(148066804) Viral Zoonosis-Rabies

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ViralZoonosis(Rabies)Titiek DjannatunBagian Mikrobiologi- Fakultas KedokteranUniversitas YARSIDefinitionZooneses are diseases of vertebrate animals that can betransmitted to man: either directly or indirectly through an insect vector.When an insect vector is involved, the disease is alsoknown as an arboviral disease.However, not all arboviral diseases are zoonosis: where the transmission cycle takes place exclusively between insect vector and human e.g. dengue and urban yellow fever.Examples of viral zoonoses that can be transmitted to mandirectly include rabies, hantaviruses, lassa and ebola fevers.KLASIFIKASI, TAKSONOMINOMENKLATURFAMILIA : RhabdoviridaeGENUS : Lyssavirus Ephemerovirus Vesiculovirus&SPESIES : Rabies virus, lagos bat, Mokola virus, Devenhagevirus, European bat virus 1 & 2, Australian bat virus(Lyssavirus)VIRUS RNA ,SS,POLARITAS NEGATIF, NON SEGMENTEDINFEKSI AKUT SSP DAN MEMATIKANVIRUS DITULARKAN MELALUI GIGITAN BINATANG BUAS (GILA)TERSEBAR LUAS DIANTARA RESERVOAR BINATANGSIFAT PENTING RHABDOVIRUSVIRIONBERBENTUK SPT PELURU, DIAMETER 75X180NMKOMPOSISIRNA (4%), PROTEIN (67%), LIPID (26%), KH (3%)GENOMSS RNA, LURUS, NON SEGMENTED, - SENSE, BM 4,6JUTA, 12 kbPROTEIN1 GLIKOPROTEIN ENVELOPEREPLIKASISITOPLASMA, VIRION BERTUNAS DI M PLASMAENVELOPEADACIRI KHASBARISAN VIRUS YG LEBAR DG KISARAN INANG LUAS MRPK GRUP VIRUS YG MEMATIKANRabies Virusmember of the Lyassavirus of the Rhabdoviridae.ssRNA enveloped virus, characteristic bullet-shaped appearance with 6-7 nm spike projections.virion 130-240nm * 80nm-ve stranded RNA codes for 5 proteins; G, M, N, L, S Exceedingly wide range of hosts.There are 5 other members of Lyassavirus : Mokola, Lagosbat, Duvenhage, EBL-1, and EBL-2.Duvenhage and EBL-2 have been associated with human rabies.STRUKTURVIRUSUKURAN Pj 180 nm, Lebar 75 nmGenom mengkode 5 protein Nukleoprotein (N) Phosphoprotein (P) matrix protein (M) Glikoprotein (G) Polymerase (L)Komponen struktural core Ribonukleoprotein (RNP) dikelilingienvelope.Genom RNA nukleoprotein/kapsid (heliks) N, L, P genom RNAM envelope membranG tonjolan glikoprotein envelopeRabiesVirusStructure of rabies virus (Source: CDC)Rabies virus particlesViral StructureSIFAT FISIKA- KIMIAPADA 40C TAHAN SELAMA SEMINGGUDIINAKTIVASI OLEH CO2PENYIMPANAN DALAM VIAL BERTUTUP GELAS PADA DRY ICEMATI SINAR UV ATAU SINAR MATAHARI PEMANASAN (1 JAM PADA 500C) LEMAK (ETHER, 0,1% NATRIUM DEOKSIKHOLAT) TRIPSIN DETERJEN pH EXTRIMREPLIKASIEpidemiologyRabies is a zoonosis which is prevalent in wildlife.Themainanimals involvedEuropediffers from continent to continent.fox, bats wolf, dog dogdog, mongoose, antelopefoxes, skunks, raccoons, insectivorous batsdog, vampire batsMiddleAsiaAfricaEastN AmericaS AmericaKERENTANAN HEWAN THD RABIES VIRUSSANGAT TINGGITINGGISEDANGRENDAHRUBAHHAMSTERANJINGTUPAICOYOTEMUSANGLEMBUSERIGALARAKUNDOMBAANJINGHUTANKUCINGKAMBINGKELELAWARKUDAKELINCIPRIMATA BUKANMANUSIAWABAH RABIESINDONESIA 2004-2008 15.000 DIGIGITBADUNG, BALI VAKSIN 20.000 ANJINGTH 2008 14.106 ORANG: 9565 DIBERI VAKSIN DANOBAT; 85 RABIESBALI 1700 ORANGPENYEBAB: POPULASI ANJING TDK TERKENDALI KRN LEMAHNYA SISTEM DETEKSI DINI DAN EVALUASI PERIODIK SURVEY SEROLOGI ANTIBODI DARI HEWAN SUMBER PENULARAN HARUSNYA DILAKUKAN PERIODIKPathogenesisThe commonest mode of transmission in man is by the biteofarabid animal, usually adog.Rabiesisan acuteinfection of the CNS which is almost invariably fatal.Following inoculation, the virus replicates in the striated or connective tissue at the site of inoculation and enters the peripheral nerves through the neuromuscular junction.It then spreads to the CNS in the endoneurium of theSchwann cells.Terminally, there is widespread CNS involvement but fewneuronsinfectedwiththevirusshowstructuralabnormalities. The nature of the profound disorder is stillnot understood.Viral cycleViral cycleViral PathogenesisPATOGENESA & PATOLOGIVIRUS OTOT/JAR IKAT (BKBG BIAK) , KADANG TANPAREPLIKASI LOKAL SARAF TEPI (NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION) SSP BERBIAK DI OTAK SARAF TEPI KEL LUDAH & JAR LAIN.VIRUS DAPAT DITEMUKAN KEL LUDAH SUBMAXILLA (TITER TERTINGGI) PANKREAS, GINJAL, HATI , RETINA, KORNEAVIRUS BLM PERNAH DIISOLASI DARI DARAH PASIENTERINFEKSIVIRUS MEMBENTUK BADAN INKLUSI INTRASITOPLASMA,ASIDOFILIK PD SEL SARAF TERINFEKSI BADAN NEGRIPATOGENESA & PATOLOGIKERENTANAN & MASA INKUBASI TERGANTUNG :UMUR PASIENLATAR BELAKANG GENETIK STATUS IMMUNSTRAIN VIRUS PATOGENITAS VIRUSJUMLAH INOKULUM JUMLAH VIRUS YANG MASUK BERATNYA LASERASI DALAM DAN PARAHNYA LUKABEKAS GIGITAN, JUMLAH LUKA GIGITAN, JUMLAH SYARAF DISEKITAR GIGITANJARAK DARI PORT DTRY SSP (LOKASI LUKA)GIGITAN DI KEPALA/WAJAH MASA INKUBASI PENDEK, SERANGAN TINGGIGIGITAN PADA KAKI KEMATIAN RENDAHGEJALA KLINISENSEFALITIS AKUT, FULMINANT, FATALMASA INKUBASI 1 MINGGU, 1-2 BULAN, BBRP TH (> 6 TH) :HEWAN TIMBUL GJL > 2 MINGGU (20 HARI-8 MINGGU)MANUSIA TIMBUL GJL 2-3 MINGGU SMP 1 TAHUNFASE KLINIS FASE PRODOMAL PENDEKFASE NEUROLOGI AKUT KOMAGEJALA KLINISFASE PRODOMAL PENDEK :2-10 HARIMALAISE, ANOREXIA, NYERI KEPALA, FOTOPOBIA, MUAL, MUNTAH NYERI TENGGOROKAN, DEMAMFASE NEUROLOGI AKUT :GELISAH, CEMAS, HALUSINASI, LAKRIMASI, DILATASI PUPIL, SALIVASI (AKTIVITAS MENELAN SBBK SPASME & NYERI OTOT TENGGOROKAN), BERKERINGAT, SEBAG HIDROPOBIA KEJANG/KOMA KEMATIAN (2-7 HARI STLH ONSET) KRN KELUMPUHAN PERNAFASANRABIES PARALITIK TERJADI SEKITAR 20% PASIEN AKIBATTERINFEKSI VIRUS RABIES KELELAWARBBRP BTHN 30 HARI, TP JARANG YANG DPT SEMBUH & BTAHANHIDUPGEJALA PADA HEWAN BENTUK GANAS (FURIOS RABIES):MASA EKSITASI PANJANG, UMUMNYA AKAN MATI 2-5 HR STLH TANDA-TANDA TERLIHAT HEWAN MENJADI GALAK DAN PENAKUT, MEMBANGKANG PERINTAH MAJIKAN, NAFSU MAKAN HILANG, HIPERSALIVASI, EKOR DIANTARA 2 PAHA BENTUK DIAM (DUMB RABIES): MASA EKSITASI PENDEK, PARALISA CEPAT TERJADI BERSEMBUNYI DI TEMPAT GELAP DAN SEJUK, KEJANG2DALAM WKT SINGKAT, LUMPUH TDK DAPAT MENELAN, HIPERSALIVASI BENTUK ASYMPTOMATIS: TANPA GEJALA, TIBA-TIBA MATIDumb RabiesDumb Rabies, manifested as depresion and an attempt at self-imposed isolationGEJALA PADA MANUSIA NAFSU MAKAN HILANG, SAKIT KEPALA, TIDAKBISA TIDUR, DEMAM TINGGI, MUAL DAN MUNTAH2 RASA PANAS PADA TEMPAT GIGITAN TAKUT AIR, SUARA KERAS, CAHAYA DAN ANGIN AIR LIUR, AIR MATA KELUAR BERLEBIHAN KEJANG2 DISUSUL KELUMPUHANBIASANYA MENINGGAL DALAM WAKTU 4-6 HR SETELAH GEJALA KLINIS PERTAMA TIMBULGEJALA PADA MANUSIA KALAU DIGIGIT DEKAT LEHER/KEPALA AKUT: DEMAM TINGGI KEJANG2 OTOT MULUT BERBUSA FOTOPHOBIA KESADARAN MENURUN BERTERIAK-TERIAKHuman rabiesHospitalized human rabies, who was restrained while bedriddenHuman rabiesHospitalized human rabies victim in restrainsLaboratory DiagnosisHistopathology - Negri bodies are pathognomonic of rabies. However,Negri bodies are only present in 71% of cases.Rapid virus antigen detection - in recent years, virus antigen detection by IF had become widely used. Corneal impressions or neck skin biopsy are taken. The Direct Fluorescent Antibody test (DFA) is commonly used.Virus cultivation - The most definitive means of diagnosis is by virus cultivation from saliva and infected tissue. Cell cultures may be used or more commonly, the specimen is inoculated intracerebrally intoinfant mice.Because of the difficulties involved, this is rarely offeredby diagnostic laboratories.Serology - circulating antibodies appear slowly in the course of infection but they are usually present by the time of onset of clinical symptoms.DIAGNOSA LABORATORIUMANTIGEN RABIES/ASAM NUKLEATIMMUNOFLUORESCENS, PCR (JAR OTAK/KORNEA ISOLASI VIRUSINTRACEREBRAL PADA TIKUS YG BLM DISAPIH ENSEFALITIS & KEMATIANSEROLOGIIMMUNOFLUORESCENS, TES NtOBSERVASI HEWANSELAMA 10 HARI PADA HEWAN RESERVOARDiagnosisofRabiesNegri Body in neuron cell(source: CDC)Positive DFA test (Source: CDCCharacteristic Negri BodiesHistopathologic features of rabies, brain. Characteristic Negri Bodies are present within a Purkinye cell of the cerebellum; patient died of rabiesManagement and PreventionPre-exposure prophylaxis - Inactivated rabies vaccine may beadministered to persons at increased risk of being exposed to rabies e.g. vets, animal handlers, laboratory workers etc.Post-exposure prophylaxis - In cases of animal bites, dogs and cats in a rabies endemic area should be held for 10 days for observation. If signs develop, they should be killed and their tissue.Wild animals are not observed but if captured, the animal should bekilledand examined.Theessentialcomponentsofpostexposureprophylaxis are the local treatment of wounds and active and passiveimmunization.Once rabies is established, there is nothing much that could be done except intensive supportive care. To date, only 2 persons with proven rabies have survived.Postexposure ProphylaxisWound treatment - surgical debridement should be carried out.Experimentally, the incidence of rabies in animals can be reduced by local treatment alone.Passive immunization - human rabies immunoglobulin around the area of the wound; to be supplemented with an i.m. dose to confer short term protection.Active immunization - the human diploid cell vaccine is the best preparation available. The vaccine is usually administered into the deltoid region, and 5 doses are usually given.There is convincing evidence that combined treatment with rabies immunoglobulin and active immunization is much more effective than active immunization alone. Equine rabies immunoglobulin (ERIG) is available in many countries and is considerably cheaper than HRIG.PENANGGULANGAN KASUS NON AKUT: CUCI LUKA DG SABUN/DETERGEN SLM 5-10 MENIT DI BAWAH AIR BERI ALKOHOL 70%/YODIUM BERI Ig ANTI RABIES DAN VAKSIN HEWAN KIRIM KE DINAS PETERNAKAN ORANG YANG DIGIGIT RS KHUSUS INFEKSIPENANGGULANGAN KASUS AKUT:VAKSIN EFEK SAMPING: MENINGITIS + GJLSEPERTI RABIESYODIUM TDK MEMBANTU KRN VIRUS SDH MSKIg ANTI RABIES CEGAH VIRUS TDK MENYEBAR KE SYARAF OTAKISOLASI PENDERITA BISA MENULARKAN OBAT TDK ADA, TERAPI SYMPTOM: ANTIKEJANG, OBAT CEGAH INFEKSI SEKUNDER,OBAT PENENANGRabies VaccinesThe vaccines which are available for humans are present are inactivated whole virus vaccines.Nervous Tissue Preparation e.g. Semple Vaccine - associated with the rarecomplication of demyelinating allergic encephalitis.Duck Embryo Vaccine - this vaccine strain is grown in embryonated duck eggs This vaccine has a lower risk of allergic encephalitis but is considerably less immunogenic.Human Diploid Cell Vaccine (HDCV) - this is currently the best vaccine available with an efficacy rate of nearly 100% and rarely any severe reactions. However it is very expensive.Other Cell culture Vaccines - because of the expense of HDCV, other cell culture vaccines are being developed for developing countries. However recent data suggests that a much reduced dose of HDCV given intradermally may be just be effective.IMMUNITAS & PENCEGAHANVAKSINASI :VAKSIN SEL DIPLOID MANUSIA (HDCV) VAKSIN RABIES TERABSORPSI (RVA)VAKSI SEL EMBRIO AYAM DIMURNIKAN (PCEC)VAKSIN JARINGAN SARAF VAKSIN EMBRIO BEBEK VIRUS HIDUP DILEMAHKANTIPE ANTIBODI RABIES :Ig RABIES MANUSIA (HRIG) SERUM ANTIRABIES KUDAIMMUNITAS & PENCEGAHANPENCEGAHAN SEBELUM PEMAPARAN :VAKSINASI PADA INDIVIDU BERESIKO TINGGIPENCEGAHAN SETELAH PEMAPARAN :PENATALAKSANAAN & PENGENDALIAN :Control of Rabies Urban - canine rabies accounts for more than 99% of all humanrabies. Control measures against canine rabies include; stray dog control. Vaccination of dogs quarantine of imported animalsWildlife - this is much more difficult to control than canine rabies. However, there are on-going trials in Europe where bait containing rabies vaccine is given to foxes. Success had been reported in Switzerland.KLB Rabies Jumlah yang digigit meningkat Jumlah vaksin terbatas Vaksin rabies pasca paparan mahal (VeroRab 4x suntikan/bulan Sumber: muntah, ludah pasien Sulit edukasi masyarakat untuk: Eradikasi anjing liar Henti makan daging anjingSkor LARAT LARAT: nama titik terluar NKRI, yangberbatasan langsung dengan Samudra HindiaProbability/Peluang kejadian Rabies pada pasien gigitan anjing saat KLB Rumus11+e-(F)Skor LARATF = 6,3 + 1,6 (selisih waktu gigit anjing < 2 bulan) + 1,3 (lokasi luka gigitan di kepala, wajah, leher, dada, atau punggung) + 2,5 (karakteristik anjing dominan ciri rabies) + 2 (anjing mati sendiri/dibunuh namun diketahui telah digigit anjing yang mati sendiri berasal dari korban).e = Hasil analisis multivarian model epidemiologiSistem skoring prediksi rabies pada pasiengigitan anjing saat KLB RabiesNoVariasiKategoriSkor1Selisih waktu gigitan anjing< 2 bulan 2 bulan202Lokasi luka gigitan anjingKepala, wajah, leher, dada, punggungLengan, tangan, perut, tungkai, kaki103Karakteristik anjing (ada 7 karakteristik)Dominan Rabies ( 4 sifat)Tidak dominan Rabies (< 4 sifat)304Akibat kematian anjingAnjing mati sendiri, atau anjing dibunuh namun diperoleh informasi bahwa anjing tersebut mati telah digigit anjing lain yang mati sendiri Anjing dibunuh, tidak mati, tidak tahu30Skor maksimumSkor minimum90Analisis sensitivitas danspesifisitas pada ROC curve, skor 5 memberikan prediksi Rabiessehingga perlu mendapat prioritas vaksinasi di saat KLB