15 June 2021 The Raven

There was once upon a time a queen who had a little daughter who was still so young that she had to be carried. One day the child was naughty, and the mother might say what she liked, but the child would not be quiet. Then she became impatient, and as the ravens were flying about the palace, she opened the window and said, I wish you were a raven and would fly away, and then I should have some rest. Scarcely had she spoken the words, before the child was changed into a raven, and flew from her arms out of the window. It flew into a dark forest, and stayed in it a long time, and the parents heard nothing of their child. Then one day a man was on his way through this forest and heard the raven crying, and followed the voice, and when he came nearer, the bird said, I am a king's daughter by birth, and am bewitched, but you can set me free. What am I to do, asked he. She said, go further into the forest, and you will find a house, wherein sits an aged woman, who will offer you meat and drink, but you must accept nothing, for if you eat and drink anything, you will fall into a sleep, and then you will not be able to set me free. In the garden behind the house there is a great heap of tan, and on this you shall stand and wait for me. For three days I will come every afternoon at two o'clock in a carriage. On the first day four white horses will be harnessed to it, then four chestnut horses, and lastly four black ones, but if you are not awake, but sleeping, I shall not be set free. The man promised to do everything that she desired, but the raven said, alas, I know already that you will not set me free, you will accept something from the woman. Then the man once more promised that he would certainly not touch anything either to eat or to drink. But when he entered the house the old woman came to him and said, poor man, how faint you are, come and refresh yourself, eat and drink. No, said the man, I will not eat or drink. She, however, let him have no peace, and said, if you will not eat, take one drink out of the glass, one is nothing. Then he let himself be persuaded, and drank. Shortly before two o'clock in the afternoon he went into the garden to the tan heap to wait for the raven. As he was standing there, his weariness all at once became so great that he could not struggle against it, and lay down for a short time, but he was determined not to go to sleep. Hardly, however, had he lain down, than his eyes closed of their own accord, and he fell asleep and slept so soundly that nothing in the world could have aroused him. At two o'clock the raven came driving up with four white horses, but she was already in deep grief and said, I know he is asleep. And when she came into the garden, he was indeed lying there asleep on the heap of tan. She alighted from the carriage, went to him, shook him, and called him, but he did not awake. Next day about noon, the old woman came again and brought him food and The Raven 15 th June 2021 a tale collected by Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm

Transcript of 15 June 2021 The Raven

There was once upon a time a queen who had a little daughter who was still so young that she had to be carried. One day the child was naughty, and the mother might say what she liked, but the child would not be quiet. Then she became impatient, and as the ravens were flying about the palace, she opened the window and said, I wish you were a raven and would fly away, and then I should have some rest. Scarcely had she spoken the words, before the child was changed into a raven, and flew from her arms out of the window. It flew into a dark forest, and stayed in it a long time, and the parents heard nothing of their child.

Then one day a man was on his way through this forest and heard the raven crying, and followed the voice, and when he came nearer, the bird said, I am a king's daughter by birth, and am bewitched, but you can set me free. What am I to do, asked he. She said, go further into the forest, and you will find a house, wherein sits an aged woman, who will offer you meat and drink, but you must accept nothing, for if you eat and drink anything, you will fall into a sleep, and then you will not be able to set me free. In the garden behind the house there is a great heap of tan, and on this you shall stand and wait for me. For three days I will come every afternoon at two o'clock in a carriage. On the first day four white horses will be harnessed to it, then four chestnut horses, and lastly four black ones, but if you are not awake, but sleeping, I shall not be set free. The man promised to do everything that she desired, but the raven said, alas, I know already that you will not set me free, you will accept something from the woman. Then the man once more promised that he would certainly not touch anything either to eat or to drink.

But when he entered the house the old woman came to him and said, poor man, how faint you are, come and refresh yourself, eat and drink. No, said the man, I will not eat or drink. She, however, let him have no peace, and said, if you will not eat, take one drink out of the glass, one is nothing. Then he let himself be persuaded, and drank. Shortly before two o'clock in the afternoon he went into the garden to the tan heap to wait for the raven. As he was standing there, his weariness all at once became so great that he could not struggle against it, and lay down for a short time, but he was determined not to go to sleep. Hardly, however, had he lain down, than his eyes closed of their own accord, and he fell asleep and slept so soundly that nothing in the world could have aroused him.

At two o'clock the raven came driving up with four white horses, but she was already in deep grief and said, I know he is asleep. And when she came into the garden, he was indeed lying there asleep on the heap of tan. She alighted from the carriage, went to him, shook him, and called him, but he did not awake. Next day about noon, the old woman came again and brought him food and

The Raven 15th June 2021

a tale collected by

Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm

drink, but he would not take any of it. But she let him have no rest and persuaded him until at length he again took one drink out of the glass. Towards two o'clock he went into the garden to the tan heap to wait for the raven, but all at once felt such a great weariness that his limbs would no longer support him. He could not help himself, and was forced to lie down, and fell into a heavy sleep.

When the raven drove up with four brown horses, she was already full of grief, and said, I know he is asleep. She went to him, but there he lay sleeping, and there was no wakening him. Next day the old woman asked what was the meaning of this. He was neither eating nor drinking anything, did he want to die. He replied, I am not allowed to eat or drink, and will not do so. But she set a dish with food, and a glass with wine before him, and when he smelt it he could not resist, and swallowed a deep draught. When the time came, he went out into the garden to the heap of tan, and waited for the king's daughter, but he became still more weary than on the day before, and lay down and slept as soundly as if he had been a stone. At two o'clock the raven came with four black horses, and the coachman and everything else was black. She was already in the deepest grief, and said, I know that he is asleep and cannot set me free.

When she came to him, there he was lying fast asleep. She shook him and called him, but she could not waken him. Then she laid a loaf beside him, and after that a piece of meat, and thirdly a bottle of wine, and he might consume as much of all of them as he liked, but they would never grow less. After this she took a gold ring from her finger, and put it on his, and her name was graven on it. Lastly, she laid a letter beside him wherein was written what she had given him, and that none of the things would ever grow less, and in it was also written, I see right well that here you will never be able to set me free, but if you are still willing to do so, come to the golden castle of Stromberg; it lies in your power, of that I am certain. And when she had given him all these things, she seated herself in her carriage, and drove to the golden castle of Stromberg.

When the man awoke and saw that he had slept, he was sad at heart, and said, she has certainly driven by, and I have not set her free. Then he perceived the things which were lying beside him, and read the letter wherein was written how everything had happened. So he arose and went away, intending to go to the golden castle of Stromberg, but he did not know where it was. After he had walked about the world for a long time, he entered into a dark forest, and walked for fourteen days, and still could not find his way out. Then it was once more evening, and he was so tired that he lay down in a thicket and fell asleep. Next day he went onwards, and in the evening, as he was again about to lie down beneath some bushes, he heard such a howling and crying that he could not go to sleep. And at the time when people light the candles, he saw one glimmering, and arose and went towards it.

Then he came to a house which seemed very small, for in front of it a great giant was standing. He thought to himself, if I go in, and the giant sees me, it will very likely cost me my life. At length he ventured it and went in. When the giant saw him, he said, it is well that you come, for it is long since I have eaten, I will at once devour you for my supper. I'd rather you did not, said the man, I do not like to be eaten, but if you have any desire to eat, I have quite enough here to satisfy you. If that be true, said the giant, you may be easy, I was only going to devour you because I had nothing else.

Then they went, and sat down to the table, and the man took out the bread, wine, and meat which would never come to an end. This pleases me well, said the giant, and ate to his heart's content. Then the man said to him, can you tell me where the golden castle of Stromberg is. The giant said, I will look at my map, all the towns, and villages, and houses are to be found on it.

He brought out the map which he had in the room and looked for the castle, but it was not to be found on it. It's no matter, said he, I have some still larger maps in my cupboard upstairs, and we will look at them. But there, too, it was in vain. The man now wanted to set out again, but the giant begged him to wait a few days longer until his brother, who had gone out to bring some provisions,

came home. When the brother came home they inquired about the golden castle of Stromberg. He replied, when I have eaten and have had enough, I will look at the map.

Then he went with them up to his chamber, and they searched on his map, but could not find it. Then he brought out still older maps, and they never rested until they found the golden castle of Stromberg, but it was many thousand miles away. How am I to get there, asked the man. The giant said, I have two hours, time, during which I will carry you into the neighbourhood, but after that I must be at home to suckle the child that we have.

So the giant carried the man to about a hundred leagues from the castle, and said, you can very well walk the rest of the way alone. And he turned back, but the man went onwards day and night, until at length he came to the golden castle of Stromberg.

It stood on a glass-mountain, and the bewitched maiden was driving in her carriage round the castle, and then went inside it. He rejoiced when he saw her and wanted to climb up to her, but when he began to do so he always slipped down the glass again. And when he saw that he could not reach her, he was very worried, and said to himself, I will stay down here below, and wait for her. So he built himself a hut and stayed in it for a whole year, and every day saw the king's daughter driving about above, but never could reach her.

Then one day he saw from his hut three robbers who were beating each other, and cried to them, God be with you. They stopped when they heard the cry, but as they saw no one, they once more began to beat each other, and that too most dangerously. So he again cried, God be with you. Again they stopped, looked round about, but as they saw no one they went on beating each other. Then he cried for the third time, God be with you, and thought, I must see what these three are about, and went thither and asked why they were beating each other so furiously. One of them said that he found a stick, and that when he struck a door with it, that door would spring open. The next said that he had found a mantle, and that whenever he put it on, he was invisible, but the third said he had found a horse on which a man could ride everywhere even up the glass-mountain. And now they did not know whether they ought to have these things in common, or whether they ought to divide them.

Then the man said, I will give you something in exchange for these three things. Money indeed have I not, but I have other things of more value, but first I must make an experiment to see if you have told the truth. Then they put him on the horse, threw the mantle round him, and gave him the stick in his hand, and when he had all these things they were no longer able to see him. So he gave them some vigorous blows and cried, now, vagabonds, you have got what you deserve, are you satisfied. And he rode up the glass-mountain, but when he came in front of the castle at the top, it was shut.

Then he struck the door with his stick, and it sprang open immediately. He went in and ascended the stairs until he came to the hall where the maiden was sitting with a golden globlet of wine before her. She, however, could not see him because he had the mantle on. And when he came up to her, he drew from his finger the ring which she had given him, and threw it into the goblet so that it rang. Then she cried, that is my ring, so the man who is to set me free must be here.

They searched the whole castle and did not find him, but he had gone out, and had seated himself

on the horse and thrown off the mantle. When they came to the door, they saw him and cried

aloud in their delight. Then he alighted and took the king's daughter in his arms, but she kissed

him and said, now have you set me free, and to-morrow we will celebrate our wedding.

--The End—

Sweet Porridge editions Term 3 2021

Closing date for submissions

TERM 3 2021

Friday 23 July

Friday 13 August

Friday 3 September

Dates of Publication

TERM 3 2021

Tuesday 27 July

Tuedsay 17 August

Tuesday 7 September

[email protected]

Advertising Rates for Sweet Porridge

Small ad – 25 words $ 2

Business card size or 100 words $ 5

Quarter page $ 9

Half page $15

Full page $25

Community Notices Free of Charge

All year by arrangement

All revenue raised from Sweet Porridge benefits

the Parents & Friends Association of Little Yarra

Steiner School.

Advertising payments can be made via EFT

BSB 633 000 A/C 14 284 4166 LYSS P & F

or at the School Office. Please email all content to

[email protected]

Dear All at Little Yarra,

Last Tuesday I birthed our beautiful son into the world. He is now a

week old and is healthy and peaceful. After he was born it began

raining, and it kept on raining until our home was completely

surrounded by water! It felt strange but also really special and a few

people waded/swam in to support us. We then went on a little

evacuation holiday to Warburton which was very relaxing. So it's

been an exciting first week of life and Josh and I are deeply grateful

for all the loving support and messages we have received.

We have decided to call our darling son Valley and very much look

forward to you all meeting him and being a part of his blessed life.

Sending much love and gratitude from our bubble of bliss,


We are Mitch (29 yrs), Jess (26yrs), Flo (3 yrs), Dharma (7 months), and Eddie (the 4 yr old cat)

As Mitch commences a teaching position at CIRE community school this year, we are looking for a

new rental home in the area.

Anywhere in the surrounds of Yarra Junction would suit us, and we'd like to move in the next

couple of months.

We value low-impact, sustainable and alternative living and also creating

harmonious relationships with others. If you have or know of any house/living arrangement that

you feel might suit us, please let us know.

We are looking forward to becoming part of the valley community! Thank you :)

Jess 0479 177 609 and Mitch 0436 021 363

Looking for a house to rent in the Yarra

valley for two adults and two children and a

dog. House must be fenced. Can afford up to

$650 for right house. Please let me know if

you have anything available.

Kind regards Monique 0499 882 562


We're Kris & Ula, we moved to Australia in Jan 2020 (what timing! just before the world shut down...) whereKris got a software engineer job at Qantas. We moved with our three-year-old daughter who, just like us,fell in love with the nature and wildlife of the Dandenong Ranges. Last August we made another dream ofours come true and moved into a tiny house on wheels which became our home. We're in Sassafras.

We're writing this message because we're now looking for a new spot to park our home. Sassafras is sobeautiful but we would love to be parked somewhere a little farther from very tall gum trees, with a little moresun and most importantly with a good mobile internet connection.

We're looking for a place where our tiny house could be parked i.e. a flat area of roughly 4x10 meters. Itcould be your backyard, your front yard, anywhere suitable on your property. We will need a connection to agarden tap and electricity (we have an industrial power meter, so we know exactly how much electricity weuse and how much to pay for it). We would love to grow food so we could either help with or establish andmaintain a garden for you and us to use. We would pay an agreed weekly rent for the parking spot. We canbe as social or as private as you'd like us to be🙂

We are nice 🙂 and we believe in the power of community. We love Yarra Valley and we’d love to call ithome. If you are interested in having an open chat about any of the above or know someone who is, pleaseshout out!

Kind regards!Ula & Kris (Contact details: [email protected], 0401832786)

Dear community,

Hello! My name is Jerri and I am searching for a rental property for myself and my four boys around the Yarra Junction/Warburton area. I am currently going through the enrolment process at Little Yarra Steiner School to begin in term 1 next year.

Right now, we live in Caulfield South and the boys are in Class 2 and Class 1 at East Bentleigh Primary School - Steiner Stream and my twins at Taraleigh Steiner Kindergarten where I have been the Chairperson and on the committee for the last 4 years. We will be finishing the year out there and then moving ready for the new year.

Ideally we are looking for a 3, 4 or (preferably) 5 bedroom home with some land to either rent and/or caretake. I would prefer to move somewhere close to the beginning of December this year but would take the opportunity if something came up to relocated before then.

We are a responsible, loving family that are very family and community focused.

If you know or hear of something that is available that you think may suit us, please contact me on 0435 713 806 or [email protected]. I’d be happy to hear from you.

References available upon request.


Instruments for Sale

Term 2 – 2021


1/8 size “Prima 100” violin, fair condition, $130. Malini 0491 641 693

ÂĽ size violin with case and bow, $50, Tricia 0402 421 782

¼ size “Hofner” violin with bow and case, $80, Tammy 5967 2182 or 0490 402 331

½ size violin, with hard case and shoulder rest. $90 ono. Olesia 0403 763 953

½ size, “Joseph Violti” violin, hard case, shoulder rest, bow, $99, Susan 0400 980 463

½ size violin with case and bow, $100, Tricia 0402 421 782

½ size “Chamber student” violin, with case and bow. Good condition. $140. Marilena 0448 995 538

½ size “Chamber Student” violin. Model 101. Woodend “teka” chinrest. Tonica strings. FOM ½

shoulder rest. Bow and Case. Excellent condition, as new. Purchase from Bows 4 Strings. Only used

for several lessons and light use (aka minimal practice). Selling due to change of instrument after 1

term. Instrument in Croydon. Happy to arrange to meet at a mutual location for inspection. $400.

Alistair 0434 499 010

¾ size “Dolfin” violin with bow and case. $90. Tania 0490 794 930

¾ size “Hofner” violin, with bow, case and stand, $120, Tammy 5967 2182 or 0490 402 331

¾ size “Chamber 2 student” violin, with bow and case. Good condition. $150. Marilena 0448 995


¾ “Prelude Stradivarius copy”, Chinese handmade instrument. Comes with a hard case, bow and

shoulder rest. The violin case has a crack and could be mended. The sound is very good as it is.

$200. Kelly 0414 391 039

¾ size “Capriccio” violin. Very good condition with shoulder rest. $250. Malini 0491 641 693

¾ size “Rafel RV 1203” violin, High quality. Beautiful tone. Comes with hard case and quality bow.

$350 Gareth 0433 662 088

¾ size “Amore” violin. Very good condition with Kun shoulder rest. $350. Malini 0491 641 693

¾ size “Gliga I” violin with hard case, $750 ono, Andrea 0425 658 522

¾ size “Stradivarius” violin. Built in the 20th Century in Germany. Excellent condition for it’s age.

Selling for $1150 ono. Ness 0407 186 043.

Full size 4/4 “Huxley” violin, with bow and case. Good condition. $60. Marilena 0448 995 538

Full size “Chamber Student” violin, with bow, chin rest and hard case. Good condition. $300.

Rachel 0427 726 969

Full size RV5 Raggetti 2015 violin. Bought new for $645. In excellent condition. Comes with bow,

chin rest and rosin. Selling for $480. Ness 0407 186 043.

Full size “Suzuki NS-20” violin, Excellent condition. Hard case but no bow. $600 ono.

Olesia 0403 763 953

Full size 4/4 “Prelude” violin. Copy of Stradivarius. High quality, very good condition. Comes with

bow and case. Valued at $2500. Selling for $1500.

Contact Aladdin Jones 0490 123 199 or Tessa Priest 0405 390 348.


¼ size viola (violin strung for a viola because viola’s are not made this small). Good condition. $60.

Anna 0424 308 472

¼ size “Raggetti” viola, good condition. Obligato strings. Good bow and shoulder rest. Nice mellow

tone. Light weight hard case. $250 negotiable. Damien 0418 622 647

½ sized Viola, great sound. may need some new strings and/or new bow. I am happy for you to

take it to school to have it checked with music teachers. $200, Lisa 0411 243 673

13 inch “St Antonio” viola. Very good condition with a new shoulder rest and hard case. A new bow

is needed. $150. Dana 0418 210 656

Full size viola with bow, shoulder rest and hard case. $600. Barry 0400 565 548


ÂĽ size cello, good condition, perfect tuning, semi hard case $480. Edo 0437 240 590

ÂĽ size cello with case and bow, $500, Tricia 0402 421 782

¼ size “Skylark” cello, hard case and bow. Excellent condition. $550, Rebecca 0449 810 015

½ size cello with Jaygar strings and black hard case. Has had a repair and been recently tuned and

checked by our cello teacher Jenny Rowlands – all in great working order. $600. Jan-Leigh 0438

697 365

1/2 size "Salieri SC 2" cello with light weight case. Lovely sound. Good condition. $690.

Nicole 0402 484 106

1/2 size "Chamber Student" Cello & bow. Excellent condition, lovely sound. Some cosmetic wear and

tear on hard case. $800 Sara 0414 551 896

½ size “Montanari Deluxe” cello. Deluxe set up in excellent condition. Originally bought from

Cellisimo for $1600 with a hard case worth $200. Selected by a professional cellist. Selling for $980

ono. Ness 0407 186 043

Âľ size cello, with hard, light weight case. Beautiful sound. Excellent condition. $1200.

Kym 0498 114 604

Full size student cello, with hard case. In excellent condition. Please call Ness for more details

0407 186 034.

Full size 4/4 “Samuel Eastman VC100” cello. Beautiful instrument. Comes with quite new carbon

fibre bow and soft case. Originally purchased from Cellissimo in Kew for approx. $1500. Selling for

$900. Jo 0404 014 704.

Full size “Enrico” cello, beautiful tone, hard case with wheels. Both cello and case are in excellent

condition. Only a couple of years old. Selling for $1000. Madeline 0411 160 612.

Full size 4/4 “Gliga 1” cello, Label Romania 2002, Includes an older style very usable hard case and

bow. Inspection welcome. $3200. Chris 0413 924 877


Large ÂĽ size double bass with soft case and bow, excellent condition, professionally set by the

wonderful luthier Nicholas at Bows for Strings, $1100, Glenn 0434 006 089

Full size double bass with case, bow and leather bow holder. Purchased from Bows for Strings,

picked professional pick up, very nice sounding and easy to play. Used for recording too. $2800 ono,

Woody 0420 925 448


“Artley” clarinet, student model in good condition. $100. Marek 0421 582 438

“Yamaha” YAS-26 Alto Saxophone, gold lacquer. 2 years old, perfect condition. Has 1 year warranty

left on it from Ozwinds in Ormond, $1300. Dan 0402 726 750

Euphonium, excellent condition, includes case. $300. Adam 0413 016 040


Full sized red piano accordion, excellent condition, comes with hard case. $400. Kim 0417 312 602

Bongos, Tycoon percussion Series 8 6” & 7”, black hardware, mahogany colour. Bought new, never

used. $40. Trudy 5966 5270 or text 0439 817 508

Red “Ashton” electric guitar, near new condition. Comes with small amp and lead. $150 ono, Josh

0488 164 638

Kawai Upright Action Piano (CE-7N). An upright piano from the world renowned Japanese

manufacturer Kawai. With the combination of a soft, warm tone and a rounded full sound offers an

exquisite encounter with music. This piano offers a wide dynamic range with control over

demanding piece, whether it be slow and solemn or fast and eccentric. A recommended piano for

beginner to intermediate level. This piano was built in the 1980s, has a metal frame and comes in a

medium/dark rosewood colour - some minor cosmetic wood damage consistent with age. The piano

has recently been tuned and had some worn felts replaced. Cost $1200. Contact Ellen 0432 070 559.

Either in the evenings or between 1pm-2pm Mon-Friday. Happy to receive a text at any time.

If you wish to add an instrument for sale, please email details to Melinda Whyman at

[email protected]

If you sell or buy an instrument through the Music Register please advise us via

[email protected] and we will remove the item from this list.

Please note that music teachers are happy and able to view or value instruments being purchased by LYSS

students during their child’s individual lessons or after hours in consultation with the child’s teacher. Please

do not leave instruments to be inspected or collected by a potential buyer at the music department or school

office as we cannot ensure the instruments’ safety and have limited storage room.

Melbourne Rudolf Steiner Seminar

Full-time and part-time courses in Rudolf Steiner Education

Part-time certificate courses. Each evening we have a movement or artistic activity,

supper and then a lecture/discussion. The evening also offers an enjoyable social experience. These are

non-accredited courses.

Nourishing Early Childhood (Certificate), which explores the life of the very young child

from 0-7. Duration: 1 year.

Understanding Child Development and Rudolf Steiner Education (Certificate), which

considers child development and education during the Primary years. Duration: 2 years

Rudolf Steiner High School Education (Certificate)

Biodynamics (Note: this will be offered from 11:00am – 3:00 pm on a Thursday, subject

to numbers).

Enrol for these courses on-line at: www.steinerseminar.com

Full-time accredited Steiner Teacher Training course: the Advanced Diploma in Rudolf Steiner Education (course code 10527NAT) Many students complete this course and go on to complete further tertiary study to become teachers, or undertake it for their own development and interest, or incorporate what they have learned to their own field of work in a range of settings. This is an accredited course, offering a rich and comprehensive grounding in the picture of the human being given by Rudolf Steiner in the first year, with a focus on the pedagogy and curriculum given in Steiner schools in the second year. VET Student Loans and Austudy are available for eligible students. This course offers a pathway to a Bachelor of Education at the Australian Catholic University, Deakin and Charles Darwin universities. Places are still available.Information: tel. 03 9876 5199 www.steinerseminar.com

email: [email protected] Address: Melbourne Rudolf Steiner Seminar, 37A Wellington Park Drive, Warranwood, 3134

SPECIAL INVITATION to Rudolf Steiner students, parents and

teachers. $30 DISCOUNT off your first

healing session. “Nurturing Healthy Mind,

Body and Soul” Elizabeth Buceto Practitioner of:

Kinergetics, Integrated Healing,

Liquid Crystals and PSYCH-K®. Practising modalities of Kinesiology allows you to effectively listen to, and heal your mind, body and

soul. I welcome the opportunity to respectfully work together. Please call to arrange an appointment

on 0479 169 795.

Natural healing therapies which positively and powerfully transform your life. We all have an incredible ability to heal ourselves. Together we effectively release trauma, and replace subconscious limiting beliefs with positive conscious wisdom. Ultimately, empowering you to be your true best; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Assists and support the following and more: Examples of balance types plus many more: -Learning difficulties and co-ordination -Brain Integration -Anxiety / Sleep and confidence -Clearing and replacing Negative Belief Systems -Depression -Healing the Inner Child -Stress / overwhelm -Clearing Redundant Vows -Muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons, fascia -Clearing Sabotage Programs -Physical and emotional trauma -Temporal Mandibular Join Correction -Headaches and migraines -Clearing Survival Programs -Digestive system / food sensitivities -Clearing Shock Programs -Weight control and management -Trauma Balance -Addictions -Spinal Alignment Balance -Toxin elimination -Clearing Negative Generational Programs -Vision problems -Clearing Emotional Bruising -Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Fibromyalgia -Healing Relationships with Self and Others -Immune system -Clearing Negative Memories in the Amygdala -Grief -Deep Emotional Balance -any issue you desire to improve - Many, many or balances

Reviews on Facebook: www.facebook.com/kinergetics70

Address: 198 Killara Rd, Gruyere Vic 3770

It's getting chilly and we need your help. Please take part in our annual Winter Coat Appeal. We

already have people asking for warm clothing so I can’t even begin to imagine just how cold it is

going to get in Warby this winter.

May-July We are accepting donations of good quality winter coats. Drop off at Redwood Centre

3505 Warburton Hwy, Warburton. Please leave in the tub provided.

The River Folk Sessions is an exciting new program of live

music in the Yarra Valley - a series of locally hosted live music

events in Warburton

3 intimate nights of live music hosted in Warburton by The

River Folk Festival, featuring some of Australia's finest folk


Session 3 | Kerryn Fields & Phoebe Laidlaw | Sat 26 Jun 7pm

Book Tickets

We have some great markets to enjoy in the Upper Yarra. Pop on down, support locals and connect

with your community. Please check market websites for updates as market schedules may change

due to weather or COVID-19 restrictions.

The Valley Market Warburton

1st Sunday


Thomas Avenue, Warburton

Warburton Community Market

2nd Sunday


St Mary’s Anglican Church, Warburton

Upper Yarra Community Market

2nd & 4th Sunday


Car Park adjacent to Recreation Reserve,

Yarra Junction

Millgrove Community Market

4th Saturday


Near CFA building, Millgrove

ECOSS Every Friday 3.30 pm - 6pmYarra Valley ECOSS

711 Old Warburton Rd Wesburn For more detai ls , v is i t

http://valleymarket .com.au/