150658503 Bitumen Test Part B

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Properties of Bitumen

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Aggregate (Natural) Ignious ! "#arnite$ Oranite

Metamorp#i% & Si#ist$ 'neas ! inigul$ Ramna$et%*

Seimental & Laterite$ Lime stone$ +en,ar$ +oralstone

  (Arti-%ial) Blast .urna%e Slag$ S/nopal$ Bro,en "u0e$ Bri%, 1ell/


Pro%ess .ra%tional istillation estru%ti2e istillationIn t#e orer of e%reasing 2olatilit/

'asoline e#/rate "oal Tar+erosene Lig#t Oiliesel "ar0oli% Oil

Lig#t Lu0e Oil Napt#elene Oil3ea2/ Lu0e Oil 4as# Oil

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BITUMEN Is t#e 0/ prou%t of t#e istillation ore2aporation of CRUDE PETROLEUM eit#er 0/natural pro%ess or in a re-ner/ an is t#e 0asi%%onstituent of asp#alt* (Britis# Name) !.ra%tional istillation

ASP3ALT A mixture of bitumen and mineral matter 5#i%# ma/ o%%ur in natural eposits or 0e prou%e0/ arti-%ial means* (Ameri%an Name)

 TAR Is t#e 0/ prou%t in t#e manufa%ture of gasfrom %oal* Resulting initiall/ from t#e estru%ti2eistillation of COAL 5#i%# #as 0een so

re-ne as to 0e suita0le for roa 5or,*

3as some 2olatile oils 5#i%# e2aporate 0/ e6posure$lea2ing t#e tar 0rittle an fria0le* T#at is 5#/

o2er#eating of tar is pro#i0ite*


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7)   789:8 ! S7; ('rae 0ase on Penetration 2alue) for Masti%Asp#alt

:)   <89=8 ! S<; ('rae 0ase on Penetration 2alue)

<)   >89?8 ! S>; ('rae 0ase on Penetration 2alue)

=) @89788 ! S8 ('rae 0ase on Penetration 2alue);) Moi-e Bitumen  "RMB ;8$ "RMB;;$ "RMB >8 ('rae 0ase on Softening Point)  ("rump Ru00er Moi-e Bitumen)

Ph!ical Con!tituent! of Bitumen"7) Asp#alti% (Soli state)

:) Maltene (Semi soli state)

<) olatile oil (LiCui state)

#rade! of Bitumen

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Pro$ertie! of Bitumen



IS: 73 – 1992

Grade of Bitumen

S 35 S 65 S 90

1 Penetration at 25°C, 1/10mm 30-40 60-70 80-100

2 Softening point, °C 50-65 40-55 35-50

3 Specific gravit at 27°C, min 0!99 0!99 0!99

4 "#a$% point, °C, min 175 175 175

5 &ater, percent ' ma$$, ma( 0!2 0!2 0!2

6 )i$co$it at 60°C, poi$e$ 2500*500 1000*200 500*100

7 +cti#it at 27°C, cm, min 50 75 75Ot#er graes of 0itumen are S7;$ S=;$ S;;$ S:88

3ere S refers to Pa2ing Bitumen T/pe 7$ 5#i%# #as lo5 5a6 %ontent* Similarl/Pa2ing Bitumen T/pe : are A<;$ A;;$ A>; D A8 5#ere A refers to Pa2ing

Bitumen #a2ing #ig# 5a6 %ontent*

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Te!t! on bitumen and a%%re%ate

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Pro$ertie! of Modi&ed Bitumen'CRMB(Table of I!": SP 3#2$$2

o 'e Spp#ie. %ot at 125C - 175C in in$#ate. taner$%it& suitable a'itatin' de(i)es or in pace. .rm$,'ag$ or 'o(e$!


+esi'nationra.e an. eirement$

et%o. of e$tC 50 C 55 C 60

Penetration at 25C, 0!1mm, 100g, 5 Sec! 70 60 50 IS: 1203 - 1978 

Softening Point, C , inimm 50 55 60 IS: 1205 - 1978 

:#a$tic ecover of ;a#f %rea. in+cti#ometer at 15C, <, inimm

50 50 50   Appendix – 1 of   IRC: SP 53-2002 

"#a$% Point, C=C, C, in! 220 220 220 IS: 1206 – 1978 

Separation, +iffrence in Softening Point,, C, a(imm

4 4 4  Appendix – 2 of   IRC: SP 53-2002 

Thin FilmOven Test (TFOT) on Residue (IS: 9382 - 1992)

Penetration at 25C, 0!1mm, 100g, 5 Sec!,inimm < of =rigina# 60 60 60 IS: 1203 – 1978 

>ncrea$e in Softening Point, C ,inimm 7 6 5 IS: 1205 – 1978 

:#a$tic ecover of ;a#f %rea. in+cti#ometer at 25C, <, inimm 35 35 35

  Appendix - 1 ofIRC: SP 53-2002 

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E)ect of Tem$eratureTable: $$# of *o!T,-

*anufa)turin' and !ollin' Temperatures


Bitumen *iin'/0"

''re'ate *iin'/0"

*ied *aterial/0"

!ollin' /0" a4in' /0"

3 15$ # 17$ 15$ # 17 17$ *aimum 1$$ *inimum 13$ *inimum

5 1$ # 15 1$ # 17$ 15 *aimum 9$ *inimum 12 *inimum

9$ 16$ # 15$ 16$ # 15 1 *aimum $ *inimum 11 *inimum

? %e .ifference in temperatre 'et@een t%e 'in.er an. aggregate $%o#. at no time e(cee. 14C!

a4in' of 'itmino$ mi(tre$ $%a## not 'e carrie. ot @%en t%e air temperatre at t%e $rface on @%ic% it i$ to 'e #ai. i$'e#o@ 10C or @%en t%e @in. $pee. at an temperatre e(cee.$ 40 m/% at 2m %eig%t n#e$$ $pecifica## approve. 't%e :ngineer!

8(erlappin' on $cce$$ive pa$$e$ ' at #ea$t one-t%ir. of t%e @i.t% of t%e rear ro## or in t%e ca$e of a pnematic-tre. ro##er,at #ea$t t%e nomina# @i.t% of 300mm!

>nitia# rollin' $%a## 'e .one @it% 8-10 tonne$ .ea. @eig%t $moot%-@%ee#e. ro##er$! >nterme.iate ro##ing $%a## 'e .one @it% 8-10 tonne$ .ea. @eig%t or vi'rator ro##er or @it% a pnematic tre. ro##er of 12 to 15 tonne$ @eig%t %aving nine @%ee#$,@it% a tre pre$$re of at #ea$t 5!6 g/$cm! %e fini$% ro##ing $%a## 'e .one @it% 6-8 tonne$ $moot% @%ee#e. tan.emro##er$! oving $pee. $%a## 'e not more t%an 5 m per %or!

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B!8+ !NG 8 ;IS"8SIT< N+ T*P!T=!!>=I!*NTS 8! *8+II+ BIN+!S

S P! I!": SP 3#2$$2

Sta'e of %or? ;is)osit4 Temperature @"

in.er at mi(ing a(imm 2 poi$e$ 165 to 185

i( at mi(ing p#ant a(imm 4 poi$e$ 140 to 160

i( at #aing $ite a(imm 5 poi$e$ 130 to 150

o##ing at #aing $ite 10 - 1000 poi$e$ 115 to 135

Ran%e of *i!co!it andTem$erature + CRMB

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EMULSION A freel/ o5ing liCui at orinar/ temperaturein (IS: 217-1978)  5#i%# a su0stantial amount of 0itumenis suspene in a solution of 5ater* ;8&>;F 0itumen an<;&;8F 5ater* < graes Rapi Setting$ MS D SS*

4#en applie t#e 5ater soa,s in or e2aporatesallo5ing t#e 0itumen parti%les to reunite an lie on t#esurfa%e*

"UT BA"+ A solution of 0itumen in a 2olatile or partl/2olatile (IS: 8887-1978)  sol2ent su%# as petrol ('asoline)$,erosene or %reosote D iesel* @8F 0itumen an :8Fsol2ent*

< t/pes & Rapi "uring$ M" D S"*

T$e! of bituminou!


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EMULSIONA Rapi Setting&7 RS&7

A Rapi Setting&: RS&:

A Meium Setting MS

ASlo5 Setting&7SS&7

A Slo5 Setting&:SS&:


A Rapi "uring R" ?8$ R" :;8$ R" @88 D R" <8888

A Meium "uring M" <8$ M" ?8$ M" :;8$ M" @88 D M"


A Slo5 "uring S" ?8$ S" :;8$ S" @88 D S" <888

,unda- Ma ..- ./01

T$e! of Emul!ion andCutbac2 

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*i!co!it re3uirement and 4uantit ofLi3uid Bituminou! Primer

T$e of



*i!co!it ofPrimer at 1/



4uantit of Li3uid

Bituminou! Material$er 0/ ,36m6'2%6(

Lo7 $oro!it 8/+1/ 1 to 9


:/+0;/ 9 to 0.


.=/+=// 0. to 0=

Rate of a$$lication of Tac2 Coat

T$e of !urface 4uantit of Li3uid Bituminou!Material in 5%6 $er !36m6 area

Normal bituminou! !urface /6./ to /6.=

Dr and hun%r bituminou!!urface

/6.= to /68/

#ranular !urface! treated 7ith$rimer

/6.= to /68/

Non bituminou! !urface!

a( #ranular ba!e 'not $rimed( /68= to /6;/

b( Cement concrete $a?ement /68/ to /68=

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"limate TraG%(")


'rae ofBitumen

3ot An/ BM$BPM$BUS' >89?8

Moerate "ol An/ BM$BPM$BUS' @89788


3ea2/ Loas$

E6press5a/s$Ur0an roas BM$SB"$B"


3ot9Moerate An/ P" ;89>8 or >89?8

"ol An/ P" @89788

3ot9Moerate An/ Masti% Asp#alt 7;H;

"ol An/ Masti% Asp#alt <89=8


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 T/pe ofBase 9Biner%ourse

 T/pe ofBituminous5earing%ourse


esign TraG%(msa)

7 4BM94MM9BUS'

:8mm P"5it# San

seal %oat

L D M J 78

:8mm P"S" L$M an 3 J78

MSS :8mm T/pe A or B

L$M an 3 J78

: BM

SB" :;mm

L$M D 3 J78P"S" :8mm

MSS :8mm T/pe A or B

< BMB" :;mm L $ M D 3 K;J78B" =8mm L$M an 3 K78

B" ;8mm L$M an 3 K788


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Eit#er 5earing %ourse 9 Biner %ourse 5it# 5earing %ourse

4earing %ourses are surfa%e ressing $ P"S"$ MSS$ SB" an B"

Biner %ourses are BM D BM

BM ma/ 0e esigne to %arr/ traG% J; msa

BM is re%ommene for traG% more t#an ; msa

78 mm BM is eCui2alent to ?mm BM

'rae of 0itumen 5ill 0e sele%te 0ase on traG%$ rainfall an ot#eren2ironmental %onition*

Masti% asp#alt ma/ 0e use at 0us&stops an interse%tions*

.or P"S" up to :;mm$ t#i%, of surfa%ing s#oul not 0e %ounte to5ars t#etotal t#i%,ness of pa2ement(purel/ for 5earing an 5ill not a to stru%tural


BM s#all 0e in t5o la/ers 5#en t#i%,ness is more t#an 788mm*

4earing %ourse amena0le to la/ing 5it# pa2er&-nis#er s#oul 0e aopte o2erpa2er&-nis#e 0ase 0iner %ourse*

B" s#oul not 0e lai ire%tl/ o2er manuall/ lai 'B*

Bituminous Surfa%ing

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PA*EMENT,7* .LEIBLE PAEMENT (IR" <? ! :887):* RI'I PAEMENT (IR" ;@ ! :88:)

ESI'N LI.E O. .LEIBLE PAEMENTSA 7; Years ( N3 an S3) an

A :8 Years ( E6press 4a/)

A 78 to 7; Years (.or Ot#er %ategories)

IS & Inian Stanars

BS & Britis# Stanars

ASTM & Ameri%an So%iet/ for Testing anMaterials

AAST3O & Ameri%an Asso%iation of State3ig#5a/ an Transportation OG%ials

,unda- Ma ..- ./01

#eneral Di!cu!!ion

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S.No Type of Test PC with SC BM DBM SDBC BC Test Method Frequency


Quality of Binder

( Penetration/Viscocity,

Ductility/Softening point)

IS : 73 IS : 73 IS : 73 IS : 73 IS : 73IS : 1203, IS: 1205, IS:

1206 & IS: 1208Two Tests Per Lot

2 Temperature of binder 150° - 165° 150° - 165° 150° - 165° 150° - 165° 150° - 165°Take 500-5 –MORTH

(Rev-4)At regular close intervals

3 Aggregate Impact Value Max 30 % Max 30 % Max 27 % Max 27 % Max 24% IS: 2386(Part-4) One test per 50mB of aggregate

4Flakiness index &

Elongation index__ Max 30 Max 30 Max 30 Max 30 IS: 2386(Part-1) One test per 50mB of aggregate

5 Stripping of Aggregate Minimum Retained Coating 95 % IS: 6241One set of 3 specimens for each source

of supply.

6 Water Absorption Max 1% Max 2% Max 2% Max 2% Max 2% IS: 2386(Part-3)One set of 3 specimens for each source of


7 Grading of AggregateTable 500-23


Table 500 -4


Table 500-10


Table 500-15


 Table 500-



IS: 2720(Part-4)

Two tests per day per plant both on the

individual Constituents and mixed

aggregates from the dryer.

One test per 25mB of aggregates (for


8 Binder Content 4.32 %



















MORTH (Rev-4) Minimum Two tests per day.

9Density of Compacted


Density of Compacted

layerOne test per 250m of area.

PART – B (Bituminous Layers)