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The Astral Gemstones One Ratti = 120 mg One Carat = 200 mg Natural Gemstones are found in the womb of the earth. Since time immemorial, Gemstones have been the valuable possessions of the rich and the kings. There are many kinds of Gemstones found in nature. Some of them are precious stones, because of their rarity and subsequently their value. The others were categorized as the semi-precious stones, because of their ample availability and subsequently their price. Each of these stones have their own quality and property, by way of colour, luster, clarity, and appearance. Here, I shall only describe the astrological Gemstones, their qualities, properties, appearance and merits. The value of these Gemstones will vary from country to country, and it is generally difficult to fix a price for a particular Gemstone, specially the precious ones. However, there is a general yardstick by which all the Gemstones are assessed and evaluated. They are the four C's. Namely Colour, Cutting, Clarity, and Carat. A stone may generally be of some colour, but the depth of the colour would make a difference. For example, an Amethyst is generally of a violet colour, but from some different mines, it may be of a deep violet or purple colour. Then the cutting makes a difference. A Gemstone sparkles and reflects it's own light because of it's cutting. The cutting is called facets. These facets reflect the colours. Greater the facets, greater the reflection. Clarity means transparency. All Gemstones have some inherent inclusions and spots. Again, greater the clarity, higher the value. Lastly, the weight. All Gemstones are measured in Carat weight. Therefore, bigger the Gemstone, bigger the bill! The quality of gems are graded on the basis of four qualities, known as the "four C's." They are1. Color 2. Clarity 3. Cut 4. Carat (size) The foremost things to understand by gems are that they are graded on the basis of their rarity. What is best for a native may not be the top or rarest grade of a gem. Hence the term "quality" does not necessarily mean that one gem is better than another. There are plenty of varieties found in a mineral deposit. So one of the first things to notice is the size variation. Conversely, simply being larger does not mean that it is better. For Purpose of astrological gems the most important criteria are as follows: Let us learn more about the 4 Cs Color Colors are described by three factors: Hue- (red, green, blue, etc.) Saturation- (strong or pastel, red or pink.) Tone- (light to dark.) Usually, stones with high values possess pure hues and strong rich colors. With high value gems, subtle variations make a significant difference in price. It is not possible for a layman to see the difference, but to the expert grader it is important. On moderate priced gems, color has less affect on value. It is the other factors of size; clarity and cutting that determine the gem's value.

The best example can be taken of diamond whereas the color is concerned. Diamonds are evaluated on how close they are to being colorless. There are three grades of colorless that only vary by subtle differences in transparency. Then there are four grades of white. It takes an expert in laboratory surroundings to differentiate between these grades, excluding each represents a change in value. Clarity Gemstones contain a wide variety of inclusion, like little bits of minerals, hollow areas, or fractures. An inclusion is defined as anything that will hamper with the free passage of light. Tiny color differences have a significant affect on value. Again the best examples of this are diamonds. There are several rankings where the inclusions are invisible to the naked eye and have no affect on the beauty of the stone. Yet the difference in value is significant because something that is very difficult for an expert to find with 10-power magnification and something that is easy to find with enlargement hold enough importance. Most colored stones are simply graded as "eye clean," slightly, moderately, or heavily included. Gems with eye visible inclusions are always lower in value, but the change is not applied equally. The clarity of certain gems cannot be compared with other gems. If you want a certain gem without any eye visible inclusions, you are restricted to go for small stones. Similarly if you want a larger gem then you will have to accept a certain amount of inclusions and get its value through it color. But fractures and cracks are not at all permitted in astrological gems. Cut The cut of a gemstone is also one of the most important factors in its appearance. It is also one of the most complicated factors for the amateurs to judge due to the number of disparities involved. Usually some gems are cut in free form but most are planned to be cut in a symmetrical shape. Primarily it should be proportioned in all directions. It is for the wearer to decide that what will be the effect of the shape over the appreciation of the stone. A gem should be always inspected with magnification. The areas of light reflection should be smooth and mirror like. If it is a faceted gem, look at the part junctions also. A well-cut stone will be crisp and collaborate on a single point. The individual facets sometimes also affect the brilliance of the gem. A fair idea of the cutting quality of a gem can be acquired by comparing it with other gems, but within similar stones. A topaz will never have the brilliance of an amethyst and dark stones will not be as bright as light colored ones. A cutting can have great effect on the two different gems; one might have much more brilliance and sparkle than the other on because of expert cutting. Carat Here a simple rule is followed; larger stones are less common than small ones. Hence, they demand a superior price per carat. For example a half-carat gem will be of half of the rate than that of a full carat gem. The choice of the correct size can be subjective. Large gem mirrors are more suitable for daring and energetic individual, whereas, small stones are suitable for natives with subtle and understated flavor.Smaller stones have a significant advantage over pricing and budget . The reason is that volume goes up faster than the outside dimensions.Small gems are often clustered to give the illusion of more gemstone. But for astrological purpose a single diamond is

necessary and not clusters of small diamonds making up the weight. Clarity Scale IF Extra Fine Quality. These gems have microscopic inclusions which are difficult to slightly difficult to see under a loupe with 10X magnification. VVS1 Extra Fine Quality. Small pin-pricks are just visible to the scrutiny of the close nake eye. However, the beauty of the gem is not diminished in anyway VVS2 Very Fine Quality. Small pin-pricks are just visible to the scrutiny of the close nake eye. However, the beauty of the gem is not diminished in anyway VS1 Good Quality. Small pin-pricks and feathers are just visible to the scrutiny of the close nake eye. However, the overall beauty of the gem is still not diminished VS2 Good Quality. These gems have inclusions which are fairly easy to see to the close naked eye. However the overall beauty of the gem is still high. SI1-2 Good to the medium qualities. Included gems with internal features that range from eye visible to easily seen to the naked eye. Opaque/Translucent Highly included,Translucent

DIAMOND DIAMOND - (Specific gravity - 3.52, refractive index - 2.42) Diamonds are the most expensive of all the precious stones. Chemically, it is just plain carbon. White Diamonds of a flawless quality are considered the best, and the most expensive. KNOW MORE BLUE SAPPHIRE BLUE SAPPHIRE - (Specific gravity - 4.03, refractive index - 1.76) Sapphires come in many colours, but the three principal colours are Blue, Yellow and White. Sapphires belong to the Corundum group of stones and can be pink, violet, light blue, dark blue, yellow or green. KNOW MORE YELLOW SAPPHIRE YELLOW SAPPHIRE - (Specific gravity - 4.03, refractive index - 1.77) Yellow Sapphires are nice sparkling light yellow coloured stones. There are some stones in the market, which are coloured or dyed through heating process. This is done to darken the colour of the Gemstones, so that they could be sold for a higher price. KNOW MORE

WHITE SAPPHIRE WHITE SAPPHIRE - (Specific gravity - 4.03, refractive index - 1.76) White Sapphires are just like the yellow sapphire, beautiful, sparkling but white in colour. A finely cut White Sapphire can be mistaken for a Diamond. Of course, people in this business would know the difference. KNOW MORE RUBY RUBY (Specific gravity - 4.03, refractive index - 1.77) Ruby is the Gemstone for the planet Sun. Rubies come in colours ranging from light pink to a dark maroon shade. They are not entirely transparent, but translucent. Clearer the stone, dearer the value .The best colour of Ruby is that of a pomegranate fruit. KNOW MORE PEARL PEARL (Specific gravity - 1.5 to 2.86, hardness - 3.5 to 4) Pearls are found under the sea, and are formed naturally, over the period of years. They are a product of Mollusk, a shell fish. They are therefore of an organic origin. The Pearl Oyster belongs to the Mussel family. Pearls come in various sizes and shapes. KNOW MORE RED CORAL RED CORAL - (Specific gravity - 2.65, hardness - 3.25) Corals come from the deep seas, and are a natural growth. Coral is a calcareous skeleton like deposit of the Coral polyp and mostly composed of Calcium secreted from the seawater. They come usually in Red colour, but they are White coloured too. The Red colour is due to a pigmentation effect. KNOW MORE WHITE CORAL WHITE CORAL (Specific gravity - 2.65, hardness - 3.25) White Coral is another substitute for the Diamond and White Sapphire. This is worn for the planet Venus. White Coral is always set in Silver, and is to be worn on the middle finger, or else in a pendent. The recommended weight is anything between six carats to fifteen carats. KNOW MORE HESSONITE HESSONITE - (Specific gravity - 4.2 to 4.5, refractive index - 1.81) This is a stone, which is transparent, clear, and the colour varying from light honey to a dark brown, depending upon the mines. Hessonite resembles a Garnet, and is sometimes called Hessonite Garnet. KNOW MORE CAT'S EYE CAT'S EYE - (Specific gravity - 3.75, refractive index - 1.74) The Cat's eye is a stone belonging to the Crysoberyl group. It is an Aluminate of Beryllium. It is also called Cymophane. Cat's eye comes in colours ranging from yellowish green to light brownish green. KNOW MORE EMERALD EMERALD (Specific gravity - 2.69, refractive index - 1.58) Emeralds are probably the most hypnotic stones and come under the precious

category. They are a beautiful parrot green in colour, transparent and may have some vein like inclusions in them. KNOW MORE AMETHYST AMETHYST (Specific gravity - 2.65, refractive index - 1.54) Amethysts are a lovely deep violet to purple in colour, and are commonly worn as jewellery. These stones are absolutely clear and transparent and are easily available. KNOW MORE TOPAZ TOPAZ (Specific gravity - 3.53, refractive index - 1.61) Topaz is a beautiful golden yellow coloured stone, and is generally clear and transparent. It has a very rich look and is comes under the secondary precious stone category, as it is on the slightly expensive side. KNOW MORE MOONSTONE MOONSTONE (Specific gravity - 2.57, refractive index - 1.52) Moonstones are non transparent stones, usually found in good crystals of monoclinic system. These stones usually have a milky sheen. Sometimes, a bluish opalescence is caused due to the reflection of light from the very thin layers of which the stone is composed. KNOW MORE AQUAMARINE AQUAMARINE - (Specific gravity - 2.70, refractive index - 1.57) Aquamarine is a lovely greenish-blue stone, which is absolutely clear and transparent. These stones also belong to the Beryl group and come under the precious category. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gemstones Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma Throughout the ages, gemstones have been seen as representations of wealth and power. Symbols of supremacy like crowns and richly decorated clothes and robes have traditionally been adorned with jewels. But gemstones are not just for the wealthy or scientifically-minded researcher, the common man can also to enjoy the beauty of these gems. The gemstones appeal initially due to their mysterious nature, lustre and colour. This makes them exquisite but their rarity, hardness and durability makes them very valuable. Gemstones are minerals. Out of a total of more than 2500 different minerals, only about 60 odd are commonly used as gemstones. Other minerals are unsuitable as gems because they are too soft and get scratched easily.

What are gemstones: For a mineral (or occasionally an organic mineral) to be called a gemstone, it must be beautiful in its appearance and colour. A gemstone has to be durable i. e. it should be hard enough to survive constant use and handling, without getting scratched or damaged. Finally, it must be rare, because

its scarcity makes it valuable. Read On! Science of gemmology: Gems are scientifically fascinating too. Gemologists make a complete study of each stone, both as it is found in the rocks and after it has been cut and polished. That is why during the formal study of gemology, both aspects are given due importance. This it easy to distinguish between two similar looking stones. Read On! How gemstones are formed. Read On! Types of gemstones. Read On! Effects of gemstones: That gemstones work for the betterment of one's life is a known fact. But many people do not believe in their effects. These days people, especially the younger generation, look for scientific links between the gems and their effects. All astrological reasoning fails to impress many people to accept the benefits of stones. Read On! Precious stones and their substitues. Read On!

Prescription on the basis of 'Janma Rashi' or the 'Moon sign': In this system of prescription, the gemstone is prescribed on the basis of the zodiacal sign in which Moon was posited at the time of birth. This system can lead to prescription of appropriate stone many times but wearers, who have worn stones prescribed this way, have many times... Read On!

Prescription on the basis of 'lagan' - the 'birth ascendant': In this system, the gemstone is prescribed on the basis of the sign, which is rising at the time of the birth. The system has a flaw that it does not give credence to any other astrological factor. The stones prescribed this way may not give any effect at times and may adversely affect the native. Read On! Prescription on the basis of 'Janma Nakshatra'-the 'Birth Constellation': In this system, the In this system the prescription is based on the constellation (Nakshatra) rising at the time of birth. This system in practice has been used for prescribing gemstones with amazing accuracy. But at times it does not give desired results as this system also ignores other astrological factors during the process of prescription of stones to a native. Read On! Prescription on the basis of First letter of the Name: In this system the gemstones are prescribed on the basis of the first letter of the name of the person as per Indian sound of pronunciation of that letter. The system gives very indifferent results and is not very popular. The reason is that, in modern times the names are not given on the basis of the astrological consultations by people and the prescription of a gemstone. Read On! Types of Gemstones Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma

Organic Gemstones: Organic gemstones have their origin either from plants or from animals. Like natural Pearls form around foreign bodies that have made their way inside the shells of marine or freshwater shellfish. Cultured pearls are produced artificially in large fisheries, many in the shallow waters off the seashores. Shells, which are regarded as gems, may come from animals as diverse as snails and turtles, living in the ocean, in fresh water or on land. Coral is made up of the skeletons of tiny marine animals called Coral Polyps. Bone or Ivory from the teeth or tusks of mammals, may come from recently living animals or from fossils thousands of years old. Amber is fossilized tree resin, collected from soft sediments or the sea. Jet is fossilized wood, found in some sedimentary rocks. Synthetic Gemstones: Synthetic gemstones are made in laboratories or factories, not in rocks. They virtually have the same chemical composition and crystal structure as natural gemstones and consequently their optical and physical properties are very similar. However, they can usually be identified by the difference in the inclusions in them. Many types of gems have been synthesized but only a few are produced commercially, generally for scientific or industrial use. Because of the way the synthetic gems are made, they show subtle differences in shape and colour that help to distinguish them from their natural counterparts. Similarly, the synthetic gems have inclusions, which are different from the natural inclusions. The experts can identify them and distinguish. Precious Stones and their Substitutes Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma Precious Gemstones Ruby Pearl Red Coral Hessonite Yellow Sapphire Blue sapphire Emerald Cat's Eye Diamond Effects of gemstones Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma That gemstones work for the betterment of ones life is a known fact. But many people do not believe in their effects. These days people, especially the younger generation, looks for scientific links between the gems and their effects. All astrological reasoning fails to impress many people to accept the benefits of the Semi Precious Substitutes Red Garnet Moon Stone and Opal Carnelian Zircon and Amber Golden Topaz Turquoise and Lapis Lazuli Peridot Alexandrite Tourmaline and Rock Crystal

gemstones. There are laws in pure science which have not been proved but are accepted as their effects are observed by us day in and day out and they are called laws conversely also as they have not been proved otherwise. The simplest example being Law of Gravitation. It is a law because it is observed daily by us and also it has not been proved through experiment to be not true. Similarly the effects of the gemstones are observed by those who use them under proper prescription. Since the effects are very individual in nature, they are not in the scrutiny of public and people do not believe in their beneficial values. The gemstones have different colours and luster. Sun being the source of all energy, also affects human beings. If we observe the sunlight through prism in a laboratory, we get seven-colour spectrum. The other invisible two colours are infra red and ultra violet. Thus the spectrum of nine colours is understood to be the cosmic matrix and is very essence of nine planets. The nine planets are associated with these colours and the stones prescribed are also in consonance. It is important to note that the wavelength of coloured light emanating from the nine planets is believed to match those radiating from each planets corresponding gemstone. Thus prescribing gemstones is not out of synchronous with this energy system. A particular stone absorbs all kind of solar and cosmic energy and allows a particular type of energy to pass through it and which the body then absorbs. If prescribed properly, this actually helps the individual. This restores the balance in him and he finds the self-improving. Moreover, the effects of gemstones have been proved conversely also. If a person is prescribed a wrong gemstone, it has been observed to adversely affect him as long as he wears it and the effect goes away once the stone is removed. Thus the efficacy of gemstones do not require laboratory experiments just the way some of the pure science laws do not require experiment in their support.

Prescription on the basis of 'Janma Rashi' or the 'Moon sign' Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma In this system of prescription the gemstone is prescribed on the basis of the zodiacal sign in which Moon was posited at the time of birth. This system can lead to prescription of appropriate stone many times but wearers, who have worn stones prescribed this way, have many times received adverse results. The basic flaw in the system is that it does not take care of the position of other planets in the zodiacal ecliptic and also loses sight of many other astrological factors. The table below gives the results of the first method. The Indian names for the planets and the stones have also been given for convenience of the readers. Gemstone Ruling Planet Moon Sign Red coral (moonga) Mars(mangal) Aries (mesha) Diamond (heera) Venus (shukra) Taurus (vrish) Emerald (panna) Mercury (budh) Gemini (mithun)

Pearl(moti) Moon (chandra) Cancer (karka) Ruby (manik) Sun (surya) Leo (singha) Emerald (panna) Mercury (budh) Virgo (kanya) Diamond (heera) Venus (shukra) Libra (tula) Red coral (moonga) Mars (mangal) Scorpio(vrischik) Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) Jupiter (brihaspati) Saggitarius (dhanu) Blue Sapphire(neelam) Saturn (shani) Capricorn (makar) Blue Sapphire(neelam) Saturn (shani) Aquarius (kumbh) Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) Jupiter (brihaspati) Pisces (meen)

Prescription on the basis of 'lagan' - the 'birth ascendant' Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma In this system, the gemstone is prescribed on the basis of the sign, which is rising at the time of the birth. The system has a flaw that it does not give credence to any other astrological factor. The stones prescribed this way may not give any effect at times and may adversely affect the native. The chart shown below gives a summary of this system of prescription. Gemstone Ruling Planet Moon Sign Red coral (moonga) Mars(mangal) Aries (mesha) Diamond (heera) Venus (shukra) Taurus (vrish) Emerald (panna) Mercury (budh) Gemini (mithun) Pearl(moti) Moon (chandra) Cancer (karka) Ruby (manik) Sun (surya) Leo (singha) Emerald (panna) Mercury (budh) Virgo (kanya) Diamond (heera) Venus (shukra) Libra (tula) Red coral (moonga) Mars (mangal) Scorpio(vrischik) Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) Jupiter (brihaspati) Saggitarius (dhanu) Blue Sapphire(neelam) Saturn (shani) Capricorn (makar) Blue Sapphire(neelam) Saturn (shani) Aquarius (kumbh) Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) Jupiter (brihaspati) Pisces (meen

Prescription on the basis of 'Janma Nakshatra'-the 'Birth Constellation' Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma In this system the prescription is based on the constellation (Nakshatra) rising at the time of birth. This system in practice has been used for prescribing gemstones with amazing accuracy. But at times it does not give desired results as this system also ignores other astrological factors during the process of prescription of stones to a native. The table below shows in ready reckoner form this system of prescription. Gemstone Ruling Planet Nakshatra Cat's Eye Ketu Aswini Diamond Venus Bharani Ruby Sun Krittika Pearl Moon Rohini Red Coral Mars Mrigshira Hessonite Rahu Adra Yellow Sapphire Jupiter Punarvasu Blue Sapphire Saturn Pushyami Emerald Mercury Ashlesha Cat's Eye Ketu Magha Diamond Venus Poorva Phalguni Ruby Sun Uttra Phalguni Pearl Moon Hasta Red Coral Mars Chitra Hessonite Rahu Swati Yellow Sapphire Jupiter Vishaka Blue Sapphire Saturn Anuradha Emerald Mercury Jyeshta Cat's Eye Ketu Moola Diamond Venus Poorvashada Ruby Sun Uttarashada Pearl Moon Sravana Red Coral Mars Dhanishta

Yellow Sapphire Jupiter Poorv Bhadrapad Blue Sapphire Saturn Uttra Bhadrapad Emerald Mercury Revathi Prescription on the basis of First letter of the Name Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma In this system the gemstones are prescribed on the basis of the first letter of the name of the person as per Indian sound of pronunciation of that letter. The system gives very indifferent results and is not very popular. The reason is that, in modern times the names are not given on the basis of the astrological consultations by people and the prescription of a gemstone may not be in tune with the actual horoscope of the native. The table below gives the bird's eye view of details of the system. Recommended Gem First Letter of Name Lord of the Sign and the Sign Red Coral Choo, chey, cho, laa, lee, loo, ley, low, aa Mars / Aries Diamond Emerald Pearl Ruby Emerald Diamond Red Coral Ee, oo, ey, o, vaa, vee, voo, vey, vo Kaa, kee, koo, ghau, dau,chhau,ke,ko,haa Venus / Taurus Mercury / Gemini Moon / Cancer

Hee, hoo, hey, ho, ddaa, ddee, ddoo, ddey, ddo, aa Maa, mee, moo, mey, mo, ttaa ,ttee, ttoo, ttey

Sun / Leo Mercury / Virgo

Tto, paa, pee, po, poo, pey, shshau, nnhau, tthau Raa, ree, roo, rey, ro, thaa, thee, thoo, tey Tho, naa, nee, noo, ney, no, yaa, yee

Venus / Libra

Mars / Scorpio Jupiter /

Yellow Sapphire Sagittarius Blue Sapphire Capricorn Blue Sapphire Yellow Sapphire Pisces

Yey, yo, bhaa, bhee, bhoo, dhau, phaa, ddaa, bhey Bho, jaa, jee, khee, khoo, khey, kho, gaa, gee Goo, gey, go, saa, see, loo, ley, low, aa

Saturn /

Saturn / Aquarius Jupiter /

Dhee, dhoo, thaw, jhaw, bhaw, dhey.chaa, chee

-----------------------------------------------------------------------The Vedic View on Gems

Varha Mihir, the famous astrolager of ancient India, who flourished in the 1st century BC, has devoted a full chapter to gems and precious stones in his monumental work Brihat Samhita. He has given detailed characteristics of diamonds, blue sapphires,emeralds, and other gems. He has also explained how different gems are associated with different deities, and has prescribed the colour of gem suitable for each caste.

According to the Vedic system, there are nine basic gems: (i) ruby; (ii) pearlreal, not cultured; (iii) coral; (iv) emerald; (v) yellow sapphire called Pukharaj in India; (vi) diamond; (vii) blue sapphire (viii) Gomed (Sanskrit name)- it is like a garnet in appearance but different from it; (ix) Cat's eye. Gems

Gems (English Name) (Basic Sanskrit Name) Manik Moti Moonga Panna Pukhraj Heera Neelam Gomed Lahsuniya Gems

Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Relating to Number 1 and 4 2 and 7 9 5 3 6 8

Ruby Pearl Coral Emerald Yellow Sapphire Diamond Blue Sapphire Harsonite Garnet Cat's Eye

(images) Gemstones As my last post was about Mr Bachchan and his blue sapphire stones, I thought I will write something about gemstones and their importance in Astrology. Based on the planetary positions in an astral chart, i.e. janma kundali, a planet is believed to bring to focus : a particular behavioral trait signify the effects of the planets running period Gemstones are prescribed to either strengthen or balance the energies of these planets in question, i.e. strengthen weak planets so that they do create some good effect, or further strengthen already strong planets, such that their effect is more pronounced. As an example, someone may want to strengthen Mercury to cure any speech impediment or skin inflammation, as a weak Mercury is known to cause these ailments. A person may want to strengthen Saturn if it is a Raj Yoga causing planet, in that case, in Saturns dasha or bhukti, the results given by Saturn multiply. Surely all good and bad effects multiply at the same time, there is a need for balance. How do people wear these stones? These stones have to be of specific weight (in carats, or in ratti). They are worn either in gold or in silver in appropriate finger, during Shukla Paksha, when the planet is in own/friendly sign, on the planets day of the week, in the morning before 7:00 AM and after chanting the ruling gods name 108 times. Needless to say, these gems should be flawless as much as possible and should be of good quality. Name Stone Weight Wear in Sun Ruby (Maanik) 2 Carats Gold, in ring finger Moon Pearl (Moti) 2 Carats Silver, in ring finger Mars Red Coral (Munga) 3 Carats Gold (pref. 18 carat) or Silver, in ring finger Mercury Emerald (Panna) 1.5 carats Gold, in ring or little finger Jupiter Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) 2 carats Gold, in index finger Venus Diamond (Heera) 1 carat Gold or silver in middle finger Saturn Blue Sapphire (Neelam) 2 carats Gold, in middle finger Rahu Garnet(Gomed) 3 carats Gold or Silver, in middle finger Ketu Cats eye (Lahsuniya) 3 carats Gold, in middle finger

When deciding which finger the gem should be worn on, astrologers always consult the planetary friendship table. Mercury is a natural friend of Sun, therefore you can wear Emerald in the ring finger, which belongs to Sun. A Diamond is not for everyone! Firstly, you should always consult an astrologer before you decide to wear a diamond. Secondly, it should not be worn on the ring finger as all of us are made to believe by the cool and jazzy television commercials. It is a natural friend of Saturn, therefore it should be worn only on the middle finger. It is not a natural friend of Sun and hence ring finger is not the place for it. Are there any alternatives to wearing these gemstones? Yes, there are: There are cheaper alternatives available in the market. e.g. you can replace Pukhraj with Yellow Zircon for Jupiter. Clear Zircon can be substituted for a diamond etc. You can choose to worship the ruling deity e.g. to strenghten Mercury, you could worship Lord Vishnu. You can also adjust the lifestyle accordingly. e.g. if you do not prefer to wear a stone for Saturn, you could wear dull colours, e.g. brown, black, gray etc. Change the life style to bring in more discipline, meditation, etc. To tell you the truth, I always believe that changes in lifestyle, along with worship/meditation always work better than wearing gemstones. Oh, you know what, I dont have time for the morning pooja, can I wear a stone instead? It is like taking shortcuts, not always advisable -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Subject: 6/4/1955 which finger of which hand gomed/rahu ring to wear Response from: rathindra bharati, Council Member on Ammas.comWear gomed in middle finger of right hand with five allow, for sugetion gem we need birth details, it is rathier than better to wear Gomed al one(with no any other stone). Response from: Sakshi Sharma, Council Member on Ammas.com Dear Gomed stone can be worn in the middle finger or in the little finger and in case you are male then wear it in the right hand side and female wear it in the left hand side. I cannot tell you about wearing it with pearl or coral without verifying from your horoscope, as you have not supplied complete birth details. Gomed should be worn in the form of a silver ring on the middle finger on a Saturday after washing it with unboiled milk and gangajal after reciting the rahu mantras. The mantra for Rahu is "Aum ram ravahe namah". This should be repeated 18 times at the time of wearing the Gomedh. The maximum effects of wearing Gomedh are derived upto 3 years from the date of wearing it. Gomedh- gemstone for Rahu The gem stone of Rahu is Hessonite. This stone is also referred to as Gomedh, Gomedhak, Raju ratna and Ping Spatik. All the ill effects of Rahu in Horoscope can be remedied by wearing Gomed. The name 'Gomedh' is a sanskrit word which means 'of the color of the cow urine'. Wearing Gomed gives one mental peace and freedom from worries. It is also said to avoid problems due to snakes and false allegations.Gomed is obtained by mining. In India Gomedh is available in Kashmir, Shimla, Kulu,Bihar, Orissa and Mysore. It is also available in Srilanka, Burma and Thailand. The color of Gomedh is that of Cow's Urine. The Best Gomedh is the

Cyloni Gomedh and those from the Mines of Orissa. Gomed is a costly gemstone.The ill effect of Rahu like mental conflicts, anger and obstacles in work, troubles from enemies, and disputes in the court gets sorted out if the stone is worn. Gomed is normally not worn on the basis of any Zodiac sign. Gomedh is highly recommended for those involved in active politics or those having Rahu in their tenth house in the natal chart. Those who are undergoing the mahdasa of Rahu can wear Gomedh too .Gomed is also good for those suffering from allergies, skin disorder, piles, epilepsy, infection of eyes, cold, sinus infection, fatigue, insomnia, BP etc. It is said that no enemy could face the wearer of Gomed gemstone. A minimum of 5 carets of Gomedh is advisable to be worn as Jewellery. -Gomedh is a stone which gives fast effects. Gomed should be worn in the form of a silver ring on the middle finger on a Saturday after washing it with unboiled milk and gangajal after reciting the rahu mantras. The mantra for Rahu is "Aum ram ravahe namah". This should be repeated 18 times at the time of wearing the Gomedh. The maximum effects of wearing Gomedh are derived upto 3 years from the date of wearing it.

Who Should Wear Red Coral? Red coral is the gemstone of Mars (Mangal). A person in whose birth chart Mars is lord of an auspicious house should wear coral. If Mars is lord of the inauspicious house in a birth chart, it will be harmful for the native to wear Red Coral. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Wearing Gemstones Jewelry based on Numerology Gemstones are normally worn as a remedy to negative planetary influences in the human body.Gemstone Jewelry can be worn based on Numerology. When selecting the stone to be worn based on Numerology one can wear based on birth month, birth date or name of the individual. - 3 months ago Turquoise - The Healing Gemstone Turquoise is one of the semi precious gemstones. The color of this stone ranges from sky blue through various shades of green to greenish and yellowish gray. This stone is said to protect the wearer from all evils and maintains good harmony between couples. This gem stone is said to bring faithfulness and consistency in relationships and is given as friendship gifts. - 3 months ago Gomedh - Gemstone of Rahu The gem stone of Rahu is Gomedh. All the ill effects of Rahu in Horoscope can be remedied by wearing Gomedh gem stone. Wearing Gomed gemstone gives one mental peace and freedom from worries. - 6 months ago Wedding Anniversary Gemstones Gemstone Jewelry holds a very special place when it comes to gifts. Giving gemstones as wedding anniversary gifts have been in existence since medieval times. Emily Post was the first author to publish a list suggesting wedding anniversary gemstones. - 5 months ago Yellow Sapphire - Gemstone of Saggittarius and Yellow Sapphire is the gemstone of Sagittarius representation of Planet Jupiter. The substone This stone can be worn if one lacks enthusiasm moodiness and self-pity. - 6 months ago Pisces and Pisces. It is also of Yellow sapphire is golden topaz. or suffer from Depression, anxiety,

Garnet The Gemstone of Success and Love Garnet is a gem belonging to the semi precious stone category. This gem is the birthstone of those born in the month of January and wedding anniversary gemstone associated with the 2nd and 6th year of marriage. Garnets work well for those born under the sun signs of Aries, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius. This stone is known to be the stone of success and love. - 3 months ago The Influence of Mars in Horoscope Mars, the 4th Planet from the Sun in the Solar System, is named after Mars who is the Roman God of War.The positive influence of this planet Horoscope means energy, strong will, independence and self confidence. A negative influence means violence, disaster, conflicts or injury. - 11 months ago Diamond Jewelry- An expression of Beauty, Love and Wealth From times immemorial Diamond Gemstone Jewellery has been used as an expression of beauty, love and wealth. Diamond is the favorite gemstone which adorns the engagement rings of the wealthy. It is the gemstone of Planet Venus and representation of love, marriage, beauty and comforts. - 6 months ago Wearing Gemstone Jewelry the right way When using as a remedy prescribed based on astrology the gemstone jewelry is normally worn continuously as a ring or pendant without removing it to receive the benefits of gems. Gems are best suited for those who want a fast effect and do not want to spend time on prayers and rituals. But to get maximum benefit of the gemstones it has to be worn the correct way. - 6 weeks ago Wearing Gemstones Jewelry based on Numerology Gemstones are normally worn as a remedy to negative planetary influences in the human body.Gemstone Jewelry can be worn based on Numerology. When selecting the stone to be worn based on Numerology one can wear based on birth month, birth date or name of the individual. - 3 months ago Topaz - The Spiritual Rejuvenation Gemstone Topaz is a very popular gemstone belonging to the semi precious gemstones category. This gem is found in several colors out of which yellow, pink, blue and colorless are the most famous. This stone is considered the representation of friendship and fidelity. Topaz also has made its name as a spiritual rejuvenation gemstone. - 2 months ago Amber - Gemstone for good Luck Amber is used as a protective talisman and is said to bring good luck. Amber is used mainly for the purpose of crafting jewelry and other ornamental objects as it is relatively soft and can be easily carved.Though Amber is considered a gemstone it is technically not a Gemstone or mineral. - 2 months ago Turquoise - The Healing Gemstone Turquoise is one of the semi precious gemstones. The color of this stone ranges from sky blue through various shades of green to greenish and yellowish gray. This stone is said to protect the wearer from all evils and maintains good harmony between couples. This gem stone is said to bring faithfulness and consistency in relationships and is given as friendship gifts. - 3 months ago Agate - The Gemstone for Confidence and Courage Agate is a semi precious gemstone belonging to the Chalcedony family and is found in a wide variety of colors and textures. There is no gemstone which is more creatively striped by Nature than the Agate. The most popular agates are the

bluelace, fire, moss, tree, eye, petrified wood, ribband and snakeskin agates. - 2 months ago Moonstone - The Gemstone of Love Moonstone as the name indicates is representation of the Moon. It is a semiprecious stone normally found as a translucent creamy white stone with a glow like that of the Moon. Moonstone is also considered as the gem of love and new beginnings and said to have a sensual and seductive aura. It helps to have a new love in life or have a good relationship with your partner. Gifting this stone to a loved one is said to strengthen the bond and bring in harmony between partners. - 3 months ago Gomedh - Gemstone of Rahu The gem stone of Rahu is Gomedh. All the ill effects of Rahu in Horoscope can be remedied by wearing Gomedh gem stone. Wearing Gomed gemstone gives one mental peace and freedom from worries. - 6 months ago

Gemstones based on Numerology Gemstones are normally worn as a remedy to negative planetary influences in the human body. When the gemstones are worn as astrological remedy, the stone should touch the body with the bottom of the gem stone setting open. If worn as a remedy the stones have to be continuously worn on the specific part of the body for prescribed periods.One can select Gemstones for wearing in several ways. Normally gems are worn On the basis of Name On the basis of Birth Month On the basis of Color On the basis of Problems On the basis of Gemstones Characteristics On the basis of Zodiac Sign On the basis of Horoscope On the basis of Numerology On the basis of Palmistry One of the ways of selecting gemstones for wearing is Numerology. When selecting the Gemstones based on Numerology again there are three ways of selection. Based on Birth Month Based on Birth Date Based on Name Number Based on Birth Month 15th January - 14th February Emerald/Blue Sapphire 15th February - 14th March Blue Sapphire/Lapis Lazuli/Amethyst 15th March - 14th April Amethyst, Yellow Sapphire, Golden Topaz 15th April- 14th May Red Coral, Garnet, Bloodstone 15th May -14th June Diamond, Crystal, Turquoise 15th June - 14th July Aquamarine, Emerald, Malachite 15th July - 14th Augest Pearl, Moonstone

15th Augest - 14th September Ruby, Golden Topaz 15th September - 14th October Emerald, Aquamarine 15th October - 14th November Diamond, Crystal, Turquoise 15th November - 14th December Red Coral 15th December - 14th January Yellow Sapphire Based of Birth Date Persons born on 1,10,19 and 28 (totalling to 1)of any month can wear Ruby, Star Ruby, Peridot, Garnet and Golden Topaz. Persons born on 2,11,20 and 29 (totalling to 2)of any month can wear Pearl and Moonstone. Persons born on 3,12,21 and 30 (totalling to 3) of any month can wear Yellow Sapphire. Persons born on 4,13,22 and 31 (totalling to 4) of any month can wear Gomedh. Persons born on 5,14 and 23 (totalling to 5) of any month can wear Aquamarine, Emerald and Malachite. Persons born on 6,15 and 24 (totalling to 6) of any month can wear Diamond, Crystal and Turquoise. Persons born on 7,16 and 25 (totalling to 7) of all months can wear Cat's Eye. Person born on 8,17 and 26 (totalling to 8) of all months Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli Persons born on 9,18 and 27 (totalling to 9) of all months can wear Red Coral. Based on Name In Numerology all Alphabets have a value are given a value from one to eight. The sum of all the alphabets in the name reduced to a single number should be calculated to find your gemstone based on name. A, I, J, Y,Q - 1 B, R, K - 2 C, S, L, G - 3 D, T, M - 4 E, H,N,X - 5 U, V,W - 6 O,Z -7 F, P - 8 If I need to find by number it would be as follows :ANAMIKA S = 1+5+1+4+1+2+1+3 = 18 = 9 Which means Red Coral would be my Gemstone -----------------------------------------------------------------------Gem / Stone

Sun | Moon | Mercury | Venus | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Rahu | Ketu Gems & Stones There is an ancient belief that a correlation exists between each planet and its correspondent gem stone. The stone corresponding to the planet is known as the "birth stone". Persons should wear the gemstones according to his or her birth planet. If the person wears the suitable gemstone then he or she can strengthens his or her image, confidence, self-esteem, and the ability to gain recognition. On the contrary, if a person wears unsuitable stone then the stone can produce harmful effects. The stones should be original means they should not be heated, dyed or chemically changed, if the stones will be original or natural then they produce positive energy. By keeping your planetary gemstone in touch with your body, you can tap into the energy of the ruling planets at your time of birth. SUN Ruby is the gem stone rules by Sun. Ruby should be worn if the Sun is afflicting or not well placed in the birth chart. The following precautions to be made while wearing Ruby: The The The The The The stone should be at least of 3 to 5 carat ring should set in gold ring should wear on the ring finger ring should wear on Sunday ring should be a touching ring so that the stone touches the skin. following mantra should also be recited 108 times before wearing the ring

"Om Gharini Suryaya Namaha" MOON Pearl is the gem stone ruled by Moon. Pearl should be worn if the Moon is afflicting or not well placed in the birth chart. The following precautions to be made while wearing Pearl: The Pearl to be worn It should be studded It should be worn on It should be worn on The ring should be a The following mantra should be of 2, 4, 6 or 11 carats in silver ring Monday or Thursday the little finger of right hand for best results. touching ring so that the stone touches the skin. should also be recited 108 times before wearing the ring

"Om Som Somaya Namaha" MERCURY Emerald is the gem stone ruled by Mercury. Emerald should be worn if the Mercury is afflicting or not well placed in the birth chart. The following precautions to be made while wearing Emerald: The weight of emerald should not be less than 3 carats It should be worn on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

It should be worn on the ring finger of right hand It should be set in Silver or Brass The ring should be a touching ring so that the stone touches the skin The following mantra should also be recited 108 times before wearing the ring "Om Bum Budhaaya Namaha"

VENUS Diamond is the gem stone ruled by Venus. Diamond should be worn if the Venus is afflicting or not well placed in the birth chart The following precautions to be made while wearing Diamond: It should not be less than 1.5 Carats It should be set in a Platinum or Silver ring It should wear on Friday It should wear on first finger of right hand The ring should be a touching ring so that the stone touches the skin. The following mantra should also be recited 108 times before wearing the ring "Om Shum Shukaraya Namahaa" MARS Red Coral is the gem stone ruled by Mars. Red Coral should be worn if the Mars is afflicting or not well placed in the birth chart The following precautions to be made while wearing Red Coral: The weight of stone should not be less than 6 carats It should be set in ring of gold mixed with copper It should be worn on first or fourth finger of right hand Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are the days on which one can wear Red Coral The ring should be a touching ring so that the stone touches the skin The following mantra should also be recited 108 times before wearing the ring "Om Ang Angaarkaya Namaha" JUPITER Yellow Sapphire is the gem stone ruled by Jupiter. Yellow Sapphire should be worn if the Jupiter is afflicting or not well placed in the birth chart The following precautions to be made while wearing Yellow Sapphire: It should not be less than 6, 11 or 15 carats It should always be got set in a gold ring It should wear on Monday or Thursday It should wear on first finger of right hand The ring should be a touching ring so that the stone touches the skin The following mantra should also be recited 108 times before wearing the ring "Om Brum Brihaspataye Namaha" SATURN

Blue Sapphire is the gem stone ruled by Saturn. Blue Sapphire should be worn if the Saturn is afflicting or not well placed in the birth chart The following precautions to be made while wearing Blue Sapphire: It Stone should not be less than 5 Carats It should be set in a ring of Ashta Dhatu (Mixture of Eight metals) It should wear on Saturday or Friday It should wear on second finger of right hand The ring should be a touching ring so that the stone touches the skin The following mantra should also be recited 108 times before wearing the ring "Om Shun Shaneshcharaya Namaha" RAHU Gomedha is the gem stone ruled by Rahu. Gomedha should be worn if the Rahu is afflicting or not well placed in the birth chart. The following precautions to be made while wearing Gomedha: The stone should not be less than 6 carats It should be worn in the middle finger or little finger It should be set in a ring of Ashta Dhatu It should wear on a Wednesday evening before sunset The ring should be a touching ring so that the stone touches the skin The following mantra should also be recited 108 times before wearing the ring "Om Ran Rahuve Namaha" KETU Cat's Eye is the gem stone ruled by Ketu. Cat's Eye should be worn if the Ketu is afflicting or not well placed in the birth chart The following precautions to be made while wearing Cat's Eye: The stone should not be less than 3 carats It should be worn in the little finger It should be set in a ring of Ashta Dhatu or silver It should wear on Thursday at midnight The ring should be a touching ring so that the stone touches the skin The following mantra should also be recited 108 times before wearing the ring "Om Kem Ketve Namaha" -----------------------------------------------------------------------Gem & Astrology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Every thing in this universe is composed of Seven Rays of colour.We can see these rays in Rainbow . We can say Meghadhanusha - VIBGYOR-rays. VIBGYOR rays means combination of Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange & Red. Through a Prism one can find or see these cosmic rays.Ancient Indian

text, the "Kurma Purana", the seven planets are to be seen as condensations of the seven cosmic rays. It was understood that on our planet Earth the greatest condensation of the cosmic rays is to be found in natural gem stones.Chart shows you the Ruling Planets,Primary Gems, & Zodiac Sign. Zodiac Sign Ruling Planet Gems Aries Mars Red coral, Garnet, Cornolian Taurus Venus Diamond, White Zircon, White coral Gemini Mercury Emerald Cancer Moon Pearl, Moonstone Leo Sun Ruby, Star Ruby, Garnet Virgo Mercury Emerald Libra Venus Diamond, White Zircon, White coral Scorpio Mars Red coral, Garnet, Cornolian Sagittarius Jupiter Topaz, Yellow Sapphire Capricorn Saturn Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli Aquarius Saturn Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli Pisces Jupiter Topaz, Yellow Sapphire -----------------------------------------------------------------------Rituals while wearing Gemstones The following rituals should be followed while wearing gemstones as per Astrology: The ring with the gemstone on it should be kept immersed in fresh milk (milk that was not used before and is not boiled) overnight. Avoid pasteurized milk that we get in the packets for daily consumption instead, try to get cows milk from a milkman. The ring should be worn in the first hour after the sunrise. It should be worn on the day of the week belonging to the planet, e.g. Ruby should be worn on Sunday, Neelam on Saturday and so on. Gomeda (Rahus gemstone) should be worn on a Wednesday, Cats eye (Ketus stone) should be worn on Thursdays. The mantra of the planetary deity should be chanted 108 times and the ring should then be worn. The mantras for various planets are: Planet Name Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Mantra (Sanskrit) ????? ??????? ???|| ??? ????? ???|| ?? ????????? ??? || ??? ????? ??? || ??? ????????? ??? || ??? ??????? ??? || ?? ?????????? ??? || om om om om om om om Transliteration grunih suryaay namah som somaay namah am angaarkaay namah bum budhaay namah vrim vrihaspataye namah shum shukraay namah sham shanaishcharaay namah

? ??? ?????? ??? || ? ??? ????? ??? ||

om raam raahuve namah om kem ketave naham

Although Rahu,Ketu and Saturn are malefics,stones for them are prescribed if they are yogakaraka elements in a persons horoscope. Astrologers do not prescribe stones for lords of 6th, 8th and 12th house lords, the planets which become functional malefics on account of ownership of these

houses. -----------------------------------------------------------------------GEMS Cats Eye (Lehsuniya) : Stone for Ketu, Code: APS 08 This is a Gem of Ketu (Dragons Tail ) .By wearing this gem one is able to subdue his enemies and is able to remove the effect of any negative forces working on him. This gives one social recognition and sudden spurts of growth. It protects from Erratic income and bestows stability in life. This is the gem of Moksha and frees one from the cycles of life and death.

Gomedh Rahu is said to give professional excellence and demolishes the enemies power by its strong force. Hessonite (Gomedh) : Stone for Rahu, Code: APS 09 This is a Gem of Rahu (Dragons Head ) Rahu gives mental tensions- unnecessary worries and strained relationships .Wearing its gem gives one mental peace and freedom from worries. Rahu is said to give professional excellence and demolishes the enemies power by its strong force. Red Coral (Moonga): Stone for Mars It improves the process of absorption of oxygen by the lungs and there by gives strength to the entire body and removes many diseases which are not understood by the medical profession . This also removes the effect of tantra and evil spirits. If you have uncomfortable dreams this is a must for you . This also removes the effect of tantra and evil spirits. If you have uncomfortable dreams this is a must for you . --------------------------------

Gemstone Price: 11475/Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Yellow Sapphire (pukhraj) This gem of Bhrashpati gives one material wealth and prosperity. It is worn to give one comfort and also status. Buy Now >> Price: 11475/- Blue Sapphire (Neelam) Blue sapphire is the most talked about gem. It gives status and influence in the society. Most of the famous people wear this gem to achieve great benefits in life. Buy Now >> Price: 11475/Ruby (Manik) This is the gem of Sun , it improves the concentration of mind and ! ! gives lusture to the skin . This gem gives all round success in life and is the karka for leadership. This improves the leadership qualities and puts the person in

forefront . Buy Now >> Price: 731/Coral (Moonga) This is the gem of Hanumanjee, it bestows upon a person courage and strength. This also improves the muscular system and improves the capability of bone-marrow to produce red blood cells. Buy Now >> Price: 191/Gomedh (Helsonite) This is a Gem of Rahu (Dragon's Head ) Rahu gives mental tensions- unnecessary worries and strained relationships .Wearing its gem gives one mental peace and freedom from worries. Buy Now >> Price: 19825/Emerald (Panna): Stone for Mercury 3.25 Ratti This Gem of Lord Ganesha is the favoured Gem of the people seeking intellectual powers as well as for those seeking wealth .This calms down the nervous system and improves the capacity to take decisions. Buy Now >> Price: 367/Zircon Stone Looks like diamond and shines more than it. But unlike diamond, it shines only for a flash of a second, after which it looks dull and pale. Buy Now >> Price: 329/Pearl In the Astrological works the moon is considered as signification of heart (man) and thus wearing a Pearl brings one out of depressions and gives a calm and vibrant feeling. Buy Now >> Price: 191/Cats Eye This is a Gem of Ketu (Dragons Tail) .By wearing this gem one is able to subdue his enemies and is able to remove the effect of any negative forces working on him. Amethyst It is traditionally considered, a great help, in getting rid of intoxication. It is even said that if you drink wine in a cup made of Amethyst, it will loose its intoxicating effect. This stone is believed to heal females suffering from gynecological problems. Also widely used by people involved in occult sciences, as it is said to have impart strong spiritual powers. Aquamarine Said to enhance one's attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. The gem increases beauty and calmness and it is widely used by astrologers worldwide. It is said to bring love and understanding.

Black Star, Known to take away the malefic effects of Rahu (Dragon's Head) and Ketu (Dragon's Tail), his gemstone is widely used to ward off the evil eye. It takes out the negative energy of the chakra on which it is worn and thus improves the physical and mental health of the person. BlueTopaz It is a gem that induces sleep and rest. It keeps the temper cool and makes one generous and kind hearted. It improves the financial assets and gives financial stability. This gem enhances sincerity in all relations of life. Garnet Benefits: antidote for snake bites and for food poisoning. The use of this gem ensures long, fruitful and un-interrupted professional life. This helps in prosperity by facilitating gradual accumulation of wealth. Golden Topaz ( Citrine ) An effective gem, which almost acts as a mental tonic, the Golden Topaz confers dignity and nobility of character. One gets innovative ideas by wearing this gem, and learns to control anger and also turning one's energies positively. Green Fluorite Green Florite is a very beautiful Gemstone. Green in colour it is an excellent substitute of Emerald and a Gem Stone of planet Mercury and Ganesha. It is said to bring wealth and serinity. It calms the nervous system, reduces the anxiety and improves the communicaation skills of the wearer. Green Florite can improve the confidence level of the person also. Green Onyx Used instead of Emerald, Onyx gives good comprehension power and the power to deeply analyse a situation before reacting to it. Mostly used by astrologers to give better business acumen and management skills. Green Tourmaline Benefits: Mostly green coloured Tourmaline are used in Astrology. It has a positive effect on the body and mind and does away with all the malefic influences of Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Saturn. I Olite This gem gives one an unfair advantage while dealing with the opposite sex. The superiors of the person are also positively influenced by wearing this gem. Jade Very popular with Chinese of ancient as well as present times it is supposed to bestow long life and peaceful and protects the wearer from accidents, snake bites etc. said to be useful for those who want to have more close relationships with opposite sex. Lemon Topaz Lemon Topaz Code : ASP0002 Lepiz Lazuli While it curtails the malefic effects of Saturn, Lepis lazuli is used to fight depression and feeling of dullness. It is effective against skin diseases and

ulcers (both internal and external) and many people have faith that it has the capacity to give unqualified success to one who wears it. Malachite It is used to fight Kidney ailments. Malachite, if regularly worn, improves mental alertness, quickness and makes one systematic. Malachite bestows youthfulness and desire for outdoor life and aids in getting a happy life Moonstone This is a highly beneficial gem that can be used with great results by all who want to keep their cool and be less affected by the changes in their surroundings said to relieve one of insomnia and low fever. This helps in controlling tempers or excitement. This also gives better concentration of mind and helps in marital problems. In Medical Astrology this helps those suffering from heart ailments, gynecological problems, epilepsy, mental ailments etc. Opal This gem is said to bestow beauty, power and financial prosperity. This improves intuition and helps magnetize others. It also helps in winning court cases and gives stability in life. Peridot It enhances the power of Mercury, and thus Peridot is used to curb the problems caused by a weak mercury. The ancient Egyptian kings had immense faith in its powers and even believed that Peridot could break the evil spell and dig into the mysteries of the darkness. Pink Tourmaline Love Gem is the common name for this Gemstone. It is said to bring genuine love in life.Couples that have problems in relationships can get immense benefit if both of them wear it. Pink Turmuline looks beautiful is said to bring beauty to life. Rhodolite Garnet Increases bravery and gives unexplainable powers. Smoky Topaz It has great spiritual, medicinal and super natural power that holds the faith of many and is of immense use to people interested in occult. Also useful in healing eye infections, eye sores, stomach ailments, stomach ulcers, throat infections, giddiness and blood poisoning. Star Ruby Used to pep up the internal strength and to ward off tensions, Star Ruby drives away stress related problems like Migraine, Insomnia, and Hysteria etc. Traditionally worn by knights in the battlefields to protect themselves from the enemy. Local tales in Karnataka say that if this is worn as a visible pendant or as a head gear then anyone who faces you, as an enemy looses half his valour to your. It is said that Karna, the son of Sun wore it in his head gear and only after Krishna directed Arjuna to remove the Headgear with his arrow was be able to fight an equal battle with him. Tiger's Eye It is normally cut on cabochon, to bring out the chiromancy, but it can be cut into more or less round, polished pieces, for necklaces and pendants. Tiger's Eye

is also used for carvings, boxes, ashtrays, and other ornamental items, although in these, the fibers are seen as strips of colour. Said to be a Gem that gives courage and self confidence. Widely used in Africa toward off evil eye and to give the wearer victory over his enemies. Triangular Golden Topaz Ideally suited for people born in Zodiac signs ruled by Jupiter i.e., Sagittarius and Pisces, the Golden Topaz is also recommended as a lucky gem of Scorpio and Aries. Triangular Green Amethyst Benefits: It is traditionally considered, a great help, in getting rid of intoxication. It is even said that if you drink wine in a cup made of Amethyst, it will loose its intoxicating effect. This stone is believed to heal females suffering from gynecological problems. Also widely used by people involved in occult sciences, as it is said to have impart strong spiritual powers. TRIANGULAR GREEN FLORITE Green Florite is a very beautiful Gemstone. Green in colour it is an excellent substitute of Emerald and a Gem Stone of planet Mercury and Ganesha. It is said to bring wealth and serinity. Triangular Green Onyx Benefits: Used instead of Emerald, Onyx gives good comprehension power and the power to deeply analyse a situation before reacting to it. Mostly used by astrologers to give better business acumen and management skills. Triangular Lemon Topaz Triangular Lemon Topaz Code : ASP0035 Triangular Rose Quartz Triangular Rose quartz is one of the most desirable varieties of quartz. The pink to rose red color is completely unique, unlike any other pink mineral species. The color is caused by iron and titanium impurities. Triangular Smoky Topaz It has great spiritual, medicinal and super natural power that holds the faith of many and is of immense use to people interested in occult. Also useful in healing eye infections, eye sores, stomach ailments, stomach ulcers, throat infections, giddiness and blood poisoning. Triangular White Quartz It has a cooling and soothing effect on one who's both looking on and wearing it. If worn in such a way that it touches the skin then it cools down the person and gives him inner peace. White Coral This also helps in the strength to bear unpleasant happenings and understand the working of other people's minds.

White Qurtz It has a cooling and soothing effect on one who's both looking on and wearing it. If worn in such a way that it touches the skin then it cools down the person and gives him inner peace. White Topaz Zircon ( AD ) Benefits: It gives added popularity in social circles and appreciation by members of the opposite sex. It improves prestige and protects him from jealousies and rivalries and plots hatched by one's enemies Rose Quartz -----------------------------------------------------------------------Red Coral (Moonga) The wearing of a Red Coral (Moonga) makes the native courageous and a conqueror of his enemies. It is believed that the genuine Red Coral warns the wearer of coming ill health by changing its color. The Red Coral prevents from bad dreams and nightmares. It protects the wearer from evil spirits. A good and auspicious Coral possesses the following merits: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It It It It It is is is is is of an opaque red pigment of cinnabar or the Bimb" fruit. It is perfect. perfectly round or oval. very regular in shape. without any hole. smooth.

Flaws of Coral: 1. 2. 3. 4. There There There There may may may may be be be be a black or white spot in the composition. a crack on the surface on in the body. more than one shades of color in the same piece. a depression, bend or twist on the surface.

Who Should Wear Red Coral Red coral is the gemstone of Mars (Mangal). A person in whose birth chart Mars is lord of an auspicious house should wear coral. If Mars is lord of the inauspicious house in a birth chart, it will be harmful for the native to wear Red Coral. Suitability of Coral According to All Ascendants (Lagnas). If our readers want to know about their Ascendant (Lagna), they may provide us with their birth details, namely date, place and time of birth Please click here. ARIES (MESHA) For the Aries (Mesha) Ascendant, Mars The person with this ascendant should give good health, longevity, courage, the evil effects of Mars if it is ill (Mangal) is lord of the Ascendant or Lagna. wear a Coral all his life. Red Coral will name, fame and happiness. It will neutralize disposed or is afflicted in any way.

Top TAURUS (VRISHAB) For the Taurus (Vrishab) Ascendant (lagna), Mars is the lord of 7th and 12th houses. In this case, native of this Ascendant should avoid wearing a Coral. However, if Mars is in his own sign in 7th or 12th house Coral may be worn, in the major period of Mars. Top GEMINI (MITHUNA) For the Gemini (Mithuna) Ascendant (Lagna), Mars is the lord of the 6th and 11th houses. In this case, Mars will not be considered an auspicious planet. Therefore, natives of this ascendant are advised to avoid wearing the coral. However, Red Coral may be used if Mars is in his own sign or in the 6th or 11th in the Major period of Mars. Top CANCER (KARKA) For the Cancer (Karka) Ascendant (Lagna) Mars being lord of the 5th house which is a trine or Trikona and 10th house quadrant or Kendra is a very auspicious (yoga Karaka) planet. If natives of cancer Ascendant always wear it, they will be blessed with children, intelligence, good fortune, name, fame honors and success in their professional career. If Red Coral is worn with Pearl - the gemstone of the lord of Cancer ascendant results will prove more beneficial. The beneficial results will be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. Top LEO (SIMHA) For the Leo (Simha) Ascendant also Mars being lord of the 4th quadrant (Kendra) and 9th house - a trine or trikona is very favorable and auspicious planet (yoga Karaka) and wearing of Red Coral will give same beneficial results as in the case of Cancer Ascendant. Apart from these results the native will have or acquire lands and property and he or she will have good fortune, will become virtuous, his or her father will enjoy long life. If the Mars is posited in his own sign in the 4th or 9th the beneficial results will become more pronounced. Wearing of a Ruby the gemstone of the lord of this Ascendant along with Red Coral will accelerate the beneficial results. Top VIRGO (KANYA) For the Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant (lagna) Mars is lord of the 3rd and 8th house and is a malefic for this Ascendant. Wearing of Red Coral by the natives of this ascendant should be avoided as far as possible. However, if absolutely necessary, Red Coral may be used in the major period of Mars if Mars is in his own sign in the 3rd of the 8th house. Top LIBRA (TULA) For the Libra (Tula) Ascendant (Lagna) Mars is the lord of two Maraka (death inflicting houses) houses namely the 2nd and the 7th house. Moreover, Mars is an enemy of Venus, the lord of this Ascendant. Wearing a Red Coral by the natives of this ascendant should be generally avoided. The second house being the house of

wealth, therefore, if Mars is in his own sign in the 2nd, Red Coral can be worn with good results during the Major period of Mars. As far as the 7th house is concerned if Mars is there in his sign, this disposition will give rise to a powerful Panchamahapurusha yoga known as Ruchaka yoga which will provide the native with a strong physique ruddy complexion, attractive body, charitable disposition, wealthy, long-lived and leader of an army". Top SCORPIO (VRISCHIKA) For the Scorpio (Vrischika) Ascendant (Lagna), Mars is lord of the Ascendant (and of the 6th). Nevertheless, his lordship of the Ascendant will prevail over the lordship of the sixth house. The Red Coral will be beneficial to the native in the same manner as for the Aries Ascendant. Top SAGITTARIUS (DHANU) For the Sagittarius (Dhanu) Ascendant (Lagna), Mars is the lord of the 5th and 12th houses. The auspicious lordship of the 5th trine or Trikona will supercede or prevail over the lordship of the 8th hose and by wearing Red Coral, the natives of this ascendant will be blessed with children, good fortune, name and fame, particularly if Mars is in his own sign in the 5th house or bhava. Top CAPRICORN (MAKARA) For the Capricorn or Makara Ascendant, Mars is lord of the 4th and 11th houses. Wearing of Red Coral in the major period of Mars will provide native with land; property and conveyances. He or she will get domestic harmony, happiness from mother and gains of wealth. Top AQUARIUS (KUMBHA) For Aquarius or Kumbha Ascendant, Mars will be the lord of the 3rd and 10th houses. Wearing of Red Coral in the major period of Mars will be useful for promotion and success in the professional field. If, however, Mars is in his own sign in the 10th house, this disposition will give rise to Ruchaka yoga and the native can wear a Red Coral with advantage whenever necessary. Top PISCES (MEENA) For Pisces or Meena Ascendant Mars is lord of the 2nd house which is the house of wealth and 9th the house of fortune. Mars is, therefore, a very auspicious planet for this Ascendant and wearing of Coral will bring great success in the life of the native. Red Coral is necessary for them if Mars is ill disposed or in any way afflicted in their birth chart. Wearing of Red Coral with Yellow Sapphire will prove very beneficial. ----------------------------------------------------------------------GEMOLOGY ABOUT GEMS:- The Gems are classified as precious and semi-precious stones based on their cost. Gemstones are minerals with definite crystalline structures and chemical compositions. They are composed of atoms of energy. Each & every gem has its own chemical configuration, refractive index and physical properties. It is

like a filter prism. It filters a specific ray according to its chemical and physical property. The specific wavelength absorbed by the gem stimulates our body cells. The right gem helps to ward off the evil effects and acts as a protective talisman. Gems are classified into two categories, cold and hot. Pearl, blue sapphire and topaz are referred to as cold gems, while ruby, diamond, cat's eye and red coral are known as hot gems. How Gemology works: - Gems generate constructive vibrations in the body. This helps counter the negative malefic powers released by the planets. When a specific gem is worn, it emits positive energy and provides a protective aura for the wearer. Duration: - Every gem has a specific life span. After this period, one should change the gem as it loses its impact for that particular individual. Nevertheless, the same gem will be effective for another person. Wearing of gems: -Gems should be worn after a proper selection. One should wear gems based on the planetary positions in the individual's horoscope. A trial period should be incorporated before any gem is worn. The proper purification and activation of a gemstone makes it effective. Gems should be worn after a pooja is performed in order to ward off negative planetary influences. It takes several months before the positive vibrations are activated, but the moment it is removed, the beneficial effect is instantly lost. Note:- Gems should be cleaned with salt-water at least once in a month to take good result. BIRTH & GEMS

Emerald May (Taurus) Pearl June(Gemini) Ruby July (Cancer) Peridot August(Leo)

Garnet January (Capricorn) Amethyst February (Aquarius) Aquamarine March

(Pisces) Diamond April (Aries) Sapphire September (Virgo) Opal October (Libra) Topaz November (Scorpio) Turquoise December (Sagittarius)



Rashi Rashi or Lagna Lord Lucky Gems Gems Picture Aries (Mesh) Mars Coral

Taurus (Vrashabh) Venus Diamond, W.Sapphire

Gemini (Mithun) Mercury Emerald

Cancer (Kark) Moon Pearl

Leo (Singh) Sun Ruby

Virgo (Kanya) Mercury Emerald

Libra (Tula) Venus Diamond, W.Sapphire

Scorpio (Vrashchik) Mars Coral

Sagittarus (Dhanu) Jupiter Yellow Sapphire

Capricorn (Makar) Saturn Sapphire

Aquarius (Kumbha) Saturn Sapphire

Pisces (Meen) Jupiter Yellow Sapphire

ZODIAC & GEMS GEM STONES ACCORDING TO MOON SIGN ARIES (MESHA) For the Aries (Mesha) Ascendant, Mars The person with this ascendant should give good health, longevity, courage, the evil effects of Mars if it is ill (Mangal) is lord of the Ascendant or Lagna. wear a Coral all his life. Red Coral will name, fame and happiness. It will neutralize disposed or is afflicted in any way.

TAURUS (VRISHAB) For the Taurus (Vrishab) Ascendant (lagna), Mars is the lord of 7th and 12th houses. In this case, native of this Ascendant should avoid wearing a Coral. However, if Mars is in his own sign in 7th or 12th house Coral may be worn, in the major period of Mars. GEMINI (MITHUNA) For the Gemini (Mithuna) Ascendant (Lagna), Mars is the lord of the 6th and 11th houses. In this case, Mars will not be considered an auspicious planet. Therefore, natives of this ascendant are advised to avoid wearing the coral. However, Red Coral may be used if Mars is in his own sign or in the 6th or 11th in the Major period of Mars. CANCER (KARKA) For the Cancer (Karka) Ascendant (Lagna) Mars being lord of the 5th house which is a trine or Trikona and 10th house quadrant or Kendra is a very auspicious (yoga Karaka) planet. If natives of cancer Ascendant always wear it, they will be blessed with children, intelligence, good fortune, name, fame honors and success in their professional career. If Red Coral is worn with Pearl - the gemstone of the lord of Cancer ascendant results will prove more beneficial. The beneficial results will be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. LEO (SIMHA) For the Leo (Simha) Ascendant also Mars being lord of the 4th quadrant (Kendra) and 9th house - a trine or trikona is very favorable and auspicious planet (yoga Karaka) and wearing of Red Coral will give same beneficial results as in the case of Cancer Ascendant. Apart from these results the native will have or acquire lands and property and he or she will have good fortune, will become virtuous, his or her father will enjoy long life. If the Mars is posited in his own sign in the 4th or 9th the beneficial results will become more pronounced. Wearing of a Ruby the gemstone of the lord of this Ascendant along with Red Coral will accelerate the beneficial results. VIRGO (KANYA) For the Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant (lagna) Mars is lord of the 3rd and 8th house and is a malefic for this Ascendant. Wearing of Red Coral by the natives of this ascendant should be avoided as far as possible. However, if absolutely necessary, Red Coral may be used in the major period of Mars if Mars is in his own sign in the 3rd of the 8th house.

LIBRA (TULA) For the Libra (Tula) Ascendant (Lagna) Mars is the lord of two Maraka (death inflicting houses) houses namely the 2nd and the 7th house. Moreover, Mars is an enemy of Venus, the lord of this Ascendant. Wearing a Red Coral by the natives of this ascendant should be generally avoided. The second house being the house of wealth, therefore, if Mars is in his own sign in the 2nd, Red Coral can be worn with good results during the Major period of Mars. As far as the 7th house is concerned if Mars is there in his sign, this disposition will give rise to a powerful Panchamahapurusha yoga known as Ruchaka yoga which will provide the native with a strong physique ruddy complexion, attractive body, charitable disposition, wealthy, long-lived and leader of an army". SCORPIO (VRISCHIKA) For the Scorpio (Vrischika) Ascendant (Lagna), Mars is lord of the Ascendant (and of the 6th). Nevertheless, his lordship of the Ascendant will prevail over the lordship of the sixth house. The Red Coral will be beneficial to the native in the same manner as for the Aries Ascendant. SAGITTARIUS (DHANU) For the Sagittarius (Dhanu) Ascendant (Lagna), Mars is the lord of the 5th and 12th houses. The auspicious lordship of the 5th trine or Trikona will supercede or prevail over the lordship of the 8th hose and by wearing Red Coral, the natives of this ascendant will be blessed with children, good fortune, name and fame, particularly if Mars is in his own sign in the 5th house or bhava. CAPRICORN (MAKARA) For the Capricorn or Makara Ascendant, Mars is lord of the 4th and 11th houses. Wearing of Red Coral in the major period of Mars will provide native with land; property and conveyances. He or she will get domestic harmony, happiness from mother and gains of wealth. AQUARIUS (KUMBHA) For Aquarius or Kumbha Ascendant, Mars will be the lord of the 3rd and 10th houses. Wearing of Red Coral in the major period of Mars will be useful for promotion and success in the professional field. If, however, Mars is in his own sign in the 10th house, this disposition will give rise to Ruchaka yoga and the native can wear a Red Coral with advantage whenever necessary. PISCES (MEENA) For Pisces or Meena Ascendant Mars is lord of the 2nd house which is the house of wealth and 9th the house of fortune. Mars is, therefore, a very auspicious planet for this Ascendant and wearing of Coral will bring great success in the life of the native. Red Coral is necessary for them if Mars is ill disposed or in any way afflicted in their birth chart. Wearing of Red Coral with Yellow Sapphire will prove very beneficial.

DISEASES & THERAPY BY GEMS GEMS THERAPY Gem therapy is one of the oldest and widely used therapies since ancient times. This is a very effective way of strengthening the benefic planets. Gem therapy, though, is a very costly remedy but it is very effective also provided the source of such gems is known. There are other parameters attached to wearing a gem which are as follows:

1- Birth Stones / Gems should be worn for weak and benefic planets. 23Birth Stones / Gems should be worn in an elected auspicious time. Birth Stones / Gems should be worn in a metal associated with it.

4-Birth Stones / Gems should be worn in proper weight and size. GEMS AND DISEASES The following diseases in which the gems are used side-by-side as helper for speedy recovery but total reliance on gems is not recommended. Medicines should always be taken first, while gems be worn generally as a side helper for quick recovery. Beware that semi-stones (Up-Ratna) are never effective in diseases. Acidity of Gastric Trouble Use Zade 10 to 20 Cts. On little finger neck or Anamika or use Emeralds, Yellow Sapphire & Moon Stone Abortions Use Red Coral & Panna During pregnancy period. Acne Use White or Red Coral 6 to 12 Cts. With Lapis Lazuli 4 Cts. Allergy Use Hassonite 4 to 8 Cts. Amnesia Use Emerald with Red Coral or Tourmaline only. Anemia Use Red Coral with Yellow Sapphire. Anger Use Pearl with moonstone or Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire, Emeralds Moonstone. Asthma use Cats Eye with Moon Stone or Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Pearl. Accidents Use Red Coral or Gomed. Arthritis Use Cats Coral, Blue Sapphire with Emerald. Brain Fever Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral or Ruby. Brain Tumors Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral Brain Hemorrhage Use Red Coral 7 to 10 cts. Yellow Sapphire 5 to 8 cts. With Moon Stone 8 to 10 cts. Or Red Coral Moon Stone & Emerald.

Bronchitis Use cats eye & Moon Stone or Red Coral & Moon Stone Cancer Use Red Coral with Blue Sapphire. Cough & Cold Use Red Coral with Moon Stone. Childrens Diseases Use Red Coral with Moon Stone Constipation Use Red Coral with Yellow Sapphire Diabetes Use Red Coral, Yellow sapphire with Lapis Lazuli old age above 50 years, Use Red Coral 15 Cts., Blue Sapphire with Moon Stone. Dysentery Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Moon Stone Fistula:Use Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire & Moon Stone. Epilepsy Use Emerald, & Moon Stone, ruby or Red Coral may be used in some cases. Heart Trouble Ruby, Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral, Moon Stone may be used in acute cases. High Blood Pressure Use Yellow Sapphire with Pearl Low Blood Pressure Use Red Coral, Ruby with Moon Stone or Emerald. Jaundice Use Red Coral & Light Blue Sapphire. Leucorrhoea (White Discharge) Use White Coral Or Pink Coral 10 to 18 cts. Menses Diseases Use Red Coral with Pearl, Emerald may be used in acute cases. Paralysis Use Red Coral, Emerald, Moon Stone. Blue Sapphire may be used as an additional Gem. Piles Use Red Coral with Moon Stone. Tonsils Use red coral. Sciatica Use Sapphire or Red Coral with Sapphire.

Syphilis Use Red Coral & White Coral, Diamond may be used in acute cases. Gem therapy is a very effective way of strengthening the benefic planets. 1- Birth Stones / Gems should be worn for weak and benefic planets. 23Birth Stones / Gems should be worn in an elected auspicious time. Birth Stones / Gems should be worn in a metal associated with it.

4-Birth Stones / Gems should be worn in proper weight and size. GEMS AND DISEASES The following diseases in which the gems are used side-by-side as helper for speedy recovery but total reliance on gems is not recommended. Medicines should always be taken first, while gems be worn generally as a side helper for quick recovery. Beware that semi-stones (Up-Ratna) are never effective in diseases. Acidity of Gastric Trouble Use Zade 10 to 20 Cts. On little finger neck or Anamika or use Emeralds, Yellow Sapphire & Moon Stone Abortions Use Red Coral & Panna During pregnancy period. Acne Use White or Red Coral 6 to 12 Cts. With Lapis Lazuli 4 Cts. Allergy Use Hassonite 4 to 8 Cts. Amnesia Use Emerald with Red Coral or Tourmaline only. Anemia Use Red Coral with Yellow Sapphire. Anger Use Pearl with moonstone or Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire, Emeralds Moonstone. Asthma use Cats Eye with Moon Stone or Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Pearl. Accidents Use Red Coral or Gomed. Arthritis Use Cats Coral, Blue Sapphire with Emerald. Brain Fever Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral or Ruby. Brain Tumors

Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral Brain Hemorrhage Use Red Coral 7 to 10 cts. Yellow Sapphire 5 to 8 cts. With Moon Stone 8 to 10 cts. Or Red Coral Moon Stone & Emerald. Bronchitis Use cats eye & Moon Stone or Red Coral & Moon Stone Cancer Use Red Coral with Blue Sapphire. Cough & Cold Use Red Coral with Moon Stone. Childrens Diseases Use Red Coral with Moon Stone Constipation Use Red Coral with Yellow Sapphire Diabetes Use Red Coral, Yellow sapphire with Lapis Lazuli old age above 50 years, Use Red Coral 15 Cts., Blue Sapphire with Moon Stone. Dysentery Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Moon Stone Fistula:Use Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire & Moon Stone. Epilepsy Use Emerald, & Moon Stone, ruby or Red Coral may be used in some cases. Heart Trouble Ruby, Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral, Moon Stone may be used in acute cases. High Blood Pressure Use Yellow Sapphire with Pearl Low Blood Pressure Use Red Coral, Ruby with Moon Stone or Emerald. Jaundice Use Red Coral & Light Blue Sapphire. Leucorrhoea (White Discharge) Use White Coral Or Pink Coral 10 to 18 cts. Menses Diseases Use Red Coral with Pearl, Emerald may be used in acute cases. Paralysis Use Red Coral, Emerald, Moon Stone. Blue Sapphire may be used as an additional Gem. Piles Use Red Coral with Moon Stone.

Tonsils Use red coral. Sciatica Use Sapphire or Red Coral with Sapphire. Syphilis Use Red Coral & White Coral, Diamond may be used in acute cases. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Coral Stone ARIES (MESHA) For the Aries (Mesha) Ascendant, Mars The person with this ascendant should give good health, longevity, courage, the evil effects of Mars if it is ill

(Mangal) is lord of the Ascendant or Lagna. wear a Coral all his life. Red Coral will name, fame and happiness. It will neutralize disposed or is afflicted in any way.

TAURUS (VRISHAB) For the Taurus (Vrishab) Ascendant (lagna), Mars is the lord of 7th and 12th houses. In this case, native of this Ascendant should avoid wearing a Coral. However, if Mars is in his own sign in 7th or 12th house Coral may be worn, in the major period of Mars. GEMINI (MITHUNA) For the Gemini (Mithuna) Ascendant (Lagna), Mars is the lord of the 6th and 11th houses. In this case, Mars will not be considered an auspicious planet. Therefore, natives of this ascendant are advised to avoid wearing the coral. However, Red Coral may be used if Mars is in his own sign or in the 6th or 11th in the Major period of Mars. CANCER (KARKA) For the Cancer (Karka) Ascendant (Lagna) Mars being lord of the 5th house which is a trine or Trikona and 10th house quadrant or Kendra is a very auspicious (yoga Karaka) planet. If natives of cancer Ascendant always wear it, they will be blessed with children, intelligence, good fortune, name, fame honors and success in their professional career. If Red Coral is worn with Pearl - the gemstone of the lord of Cancer ascendant results will prove more beneficial. The beneficial results will be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. LEO(SIMHA) For the Leo (Simha) Ascendant also Mars being lord of the 4th quadrant (Kendra) and 9th house - a trine or trikona is very favorable and auspicious planet (yoga Karaka) and wearing of Red Coral will give same beneficial results as in the case of Cancer Ascendant. Apart from these results the native will have or acquire lands and property and he or she will have good fortune, will become virtuous, his or her father will enjoy long life. If the Mars is posited in his own sign in the 4th or 9th the beneficial results will become more pronounced. Wearing of a Ruby the gemstone of the lord of this Ascendant along with Red Coral will accelerate the beneficial results.

VIRGO (KANYA) For the Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant (lagna) Mars is lord of the 3rd and 8th house and is a malefic for this Ascendant. Wearing of Red Coral by the natives of this ascendant should be avoided as far as possible. However, if absolutely necessary, Red Coral may be used in the major period of Mars if Mars is in his own sign in the 3rd of the 8th house. LIBRA (TULA) For the Libra (Tula) Ascendant (Lagna) Mars is the lord of two Maraka (death inflicting houses) houses namely the 2nd and the 7th house. Moreover, Mars is an enemy of Venus, the lord of this Ascendant. Wearing a Red Coral by the natives of this ascendant should be generally avoided. The second house being the house of wealth, therefore, if Mars is in his own sign in the 2nd, Red Coral can be worn with good results during the Major period of Mars. As far as the 7th house is concerned if Mars is there in his sign, this disposition will give rise to a powerful Panchamahapurusha yoga known as Ruchaka yoga which will provide the native with a strong physique ruddy complexion, attractive body, charitable disposition, wealthy, long-lived and leader of an army". SCORPIO (VRISCHIKA) For the Scorpio (Vrischika) Ascendant (Lagna), Mars is lord of the Ascendant (and of the 6th). Nevertheless, his lordship of the Ascendant will prevail over the lordship of the sixth house. The Red Coral will be beneficial to the native in the same manner as for the Aries Ascendant. SAGITTARIUS (DHANU) For the Sagittarius (Dhanu) Ascendant (Lagna), Mars is the lord of the 5th and 12th houses. The auspicious lordship of the 5th trine or Trikona will supercede or prevail over the lordship of the 8th hose and by wearing Red Coral, the natives of this ascendant will be blessed with children, good fortune, name and fame, particularly if Mars is in his own sign in the 5th house or bhava. CAPRICORN (MAKARA) For the Capricorn or Makara Ascendant, Mars is lord of the 4th and 11th houses. Wearing of Red Coral in the major period of Mars will provide native with land; property and conveyances. He or she will get domestic harmony, happiness from mother and gains of wealth. AQUARIUS (KUMBHA) For Aquarius or Kumbha Ascendant, Mars will be the lord of the 3rd and 10th houses. Wearing of Red Coral in the major period of Mars will be useful for promotion and success in the professional field. If, however, Mars is in his own sign in the 10th house, this disposition will give rise to Ruchaka yoga and the native can wear a Red Coral with advantage whenever necessary. PISCES (MEENA) For Pisces or Meena Ascendant Mars is lord of the 2nd house which is the house of wealth and 9th the house of fortune. Mars is, therefore, a very auspicious planet for this Ascendant and wearing of Coral will bring great success in the life of the native. Red Coral is necessary for them if Mars is ill disposed or in any way afflicted in their birth chart. Wearing of Red Coral with Yellow Sapphire will

prove very beneficial. -----------------------------------------------------------------------the Western world, it is very common to wear gemstones according to the month of birth. According to the consensus arrived at a meeting Of the National Association of Jewelers held in 1912 in Kansas City, USA, the birth stones are as under: Month of Birth Birth Stone January Garnet February Amethyst March Blood Stone April Diamond May Emerald June Pearl July Ruby August Sardonyx, Alternative Peridot September Sapphire October Opal, Alternative Tourmaline November Topaz December Turquoise, Alternative Lapis Lazuli ----------------------------------------------------------------------Ruby, Ruby gemstone, Ruby birth stone Ruby belongs to the category of the costly gemstones. It is a red colored gemstone. Wearer of the unblemished ruby enjoys wealth and property and is blessed with children. He becomes fearless, and is protected from afflictions, sorrow and disasters. He becomes virile and his will power and spirit is strengthened. He occupies a respected position in the society. A blemished a