15 August Issue 15

Tuks se amptelike studentekoerant / Official Tuks student newspaper / Kuranta ya baithuti ya semmušo ya Tuks year73issue15 15August2011 Dr. Ian Erasmus TANDARTS / DENTAL SURGEON Oral Hygienist available for cleaning Nooddiens beskikbaar Tel: 012 362 5773/4 2nd Floor Hateld Plaza Burnett Street, Pretoria Tel / Fax: 012 362 5773/4 Oppikoppi Application form Duncan Allan’s body found P3 P4 P5-9 P11 Serenade aandklas presents aandklas presents ROCK Thursdays Buy 1 get 1 free: 20h00 - 21h00 Photos: Desré Barnard & JP Nathrass


Official student newspaper of the University of Pretoria

Transcript of 15 August Issue 15

Page 1: 15 August Issue 15

Tuks se amptelike studentekoerant / Official Tuks student newspaper / Kuranta ya baithuti ya semmušo ya Tuks



Oral Hygienist available for cleaning

Nooddiens beskikbaarTel: 012 362 5773/4

2nd Floor Hat eld PlazaBurnett Street, Pretoria

Tel / Fax: 012 362 5773/4

Oppikoppi Application form

Duncan Allan’s body found

P3 P4 P5-9 P11



aandklaspresentsROCK Thursdays Buy 1 get 1 free:

20h00 - 21h00

Photos: Desré Barnard & JP Nathrass

Page 2: 15 August Issue 15

From the Editor


EDITOR: Beyers de Vos

NEWS: Nina van [email protected]

FEATURES: Marie van [email protected]

RES UPDATE: Katlego [email protected]

ENTERTAINMENT: Meagan [email protected]

SPORT: Charlotte [email protected]

COPY: Hayley TetleyLAYOUT: Hickley HammanVISUALS: Desré Barnard


Camilla CoertseCeleste TheronAllan Le RouxJP Nathrass


Ruhan RobinsonCaitlin RobertsJaco KotzeJenna-Lee FortuinMandisa MbeleSomarié GravettSaneze TshayanaNadine WubbelingYuan-Chih YenMarissa Gravett

ADVERTISING SALESCell: 083 318 [email protected]

COPYRIGHTPerdeby is printed by Paarlmedia. All rights reserved. Contributions are welcome. All due care will be taken with materials submitted, but Perdeby and printers can not be held responsible for loss or damage. The editor reserves the right to edit, amend or alter material in any way deemed necessary. Perdeby can not be responsible for unsolicited material. The opinions expressed in Perdeby are not necessarily those of the editors and printers of Perdeby.

[email protected]

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Editorial2 15 August ’11

Editor in Wonderland

For counselling and guidance in an unplanned pregnancy, contact 0800 864 658 or go to


Oppikoppi. Say it with me now: Oppi. Koppi. You will notice that we here at Perdeby worship

at the altar of Oppikoppi. And who can blame us really? It is a great place. A microcosm of delight. Oppi is a year-de ning weekend. Hell, it is a youth-de ning weekend.

Of course, it isn’t real. Oppikoppi is a place where peace and love rules. Waar “as jy nie dans nie is jy v*k*l.” Where it’s all about pleasure, friends, music, but it isn’t the real world.

All you have to do is take a look at what was happening in London over Oppi weekend to realise that Oppikoppi is the ultimate escape. The real dream. Utopia. It is a happy, carefree existence, while all around us the world was burning. Something which has been happening more frequently lately, or is it just me? London, Norway, Somalia, Japan, the Arab Spring (which includes a huge list of con ict-torn countries), Greece, the American Economy. 2011 isn’t shaping up to be a great year for global peace or stability. This is why Oppikoppi is such a great place. Because none of that fear or uncertainty (not to mention tests, class, rent, jobs) exists there. All these things fade into the mist, leaving no traces of worry. Maybe if they sent the rampaging London youths to Oppi they wouldn’t be so angry or disillusioned. Maybe.

Anyway, you can go and check out our

coverage of Oppi, which includes a review, interviews and a photo essay. Also, be sure to read the article on Afriforum’s petition to stop the university from attempting to remove Rag, Ienk, Spring Day and Serrie from the calendar. Adding the fact that pre-Spring Day parties have now been unof cially cancelled (look out for an article on that next week) it looks as though students are going to have to stand up and ght if they want to keep their favourite events from slipping into oblivion.

Oh, and because I made a promise that I nally have to keep, allow me to interrupt myself to say: Tegan is awesome (it was coercion).

Anyway, also go and read our Serenade coverage on page 4 . Then (drum roll please) we’ve been working hard to create a more holistic digital experience for our readers, so you’ll notice little icons all over the paper indicating web-exclusive content, including podcasts of the full Oppikoppi interviews. Enjoy.

And please remember that you can send us news tips and Pssst... blasts on our new mobile site m.perdeby.co.za.

Lastly, a word to the competition: you’re breaking rule number two. Sorry, nê?

Remember kids, don’t be k*k. Beyers


The top ten Oppikoppi moments:

1. Favourite quote: “Rule number two. Don’t be k*k.” – Corné and Twakkie

2. Best performance: Dan Patlansky. This man can do things to a guitar that should be physically impossible. It’s sexy as all hell.

3. Best performance (again): Lark. We think Inge Beckman and Dan Patlansky should have a love child which we can kidnap and raise as our own. Lark was face-meltingly incredible.

4. The unknown brother(s) who passed out all over the trees and allowed us to take photos and mock their debauchery (lightweights).

5. The wrestling. Which we never actually found, but we hear it was a giant arena where people got to undress each other, dispel any sexual tension, and was never

actually about the ghting. We approve. 6. The designs. The surreal, quirky, playful

designs this year were amazing and light-years better than last year’s.

7. The drug dealers who got arrested when the popo arrived (in their shiny helicopters). You would think they had some practice at this. Silly drug dealers.

8. The toilet cleaning ladies, who cleaned the porta pottys after each person had done their thing. This was the rst year the cleaning service was so prompt and the bathrooms were much better this year.

9. Peri peri sous en stroop (excuse the inside joke).

10. Oppi 2012. Let’s leave tomorrow. Trek uit jou skoene.

There is a place. A magical place of joy and wonder. A place where reality melts away, where hedonism rules, where being a dirty hippy is a badge of honour, where rock and roll is king.

Poll: Has the SRC done anything for you this year? Vote online!

Dear Tukkie

A number of developments have taken place since the last publication of this newspaper. I would like to write a line or two about each in this limited space.

First, we salute the women of our country for the difference they make in the lives of each person, the contribution they have made during the days of our struggle for democracy and the contributions they continue to make towards economic justice today. Although the day to celebrate these achievements is already one week behind us, we have to be cognisant of the fact that the entire month of August is especially dedicated to the women of this country. Thanks to Chakalaka for reminding us of this.

Secondly, nominations for the Student Parliament elections have of cially closed. I expect the candidates and their supporters to start selling themselves to the rest of the student body. This can be very exciting as people tend to be very creative in doing so. Since I am not a student, I support everyone and will campaign for everyone. My starting point is you, the readers of

this column. Please talk about the need to support the candidates who stand in faculties and those nominated by societies for the different causes they represent. The more you talk about issues and people, the better the vibe it will create and the less apathetic students will be.

Thirdly, it is now old news that one of our students who had been missing for three weeks was found lifeless in his car near the city. My heart and our deepest sympathies go to the family of the late Duncan Allan. The circumstances under which he died cause a concern for me as a parent and someone responsible for the physical and mental wellbeing our students. I would like to once again urge you to make use of the facility and support network that are made available by the university. Anyone who is wrestling with a personal or social problem should please approach our counsellors in the Student Affairs Building. In the past, we have had an agreement with students that if they notice any strange behaviour from their peers, they should make it their duty to advise them to seek help. If they do not succeed in doing so, they should then notify any Student Affairs or Tuksres of cials of their

observations and concerns.Fourthly, I would like to congratulate the

winners of this year’s Serenade nals as well as thank all the others who have worked hard for the competition. Well done Zeus Ladies and Boekenhout! We will go with you all the way to the national competition and celebrate with you thereafter. For those who do not know, UP is hosting the 2011 National Serrie. Stuku counts on your support and well wishes.

Finally, the “bells have tolled” and marriage consumed. The former editors of this newspaper tied the knot on Friday 5 August. Congratulations to Carel Willemse who is the current Chief Editor of this paper and Turiscia Vorster who is now a student in the Education Faculty. We pray that they will have a long and happy life together.

Warm regards to you all and best wishes to our Moslem students as they observe Ramadan Mubarak.

Prof McGlory SpeckmanDean of Students

Page 3: 15 August Issue 15

News 315 August ‘11


The body of Duncan Allan, the third-year BCom student who had been misssing for three weeks, was discovered in his car in a eld parked on the outskirts of Kempton Park on Tuesday 9 August. Upon inspection of the vehicle and its contents, police collected evidence suggesting suicide with no signs of foul play. Allan was found in the driver’s seat of his car with his cellphone, wallet and bible in his hands.

Further inspection of the vehicle revealed a hosepipe connected to the car exhaust which ran towards the front passenger seat window.

Brooklyn SAPS spokesperson, Warrant Of cer Annabelle Middleton, said Allan was found by a farm worker who was cutting down trees in the area where Allan had parked his car. The farm worker alerted the police in Welbekend. Middleton added that the delayed discovery was due to Allan’s car being parked on a very isolated piece of land surrounded by farm area. “No evidence of foul play has been discovered [nor] a suicide note,” said Middleton. “Mr Allan was found at about 08:00. His decomposed body points to him having committed suicide at the time he was reported missing. We have opened an inquest docket.”

The search for Allan lasted three weeks


The university board recently debated discontinuing Serrie, Ienk Melodienk, Rag and Spring Day. In response to these debates, Afriforum Jeug has drawn up a petition to preserve the university’s oldest and most beloved traditions.

Charl Oberholzer, head of Afriforum Jeug, said that they plan to get 10 000 signatures from the students within 30 days.

“The issue arose during talks and committee meetings held earlier in the year by the SRC. A decision has not been made yet, but it seems that is the direction the university is moving in,” said Oberholzer.

Oberholzer added that if their target of 10 000 signatures is met, Afriforum Jeug will present the petition to the university board.

Concerning the Rag issue, Oberholzer said that the university has argued that it has lost its usefulness as a fund raising event. But he argues: “Rag is much more than a fund raiser, it is an important tradition. We understand the university’s concerns surrounding the drinking culture around Rag, but it can be controlled


The feeding scheme programme headed by the Dean of Students, Professor Speckman, has been suspended due to a lack of funds. The programme, which falls under the Right to Learn Campaign, a campaign that helps students with social issues hindering their education, aims to assist underprivileged students on campus with meals that are served for free.

According to Katlego Malatji, Secretary General of the SRC, the feeding scheme faces its current situation because Prof. Speckman had to use money budgeted and reserved for the feeding scheme to provide accommodation for members of SASCO at Umzoxolo guest house at the beginning of the year. But Sedupe Ramokgopa, SASCO Chairperson, said, “The SRC blaming us is pure electioning [sic], because it’s election time. It is the SRC that messed up the whole budget with their Hot Spot Campaign. Because of them, the university’s budget towards campus societies had to bestretched.”

In response to this accusation Malatji said that the SRC used their own budget to sponsor their Hot Spot Campaign.

The guesthouse was used to accommodate

Duncan Allan’s body found

Tuks traditions under fire

Feeding scheme suspended

and news of his disappearance swept through social networks, newspapers and radio stations. Messages of support and condolences have reached the Allan family on Duncan’s Facebook pro le. A Facebook group started to help nd Allan had more than 14 500 members on Tuesday night.

Allan’s father, Tim, has asked for privacy in order for his family to mourn their loss. Scott Wesselo, a close friend of Duncan, shared his feelings of shock and disbelief about the news, “Duncan was an incredible human being as well as a loyal friend and it was a privilege to have known him.”

SRC chairperson Charl Oberholzer, said, “As president of the SRC I want to offer my condolences on behalf of the SRC and the student community to Duncan’s family, friends and everyone who came into contact with him. I am sure that every student who knew him misses him and that the footprints he left at the University of Pretoria, Olienhout and in student governance structures will last forever.”

A memorial service will be held on 18 August at 11:00 at the Bryanston Bible Church. A second service will take place at 11:00 on 19 August at the DR Church Universiteitsoord in Hat eld.

Photo provided

by moving the parade to the Rag farm, as an example.”

The Tuks Rag chairperson, Kudzi Ta rei, said that it is encouraging to know that the students are concerned and proactive about the preservation of Rag. “We are, however, not aware and have not been informed by Afriforum of any petition with regards to our survival. The university executive informed us that it was approved that Rag will continue in its current form [next year].”

Mideé Buizer, HK for Vividus Ienk Melodienk, said she found out about the university’s intentions about three weeks ago. “I was shocked. If they take Ienk away they will destroy the competitive spirit in every residence.”

External HK for Serrie and Serenade at Vividus, Mardéne van der Linde, said she was not informed about the petition. “I think it will destroy the essence of student life if they take Serrie and Ser away. You become great friends through it. It is our culture.”

Afriforum Jeug has put the petition forms up on the graf ti wall next to the Campus Kiosk and invites students to have a look and support the cause. Students can also sign the petition eletronically on the Afriforum Jeug website.

students who had not been admitted to res during the registration period at the beginning of the year. SASCO used the private accommodation at the expense of the university for these students for approximately 20 days. Every year each society on campus is given a budget out of which the society has to manage accommodation and meals for its members. If the society requires monetary provision for other resources, it is that society’s responsibility to attain such. In the case of SASCO, the Umzoxolo private accommodation was given to students who were still waiting to get into res and had nowhere else to go. University management said that “from time to time, student associations approach UP management for nancial support outside of allocated budgets. In general, it is expected of associations to make ends meet within their allocated budgets.” Prof. Speckman approached the SRC for help with funds for the feeding scheme. SRC chairperson Charl Oberholzer, said, “An executive decision on principle has been made to help the students who bene t from the programme. The amount is still to be determined.”

Photo: Desré Barnard

Photo: JP Nathrass

Parking problems?

We didn’t know that the parking problem was this desperate...

Page 4: 15 August Issue 15

Res Update4 15 August ‘11


Boekenhout and Zeus Ladies took the top places at Serenade this year.

The months of preparation put into this year’s Serenade performances all came down to the nal, held on 12 August at the Musaion and Universiteitsoord. The best of the best showed us what they were made of. Residences and day houses alike showed off their singing and cultural talent in an effort to win the title, as well as R3000 sponsored by ATKV. Vividus Men and Madelief claimed second place and Sonop and Curlitzia came in third.

The event allowed no room for amateurs as the judging panel boasted members of the South African Music Institute as well as Straatligkinders and Dans Dans Lisa front man Bouwer Bosch. “It is a privilege to be a part of this,” said Bosch. “There is amazing talent here, and not just from music students, but from the underdogs.” But the judges were not going to be easily impressed, “A lot of groups just take radio hits and sing them,” continued Bosch. “We’re looking for surprises.” And surprised they were with this year’s competition being as tight as ever, so much so that an extra ladies’ group, Asterhof, was allowed to perform.

Sonop kicked off the men’s competition with their petrol garage-themed performance, assuring us that they “pomp met plesier”. They were given staunch competition from Zeus Men’s stock market crash and Vividus Men’s old age home routine. But the evening belonged to Boekenhout and their Eskimo-inspired performance. Fake snowballs and furry out ts were brought together with sharp mini-skits and the obvious reiteration of Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby”. Boekenhout were also awarded best theme, best own composition and best prescribed songs.

“It’s an awesome feeling to win. The fact that

Serenade impresses once againwe also won Serrie made winning Serenade even more special, “ said Zane Groenewald, Boekenhout’s external culture HK.

The ladies’ performances began with Curlitzia’s gold-mining show, which earned them the best theme, composition and prescribed songs awards. Madelief’s children of the revolution, aided by wild acting and even wilder hairstyles, also impressed. Zeus Ladies’ gypsies set the stage alight. “The ladies worked really hard. They had been practising since Ienk Melodink,” Barend van der Schyff, Chairman of Zeus, told Perdeby.

Despite running behind schedule, the evening was a success as each performance battled to outshine the previous one, giving the judges a tough show to judge and the audience spectacular shows to talk about.

The national Serenade competition will be held at the University of Pretoria later on this year, and if Tuks’s standard is anything to go by, this show is not to be missed. Nationals will, however, not be held at the Aula due to the construction that is currently taking place. This year’s serenade was criticised for the long breaks that were necessary between performances due to the distance between the venues. Serenade is usually held in the Aula and Rautenbach Hall. Perdeby received various complaints from

students who wished to know why the Aula is under construction when UP is about to host the Serenade Nationals.

“The existing foyer [of] the Aula is insuf cient in size to cater for an audience of a thousand people,” said Prof. Schalk Claasen, the Project Manager. According to Claasen, the extension will include a new restaurant and the extended foyer will also serve as the foyer to the Rautenbach Hall. The construction is scheduled to be completed between April and September 2012.

Photos: Esther van Eeden

Pssst... heard that some of the Erika girls were playing dress up. Dressing up as nurses, kinky. But some of you took it a little too far by leaving lipstick marks all over a Peppie. Who by the way motivated his HK and seniors to dig out their rst year caps. Pssst... really doesn’t think the Square is the ideal place to pick up guys. But I guess Welpies see no problem with that, especially if the guy is already taken. Geen skaam Welpies.

You know house week is rough when you mistake DropZone’s oor for a bed. Pssst... heard about Kiaat’s wild nights at the Square; which include falling asleep at DropZone. Well, Kiaat is obviously not aiming to be the best res academically. But Pssst... now knows why Kiaat wasn’t at their internal culture social with Lilium. Apparently only nine people, including the judge, attended the event. It’s very rude not pitch up for your own social, even if it was going to suck anyway.

It’s nice to see that Lilium is encouraging res pride. Apparently the ladies are getting points for every single thing they do for their res. Sleeping in Kiaat gets them ve points and for each night they stay over they get a point. Pssst... thinks you should rather encourage self-pride because you really need it.

It seems that some of the Taaibos seniors are concerned about the level of respect in their res. Pssst... heard that Taaibos’s chairman election circus was interrupted by a rst year who arrived over an hour late, making a grand entrance. To make matters worse, this rst year promoted himself, by sitting side by side with the chairman and

Ienk Voog. Pssst... knows that this isn’t earth shattering stuff, but it’s a big deal in res culture. So Pssst... can only sympathise with Taaibos.

You would think ladies from Katjiepiering would put their blinds to good use or at least have extra thick curtains. But a girl from Katjie forgot that she was surrounded by male residences and accidentally gave two Maroela guys a show.

Pssst... heard that the Katjie HK board has gone missing again. To the HK board thief, the HK board is really not worth stealing, promise.

Pssst... was shocked to hear that a Madelief girl couldn’t nd her way to the loo. So she decided to do a number two in one of her HK’s sinks. It’s probably a good thing the culprit was not found. Pssst… would like to congratulate Zeus Ladies and Boekenhout on Serenade 2011. You have to be pretty good to sing the Backstreet Boys and still win, right Boekenhout? Pssst... is glad Asterhof sucked up hard enough to be included in the Serenade nals. We can nally see what you girls look like. Then again, even with painted faces, we can see that we weren’t missing much. Pssst... liked Curlitzia’s mining theme. The girls looked quite at home with tools in their hands. Pssst... thinks Erika should have used those hoods when they decided to start rapping on stage. If Pssst... was part of that, Pssst... would have wanted to hide their faces too. Lastly, Pssst... is just giving a general disapproving shake of the head to all the people who changed who they are to get votes for HK or EC. Not cool.

Eskimos from Boekenhout.

Zeus ladies set the stage alight.

Page 5: 15 August Issue 15

Entertainment 515 August ‘11


Northam. 4 August 2011. The pearly gates of Oppikoppi appear before the windscreen. The smell of dust and stale alcohol permeate through the air conditioning. The friendly folk of Oppikoppi make their way to the drivers’ window. You have arrived at the Mecca of local music festivals.

Oppikoppi Unknown Brother was the 17th annual Oppikoppi festival and it was one for the books.

Good times were had, awesome music could be heard throughout the Oppikoppi farm and there were even rumours of an engagement or two going down.

The Oppikoppi festivals have always been notorious for the high levels of debauchery throughout the weekend. Oppikoppi Unknown Brother was no different. It all started on Friday 5 August, with the best that local music has to offer. Bands such as Alleen na Desember, Isochronous and the legendary Fuzigish entertained the crowds. The whole set-up was pretty well-organised and maintained throughout the day. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an absolutely perfect festival. This was clear to all those present when the microphones stopped working during eF-eL’s performance of their song “Sindikaat”. Luckily for all the fans, eF-eL were good enough sports to redo the song at the end of their performance.

Oppikoppi: getting down and dirtyThis was not the only technical dif culty of the weekend:

a speaker also cut out during Jax Panik’s performance on Saturday night. And on Sunday night, Lark fans were kept waiting as the band at the neighbouring stage ran over time.

Nevertheless, the show must go on.The sun rose over the horizon on Saturday morning to

greet some of the Oppikoppi-goers still going strong from the previous night’s party. Hangovers were inevitably experienced all over the farm but with a quick dose of some McNab’s energy pills, the party continued.

The December Streets and The Lise Chris Band got the day off to a rocking start with some chilled yet dance-worthy music. But this was just the beginning. The day continued to deliver some memorable performances from the likes of local Pretoria band Allan John, as well as Holiday Murray, Bittereinder and Van Coke Kartel.

Live bands weren’t the only thing to see though: there was some breathtaking drum and bass, dubstep and even trance to lose yourself in, courtesy of the Redbull Music Studio at the top of the famous koppie. Well-known DJs such as Hyphen and Double Adapter rocked the turntables while the few Oppikoppi troopers still brave enough to carry on partying danced the night away.

And then it arrived: the last day of Oppikoppi. Some woke up with a sudden pain in their hearts at the realisation that

Oppikoppi was just one day away from being done for the year. But as quickly as that realisation came, an epiphany hit the whole of Oppikoppi – this was the last day to give it your absolute all.

Sunday was without a doubt the day with the best line-up of the whole weekend. There was something for everyone. Groups such as Die Tuindwergies, Tumi and Dance, You’re On Fire gave it all they had and the crowds did the same.

The highlight of the weekend was the David Kramer tribute show. The legend himself jammed all his classics, such as “Meisie Sonder Sokkies” and “Stoksielalleen”. A range of guest artists appeared, such as Tamara Dey and our own Pretoria boy, Jaco van der Merwe of Bittereinder. The night ended with spectacular live performances from American rockers The Used and Canadian punk band Sum 41.

All in all, Oppikoppi Unknown Brother was unlike any Oppikoppi before it. It was the rst to feature two big names in international rock music. The festival’s own unique banking system was also introduced – which had its pros and cons.

There is a lesser-known sickness that hits people who leave Oppikoppi on that Monday known as the post-koppi blues and Perdeby is suffering from it. The only thing left to do is sit down and count the days until next year’s instalment of South Africa’s biggest music festival.

Photo: Charné Fourie

Wonder Why:Why do supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes in the front?Why doctors call what they do “practice”?Why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?Why do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a diet coke?The sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

TRUISMS• Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize

you’re wrong.• How the hell are you supposed to fold a tted sheet?• Was learning cursive really necessary?• Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.

THOUGHTS FOR TODAY1. Accept that some days you’re the pigeon. And some days you’re the statue2. Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you need to eat them3. If you lend someone R200 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it4. Since it’s the early worm that gets eaten, sleep late.5. Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once.


At Woolfsons we hold true to the value that customers are really everything. That every

customer should be better off for having visited our pharmacy, even a smile can heal and

sometimes a kind word is the best medicine

Page 6: 15 August Issue 15

Photographers Desré Barnard, JP Nathrass, Esther van Eeden and Jerome van Zyl capture the bands, the fans and the Unknown Brothers

Page 7: 15 August Issue 15

Photographers Desré Barnard, JP Nathrass, Esther van Eeden and Jerome van Zyl capture the bands, the fans and the Unknown Brothers

Page 8: 15 August Issue 15

Entertainment8 15 August ‘11

What has your Oppi experience been like thus far?Well, we’ve been busy. We arrived [Friday] and we went for sound-check at the main stage [because] we’re recording our show tonight. We’re also lming it. Then we rushed to Studio 1 to do sound-check there. We went back to camp, set up tents, back to Studio 1, played Studio 1. And now we’re here.

The recording of your show. Is that for DVD?Fritz: Well the band split up in December in studio. So we’ve been apart six months. And then Oppi booked us in February and I just said, “The band’s broken up.” And then about two months ago I wrote the song that translates into “Epilogue” and the fan page grew quite signi cantly. So we were like, alright, we’ll do one last show and we’ll put it on lm and DVD and release the single with the whole product in October/November with a few old songs and maybe, like, a very short [documentary].

What do you consider essential when packing for Oppi?Louw: Flashlight.Naas: Toothbrush.Louw: And some alcohol.Naas: Alcohol.Fritz: Alcohol.Naas: De nitely a sleeping bag. And a tent.Fritz: I don’t have a tent, sleeping bag… It’s just survival here.

Met any interesting unknown brothers?Louw: I met Naas.Naas: Didn’t I know you once?

What life lesson has Oppikoppi 17 Unknown Brother taught you?Don’t forget ice.

What’s with the masks? We want to hear it from the horse’s mouth.It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. It sort of creates this idea that Jax Panik is not just only one person but everyone that was involved in the project. So it’s something that we did in the rst few months of rolling out this album and the rst few videos feature this logo and the mask.

Is it true that Jax Panik started out as a parody of prevailing traditional South African rock bands?That’s true, yes. Jax Panik started out as, I think, some sort of pop-parody. It was never really meant to be taken seriously. It’s been around for quite a few years now and I think it’s the rst time we’re taking it seriously because people seem to really enjoy it. So Jax Panik was never meant to perform live. It was just this bedroom project and it evolved, evolved, evolved until, ja, we came up with some really good songs. And now we’re a live show as well.

Has what Jax Panik stands for changed since making it so big in the South African music industry?I think maybe the hardest part about Jax Panik so far has been to share personal experience with a big audience. [An] unknown stranger… Unknown Brother. And I feel quite comfortable setting it in that direction. And, just like, over-the-top crazy party music, you know? I think [tracks] like “Get Up” and “Dinosaur” really become a made-up experience. They’re just drawing from various bits and pieces of popular culture. And we just kind of meshed it all into this one little horrible pop abomination. And that’s Jax Panik.

What do you get your inspiration from?I think we’re all looking through a lot of really dodgy underground stuff. Like hard, hard electronic and rock music. And I think that’s what we all secretly love and what we all secretly would want to do. But there’s always been that ne line between taking bits and pieces of that and putting it together with, sort of, whatever is cool right now.

Oppikoppi interviews

Apparently, the name Holiday Murray belongs to a thin wooden man who accompanies the band in all its endeavours. Is he here at Oppikoppi?Of course. We built a box for him so he can travel with us, because we did break him at a festival before. So we had to repair him, but ja, now he comes with us everywhere, and he’s been on all the stages we’ve played on.

Your music has been described as being a mix of folk-pop-rock. What would you say are the major in uences on your music? Life. Experience. And all the music we’ve ever heard. As musicians, we want to play around with sound as much as possible. The journey has just begun.

How was it working with Adriaan Louw on your music video for “Jirey”?Cool. Adriaan’s a friend of ours. He’s very organised and he’s good at what he does. Sometimes it got a bit hectic, he got a bit upset with us when we didn’t pull our weight. Well, some of us. [All laugh and look towards drummer]

Can we expect a new music video anytime soon?Yes, we’re about to release a video for our new single “Antagonizer”. It should be on TV and the internet in the next couple of weeks.

You guys released your self-titled debut album in May. What can we look forward to from Holiday Murray in the future?We’ve been thinking about recording an acoustic version of our album sometime this year.

What’s the best thing about Oppikoppi?Walking past random people when you’re compos mentis enough to hear their conversation. The most ridiculous things come out of people’s mouths, it’s awe-inspiring.

What’s the best thing Oppi has to offer?Francois: Good music.Simeon: Bands.

What bands are/were you most looking forward to seeing?Zebra and Giraffe, Not My Dog and The Used.

There has been some talk of Alleen na Desember releasing an English single. Do you think Afrikaans fans will nd this offensive?No, a lot of our fans are English.

For such a new band, making the line-up at Oppikoppi is quite an achievement. How does it feel?Overwhelming. There are no words. It’s just Oppikoppi.

Jax Panik



Holiday Murray

Alleen na Desember

Page 9: 15 August Issue 15

Entertainment 915 August ‘11

You say your music gives fans a chance to escape to another world. What kind of world would you say Planet Joy creates for the listener to escape to?We try to kind of create a space that people can ll up for themselves. We have an idea, like a visual picture in our minds, and write songs according to that, but it’s not like we try to force that on people.

What life lesson has Oppikoppi 17 Unknown Brother taught you?Koppi is a good thing for South Africa to show the world. There are just no rules – the world should be exposed to our happiness.

Tidal Waves has been around for over 10 years now. Do you think Tidal Waves have another 10 years in them?It’s actually been about 13 years now. It’s dif cult to survive in this industry. We ght – but we know our aim and goal. As long as we remember that then de nitely.

You guys are Oppikoppi veterans. What has been your best moment at the festival over the years?All our performances are our best. But there was a Koppi, the one when we introduced “Lekker Lekker Dans”. The crowd was so crazy.

You toured the US in March this year. Did you get a good response?It was a very successful tour. We went to Texas during the tour, and people kept saying we were crazy to go there, that they’re racist there, but it was so amazing! They’re just like South Africans. We impressed them.

Any plans to do another tour there?We’re going again in March next year – we want to extend it to places like California. They love reggae there now – now that marijuana is legal there. [Ed’s note: We checked and it turns out that marijuana isn’t legal in California after all, but we applaud Tidal Waves’ s wishful thinking. Love marijuana, right, Tidal Waves?]

Is that the link then to the graphic novel Marthinus [lead singer and guitarist] created for the website?The graphic novel is basically just the story of the album. We really just tried to translate the emotions involved.

How has it been collaborating with Tamara Dey on the album?It was pretty cool, she just listened to the music and was like, “I want to come sing, I want to get involved.” So she basically just features on a few segments. People just loved it.

Which bands are you most excited to see at this year’s Oppikoppi?Zebra and Giraffe, Die Antwoord (just for the entertainment), Lark, and The Used.

What item is essential for survival at Oppikoppi?Wet wipes – for the dirt. A hip ask – to help you forget about the dirt. Allergy pills. Special tequila underpants?

Oppikoppi is renowned for its visual spectacle. What is the strangest thing you’ve seen so far?At a previous Oppi, we saw this drunk guy trying to reconnect these two cables lying on the oor. And then this old guy comes up, whips him, grabs the cables and tries to reconnect them himself. It was pretty weird.

Do you think anyone is missing from this year’s line-up?Shadowclub and Taxi Violence. Boo! would have been great too.

Oppikoppi interviews continued

Tidal Waves

Planet Joy

Go to our website to listen to extended versions of these interviews and check out our review of TUT’s production of Spring Awakening. Also, if you’d like to win double tickets to see Van Coke Kartel and Zebra and Giraffe at Ridgeback in Centurion this weekend, go to our Facebook page and tell us why you deserve to win. Competition closes at 12:00 on Friday 19 August.

Page 10: 15 August Issue 15

Features10 15 August ‘11


Menigte studente maak gebruik van een of ander studiehulpmiddel om op en wakker te wees terwyl hulle studeer en wil vanselfsprekend in staat wees om tot die beste van hul vermoë te kan fokus en onthou wat hul leer. Maar universiteit is dikwels `n kwessie van te veel werk en te min tyd. Die uitputtende lewenstyl van studeer en kuier het `n afhanklikheid van energiewekkers gekweek en gevolglik ook die idee dat mens nie meer daarsonder kan klaarkom nie.

Is studente egter bewus van die byna eindelose lys van newe-effekte (waarvan depressie, selfmoordneigings, angstigheid, slapeloosheid, aknee, chroniese pyne, naarheid, paranoia, psigose, duiseligheid en aggressie net `n paar is) wat met sekere konsentrasiehulpmiddels gepaardgaan? Of word hierdie middels uit blote onkunde gebruik?

Deesdae is die welbekende matige hulpmiddels wat jou wakker hou, soos Bioplus, kof e, energiedrankies en vita-thion, nie meer effektief genoeg vir studente nie.

Tydens eksamens en selfs semestertoetse word die gebruik van gevaarlike ADHD (Attention De cit Hyperactivity Syndrome) medikasie, waarvan Ritalin die gewildste is, al hoe meer algemeen. Die National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) het vasgestel dat, naas dagga, Ritalin die gewildste keuse van gewoontevormende medikasie of dwelms onder studente gedurende hierdie tye is. Verfynde Ritalin-tablette word ook soms gesnuif en hierdie middelmisbruik het al in menigte gevalle tot studente se dood gelei. Ritalin kan dieselfde effek op `n normale student hê as `n “upper” met dié dat dit jou dopamienvlakke (die hormoon wat jou gelukkig laat voel) laat styg tot so `n mate dat jy hoog word.

Perdeby het met verskeie Tukkies oor die gebruik van Ritalin en soortgelyke medikasie, veral onder koshuisstudente, gepraat om die erns van die saak vas te stel. Volgens Louw van Deventer, `n BCom Bourekeningkunde student van Maroela, was daar `n


Wanneer daar oor prostitusie gepraat word, dink jy dalk aan Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman – waar sy die rol van `n prostituut vertolk wat uit haar omstandighede gered word deur Richard Gere se karakter. Om hierdie iek egter as maatstaf te gebruik om opinies oor prostitusie te vorm, is om slegs die glansbeeld daarvan te sien. Dit is ver verwyderd van die realiteit en dus het Perdeby besluit om ondersoek in te stel na hierdie beenwysbedryf om vas te stel of die wettiging daarvan `n verskil maak of nie.

Prostitusie is die aktiwiteit waarby seksuele dienste gelewer word waar die prostituut dan geld of selfs goedere ontvang vir haar dienste. Vir een of twee studente is dit dalk die enigste manier om hulle studies te betaal, vir iemand anders die laaste uitweg vir kos of selfs blyplek. Dit word beskryf as een van die oudste bedrywe in die wêreld en word orals beoefen, alhoewel die wettigheid daarvan van plek tot plek verskil. Daar is verskeie vorme van prostitusie, onder andere straatprostitusie (byvoorbeeld die vrouens wat op die straathoeke staan en veral volop is in Kerkstraat), rooilig-distrikte en bordele (kom voor in Nederland en Duitsland) en “escorts” (word gewoonlik op die internet, verskeie mediabronne en selfs die telefoongids geadverteer).

As meeste mense aan die iek Eurotrip dink, staan die deel in Amsterdam eerste uit. Vir meeste is die idee van `n stad waar prostitusie en dwelms wettig is `n droom. Nederland (spesi ek Amsterdam) is een van die bekendste bestemmings waarheen duisende toeriste jaarliks stroom sodat hulle ‘n plek kan ervaar waar dagga in kafees verkoop word en prostitusie `n erkende bedryf is. Die alombekende rooilig-distrik (Rossebuurt, soos dit deur die plaaslike inwoners genoem word) is `n trekpleister vir oud en getroud, sowel as die jong en speleriges. Nederland is egter nie die enigste liberale land nie, maar een van 50 in die wêreld waar prostitusie wettig is. Van die ander sluit in Argentinië, Oostenryk, Griekeland, Kanada, Mexiko, Portugal, Switserland, en so meer.

Suid-Afrika is egter een van die lande wat die praktyk in die strengste afkeur. Dit keer nie die “vroue van die nag” om op straathoeke rond te paradeer nie, maar veroorsaak wel dat hulle daarvoor gearresteer kan word. Dit is al vanaf 1957 onwettig onder die Wet op Seksuele Misdrywe, alhoewel daar telkens deur verskeie organisasies gepoog word om dit te wysig. Die grootste aanslag is in 2010 ondervind, toe menigte buitelanders en selfs plaaslike mense gevra het om prostitusie vir die Wêreldbeker wettig te maak, asook vir addisionele sorg vir die sekswerkers. Dit het nie geslaag nie, maar daar is steeds organisasies en individue wat hard baklei om dit `n realiteit te maak. Francois

Slim vang sy baas:

Prostitusie: die beenwysbedryf

drastiese toename in die gewildheid van Ritalin-gebruik in die koshuis tydens eksamentye. “Die Ritalin het my brein wakker gehou, ek wou heeltyd swot en kon nie slaap nie,” beweer`n eerstejaar besigheidsbestuur koshuisstudent wat verkies om anoniem te bly. Hy het ook aan Perdeby erken dat hy oningelig was oor die gesondheidsgevare wat Ritalin inhou en dat dit deur koshuisvriende aan hom aanbeveel is.

Perdeby het met `n goed ingeligte nalejaar BA-student gesels, wat al met verskeie dwelms en medikasie eksperimenteer het. “Dis die maklikste ding in die wêreld om te deurnag en te swot as jy `n Ritalin-tablet crush en snuif. `n ‘Upper’ drug met speed, coke, cat, Ritalin en ander stuff in, werk ook soos `n bom en MDMA ecstasy, maar wat ook al jy doen, moet net nie probeer swot op dagga nie.”

ADHD-medikasie is uiters verslawend en Ritalin is deur die Drug Education Agency (DEA) op dieselfde verslawingsvlak as kokaïen en opium geklassi seer. Ritalin kan op voorskrif bekom word nadat jy gediagnoseer is met ADHD of selfs indien jy net `n matige gebrek aan konsentrasie en leerprobleme ondervind. Hou egter in gedagte dat `n ADHD-diagnose nie absoluut wetenskaplik akkuraat is nie. Wat sake ironies genoeg verder bemoeilik, is dat die lys van simptome om ADHD te diagnoseer ooreenstem met van die karaktereienskappe gebruik om `n begaafde individu te identi seer.

Verskeie organisasies poog om die direkte oorsake van Ritalin-gebruik, soos selfmoord en depressie, onder die publiek se aandag te bring.

Daar is verskeie veilige alternatiewe vir konsentrasiemiddels wat studente tydens eksamens en toetse kan oorweeg. Deur `n proefneming te doen het Perdeby vasgestel dat universiteitstudente wat onskadelike medikasie met die naam van Flavay Plus gebruik minder stres beleef, meer verstandig is, kalmer is en `n stabiele gemoedstemming tydens toetse handhaaf.

Photo: Gerhard Louw

Benade, `n nalejaar BCom Beleggingsbestuur student, sê dat die wettiging van prostitusie “utmost chaos” in die land sal veroorsaak, veral in die lewens van jong meisies.

Om egter `n ingeligte besluit te kan maak oor die wettiging van prostitusie moet daar na die voordele sowel as die nadele daarvan gekyk word. Cherylynne Baxter, `n tweedejaar regstudent, is van mening dat alhoewel dit moreel verkeerd is, dit de nitief as voordelig gesien kan word, omdat dit die polisie meer tyd gee om aan ernstige misdade te bestee, en as dit korrek toegepas word, belasting daarop geëis kan word. Die hele industrie sal ook beter gereguleer kan word, met prostitute wat maandeliks mediese ondersoeke moet ondergaan. Hulle sal meer beskerming kry en nie uitgebuit word nie. Dit kan ook `n manier wees om kinderprostitusie te verminder en selfs heeltemal uit te sny. Die wettiging van prostitusie het egter ook vele nadele. Wette word geskryf en toegepas om die groter bevolking te beskerm, maar deur prostitusie te wettig word daar dan nie juis nié beskerm nie? Dit kan `n morele verval veroorsaak, waar waardes en

norme wat van kleins af aan ons geleer is, glad nie meer gewig dra nie, omdat alles wat as verkeerd gesien word, dan wettig is. Verder kan dit ook huwelike en die heiligheid daarvan vernietig, omdat huweliksmaats skielik seks op ander plekke kan gaan soek, sonder om aan die verkeerde kant van die gereg te eindig. Eugenie Raymond, `n eerstejaarstudent, dink ook dat die wettiging van prostitusie nadelig sal wees vir veral die jongmense in die land, omdat hulle nog deur emosies en hormone beheer word en dat dit hulle waardes en normes kan laat wankel.

Prostitusie is `n populêre bedryf, selfs al is dit nie wettig nie en vorm deel van meeste lande se vermaakbedryf. Of die wettiging daarvan ooit sal plaasvind in Suid-Afrika is steeds onder bespreking. Moet prostitusie hier in ons eie land ook `n algemene praktyk word, of is daar steeds sekere dinge wat nie wettig moet wees nie, veral as gevolg van die impak wat dit op soveel lewens kan hê?

Photo: Kobus Barnard

Studiedwelmgebruik word ondersoek

Page 11: 15 August Issue 15






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Page 12: 15 August Issue 15

ROCK Thursdays

Buy 1 get 1 free:20h00 - 21h00



Op Dinsdag 3 Augustus, het die koshuise hulle kwart- nale wedstryde vir die 2011 Steinhoff- Tuks Rugby Liga gespeel. Tussen oriëntering, kuiers en studies deur, het al die koshuise, insluitende die daghuise, die tyd gevind om deel te neem aan hierdie koshuisliga.Die liga het op 8 Maart 2011 begin en Sonop, Taaibos, Boekenhout, Varsity Old Boys (VOB), Mopanie, Olympus, EBIT, Ysterhout, Arcadian Rebels, Moroela, Onderstepoort en Hardekool het die kwart- nale gehaal. Elke koshuis het ten minste drie spanne wat hulle verteenwoordig.

By die kwart- nale het Sonop se eerstespan vir Taaibos pak gegee met `n yslike eindtelling van 54-0. Sonop se tweedespan het vir Boekenhout 14-8 geklop. Jaun-Pierre Boshoff, sport HK van Boekenhout, het Sonop se spanne beskryf as “moeilike opposisie” en om teen hulle te speel is “nooit `n maklike spel” nie.

Volgens Wynand Bezuidenhout, Mopanie se eerstespan senter, was die wedstryd teen Olympus persoonlik. Bezuidenhout het gesê, “Olympus is `n baie sieke span, hulle het vir ons gekom, maar ons moes wraak teen hulle geneem het as gevolg van vroeёr hierdie jaar.” Mopanie het presies dit gedoen en hulle het


Tuks het op 5 Augustus hul kragmeting teen Polisie 34-17 gewen by die Tuks Rugby Stadion. Die wedstryd het verseker dat Tuks hul 11de opeenvolgende oorwinning behaal. Alhoewel dit nie die tuisspan se mees oortuigingste wedstryd vanjaar was nie, met te veel foute in die eerste helfte, het hulle teen die einde dit maklik laat lyk.Tuks is heel voor op die puntelys en hulle is goed op dreef om die jaar se Carlton Beker te wen.Die wedstryd tussen Tuks en Polisie het nie juis goed vir die manne van Tuks begin nie. Die tuisspan was kort na die afskop uitjie 12 punte agter. Polisie het hul eerste drie binne 3 minute gedruk, na `n briljante systap en wegsprong van Ruhan Nel. Daarna het Polisie geen tyd gemors nie en het hul tweede drie in die sewende minuut gedruk.Tuks linkervleuel, Gerhard van der Merwe, het na die wedstryd gesê dat dit moeilik vir hulle was na Polisie so vroeg punte aangeteken het. “Ons moes terug kom,” het Van der Merwe gesê.

Kwart-finale koshuis rugby koorsTuks rugby uitslae

Olympus 31-0 oorwin. Mopanie se tweedespan het ook teen VOB 18-17 gewen. In ander wedstryde het EBIT se tweedespan Ysterhout 37- 32 gewen en die Arcadian Rebels se tweedespan het Hardekool 17-10 oorheers.

Al die spanne speel hard en oefen twee tot drie keer `n week. Nicolaas Steenkamp, rugby HK van Sonop het vir Perdeby vertel, “Die rugby liga is `n baie kompeterende liga. Om die rugby liga te wen, is amper so gesog as om die koshuis van die jaar toekening te wen.” Ook `n ander motivering vir die spanne om te wen volgens Conrad Boshoff, Koshuis Liga Bestuurder: “Hulle neem dit ernstig op, want die wenner van die liga sal Tukkies verteenwoordig volgende jaar by die Steinhoff Koshuis Uitdaging wat saam smelt met die Varsity Beker.”

Die koshuise wat in die kwart- nale rondte hulle wedstryde gewen het, kwaili seer vir die semi- nale wat plaasvind op 16 Augustus 2011. Alhoewel elke koshuisstudent voel dat hulle koshuis `n goeie kans staan om te wen, reken Boshoff dat die spanne wat die beste kans staan Onderstepoort (verlede jaar se ligawenners) of Mopanie is. Die naal vind plaas op 30 Augustus 2011 by die Tuks Rugby Stadion.

Tuks het hulself stadig terug in die wedstryd gebring danksy `n strafskop van Karlo Aspeling. Tuks het uiteindelik hul eerste drie in die 34ste minuut aangeteken. Die rustydtelling was 12-10 in guns van Polisie.Tuks het meer vasberade teruggekom en het vroeg in die tweede helfte twee briljante drieë aangeteken, Tuks het hul puntevoorsprong verder versterk toe Van der Merwe in die 47ste minuut nog `n drie gedruk het. Verder het nog `n drie van die wedstryd deur `n indrukwekkende afsnybeweging van die Tuks heelagter gekom. Hy het 90m gehardloop en was net vinnig genoeg om die drie te druk. Die tuisspan het die wedstryd afgesluit met nog `n drie en het `n spoggerige vyf drieë teenoor die twee van Polisie gedruk.Van Der Merwe het gesê dat hulle nou na die semi- nale en nale van die kompetisie uitsien. Die semi- nale en nale van die eerste liga sal op 27 Augustus en 10 September onderskeidelik gespeel word. Die nale word op Loftus Versveld gespeel.

Foto: Bonita Lubbe

Tuks goed op dreef in Carlton Beker Sport bites for the week


RugbyWith the Rugby World Cup just around the corner, the Springboks will be determined to put in a good performance in their last Tri-Nations

game. This game will be played against the in-form New Zealand squad at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in Port Elizabeth. New Zealand will go into this game with con dence after thumping Australia 30-14 in their encounter on 6 August. However, the Boks will try to turn around the poor form they showed on their away leg of the Tri-Nations. The Boks will have most of their injured players back for their last game against New Zealand. Players who will miss out due to injury are Schalk Burger, Willem Alberts and Juan Smith.CricketIndian great, Rahul Dravid, has announced his retirement from the shorter versions of the game which will come into effect after the series against England. Dravid has had an impressive career for India, scoring no less than 10 765 runs in 339 ODIs.Golf Tiger Woods made his return to golf after an 11-week absence following an injury to his left knee at the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational in Ohio. Woods has not claimed a victory for 22 months and has not played in a tournament in the last three months. Woods hit an adequate 68 in his rst round but struggled to a one over par 71 in his second round. The former world number one is now lying 28th in the world rankings.

Image: clubhousejournal.com


Tuks Football’s Res League is reaching the business end of the season. With the group phase now done and dusted, the round of 16 rst legs took place on Wednesday 10 August, with the second legs set to go ahead on Monday 15 August. The tournament will reach its conclusion by the end of the month, with the nal due to take place on Wednesday 24 August at ABSA Tuks Stadium.

The group stage saw several tournament favourites emerge, including some new names like Onderstepoort along with the traditional Res League contenders such as Kollege, Kiaat and Olympus. The group stage also saw some big names exit the tournament with the likes of defending champions Vividus I, Olienhout and Boekenhout all falling at the rst hurdle. Among the teams to make a big impression during the group stage were Res League new comers, Humanities. This large faculty entered a Res League team for the rst time this year and were one of only six teams to win all three of their group stage games en route to the knock-out round. Nicknamed “Ama- Jelly Babies” due to their bright orange kit, the newbies found themselves in a tough group, including Vividus II, Maroela (2009 Champions) and Boekenhout, but scored a total of 12 goals in the group stage, only conceding one.

Res League heats up

Ama-Jelly Babies could however only manage a 1-1 draw on Wednesday night in their rst leg round of 16, as TuksDorp secured a precious away goal. All the round of 16 second leg xtures will be played on Monday 15 August and depending on results could yield a mouth-watering quarter- nal line-up. Kiaat could face a tricky quarter- nal against Onderstepoort if they both win their round of 16 ties while Humanities may face the prospect of playing Taaibos in what would be the tie of the round. Olympus face a somewhat easier passage to the nal should they make the quarter- nals, as they look set to face Vividus II or Zeus A in the next round.

The Womens’s Res League has also reached new levels of excitement this season and the nal which will take place on the same day as the Men’s. With the likes of Klaradyn, Lillium, Erika and Bcur all in with a good chance of making the nal it should be an interesting day. Lillium, who won their group comfortably under the guidance of former Kiaat coach, Wesley Sergel, have played the best football thus far and look like favourites to defend the title they won last year.

The quarter- nals are due to take place on the 17th and 20th of August with the one-off semi- nal games due to take place on Monday 22 August. Make sure you get down to LC de Villiers football eld to watch the remaining games.

Photo: Esther van Eeden

Follow the res rugby log exclusively online as the action heats up at perdeby.co.za

Page 13: 15 August Issue 15

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