18 de febrero de 2015 - stagathas.orgstagathas.org/media/1/18/ch009 0215 PDF(1).pdf · the first...

-Georgie Davis -Giovanni Garcia -Gladys Green -Glen Arellano -Gloria Sanguillen -Guadalupe Morales -Henre Dorsey -Jack & Michael Stokes -Jaime Rubalcava -Joan McLaughlin -Joseph & Denise Guillian -Juanita Rubalcava -Julia Ureña -Linda Guillian -Lorraine Duperon -Lucy Rodriguez -Manuela Montenegro -Maria Luna -Maria Perez -Mariana Reynoso -Martha Dorsey -Maura Fitzgerald -Michelle Porter -Miguel Alfredo Piliado --Mykhail J. Thomas -Norma Barker -Oscar Barbosa -Alfio Mazzei -Allie Smith -Alicia Jimenez Bravo -Anabel Manriquez -Andres Luna -Archie Brown II -Arlasha Allen -Barbara Harvey -Bertha Antee -Camille F. Schrader -Carlos Antonio Vasquez -Charley Johnson -Christina Paul -Constantino Perez -Damacio Horta -Darwin Varela -Dustin, Gabriel, Carmelo, and Jorge Theresa and Marie Guillian -Devina Molette-Ford -Dominique Barksdale -Edwin Raland -Edwin Rivas -Edy Becker -Elsa Perez -Elvia Herrera -Gabriel y Miralda Tahan -Pam Terry -Patrick Fitzgerald -Paula Dupre Moore -Peggy Anderson -Penelope Mendoza -Rafael Segura -Raymond Almeida -Rene Huton -Ricardo Morales -Rita N. Ashe -Ronald Mayberry -Rose Thierry -Sophie Demarcos -Sergio Villanueva -Sevarina Legaspi -Sheri Marshall -Silvia Esquivel -Sylvia Smyles -Teresa Casaus -Timothy Akens -Juan Madariaga -Terry Ally Sr. -Dorothy McDonald -Juanita Orozco -Virginia Gadison -Nyniece Micheaou T he meditations on "life's struggle" this weekend are touching. The first reading is about the struggle of the leper in a world that is afraid of him and shuns him. (A word of historical theology: it was believed that leprosy was caused by a "poor use of the tongue," either through lying, gossip, or even telling the truth in hurtful ways. So, the "generic leper" we meet in the first reading is a person who struggles to control his/ her tongue...can ANYbody relate? The leper is "put out of the camp" until he/she can learn to appreciate the worth of the people they were degrading in their speech.) Notice, though, that there is "struggle" at every turn in that read- ing. The second reading comes from a section in I Corin- thians that deals with boastful people--braggarts--whose "tongues" get away from them! They always think they know more than anyone else...and they want to know why they can't eat meat that had been offered to idols (since that was what was served in restaurants and sold in the markets), since they "KNEW" the idols were noth- ing...Well Paul gives arguments for NOT eating that meat, but then, in this "conclusion" agrees that it is per- missible, but that all that one does should be for GOD'S glory, not our own--which brings us back to the braggart that started the argument! Again, a struggle with the tongue! And we get to the Gospel where Jesus heals a leper, but tells him to say nothing about it, yet he does--he CAN'T control that tongue!--it's what made him a leper in the first place! We see a man struggling. Can you see any- thing about yourself in any of these vignettes? Unite your struggles to Christ's sacrifice in the Mass, you'll find it healing and strengthening. - Fr. Bill Axe L a meditación de las “luchas de la vida” del día de hoy es estremecedora. La primera lectura es sobre el leproso a quien la gente le tiene miedo y lo aísla. (Un poco de historia teológica: Se creía que la lepra era causa del mal uso de la lengua, en decir mentira, por chismes o por decir la verdad de una manera que lastima. Así que el leproso de la prime- ra lectura no puede controlar su lengua… ¿se relacionan a esto? Sacan al leproso del campamento para que aprenda cómo valorar a las personas a quienes él me- nospreció). Vean, sin embargo, que hay una “lucha” en cada parte de la lectura. La segunda lectura viene del segundo libro de Corintios sobre personas habladoras. ¡Fanfarrones que no pueden controlar su lengua! Siem- pre creen que saben más que los demás… y quieren sa- ber que no pueden comer carne que ha sido ofrecida a los ídolos (esto era lo que se vendía y se servía en los mercados), ya que sabían que los ídolos no significaban nada. Bueno, Pablo indica que no se debería de comer esa comida, pero al último dice que sí es permitido, pe- ro que todo lo que uno hace será por la Gloria de Dios y no por la nuestra. ¡Lo cual no trae de regreso al habla- dor quien empezó todo esto! ¡Otra vez una lucha con la lengua! Y llegamos al Evangelio donde Jesús sana a un leproso y le indica a que no diga nada, pero sí dice algo, ¡No puede controlar la lengua! ¡Es lo que lo hizo un leproso en primer lugar! Vemos a un hombre que lucha. ¿Se pueden relacionar con alguna de estas anécdotas? Unan sus luchas en el sacrificio de Cristo en la Misa, encontrarán sanación y fortaleza. -Padre Bill Axe “Compassion is about making the “Compassion is about making the “Compassion is about making the connection between the heart of connection between the heart of connection between the heart of my being and the heart of yours, my being and the heart of yours, my being and the heart of yours, and following that connection.” and following that connection.” and following that connection.” - John Philip Newell John Philip Newell John Philip Newell From From From The Rebirthing of God The Rebirthing of God The Rebirthing of God

Transcript of 18 de febrero de 2015 - stagathas.orgstagathas.org/media/1/18/ch009 0215 PDF(1).pdf · the first...

Page 1: 18 de febrero de 2015 - stagathas.orgstagathas.org/media/1/18/ch009 0215 PDF(1).pdf · the first reading is a person who struggles to control his/ ... Vemos a un hombre que lucha.

-Georgie Davis -Giovanni Garcia -Gladys Green -Glen Arellano -Gloria Sanguillen -Guadalupe Morales -Henre Dorsey -Jack & Michael Stokes -Jaime Rubalcava -Joan McLaughlin -Joseph & Denise Guillian -Juanita Rubalcava -Julia Ureña -Linda Guillian -Lorraine Duperon -Lucy Rodriguez -Manuela Montenegro -Maria Luna -Maria Perez -Mariana Reynoso -Martha Dorsey -Maura Fitzgerald -Michelle Porter -Miguel Alfredo Piliado --Mykhail J. Thomas -Norma Barker -Oscar Barbosa

-Alfio Mazzei -Allie Smith -Alicia Jimenez Bravo -Anabel Manriquez -Andres Luna -Archie Brown II -Arlasha Allen -Barbara Harvey -Bertha Antee -Camille F. Schrader -Carlos Antonio Vasquez -Charley Johnson -Christina Paul -Constantino Perez -Damacio Horta -Darwin Varela -Dustin, Gabriel, Carmelo, and Jorge Theresa and Marie Guillian -Devina Molette-Ford -Dominique Barksdale -Edwin Raland -Edwin Rivas -Edy Becker -Elsa Perez -Elvia Herrera -Gabriel y Miralda Tahan

-Pam Terry -Patrick Fitzgerald -Paula Dupre Moore -Peggy Anderson -Penelope Mendoza -Rafael Segura -Raymond Almeida -Rene Huton -Ricardo Morales -Rita N. Ashe -Ronald Mayberry -Rose Thierry -Sophie Demarcos -Sergio Villanueva -Sevarina Legaspi -Sheri Marshall -Silvia Esquivel -Sylvia Smyles -Teresa Casaus -Timothy Akens -Juan Madariaga -Terry Ally Sr. -Dorothy McDonald -Juanita Orozco -Virginia Gadison -Nyniece Micheaou

T he meditations on "life's struggle" this weekend

are touching. The first reading is about the

struggle of the leper in a world that is afraid of

him and shuns him. (A word of historical theology: it was

believed that leprosy was caused by a "poor use of the

tongue," either through lying, gossip, or even telling the

truth in hurtful ways. So, the "generic leper" we meet in

the first reading is a person who struggles to control his/

her tongue...can ANYbody relate? The leper is "put out of

the camp" until he/she can learn to appreciate the worth of

the people they were degrading in their speech.) Notice,

though, that there is "struggle" at every turn in that read-

ing. The second reading comes from a section in I Corin-

thians that deals with boastful people--braggarts--whose

"tongues" get away from them! They always think they

know more than anyone else...and they want to know why

they can't eat meat that had been offered to idols (since

that was what was served in restaurants and sold in the

markets), since they "KNEW" the idols were noth-

ing...Well Paul gives arguments for NOT eating that

meat, but then, in this "conclusion" agrees that it is per-

missible, but that all that one does should be for GOD'S

glory, not our own--which brings us back to the braggart

that started the argument! Again, a struggle with the

tongue! And we get to the Gospel where Jesus heals a

leper, but tells him to say nothing about it, yet he does--he

CAN'T control that tongue!--it's what made him a leper in

the first place! We see a man struggling. Can you see any-

thing about yourself in any of these vignettes? Unite your

struggles to Christ's sacrifice in the Mass, you'll find it

healing and strengthening. - Fr. Bill Axe

L a meditación de las “luchas de la vida” del

día de hoy es estremecedora. La primera

lectura es sobre el leproso a quien la gente le

tiene miedo y lo aísla. (Un poco de historia teológica:

Se creía que la lepra era causa del mal uso de la lengua,

en decir mentira, por chismes o por decir la verdad de

una manera que lastima. Así que el leproso de la prime-

ra lectura no puede controlar su lengua… ¿se relacionan

a esto? Sacan al leproso del campamento para que

aprenda cómo valorar a las personas a quienes él me-

nospreció). Vean, sin embargo, que hay una “lucha” en

cada parte de la lectura. La segunda lectura viene del

segundo libro de Corintios sobre personas habladoras.

¡Fanfarrones que no pueden controlar su lengua! Siem-

pre creen que saben más que los demás… y quieren sa-

ber que no pueden comer carne que ha sido ofrecida a

los ídolos (esto era lo que se vendía y se servía en los

mercados), ya que sabían que los ídolos no significaban

nada. Bueno, Pablo indica que no se debería de comer

esa comida, pero al último dice que sí es permitido, pe-

ro que todo lo que uno hace será por la Gloria de Dios y

no por la nuestra. ¡Lo cual no trae de regreso al habla-

dor quien empezó todo esto! ¡Otra vez una lucha con la

lengua! Y llegamos al Evangelio donde Jesús sana a un

leproso y le indica a que no diga nada, pero sí dice algo,

¡No puede controlar la lengua! ¡Es lo que lo hizo un

leproso en primer lugar! Vemos a un hombre que lucha.

¿Se pueden relacionar con alguna de estas anécdotas?

Unan sus luchas en el sacrificio de Cristo en la Misa,

encontrarán sanación y fortaleza. -Padre Bill Axe

“Compassion is about making the “Compassion is about making the “Compassion is about making the connection between the heart of connection between the heart of connection between the heart of my being and the heart of yours, my being and the heart of yours, my being and the heart of yours, and following that connection.” and following that connection.” and following that connection.”

--- John Philip NewellJohn Philip NewellJohn Philip Newell From From From The Rebirthing of GodThe Rebirthing of GodThe Rebirthing of God

Page 2: 18 de febrero de 2015 - stagathas.orgstagathas.org/media/1/18/ch009 0215 PDF(1).pdf · the first reading is a person who struggles to control his/ ... Vemos a un hombre que lucha.

E n el Evangelio del día de hoy, Jesús revela

algo de él mismo al sanar al leproso. Escu-

chamos en la primera lectura que los que

tienen lepra se debería de aislar de los demás ya que

están impuros. Un sacerdote es quien los declara puros o

impuros, y cuando están sanados, los sacerdotes anun-

cian si están ya curados. Pero Jesús hace algo muy dife-

rente en el Evangelio.

El leproso busca a Cristo con la fe que Él los puede

curar y no los sacerdotes, de que Jesús lo sanará y lo re-

unirá de nuevo con la comunidad. Él le dice al leproso

que vaya con el sacerdote para que lo declara sano, pero

Jesús hace algo más superior: Él cura todo eso que nos

impide a que seamos parte del pueblo de Dios.

Jesús hace lo mismo con nosotros como al leproso

en los sacramentos: Se nos curan nuestras debilidades

para que otra vez seamos parte de la comunidad.

Que tengan una semana bendita,

Hermana Karen Collier

C hrist reveals something about himself in today's

Gospel through his actions with a leper. We

hear in the first reading that those with leprosy

are to remove themselves from others because they are

unclean. It is the duty of the priest to declare these people

unclean and if cured, proclaim them clean. But Jesus does

something quite different in the Gospel.

The leper comes to Christ with the faith that, unlike

the priests, Jesus has the power to make him clean, to

reintegrate him into the community. He tells the leper to

go to the priest, because he is the one who can declare

him "clean", but he gives himself a much higher role: he

is the one who heals those things that keep us from being

a part of God's people.

In the sacraments, Jesus does for us what he does

for the man in the Gospel: we are healed of our infirmities

so that we can again become a part of the community.

Have a blessed week, Sr. Karen Collier


To build and foster a Christian Community that To build and foster a Christian Community that To build and foster a Christian Community that offers the opportunity to experience offers the opportunity to experience offers the opportunity to experience GodGodGod’s uncon-’s uncon-’s uncon-ditional love and acceptance to all who come into ditional love and acceptance to all who come into ditional love and acceptance to all who come into

contact with it.contact with it.contact with it.

Construyendo y alimentando una comunidad cris-Construyendo y alimentando una comunidad cris-Construyendo y alimentando una comunidad cris-tiana que ofrezca la oportunidad de experimentar tiana que ofrezca la oportunidad de experimentar tiana que ofrezca la oportunidad de experimentar el amor incondicional de Dios y la aceptación a el amor incondicional de Dios y la aceptación a el amor incondicional de Dios y la aceptación a

todos con quienes nos encontremos.todos con quienes nos encontremos.todos con quienes nos encontremos.

Together in Mission 2015

Today, let’s reflect on Catholic churches and schools that

are in risk of closing or in need of repairs. Please take a

moment to pledge for our Together in Mission and help

our neighbor churches and schools. Thank you for your

support and generosity.

Unidos en Misión 2015

El día de hoy, reflejemos sobre las iglesias y escuelas

Católicas que están a riesgo de cerrar o que necesitan repa-

raciones. Por favor de tomar tiempo y llenen la tarjeta de

promesa para Unidos en Misión y ayudemos a nuestras

iglesias y escuelas. Gracias por su apoyo y caridad.

Sunday, February 8 $7,640.00

Online Giving $545.00

Sunday, February 1 $8,684.50

Online Giving $1,245.00

Sunday, January 25 $8,038.00

Online Giving $400.00

“The giver of alms should be free of anxi-

ety and full of joy. His gain will be greatest when he keeps back

least for him/herself.” - St. Leo the Great

"El que practica la cari-

dad debe estar libre de ansiedad y lleno de

alegría. Su recompensa

será mayor cuando deja lo menos para sí mismo"

-San León Magno


In honor of President’s Day, the parish offices will

be CLOSED on Monday, February 16th.


En honor del dia de los Presidentes, nuestras oficinas

estarán CERRADAS el lunes, 16 de febrero.

Page 3: 18 de febrero de 2015 - stagathas.orgstagathas.org/media/1/18/ch009 0215 PDF(1).pdf · the first reading is a person who struggles to control his/ ... Vemos a un hombre que lucha.


Our church family is invited to participate and join in

celebration of Black History Moth.


Fundraiser continues TODAY, Sunday, February 15,

after the 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Mass.



MOVIE NIGHT Join us for our Movie Night, “The Butler”. An inspiring movie

about Cecil Gaines, who serves eight presidents during his

tenure as a Butler at the White House.

February 21, 2015, in the St. Agatha Parish Hall.

Door open at 5:30 p.m. and the Movie will start at 6:30 p.m.

(The movie is 2:18 hrs long and we will have a brief

intermission.) NO CHARGE for the movie, in honor of

Black History Month. $4.00 for dinner.

Monday Soup Supper Schedule Place: Parish Hall Time: 7:00 p.m.

February 23— “Prayer Before the Cross”

March 1 to 4 — “Parish Mission”

March 9— Sr. Maureen Patroni, CSJ

March 16— Rev. Guillermo Garcia of Mount St. Mary’s University

SUNDAY, March 22—Rev. Jim Clark 3-5pm with small reception, followed by 5:30 Liturgy

Penance Service March 23, at 7:00 p.m., in the Church

March 30—Rev. Jim Heft

Horario de las Sopas Pobres Lugar: Salón Parroquial Tiempo: 7:00 p.m.

23 de febrero—”Oración ante la Cruz”

1 a 4 de marzo—”Misión Parroquial”

9 de marzo— Hermana Maureen Patroni, CSJ

16 de marzo—Rev. Guillermo Garcia De la Universidad de Mount St. Mary

DOMINGO, 22 de marzo—Rev. Jim Clark Presentación de 3-5pm y liturgia a las 5:30 pm

Servicio de Penitencia / Confesiones 23 de marzo a las 7:00 p.m., en la Iglesia

30 de marzo—Rev. Jim Heft

Ash Wednesday Schedule February 18, 2015

8:00 a.m. Mass with Ashes 12:00 p.m. Ashes

6:30 p.m. Mass with Ashes (Spanish) 7:30 p.m. Ashes (Spanish)

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. - John 14: 6

Horario para el Miércoles de Ceniza 18 de febrero de 2015

8:00 a.m. Misa con Cenizas (inglés) 12:00 p.m. Cenizas (inglés)

6:30 p.m. Misa con Cenizas (español) 7:30 p.m. Cenizas (español)

—Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida —le contestó Jesús—. Nadie llega al Padre sino por mí. - Juan 14, 6

Bulletin Editor’s February 2015 Reading

The Rebirthing of GOD by John Philip Newell

Acclaimed author John Newell invites us to reconnect with our

Christian roots and to be closer to God.

January: The Holy Longing by Fr. Ronald Rolheiser

Lectura para Febrero—Elección del Editor

Mi vida con los santos, por P. James Martin S.J.

Los santos son más que puras estatuas, los santos vivieron co-

mo nosotros, aprende más de sus vidas.

Enero: La experiencia transformadora, por Paprocki

Congratulations to Our

2015 Pastor’s Awards Recipients:

Rudy & Odris Williams, Ana Garcia, Eva Barrera, and Nicolette Ballou.

Mrs. Cleo Pierre will receive a special award for her life time of service to St. Agatha.

Join us to celebrate the much deserved recognition

that will grant these parishioners and disciples in

Christ who for many years have been loyal to St.

Agatha and his ministry. Let’s support them join!

Mark your calendars!

March 21, 7:00 PM at St. Agatha In the Herbert Johnson Parish Hall

Felicidades a las Personas que

Recibirán un Reconocimiento Pastoral 2015:

Odris y Rudy Williams, Ana Garcia, Eva Barrera y Nicolette Ballou. La Sra. Cleo

Pierre recibirá un premio especial por su tiem-po, dedicación y servicio en Santa Águeda.

Ven con nosotros a celebrar el reconocimiento pas-

toral estos feligreses y discípulos de Cristo que por

muchos años han sido leales a Santa Águeda y a su

ministerio. ¡Venga a apoyarlos! ¡Apunten en sus ca-


21 de Marzo, 7:00 P.M.

En el Salón Parroquial

Page 4: 18 de febrero de 2015 - stagathas.orgstagathas.org/media/1/18/ch009 0215 PDF(1).pdf · the first reading is a person who struggles to control his/ ... Vemos a un hombre que lucha.





Thank you Spanish Eucharistic

Ministry for the donation of sand-

wiches for our guests.

We have served hot coffee to our

guest twice. Both times was dur-

ing the heavy rain. They loved

it. If anyone would like to con-

sider maybe donating a hot urn of

coffee one Saturday our guests

would love it.

We have found in serving that it

does not take much it seems to

please our guests and put a smile

on their faces and help them to

feel special. They know that on

Saturday they can come to the

Grotto and not only get needed

food for their body but spiritual

nourishment for the spirit. They

smile, they laugh and they know

they are respected and

loved.. We have found that some

of our guests when they first

come seem angry and hos-

tile. After coming a few times

and seeing that they are treated

with dignity, respect, love and

encouragement they seem to relax

and they are smiling and talking

and helping us clean up when we

are finished, When we have

enough volunteers we attempt to

have table games with can-

dies and small prizes for the

children. They love this attention

and we love it that we are helping

them to interact with each other

and we see happy, smiling ex-

cited youngsters who

are enjoying themselves. Unfor-

tunately we haven't been able to

be consistent in doing this be-

cause we don't always have

enough volunteers. Anyone with

patience who would like to vol-

unteer 4--5 in the Grotto is wel-

come. We

have table games. We do need

small prizes like the rubber brace-

lets and wrapped candies. Call

Margie 323 935 8127 for in-

quiry. It's fun and our Saturday

children are such a joy.

The Saturday Meal Schedule has

been published in the Bulletin

several times in Janu-

ary. Please keep this schedule to

see when the ministry that you

belong to are scheduled to serve

and check with the Ministry

Leader to see what is

needed. Our guests count on the

Saturday bag meal, this for

some are their meal for the

week. Yep two sandwiches, 1

top Ramen Soup packet, 1 juice 1

water fruit and dessert that with

the produce that is available is

made to stretch for the

week. This is hard to imagine but

it is true. Sometimes we receive

a blessing from our church fam-

ily members like Betty B when

she attends meetings where there

are leftover box lunches she has

them donated to us or when the

Religious Ed have leftover sand-

wiches or food they donate it to

us or someone that works at a

bakery will brings us bread and

God bless our wingless an-

gel Maria D every week before

she comes home from work she

stops and picks up boxes of do-

nated coffee shop pastries

The entire church family has

ownership in the S.H.A.R.E. Out-

reach Ministry. We are thriving

and being sustained by God's

grace and your reaching out in

love, compassion and caring to

make and be the difference in the

name of Jesus for our guests and

others who are in need/ Amen.

As you journey remember that

God is our provider and He can

do anything . He will give

you support in what you think is

an impossible situation. He will

guide the steps of your love

one. If you were not able

to complete your God assignment

for today He will give you an-

other day to work on it. Our God

is awesome., He can move that

mountain. All you "gotta" do is

ask. Amen


The S.H.A.R.E.


Thank you for your support

Thank you for supporting our “Celebrating Love and Friendship Dinner Dance”! We had a great time and we

hope to count on you again next year.

We thank the Valentine’s Team for planning this event: Abraham Estevez, Cedric Joins, Gloria Walker, Lil-iana & Raul Rodriguez, Luz Cervantes, Ron Mayberry, Teresa Amezcua, and Enrique Reyes.

¡Gracias por su apoyo!

Gracias por apoyar nuestra “Cena y Baile Celebrando el Amor y la Amistad.” Tuvimos un buen tiempo y esperemos

contar con ustedes el próximo año.

Les damos gracias al Equipo de San Valentín por pla-near este evento: Abraham Estevez, Cedric Joins, Gloria Walker, Liliana & Raúl Rodriguez, Luz Cervantes, Ron Mayberry, Teresa Amezcua y Enrique Reyes.

February 21—Eucharistic Ministry Contact:: Ruby A. February 28—Confirmation Yr. 2 Contact: Gricelda

St. Patrick’s Celebration

The St. Patrick’s Committee is planning our Annual St. Pat-rick’s Celebration on Sunday, March 15, 2015. We are look-ing for sponsors, volunteers and members who would like to join in the planning. Please contact Dónal “Sully” O’Sullivan at (323) 899-0317.

Celebración de San Patricio

El Equipo de San Patricio está planeando nuestra Celebra-ción Anual de San Patricio el domingo 15 de marzo de 2015. Estamos buscando patrocinadores, voluntarios y miembros para planear la celebración. Favor de contactar a Donal O’Sullivan al (323) 899-0317.

Thank You—Casino Run and WYD 2016

Our young ladies who are going to World Youth Day Poland 2016 to see the Pope, would like to thank eve-ryone who helped them fundraise: $797.00 by going to our Casino Run to Harrah’s. May God bless you abun-dantly.

Gracias— Casino y Jornada Juvenil 2016

Nuestras señoritas que irán a la Jornada Mundial Juve-nil Polonia 2016 para ver el Papa, les da gracias en re-caudar $797.00, a través de nuestro viaje al Casino Harrah. Que Dios los bendiga abundantemente.

Page 5: 18 de febrero de 2015 - stagathas.orgstagathas.org/media/1/18/ch009 0215 PDF(1).pdf · the first reading is a person who struggles to control his/ ... Vemos a un hombre que lucha.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Prevención del Suicidio 1-888-628-9454

Aplica para una Licencia de Conducir

Sigue estos pasos:

1. Marcar una cita para ir a una oficina local del DMV

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3. Completar una solicitud para licencia de conducir

(formulario DL 44)

4. Presentar prueba de identidad y residencia de Califor-

nia bajo la AB 60 (ejemplo: Matrícula Consular)

5. Pasar un examen de la vista

6. Pasar el examen escrito para obtener la licencia

7. Dar su huella dactilar y tomarse una fotografía (se hace

en el DMV)

8. Marcar una cita para el examen práctico de manejo al


Llama a la oficina de DMV: 1-800-777-0133


Apply for Your Original Driver License

Follow these steps:

1. Study for the driver license knowledge test

2. Make an appointment before visiting a DMV office

3. Complete a driver license application form (DL 44)

available at the DMV office

4. Under AB 60, applicants will need to provide DMV

with: Proof of identity and California residency

5. Pass a vision test, knowledge test, and if applicable, a

road sign test

6. Give a thumb print

7. Have a picture taken

8. Schedule a future appointment for the behind-the-

wheel driving test, if applicable

Call the DMV Office: 1-800-777-0133


Lenten Mission

"Our End is Our Beginning:

A Spirituality of the Cross"

Sunday, March 1st through Tuesday, March 3rd

(in English) 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

by Sister Hilda Mateo, MGSpS, D.Min.

Biography of Sr. Hilda Mateo Hilda is a workshop facilitator and di-

rector of on-going formation for the US

province of her religious community,

Missionary Guadalupanas of the Holy

Spirit (MGSpS). Sister Hilda is origi-

nally from Miami, FL, born of Cuban

parents, is bilingual, bi-cultural and has

focused her pastoral ministry in lay

leadership formation with the Guadalu-

pan event as a paradigm and pedagogy

for developing and organizing evangel-

izing, justice-oriented communi-

ties. She worked for nine years in the

Diocese of Pueblo, CO addressing cul-

ture, faith and immigration in the devel-

opment of an adult faith formation pro-

gram in Spanish for Hispanic ministers

in Southern Colorado. Hilda has been a

member of her religious community since 1994 and in

2008 received her Doctorate in Ministry, with a concen-

tration in US Latino/a theology from Barry University

(Miami Shores, Fl). She resides in Los Angeles.

Misión Cuaresmal

"Nuestro Fin es Nuestro Principio:

La Espiritualidad de la Cruz"

Miércoles, marzo 4 a Viernes, marzo 6

(en español) 7:00 a 9:00 pm.

por la H. Hilda Mateo, MGSpS, D.Min.

Biografía de la Hermana Hilda Mateo Hilda es facilitadora de talleres y direc-

tora del programa de formación perma-

nente para su comunidad religiosa, Mi-

sioneras Guadalupanas del Espíritu San-

to (MGSpS) en la provincia de Estados

Unidos. La H. Hilda es originaria de

Miami, Florida, de padres cubanos, es

bilingüe, biocultural y ha centrado su

ministerio pastoral en la formación de

líderes laicos, tomando el Hecho Guada-

lupano como paradigma y pedagogía

para la organización y desarrollo de co-

munidades evangelizadoras. Ella tra-

bajó durante nueve años en la Diócesis

de Pueblo, Co-integrando las experien-

cias de cultura, fe e inmigración en el

desarrollo de un programa de formación

de ministros Hispanos adultos en espa-

ñol en el sur de Colorado. Hilda ha sido

miembro de su comunidad religiosa desde 1994 y en 2008

recibió su Doctorado en Ministerio, con una concentra-

ción en teología Hispana en EE.UU. de la Universidad de

Barry (Miami Shores, Florida). Vive en Los Ángeles.

Page 6: 18 de febrero de 2015 - stagathas.orgstagathas.org/media/1/18/ch009 0215 PDF(1).pdf · the first reading is a person who struggles to control his/ ... Vemos a un hombre que lucha.

Pastoral Staff Directory Pastoral Office (323) 935-8127

(323) 743-8127 (text messages)

St. Agatha's Web: www.stagathas.org

Sat February 14 ╬ Sábado 14 de Febrero

5:30 p.m. Our Parish Family

Sunday February 15 ╬ Domingo 15 de Febrero Lv 13: 1-2. 44-46/ Ps 32: 1-2. 5-11 Cor 10 / Mk 1: 40-45

7:00 a.m. Juan Abel Westbrook † - A petición de su familia

7:00 a.m. Luis y Concepcion Alvarado

(Aniversario de Boda) - A petición de sus amigos

8:30 a.m. Jose Covarrubias † -

10:00 a.m. Marth “Marty” Dougherty † - Requested by Lucy Palermino

10:00 a.m. Dr. Adediji Soremekun † - Requested by Joan Ty

10:00 a.m. Gorgonia Ty † - Requested by Joan Ty

12:15 p.m. Glen Arellano (por su salud)

Y Gladys Arellano † - A petición de la familia Arelllano

12:15 p.m. Roxana Juarez y Julio Martinez

(Aniversario de Boda) - A petición de Maria Juarez

5:30 p.m. Our Parish Family

Monday, February 16 ╬ Lunes 16 de Febrero Gn 4: 1-15. 25/ Ps 50: 1 and 8. 16bc-17. 20-21/ Mk 8: 11-13

6:30 p.m. Our Parish Family

Tuesday, February 17 ╬ Martes 17 de Febrero Gn 6: 5-8; 7: 1-5. 10/ Ps 29: 1-3, 9c-10/ Mk 8: 14-21

6:30 p.m. Nuestra Familia Parroquial

Wed, February 18 ╬ Miércoles 18 de Febrero GJl 2: 12-18/ Ps 51/ 2 Cor 5: 20 -- 6:2/ Mt 6: 1-6.16-18 Ash Wednesday. Day of fast (ages 18-59) and abstinence

from meat (age 14 and up).

Thursday February 19 ╬ Jueves 19 Febrero Dt 30: 15-20/ Ps 1: 1-2. 3. 4 and 6/ Lk 9: 22-25 6:30 p.m. Servicio de Comunión

Friday, February 20 ╬ Viernes 20 de Febrero Is 58: 1-9a/ Ps 51: 3-4. 5-6ab. 18-19/ Mt 9: 14-15

6:30 p.m. Our Parish Family

Pastoral Office Hours Monday - Friday • Lunes - Viernes

10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Saturday • Sábado

9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Sundays @ the Placita Office

8:00 am - 10:00 am & 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Mass Times / Tiempos de Misa

Mon: 6:30pm (En) Tues: 6:30pm (Sp)

Wed: 8:00am (En) Thurs: 6:30pm (Sp)

Fri: 6:30pm (Bl) Sat: 5:30pm (En/Vigil)

Sun: 7:00am (Sp), 8:30am (En)

10:00am (En/Gospel) 12:15pm (Sp) 5:30pm (En)

Confession / Confesiones

Saturday/Sábado: 4:40pm

Submit a bulletin Announcement

[email protected]

[email protected]


Sr. Karen Collier

Parish Life Director

Ext. 227

[email protected]

Fr. Bill Axe

Priest Ministry

Ext. 223

[email protected]

Dn. Ricardo Recinos

Hispanic Apostolate

(323) 935-1308

[email protected]

Enrique Reyes

Parish Business Manager

Ext. 224

[email protected]

Teresa Amezcua

Director of Faith Formation

(323) 933-0963

[email protected]

Gricelda de la Cerda

Faith Formation Assistant

(323) 933-0963

[email protected]

Emmanuel Montenegro Receptionist

Ext. 221

[email protected]

Maggie Arellano

Youth Ministry

Ext. 240

[email protected]

Eddie Hilley

Music Ministry Director

(323) 935-2853

[email protected]

Welcome to St. Agatha Catholic Church!

We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you

here celebrating with us, whether longtime residents or newly

arrived in the parish.

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Next Sunday Readings -Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 22, 2015 Gn 9: 8-15/ Ps 25: 4-5. 6-7. 8-9/ 1 Pt 3: 18-22/

Mk 1: 12-15