1.alt: other alteration:to change to the other form altercation: to quarrel with others alter ego:...

1.alt: other alteration:to change to the other form altercation: to quarrel with others alter ego: other self Joseph seemed to get into an altercation with anyone who crossed his path.

Transcript of 1.alt: other alteration:to change to the other form altercation: to quarrel with others alter ego:...

1.alt: other

alteration:to change to the other formaltercation: to quarrel with othersalter ego: other self

Joseph seemed to get into an altercation with anyone who crossed his path.

2. ann (enn) : year

anniversary: happens every yearperennial: lasting through the yearmillennium: a thousand years

The gardener planted perennials in my yard so I could enjoy the flowers every year.

3.ar (al): pertaining torelated to

astral: pertaining to the starscircular: pertaining to a circlebipolar: related to two stakes

The circular patterns in the wheat fields made the farmers suspect extraterrestrial visitations.

4.carn: meat, flesh

carnivorous: meat eatingincarnate: to make into fleshcarnage: destroying of flesh as in war

The carnage he experienced during the war left him in need of counseling.

5.corp: body

corpse: dead bodycorporal: related to the bodycorpulent: having a large body

[Corporal, meaning lowest noncommissioned officer, derives from caporal<capit (head).]

The corpulent man sued McDonalds because he would not fit into any of their booths.

6.duc (duct): lead

conduct: lead togetherdeduce: lead to a conclusionproduction: the act of leading forward

It was easy to deduce that school was going to be cancelled when it started snowing at midnight.

7.fact (fect, fic, fy): make, do

manufacture: making by handdeify: to make a godbeneficent: doing good

The company moved its manufacturing plant to Mexico where the labor was cheaper.

8. ist: one who

perfectionist: one who makes thoroughly or perfectphysicist: one who studies naturelinguist: one who studies language

Since he was such a perfectionist he drove himself crazy trying to do everything perfectly.

9. liter: word, letter

literal: related to words, word for wordilliterate: not understanding wordsalliteration: the act of repeating letters

The literal meaning of a work of literature is seldom the entire meaning.

10. locut (loqu): talk

loquacious: talking a great dealeloquent: talking with a fancy flaircircumlocution: talking around the topic

The loquacious minister kept the congregation long past lunch.

11. migr: move

migrate: move to another locationemigrant: one who moves out of a countryimmigrant: one who moves into a country

Birds often migrate to warmer climates during the winter.

12. morph: shape

amorphous: without shapepolymorphous: full of many shapesmorphology: the study of shapes

The movie “The Blob” is based on an amorphous creature.

13. nom: law, rule, principle

astronomy: the law or study of the starseconomics: science of financial lawtaxonomy: principles of arranging things

Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives lists the principles of learning information.

14. onym: name

anonymous: without a namepseudonym: false namesynonym: same name or meaning

Samuel Langhorne Clemmens wrote under the pseudonym, Mark Twain.

15. ose: having quality of

bellicose: having the quality of being warlikemorose: having the quality of being peevish verbose: having the quality of being wordy

The lecture took four hours since the teacher was very verbose.

16. phobia: fear

hydrophobia: fear of waterclaustrophobia: fear of being too closemonophobia: fear of being alone

The small tight room brought out his claustrophobia, and he started to scream uncontrollably.

17. pli (plic, ply): fold

complicate: make fold together or make harderpliable: capable of being folded, relaxedreply: fold back or repeat

The tent was very pliable, so it was easy to pack it away.

18. rogat: ask

interrogate: ask among prerogative: that which is asked beforerogation: asking a prayer or supplication

The police interrogated the students until they begged for no more questions.

19. sens (sent): feel

sensitive: having strong feelingsinsentient: full of no feelingsentimental: related to having strong feelings

The sentimental song brought tears to the old man’s eyes.

20. somn: sleep

insomnia: state of not being able to sleepsomniferous: the ability to produce sleepsomnambulate: sleepwalking

After suffering from insomnia for years, the girl fell asleep and slept for days.

21. spir: breathe

respiration: breathing againperspire: breathing of the skinexpire: breathe out

The men from the rescue squad checked the victim’s respiration.

22. act (tang,ting): touch

tactile: pertaining to touchtangent: full of touchcontingent: touching together

Tactile learning is not possible unless students get to touch as they learn.

23. tude: state of

solitude: state of being alonemultitude: state of involving manygratitude: state of being thankful

The students were all in a posture of gratitude as they bowed before their instructor.

24. vid (vis): see

visual: related to seeingrevise: making able to see againprovident: seeing forward

A PowerPoint presentation is a visual aid to help students learn.

25. xylo: wood

xylophone: sound from woodxylophagous: eating into wood as termitesxylotomy: cut from wood for microscopic examination

The xylophone added mellow sounds to the orchestra’s arrangement.