1.Ambulatory (AM bew luh tor ee) bedridden Able to walk or move around Ambul- walk,move (root) Root,...

1.Ambulatory (AM bew luh tor ee) Vocab Lesson 23 bedridden Able to walk or move around Ambul- walk,move (root) Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Derivatives Ambulant, ambulate, ambulated, be glad when I get out of this wheelchair and am ambulatory

Transcript of 1.Ambulatory (AM bew luh tor ee) bedridden Able to walk or move around Ambul- walk,move (root) Root,...

1.Ambulatory (AM bew luh tor ee)

Vocab Lesson 23


Able to walk or move around

Ambul- walk,move (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Ambulant, ambulate, ambulated,

I will be glad when I get out of this wheelchair and am ambulatory again.

2.Anarchy (AN ar kee)

Vocab Lesson 23

The absence of government; the state of lawlessness

arch-ruler or chief; primitive, ancient (root)Ana- up, back,Against


Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


During the revolution, the government was overthrown and the country was in a state of anarchy.

Anarches, anarchist, anarchism

3.Breadth (BREDTH)

Vocab Lesson 23

The width of something, comprehensive quality

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The breadth of his knowledge about art is amazing.


Breadths, breadthened,breadthening

4. cant (KANT)

Vocab Lesson 23

Secret jargon or slang

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The rites of the Masons are characterized by their cant.

Cants, canted, canting

5.Circumscribed (SIR kum skribd)

Vocab Lesson 23


Restricted or limited

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The triangle circumscribed the circle.

Circumscribe, circumscribing Circumscription,circumscriptive

Scrib- write, written (root)

6.Congeal (kun JEEL)

Vocab Lesson 23

To solidify or to coagulate

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


We waited three hours for the Jell-O to congeal.

To become fluid

Congealing,congealed, congealment,congelative

7.Demagogue (DEM uh gog)

Vocab Lesson 23

A person or leader who appeals to passions or prejudices

Dem-people (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Hitler is an example of a demagogue who claimed power by appealing to people’s emotions and prejudices.

Demagogic, demagogical, demagogically

8.Dissonance (DIS uh nuns)

Vocab Lesson 23

Unrelated and harsh combination of sounds, discord

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Dissonance is a part of come contemporary music.


Dissonant, dissonancy

9.Dubious (DOO be us)

Vocab Lesson 23

Doubtful; not clear

Du-two or twice (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Since he had not read the document, he was a little dubious about signing his name to it.

Distinct, doubtless,assured

Dubiously, dubiousness, dubitable,

10.Engrossed (en GROSD)

Vocab Lesson 23


Completely occupied or absorbed

En-inside, inwards (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The woman was so engrossed in her knitting that she did not notice her child walk out the door.

Engross, engrossing, engrossedly

11.Facilitate (fuh SIL eh tate)

Vocab Lesson 23

To make less difficult

Fac-to make or do (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Appliances are useful in facilitating housework.

facilitated, facilitating, facilitates, facilitation, Facilitator,

To complicate

12.Fledgling (FLEJ ling)

Vocab Lesson 23

An immature or inexperienced person, a young bird that is ready to fly

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The rookie policeman is just a fledgling compared to the captain.

Fledglings, fledgy, fledged


13.Gilded (GIL did)

Vocab Lesson 23

Covered with gold or a golden color; having a background of wealth

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The gilded and perfumed nobles were inwardly deceptive and rotten to the core.

Gild, gilding, gilder

Prosperous, luxurious, ornate,

14.Graphic (GRAF ik)

Vocab Lesson 23


Graph-writing; recording (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


I have trouble looking at graphic films of concentration camps.

Graphical, graphically, graphicness

Simple; unadorned


15.Introvert (IN truh vurt)

Vocab Lesson 23

One who turns inward and concentrates thoughts upon himself

Intro-within, inside (root)Vert-turn (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


He is such an introvert that he is not even interested in making new friends.

Introverted, introvertive, introversion


16.Jocular (JOK yu lur)

Vocab Lesson 23

Facetious, jocose ,jocund


Jesting or joking

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The man’s jocular mood kept us all entertained throughout the evening.

Jocularity, jocularly,

17.Malcontent (MAL kun tent)

Vocab Lesson 23

A person who is constantly dissatisfied and discontented

Mal-bad; ill (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The principal blamed the disturbance on malcontents who were never happy with anything.


18.Misnomer (mis NO mur)

Vocab Lesson 23

Misnaming; use of a wrong name

Nom-name (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


Some think that “a peace-keeper” is a misnomer for an MX missile.

Misnomered, misnomed

19.Obstinate (OB stuh nit)

Vocab Lesson 23


Unyielding regardless of reason or logic

Ob-in the way or against (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


He will not accept advice on many things because of his obstinate attitude.

Obstinacy, obstinance, obstinance

20. Prevalent (PREV uh lunt)

Vocab Lesson 23


Limited; uncommon

Generally or widely accepted, current, or practiced

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The state of lethargy is a prevalent problem in education.

Prevalence, prevalently

21.Prudent (PROOD unt)

Vocab Lesson 23

Judicious, sage,Sane

Indiscreet; incautious

Wise and careful about practical matters

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


In the city, it is prudent to have locks on all doors and windows.

Prudence, prudential, prudently

22.Pulverize (PUL vuh rize)

Vocab Lesson 23

To mold together

To reduce into small pieces; to demolish


Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The rocks were pulverized by the heavy machine rolling over them.

pulverization, pulverized, pulverizer

23.Recapitulation (ree kuh pich uh LAY)

Vocab Lesson 23

A summary

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


It is usually a good idea for a teacher to give a recapitulation of the previous day’s topics.

Recapitulate, RecapitulationistRecapitulative

24.Steadfastness (STED fas nes)

Vocab Lesson 23

ness-having full of(suffix)

Resolution, staunchness


Quality of being fixed with little chance of moving or changing

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The steadfastness of her position not to sell her land is remarkable considering what she has been offered.

Steadfast, steadfastly

25.Tactile (TAK til)

Vocab Lesson 23


Perceptible by touch; capable of being felt

tac- silent; understood (root)

Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym


The woman’s stroke left her with no tactile sensations at all.

Tactilist, tactility, taction