17 May 2020 Order of Service - ORPC | English Congregation · Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark...

2 17 May 2020 Order of Service Prelude Welcome/Opening Prayer Hymn of Praise Worthy of Worship Scripture Reading 1 Cor 11:2-16 Sermon Living under God's Created Order Hymn of Response Jesus Calls Us Announcements & Offertory Benediction Postlude 2

Transcript of 17 May 2020 Order of Service - ORPC | English Congregation · Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark...

Page 1: 17 May 2020 Order of Service - ORPC | English Congregation · Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark Blankenship. All music used by permission. CCLI #341866. Hymn of Praise &? bbb


17 May 2020

Order of Service


Welcome/Opening Prayer

Hymn of Praise Worthy of Worship

Scripture Reading 1 Cor 11:2-16

Sermon Living under God's Created Order

Hymn of Response Jesus Calls Us

Announcements & Offertory




Page 2: 17 May 2020 Order of Service - ORPC | English Congregation · Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark Blankenship. All music used by permission. CCLI #341866. Hymn of Praise &? bbb


“What is the Gospel?” Phil. 1:27 How can Christians recognise the true gospel from false or shallow ones? For informed Christians, a false gospel might include claims that Jesus was just a good man, a prophet, or a teacher, but he was not God. A shallow gospel might make claims that are true, but just does not reflect the whole Bible’s teaching on the subject, saying things like “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life,” or “God wants you to be healthy and prosperous.”

If you accept a shallow gospel, you’ll end up with a shallow spirituality. The gospel is the DNA upon which the church and the Christian life hangs. So, what is the gospel? The gospel is the royal announcement that God’s Kingdom has come to us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. And by faith in him, resulting in repentance, you can be saved and share the blessings that God has for you.

The gospel is the story of God saving a broken world fractured by sin. It is his plan to restore and renew the world through the person and work of Jesus Christ. So, by faith or trust in him, we might come into a right relationship with God. However, the crucial point that I wish to make here is that the gospel is not just the minimum doctrine we have to believe in for salvation (e.g., 1 Cor. 15). It is much more than that. The gospel is good news because it transforms our lives now. According to Paul in Phil. 1:27, Christians who live a life of faith should “conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel.” We are saved by believing in the gospel, but true saving faith must result in transformation and good works.

That means the gospel must permeate all areas of our lives. It means true believers will imbibe the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit, and live the life that God wants to produce in us. We become the type of people that God intends for us to be, when we live out this gospel faith. The life of discipleship then is the process by which we are being conformed to image of Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:29).

A major problem is that Christians do not look all that different from the world. As such, we have to be more counter-cultural. The best way to do that is to follow Jesus, and allow the gospel to determine our beliefs, values, and lifestyles. If Christians are to make a difference, we have got to be different! We must begin with understanding what the gospel is, so we may cultivate our spiritual life around it. 3

Page 3: 17 May 2020 Order of Service - ORPC | English Congregation · Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark Blankenship. All music used by permission. CCLI #341866. Hymn of Praise &? bbb


SERMON OUTLINE 17 MAYLiving under God's Created Order1 Cor. 11:2-16

Introduction: the head covering and what it conveys

Glorify God and honour Him by

1. Living under His creation order of gender-distinction

2. Living under the gospel order of mutual interdependence



Page 4: 17 May 2020 Order of Service - ORPC | English Congregation · Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark Blankenship. All music used by permission. CCLI #341866. Hymn of Praise &? bbb

18-23 MAYBible Readings & Prayer Points MondayRead 1 Cor. 11:17-20. In what way does Paul describe the Corinthians’ observance of the Lord’s Supper?Pray for university students who are graduating at this time of economic crisis that they will put their trust in God in seeking employment.

TuesdayRead 1 Cor. 11:21-22. What does Paul rebuke the Corinthians for?Pray for grieving families who have lost their loved ones to the COVID-19 that the presence and comfort of the Holy Spirit will be with them.

WednesdayRead 1 Cor. 11:23. What is the basis of Paul's authority? How did he correct the Corinthians regarding the Lord's Supper?Pray for the Congregational Care (CC) committee members that as they meet tonight, God will grant them wisdom as they discuss how to come up with innovative initiatives to care for ORPC members and worshippers amid the Circuit Breaker measures.

ThursdayRead 1 Cor. 11:23-26. What are the purposes of the Lord’s Supper? Pray for vitality, renewal and a focused vision for our pastors and leaders so that our church can be seen as a caring community that furthers His Kingdom and fulfils His purposes.

FridayRead 1 Cor. 11:27-28. How did the Corinthians abuse the Lord's Supper?Pray for all of us that we will seek God and His kingdom first in everything we do, and that we will encounter Him in our lives.

SaturdayRead 1 Cor. 11:29-34. Why were many of the Corinthians weak and sick?Pray for today’s SoCM’s second session of the 4-session series The Westminster Shorter Catechism and today’s M2W’s talk Caring for the Vulnerable. Pray for a meaningful and fruitful time of learning for both programmes.


Page 5: 17 May 2020 Order of Service - ORPC | English Congregation · Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark Blankenship. All music used by permission. CCLI #341866. Hymn of Praise &? bbb


MINISTRY THIS WEEKDate Time Event VenueSun 17 9:00 am Sunday Worship Service Online

9:00 am Youth Service Online10:00 am Post-Service Fellowship & Prayer Online10:30 am Youth Fellowship Time Online

Tue 19 11:00 am Pastoral Staff Prayer Meeting Online

Wed 20 12:00 pm Wednesday Noon Prayer Time Online

2:00 pm Pastoral Staff Meeting Online

7:30 pm Congregation Care Com Meeting Online

Thu 21 7:30 pm Choir Meeting Online

Sat 23 11:00 am SOCM Online Class Online

2:00 pm M2W Fellowship Online

2:00 pm Handbells Online


TARGET 01.1.20- 31.12.20 $1,800,000.00


TARGET TO 10.05.2020$657,692.31


RECEIVED TO 10.05.2020$522,304.33


YTD SURPLUS / (SHORTFALL)($135,387.98)


ChurCh EvEnt in junE 2020

6 Jun (Sat) 2pm (online) Annual Congregational Meeting

Page 6: 17 May 2020 Order of Service - ORPC | English Congregation · Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark Blankenship. All music used by permission. CCLI #341866. Hymn of Praise &? bbb

ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR OUR ACTION SOCM ONLINE CLASSES ON WESTMINSTER SHORTER CATECHISM (23 MAY, 13, 27 JUN @11-11:45AM)Register at bit.ly/RegSOCM and the Zoom Meeting Links will be sent to you.

ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING (6 JUN)Notice is hereby given that ORPC Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM), formally known as AGM, will be held on Sat, 6 Jun at 2.00pm. Due to the COVID-19 situation, we are making arrangements to hold a virtual ACM, if necessary. The Notice and Agenda of Meeting is included as an insert to this Bulletin. If you wish to obtain a copy of the Annual Report 2019, either in soft or hard copy, please complete the Request Form by Wed, 27 May at https://orpc.sg/ar2019Queries concerning the Annual Report may be submitted at https://orpc.sg/ar2019/query by Wed, 27 May.The Annual Congregational Meeting Announcement page (https://orpc.sg/acm2020) will be updated with information about the conduct of the ACM as and when they become available.

COMPLETION OF MEMBERSHIP CLASSOn behalf of the church, the leaders and pastors congratulate the 15 candidates who have completed the class.We look forward to welcome them as official members into our family here in ORPC on Membership Sunday when physical church services resume.

SMALL GROUP MEETINGLet us not give up meeting together (online) in this period. It is even more important than ever that we be connected in small groups to care and pray for one another, and study God’s Word together. Join a small group by emailing [email protected] or sms/whatsapp Dcn Hui Ru at 9627 2147.


Date Time Event VenueSun 17 9:00 am Sunday Worship Service Online

9:00 am Youth Service Online10:00 am Post-Service Fellowship & Prayer Online10:30 am Youth Fellowship Time Online

Tue 19 11:00 am Pastoral Staff Prayer Meeting Online

Wed 20 12:00 pm Wednesday Noon Prayer Time Online

2:00 pm Pastoral Staff Meeting Online

7:30 pm Congregation Care Com Meeting Online

Thu 21 7:30 pm Choir Meeting Online

Sat 23 11:00 am SOCM Online Class Online

2:00 pm M2W Fellowship Online

2:00 pm Handbells Online

Page 7: 17 May 2020 Order of Service - ORPC | English Congregation · Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark Blankenship. All music used by permission. CCLI #341866. Hymn of Praise &? bbb

All music used by permission. CCLI #341866.Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark Blankenship.

Hymn of Praise







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Worthy of Worship

Page 8: 17 May 2020 Order of Service - ORPC | English Congregation · Words by Terry W. York. Music by Mark Blankenship. All music used by permission. CCLI #341866. Hymn of Praise &? bbb

All music used by permission. CCLI #341866.

Hymn of Response

Words by Cecil F. Alexander. Music by William H. Jude.