133 NEBOSH International Diploma in OSH - Flyer

A GLOBALLY RECOGNIZED HEALTH AND SAFETY QUALIFICATION NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety The NEBOSH International Diploma provides core safety and health knowledge, understanding and application, equipping safety and health practitioners with common and consistent standards for maintaining the health and safety of workers wherever they may be working. It adopts a risk management approach on best practice and international standards including knowledge on legal frameworks, local laws and cultural factors. The NEBOSH International Diploma qualification is awarded by NEBOSH, UK’s leading health and safety professional organisation. Upon successful completion of the qualification, graduates may apply for Graduate membership (Grad IOSH), which is a first step to chartered status (CIMOSH) of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). Graduates may also use the designatory letters “IDipNEBOSH” after their name. This qualification also meets the requirements for full membership (MIIRSM) of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM). Who Should Attend The NEBOSH International Diploma is for safety and health professionals from any disciplines. Entry Requirements There are no entry requirements while candidates are highly recommended to have completed the NEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC). Candidates without the NEBOSH IGC will be required to provide their Curriculum Vitae for review. Candidates should also have a sound standard of English such that they can understand and articulate course syllabus. Course Outline Preparatory content: Core Skills Part 1 - Communication Skills Core Skills Part 2 - Training Skills Unit IA: International management of health and safety Topics: Principles of health and safety management; Loss causation and incident investigation; Identifying hazards, assessing and evaluating risk; Risk control and emergency planning; Organisational factors; Human factors; Principles of health and safety law; Measuring health and safety performance NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety NBCRS/133/11-13 RC:200602439G Page 1 of 3


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Transcript of 133 NEBOSH International Diploma in OSH - Flyer

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NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety The NEBOSH International Diploma provides core safety and health knowledge, understanding and application, equipping safety and health practitioners with common and consistent standards for maintaining the health and safety of workers wherever they may be working. It adopts a risk management approach on best practice and international standards including knowledge on legal frameworks, local laws and cultural factors.

The NEBOSH International Diploma qualification is awarded by NEBOSH, UK’s leading health and safety professional organisation. Upon successful completion of the qualification, graduates may apply for Graduate membership (Grad IOSH), which is a first step to chartered status (CIMOSH) of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). Graduates may also use the designatory letters “IDipNEBOSH” after their name. This qualification also meets the requirements for full membership (MIIRSM) of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM).

Who Should Attend The NEBOSH International Diploma is for safety and health professionals from any disciplines.

Entry Requirements There are no entry requirements while candidates are highly recommended to have completed the NEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC). Candidates without the NEBOSH IGC will be required to provide their Curriculum Vitae for review.

Candidates should also have a sound standard of English such that they can understand and articulate course syllabus.

Course Outline Preparatory content: Core Skills Part 1 - Communication Skills Core Skills Part 2 - Training Skills Unit IA: International management of health and safety Topics: Principles of health and safety management; Loss causation and incident investigation; Identifying hazards, assessing and evaluating risk; Risk control and emergency planning; Organisational factors; Human factors; Principles of health and safety law; Measuring health and safety performance

NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

NBCRS/133/11-13 RC:200602439G

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Unit IB: International control of hazardous agents in the workplace Topics: General aspect of occupational health and hygiene; Principles of toxicology and epidemiology; Chemical agents - evaluating risk; Hazardous substances - preventive and protective measures; Hazardous substances - monitoring and maintenance of control measures; Biological agents; Physical agent 1 - noise and vibration; Physical agents 2 - radiation and thermal environment; Psycho-social agents; Ergonomics agents

Unit IC: International workplace and work equipment safety Topics: General workplace issues; Principles of fire and explosion; Workplace fire risk assessment; The storage, handling and processing of dangerous substances; Work equipment; Machinery safety; Mechanical handling; Electrical safety; Safety in construction and demolition; Environmental pollution and waste management.

Unit ID: International application of health and safety theory and practice An assignment based unit requiring candidates to apply the knowledge and understanding gained from their studies of Units A, B and C in a practical environment and to carry out critical analysis and evaluation of information gathered during the review.

Assessment Candidates are assessed by a 3 hour written examination per unit for units IA, IB, IC – to be passed individually. Unit ID is assessed by a workplace-based assignment. Upon successful completion of all four units, candidates will be awarded the NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety. This qualification is designed to be examined at Level 6 under the UK National Qualifications Framework (NFQ) which broadly equates to an honours degree-level qualification under the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ).

Benefits for Employer Besides the need to fulfill legal obligations of occupational safety and health, it makes good business sense to employ qualified safety and health professionals. Every year, 2 million workers are killed by occupational injuries and illnesses every year where 355,000 of such deaths are due to incidents at work; there are 500—2000 non fatal injuries for every fatal injury. This results in loss of earnings, jobs, permanent disabilities and poverty and ultimately impacts the business – affecting costs such as sick pay and compensation, profitability and reputation. Safety and health professionals are an asset to their organization – preventing accidents and unnecessary expenses.

Course Duration & Study Modes Delegates may expect to complete the qualification on a 12 – 18 months schedule. Completion deadline for this qualification is 60 months (5 years) from registration. KBAT is accredited for and provides learning in two different modes for our delegates to best suit individual’s lifestyle:

Distance Learning – Guided, non-classroom based / self-studying – requiring delegates to submit assignments & mock examinations, providing contact with tutor.

Blended Learning – A combination of block and distance learning – self-studying with assignment submissions plus reduced classroom tuition of one week per unit for units IA, IB, IC.

Please refer to the back for more information & schedules for your preferred learning mode.

This course may also be provided as an in-company package. Please contact KBAT for more details.

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Distance Learning

Distance learning is best suited for individuals who are unable to commit to full-day classes. Designed with high flexibility, delegates may start at anytime, at their own pace as long as it is within the 5 years time frame set by NEBOSH. KBAT will provide delegates with student support and guidance.

Delegates will receive the course assignments and workbooks by courier. During the delegate’s self-study period, he/she will have unlimited contact time with KBAT’s expert tutors via phone/e-mail/mail/fax. Assignments should be completed and submitted to their tutors for assessment and personalised feedback although they do not count towards the award. This study program should be conducted with a schedule so as to meet with the examination dates scheduled twice yearly. Recommended study hours (Private study and background study) is 475 hrs.

Blended Learning

The Bended Learning programme is designed for individuals who are unable to attend the whole 7 weeks of classroom tuition, but instead have reduced classroom tuition of 3 weeks – 1 week per unit IA, IB & IC and 1 day for unit ID. This method of study consists mainly of self-study which is guided by assignment submissions to a dedicated tutor plus 1 week classroom tuition revision per unit. In short, the Blended Learning is a mix of block release and distance learning. Learning can now be flexible and manageable to suit your busy schedule. Recommended study hours is (Taught hours at 128 hrs) while (Private study and background study at 347 hrs).

For more information, contact KBAT at:

No. 26, Changi North Crescent #03-00 Diethelm Keller Building Singapore 499637 | Tel: 01224 841 300

Email: [email protected] | Website: www.kbatraining.org 1

There is no requirement for delegates to complete all units in sequence. Payment be made by units as he/she progresses onto the next unit.

Examinations are conducted in January and July annually.

Unit D assignment submission dates - To be advised.

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