....40131 .... 40:27 ... ... 20:13.. ... 38 87 ........................14:23... ..... 7:11... ....43 176 ....18:21 ... ..... 9:10.. .... 12

88 ........................14 25 ..... 7:12... ....21 177 ....18:24... ..... 9:12.. ....6389 ........................14:32 .. ..... 7:16... ....46 178 . W ..... ....17:30 ... ..... 8:45.. ....41

Place Name D jv Time Pace Aae 9091

Rick T re u ting .......... ........................14 34........................14.37 ..

..... 7:17...

..... 7:18......52....36


Chuck B a rb o t............. ....18:35.......18:37 ...

..... 9:17..

..... 9:18......4 /....11

1 Asbel N g e t ic h ....... ......9:46... ..... 4:53.. ....212 Bryan S m ith ........... ...... 9:47... ..... 4:53.. ....40 93 ........................ 14 37 .. ..... 7:18... .... 55 182 ....18:38... ..... 9:19.. ....493 Brendan M inihan J r ................. ......9:50... ..... 4:55.. ....26 94 ........................14:40... ..... 7:20... .... 52 184 ....19:05... ..... 9:32.. ....494 Byron G ra b e rt....... 9:59 .. ..... 4:59.. .... 245 Phillip Laga t............ ....10:03 . ..... 5:01.. ....21 723 45 186 9-31 646 W ill S ilk ................... ....10:07 ... ..... 5:03.. .... 267 Andrew L i l ly .......... ....10:17... ..... 5:08.. ....26 98 ........................14:52.. ..... 7:26... ....51 188 ....19:10.. ..... 9:35.. ....508 Brandon W ingate ....10:17 ... ..... 5:08.. ....279 W alker S a ik ........... ....10:21 ... ..... 5:10.. ....1810 Tony H o ffm an ........ ....10:22... ..... 5:11.. ....3911 M att B il ic h ............. ....10:27 ... ..... 5:13.. .... 1712 Robbie Quintana ....10 34 ..... 5:17.. ....26 104 1503 731 33 193 1930 945 5513 Chris S m g le y ......... .... 10 36.. ..... 5:18.. ....2514 Ross S ha les......... ....10:40 .. ..... 5:20.. ....3915 Bryan O ub re .......... ....10:43 ..... 5:21.. ....23 107 ........................15:10.. ..... 7:35.. .... 56 196 ....19:41 .. .....9:50.. ....6316 Jace G ohres.......... .... 10:56 ..... 5:28.. ....1717 Josh Cusimano ....10:52 .. ..... 5:26.. ....1618 Ree B a b in ............... ....10:52... ..... 5:26.. ....1519 Paul B o d e t............. ....10:54.. ..... 5:27.. ....3320 Scott Hoxie ......... ....10:57... ..... 5:28.. ....3721 ChazCairdo ......... ....11:01 .. ..... 5:30.. ....18 113 1525 742 36 203 2005 1002 922 Wayne C h e n e t...... ....11:03.. ..... 5:31.. .... 37 3623 Justin S ca n la n ...... ....11:10 . ..... 5:35.. ....19 15 31 17 205 m-flR 5024 Junius Nixon ........ ....11:13 ..... 5:36.. ....5025 Andrew Callais I I I .. 11:13 . ..... 5:36.. ....21 117 ........................15:42 .. ..... 7:51.. ....41 207 .... 20:35 .. .... 10:17.. ....3326 Steve P erilloux...... ....11:19.. ..... 5:39.. ....37 118 20827 Philip B o n n e r........ ....11:21 .. ..... 5:40.. ....48


Page 23: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

LASALLE PARK DASHL a S a l l e P a r k D a s h

P la c e N a m e

- 2 M i l e M a l e F i n i s h e r s

D iv T im e P a c e71:39 10:44

A g e....30

L a S a l l e P a r k D a s h

P la c e N a m e

2 M i l e M a l e F i n i s h e r s

D iv T im e P a c e............................ 24:34 ........ 12:17..

A g e....54

L a S a l l e P a r k D a s h

P la c e N a m e

- 2 M i l e M a l e F i n i s h e r s

D iv T im e P a c e............................. 28:48 ........ 14:24..

A g e....75

210 ........w ........ .....20:47 .. .... 10:23.. ....61 225 .....24:40.. .... 12:20.. ....51 241 ............................. 31:32.. .... 15:46.. ....52211 .....22:03.. .... 11:01.. ....63 226 .....24:45.. .... 12:22.. ....39 242 ............................. 32:05.. .... 16:02.. ....20212 .... 22:20.. .... 11:10.. .... 51 227 .....25:00.. .... 12:30.. ....48 243 ............................. 32:05.. .... 16:02.. ....20215 w 21 58 10-59 66 228 .....25:20.. .... 12:40.. ....36 244 ............................. 32:05 . .... 16:02.. ....42216 Bill Elrod w .. 2216 11 08 . 66 229 .......w ........ .....24:26.. .... 12:13.. .... 58 245 ............................. 34:29 .. .... 17:14.. ....52217 ....23:01 .. .... 11:30.. ....63 230 .....26:13.. .... 13:06.. ....30 246 ............................. 35:00 .. .... 17:30.. ....58218 w 2254 11*27 46 232 ......w ........ ....26:00 .. .... 13:00.. ....55 247 ........................... 36:00 .. .... 18:00.. ....26219 2405 1202. ....70 233 .... 26:15.. .... 13:07.. ....40 248 ............................. 37:18 .... 18:39.. ....73220 ....2411 12:05.. ....60 234 .....27:22 .. .... 13:41.. ....43 249 ............................. 40:27 .. .... 20:13.. .... 50221 Pranghar Cookie Draper W ...... .....23:14.. .... 11:37.. ....47 235 Ian M a rt in ............... .....27:26 .. .... 13:43.. ......9 250 Gary G rif f in ........... ............................. 43 40 .. .... 21:50.. ....35

2417 1208 59 237 ..... w ........ ....26:46 .. .... 13:23.. ....46 251 ........................... 45:40 .. .... 22:50.. ....28223 Mike K no x........... ........w ........ ....23:24.. .... 11:42.. ....50 239 Gordon G a ille ....... .......w ........ ....27:11 .. .... 13:35.. ....81


Team Name Pts Combined Time1. Hammond Track C lu b ............................... 1 2 ....................... 29:56

(W ill Silk, Asbel Ngetich, Philip Lagat)2. Chalmette Track C lu b ................................1 4 ........................30:03

(Bryan Smith, Brandon W ingate, Byron Grabert)3. Southern R unner........................................3 1 ........................31:19

(Tony Hoffman, A ndrew Lilly, Ross Shales)4. New Orleans Track C lu b .......................... 3 5 ........................31:21

(Brendan M inihan, Jr., Robbie Quintana, Scott Hoxie)5. Team F a s t.................................................... 4 1 ........................31:56

(Josh Cusimano, Bryan Oubre, W alker Saik)6. Fifteenth Street F lye rs .............................. 4 8 ........................32:14

(M att B ilich, Lee Babin, Paul Bodet)7. Unknown Team N a m e .............................. 8 9 ........................34:36

(Rosendo Vallegos, Chas Caicelo, Andrew Cuitanovic)8. Chalmette Track Club T w o ......................141........................37:16

(Andrew Callais, Rusty Hall, Kevin Pilet)

M A L E M A S T E R S D I V I S I O NTeam Name Pts Combined Time

1. Chalmette Track C lu b ............................... 9 1 ........................34:42(Junius Nixon, Johnny M cBride, Juan Perez)

2. New Orleans Track C lu b ........................ 116........................35:44(J. Roger Brown, Leo Lafrance, Paul Hellmers)

Team N am e Pts C om bined Time3. Catch-22 ................................................... 122.........................35:56

(Bob M atthews, Ken M ire, Phil Bonner)4. No Team N a m e ........................................ 193........................40:08

(Geoff Rose, Terry Puglis, Ricky Gremillion)5. Chalmette P e licans..................................2 55 ........................42:38

(Larry Price, Shady Schadwell, Louis M inera)

F E M A L E O P E N D I V I S I O NTeam N am e Pts C om bined Time

1. Chalmette Track C lu b ................................1 5 ........................38:19(Erin Nolan, Rachel Quintana, Jennifer Gioia)

2. New Orleans Track C lu b ......................... 2 0 ........................ 38:51(Shawna Jones, W endy Popik, Maria Cicio)

3. Southern R unner........................................3 6 ........................ 41:36(Amanda Yeates, Rebecca Abbott, Laura Chandhok)

F E M A L E M A S T E R S D I V I S I O NTeam N am e Pts C om bined Time

1. New Orleans T rack C lu b ..........................4 3 ........................ 44:13(Kathleen W elch, Helene Price, Rosa B ischoff)

2. Chalmette Track C lu b ............................... 7 8 ........................ 46:31(Joy Cohen, Isabel Rivera, Lilli Brown)

3. Fifteenth Street F lye rs .............................. 8 2 ........................ 48:39(Diane W eiss, M arie Perry, Linda Fussell)

R A C E W A L K E R T E A M D IV IS IO NTeam N am e Pts C om bined Time

1. No Team Name L is te d ............................ N A .........................49:36(Connie McCloskey, Denise Surratt, Randy Surratt)

2. No Team Name L is te d ............................ N A .........................62:40(Glen Bodet, Cookie Draper, Gerry Bodet)

3. No Team Name L is te d ............................ N A ......................... 67:40(Lisa Pitre, Elsa Pool, Doug Pool)

4. A Rose and Two T h o rn s ......................... N A .........................75:47(Gay Banres, Joyce Hartman, Gary Barnes)

5. No Team Name L is te d ............................ 657 .........................85:20(Dudley Stadler, Del Donner, Bill Elrod)

H E A V Y W E IG H T T E A M D IV IS IO NTeam N am e Pts C om bined Time

1. No Team Name L is te d ............................ 177........................39:12(John Scott, Earl Abadie, Steve Perriloux)

2. C halm atians............................................. 4 97 .........................53:18(Gene B ischoff, Sal Stabile, Jim m y Vesley)

3. No Team Name L is te d ............................ 609 .........................65:33(John Leze, Darin Cooper, Russell Robelot)


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Page 24: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Page 25: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Page 26: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Page 27: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Page 28: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


IA fl RD I GRASmnRflTHon“Kickoff Classic”

AUG UST 11, 2002Race Director: Chuck George

MGM Kickoff Classic -1/2 Mile Female FinishersPlace N am e Div Time Pace Aae1 ...... 3:57.. .... 7:54102 ....... 4:25... ...... 8:50.. ......134 Tori J o u rd a n .......................................5:40... ....11:20.. ........5

MGM Kickoff Classic -1 /2 Mile Male FinishersP la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A a e1 Chris Y ou n g .............. ..........................2:29... ...... 4:58.. ......152 ..........................3:04... ...... 6:08.. ......173 Ryan M cP eek........... ..........................3:20... ...... 6:40.. ......114 ..........................3:33... ...... 7:06.. ......125 ..........................3:50 ... ...... 7:40.. ........76 ..........................3:57 ... ...... 7:54.. ........77 ..........................4:08... ...... 8:16.. ..... 558 ..........................4:45... ...... 9:30.. ........79 ..........................4:50... ...... 9:40.. ......7110 ..........................5:01 ... ....10:02.. ......5411 M ichael A E s ta ........ ..........................6:01 ... ....12:02.. ......39

M G M Kickoff Classic - 5K Female FinishersPlace Name Div Time Pace Age1 Lauren S w en so n .... ........................21:25... ...... 6:53. ......172 Countess C om adore .......................22:27...........7:13.........353 Becca S uddu th ................................ 22:27...........7:13.........224 Brooke H aue r.................. ................ 23:45 .... ....7:38.... .... 275 Elizabeth H a l l ................................... 23:07......... 7:26.........346 Tina R eym ond.................................. 24:09...........7:46......... 327 Lilli B ro w n ....................... ................. 24:40 ..... ....7:56.... .... 438 Sally H o en ig ..................................... 25:45........... 8:17...... 309 Joy E Cohen ..................................... 26:21 .......... 8:28 . 421011

........... 26:30 .... ....8:31.... ....42Andrea D iF ranco ................. ........... 27:09 ..... ....8:44.... ....35

12 ........... 27:22 .... ....8:48.... ....4313 Isabel R ive ra ........................ ........... 27:47 .... ....8:56.... ....9914 Susan D e lC orra l.............................. 28:04......... 9:02.........3915 Kathleen Settoon ............................. 28:50..........9:16......... 1716 .............. 29:12..... ....9:23.... ....4817 Jess F raser........................ .............. 29:25 ..... ....9:28.... ....2518 Amanda L a n d o s ..............................29:37...........9.31 .........4119 M ichelle D iFranco...........................29:30...........9:29.........2920 ............. 29:47 .........9:35.... ..„4221 ............. 30:11 .... .....9:42.... 2022 ............. 30:56 ... .....9:57.... .... 5425 Dawn Toups........................ ............. 31 4 9 ..... .... 10:14.... ....3526 Loretta N a qu in ................................. 31:59.........10:17......... 5627 Brigitte P ay ne .................................. 32:10.........10:21......... 4328 ......32:42.... .... 10:31.... .... 4229 ......33:07 .... .... 10:39.... .... 5630 ......33:15.... .... 10:42.... ....3831 ......33:34.... .... 10:48.... ....3732 Denise S u rra tt.............. W ....... ......32:43.... .... 10:31.... ....5233 ......34:37.... .... 11:08.... .... 3334 ......35:07 .... .... 11:18 — ....4235 ......35:40.... .... 11:28.... ....3736 ......36:03.... .... 11:36.... ....2837 Lauri W i ld .........................................36:03.... .... 11:36.... ....3838 Kelly W h ite ....................W .............36:20.... .... 11:41.... ....3539 Victoria Elizabeth B ou rq u ....... ......37:22.... .... 12:01.... .... 2340 Shelley K n ig h t..................................39:04.... .... 12:34.... ....51

M G M Kickoff Classic - 5K Female FinishersPlace4143

Nam eJolyne C am po..............

Djv T im e.....39:10........40:37 ...

P a c e....12:36......13:04..


44 Rebecca M a lle t t.......... w ...... .....41:24... ....13:19.. ......3945 Earlene K no x ................. w .........40:55... ....13:10.. ......5046 Roxane E ll io t ................. w ..... .....41:09... ....13:14.. ......4447 42:30... ....13:40.. ......5448 .....42:32 ... .... 13:41.. ..... 3549 .....42:42... ....13:44.. ......3750 Susan T hom as.............. w ...... .... 41 42... .... 13:25.. ..... 4851 w ...... .... 42:50... ....13:47.. ......6352 M arie M e rr ic k ............... w ...... . 41 58 ....13:30.. ......6053 .....45:26... ....14:37.. ..... 4954 Lucy T rox le r................... .....45:49... ....14:44.. ..... 7155 Barb C u lbe rtson ........... w ...... .....46:00... ....14:48.. ..... 4856 Terri N o rth ..................... w ............46:58... ....15:06.. ..... 355749

Suzanne Stevenson G is h ......... ..........W ... .... 47:26.. .15:15

60 w ...... .....49:20... ....15:52.. ..... 4361 Cassandra Singleton ... w ...... ....52:22... ....16:51.. ..... 1162 Caren S ing le ton ........... w ...... .....52:22... ....16:51.. ..... 3663 Elizabeth D a v is .............W ............. 55:39 ......... 17:54....... 64

M G M Kickoff Classic - 5K M a le FinishersPlace Nam e Div Time Pace Aae

....................... 16:50 ......... 5:25.. ..... 282 Steve N e w ......................................... 16:58......... 5:27.. ..... 273 Scott H o x ie ....................................... 17:55..........5:45.........374 Derrick L e e ........................................ 18:02..........5:48.........475 ............ 18:04...... ....5:48.... ....446 Andrew K enw orthy ........... ............ 18:19 .... ....5:53.... ....377 ........... 18:23.... ....5:55.... ....508 ............ 18:31...... ....5:57.... ....259 ........ 18:41...... ....6:00.... .... 4310 Josh C ooley......................... ............ 18:42...... ....6:01.... ....1811 Dennis D e vo re .................... ............ 19:15...... ....6:11.... ....3212 ............ 20:05 ..... ....6:27.... ....4413 Roy A R oberson.................. 20:25 .... ....6:34.... ....5114 ........ 2040 .... ....6:39.... ....3315 Perry W Braniff S r ............. ............ 20:57 .... ....6:44.... ....3416 Bryan L e w is ..................................... 21:0 8 ...........6:48.........2617 Robert J o n e s .................................... 21:12........... 6:49.........3818 ...............21:22 ..... ....6:52.... ....4319 ...............21:30..... ....6:55.... ....2120 Tobie Lom y......................... .............. 21 4 2 ..... ....6:59.... ....2921 ...............21:38 ..... ....6:57.... ....3322 .............. 21 3 8 ...... ....6:57.... .... 5423 ...............21 57 ..... ....7:03.... ....3324 ...............21.58 ..... ....7:04.... ....5725 .............. 22:05 ...... ....7:06.... ....3526 .............. 22:06 ...... ....7:06.... ....4427 .............. 22:10..... ....7:08.... ....3828 .............. 22:27 ...... ....7:13.... ....4229 .............. 22:32 ..... ....7:15.... ....4530 .............. 22:32 ...... ....7:15.... ....5531 Daniel W ernz..................... .............. 23:12..... ....7:28.... .... 5032 .............. 23:28 ..... ....7:33.... ....4533 .............. 23:37 .... ....7:36.... ....4734 .............. 23:37 ..... ....7:36.... .... 2735 Alan H a id e r....................... ...............23:32 ..... ....7:34.... ....17

36 Francis B ra u d ............M G M K ic k o f f C la s s ic P lace Nam e

......................23:38...........7:36....- 5K M a le F in is h e rs

D iv Time Pace......................23:45 7:38.



38 M ichael A a b y ............. .....23:51 .... ..... 7:40.... ....1839 .....23:54.... ..... 7:41.... ....4741 Luie M inera S r ........... .....24:14.... ..... 7:47.... ....5943 .....24:26 ..... 7:51.... ....3344 .....24:38... ..... 7:55.... ....6145 .....24:51 .. ..... 7:59.... ....5546 .....25:01 .... ..... 8:03.... ....6047 .....25:03.... ..... 8:03.... ....3648 .....25:12 .... ..... 8:06.... ....2649 .....25:15.... ..... 8:07.... ....5651 .....25:33.... ..... 8:13.... ....3852 .....25:34.... ..... 8:13.... ....6353 .... 25:42.... ..... 8:16.... ....3554 .....25:40.... ..... 8:15.... ....4855 .... 26:04 .... ..... 8:23.... ....4256 .....27:12 .... ..... 8:45.... ....6757 ..... 27:26.... ..... 8:49.... ....2458 .....27:31 .... ..... 8:51.... ....5359 Timothy D Beckstrom .....27:33.... ..... 8:52.... ....3060 .....27:34.... ..... 8:52.... ....3361 .....27:40.... ..... 8:54.... ....5262 .....28:16.... ..... 9:05.... ....5563 ..... 28:23.... ..... 9:08.... ....3564 .....28:31 .... ..... 9:10.... ....3865 .....28:32 ... ..... 9:11 .... ....6166 .....28:38 .... ..... 9:12.... ....6867 Pat C asey..................... ..... 28 54 ..... 9:18.... .... 5468 .....29:08.... ..... 9:22.... ....7469 .....29.12 .... ..... 9:23.... ....5170 .....29:11 ... ..... 9:23.... ....5371 Randy H ernandez...... ..... 29:25... ..... 9:28.... ....2572 ....29:34.... ..... 9:30.... .... 6073 ....29:18 .... ..... 9:25.... ....4674 ....29:58 .... ..... 9:38.... ....4975 ....30:04.... ..... 9:40.... .... 5276 ....30:17 .... ..... 9:44.... ....4677 ....30:22.... ..... 9:46.... ....2078 ....30:44 . ..... 9:53.... ....6379 ....30:46.... ..... 9:54.... ....6380 ....30:52 .... ..... 9:56.... ....6681 ....31:05.... .... 10:00.... .... 4782 ....31:27 ... .... 10:07.... .... 4983 .. w ...... ....30:37 .... .....9:51.... .... 5485 .... 32:18.... .... 10:23.... .... 5386 ....32:31 ... .... 10:27.... .... 6887 Rom W illia m s ............. ....32:42 .... .... 10:31.... .... 5888 ....33:06 ... .... 10:39.... .... 4889 ....33.07.... .... 10:39.... ....3290 ....33 09.... .... 10:40.... ....4491 ....33:27 . .... 10:45.... ....3992 .. w ....... ....32:59 .... 10:36.... ....6193 Gene B is c h o ff............ ... 34 49 .... .... 11:12.... .... 4794 ....34:50.... .... 11:12....— 7195 ....35:00.... .... 11:15.... .... 1196 Isaac K nigh tshead.... .. w ...... ....35:22 ..... .... 11:22.... ....4697 Fred T h ibodaux.......... .. w ...... ....35:48 .... .... 11:31.... .... 6998 .. w ...... ....36:22 ..... .... 11:42.... ....5199 Terry M a rtin ................. .. w ...... ....36:44 .... .... 11:49.... .... 54101 ....38:33 ..... .... 12:24.... .... 12102 .... 38:51..... .... 12:30.... ....39103 ....39:00 ..... .... 12:33.... ..... 8104 ....38:01..... ... 12:14 .......45105 .. w ....... ....40:58 ..... .... 13:11.... ....55106 ....42:25 ..... .... 13:39.... ....46107 Gordon G a ille ............. .. w ...... ....41:38..... ... 13:23.... ....81108 ....41:39..... ... 13:24.... ..... 9109 ....47:00 ..... .... 15:07.... ..... 8110 ....47:01..... .... 15:07.... .... 38111 Lloyd S im o n ................ .. w ...... ....49:20 ..... ... 15:52.... ....46112 .. w ...... ....50:20 ..... ... 16:11.... .... 52113 Wm A S ettoon ............ .. w ...... ....49:43 ..... ... 16:00.... .... 52114 Ken K illia n .................... .. w ....... ....55:39 ..... ... 17:54.... ....62


Page 29: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Page 30: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Page 31: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Page 32: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


39™ MEßNew Orleans Track Club. Inc.


e n e rgydrink

August 18, 2002 City Park, New Orleans

Presented by 180 Energy DrinkRace Director: Chuck George


Anniversary Race -Place Nam e 1 23456 7

1 M ileDiv

Female FinishersTime

........................... 7:34 ... 7:34 ...... 37 37 ........................ 11:52 ..... .. 11:52.. ..... 8

...........................7:48 ... 7:48 ...... 13 38 ..... 12:08...... . 1208 41

...........................8:05 ... 8:05 ...... 10 39 ........................12:15...... .. 12:15.. .... 7

........................... 8:16 ...8:16 ...... 12 40 ........................13:13...... .. 13:13.. ...... 5

...........................8:10 ... 8:10 ........ 7 41 ........................14:20...... .. 14:20.. ..... 5

...........................8.20 ... 8:20 ........ 9 42 ........................17:22...... .. 17:22.. ..... 4Alex G rie b ................... ...........................8:21 ... 8:21 ...... 11 43 ........................18:51...... .. 18:51.. „..61

910 11 12131415

Lana P o rte r..............Anastasia G rie b .......Alegra G rie b .............Eleanor Gallagher ...Lore M cP eek............Charlene Brinkman . A llison Passantino ... Kristin L a z .................

. 8:50

. 9:13

. 9:38

. 9:57


11:00 11:0 0 ..

11:00 11:00 ..

11:41 11:41.. 11:46 11:46..

P la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A q e1 ........ 5:34 ........ 5:34 .....582 ........5:50 ........ 5:50 ..... 153 ........6:01 ........ 6:01 ..... 534 ........6:02 ........ 6:02 .....575 ........6 44 ........ 6:44 ..... 556 ........6:48 ........ 6:48 ..... 127 W alter F Metzinger I I I ............. ........6:51 ........ 6:51 .....108 ........ 7:02 ........ 7:02 .....159 ........7:15 ........7:15. .......910 ........ 7 22 ........ 7:22 ..... 1211 ........7:22 ..... 7:22. ..... 1112 ........7:34 ........ 7:34. ..... 1113 ........ 7:40 ........ 7:40 .......814 ........7:43 ........ 7:43 ....... 915 ........ 7:45 ........ 7:45 ..... 1016 ........ 7:55 ........ 7:55. ..... 1317 ........ 8:12 ........8:12. .......718 8:12 ........8:12. .....1419 .....8:13 ........ 8:13. ..... 5120 ........8 24 ........ 8:24 ..... 1121 .....8:32 ..... 8:32 ....... 922 ........8:36 ........ 8:36 ..... 1323 ........8:38 ........ 8:38 .......824 ........8:39 ........ 8:39 ....... 925 ........ 9:29 ........ 9:29. ..... 5626 9 44 944 6128 ........ 9:45 ........ 9:45. ....... 729 ........ 9:51 ........ 9:51 ..... 5530 ........ 9:51 ........ 9:51 ..... 1731 ........ 9:55 ........ 9:55. ..... 5332 ........ 9:58 ........ 9:58. .....6333 ...... 10:04 ...... 10:04. .....8234 F lu ffy ........................................... ...... 10:42 ...... 10:42. ..... 5835 ...... 10:43 ...... 10:43. .....5936 Kyle G eorge.............................. ...... 10:45 ...... 10:45. ..... 13

Anniversary Race -1 M ile M a le FinishersP lace Nam e

Anniversary Race - 3 M ile Female FinishersP la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A q e1 .......................20:54 ........ 6:58 ...... 172 .......................21:12 ........ 7:04 ......353 .......................21:23 ........ 7:07 ......284 .......................21:43 ........ 7:14 ......305 .......................22:34 ........ 7:31 ...... 166 .......................23:21 ........ 7:47 ...... 437 .......................23:40 ........ 7:53 ..... 498 .......................23:43 ........ 7:54 ...... 549 .......................23:47 ........ 7:55 ...... 3110 .......................23:50 ........ 7:56 ...... 2711 .......................24:03 ........ 8:01 ...... 3512 ......................24:41 ........ 8:13 ...... 3713 M arie P e rry .............. .......................24:47 ........ 8:15 ...... 4014 .......................24:50 ........ 8:16 ......5015 .....24:53 ..... 8:17 ......4216 .......................25:05 ........ 8:21 ...... 4217 .......................25:07 ........ 8:22 ......5018 .......................25:08 ........ 8:22 ......4219 .......................25:37 ........ 8:32 ......5920 .......................25:47 ........ 8:35 ......4421 .......................25:59 ........ 8:39 ......4222 .......................26:05 ........ 8:41 ......3523 Renee L Bergeron ... .......................26:16 ........ 8:45 ...... 4024 .......................26:39 ........ 8:53 ..... 3025 .......................27:04 ........ 9:01 ......5826 ..... 27:06 ..... 9:02 ..... 3127 .....................27:10 ........ 9:03 ..... 1928 .......................27:18 ........ 9:06 ..... 4829 .......................27:26 ........ 9:08 ..... 4430 .......................27:37 ........ 9:12 ..... 5131 Fran H anesw orth.... .......................27:38 .........9:12 ...... 3632 .......................27:40 ........ 9:13 ..... 4233 M iche lle L Valentine .......................27:41 .........9:13 ...... 4334 M iche lle D iFranco... .......................27:49 .........9:16 ...... 2935 .......................27:59 ........ 9:19 ..... 2936 .......................28:11 ........ 9:23 ..... 3437 .......................28:21 ........ 9:27 .....5538 .......................28:33 ........ 9:31 .....3939 ......................28:38 ........ 9:32 ..... 3940 .......................29:39 ........ 9:53 ..... 6042 .......................30:01 ...... 10:00 .....5643 Jamie M a n d e rs ...... .......................30:24 ...... 10:08 ..... 5744 Cheryl Thibodeaux .. .......................30:29 ...... 10:09 ..... 36

Anniversary Race - 3 M ile Female FinishersPlace Name Div Time Pace Aqe46 Vicki Je n se n ........ ............................31:33... ....10:31. ...... 3847 Charmane L e B la n c ......................... 31:43 ......... 10:34....... 5348 Amanda Lanclos.............................. 31:52 ......... 10:37....... 4049 . 32:19.... .... 10:46 ...„ „2 650 Denise S u rra tt............ .. W .......... .31:27.... .... 10:29.... .... 5251 Karen F in ne y ............... .................... .32:45.... .... 10:55.... .„.4252 Silvia B oud reaux....... .................... .32:54.... .... 10:58.... ....3153 . 33:20.... .... 11:06 —.... 1354 .33:28 ........ 11:09 — — 4455 Lore M cP e ek .............. . 33:45.... .... 11:15.... ....3756 . 33:58... .... 11:19 —„ „4 357 Leone F e rra r i.............. .34:09 .... .... 11:23.... ....4658 Elaine J o s e p h ............ .. W .......... .33:26.... .... 1 1 :0 8 - ....6159 .34:27 .... .... 11:29.... — 4160 Brandy P as u rti............ . 34:55.... .... 11:38.... ...2861 Lauri W ild .................... 34:55 .... 11:38.... ....3862 Roxie M a rtine z ........... .. w ........... .34:57 ... .... 11:39.... ....3563 .35:22 ... .... 11:47 — ....4464 Tomeca S T il l is ........... . 36:22.... ... 12:07.... ....2765 Nydga Charles .............................36:27 ......... 12:09........2866 Kathy H ennessey............................36:27 ......... 12:09........4867 .. 35:43.... .... 11:54.... ....5568 ..37:00.... .... 12:20.... ....4769 Elicia Ju a re z ..... ;................. : .......... ..37:01 ........ 12:20.... - 1 670 Kelly W h ite ....................W ........... ..36:21 .... .... 12:07.... ....3571 .. 35:35.... .... 11:51.... ....7972 ..35:58.... .... 11:59.... .... 5573 B W ro b e l............i ............................ ..37:48.... .... 12:36.... ....4874 Julie Bodie ..................................... .37:53 .... 12:37.... ....5476 Betty W aguespack..........................38:41 12:53........6777 M ary C a rlis le .................................... 39:00 13:00.........6278 ........... 39:00 ....... 13:00 ....... 4879 Lisa P itre ........................ W ............ 38:33 ........12:51 ....... 4280 Jane P h e lp s .................. W ........... 38:50 ........12:56 .......5681 Rebecca M a lle t t........... W ............ 38:42 ........12:54 ....... 3982 W ........... 38:56 ....... 12:58 ....... 4783 Earlene K nox................. W ............ 39:00 ........13:00 ....... 5084 ........... 40:00 ....... 13:20 ....... 3585 Susan T h o m as ............. W ............ 39:24 ....... 13:08 ....... 4986 W ........... 39:34 .....13:11 ....... 3787 Linda M u n a ................... W ............ 39:43 ....... 13:14 .......5688 W ............ 40:13 ....... 13:24 .......4589 W ........... 40:16 ....... 13:25 ....... 6390 W ............ 40:25 ....... 13:28 ....... 5592 M onique D espaux....... W ............40:28 ....... 13:29. ....... 2293 ...........42:03 ....... 14:01. .......5194 .......... 42:20 ....... 14:06 ......... 795 M arie M e rr ic k .............. W ,...........41:48 ....... 13:56 .......6096 Denise E qu ia ................. 42:40 ....... 14:13 .......3297 Carolyn G uhm an..............................43:39 ......... 14:33........4998 Shirley C a rrou ......................... .........43:39 ......... 14:33........7899 . 44:00.... .... 14:40.... ....49101 . W ........... .44:10 .... .... 14:43.... ....56102 .45:06.... .... 15:02.... ....63103 .45:38.... .... 15:12.... ....71104 M ary B ills o n ................. . W ........... . 46:43.... .... 15:34.... ....44105 Connie D e sp au x......... . W .......... .47:35.... .... 15:51.... ....43106 Alison P assan tino ...... .52:11 .... .... 17:23.... ....13107 Liz Lo tz ........................... .52:12.... .... 17:24.... ....47108 Ju lie Lotz B e ll.............. . W .......... .52:13.... .... 17:24.... ....26109 Elizabeth D ru in ............. . W .......... . 52:39.... .... 17:33.... ....64

Anniversary Race - 3 M ile M a le FinishersP la c e N a m e D iv T im e P a c e A q e1 .................... 15:43. ......... 5:14. ...... 202 1557 519 273 .................... 16:07 . ......... 5:22. ...... 324 .................... 16:11 . ......... 5:23. ...... 285 ....................16:13. ......... 5:24. ...... 316 ..... 16:35 . ......... 5:31. ...... 357 ....................16:50 . ......... 5:36. ...... 348 Scott H oxie................... ....................17:02. ......... 5:40. ...... 379 A lex T h o m as ........................... ! . . ......17:10........... 5:43.........3910 Junius N ix o n .....................................17:19........... 5:46.........5011 ... 17:25.... ....5:48.... ....4712 ...17:33.... ....5:51.... ....3613 ...17:34.... ....5:51.... ....3414 Kenneth Schexnayder................. ...17:37.... ....5:52.... ....4415 ... 17:46.... ....5:55.... ....3716 Leo LaF rance ................................. ..17 :48 .... ....5:56.... .... 5017 ... 17:51.... ....5:57.... .... 5418 ... 18:08.... ....6:02.... ....4319 18:09 .... 6:03.... ....3320 Steve Young ................................... ... 18:11 .... .... 6:03.... ....2921 ... 18:12 .... ....6:04.... ....3422 Christian B a ld w in ............................. 18:30.... .... 6:10.... .... 23


Page 33: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Nam e Div Time....18:39..

Pace..... 6:13.

Age..... 32


Nam e Div Time....22:58 ..

Pace..... 7:39.

Age..... 60


Nam e Div Time....28:24...

Pace..... 9:28.

Age..... 60

....18:45.. ..... 6:15. ..... 44 83 .... 22:59.. ..... 7:39. ..... 51 146 .... 28:25... ..... 9:28. ..... 33

....18:47 .. ..... 6:15. ..... 41 84 ....23:00.. ..... 7:40. .....55 147 .... 28:28... ..... 9:29. ..... 24

....18:49.. ..... 6:16. ..... 26 85 .... 23:03.. ..... 7:41 . ..... 54 148 .... 28:28... ..... 9:29. ..... 57

....19:00.. ..... 6:20. ..... 41 86 ....23:13.. ..... 7:44. ..... 27 149 ....28:29... ..... 9:29. ..... 53

....19:05.. ..... 6:21. ..... 53 87 ....23:21 .. ..... 7:47. ..... 50 150 ....28:43 ..... 9:34. ....... 8

....19:06.. ..... 6:22. ..... 41 88 ....23:25 ..... 7:48. ..... 55 151 ... 26:50 ..... 8:56. ..... 52... 19:09 ..... 6:23. .....56 89 .... 23 26 ..... 7:48. ..... 40 152 .... 29:05.. ..... 9:41. ..... 40....19:28.. ..... 6:29. ..... 42 90 ....23:35 ..... 7:51. ..... 47 154 ....29:16 ..... 9:45. ..... 49....19:32 .. ..... 6:30. .....44 91 .... 23 47 ..... 7:55. ..... 53 155 ....29:17 . ..... 9:45. ..... 68....19:39.. ..... 6:33. ..... 30 92 ....23.49 .. ..... 7:56. ..... 61 156 ....29:09 ..... 9:43. ..... 46....19:44.. ..... 6:34. .....58 93 ....23:49.. ..... 7:56. ..... 52 157 ....29:24.. ..... 9:48. ..... 47....19:49.. ..... 6:36. ..... 30 94 ....23:54.. ..... 7:58. ..... 62 158 ....29:37 .. ..... 9:52. ..... 63....19:58.. .....6:39. .....36 95 .... 23:57 .. ..... 7:59. ..... 55 159 .... 29:43.. ..... 9:54. ..... 49....20:06 ..... 6:42. .....45 96 .... 24.26 .. ..... 8:08. ..... 32 160 ....29:56 ..... 9:58. ..... 41....20:12 ..... 6:44. ..... 29 97 ....24:26.. ..... 8:08. ..... 53 161 ... 30 00 .... 10:00. ..... 49....20:13.. ..... 6:44. ..... 51 98 ....24:30.. ..... 8:10. ..... 59 162 .30 00 .... 10:00. ..... 47....20:19 ..... 6:46. ..... 50 99 ....24:35.. ..... 8:11. ..... 41 163 30 20 .... 10:06. ..... 66....20:24 ... ..... 6:48. ..... 51 101 ....24:41 ..... 8:13. ..... 36 164 ....30 15. .... 10:05. .....54....20:31 .. ..... 6:50. ..... 32 102 ....24:45 .. ..... 8:15. ..... 57 165 ....30:36.. .... 10:12. ..... 33.... 20:32.. ..... 6:50. ..... 33 104 .... 25:00.. ..... 8:20. ..... 25 166 .... 30:45.. .... 10:15. ..... 13....20:40.. ..... 6:53. ..... 63 105 .25 :08 .. ..... 8:22. ..... 60 167 ... 30:52 .. .... 10:17. .....46....20:47 .. ..... 6:55. ..... 35 106 ....25:18 .. ..... 8:26. ..... 12 168 ....30:48.. .... 10:16. ..... 52.... 20:46.. ..... 6:55. ..... 54 107 .... 25:26.. ..... 8:28. ..... 63 169 .... 30:47 .. .... 10:15. ..... 53.... 20:50.. ..... 6:56. ..... 44 108 .... 25 39 . ..... 8:33. .....54 170 ....30:56.. .... 10:18. ..... 71....21:04 .. ..... 7:01. ..... 24 109 .... 25 50 . ..... 8:36. ..... 70 171 ... w .... ....30:05.. .... 10:01. ..... 53....21:06 ..... 7:02. ..... 43 111 ....25.51 .. ..... 8:37. ..... 57 172 ....31:07 .. .... 10:22. ..... 56....21:06.. ..... 7:02. .....43 112 ....25:59.. ..... 8:39. ..... 46 173 .... 31:10.. .... 10:23. ..... 63....21:08.. ..... 7:02. .....41 113 .... 26:01 .. ..... 8:40. ..... 16 175 ....31:32.. .... 10:30. ..... 54....21:09.. ..... 7:03. .....57 114 ....26:01 .. ..... 8:40. ..... 42 176 ....31:41 .. .... 10:33. ..... 60....21:12 ..... 7:04. ..... 35 115 ....26 09 . ..... 8:43. ..... 41 177 ... w .... ....31:45.. .... 10:35. ..... 61....21.18 .. ..... 7:06. ....57 116 ....26 10 . ..... 8:43. ..... 63 178 .... 33:18.. .... 11:06. ..... 35....21:18 ..... 7:06. .....30 117 26:11 .. ..... 8:43. ..... 47 179 ....34:13.. .... 11:24. ..... 54....21:25 . ..... 7:08. ....58 118 ....26 12 ..... 8:44. ..... 67 180 Bill E lrod ..................... ... w .... ....33:33.. .... 11:11. ..... 66....21.29 .....7:09. ....57 119 ....26:13.. ..... 8:44. .....15 181 ... w .... ....34:33.. .... 11:31. .....46....21:35... .....7:11 . ....46 120 26:14 . ..... 8:44. ..... 42 182 ....34:52.. .... 11:37. ..... 47....21:47 ... .....7:15. ....54 121 ... w .... ....25:18 .. ..... 8:26. ..... 41 183 ... w .... ....35:03.. .... 11:41. ..... 51....21:48 .. .....7:16. ....51 122 ....26:30 .. ..... 8:50. .....44 184 ....37:05.. .... 12:21. ..... 64....21:50.. .....7:16. ....55 123 ....26:32.. ..... 8:50. ..... 51 185 ....37:25.. .... 12:28. ..... 42....2154 . .....7:18. ....51 124 .... 26.38 .. ..... 8:52. ..... 63 186 ....37:33.. .... 12:31. ..... 13....21:57 . .....7:19. ....43 125 26 40 ..... 8:53. ..... 63 187 ....37 36 .. .... 12:32. ..... 49.... 22 00 . .....7:20. ....53 126 ....26:56 ..... 8:58. ..... 55 188 ....37.39 .. .... 12:33. ..... 65....22.13.. .....7:24. ....32 127 .... 26.56 . ..... 8:58. ..... 53 189 ... w .... ....37:28 .... 12:29. ..... 58....22:18.. .....7:26. .... 17 128 .... 26 56 ..... 8:58. ..... 46 190 ... w .... ....37.47 .. .... 12:35. ..... 58.... 22:20 .. .....7:26. ....33 129 ....27.04.. .....9:01. ..... 35 191 ... w .... ....37:47 .... 12:35. ..... 50....22:25.. .....7:28. ....50 130 ....27:13.. .....9:04. ..... 49 192 ... w .... ....38:03.. .... 12:41. ..... 80....22:28 .....7:29. .... 38 131 ....27:15 .. ..... 9:05. ..... 52 193 ....39:01 .. .... 13:00. .....41....22:33.. ..... 7:31. .... 45 132 ....27.19.. ..... 9:06. ..... 74 194 ....39:20.. .... 13:06. .....62....22:36 . ..... 7:32. ..... 41 133 .... 27:20 .. ..... 9:06. ..... 51 195 .. w ... ....39:22.. .... 13:07. .....55....22:30.. ..... 7:30. ..... 40 134 ....27:21 .. ..... 9:07 .....43 196 ... w .... ....40:02.. ....13:20. .....81....22:39.. ..... 7:33. .... 54 135 .... 27:28.. ..... 9:09 .....52 197 ... w .... ....41:02.. .... 13:40. ..... 46.... 22:42 . ..... 7:34. ..... 45 136 .... 27 30. ..... 9:10. .....51 198 ....42:26 .. ....14:08. ..... 75.... 22:44 .. ..... 7:34. ..... 56 137 .... 27:32 .. ..... 9:10, .....50 199 ... w .... ..... 42:31 .. ....14:10. ..... 57....22:49 . ..... 7:36. ..... 52 138 ....27:33.. ..... 9:11 .....61 200 .....45:06.. ....15:02. ..... 70....22:50.. ..... 7:36. ..... 55 140 ....27:45.. ..... 9:15. .....54 201 ... w .... .....46:43.. ....15:34. ..... 62....22:51 .. ..... 7:37. ..... 31 141 .... 27:46.. ..... 9:15. .....56 202 .. w .... .....46:45.. ....15:35. .....55.... 22:52 . .....7:37. ..... 56 142 28:03 . ..... 9:21 ..... 11 203 ... w . . .....47:35.. ....15:51 .....52....22:56. ..... 7:38. ..... 49 143 28:04 .. ...... 9:21 .....68 204 Al Briede III .....49:00.. ....16:20. .....80

M ark T u llís .................................. ....22:55 . ..... 7:38. ..... 37 144 Dennis S y lv e ........... .... 28:05.. ..... 9:21 .....52 205 Ken K illia n .................. ... w .... .....51:33.. ....17:11 .....62


Page 34: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •



Page 35: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •


Page 36: 2002Anniversaryp 2002Anniversary PRESIDENTS OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB (1963 TO PRESENT) Terry Turner • Chuck Zatarain • Richard Newcomb • Dan Fuselier • Dick Cochran •

Happy Holidays





New Orleans Track Club, Inc.P.O. Box 52003

New Orleans, Louisiana 70152It.„ Ill...... IM .I.I..I..I.H ...I..I.I...II..II...II.L I.IROBERT P LANTEIGNE933 HIDALGO STNEW ORLEANS LA 70124-2721

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