2 Secret Systems to Double Your Income This Year

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Transcript of 2 Secret Systems to Double Your Income This Year

Two Secret Systems to Double Your Income
Save you
Time & Money

Congratulations on taking this
first step to better your business

Before we start, turn to page 1

What do YOU want to get out of this workshop?

Thinking without thinking

Why pay close ATTENTION

Today Im going to teach you how to use these 2 systems to make a yearly plan, double your income and save you years of time and thousands of shekels.

And I can make a virtual certain bet that you aren't taking advantage of these systems exactly as I'll teach them to you, but you definitely could.

You'll also hear how you can get help this year in implementing these systems.


So if youre an entrepreneur, if you own your own business, whether you provide services, have a brick and mortar business, or are an information marketer, if you have a business idea

AND you are wondering how to double your income this year, pay close attention to the information I'll be sharing with you now.

So if you are THINKING
This Sounds too GOOD to be true

And you don't believe you can double your income using these systems

Or you've taken other marketing and business courses that didn't help you double my income, so why should this

Or it sounds like more hype

Or you think YOUR business is different. It won't WORK FOR YOU

It took me 20 years
to DISCOVER this

Even with YEARS of marketing experience and an MBA, when I became independent I still didn't know how to market my business or make the sales I wanted

Marketing Exec to Alternative Health

When I went from employee to self employed, I started to search for better marketing systems. It took me 5 years of trial and error before I hit the nail on the head

YOU are wasting my time

I was FIRED by my Internet Marketing coach

My husband at one point was in university and cleaning restaurants to support us

I knew I could help lots of people

But I was wasting time on marketing that didn't bring me any sales

BEWARE: You can waste your time and money and get mediocre results if you don't plan things out right with systems I will give you

I spent four years trying to figure it following the top Entrepenuers

I was ready to GIVE UP

I wasn't making the sales I wanted to

I wasn't helping the people I wanted to

I joined a very special type of group, and later on I found a successful mentor

And I got the support I needed to start creating systems.

I had two successful products on the market, but things still weren't that great.

And then it HIT ME

With the mentor's help, I had my breakthrough

I realized that I hadn't set up these two systems right

That's THE ONLY REASON I was losing customers and wasting my time.


These are systems EVERY business needs. Fundamental business building systems.


If you don't
implement these secret systems

What happened
when I started to implement
these systems on a strategic level

People started to recognize me at the groceryFriends asked for help with THEIR business

So, what are the 2 SECRET Systems

If you want to get clients attracted to you like BEES to HONEY

And you want them to stay aroundIt's simple enough.....

You need to put out some HONEY (Buyers)

And you need to build a BEEHIVE (Keepers! These are mine for life!)

Buyers: Attract and Convert

Move to beehive OR FU system

Create An IrressitibleOffer

Create a series of interactionsDeliver value

Make an offer with a deadline

How it works

Deliver a series of multistep, multimdia online AND offline interactions such as video series, articles, phone calls, sales letters, free intro evening, Google Hangout, etc.

Position yourself as the authority with the answers

FIND OUT: What do they actually WANT?

Then offer it to them with a deadline

How much is each person on your list is worth? sales /number of people on list.

Where do I put out the HONEY

Where are your customers hanging out?

Where are they searching for solutions to their problems?

Offline marketing: print ads, sales conversations, speaking, alliances

Online marketing: opt in page, deliver a series of value to customers, video, audio, written

The MAIN word is RELATIONSHIP. People buy from whoever follows up most (9 interactions)

LEAD them up 5 steps to BUY

Get them aware of a NEED

Get them to pick the THING that fills need

Get them to pick YOU as the source (Why do business with me as opposed to everyone else in the market?)

Get them to accept your price/value ARGUMENT (Deal with objections)

Give them a reason to act NOW

Turn to page 2

Don't think, let your fingers do the talking, I mean, walking

Write the first thing that comes to mind and keep going

Keep your hand moving across the page

No punctuation stops. You don't get graded


Where are they right now?

What are they doing?

What bugs them the most and keeps them up at night?

What makes them the happiest?

What are they embarrassed of?

What are they proud of?

What media are they reachable by

Do they read papers, magazines

Are they online

Social media, facebook

Where do they hang out? Golf club, pool, cafes

Where do they work?

List ALL the ways you can reach them

What interactions are necessary

Don't expect them to buy before 9 interactions

List all the reason why they wouldn't buy

How do they close the deal

Keepers: Get em to stick & refer

What else do they need?

Keep em hungryAfter sale

Over deliverwhat you promised


Get them in YOUR beehive

Keep them HUNGRY

If your product DOESN'T deliver immediately,

Give them some thing to PREPARE them for when it will, either online or offline

Remind them of the BENEFITS, share SUCCESS stories, set up a positive PREFRAME for them before consuming the product.

LEAD them up 5 steps for keepers

Remind them of their NEED that will soon be fulfilled

Surprise and delight them when you deliver, show up like no one else

Get referrals (Earn, Ask, Recognize, Reward)

Find out what other honey they want or need

Put out the NEW honey & have them move up with you. Now you can charge more!

Move 'em up to the NEXT LEVEL

They invested in your product/service, now what?

If it's not recurring, what is the NEXT STEP

How can you provide MORE VALUE

Use horizontal/vertical expansion

Vertical Expansion

Buy or recreate vendors/businesses you sell to. Go up and down the supply chain and buy those businesses.

What are five businesses you that you currently buy from or sell to that you could acquire? (These don't need to be your current vendors or customers, they could be people you want to do business with or you could start that business).

Horizontal Expansion

Related products/services that your customer is already buying from somewhere else. A health food store that open in store restaurant, gives cooking classes, catering business etc.

What are five businesses that your client buys from related to your business?

Page 9, double or quadruple

Set a baseline and a thriller

Page 10, Put it in the calendar

Where do I go from here

If you get the logic here, all marketing technologies PART of your overall business systems and strategy

You've got to build up your 2 CORE systems: Buyers and Keepers, and THEN figure out how everything you do serves those systems, not the other way round

No need to do it yourself or reinvent the wheel

Back to Page 2

What did you get out of this workshop so far?

Shortcuts to move me ahead

No. 1: Mentors

Someone whose been there, done that

Someone who will help you get there

Someone who KNOWS you can get there

No. 2: Mastermind Power

Napoleon Hill believed that you could examine any outstanding success in business, finance, industry, or other profession and without fail find that behind the success is a mastermind group.

Become a Business Celebrity

Set up these systems right and your business will thrive.

You can get accepted to an elite training and mastermind group that will help you do that this year.

You'll get everyone to help you with your business systems

You'll get personal coaching from me

You'll get all the step by step training you need

Don't join B-Celebrity IF

You want to spend the next five years wandering the hi tech jungle trying to figure it out by yourself.

You don't care whether you double your income or not.

You aren't interested in comprehensively building systems that will run your business this year.

You don't have anything to contribute to the group.

Get an application ASAP IF

You want to save years of time and thousands of lost dollars on training, advice and technology that DOESN'T increase your bottom line

You want to be part of an elite group of small business owners who are committed to making this their best business year yet,

You're READY to get your message out in a BIG WAY and serve more people

WHEN you JOIN you

Finally STOP throwing money away on advertising that you can't measure the results of

Create a yearly marketing plan (focusing on your market, message and media) designed to get you leading your market FAST

Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about using online & offline marketing to become a market leader, make a contribution and increase sales including list building, video, landing pages, sales letters, product launches

Only 10
spots open

Only 19
applications with me

Get yours filled out first to be considered

Email: [email protected]

Call: 972-50-5440405

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2 Secret Systems to Double your Income and Save You Time and Money