1.4 We suggest that this response is brought to the attention ...

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Transcript of 1.4 We suggest that this response is brought to the attention ...

Page 1: 1.4 We suggest that this response is brought to the attention ...


18th DECEMBER 2008




PART 1. Doc Code: SCHHB-181208-REP-SS


Report Item Page Nos Wards Affected

1. Joint Review – Action Plan 2 - 9 All

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Part 1, Section A, Item 1


Purpose of Report

To report the action plan developed to respond to the recommendations arising from a Joint Review of Social Services in Neath Port Talbot to Members and to ask Members to formally adopt that action plan.


Joint Reviews of Social Services in Wales have been carried out by the Wales Audit Office and the Care and Social Services Inspectorate for Wales. The reviews are a comprehensive assessment of how well local authorities as a whole discharge their social services responsibilities.

The purpose of the Review is to:

Tell the public how well people are being serviced by their local social services;

Help these services to improve; Help safeguard the interests of service users and carers; and Get better value for money in the provision of social services.

The Joint Review of Neath Port Talbot commenced at the beginning of May 2007. The outcome of the Review was formally presented to the Council in August 2008 and concluded that:

The Council had mainly good services and was strongly placed to sustain and further improve services.

This is the best outcome of a Joint Review in Wales to date and reflects the commitment of the Council, officers and local partners to prioritise services for the most vulnerable residents in our county borough.

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Responding to the Joint Review

As well as acknowledging the many areas of good work, the Joint Review also confirmed the priorities for further improvement. The Council is required to develop an action plan to demonstrate how those priorities for further improvement will be taken forward. The draft action plan, which is attached for consideration by Members at today’s meeting, is considered by the the Joint Review Team to be an appropriate response to the recommendations and Members are therefore asked to formally adopt the plan as the Council’s formal response to the Joint Review of Social Services in Neath Port Talbot.

Follow up

It is a feature of the Joint Review methodology that inspectors undertake follow up work to confirm that the agreed action plan is being implemented. In Neath Port Talbot, the Joint Review Team has indicated that the approach will be proportionate to the outcome of the Review. This means that field work will focus on a small number of selected areas, with inspectors and auditors relying on routine monitoring reports to track the direction of improvements more generally. Officers welcome the approach that has been adopted by the Welsh Assembly Government.


1. That the action plan attached at appendix 1 is adopted by the Cabinet Board as the Council’s formal response to the Joint Review of Social Services in Neath Port Talbot.

2. That Members note the proportionate approach to be taken by inspectors in monitoring the implementation of the action plan. (See letter attached at appendix 2).

3. That Members note that responsibility for tracking progress will be assigned to the respective committees as follows:

Children’s elements of the action plan – Children Young People and Education Scrutiny Board

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Community Care elements of the action plan – Social Care Health and Housing Scrutiny Committee.

Business Strategy elements of the action plan – Social Care Health and Housing Scrutiny Committee.

Reason for Proposed Decision

To take forward the action plan in response to the recommendations arising from the Joint Review of Social Services in Neath Port Talbot.

List of Background Papers

Appendix 1 – Joint Review of Neath Port Talbot Social Services 2008: Action Plan to address recommendations

Appendix 2 – Letter from Val Connors, Wales Audit Office, 13th November 2008

Joint Review of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Social Services, July 2008 www.joint-reviews.gov.uk

Wards Affected


Contact Officer

Karen Jones, Head of Change Management and Innovation. Telephone number: 01639 763284. E-mail: [email protected]

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(a) Implementation of Decision

The decision is for proposed implementation after the three day call in period.

(b) Sustainability Appraisal

Community Plan ImpactsEconomic Prosperity .. No ImpactEducation & Lifelong Learning .. PositiveBetter Health & Wellbeing .. PositiveEnvironmental & Transport .. No ImpactCrime & Disorder .. No Impact

Other ImpactsWelsh Language .. PositiveSustainable Development .. No ImpactEqualities .. PositiveSocial Inclusion .. Positive

(c) Consultation

There has been no requirement under the Constitution for external consultation on this item.

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Appendix 2

From: Valerie Connors [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 13 November 2008 10:56To: Colin PreeceCc: Anthony Clements; julie rzezniczek; Karen Jones; Claire Marchant; Non Jenkins; Roberts, Sue (CSSIW); Williams, Angela (CSSIW - Carmarthen); Olsen, Jo (CSSIW)Subject: Joint review handover meeting and follow-up arrangementsImportance: High

Dear Colin As we agreed at the handover meeting, the attached document contains:             The response from the WAO and CSSIW to the action plan            The arrangements for monitoring and follow-up work by both organizations as discussed at the       meeting. We anticipate that you will share the contents with other relevant people within the Council. Unless you have any further comments or amendments to propose, we now consider the handover phase as having been concluded. The detail and timing of the follow-up work will be discussed with Non Jenkins and Sue Roberts through your normal channels of communication.

Finally, I would like to thank you and your staff for all your hard work and for contributing to this process in such a helpful and constructive manner. I will look forward to hearing about future progress in Social Services in Neath Port Talbot

 Kind regards Val

Valerie ConnorsOperations Manager, Joint Reviews

Wales Audit Office

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Neath Port Talbot Joint Review

1. Response from CSSIW and the WAO to the Council's detailed action


1.1 The handover meeting held on 31 October included a review of the final

action plan, with a verbal update from the Council on progress with

implementation. The agenda for Social Services was discussed within

the context of the Council’s overarching Transformation and Change

Programme and all those present at the meeting agreed that there is a

need to link any follow-up activity to the achievement of key milestones

in this programme.

1.2 Having looked at the detailed action plan provided by the Council, our

overall view is that the content of the plan covers the appropriate areas

and meets the expectations set out in the joint review guidance. We

regard the plan as a thorough and well considered document. It appears

to address appropriately the priorities for improvement in the joint review

report. There is sufficient detail to ensure:

objectives and actions that can be monitored and which are

explicit enough to demonstrate progress;

quantifiable targets for improvement;

time scales by which the improvement will be achieved; and

clarity about who will take responsibility for key actions and be

accountable for progress.

1.3 We have been assured that the Joint Review action plan will be formally

adopted by the Social Care, Health and Housing Cabinet Board at its

December meeting. Members of the Social Care, Health and Housing

Scrutiny Committee and the Children, Young People and Education

Scrutiny Committee will be invited to scrutinise the action plan prior to it

being formally considered by the Cabinet Board. The actions will be

integrated fully into, and cross referenced within, the Social Care Health

and Housing 2009 – 10 Business Plans. Performance in delivering the

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plans will be reviewed by the respective committees on at least a half

yearly basis.

1.4 We suggest that this response is brought to the attention of relevant

Councillors, emphasising that executive and scrutiny arrangements

should enable them to get a real sense of the progress made in terms of

the impact and outcomes for service users and carers.

2. Monitoring and follow up

2.1 The main purpose of the work done during the follow up is to check the

progress of the Council in acting on the findings of the review and

delivering the measures in the joint review action plan. Much of the work

will be carried out through the authority’s own scrutiny processes and

reports produced for them. The Council has agreed, therefore, to use the

normal channels of communication with the WAO and CSSIW

(Relationship Manager and Link Inspector) to provide copies of all

performance monitoring reports in tandem with the arrangements for

political scrutiny.

2.2 In terms of more specific follow-up work, the scale and scope of this are

dependent upon the findings of the review and the degree of risk

identified. In low-risk authorities such as Neath Port Talbot (i.e. a local

authority that is judged as providing mainly good services and as being

strongly placed to sustain and develop services), a maximum of two-

three days work over and above the planned work programme for both

CSSIW and the WAO is undertaken. It was agreed that in 2009 – 10, this

will be focused on assessing progress against the action plan through

the achievement of key milestones in the Council’s Transformation and

Change Programme. Assurance work will be directed towards:

Older person’s Services Transformation Programme;

Family Support Services Review;and

Assessment and care management in children’s social services.

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2.3 The audit and regulatory work will be planned at critical milestones in the

programmes, agreed between the Wales Audit Office, CSSIW and Neath

Port Talbot County Borough Council.

2.4 In order to ensure that the improvement priorities reflect changing

circumstances, the Council intends to maintain the Advance Information

Template (AIT). The AIT will be updated annually and the information

used to inform the basis of business planning in the next planning

period, in particular the identification of improvement priorities and key

risks. The output of this exercise will be integrated with the Council’s

Improvement Plan. The fully updated AIT will be shared with the

Relationship manager and Link Inspector and in due course will form the

evidence base of the Statutory Director’s Annual Statement.

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Neath Port Talbot CBCSocial Services, Health & HousingJoint Review - Priorities for Action

Children’s Services

Priorities for Action Key Action Responsible Officer

Timescale Desired Outcomes

Resources/ Risk


Monitoring Mechanism

1. Improving assessment, care management and review Managers in Social Services should;Tackle problems in allocating cases, & the capacity of some teams.

X. Ref: CYPS Business Plan. P.8, P.29, P.38

Continuing scrutiny & monitoring of unallocated cases.

Head of Children & Young People Services.

Ongoing All new referrals allocated for assessment within PI requirements.

Recruitment to newly qualified worker posts no longer problematic (since September 2008)

Monthly reports to Children Young People & Education Sub Scrutiny Committee/Lead Member/Director of Social Services.

Recruitment & Retention strategies ongoing & recent set of appointments made.

Head of Children & Young People Services/ Principal Officer Human Resources.

March 2009

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Workforce support programme in place including training, induction & staff welfare. Links also to be made with Children & Young Peoples Plan on workforce. Links to be made with the CYPP workforce strategy.


All assessed cases transferred to FST’s within 2 weeks.

Recruitment to management levels still difficult.

Review of Family Support Services aims to redirect £400k to further invest in frontline teams.

March 2010

Additional Staff in CCDT, Fostering, Route 16, Assessment coach.

Labour turnover low at present.

Health Improvement Group addresses and monitors staff support needs and morale.

Projected Risk – Medium

Improve the timeliness & quality of assessments.

X.Ref: CYPS Business Plan, P. 22,23,25

X.Ref: NPTSCBBusiness Plan, P.10

Assessment coaching facility being commissioned.

Principal Officers First Response/Disability & Family Support

Dec 2008 All relevant social workers are coached in completion of core assessments.

27k allocated for 2008/09.2009/10 funding to be determined 2010/11 onwards funded through review of Family Support Servs.

PI reports to CSMG, SMT, CYPE. Monthly Performance Bulletins.

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Performance management oversight group investigating assessment issues.

Principal Officers First Response/Disability & Family Support

In place Analysis of systems undertaken. Thematic audits inform improvement measures.

Active Group making positive improvements – low risk.


Training and induction programmes in place.

Principal Officer for Human Resources/Children Services ManagemtGroup

In place Staff have access to appropriate training.

Comprehensive programme – low risk.


IROs to undertake quality checks on all Core Assessments prior to LAC/CP reviews.

Principal Officer SafeguardingPlacement & Review.

In place IROs identify quality issues on Core Assessments and refer them for further work where appropriate.

Possible capacity issues- medium risk


Routine Random Case File Audits

Director of Social Services, Health & Housing/ Head of Children & Young People Services/Principal Officers Team Managers

In place Audits identify areas for improvement and monitors compliance.

Possible capacity issues – low risk.


Safeguarding Children Board Audit & review functions.

Head of C & Y People Services/ Principal Officer Safeguarding

In place SCB Audit and Review functions to be further enhanced by a SCB Performance

SCB functioning actively – low risk.


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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port TalbotPlacement & Review

Management Framework.

Consultancy review commissioned to assess specific issues around quality of initial and core assessments, case transfer protocols and quality of disability assessments.


Review will identify further actions not covered above.

All recommendationwill be prioritised – low risk.


Threshold for disability core assessment adjusted.

Principal Officer First Response & Disability

In place Complexity of need is fully assessed in Disabled Children’s cases.

Linked to staff capacity currently – low risk.

Audit as above.MonthlyBulletins

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Support & guide practitioners to deliver care plans that more consistently focus on outcomes across both adults & children’s services, & cost the plans.

X.Ref: CYPS Business Plan P. 28

Assessment coaching commissioned.

Principal Officer First Response & Disability/ Principal Officer Family Support & Looked After Children.

Dec 2008 See above See above See above

ICS workplan contains a priority action to develop costed care plans.

Principal Officer Business Support/Principal Officer Family Support & Looked After Children.

March 2009

Information on need aggregated from care plans, informs commissioning.

Resource and capacity to take this forward in IT, Admin and CYPS is limited.

ICS SteeringGroup

IM&T Board

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

REF: CYPP Single Plan priority. NSF key action.X.Ref: CYPS Business Plan P. 41

Transition to adulthood group also collating data on plans.

Head of Community Care Services/ Head of Children & Young People Services/Children & Young People Partnership

March 2009

All disabled children’s needs are projected at early stage to inform commissioning Strategies in adult services.

Information sharing requirements may be an obstacle but early signs are that these could be overcome.Low risk.

Transition to Adulthood Steering Group.

Children & Young People Partnership.

2. Tackling some weaknesses in the arrangements for protecting vulnerable people Managers in Social Services should:In child protection work ensure better practice in relation to:

Core Assessments

Risk Assessment & Risk Management

Quality of statutory reviews.

Assessment coaching, performance oversight and training as above.

Review of IRO practice as above.

Principal Officer First Response & Disability/ Principal Officer Family Support & Looked After Services/ Principal Officer SafeguardingPlacement & Review


As above As above As above

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

3. Improving support for carers Managers in Social Services should:Tackle shortfalls in services, particularly respite care.

Review of Family Support Services pressures to take place in 2008.

Head of Children & Young People Services.

March 2010

As above As above As above

Re-provision of residential short break service 2009/10.

March 2010

Re-provision will contain extra capacity to address waiting lists for residential respite services.

Current provision does not fully meet standards required – low risk.

Project Board

Developments ongoing to increase use of Direct Payments.

Head of Children & Young People Services

In Place Extra capacity agreed with service provider to process direct payment users.

No risk. Completed.

Reduce levels of exemptions in foster placements.

X.Ref. CYPS Business Plan P.27 – Fostering Strategy Action Plan

Strengthening capacity of in-house fostering service.

Principal Officer Fostering, Adoption & Leaving Care.

On-going Exceptionsreduced.

Recruitment may or may not reach a point where matching options are always viable – medium risk.

Foster Panel

Improving support for Young Carers

X.Ref: Carers Strategy

X.Ref: Business Plan 1.25 CYP Plan.

Establish a protocol between adults & children’s services.

Carers Strategy Officer/ Principal Officer Family Support/ Children & Young People’s Partnership.

On-going Young carers identified & provided with adequate services.

Low risk Monthly bulletin & CYPPCommunication Strategy wider

schools & protocol to be developed.

4. Other Improvement actions:Improving the response of EDT

Review of EDT undertaken Principal Officer First Response &

Action Plan for recommend

Improvements in EDT

Increase inCapacity of EDT unlikely –


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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port TalbotDisability. -ations in



Medium Risk.

Ensure minutes of CPCC are distributed quickly.X.Ref: CYPS Business Plan P. 32

Review of Conference Service to be undertaken.

Principal Officer SafeguardingPlacement &Review/Principal Officer Business Support.

March 2009

Minutes are distributed promptly.

Low risk CSMG

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Statutory visits to Looked After Children

X.Ref: CYPSBusiness Plan P.23

Internal strategy for improvement including, training, compliance instructions, system support & PO oversight, implemented resulting in steady improvements in this area.

Principal Officer Family Support & Looked After Children.

On-going All statutory visits completed within timescales.

Linked to staff capacity –Medium risk


Transition arrangements for Young People with Disabilities.

X.Ref: CYPP PlanCYPS Business PlanP. 41

Multi agency cross children & adult services strategy group established.

Head of Community Care Sevices/ Head of Children & Young People Services/Children & Young PeoplePartnership

Ongoing NSF Key actions fulfilled & improved transition arrangements.

Possible issues related to eligibility criteria in adult services – medium risk


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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port TalbotNeath Port Talbot CBC

Social Services, Health & HousingJoint Review Priorities for Action

Community Care Services

Priorities for Action Key Actions Responsible Officer

Timescale DesiredOutcomes

Resources/ Risk


Monitoring Mechanism

1. Improving assessment, care management and review Managers in Social Services should:

Tackle problems in allocating cases & the capacity of some teams.i) Occupational Therapy ServicesX.Ref: Community Care Business Planp.45.

Review has been undertaken of contact arrangements and capacity to address backlog in lower priority assessments. This has resulted:-

a) establishing additional OT post and Contact Officer

PO Direct Services

Posts agreed by Personnel Committee September 2008

Reduce current backlog by 50% May 2009

Difficulties with recruitment (low/medium risk)

Monthly reporting of waiting lists to Head of Service and SMT

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

b) delete part time OT post and establish 1.2 OT assistant posts to undertake low priority work

PO DirectServices

Staff in place Dec 08/Jan09 (in interim locum officer will assist with backlog.

Clear backlog fully September 2009

Any long term sickness problems (low risk)

c) Establish OT post for new enabling home care team.

PO DirectServices

Recruitment already taken place – in post November 2008.

Resources for all above have been identified.

ii) Sensory Support TeamX.Ref: Community Care Business Plan P.45

Temporary support assistant in place until April 2009 to address backlog re.visual and hearing impaired.

PO Older & Disabled People Care Management

In place Maintain progress in reducing waiting list.

Review position for 09/10 given temporary nature of appointment.

Monitoring report of waiting list to Head of Service and SMT

Review to be undertaken of ongoing and future resource requirements.

PO Older & Disabled People Care Management

January 2009 To provide sustainable capacity to ensure timely assessments across all components of the Sensory Support Team.

Any long term sickness problems (low risk).Additional capacity may not be seen as sufficient budget priority given overall budget position (medium risk)

Report to SMT by mid-January.

Operational policy has been established and review undertaken of relationship with health colleagues and older people care management services. An additional social worker has been agreed as part of 08/09 budget.

PO Mental Health

Officer in post November 09

To provide sustainable capacity to ensure timely assessments.

Limited risk re: staff recruitment/retention

Performance monitoring report to Head of Services monthly

1.5 Care Management Assistants established via Independence and Well Being Grant.

Posts approved by Personnel Committee

All reviews are undertaken annually.

Should have significant impact on effective

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port TalbotSeptember 2008 – Officers in post December 08/Jan09

operation of team.Resources for above have been identified and approved.

iii) Older Person Mental Health TeamX.Ref: Community Care Business Plan P.45

Backlog of nursing home reviews cleared by continuing care s/w staff.

Older Person Strategy Manager

Achieved August 2008

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Work towards integrated team, policies and procedures prior to move to Primary Care Resource Centre.

PO Mental Health

July 2009 To provide an effective integrated health and social care assessment and care co-ordinating response to older people with mental health needs.

Health changes may slow progress though current local health community committed to action (low risk).No specific resource implications.

Quarterly reporting to Older Person with Mental Health Steering Group and to Head of Service/SMT

Improve the timeliness & quality of assessments.X.Ref. Community Care Business Plan P. 46.

See above re: timeliness.

Quality Systems Framework to be established across Community Care Services.

Respective Care ManagementPO’s

Draft Audit Tool in place. Finalise tool and framework January 2008.

To ensure there is a robust framework to deliver good quality assessments and care management.

Possible capacity issues (low risk). Performance management group has been established to ensure co-ordination.

Build into quarterly reporting and annual audit.

Support & guide practitioners to deliver care plans that more consistently focus on outcomes and cost of plans.XRef: Community Care Business Plan

See Quality Framework above. Care ManagementPO’s

As above As above As above

Training Programme PO’s/Training Officer

Training undertaken 08-09Refresher 09-10

To ensure staff understand concept.

Low riks

Audit Care Plans and provide feedback to address deficits.

October 2008 To ensure staff apply training in practice

Low risk Reports to Head of Service/SMT November 2008

Project Team has been established to validate activity data which will enable the calculation of costed care plan.

PO Finance Work to be fully completed – April 2010

Care Managers have mechanism to fully determine actual costs of service options

Low risk specific staff member identified to lead work.

Quarterly progress update to Head of Service/SMT

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbotto meet need.

As part of review of Direct Payments policy, consideration is being given to self Directed Support pilot during 09-10 which will require more robust care plan costings.

Steering Group – established Head of Service

September 2009 for pilot

Care Management systems enable service users and carers to have greater control of care and support arrangements.

To be taken on basis of being resource neutral.

Reporting via Steering Group

Ensure consistency in the quality of reviews of care plansX.Ref: Community Care Business Plan P.46.

See Quality Framework above. As above As above As above As above As above

Clear any backlog of reviews to ensure quality can be given attention (Older People Mental Health Teams)

PO Mental Health

January 2008 (All establishment based reviews up to date – August 2008)

As above Possibly capacity (low risk)

Monthly reporting to Head of Service.

2. Tackling some weaknesses in the arrangements for protecting vulnerable people Managers in Social Services should:Address capacity issues regarding the protection of adults X Ref: Community Care Business Plan P.52

Deputy POVA co-ordinator post established as part of 08/09 budget.

SeniorDesignated Manager

Officer in post – November 2008

To ensure that AAPC action plan is effectively co-ordinated and progressed within timescale indicated.

Planned sickness absence of POVA Co-ordinator (August-November 08) has meant some delay in progressing.

Review AAPC Business Plan to update action plan.

POVA Co-ordinator

January 2009 See above Increased Operational demands will hinder progress – low/medium risk.

AAPC and via Business Plan annually.

3. Improving support for carers Managers in Social Services should:Ensure carers assessments are offered and completed.

Carers Assessment tool and guidance revised.

Care ManagementPOs/Carers Developme

Finalised January 2008

To ensure consistent approach to carers assessments


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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

X Ref: Carers StrategyAction Plan (Page 27)

X.Ref: Community Care Business PlanP. 46


that complies with UAP, carers legislation and WAG guidance, and is user friendly.

Comprehensive carers training programme to ensure awareness raising understanding of guidance.

Carers DevelopmentOfficer/TrainingOfficer

70 staff attended training in 2008 on assessment tool.

08/09 further 6 training sessions within the training programme.

50 staff attended x 3 awareness training facilities by specialist vol. sector organisation.08/09 further training sessions within programme.

Improve year on year performance re: Carers Assessment KPI’s08-09 target 80%09-10 90%10-11 95%. To ensure staff understanding carers needs and are effective in applying guidance and utilisation of tool.

Significant amount of training already undertaken – low risk.


Annual audit of quality of assessments.

Work has been undertaken to clarify the recording of the ‘offer of carer assessments’ as there has been inconsistency in the data required for the PI.

Care ManagementPO’s/POAdmin.

New Recording system linked to UAP in place September 2008

More accurate recording of actual performance re. offer of carer assessment.

Achieved See KPI above

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

E-mail bulletin to all social workers re.carer information, events and acitivity – with annual follow up meeting with each management team.



Ensure carer issues are kept to the fore re: s/w practice and awareness.

Low risk As part of Development Officers’ quarterly report re: carers strategy implementation.

Revise current Direct Payment policy to ensure greater flexibility re. respite options and consistent with personalization agenda.

Steering Group established- Head of Service

April 2009 See process Budget restraints could inhibit flexible use (low medium risk)

Via Steering Group SMT

Production of Carers’ Handbook including directory of services to assist both staff and carers access service. The introduction to this has been translated into 8 community languages with the aim of reaching carers from Minority Ethnic Group.

Carer Development Officer

Produced and launched September 2008.Reviewed and updated annually thereafter.

Ensure staff and carers have up to date information on carer’s services.

Lack of Carer Development Officer – low risk.

Annual review of contacts – revision each year.

Tackle Shortfalls in services, particularly respite care.

i)Learning Disability Services.X.Ref: Community Care Business PlanP. 49

Finalise agreement re: replacement for Rhodes and Beaconsview

LD Strategic Manager

Member Agreement: Nov/Dec 08.Start on site Summer ’09 Completion Summer ’10.

Purpose built appropriate setting to varied needs for respite which will both address current and future need for service.

Capital cost and site issues (Medium/high risk)

Project group in operation – continue to meet with quarterly reports to SMT.

Ensure current service retains sufficient capacity to meet present respite needs.

PO Learning Disabilities

Move on plans in place non respite care service users December 2008.

Sufficient capacity to meet current respite needs.

Crises in community will limit options to reduce number of ‘medium’ stay service users – medium risk.

Quarterly reporting re: service user ratio at Rhodes to Head of Service.

ii) Physical Disability Services

Developing Commissioning Strategy to consider how to

PO Care Manageme

Complete Strategy and

Provide flexible range of

This will be a developing


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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port TalbotX.Ref: Community Care Business Plan P.44

use current resources more affectively to meet respite needs. This will include further development of direct payments and personalisation agenda.

ntOlder and Disabled People/Physical DisabilitiesDevelopmentOfficer

Action Plan – Dec ‘08ImplementationGroup in place – Jan ’09 New Direct Payment Policy – April ’09.

respite options for service users with physical disabilities and their carers.

agenda which will probably require re-investment of current service spend and some additional resources.

n Group Action Plan Reporting.

4. Other Improvement actions:Reducing the Dependence on more traditional forms of care – residential and day care.X.Ref: Community Care Business PlanP. 47-48

Establish a Transforming Older People Service Programme Board to oversee change agenda across service.

Director/Head of Service

To be established by November2008

Complete Review of Residential Care Services and formulate implementation plan.

Head of Service

External consultant appointed to:i) Interrogate work already undertaken and provide option analysis Nov ’08.ii)Recommendmost appropriate way forward – March ‘09

To ensure residential care services are modern, fit for purpose and cost effective for next 30 years.

Sign up to recommended option – low/medium risk.

Via Project Board in first instance and then Programme Board; Members Advisory Group; Reports to Cabinet Board.

Take forward implementation plan

April 2009 onwards (dependent on option agreed)

Project manager to be appointed to take forward recommendations (post already approved).

Establishing Enabling Home Care Service.

PO DirectServices

New Service operational by Jan ‘09

To maximise independence of service users via effective ‘enabling’

Clearing current waiting list for packages of care prior to service starting low/medium risk.

Via Project Board in first instance (see above)

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbotinterventions.

Establish block contracts for Independent Providers and Review relationship between in-house/independent providers.


To establish ‘geographic’ based block contracts for 09/10

To ensure consistent response to need across County Borough

Insufficient tenders – low risk.

Via Project Board in first instance (See above)

Establish Integrated Intermediate Care Service.

Head of Service

Model agreed piloted – Nov ’08. Fully operational April 09.

Fully integrated ERS and reablement service to effectively meet need and reduce admissions to hospital and ensure effective pathway re: hospital discharges.

Funding available via Continuing Care Grant – low risk.

Via Delivery Integrated Services Project Board

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Determine actions arising from Day Service Review.

Head of Service Older Person Strategy Manager.

Establish ImplementationPlan following review – Jan 09.

Effective day care pathway between health, social services and voluntary sector to appropriately meet needs of service users requiring day service/Support intervention.

Capacity to take forward plan given overall transformation agenda – medium risk.

Project Group to be established and then report into Programme Board

Implement Telecare Strategy TelecareCo-ordinator

Jan 09 Targeting assistive technology to reduce reliance on ongoing care/interventions.

Agree Charging arrangement (low risk)

Implementationto SMT/Joint Executive Group.

Develop the range of service for older people with mental ill-health.

X.Ref: Community Care Business PlanP.50

A Commissioning Review of Older People’s Mental Health Services has been undertaken (September 2008) which will form the basis of future service reconfigurations including:

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

i) Integrated Community Support Team.

ii) Crisis Management & Home Treatment Service.

iii) Review of Day Time opportunities.

iv) Capacity re: independent sector/LA long term residential/nursing home provision.

PO Mental Health/Joint Strategic Manager Mental Health

Joint Strategic Manager Older People Services.

Workshop to achieve partnership ‘sign up’ (October 2008) Project Group agreed and to be established (November 2008). Utilise Continuing Care grant to establish Home Treatment Service (bid submitted Sept 08)

To redesign existing service to ensure a focus on community based services and an integrated approach to meeting need.

Health changes will limit health colleagues ability to help drive through change over next 12 months – medium/low risk.Continuing care grant will provide incentive to take forward newmodels.

Via ImplementationGroup on bi-monhtly basis and to SMT quarterly.

Develop more supported accommodation for people with mental ill health.

A review of ‘out of county’ placements has been undertaken as a basis for developing repatriation arrangements to ensure:

More effective local response to meeting need.Cost effective alternatives are put in place to ‘free-up’ funds to develop assertive outreach service.Ensure appropriate pathway between current rehabilitation services and new service models.

PO Mental Health/ Joint Strategic Manager Mental Health.

All ‘out of county’ placements currently being reviewed against continuing care criteria to ensure scoping of partnership commitment Dec 2008.Local options currently being explored with ABM Trust to facilitate ‘repatriation’ Jan/March09Specification to be drawn

See process Signing up to this has already been agreed across the region and health changes should have limited impact on taking forward.

Possible non-recurring nature of cont.care grant could inhibit development of Assertive Outreach – low risk.

Local ImplementationTeam and Joint Executive Group.

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbotup to encourage RSL provision – June ’09.Submission for Assertive outreach via Continuing Care Grant

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

5. Ensuring that the needs of people from black & ethnic minority communities has a higher profile – The Council should:

Improve availability

Ensure staff are supported in meeting the cultural needs of users and carers.

Develop BP and commissioning strategies to ensure services meet the needs of minority communities.

Enable the Black and Ethnic Minorities form to become the focus for driving improvement and change.

X.Ref: Community Care Business Plan P53

A quarterly meeting has been established (June 2008) between key social services officers and representatives of the BME Forum. The 3 priorities for action that have been agreed are:

Improving information

Considering how best to encourage foster carers from the BME Community.

Increase operational staff awareness of cultural and ethnic needs of BME community.

Head of CommunityCare currently chairs meeting.

Specific actions have been agreed:

Review social services information leaflet to encompass needs.

Work with Older Person Council and BME Forum in the agreed development of an older person information DVD.

Fostering Recruitment Officer to meet with BME Forum and SBREC to consider specific actions to assist recruitment.

Training Manager is meeting with BME Forum to incorporate awareness training in 08/09 & 09/10 training programme.

To ensure service responses are appropriate to needs of local BME community.

Quarterly meetings and six monthly progress report to SMT.

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port TalbotNeath Port Talbot CBC

Social Services, Health & HousingJoint Review Priorities for Action

Business Strategy

Priorities for Action Key Actions Responsible Officer

Timescale DesiredOutcomes

Resources/ Risk


Monitoring Mechanism

4. Developing effective commissioning strategies The Council should:Ensure the potential of the Council’s involvement in regional initiatives is maximised in order to develop commissioning opportunities

Confirm agreement to act as the lead procurement agency on behalf of the regional consortium

Head of Business Strategy and Procurement Manager

Achieved 3% year on year reduction in cost while still meeting assessed need

Funding for regional officer agreed


Business Plan and reports to Regional Forum

Lead the work to combine the CCSR regional commissioning potential with the LD/MH project

Head of Business Strategy and Procurement Manager

In progress Integrated children and adult placement collaborative

Existing resources


Business Plan and Regional Forum

Attend and actively share local commissioning progress with Value Wales and pan-Wales commissioning group

Head of Business Strategy and Procurement Manager

Achieved and ongoing

Best practice procurement model adopted across Wales

Existing resources


Business Plan

Follow up “in principle” commitment by LHB to collaborate on joint procurement where there are suppliers in common

Head of Business Strategy and Procurement Manager

March 2009

Joint approach to suppliers in common resulting in shared savings

Additional resources agreed in principle but could be disrupted by NHS reforms


Business Plan and Joint Executive Group

Scope the potential for further regional collaborative procurement and devise

Head of Business Strategy and

March 2009

Clearly identified procurement

Existing resources

Business Plan

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

suitable action planProcurement Manager

strategies for all other service areas not covered by regional collaborative arrangements


Link commissioning strategies to available resources

Engage service providers more consistently in the development & implementation of commissioning strategies

Complete detailed commissioning strategies for all service user groups

Develop a more consistent approach to needs analysis & market mapping

Identify revenue and capital resources likely to be available over the medium term DFCS

Achieved Clear financial parameters in which to plan service delivery

Existing resources


Business plans and budget reports

Estimate the costs over the medium term of maintaining existing patterns of service, adjusted for demographic trends and inflationary factors

Head of Business

Strategy and PO Finance

and Facilities

Achieved Gap between resources estimated to be available and estimates costs of services identified

Existing resources


Business plans and budget reports

Prioritise planned services changes, robustly appraise options, including examining best value sourcing options, and reflect in financial forecast

Head of Business Strategy,


Managers and PO

Finance and Facilities

ongoing Clear statement of commissioning intentions over the medium term identified, linked to budgets

Existing resources


Business plans, commissioning strategies and budgets

Identify range of economy, efficiency and income generating activities. Model and build into financial forecasts

Head of Business

Strategy and PO Finance

and Facilities

Ongoing Cost reduction measures clearly identified and integrated into budget strategies

Existing resources


Business plans and budget strategies

Formally link existing and potential service providers into existing joint planning and commissioning arrangements.

Head of Business

Strategy &Procurement


April 2009 Commissioning and planning group membership extended to include service providers

Existing Resources


Minutes of planning and commissioning groups

Systematically review the Head of April 2009 Clear Change Business plans,

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbotstrategic sourcing options available to the council for all services, selecting the sourcing option that offers best value in the prevailing market conditions, subject to elected member agreement

Business Strategy and Procurement


statement of commissioning intentions over the medium term linked to budgets and incorporated within the Council’s transformation programme

Management Unit to supplement service resources


commissioning strategies and budgets

Present joint commissioning strategy for children’s social services to JEG, CYPP and CYPE Board

Head of Business

Strategy and Joint



Achieved (JEG)

CYPP and CYPE December 08

Commissioning strategy formally agreed and signed off

Existing resources


Minutes of CYPP and CYPE Board

Finalise and present joint commissioning strategy for older people to OPIG, JEG and SCHH Board

Head of Business

Strategy and Joint

Commissioning Manager

March 2009

Commissioning strategy formally agreed and signed off

Existing resources supplemented by IPC


Minutes of OPIG, JEG and SCHH Board

Finalise and present joint commissioning strategy for younger adults with a disability to SCHH Board and JEG

Head of Business

Strategy and Service

Development Officer

March 2009

Commissioning strategy formally agreed and signed off

Existing resources supplemented by IPCMedium

Minutes of SCHH board and JEG

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Review mental health development plans and establish action plan to produce acceptable commissioning strategy

Head of Business

Strategy and Joint

Commissioning Manager

March 2009

Action plan in place leading to a joint commissioning strategy for Mental Health Services

Existing resources


JEG minutes

Review and revise the joint commissioning strategy for adults with a learning disability Head of

Business Strategy and

Joint Commissioning Manager

September 2009

Commissioning strategy revised and formally signed off

Existing resources


Minutes of JEG and SCHH Board

Translate the Carers’ Strategy into a commissioning strategy for carers, integrating this work with the other commissioning strategies

Head of Business

Strategy and Service

Development Officer

September 2010

Commissioning strategy revised and formally signed off

Existing resources


Minutes of JEG and SCHH Board

Introduce a systematic review of sourcing options to ensure continued value for money

Head of Business Strategy and Procurement Manager

April 2009 Sustained value for money in sourcing decisions

Existing resources


Business plan and individual commissioning strategies

Market maps to be produced for all service areas Head of

Business Strategy and Procurement


Achieved Clear understanding of market capacity and best value sourcing options

Existing resources


Business plan and individual commissioning strategies

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Priorities for Action Key Actions Responsible Officer

Timescale DesiredOutcomes



Monitoring Mechanism

6. Developing a more strategic approach to delivering value for money from all activities in the provision of SSThe Council should:

Ensure that investment in services delivers the expected outcomes, & is targeted at priorities

Realign performance management resources with finance and procurement resources.

Head of Business Strategy

Achieved Integrated management information resource

Existing resources


Business plans and financial reports

Risk rate the annual and medium term budgets

Head of Business

Strategy and PO Finance

and Facilities

Achieved and ongoing

Highlighted activities that require active management in period

Existing resources


Business plans and financial reports

Further strengthen the option and financial appraisal of planned changes

Head of Business

Strategy and PO Finance

and Facilities

Achieved and ongoing

Clearly identified cost-benefits of options that can then be tracked and monitored

Existing resources


Business plans and financial reports

Identify all the financial implications of service changes

Introduce systematic financial & option appraisals of change proposals

Heads of Service

PO Finance and Facilities

Initiated and ongoing

Adoption of best value for money options

Existing resources


Business plans, committee reports and commissioning strategies

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Priorities for Action Key Actions Responsible Officer

Timescale DesiredOutcomes



Monitoring Mechanism

Managers in SS should: Link service

planning & commissioning to availability of resources over the longer term

Review the existing business planning & financial planning guidance and cycles and introduce a revised model that brings financial and service planning into alignment

Head of Business Strategy

Head of Change

Management and


Summer 2009

Five year integrated service and financial strategies

Existing resources, supplemented with WAO support


WAO report and action plan follow up

Identify, track & monitor unit costs

Review & develop the suite of aggregate management information to enable unit costs to be identified and compared

PO Finance and Facilities

and Procurement


From spring 2009

Up to date information on current costs to inform sourcing decisions

Existing resources


Business plan and SMT bulletins

Introduce robust costing model for all learning disability care plans

PO Finance and Facilities

and Procurement


Achieved Fully costed care plans

Existing resources plus MtC support


Care plans and aggregated information in commissioning strategies

Extend model introduced in learning disabilities to all care plans

PO Finance and Facilities

and Procurement


September 2009

Fully costed care plans

Existing resources


Care plans and aggregated information in commissioning strategies

Build necessary capacity to manage the significant programme of planned reviews & to implement the changes

Train all commissioning managers and service development officers in programme management methods

Head of Business Strategy

Achieved Consistent and robust approach to managing significant change



Business plan

Apply programme management methodology to the implementation of the revised HSCWBS

Head of Change

Management and


April 2009 Effective delivery of HSCWB priorities to quality

Existing resources

HSCWB monitoring and reports to Partnership Board

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbotstandards, within budget and to timescale


Map all project activity within SSHH, prioritise project and programme activity against available capacity

Head of Change

Management and


December 2008

Priorities matched to capacity to secure delivery of the priorities

Change Management Unit resources


HSCWB monitoring and reports to Cabinet

Establish clear governance models for all change programmes, resource the agreed priorities

Head of Change

Management and

Innovation with SMT

April 2009 Appropriately resourced and supported change programmes

Change Management Unit Resources, Joint Commissioning Managers and Heads of Service


Reports to CDG, Cabinet

Other: Developing longer

term financial planning

Set a medium term financial plan for all services, within the context of the Council’s overall medium term financial plan

DFCS and Director of

Social Services

Health and Housing

Summer 2009

Clearly articulated statement of resources planned to meet social services responsibilities over the medium term, with strategies to deliver priorities within cash limits clearly identified

Existing resources plus support from Change Management and Innovation Unit


Budget strategies

Developing a more strategic

Clearly identify the unit costs of all services by service

Head of Business

Summer 2009

Sytematic reporting of

Existing resources

SMT reports and Medium term

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbotapproach to value for money

provider, linked to measures of efficiency, effectiveness, quality and risk

Strategy and PO Finance

and Facilities

value for money by service, by provider informing annual and longer term commissioning decisions


financial plan

Adopt a more consistent approach to budget setting and devolving budgets

Review existing arrangements and produce new framework based on clearly agreed consistent principles

PO Finance and Facilities

September 2009

Clearly articulated and implemented budget responsibilities in all services

Existing resources


Business plan

Link financial and workforce plans more effectively with service planning

Review the existing business planning & financial planning guidance and cycles and introduce a revised model that brings financial and service planning into alignment

Head of Business Strategy

Head of Change

Management and


Summer 2009

Five year integrated service and financial strategies

Existing resources, supplemented with WAO support


WAO report and action plan follow up

Developing more formal joint management arrangements and pooled budgets

Consider the extent to which greater degrees of integration are appropriate for each service area

Head of Business

Strategy and Heads of Services

Septem 2009

Further integration intentions expressed clearly in medium term financial plan andcommissioning strategies

Existing resources


Medium term financial plan, business plans and commissioning strategies

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Ensuring commissioning effectively links to resources

Review the existing business planning & financial planning guidance and cycles and introduce a revised model that brings financial and service planning into alignment

Head of Business Strategy

Head of Change

Management and


Summer 2009

Five year integrated service and financial strategies

Existing resources, supplemented with WAO support


WAO report and action plan follow up

Further develop needs analysis and market mapping to inform commissioning strategy

See actions in table above See above See above See above See above See above

Build effective relationships with providers to tackle strategic service development

See actions in table above See above See above See above See above See above

Ensure commissioning strategies support the needs of the whole community

Ensure all commissioning strategies are subject to an Equalities Impact Assessment

Head of Business

Strategy and Commissioning Managers

Ongoing Clearly identified commissioning intentions that take account of the needs of the whole community

Existing resources


Equality Impact Assessments in all formal reports to SCHH Board and CYPE Board

Address some remaining workforce capacity problems

Finalise the revised workforce strategy and ensure its implementation

Head of Change

Management and


Head of Business Strategy

December 2009

Recruitment, retention, regulatory and workforce development needs identified and met

Existing resources

Supplemented by ESF funding


Business plan and partnership minutes

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot Link workforce

planning to commissioning and service planning

Review the existing business planning & financial planning guidance and cycles and introduce a revised model that brings workforce and service planning into alignment

Head of Business Strategy

Head of Change

Management and


Summer 2009

Five year integrated service and workforcestrategies

Existing resources, supplemented with WAO support


WAO report and action plan follow up

Develop and overarching quality assurance strategy

Implement fully the performance management framework

Head of Business Strategy

September 2009

Holistic and systematic assurance of quality taking place

Existing resources


Business plans and SMT reports

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbot

Ensure service specifications are in place for all services which are clear about the quality expected

Complete the programme of contract reviews

Procurement Manager

April 2010

All contracts are clear about quality outcomes and cost

Existing resources


Contract documents, business plans

Continue the development of UAP system so that it provides the same benefits as ICS

Continue to agree the annual UAP workprogramme and ensure its resourcing

PO Business Support

Ongoing Identified development plan is implemented

Existing resources


Business plan and IT development plan

Engage staff consistently in organisational change

Ensure that each change programme has clear governance and is accompanied by a stakeholder plan

Heads of Service

Ongoing All change programmes actively plan to consult and engage stakeholders

Existing resources and Change Management Unit support


Project and programme management documentation

Ensure areas of poorer performance are tackled when identified

Require actions taken to be clearly described on monthly management bulletins

Heads of Service

Ongoing Corrective action is clearly reported

Existing resources


SMT bulletins

Track progress against all objectives and targets in strategic plans

Map all project activity within SSHH, prioritise project and programme activity against available capacity

Head of Change

Management and



Priorities matched to capacity to secure delivery of the priorities

Change Management Unit resources


HSCWB monitoring and reports to Cabinet

Engage service users and carers more systematically at a strategic level

Ensure that each change programme has clear governance and is accompanied by a stakeholder plan

Heads of Service

Ongoing All change programmes actively plan to consult and engage stakeholders

Existing resources and Change Management Unit support


Project and programme management documentation

Develop more proactive scrutiny of performance with scrutiny

Establish dedicated scrutiny support officers

Head of Corporate Strategy

Achieved Capacity in place to develop scrutiny

2 additional officers

Reports to Cabinet

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Joint Review Action Plan - Neath Port Talbotcommittees setting their own agendas


Research alternative scrutiny models and consult Members as to their preference

Head of Corporate Strategy

Ongoing More focused scrutiny arrangements in place

Existing resources


Reports to Cabinet

Pilot alternative approaches Head of Corporate Strategy

April 2009

Scrutiny of key issues taking place, supported by dedicated capacity

Existing resources


Reports to Cabinet

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