1988 Green Latern

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Proctor Academy’s 1988 yearbook in digital form.

Transcript of 1988 Green Latern

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  • Proctor Academy Andover, New Hampshire 03216

    Halloween, Bonus, Holderness, The Real Inspector Hound, The I-Tones

    Four Year Seniors, Academy Awards, Assemt rvdicai

    Football, Wrestling, X-C Running, Soccer, X-C Skiing, Kayaking, Field Hockey, Basketball, Ice Hockey, Ski Jumping

    Orientation, PAFD, Freshmen, Sophmores, Juniors, Faculty, Candids, Student Council

  • Yearbook Staff

    Back Row L. to R.: Brigham Pendleton, Margaret Sova, Tim Livingston, Gregor Makechnie, Patrice Martin, Tariq Hassan, Kirsten Ames, Gregg Goings, Jessie Smith. Front Row L. to R.: Jed Cleary, Charlie Mercier, Peter Whitehead, Sam Bellezza.


    EDITORS: Tariq Hassan, Jessie Smith, Kirsten Ames, Nicole Bagley, Chris Scully, Jen Avery

    FACULTY ADVISOR: Patrice Martin

    END SHEET: Jen Avery



    FALL SPORTS: Kirsten Ames, Charles Mercier, Brigham Pendleton

    WINTER SPORTS OPENER: Patrice Martin

    WINTER SPORTS: Jed Cleary, Tariq Hassan, Margret Sova, Kirstin Salmela

    DEDICATION: Chris Scully, Tariq Hassan

    INDEX: Jessie Smith

  • We, The Class Of 1988, Proudly Dedicate The Green Lantern To

    George Emeny's contributions to Proctor, and the people here, have touched and enhanced the lives of so many. H e adds his special energy to everything in which he is involved: holding geometry class in the pond, erecting a teepee, and initiating the Native American Studies Program. His enthusiasm comes through in whatever he does, whether it be coaching a hockey or lacrosse team, conducting a sweat, telling a joke in assembly, or as a dorm parent. George leaves his mark of dedication and care on all he touches, and the senior class wishes to recognize him.


  • Class of


  • 1988 afc^flsKkP*






  • Four Year Seniors

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    L. to R.: Gregg Goings, Cate Reavis, Carlos Arias.

    Back Row L. to R.: Martha Tawney, Mike Brown, Mark McGhie, Tim Smith, Alex Ruschell, T o m Spang, Paul Bornstein, Jason Eslick, Rick Bellefeuille, Will McCurtin, Steve Sessions, Matt Norris. Middle Row L. to R.: Jessie Smith, Jen Higgins, Kirsten Ames, Jen Avery, Laiza Cruz, Tash Hollins, Ann Leef, A m y Morrill, Beth Carpenter, Jen Fowler, Gunnar Whitehead, John Wigglesworth, Tim Livingston. Front Row L. to R.: Kari England, Jen Hill, Brigham Pendleton, Charlie Mercier.

    Peter Oesch Mom, Dad thanks for all the opportunities! Not many people have been as lucky as I have. I think even a rough start has helped m e through. Thanks to all the faculty who made m y visit to Morocco possible.

    Yunus, if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have even thought of going through with this. You are an incredible guy!! Thanks for your support.

    I can't really tell you all how much I've learned and I know I've left people out, but I'll always remember the friends I've made here. HThanks!!

  • Brian "Coco" Caldwell Gracias Papa y Mama. "I bought a case of Coca-cola Classic!! France: Thanks HH , SH, PR, CH. I had the best time of my life over there. Varsity Soccer: good luck in future years. Soccer is a superior sport to baseball. Pinroom: Thanks Bruce and Teddy, you guys are great human beings. Want a Twinkie? I don't have my green card around. Bubba is a retread!! I lost m y wallet, and the reason why it is so important is because if I don't get it back, I'll be recruited into the army. Beware of a duck in a raincoat."

    Ricky Bellefeuille TL, GG, JF, JE, JS: Been together for a while, but now we separate. PB: The devil owns your music. Coco: don't forget your green card my Venezuelan brother. FN: Don't break your leg horseback riding again. JS: Your dream of VI will come true. Thanks Bob L. for everything. Thanks Bruce G. for helping me. M.M.: Let's go kill some fuzzy animals! TS: You will get lucky sometime. TF: You are a commie tree-hugging liberal. MS: You are awesome (Just Kidding!) GG, M H : Remember Fowler's house and the wagon in the field. Thanks Carl for a great year. Thanks John S. for a fun 4 years of football N O M O R E 880's!! DJ: Sled dogs work. Thanks Mom, Dad and my sisters. The Bellefeuille legacy is over! (finally)

  • Paul Bornstein I've served my sentence, now I'm out on parole. Hutch, M e Matt-good times. Gazebo, attic, pool + heaven. Noah and Joe, good luck next year. John S. Thanks for the encouragement. Allan, Lynn, Liz, Eric, Brian, Melanie wish you were here Dougo Thanks for the help. France '88 Matt killer dorm '87-'88. Alissa you're a good person. Football, Hockey + Baseball rule. Hawaii, Japan, Utah, Amazon places to visit. Allan Do you know how to ride a dirtbike? Ricky I'm not a devil worshipper. Toby I do listen to real music. Pre-College Freshman. Manchon Keep up with Quarterback. Rob How's M.L.S, Jeremy hockey football + friendship. Ricky Do we play Holderness ? Heavy Metal doesn't corrupt your mind. Headphones, leather jacket, Don Johnson, headband, leather glove guess what I'll wear to look weird? I'm not weird, just different. Connie Thanks a lot, 4 yrs. of excellent teaching. Tim and Susie Thank-you, M o m + Myer Thanks, I love you. Mike I hold an image of you in my head so I know not what to act like. Chelsea Morrison rules. Butler, H.M., Thanks for the words of wisdom. Totten Thanks for not killing m e for being smart. Butts, Bones, Booze, Broads killer B's. Allan you're a great friend. So ends another chapter in the novel of my life. And the worms ate into his brains Pink Floyd "Fight for your rights" Motley Crue "Set m e free The way I want to be. Words be simple, words be quick. Words resemble a walking stick. Plant them and they will grow; Watch them waver so. I'll always be a Wordman Better that a Birdman." James Douglas Morrison

    Matt Norris Reminiscing -Mt. Classroom Fall '85 -France Spring '86 -Steamboat Springs, Co. -Loon Mt

    -The eyes of the world -Easter at D.R.'s Cheers to: T.N., A.D., J.S., D.J. -Thanks for the good times. P.B., N.W., J.L., B.H., R.H., J.M. "there's nothing left to do, but smile, smile, smile." G D Thanks Derek and Eva don't know, maybe it was the roses." G D



  • Gunnar Whitehead Teddy, it was a great four years. Those nights after hockey. J.F., T.H., B.C., N.B., A.M., L.S., A.S., G.G., T.P., J.B., M.H., C.B., R.B., S.W., J.W. Thanks for everything, you've all been great friends. Lisa, the Superbowl was fun, I'll never forget it. Nicole, you were the best learning skills partner. Jen, you are a special friend. (DICK) keep taking those shots. Pete, two more years. Aki, you're perfect. Trask, last year, then college.Have a great last year. Alice, we wrote great papers thanks a lot for everything, I couldn't have done it without you. A m y we did a great job! A m y (Baby) remember Oct. 14!

    Thanks Mom and Dad for everything.

    I love you.

    People I owe special thanks to, people who helped m e make it through this place Derek & Eva, John & Nancy, Bob Livingston, Barbara Littlefield, Bruce Goings, Chuck Will, Nancy and Bill Whitehead, Mrs. G., Sue Eslick, Carl Hobert thanks for the chance, Stephnie Fernald. Ollie: Before N e w Years one too many (HUH). Freshout: I missed watching massive flakes with you this winter, Mead's not around wanna play darts? Rhys: You have anything to swap, Teds' driving school opens this summer free lessons for you. Drew: Almost totaling two $25,000 cars nice driving (summer your lake house) I'd appreciate not getting hit in the head with your full cans next time I dig in front of your canoe. J.F.M.P.F. Gunnar: wanna go snowmobiling? (sit Tilton). Watch, I think Laura's looking. Acting as a professor on project period '86 next to Billy Messer. Tom: Pouring a drink on it to kill the smell (unbelievable)!!! Maybe someday you'll be a marathon man? Jerry's important but aren't you glad you played lax. Parenteau shuffle forever. Trish: Bernie reminded m e of what was in my pocket. Mark: Stay out of most of my footsteps it will be easier to make it through here . Stay off the Burton Boards next winter. Gunnar Chuck: 3:00 A.M. Fresh is out. Chuck Will & Karl Methven for headmasters. Kate: Here comes Sarge with your shoe. Gregg: It's just you and m e what ya say we hit the bar on the right. Bo: Can I have your keys? Bo, Lindsey & Gregg: night out in Santandar. Sarge: I guess it wasn't Ex-Lax. Fredie: watch out for the neighbors window. Lindsey, Mark, Peter, Trask: Good luck guys, hang in there. Carr Pact Forever: M L S must not live. Melissa: See, You, Next, Tuesday. Karl Methven: I don't know how to say thanks. All I know is whenever I was down you were there, whenever I wanted to joke around with someone, have fun, or just talk 1 knew I could count on you to be there. 1 wouldn't have made it through this place if it wasn't for you. You've been like the older brother I never had. The guy I can look up to. For all those things you've given m e and through our ups and downs I love ya just like a brother. Thanks for everything I hope you come skiing next year, you have a place to stay in Sunvalley. M y only bit of advice to you is to sit back, relax and do what is going to make you happiest. M o m & Dad: Thanks for everything if it wasn't for parents like you guys kids like m e would be in real trouble. Your understanding of m y screw ups, your sensitivity to m y grades and just your overall caring attitude towards m e and my decisions. Thanks for it all I appreciate it greatly. Love Ted. Summerfield: Well fells it's been a long strange trip but it's been worth it. Photos will last forever and if twenty years from now any of you guys feel like seeing yourselves breaking the rules my photo book will be sitting in my attic. Thanks for everything.

    Teddy Maloney

  • Tim Livingston 4 long years. V. Basketball 86, 87, 88; V. Baseball 85, 86, Capt. K; V. Lacrosse 87, 88. Carlos stay out of trouble. Barry get back on defense and Doug keep shooting the ball. Euge where's your lax stick? Best of luck: B.N., D.M., C.A., B.G., O.D, R.B., S.W., and everyone else. Many thanks to Bubba and John S. for their hard work, and a special thanks to M o m and Dad I love you!

    "Winning is like drinking salt water; it will never quench your thirst. It is an insatiable greed." Dr. Thomas Tutko

    "Winning is not everything but making the effort to win is." Vince Lombardi

    "My greatest strength is that I have no weaknesses." John McEnroe

    Gregg Goings Spain fall '87, Teddy, Lindsey, Cate, Melissa, Bo, Thanks for the good times. M.S. and L.B. = Bathroom Buddies. Teddy wheres VIPS? Webber, I'll see you this summer? Thanks for calling. Buchanan you're a good friend! Caroline thanks for listening. Spring Baseball '88. J.F., R.B., T.L. see you this summer. Thanks M o m and Dad it's been a great 4 years.

  • "I would rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints." Billy Joel. Carr House 86-87 yes it was animal house, 3rd floor W.A.L.S.T.I.B.-B.O. who's up for coming down. M.M. writing on Rob. Stebs Last of the mohegans, Webs should have never left last fall. J.B. Lets catch some air, cliffing. M.H., J.B., B.S., B.O., M.M., CO., S.W., P.W., J.P., M.P., J.S., T.E., B.K. Lots of good times. T.E. you saved my life. L.G. would have never made it without you! Cathy Evans thanks for all of your help!!

    I don't know where to begin. Three short years at Proctor. My first term, mountain classroom, what a way to start. Pat after the solo, "well I was talking to Jen last night, ooops." Cullen to Jen, "my underwear has your name on them." The Rio and Ralphs Son, sitting around the campfire. Carr House 85-87 tex. What a machine. Cloud 9, it was in my ski sweater. Thanx mom. Varsity Ski Team. Hogle Let's jump. Hard snow "I hate the East" Fall '86 in France, I love you Anne and Andre. Les Celestins, Sherif. Tours and the Dane's kissing the Porcelain Queen. M.W. remember Bo. Pass the Tylenol. Back to Carr, Hey Jude get up who session on R.I. Pat and Graphitty. The trunk full. Hey Bert. Plunkett We've got five minutes lets do it. Winter of 86-87 getting up for ski races. D.G. K.A. Mark ski on Burton boards. Coffee. Buzzy, Gum, sorry Heidi. Doug H. Hacking, going for a walk don't turn your back. I'll miss all the old Carr House Crew. C.C.C. Pat we had some of the best times. The bridge in April CD., M.H., P.W., Running the ski hill, I love nature. This is the best. Proctor has really opened some doors for me. Patti 1 hope it works. Thanks Pete. Thanks M o m and Peter It's not easy but it just may be worth it. Pat, Marshall, Bob, Roby, it was great while it was there, Delta Carr, it'll never be the same.


  • These four years feel like they started yesterday. Ives 84-88: Jess five years is mighty long don't you think P.I.D. backwards, winter term . . . D E A D C A T . . . love ya. Bucher-mate chocolate eclairs and Cap'n Crunch Yuck arabella-haha, jolt you're busted zib gonna miss ya, have an eclair once in awhile. Hobbit I missed you this year trader spit fights "5",4,3,2 " 1 " Lip BALM: hey girl I think you're allergic to this place I got half the heart, love ya and have a great senior year. B.A.M. I love you a lot, it's the 29th, Santa Fe, I'm gonna miss you, it wouldn't have been the same without you. One more year you can hack it battle of the sexes & chicken fights we won! C D . " G O D " Watch what you say to your parents geek Hah! J.L. your birthday two years ago John disappeared, advisee group was awesome gonna miss ya. N.B. L.S. partner, bags we missed you in the dorm, keep those curls under control. R.S. You and B.A.M. better stay out of trouble. L.G. We're going to shorten your hair. Mignonne your the best we're a team, ILU MGeorge you're the best advisor anyone could ever have Thanks for all the support I am gonna miss you. Alice Thanks for everything you're awesome. Patrice I knew Jess and I could make you laugh. Mom, Dad, Meggo, and both Grama A + O, thanks for all the support, I love ya. Thanks P.A. "Dream on till your dreams come true." Aerosmith

    "Goodbye doesn't mean forever, goodbye doesn't mean we'll never be together again."

    Kirsten Ames "Kir"

    Jessie Smith 5 years at Proctor is a long time, and leaving is going to be weird. Spain with J.D., B.B., S.C, L.D., M.C, T.N., D.P., W.P., K.K.. E, Er, Est, I miss you two. Kir There's no cure for but more . Write on the walls much? Go to the bathroom much. The car keeps chugging. Meow Mix. PETER PIPER. Santa Fe. You have been a great friend, and without you I don't think I would have made it. Buch It's 3/1 soon it will be 100%. Want to go out in a canoe? Dish duty. Keep writing poems, and stay happy.I will miss you. Hobbs D.l.P. Lets go running, I will never be an athlete. I missed you in Ives. Jane Can I have some fries with that shake? What was found on your beach? Thanks for everything. DeWinter (GOD) Do you want to walk? Get out. Here's your coat. B.U. Tufts. T.F.A.C Jen H. Lets go visit some bums . . . Dirty Dancing . . . Dad showering. M.M., CM., A.H., J.P. T.C. you guys are great. Willy I love you. Jamal Don't forget that your Aunti loves you. R.S., R.B. I missed you guys this fall. B.M. You have always been here to help me, and I will miss you. Bagley Can I pull a curl? (Boink) You are a doll, and I will miss you. I.A., J.B., M.S., F.L., M.S., J.H., you guys have so much energy, will you ever calm down? J.L. Don't ever change. T.H. You're so cute. J.V. Guys Soccer, You are an interesting bunch of guys, Congratulations. Thanks Sarah, Nancy S., Patrice, and Michele for putting up with me. You made being at Proctor easier. Thanks M o m and Dad for keeping faith in me, and giving me enough time so I could do my best. I L O V E YOU!! Thanks Proctor!

  • In some way, however small and secret, each of us is a little mad..Everyone is lonely at the bottom and cries to be understood; but we can never entirely understand someone else, and each of us remains part stranger even to those who love us ... It is the weak who are cruel; gentleness is to be expected only from the strong . . . Those who do not know fear are not really brave, for courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined . . . you can understand people better if you look at them no matter how old or impressive they may be as if they are children. For most of us never mature; we simply grow taller . . . Happiness comes only when we push our brains and hearts to the farthest reaches of which we are capable..The purpose of life is to matter to count, to stand for something, to have it make some difference that we lived at all. ( L.R. )

    Bonnie What are we making weapons for? Stan, you'll always be easy-think no limits George You're terrific I love ya, thanks. And finally for those who understand, J.P., J.B., K.A., J.S., CD., and L.C

    Kline, you'll be the one I'll always remember!!

    I know nothing stays the same, but if you're willing to play the game, it will be coming around again. C S Lakes Summer 87 M T C L R M Winter 88 C.K. V.M. B.A. I missed you guys. C R . nothing will ever change. D.W. Wilm T O H U M H E R M W O R If you know what I mean US-his staring at the back of your head! One more, you'll make it. N.B. let's go visit the little drummer boy! Yale guys at the G. house love you Bags! C S . yes you Perrier bottles forever! A.B. let's order some skrits and lofers. J.S. you barefootin' stud! G.W. Thanks for making m e smile when I really didn't want to. J.E. goalies. Cato 2 to 12 and we still managed to survive. Couldn't have made it without you. C.D.W. Don't be messin' with me! What did I tell you? You can do it! K.E. Keep smiling ( Yamo be with you ) M.M. Thanks for being a friend. Morris Time for din-din! H.M. it started with Tilt, Gummi-bears, Mando, (A.W.) Brain Damage, 1,2,3 Hi Chris! It never seems to end. I'm going to miss you. Katie, do you know how to hook it up yet? Dee Iii Ppp. Love you Kate, you'll make it! J.S. Keep your head up. Lock Crip 1, Crip 2 Walk this way!! Thanks for listening. Kir F. Bug K.A. I don't want to hear it, you're not a L! You know what I mean. Love you. Sarah, Donna, Karl and Patrice, 1,2,3 Bye Chris! Thanks for everything. P S W I never found the compass just did a little bushwaking-where did it all start? Love you.

    Jane Lockwood

    Jane Buchanan


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  • Jed DeOrsay M^ r-eiK) S I9i5 J^


    "Mistakes were made." Matt Groening

    Thanks Mom and Dad and all those who have helped me here at Proctor.

    "It came seventeen years ago and to this day lit has shown no intention of going away."

    Edward Gorey

    "It's the end of the world as we know it it's the end of the world as I know it it's the end of the world as we knew it

    (and I feel fine)" R.E.M.

    "Cause I a m a voodoo chile, Lord knows I'm a voodoo chile."

    James Marshall Hendrix

    Will McCurtin "Getting out of school, Meant getting out of hand." Husker Du

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    r rWjn*LvN- The Poll "HA 5T

  • Lisa Seabolt Yeah it's me . . . Sea-slime, Sea-dog, Sea-weed, Sea-pup, Sea-monster, and Sea-hag. What's my name?? France '86-Monica, a little Phillipage? Oh, I guess you were there too Drew. Dan Coper keep your sneezes to yourself, Drinking Drink, Texas, Jonny Love, Outward Bound '87 Buck we conquered the Rio, T.P. & P.W. I love the V-stretch , TZ tumbling on top with Trask, Gunnar Superbowl '86, B M keep in touch though the stars may fade and mountains turn into sand, Aki Busted in boots and underwear, Kate, you're about as qualified to drive as I am. For better bargains, shop at Sears, Flo Bermuda '86, Vista Point is calling you. Three long years with so many memories. L'Amy Ode to my roommate..is that what you wanted to hear? Who's going to keep you in line next year? Gunnar and I are leaving. Dick I'm still waiting. Bill Let's go scrubbing ILY Tricia Someday I'll get to Texas. Get your license or get a new chauffeur. TZ and JD don't mix. Trask, Pete, and Gunnar Yeah we're hicks!! You guys couldn't have been better friends ILY Mom, Dad, Mel, John, Bill, and Nancy Seven kids couldn't have asked for better parents. You who are on the road must have a code that you can live by. And so become yourself because the past is just a goodbye. -CSN

    Bill Hoffman Rawhide! The Raucus, Trask your P.W. B.K. Smirnoff night. Summerfield, good times, Thanks M o m and Dad, Gram and Gramps. A m y M. Drew and I want to thank you. And many special thanks to Seabolt, A m y and Tricia. Aki ILY

  • Sarah Reilly

    Thanks for everything Tom Eslick, you've done so much for me. The best advisor anyone could have. George (Dad) You're the greatest May I have the next dance? You're a wonderful person will never forget you! Liss Keep laughing you wild woman! W.T.A.S. or in the shower? H o w 'bout that upstairs bathroom? It's my fav'! I L U V YA! Laiza you're so spech' don't ever forget it! I will always remember you. L U V U. R S B (Jailbait) A dozen roses for everytime you went on a weekend without me. Some unforgettable moments, and an incredible Winter term in Spain. Spain Winter term '88? We'll find our way! Stevie S. " A camel can go without a drink for eight days, but who wants to be a camel?" (MR) So let's run away to Mexico. I will miss you I L U V YA. P S W Sorry, Friendship & Fireballs Forever. Good luck in the future. H P You fake red-headed ! Keep smiling. ILU. Most of all, thank you very much M o m and Dad for putting up with everything I've done through the five craziest years. I never would have made it without your support. "Well I think it's fine building jumbo planes, or taking a ride on a cosmic train, switch on the summer from a slot machine, yes get what you want to if you want, 'cause you can get anything. I know we've come a long way, we're changing day to day." C S

    Laura Webster Goldsmith Your time has come to shine. All your dreams are on their way. See how they shine. If you need a friend, I'm sailing right behind. Paul Simon Roommates C.V.S. up at the Ritz, you're so bad, Gimme a beat . . . Jesus Christ Green Beer, Brad Holderness '85 Thanks Pete, you sizzler, Bolt you leader you, Layme you mets-sucker, Minorri Center '87 New Years what a scene, P.W., L.S., T.P. Air Band Money, The Peeper, Patti Z. Flappen about dead legacies, P.C.'s, Vista Point, "The French Bogur Exam", Thanks High Times, Mac Talk, it's kinda eerie, B.H. our marriage licenses, Chris Mole . . . "While there is time let's go out and feel everything, if you hold me, I will let you into my dream. For time is a river flowing into nowhere. W e must live while we can and we'll drink our cup of laughter" I Love You C. Too much latenighting, outta control, John Lee in Seabolt's duck pond. Kackie you're so 'Hip'. Thanks to everyone. Special thanks to Mom, Dad, Lisa, Tricia, Trask, Kackie, Monica, Fred, Chris, Jen, Chad, Patrice, Alice, and A m y S. I love you guys. I can't believe I made itr 19

  • 20

  • Thomas, Chuck, Rhys, Drew

    "Look around at the world you'll see Man in his misery

    But the earth? Still beautiful!"


  • I'll never forget the amazing 4 years Proctor. Mac house: Wilbur, Kari, Dikeman, Mitter, Jen, and Stork. Stairway to heaven, viking club, wanna chew? Shall we party in the shower or baby-pool? Cherry pie, April fools Summerfield! M y names not R R R A K E zeek, King house: triple. Average and Joe too many memories! I don't fart I just burp . . . sure. Nachos. Wanna play uno? M y eyes are dry. Late night juice. Hockey player much? Syberia. "Richard" looking blue. turnovers, Happy Hippo's been castrated. A.P. wallpaper?! Mountain Classroom: Busted! group solo, what stolen V.W. bus? Pyramid and wheelbarrow. Nice B-day Helen, Duke's playing traffic signal again? Bored? Make up a rumor. Mardi Gras, Modern Primative. Farm House-Dirty dozen. Kari We'll wake up early. Hobbit want a Kiwi? Untitled Jam. Helen what are we laughing at? France. W e always take weekends in style. A Revere truck stop. U.V.M. push the bus? N.Y.C-switch? Amsterdam. Toast to Dwight. T.P. Thanks for being a friend. Eviction party, let's go swimming? P.P. Miss you tons. Road trip. Kodak picture spot! Yes Althea is car trained, mobil home. Mom and Dad thank you for your love and support.


    m r*h>

    Roomate connections: Leefage, Pepperage, and Average! Nachos! To scoop or not to scoop, who's going to turn out the light, first impressions don't mean anything, late night juice, don't m y sweats fit well? Stump! Want to take a shower, Black Duck with sumo wrestler, night skiing, U.V.M.87 do we remember it? You are m y sister golden hair surprise! Drea-NOSE! Don't worry I won't hate you because you're beautiful even though you don't do razors and underwear. H.M. and Anya-T.F.A.C! America, Elizabeth, watch out for bearded pinhead, he doesn't knock, your bracelets are making so much noise. Beth and Tash Can you believe it's finally over, side-kick, we love our advisor.best buddies for 4 long years, no one means more to m e than you two! Bags W e love to print for Patty, Breck's lets talk boys, I really hope your satisfied that we're buddies now! Steve Captain VVV! You have always stood by me, we're weird but ask us if we care.lLU! Noah Thanks for all the smiles you brought to m y face, I'll miss laughing with you! Kari We'll never tell about Summerfield, don't play soccer drunk! Scully Technical geek! Let's talk about the ride up to U.N.H! That girl was so ugly I thought we were going to get murdered, I wish we had more time ... Chris You have helped m e grow, there is no one I admire more than m y favorite advisor! I will miss dish duty. George, Nancy, Jameelah, Maro, and Patrice Thank you for eveything! M o m and Ron Through all the sacrifices, I'm finally finishing, Thanks for all the love and happiness you have brought into m y life! Brian Love is a thing it's a bit like quicksand The more you're in it the deeper you sink and when it hits you you've just got to fall That's why I do believe that I'm guilty of loving you.


  • Aimee Margaret Bellavance P T U W N.D. Sometimes A+imee . . . Restriction and Canadian blue nights. Still Roomates & the P is still alive. K.G. You are the best! I'm walking in the midnight sun once again oh my poor K's uhhh Easter Eggs & Weekends Summer of '87 is "sweet enough to eat." Mad dog Where are your overalls and shoe? Cliff Specials with Killer! I love SW's Mickey & Minnie W O W N.Y. Bonuses have always been fun. W h o is the kid in the yellow sweater? C.B.D. "Love must learned and learned

    again and again; there is no end to it. Hate needs no instruction

    but waits only to be provoked." K A P Kackie W H Y ? is there something on the burner? Bags I love your blender Wilamena I'm the line Spain '86 Cn in the SB & H w/Quima M.B. Thanks for Secret Love Affair. Cw&CW A G T C T A E (It's so sad) The Golden Child will always be a N! Trina you are a mad scientist! Alice & Donna Thanks for always being there. M o m & Duda Making mistakes are part of lifes imperfections! Thanks for waiting! I love you. "Take the most from living Live for today"

    Nicole Bagley

    "Good friends we have or good friends we have lost along the way. In this great future, you can forget the past, so dry your tears say." Bob Marley I hate mondays!!!! It's 7:25, wake up Nicole. Thoreau 85-86 Ives house B.C. 86-87 Gunner W e were the best team for getting no work done. Aimee They are ruining our fun. Jessie and Kirsten I missed you guys a lot this year. Kate, W e have done so much together I'll never forget you. M.T.C.L.R.M. Winter 88. Fall term, Mac house click . . . rag sessions Kill and laugh. Heidi I'll miss you spring term Luv you. Andrea W e had our times but, W H A T E V E R . Orentation? It was your fault!! Mattlock your so vain. "Now there is only one road before me, to many turns in the way." J.T. Daphane You were always there for m e whenever I needed you. I'll miss you next year. Laiza Thoreau was the best, keep in touch!! Jen W e made it! Patrice? Holderness weekend. Out of control, I'll miss you. Steve What we had was great, to bad it couldn't last. Maro and Patti You guys are the best. Buch Spring Break 87, always have those memories. Drummer Boy? A m y Yes you are Bernedette, remember when I saved you? Tash How was your sleep? Beth you stud, miss ya. K.G,C.D.,K.G,M.L.,M.M.,B.N.,and A.B.,Just one more year. Adrienne and Anna Love you both. Patrice There wasen't a day that went by that there wasen't something to fight about but, it was fun. THANKS!! Dave you are the best advisor, Thanks for everything. Alice I couldn't of made it without you. You know more about m e than anybody does. I'll miss you a lot. Dad, Mom, Betsy, Nancy and Brett I L O V E Y O U . Thanks for all the support. "Memories seem like dreams, hundreds of hopes in the past." J.T.

  • Heidi Chapman "Take your time think alot, why think of everything you've got for you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not." CS

    "And in my mind I still need a place to go, all my changes were there." N Y M o m & Dad Thank you for everything and all the support. I love you!

    "I'm taking life as a big long ride, you stay on your side and I'll stay on mine, you take what you want and I'll take the sunshine." America


    Scott Webber Jay its been a great three years. Carr House boys. Jane, Thanks does not cover everything I owe you. Take care. Mt. Classroom group, let's do it all over again someday. S.R., G.W., C.S., C.B., J.S., B.H., T.L., J.B., and everone else thanks. B.C., Let's go diving sometime. "If you don't have it, don't spend it."

    -Dad Thanks for everything Mom, Dad, Weezie, Emily and Lindsay. I love you.

  • Eric Anderson Johnson This bridge will only take you halfway there To those mysterious lands you long to see: Through gypsy camps and swirling Arab fairs And moonlit woods where the deer run free So come walk awhile with m e and share The twisting trails and wondrous worlds I've known. But this bridge will only take you halfway there The last few steps you'll have to take alone.

    -Shel Silverstein

    Mom and Dad Thank you for this opportunity.

    ^ ^ ' *

    And something is cracking . . . I don't know where. Ice on the sidewalk, Brittle branches in the air. The sun is blinding . . . Dizzy, golden dancing green. Through the park in the afternoon Wondering where the hell I have been.


    Christina Scully If you smile at me, I will understand. 'Cause that is something everybody everywhere does in the same language.

    -Crosby, Stills & Nash

    Mom, David, and Michael: I'm only beginning to appreciate the sacrifices you've made for m e Thank you.

    PDS "I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I'd see you again." J. Taylor

    Connie You've been a wonderful, supportive friend. T o m Thank you for your advice and criticism. You have helped m e gain confidence and encouraged m e to better express myself.


  • Alex Ruschell

    Proctor's kind of cool I guess. M o m and Dad, sorry I yelled at you four years ago for making m e go to prep school, it's not that bad. Thanks for it all.

    "Violent plays need trauma critics' -Salada Teabag Tags

    "This tale is doon, and god save al the route!" -The Miller

    Jason Eslick

    " W e thought that we had the answers ... It was the questions we had wrong." Paul Hewson


  • Marshall Huggins Mr. Federal FBI Agent Jude Behn. P.W. Waterskiing, let's go fishing. Skuba diving anyone? C H A I N S A W . Webber's a Homo. Scott To much to say, let's just keep it together, thanks for everything. Liam, Jude, Pat, The bridge in April up the ski hill. Carr House Boston Police Peter Beater yellow wash cloth, Cloud 9 Euge, Savage, Wilmerding, Kayno, Brooke, Plunket The trunk full. Movie Beat Session Ittner and Euge. Nick R. Colby Sawyer ITONES, Roby H , Bill Hoffman Coffee, Honeybun Geometry. Heidi The first sophmore I ever met. M y little flower. Special thanks to Heather, Jennifer, Kirsten, Lisa, Kackie, Midge, Caroline, Melissa, Erin, Kelly, Nancy etc..!?! J-House What a place for a beuf. Late Night. V-Football Good times Thanks Matt H. Bobby K., and Bill H. Bill Hoffman Fowlers field anyone, Banana's and Bud, 4 wheeling. Ricky, Greg, Nick, etc. M y poor car. I love nature ! This is the best! The third floor is not that bad. Gunnar T o m Warner English W h o is it now? Late night smoke P.P. H.M. Late night telephone calls. M.M. I 1 2 4 Q Jen F. % years huh ... G U R A Q T . I N V U ???? Something special. Surprise. "You can't relive the minute that just happened." GE. Heather, what a flirt. Kate here Kate F. I'm sure there's more Alice and David, it was yours I'm sure you know. love you both. Well see ya around. M o m and Dad I love you too. What else can I say!!! pat I almost forgot Cookie doe and Chainsaws Pete Chenc Chic Cheching out !!


  • Jen Fowler The laughs, tears, and memories have all come and gone but will be with me for the rest of my life. M T C L Jude, Pat, Tash, Matt. Courtney, you're one of a kind, love ya! Tash + Beth + Jen A. It's been 4 great years. Kari Glad I could have known you through the years, you're the best. Midge I'll never forget you, you've done so much for me Thanx. Lindsey You gave spice to my life, love ya, hang on to the one you love. Gunnar you're a terrific person, thanx for being a great friend. Well Cate, what more can I say? Only that 1 love you, thanx for being there every step of the way. Kate H. Glad I got to know you. You put many smiles on my face. A m y Have a good senior year. You'll go a long way in life. Trask Keep being a stud. I love ya! John W . W e made it! Scott W. Love that smile! Adrienne + Caroline you guys are great. Hockey was the best! Good luck. Chris N. Thanx for being a great coach! Marshall You're special to me. I love you. Mom + Dad you are the best; thank you for being so supportive. Love you very much!! To the rest of P.A. Good Luck!!

    You never leave a place you love. Part of it you take with you leaving part of you behind.


    I'm so happy, may yamo be with you. "I love to have my fun. I'm a hard knock flyer and a rainbow rider . . . joy to the world, to all the boys and girls, joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and m e " Three Dog Night. Valentine's Day or should I say week, Anne. M T C MR. Chubby, "The wiffle bat." Jen F. You fag! You can't even read a bazooka. Jen A. & Pepper & Anne & Helen & Monika & trooper Carrie "Go directly to jail, do not pass go!" The Stairways to the Ramada. (Helen) psss . . . psss behind the curtain. "Shut up we're trying to sleep." Cindy, Helen the beach, "Helen put your camera away! Holly, you're going to have lots of fun. Hobbit, you're crazy!!!" Cheers to the "Dirty Dozen." Chuck, " W e all live in the yellow submarine." George E. and David F. May yamo be with you and everyone else in this world. Jen F. volvo trips, James Taylor, Deerfield, Gas Station . . . Katie. Tim Norris, thanks, David F. I couldn't have made it without you. M o m , Dad, and Peter I love you, Thanks for your help. Helen stop laughing . . . you generare! It was crazy, but it was a crazy, fun P.A. 5 years. Caroline, I'm so happy, may yamo be with you. "You know love is better than a song. Love is where all of us belong. So don't be shy just let your feelings roll on by. Don't wear fear or nobody will know you're there, you're there." Cat Stevens "There's so many dreams I've yet to find." Carol King "In my mind I still need a place to go, Blue blue windows behind the stars, Yellow moon on the rise big birds fly across the sky." C S N & Y

  • Cate Reavis

    "No, you never get any fun out of the things you haven't done."

    Ogden Nash

    "Courage is being licked before you've even begun, but you begin it anyway and see it through no matter

    what." Harper Lee

    Thank you Chopper!

    "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

    "Every little action there is a reaction, Oh can't you see what you've done for me. I'm happy inside, oh all,

    all of the time." Bob Marley

    J.S.B Thanks for being there even if you were so many miles away, thanks for all the weekends and for all the long

    talks, but most of all, thanks for being my best friend.

    Carlos Arias To my family: M y 4 years of joy, sadness and frustration would have not been complete without you. You were always there for me, and we will always be there for each other. Jose Victor, Reina, Daysi, Neris, Maritza, Gidget I L O V E Y O U . Dome project: thanks for sharing the expierience with me. Livingstons: You are very special people. Thanks for everything. Timmy: Get a real car. Jammal: get a girl. Laiza: stop fighting. Barry: Play some D. Doug: S T O P gossiping, and get your own girl. M.M. and B.P. I will never find another chafia! I love her. T.M.: I don't know how you do it. A.P.: You have no excuse. Tom: You have soul! Summerfield '88, France '87, Lax, Basketball #1. For those of you who didn't believe in me: kiss my "... "! "Before you were an asshole, now you're just an ass." J. Schoeller & Dave: Thank you! "I have a dream" to be versatile for people to be individual, but united as one. Fulfilling the black expectations. M o m m y : Yo te amo. Mike, P.D. Dudley: W e are the three Amigos. Cate Reavis: I'm going to miss you, what can I do without you. Heidi, Virginia, Adrienne, Jen Higgins, Kirstin, Andrea, good luck Mac attack. "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."

    Versatile, I'm # 1.


  • Oliver Davis

    i 5 year plan? Brad orientation with Barney Rubble, Tripp & Bartlett thanks for a good start, Morgs C.C., C.L., Etc., you are always there to talk-thanks, Roby here in your soul-, Rob E.-a true friend, O.M.-"One love, One heart."Marley, Brettonwoods, car chase-tripps saab "where are you?", return in malibu cruiser. Pete Glass die at 100 playing bingo, M A D RIVER G L E N ski if you can, M o m and Willy thank God that you live only 5 miles away, you guys have been the best supporters for the last 3 years I love you. Dad, Sarah, Alexandra fun time in Hartford, summer '86 &'87, St. Lukes 2 years of getting to really know my great father. Sago never will be forgotten, Jonathan my bro happy new years! Tipi town with Jeremy, & Pete, the center pole mission! My brother and great friend (and personal coach), Taintor your neat, great, wacko, and fun, summers 86' &'87, Tony, Peter, and Billy Three big brothers that I am lucky to have, Sarah the same to you. H.C., T.L., B.K., F.V., R.H., M.C, E.C., J.M.F., T.W., C.B., Hobbs $10?, Gunnar, P.W., Goody & the ducklings.O.M., S.W., Bubba, Bruce G , Etc., and the whole damn soccer team, lax '88 we'll be good! Karl the best friend & helper I could ask for Oh yeah pink stationary with green pen? who? What? Good bye Proctor!


    Bradlee Kirkpatrick "Climb a tree in your backyard, you ain't going nowhere . . . Great!" -A bum on 2nd and South St. Thanks Pilla for the surf trips, Bubba for advising me, Nancy for the art support. "Saugus truck stop, Rawhide, Little Malibu in P.R. w/Fred, Drew the whippet hog, Pumpkins w/ "O". Thanks bro, Sis, Ma, Dad, L., T., A., Tuna and Seahag"

  • Mark Oliver Mom and Dad, you've given me a lot. Some day I will repay you. This is dedicated to the Morton Shadow, 110,000 miles and still going. Not very fast, but still going. So what if walking's faster. Dave, don't you think two couches is enough. W e can walk anywhere in the room without ever touching the floor. Will P.L.H.C Dave, Will, and Polly So it was a long ten minutes, you want to get out and swim? Tom-In assembly!?! I'll take the zero. Backgammon anyone? It's 3 A.M. and Mr. Coffee is working on his third pot. Quick D.M., bar the door. The beaufs are coming!! Brian Animal noises on the back porch of the lake house. Morton House Room 1 goes high tech. It's cool that I have four tests, eighteen lines of middle English to memorize, and dish duty. Besides, I like wearing m y salad. No, really Dave, you can shower first. Dougo Thanks for being a great advisor and a friend, even if your jokes arn't funny. Mike S. W e miss you! Carl and Eric You guys are terrific friends to have. Don't worry Dave, insanity is in the eyes of the beholder. B.V.Z. Mellow out Vin! Remember Headmasters 86-87? Hit the lights on your way out. It was real M . C , S.R., J.R., W.B., B.V.Z.,J.G.,and C.C. Yes, I opted for the five year high school plan, maybe I'll do college in four years. Joel, Get Out! Dave Leisure Rules! Morton says, "no more Pigs in Space please." What homework? The Hobes Mobile-Six Hundred Dollar Special. I'm sorry Dave, but I think a microwave is just a bit out of the question. Americola is not bad, besides, it's only 4 bucks a case. Clay, don't be discouraged if the number of years you have left school is twice that of your age. Jus, your almost there. Thanks Dougo, Swayze, Tom, Sally, Carl, Eric, and Bert u' /-""1
  • "The world keeps spinning and I can't wait. Find the entrance to that doorway miss it if you hesitate." Jorma K.

    "What the people need is a way to make them smile. Got to be the message, get it on through." D.B.

    "You're only as pretty as you feel inside." J.A.

    "SEE Y O U O N T H E D A R K SIDE O F T H E M O O N . " P.F. "all that is now all that is gone all that's to come, and everything under the sun." P.F. It's been an incredible fun, three years of laughter I'll remember forever. Cindy, yes, I admit I'm a goon, but you are too . . . god, we're queer. Do you think anyone else thinks so? Blind leads mirrors in the bathroom Fart so much laughing, wouldn't have been the same without you. I.L.Y. Jane mando buddies gummy bears they really think we worked in there? W e made it with smiles on our faces thanks for always being a friend. I.L.Y. Davis "Helen there's an owl out here" King anyone get arrested? Thumper before bedtime. Farm who's gonna get M ? Kate he's all yours. Annie to Kari I guess we missed out it was all fun and games. "The Dirty Dozen" I.L.Y. sexpots. Dodge Dayton weekend "silver spoilers" spend the night in Revere in a truck stop Bonus N.Y.C. "Amsterdam's" Steve you kept m e smiling! Aki summers in Me. "iron livers" forever have fun here, it'll be the best of times. I.L.Y. what would I have done without the phone calls! Bubba thanks I know you'll miss the blue slips! P.A. soccer I'll never forget, headballs are one of m y favorites 1 2 3 Bye Chris! "Lean on me when you're not strong, I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on we all need someone to lean on." Spleef Nachoes at the den This is no time to be dyslexic Bill threw out our turnovers. Mt. C L R M '87 with Dougo, Duke, and Derussy B-Day, I tree France France '88 I.L.Y. Kate What's that list all about you are such a spazz "Low Rider" I.L.Y. Kari Yamo! God you make me laugh. Want some chocolate? Yes we live for food . . . and other things. Andover trucking school here we come! I.L.Y.

    "Taking life like a big long ride, you take what you want and I'll take the sunshine." America

    "Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs." P.F.


    Oyo camo va . . . Sometimes it takes a rainy day just to let you know everything's going to be alright. C.W. No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. W.B. Ain't life a brook. F. I look at the world and notice it's turning. With every mistake we must surely be learning. B. You're my blue sky you're my sunny day and you know it makes m e high when you turn your love my way. A.B. Sadness I can't be with you, I don't need your hand no more, Laughter I'd lib to be with you, why don't you come knocking at m y door. J.A. And so castles made of sand fall in the sea eventually. J.H. Shine on you crazy diamond. P.F. The seasons they go round and round and the painted ponies go up and down, we're captive on a carousel of time. J.M. I ain't wasten time no more cause time goes by like hurricanes running after subway trains. A.B. Feelin' allright, not feeling too good myself. J.C. M y feet is m y only carriage so I got to push on through but while I'm gone everythings gonna be allright. B.M. "LISSA" back home you'll always run sweet melissa. "Let m e count the ways. When you're looking for a friend you wont find no bettei right on to the bitter end, live I am. D A V E "My brother who could brighten up m y darkest night, just another side of love when we would fight. W h o would I be without you? M o m and Dae If I had the world to give I'd give it all to you. I love you more than you know. Thanks for the roots and the wings. Hey Helen, will you always be such a goon? ... 3 years later and the room is still messy, and you're the DL. Still together, Good God! It's okay Helen, It's just a blind lead! And if you don't like that then how about a piggy back (through the dining hall maybe)? I lovi you. Life I love you, All is groovy


  • Jon Sumner

    Thanks to M o m , Dad, A.D., M.N., T.N., M.S., and especially to Kim. It's been a great four years but it is finally over! Have fun in college everybody!

    Margaret Emily Sova "There has to be an invisible sun, that gives it's

    eat to everyone." -The Police Jonny: Look out, I now all your secrets (then again you know mine). 'hink Zodiac(what?!), caveman in the garden and n the bus, Paris hotels(hmm), and so much more. 'hank you for being a great friend as well as all the an! K.W. Ledge, what ledge? I was in bed!, Carriage House, You people are too wild for me! T.S. find a girlfriend or m y stairs whichever comes first. .M. do you know the knock? Charles I said, IO! F.N. Zut! J.S. What can I say? We'll always be iends. To all of you, thanks for a great time! Carl u es fou! Merci, un million fois. To Proctor, I thank all f you who have helped m e grow and gain confidence i myself. M o m m y and Daddy: Thank you for jpporting m e in everything I do, I love you!


  • Joan Clarke and Nancy Schoeller I really thank you for everything, Thanks for being there. Ann and Peter, No Kayaks! I'll never forget about you, I'll always miss Proctor Dennis, I'm glad to know you. Four years! It seems like a long time ago. Thanks to Lee, Derek, Connie, John, Karl, George, Chris Noll, Donna, and David for helping me. YAZJ TALKING H E A D S , J.H., G.W., S.N., M.S., S.R., B.D., V.G J.M., G.C, C.R., A.R., S.B., M.G., R.H., A.M. Bert don' talk with gum! M o m & Dad, Thank you for your courage and understanding!! You mean the world to me! My family finally I did it! Bo I always love you, thank you for putting up with me going to Proctor! Fowlers and O'Connors! Thanks for my happy times in sports Chris Noll, Bert, Ann S., Stephanie.

    Melissa S. What time is it? It was a Monclea night there was a bomb down the Road today.

    Teddy Maloney watch for those moving parking signs. Wheres Vepes I hate Spanish flies. Hey Bo, did you use my Scope?

    Cate Reavis Where's the church? Do leaves fall the same?

    Lindsey Buck Is that a big bull or a girl bull?

    Kate Hobbs and Kackie G. NO YOU GO!

    Sarge Goodchild Watch out for those flying pizzas.

    Stephine F. It's so close but so far away.

    Greg Glickman Where are those guys from?

    Kari Hey you stupid Taxan.

    Thanks to: Cathy Evans, Derek M., Pete S., John S., Bubba P., Tim Norris, Doc H., Gary G., Chris Noll, Alice F., and Stephanie F.

    All of you have made Proctor special for me. Also thanks to my parents John and Penny Butler for making it possible for this experience at Proctor to happen. Martha thanks for sharing my Proctor expierience with me. You really made it something special.

  • Laiza Cruz

  • Tim Smith Proctor 4 years I can't believe it. Carriage '86-87, '87-! P.A.F.D. Dan C The legend lives on. Jeff Let's take the Bobcat for a ride. Mark Lookout for those pools. What am I thinking??? Let's write a novel on tha Dick C. W e missed you at meadow wood. Vinny P, Two more years, that's it! Flutah '87 Florida Spring '87 Brook Where's volleyball girl? V Puck's 84-88-New Hampton Late Night's JV Soccer 84 Lakes Region champs T o m S. M L S days. K G I'm stressed out. The woodsman experience is the only experience. Than Dave. A.M. Love Ya! H.H. One of these days Heather, it will all come together. Karl M. Thanxs chief, your support made the difference. Cathy J. M o m four years of Algebra 3 but we made it. M o m and Dad I love you and truly can't repay you for all that you have done. "Bob Marley is the sole rebel of Jamaic F E B A C A tool with out use is a useless tool.

    Mark McGhie Spain Let's go down to Angel's Paco Que pasa chicas? Karl Thanks Bruce You want the good stuff. Tim and Jeff Put the tools to good use P.A.F.D. Super Fi Carr, Carriage Thanks J.B., A.B., K.G., C.L, K.P., J.L., T.S., J.M., J.S., J.B., B.K., P.W. am my family.

  • roctor 85-88 It's been grand. "Everybody want to go fast; everyone as the dream." Pascal Maka; Carriage House Crew 86-88, Fuzzy ridays with Farm House. Farm and Carriage . . . will it ever ontinue? The new crew Vinny, Scott, and even you Dick. Veekends at Matty's 8:30 will never seem early again. At Brook's iouse "which way is the island?" Florida summer '87 Jen S., .W.H., T.S., M.M., D.C, B.D., M.S., May the Florida days, ontinue. fimmy it's been a great 2 years. Markus will we ever fix Tim up? darge, let's hit P.C.'s. Germany Spring '87 Mike, is that guy ollowing us?, Patti, let's go hopping. S.R., J.P., J.F., A.R. Mt. Classroom Spring '87 "Pete just park" P.S., A.W., C.S., J.S.,

    -I.C, A.F., W.M., S.W., M.T., S.D., B.M. Cheif Grazers, The -eedlot. P.A.F.D. Just a few good men and women. Karl What can I say? Dave Pilla three years on the team I learned more there than n school, Thanks Dougo "There's no such thing as an easy problem that's why it is a problem." Thanks Doc Physics just can't be the same, nor can the milk. To Coca-Cola Mondays would be unbearable. Thanks especially to my mother for all her love and support. "A tool without use is a useless tool." M.M. "Total destruction is the only solution." Bob Marley

    Jeff Marshall T o m Spang

    You're a stud Tim; you're weird Will; "Dan! the cops!"; Tweet Fin' Tweet; Billy Idol Sat. night; very soon Tim; Did we look that young?; Skiing is # 1; M.L.S. you know the saying; Denberg's the best; Chris O. you dead-head; Chris D. & Will V. Lax?; Got any gum Jeff?; Jed D. Tron in France Thanks to Kit, M o m and Dad, all the people at Proctor, and to Proctor itself.

    We're outta here!

  • Jen Hill "Prepare yourself for the ride of your life." Rachel, I'm glad we made it through that one. Jim, I miss you. "BUT KATE!" Let's pick up some goons at Loon! Esquiar, nadar, etc! "The building must have see through clothes on." What ? Katie, Brig + Chuck, you're awesome buddies. Hanna But, um, Shakedown, Breakdown . . . What's your name little ? Max Yo quiero el cuerpo de Quien? Wait, let me check! Desert creatures Do you? Kate F and Shana, I told you I would, Sex godesses! Abigail I love you, my big sister. Chelsea, you're a cutie. K.W., M.T., S.C, K.F., CM., B.P., B.A., C.K., J.S., F.N., C.J., M.C, J.S., H.F., B.V.Z., T.P., S.N., S.F., J.H., M.S., A.Y., I and everyone else I might have left out, thanks for being there. Thanks P.A. M o m and Dad You guys are great, I love you! Well, after four, long, fun years (WOW!) it's time to say Adios! P.S. Goodluck Jeremy, my little bro have fun, you're a cool kid. If I could save time in a bottle. J.C.

    Destruction of D e a d bootlegs


    ALIASES: Charles, Charlie, Chalee, Chuckle, Chas-bo, Chuck/'C", The ReaTRambo"

    ?-: ?. vA:?, *K'X x^.x



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    , ..(,,


    DESCRIPTION: DATE OF BIRTH: November 26,1969; 16:25pm PLACE OF BIRTH: Bethesda MD. (Don't worry no one else has heard

    of it either) HEIGHT: 5'7" WEIGHT: 1 70 pounds 2.5 onces BUILD: heavy HAIR: dirty blond Going bald OCCUPATION: part time student and Gynecologist EYES: brown andpupily. NATIONALITY: American and Glyraunian REMARKS: four year senior :partly demented

    CHUTIOM: Dangerous in Yan (or other flammable substances). Dislikes hotels, road signs, pedestrians, poodles, yuppies, M c k y M o u s e and Grandma's dentures.


  • Jeremy C. Schall I've waited so long for this, "To be on my own again." White Snake Governor D! Leslie Miller, P R O C T O R F O O T B A L L , Paul B., Ricky B., Good luck. Heavy metal, S.C.S, P.M., J.F., Gannett, What the Hay! Not even "I'd die for you" Jim S. Or Bon Jovi "It's too late, too late, too late for." Def Leppard, Show me a sign or kiss me off , Adam + Kate FOREVER! "Stand aside and let me show you how its done." Lynryd Skynryd. J.C.S. loves V.I.G. till the end of time and no one will ever know. Thanks to: CM., B.P., F.N., J.F., P.B., R.B., J.S., J.B., special thanks to Adam, Margaret Schall, Dr. Robert Schall, Conan, oh and you too Susan; Later Days!

    Kate Waller "Aishiterv" Hills, Charles, Brig You're the bestest buddies. Thanks for all the hugs and stuff. To Joe, you heartbreaker! Semper Fi, "immaculate," and I love you. (Also B.W., P.N., S.V., CM., ST., B.K., C.W., L.C, R.B., R.L., Patrick, and Matt's house of J.J.'s) Take me back to T H E R O O M , Brit Good luck H.F., Andy, F.N., and your car, Max, Barton, Battelle, Sarah, (don't forget our talk on the beach), and the little Jeremy S. (S & H). Margaret, too bad no one got a shot of us on the LEDGE! What a night. What a week. Jen, Let's pick up more goons at Loon later on. Keep up the tradition. Shake it. Love you lots, Ocean Spray. Thanks to the family most of all! Keep on making commies miserable. Charlie, I'll never forget you. And to B.P., "talk to m e " when I'm not there, if you know what I mean. Think of me always, especially when you see the sunset in Truro, (ain't it good to know.) K.M. If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you When mts. crumble to the sea, There would still be you and me. And so today, my world, it smiles Your hand in mine, we walk the miles. L.Z.


  • "I've seen this happen in other people's lives and now it's happening in mine." The Smiths

    "You come from far away With pictures in your eyes Of coffeeshops and morning streets In the blue and silent sunrise But night is the cathedral Where we recognize the sign W e strangers know each other now As part of the whole design." SV

    Adrienne . . . your smile will always be in m y heart don't ever forget that I love you. Jason, Tash, Kirstin, Heather, Alex, Chris, Daphne you've made m e laugh, I love you all thank you for making this such a special place. Love and thanks to T o m for inspiring inside of m e what was missing before.

    Anna Greene

    "They say I'm crazy but 1 have a good time" J W

    Adrienne Perry So if you think your life is complete confusion, 'Cause your neighbor's got it made, Just remember that it's a grand illusion

  • 3eth Carpenter Ride with the tide and go with the flow. Carly Simon

    Tash Hollins "Don't walk in front of me I may not follow, don't walk behind m e I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." Anon.

    Thanks M u m s and Dads

    Chris Noll Get married and go nuts!

    Jeremy What's the name of your rabbit?

    Fowler House Nothing left to do but

    smile smile smile

  • Amy Morrill Monica Wertz Ah, four long years, where do I start? Mac raids B.W. Let's go shopping no, let's go out with the big "D". Does he have a gun? B.W. let's get what? Parties with deadheads did he really say that? M.I. Keep the thought that there is no such thing as a Mobil Loop. C S . & M.G. Courtney, the ketchup is not in here! Ginz watch those glasses! Miss you both. D.U. top of the stairs thanks but you're outta control H.F. sunbathing while creating fumes you're cool with your shovel! Fowler, thanks for being there when I needed a friend. England 85 M.S. Hyper hyper nice pants Hard Rock 3:30 am let's buy these guys a drink, eh? M.T.-T.Z.-S.N.-M.I.-M.H.-Franklin cops and Marcy's driving don't mix. Bill and Drew good luck B.D. Nick's? C.K. tu veut de l'eau m a chere? take care! V.M. Gross things and Chris Webster Hawaii 87 Booger you're cute! M M let's hack L.L.M.G. pipeline is fun until you start to drown M.C. my corner T.S. geek-Florida-thanks I love ya! C M . squirt L.B. earthquakes during study hall was that me? Sunbathing on roofs Blackouts and windows Bucky Beaver smells like what? Roadtrips Thanks for being such a good friend ... I love you, G.W. Take care ILY too! D.G. I miss you more Roby ... I will always love and miss you very much! you know the usual P.R. take care of Pooky for me, I'll miss you! Karl thanks for the help with the rough times & growing up! Love ya! Take care. Mr. & Mrs. B. Thanks for the support. Mom, Dad, Binky, John, Suzie, and Bennie thanks for everything! Love ya!

    "The line is drawn, the curse is cast, The slow one now will later be fast The first one now may later be last The order is rapidly fading: And the present now will later be past For the times they are a changing'. Bob Dylan I've had such a fine time with my pals here, friends at home, France, Hawaii, Mt. Classroom and so much more. O h . . . and a whole lot of work that was worth it all. Willy M. your goin down! And specially to all of my friends ... I love you all! Ingrid the ultimate sister, To Seth, Will, Shanda, Holly, Kacki, and the rest of m y pals who will be here next year: have fun and love it! Shanda camping. Are you sure it tastes like yellow batter. I love you! I always walk this way O.K.? I love you m o m and Dad! You're the best! "BTN'G'O* and bingo was his name-o!" -? Let the words be yours I a m done with mine. Greatful Dead


  • Chad Ford

    Thanks M o m and Dad. Montreal Canadians # 1 87-88. J House. Orientation living Hell 5 days of cold and rain But we made it. Blonde's have more fun. Special thanks to Chris N.! Proctor Varsity Hockey # 7. Mountain Classroom Spring '88 ? '75. V.W. Bug The efficient sports car. To all my teachers Great Job! What's for dinner? Giants clinch pennant! Late nights in room #1. St. Mike's ?? College Hockey not college education. '87 Vette on Rt. 91. Good Bye to L.I. Good luck to R.G., M.L., M.Y., M.B., K.D., A.D.,(baby sitter), L.C, (Banger). I know how much you like that name! C.R., B.G. 4 Wheeling with the F150?? Get the Stang on the road. Jay Peak ski trips. Vikings Hockey # 7. Lots of love and all the best Heidi Jo. Permasquint S H B R K w/M.B.,M.L., K.D. , Essie mobile, No pay Pizza, K.O. get your chin off the pavement and push. Thanks M o m and Dad.

    Erin C. Hughes And it's already over? What? M T C L R M Fall '86 "We're on the road to nowhere." Thanks Pete you're an awesome advisor and a great friend. Hills How does it feel to be as thick as a ? Andy How 'bout them dog kickers? Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Mine, Mine, Mine. Mac '86-87 "Lean on M e " Dancing in the Bathroom. M.C, S.R., A.C. "Come on whose is this really?!" Oh really? I did? King '87-88 Yes Mom! Thank you dear. Hoops Square up Erin! Wait no, forget that. Yunus Thanx for being a friend. Maxie Good luck. Only two more years or three? Your such a good little Doobie Hanna stop it! S.R., & A.C. Good luck! C M . & B.P. luv you guys. " T " oooo, he's so fresh! You're my homegirl! To all the faculty you've really done a lot for me . . . Thanx M o m and Dad. Thank you for the opportunities you gave me, you've done so much! I love you!


  • Jennifer Higgins It is better to be a slave to your dreams, that a servant to your regrets.

    J.L. If I feel compelled to answer every question, I am the one compelling me. H.P. Thanks M o m and Dad for all kinds of things. Thanks Sarah Will. I also thank all the people I met while I was in Kyle, especially the Around Hims and their relatives.

    Patti Belanger Being here at Proctor for the last 2 years has given me the best memories. I will always remember Mac House '87. Hannah,I love you! Germany Sarah it was the best. Soccer Basketball First girl on J.V. Baseball. "Eddie and the summer of 100." Sarah D. Don't ever forget our memories they will always be with us. "Yes" you and me, Joe + Pat, A H C Then to Carols, Walts Richard + Me, then Chris, cute but no Bruce + you, Rob + Me No Way!! John nope, Wiers Hampton motorcycle weekend Duffy I will never have a home?? Ives Back to school. Bert " is all your workin." Varsity soccer, the will to win. Basketball, here I come, my year. Bert and Swazy look out!! Spain Spring term. Can't wait. Jude I'll always be there. I'll miss you! Thanks M o m and Dad for working with m e on this one. Kath you were there and Buzz I'll keep my word. I love you all..

  • Stephen Alexander Sessions What a long 4 years.,,, What a short 4-years. "Learn by your mistakes." I've learned quite a bit. Football's the ultimate act of cathecting, sorry Heather. John Lee, "No one knows where you are, how near or how far, so shine on you crazy diamond." Floyd said it, you love it. I've missed you much. I would like to say that the Butthedz rule, "let's all join forces, rule with an iron hand, and prove to all the world that Metal rules the land, we're heavy duty." Judas Priest. Fiore, I love you. Just be sure of that. Caroline, Life spat in your face. Use what you have learned. Nothing changes what you mean to me. Adrienne There just aren't words to express my thoughts, you're one of a kind. Keith W e may go to hell in a bucket but at least we enjoyed the ride. Black sheep of the family, nothing like the rest; look and you'll see you're a lot like me, you're a S.M.F. Twisted Sister Thank you M o m and Pop. No matter where you go P.A., there you are.

    Michael Tolf Brown Thanks Barbara for all that you have done for me and for kicking m e in the rear when I needed it. Want a honeybun? 4 years-the Arms-what a hole, then to Johnson. Paul you are the best dorm parent. Spain Winter 87 who's shout is it? Project period Germany-West Berlin "Jeff I think the K G B is following us." Doc love that milk. Football John thanks for making football fun again and for the support you have given me. Bruce can you do m y wrists for me? I do know my right from my left. Dave there's not enough room on the page to thank you. You're a great friend and advisor. K.B. I love you. Thanks m o m and dad Either I will find my way, or I'll make one.

    Sir Phillip Sydney

  • Geoff Harrison Something good should happen after this. After all we're leaving high school. So much has happened since I left school in Oregon. I want to thank my parents for realizing that I could achieve the things that were required of me; and taking the trouble to send m e to a smaller school where I could succeed. Mountain classroom this spring will be great, the thing to end m y three years at Proctor. After that I'm out of here! O n to better things, College! Freedom! Independence! Yeah! but first . . . summer school.

    "when she had looked under it, and on both sides of it, and behind it, it occured to her that she might as well look and see what was on top of it." Lewis Carroll

    Thanks Alice for all the help, and the time spent helping others.

    Dan Rauh N o house should ever be O n any hill or on anything. It should be of the hill, belonging to it, so hill and house could live together each the happier for the other.

    Frank Lloyd Wright Take it easy, but take it.

    -Woody Guthrie Mudface is the mud in your goatface.

    -Jack Kerovac


  • Dan Copeland

    '85 to '88 more fun than can be imagined. Denberg, the only way to go. Mt. Classroom winter 87, Ollie, Duke, John, Helen, Annie, and Ashley. FEEDME. Skip, the best friend I could ever have.

    Thanks M O M

    3 2/3 years are finally over!! What can I say!! Jen F. thanks for being a friend. Spain '87 Winter. MLS, Carr Country Club, Summerfield, Johnson, Summerfield "Bruce, look what I found . . . my lax ball!" V-LAX, Manager F.H. 3 years, N.A.M., Euge, Jennie, Buck, Beef. Barry shut off this #@!!* Rap music!! Barry is that my shirt? Barry is that my coat? Barry are those my shoes? Barry do you have my $10.00 I lent you last fall? "Don't tread on me." Dead "Jay look, he's a turtle!" "Gib, is my T of A stuck in my braces?" Jay S. College bound!! Thanks M o m and Dad. I love you both even if you didn't let me have my car last fall.

    John Clarke Wigglesworth


  • Tariq Hassan Mom + Dad So much changed in the past ten years. Breck Morocco's favorite Dead Head./ Peter Remember graduation at the consulate in Tangier./ Jeff Skates. Ferraris. Women. Is there anything else? O h yeah, a sodie pop. Thanks for the nick name./ Chris S. Philosophy and guitars./ Andrew Us? Roommates? Not a good idea. Thanks for Winter Drama./ Jesse Keep creating; your art is beautiful./ Andy Please don't make m e laugh again; my jaws are hurting./ Lans I knew I would remember that night last winter, the one after the play, as we walked out of the auditorium; thanks for being there./ Jed You knew m e well. Knowing that made a difference./ Charles Camping at Elbow Pond, driving to Vienna from New London, snowboarding . . . / Chris O. For old times sakes: "2112"/ Margaret "Yes, I've had my coffee; sure, I'll run 12 miles."/ Art Thanks for teaching m e how to write./ T o m Yo, like (oh, how do we say it in x-c?) later dude. Just joking./ Derek + Eva 1 missed those long talks and the root beer. Derek, thanks for the positive influence./ Yunus + Connie When I did not know who to ask for help or even how to ask, you, nevertheless, offered m e some.


    "Let m e get this straight. You're a Kenyan citizen with Pakistani heritage," she paused only as long as I nodded she was correct "living in Cameroon, going to a boarding school in America?" Still gazing dumbfoundedly, m y dorm parent, Blanca, continued," So why are you here in Tangier?" As I explained m y love of travel to her, her face turned pale as if she had just returned from a non-stop journey, third class to all the places she just listed. Her next facial contortion the one I caused by adding the two and a half year gap in Zaire, just to perfect the picture reminded m e of the agony filled groans and moans the fellows on the wrestling team expressed when Derek might have decided to add an extra minute to the leg-lifts in our daily workout.

  • Timothy Lee

    T H A N K S F O R EVERYTHING P R O C T O R , IT'S BEEN A REAL EXPERIENCE. Fall '86 Mountain Classroom We're on the road to nowhere." Thanks a lot Pete, you really helped me when I needed it most. Eric, Marshall, Joe, Bart, Virginia, Kelly and Erin, it was great getting to know you all. Thanks for everything. I'll never forget the great times we all had together. Thank you Doc, Tom, Connie, Kit, Dougo, George, and Chris, you're all great friends and teachers. D Block U.S. History was the best Bert! Orientation and kayaking was a blast too. Don't ever ever change Bert or a least not too much. Tim, you're a wild man! Fortunately you're also a great advisor. Thanks for everything. Thank you Helen, Doris, and Betty, I owe my experience here at Proctor to you. Robin and Lisa, along with the rest of the clan, thank you for the support, advice and love that you have always given me. Good luck to everyone, especially those in the class of '88

    Josh Gang

    Don't we all seem different from when we got here? The Tonises "Little Bitty"/ Dave "Yeah; Well . Whatever."/ Marks Don't argue with Dave too

    much . . . eh?/ Garry George, Bert Hinkley, Dick Bellefeuille, Doc Hand, and all of my other coaches and teachers thank you for your help/ Dan Rauh no amount could be too much/ To everyone in general Relax! Getting stressed out doesn't help/ J.V. Soccer "Together"/ M.C. "Sucker Shail"/ Mice Thank you for putting up with all my roubles./ "It's easy to slip away and believe it all." "Depeche Mode / Margret Remember that ;instein poster?/ " W H A T IS N O W P R O V E D W A S O N C E O N L Y IMAGINED" Wordsworth S


  • Chris O'Brien

    "Skating away on the thin ice of a new day." Jethro Tull

    Thank you Mom and Pa for bringing me this far. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.

    I wish it could have been longer. Thanks Proctor for your support.

    "Eugene, Eugene! What did you die for?" Eugene says, "Nothing at all!" -Jim Morrison To whom it may concern, m y name is Chris! "Jason, I a m really sorry about the onions." "Euge, don't worry about it." "But, I'm really sorry." "EUGE, it's O.K.!" "But " "EUGE, Y O U R PISSIN'ME O F F "

    "Now we are going to go from the sublime to the ridiculous!" -Justin Willis

    Charles A. Beyer

  • Brigham Pendleton

    What shall we do When all is understood When nothing is blue And all is good No work to be done No wars to be fought Blue sky and the sun What shall be done then What tell me why Where will it all end When the doors of darkness are shut.

    "I want to fly like an eagle, to the sea, fly like an eagle, let my spirit carry me." Steve Miller "They say I'm crazy but 1 have a good time, Life's been good to m e so far."

    Joe Walsh I must say hi to my friend Fred, Hi Fred. "Give yourself over to absolute pleasure." "Don't dream it, be it." R H P S "The only bear you'll ever pinch."

    Katie, Hills, Chuck, Fred, Bart, Jack gotta love you guys.

    Thanx Annie & Chris Noll; you two, whether you know it or not, helped m e make it to where I am.

    Heaven's knocking on my door, the butterflies are everywhere, . . but . . what is reality . . . ?

    Live fast Die young - and leave a good looking Corpse.

    I would like to thank my boxers for all the support they gave me. - Tim Boehmer '85 But . . . before I go, Hi Slocomb, Denberg, King, and Slim. From T o m

    I must mention more people because . . . well just because. Father Will, Grandpa Tom, See you guys later.

    Margaret, 1 love you always. LET'S BLOW THIS POPSICLE


    Fred Newcomb I would like to thank my Mother and Father very much for providing the opportunity and their love. 1 would also like to thank the Proctor faculty ans staff for all their support.

    It seems like it all just started, back from orientation. Look how far we've come. From Fowler House to the Planet to Rulon to Slocumb. Spring '87 France Crazy Horse Saloon Paris J.S., M.S., J.S. It was fun thanks, slick. Slocumb best bunch of guys around. Charlie maybe we should bury The C o w today if it doesn't bury us first . . . Bart you're on restriction again! Chris Play Lemon Tree . . . Katie and Jen just have fun . . . Dan stick to the PC.A. and remember to make a cop come, dial 911. Sarah you have very soft lips (sorry Chuck). Jeff we'll have the Ferraris . . . J.F. don't worry about the grades. Halloween '87 There was a good time. Manchester's never been the same since. Tang Spang Where could I find some ? xxy. Will "let me tell you the facts of life, son" . . . Max, Thanx for the C. Let m e ask you Hannah, what's wrong with tall, dark and handsome. Laena Are you sure you don't want some twinkie. So Jeremy we went from Andover to Andover and even made it through with only a couple scratches. Ricky it takes great skill to master the house, not just clocking heads.

    Have we found ourselves yet or are we just begining to search? "How many roads must a man walk down before they call him a man." Peter, Paul, and Mary

    Proctor, Thank you!


  • Dude !!, "you Rig!" C.S., Mountain Classroom Fall '86, M.N., C.S., PR., P.W., J.D., J.B., J.F., T.H., J.C. fractured legs '85, M.N., "Yo! Dory!!", A.D., "Jeesum Crow!" L.D., orientation, "The best time I ever had at Proctor, FRANCE '88"! M.M. CA., T.K., D C , J.S., "D'accord!", "ou est Andrea?", "I wonder if we're going to Carcason today?", Da boys! Loren, Hockey # 1, "Faces going in and out of my life . . ." Billy Joel

    11 urn /

    Bob Pellerin

    The anger that drives my confusion is the hate of collision on word against another to hurt the spirit of the other to say it outright is too hard you don't have the guts to play the card

    What hurt within us is too hard to share for it would hurt too much if some one raked it bare

    If everyone could give a penny for everyone else's thoughts it would be too hard to hide from hurt that could haunt us

    If this is a gift or not it is for each to tell for some it is just a living wonder whether life is a heaven or hell

    To me each moment is sacred not for others to ruin I hope it is the same for you for life is made for loving

    Joseph E. Palmer M.C. '86

    Why it is that way I cannot explain to feel as one with someone and then it is never the same.

    ft is a union not only of minds but of spirits it's so pleasing and simple we must adhere to it.

    Even if it lasts for only a moment the love it creates can never be diminished and nobody can change or help the fact that it was experienced. Joseph E. Palmer

    Joseph Palmer Memories linger on and on into the night some of pleasure some of fright. Some were long forgotten some were not old all of them have a story that needs to be told. But some would not understand they would not heed them it is a struggle between laws and bedlem. Some day we may all have an open enough mind to hear them all no matter what the kind.

    Joseph E. Palmer Spain '87 Land raped and pillaged victories lost and won all this time passed and nothing done. History say most it was stupidity some say all this time passed and nothing done. Wars and disputes keep us ever on the run all this time passed and nothing done. I would wait forever for us to become one but before we corrupt others let us be thrown into the sun.

    Joseph E. Palmer Spain '87 Thanks to all my friends who helped me to grow and kept me company, who could ever forget?


  • Dwight Jesseman While there is time Let's go out and feel everything If you hold m e I will let you into my dream For time is a river rolling into nowhere W e must live while we can And we'll drink our cup of laughter.

    The finer things keep shining through The way m y soul gets lost in you The finer things I feel in m e The golden dance life could be.

    We go so fast, why don't we make it last Life is glowing inside you and m e Please take my hand here where I stand Won't you come out and dance with m e C o m e see, with me, come see.

    Steve Winwood

    Silent horses heave away. Put your backs to the golden hay. Don't ever look behind at the work you've done For your work was just begun. There'll be the evening in the end, But 'til that time arrives, You can rest your eyes and begin again.

    Silent song birds sing away. Lend a tree to another day. Bring your wings and choose a roof, Sing a song of love and truth. We'll soon remember if you do, When all things were tall, and our friends were small and the world was new.

    C. Stevens

    Whatever you're looking for make it nearer than far Don't be as bad as you can be When you can be better than you are.

    Taft Moore


  • Class of WtkMk



  • Bill Graves

    Dan Minerva

    Brett Barselle

    s. ammmm-,


    Jeff Ziter

    ? -vA'

    Bill Daum 55

  • Class of



  • Bobby Narasimham Jeremy Gable



    Nina Pierson Kevan Bean

    John Hurkala


  • Class of



  • Kate Ferris Erik Mayo

    Julia Huggins Alissa Van Nort 59

  • -. - :-S:^**^*^-' Kayaking

    Richard Courts

    The Pemi

    L to R: Cynthia Burchard, Bert Hinkley, Doug Houston, Richard Courts, Jude Behn, Joe Feinleib, Tim Lee, Peter Oesch

    Bert Hinkley

    Jude Behn Bert Hinkley, Joe Feinleib, Doug Houston


  • Orientation

    September 9-14

    David Fowler, Maura McHenry, David Hartman

    Brian Harrington, Josh VanDernoot, David Hartman, Wade Middleton

    Heather Tewksbury, Wendy Casey, Brian Harrington, Cathryn Hay, Josh VanDernoot, Maura McHenry, Brett Barselle, Wade Middleton, David Hartman, Holly Parker, David Fowler, Dan Minerva


  • JttW



    V i '



    Back Row L to R: Bruce Begin, Tom Horn, Joel Rozen, Tony Hadzima, Andre Boccaletti, Zachary Volpicelli, Todd Chamberlain, Jeremy Gable, Ian Altman, David Dempsey, Mark Schwartz, Nat Leach, John Hurkala, Jim Gautreau, Jeff Jones, Virgil Poafpybitty, John Matijevic, Kevan Bean, Derek Beard. Front Row L to R: Bert Hinkley, Pedro Reynoso.

    David Dempsey, Zachary Volpicelli.


    Top Row L t" " Rrer* Barselle. Dan Minerva. Hanging: Maura McHenry. Be VanDernoot,

    -^'+*t&X '

    Tony Hadzima

    s^ralK '^--t-.^^- \m>-X t.: 'XX-s


    1ST >,%JwJ'^i: ;w *

    Jennifer Morse 63

  • Will Boyd

    Dan Minerva, Jeremy Schall, Will Grant

    Jessie Smith

    Max Schonfeld Kate Hobbs

  • Dormitories

    Back Row L to R: Phil Cahners, Taylor Dunning, Andy Manchon, Peter Bickell, Chris Hartmann, Ian Altman, Tim Lane, Matt Grader, Jason Buehler, Neville Craw, Mark Schwartz, Mike Wilmerding, Dave Whitlock, Brooks Holmes, Ben Hemberger, Warren ?Lunger. Middle Row L to R: Jeremy Gable, Jed Cleary, Courtney Stratton, Judd Smith, Mexei Rodriguez. Front Row L to R: Dan Loehr, Pat Raycraft, Adam Rohner, Seth Low, Corbin Marr, Rob Hutchins.


    Uack Row L to R: Andy Hannah, Billy Feinberg, Charles McPherson, Jim Chauvin, Aaron '< rtirsch, Paul Drain, Gary Levin, Todd Chamberlain, Darryl Daniels, Sam Bellezza, John Mirner, Peter Southworth. Front Row L to R: Joe LeClair, Oliver Preuss, Max Schonfeld, ^>an Minerva, Brad Johnson, M.C. Malboeuf, John Feist, Buz Morrison, Zachary 'olpicelli.

    65 f

  • Summerfield Back Row L to R: Peter Oesch, Chuck Bordman, Brad Kirkpatrick, Andrew Page, Bill Hoffman, Tom Parenteau, Barry Nelson, Oliver Davis, John Wigglesworth. Front Row L to R: Trask Pfeifle, Rhys Brooks.

    Davis House Back Row L to R: Dave Gardner, Holly Parker, Trisl Zoch, Kackie Gallagher, Aimee Bellavance. Middle Row L to R: Karyn Gerschel Aki Beadleston, Lisa Seabolt, A m y Stockwell. Front Row L to R: Monica Wertz, Sarah Reilly, Laura Goldsmith.

    Johnson House Back Row L to R: Chad Ford, Scott Webber, Jay Savage, Brad Van Zandt. Front Row L to R: Eric Johnson, Charlie Beyer, Andy Stratton, Andy Meserve, JS Mahony, Paul Silverman, Mike Brown.


  • Carr House Back Row L to R: Chris O'Brien, Peter Magadini, Jamal Fenner, Marshall Huggins, Matt Hauptly, Jude Behn, Bobby Kaynor. Front Row L to R: Bert Hinkley, Josh Gang, David Beveridge, Lindsay Gaffner, Rob Ittner, Bruce MacLear, Dave Lapham, Patrick Wilmerding, Roby Holland, Whit Whitney.

    MacKenzie House 3ack Row L to R: Patty Coombs, kdrienne Perry, Andrea Fiore, leidi Chapman, Chelsea Kittell, 'ash Hollins. Middle Row L to R: vnna Greene, Laiza Cruz, Daphne 'ilmerding, Maro Gyftopoulos. Jottom Row L to R: Angela

    iWalker, Chris Scully, Jen Avery, Kirstin Salmela, Nicole Bagley, i^idge Leach. I h


  • Morton House

    k' f

    Back Row L to R: Josh VanDernoot, Wade Middleton, Jesse Smith, Joel Rozen, Jeff Jones, Kevan Bean, Tom Horn, David Dempsey. Back/Middle Row L to R: Pete Whitehead, Pedro Reynoso, Andy Malafey, Nat Leach. Middle/Front Row L to R: Carl Hobert, Jose Albares, David Hartmann, Mark Oliver. Front Row L to R: Eric Pendleton, Mat Schlumberger, Brian Harrington, Dave Morgan.

    Back Row L to R: Anne Woodard, Alissa Van Nort, Suzanne Rapp, Julia Huggins, Catherine Ehlen, Brett Wagenbach, Wendy Casey. Front Row L to R: Claire Albright, Jennifer Salter, Maura McHenry, Catherine Hay, Natalie Leeds.


    Thoreau House

  • Gulick House Back Row L to R: Chris Noll, Sheldon Furtick, Derek Beard, Dave Pilla, Will Boyd, Bill Graves. Front Row L to R: Jed DeOrsay, Will McCurtin, Alex Ruschell.

    Norris House Back L to R: Virgil Poafpybitty, John Hurkala, Kit Norris, Chris Norris


  • Carriage House Back Row L to R: Mark McGhie, Jeff Marshall, Vinnie Purpura, Doc Hand, Karl Methven. Front Row L to R: Richard Courts, Scott Butler, Tim Smith.

    Farm House Back Row L to R: Annie Leef, Kate Hobbs, Kari England. Front Row L to R: Helen Morris, Cindy Burchard.

    Denberg Will Grant, Tom Spang


  • King House Back Row L to R: Sharon Adams,

    Shana Gilmartin, Kate Ferris, Tanya Powers. Front Row L to R: Yunus Peer,

    Erin Hughes, Hannah Forrest, Max Corcoran, Liz Webb.

    Ives House Back Row L to R: Rose-Marie Howells, Alison Cheren, Jane Buchanan, Nina Pierson, Caroline DeWinter. Front Row L to R: Patti Belanger, Jessie Smith, Jane Lockwood, Kirsten Ames, Heather Hay, Michele Eaton.

    Rulon-Miller Back Row L to R: Noah Wight, Tariq Hassan, Jeff Ziter, Dan Rauh. Middle Row L to R: Joe Feinleib, Steve Sessions, Chris Shirazi, Chad Jackson, Tim Lee. Front Row L to R: Mat Schlumberger, Emmett Dunbar.


  • Slocumb L to R: Lorenzo Eagleroad,Brigham Pendleton (with Kita), Fred Newcomb, John Around Him, Bart Allen, Norbert Running.

    Day Students

    Back Row L to R: Tony Hadzima, Dana Wormald, Padrick Shaughnessey, Loc Nguyen, Bobby Narasimham, Doug Mayo, Dwight Jesseman, Matt Norris, Jen Hill, Jon Sumner, Abby Clough, Paul Bornstein, Chris Durell, Jason Eslick, Ricky Bellefeuille, Gregor Makechnie. Front Row L to R: Susanne Schlichting, Katie Shaughnessey, Sarah Head, Kate Head, Wade Albright, Jeremy Hill, Josh Jones, Eric Ensign, Sean Durell, Jen Higgins, Kelly Pfann, Margaret Sova, Kate Waller, Stacie Poulin, Wendy Trott, A m y Poulin, Jim Gautreau, Peter Doherty, Jesse Schust, Dan McCabe.


  • George Emeny

    Bert Hinkley

    Faculty and Staff

    Ellen Stahlman

    Anne Woodard


  • Laurie, Story, Ellie and Bubba Parker


    David McClintic

    Connie Appel

    Yunus, Aliya and Jameelah Peer 74 Sarah T

  • Michele Eaton

    Kit and Chris Norris

    Justine Wilson

    Derek and Eva Mansell

    Doc Hand .JM 75

  • Carl Hobert

    Dan Loehr

    Terry Marcoplos

    Patrick Raycraft

    Marie Montivirdi


  • Lindsay Freese Sally Caterine

    Housekeeping: Back Row L to R: Brenda Jurta, Joan Goyette, Lola Underhill, Dolly Smith, Lynda Underhill, Marie Smith, Wanda Walker, Jane Walker. Front Row L to R: Bea Malley, Barbara Killilea.


  • Donna Jonas

    Peter Southworth

    Patty Coombs

    78 Howard George

  • Alice Fowler Patrice Martin and Jon Siegel

    Eric Pendleton Dick Bellefeuille 79

  • Susie and Tim Norris Maro Gyftopoulos

    Bruce Goings Charlene Doran

    uKfl 80 David Fowler

  • Nancy Schoeller


    Ii Buz Morrison

    John Schoeller

    John O'Connell f

    4 ~i

    ^Kitchen Staff: Ed Barkowsi, Mildred Adams, Matilda Swett, Art Mack

    Maintenance: Ervin Nelson, Charlie Pratt, Kurt Meir, Bob Dunlap, Garry George, Howard George 81

  • Chris Noll

    $ c* Heather and Art Makechnie

    Cindy Benson Cathy Evans Dougo Houston

    Anne Swayze 82

    Kitty Kidder, Rebecca Ousley, Norma Faccone, Lois Spearman, Lorraine Robert! Lisa Uhrin.

  • Nancy and Bruce Begin

    Dave Gardner, Janice Gardner

    Karl Methven

    Barbara Littlefield

    Hfri 11 i

    Paul Silverman

    Chuck Will, Sarah Will

    jg^fHffUft|jji X X<

    Gerri Giampaolo, Pat Goneau, Sue Currier, Lida Beaudoin, Marilyn Bouley, Sandy Goings, Nance Barrett

    Charlie Durrell, Sharon Nagy, Maureen Gautreau, Sharon Mikle, Mary Pellerin


  • Jane Lockwood

    Helen Morris, Cindy Burchard

    Nina Pierson

    Adam Rohner, Bill Graves


    Tash Hollins, Anna Greene

  • Steve Sessions, Heidi Chapman

    Karyn Gerschel, Mat Schlumberger

    Brigham Pendleton, Bruce MacLear, Fred Newcomb

    Andrea Fiore


  • 86

  • Nicole Bagley, George Emeny

    Jen Hill, Chad Jackson

    \ n \

    Kackie Gallagher, Adrienne Perry

    Jamal Fenner, Barry Nelson, Kate Ferris

    lolly Parker, Daphne Wilmerding, Trask Pfeifle, Chris Scully 87

  • n^s

    )ave Lapham, Cally Moriarty Brad Van Zandt, Jen Avery, Alex Ruschell

    lack Row L to R: Will Grant, John Turner, Josh Jones, Andrew Farrell. ront Row L to R: Derek Mansell, Bill Daum, Brad Johnson, Jeremy Sable, Jesse Schust.

    Drama Tech Crew

    Dave Lapham, Jason Eslick, Jen Avery

    Dwight Jesseman, Laiza Cruz Brad Van Zandt, Jen Higgins

  • The Real Inspector Hound

    Alex Ruschell

    Alex Ruschell, Jen Higgins, Willy Lash. Jason Eslick, Cally Moriarty, Jen Higgins.

    Back Row L Willy Lash, Jason Eslick, Brad Van Zandt, Dave Lapham, Cally Moriarty, Alex Ruschell. Front Row L to R: Jen Avery, Jen Higgins, Andrew H gg

  • Fall Sports

    Girls Soccer Girls Field Hockey Cross Country Football Boys Soccer Athletic Trainer

    Kayaking Horseback Riding Drama Jazz Rock Woodsmen's Team Pin Room

  • *v Jy Holderness Weekend

  • J.V. Field Hockey Back Row L to R: Maro Gyftopoulos, John Wigglesworth, Claire Albright, Jennifer Salter, Kelly Pfann, Liz Webb, Fred Vining, Michele Eaton. Front Row L to R: Wendy Casey, Trish Zoch, Kackie Gallagher, Lisa Seabolt, Catherine Ehlen, Suzanne Rapp, Heather Tewksbury.

    J.V. Girls Soccer Top Row L to R: Alissa Van Nort, Nina Pierson, Natalie Leeds, Rachael Narins, Sharon Adams, Suzanne Schlichting, Kate Head, Buz Morrison. Middle Row L to R: A m y Poulin, Tanya Powers, Rosie Howells, Hannah Forrest, Karyn Gerschel, Kate Ferris, Alison Cheren. Front Row L to R: Wendy Trott, Sarah Head, Shana Gilmartin, Kate Shaughnessey, Stacie Poulin, Julia Huggins.

    Horseback Riding

    M 1 v ^. iiii^rijiy^j^hiiifa.^a

    Pin Room

    Back: Seth Low. Sitting L to R: Fred Newcomb, Kit Norris, Aimee Bellavance.

    Standing L to R: Doug Mayo, Bill Graves, Courtney Stratton. Sitting L to R: Vinnie Purpura, Bruce Goings.

  • Woodsman's Team

    Samuel Bellezza, Robert Hutchins, Seth Buddy, Tim Smith, Tom Spang, Jeff Marshall, Mark McGhie, Dave Pilla, Sheldon Furtick.


    Back Row:Alex Ruschell, Bobby Narasimham, Paul Silverman. Front Row: Chelsea Kittell, Jen Hill, Chris Shirazi, Erin Hughes.

    J.V. Soccer Back Row: Doc Hand, Peter Bickell, Jim Gautreau, Will Boyd, Bruce MacLear, Loc Ngugen, Warren Lunger, David Hartman, Tim Norris. Middle Row: Jessie Smith, Jose Albares, P.J Foster, Josh Gang, Jim Chauvin, Whit Whitney, Joe LeClair, M.C. Malboeuf, Jed DeOrsay. Front Row: Taylor Dunning, Gary Levin, Andy Hannah, Tony Hadzima, Chandra Brechin, Pete Doherty.

    J.V. Football Thirds Soccer

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