#18609 [P1 A Public...

PRA #18609 [P1 A Public Records Access request has been submitted. Request By: Michelle Epstein Signature: Michelle Epstein Request date: 11/10/2017 Address: 53 State Street, 8th Floor Boston, MA 02109 Email: [email protected] Phone number: 617-406-4623 Personal Information Request: NO Records seeking: All progress schedule submittals for all design work and construction work under the Lease Agreement for the LaGuardia Airport Central Terminal Building (Port Authority Lease Number AGB-104) (Lease Agreement) between LaGuardia Gateway Partners, LLC (Lessee) and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (Port Authority). This request includes the Project Baseline Schedule, progress schedule updates, and all reports, narratives, outputs and electronic files in native format containing schedule information required to be submitted by Lessee, as described in Exhibit 19-A to the Lease Agreement, Requirements and Provisions for Work for the Terminal B Facilities (under§§3.2 and 2.2 thereof). For the avoidance of doubt, this request seeks schedule information for the design and construction by the Lessee of the New Improvements and the Central Hall, as well as for the Central Terminal Building.

Transcript of #18609 [P1 A Public...

1Request By: Michelle Epstein
Email: [email protected]
Records seeking:
All progress schedule submittals for all design work and construction work under the Lease Agreement for the LaGuardia Airport Central Terminal Building (Port Authority Lease Number AGB-104) (Lease Agreement) between LaGuardia Gateway Partners, LLC (Lessee) and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (Port Authority). This request includes the Project Baseline Schedule, progress schedule updates, and all reports, narratives, outputs and electronic files in native format containing schedule information required to be submitted by Lessee, as described in Exhibit 19-A to the Lease Agreement, Requirements and Provisions for Work for the Terminal B Facilities (under§§3.2 and 2.2 thereof). For the avoidance of doubt, this request seeks schedule information for the design and construction by the Lessee of the New Improvements and the Central Hall, as well as for the Central Terminal Building.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
LaGuardia Airport Central Terminal Building Replacement Project
Update 7 - Narrative
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Table of Contents Section 1: Execution of Work 1-4 Section 2: Schedule Resourcing and Calendars 5-6 Section 3: Schedule Progression and Development 7-123 Section 3a: Forecasted Completion Dates 7 Section 3b: Logic Changes and Schedule Development 7-10 Section 3c: Activities Not Started or Completed as Scheduled 10-13 Section 4: Schedule Risks 14-18 Section 4a: Potential Schedule Risks and Opportunities 14-18 Section 4b: Schedule Delays 18 Section 4c: Proposed Corrective Action Plan/Recovery Plan 18 Section 5: Critical Path 19-20 Section 6: Schedule Constraints 21 Section 7: Status of Design-Build Services 22-35 Section 7a: Status of Design Services 22-25 Section 7b: Status of Construction Services 26-33 Section 7c: Status of Procurement Services 34-35 Section 8: Activity Codes and WBS Structure 36-39 Narrative Appendix Narrative Appendix 1: Schedule Activities Attached Narrative Appendix 2: Longest Path/Critical Path Attached
Path to Substantial Completion Path to CCB East Milestone
Path to CCB North Milestone Path to Head House Milestone Path to CCA North Milestone Path to CCA West Milestone
Narrative Appendix 3: Major Milestones Attached Narrative Appendix 4: Summary Schedule Attached Narrative Appendix 5: Progressed Schedule Activities Attached Narrative Appendix 6: Activities Not Started or Completed Attached Narrative Appendix 7: Revenue Report Submitted with Pay App. Narrative Appendix 8: Logic Changes Attached Narrative Appendix 9: Mitigated Work n/a for this update Narrative Appendix 10: D&C Schedule
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Section 1: Execution of Work General Data: Update Number: Update 7 Data Date: December 31, 2016
Milestone Initial
Variance From
Partial Completion of CCB1 (East) 5/30/2018 5/27/2018 5/23/2018 7 4
Completion of CCB2 (North) 8/30/2018 8/30/2018 8/27/2018 3 3
Completion of Head House 1/6/2020 1/6/2020 1/3/2020 3 3
Partial Completion of CCA1 (North) 7/30/2020 7/30/2020 7/21/2020 9 9
Completion of CCA2 (West) 12/10/2021 12/10/2021 12/2/2021 8 8
Substantial Completion – P3 7/8/2022 7/8/2022 7/1/2022 7 7 The phasing and sequencing of major areas of work has guided the development of the schedule and influenced the critical path. The following section outlines our project-specific approach to scheduling the Project, starting in the Preferred Proposer phase, and links the phasing to the project schedule. Included at the end of this section are our communication, adherence, and recovery strategies which will be developed with each Update. The project has divided the project into six phases, each containing two to three sub-phases. The completion of each phase represents a shift in facility use from existing to new. The activities in the schedule have been coded by phase, providing the ability to identify to which phase an activity belongs, and to organize the schedule by phase if desired. Phase 1 (Construction Phase 1A to 1C) Phase 1 starts with the capture of the P1 lot for the start of the West Parking Garage geotechnical testing. Phase 1 also covers the following:
- Capture of P3 Lot - Start of Pier A1 Relocation Work - Setup of area East of Pier A - Demolition of existing P2 Garage - Temp Roads - Start of Construction for Headhouse, CHRP, Concourse B - Bridge construction will be ongoing for L21, L22, L23, L24, L25, L26, Frontage Road, L27,
L28, L29, L30, L31, L32, L33, 36, L37, L38, L39, L40 - Completion of the Utility Trunk line in Stages 1, 2, and 3
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Upon completion of Phase 1, Concourse B-East.. Eleven new gates will be available for passenger use in Concourse B-East. Passengers will access Concourse B via a temporary pedestrian bridge. Construction of the Head House and Concourse B North will continue into Phase 2. The West Garage will also be completed and turned over with the full complement of spaces being completed in January 2018. The south half of Bridge 32 will be open as well as Bridge 32 Phase 2 (Construction Phase 2A to 2C) Phase 2 starts with the demolition of Piers A and B and the surrounding apron (Phase 2A); this allows for the construction on the apron west of Concourse B. Phase 2 also covers the following:
- Continued construction of Concourse B North - Apron work west of Concourse B - Continued construction of Headhouse - Construction of the Pedestrian Bridge B from CCB to Headhouse - Completion of CHRP - Demolition of the existing CHRP - Temp Roads - Bridge construction will be ongoing for L21, L22, L23, L24, L25, Frontage Road, L27, L28,
L29, L30, L32, L35, L36, L37, L40 - Completion of the Utility Trunk line in Stage 5
Demolition of the existing CHRP will start in Phase 2B, as the new CHRP comes online. Demolition of the existing CHRP allows the start of construction of Pedestrian Bridge B. At the end of Phase 2 (Month 26), the full Concourse B will be complete. Passengers will continue to access Concourse B via a temporary pedestrian bridge. Bridges 22, 26, 27, 28, and the HOV level of Frontage Road will also be completed. Phase 3 (Construction Phase 3A to 3B) At the start of Phase 3, demolition of the partial apron on the east side of Pier C will start and the apron west of Concourse B-North will be completed. Following demolition of the partial apron at Pier C, construction will begin of Concourse A-North (Phase 3B). In Phase 3B, the rest of the apron at Pier C east will be demolished, which will allow north apron A work to start in Phase 4. Construction of the Head House and Pedestrian Bridge B continues throughout Phase 3. Phase 3 also covers the following:
- Apron work west of Concourse B and between Concourse A and B - Continued construction of Headhouse
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
- Continued construction of Pedestrian Bridge B from CCB to Headhouse - Start of Construction for Concourse A North - Temp Roads - Bridge construction will be ongoing for L21, L23, L24, L25, Frontage Road, L28, L29, L30,
L31, L32, L33, L34, L35, L36, L37, L40 - Substantial Completion of the Utility Trunk line (including Stages 4, 5A)
Five additional gates will come online at Concourse B North and an additional gate will be opened at Concourse B East. Bridges 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, and 40 will be completed. Phase 4 (Construction Phase 4A to 4B) Phase 4 starts with the completion of the Head house allowing for the demolition of Hangar 1 and the Existing CTB. Once the mid-section of the CTB has been removed, construction can begin of Pedestrian Bridge A and the south apron. Construction of Concourse A North, including east, north and south apron work, continues throughout the phase, as well as demolition of the CTB. Phase 4 also covers the following:
- Apron work north of Concourse A and between Concourse A and B - Continued Construction for Concourse A North - Start of construction for Pedestrian Bridge A from CCB to Headhouse - Start of construction for the Cooling Tower Farm - Bridge construction will be ongoing for L25, L32, L33 - Start of Construction of Central Hall
At the start of the phase, the Headhouse and Pedestrian Bridge B will be complete. At the end of Phase 4, Concourse A North will be complete allowing the use of seven new gates. The north half of Bridge 32 will be completed. Phase 5 (Construction Phase 5A to 5C) Phase 5 starts with the demolition of Pier C and the existing apron to the west. Construction of the new apron south of Concourse A is also in progress during this phase. During this phase, Pedestrian Bridge A will be complete and available for passenger use to access Concourse A. At this time the south apron will also be complete, which allows three additional gates to open at Concourse B, for a total of nineteen gates at B. Phase 5 also covers the following:
- Apron between Pier D and west of Concourse A
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
- Construction for Concourse A West - Start of construction for Pedestrian Bridge A from CCB to Headhouse - Continued construction for the Cooling Tower Farm - Bridge construction will be ongoing for L25, L33
Once Pier C is removed, construction will begin on the remainder of Concourse A and the adjacent apron. Demolition of another section of the existing CTB will also be completed. Concourse A and the west apron construction will continue through the rest of phase. At the completion of the phase, both concourses will be complete and operational. Concourse A will be complete with fourteen gates available, in addition to the nineteen gates at Concourse B. The end of this phase is significant in that both concourses are now complete and operational. The entire roadway network will also be completed. Phase 6 (Construction Phase 6A to 6C) Phase 6 starts with the demolition of Pier D and the surrounding apron. Following this demolition work, the remainder of the west end apron will be completed allowing for Substantial Completion of the New Facilities Contract. Central Hall will also be completed in this Phase. Phase 7 At the completion of Phase 7, the final count of 35 gates (17 at Concourse A, 18 at Concourse B) will be open for passengers. All facilities will be fully operational and the project will be substantially complete. Testing and Turnover Each major turnover of a facility allows for the sixty day Operational Readiness and Testing period (ORAT). The first thirty days allows for all integrated testing as required by the PANYNJ especially for Life Systems. The remaining thirty days allows for a stability period and has been overlapped with the transition period of moving vital equipment/personnel from existing facilities into the newly commissioned facilities. A seven day transition period has been applied on the airside in the schedule to allow movement of planes from existing apron to new apron.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Section 2: Schedule Resources and Calendars For the PNTP schedule, the majority of the activities are using the following calendar: LGP_CA01_5 Workdays/Week with Holidays This is the standard Calendar for this schedule and it is applied for the majority of activities. The project, with the exception of milestones and review times, has been scheduled on a five (5) day working calendar. Initially work will be performed during a eight (8) hours day shift with a minimum of two crews during a shift. As the project needs change, additional shifts/crews will be added. The project will be executed five (5) days per week, eight (8) hours a day. The five (5) day calendar also includes the observance of all major holidays that will be observed by the working unions on the project as agreed upon: New Year’s Day Lincoln’s Birthday President’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Day Milestones have been scheduled using calendar days in order to comply with project specifications and to accurately reflect the float. The schedule will be resource/cost loaded in the final Baseline as follows:
- Cost loading shall be performed at a Level 2 schedule level. - Resource loading shall be performed for items involving major equipment and trades only for
items identified as limited or driving resources.
The Resource Reports, as applicable, will be placed in the Report Appendix. In addition to the standard calendar and the following calendars are also in use: LGA_CA04_7 Day Workweek with NO Holidays This has been applied for the milestones, ORAT sequences, and turnover periods. LGA_CA02_5 Workdays/Week with Holidays + 2.1 Winter – Concrete This is the standard Calendar that has been applied to all concrete activities in the bridges and airside apron. LGA_CA03_5 Workdays/Week with Holidays + 3M Winter – Paving This is the standard Calendar that has been applied to all paving activities in the bridges and airside apron.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
LGA_CA05_3 Workdays/Week with Holidays F-S This has been applied for weekend tie in work to existing utilities.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Section 3: Schedule Progression and Development Section 3a: Forecasted Completion Date The schedule currently shows the contract completing per the contract completion date and meeting the milestone dates as follows:
Milestone Initial
Variance From
Partial Completion of CCB1 (East) 5/30/2018 5/27/2018 5/23/2018 7 4
Completion of CCB2 (North) 8/30/2018 8/30/2018 8/27/2018 3 3
Completion of Head House 1/6/2020 1/6/2020 1/3/2020 3 3
Partial Completion of CCA1 (North) 7/30/2020 7/30/2020 7/21/2020 9 9
Completion of CCA2 (West) 12/10/2021 12/10/2021 12/2/2021 8 8
Substantial Completion – P3 7/8/2022 7/8/2022 7/1/2022 7 7
Section 3b: Logic Changes and Schedule Development Update 7 In this update, logic changes were made to reflect the approved design changes in the following packages: Temporary Passenger Access (TPA) GR-3159 Pier A SSCP Expansion Project: Additional activities were added for the preconstruction
meeting for this TAA package. The existing logic was also modified since this work will be done when the temporary passageway for CCB is constructed.
CHRP & Cooling Tower The entire CHRP schedule was modified. At this time, the CHRP design is almost
complete and approved. The original schedule was based on several different design sets stemming from all the interim updates. While the foundation and superstructure activities do not differ much, the interiors and MEP schedules have been changed to reflect the latest design as well as the latest build methodology.
Head House GR-3142.01 Below Grade Foundations – The sequence was adjusted to reflect actual field progress
and construction sequence. Pile driving is occurring in Areas BW and BX. GR-3142.01 Structures and Underground Utilities – The sequence was adjusted based on the
addition of fabrication and shop drawing activities for all eight (8) sections of the footprint versus the existing five (5) sections as originally proposed. The installation sequence was also adjusted based on the latest steel erection plan. One crane will install the northern portion (HF-HN) of HH steel while a second crane will work the southern portion (HA-HF). The crane in the north will start at column line HE-HF in Section BW and install from south to north, moving west to east. The crane in the south will start at column line HF in Section BW and install west to east up to Section
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
BX. The south crane will then move back to column line HE in BW and install south to north before repeating the same process in sections BX and BY.
Concourse B GR-3147.01 Concourse B - Below Grade Foundations – The existing foundation activities were
detailed to each pile location. This was done to accurately monitor all the remaining areas of work driven by various factors such as the relocation of the taxi que, the relocation of the intermediate fence, and the work at gate A4/A6. This also resulted in modifying the logic ties to the steel activities associated with GR-3147.02 (Concourse B – Structure and Underground Utilities)
GR-1252 Temporary Connector from Existing CTB to New CCB Arch,MEP, Egress – The existing logic was modified since the passageway will be constructed using spread footings in lieu of piles.
Airside Apron Additional activities were added for the CE work at Gate A6 GR-3131 Airside Package 2: Utilities and Subgrade Efforts for Phase 1A, 1B and 1C – Additional
detail was added to better monitor the various manhole installation activities in Phase 1. The sequence was adjusted to reflect actual field progress and construction sequence.
Building 30 Additional activities were added for the CE work for the 800 Amp and 5Kv service West Parking Garage GR-2135 Foundation Piles, Concrete and Utilies for West Parking Garage – the activities driven
by MH3030 were clearly identified. Utility Trunk Line GR-2140 Utility Relocation for Terminals C and D – The logic continues to be broken down and
streamlined in order to accurately monitor and reflect the actual field progress and construction sequence.
GR-2141 Utility Trunk Line Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Stormwater Package and Stage 1 Uppers - The sequence was adjusted to reflect actual field progress and construction sequence.
GR- 2142/2157
Utility Trunk Line Stages 4 and 5 Uppers- The sequence was adjusted to reflect actual field progress and construction sequence.
East Roadways GR-2149 2126.01 2163.01 2161.01
East Roadway Structures - Substructure for Bridges L30, L31 L32 and L38 – The sequence was adjusted to reflect actual field progress and construction sequence.
West Roadways GR-2182.01 Land site-wide WZTCP for 1st 12 Months - Part 3 - The sequence was adjusted to
reflect actual field progress and construction sequence. GR-2155 Land site-wide WZTCP for 1st 12 Months - Part II (P2/P3 Closure) - The sequence was
adjusted to reflect actual field progress and construction sequence. GR-2161.01 GR-2161.02
West Roadway Structures – L21, L22, L23 and L24 – Activities were adjusted based on latest design
GR-2176 Preliminary Roadside and Pavement Design – PA QAD Inspection durations were increased to reflect actual durations as experienced to date.
Activities were also added in the areas of submittals to reflect the resubmission activities. These changes did not affect any of the milestones nor alter the critical path.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Update 6 In this update, logic changes were made to reflect the approved design changes in the following packages: CHRP & Cooling Tower GR-3133.01 CHRP Substructure – Activities were added for the work associated with the relocation
of the MH14 Verizon Cables. Foundation work was re-sequenced due impact that was seen from this. The ability of Verizon to complete their portion of the relocation will have an influence in all pile driving operations in the western footprint of CHRP.
Head House GR-1134 Phase 1 Demolition and Enabling (P2 Garage Demolition) - The sequence was adjusted
to reflect actual field progress and construction sequence. GR-3142.01 Below Grade Foundations - The “Exploratory Digging/Pre-Auguring” activities were
broken down to represent the latest sectioning of the HH foundation (eight zones) versus the original sectioning (five zones)
Frontage Roads GR-3139.01 Frontage Roadway Structure: Foundations – an additional activity was added for the
relocation of existing utilities which run underneath the footprint of P4 GR-3139.02 Frontage Roadway Structure: Piers and Superstructure – The fabrication activities for
the precast superstructure was broken down into more detail to show fabrication elements per each pier versus the two phased fabrication section it was before.
Concourse B GR-3147.01 Concourse B - Below Grade Foundations – additional activities for the installation of pile
at all of the fixed bridges. Activities were also added for the demolition of the remaining Hangar 2/4 at the existing cooling tower. Overall, logic was adjusted to reflect the actual field progress and construction sequence as the field team works around the various challenges in the CCB footprint.
GR-3147.02 Concourse B – Structure and Underground Utilities – the steel sequence was redeveloped based on the latest build plan. Originally, steel would be erected starting from the east footprint and progress west. Based on the as built pile installation, the sequence was readjusted to start in the western corner of the building and build to each end. This also included breaking out the steel installation for the fixed bridges although they will be erected at the same time as the main structure. Steel fabrication activities were also added to the schedule to monitor progress.
Airside Apron GR-3130 Airside Package 1: Airside Demolition & Staging for Phases 1A, 1B, and 1C - the
sequence was adjusted to reflect actual field progress and construction sequence based on the final design and to maintain schedule.
GR-3131 Airside Package 2: Utilities and Subgrade Efforts for Phase 1A, 1B and 1C – additional activities were added for the communication and 5kv cable pulling based on the approved design.
West Parking Garage GR-2138 Structural Precast & Steel for West Parking Garage – the sequence for the precast
erection was adjusted to reflect the latest erection plan. Additional logic changes were made to adjust the crew restraints based on latest procurement progress.
Utility Trunk Line GR-2140 Utility Relocation for Terminals C and D – the activities were broken down into
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
additional sequences as reflective of the current construction plan and approved design. There are now five areas of work versus the original single line construction plan. This will allow a greater accuracy in reporting status on a weekly and monthly basis.
GR-2141 Utility Trunk Line Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Stormwater Package and Stage 1 Uppers - An activity was added for the ACM abatement and removal at the electrical duct bank at Stage 1.
GR- 2142/2157
Utility Trunk Line Stages 4 and 5 Uppers- the activities were adjusted to be more accurate of the what was shown in the final design. This involved providing clearer, more accurate descriptions of the planned work.
East Roadways GR-2149 2126.01 2163.01 2161.01
East Roadway Structures - Substructure for Bridges L30, L31 L32 and L38 – the piling sequence was adjusted to reflect actual field progress as well as the current MOT/Delta coordination efforts. It is expected that these changes will continue as more MOT is designed over the next couple of months.
GR-3151 Low Level Wind Shear Alert System (LLWAS) Relocation – additional activities were added for the design submission associated with this work
West Roadways GR-2133.3 Enabling Works - Activities were added for MOT work related to this design package. GR-2155 Land site-wide WZTCP for 1st 12 Months - Part II (P2/P3 Closure) - Activities were
added for MOT work related to this design package. GR-2173.01 West Roadway Structures – Foundation and Pier01 for Bridge L26 - Activities were
added and adjusted for the preparation work needed in order to mobilize the pile rig Activities were also added in the areas of submittals to reflect the resubmission activities. These changes did not affect any of the milestones nor alter the critical path.
Section 3c: Activities Not Started or Completed as Scheduled Update 7 Please refer to Attachment 6 in the Narrative Appendix for this report. P3 Interim Pier A GR-1204 Pier A Interior Work: Awaiting a change order from LGP for the
HVAC duct work re-route. Anticipate this work to begin week of 1/30/17. All other work completed.
Airside Work will be progressing out of sequence due to ongoing issues with full Phase 1 capture (A4/A6 Area and Taxi Zone in P3).
CHRP Work on the western portion of the CHRP piles, area recently captured after Buttonhook D road shift, cannot be completed until existing utilities (480V, 5kV, Verizon, storm) are decommissioned and removed or relocated. The Initial cooling tower inspection cannot be scheduled until special inspection paperwork is provided to EoR and meeting held with QAD (scheduled for 01/13/17) to review; inspection to follow (01/18/17). Concreting of piles now scheduled to start week of January 16, 2017. Excavation, pile caps, and grade beams to follow.
Head House The start of pile driving activities was delayed due to the redesign associated
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
with the flood mitigation plan but is currently underway. Final P2 demolition activities are being completed and staying ahead of pile install operations.
Frontage Roads FR-C1050 Drive Piles for P08-S completed on 12/30/16 FR-C1020 Drive Piles for P09-S started on 12/28/16 FR-C1030 Drive Piles for P09-N started on 12/29/16 FR-C4885 – Utility relocations in footing P04 area on hold due to Hazardous Soil material in the area that requires permitted removal. FR-C1060 – P09 SOE is being worked out of sequence to follow the new pile driving sequence. P07 SOE (FR-C1190) will commence first in January 2017.
Concourse B Work is progressing on schedule or close to schedule. GR-1252.1: The foundation design for the temp connector has changed. Piles have been replaced with spread footings. The schedule has not been updated to reflect this change. 100% TAA Design package due from DJV 1/27/17.
NI Building 30 1. Field condition assessment – there is an existing masonry wall that was
discovered during demolition. Structural assessment is being performed 2. Reroofing of the lower first floor section was started. Weather has caused
delays 3. Exterior wall is under investigation – it does not have a weather barrier 4. PA is requiring that abatement of the roof elements take place prior to re-
roofing work to continue.
West Parking Garage Crane mobilization and Precast Erection activity not started due to insufficient precast elements fabricated for 2 crane operation. Underground utilities installed ahead of precast erection. Subsequent trades within the garage including installation of misc. metals would be performed as the precast erection proceeds.
Utility Trunk Line GR-2139: Water tie-ins not completed due to corroded gas main issue GR-2140: Some lateral work in Delta Frontage is being slowed by late only getting lane closures at 1am instead of 11pm in the weeks leading up to Christmas. GR-2141: Downstream Defender Unit installation in P3 lot delayed due to trucking restrictions leading up to Christmas. GR-2141: Storm work for Stage 1 Utilities has been re-sequenced due to EPG expansion. GR-2157: Stage 2 work has been re-sequenced with Stage 3.2. GR-2157: Stage 4 work has been re-sequenced with MOT part 4
West Roadways GR-2173.01: Permits acquisition from NYSDOT was delayed due to PA and NYSDOT disagreement on final design. This held up L26 construction on the GCP as well as permit acquisition from NYCDOT. GR-2155: Taxi relocation to temp taxi and Frontage Road activation delayed due to concerns by PA and LGP concerns over traffic volumes around the holidays.
East Roadways GR-2149: SOE began on L38 later than scheduled due to pile NCRs and
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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settling of ductbank. SOE and follow on activities are now progressing. Hangar 5A Update 6 Please refer to Attachment 6 in the Narrative Appendix for this report. P3 Interim Pier A Work continues in the Frontier offices. Airside Work will be progressing out of sequence due to ongoing issues with full Phase
1 capture (A4/A6 Area and Taxi Zone in P3). CHRP Work on the western portion of the building footprint (Site fence, balance of site
grading, western piles) cannot be completed until buttonhook D is activated. The Initial cooling tower inspection cannot be scheduled until the review for the Rider A submittal for GR-3121.01 is completed (currently with PA).
Head House The start of pile driving activities was delayed due to the redesign associated with the flood mitigation plan. Pile driving is schedule to commence on December 6, 2016.
Frontage Roads FR-C4875 – Tie in completion pending pressure test. This work shall be completed in December. We are working the pile caps out of sequence to avoid a schedule impact. FR-C1040 - Delayed start and progress due to pile driving equipment malfunction. Down time shall be recovered by working additional shifts. FR-C1050 - Delayed start and progress due to pile driving equipment malfunction. Down time shall be recovered by working additional shifts.
Concourse B Work is progressing out of sequence as crews work around the demolition operation for the cooling towers, the removal of the Hangar 2/4 foundations, the intermediate PIDS fence, and the setup of the Phase 1 capture zone.
NI Building 30 Work has been progressing out of sequence. West Parking Garage Crane mobilization and Precast Erection were not started as schedule due to
insufficient fabrication of precast elements needed to support installation. Underground utilities are being installed ahead of precast erection.
Utility Trunk Line GR-2139: Water tie-ins not completed due to corroded gas main issue GR-2141: Water main installation not completed on schedule due to additional work as a result of EPG expansion. Asbestos abatement of the existing electrical duct bank, is also delaying work on the water lines. GR-2141: Storm system installation south of P3 lot tied to shifting off LGA Access road north temporarily for MH10 construction is on hold until resolution of taxi issue in P3
West Roadways GR-2173.01: Permits acquisition from NYSDOT was delayed due to PA and NYSDOT disagreement on final design. This held up L26 construction on the GCP. GR-2155: Buttonhook D was not activated due to resequencing of taxi operations in the P3 lot. GR-2133.01: Temporary Taxi Hold QAD is imminent.
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GR-2133.03: the enabling design requested for GR-2133.03 West Improvements was never approved, however the TAA was recently returned as Conditionally Approved.
East Roadways GR-2149: Piles not completed in L38 and not started in L32 due to NCR’s on piles, and settling of 27kV duct bank. The pile driving operation was halted in order to re-support the duct bank.
Hangar 5A Progress has been slow due to the existing condition of the building.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Section 4: Schedule Risks Section 4a: Potential Schedule Risks and Opportunities Update 7 SWJV is currently monitoring the following: Interim Pier A
• CHRP & Cooling Tower
• Changes to the utility lines routing under and through the CHRP. Temporary sanitary will run under the CHRP garage area. Domestic water for HH will run through the CHRP. Also, storm drain lines for CHRP (future CHW roof) which originally ran airside may be moved through and under the CHRP garage and tie into storm drain in northeast corner. Gas line for HH may also be routed through CHRP.
• Verizon line for National Grid gate and governor station part of TAA-2142 in process to be relocated after buttonhook D move.
• Existing 5kV relocation in western portion of CHRP. • Asbestos abatement of second 5kV line ductbank and 5kV asbestos wrapped cables. • Re-design of fuel oil storage tank area. • Possible relocation of fire command center into CHRP adjacent to control room. • Re-design of fuel oil tank area. Second pile rig and crane mobilized to expedite pile installation.
Head House
• Sound and vibration from pile activities in progress may impact Air Traffic Controllers and could result in requested cessation of pile driving by FAA. SWJV and PA are working actively with FAA to keep them aware of all activities around the ATCT.
• The gas line serving ATCT requires a final design for relocation and coordination with National Grid and FAA. This gas line work could potentially impact pile operations around loading dock area at northwest corner of Headhouse.
• SWJV is working to increase pile production by working additional hours and adding additional pile rigs to operation.
Frontage Roadway • Existing utilities in the FRS pile areas have forced out of sequence construction and has slowed
progress. • Unknown utilities have been discovered near the Gas Gate & Governor Station @ Footing P02N • Mitigation plan to reclaim late pile driving start date is in process.
Concourse B • Potential schedule risks include late foundation and structural steel design changes as well as
continued lack of full Phase 1A construction zone capture. Airside Apron
• PA review for GR-3130 scope change; approval is needed to complete final striping layout for Gate A6.
• Further changes have been requested for the Gate A6 striping. • Directed changes in the approved Capture Areas @ Gate A4/A6 area and along the eastern
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
boundary near American Hardstand location can potentially impact construction schedule. • The lingering presence of the taxi queue location has the potential to impact several operations
including the LP, HP, and sanitary taps for Delta and the paving demo, along with LCCF mobilization.
• Procurement of LCCF material / sub for soil improvements in P3 lot. SWJV is accelerating contracts to meet early Jan 2017 mobilization.
• Additional directives have been given to modify the temporary blast fence/AOA perimeter. • Unclear processes surrounding 7460/CSPP, gates/guards, PSP/ASP, landside/airside barriers &
captures can potentially impact construction schedule. • CE’s with potential schedule risk. Although these do not appear to have an impact we are
monitoring. CE 576 Airside Unknown Geotechnical Condition #1 – Multiple Unknown Pavement Layers
(by MH-157 & MH-158 Locations) CE 578 Airside Unknown Facility #1 – Bare Conduits North Side Phase 1 Capture Zone (by
MH-157A Location) CE 577 Airside Unknown Geotechnical Condition #2 – Multiple Unknown Pavement Layers
(by MH-250 & MH-251 Locations) • Potential change to Weather Tower design height may delay removal of existing tower
West Parking Garage • Completion of Gas line in NW corner impacting foundation work. • Unknown comm lines in MH3030 impacting foundation work.
o Comm. Conduit reroute and Relocation of MH3030 • FAA Comm line relocation. • Precast Erection • Coordination between the following scopes of work within the WPG site:
o Precast Erection, o Precast Delivery, o Underground utilities for WPG and
• Adjoining site utilities under – UT-01/ UT-05 etc. Utility Trunk Line
• Structurally deficit gas main in UT-01 Phase 2: National grid has begun this work, progress is moving slower than expected. Water line tie-ins of UT-1 are on hold until gas main is replaced and existing is taken offline. Until water tie-ins and gas main is replaced, pile driving cannot be completed in WPG.
• Unknown utilities / structures in Gr-2140: UT-2 area is slowing excavation and SOE installation. SWJV is working with PA on identifying and removing these duct banks and structures.
• Coordination with Delta on accessing their frontage road for GR-2140 lateral utility work. • Stage 5A Utility work is on hold pending acceptance of WPG retaining wall patching and
waterproofing work. East Roadways
• Re-design is ongoing causing realignment in bridge L37 and L39. While SWJV does not feel it will be a schedule impact yet, it is still being monitored due to approval process.
• Until further direction is received, the design development of GR-2147 (Bridges L33, L34, L35) will continue advancing based on the original design and not be modified to account for future Delta geometry.
• MSE wall submittals for precast materials will need to be resubmitted. Need to continue to observe if this will have a schedule impact.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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• PM-29 pile rig has not been available to work on-site, and has caused an impact the pile driving schedule and sequence
• Once the PM-29 is available, depending on the timing, there is a possible opportunity to have two rigs working simultaneously in the east to improve pile driving schedule in the near term.
West Roadways • Delay of relocating taxis is impacting Airside, Concourse B, Utilities, and CHRP work. • Tracking the impacts due to the postponed start of L26. • NYSDOT concerns’ with the geometry configuration at the west end of the landside roadways
has the potential to impact the timely completion of several civil landside site wide design packages. Additional potential impacts from TNC volume assumptions that are being discussed and may cause redesign of west roadways around the WPG.
• Delays to the start of GR-2133.03 caused delays to Buttonhook D shift which has delayed the relocation of taxi cabs and activation of new Frontage Road.
Update 6 SWJV is currently monitoring the following: Interim Pier A
• Airline specs for gate wiring outside of common use remains unknown increasing the uncertainty around moves.
CHRP & Cooling Tower • Changes to the utility line routing under the CHRP. The current schedule accommodates the
proposal design of running the utilities under the CHRP with the exception of the sanitary line. Not yet confirmed: Gas, sanitary, LP and HP lines for airside will no longer run under the CHRP footprint. However, temporary sanitary will. Also, LP water main for airside hydrants run through CHRP parking area feeding hydrants through air side wall. Domestic water for HH will run through the CHRP. Also, storm drain line for CHRP (future CHW roof) which originally ran airside may be moved through and under the CHRP garage and tie into storm drain in northeast corner. Gas line for HH may also be routed through CHRP.
• Verizon line for National Grid gate and governor station part of TAA-2142 to be relocated after buttonhook move.
• Existing 5kV and 480V relocations in western portion of CHRP • Re-design of fuel oil storage tank area. • Proximity to existing entrance ramp to west wall of CHRP
Head House • Sound and vibration from pile activities in progress may impact Air Traffic Controllers and could
result in requested cessation of pile driving by FAA. SWJV and PA working actively with FAA to keep them aware of all activities around the ATCT.
Concourse B • Pile cap concrete will be sequenced to support the structural steel erection plan. • Structural Steel fabrication will be fast tracked to maintain schedule. • Demolition of existed cooling tower went faster than expected. • Hangar 2/4 remaining foundations has slowed down the pile driving operation in those areas
Airside Apron • LGP directing changes in approved Capture Areas @ Gate A4/A6 area and along the eastern
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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boundary near American Hardstand location can potentially impact construction schedule. • The lingering presence of the taxi queue location has the potential to impact several operations
including the LP, HP, and sanitary taps for Delta and the paving. • Procurement of LCCF material / sub for soil improvements in P3 lot. SWJV is accelerating
contracts to meet early Jan 2017 mobilization. • PA Security directing modifications to temporary blast fence/AOA perimeter. • Unclear processes surrounding 7460/CSPP, gates/guards, PSP/ASP, landside/airside barriers &
captures can potentially impact construction schedule. • CE’s with potential schedule risk. Although these do not appear to have an impact we are
monitoring. CE 576 Airside Unknown Geotechnical Condition #1 – Multiple Unknown Pavement Layers
(by MH-157 & MH-158 Locations) CE 578 Airside Unknown Facility #1 – Bare Conduits North Side Phase 1 Capture Zone (by
MH-157A Location) CE 577 Airside Unknown Geotechnical Condition #2 – Multiple Unknown Pavement Layers
(by MH-250 & MH-251 Locations) Potential change to Weather Tower design height by DAL may delay removal of existing
tower. West Parking Garage
• Completion of Gas line in NW corner impacting foundation work. • Unknown communication lines in MH3030 impacting foundation work. Verizon to assist in ID
and mitigation to allow WPG foundation to progress • Precast Erection
Utility Trunk Line • Structurally deficit gas main in UT-01 Phase 2: National grid has begun this work, progress is
moving slower than expected. Water line tie-ins of UT-1 are on hold until gas main is replaced and existing is taken offline. Until water tie-ins and gas main is replaced, pile driving cannot be completed in WPG.
• Unknown utilities in Gr-2140: UT-2 area is slowing excavation and SOE installation. SWJV working with PA on identifying and removing these duct banks.
• Coordination with Delta on accessing their frontage road for GR-2140 lateral utility work. Delta has been issuing statements that may restrict access to the work.
• Additional work for Stage 1 water line installation as a result of moving the utilities to accommodate future EPG expansion has slowed production of installation; this includes working around grounding grid, demolishing footings, removing fences, removing catch basins, additional fittings, etc.
East Roadways • Re-design is ongoing causing realignment in bridge L37 and L39. While SWJV does not feel it
will be a schedule impact, it is still being monitored due to approval process. • Until further direction is received, the design development of GR-2147 (Bridges L33, L34, L35)
will continue advancing based on the original design and not be modified to account for future Delta geometry.
• Due to clarifications from Port, MSE wall submittals for precast materials will need to be resubmitted. Need to continue to observe if this will have a schedule impact.
Frontage Road • Existing utilities in the FRS pile areas. • Unknown utilities discovered near the Gas Gate & Governor Station @ Footing P02N
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• Mitigation plan to reclaim late pile driving start date West Roadways
• Delay to shifting Buttonhook D and taxi relocation is impacting Airside, Concourse B, and CHRP work.
• Tracking the impacts to other areas due to the postponed start of L26. • NYSDOT concerns with the geometry configuration at the west end of the landside roadways
has the potential to impact the timely completion of several civil landside site wide design packages
• Enabling work for the west end improvements, adding the 3rd lane on Runway Drive and the Direct Connect, was not granted and the work was delayed until conditional approval of the package arrived. To compound this issue, much of the night time work is experiencing delayed start times as PA is not allowing SWJV to take lane closures at the scheduled time. This has had a great impact on the completion of this work.
In addition, SWJV continues to monitor these previously identified risks:
• DOB restrictions on crane usage based on wind speeds – June 30, 2016 New York City Department of Buildings “Commissioner’s Order” regarding “Crawler Crane Safety Requirements” (“Final Crane Directive”).
Section 4b: Schedule Delays Update 7 Not applicable for this narrative. Update 6 Not applicable for this narrative. Section 4c: Proposed Corrective Action Plan/Recovery Plan Update 7 Not applicable for this narrative. Update 6 Not applicable for this narrative. .
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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Section 5: Critical Path Update 7 Overall, the critical path mimics the phasing layout of the project. The path starts with the installation of the Derrick 8 steel for CCB and proceeds through the building enclosure leading to the interior MEP rough in work, interior fit-outs, and testing. It then goes through the issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Concourse B East. After the thirty (30) day turnover period, the path flows into the start of the apron work west of Concourse B. It progresses through the installation of the PIDs fencing and the removal of the existing apron. Once the apron is removed, the installation of the airside utilities drives the path leading to the pavement work. This allows the installation of the passenger boarding bridges critical to the opening of the gates connected to Concourse B North. Once these gates are turned over, the gates in the footprint of Concourse A North at Pier C can be moved allowing for the start of Concourse A construction. The path proceeds through the foundation and superstructure work of Concourse A North. Once the building is enclosed, the path continues to move through the interior MEP rough in work, interior fit-outs, and testing. It then goes through the issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Concourse A North. After the thirty (30) day turnover period, the path flows into the demolition of Pier C, allowing for the start of Concourse A West. Similar to Concourse A North, The path proceeds through the foundation and superstructure work of Concourse A West. Once the building is enclosed, the path continues to move through the interior MEP rough in work, interior fit-outs, and testing. It then goes through the issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Concourse A North. After the thirty (30) day turnover period, the path flows into the demolition of Pier D, allowing for the start of the remaining apron work. After the thirty (30) day turnover period, the path flows into the start of the apron work west of Concourse A. It progresses through the installation of the PIDs fencing and the removal of the existing apron. Once the apron is removed, the installation of the airside utilities drives the path leading to the pavement work and finishing with Substantial Completion of the New Facilities work. This path currently has zero (0) float. Update 6 Overall, the critical path mimics the phasing layout of the project. The path starts with the design and procurement of the steel Concourse B. The path continues through the installation of the steel and building enclosure leading to the interior MEP rough in work, interior fit-outs, and testing. It then goes through the issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Concourse B East. After the thirty (30) day turnover period, the path flows into the start of the apron work west of Concourse B. It progresses through the installation of the PIDs fencing and the removal of the existing apron. Once the apron is removed, the installation of the airside utilities drives the path leading to the pavement work. This allows the installation of the passenger boarding bridges critical to the opening of
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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the gates connected to Concourse B North. Once these gates are turned over, the gates in the footprint of Concourse A North at Pier C can be moved allowing for the start of Concourse A construction. The path proceeds through the foundation and superstructure work of Concourse A North. Once the building is enclosed, the path continues to move through the interior MEP rough in work, interior fit-outs, and testing. It then goes through the issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Concourse A North. After the thirty (30) day turnover period, the path flows into the demolition of Pier C, allowing for the start of Concourse A West. Similar to Concourse A North, The path proceeds through the foundation and superstructure work of Concourse A West. Once the building is enclosed, the path continues to move through the interior MEP rough in work, interior fit-outs, and testing. It then goes through the issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Concourse A North. After the thirty (30) day turnover period, the path flows into the demolition of Pier D, allowing for the start of the remaining apron work. After the thirty (30) day turnover period, the path flows into the start of the apron work west of Concourse A. It progresses through the installation of the PIDs fencing and the removal of the existing apron. Once the apron is removed, the installation of the airside utilities drives the path leading to the pavement work and finishing with Substantial Completion of the New Facilities work. This path currently has zero (0) float. .
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Section 6: Schedule Constraints The activities restrained in this schedule are as follows: Key Milestones MILE-2030 Construction NTP – P3 Scope CB-C94930 Partial Completion of CCB1 (East) (Temporary Certificate of Authorization to Occupy) CB-C95010 Completion of CCB2 (North) (Temporary Certificate of Authorization to Occupy) HH-C5640 Completion of Head House (Temporary Certificate of Authorization to Occupy) CA-C28080 Partial Completion of CCA1 (North) (Temporary Certificate of Authorization to Occupy) CA-C28160 Completion of CCA2 (West) (Temporary Certificate of Authorization to Occupy) MILE-5000 Substantial Completion – P3
Work Completion (by others) MILE-7010 Deactivation of Existing 5kV Ductbank System East of 102nd St & South of Terminal C
Frontage Road MILE-6020 East Garage Complete MILE-6030 Elec & Comm Utility Trunk Lines MILE-6120 Completion of PA's Electrical & Communication Utility Trunk Line Relocation (By PA)
(Work Order 103) MILE-6000 Demo Hangars 2 & 4 MILE-6010 East End Substation Complete MILE-7020 De-Energize Central End Substation 0 MILE-6150 6 Month "Start-up" period for East End Substation UT-CNG1000 Construct New Gas Governor Station Completion PA-E190 122. East Field Lighting Vault PIDS by Raytheon
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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Section 7: Status of Design-Build Services
Section 7a: Status of Design Services Update 7 Design continued to progress for the following major packages: P3 TPA Currently under review by the SWJV team
• GR-1290 - Rider B Response 100% CD Drawings and Specifications for Frontier Relocation to Pier C- Fit-out of Office Space at Apron Level was received and reviewed by SWJV and has been submitted to the PANYNJ for further review
• GR-1252 - Updated pricing package for Concourse B Temporary Connector – approximately 90% CD package
DJV has submitted updated conceptual design documents for the following projects: • GR-3159 - Expanded Pier A SSCP • GR-1257 - Temporary At-Grade Connector from New West Parking Garage to
Existing CTB • GR-1211 - Phased Occupancy Plan / Maintenance of Egress and Life Safety
Systems Plan Airside The following critical design packages were submitted to the PA for
approval: • GR-3130 Airside Package 1 - Airside Demolition & Staging for Phases 1A,
1B, and 1C - Rider C • GR-3131 Airside Package 2 - Utilities and Subgrade Efforts for Phases 1A,
1B, and 1C • Rider B • GR-3132 Airside Package 3 – Apron Paving, Grading and Aircraft
Maneuvering Plans - 100% Design • GR-3135 Airside Package 4 – Construction for Remainder of Project Site
(Phase 2-6) – 60% Design The following is a summary of the current status of each design package: • GR-1203 - Passenger Boarding Bridge Relocation at Gate A1 – 100% Rider
C • GR-3110 – Restripe RON Positions 1-7 – Work Complete. • GR-3130 Airside Package 1 - Airside Demolition & Staging for Phases 1A,
1B, and 1C Rider A Response - Received Partial Condition Approval – Rider C Submitted to PA
• GR-3131 Airside Package 2 - Utilities and Subgrade Efforts for Phases 1A, 1B, and 1C
• Received conditional approval – Rider B Submitted to PA • GR-3131.01 – Taxiway “A” Drainage Crossing - East - Received partial
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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conditional approval – Rider B submitted – Work Completed. • GR-3132 Airside Package 3 – Apron Paving, Grading and Aircraft
Maneuvering Plans - 100% Design – Submitted to PA • GR-3135 Airside Package 4 – Construction for Remainder of Project Site
(Phase 2-6) – 60% Design CHRP Currently under review by the SWJV team
• 60% Design Document for GR-1251 Temporary Heating and Cooling for New Concourse B – Mechanical Progress Set
The following TAA has been returned by the Port Authority and PA comments are being reviewed by SWJV/DJV and incorporated in the respective TAA packages • GR-3121.01 Existing CHRP Temporary Cooling Tower • GR-3133.02 CHRP Structural Steel & Interim Final Cooling Tower
Foundations & Structural Steel • GR-3133.03 CHRP MEP/FP Systems • GR-3133.04CHRP Architecture and Fit Out • GR-3155.01 Final Cooling Tower Code Compliance & Conceptual Review The following TAAs has been submitted to Port Authority for Review • GR-1258 CHRP Construction Trailer • GR-3133.01 CHRP Substructure
Head House Frontage Roads The following TAA has been returned by the Port Authority and PA
comments are being reviewed by SWJV/DJV and incorporated in the respective TAA packages • GR-2127.01 (Bridges L27/28/29) Sub/Superstructure – 100% design package
(Rider • A) was returned from PA Conditionally Approved on 12/06/16. • GR-2127.03 (Bridges 29 Bollard Design) – 100% design package was
submitted to PA for review on 11/30/16 • GR-3139.01 – (Frontage Roadway) Substructure – 100% design package
was Conditionally Approved on 8/12/16, and Rider A amendments were submitted for PA review on 10/17/16.
• GR-3139.02 – (Frontage Roadway) Superstructure – 100% design package was returned from PA Conditionally Approved on 12/13/16.
Concourse B Currently under review by the SWJV team • GR 3147.03 - Building Enclosure for Concourse B was submitted to LGA.
NI Building 30 • GR-2130 Building 30 Interiors: Partial approval received for work relating to
roof, windows and elevator. Pre-con meeting for partial scope was held • GR-2131 Building 30 Systems: Full approval was received. Pre-con meeting
was held. West Parking Garage • GR-2134 – Pile Load Testing for WPG: Under closeout phase – Need
Inspections for Occupancy (Partial)
Data Date: December 31, 2016
• GR-2135 –Early Site Utilities and Foundations - Close out Rider C Comments for design issues w/ PA. - Submitted Rider C Drawings and Specification package. - Scheduled partial occupancy of foundations w/ PA QAD
• GR-2138 – Structural Precast and Steel - Precast Design Assist – Ongoing Coordination work with Jersey
Precast. - Continue preparing shop drawings/ tickets for precast fabrication. - Precast Erection framing and stability plan – Revise and Resubmit. - Preparing GR-2138 Rider B Responses.
• GR-2181 – Final Geotechnical Investigation and Foundation Design Report - Rider A approved w/ comments - 12/5.
• GR-2135.01 – Garage Architectural + MEP - Preparing Rider A response – withhold comments received from PA.
• GR-2135.03 – WPG Signage - Submitted GR-2135.03 package to LGP/PA – PA Technical Review
due soon. • Landscaping (Tentatively GR-2135.04)
- Tentative submission of package early 2017. Utility Trunk Line • During the month of December 2016, GR-2157 was approved. This is the final
TAA package prior to the Balance of Design TAAs. West Roadways Currently under review by the SWJV team
• GR-2161.01 L21/L22 60% pile caps and columns • GR-2169.01- L25 30% Sub/Superstructure The following TAAs has been submitted to Port Authority for Review • GR-2173.01 Rider A – L26 Pile Caps and Pier 1 • GR-2169 – L25 Preliminary Substructure & Superstructure • GR-2173.02- L26 Balance of Substructure and Superstructure • GR-2161.02- L23/L24 Superstructure
East Roadways Design continued on the following packages: • GR-2164.02: Superstructure for Bridges L31 (Piers P08 through P11) and L37 • GR-2147: Bridges L33, L34, L35 • GR-3152: Bridge
Update 6 Design continued to progress for the following major packages: Sitewide -90% DD (GR-3140) P3 CHRP -Structural Steel (GR-3133.02)
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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-MEP/FP Systems (GR-3133.03) -Architecture and Fitout (GR-3133.04) Headhouse -Foundations and Under Slab Utilities (GR-3142.01) -Structural Steel (GR-3142.02) -Curtain Wall and Building Shell (GR-3142.03) -Early Equipment Package A -Baggage Handling Systems (GR-3142.09) Concourse B -Structural Steel (GR-3147.02) -Curtain Wall and Building Shell (GR-3147.03) Concourse A -Pile Load Testing (GR-3143) Airside -CCB Pavement (GR-3132) West Parking Garage -Garage Core and Architecture (GR-2135.01) -Landscaping (GR-2135.03) Utility Trunk Line -Stage 2,3,5A Upper Package (GR-2157) Roadway Network -E1 (GR-2126.01/.02) -E2 (GR-2163.01/.02) -E3 (GR-2164.01/.02) -E4 (GR-2150) -E5 (GR-2147) -E6 (GR-3152.01/.02) -C1 (GR-2127.01/.02) -C2 (GR-3139.01/.02) -W1 (GR-2160.01/.02) -W2 (GR-2161.01/.02) -W3B (GR-2173.01/.02) Central Hall -Schematic Design In addition to the major design packages, work continued to progress on Interim Pier 1, asbestos design, enabling works, temporary facilities, and MOT.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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Section 7b: Status of Construction Services Update 7 P3 Interim Pier A GR-1208
A No Further Comment Letter was received from the PA. Final Inspections are being scheduled. Fiber Optic Cabling work is complete. GR-1203 Pier A PBB Relocation: The 1203 work is complete and the last NCR for the PBB smoke head has been closed. Punch list complete. EOR completing pre- inspection. SWJV is anticipating a “No Further Comment” letter from the PA by 1/13/17. GR-1204 Pier A Interior Work: Work is complete and QAD pre-inspections have taken place. Awaiting a change order from LGP for the HVAC duct removal. Anticipate this work to begin week of 1/30/17. GR-1209 Frontier Office Space Build Out: No work has started. Pre-Con held. Awaiting Change Order from LGP. .
Airside GR-3130 1. Modified blast fence assembled and captured area milled. 2. Construction gates installed along wall perimeter. 3. Continued stockpiling of RCA. 4. Installing PIDS on modified blast fence.
1. Ongoing drainage structure installation in north captured area. 2. Ongoing pipe installation (RCP and HDPP). 3. Continued production of DGA for trench back fill
Ongoing excavations for pipes and utility structures. CHRP GR-3121.01
Training for temporary cooling towers completed. Punch list nearing completion. QAD inspections being scheduled to attain temporary permit to occupy. GR-3133.01 Pile driving continues. West side of CHRP site captured after Buttonhook D road shift.
Head House GR-1134 (P2 Garage Demolition) Demolition of P2 primary structure is substantially complete with remaining pile caps and foundations being removed. GR-3142.01 (HH Piles/Foundations) Pile driving activities are currently in progress at southwest zone of Headhouse.
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Frontage Roads GR-3139.01 Pile driving for FRS Roadway footings P08 & P07 is complete. Pile for P09 and subsequent footing is ongoing. Survey for piles, footings and utilities is ongoing.
Concourse B GR- 3147.01 Foundations Most of the piles were driven and half of the pile caps were placed on the Concourse B site.
NI Building 30 GR 2130
The precon Meeting was held on 12/22 and approval was given to start work – full approval was provided GR 2130 Was initially partially approved to start work on the elevator, window and roofing work 1. Demolition of second floor slab in preparation of elevator shaft and install
continues 2. Continued removal of identified conduit in garage areas and within the
building is ongoing 3. Field condition assessment – there is an existing masonry wall that was
discovered during demolition. Structural assessment is being performed 4. Reroofing of the lower first floor section was started. Weather has caused
delays 5. Exterior wall is under investigation – it does not have a weather barrier 6. PA is requiring that abatement of the roof elements take place prior to re-
roofing work to continue.
West Parking Garage GR- 2135 1. Awaiting UT-01 Phase II scope of work to complete prior to driving rest
of the piles in the North West Corner of the Garage. 2. Closeout of NCR’s with corrective action. 3. Performed partial QAD inspection for the foundation- Pile Caps and
Grade beams. GR- 2138
1. Continue precast fabrication – Double Tees – Inverted Tees / L Beams/ Moment Frames at JPC’s Hamilton NJ plant. Wall panels, Spandrels, Stairs and Stair walls fabricated at Bethel Plant.
2. Continued repairs of precast elements – close out NCR’s and green tagging precast elements at both plants.
1. Architectural Fin Fabrication – All Fin Types being cut and bent in shape.
2. MEP Trades – Installing Manholes and ductbank for FAA Comm line relocation, Installing 18” storm line. Fabrication of Elevators.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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Utility Trunk Line UT-1 (GR-2139): 1. Assisting National Grid with MOT equipment and labor for their gas main
replacement. 2. Began excavating for National Grid south of FAA across C+D road to
accelerate gas re-route. UT-2 (GR-2140): 1. Continued HP water, LP water, sanitary and gas main installation along
captured zone north of EPG. 2. Began excavation for laterals tie-ins along sidewalk and Delta Frontage. 3. Shifted pedestrian traffic east to allow for excavation underneath existing
crosswalk between EPG and Term C. 4. Began excavation for HP water, LP, water and gas across UT-2 road for
connection to UT-3. UT-3 (GR-2141, GR-2142, GR-2157) Stage 1 1. Water mains east of EPG were tested and backfilled 2. Preparing for gas main installation in January Stage 3 Storm in P3 Lot 3. MH-14 is excavated and shored and rebar installation for bottom slab will
begin in January 4. Both Downstream Defender Units that make up VX-1 were delivered to P3
lot and installed. Piping between them and MH18/19 are in the process of being installed.
Stage 3.2 Uppers; South of P3 lot 1. Site prep and test pit for utility runs
Stage 5 1. Installation of sanitary line east of WPG to future pump station 8 was
completed and tested. Rebar and formwork is ongoing for encasement 2. Water lines extended further south of WPG connection 3. Excavated and installed SOE for 5KV and gas line installation. 4. Installed approximately 150ft of gas main.
West Roadways GR-2133.01 1. Passed QAD inspection, waiting on Stage 5 activation.
1. Shifted traffic successfully after a delayed start. GR-2155
1. Activated Buttonhook D. 2. Completed all Frontage Road work in anticipation of activation following
Taxi Relocation. 3. Shifted LaGuardia Road north to allow utility work to progress. Due to
holiday traffic, PA requested that the barrier be shifted back south.
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Planning to shift back north following the holidays to allow utility work to progress.
1. Began pile driving at L26. 2. Continued pre-excavation in advance of the pile rig to remove
East Roadways GR-2149 1. Completed Phase 1 west demolition at 102nd St. Bridge. 2. Completed first phase of pile driving for L38 east of the 102nd Street
bridge and began excavation and SOE for footings. 3. Prepared for pile driving at L32-P04.
GR-2150 Drove piles for Bridge L38 Pier 6 and East Abutment. GR-2164.01
1. Continued pre-excavation for Bridge L31 and L37 pile caps. 2. Excavated for local utility relocations in the P4 work zone.
GR-2172 Continued relocation of communication cables, including installing brackets across the 102nd Street Bridge. GR-2133.02 SWJV is currently working with DJV to resolve MOT and temporary drainage designs according to field discovered conditions in the area travelling underneath 102nd St. Bridge. This will facilitate the northern shift of LaGuardia Access Road allowing SWJV to drive piles at L32-P05, L32-Abutment 2, and L38-P02, along with beginning ground improvement work west of L32- Abutment 2. GR-2182.01
1. Completed setup of the work zone in the P4 lot. 2. Constructed the temporary roadway for the LGA Road split at 102nd
Street. GR-2155 Activated the right turn onto the 102nd Street Bridge.
Hangar 5A 1. Ductwork and sprinkler piping installation ongoing on both floors
2. Demolition and removal of the existing freight elevator - completed 3. Wall framing on the second floor and first floor 4. Floor leveling completed on the second floor 5. Start of electrical wiring - main panel distribution 6. Electrical wiring for lighting
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
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7. Fire alarm wiring for both floors underway 8. Preparation for install of RTU’s 9. Crawl space fireproofing ongoing 10. Plumbing piping installation
Update 6 P3 Interim Pier A GR-1209:
Work continued in the Frontier offices. Airside GR-3131.01:
The taxiway sewer crossing work has completed earlier than expected. QAD inspections was held and passed successfully. Taxiway A was reopened ahead of schedule. GR-3130: Interim capture of Phase 1 area north of Hanger 2/4. Blast fence assembled and milled asphalt of captured area. GR-3131: Precon Meeting was held. Started setting SOE and drainage pipes in northern portion of captured area.
CHRP GR-3121.01: Majority of pre-commissioning activities for the temporary cooling towers completed. Punch list in process. Preparation for demo of the existing cooling towers completed. GR-3133.01: Pile driving in process.
Head House GR-1134 (P2 Garage Demolition): Demolition is progressing and zones required for start of pile driving operations have been cleared. P2 North currently being demolished working east to west. GR-3142.01 (HH Piles/Foundations): Pile driving activities are schedule to commence on December 6, 2016.
Frontage Roads GR-3139.01: Utility relocation & Pile driving has commenced. Survey for footings and utilities is ongoing.
Concourse B GR-3147.01: Piles are 75% complete.
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Building 30 1. Demolition of second floor slab in preparation of elevator shaft and install 2. Continued removal of identified conduit in garage areas 3. Field condition assessment 4. Piping abatement performed by the PA 5. Pre-con meeting held for partially approved GR-2130 Interiors and
conditionally approved GR-2131 Systems
West Parking Garage GR-2135: Awaiting UT-01 Phase II scope of work to complete prior to driving rest of the piles in the North West Corner of the Garage. Continue to form and pour grade beams at available locations with no interference with existing communication duct bank and manhole with foundation work. Continue to form and place retaining wall along on the south side of the garage. GR- 2138: Continue precast fabrication – Double Tees – Inverted Tees / L Beams/ Moment Frames at JPC’s Hamilton NJ plant. Wall panels, Spandrels and Stairs fabricated at Bethel Plant – Wall panels. Hamilton plant to also fabricated architectural finish precast elements with crushed stone and colored pigment. GR-2135.01: Architectural Fin Fabrication – All Fin Types being cut and bent in shape. MEP Trades – Installing Manholes and ductbank for FAA Comm line relocation, excavation and prep work for underground utilities. Fabrication of Elevators.
Utility Trunk Line GR-2139: 3. Test and completed excavation for HP connections to hydrants. 4. Assisting National Grid with MOT equipment and labor for their gas main
replacement. GR-2140: 5. Completed installation/testing of gas and sanitary for west end of UT-2
underneath GR-2155 road shift. 6. Installed approximately 150 ft of gas, sanitary and water mains along east
end of UT-2. 7. Continued excavation, SOE installation and utility removal/protection along
center portion of UT-2 trench. GR-2141: 5. Installation of water mains along east face of garage is continuing. 6. Installation of sanitary lines along north and east face of garage has begun
and is ongoing. 7. Remobilized to P3 lot to continue excavation for Storm tie in at MH-14 GR-2142: 5. Installation of water and sanitary lines along north and east face of future
WPG is ongoing 6. Begin mobilizing between Term B departure ramp and ATCT for future gas,
5KV and comm ductbank installation.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
West Roadways GR-2133.01: 2. Draft QAD paperwork provided to PA. QAD scheduled for 12/2/16.
2. Completed paving and overhead signs. 3. Temp lighting and MOT devices are being installed. 4. Traffic shift scheduled for 12/10/16.
4. Shifted Buttonhook B and LaGuardia Road the south side of the parking lot 3.
5. Made changes in the P3 lot to prepare for Central Terminal Drive closing, taxi reroutes, and activation of Buttonhook D.
6. Shifted GCP traffic away from the median to gain access to L26 Pier 1. GR-2173.01
1. Pre-excavated and removed all obstructions in preparation for pile driving.
2. Installed monitoring devices to get baseline readings in advance of pile driving.
East Roadways GR-2149: Completed Phase 1 west parapet demolition at 102nd St. Bridge. Completed Phase 1 concrete deck demolition at 102nd St. Bridge. Completed load transfer onto temporary shoring to facilitate Phase 1 steel demolition at 102nd St. Bridge. Began Phase 1 steel demolition at 102nd St. Bridge. Began temporary support of communication cables in conjunction with Phase 1 steel demolition at 102nd St. Bridge. Continued pile driving for Bridge L38 Piers 1A, 4, and 5. GR-2150: Began pile driving for Bridge L38 Pier 6 and East Abutment. GR-2172: Completed relocation of water main to facilitate Phase 1 demolition of 102nd St. Bridge. Continued relocation of communication cables, including trenching across roadways and installing new manhole. GR-2133.02: SWJV is currently working with DJV to resolve MOT and temporary drainage designs according to field discovered conditions in the area travelling underneath 102nd St. Bridge. This will facilitate the northern shift of LaGuardia Access Road allowing SWJV to drive piles at L32-P05, L32-Abutment 2, and L38-P02, along with beginning ground improvement work west of L32- Abutment 2.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
GR-2182.01: Installed barriers and signage to establish work zone in Parking Lot #4 for commencement of work on GR-2164.01. GR-2164.01: Began pre-excavation for Bridge L31 and L37 pile caps. GR-2155: Realigned LGA Access Road, widened the buttonhook and activated the new TC-212 signal. Activated the left turn onto the 102nd Street Bridge.
Hangar 5A 11. Ductwork and sprinkler piping installation ongoing on both floors 12. Demolition and removal of the existing freight elevator 13. Wall framing on the second floor 14. Floor leveling completed on the second floor 15. Start of electrical wiring - main panel distribution 16. Crawl space fireproofing ongoing 17. Plumbing piping installation
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Section 7c: Status of Procurement Services Update 7 Procurement continues for the following: P3 TPA • No specific procurement packages have been bought out this month.. Airside • Lightweight Cellular Fill Subcontractors in procurement. CHRP • Masonry
• Waterproofing • Roofing • Process Mechanical • Electrical • HVAC • Elevator • Fireproofing
Head House • Structural Steel- Commercial terms negotiation ongoing. • Material and Personnel Hoist – Bids received and scope reviews ongoing.
Anticipate award at end of December 2016. • Spray Fireproofing – Bid package released • Waterproofing – Bids received. Scope reviews ongoing. Anticipate award Jan.
1, 2017. • Baggage Handling System – Bid package released and mid-bid meetings
held. Bids are due December 2016. Frontage Roads • Piles- Bid package is complete and contract issued.
• FRS Prestressed Girders- Bid package complete and contract is in the process of execution.
• Structural Steel- The bid solicitation process is underway for the GR-2127.01 package.
• Concrete- Bid package complete. SWJV has completed contract negotiations to supply all concrete needs across the project.
• Steel Reinforcement- Bid package complete. • Bridge Scuppers – A bid package for the Roadway geographies was
completed and a contract is in the process of being issued. Bid solicitation for the FRS/GR-3139.02 is underway for the trench drain systems.
• Bridge Bearings – Bid package is complete and contract issued. Concourse B • Concourse B electrical bids were received on December 9th, 2016. Airport Systems • Airport Operational System (AOS) Contract Award agreement reached with
LGP. • Outside Plant Fiber Splicing Contract has been signed by the subcontractor,
and is now awaiting Executive signature. • The Passive Optical Network (LNet PON) and PAWANET Site Wide
Communication bid package was issued to bidders December 9th, 2016. • Backbone Communication Network bid package is under development, and is
tentatively scheduled to be issued on December 23rd, 2016. • The Back of House Cellular Distributed Antenna System (DAS) and WiFi bid
proposal was received on October 14th, 2016, and is under review and
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
negotiation. Terminal Operator Radio DAS is an Add/Alternate. • PSLS Radio & DAS Smarts & Parts bid proposal was received on November
6th, 2016 and is under review and negotiation. The tentative date for issuing the Installation bid package is December 23rd, 2016.
• Public Address System (PAS) Smarts and Parts bid package issued to bidders on December 6th, 2016.
• Fire Alarm System (FAS) bid package issued to bidders on December 16th, 2016.
• Security Systems Bid Package is being prepared for bid. The tentative date for issuing bid package in December 23rd, 2016.
• Building Management System (BMS) is being prepared for bid. The tentative date for issuing bid package is December 23rd, 2016.
NI Building 30 • No specific procurement packages have been bought out this month. West Parking Garage Procurement:
• Structural Steel – Complete • Curtain Wall – Complete • Fire Protection – Complete • Plumbing – Complete • Underground Electrical - Complete • General Trade package – Complete • Masonry – Complete • Generator & Substation – Ongoing • Intumescent Painting – Complete • Waterproofing – Complete • HVAC – Complete • Electrical/IT&ES – Ongoing. • Final Inspection will be scheduled before the end of the year. Fabrication: • Fabricated 725+ Double Tee members - Jersey Precast – Hamilton NJ • Fabricated 110+ I-T/L Beam members - Jersey Precast – Hamilton NJ • Fabricated 45+ Wall Panels – Jersey Precast/CSS – Bethel, PA • Fabricated 50+ Columns – Jersey Precast – Hamilton, NJ • Fabricated 21+ Moment Frames – Jersey Precast – Hamilton,NJ • Fabricated 10+ Stairs Jersey Precast/CSS – Bethel, PA • Fabricating Aluminum fin types (35%) – Bunting – Verona, PA
Utility Trunk Line • No specific procurement packages have been bought out this month. West Roadways No specific procurement packages have been bought out this month. East Roadways • No specific procurement packages have been bought out this month. Hangar 5A • No specific procurement packages have been bought out this month.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
Section 8: Activity Codes and WBS Structure
Currently, the following codes are in use: AREA: The Project Team shall use this code to divide the items of work into different
subprojects within the Project such as CHRP, Concourses, Utility Trunk Line. BIM: This code shall be used by the BIM Project Team to develop the 4D schedule. CE (replaces IMPACT code in draft submission): This code shall be used to track activities
added to the schedule due to a change order CONTRACT: The Project Team shall use this code to distinguishes the scope of work
between P3 New Facilities and New Improvements DESIGN STAGE: The Project Team shall use this code to assign phasing for the various design
stages such as schematic design, construction documents, and review stages. EPC: This code will classify if an activity is for Engineering, Procurement, or Design.
Additionally, it will identify Permits, Shop Drawings, Surveys, MEP Coordination, Fabrication, ORAT, etc.
GATE: This code will be assigned to gate opening activities. INTERFACE: This code will be assigned to all activities which affect more than one subproject
as well as interface work with Delta LOCATION: The Project Team shall use this code to further break identify specific areas (ie
3rd Floor). PHASE: The Project Team shall use this code to correlate schedule activities, where
applicable, to the LGA Phasing Plan MINOR MILESTONES: Identifies MPT Shifts, Utility Turnover, Gate Openings, White Box
turnover MPT: This code will be assigned to all activities reflecting MPT shifts. PERSON RESPONSIBLE: The Project Team shall use this code to assign Area Lead within the
Skanska Walsh JV. RESPONSIBILITY - FIRMS: The Project Team shall use this code to track project stakeholders
scope of work. SUBMITTAL #: The Project Team shall use this code to correlate submittals to PANYNJ with
the corresponding PANYNJ tracking number. SUBMITTAL TYPE: The Project Team shall use this code to correlate submittal types to
PANYNJ with the corresponding PANYNJ tracking number (MWA, TAA, Stipulated Plan, etc). SUBMITTAL REV: The Project Team shall use this code to correlate the submittal revision
number with the corresponding PANYNJ tracking number.
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
SUBMITTAL SCOPE: The Project Team shall use this code to correlate submittal scope to PANYNJ with the corresponding PANYNJ tracking number (PNTP, D&C).
TAA: The Project Team shall use this code to correlate design submittals with the corresponding Tenant Alteration Application submittal.
TRADE: The Project Team shall use this code to assign scopes of construction work such as demolition, roofing, windows, etc.
UPDATE: The Project Team shall use this code to track the progression and changes to the schedule work once the baseline is approved.
The WBS structure has been setup in five (5) major categories:
1. Overall Summary a. This WBS level provides the user a quick overall summary of the major milestones of
the Project as it relates to PNTP b. A Level 1 schedule representative of the entire PNTP scope has also been added in
this level to provide a quick snapshot of the PNTP portion of the Project.
2. New Improvements by PA’s Contracts: a. Under this level, the user is quickly able to access all third (3rd) party contracts run by
the Port Authority that have an influence on the Project.
3. Pre-Construction Phase - Sitewide a. Under this level, the user can find all design and procurement work as it relates to the
Project. b. This level has been organized based on the different phases of the Project
i. Sitewide Survey ii. Early Design iii. Sitewide Design/TAA/Procurement – This level is for all design and
procurement that affects both the New Facilities (P3) and New Improvements (NI) portion on the Project
iv. Submittals for General Administration v. Submittals for Operation Requirements
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
vi. Permitting
4. P3 Construction Phase a. Under this level, the user can find all construction activities for the New Facilities
Area as work in the order of construction phasing: i. Interim Pier A ii. Sitewide Enabling Works/Demolition/Logistics iii. CHRP & Cooling Tower iv. Headhouse v. Frontage Roadway Construction vi. Concourse B vii. Concourse A viii. Pedestrian Bridges ix. Airside Apron
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
5. New Improvements Phase a. Under this level, the user can find all construction activities for the New
Improvements i. Building 30 ii. West Parking Garage iii. New Improvements – Utility Trunk Line Relocation iv. New Improvements – Roadway Network v. Central Hall
6. BIM Use Only a. Under this level, BIM team will be using grouped activities to setup the structure for
the 4D Model
Update 7
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Response to Schedule Update 7
Data Date: December 31, 2016
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Executive Summary
Our observations on SWJV’s Schedule Update 7 are comprised of the following sections:
Section 1a: Verification of Milestone Dates - We verify the Guaranteed New Facilities
Construction Milestone Completion Dates provided in Schedule Update 7 and compare those
dates to the 5/31/16 Baseline. All six of the Guaranteed New Facilities Construction Milestone
Completion Dates are ahead of schedule, ranging from 3 to 9 days, with the first milestone 7
days ahead of schedule.
Section 1b: Current Critical Path - The critical path for Schedule Update 7 is shown.
Our observations then address project-specific items. Each project has a dedicated section in
which we provide responses and comments. We address statements made in SWJV’s Schedule
Update 7 Narrative with “responses” and we address any additional PANYNJ comments on
items shown in Schedule Update 7 with “comments”.
Due to the schedule review cycle, Schedule Updates 5, 6 and 7 have not addressed all of the
PANYNJ observations and comments initially presented for Schedule Update 4. Any
PANYNJ observation not addressed in subsequent schedule updates are restated in this
Our report concludes with four appendices that highlight technical issues found in the P6 file:
Activities with Remaining Duration of Zero and No Actualized Finish
Activities with Start on Data Date and No Actualized Start
Activities with Actual Start and/or Finish Dates after Data Date
Activities with Actual Cost recorded and No Actualized Start
LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project
Update 7
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Summary of Outstanding PA Requests – Schedule Update 6
Please identify any PA inspections (whether QAD, FPU or Other) as "PA Inspections". This
will differentiate them from SW-internal pre-inspections, or EOR inspections.
Summary of Outstanding PA Requests – Schedule Update 5
As described in detail in Section 1c, Concourse B, Response 1, and West Parking Garage,
Responses 1 & 2 of our observations, SWJV’s Schedule Update Narratives provide
insufficient information regarding schedule changes. Furthermore, the appendices provided
do not provide the necessary information - e.g. the entire airside work scope was re-
sequenced in Update 5, however the list of Logic Changes in Appendix 8 does not include
any airside activities.
In order to mitigate these issues, please address the following in subsequent updates:
1. For Section 3b: Logic Changes and Schedule Development of the SWJV Narrative, if a
major logic change or resequencing is implemented, please identify the activity IDs
of the activities involved in the logic change, and describe how the sequence has
been revised. If activities are added, please note their activity IDs.
2. For Section 3c: Activities Not Started or Completed as Scheduled of the SWJV Narrative,
if work is progressing out of sequence, please identify what work is being referred to
and provide activity IDs.
3. For Section 4a: Potential Schedule Risks and Opportunities, please identify any
activities added to the schedule to accommodate a potential risk (i.e. National Grid
issue UT-C6170).
There are a number of instances of “reusing” activity IDs; the same activity IDs appear in
consecutive updates with completely different activity descriptions, WBS location, logic
relationships etc. (please refer to Concourse B Response 4 for specific examples). This
makes it difficult to compare updates month-to-month as P6 Baseline Comparison matches
data with the same Activity ID. Please refrain from reusing activity IDs. If this is not
possible, please identify these activity IDs and note changes.
The supporting documents that were provided for Schedule Update 5 were helpful. For each
project, please provide sequencing layouts that illustrate SWJV’s proposed work plan.
Summary of Outstanding PA Requests – Schedule Update 4
Schedule Update 4 Narrative includes unclear and unsupported assertions regarding drivers o