2 nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 1 Outline -progress in RFI mitigation...

2 nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 1 Outline - progress in RFI mitigation (methods inventory) - system design & RFI mitigation: what and where System design & RFI mitigation DS4T3 (OPAR, ASTRON, INAF-IRA, UORL, CSIRO)

Transcript of 2 nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 1 Outline -progress in RFI mitigation...

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 1


- progress in RFI mitigation (methods inventory)

- system design & RFI mitigation: what and where

System design & RFI mitigationDS4T3 (OPAR, ASTRON, INAF-IRA, UORL, CSIRO)

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 2

Deliverable Achieved1 RFI mitigation methods inventory fall 2007

2 Influence on data quality Y3Q4

3 Impact of moving interference sources fall 2007

4 Cost effect. and tech. Requirements SKA site Y3Q4

5 Demonstrations with EMBRACE, BEST … Y4Q4

6 RFI mitigation strategies for the SKA Y4Q4


System design & RFI mitigationDS4T3 (OPAR, ASTRON, INAF-IRA, UORL, CSIRO)

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 3

RFI Mitigation Methods InventoryReport, June 2007

• Introduction

• Spectral selectivity

• Temporal selectivity

• Spatial Selectivity

• Multi-dimensional techniques

• Implications for SKA and conclusions

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 4

Figure 1: (a) A classical filter bank implementation. (b) polyphase implementation of any filter. (c)polyphase implementation of a filter bank. (d) Example of filter banks (M=64). The input signal was the sumof an impulse, a sweeping sine wave and 2 switching sine waves: (d.1) h(k) is a 64 long rectangular impulseresponse. The filter bank is just a FFT. (d.2) h(k) is a 64 long Blackmann-Harris window. (d.3) h(k) is 640long low pass filter.

(a) (b)


(d.1) (d.2) (d.3)

Spectral selectivitypolyphase filterbank

ALMA memo 447 (J. Bunton) for cascaded PFB

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 5

Spectral selectivitynarrow band RFI elimination

Figure 4 : Analysis/synthesis process with quasi perfect reconstruction filter bank. Discrete Cosinustransforms have been implemented. Narrow band interferences are visible on the time-frequencyrepresentation (left). After analysis, polluted channels have been removed and the signal has beenreconstructed through a polyphase synthesis filter bank. The resulting time-frequency plane is given on theright

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 6

Temporal selectivityBlanking

• Detection theory based on hypothesis testing

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 7

Temporal selectivityBlanking

• Single-antenna detection: Pfa and PD are known

Pfa = Q(2PD = Q(2/ (1+INR))

• Multiple-antenna (p) detection (spatial-temporal) matched spatial detector: compare the received energy from the

interferer to the noise

test : data covariance matrix, combined with known interferer direction

Pfa : same PD = Q(2/ (1+p.INR))

residual after blanking : INRres 1 / p.N1/2

N: number of samples

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 8

Spatial selectivityFiltering

• Algorithms are based on modifications of data covariance matrix by a spatial filter, such that:

Pkak = 0 (ak direction of interferer)

Pk applied to covariance matrix: interferer energy nulled

• when ak is unknown ?

=> find eigenvalues and eigenvectors• a correction (matrix) has to be applied to the filtered

covariance matrix• Constraint: astronomical signal power << interferer power• residual after blanking :

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 9

Multi-dimensional techniquesCyclostationarity

cyclostationary process : statistics are periodic with time

Random binary signal: temporal view

covariance : time origin as random

covariance : time origin as constant

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 10

system design & RFI mitigation ASTRON/ISPO SSSM SKA monitoring results 2005/2006

virtual site, i.e. median of maxima of curves from the four sites visited : South Africa, China, Australia, Argentina

Cf. SKA monitoring protocol 2003 S.Ellingson et al (SKA memo)

Number of ADC bits:- 3 to 7 effective bits - depending on f, BW, site- if nonlinearities for short timescales are allowed: only 3 to 5 bits are needed

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 11

system design & RFI mitigationdata transport bottleneck

From RFI & data coding perspective: • use large subband bandwidth from stations to central site• break bands into more subbands / isolate bands with strong RFI• apply (fixed) spatial nulls at station level (“cheap”)• apply parametric techniques (more expensive; specific to coding


2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 12

system design & RFI mitigation effectiveness

Bottom line: one can mitigate RFI down to the level that it can be detected

So: delay RFI mitigation to the last stages in the datastream where data compression reduces the RFI mitigation SP load (beamforming, post correlation integration), unless…

• for dynamic range reasons- linearity requirements of LNAs after BF (PAF)- reduce number of bits (data transport reduction / digital stages PAF/AA)

• RFI is strongly spatially distributed- then local spatial filter makes more sense, at stations or between several stations

• RFI spectral bandwith does not match channel bandwidth- all methods

• RFI temporal characteristics - excision of s bursts close to antenna; drawback: loss of gain information

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 13

system design & RFI mitigation effectiveness

Stacking of methods is not usefull unless …...different domains are combined, e.g.

• RFI source subtraction, sidelobe cancelling and spatial filtering in

arrays are all spatial methods – in general not much use combining them

• parametric methods (Glonass/DVB suppr., Ellingson et al) and spatial filtering

2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 14

system design & spatial filtering

DOA, subspace techniques: order Nant3

Rank-one subspace techniques, single source DOA: order Nant2

If direction known, and apply to beamformer or correlator: cheap!

DOA and subspace estimation usually is expensiveespecially if it needs to be done at a high update rate

Applying fixed filters, known fixed directions• Most fixed transmitters: easily ~20 dB supp. • If propagation modifies spatial structure:

add closely spaced nulls / increase subspace to be removed• Very cheap method if combined with beamformer of correlator Applying on-line varying filters, moving interferers• Both for fixed and moving transmitters: good suppression• Filter distorts uvw data as well, but can be restored under certain conditions • Expensive method (online matrix operations)• Drawback: affects the beamshape => hampers on-line calibration, “smoothness


2nd SKADS Workshop 10-11 October 2007 P. Colom & A.J. Boonstra 15

may be costlycan be used in combination with other methods

parametric techniques

(assuming wide bands)

may be costly; changing sidelobes may impair calibration

somewhat better suppression than fixed; tracking possibilities

varying spatial filters, sidelobe canceller

lower SP load at output station beamformers


fluctuating beam may impair calibration

reduce strong RFI enables the use of less ADC bits / lessens LNA req.

varying spatial filtering, including sidelobe canceller

Antenna beam- formers (e.g. PAF)

difficult; needs careful calibrationreduce strong RFI enables the use of less ADC bits / lessens LNA req.

fixed spatial filtering

bookkeeping very costly; impairing gain estimate otherwise

low SP load unless booking is done on excised samples; fast transients

excision (assuming no subband filtering is done yet)

may be complex; may be time consuming

very flexible; can be added when necessary; relatively cheap

Spatial filtering,

parametric techniques, …

Post processing

-can be done at short timescales and short bandwidths; common practice


influences UVW data points;

may impair calibration

may be applicable at shorter timescales than at location of correlator output

Interstation sidelobe cancelling/ spatial filtering, moving sources


more complex operation; connection wit cenral systems

very cheap; reduce data transport rate to central site

fixed spatial filterStation beamformers

Con’sPro’sMethodSignal path

Applicability in SKA