170816 Worksheets Wholefoods Additives...They interfere with the metabolic processes of life by...

WHOLEFOODS Additives WHOLEFOODS: Additives 1

Transcript of 170816 Worksheets Wholefoods Additives...They interfere with the metabolic processes of life by...

Page 1: 170816 Worksheets Wholefoods Additives...They interfere with the metabolic processes of life by taking the place of a natural substance that performs a critical function. And that



WHOLEFOODS: Additives 1

Page 2: 170816 Worksheets Wholefoods Additives...They interfere with the metabolic processes of life by taking the place of a natural substance that performs a critical function. And that

Food additives

The Major cause of disease...- Chemical Preservatives- Artificial Sweeteners- Hydrogenated Oils- Gelatin- MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)- Artifical Colors- Pesticides- GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)

Chemical preservatives

Sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate are preservativesfound in pickles, flour, margarine, fruit juices, beer, salad dressing, soy sauces, toothpastes, mouthwashes and medicine. Sheffield University cites lab tests that suggest Benzoates are known to cause leukemia, cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson’s disease.Sodium benzoate also triggers allergies.

Sodium Sulfite is a common food preservative used in dried fruit, canned olives and peppers, corn syrup, vinegar and wine.Noted side effects of sodium sulfite include headaches, joint pain, heart palpitations, allergies and cancer.

BHA and BHT are synthetic preservatives. They commonly appear in cereals, chewing gum, vegetable oil, potato chips, snack foods and meats.The International Agency for Research on Cancer claims that BHA and BHT carry carcinogenic properties linked to cancer and other chronic diseases.

Sodium Nitrate is used in curing meats such as ham, beef, bacon, sausage and bologna.The FDA notes it can also worsen asthma and decrease lung function. Animal testing has shown that it has caused high rates of cancer.Germany and Norway have banned these food preservatives.

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Page 3: 170816 Worksheets Wholefoods Additives...They interfere with the metabolic processes of life by taking the place of a natural substance that performs a critical function. And that

There are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption. It seems surreal, but true. How can one chemical create such chaos?Aspartame dissolves into solution and can therefore travel throughout the body and deposit within any tissue. The body digests aspartame unlike saccharin, which does not break down within humans

Artificial Sweeterners

This category of non-nutritive, high-intensity sugar substitutes includes:ASPARTAME, ACESULFAME-K, NEOTAME, SUCRALOSE, and ALITAME.

Splenda side effectsBetter to use Splenda as an ANT Killer! Sucralose (Splenda)may result in shrunken thymus glands, impaired immune system and enlargement of liver and kidneys (New Scientist,Nov 23, 1991). Evidence that there are side effects of Splenda is accumulating little by little. For example,Sucralose has been implicated as a possible migraine trigger.Self-reported adverse reactions to Splenda or sucralose collected by the Sucralose Toxicity Information Center include: Skin rashes/flushing; Panic-like agitation; Dizziness and numbness; Diarrhea; Swelling; Muscle aches; Headaches; Intestinal cramping; Bladder issues and stomach pain.These show up at one end of the spectrum — in the people who have an allergy or sensitivity to the sucralose molecule.But no one can say to what degree consuming Splenda affects the rest of us, and there are no long-term studies in humans with large numbers of subjects to say one way or the other if it’s safe for everyone.Nowhere in nature can you find chlorine in food or drinks. Splenda DESTROYS your digestive system.


When aspartame is taken into a lab and heated to 30 degrees it turns into formic acid, formaldehyde and ethyl alcohol.These drinks can be sold chilled and are not toxic but because your body is 36 degrees this liquid soon becomes highly toxic and can cause the following side effects:

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Aspartame poisoning is commonly misdiagnosed because aspartame symptoms mock textbook ‘disease’ symptoms, such as the below:Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Lyme Disease Alzheimer’s Disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Epstein-Barr Grave’s DiseaseAttention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Fibromyalgia Post-Polio Syndrome Meniere’s Disease Epilepsy LymphomaNon-Hodgkins Hypothyroidism Lupus

Any of these symptoms sound familiar?What are your thoughts on ways you can avoid these sweeteners?

Eyes Ears Neurologic Psychological/Psychiatric

Blindness in one or both eyes, decreased vision and/or other eye problems such as blurring, bright flashes, squiggly lines, tunner vision, pan in one or both eyes, decreased tears, bulging eyes.

Tinnitus - ringing or buzzing sound, severe intolerance of noise; marked hearing impairment.

Epileptic seizures, headache, migraine, drowsiness, sleepiness, paresthesia or numbness of limbs, severe slurring of speech, severe hyperactivity and restless legs, atypical facial pain, severe tremors.

Severe depressing, irritability; agression, anxiety, personality changes, insomnia; phobias.

Palpitations, tachycardia, shortness of breath, recent high blood pressure.

Nausea, diarrhea; sometimes with blood in stools, abdominal pain, pain when swallowing.

Loss of control of diabetes, menstrual changes, marked thinning or loss of hair, marked weight loss, gradual weight gain, aggraveted low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) severe PMS.

Itching without a rash, lip and mouth reactions, hives, aggravated respiratory allergies such as asthma.

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Page 5: 170816 Worksheets Wholefoods Additives...They interfere with the metabolic processes of life by taking the place of a natural substance that performs a critical function. And that

Hydrogenated Oils (Plastic)

Hydrogenation is the process of heating oil and passing hydrogen bubbles throught it.

The fatty acids in the oil then acquire some of the hydrogen, which makes it more dense. (Plastic) If you fully hydrogenate, you create a solid (plastic) out of the oil. But if you stop part way, you create a semi-solid partially hydrogenated oil that has a plastic consistency like butter, only it’s a lot cheaper.Unlike butter or virgin coconut oil, hydrogenated oils contain high levels of trans fats - which the Body has a very hard time getting rid of! A trans fat is a fatty acid that has been “transmogrified”, by high-heat processing of a free oil.They let foreign invaders pass unchallenged, and they stop supplies at the gates of the cells instead of letting them in. In short, trans fats are poisons, just like arsenic or cyanide. They interfere with the metabolic processes of life by taking the place of a natural substance that performs a critical function. And that is the definition of a poison.Your body has no defense against them, because they never even existed in our two billion years of evolution - so we’ve never had the need or the opportunity to evolve a defense against them. But the worst part is that in the last stages of oil processing (or “refining”), the oil is literally steam distilled to remove its odor. So it doesn’t smell. But hydrogenated oil is much worse than rancid butter. If it did smell, it would smell worse than the most rancid butter you’ve ever smelt. That goes for all refined oils, not just the hydrogenated ones. It’s just that hydrogenated oils are everywhere in the American & Australian diet.So the next time you see “partially hydrogenated oil” on a label, think “rancid butter”..

Some examples that may contain Hydrogenated oilsCake mixes, biscuit, pancake and cornbread mixes, frostings, frozen bakery products, toaster pastries, waffles, pancakes, cookies, muffins, pies, donuts, Whipped toppings, Crackers, Margarines, shortening, Peanut butter (except fresh-ground), Instant mashed potatoes, Frozen entrees and meals, Taco shells, Cakes, most prepared frozen meats & fish (such as fish sticks) French fries, Cocoa mix, Microwave popcorn

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I know a lot of people that go to the health store, gym, convenient store and buy these ‘supposed’ health/protein bars. A few are good, some not so good and most of them down right HORRIBLE!Companies that do make a good bar over time start to change ingredients to save money and most companies are using denatured protein (Gelatin/Collagen) that the Human Body cannot use.

Gelatin (Collagen)

Call it hydrolyzed gelatin, hydrolyzed collagen or whatever you choose, it all amounts to the same… Left over remains of dead animals hooves, skin, nose, eyes, whatever isn’t generally considered fit for human consumption.Many protein bars use hydrolyzed gelatin pretty high up on their ingredient listing, often as high as the second or third ingredient.

Have you eaten a protein bar or jelly lolly recently?

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Page 8: 170816 Worksheets Wholefoods Additives...They interfere with the metabolic processes of life by taking the place of a natural substance that performs a critical function. And that

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)

Dr. John Erb. was a research assistant at the University of Waterloo,and spent years working for the government. He made an amazingdiscovery while going through scientific journals for a book he was writing called “The Slow Poisoning of America”. In hundreds of studies around the world, scientists were creating obese mice and rats to use in diabetes test studies. No strain of rat or mice is naturally obese, so the scientists had to create them by adding MSG to their food.The MSG causes the rats to become addicted to the food and MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas produces, causing the rats (and humans) to develop diabetes and become morbidly obese.

ALWAY contain MSG FREQUENTLY contain MSGHydrolyzed Vegetable Protein Malt ExtractHydrolyzed Protein Malt FlavoringHydrolyzed Plant Protein Brouillon BrothPlant Protein Extract Stock FlavoringSodium Caseinate Natural Flavors/FlavoringCalcium Caseinate Natural Beef or Chicken FlavoringYeast Extract SeasoningTextured Protein (Including TVP) Spices Autolyzed Yeast BHTHydrolyzed Oat FlourCorn Oil

Have you eaten something recently that didn’t taste ‘that’ great but you just couldn’t stop?

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The September 2007 issue of the Lancet Medical Journal now provides a clear demonstration that changes in behavior can be detected in three-year-old and eight-year-old children who ingest these artificial processed food additives.

Psychology Professor James Stevenson of the University of Southampton and colleagues conducted tests on more than 300 children. They found significant differences in the children’s behavior when they drank fruit drinks with a mixture of common processed food additives including artificial food colorings and chemical preservatives.

“These findings show that adverse effects are not just seen in children with extreme hyperactivity (such as ADHD) but can also be seen in the general population and across the range of severities of hyperactivity,” the researchers wrote in their study. The team of researchers commented that, “the implications of these results for the regulation of food additive use, could be substantial”.

ADHD = Artificial Diet Hyperactivity Disorder

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Artificial Colors (Coal Tar)

List of drinks or foods you may be using now with artificial colours.

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Page 11: 170816 Worksheets Wholefoods Additives...They interfere with the metabolic processes of life by taking the place of a natural substance that performs a critical function. And that

The Effects of Herbicides and Pesticides on Humans

Endocrine Disruptor

The endocrine system is a messaging system that uses hormones and the bloodstream to convey responses throughout the body. A 1999 Pesticides News article classifies pesticides as endocrine disruptors. The action of these chemicals has been described as able to mimic the effects of human estrogen or testosterone; additionally, they are disruptive to the synthesis and breakdown of both estrogen and testosterone. The major endocrine glands include the pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries and testes. Adults can be affected by these chemicals. The article suggests however, that the effects that accumulate over the years in a developing person or during the intricate in-utero developmental process are far more dangerous. It has been found that animals and humans exposed to these chemicals in the womb are at a high risk of developing deformed reproductive anatomies, defects or alterations in sexual behavior, sperm counts, metabolism and brain development.


Many studies of pesticides and herbicides have been performed on the workers and handlers of these chemicals, such as farmers and their families. However, a 2010 Organic Consumers Association article by Dan Sharpley notes that a specialized type of cancer known as acute lymphoblastic leukemia is assumed to be directly linked to pesticide exposure in a normal, non-agriculture setting. They add that pesticides are not directly causative and that genetic susceptibility also plays a role.

Autism and ADHD

Many pesticides, and thus herbicides, are petroleum-based. Petroleum, as a fat-soluble substance, has long-term effects in the body because it remains in fat-laden tissues, like the brain and adipose cells, for a long period of time. Children are noted by the Pesticide Action Network to be at a higher risk for brain development and functional issues associated with pesticides, due to a higher consumption by children of such chemicals. The article notes that, when comparing food and air consumption on a pound to pound basis in children versus adults, children are more greatly exposed to environmental pesticides and herbicides. As such, the article lists that neurological developmental issues, such as autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, are more prevalent when exposure to pesticides during critical periods of brain development has occurred. Moreover, a 2010 Pediatrics journal article theorized that organophosphates, a class of pesticide, may contribute to the prevalence of ADHD; exposure to this pesticide is most common in American children in the 8- to 15-year-old age group. However, additional research is needed to confirm a causal relationship.

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Other Effects

The diversity of pesticides and the way that each person metabolizes them may shed light on their diverse actions and detrimental effects in the body. The HistoryofWaterFilters.com website lists alachlor, atrazine, endothall, lindane and methoxychlor as commonly used herbicides and insecticides. Outside of their major effects on the endocrine system and their role in inducing neurological issues and childhood cancers, the site lists other non-specific effects of ingestion as eye, liver, kidney or spleen problems. They additionally describe anemia, cardiovascular, stomach and intestinal problems as related to pesticide exposure.

GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) reported that “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food”, including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system.

Since then, findings include: • Thousands of sheep, buffalo, and goats in India died after grazing on GM cotton plants. • Mice eating GM corn for the long term had fewer, and smaller, babies. • More than half the babies of rats fed GM soy died within three weeks. • Testicle cells of mice and rats on a GM soy change significantly • By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies. • Rodents fed GM corn and soy showed immune system responses and signs of toxicity. • Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced. • The stomach lining of rats fed GM potatoes showed excessive cell growth, a condition that may lead to cancer.

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