2 mahuru 2015 somerville rd

of our household, that they may remember You, their Creator, in the

Transcript of 2 mahuru 2015 somerville rd

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Mō Maria ināianei, Ō tātou waiata; Kia kaha rā tātou Kia

nui te aroha.

Mō Maria ināianei, Ō tātou waiata; Kia kaha rā tātou, Kia nui

te aroha.

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Aroha ki te Atua, Aroha ki a Maria, Ki te rangi, te whenua, Ake

ake tonu rā..

Mō Maria, ināianei, Ō tātou waiata;

Kia kaha rā tātou, Kia

nui te aroha.

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Remember the children of our household, that they may remember You, their Creator, in the days of their youth,

Ko tēnei te wā ka waiata au, Ka waiata au ki a Ihowa; Ko tēnei te wā ka īnoi ahau,

Ka īnoi ki te Ariki.

Waiata aroha nui, Waiata aroha nui,

Waiata aroha nui ki te Atua.

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Remember the children of our household, that they may remember You, their Creator, in the days of their youth,

Ko tēnei te wā ka whakapai au, Ka whakapai ki a Ihowa;

Ko tēnei te wā ka mihi au, Ka mihi ki te


Mō Āna ātawhainga, Mō Āna manaakitanga, Mō Tōna aroha nui ki te


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Remember the children of our household, that they may remember You, their Creator, in the days of their youth,

Ka waiata ki a Maria, Hine i

whakaae; Whakameatia mai he whare-tangata, Hine-pūrotu, Hine-ngākau,

Hine-rangimārie; Ko te Whaea, ko te Whaea,

O te ao, o te ao.

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E Te Ariki, whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou;

E Te Ariki, titiro mai rā ki a mātou; Tēnei mātou Ō tamariki,

E whakapono ana mātou ki a Koe.,

Aue, aueTe Matua, Te Tamaiti, Wairua Tapu


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Karakia mō te Rātapu te 6 o Mahuru

ki Somerville RoadTikanga Māori

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Remember the children of our household, that they may remember You, their Creator, in the days of their youth,

Te Kupu

Text for TodayPsalm 146:7b-9a

Ngā Waiata 146:7b-9a

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Ko Ihowa hei wewete i ngā herehere: The Lord sets the prisoners free;

8 Ko Ihowa hei whakatitiro i ngā matapō: 8 the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. ko Ihowa hei whakaara i te hunga

kua whakapikoa iho: The Lord lifts up those who are bowed

down; e aroha ana a Ihowa ki te hunga tika.

the Lord loves the righteous.

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9 Ko Ihowa hei tiaki i ngā manene; 9 The Lord watches over the


ko ia hei tautoko i te pani, he upholds the orphan

i te pouaru: and the widow,

ko te ara ia o te hunga kino, but the way of the wicked

ka huripokitia e ia.

he brings to ruin.

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Te Īnoi Whakatata Ki Te Atua

Prayer of Invocation 

Tikanga vi

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E te Atua kaha rawa, Almighty God,

e puta mai nei ngā īnoi pai katoa i a Koe, from whom all praises flow,

i a mātou ka whakatata ki a Koe, as we draw near to you,

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Whakaorangia mātou i te matoke o te ngākau, revive and bring

warmth back into our cold hearts,

me ngā koraratanga o te whakaaro, and our easily distracted minds,

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Kia kā ai tō mātou hiahia ki a Koe,

For our need for you lights up once more,he mea kia koropiko

mātou ki a Koe and we bow in your presence

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i roto i te whakapono me te wairua believing in the Spirit o Ihu

Karaiti, o tō mātou Ariki. of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


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He Hīmene

E Ihu tōku Ariki pai… Blessed Assurance...

Hīmene 93

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E Ihu tōku Ariki pai, Tata rawa au i Tōu

ātawhai Kua horoia ake katoa Ōku hara ki Ōna


Hīmene 68

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Tēnei katoa te kōrero,

He whakamoemiti i ia rā Ki tōku

Kaiwhakaora nei; He whakanui i a Ihu. Hīmene 68

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Pūrena tonu taku kapa,

Kua kī ahau i te hari nui, Kua

heke mai ngā ānahera Ki te whakaatu atawhai


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Tēnei katoa te kōrero, He whakamoemiti i

ia rā Ki tōku Kaiwhakaora nei; He

whakanui i a Ihu. 

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Kātahi tēnei ka noho pai,

Kore o te ngākau hiakai,

Ko Ia te taro o te ora; Mākona rawa au i a


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T ēnei katoa te kōrero,

He whakamoemiti i ia rā

Ki tōku Kaiwhakaora nei He whakanui i a



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Te Pānui i te Karaipiture

Scripture Reading

Isaiah 35:4-7

Ihāia 35:4-7

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4 Here is your God. Ka haere mai tō koutou Atua,

    He will come with vengeance,

me te rapu utu,

with terrible recompense. me te

whakautu ā te Atua;


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    He will come and save you.” ka haere mai anō ia ki te whakaora

i a koutou.”

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5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, 5 Ko reira ngā kanohi o ngā

matapō kite ai,     and the ears of the deaf

unstopped; ā ka puare ngā taringa o ngā turi.


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6 then the lame shall leap 6 Ko reira te kopa tūpeke ai, like a deer,

anō he hāta,     and the tongue of the

speechless sing for joy. ka waiata te arero o te whango;


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For waters shall break forth nō te mea ka pakaru

mai ngā wai in the wilderness,

i te koraha,    and streams in the desert;

ngā awa i te wāhi titōhea.

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7 The burning sand shall become 7 Nā ka meinga te kirikiri mumura a pool,

hei hārotoroto,     and the thirsty ground te whenua maroke springs of water;

hei pupūtanga wai:

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the haunt of jackals ā i te nohoanga i takoto ai ngā kīrehe mohoao,

shall become a swamp, the grass

    shall become reeds and rushes. ko te tarutaru, ko te kākaho, ko te


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Te Īnoi Whāki Hara

Prayer of


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E te Atua, Oh God,

e rongoa nei i te aroha mō ngā mano,

who dispenses love for multitudes, e muru nei i te kino,

who overcomes evil, i te tutū, wrongdoing, i te hara,

and sin,

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I runga i te tūmanako ki Tāu mahi tohu, With our hopes placed on your never-ending mercy

i runga hoki i te whākinga o

ō mātou hara, in order to confess our sins

ka whakatata nei ki a Koe. We

come close to you..

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Tukua mai tō murunga hara,

E te Karaiti

Forgive us, Lord Jesus.

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Mō ngā hara katoa i hara ai mātou me te whakaae anō

te ngākau, For all the sins we have

knowingly committed, e pēhi taumaha

nei aua hara ki runga i ō mātou hinengaro: and those sins are now weighing heavily on our


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Tukua mai tō murunga hara,

E te Karaiti

Forgive us, Lord Jesus.

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Mō ngā huarahi katoa For all the many ways

i whakakahore ai mātou i a Koe,

we have deliberately denied your place in o,ur lives,


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I whakapōhēhē ai mātou i ō mātou hoa mahi ki Tōu

āhua pono: we have created a

false impression with our fellow workers of your pure and

truthful existence:Tukua mai tō murunga

hara,E te Karaiti

Forgive us, Lord Jesus.

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Mō ā mātou tikanga kāhore rawa nei i rite ki a te

Karaiti, For our un-Christ-like ways

ā ko ia ā mātou tikanga ki ngā tāngata o ō

mātou kāinga, because that is how we have acted towards others in our homes ki ō mātou hoa hoki:

and in our communities 

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Tukua mai tō murunga hara,

E te Karaiti

Forgive us, Lord Jesus.

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Mō tō mātou māngere ki te karakia, For our laziness

where we have been remiss in attending worship, ā ia

tangata ki tōna wāhi, each ā ia tangata ki tōna wāhi, and everyone of us, me tō mātou haere ngākau-kore noa iho

and ki ngā karakia ā te whakaminenga:

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Me tō mātou haere ngākau-kore noa iho

and our half-hearted participation

ki ngā karakia ā te whakaminenga:

in our congregation’s worship:

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Tukua mai tō murunga hara,

E te Karaiti

Forgive us, Lord Jesus.


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Mō tō mātou kore e whakaaro For our mindless attitude

ki ngā mahi ā tō Hāhi, towards all the work of your church, me ngā

take o Tōu rangatiratanga, and the matters your kingdom, me ngā mate wairua o te

ao: and the low spiritual well-

being of the world:

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Tukua mai tō murunga hara,

E te Karaiti

Forgive us, Lord Jesus.

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Mō tā mātou whakaparahako ki Tōu

aroha noa, For our rejection of your

ever present love, mō tā mātou

whakapōuri for our ability to soil i Tōu aroha, your pure love, mō tō mātou kotiti kē

i Ōu ara:

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Mō tō mātou For our kotiti kē i Ōu ara: never-failing ability

to stay far from your pathways:

Tukua mai tō murunga hara,

E te KaraitiForgive us, Lord Jesus.

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E Koe te aroha Oh, you are the love

e kore nei e tuku i a mātou kia haere noa atu, that will not let us go, te Aroha mau tonu, the love that binds for

ever, te Aroha e kore nei e taea te

whakaaro, the love that the mind can ever

be capable of imagining,

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E haere mai ana mātou ki a Koe i runga i te ingoa Ōna i mate nei mō ō mātou hara, e ora tonu nei anō Ia

ki te īnoi mō mātou. 

Tikanga vi

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Te Aroha whakaora, life-giving love, te Aroha whakahōu,

love that renews, e whakaokioki ana mātou we rest

i ō mātou wairua māuiui our

weary spirits ki runga i a Koe i tēnei rā,

on you today,

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Me te mōhio anō Secure in the knowledge kua murua e Koe that you have washed

away ō mātou hara, our sins, he whakaaro hoki ki a te Karaiti.

In remembrance of Christ.

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Tukua mai kia noho mātou ā muri ake nei May we remain for ever after

i roto i te here-koretanga in the

assurance of sins forgiven me te

hari o te tino whakaoranga. and the

boundless joy of true salvation.


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He Hīmene

E te Toka ingoa nui…

Rock of ages cleft for me…  

Hīmene 64

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1E te Toka ingoa nui

Ōnāmata iho rā,Mōku nei i wāhia ai,Hunaa iho au e Koe;Tahia ake ōku hē Ki te toto, ki te wai. Himene 64

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2 Hore kau e ea i a au

Ō te ture tikanga,Ahakoa au oke nui Tangi tonu rānei au;

Māu anake hoki rā, Māu ka ora ai ahau.

Himene 64

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3Tēnei au te tū kau nei,

Hīpokina iho rā, Tēnei au te mate nei, Whakaorangia e Koe:

Ōku kino, ōku hē, Māu, e Ihu, e horoi.

Himene 64

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4 I

ahau e ora nei; Ā te wā e mate ai;

Inā piki ake au Ki te ao e ngaro nei;

E te Toka ingoa nui, Hunaa iho au e Koe.

Himene 64


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Te Īnoi Whakawhetai

Prayer of Thanksgiving

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Whakapaingia a Īhowa, Praise the Lord,

e tōku wairua, my soul, kei wareware forget not

ki Āna ohaoha katoa. all

His many gifts to us.

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Ko Ia te muru nei i ō tātou kino katoa;

He forgives all your sins te rongoa nei i ōu

mate katoa. And cures all

ailments that afflict us, Ko Ia te hoko nei i tōu

ora kei ngaro,

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Ko Ia te hoko nei He has redeemed i tō tātou ora kei ngaro, us all from the

grave, te karauna nei i a tātou

He has crowned us ki te ātawhai with grace,

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Ki te aroha. And with love.

Whakapaingia a Īhowa, e tōku wairua, Praise the Lord, Oh my


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Tōna ingoa tapu hoki, His holy name as well e ngā mea katoa i roto i ahau. With all of my being.


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Ngā Īnoi Mō Tātou Anō

Prayers for Ourselves

Te Tikanga VII

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Ē te Atua, e te Matua, God, our Father, e te Kaihanga, Creator, e te Kaitohu: and Sustainer:

Tohungia mātou. Be merciful to us

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E te Atua, e te Tama, God, the Son,

ko Koe tō mātou Kaihoko:

You are our Redeemer:

Tohungia mātou. Be merciful to us

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E te Atua, e te Wairua, O God the Holy Spirit,

ko Koe tō mātou Kaiwhakamārie,

You are our Comforter tō mātou Kaiārahi:

and our Guide: Tohungia mātou.

Be merciful to us

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I te matapō o te ngākau, From spiritual

blindness i te pūhoi o te hinengaro and lack of understanding

ki te mōhio ki te tika, to the ability to know what is

right ki te hē rānei from

what is wrong

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O ō mātou whakaaro, In our minds

o ā mātou mahi: or in everything

we do: Tohungia mātou.

Be merciful to us

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I te ngākau-kore o te wairua, From hearts that have become

hard,i ngā hiahia tutū:

and a rebellious spirit:Tohungia mātou.

Be merciful to us

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I ngā whakaaro mārō mō ētahi, From unjust criticism of

others i te mauāhara:

and bitterness.

Tohungia tō iwi e te Ariki. Be merciful

to us, O Lord.

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I ngā kōrero whakaaro-kore,

From careless talki te māngere ki te mahi:

and laziness in service:

Tohungia tō iwi, e te Ariki. Be merciful

to us, O Lord.

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I te wa o te tūkino, In times of economic

distress i te wā o te whiwhi-

taonga, in times of wealth:

Tohungia tō iwi e te Ariki. Be merciful to

us, O Lord.

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I te rā o te matenga, On the day of death,

i te hāora o te whakawā:And in the time of judgement:

Tohungia tō iwi e te Ariki. Be merciful to us,

O Lord. Āmine

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He Hīmene Hīmene - E te Hoa pai ko Ihu Ihu... What a Friend we have in Jesus...

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E! te hoa pai ko Ihu, Māna e waha katoa;,

Ngā hara me ngā pōuri, Ki te īnoi ki a Ia. E te mārie ka ngaro, Te mamae ka ngau kino

He kore anō nō tātou E īnoi ki a Ia.

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He whakawai nei ō tātou,

He tāke raruraru? Kauaka e ngākau- kore, Īnoi ki te

Āriki. Ka kitea rāia e tātou He hoa pērā te pono? Kei

te mōhio katoa Ia Ki ō tātou ngoi-


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Kei te iwikore tātou, Kei te āwangawanga

‘Nei te Hoa hei piringa, Īnoia ki a Ihu.

Kei te whakahāweatia koe,

Whakarererea e ōu hoa Me whakaatu ki a

Ihu, Māna koe e awhi mai.


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Ngā Īnoi Mō Ngā Tāngata

Prayer of Intercession

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Whakarongo mai e Īhowa, Hear us,O Lord, i a mātou ka īnoi mō ngā tāngata,

As we pray for other people, ā,

meinga kia kī ō mātou ngākau i te aroha, and you fill our hearts with


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Me te rangimārie, And peace, me te whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa. and goodwill to all people.


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Kia maharatia, e te Atua,

Be mindful, O God,ngā iwi o te whenua,

of the communities throughout the land

me Āu tamariki i ngā wāhi katoa. and all the young people

as well.Āmine.

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Kia maharatia e koe tō mātou whenua tupu, Remember our homeland Āu pononga

and your servantsa Kuini Irihāpeti rāua ko

Te Arikinui a Kīngi Tūheitia, Elizabeth, the Queen and

Tūheitia Te Ariki-nui. Āmine.

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Kia maharatia e koe ō mātou rangatira katoa Be mindful also of our nation’s leaders

me ō mātou kaiwhakawā, and our

judges in courts, te nuinga hoki o te iwi; and the rest of the people;


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Kia maharatia e te Atua, Remember, O God, tō Hāhi

your church

e whawhai nei ki runga i te whenua; struggling to make

headway throughout the land;

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Tonoa mai te mārama me te rangimārie

Send enlightenment and peace ki roto i ngā

temepara o Tōu whakamoemiti;

throughout your congregations of worship;


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Ringihia te wairua o te pono, o te aroha

Empower with the spirit of truth

and compassion ki runga i Āu minita,

all who serve in your ministry,

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Meinga hoki te hunga katoa Grant that all

e karakia ana ki a Koe who worship you

kia ngohengohe, are obedient kia tapatahi te ngākau ki a Te Karaiti.

And true to the teachings of Christ.


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Kia maharatia mō te pai We are mindful tēnei kāhui

of this congregation

kua whakamine mai nei, who have gathered

here today,

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Meinga hoki te hunga katoa e karakia ana ki a Koe

Grant that all who have come to worship you here today

kia ngohengohe,

kia tapatahi te ngākau ki a te Karaiti. Are made obedient and stout of heart for Christ our Lord.

Āmine. Te tikanga v

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Kia maharatia e koe ngā tāne me ngā wāhine katoa i roto i ā rātou

karangatanga mahi, We pray for all men, and women,

who must work for a living,Kia puta tō rātou uaua ki te mahi i

ngā mea e kitea ana e ō rātou ringa kia mahia, that they be found trustworthy in all

their efforts.

Āmine. Te tikanga v

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Kia maharatia e koe ngā tamariki o ō mātou kāinga, We pray for our children, and children everywhere, kia mahara ai rātou

that they may grow to know,

ki tō rātou Kaihanga love and serve you as their Lord, and

God,i ngā rā o tō rātou tamarikitanga,

in the days of their youthTe tikanga v

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Kia puta tō rātou uaua ki te mahi i ngā mea That they may devote their time

and energy to whatever work e kitea ana e ō rātou ringa kia mahia,

they find that they turn their hands to doing,

Āmine. Te tikanga v

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Kia maharatia e koe ngā tāngata katoa We pray for all kei te mate,

who suffer sickness

kei roto rānei i tētahi āhua o te pōuri, and ill-health,

kōrerotia te kupu whakamārie ki

te hunga e tangi ana, for those who

grieve for loved ones lost,


Te tikanga v

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Me ngā mea e whakahemohemo ana Comfort the dying and bless them with your peace,

kei roto rānei i tētahi āhua o te pōuri, and ill-health,

kōrerotia te kupu whakamārie ki te hunga e

tangi ana, for those who grieve for

loved ones lost, Āmine.

Te tikanga v

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Kia maharatia, e te Atua tohu rawa, We pray, O merciful God, ngā tāngata katoa e kotiti ana i ou ara;

for all those who have no faith to believe that you are the Creator, and that Christ is the

Saviour of the world, Te tikanga v

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Tangohia atu i a rātou te kāpōtanga katoa o te hinengaro, And we pray for those who have lost

the faith they had me te mārōtanga o te

ngākau, and no longer worship you ā, whakahokia mai anō rātou ki a koe.

By the power of your spirit, Lord, revive their faith and restore them to righteousness.

Āmine.Te tikanga v

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He Hīmene

Te Atua, tapu o ngā tapu…Majesty,

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Te Atua, tapu o ngā tapu, Ki a Ihu te korōria,

te hōnore;

Te Atua, te mana hareruia, I heke mai i te maunga

tapu, Ki te iwi.


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Hāpaitia, whakateiteitia, Te ingoa o Ihu;

Whakapaingia, Whakamoemititia.

Te Atua, tapu o ngā tapu; I mate nei, a Ihu e,

Te Kīngi nui. Āmine 

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Te Pānui i te Karaipiture

Scripture Reading

Mark 7:24-37 

Māka 7:24-37

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Te Kauwhau

The Sermon

Tikanga vi

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Ngā Koha – Offering

Ngā wawatatangaE te Ariki

Horahia te marino,Piki mai, kake mai;Hōmai te wai oraKi a mātou katoa;Ngā wawatatanga,

E te Ariki.

Ngā Koha

OfferingTikanga vi

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Ngā wawatatangaE te Ariki

Horahia te marino,Piki mai, kake mai;Hōmai te wai oraKi a mātou katoa;Ngā wawatatanga,

E te Ariki.

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E te Atua, O God, Nāu nei i hōmai ngā mea

katoa; who gave us all things;

mauria atu ēnei kohikohinga take these gifts nā Tāu iwi, from Your people,

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Kawea atu take them hei whakatutuki i Tāu mahi

to fulfil Your work ki te whakakorōria hoki i Tōu ingoa;

and to glorify Your name;

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Uhia Āu manaakitanga ki runga i a mātou,

bestow on us Your blessings, meinga ēnei mea

grant that these things be used hei whakawhānui to further

i Tōu kīngitanga;

your kingdom;

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Ko Ihu Karaiti hoki tō mātou Ariki.

for Jesus Christ our Lord.


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Te Īnoi Whakamutunga

Closing Prayer

Tikanga vi

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Ā tukua mai kia piki tonu mātou ki roto i te aroha ki a Koe,

and continue to help us to love you more ā kia taea hoki e mātou and that

we may always te noho tonu ki roto i Tōu

rangimārie. live in the peace that is

your will for us.


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E te Atua, O God,

e hōmai nei i tēnei wā o te āta noho, you have given us this quiet

time, o ngā whakaaro tapu me te īnoi, for

sacred meditation and prayer, kia pai koe ki te manao graciously receive

ki tō mātou koropiko nei ki a Koe; our worship we offer you

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Te Manaakitanga


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Kia tau ki a tātou katoa te atawhai o tō tātou Ariki o Ihu

Karaiti, The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, me te aroha o te

Atua,  and the love of God,

me te whiwhinga tahitanga and the fellowship ki te Wairua Tapu, of the Holy Spirit, ā, ake, ake. be with us all for evermore. Āmine. 

Tikanga vi

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Himene 39