2. Five Paths

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  • 8/10/2019 2. Five Paths


  • 8/10/2019 2. Five Paths


    We may progress through the five pathway minds on three levels, depending on our

    motivation and style of practice. The first two levels are as Hinayana practitioners;

    the third is the Mahayana level.

    Note that in Buddhist terminology, motivation (kun-slong) refers to the mental factor

    of intention (dun-pa) the intention to reach a certain a goal for a certain purpose.

    It does not refer to the mental factor of the positive or negative emotion, such as

    love and compassion or jealousy and greed, that accompanies the intention and moves

    us to attain a goal.

    1. Shravakas (nyan-thos, listeners) strive to attain liberation (thar-pa, Skt.

    moksha) from samsara. Their motivating factor to reach that goal is renunciation

    (nges-byung) of true suffering and the true causes of it, and the determination to be

    free from them. Listening to the teachings of a Buddha, they work to achieve their


    2. Pratyekabuddhas (rang-rgyal, self-realizers) also strive, with renunciation, to

    attain liberation. They live during dark ages when the teachings of a Buddha are no

    longer available. They do not study with spiritual teachers, because there are none,

    and they teach only by gestures, since others are not receptive. Living either singly

    (like a rhinoceros) or in small groups, they must rely on their instincts to learn of the


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    3. Bodhisattvas (byang-chub sems-dpa) strive to achieve enlightenment and the

    ability to be of as much benefit to all limited beings (sentient beings) as is possible.

    The motivating factor to reach this goal is called bodhichitta (byang-sems).

    Reaching One of the Three Purified States as One of the Three Types of Arhat

    When the three types of practitioners reach their goals, they all become arhats

    (dgra-bcom-pa, liberated beings, "foe-destroyers"). They become:

    1. shravaka arhats,

    2. pratyekabuddha arhats, or

    3. Buddha arhats. A Buddha arhat is another name for a Buddha.

    Moreover, each of the three goals is called bodhi (byang-chub), a purified state.

    Buddhahood (enlightenment) is also called samyaksambodhi (yang-dag-pa r dzogs-pai

    byang-chub), the full, perfectly purified state.

    The Building-up Pathway Mind

    Depending on our situations and motivations, we achieve one or the other of the two

    Hinayana building-up pathway minds of building up when we attain uncontrived (bcos-

    med) renunciation as our primary motivation. "Uncontrived" means that this mental

    factor arises without needing to work ourselves up to it by relying directly, step by

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    step, on a line of reasoning. We achieve a Mahayana building-up pathway mind when we

    attain, in addition, uncontrived bodhichitta.

    * According to the Gelug Jetsunpa (rJe-btsun Chos-kyi rgyal-mtshan) textbooks,

    contrived bodhichitta is not actually bodhichitta. The only definitional bodhichitta is

    the uncontrived variety. According to the Gelug Panchen (Pan-chen bSod-nams grags-

    pa) textbook tradition, both contrived and uncontrived bodhichittas are actually


    Having renunciation or both renunciation and bodhichitta as our primary motivation

    means that we have them manifest (mngon-gyur-ba) all the time. Having them

    manifest does not necessarily mean that we are conscious of them every moment

    from then on. Even when we are not consciously thinking about bodhichitta, we still

    have the intention to achieve enlightenment and benefit all limited beings.

    Further, to attain a building-up pathway mind, we need to have gained beforehand two

    levels of discriminating awareness of the sixteen characteristics of the four noble


    1. that which arises from hearing about them (thos-byung shes-rab), so that we

    can focus conceptually on the sixteen with a mere idea of the words (sgra-spyi), but

    without any associated meaning to them,

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    2. that which arises from pondering them (bsam-byung shes-rab), so that we

    understand and can focus conceptually on them with an accurate idea of their meaning


    Included among the sixteen characteristics is voidness (stong-pa-nyid, emptiness),

    the absence of impossible ways of existing, as defined differently by each of the

    Hinayana and Mahayana schools of tenets.

    [See: List of the Sixteen Characteristics and Sixteen Incorrect Views of the Four

    Noble Truths.]

    The building-up pathway mind has nine stages or levels three initial, three

    intermediate, and three advanced. As we progress from one stage to the next, we

    "build up" to the attainment of shamatha (zhi-gnas, a serenely stilled and settled

    state of mind, calm abiding) focused conceptually on the sixteen characteristics of

    the four noble truths and then the joined pair of shamatha and vipashyana (lhag-

    mthong, an exceptionally perceptive state of mind, special insight) similarly focused.

    We may or may not have already achieved shamatha and vipashyana focused on some

    other object before attaining the first pathway mind. In fact, their attainment is not

    exclusively Buddhist. Non-Buddhist meditators also practice and achieve shamatha

    and vipashyana, but not focused on the sixteen characteristics of the four noble

    truths. Here, when we achieve shamatha focused on the sixteen characteristics, we

    achieve an advanced building-up pathway mind.

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    3. Patience (bzod-pa), with which we have no more fears about losing our

    conventional identities. With the attainment of this stage of mind, we no longer will

    be reborn in one of the three worse rebirth states as a trapped being in a joyless

    realm (hell being), clutching ghost (hungry ghost), or animal.

    4. Supreme Dharma (chos-mchog), with which we are able to apply our joined

    shamatha and vipashyana on the sixteen characteristics to the nature of mind itself.

    The Seeing Pathway Mind Becoming an Arya

    When we achieve joined shamatha and vipashyana focused nonconceptually on the

    sixteen characteristics of the four noble truths during our total absorption (mnyam-

    bzhag, meditative equipoise) on them, we attain a seeing pathway mind. Nonconceptual

    joined shamatha and vipashyana focused like this is called yogic nonconceptual

    cognition (rnal-byor mngon-sum). At this point, depending on our level of progressing

    through the five pathway minds, we become aryas (phags-pa, highly realized beings,

    "noble ones"):

    1. arya shravakas,

    2. arya pratyekabuddhas,

    3. arya bodhisattvas.

    We continue to hold the name arya even when we achieve our goals of bodhi. Thus,

    Hinayana and Mahayana arhats (Buddhas) are included among aryas. Those who have

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    not yet become aryas are termed ordinary beings (so-soi skye-bo), even if they have

    achieved one of the first two pathway minds.

    As an arya with a seeing pathway mind, we attain our first true stoppings (gog-bden,

    true cessations) or riddances (spang-ba, abandonments) of items included in one of

    two sets of obscuration:

    * obscurations that are disturbing emotions and attitudes and which prevent

    liberation (nyon-sgrib),

    * obscurations regarding all knowables and which prevent omniscience (shes-


    Only the Mahayana tenet systems assert the obscurations preventing omniscience.

    The Hinayana systems, Vaibhashika and Sautrantika, assert only obscurations

    preventing liberation.

    Although the Mahayana tenet systems, Chittamatra and Madhyamaka, define

    differently the items included in each of the two sets of obscuration,

    * the Sakya and Nyingma presentations of Svatantrika-Madhyamaka and

    Prasangika-Madhyamaka share a common assertion of the two.

    * The Gelug and Karma Kagyu presentations of Madhyamaka assert that

    Svatantrika and Prasangika have different assertions of the two.

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    What a Mahayana Seeing Pathway Mind Rids Us Of

    Obscurations Preventing Liberation

    Obscurations Preventing Omniscience

    * Chittamatra

    * Gelug Svatantrika

    * Karma Kagyu Svatantrika

    * Nyingma Madhyamaka

    conceptually based

    conceptually based

    Sakya Madhyamaka

    * conceptually based

    * automatically arising

    conceptually based

    * Gelug Prasangika

    * Karma Kagyu Prasangika

    conceptually based


    * From among the obscurations preventing liberation, what a seeing pathway mind

    rids us of (mthong-spang, abandonments of the path of seeing) include the

    conceptually based disturbing emotions and attitudes (nyon-rmongs kun-brtags)

    associated with the three dimensions of being (kham-gsum, three realms).

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    * According to the Sakya presentation of the Madhyamaka systems, a Mahayana

    seeing pathway mind also rids us of the automatically arising obscurations preventing


    The three dimensions of being are:

    1. the dimension of desirable sense objects (dod-khams, desire realm),

    2. the dimension of ethereal forms (gzugs-khams, form realm),

    3. the dimension of formless beings (gzugs-med khams, formless realm).

    The latter two are called the two higher dimensions of being (khams gong-ma).

    * According to all presentations of the Chittamatra system, the Gelug and Karma

    Kagyu presentation of the Svatantrika-Madhyamaka systems in general, and the

    Nyingma and Sakya presentations of the Madhyamaka systems in general, if we are

    progressing through the pathway minds as bodhisattvas, then, from among the

    obscurations preventing omniscience, a Mahayana seeing pathway mind also rids us of

    the conceptually based form of these obscurations.

    * The Gelug and Karma Kagyu presentations of the Prasangika-Madhyamaka

    system do not assert this set of obscurations as having a division into conceptually

    based and automatically arising (lhan-skyes) forms. According to this presentation,

    the Mahayana seeing pathway mind does not rid us of any form of obscuration

    preventing omniscience.

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    The Sixteen Phases of the Seeing Pathway Mind

    Total absorption on the sixteen characteristics of the four noble truths with a seeing

    pathway mind has sixteen phases (skad-cig, moments):

    * eight uninterrupted pathway minds (bar-chad med-lam) pathway minds having

    nonconceptual cognition of the sixteen,

    * eight liberated pathway minds (rnam-grol lam) pathway minds having

    separations (bral-ba), true stoppings (gog-pa), or riddances (spang-ba, abandonments)

    of what a seeing pathway mind rids us (mthong-spang).

    Thus, the eight uninterrupted seeing pathway minds rid us of what a seeing pathway

    mind is rid of, and the eight liberated seeing pathway minds are rid of them.

    The eight uninterrupted pathway minds of seeing are also called the eight states of

    patience (bzod-pa brgyad). The eight liberated pathway minds of seeing are also

    called the eight purified awarenesses (shes-pa brgyad).

    The eight purified awarenesses include:

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    * the four purified awarenesses concerning phenomena (chos-shes bzhi), one

    each for each of the four noble truths concerning the phenomena of the dimension of

    desirable sense objects.

    * The four purified awarenesses from further realization (rjes-shes bzhi, rjes-

    su rtogs-pai shes-pa bzhi), one each for each of the four noble truths concerning the

    phenomena of the two higher dimensions of being.

    The eight states of patience are patient for achieving the eight purified

    awarenesses, and include:

    * the four states of patience for phenomena (chos-bzod bzhi) or, more fully, the

    four states of patience for the purified awarenesses concerning phenomena (chos-

    shes-pai bzod-pa bzhi),

    * the four states of patience for further realization (rjes-bzod bzhi) or, more

    fully, the four states of patience for the purified awarenesses from further

    realization (rjes-su rtogs-pai shes-pai bzod-pa bzhi).

    The Accustoming Pathway Mind

    With an accustoming pathway mind, we accustom ourselves to the nonconceptual

    cognition of the four noble truths that we gained with a seeing pathway of mind.

    What a Mahayana Accustoming Pathway Mind Rids Us Of

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    Unpurified Bhumis (2-7)

    Purified Bhumis (8-10)

    Obscurations Preventing Liberation

    Obscurations Preventing Omniscience

    Obscurations Preventing Liberation

    Obscurations Preventing Omniscience

    * Chittamatra

    * Gelug Sautrantika- Svatantrika

    * Karma Kagyu Svatantrika

    * Nyingma Madhyamaka

    automatically arising

    automatically arising


    automatically arising

    Gelug Yogachara-Svatantrika

    automatically arising

    automatically arising

    automatically arising

    automatically arising

    Sakya Madhyamaka


    automatically arising


    automatically arising

    * Gelug Prasangika

    * Karma Kagyu Prasangika

    automatically arising

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    all (no division of conceptually based and automatically arising)

    There are nine grades of what an accustoming pathway mind rids us of (sgom-spang,

    abandonments of the path of meditation). An accustoming pathway mind rids us of

    them progressively, one grade at a time. Thus, there are different levels of

    accustoming pathway minds according to the number of grades it is rid of.

    * As shravakas and pratyekabuddhas, a Hinayana accustoming pathway mind

    progressively rids us of the rest of the obscurations that are disturbing emotions

    and attitudes, namely those that automatically arise (nyon-rmongs lhan-skyes).

    * As bodhisattvas, except according to the Sakya presentation of the

    Madhyamika systems in general, a Mahayana accustoming pathway mind also

    progressivley rids us of the automatically arising obscurations preventing liberation.

    * According to the Gelug and Karma Kagyu presentations of the Svatantrika-

    Madhyamaka systems in general and the Nyingma and Sakya presentations of the

    Madhyamaka systems in general, a Mahayana accustoming pathway mind also

    progressivley rids us of the automatically arising form of the obscurations preventing


    * According to the Gelug and Karma Kagyu presentations of the Prasangika-

    Madhyamaka system, it progressively rids us of all the obscurations preventing


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    The various schools of Indian Buddhist tenets and the various Tibetan traditions give

    different presentations of the order in which, as arya bodhisattvas, we rid ourselves

    of what an accustoming pathway mind rids us of.

    From among what a Mahayana accustoming pathway mind rids us of:

    * according to all presentations of the Chittamatra system, the Gelug and Karma

    Kagyu presentations of the Svatantrika-Madhyamaka systems in general, and the

    Nyingma presentation of the Madhyamaka systems in general, we start to rid

    ourselves of both the automatically arising disturbing emotions and attitudes and the

    automatically arising obscurations preventing omniscience at the same time.

    * Except for the Gelug presentation of the Yogachara Svatantrika-Madhyamaka

    system, all presentations of all other Mahayana systems assert that we finish ridding

    ourselves of the former set first, before finishing ridding ourselves of the second

    set. According to the Gelug presentation of the Yogachara Svatantrika system, we

    finish ridding ourselves of both sets of obscurations simultaneously with the

    attainment of Buddhahood.

    * According to the Gelug and Karma Kagyu presentations of the Prasangika-

    Madhyamaka system, we rid ourselves of the automatically arising disturbing

    emotions and attitudes first and only after we have completely removed all of them,

    do we begin to rid ourselves of the obscurations preventing omniscience.

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    7. far gone (ring-du song-ba),

    8. immovable (mi-g.yo-ba),

    9. most intelligent (legs-par blo-gros),

    10. cloud of Dharma (chos-sprin).

    The uninterrupted and liberated pathway minds distribute among the ten bhumi mind

    levels as follows.

    * A first-level bhumi mind encompasses first-level uninterrupted and liberated

    seeing pathway minds, and a first-level uninterrupted accustoming pathway mind for

    achieving a second-level bhumi mind. Thus, a first-level bhumi mind encompasses the

    two phases of a seeing pathway mind and the first phase of an accustoming pathway

    mind. Only in its second phase, as a first-level liberated pathway mind, is it rid of

    what a seeing pathway mind is rid of. All the rest of the bhumi mind levels have only

    two phases and are levels of an accustoming pathway mind.

    * The two phases of a second-level bhumi mind include a second-level liberated

    pathway mind and a second-level uninterrupted pathway mind for achieving a third-

    level bhumi mind. Both phases of a second-level bhumi mind are rid of the first of the

    nine grades of what an accustoming pathway mind is rid of.

    * A third-level bhumi mind encompasses a third-level liberated pathway mind and

    a third-level uninterrupted pathway mind for achieving a fourth-level bhumi mind.

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    Both phases of a third-level bhumi mind are rid of the second grade of what an

    accustoming path rids us .

    * The subsequent levels of bhumi mind continue in the same fashion. Thus, the

    two phases of a tenth-level bhumi mind includea tenth-level liberated pathway mind

    and a tenth-level uninterrupted pathway mind for achieving Buddhahood. Both phases

    of a tenth-level bhumi mind are rid of the ninth and final grade of what an

    accustoming path rids us .

    The first seven-level bhumi minds are called the unpurified bhumi minds (ma-dag-pai

    sa), while the eighth through the tenth-level bhumi minds are the purified bhumi

    minds (dag-pai sa). There is a wide variety of presentations of what "unpurified" and

    "purified" mean in this context, even within each of the four Tibetan traditions.

    Regardless of definition:

    * According to all presentations of the Chittamatra system, the Nyingma

    presentation of the Madhyamaka systems in general, the Karma Kagyu presentation of

    the Svatantrika-Madhyamaka system, and the Gelug presentation of the Sautrantika

    Svatantrika-Madhyamaka and Prasangika-Madhyamaka systems, when we attain an

    eighth-level bhumi mind, we are rid of all automatically-arising disturbing emotions

    and attitudes and thus rid of the obscurations preventing liberation. This is the

    attainment of bodhisattva arhatship.

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    * According to the Gelug presentation of the Yogachara Svatantrika-

    Madhyamaka system, we attain bodhisattva arhatship and Buddhahood simultaneously

    with the attainment of a bodhisattva pathway mind of no further learning.

    * According to the Sakya presentation of the Madhyamaka systems, we attain

    bodhisattva arhatship with a Mahayana seeing pathway mind, because the Mahayana

    seeing pathway mind rids us of all obscurations preventing liberation.

    Hinyana System of Stream-Enterer, Once-Returner, Non-Returner, and Arhat

    The division scheme of aryas into stream-enterer (rgyun-zhugs), once-returner

    (phyir-ong), non-returner (phyir mi-ong), and arhat (dgra-bcom) is unique to

    Hinayana. Mahayana does not use it for the levels of arya bodhisattvas. Each of the

    four have an enterer (zhugs-pa) and resultant abider (bras-gnas) state, thus making

    eight enterer and resultant levels of Hinayana aryas (zhugs-gnas brgyad).

    1. As an enterer stream-enterer, we attain a seeing pathway mind and aim with

    the eight states of patience (uninterrupted pathway minds of seeing) to rid ourselves

    of the conceptually based disturbing emotions and attitudes associated with the

    three dimensions of being.

    2. As a resultant abiding stream-enterer, we have achieved the eight purified

    awarenesses (liberated pathway minds of seeing) and are rid of all conceptually based

    disturbing emotions and attitudes. At this stage, we still have one of the Hinayana

    seeing pathway minds (shravaka or pratyekabuddha).

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    3. As an enterer once-returner, we achieve a Hinayana accustoming pathway mind.

    Of the automatically arising disturbing emotions and attitudes associated with a mind

    in the dimension of desirable sense objects, we aim to rid ourselves of the first six


    4. As a resultant once-returner, we are rid of all six grades. Because we will

    attain arhatship after only one more lifetime, we are called once-returner. In other

    words, we will return with another samsaric rebirth only one more time.

    5. As an enterer non-returner, we aim to rid ourselves of the last three grades of

    the automatically arising disturbing emotions and attitudes associated with a mind in

    the dimension of desirable sense objects.

    6. As a resultant abider non-returner, we are rid of all three grades. We are

    called non-returner, because we will attain arhatship in this lietime, without returning

    once more with a samsaric rebirth.

    7. As an enterer arhat, we aim to rid ourselves of all nine grades of automatically

    arising disturbing emotions and attitudes associated with a mind in the two higher

    dimensions of being. We are still on the path of meditation.

    8. As a resultant abider arhat, we rid ourselves of all nine grades. Now, rid of all

    obscurations preventing liberation, we reach our goal of either shravaka or

    prayekabuddha arhatship.

    A Pathway Mind Needing No Further Training

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    With a pathway mind needing no further training, we have reached the level of bodhi

    that was our aim. Progressing through the five pathway minds as a Hinayana

    practitioner, we become either a resultant abider shravaka arhat or a resultant

    abider pratyekabuddha arhat, rid of the obscurations preventing liberation. If we

    were to develop uncontrived bodhichitta and thus a Mahayana pathway mind at this


    * according to all presentations of the Chittamatra systems, the Gelug and

    Karma Kagyu presentations of the Svatantrika-Madhyamaka systems in general, and

    the Sakya and Nyingma presentations of the Madhyamaka systems in general, we

    would start with a Mahayana building-up pathway mind, since we would need first to

    gain shamatha focused conceptually on the voidness of all phenomena as defined

    individually by these systems and apply that focus to all phenomena.

    * According to the Gelug and Karma Kagyu presentations of the Prasangika-

    Madhyamaka system, we would start at the eighth bodhisattva bhumi.

    If we have been progressing as bodhisattvas, we achieve enlightenment with a

    Mahayana pathway mind needing no further training and become bodhisattva arhats

    (Buddhas), rid of both the obscurations preventing liberation and the obscurations

    preventing omniscience.

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    Section Contents

    Source of Inspiration Modern Adaptation of Buddhism Vows and


    Introduction to Buddhism Sutra Teachings Prayers and Tantra Practices

    History of Buddhism and Bon Tantra Teachings Tibetan Astrology

    Comparison of Buddhist Traditions Kalachakra e-Books

    Buddhism in the World Today Dzogchen Bibliographies

    Buddhism and Islam Mahamudra

    Page Contents

    List of the Five Pathway Minds

    Progressing through Them as a Shravaka, Pratyekabuddha, or Bodhisattva

    Reaching One of the Three Purified States as One of the Three Types of Arhat

    The Building-up Pathway Mind

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    The Applying Pathway Mind

    The Seeing Pathway Mind Becoming an Arya

    The Sixteen Phases of the Seeing Pathway Mind

    The Accustoming Pathway Mind

    The Ten Bodhisattva Bhumi Minds

    Hinyana System of Stream-Enterer, Once-Returner, Non-Returner, and Arhat

    A Pathway Mind Needing No Further Training


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