1ST MARINE REGIMENT - COMMAND DIARY - AUGUST 1952 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2875 CD: 25 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org



    Korean War

    Korean War Project Record: USMC-2875

    CD: 25

    United States Marine Corps History Division

    Quantico, Virginia

    Records: United States Marine Corps

    Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

    Records Group: RG 127

    Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

    Location: College Park, Maryland

    Editor: Hal Barker

    Korean War Project

    P.O. Box 180190

    Dallas, TX 75218-0190


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100907DECLASSIFIED

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    0728/143 Al2 Ser 0 0 7 3 8 - 5 2

    OCTal 1952

    SECOND ENDORSIKENT on CO lstMar ltr ser 0014-52 of 8 Sep 1952

    From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant or the Marine Corps

    Subj: Command Diary for August 1952

    1. Forwarded.

    2. This endorse•ent is downgraded to unclassified upon detachment froa the basic document.

    By direction

    Copy to: CG lstMarD1v

    -' ~~~j~\b~~~~?~i\D)__l I_



  • Korean War Project USMC-04100908

    2:c~: .. ·xJ.I 5ec:;_:c ·~t:/ I nf(J :e11 R t ic·n


    ;501/>IWC Al2 Ser: .0 0 l 3 i:l 1

    OCT 2 3 1952

    nc-:S.' c;_:_;.::·.3sc::·r on CO lstll:iar ltr ser 0014-52 of 8 3ep 1952

    F'ro '1: Oc··Dr·H~nl:inc; General, lst Ha:!:'ine Diviaicn, El1F' To: :Jc:Jc''Jc,nd

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100909DECLASSIFIED

    • • ~ Haadquarters, lst Marines.. .IIDS/bdg 1st Jilt

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100910DECLASSIFIED

    t ~..::; C.,.l,li, ·~

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ,-"';:;iti--ns tv ::lU.fliJur·t li:nltGd vbjactiva attacks ur pr . .ibea. Tna

    ,,·,jvct·'L t .. ;;f n,,my fir~Jl ru..,rt•u··

    ar,ll 7'3, l:c2I•un :u·t:U.lory. 0ccr

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100911DECLASSIFIED


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -let Marines C•a.an4 Diary, August 1952 (Continued) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -At 0910401 taie unit oentactea the enemy ani engag&4 in a aeav1 fire fight. At 0910551 in a final aeaaul t this platE>on ga1ne4 th• objeetive and a fire t1~~t was in pregrees en the reverse slope ot hill 58 Able. At 09lll0I one platoon troa CompaDJ Able was attacned to the aeoond. Battalion for operational. eontrol ani it was iiepatohe4 to reinforce the platoon from Company Easy on the o'bJectin.

    At 0911201 an estimated reinforeed enemy eoapany oount«r-attacked thw tr-1endly un1t; u:4cr eover of a heaYY art1ll«rr ani mortar barrage. The friendly unit reporte4 approxiaately 75% oaeu!lt1ee !!ncl wi tllarew to a peint about fifty (50) yard.a from the hill from Where they direeted :f'rienlly artillery and mortar tire on the enemy. Other friendly artillery ani mortar units were engaged at this tiae in firinf eounter battery and counter

    :~j!~1!!:etneA~;~!n~yu~~~~c~;:i~ c!!.i::~tai0o~~~r6¥ !~ Pe-

    turned to tl:l.e MLR.

    At 0916001 August, Company Charlie was attaChed to the second Battalion for operational control. The oompany comman4-er along with the platoon leadera ana otHer key per•onnel were 'briefed on the company 1 a mission which Waa to retate hill 58 Able. H-hour wa; aatabl1ahe4 at 092300!. At 092260! Company Charlie aimua one (1) platoon, lett the MLR and proceeded to tae line of departure (CT 027047) eroasing at 092300I. At l00050I Company Charlie reported that it waa approximately one hundred (100) yards from the obJective ana being engagea by the eneay. Fri~dly artillery and mortars began firing priipa:ration f1r&i on the obJective. At 1001061 enemy artillery and mortar fire began ialling on Goiipany Charlie. At 1001201 Ccnapa..t"l.Y Charlie b•gan its aasault on the obJeetive. This aaneuT«r earried the frienclly foroee to the top ot the hill Where it eloaed with the enemy in cloae combat. At 1001301 the enemy retreated and Company Cb.arlie began conaolidating ita positions. Frienclly easualties as a result of this encounter were a1x (6) LIA and twenty-six (26) WIA.

    At 100216I the third platoon of Co:par~ Charlie wae 11epatah-ed to reinforee the friendly units on the objective.

    At 1002201 Company Charlie reported heavy enemy artillery and mortar tire falling on their positions. This was immediately followed by an enemy counterattack of approximately a reinforced company. Company Charlie eontinued to holi the hill supported by friendly artiliery and aortar tire. 'rbe t1ghtir,.g 'bvcaae Tcry intense with both frienclly and enemy uaing 8.1, AW, grenadea

    SECRET 3


    . :


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100912DECLASSIFIED

    ' • ore .;d.:s-r :>EC:Lil l'.i. li~L'UHt'lii'J'I...;i~

    ls t l'!;-a·ic,as G'-lllllWid Dir~ry, August 1952 ( Cun tinued) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    :1n -~" t ir1 --· :..;:-tno:-c i~.; ,• •• t. ... .L.d ""-~'· ··" ''d.• .-_:. """;.... .i ,,L_. • ..... ., ...... ~ vr~ J."8 .in ),j C:: J. 'c~L'-.J [l t·,-Jv i'l ':_ .. !\~ ta~:1.~.s w, .. n.:1ld p·ri,) CCl~d t;,; hil.~t 08 l\b1G vin t.l.1d ·r~ r1.d =:t.:l." C:' vr:~a:ri b~~d rU!'lfJ.i!'J.G in VJGS t•1rly •.:J..i.r-G C :;,i.._ L ---~ t

    -~-~ :):-~'/(~.otd.::l. ..;,-~-~ .c;:r:....c.r2.in:::; i":ill ;:;g i~bl•1 trH38e t:-:ttl~~o 1..;~-:;:·G tv 8X_CJ3tKl

    cy;·,.,.-·J r;'-n .. ,,,,.,, ,.; .. 4



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    • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -t;,,;,:i.£• i'latt.G fu.ill and r''3tu.rn tv thG l·:LH, immediately trm >·>c~uJ cactL,r, uf t1~u (2) fl:i(Jlle tanka was tu prvcGild via tne .s:-~w~ 1·\,i u.tG tu hill 88 .llble and GXDGnd .fu.el. i1! tar• t;hls sGotivn c·GCI.l.Nt•ld tv t!H ;vi.L:~. a f'it'ttaen (lb) minute IU'tillery prwy rasistr.._noa stlf':i:'on;;d, out fa:l.l,1d tv halt the attack of Oumpany Baker. i>t -'-.1 ;:J;-;"~_,_'!r)T t:·w·v-· l\9.\ .,.,"l .... +,_,,y,o ,,.p +~1·ia _.,mn.•;:.Yitr h"!)il Y•o'7!!l.flf'lnd thr.!l nb\:.1n-....,._, .... -......._ '-' ..,.J _tJ...L!-'IlrUIJ""O.•IJ loJ"- v .... _ ... .., ww•J:'~•.l ..... ,-~.- ,..., _ _-,.. .... ~- ~--- _. -,... .. -

    ti vo nd

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100914

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    • ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -l8 t L L"in:la ~c;.;!lu111md Di:trY, Aue;uat 1952 (Go ntinued)

    L:n -::;,u .::~-;ttrJ.ivn c,losGd the i.ilO. CP and i.ipaned new CP s:vne time •- -·r!"' ~ .. _ • .::(-."11> ~¥:-1'1- ..II .... ... .... 1 ..

    ,. • "'-h.

    ·· v v ... : ~~· rv_tJ..~. ·1VLJ..J..~-' :-~-n r\:.6~1l"i'lG l.ruG U.'iu t~~ J..v n J..rJ>~ ruvt~o. ~.,....,.GJ.r aren

    ":uu o;;n:Iuct;;d "' vit:,arous trcuning Schedule in accurdan.oo with ·~:i.v~c::i.wn tr·Hinln,; order 10-52 as well aa f'urnishec1 rei:.f'ur·c(lillents ~·vr tbG oattt;J.iuna vn th3 uL~i.

    'rnTS: T!ln \.l.UJ

    ''r:i.G ndly HI/1, r,in!lty- thNe ( 93) fri!lnd1y, KI./1, fifty-six (56) friendly ·.·riA nva.cur;.ted, and tl'l) hundred aaventy-sG~"',Jn (2?7} fr:ler~ ly ·,;II\ nl.lt \llVIlCU;,tad. .;n 31 J\u2:ust, t:-1~ str.~nc;th i.lf the r·Gs:i.;.JG,lt ·,,-·-c(; un~ hundr:"3d furty-fiVG (145) of'ficer•S; thr()@ thVllbttncl twu

    ,u:Jdrcl,"l fifty-,;n!l (3251') enliStiJd mGn, '..i(llii~J; and tan (l'J) ;;ff'ic.:JrEj

    ~r'·' !lo.l~,cJrGd tw0nty-fd pra-oumba.t training. :lf' ca:c· t..hls t:c1-d.ning wa.a cui.Aplct,cd, the rcpln.cc~u~nts wera :-{S3i 0 nGd tu t.:10i:C' r·Gapectiv~ units.

    , 1u.H.r,tltias uf b1u'b!ld wira stakes, sand bags, pre fa:ol.'ic-

    :1t:'d OLdtk;Jrs :,nd ·:.~ta:>r· fortifioatiun matJri•u war"e alloc.atod

    t .... Ll'1e batLaliuns ;;n the "'.iLF~, wr1ich cmabled them tu strengthen

    .,nd N.jair th0lr·

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100915DECLASSIFIED

    • ~.)J10l.L~T

    2EG,jc:J'l'Y INFcJRMJITiuN

    ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - - -- - - -,_.,,, n·i Y\i'}.('J _...,_ ll'tlmf~Yiil n; C:fr'llv Jl.l]0'11Q.t: ...... ,{ ............ ~ ...................... uo. .... - ---~~~' "'~-g-.,; 1~52 {Continued) - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - ,- -- - - - - -

    2. Gil:\.. 11LLG GI CN... NlliliA'C'I VE

    1./l c..;ntlnues tv q_CCUJ?Y and lmpr·wve r;.l',t3',_', -.• r.~ll c~:aory vut ti..sGit:JWd wieeiuns.

    t:hP. "f''Abflm('l!ntJa1 .i~eeerve ...... - ___ I;;;J __________ -

    :~jl vbaerved ll. small gr .... up. of encaty in the open ncar CT 0y sl.lff~>red vne (1) friar!dly ~fiA resulting frvn enemy · sniper fire. " · ·

    llt 2l50I Cumpany Itelll reinforced squa.d ambush engaged twu (2) enemy in a C:;:oief' fire !1gbt emplfJying S.l\ ~tt C'r 016040 upvn upproaoh-ing thll ubJect1ve at CIJ.' 015041. Friendly suffered une (1) WIA with a sli;.dlt w;:..und. The anelll.Y withdrew with unknown casualt:l,es. The friarifly squad advanced tu the vbJective and set up in a perimeter wf defense. At oq~I ;he ~~~~sh engaged tapproximate1y thirty (30) ener.~iy ~n ;14. sev&n \'f) mUlU.lltll IJ.re fight. Both fr:l.andly and enemy util izod E>ll, AW and grenades. At OO/z7I the enemy withdrew under ·· i'rie!:iily -=~. 2" Murtar fire suf'f01·':Lng. eight. (8) e.neruy Kil\ and twGlv·c (l;:;) enamy 'IJl./1. 11 t;;ta.l ;jf' ;.Jne· (l) friondly Kill li.al five (b) fri1mdly WIA w3rc inflic tad durint~; the encwun ter~ ~ 11t 02::JOI t:c; ct,C::.ly t:lmmy •Till

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100916DECLASSIFIED

    • • b E~c~:c. r:' :_;Ji:CUEU;'y INNRPJIITI(;N

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    2 i\Ll 1~UGt 1952:

    -:-,riJ:\clier Gen:1rl'll aare, UBJIJC, 1\ssistl!lnt Division Commander, lst l·hrine Divisiun and Culunel Hvnsowetz, Division G-3 visited ttla lst l'lu.ri.nea CP t~ni cthe !•!LR-·1n tha ls·t ~1ar-inea seCto:r today.

    ;c/1 sufferrl,'l t~ro (2) fl"i!lr,dly Will resUlting frull en my 7 -n1n < 1r.1 and enomy 811 fire during the period. Cumpany DUg sn:i.p:>r :;tlam inflicted wnrl (1) armmy KIA by ~\li sniper fire.

    (1) ~. 2" :·!ur·t:.u- Gvmp:,ny s:l.lenoed foi.ir (4) l!lnemy murtars and une

    r:ul;::my !~i1 51..UJ. i'ul~ this pariud.

    fll·tlllery fire;! ft!r t)-;is day resulted in fivCl ('->) enemy Kill, w n:; .tcccr:J. :::d 1' L'ty-five (155) er~1my Will, one (1) enemy tii

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100917DECLASSIFIED

    • • ::.nc:mr BE UU iii .C)c HE'D .F-il'l.~ Til N

    - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:~/1 vbcHJrV:'d an enemy Hl'lG firing from CT 012030. A friendly

    • 50 cui bi"lr HG- in cumpany Fox se 0tor r:;turned fire inflicting vnc (l) an0my ~ii1\ and silenou·u· the un~wy woapun. .t\t 14001 Cvw-pr-tny i~ .sy, reported vne (1) friendly lfiiJI at CT 023048 as a r~sul t \Jf incvming shell fragmants. J!..t 14-50I Cvmpany EasY Suffared vne (1) friendly 11/IA frvm onemy 60mm m6rtar fire. .At lb45I C;.;rupany ,~-,ey ri"lceived twv (2) friendly WIA rilsul ting from enemy :£2m:n tire at 0T 028044. One (1) friendly 1,1/IA ln C>Jmpany E~tSY seatur was inflictCJc1 by enemy 8Emm mortr~r fire'at1630I.

    G;.;lllpr;ny Doe; 'I':,:;ks fir:>cl. from poaitiun at CT 0180~57 nr1d CT S~:-4-J44 f'rvm 08451 to 1105!. The following da.mtlge Wt~B rl!piJrted: ,ne (l) Grny ?6'·"" t;;utl destruyed, fifteen (15) enemy bunkers dectroyt'ld, fuur (4) huue,,s d;unagad, and nine (9) enemy tr·ench lines jr,Ina0;.-Jd, TaccKs fired :f'r-m positiuns near CT 050047 between OSOOI

    ncl 104b1 1n:f'lictil1g four (4) enemy KIA, una (1) eMmy bunk.rlr drun~~""_;Gd,,:...lnc (l) (Jneruy 01~ dil..luag('d 1 f:)~r {4)· Gn.amy KI.A, vnG (l) rl'J"•Y ~"'' w.a.Jn:;,.g,ed rmd uno (1) e;.cmy tiW destruyed.

    Yctillr~ry expanded an lii.VClr.'leO numb ·r u:f' rounds during tha '::>

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100918DECLASSIFIED

    • ,.., • [,E:G~iET

    SECUro: TY I N!l':.,F::MATI'-' N

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -··- - - - - - - - - - -· - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- -

    ~>l,;nts of 1/1 Pll:!'ticipr.ting in a drlll tv vccupy block-i:•G 1 >·~3lti ... :'ls nuu1oer ;;ne (1), CS 019988 clei.\Nd the rcerve a:t:'lia r;.t ::Jt.>2D;:">JI. At t;he swtte ti;ne the furward cJm;uarl

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100919DECLASSIFIED

    • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -fr·iGnCi.ly ;catr;..l N tur·ned tl:i the l'lLR with a repvrtad twu (2) c:liH•l•' Kiil :,nd neg, .. tlva friendly oaeullllties. 11t 0525I Cvmpany ~:nsy ew.T.lrlil (l) enemy LJYlG deatNy"d, :.;no (l) ro:J,1tuy bunk•>r daatrvyad, vne (1) enemy wurtar pvsiti.n cieetr->JGll, and tw;; {2) :>mlmy LJ.fl, ·

    .:->r·J.G;:,CiJ.~.r ar·t.illnry :l.rlllict.:;d. n:LneteGn (19) ennmy Kil~ fvr·t,Y'·~·tt'l:c.1i'~ (ne ( l) 0 n:~rny (;,;r:; truycCl. Un" ·hunD.red savarity-fiva li:'l .. ~ ~;,.;~a ceived eir§'lt (8) r·our.de of '76inm fir·c resulting · ~·. . ._,., I .1 . ..:• .. -\ r.. .,..,/1, tr ·,_rr f1 · J..L"l J....,. · ••. J. \""r.; '""- J. ....... u-.......LJ 1r.-.•~·

    . 5/1 c

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100920DECLASSIFIED

    • e SECcL.L'Y INFO Sl-11\TION

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -let Jt~r:Lnos Comm;wd Diary, August 1952 (Continued)

    - - - - - - - -·· - - - ~ - .- - - - -twu (2) enemy bur~ers destroyed, and one (l) anamy KIA.

    J\rtillery fire fo:r tho nn:r1.od :resul t-.d 1n two '(2) enemv KilL ten (10) enemy WIA, tw (2) enemy b\wkel;'e destrcyed; eight \e)~-. enemy murtars s:Uenced, tw (2) enemy artillery pieces s:Uenced, and ;,;ne (l) enemy fl'l\ s1lenced. One (1) enemy 76mm M silenced.,. u:Jd .l;tiO bunk.Or partially dastruyed.

    Tw;., (2) air•strikas 1~ero made on enemy positions :· '.Jilo (l) frie:-tdly ·rlll '.~as 1nfl1ctGd fru!!t enamy 511_ sniper fire.

    -±. :.:" .·iurtA.r Q;..m;umy fired fur the period resul titig in tw:.. (2) l'l•'·~·r' '-'"IlL .p..,,, ...... ( ,l.\ ~I"H~r1oy 'r1T II. lirtA (1 \ 0YH3Hl.V h_l_'_.n __ kO-_f' d.G.St_l"_()"iTGd •. l~"'''""1.,, JI.,.L_!J, .... .._......,.._ \"'"J ..... .,.,.._.. ,,..,. .. ~, -~·- , ...... , - --., - V-

    titl•()() ( 3) 'lnemy rnort:,rs, two (2) enemy Avis 1H1d one (l) (HlGillY iiA ~~un n:i~LGnc~d. ·

    J.2aul ts from fri:mdly artillery fire included seven (7) en:~uty Kli\, twu ( 2) Gn~1my W"Il~, tw (2) \)f.HlU•Y m:..;rtt;u.--s silen c_;d., tw;; ( 2) bunkers darn:;.gl"ld 1 four (1) :o;rtillery pieces silenced; ono C.t.) ,1nG.Jy .':~iG silenced, b.n

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100921DECLASSIFIED

    • • ..... ' ~3EGI~""ET c~c,_:;:tcrY n:romrN.rL:i

    ---------- ------ "" -1st ;,Jil.rines Command Diary, August 1952! (Continued)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------Cvmpr~.ny Ab.Lo de·t:Jarted the :cr>serve area t~ relieve one

    (1) platuun

    uf Cvtitpan¥ ·:.:asy 1 .. u-L the 1-LR~ J1t llOOI the ramalning alec.1ente :.Jf

    c-.,,npar•y A ole vmre urdere!d t;., 2/l CP. Company Jlble arrived at

    l3~~DI and caa.J.~ unda1~ vparatiunpl c(Jntrul uf 2/1 at tho StunG time.

    c-.,,,,pa~•Y CharliCJ be,;am movement tu asG.;n·oly :o,r'aa nea~· Com,Jany Easy

    CP 1IIA. 1\t 0130I a friendly HG on the l'ILR i'irad un an (}stimatCJd fifty

    (50) :Jnrlrny at CT 024045, Fr1anclLy 60mm rnvrtars fir••d causing tha

    .me•ilY tu withdraw. Ene .ny casual ties W(Jre unknown. At 0355I

    fri~ndly artlllr,ry fired f:l.va (5) minutes uf prep fir3 vn C':' 02Z048

    :wd CJtllpany ;.>asy prClpr,red to c;;unterattack the positL.n. A platoon

    (rninf\...rced) patrwl frvm QQmpany Eri.Sy dapartad the 1·1LR and made

    cvntt;.ct 1-J:i. th the Gf!Clt••Y in the vicinity of CT 02W4? at O..J25I. The

    enernJ empluyCJ rcL>:.>rtGd at lD'JOI that sixty-eight (68) frlGndly




    ·i .. ~.

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100922DECLASSIFIED

    • • ~·. ~~ ~;_.{ ·? ~:; Fi~; :· f..:~.l '"':1'l- I.:·.: PrJ ... cl'.i.il TIS i,J

    --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -l~t H




  • Korean War Project USMC-04100923DECLASSIFIED


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1st Marines Command Diary, August 1952: (Continued)

    arrived at let Battalion CP.

    The 2nd Platoon of Company Able returned to 1/1 CP at 2030! and reverted to parent control of 1/l. The remaining elements of Company Able went under operational control of 2/1 and relieved

    ~~~t:~r ;~s~;Inr;i~e~;d·co;~~~~~ai;;~~;eth~~i~ ;{ei~~~in:~d came under operational control of 3/l at the same time. Company Baker arrived at 1/1 CP in the reserve area at 1755! and reverted to parent control of 1/l.

    The remaining elements of Company Able relieved Company Easy on the MLR and Compa~y Easy was reported in reserve area at 1/l CP at 2030!. At 2240! Company Charlie 1/l two (2) combat platoons departed the MLR for objective at CT 023046. At 2350! Company Charlie reported .still moving toward the objective with negative enemy contact. At 0050I Company Charlie made first contact with the enemy on the objective trrrowing hand grenades down on the friendly platoons. At OlOli friendly 8lmm, A 011 ,..,,.,""+-o,......, ann. o.,...t:111AY"'lf haa-.an t:'ha. l"'',_.Al"'\ 'f'1,..A lt..t ()1()fiT AnATIV ""•'"" IJ..I.V .. "'~ 10;11 ~ ... _ _... .,......, __ ....,,.o/ --=--•"' ,...,,...., y- .,.J" --- -W ••- ----- ----·••o,~ artillery began to fall on friendly troops. At Ol06I the two (2) platoons began the assault on the objective inflicting heavy casualties upon the enemy with the use of SA, AW and grenades. The enemy returned fire with SA, AW and grenades and commenced sniper fire on friendly troops from CT .027049. The fire 1'1ght increase.d with both friendly and enemy engaged in close combat. At 01141 friendly troops were forcing the enemy to retreat ~~d the fire fight at this point was at a momentary lull. Enemy resistance was fast diminishing as was the enemy mortar fire. At 0100I friendly forces were on the objective and digging 1n as the enemy retreated to the reverse slope and held on using SA, AW, and grenades. Friendlies quickly dispatched one (1)

    ~~a~~~~;0 t~~~~~e~~~v~~ak~ig~l:fe~~1~gdi~:sr~!~~;;d9~~~eo~J~c-tive and reported that a reinforced company of enemy occupied the defense line with an unknown number of enemy on the reverse slope. Enemy casualties were reported to be sixty-two (62) enemy co~nted KIA, eighty-five (85) enemy estimated KIA and one hundred fift~· (150) estimated enemy 'riiA. Friendlies suffered six (6) friendly KIA, and twenty-six (26) friendly WIA. At 0519I a twenty ( 20) man detail departed the MLR froTtl Company Able to resupply friendly troops and evacuate friendly casualties on the objective. At 033G[the enemy counterattacked with a reinforced

    SECRE.'T 15


    • •


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100924




    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -let Marines Command Diary: August 1952: Continued

    ----------- - - - - - - - - - -company as friendly forces on the objective were receiving

    heavy l22mm artillery fire. The fighting grew more intense

    with both friendly and enemy using SA, ~~. grenades, artillery and mortars. Enemy repeatedly assaulted· friendly positions


    were driven off each time. At 0516! after a one (l) hour and

    forty (40) minute fire fight, friendly started to withdraw due

    to artillery and mortar flre on tha objective becoming mo~e

    intense, Friendlies Withdrew from objective setting up covering

    forces While friendly elements withdrew and continued to inflict

    casualties upon the enemy, Friendlies closed MLR at 0650!.

    Total casualties inflicted on the enemy during the period

    of this enga!J:ement were eighty .. nve (85) counted enemy KIA,

    (i~1)-!~~!ai~~~w~1:1~~~!df;t!~f~ ~~ ~~~~;;;n:~~:~t~{ii~ery,

    air and mortar fire. Friendlies suffered seventeen (17) friendly

    KIA, one hundred forty-nine ( 149) friendly IliA evacuated, ninety-

    ' four (94) friendly WIA not evacuated and two (2) friendly MIA.

    3/l observed small group of enemy in trench at dT 021046. Friendly sniper team fired resulting in two (2) enemy counte

    d KIA.

    At 1240! Company George received one (l) round 82mm mortar fire

    at BT 969029 resulting in two (2) friendly \'I'IA. At 1645! Com-

    pany Baker, under operational control of 3/l was relieved on

    position by Company Charlie. At the same time Company Charlie

    came under operational control of 3/1 and Company Baker departed

    for CP in reserve area.

    AT Company fired thirty-six (36).rounds of 76mm RR HE

    resulting in two (2) enemy LMG damaged, and two (2) estimated

    enemy KIA.

    Company Charlie tanks destroyed two (2i enemy bunkers,

    ~~aged ei~t (8~ enemy bunkers, three (3) enemy Qaves, three

    (3) enemy u~a ana destr-oyed four {4) enemy MG positions.

    Friendly artillery inflicted the following damage to the

    enemy. one (1) enemy mortar silenced, two (2) enemy trench lines destroyed and five (5) enemy counted KIA.

    seventy-eight ( 78) friendly aircraft attacked· enemy posi tiona

    in the lst Marine sector, resulting in twenty-two (22) enemy

    bunkers destroyed, eig~t (8) enemy bunkers damaged, twelve (12)

    SECREl' 16



  • Korean War Project USMC-04100925DECLASSIFIED

    _.--, ,-------- ------- -------...:...,....:"+-1 -·~j !.! ••••• ~ '"''''~t-~1~! ljll :=~CRE'.i.' s· -c:--Hl~:Y :. "FVl._.Jt.=:.,r~·~,J

    --=>nc ,, A~.~ - ·o'-' i tionc: ,:· :c.s~rJyP(1 , -!_;}-:_ir".::: ... -:~:c,::-p _1::~.itio'1e f'_c:stre>~v .. Pfl, t ~~ (:·~~ _,..,,----1~t ·orte_r '")1~- LtF:.6reC_ --;_~,-~--n (::...::.:::.) c::-J.p , .. KIA r:r_C_ -~-~e (lZ3) -o y IA.


    (ZC) oneny -~or~~P~:"' "'J o s ::_ t i ., n B {a: n c !:.' , hu--- Crtl{ t1-.:_~--.'ty-:--: ir:F

    .At- ::,r.~ .. E>'5I Co.-:.....,a.r-~~.r F'.~:: r?co!vn0 t,_-o (?) ro·J.nOs lr2 ~ a~ti:..,_'""r:-· ~t c:-r ''L'·_....,:-:,r:. rP.>=:'J,~-.; . .., .. -i;-, ~1-'(' (r:' f'-.,i~nc','l:r lrfiA ~'TTnc.~~atPC. T'-_irr ("' - __ .......... .._. •'-'----------i-...1...- .J-.-J ., ~• ---'-., ,( :3e.~te.::ton Rf·con .P:F~t:ton arr~_vr·f f!t :7/l CP e.t ::lP-ZCI 2.11C e.t tl-:P c~ e til~,· c~r.::_P unfi0r CF:ere.ti..ona:!. cont~ol of ~/1.

    At l:-:_~~5I co_-')P;l~.r T--!Oi :-op·-:ort~0- 0:1~ (l) 8':~ ·~.r 8st:..,..,.,_et-::C. t,;IA ?":: C'1'1 ~}'"'lJO;:B r~su~~tin~:; t'r0:: fri--:.nC~-~- .. 5: C"al HC- si1i·-·,pr :ir'"". At ~2.~f::rii T'!---3.rf Bt=-ttp:_; o:-:: ~0:1 Pl~to'Jn C~111trt0f! C/-:._ rP to rq::'-_1--v-:-. zrr: P:!.Fltoon of C:>rrrr~·~n~r Dot:; on ~~LR.

    Comneny C!:erlie 'TtP.,I.ks C:.Cl. a_:.~c -;nP (l)

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100926DECLASSIFIED

    _ ............. - II \IIIII SECRET SEC1'RITY H:FOR-iATim'

    liPS orC.crr:.C to uit1-:dr~J: ~o t:te :MLR. ~~ne·lY caS 1.JP..lties f:r.orr; t!-.cis encowcter ••ere fJ.ve (5) oountec ener•y KIA, five (E') est1::').:_:~"!:;io;: :-:D :.-rill l 00 •

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100927DECLASSIFIED

    • s:.::c::-'"'T D rcn;_;:r;, J -.~Y" I :.~F v Rl:i.A TI GN

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    1\6 tbc fl''I'ivd clused fritime was l"'Gpvrtt~d quiet w1th no enemy oonta.ot"' Tho l~R in Company




  • Korean War Project USMC-04100928DECLASSIFIED

    • • ~-~J-.. ~JhLT SEGul!J "Et l ,j~'\n'll•ii)TivN

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -( nc.ntinued) ~------ -- .

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0\JX se utur w,.,s still racai vir.g intenso enamJ Jn;,rt,~r fir•e which

    was incrGr,sing. 11t 01101 an undi'J tGrmined numbar vf' anomy were

    .ppr;,acnin::, the left flan~ uf Q...,iup;wy Able un til ••IJ:.:t, i>t ~r.is

    t.i.ille ,,r,.;LU.>r firG lit)'lt Wd six (o) fri~Hilly \'/ill and all three (3) :cl.~.-lG .;:_Jl~tvvnt. l(~;:.O.ers N0re -~.ri.l\ CV:i~.CURtGd :c2sUlting frd




  • Korean War Project USMC-04100929DECLASSIFIED

    • • :.>:I:C::!.t~·r :,,i:,;(.;U .• :{i fl." 1. ~~i\.; .. {.J.•i.:l :~,.f"" ~~ •

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:iL., rtG u:•CCJ vi' r·id~;:, l

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100930DECLASSIFIED

    • ( c-.~ntinu:Jd)

    :41 C..;;.nru cuntrul ;;f 1/1. At 1319501 Cvmp~nny Ja..,r·so :r:;p-.~rtna 1·ivll (5) fr··i•Hilly Kill Nsul ting f'rum ·enllmy art:i.ll.Jr'Y ,,nJ murt•;:r :t'ir·e. 11t 1319551 CvlllfJC

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100931DECLASSIFIED

    LEG::\ :·i·: rr E;E,~l; ·,:J:'-:I l .~,-,,._J.HhTI·~,:..;

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.Di . .ry, J\u.gu.stl952: ( C...,nti.nuGd)

    ':'i1G t..,k:l o-csucc:lty rllpvrt fr'-irn 3/1 fvr thI BGVGTI (7) f:c:A.cmdly ;.t[J\ 1 SiX (6) frisriJ.ly Kll\, l'U:Ct,y (.~J) ::ri~1n:-1L;r' -\,JI.fi •'!VRCUatad, an~ tW0fJ.ty-tiwV c:~2) fri~1~ldly ~~.rr.~~. nvt -~vac'...!.a.ted.

    ·1. :o" ,;;-.lrtar Cvm;wny ;:;ur·viGlltWCG reports fur thG p :n•iod arB c;s f..-Llc~w..;: Six (6) tlr!GW.i Kill, nine (b) flnG.uy 'Ifill, two (2) ar.~.0my ./\~·i 1 s d(~otruycd, !~nd e .. ~vun (7) enemy ill

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100932DECLASSIFIED

    • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    --~.~:;c;-._ti.S:J vi' 'Gb.G V8r-;/ 31'i'ectivc~ artillery a:::1d tr~nK I":Lr·~ the :1r1:eruy ''''\~.n ,·,ffurt ·lld n;Jt .Mili:e cc.nt;,ct w:L th tr-:L.~r.uly ~ruups u;·, hill 122.

    urt:;d Gix (6) frirmu1y ::Jill i'r·um :l.tlC ... HlLin._:, :('vun~:e CJf Eill 1~~2. .L\t 83451 ~J0i1ip~iny :d1~ker nuff'~r0d )r,c; (:) · i'r·L)rdlJ :Ill\ fr·;;m .-m,~my mortr

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100933DECLASSIFIED

    • • ... :.~ r:: ~J-{ :~:~~ :~ECL Ci.T ~Y. i~iF\J:U.AN~I~ N

    -- - - - - - ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    r-till:>:ry i'irCl fur tllG pG:riucl, r8c~ltGd in 8ix (6) enGiiiY KI!\,

    s:1v.1n ('/) :m,;uJy '.'1111, twu (8) en.,.ny murtars silenced, twv (2)

    'h"J"Y i.J nll.-'lrs clc8tr·:.;,;c;'cl ,,nd twu (2) enemy bunkers dr~mr.tg:;d.

    ~~~iiv (2) :OJ.:i.rt:tt:t•liitHl ~v~·Lf"G m.a{J.e duri:ng thn pt;ri~d by fvur (4)

    ,·4_, rlrc:ccft in Gach :rtrikG. Hesults uf these strikes wer-e

    ;~ ii..l_"l t ( u) :~ n:;:i!.:f Klli i G lg;:J_ t (d) ~ rmmy WI 1\, fvur ( 4) i.~ nemy bunl~Brs

    (,Ail trvy:;~, a.rJ.U. f;.;ur ( 4) .-~nGlllJ' bUY"lkerG ~ama,;:;cd.

    Jv..u~_.:·-~.::.-J i~bld l/1 rell\Fi~d c~.Hr..pi:v!Y OlH:..rliG l/1 un th3 .i.·,JLR n.t

    l'f00.L .· .. nO:. r,t t11G sH;uG tiCliil c:,!iJ!G undGr 0p•'l!'atlvnal cont:rvl vf 3/1. ,..1 ,_, .•• ..,.: .-~.;.--r.ll .,,"') ·1 Fl- 11ndn·r· nnn·.--·t .. ti~r.t•ZJ"' cuntr •1 "f' -;.·/1 ::--:t·)·:r~-r,.-; t" ....,...,.~.~.~. _ _,!.\.I.~J ,; ..... _,..,_,_ ... ., _._, ........ , ·------- -r "- ... ~-- ~ ~l.)_ "" ..., u, - .J..L. u•.,..,.. ...,

    "'"' l ;£'t "'.e;tur· :.>i' tne 1!::., ... c--:n.9any B:.imr o--r:tinu:Jil tv occupy :;:,lJ 122 ·,·c C'l' :Jlt:i045 ancl is undr op•l:rc,tlunal control ;.,f' ;)/1.

    ··t lt''}(J·lJI Cvcllp:;ny, L;;"-"ti:.;lr~t0d n:·ii~Ul.J' 3i":t.ttB.livn ~ruplvyin~ BJI., !)\rf 8.nd

    r·.~t"2·-~lnt=-~. :'·L-,.L·'-~··l(Jl ,T .--,-..-.t--\"11~-,.,J\· f-'-:.,..._~r:i Ukr,v-1...-~a-·intl Tl.~g·i.t··l.jfiS f'ir·~s

    •• - • .......... _._J ""J. ...,.,~.. ..... _._,_.... ...._ .......... ~.. _.....-~-~~a --- r- -- ~-'-- - '' ..

    i'll :~gti.!l:'l·;;~.:;_ rL-lG:~ • ..v c:v~h_pany L.n··._)a:.~ th:r:'OU6h tnG curtr-Lli:"l :.~f i'rlcndly

    ,-trt:Ll.~~--~~r .. v l'i-c·8 nnU. !~,ssr.1ul ti' friJ::illy ·J.j2:l ti:..;ns. l1 h~'' i~nesny aseaul t

    :c·;~··c\Jh·~_i.J -,":.:; cr-;;st 01' ~~ill 12.2 "i.1h~~:c·3 it-w· s :r3yula~cl by i'riGndly (-,·~ ·.; f'.··.·'~ ··~··,/1 ·,--,...,~~·· .. -,l'p~ :1 !· ,·'·l1'nr t1 :•mp·~l~l,r ":),:-~-~~ 1/J !''"~'"t'il·J)

    .·._st~u "G·3-·, :iii\• ~--':c.i.nr1dly c:t.:::u::~tiGB euit:;;·eU UJ' G..J.u_;,·::~lY S·::1::.:~r l/1 ~·:c, ·,1 •:-··.Ls a:·lc; .. d;.rlt:~r ·.-;·Lc t;tl·c-:-~,-~ ~:::·-) fri.;~·K.l1y .-:11~ ;-'-_;·i·:l twn-."!"Cy-sc~v:;-::.1.

    { -:'(; i'~t·.i.C~:·J:.J.j ·. ~~l': •~V'=i_:.}U.r: t;:J: ...




  • Korean War Project USMC-04100934DECLASSIFIED

    ;j ~:_~ '-~ _;." -· ~~

    _:r;_,- .:.J. n-· ,l, ,_;'· . .-- •. V.i.· J.,i~-~

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -

    ht :~ :b;;:,·;i. ·:! ... -IL.~:J:'.rl.Y .cc;;:a 3/1 c .. Ar:.nonce:lr·Glii3f vf 'c:-.... ru;l~cny I ... JH(l

    ·/1 -..~n :ri.-~ ,.,;.L, · t i..!i~_, S:i.jle tLnG :..-J...~Lu_.:)ht1J E..;w 3/l ".:l:::.t:.J....Jr! ~·:r!l..':' ·c:-~t. 0 CLi: ti..J ti~8:i.r vt':it:;ln:il. ~y.;Gi ti . .Jn J

    n. th;~ .\'J.J~-:-. ..(\t Jj:)OI

    C;..,..~l.t-' .L,j l. ... .-~:~1 2~/l L. (, :-::-._~iJ)J.·; ~:::i'3(J 'GhG r;;linf uf' ~;: .. d~l.!::~ar~y J:'G~bt 3/7

    nu .--,, :.~!.l .. l ,l..;_ i··:;£~.tjJ!' •. --J.-Oili :;y Vt." ,:;_.:~-~~:iJ1::;Ci. C:iGQtur:·. .J.\t .;.':.LG Si~.J1G '....i!~~G

    C--~-;_r~-- --~·,y _;· .,.-:u1 y-.·;v··:ri.;(;__i to vp11ratiunt:J.. cvr.tr·vl uf' ,P:

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100935

    l' ' '. .· •. ' .... , ._; ,_, 1,.,1 L ..._, .I.

    :_,~=•J U- L,J-JI.UJt~~~.:.! -~

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100936DECLASSIFIED

    • • ----~----------' .... Cvrnwnnd Dic"_ry, 1\uguct 1952: (Cvntlnurld)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    c~:jj:;,;_ny Ch:n·lie ':'anks exoendcd t1lrtaen (13) round.s of 90rm.l

    :r~ ,,_r~d t'"''llva tl1c>usand (12000) rvunda of • 30 0•D.ib:'lr i•W :uamunltion.

    E&I ~·ir·:1 ._.,·.s lnfllct(ld J!l p;;sltL;ns at CT 017046 cmd CTQL8'J4:.",

    J,;,:trJJ.i.!J(., ol'lG (l) (Hl~GIJ bcmker at CT 017045.

    ·,l·t;.:.l.1.:~ry i.'J.::",~d t:...,ur l'lu,Y}J.I'ed ~~i·-'11t (408) ~-v:J.n~l.s ,;)f ~051aai Jc.L··:in. k .. · -'r;rl0d r·:1sult1n.;;; in nina 1'9) anem;y m0rtar·s sil'1nc,-;d ··~.nd ;_JtJ7 ,J..) enemy ?6.Jtu .JUrl nilenced.


    t;t lJ53I Culilf?any D015 2/1 rr;oclv:>d and vrlG (l) L£'l.1ndly KIJI ;and vflC (1) 1'riCJWily \•[l./1.

    -.n ~-. .lli~n\~u.v•~rln0 0'l.Gu:;~nt vf thG _pntfu:,L rluG tv a m.J.st::Jte i.::.1 iG.~ntity.

    c._~,j~.i.:; .. -l~..i..:i Cn·,~l.·li.e vn hill l.E8, C'l' Jl·,.;.Q45 zufi::tr·eU. ;;ne (1) 1'::.-·J..G~·tdly

    .... -'..H, inu .t\; u.:c ( 1) l"ri

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100937

    ( j ;> .'"L .. ;·, "1 ~·I.J\,.J.;~.J.


    • - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - -

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -unite; ,;f l/1 ourrc:inued tu occupy the re 0 illllllut:al reserve a.r~Hc.

    :·:C/1 l··e urte?-

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100938DECLASSIFIED

    • ~Ji>Jl~'r ·:::~Ju.::d .... J...~.~:,·:. ... :i.ii:•J..lYI'Ivl~.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -l G t 1•1 "i ,.,,,s C'-'m"l-v-rcs t'L .. wn d'.

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100939

    1\~ ~!._· ~::.11 c~_,dn_~)P.,'-iY

    :t·G EL-11.. ~ :i:·l , .i ~L 0 n0


    • - - - - - - - - -

    ~,;;t\·.~'1? -~ t~~JA ~1\ .. :l.AT~'.: ;.;f 1

    -:v·-c;.;:·L·.;·>-· "·:·-,81.-.ltltl::;;. fJ.'-..o:11 Gl'.IC'JiJJ- a~ctlll~ry' ar;d :u ..... rtnr fir~~ J)t Q'J.:OI

    ,J .... hi··~.;:l-·iy i..lv~_, r·~cc~ lv8d ._.;t _. "[lu bo by :an '~S GimatC'3d ~~.cn.:1y ,Pla~.:,.,un vn the

    r·.i.c;:E fl:,~:.;. uf tn;,lr :_::>wSiUun .. m Hill 12;:: CT 016045. F'rlendly :and

    .r~r:.n.:;y .~t.J~)~L ..... /Gel Si\J 1~-h', granad.~e anG. OQ,:urn mvrtf-~.rs. J~ft<;:c: a tw,~nty

    (20) Jl.i.nutc; fire fl~t the C!lfJLl.)l w:i.thdr:;w. Frie:~dly auff'Grr!d tw;;

    (2) KI.l\ nd vne (1) 11\JI.l\ nvn-;·~vru.cuatec:J... l'~"" c:stLH:atG :.;:1 erlG::~1y ca.-

    ou-~lt~-~i~ ,,7·-c ~~p~rtGd.

    ·:1.8" ._Jr·trcr U·-"rlpw.ny :nc;JGnJ~d hreuty-six (23) r.;l.lnds ;,f HC

    :--.r1u i'...='.l.~'~ ( 4) :c-:....L~~-KlG vf ti~.P i.nflictiLi6 thr33 (::·) euslt:y c ... ,unt3cl f;_JJ\.


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100940DECLASSIFIED


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------- --------

    a :ilanced, twu ( 2) ene'''Y lliOrta:rs suenced, threa (3) enemy bunkers d!i!ill-~Q'od :Bnd two (2i 11H18wV t!'Rnoh ~inas da.ma~. ------..... ------------- ~-, --·--"' ---------------- _____ lliol' __ _

    Cumpt dl~l.J:-:(;;Gd at C~ 007042, one (l) enG;ny bunk,~r d.aa trvyed at c:r oa050 r,nd une (l) ani3,;1y HH possibly deatruyad on Hill 122 cs: 010045,

    ilrti:'.l:or-y :t'ired fc,:..tr lnG i:J ;.;n;J (1) enemy KIJI, timHt:~J. ::Jli. and seventeen ·.· 24 l\U 0U6t 19b2:

    hurilred fifty (400) rvunds u:f l05mm reaul t-tive (5) enemy counted WIA, thrllle (3) es-(17) en:Jmy murtara silenced.

    At 170JI 1/1 c1used -.1d CP at CT 045012 and upened new CP at GT o ±4028. At the Sll!liS time 1/1 asauu1ed r-espunsibllity of 2/1 SGct-..r-"''' ;•JLrt H''d up:lrati-'fl~ c;.Jntr"l 1.1! CJmpany Ball;er 1/1, Company Charlie l/1, ar.d C;.Jmp qny Er1sy 2/1.

    1\t 20Wl CviUp::-· .r; -,.,r.~om,,·l ~·tn.--..,, ·1n _.·,nc (1 \ 'f'yr,-'lt:r~nA1 1r "~~TTl\ 01J'e.r""o.11!D.t:Arl_ tJ.t: nlf)(}T U• >..i-:1..'-'~'-'' 1 J-~,..,'-'\.!....., ........ 0 ....... ...,.._....,. \. .... I _..,_., .. .,~.~ .,,.,...,~ ., .............. _ ..... ~- ... ,..,_ --~--C

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100941DECLASSIFIED

    • • LEC£l.ET 8 i.e ;J V JU ·.ri i liti\ .. RJ:·1A TI U 1~

    ------------------------ ------ls t H'mparl.y F;;x 2/l raca:l.vad. ene•ay SA sn:l.pl)r f:l.re .;n Hill

    l 22 c:: JlGJ45 rGa ul tlng in :..; ne (l) friendly Wl .. l\. ovacu:ated, At l93QI ·JJ:ll;ruy Fux 2/l euffarad. one (l) friendly KIA, u.nd four (4) friendly

    ·,u,1, X'·''"-~'· L,c,6 frc.>:n anarLy !Jl()rt!lr f:i.ro on their pua:l.t:l...;n, 'Hill 122

    ·:;·r OlG045. .

    1. ~ . .:.~ 11 ......... rt~r Ovmpn.ny BxpenCloa. ninety- trJ'1U ( 92) r--v unds v f HE -.nd .-,irH'l ('.J) r· ... ~:.;ds vf ~l' diOiiHl.g.i.ng ·twv (2) enemy bunkt'lrs, and silon;,ir.g

    fvUr (4) .~::!Gc..rr1&i;;O uf enemy mortar fire Cump:wy Fox 2/l

    Jn Hill 12~ GT 016045 :t·r~calvoc:l a pr·wbe br;tw-eun th·3 2nd and 3r·U.

    ;>lat.;u;,c, C'!' Jlo:J4b ·'.Jy a.n eet:l.ruatod twu (2) enawy aqur,U.s. rtl'l Gncky

    G:npl . ...,./-;·:1 ·ou:ciJ c;;uns and gre!]~df!S. .&,riena.J_y Amployad SJ~, 1\W and. irenadp,e

    ,nd ellL'"b"G. thG l'E!amy in a tw~ (~2) u .. irmte fire fight. At 2:J42L the

    ,:!·r:1iuf :r'u.s~;d fri0 :1d.l ~- ·o;;el ti\) n and \.hrnw ap;;rwxima. taly cixty (60)

    t'""''· .. >Nl·· .. , 1 '13 ·wd ~~"ri wi thdrow. At 2140I Cvmpany Fux 2il bagH_r, .C{'JCl.i.v:>.,; :; r!GIWY 0:\l'r:ll(,il ;;f

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100942DECLASSIFIED


    --------------------------------ls t Marlniiii wmmand Diary, August 1952: ( wntir•u•d)

    - - -------------------- ------a heavy fire fight and receiving enemy 82mm mortar fire at the rata uf t..IJ.ru (3) r;.;unde per minut~t, At thil! tim• Ck!mpan_y Able 1/l rsserva plat;;on was committed to the fight. At 231.5! the actiQn slacn:ed off am only epuradio firing was reported. At 24001 the ene'''Y withdrew and all- inogming enemy mortar fire on friemUy positiQnS ce~sed. At the same time C;;mp~ny H;;w 3/1 platoon departed MLR to relieve CulDpany Able 1/1 plato~Jn otl Hill 122 OT 016045. At 0200! Cvmpany H;;w 3/1 platvon lfd in position on Bill 122 CT 016045 and f1nm,..._.n,, o\l-ry fired two thuua'l'l.m on8 hundred forty-two (2142) rQunds vf :L05mm f0r the period wUh the fvllowing reaul ts. Three (3} enemy :-rrA cvuntAd, one (1) enemy AW dllstruyed, one (1) enemy AW silenced and




  • Korean War Project USMC-04100943DECLASSIFIED


    --------------------------------1st Marines Colllllland Diary, August :1.952: (Continued) -- -------------------------tw~o~ (2) ene.uy mortars sUenoed. one bundred six (106) NUnda o:t l55mm HE and tw (2) r{Junde ot l05nm 11> were !ired resulting 1n one (l) analliy bunker dee trCJyed and enemy trench line bB.dJ.y damagad.

    2? August 1952:

    lit 21.15! CvmoanY Fox 2/? OUIDlllenoed relief of Comoanv Able 1/1 and C

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100944DECLASSIFIED


    - - = - = = ~ - - - - - - - - -------1st lt.r.rinlllB Command Diary, August 1952: (Con


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -At 262000I Company Charlie tanks fired

    vn Hill 122 damaging un• (l) ;;nwmy l:n.tnlter. of 90rlllll Hlc were expended.

    un enemy pus1tions Tt~enty=!~ur (24) rvunds

    Five hundred seven (507) rounds of l05mm ware expended during


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100945DECLASSIFIED


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------let it.arlnos Cvmmand Diary, August 1952: (Continued}

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------4. 2 11 :-iurtar Cumpany expended two hundred ten (210) ruunds

    of HE .,_nd thirty-five (35) ruur.ds ot w.F r=eul ting in three (3) Bnemy mortars s11anctld and

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100946DECLASSIFIED


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -lst l•L.'l.rinas 1952: (C~ntinuedl

    --------------- ------- ------4. 2" l4urtar Company expended two tlul).dred fifty-una

    (2:::>1) ruunds

    ~f HE r.cnd twenty-seven (27) Dunds of 111? during tno P•'lri()d resul. ting

    ~n tw() (2) enemy KIA counted, two (2) enemy WIA counted, five (5)

    enl'!my mort:~rs silenced, fuur (4) enemy bunkGrs damaged and un11 (l)

    sac;.;nd,.ry ex9los1on.

    Artlllory fired acvon hundred sev•nty-one (??1) rounds ot l05mm

    fur the p:,riod resulting in thrM (3) enemy KIA counted, une (l)

    rmemy lGA estimated, six (6) enemy 1-J!A cuunted, ten (10) enemy Will

    estim~ted, une (1) enemy AA gun silenced, eight (8) enemy mortars

    snencnd and thrcu (3) huuscts damaged sevortty-elght (?8) rounds

    of l05m!ll were fired resulting in one (1) enemy AA p;.aition destruyed,

    thrM (3) h;.lusee damaged and une (1) s~tcondary explosion. 8" huw-

    itzers firP.d fifty-nine (59) r"'unde reeUl ting in one (1) enemy bunker

    .:eetr .... yeLl, threG (3) en~tmy artill1ry positions damaged IUld one (1)

    enemy 1\J.\ ywsitiwn dama:~ed~

    ,.._rtlllery firad flftoan (15) Nunda uf .ropa.,;r1ndl'l. pamphlet

    ·unmuni t iun ;; n anomy p:...si tiuna in la t l4ari.nee se o tor fur the par:l.vd.

    :5J 11uguot 1952:

    J.'.l.iajvr C}~'1n~rill ~:·1 vll~ok; USL"lC: CommtUlding ~neral, lst l~:iarine

    Div:i.Bi·.m arriv!"ld at let HHrinae CP at 10071 and depa:cted ,,_t 1030!.

    1\t 19451 C:...mp~WY Bakar 1/1 ;;bserved three (3) en;;;my in upcn

    vicinity uf CT 043034. Friendly 60mm mortars fired with unknuwn

    results. At 2210I C\.imyany Chrtrl1.G 1/1 vbserved flash of onewy

    mvrtar P"'Si ivn vicinity uf CT 045065. Frierdly 8lmm murtars fired

    causing s.-; cvndary e.xploeiona b0l :Lovad to be enemy murtr

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100947DECLASSIFIED

    ' • r, ... ,..., ... ,,...,,.,., i:J.:!.\..i ;-J~T SECJH.I T'I L:F'JEll'!l-'.ri::iN

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ls t 111·~· rin,;s C0m.11and Diary, llugus t 1952: ( C0nt inued) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -rGsul tint; in one (l) friend.ly ~ii.ii evacuatGd. i\t 2400I frl~ndly KSC supply train vicirli ty of J-JUl 122 received enemy 82mm and 12::lmm mur t11.r +'•,..,.1"!1. .,......, ... _,,,, +-·1n,...,. -1·1"'1 nl"'tl!llt (1\ .p,.iAI"~1v VTflt ll'llnr1 i':h'Y'tO::II (~' ..P'I"'1~nfl1v W'Til.. .r....~o.r..•~ .r..'"''"'""'- "'....,'"1!1 .~.,~,, w ........ ,..~.., ,.. .... _..,., ... -,.~..¥ .. ....._.l.., _ .... _ v_ ... .,,!.... ,v1 - ... -.,~·-.; •• _ ......


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100948DECLASSIFIED


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100949DECLASSIFIED

    • • ~ .. -. T~G :- r::T SEClJ .RI TY I _:-.yF ~ PJ~IAT ICN

    let Headq uar t,--;rs

    IL.J'in'ls, ls t l'iF;rine Division Fleat Mr..rine Furce :::;naet Post Cf.f'1oe

    Sr.n Francia c.;,, CR11fu rnia

    8 septe;nber 1952

    I -II

    III-I \l -

    v -

    Directives received during the peri"d

    Directives ieaued during the periud.

    'Jverlll.YS of Gtl.Oh ohr,.n,sed p;JSitlon.

    Rtng.rts and summaries. l'hotugraphio Supplemsnt (Negfl.tive f;.;r


    thG p nriod).




  • Korean War Project USMC-04100950DECLASSIFIED


    Headquarters 1st :.1:;.rin~e, 1st Marine Division


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100951DECLASSIFIED


    let Marines cummand Diary, August 1952: (Cunt:lnued) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    e. lst Marina Division D1Spiatc.1.aa

    c.Jll4D2i 0208:341 0216')91 o922on lOlOl9i 11"'111""\0JIT .L.V""'V~-::I:,J..

    112115! 1210171 1215MI




    l:3l100I l4l'7lOI 1 11o2or 171705! i"'},....r'r':l ... c:. ... ,:;)..J~.J.i.I.L

    291338! 3lll25I '11?20!


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100952DECLASSIFIED

    • • SEU ST SF.GrTLC ':'Y IlJFC•fu-1/ITI:.. N

    Headquarters 1St !J!arines, 1st 1-la:rin .. D:l.vlBiwn

    Fleet Marine F

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100953DECLASSIFIED

    • •

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100954DECLASSIFIED

    SECH~T ~ ~T.i' 1"11"' :--IT n"'V T ·.'.r~-, p·:;; 1\~T ('I T\l -'-'".J'-· '''""'- ~ .•• -·· ;,,,_ ............................ .

    ":'HIS IS >IY ;;'t11\G ORDER 2;~ 700! AUG 52 X T~'IS Cr,NCELS I>!Y FR/\G CJRD•:R l~l50DI AFG 52 X EF~TGCTIVl!: 23 AUG 52 lST EN RTa:.~II~v'ES 2~JD BN -~N rSN X r'Lr:;r ':'.J Il!D CJtWUC'rE,; IN F'J1JR PHASE:S liS FOLLOWS X cc;lHENCING 230200!

    .lilJ-G 52 Gl·t~~1 "C" 00 1/l PJIL!EVES F-.JX CO 2/1 ON PSN X _H]l',IEF T . ._. BE c·:...M-:"'LE'rEJ ~ "([:,;'. TJ 23D500I AUG 52 X COi•MENCING 242001 AUG 52 •F" CO RELI'~VcS lLC c.; ON PS!o! X RELIEF' 'l.\) BE COM:OLETED PIU:.JR Tu 2405001 AUG 52 X Ui'_,:: r,,HPLET!,jl~ OF 1'\l.!LI~~F FJX CO c.:.MES UNDER OPN CONTRJL 3/1 X :)JRLJ,; IJ!lY 24 JIUG 52 DOG GU Hl:!LIEVZS ABLE CJ G:N PSN X ON C0HPLETION . :::ZL.!I .:::F D-.JG CO OOl~iES UfWIS -JPN C.JNTR,:,..L 3/l Cl4A J\BLE CO HEV1~RTS ~ro P ;,K::o;c; c~ !~eLL X 0-JilMENCIIlG 250200! AUG 52 ABLE CO 1/1 R!iLIEVES EASY G:J ;-;;1 ON }1 ...;SIT:LiNS X RELIEF TO BE C0!4:PLETED PBIOH TO 250500! .t'\UG 52 X l''li(:;~:;: UNITS HOURLY rlliJ?c.HTS 'lD 'l'HIS HD,.J. CN PJGGRESS uF RELIEF Cl1!A .,liD ''i'lic:;·l C~ 1/l MifJ,E:S fillS

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100955·-~-."

    ~ .• .:i.-~i-\JC'.C jJ ·.\1. -~.>: -~~-- L ;_:·~~·:,:~~~~}.L ~~ ~'-~1/DdtS

    I - •l-' l1 ·-=~ ..• "'

    ~'-.• ::,':' .. ~uy I u ·~-;; :;r.J.Ci\. ic :r::-;:o_).':L:·mtr::it~-~-~iu:·l vL t:.lG pla;_;_ ;11;1y f~v 'C b~1 ,;.:-;,..-;;siul.~ rend. i'~.:..:c·-~J:.:~r '-'~('(,;;:---;:_~ 1-.J~."-l],L. -~-~ iGG.UI1d lJ;t ~.t.:.:i.C r:cr:I.Ut.LUr_rt.;rs t..,.~ ::J. --.;~~r thG :jL:"Jf• t .... -. . ..;:it cL.:1 t~lcilior{l 0i'ucJ.atl.:>fh

    ·-,. J:ivi::;J..-..~:t :.-~s:-~r·v0 _,:;~,i.ll~~bJ).:::, Hn.:: •. lh~; .. L·,!:,.i ~r .... , .. in .:c·lg.c~ j·-,;_..,.i.ltt~nt;·,cl ceot.;:c, vut~:.·-vlna.l.ltr>.:'l8vunly t:.; LiY.i.-':! '.)J;_-.,.~.;.J.,!U.

    ,'J. _::l. ,)1 r:; ··.lU..•:.;.tJ. :i..C :·, _i;;

    1-.J..,..:, ::S'\_).a.nnt ::::·c;_,·,;·,;i:w in _:)V G0c'L;;;r·.

    b. L11J't c~ ''~~;::;uti'-':'l V7 tDiS pln.n it ;i.B

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100956

    ::~rca ... :~Ki 8itt/bilg


    ,ali .~;·fG ~:li t.L~--;~-~~:~·::2.-~~I-~~-i~~:~((_-~-:~{~~~~~ 0 .}J~ v~~;~~Lr·;-~~-- ~~ ~t~ 0:~~~{' ( .ir;st) fla.:·._;;: ... 1' l '.! .... r·pt. '.:.i t;:;rJ_:('f:i.WFt.l h'i.L:' b;; e:·1 :Jut;;6. lt. t~~·v :)1 1·: ·': -,i~·,G. ~.;:-.u,·:: ·or-:l.d.)1f> Uuri n.!·, Pna:;e IJ: ..;i Flth

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100957'"•,p

    SECRET 8NII/b4i


    II·. ~ r .. r.~.;~. :·:r;:·1r;·~r:·:mm .,.,.,,

    Br14s- dur1ag Phaae II ef ret1NJIIU;t until relieved by e1emeatl •:t the KMO Regt


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100958' . •

    SEC:R>:T SliPURITY n2, DiViBioa'· ;eeerve 'reg'il:lent occujlie'& and defends ·~ine KANSAS and JLU!SAS Ol'Uiin r.ight reg11Z1entel· sector outpostihg·,str~R!ll.:V to ri.verline· ·end covers "ri thdrtiwfll of right Rnd center HLE' regiments. . .. : ....

    ' ). The left l--~ r£¥;iment occupies noa!tion-s .L~ne Y..JJ'fS,.A.,S north o:f Ii'JUT River with one bP.~tel,iM:. :-... ''

    . ··,, ___ . ,· U. ~e three •l·~R regim-e·ri:t!! ~~t thdra'~>' trlm\ll 'te.neouQl~'; t-he left and center r~iments hAlting on J'halie Line end right ~e~J:iJJent '' withdrawing to design~ted a·ssembly •rtif'i, · · ·· · · ·

    5. Oente.r I~R re~J:iment >.f.thdr~.rs from Phe.se Line to designated e.ssem'bl~r· prea·e.

    6. Left !LR regiment ret'le.ins in -oos_itit'm on -ohttse line in its sector south of the.Ilil:I~ river- •. nd,:on·LitleW%\.S !lo,rth of tl)~ lhriN river to Cq'(ei! the wi tOdr•,ws.l of tl1e center r.,giment.

    1. When the reserve regiment hea:~ccuOied'Lines l(A}TSAS PrtP KANSAS OPLJ\ in its esctor •.nd the right end center llLR !legi-I!lente ht\ve, ~i th.draw li!.Cr()B a river-. the 1e.rt rea:if!1ent "'1 thdri!.llB to lir.e KANSAS in asll!.o:ned aector; ..

    . ·-·. , . . _-y ... ~~~-:· '··

    S, In the exe~utiol! of this -plan 1 t is ;,.nticipated that other uni ta "'ill SUT~"POrt th1 B regiment replacing those units now in direct supPort. Tllia regiment will IM.inte.in direct sunnort units throu'iliout its retirement.

    ' . .~ ...

    1. SECllET



  • Korean War Project USMC-04100959

    . J


    !I.Ai' I XO!IJA., 1125 ,000

    1. a, Current :PIR•e: Mnex ll~:R, In~~l~gen~e , . - I •

    l>, ht Mari!l~ D;~vhion pre:P~tree to:'f1t)t

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100960' .. •


    •=* nrJVRIWlJION I.UJ/Willk

    o, 4.!!• uo!l'l.u~;co H 'l ' ,· • ' . ' . ' ' ·•. . •

    (~) Jh; p~pr~ i:li?- q ·tbi itS,~ulao~ t'1"0Iri""Q~e;ent_ tlrlJlS; po~1tlon, ~~ ~nieh',lr, Snt du~1n4 ~itbdrawa~. for rear firing pant 'ee #1lend.h: 11, ,.,,- '""'' ,,_ ,_,

    (?) l!o PTm7e4 .•n Q ~ tuP.i.ih :ftre iii-' ~or OA.tk ~n ;re~t11n•nta:t. aeo.or, · ·

    ('!) lle llreil~r·~

    ~"""' .... ~~·--· , .... ,.,,_,

    e, lil!SE!!VE 13!1 (lleinf)

    (l.) ll~ prll!\~red rer~rea~ on 9 to "'•"""'" all mhsione aaaig11od e1 ther llL!l lllloc,

    (4) lle Prellared on 0 to ••Hhd~~w to

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100961

    SEC!U!r SlillUlUT'l' nt:raRIWl'!OI! sm-:f•


    ( 6) .All uni\~ ..,...,are •nd aubmtt detail en "lPna this l!eadqu,rtere l>7 lO Au,l!il.l\ 1952.


    k~~:~l~ ... il ... loe tQ ICI'OBl1 .{ 81111 Smoke l'l!ln) . '


    o • A. ROV'J:TTA Lleuhnant ColO!>el, U, S, 11~.rine C'orpo

    Executive Officer

    l. l'lan .. ~.:-~LX--= ,J?.etire:!tent !'1~ Overltt~ •' 2. l'lon l!.iiKEl\- lletl.re""'n t :Pl~tn OVerley

    3. Sr.1oko Plan


    4, SllCR':T

    • ~ : :. ! •· ' • ' DECLASSIFIED


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100962.. .,. -·


    • ··---·. S!ll)~'l' si::Utli '1't IlmlllJ.IA.'L'X~V :g;ufwrir.

    .. . ,._. • • let Harinea (Reinf) lot ~'Etr Div (Reinf) :rl!F In the ll'iel, (1) let Mar Div flie1n1')

    (a) ~lW• p;round. ond tl~o.ti~ sm~ke ,ota to conoee.J. vitel brirl.~tee wl~hin Pi~ aeotnr fflr a cinir.run nf 4 hou:ra or until relieved of rei'Jona!.'eilitl" br lat Ilatoon 6ot't Sooke Generator Co. whichever 11 earlier.

    (b) Emnloyo emote to conceal movement of fr!.en

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100963


    - ' v


    • QTII)~IOJ.

    tid fbll~·.·· ble.l:l.·~.((.~tllll .. · ........... ~(i0'1t;,;tll.71 H .. ~el\ ) ~N' _ _..., .... 'ltilt11•~•4\'#o~•·~ieoiol ... - ~;'-11-J..-J-l-..i\-L

    •-' . ... ' :·;.

    1•10 L ~--j) •·.:.·.; L;::; ... J

    • 2, SECRET


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100964DECLASSIFIED


    SECRE'r SEC URI T_: nF:.:Rtv!i\TIGN

    Headquarters 1st Marir;"s, 1st Marine Divisivn


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100965DECLASSIFIED


    Headquarters lst l4.ar1nes, lst Marine Divi~ion

    Fleet Marine Force %Fleet Post office

    San Francisco, California

    ,, I

    8 Septemb:>r 1952

    1\PP ENDIX IV t'-' ls t Marines C;~wmand Diary, .August 1952


    Reports and summaries



  • Korean War Project USMC-04100966DECLASSIFIED . _:,·· •... . ----,


    Beadquartel'll, let !~:trines 1st J.l:l.rine Divisian, Fleet Marine Force

    c/o FPG, San Francisco, California

    8 sept 1952

    /lppendix IV t~o~ ls t Marines Q(JIBDI,;.Dd Diarf, 11ugus t 1952

    Medical .. S'WIIIllary

    The tollow1Rg is an acc~unt of the medioal activities supp~o~rt

    ing the let t•iariu Regiment during the action which resulted in the

    capture or •Bunker Hill• (Hill 122). ·

    The action with the enttmy on Friday, 8 August, Saturday, 9

    August Sunday, 10 August was conducted on ter.rain"CT 0204 where

    OP 58 A ( CT 023048) was located. Eva~uation r4 casual ties was by

    hand litter to ColllpaliY EaSJ CP (CT 024.039) wllere jeep ambulances,

    helicopters and trucks 6xo were used to tran1port casualties to

    the rear. Important factgrs in delaying ·rapid evacuatioD ot

    cuua.l ties in, tc:.is !irGt phase of the battle' were enemy tire,

    consisting of 1110rtars, snipers and artillery, heat and humidity,

    and lack of litter bearers. The nature at tlae terrain and

    ounfusion in the heart ot battle reeulted in many litter bearers

    losing t eir direetiCJn. Caaualties were distovered a:o1 evacuated

    to the regiment.l.· aid station without reachiJg tib.e forward aid

    st:ation. 11 Forward Aid Station at Eaay ColllpPJ CP waa mamed

    by ane (l) medical gfficer and six c...rpamen. Tw (2) bunkers,

    each approxillatel.y 8 1 x8 1 , were utiliz~d tor 'reatment of casual tie a.

    Their small size precluded the entrance of more th~ twg (2)

    stretchers at a time eo a squad tent partial.l7 revetter was util-

    ized. Duri~~g the actiaD incoming mortars and artillery shella

    landed on all sides Qf this tent, bu.t nQ one was inJured. A t~o~rward

    aid st:ittion was aaintaiaad with a m1.Dillua of one battalion eurge~Jn

    ,and five (5) corpsmen in attandan~;e oont1nua~Pl7 Wl.til. thirteen

    (13) August. '!hi aid station was d1soont1n•d when the nuaber ot

    casualties being evacuated from the ·viciDity dropped to a modicum.

    Helicopter strip 54, constructed b7 hand and located· gDl.y thirty (30)

    7ardB frc.~lll t:b8 fgrward aid station was uUJ.Usd tor air evacuatlone.


    The actioD from ll Ausust Wl.tll 16 Augqst was conce11trated gn

    HUl 122 which lay ge..,i!jraphically in fZ'QDt Gf Item Co~~~pany. Cas-

    ual tiea resultilli trom tba batUe were carri_.ed b7 halld ll tter to

    Item Company ClP (C'r 017030) where Jeep ambW&ancea OQDYeJid them to

    the 3/l torvard aid static.~n located at (Cf ~?02i). A bUlldozer

    cut a revettemeat iato the reverse slope of a small hill aDd a l'nlg

    dirt will gpea at lxlth ends was constructed tg pNvide sau pN-

    ::at#8'v£~id ~J mfifH f~t!~s m:~ofbQPt~f~tl 1 mft~!l.ion


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100967DECLASSIFIED

    / ·-~


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1st l1arinas C;.;rnrnand Diary, A

    ugust 1952: (C..;ntinued)

    - -- -

    nllctild t;; a 12 v;;lt br.t'cery. The vpllrati;.;n uf this t'lid


    was dir:>ct casutsl ties res

    u1 ting

    fr;.;m the first nights activitias (11 August ) was ri'lrnarkat

    ily light

    t>nd the woun.lo were nut gri'lvi;.;us. This aid sta.ti;,;n ·..ras


    o;.;ntinu;.;usly fr;.;m 11001, 11 Au.gust until llOOI, 19 Augu

    st. Ca-

    swi!. ti:Js '·rcre fl;nm tv t.~1a r:,ar fr;.;m strip 44 !l.b;;ut 100

    yar-ds frvm

    tha aid stat ion. During the night ill!l.riY casur.l ties w.;ra


    riouard ilrmvr:;d Ps to the rear medical cumpanies. During t

    h'' activn

    of 12 aild 13 ,\Ugust 11hen haat eXhaustivn cases reachtld a


    high, this aid statiun treated and returned the majority

    vf these

    casual ties to duty. Helicvptl}r evacuatiuns were! mad'' fr

    um a mak::J-

    shift Gtrip approximately thirty (W) yards south of the


    station. M!"ldical pers;;nnel f:rorn 11 llble" Medical. cvmpany


    ona (1) d.&y at tb.e furwll.I'd aid ::tation.

    !\ critique ·ns held on 20 t:ugust at regimental CP, att:md.

    ;d by

    the ba tt!Uiun surgevns, rr~glmental surge;;n and divlsi;.;n


    ,:e thuds and m:;ans of impr;;ving the efficiency vf med.ical care

    W:"!rc; discussed. Helicopter c;vacuativn, budy armvr, tran


    vf W the p


    co nsidl'lrod..


    Hi'llicvptar l'lvacuati;;n ..,f seriously w~unded mon pr;;ved to


    life-saving in innumerahle instanc:ls. The s.ltill r.nd p"'-

    rsonr.J. in-

    trepidity ;_,f these piluts in d!l.Y and night flights under

    the mvst

    adverse cunditiuns v:as axemplary. In a great measure th

    e success-

    ful medical trealimoc;t of critical ptl.tients is dir;,ctly d

    ue to

    SECRET 2

    '"-•··' "'""• · •rt · ·' ·so't &A ---- -~---"""'


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100968

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    l I '



    -~W . A ~ 4 ® q.,:;~~ ... ~--.. ,_..,

    - ~


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1st Marines Command Diary, August 1952: (Continued)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -their bravery. During the p.-;riud 8 to 16 Augu.st :ilil.clusi ve there

    were 64 helicopter flights with a total of ninety-nine (99) patients

    evacuated to the medical companies. An impo~tant factor 1n the

    success of these missions was the brief time el~ai~g between the

    call fGr the helicopter a~ the patients arrival at the mltdioal company. The iaterYal 'between patier1ts arri~ at the forward

    aid station aDd h111 surgioll treatment at the medicll oompmy wr1.s llli brief aS twenty to thirty minutes. ~ helicopter squad-

    ron alae aided in mltdical logistical support. On 1:5 August a helicvpter new into the forw11rd aid statien t~e hundred (:300)

    pounds of ice for use in treatme,nt of heat •ihaustiun cases.


    The armored vest and stall helmet was valuable 1n preventing

    and lessening,the severity of casualties. ·Ia innumerable instances

    missile frag!Hnta up tiJ liD inch in diueter were recover111d from I the vests. There were s~veral.men .nose hel .. t were pierved by

    bullets, but luckily, they rece1:ved oDl.y sl~t wounds. The total

    number of men seen from the regiment wllose l.lves were saved unmistakeablJ by the armored vest was estimated by the medical

    officers to be seventeea,


    Jeep ambulances oontinu.ed to be the pr:I,M m;;~ver ~f pajien ts,

    althuugh any mP.ans of tr&II8portativn wu ut:l.lized dapending vn the casualty a1 tuation. The most efficient W.hial• from 1111 med-

    icnl viewpoints fQr the tranapurtation of o .. ual ti•s was the Armored personnel carrier (APC:Ol These traelted oonveymoea were attacb0d 'to the diversionary attackiag terce of tanks for

    evacuatiiJn of lDUoitld .and were ueed throughftt tbl battle witl:l. great Sl.lOCt.aa. · The llPC 1 s riding smoiJthly over the roughest terrain en~blGd successful, painless, evacuativn of dang0rous injuries.

    1\rmy ambulances, panel type, 3/4 ton, -4x4, leaned to the regim0nt

    by I Corps Surgeun provG~ very advantageoue turing the period· It

    should be emphasized again that for all. genual purposes the jeep

    ambulance was the most widely used vehicle, llowever the most

    efficient oonveyance proved to be the ArmorM Personnel Carrier.


  • Korean War Project USMC-04100969DECLASSIFIED

    s.~cr·n~~ SEC\JRI TY INFO Rl1Nl'LN

    lst Hnrintt; C'->ri1un.nd Diary, August 1952: (Cuntinuld)


    During the entire actiJn excellent medical logistical support was pr ... vided. Th;;ra wer• no acute shortages of any item. Stretch-~>rs l:l''re short in supply due tv their use and non return by the gTavs registrati'->n UJlit. ':'he universal leg splint and arm splint pr-uv-,d inv:Uuable in prompt efficient treatment of fractures, m ... st of which ware compound and comminuted. Ta»ts which were used in forward aid st;,tiuna were avto.ilable whell needed. The cvrpamen in the fr;;nt limt units were supplied as fre J.uently as feasible.


    Visi t;;rs to th~> regiment during :the mont) were the SurE>I'lon Gen;1ral, Admir.'il Lamont pugh and Cap t!l.in i..;. B. Xvrrisvn of CumNavFE.

    I. BATTLE CASU tiL TIES: lstBn 2ndBn 3ra. "'3n H&S Tuhl 239 350 ~6 0 ?95

    !l_. Evacu:a t C3d 162 165 114 441 b. Non- ~acua t~>d 35 160 r~ 268 c. K. I. A. 42 25 86

    n. N~N-BA'I'TLE C_t~SJJtL ~IES: 54 16 ..'3 ? 90 a. 1\ccid~ntal Dischr;.rge 3 2 1 6 b. Evacuated 3 2 1 6 c. Frcttal

    HI. O"'H~:R 61 14 2 ? 84 a .. Evacuat~d 8 14 2 6 30 b. 'out EV:O.CUtltBd 53 1 54

    IV. DI~;t~{_\~E: 513 2;s 105 10 651 a. EvacuatGd 6? 23 47 10 147 b. ;l;)t ::evacuated 446 58 504

    ,. ' . V:;n~r::J.l Disease: 3 4 0 0 ? fi· -~vacur, tad 1 4 5 b. Not Evacuated 2 2

    ci. E. BURrO

    SECRET 4


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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -lat lhriw>s C:vmmand Diary, 11ugust 1952: (C


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    lliTIT~OO 74 a. Fillings 44 b. J:xtractiwns 49 c. SilllOle :CxtractL .. ns 44

    d. surgic.U :::xtrrictivns 5 G. P r;..phyl axis 22

    Te>til. patients: 65

    psychol.ogical Warfare

    one (1) ;;ne (1) minute nnd tNo (2) twenty (20) minute grvund

    bro:e.dcasts wne hundr-;d thirty-five (135) ruunds of

    prc;p;,ganda pamphlet amrnunitivn g.uring the period on known or

    suspnct:!d enemy troop cuncentrations.

    Results: No PO 'I/' s hav

  • Korean War Project USMC-04100971

    ( ~··

    f l


    .. ' ' '· i· ~;



    Headquarters lst Marines, lst Ma.r11l8 Division

    Fleet Marine Force .~~Fleet pus t Office

    Stan Francisou, Cal.ifvrnia

    8 Sept 1952

    APPENDIX V to 1st Marines Command Diary, August 1952


    Phutograph1o Supplement (Negative for the period).



    I 1