1936 Olympics

1936 Olympics- the 1936 olympics were held in berlin. It was a plan by hitler to show that the Aryan people were the dominant race. Jesse owens proved him wrong though. He was the most successful athlete of the 1936 games. He represented America. Hitler believed the Olympics were going to be a great way to show off the Aryan race. Jesse didn’t care much about hitler’s politics but only wanted to go to the Olympics to show off his impressive skills. Owen walked away with 4 gold medals. Dreyfus Affair- this was a political crisis that began in 1894 and lasted through 1906 in France during the Third Replubic. In 1894, papers were found in a wastebasket in Germany that made it appear that a French military officer was leaking secret information to the German government. The French army had to find a traitor. Alfred Dreyfus had many distinct characteristics that made him an easy target. He was Jewish, spoke French with a German accent, his handwriting was similar to that on the papers, and he had access to secret information that was given to the German agent. Based off of these characteristics, the French army made the "logical" conclusion that Dreyfus was guilty of passing information off to the German government. Dreyfus was stripped of his rank during a humiliating ceremony and then sent off the Devil's Island. Although he attempted to prove his innocence, he was denied the right to analyze the opposing evidence. Lieutenant Colonel Georges Picquart was a hero in the Affair. He was an anti-Semite who looked into the case not out of sympathy but because of the utterly irrational evidence used against Dreyfus. After investigating the case, he concluded that Walsin Esterhazy was guilty. Emile Zola was another hero. Zola published “J’Accuse!” which was about Dreyfus’s case. The villain in this Affair would be the French army. They refused to reevaluate Dreyfus’s case because they were more concerned about the truth tarnishing their image rather than serving justice to the innocent Alfred Dreyfus. Treaty of Rapallo 1922- On April 16, 1922, a treaty between Germany and Soviet Union was signed in Rapallo, Italy. Signed by Walther Rathenau(Germany) and Georgy V. Chicherin (SU). The nations agreed to cancel all financial claims against each other such as prewar debts and renounced war claims. the treaty strengthend their economic and military ties. Russia provided heavy weapons and faciliittes for the German military training which was prohibited by the Treaty of


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Transcript of 1936 Olympics

1936 Olympics- the 1936 olympics were held in berlin. It was a plan by hitler to show that the Aryan people were the dominant race. Jesse owens proved him wrong though. He was the most successful athlete of the 1936 games. He represented America. Hitler believed the Olympics were going to be a great way to show off the Aryan race. Jesse didnt care much about hitlers politics but only wanted to go to the Olympics to show off his impressive skills. Owen walked away with 4 gold medals. Dreyfus Affair- this was a political crisis that began in 1894 and lasted through 1906 in France during the Third Replubic. In 1894, papers were found in a wastebasket in Germany that made it appear that a French military officer was leaking secret information to the German government. The French army had to find a traitor. Alfred Dreyfus had many distinct characteristics that made him an easy target. He was Jewish, spoke French with a German accent, his handwriting was similar to that on the papers, and he had access to secret information that was given to the German agent. Based off of these characteristics, the French army made the "logical" conclusion that Dreyfus was guilty of passing information off to the German government. Dreyfus was stripped of his rank during a humiliating ceremony and then sent off the Devil's Island. Although he attempted to prove his innocence, he was denied the right to analyze the opposing evidence. Lieutenant Colonel Georges Picquart was a hero in the Affair. He was an anti-Semite who looked into the case not out of sympathy but because of the utterly irrational evidence used against Dreyfus. After investigating the case, he concluded that Walsin Esterhazy was guilty. Emile Zola was another hero. Zola published JAccuse! which was about Dreyfuss case. The villain in this Affair would be the French army. They refused to reevaluate Dreyfuss case because they were more concerned about the truth tarnishing their image rather than serving justice to the innocent Alfred Dreyfus.Treaty of Rapallo 1922- On April 16, 1922, a treaty between Germany and Soviet Union was signed in Rapallo, Italy. Signed by Walther Rathenau(Germany) and Georgy V. Chicherin (SU). The nations agreed to cancel all financial claims against each other such as prewar debts and renounced war claims. the treaty strengthend their economic and military ties. Russia provided heavy weapons and faciliittes for the German military training which was prohibited by the Treaty of Cersailles. This relationship between the two lasted for ten years. United Kingdom, Francec, Finland , Poland were all shocked by the agreement. Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties at the end of WW1. Ww1 was one of the most destructive wars in modern history. Purpose was to prevent another war. It was signed on june 28 1919. Five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Germany agreed to pay reparation. British and French wanted revenge and payemtn for cost of suffereing. Took six months. They got reparations from Germany. Clause 231 was the opening article of the reparations section fot ehtreaty of Versailles. It compeled germans to pay reparations. Germans viewed this as a national humiliation, forcing Germany to take responsilbily for causing the war. The treaty put financial strain on Germany and lost land. Germans saw the treaty as destroying them. Thought demanded more than needed. Known as unhappy compromise. This treaty started what it was supposed to prevent which is another world war. Hitler politician channeled the resentment into German nationalism.Kellogg- briand pact- The Kellogg Briand Pact was an agreement to outlaw war which was signed in August 27, 1928. sometimes referred to as the Pact of Paris as it was the city it was signed in. It was an effort to prevent another world war but had minimal effect in stopping the rise of militarism of the 1930s or preventing World war 2. IT made Signatory states promise not to use to war resolve disputes or conflicts. No matter of what origin or nature, that might arise among them should be sought my pacific means and war was to be renounced as an instrument of national policy.It was signed by Germany France and the us. Frank Kellogg the us secretary of state returned a proposal for a general pact against war. The pact of Paris was signed by 15 nations. Treaty of Brest-Lituosk- On march 3, 1918, in the city of Brest-Litovsk, Russia signed a treaty with the central powers ending its participation in WW1. the germans were reminded of the harshness of brest litovsk when they complained about the severity of the Treaty of Versailles. Lenin had ordered that Bolshevik representatives should get a quick treaty from the Germans to bring about an end to the war so the Bolsheviks could concentrate on the work they needed to do in Russia. Russia experienced heavy losses against Germany in WW1 alongisde its allies, France and Britain. Their defeat resulted in discontent in Russias poplation espeicaly the povery stricken workers and peasants as well as its hostility towards Czar Nicholas 2. Blackshirts- These blackshirts represented any member of the armed squads of Italian fascists under Mussolini. They wore black shirts as part of their uniform. The first squads were organized in march 1919 to destroy the political and economic organizations of socialists. By the end of 1920 black shirts were attacking and destroying organizations not only of socialists but also comunists, republicans, catholics. Hundreds of people were killed as the fascist squads expanded. With the fall of Mussolini in 1943, the black shirt fell into disgrace. Their blackshirts were distinct. Operation Barbarossa- June 22, 1941, was th code name for Nazi Germanys invasion of the Soviet Union during World War 2. Over 3 million german troops invade Russia in the most powerful invasion force in history. Important because Barbarossa was the cruial turning point in world war 2 for its failure forced nazi Germany to fight a two-front war against a coalition possessing immensely superior resources. The germans had serious deficiencies and severly underestimated their opponent. The greatest mistake that the germans made was to come as conquerors. They were determind to enslave slavaic population and exterminate the jews. German troops failed to defeat soviet forces. Stalin refused to believe that an invasion was being prepared he and his army were caught by surprise. Operation Barbarossa was one of the decisive moments of the war in Europe. Despite enormous losses in terrirory, men and weaponry the soviets fought on and survived. Rasputin- Rasputin was born into a peasant family in Siberia, Russia around 1869. HE failed to become a monk and eventually entered the court of Czar Nicholas 2 because of his alleged healing powers. He became a favorite of Nicholass wife. Rasputin was very strange but really quite brilliant. He was able to make himself the ultimate safety net by claiming that his life was connected to the life of the Tsar's heir. By convincing people that he had magical healing powers, Rasputin gained access to the palace and to the trust and dependence of the royal family, especially after he "cured" Alexei of hemophilia. I would consider Rasputin intellectual. He used his mind to convince people that he was magical.Edith Cavell was the world war 1 british nurse who is celebrated for saving the lives of soliders in Brussels. She was arrested and went to German court and was found guilty for assisting Allied prisoners escapre. she was shot and killed by a German firing squad on October 12, 1915. She assisted about 200 soldiers escape. Her case received significant sympathetic worldwide press coverage. Her execution led to rise in anti- german feeling in the us and in Britain. She was idealized as a heroic martyr to the cause and was honored with a state. The night before her execution she confided to Reverend Graham saying she must have to hatred or bitterness towards anyone. She is an important figure, she risked her life to help allied forces escape. She did not criticize those who condemned her or failed to help her. Trotsky- Trotsky was a communist who helped ignite the Russian Revolution of 1917. Important because the rsian revolution ended centuries of imperial rule and set motion political and social changes that would lead to the formation of the Sovient Union. The rsHe built the Red army. He was exiled and later assassinated by Soviet agents. He waged Russias 1917 revolution alongside Lenin. As the Soviet government developed, he engaged in a power struggle against Stalin and he lost. He was a key figure in the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia. Following lenins death stalin emerged as victor, while Trotsky was removed from all positions of power and was exiled. He remaind the leader of an anti-stalinist opposition abroad until his assassination by a Stalinist agent. Bloody Sunday 1905 began as a relatively peaceful protest by steel workers in St. Petersburg. Angered by poor working onditions, an economic slump and the ongoing war with Japan,thousands marched on the Winter Palace to plead with Tsar Nicholas 2 for reform. Tsar was not present and workers were gunned down on the streets by soldiers. The armed forces fired warning shots into the air, but some panicked and shot into the crownd.This event triggered a wave of general strikes, peasant unrest, assassinations that became known as the 1905 revolution. It was organized by an orthodox priest, father gapon. Important because it improved the welfare of common people and of factory workers. It allowed the Russian civilians to have more freedom such as freeom of speech because of the October manifesto. Civilians wanted better wages. Turning point in Russia because it cause people to lost faith in the tsar.Kristallnacht- on November 9 to November 10, 1938, refered to as the night of broken glass. Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools, and buisnesses and killed close to 100 Jews. 30,000 Jewish men were then arrested and sent to concentration camps. This was significant because historians take the date of kristalnacht as the beginning of the holocaust. German officials announced that kirstallnachy had erupted as a spontaneous outburst of public sentiment in response to assassination of Ernst vom Rath. Gryszpan had shot the diplomat. Lebensraum- direct translation means living space. It is important because it became part of german goals during world war 1 and later became an important components of nazi ideology in Germany. During this time, jews and gypsies who occupied the new nazi territories were stripped of their possessions, jobs and resettled in ghettos or camps. It was a basic principleof nazi foreign policy druing the third reich. Hitler believed that eastern Europe had to be conquered to create a vast German empirefor more physical space and greater population. Zimmerman telegram- in January 1917, the zimmermann telegram was a coded message sent from German Foreign minister Arthur Zimmerman to Germanys ambassador in mexico. The british managed to intercept this coded message and decode it. Within this secret message, Zimmerman revealed Germanys plan to restart unrestricted submarine warfare as well as offered mexico territory from the us. The Zimmermann telegram sparked an outrage in the us. Instead of ww1 being contained in Europe, the American public felt the war was spilling over to their land. Important because zimmermann telegram helped change public opinion in the us away from isolationism and toward joing ww1 with allies. It proposed to have mexico enter the war against us on the side of Germany. Battle of the somme- was one of the largest battles of world war 1. Fought between july 1 and November 1, 1916near the somme river in france. In an attempt to end war French and british try to overrun germans. More than 1 million men were wounded or killed. The battle was fought because for months the French had been taking severe losses at Verdun. To relieve the French, the allied high command decided to attack the germans to the north of Verdun. British General haig ordered a massive bombardment of the German lines. But the german troopswere deeply dug in and the bombardment did not reach them. General haigs tactics remain controversial even today because of the high number of fatalities. This one battle had marked effect on overall casualities and seemed to epitomize the futility of trench warfare. The battle weakend the german army and forced their retreat and encouraged an allied offensive. It allowed allies to take land back from gerbans, push their lines further into Europe and recalibrate military strategies. Paul von Hindenburg- served as the second president of Germany and played an important role in the the nazis rise to power. HE commanded the German Army in the war against Russia. After his succession, he was made the overall commander of all german forces and he was so powerful that he was the virtual dicator of Germany. Hitler ran for president in 1932 and was badly defeated by hindeburg. Hidenburg was successful in wars. Despite his age, he was still a popular war hero. He didnt like Hitler but was forced to make hirler the chancellor. When he died in 1932, hitler merged the presidnets power in to the chancellors and made himself the absolute dicator of Germany. Beer Hall Putsch- November 1923- was hitlers attempt to overthrow the Weimar government of Ebert and establish a right wing nationalistic one in its place. Hitler was sentenced for his role in the beer hall putsch. The attempted coup was foiled by the government and hitler was charged with treason. Hitler came out of jail with his political position stronger than ever. Germany was in the middle of a crisi in 1920s. economy was poor and hyperinflation cause widespread discontent. Hitler and the Nazis stepped into this breach with racist demagoguery that attracted a significant following throughout the nation. His trial brought him more attention and publicity. He took advantage of this opportunity by going on the offensive. He constantly balmed the Jews, Marsism and France for the countrys problems, returning to his theme of hypernationilsim. El Caudillo- the leader- Francisco franco adopted the title of el caudillo. Dictator. Francisco Franco ruled over Spain from 1939 until his death. He is the man most linked to the armys victory in the Spanish civil war. HE rose to power during the bloody Spanish Civil war when his nationalist forces overthrew the democratically elected Second Republic with the help from Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. He rcensured the media and exerted absolute control over the country. His restrictions gradually eased as he got older and the ountry transitioned to democracy upon his death. Many people opposed him, students proteseted lack of freedom, leaders of toman catholic church complained about his dictatorship. Neville Chamberlain- was the prime minister of the united Kingdom in the years prior to World War 2. He is best known for attending a peace conference with the presidents of france, hitler and Mussolini. Chamberlain thought the best way to avoid war with Germany was to give hitler some of the things he wanted. This was called appeasement. Chamberlain let Germany take over Sudetenland. He is best known for this appeasement. Phoney war- a period of time in WW2 from September 1939 to april 1940 when the blitzkrieg attack on Poland.