13.1»r>. THE OUTRAGE MAINE. THE STATE THE NATIONAL … · 1>i Geieneybill, winchhasI >l yet been...

Vw»XXXIX..l\'°-13.1»r>. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1880. PRICE POUR CR.VTS. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. CONGRES8 AGAIN IN SESSION. .JOTADLE AIISENCRS FROM IBE HO I* SK. THE ARMY BILI. NOT YKT HEADY--FINANCIAL QI* ESTIOSS. Both houses of Congress reassembled yes¬ terday. Members of tho House* of Representa¬ tives "trew slow ta appaB-JBf in the Hall; several iironiinoiit members aro absent, iticlu- iling Messrs. Garfield,, Frye, Spiini-cr and Ewing. The Anny Appropriation UN has not yet been completed, but Um Military Acad¬ emy and Fortifications bil!, are nady for reporting in the Senate. Financial to'.i''**, it ^ thought, will bo dlaCEMB-fi tliiougli- out thc present session. THE HOUSE SLOW IN ASSEMBLING. N0TA11IK ABMENOM I-ROM lllh BEAT! Ol-' MPM- BMMt. nil. HCEBKM i>K MK. atkins MAB! AN nOOH FOR POLITICAL INJUSTI- 115V Tl LIGUAril TO THE TRID1M 1 W'ashim.ton. .Lin. (i..Until cloM upon tho hour of meeting fo-d:iy the floor of the House of Kepro- hrntativis bore a somewhat deserted appearance. Only |»V Ct thc members had come in. In M -li¬ ncuro curlier in close conference with aa obeenre Mi-sunn mimili r nf the ('n-t-nbai k persuasion was Lcin.s Kv,inn y, wno has come to \Va<-hington to A-sist at a (bunni y corner council of the National ('¦'finback Lib E paity inst tVeil ne-day. Kearney WM ir-rcetotl b\ Hendrick Bu Wi milt and r-ev.-inl other friends of the " oppressed and downtrodden people," before the Doorkeeper's aMJatantecleared the floor of all except memliers and House cm* plnvi-.-i. When tbe Speaker's -ravel fell at 12 o'cloek there .was a ban quorum nf incinbcts In MUndance. Many Who were iti tiie city were iiiin.--if.Py i:ir«ly in niak.ng then appearance, and even altai the pro- ceedings hud mn on 1'or some time there were still many notable absent., ¦*. All ol the Maine Kepublieans were ,'ibscnt. Geii- rral (i.-ulir la's seat was also vacant, Um (Uncial not having returned from Ohio. Mr. Sin;.'.eton of Mi** M--i.pi wa- also away, benin in MlMlaaippi looking after his Senatorial chances. Mr. -fringe, of Illi¬ nois, who went West about a week afro, had not re¬ turned. It was intimated to-day that he is looking after his mininj* iiiicit-sts in the vicinity of the Ute Indian l'c-crvation. General Ewing, absence has been cou-picuous ever since the MMiOB began, and fears are exnri setl that the October flood carried him ro far a wm* live he will not return at all. Mr. Atkirs. chairman of the Appn-i>i lal OM Committee, is still a'<sent onaec .unt of illius.-, 1-ut his health is now improving. In the illness of Mr. Atkins tho Democrats bare found an excuse, for not bringing in the Maislials' 1>i Geieney bill, winch has I >l yet been touched by the. Appropriation! Committee. This ext use would be a better one il it were not for thc fact that the committee has beea able ha report four of the regu¬ lar appropriation bills in spite of tbe absence of Mr. Atkins, and tbree of them have aheady patM 1 the House. The truth of tho matter is that the Demo- crats have not yet been able to discover a way to escape from the consequences of their blunders at the Extra Ses.-ion. if they bring in thc Marshals bill in tho sante form In which it WM vt toed las? Bpntlg, the nhl discussion will lu* at tuiee revived, and the more sensible Democrats want above nil Hunt's to avoid that. If they leave, the objec¬ tionable provisions out ol the bill, there ere two or three score ot Democrats in tho House who will in- i- >t ..ii restoring tbem, .ind au attempt bv tbem to do so will not ouly revive the old discussion, but cause au open quarrel in the Demo- cratie party in ibo Houne. Nothing will be done until tho Democrats have bald a i .nie.ls an.l bound all their member*, to obey io* be* Bseta. 'Hinno wbo. r«-ni<->ii>h.r Mm .rent, of tbe Ex¬ tra-session are baldly inclined to tne opinion that the decision of a Democratic caucus will beeny wi-i r or more patriotic nOtv than it was Inst Spring. Hie House remained in session no longer than two bon*** to-day. Most of the time was taken up by Itidiau aiTalr-*. After some trouble, two resolutions reported by Mr. :- s frere adopted. The first authorizes the Dem* mitt-ee on Indian Affairs to Investigntc the orion aud causes of the I'te outbreak, and the second (alls for all correspondence between the Interior Department and Agent Meeker, Governor I'itkin, General Hatch and otben relating to tho Ute In* Utans diiriuc the year 1879. Ihe House made no progress on tho report of the Committee on Knits, there being n general indi- position to proceed with the discussion In tbe ab* tsenee of both General (iartield and Mr. Frye, who constitute tue minority ot that committee. IN THE COMMITTEES. A VACANCY CAl'SKD RY BBKATOB BOC8TOX*l DEATE .UlA.AH WITII TIIK AUMV RILL.lil K IN Tl'. IMA 7 K BILI- FTC. |BY TKLEORAPH TO TUB TRinrNB.| Washinoion, Jan. fl..--enator Hnnefa. death leaves a vacancy lu the Senate Con.mit tee on Privi¬ leges and Elections which will probably be filled by bis nuccessor, Mr. Luke Pryor, the law partner of the late Senator, the intelligence of whose appoint¬ ment was received here today. Senator liou.tou was regarded hy hts colleat'iie. as a man who in¬ tended to be fair in his dealings even with political opponents npon political questions ; but ho waa ex- te.ilniL'ly i tochety and tenacious of his views aud a stickler for parliamtntary precedent, of which he considered himself an authority. H<- was therefore lither an obstruction than au aid to tho rapid tran¬ saction of business. The Military Academy bill and the Fortification Appropriations bill are nearly ready to bo reported back from tbe Senate Appropriations Committee, and Senator Davis, the chairman, expects that they will be. disposed of without cxti lided debate. A statement has been duly published to the effect that tin-House Committee on Appropriations has the Anny bill nearly completed, (icneial Hawley, who is h. member of the committee, informed a Tkiu- DEBcoirc-'ioiiilt ut to-day thal this is an eiror, and that while the sub-committee has done some work on the bill, it is onlv of a tentative character. Gen¬ eral R*wl<-*- also said that he had just been informed that the Conni-.ittcc on Military Affairs in cngaced upon a bill which will involve a reorganization of lin army to nome extent. Ibis bong the case, be said the Arnie appropriation bil! would prob.ibly ba held back until the fate of the reor.aiiization bill had been determined. Tor a similar reason he thinks the District of Columbia appropriation bill will be retained bj tbe Mmmittec until it is known whether auy petters] legislation affecting tiie Di.*tin i will b euaeted at Hm. -Meeton. t-t fetal .**narks, chairman of the Committee on Military .Minis, saul ibis evening thal a bill on army reorganization will be reported bjf Ins oom¬ mittee tome tune thia eoiaion. Although little 1 -Ogress lias been made with this bill, he says that it will take nulyaabort ttaM io prepare it as the subject has all cally beru thoroughly dlt.trUsseil lu.- Ranee Committee on Coumeree agreed this mort,um to reopen the discussion ut.the Interstate Cotiiniiiei. bill. At tbereqnesl ol several leading i-ailruails thc oommittee v. iii give a hearing, begm- miill at IO a. m. on I iiesduy ue_t, when all persons interested will have un opportunitv to be heard. the House Committee ea Elections will meet to¬ morrow, when the Indiana case of McCabe sgt. .Urtb will |,e taken up. aud the committee will de- ti'li: whether or not they will receive tbe evidence ol the -ilafcmaat, At 7 p. m. tlie sub-couunitteo uavitiff in charge the case of Curtin agt. Vocuni, Ironi Tennsyl,ania, will meet and hear argument. I lie case of Donnelly agt, Waahbarne. from Minne- sofa, will be beard on Thursday. Judge Julian, of iiKliana. will make the opening argument for Mr. WASHINGTON NOTES. Wasihmsiuv, 'lues-iiy. Jun. fl,HUSO. Colonel George D. CorkUlll. formtrly of Iowa, will bo SeT^^nKJ^^iTiiisr8,at<:, »..*»- No basi-iess of ImporUnce waa trsiirwcted st tbs .Bwotiairof thsCsblnn unlay. Ibe poftuiaatcrsblp of m__^2J2?__Ck'. WM. ^.fuwetl. but no eondnslon "^JJ-selied ss to who ak_H b. siipoluted to flu tlie a.^-Ti., rei,Jr'f'Tent,,**tbl'** 1r>rtbe sale of ,llv*r \\ll~ t\[VltM1LOt te»"sBlw*ooowaa-»e, u.r.i tts Ae- __IiZi17*, .!^P*M*^ '.»'<»evemmen:at any specl- 5Hj_r'ri.",'!o,kp-,n'''uhw -* .*w » better. All m.. wm ^ hgAxtmtA M |hf 1)lrf0torof the Mint, T.ear.ury Departmct, Washington, D. C., aud will stnto tho quantity offer**.. In flue onnccs, nnrt the price uer ounce line, parable in standard silver dollars. When the bullion pur- ebesed la of u okamoto, to require p-rting or l*» tltniig, tho uauul iiiuii charges fur Okoro opcratlonii will he paid hv the seller. When the bal I bear the stamp of Weil-kBOWa private refiners or assurers, filch npproxi mnte value of ti.e hnllluu delivered will be paid newline nell mel assay, at di-cretion, as may be regarded t-alu ai.d proper. lur licuular Bnptet of Conaretsional Prtceedlngi See Titinl Vitae. A THIRD TERM OPPOSED. EB ORGANIZATION" AT ALBANY. FORMATION OK Till: AM 1-liHAN T CUTE.ltKS. il.V- Tins-: ADO-TED, Auuvy. Jan. G..An Anti-Third Term Club was organized lure to-night, and ex-Sena¬ tor Matthew Hale was elected president. Dr. John Swinburne and ex-l'ostinastrr Filkins mada spec-lies iu opposition ta the move¬ ment lookingfc»General Grant's renomination for the I'rc-jidoucy. The following resolutions were adopted] WhrnJCU, A Bubbal of Repulilicitns are advocating the nominatiiin of General ("rant for a thud term, and Whereat, A club has already been organized in this city to promote Mich nomination ; and Whereat, Tho renomination of General Grant would be in violation of the well-known principles of the Republican party, as ijimiMiid in eonreata- tion and at the polls, therefin-c heit llrnolrnl. Ilia! we reallirtn the wise nnd true doctrine promulgated in tba platform of the (few- York Repuliliciii Convention ot lh"."., M follows: Bl FDBUC.M l'l-Ait ohm, NEW-YOB! Sr\ir, I Adopted Sept, 8, 1876. ) Bight.lift ociiizina- as oonelnaive tbe Preside-! * pnijlic deolaration that be is nol a candidate for renomination, and with tbe sincerest grat* lindo for bia patriotic servicee, wo declare our un¬ alterable opposition to the election of any I'n -nb nt for a third tann." li¦'¦iliitl. That we **ea_inn and indorse the mi,tutu;.ts expressed in the resointiona of the Republican State Convention of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin re* spectively, as follows . PENNSYLVANIA SntTBT-ICAH, ? AoorTKP Mav 26, 1879. S Hint we declare a Brm, unqualified adherence to the on written law of the Uepublio, winch wisely. andnndei the sanction of the moe! venerable ol < * a tn nbs, li tu 11.- the Presidential ai rvice ol any citizen to two terms, and we, the Kepnbllcana of Pennsyl¬ vania in recognition <d (Ins law, are miall, rattly opposed to the election to tho Presidency of any pei sou for a third tann." M v I8achi bi ria Rt nt in '<.'.v / Cl t.\ VI Mlt.N, l*v7*". S Thal sonntl reason, as well as tbe wiso sud un¬ broken oaage "i the Republic, Illustrated by tbe example of WMbington, reqaires that the tenn of thociiief Magistrate oi tho United Slates should not exeeed a second term," «. ti ni r.riM BL1CAN r.ivvi'N l IOU 1873 The observant.f Wa-.'itni r.n.'s example in re- tirintf tit the close ot a second PresMlential t.-rtu will lie in the future, as it has been In the pmI re¬ garded as a fundamental rale in the un written law of the Kcpiihlic. _ IllWA l.KI'URLK'AN COMVBRTIOB, 1876, Tho Republican party of Iowa oppose a third tenn, and believe that President ('unit's lei ter to General White, faiily removes that issie irom our politic*. Wisconsin HrPtitniAN' CONVENTION 1875, That we accept witta appprobation the letter ol Presidi nt Oraut, discouraging the coutinuance in office Ol any Mag_Btrata oi tbe Nation foi a louder period than two terms. GENERAL GARFIELD FOR LUE SENATE. A UN AN I MOTS NDMINAili.N I'.Y 7 It K OBIO I.TI'tT*- I.1CAN CA UCL'S.WllllIU'AWAL Ol' OII'U:l.Nti C.M'iii.i h.s. [MT IBI-MIBIIH TO tiif. TRinfxr. I Columbus. Ohio. Jan. fl..Karly this morning it became apparent, tbat n-o -pi-Mvaitlon ©on ld bo broilKht together that WOUld belikel v io on \ ent the nomination of General Garfi-bl at the Ifep.iblican caucus to-nii.'ht on tba first ballet. The Btawngth of Meesta. Matthews, Taft and Denison was lound al toKCther too liisitnilicaiit to vivo any dignity to their conte-t. At about noon Governor Denison, who was thc first to recognize the situation, addreesed a letter to tho friends tif the Other eandldatM announcing liis withdrawal. Before ihe caucus met to-nmht, it became generally nnderatood tbal thaw wonld to bo Anther fight, a lar^-e majority of tba Oeoaral Assembly baring decided that it would pot refine! Ondit upon themselves or their friends to further prolong th<- straggle, winch was Melesa At 8 o'clock to-night the doors of tho hall of the Hons:' of RepretH ntritivt-s were thrown open, inul alter the Kc publican meinbeis were Seated, the public was allowed to till the galleries and corridors. Ooranie. Deniaon'a lefter of witli'liawal was nail. Tins was fol lowed hy tlie rending of atelagraai from J nd ge Matthews with¬ drawing from the field. Attorney General Taft's name was tilso withdiawn. donara] Garfield was then nominated by acclama¬ tion amidst the wildest enthusiasm, 'i'he best of feeling prevails over tho re¬ sult, and everybody is apparently wall pleased. A Democratic member, in spewing of the ijnick work ami (rood feeling,aald: Tnefie- pnblican party has won » legj-er victory by the sett lenient of the senatorial Question to Dight than it did in October last when FoSti r carried the blate by 17.000 majority. While each candidate has worked hard to w in, each conducted his canvass with B dignity ei|ual lo the posit ion besought, the nomination of (icm tal Garfield is regarded as a " lug boom " 'ir Beeretary Bbermaa foi the Preaideney. ATLANTIC AND ORRAT WESTERN SOLD. CAltl.YI**"- Ol IT TIIE KKOKOAMZATION MEEMI AND EOT!*- lt IN I'nH THE HOMUIDI Drits. Al'ItON. Ohio, Jan. (!..Thc Atlantic ami Great Weetera Railroad was sold at mm to-day by Gen¬ eral J. H. Devereux, of Cleveland, tba BgM i.ii Master ('oinu)issioiier, andee the foreclosure pro- eeedinga, in Summit County, of the Court ol' Com¬ mon 1 Meas, and i.imihir courts in Pennsylvania and New-York. Tho road was bid iu by B.G. Sola* ton and S. A. BttaBg, of New-York, the Purchasing (itiii-nittee tor the English bondholders nuder tho reoiuatitzatiou scheme, lot §6,000,000.ita niini- liiutn anoraiKcineiit. Under iis reorganisation th. load will he reduced to the standnrd (¦nage. Thc purchase in behult of the bondholders nf iinr Atlantic inxi (Jrt at Western BaHr-ae. i* a nun of a m*Ii:::iio fur its reor-.iiiizutioti. The full part- ulai s of tlie pinn tore never heel) linnie public, hut lu tts princi¬ pal fcatuie- it is saM to repp-sent timi adopted lu thc re- ercaalaatlM or the ian* Railroad, lt i. aa* titi-i, o.i thal Kii.llsh aud liutch l.,,nl.. have it greet! to turtil«h tho funils for tlc parebaae of tb.- pro psttr, tbe re. luci inn ..f ute mn lo (ht- finn.lu nt wi tit ti, un il fnr pa j in ir liens uinl ex ne n-, .. It ls a part of tin- nlsn 10 lillllil -Xti'll-lnus nt the rn.nl Knst from HalaaianM. and te a Chicano eouneettoe from Il.iyt.m. Tin-ion. has been pined several times In reeeivi-i.' haml* from Which lt. wu* releimi tl se*,, ral tune* lo lu. li a-ld In 1 he lirie niall. Tin* l_.*t IsSSS tu thai 0-mpuj ¦which was never executed, was mutlo In I""!, ninl tn Vt ccuji.t i nf l.'tu Hann- yt ur thu road was place, agni. In po-sonstou of a receiver. OP. nr A HY. EDWARD WILLIAM COOKF. London, Jun. G..Edward William Cooke, painter, Bega! Academician ami Fallow of the Hoy ul bocietjr, ls dead at thc nye, ot slit) -nine.. DH. E. B. AIXIL.OTT. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Jan. 6.-I)r. E. & Al- olcott.Surtceou-Oeneral of Wlscon-iln, aiid a n)ctnl>er nf the Board of Managers of the National Snldt.i-' Home tiled at Ms nenltlenoe in tb!* elly lam munt, after a few ila> «. IlinccR. The. Iioet-nr waa .eveutv-tlve years of Sf-*, ai.il wa-, widely ktiowh thronnfiout the N'ortuwest. His malady was pneumonia. LLOfD B. BROWN. Cincinnati, Jan. 6..Lloyd f. Jlrown, an ex- member ot tbs laat legislature of Ohio, drnpprd dead on a utr-set-r-r thia uiorulug, while on Ul** way to attend a meeting of an luauranee eoiupany, with whieh be wai eouner!*-*-. He ha* been u prominent Insurance, man, snd haa long been connocted with Ihe Little Miaul Co nipan*-. THE OUTRAGE IN MAINE. THE RKPrBUCANS HOPEFUL. 6KVFRAM-USION1STS CD.MIM^KTO BSIDOI CPRTIV- 1CATK8 Og IT.l'.CTION* THK DtggBAEOEEN 1' CITIKS DF.FullK THE Col NC'IL.ITSION NoMlNA- nam. The BaBmbHeasM la Maine expect thc Lower HoEM of the LcgWfltura Wlba without a quo- nim to-day. Sever:il rusionis*.** continue to re¬ fuse cci tilicat< s af election, au.1 others decline to take part in Ac ls "'.shit ure until Hie fraud is eonectrii. The Council in BE- peeted to make fi report to-day upon the petition for ilu- admiaaion of tlie Iwtlva Bepraaentatlvoa .. tied who were cnunt- (.(1 out in the five .li-frnnrhi-*- <1 (it'ii'H. The Ftisionistr* bare nominated their candi¬ date!* for BenatC and HoBM oflieers. ticneial Cliaiulurlaiii irs in charcc of the police force at thc State Capitol. ROME8T PU8ION18TB. st vi: kai. CE-tT_-_ATM OP BLUC-10B galil ll Ml N: lillis wno ffiu TABB NO TAUT in mr. It r.i-iATt'RK rjfTiL Till*: PBAVO is OOBBBOIBB-, Ai li -i a. M.-, .inn. 8..Tbe ait.-mi.t lotnflneiMC Hr. Voter, ol Farmington, wbo wm counted in ms member «.f tin* Legislstara, taabandon bis position in refusing bia cer.itieate of election has proved a failure. Hr. Bpront, <>i Teairte, wm labored with m Monday, bnl b . still adnerea to bis doti nainattoa ta keep away flwn tba Legiabitare. Tiieeotbet Fo¬ il rn membera are known la haM refused tl-eir ear* tifleates, and one or two are detained at Inure i.y sickness. The remainder aw hue participating in tbe variona Mnenaee, bal lt ia not known whether ail will take part la tba ofganiaation <>! tba Legisla* titre. Mr. Hobson, tbe coanted-ia Benator from Lineora, says be intends to do what is * i¦__t»t. Us will take his wat, be says, and immediately maka a .notion to raiso a committee to InTeotiiate tbe eie-t-on ia Lincoln County. While be thinks thal tbe roto thrown for Andrew EL C. f-nuth end Andrew li. c.. Bmitb were for the .ame person, he ia aatisfled thal be (Hobs is entitled to bis sent oa tbe mound of frond, intimidation and bribery. I liiiiii.i--. B. Swan, tne Democratic member-eleei nf tbe Hoe itteo a letter ta tbo chairman of tbe Democratic and Greenback caucus that ho will not participate In tl.rgan- i/..tin.n of the House nntil il shall fnlii determine lo «.! tee the m:i nil.i te ol the Chi rt. Mose, li -t.it iii, of Kcnnebunk, Fnsionist, bb> n.-rinc s that lie will nol iwrticlpaie in the action ..1 the House mini the local menioexa are -.neil ? PLEADING I-t»U THE (TNI.--. A i:t roi: 1 021 TBI CASI OF TEB DiaPEAMCHiagp cities axrttCTKP raoM ran couecil jo-hay. AvoC-TA, Me., Jin. ii.- i'ciitin:... praying fer tim ..ni ii it- inn of iln- tw.-lvi* Representatives from Hoek* land, H.ith, Boco, Portland and Lewiston who \-*i;>¦ connted oe! were pn entod i<> Ibe Gov¬ ernor and Connell thia ton noon, and a beal granted in tba afternoon, A. A. simm appeared for tba Portland Kepresentativea. and elatmed ihnt they t-hnuhl hive had tba original certificates. Ali doabt, be said, bad mw been ie» in-.%i-1 hy the opinion of tim Supreme Court, in behalf of all the RepreMntatiYM, be Mid, he wonld wairo tba Maa! twenty days' notice. He Mked for certificates tbat tiny mighl partleipate in tim organixatioa ot the Legislature! I., ll. Hutchinson, af Lewiston, spoke after Mr. Btrout The Qom nor Informed tbs gentlemen that it wa* a matter for tbe con sk lera ti on of tbe Connel). Thi waa refi rr .! to i ("munt tee of tbe fi nine il. Ur. .-ti,ut wm afterward informed that lae Com* mitiee Mill report to-morrow morning nt o.ao o'clock. ? WITHOUT A QUOBUX. TEE EEEATB IE TEE lUM.s og un. I Bli .vimx. i.t iw.i BEMBBM Minni in mt: inn -i. io- |i\V IO M.1KK A qt '.lill M lill* BEPOBLICABS I'M I H. Aii.r-tA, Me., Jan. 6.-.Tba order for isaaing tickets for admission to tbe state Homo to-morrow has ptOTOd to lie extremely iill'etiT'Ne uml hus I.Cell rescinded, ('aro Will be taken, however, to J.re- ...¦it srowding, rd tbat basiaom eaa be tranMcted. A rety large Bamber <>r people ara la tin-.it v, am! t<>-in<>rr.).¦-.'-fi,nte*.t will be interest- in-r^iltlioui'h nothing like M OBtbroak is contem¬ plated. I lo* Fn*i.ui! ts nr>- ve: v ret-OMt :iliinit their pinn of tt]>. t it ions, av ou nm that thev -. ill not show their hoad to lin- enemy. They have hehl three calli ll* Bieettnga to-day, aod steadily profess their ability to organtM t>.>th honses to_norrow. *¦*<> far as the Beanie is cone rued thia an andiapated fact; hut tiny cannot rally a Quorum in the Doom, iinri it is the paipoM ..i* tba RepabtteaM la mako tl.!¦ heat ot tin adrantage tims oflered. lt in km.wii Unit tour 1 u-iun 1-tt-* bare rafased to take part iii tba organlMtiont Mr-mrs. Voter, nf l-'iiruilrn-tnn. Sproul, of \. t/i.i. Know, nf Bkowhagaa, uud Harrison, nf Keiiiiehunk. Swann, of Minot, isaaid to bare renewed his allegiance lo the l'n- si.'innis. This will leave 71 Fiuiot-ista, two Ion than ii quorum, ami ari tim B-publleans will abaoat themaolvea. will lander trana* action of business impossible. It is hinted thal the Fusionists Will ili-iieir.iril tho requirement of B qnnram and proceed to buatneec, hut it not gate* eiallv lielteveil. 'lue Bepuhlieana held a esaeu to-night.erary iiiemiii i-i let in tbe city being preeent, whether colin.cl i'i oi SOnnted OUt. The ul,sent iiiieri will re nil here to-morrow. There wan greal i titliiisiaaii, and *uttn- harm.my on the line of action In be pursue.I. The Cont,.ii to-iiuv retuned toooafirui the nomina¬ tion of Colouel A. n. Wilder, m Railroad Cammie* -i m i. CAUCUS Nomination's. Ft'SIOM CANIHI'ATI S BOB BRNATH AM) BOUSB omens-.rea m.rum.tc-..**. caveca e<muea< nona. Af.;i'sT i, Me., .Inn. C..A caUCM if the Fusion Bemhersol tbe Benate wm held this evening. Bena* tm Platen, ol Penobscot, presiinug. The following ollieers were loin illllteil : I'rceideiit- John Lnmmu, "f Waldo, who mo. ii mein her of Hie la*.I IIoitc fitnn I'rcril.iii. tteretmrw.A. xi. Andrews, ot Augusta. A.-siii mi Secretory.Vinni Ih li. Oreen, of Newport. Memenger s.- IVrtBe. nf Whitefield. Atauini,! Bttttnger.L i:. 1) ei.i , ol pan-. ( kaplabu -tba li*-v. h. ."i..nt, of Bran ifuni. The following ar.- the Roms norn in ar ions : i Iirnl.rr--.lnhn C. Tinhut, of RaSt Michlyn. Clerk M. V. dibbs, of Oleuburn Amlttuni Clerk.ll. C. I tn ever, ol Npr.Ilu; Vale. 1 in I'l'Mitilicuii-af tba an ita mada tbe fellowing lioiiiiiialiniis : lor I'reAi/enl ,Iost|i>i A. lanko, of ('inuit.rlatitl. territory.t ii.u.- w. Tildes, ..f i astiao. AtettCott-Srrrctiiry.tit fiji V Btu trill, of !'.< Ifaat. ilcteenjiir Cbsrici ll. Lovejoy, ¦.! .Idnejr, A mitt tani llettetiger-A. B. T. ('haill.nume, of Ku-t DIXBHlBL ih- Republican nominationa for efleeia af the HOBM were: Par Speaker Oaerge c. Weeks, ef AuKtmta. tieri:- OrotnandsiSraltfe, ol Litebfleld. _ii.'..'u.i' Clerk V. C. Inirli \gh, of Hlunoiu. OlUJAMZIMi I UK Mill I IA. lil.NKl.-4I. ( IMMHKItl.AIN IN < HAIKU* AT MNRMT4. Ai'ia -n. M.-., .Lm. n. -Oem tal Chamberlain Ima tabaa chatsro of ii (bcm bi tin- Slate Renee- aad tha maa from tba Bear j-or arm-mil have heen packnl away in hoxe*. Tbe following partial orgaataafiea ai the state militia ii a n tm nn cert by (leneral Chambatlata : Jobn M-Tffcall lli.iwi:. of P irtt.ii.,1. l_-a utcimnt-l'cIhiitI and Div.Timi lu'|..*.a*r. %. Prank K. Nye, oi Au(.-unf.i, Major and An-lituiit Ai\Ju taut John w. Atwell, of Onmn, Major aad Qaertetawatar. JhU-Cd M. Aadrews, of Hiddefor-, Mi.jur mm OenueH s_ry of Bafealeienaa Juneph W. -PhIiIidk. of Klebniemt, Major and JuOye- AAPaotnt. lal*nra i:. -innll, of ll-iacr, CipLitu snd Ai,li.itt Cutup. The I.e nhii,'triers of the First Division are estub- lisheil in Aiigasta, Tbe committee that waited upou the Governor to- tlsy to urge that no preparations are needed at the Capitol fnr preventing distnrbance weetred aa en- i iiuraj*eiiiint from him. There is no indication as to wh.it course will he penned. In appealing to tin* QovemOf for the removal of -mw from the State House, the couimittee that Waited iiiHtii him to-ilay Bald' N.*ver before In cur biston I.n** nn artneil man been .cen Within tile wallu nf that building, devoted by eur fathers to orthr, law amt poaol II le u steal public ¦randal that at tho very portals of a lmiitlinK tinm con-eeiatctl irflBOd aeutliielR kIhhi:.! tte paclnit, ninl Unit .inaa-u-or.l*. In .|,e. tn.ns ami tlanolt are requisite to _,.ln artinl-Hlon within Uh Wall*". Knit lawn cnitnot lc* ranntrS antin* tan prcesmr nt snaed foreee, and ll is a rm.-i nookina *o asa Un- Legislature uf Maim- to us- ninble wit ti ,-ncti turruttndlngs. ALLBOED BRIBERY. I'niiri.ANn, Me.. .Ian. ti..Theta appeared in tim Pteoa disputebea tins afternoon a letter -limed hy Tboaus II. Bwann, of Minot, wiving that lie would mit act with the '.'u.-ionistf-. To-iiinrin-.v T%t AfgUi will jillillia!) afl'ulavits made hy Mr. Swann nt Augusta, ebarging BepublloM agMts witb bribery. Aaniaaaarf of his aflidaviis in niven below I In an nlli.liiN,! dated today Mr.BwaU "avs thatoti fte evening ol Janaarv .*>. ia-wu* Informed bvatrost* worthy person tbs! ho be hadtteen o-Tere. gl.OOOb** om* af Un* Bfrenta of Un* Bepnbllcan party tn rcaiKii inn post- Bon as H. |u r,t .1 *.' to tin- Legialature, lind Hut r.ct with tuc Qreenoaek or Democratic party. Er. Bosun rn i, upi,ii consulted wllh tho leadlna member* nf Iii" lllceint.iii; partv. ami Inforrneil lin tn Hint if h.' ¦multi liavi* hinted ti.nt bis realgnatton oould be effect im nv ic n* v. uml If lt.- was 0__red Bl.OOO, no uuii i'a* "lt, alcn the papen reno ¦nd theil rxpoMS their plan- to defoe! tin- will of the ,., ,...i,* i.y bribery. Tn pei-.'ii wit.,ni tin* Ropubllean siren t attempted Pi hrlbo on tho ovt nf ttic alta n. I. ii tniil hini (Ibo iu*,iit( tlmt Mi. Bwsnn eould ne purebased. An arruiiinv ¦aaal .*. .- -un Bade to bring Mr. swann uml tb- nc nt together ..t i"::»> p. m. on tl..- nu. A itaiie iras nedo, nmi tnt ;.»-..-:> pal- Mr. K-wan iH.ihki m eaeh, ami informed ..i.n lhat tin- Bepubllcans timi pit three or four ui, ii in remain sway from tin* House. "I now hsve nie ».].nun in in v |.,.*-.-..," Mr. Swan ..H'M, "and hn\ r nbori lt lt tn -. v. lal p >f OM." In an alli.Ia\ ll .lat.al y. -.ter-l :.\, Mr. fm ntl Hiv* he tin* following »l tten ont :.. B .hm ¦li I S.ci.-t.i: v I.II. f-O0a I " I ll i\ <. Un* .tit ii.i.i. Ire I bj all ili-fiit nf tin- Ilpili.'icni .. i, .* tn a* n Representative for mouoy. I *m going to lake the niiiii.y to-moorow, snd thu* ... i.. fi.mt rni'l i ,n iiiptioii of Ihe nepabu¬ nna .f. l w'*t '" bate southe! party elsotake m.,!,. a.i 11, .me pi-Tim-.." Moms Han-man baa abo made an affidavit, a aum- ¦Bry of which is given below! lie nyi thal during the evening of Janu¬ ary .**. rued thal elf..rt* were by Republicans lo bub.* opposition ii. -... ol I'm- Iimi-,' lo ic .l»c to act. Billi Ile i, bi pri qnornm on Wednesday, He theretoi tin. rem tai io ti t tin- qnesttoa ami -rei )itt,.,f. if pom lil e. to lay liefer** IP-i nit |. .I erl., tin ii.'iil'.'Iiii ut to meei ll llian i ii. -..-. * ii. i. eeive. Sl.ooO In i.an.i in eumudi ral ¦ t tain tbst i.e -Inubi nol .ii-ai.|.i..\ ma ..I tko aol lon .>i in- di,i. in..r iii-i Council, approving tko optnkMi of tbs .lill. ¦-..Ill .. 1,1 C., eld ile -.ITrl Ile u-r I in.,! ..m.a ,. Ki puhlli... in _t-ttun; fu tr..l ol the Hon- be wm.1,1 be tested si .1 well provided ir. I. H. Gore, before whom the affldarita were made, .'nd Et M. Springer, certify thai Hardman exhibited to them on Tues¬ day afternoon a package <>f money, end re- qaeated na to ronntit. '"We did ao," they any, ned it made fl,IBM), which be rani In- received, sa PSI lilith in lita alli i-ivit." DLA ill OF A BILLIONAIRE Bl IPI! nv n|- -t u IDE. Ci\<i ..'. \ ri, Jan. .;..A dispatch lunn Clere- lan.1 mys tint Leonard Caa . awoaltaj reeMeol al Itel Olly, died 'ails tin. mm nug nri-It r oin B-BStSOt - skti li mee ri rion of .iii.iie. Mi. Cine waa a bach* cl ia n\ -i\ y rt ara ol sge, ir ii tu wort ti between nt ...ai millions of dollars. Be wan do! in-,-, barina -.-i-ku some years ago a Isrgs yta ...¦! to Dir i evi laud Ubi srj DEHANDS OF WORAUHOMBh, TbEXTOB, N. J., Jan. C..An adjourned ron- ¦ ..r ne .1, i.-.ar * of im B aBsnies* sad Work- logmen's (Taloa of tin- Stall ¦! la IBE mv mday. ('bal It I II. Kui-innn, of C muli -ti. pic lided, Tin. otij -el nf ihe m.-. tin.; waa to mi.ipi resolutions laying dows car¬ un prtaolptes proeented at a Beetles la Bew-Braae- ¦ i, k en tbe -J"il lt nf Niivi-oilii-r. Tbe*e principle* are ai tallowa: ,1.aI'M,.n of convict tallar by contract ; th*> par- iin nt in niv, tai a.,,!,i v i.r tin (J..it..il atalesof tbo wssea of liilior.-l* uml tn. I. ir, - a reorganisation of lie Bon .1 ol Btatlatlt.f t abor snd Industry tho enforce- m< nt of tin- ti ii-tii.iir law. ninl Un- intuit ..incut of tin- Ian governing IM laBoi ol . hlldreu. IBPBBSSINQ FVNER tl. OF A B18BOP. J'., .-ton, Jan. 8..Tba funeral of Bishop Gil¬ bert Haven tonk ..in.. u int st hE reeBkuoa i'he re¬ in.tin- wen ia kc ii io Un Pleasent m, i;, i hank, la E ii- Sen,walshwaecrowded,nearly warr ariaieterof ina Metini.ti-t deaonili all ia In Bi ¦ England bi imi present BawellMSsany albara from various leotloeaof the oountry, I'M deeorsttoas were elaborate. BkbopPus- n i, i.i ih.* burial h. ii,ii. ali siter Ihe rending ol tin- s .! linn,ct na.l prayer, ta delivered sa address on the nie .tmi - rvteoa ..I tin* ti,.,, gnat, A RAILROAD BOBBOB PALELY AVRRTRD. Ht halo, K, Y., Jan. G..Au attempt w-.m ¦sada te ar.-.-k tb. Blame fella train b tba Bow-York t'.-iitru1 Braaeh inni avsatag goveral raii» bad been wMgMhetweea Um tro-ui m-rtr TonawaMa. wklek the »i ceil of tiie train removed. The engineer whistled " tliiwn tinuka," an.! tin-trmii Hopped |unf In ttine. A snakes ol Bes bad been pited aeresi lae track |_ un in ¦lined i o«ttion -, ami the pilot ol tbi angina mounted tbs aobofoi. n.t.-to n .tion. No Saw to the perpe* irnli.in Iiut j el tn dr lound. sus atop iiorsm.X's SUCCESSOR. MOETOCBIEET, Alu., Jan. G..GoveriKir Cobb tte.lay appointe.l l.iikt* Pryor, of Atlien*. to Bil the vaeaoej la Mm I alted Ht.-ite*i fftneta. eaaaod by tim death of BsMter Heaatoa, Mr. Pryor bsa never before been aa ..nice hoi.icr, alarruTB deellalag. De Is'aasbls man ami a lawyer ol tine nltility. Hit was the lau partner el Ike late Senator Houston. An election tn im- Lngiaiators ol .-. United Btatoo Hcnutor wUl take pinn- lu N'j\emiter next. SUITS AGAINST A STATS TBBA8VBBB. Ati.ama, (Jil., Jun. Ci..Governor Cidquitt tadaj -ne,i rf. ma saatnsl Tl Mainer Eenfroe nmi hin nih til n for BOOUl IBO.000, ti- lng UM amount nf Int. n-tt tiikcti By tbem fin- tin- BM nf HM Staie'n BIMSy BBd IM lase for tM aaaso. Tho/I fay arr leaae- wadnr « m«o* intuit, of tn.* imt Legislature. Kr, Benfrae sad lila diu-clles mill light tile c iee tn the ci urtu. TELEGBAPBIC BOTES. t QBEAT AUK. Borrroa, Jan. fi. \ negro woman, kn-iwn na "O'd Aunt n.tt.-i r.' ni .1 ut ."-nrili Ailnin, Essa, imlay at tho t ll.", J. al*. TEE l'KN'N*-Vi.VASIA aHlEI-ia KI NI). lill.Itl-lii 'in;. I'.-on.. Jan. ''¦ H.\ i-rnor lltiyf .-ili¬ lli.iimi* ll-ut 'tn- li.lian,a iu IhS -Ink.li-; fnrnl NOVSsioi t .', ia**-, wtati.-an.ina ia i.it pun rmi naaBEEBE. -i Inn', N. I'.. Jan. il..Tin-catch nf berrin ir in I', .-tat, ,^.|i, ol. ly Ba) baa 1,,*, n Vb ry l:n>ii, un,! thc WiiU-r In lil. lally MlVO «lt!l I It* fl* |.ITU lill.Ul v PEEVALKKT IR ll'i-TON. Bosnia, Mass., Jan. fl Diphtheria ls more than onUnart prrrsleni In Ulla lt;, ttuniub the natboHUss Mo inn jd y.V ...n-l'ii r tl, |,aleta .c. lanaBY nEEBMBAOEEBS IE C0E1*BEBE0& 'l itt**. I. .*. !f.J.. Jan. il.A nonforeoce nf shout tltiitv Hr-esbso-ena vii* bald bars tn.liy. Dot-gsM wera ap,»lim.<l io iti'- N«.i '.a .1 DoovesUoo. -.'..is:*, n.i , i: AonmsTs, Os., Jan. H, Poi llierooes hore to-day Un-weal I..-) «»i mus ii.e Inti iii i--ci'lli*iit coi..luton, ami tu.* ut:, il ne lalSI r ¦>. Un lu .Ut. roKSO mn ID BOB M \* V * .CB '. l' I.'iii->\ ii i r. Ki ..I'', fl. There ia no ti nt lt In the iii.* ia..- inn*., bsa boon raised Only tbri- nf bli n.tiii leola "er looeaoed, I BB I'ATi I LIBBI BCIT. l.<* vrvwiniil. K -m.. I ti. »l l»e»cialtinn« In the lia. .alt of I .nan. a. Hain sgalssl f»i FOtt-DUpat I sula sato ataoinaeil rkient -e a-am-ii tka wormy et l-a'ti uu Un* o.tte n nf b ) .-"Di- ri lire.' a thou tune Agu. a 11 LROEarE ra xmiiisk. rim.uni rn;.*. Jan. .'. lt i* stated, nn tlie -ul'.ml.y of ol.in.*! 111.,...,- A. Minti, thal I ie ,|a'.li,.|, ..I imatili .ir ike rn-li. o it ny on Utr i n*_a»|*ii wir. .* ol tua I eat t- i*. .in, i tuilfni 'n-ipal'.r **'!' P -bailly bc neltltxl on sstsrasy. a ut:ii K thu*. li ami-ax. Jan, *>. Hie Allua Line steamer PsravUn. -»ln.b taft ii»,lf«i al 8:;t()p.in.on ih_ C7tlinit,, ant i I riv ri! r.r hrr-tor'- n Ins poil i Mtatilai ni Mp m.. In- ¦tainui 'n;)ii«r at Moville, icorei ona ol lfi»" tia'.trte.t panntto-n acro^a thc AI lau li. I lil. BLBOTIUE ON -C'HA*«'ir. IB ( IIKAliO. Pilli Adi). Jan. 6. 'I In -anvnaH of the vote nf tin* Hi.aii nf li_.1.-f >r oflleura waa roin*lntlTil latt nl/ctil at lubl tilaht. Ih» Itallnt wan cluan, lunn ll. Hw.Ktit waa el^i'lml in-.*«iiii ni, uml lt. W. Dnnhiui vtco-vresuioBl Tho otbrr oSlrta'.a on tbe tamo Ui kel ut ro a'.*u eb.\ le 1. AT THE STATE CAPITAL. .-.... TOE LEGISLATURE ORGANIZED. dDUBSaeSa Br likutexanT-govkiinok HOSKINS ANO BPBSECB slIAhl'i:.IMPORTANT BILL- IN- TBODf-CEO IE THK SKNtTR. Hotli houses of tho New-York Legislature organized yesterday by the election of all tho Republican caucus tBIlfl-tlalBe Ail- (lresse.-i were made hy the President of tin- Semite and hy Speaker Sharpe of the Assi-mlily. The GrOTerBOT. Messaire WBS icceivcil and read. In the Senate, hills were introduced rep.-aling the Rapid Transit A.t of l-,7~>, in relation to the legal rate of interest, pilotage ir* New-York Harbor, and the protection of wharves in Xew-York and Brooklyn. PROCEEDINGS IN MIK SENATE. OBBBiEO ADi)i:t-ss by the ii_t;rK\A\T-iiovrnNon . ATTACK ON RAPID THANfiir.THE I.EGAI. RATE ok IBTBBB81 -PILOTAOl U.WB. IFfinV TIIK KKtiri.All rOlllt.srONl.l-NT 11F TIIF. TKII"iC**E.| Albany, Jae, 6..Tbe new Bsoats came logatbet to-day, anil nhl mein bera kinked up al a new preeid- Lng nllirer, in the person nf l.ier.tenant-linv- crntir Hoskins. Mr. Hookina is a tall man, hut be cannot expect to strike awe into ail beholder. during hi.i mle, laeklng William Dorsheimer'a Riant ft lim- ninl Impraaslvemanner. Mr. Hoskins proml* ara tn atone for uny deficiencies in this ncpect, however, bj bia excellence as a perlieinentarian. His experience aa Speaker nf th.- Aseemblr vis ¦-lui-,-.:, fn-ilay 1:1 ninny good nilli).* ri ml tn Ins akllfni management of tbe boMnesa nt tin* Benate, The new Sen,it,* Iseompoaed of Bach a large pro- poi him ni m. ii w'm have hail experience af Albany for that tin- jndgmenl tba! pronounces tbe body superior tn Cn- one pr ceding it niii-t h.- regarded as having good groonda for forming sneh an opinion. I lie ines ni' New-Tork ami Brooklyn have a lnrrcr representation than they erer bad I afore, and tbe inerease aeetna to have bronght tn tin*. Cronl mea nf better quality. George H. Forster aneeeeda P. (.'. E. Ia clesine, snd Will; mi Waldorf Astor tli-* aprightly Alu n Wa.-1 a lt. both these are improvements. The Hi 'publicans nt line1,lyn have at laal Beean, repte* on in Hi.- Ben iff in th.- person nf Frederick A. Schroeder,ex-Mayor of tin* city. Mr. >r\i'.. promises tn take as prominent a position tn the Benate tn; In- bas long occupied in Brooklyn. It was fortunate fnr itu- Benate tbat William ll. Robertson consented to be returned to it ami aeain fake Ins pl.n .- a' tl:*- bead nf that committee tbe Judiciary .whieh has abaped legislation fur thc peal ten years. ..tnt- Wooilin was the leader of the Benate win n a un miter nf it fm- several yean. It is doubt¬ ful whether bis inflaence will be as great orer tbe present as over pest Senates- Ile has Just been overthrown in bia liist attempt t<> Bssame leader¬ ship, by anpporting Mr. Qltddea for derk. Mora- over, tin- present Bennie ls composed of a vi rv lan-.- proportion nf Independent, strong-willed nen. They have just, shown tbeir mettle hy defeatina Mr. Qlidden, who was largely supported hy the " ur it -little" el iment In the Eb publican party. They will in- like'.,-ttl prove very intractable spirits, if an\ Benator abell attempt tn erac!; t!-..- whip e.f lt ail, rabip over th. lr benda The untried memben. Senator* Birdaall, Fowler, Winslow, Stevens. M:iis, and Williams.aaM a valaaUe addition to the ranka "t legislatotSb Lieateneat-Qovernof IP-kins upon taking the .bali mads tba following sddiaas: Titi* I.n*UTi:NA.NT-(ii)VI'I:M)I:'S ADDI.ESS. Baaaroaa.The Conatliauoa it this Hmte Baskeethe Lil iiteinintiiovi-riior tlie presWlag officer of ibo In enterlas noon UM dalles of tue niue. I .tn not nn- mlr'tfitl af the lahon* snd nsp-Bt*tbtlttt-S If liri;¦ ot tbe crest Importance ot s faithful and Inteltlseni iii*.ai.ilin* of lt* lii.tliv ,Ui,l iii llc.tte ol>li>:.ltlo|i-.. Knit** are ni nie cl,,i Hy lu fa, IllUt. t-"- puli.lf !m.«iii. M and to rust, u... rt.iit* of the minority; tue ma|oritr pron cia Its. If by ita own iiilicrent power. It snail he luy pur- pOSC io ailniliiNi. r lie ratal vin: mny sdopl for your gur- eminent with HrInpe**, luiparltaltty sad ii MCTSd regard I. r 1.1 rights an'i pm llegea >.i every Benator. Coming tn ihecitii'.r with *-onn- experience in nlmllsr dnttes snd .a it ti in .uiin*i purnoo-, to dlecbsrse every obligation fsitbfullj aini c,iii*i-iei'iiiiii*!v, I -hal! get rely ter soe- Ci ia upon your gem nut sid ami rapport, uml al,ali bone for such .'.'era::.m snd tn,'i Intcreoorss in ail r, a- i.oua ss will rendel tbe aasslea pic-.iaunt io onraelvea amt sdvsntagsona to tbs people. I need not remind you ol vniirhl.h preroirntlves ant! linties a* tue Bspre-rntatlves of tins areal Btate, tbe fmciiioKi In Hu* Luton in pollination, vi.nilli anti COBB* meielsl tmportsnee. Reapondblllfy latn*epai iblj lated wi:;a iwwi i. sad tin- party to wblcb les been eon* Oded tin* complete eontrol ol thc executive, .iilinitilHtrii- tlve and leenlstlve departments af tin-"-tate Govern- Bl Bl v.lll I ii-'ly be I" M IO ii r*t: 'et ii .count al,illly for the manner in wblcb ti fuiilia tim exslted Mst. lite ii ir.trtei of tbs it t.'i*i_"on **\ depend largely anon tins ti...lr. mui von will permit BC to auiriieat and ur-j,* tiie vallie and Importance ol earlv action aa the bots prennliiK iiii'-hIIi un if hleh ili-maiitl your utieirtiou. By lins tline,v disposition you will avert the laiaiv, la- coti-iiici.Wi* :iii.| iiijiirioiu reauita which too often mark the postponement ol IckIsIikIuu to tbe ci.sinK boura of rhe -i ~nn :i. 1 vent nie only one further sn eire st lon : You le?lsl.1e not for an hour, or a day, bal to atump yoiir impress ni on the fut iii-i-. V. ii can ito i-iiich to make or max tbe i_ii-ttent of .uierloan i-i>timiotiwe_ithP, an-1 will hour inri In nioaldlna tbs destiny of tbe wilgie country. Tour acta, aa iee? iball ripen into iaw«, will brina rood fiuim, or, if huh,mud, will earry tbn.iuh tBeeessina yenni tbe tate! of tbs seeds yon bow, aaa thu relied mn i. :,-:.mily t ilu rinln tl will dutpou ymir sense or rcspon- Ubi itv. luvoklnc the irnMrniee unil protection of the Supreme Ruler of ns all. reoo-rnlahu; tbal from Li. bunda $n~* ei*i. good aad even hlcstfn^ I bavo bat te aita that the Benste ls uow otgaalasd nutt mady to proceed to bnalnsss Tbe Bcnatfi then sleeted the ofi-eexa sbeaaa at tbs Bepubliean eaaeas la-*t evening. HIMS ih'I.aiini] Tn KBW-T-MU (BIT, Benator Forster, when the lime came for ine-euting billa, sstonisbed ami prtoved kia feiinw usam-tHiea fmin New-Vntk hy introduotng seven bills in rela- litiii tn that city. The one nt perhaps greatest in- terest wea fog tbe repeal of tbe Kapid Transit net pesssd la 1875, wbicb saabled tba ewaeia al lbs nrasenl elevated roads to build them, Tbe passage ol tba repeal act wonld prevent tbs baUdlug of aoy nu,re rapid tiatiTit maila in the State. Mr. FoCSttt t,iiil tbat he thought tbe npid transit tut a very defective and oppressive onie, and accordingly presented a lull lor it*, repeal. Hm special criticism waa ttiat it gave any fifty booaebolden tho ruilit to petition tnr the appointment of a commiaeion to select rapid transit routetaad thus, perhaps, to damage the property of tbooaanda nf otbera. He criticised the -piKiintment nf tworaptd tranait commiaaiona to tar ont rapid trauait routes in Westchester County nmi Ral.I lhat a third com¬ mission mlirht perkana be appointed. VA hen told that Mich a reai-itliiu. set might pnvonl npid tr.in- hi: in Brooklyn, he b.hiI thai he wouldeoaaenl te aur reasonable modification of hm bill. A ar-cond tull be presented la probably an attempt to break the fores ol tin-law i___e|ngtkc legal rate ni Intereel in thm state from 7 to il par cent, which went Into effect Jaunary l. Tbe title ni (he hill is " An :n.( to ant hm IBS corp 'rations to contract tn imtN m*/ eonreuttonal rate of Interest, and to prohi¬ bit! corpon tiona from Interpoaiug the defence of usury in anv actooa.'* Aa tho bill m a stmrt one. lt i* . .vin below tn full: ,-. .'_ .Tin' term corporation, n-t u*"il lu tb'.n act, sholl bei t'l-tiin il to;i cliiile allaasoelatlons ami (oint-itoek roiupauleo bsviaa any ef tba powen and pnvUea corporstlosa not poa-a-hi-cil ly nitltvnluuN or p.rtitcr- T-lll'.'t*.. Bee. :i.Thia not «hsii take fir it IsaaMdlstsly. BU ans l..Corporation* of I bia ur other nf Sta tea.or of other countries, antborlaed to o >utruct. muv make ob.i* Ciiflon* tn tm- stat.*, na.I mat mike ohllsatlong out of I ',(* Stitt* p lysble tn Una Ktur^. nt an-, »tl;-ulnfcd rate of interest,aaS *uni oorporstaon* shall not Interpose la any action <»n loeb obil-tatloas tbs defeate of aenry er of 111. uni rate Of inter, st, nor have any I k'iI <>r ne-lon to r.e..v.-r Interest im tba (leond of taierrsi having been paid ia rzeeaa ol thc nts or p-.- mbi ncr aannoa. it. :so latroJneed a bttlrslstiva pilots aad p lotuire ->>i. li pri)Yi.leT- tor s Hoaril of Conuelaatoasn of i'nots to be composed of Bve persons, (bree to ba elected by theCbsntbei af 0 ia maree el Bea-Verli, and ivrotobo ci, t.-1 in tin-ii ..mi of Ueosrwrttsrs,eaeh Btosraaoe ,.piny to im entitled to eas vote al aaeb election. Tlii* lmanl -ball hire power to llcenao piluts, Hm pllolaga fssa to he cs follows i For ev**ry nieiclnilit v,*ael iliwan! tniuad, tlrawins le*, tbau 14 feet of water, pg 44 per foul : for every T.-TTi"! tli-MltiK 14 reel, uii.lli'i-i T li r. li 1H tee', til 64 l«-i fool; for vi'.*.ai*ln drawluif lb feet omi uii.ifi- _l ic.*t. |B 00 per foot I for veiaels drawlUK -1 hat aud Bf wm iln, *?4:il'4per loot The pilotage oa outward be m.! ve.m-1* ahall b*: wmt ves«el« ilruaim:'i">a tbau 1- feet, tjl 81 prr f. ot ; for reeastadrawing linet aad i.-w tbsn is teet, a. i.i_ rer foot: for verinela drs~'lll- IS feet -jul leas tiau _i feet, $'.75 per t<.»t; for vcatula draw lng -i feet sort upwind). ".'I Im1* per foot, The rate-, of pilotage for Interuiritlnte. ilia imt-. a tire to be fte rer in ned by the Hoare of C'omuii-Hiouere Mr. Kui ncr'n bill to protect wbarieaprovlilna dint a -Metala, own*"., or other person wbo .mil rtiaeberjra. or eauae to le- liiiobartfcd from suy th'.n or vessel, lumber, orlok, .mile, or otw-r ntnteriai upon unv vruar', noe-c or pier in e ther "few.Y-f-S or KriMiklvn wtthoat tt)-* consent of the swear or lessee of suth dock, m.mi be guilty of a mia- ft' moaner. Mr. S-^sssloua introilnoed lila ol.l bill providing thsl th" aniotiut nf in*ur.iin e, written .11 a nullcy of mau* rance on all the 1..111.11 u«r« in and, Fhult be tehee sat deemed to he the true value of tbe omi ct tv at tbe time Of the lia*.*. Mr. strahan Introduced n Mil providing that i*vrry prisoner In the j.illri throughout th. State shall bc con¬ tine, separately tu a cell. ? ORGANIZATION OF THE AfWEHlLt. OBOBBM* ll. 81I.I-PK BUBBTBBI M'l-Kr.R-llIS AD- DKKf-S ON THK l>! IDS OB I.H,l-l \ lui:*. Il ROM TIIE ni-r.ri.AR CORKESPOIIIF.NT OK THK M-B-BB.] Albany, Jan. 0..The Aaaeinhly w.-is organized to¬ day and dnSB its olllceia. lin* (..illeriea were crowded Britta Lt.ln- -. Clerk Jobaaoo'a well-known face :ip;t.*:ir. d aliove the Clerk's desk a little after ll n. m., ninl ha called tho Assemblr to order. The l'emo- iratie mem hers, who had not seen the I.cpiililieaii un milers tSBBtfcer hcfnre, looked MpwtS them with iniicii eiirinaify. The Kev. Dr, HBBBa then prayed fnr ten minutes that tho isssaably would ba a psai ono in a moral sense. The calling of the roll of mein* hera and tho aduiiiiiatratiiin of the oath of lillico hy Secretary nf State Carr followed. The Dcinncr-itie membera patt, New-York and Brooklyn dtattagalsbeal thossaalvsa i»y tin-ir stolidity of countenance while the part of tho oath in ngari ta expenditures of money at ilectii.ii time waa Mag mail tn them. Apnlau*«* waa inv.-n when QeasfsJ Siiarne, Mr. Alv..rd. BBB. Osasral Pasted ad vam il tn Ink.- the nain. The election of tx BasekeB followed. Each member arose and stated his choice. lu about live mitinica, Clerk MBBB-B fn'iinlly annonnced tint Geoqea H. Bbarpe, of i had i-ecetved M v..t. *, and John Slnmley, nf Kings, 'AH votes for Bpeaber. QBBBIBl Sharpe was conducted to the chair by M cahra. Alvord and -bealey, Upoa making bis appaareses ia thc speaker's desk, ('encr.il Sharpe wai received with loiiil applaine. Taking the manu- Heriot of his spc eh finn his pocket hi. began rending it. He n'lnko in u Imiil time, hut apparoultv with peal tuck, At )eee> ent he is the inn*t plcssonl ipciki r to in ar in thu Legis-stnre, his mies being BelodleBeaaal Ins ____.- agetnent of a geeUeat. Eb .-aid: ...Illili! -s HY Till * fTUEBB, Deana.sa "vrna tairtrnti tot tbs banar "f being ia* your I. peaker 1 offer ron un alaecn tbaaha. I nu*- bs m neible .-t the fran, "irit :n,ii tbe eblmltoos feeling ti.rn.icu wt.lch beeorsbts n-eiben fr.-m dlBbrenl lections .nul milli ilifferlui* er. f-ri-i.eea reached one coin lu-lon. I t.-o nefen int- Mad mill honoreil legtslstors, Hint I thoroughly feel the Indalgent sentiment through which alone anet ebasae could have fallen npon ma Itreaeasdtssas^ lil..nee Ol 'Ire t.'.-lietii«ity of the A-Scinbly. Ibis position Imposes high pabile sbti.attona, asal in tbe present Inataaec tin re is sddad a keen Kenn- of the neut (-nile ivor which N due lu return for lour coiil!iiciii-e. in 11 le.-t- unv body the minority bsa rights ami the iiiaj'-iitt, has re-m-nail-llties. To prated nun an ito execute tin-, will of th, other an tgnalli the ,i ittet of the i-fll'-er who presides ever lilith. Anklng vmir rapport aad furbearsnoe, it will he mv ann ta a 1- inttii*ii fin* c. nail--:.ci Biron nu-with Bainton sad Impartiality, sod with ni-on*taiit nawmhrnnes of the hlifher allegiance, we owe to tuc people who scut us here. Wc meet at cn Important time and under ini-i'leiou-i circumstance-, lin rein neither here nor in coordinate branches ¦aehBdlvisBM us srtsM mire sa a aBssBi while, on tlie oilier bund, ilier*-1- i uniiv nf stren.tii a blob, rightly uw.l, confers the Inraesi power ter gees* -i ri spooslbllltles ara eommensufate « li a ths deans of tba p.liiin- treat Recent constitutional smend' mints bave greatly redwood tao votasie oj legislation. 1 it, m wholesome ciniiiifi-, and a galchened aenn >.f public demands,have raised ihe lem inn!. To iiiiiiiit-On till-* churacter will enact VlglUan .md .fiieiiy; to sdvsan u still farther, which should he our aim, will ri finite our highest purponi) mid bent endeavor. Let iw be prompt tn action, faithful an.1 Intelligent In oar r. -nouso lo public eeo tintent, aad let us hen a short session. It ls uot for tuc to indicate yum pulley, bat ll is fer all et us to remember that, whetevcr our profession*, our gool r_it!i can only he site td ...» pnetwal settee. BTe shall be lu,tired, not liy \?b,C WS -nv, Inn what we do. Tin- mult.il'v appealed t.. IBs pcunic upon clear principli- anddeflstte public nbjecta, snd we sba 11 bo justly held inti.ni.lilllie turtle ui.iuuer fal which Ibo nh dirts are kept. Belief .-rom public bu nie es an¬ the ur-'.'-, tl ,n or i>ubIto rt*-br~ should bo tho Bret eire of public renresentsttrea. After along narlo, of Noeaclsl denoaeawal isa coun* tn ls re-stonllahed npon the eadnrtag i.asi-i of ¦peela pa-. 11,1 tils, nuil lt 1* expected that the putille extwinli, ..I. be in-.' to conloi in to this standard, Isiral burdens ure mos: oppresslve.sBd the people ileinand tho ."I'll.,Cition Of the plUUlllL'-lilllfe Wbeli-Vl Il ts incti- ciiltl. >, Tlier,* ere oilier sanction upon wan-li .1 nunnet II peel vt** maje Hint upou winch tuc people m.ide dls- llnct deelaraiti.ii. Ic c g .nerd lin tpiallties nnd eva-lntis of tanina de¬ li: iii.I effective tn. asor. - for an nu pu Ulai dl-trin.it nm of Us wa-tgbla The n lan,ins ot the aubils to corporal aaa ie.I .ne carcfu, conslileraiton, iiinl the neal rin-titu- ency w.- represent is sntltlad ta the shh ld of i- idsietlvs pr..;.-, lion sK-ii>'t an invasion of ifs rt. hts or 11 du*! ills- riiuiiiiiiioiis. The imbin- works and lastltethHM <>f tim "-tute will In-tuiiugtit io our aticniion. sud the snide of at tm inoa'.O bc tbe plain rule of liouest, clticicut anil tiu.H! muiis-vmeut. Iteceat events wbieh have msde a profound lniores- stou b.ve given uew slgiiillcHnee tu (he ittnli th.tf ihe DBOs! s Ital safeguards of afieo .overniuent are laws ulm h Mean lae pnrltv of the halloc-hoa and the *nereil ebsorvaneae. ieepopalar wilt in other binds free iu- ¦tiiutlous have beea ulalu by tlie blow ol tin- ininiinrht usurper, and ia oar esra we sire Ihe d.niger tbettaay tuav be ttiflpd by fraud or Uv tu- uclicmos of tnaeharene rulers or nfflcers. *gew*TarB has not in tko past ban beea exempt rr-oi.i such p. ru, ami thero ure localities wUere tbo OtoCttoBB .-re coiii'.ncti'il tsttb frau,!, or their trna result* are boldly overtime B. oar li.v.i aced tia':*' i'rin_eut ptOV-Oees, ami wv aaa render aa greater service tbuu by rmSOI tag Bli in-nii s which will ra.ilri) ev 1* l'J b.iilot emu ced Ibo In nest SZanSSton of 1'rceiu.rii'i will, i.entlitiiieu, our tut vice hero at ihe !ong- ent will bc briif, but tbo c.'.tsi i|i..-aci s may be ciidurliig. Oue of -lb __fcocUtes of last ) e.r. lovel alni boirored, willi r.i In Iio m. promises St-hlag over bis youug mau- ht,ad, bSS BBSWI red his last nill--:ill. I^-t ns so ::t-l 101 to «c: ari: the only lasting reward (ui oar tel v.c.-the ap- i).n\ ii of cm,science. Aad wita a hearty wish for tho beaitb, happmem aad anaeem af each, I await your further -tteettoa- His rcfercnccH to the 11 in -sity of free elections a!)d of htiving some law in regard to iii criminations in rates hy railroads VOOoed load appmife. Approv¬ ing iiprlalise was also give'l to his sentuiient in regard tn a short session. At the coucluaioa of tho speech the miiiattiiug otHcts were sbSBBO, and the A-sctnhiy informed the QoreraOT thal tin I] had iiiL'air/.ed. Pending tho return of the commit* .-. Mr. Vlvnrd Intndnoad a bill expieaacery ol tin-act Hxim-six per cent aa the rate al interest. It provides that mi nil obligations dat.-ii prior to Jaunm-y 1 ihho. tim rate ol interest shall bs 7 per -nt, whether (bay an peat dae er not. Mr. Deane in* tr. ttl need a lull to pioviiln for additional l.icillttes for the sale of garden produce by bratan la New* V.uk. Tbs message of tba Goren *r waa v sir <1 ann iti nadingproceeded aitb. At its com Ins.on tin Mouse adjonrued, _______________ A BIBBIOa ol Mo Di. 1. m: i;v 1 rv. EIabtfobo, ('omi., .1.111. 6..Tba LagUlatm sf 1870 sdjaernsd Ita eeaelea ia*t giater salli i.-dsy. Tin- 1icie.1t of 11-('on* itaUanal v :.i>- ii-i iiifi 11, pt niling for biennial election , tiia.le the eic. ti ni nf :i MW I.cgis- I.lillie nccat-arv. Tala BOW LsgtelSlarS villi mutt to* monow, i'litt .i'd oue, Uicn .m.-. ivuiiout trainwn tmg anv important bastneaa, adloeraed Hine dla ti -Bay after a aaart aessiee, CEIHES4NDCA8UAI lll.s-RY lilt i.paph. BOW THB r .m.s no. r,i*si..\, Jan. <!. Kuiicl Ivnnit'.i. Town Trea-i- nt_r et-Everett, Ms.*.*., whois s*iu maasa.^ll a AetnaMm in tun nam ot $10,01 m. Iii 1* sti|tiio«-1 io bc lu .New VorS. ki 1.i.Ki) iou ran cbbtbl I.ocisvii.t.r, Kv., Jan. 6.. three negroe-i, ¦.Jack" Itilitley, ".lim" Kit.* -nt "JmI" l*.irk. 1. ijmrifli.*.! ;utt iilirht over 10 c«.t*, sml EBBS ki'le. Ilrlnlny by shootlu. lilia. CH A KC KI) B I'i'll *' A ..PH I" PfflLADsuBiA. .Ian. r..- A coroners jiu, to-lsy i-Ttiiiii. a v.-ttln 1 .-Lui emu Ur. J. II. Mm-i-inhi! with being s., t>«i_ty t«. iii» ,!Tnr,.>f *.ii». i un..in.* Kr..M, wbo .;:c_ rs centiy from malpractice TW'u TH*iINtI WBMBMmnm, 0.11.1'SBfHQ. III., Jan. (I..I.i t i.i_tit, an the llpr- lli.gt..ii lir.un ti i.t thc rhh aim, Hm Iiiiffiuii mut (in my Kan tu J. mic bick li -lu mn lalo anet Ur aud c-used » iieosral wntk Ton nn-n wore KU ed. A CHII.n lil'lt.NKIi TD UKATII. Pl I WTO**, I'enn.. .lau. 0..W lille Mir. Marv Honk waHSlmvnt fruin home Hut awtdst hu lu ile hoy win bret liceii leif nu -e.1 np In Ih- hollie, was bniuetl lo death II* bad Iiocn playing willi the Br_. A BBBBATIOM AT AW KY SIATI11.V. Kansas ('itv, Mo., Jan ll. .A train wu* thrown 1-oiu lin* IraTk of Hit Ktt--..sr-., .. K.,r» t-c-it SMS Owl! Hull roan st r-hawnto ntatlou .HMtecuy, seven cars leaving las track soft smash ag Coe pl illili in HI KIUE IX IMltAVA. I Niii a na i' )i 1*. lii'l. Jan. (i.-John M. Cit, a nr.nitue: t e'.ll/..'_ ot Ku-itiVille. Iud.. 1 urma ill. tl mut Hit ibu incl mug. Ile ws.le.1 lulu a milba.a* lu «,,* .lej-lb oi Ibrre trut ai.u iltcu Minx liliusv-if iii tbe rigiti tempi. .ih a rsvt.i-Tt. Jl'Diji: M. IO KB fl KI MM- UlWN A lit'H'.t.AK. ('l\ilSMTi,,l:ii:. M..-J til te Moore, nf th* Com* mun Pie+i fnuri, fnnnrt . bnrgltr In bl* h..use la-l night. Et Cmt foin'-b'.ank at Un-nu-, itiio nil tiemiw-g .unn siiur*. The bnr-rtir was Ataxaet frowi the hii-S* by hi* aci.nr| Hiern, wbo succtaib I.i cmrj lug him off.

Transcript of 13.1»r>. THE OUTRAGE MAINE. THE STATE THE NATIONAL … · 1>i Geieneybill, winchhasI >l yet been...

Page 1: 13.1»r>. THE OUTRAGE MAINE. THE STATE THE NATIONAL … · 1>i Geieneybill, winchhasI >l yet been touchedby the. Appropriation!Committee. Thisextuse would beabetteroneil it were not





Both houses of Congress reassembled yes¬terday. Members of tho House* of Representa¬tives "trew slow ta appaB-JBf in the Hall;several iironiinoiit members aro absent, iticlu-

iling Messrs. Garfield,, Frye, Spiini-cr and

Ewing. The Anny Appropriation UN has not

yet been completed, but Um Military Acad¬

emy and Fortifications bil!, are nadyfor reporting in the Senate. Financialto'.i''**, it ^ thought, will bo dlaCEMB-fi tliiougli-out thc present session.


BMMt.nil. HCEBKM i>K MK. atkins MAB! AN


W'ashim.ton. .Lin. (i..Until cloM upon tho hourof meeting fo-d:iy the floor of the House of Kepro-hrntativis bore a somewhat deserted appearance.Only |»V Ct thc members had come in. In M -li¬

ncuro curlier in close conference with aa obeenreMi-sunn mimili r nf the ('n-t-nbai k persuasion was

Lcin.s Kv,inn y, wno has come to \Va<-hington to

A-sist at a (bunni y corner council of the National('¦'finback Lib E paity inst tVeil ne-day. KearneyWM ir-rcetotl b\ Hendrick Bu Wi milt and r-ev.-inlother friends of the " oppressed and downtroddenpeople," before the Doorkeeper's aMJatanteclearedthe floor of all except memliers and House cm*

plnvi-.-i.When tbe Speaker's -ravel fell at 12 o'cloek there

.was a ban quorum nf incinbcts In MUndance.Many Who were iti tiie city were iiiin.--if.Py i:ir«ly in

niak.ng then appearance, and even altai the pro-

ceedings hud mn on 1'or some time there were stillmany notable absent., ¦*.

All ol the Maine Kepublieans were ,'ibscnt. Geii-

rral (i.-ulir la's seat was also vacant, Um (Uncial not

having returned from Ohio. Mr. Sin;.'.eton of Mi**M--i.pi wa- also away, benin in MlMlaaippi lookingafter his Senatorial chances. Mr. -fringe, of Illi¬

nois, who went West about a week afro, had not re¬

turned. It was intimated to-day that he is lookingafter his mininj* iiiicit-sts in the vicinity of the Ute

Indian l'c-crvation. General Ewing, absence has

been cou-picuous ever since the MMiOB began, andfears are exnri setl that the October flood carriedhim ro far a wm* live he will not return at all. Mr.

Atkirs. chairman of the Appn-i>ilal OM Committee,is still a'<sent onaec .unt of illius.-, 1-ut his health isnow improving.In the illness of Mr. Atkins tho Democrats bare

found an excuse, for not bringing in the Maislials'1>i Geieney bill, winch has I >l yet been touched bythe. Appropriation! Committee. This ext use wouldbe a better one il it were not for thc fact that thecommittee has beea able ha report four of the regu¬

lar appropriation bills in spite of tbe absence of Mr.

Atkins, and tbree of them have aheady patM 1 theHouse. The truth of tho matter is that the Demo-crats have not yet been able to discover a way to

escape from the consequences of their blunders atthe Extra Ses.-ion. if they bring in thc Marshalsbill in tho sante form In which it WM vt toed las?Bpntlg, the nhl discussion will lu* at tuiee revived,and the more sensible Democrats want above nilHunt's to avoid that. If they leave, the objec¬tionable provisions out ol the bill, there ere two or

three score ot Democrats in tho House who will in-i- >t ..ii restoring tbem, .ind au attempt bv tbem todo so will not ouly revive the old discussion,but cause au open quarrel in the Demo-cratie party in ibo Houne. Nothing willbe done until tho Democrats have bald a

i .nie.ls an.l bound all their member*, to obey io* be*Bseta. 'Hinno wbo. r«-ni<->ii>h.r Mm .rent, of tbe Ex¬tra-session are baldly inclined to tne opinion thatthe decision of a Democratic caucus will beenywi-i r or more patriotic nOtv than it was Inst Spring.Hie House remained in session no longer than two

bon*** to-day.Most of the time was taken up by Itidiau aiTalr-*.

After some trouble, two resolutions reported by Mr.:- s frere adopted. The first authorizes the Dem*mitt-ee on Indian Affairs to Investigntc the orionaud causes of the I'te outbreak, and the second(alls for all correspondence between the InteriorDepartment and Agent Meeker, Governor I'itkin,General Hatch and otben relating to tho Ute In*Utans diiriuc the year 1879.Ihe House made no progress on tho report of the

Committee on Knits, there being n general indi-position to proceed with the discussion In tbe ab*tsenee of both General (iartield and Mr. Frye, whoconstitute tue minority ot that committee.




Washinoion, Jan. fl..--enator Hnnefa. deathleaves a vacancy lu the Senate Con.mit tee on Privi¬leges and Elections which will probably be filled bybis nuccessor, Mr. Luke Pryor, the law partner ofthe late Senator, the intelligence of whose appoint¬ment was received here today. Senator liou.touwas regarded hy hts colleat'iie. as a man who in¬

tended to be fair in his dealings even with politicalopponents npon political questions ; but ho waa ex-

te.ilniL'ly i tochety and tenacious of his views auda stickler for parliamtntary precedent, of which heconsidered himself an authority. H<- was thereforelither an obstruction than au aid to tho rapid tran¬saction of business.The Military Academy bill and the Fortification

Appropriations bill are nearly ready to bo reportedback from tbe Senate Appropriations Committee,and Senator Davis, the chairman, expects that theywill be. disposed of without cxti lided debate.A statement has been duly published to the effect

that tin-House Committee on Appropriations hasthe Anny bill nearly completed, (icneial Hawley,who is h. member of the committee, informed a Tkiu-DEBcoirc-'ioiiilt ut to-day thal this is an eiror, andthat while the sub-committee has done some workon the bill, it is onlv of a tentative character. Gen¬eral R*wl<-*- also said that he had just been informedthat the Conni-.ittcc on Military Affairs in cngacedupon a bill which will involve a reorganization oflin army to nome extent. Ibis bong the case, besaid the Arnie appropriation bil! would prob.iblyba held back until the fate of the reor.aiiizationbill had been determined. Tor a similar reason hethinks the District of Columbia appropriation billwill be retained bj tbe Mmmittec until it is knownwhether auy petters] legislation affecting tiieDi.*tin i will b euaeted at Hm. -Meeton.

t-t fetal .**narks, chairman of the Committee onMilitary .Minis, saul ibis evening thal a bill onarmy reorganization will be reported bjf Ins oom¬mittee tome tune thia eoiaion. Although little1 -Ogress lias been made with this bill, he says thatit will take nulyaabort ttaM io prepare it as thesubject has all cally beru thoroughly dlt.trUsseil

lu.- Ranee Committee on Coumeree agreed thismort,um to reopen the discussion ut.the InterstateCotiiniiiei. bill. At tbereqnesl ol several leadingi-ailruails thc oommittee v. iii give a hearing, begm-miill at IO a. m. on I iiesduy ue_t, when all personsinterested will have un opportunitv to be heard.the House Committee ea Elections will meet to¬

morrow, when the Indiana case of McCabe sgt..Urtb will |,e taken up. aud the committee will de-ti'li: whether or not they will receive tbe evidenceol the -ilafcmaat, At 7 p. m. tlie sub-couunitteouavitiff in charge the case of Curtin agt. Vocuni,Ironi Tennsyl,ania, will meet and hear argument.I lie case of Donnelly agt, Waahbarne. from Minne-sofa, will be beard on Thursday. Judge Julian, ofiiKliana. will make the opening argument for Mr.

WASHINGTON NOTES.Wasihmsiuv, 'lues-iiy. Jun. fl,HUSO.

Colonel George D. CorkUlll. formtrly of Iowa, will bo

SeT^^nKJ^^iTiiisr8,at<:,»..*»-No basi-iess of ImporUnce waa trsiirwcted st tbs

.Bwotiairof thsCsblnn unlay. Ibe poftuiaatcrsblp of

m__^2J2?__Ck'. WM. ^.fuwetl. but no eondnslon"^JJ-selied ss to who ak_H b. siipoluted to flu tlie

a.^-Ti., rei,Jr'f'Tent,,**tbl'** 1r>rtbe sale of ,llv*r\\ll~ t\[VltM1LOt te»"sBlw*ooowaa-»e, u.r.i tts Ae-

__IiZi17*, .!^P*M*^ '.»'<»evemmen:at any specl-

5Hj_r'ri.",'!o,kp-,n'''uhw -* .*w »better. All m.. wm ^ hgAxtmtA M |hf 1)lrf0torof

the Mint, T.ear.ury Departmct, Washington, D.C., aud will stnto tho quantity offer**.. In flueonnccs, nnrt the price uer ounce line, parablein standard silver dollars. When the bullion pur-ebesed la of u okamoto, to require p-rting or l*»tltniig, tho uauul iiiuii charges fur Okoro opcratlonii willhe paid hv the seller. When the bal I bear the stamp ofWeil-kBOWa private refiners or assurers, filch npproximnte value of ti.e hnllluu delivered will be paid newlinenell mel assay, at di-cretion, as may be regarded t-aluai.d proper.lur licuular Bnptet of Conaretsional Prtceedlngi See Titinl




Tins-: ADO-TED,Auuvy. Jan. G..An Anti-Third Term Club

was organized lure to-night, and ex-Sena¬tor Matthew Hale was elected president.Dr. John Swinburne and ex-l'ostinastrrFilkins mada spec-lies iu opposition ta the move¬

ment lookingfc»General Grant's renomination forthe I'rc-jidoucy. The following resolutions were

adopted]WhrnJCU, A Bubbal of Repulilicitns are advocating

the nominatiiin of General ("rant for a thud term,and

Whereat, A club has already been organized inthis city to promote Mich nomination ; and

Whereat, Tho renomination of General Grantwould be in violation of the well-known principlesof the Republican party, as ijimiMiid in eonreata-tion and at the polls, therefin-c heit

llrnolrnl. Ilia! we reallirtn the wise nnd truedoctrine promulgated in tba platform of the (few-York Repuliliciii Convention ot lh"."., M follows:

Bl FDBUC.M l'l-Ait ohm, NEW-YOB! Sr\ir, IAdopted Sept, 8, 1876. )

Bight.lift ociiizina- as oonelnaive tbe Preside-! *

pnijlic deolaration that be is nol a candidatefor renomination, and with tbe sincerest grat*lindo for bia patriotic servicee, wo declare our un¬alterable opposition to the election of any I'n -nb nt

for a third tann."li¦'¦iliitl. That we **ea_inn and indorse the

mi,tutu;.ts expressed in the resointiona of theRepublican State Convention of Pennsylvania,Massachusetts, ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin re*spectively, as follows .


Hint we declare a Brm, unqualified adherenceto the onwritten law of the Uepublio, winch wisely.andnndei the sanction of the moe! venerable ol < *

a tnnbs, li tu 11.- the Presidential ai rvice ol any citizento two terms, and we, the Kepnbllcana of Pennsyl¬vania in recognition <d (Ins law, are miall, rattlyopposed to the election to tho Presidency of anypei sou for a third tann."

M v I8achi bi ria Rt nt in '<.'.v /Cl t.\ VI Mlt.N, l*v7*". S

Thal sonntl reason, as well as tbe wiso sud un¬

broken oaage "i the Republic, Illustrated by tbeexample of WMbington, reqaires that the tenn ofthociiief Magistrate oi tho United Slates shouldnot exeeed a second term,"

«. ti ni r.riM BL1CAN r.ivvi'N l IOU 1873The observant.f Wa-.'itni r.n.'s example in re-

tirintf tit the close ot a second PresMlential t.-rtuwill lie in the future, as it has been In the pmI re¬garded as a fundamental rale in the unwritten lawof the Kcpiihlic. _

IllWA l.KI'URLK'AN COMVBRTIOB, 1876,Tho Republican party of Iowa oppose a third

tenn, and believe that President ('unit's lei ter

to General White, faiily removes that issie irom

our politic*.Wisconsin HrPtitniAN' CONVENTION 1875,That we accept witta appprobation the letter

ol Presidi nt Oraut, discouraging the coutinuancein office Ol any Mag_Btrata oi tbe Nation foi a louderperiod than two terms.




C.M'iii.i h.s.[MT IBI-MIBIIH TO tiif. TRinfxr. I

Columbus. Ohio. Jan. fl..Karly this morning itbecame apparent, tbat n-o -pi-Mvaitlon ©onld bo

broilKht together that WOUld belikel v io on \ ent thenomination of General Garfi-bl at the Ifep.iblicancaucus to-nii.'ht on tba first ballet. The Btawngth ofMeesta. Matthews, Taft and Denison was lound altoKCther too liisitnilicaiit to vivo any dignity to

their conte-t.At about noon Governor Denison, who was thc

first to recognize the situation, addreesed a letterto tho friends tif the Other eandldatM announcingliis withdrawal. Before ihe caucus met to-nmht,it became generally nnderatood tbal thaw wonldtobo Anther fight, a lar^-e majority of tba OeoaralAssembly baring decided that it would pot refine!Ondit upon themselves or their friends to furtherprolong th<- straggle, winch was MelesaAt 8 o'clock to-night the doors of tho hall of

the Hons:' of RepretH ntritivt-s were thrownopen, inul alter the Kc publican meinbeis were

Seated, the public was allowed to till the

galleries and corridors. Ooranie. Deniaon'a lefterof witli'liawal was nail. Tins was fol lowed hy tlie

rending of atelagraai from J nd ge Matthews with¬drawing from the field. Attorney General Taft'sname was tilso withdiawn.donara] Garfield was then nominatedby acclama¬

tion amidst the wildest enthusiasm,'i'he best of feeling prevails over tho re¬

sult, and everybody is apparently wallpleased. A Democratic member, in spewing ofthe ijnick work ami (rood feeling,aald: Tnefie-pnblican party has won » legj-er victory by thesett lenient of the senatorial Question to Dight thanit did in October last when FoSti r carried the blateby 17.000 majority.While each candidate has worked hard to w in,

each conducted his canvass with B dignity ei|ual lothe posit ion besought, the nomination of (icm talGarfield is regarded as a

" lug boom " 'ir BeeretaryBbermaa foi the Preaideney.



EOT!*- lt IN I'nH THE HOMUIDI Drits.

Al'ItON. Ohio, Jan. (!..Thc Atlantic ami GreatWeetera Railroad was sold at mm to-day by Gen¬eral J. H. Devereux, of Cleveland, tba BgM i.iiMaster ('oinu)issioiier, andee the foreclosure pro-eeedinga, in Summit County, of the Court ol' Com¬mon 1 Meas, and i.imihir courts in Pennsylvania andNew-York. Tho road was bid iu by B.G. Sola*ton and S. A. BttaBg, of New-York, the Purchasing(itiii-nittee tor the English bondholders nuder thoreoiuatitzatiou scheme, lot §6,000,000.ita niini-liiutn anoraiKcineiit. Under iis reorganisation th.load will he reduced to the standnrd (¦nage.

Thc purchase in behult of the bondholdersnf iinr Atlantic inxi (Jrt at Western BaHr-ae. i* a nun of a

m*Ii:::iio fur its reor-.iiiizutioti. The full part- ulai s of

tlie pinn tore never heel) linnie public, hut lu tts princi¬pal fcatuie- it is saM to repp-sent timi adopted lu thc re-

ercaalaatlM or the ian* Railroad, lt i. aa*

titi-i, o.i thal Kii.llsh aud liutch l.,,nl..

have it greet! to turtil«h tho funils for tlc

parebaae of tb.- propsttr, tbe re. luci inn ..f ute mn lo(ht- finn.lu nt wi tit ti, un il fnr pa j in ir liens uinl ex ne n-, ..

It ls a part of tin- nlsn 10 lillllil -Xti'll-lnus nt the rn.nlKnst from HalaaianM. and te a Chicano eouneettoe from

Il.iyt.m.Tin-ion. has been pined several times In reeeivi-i.'

haml* from Which lt. wu* releimi tl se*,, ral tune* lo lu.

li a-ld In 1 he lirie niall. Tin* l_.*t IsSSS tu thai 0-mpuj¦which was never executed, was mutlo In I""!, ninl tn

Vt ccuji.t i nf l.'tu Hann- ytur thu road was place, agni. Inpo-sonstou of a receiver.

OP. nr A HY.

EDWARD WILLIAM COOKF.London, Jun. G..Edward William Cooke,

painter, Bega! Academician ami Fallow of the Hoy ul

bocietjr, ls dead at thc nye, ot slit) -nine..


MILWAUKEE, Wis., Jan. 6.-I)r. E. & Al-olcott.Surtceou-Oeneral of Wlscon-iln, aiid a n)ctnl>er nfthe Board of Managers of the National Snldt.i-' Hometiled at Ms nenltlenoe in tb!* elly lam munt, after a few

ila> «. IlinccR. The. Iioet-nr waa .eveutv-tlve years of Sf-*,ai.il wa-, widely ktiowh thronnfiout the N'ortuwest. Hismalady was pneumonia.

LLOfD B. BROWN.Cincinnati, Jan. 6..Lloyd f. Jlrown, an ex-

member ot tbs laat legislature of Ohio, drnpprd deadon a utr-set-r-r thia uiorulug, while on Ul** way to attend

a meeting of an luauranee eoiupany, with whieh be wai

eouner!*-*-. He ha* been u prominent Insurance, man,snd haa long been connocted with Ihe Little MiaulCo nipan*-.





nam.The BaBmbHeasM la Maine expect thc Lower

HoEM of the LcgWfltura Wlba without a quo-nim to-day. Sever:il rusionis*.** continue to re¬

fuse cci tilicat< s af election, au.1 others declineto take part in Ac ls "'.shit ure untilHie fraud is eonectrii. The Council in BE-

peeted to make fi report to-day upon the

petition for ilu- admiaaion of tlie IwtlvaBepraaentatlvoa .. tied who were cnunt-

(.(1 out in the five .li-frnnrhi-*- <1 (it'ii'H.

The Ftisionistr* bare nominated their candi¬date!* for BenatC and HoBM oflieers. ticneialCliaiulurlaiii irs in charcc of the police force

at thc State Capitol.ROME8T PU8ION18TB.

st vi: kai. CE-tT_-_ATM OP BLUC-10B galilllMl N: lillis wno ffiu TABB NO TAUT in mr.

It r.i-iATt'RK rjfTiL Till*: PBAVO is OOBBBOIBB-,Aili -i a. M.-, .inn. 8..Tbe ait.-mi.t lotnflneiMC

Hr. Voter, ol Farmington, wbowm counted in msmember «.f tin* Legislstara, taabandon bis positionin refusing bia cer.itieate of election has proved a

failure. Hr. Bpront, <>i Teairte, wm labored with m

Monday, bnl b . still adnerea to bisdoti nainattoa ta

keep away flwn tba Legiabitare. Tiieeotbet Fo¬il rn membera are known la haM refused tl-eir ear*

tifleates, and one or two are detained at Inure i.ysickness. The remainder aw hue participating in

tbe variona Mnenaee, bal lt ia not known whether

ail will take part la tba ofganiaation <>! tba Legisla*titre.Mr. Hobson, tbe coanted-ia Benatorfrom Lineora,

says be intends to do what is * i¦__t»t. Us will takehis wat, be says, and immediately maka a.notion toraiso a committee to InTeotiiate tbe eie-t-on iaLincoln County. While be thinks thal tbe roto

thrown for Andrew EL C. f-nuth end Andrew li. c..

Bmitb were for the .ame person, he ia aatisfled thalbe (Hobs is entitled to bis sent oa tbe mound of

frond, intimidation and bribery.I liiiiii.i--. B. Swan, tne Democratic member-eleei

nf tbe Hoe itteo a letter tatbo chairman of tbe Democratic and Greenbackcaucus that ho will not participate In tl.rgan-i/..tin.n of the House nntil il shall fnlii determinelo «.! tee the m:i nil.i te ol the Chi rt.Mose, li -t.it iii, of Kcnnebunk, Fnsionist, bb>

n.-rinc s that lie will nol iwrticlpaie in the action..1 the House mini the local menioexa are -.neil


PLEADING I-t»U THE (TNI.--.A i:t roi: 1 021 TBI CASI OF TEB DiaPEAMCHiagpcities axrttCTKP raoM ran couecil jo-hay.

AvoC-TA, Me., Jin. ii.- i'ciitin:... praying fer tim

..ni ii it- inn of iln- tw.-lvi* Representatives from Hoek*land, H.ith, Boco, Portland and Lewiston who \-*i;>¦

connted oe! were pn entod i<> Ibe Gov¬ernor and Connell thia ton noon, and a bealgranted in tba afternoon, A. A. simm appearedfor tba Portland Kepresentativea. and elatmedihnt they t-hnuhl hive had tba originalcertificates. Ali doabt, be said, bad mw been ie»

in-.%i-1 hy the opinion of tim Supreme Court, inbehalf of all the RepreMntatiYM, be Mid, he wonldwairo tba Maa! twenty days' notice. HeMked for certificates tbat tiny mighl partleipatein tim organixatioa ot the Legislature! I., ll.Hutchinson, af Lewiston, spoke after Mr. BtroutThe Qom nor Informed tbs gentlemen that it wa*

a matter for tbe consk lera tion of tbe Connel). Thiwaa refi rr .! to i ("munt tee of tbe fi nine il.

Ur. .-ti,ut wm afterward informed that lae Com*mitiee Mill report to-morrow morning nt o.aoo'clock.



i.t iw.i BEMBBM Minni in mt: inn -i. io-

|i\V IO M.1KK A qt '.lill M lill* BEPOBLICABSI'M I H.

Aii.r-tA, Me., Jan. 6.-.Tba order for isaaingtickets for admission to tbe state Homo to-morrowhas ptOTOd to lie extremely iill'etiT'Ne uml hus I.Cell

rescinded, ('aro Will be taken, however, to J.re-

...¦it srowding, rd tbat basiaom eaa betranMcted. A rety large Bamber <>r people ara latin-.it v, am! t<>-in<>rr.).¦-.'-fi,nte*.t will be interest-in-r^iltlioui'h nothing like M OBtbroak is contem¬

plated.I lo* Fn*i.ui! ts nr>- ve: v ret-OMt :iliinit their pinn

of tt]>. t it ions, av ou nm that thev -. ill not show theirhoad to lin- enemy. They have hehl three calli ll*

Bieettnga to-day, aod steadily profess their abilityto organtM t>.>th honses to_norrow. *¦*<> far as

the Beanie is cone rued thia an andiapated fact;hut tiny cannot rally a Quorum in the Doom,iinri it is the paipoM ..i* tba RepabtteaM lamako tl.!¦ heat ot tin adrantage tims oflered.lt in km.wii Unit tour 1 u-iun 1-tt-* barerafased to take part iii tba organlMtiontMr-mrs. Voter, nf l-'iiruilrn-tnn. Sproul, of\. t/i.i. Know, nf Bkowhagaa, uudHarrison, nf Keiiiiehunk. Swann, of Minot,isaaid to bare renewed his allegiance lo the l'n-si.'innis. This will leave 71 Fiuiot-ista, two Ionthan ii quorum, ami ari tim B-publleanswill abaoat themaolvea. will lander trana*action of business impossible. It is hinted thal theFusionists Will ili-iieir.iril tho requirement of B

qnnram and proceed to buatneec, hut it i» not gate*eiallv lielteveil.

'lue Bepuhlieana held a esaeu to-night.eraryiiiemiii i-i let in tbe city being preeent, whethercolin.cl i'i oi SOnnted OUt. The ul,sent iiiieri willre nil here to-morrow. There wan greali titliiisiaaii, and *uttn- harm.my on the line of actionIn be pursue.I.The Cont,.ii to-iiuv retuned toooafirui the nomina¬

tion of Colouel A. n. Wilder,m Railroad Cammie*-i m i.


omens-.rea m.rum.tc-..**. caveca e<muea<nona.

Af.;i'sT i, Me., .Inn. C..A caUCM if the FusionBemhersol tbe Benate wm held this evening. Bena*tm Platen, ol Penobscot, presiinug. The followingollieers were loin illllteil :

I'rceideiit- John Lnmmu, "f Waldo, who mo. ii mein

her of Hie la*.I IIoitc fitnn I'rcril.iii.tteretmrw.A. xi. Andrews, ot Augusta.A.-siii mi Secretory.Vinni Ih li. Oreen, of Newport.Memenger s.- IVrtBe. nf Whitefield.Atauini,! Bttttnger.L i:. 1) ei.i , ol pan-.( kaplabu -tba li*-v. h. ."i..nt, of Bran ifuni.

The following ar.- the Roms norn in ar ions :

i Iirnl.rr--.lnhn C. Tinhut, of RaSt Michlyn.Clerk M. V. dibbs, of OleuburnAmlttuni Clerk.ll. C. I tn ever, ol Npr.Ilu; Vale.1 in I'l'Mitilicuii-af tba an ita mada tbe fellowing

lioiiiiiialiniis :

lor I'reAi/enl ,Iost|i>i A. lanko, of ('inuit.rlatitl.territory.t ii.u.- w. Tildes, ..f i astiao.AtettCott-Srrrctiiry.titfiji V Btu trill, of !'.< Ifaat.ilcteenjiir Cbsrici ll. Lovejoy, ¦.! .Idnejr,A mitttani llettetiger-A. B. T. ('haill.nume, of Ku-t

DIXBHlBLih- Republican nominationa for efleeia af the

HOBM were:

Par Speaker Oaerge c. Weeks, ef AuKtmta.tieri:- OrotnandsiSraltfe, ol Litebfleld._ii.'..'u.i' Clerk V. C. Inirli \gh, of Hlunoiu.

OlUJAMZIMi I UK Mill I IA.lil.NKl.-4I. ( IMMHKItl.AIN IN < HAIKU* AT MNRMT4.Ai'ia -n. M.-., .Lm. n. -Oem tal Chamberlain Ima

tabaa chatsro of ii (bcm bi tin-

Slate Renee- aad tha maa from tba Bearj-or arm-mil have heen packnl away in hoxe*.Tbe following partial orgaataafiea ai the state

militia ii a n tm nn cert by (leneral Chambatlata :

Jobn M-Tffcall lli.iwi:. of P irtt.ii.,1. l_-a utcimnt-l'cIhiitIandDiv.Timi lu'|..*.a*r.%.

Prank K. Nye, oi Au(.-unf.i, Major and An-lituiit Ai\JutautJohn w. Atwell, of Onmn, Major aad Qaertetawatar.JhU-Cd M. Aadrews, of Hiddefor-, Mi.jur mm OenueH

s_ry of BafealeienaaJuneph W. -PhIiIidk. of Klebniemt, Major and JuOye-

AAPaotnt.lal*nra i:. -innll, of ll-iacr, CipLitu snd Ai,li.itt

Cutup.The I.e nhii,'triers of the First Division are estub-

lisheil in Aiigasta,Tbe committee that waited upou the Governor to-

tlsy to urge that no preparations are needed at theCapitol fnr preventing distnrbance weetred aa en-

i iiuraj*eiiiint from him. There is no indication as towh.it course will he penned.In appealing to tin* QovemOf for the removal of

-mw from the State House, the couimittee thatWaited iiiHtii him to-ilay Bald'N.*ver before In cur biston I.n** nn artneil man been

.cen Within tile wallu nf that building, devoted by eur

fathers to orthr, law amt poaol II le u steal public¦randal that at tho very portals of a lmiitlinK tinmcon-eeiatctl irflBOd aeutliielR kIhhi:.! tte paclnit, ninl Unit.inaa-u-or.l*. In .|,e. tn.ns ami tlanolt are requisite to _,.lnartinl-Hlon within Uh Wall*". Knit lawn cnitnot lc*

ranntrS antin* tan prcesmr nt snaed foreee, and ll is a

rm.-i nookina *o asa Un- Legislature uf Maim- to us-

ninble wit ti ,-ncti turruttndlngs.

ALLBOED BRIBERY.I'niiri.ANn, Me.. .Ian. ti..Theta appeared in

tim Pteoa disputebea tins afternoon a letter

-limed hy Tboaus II. Bwann, of Minot, wivingthat lie would mit act with the '.'u.-ionistf-.

To-iiinrin-.v T%t AfgUi will jillillia!) afl'ulavits made

hy Mr. Swann nt Augusta, ebarging BepublloMagMts witb bribery. Aaniaaaarf of his aflidaviisin niven below IIn an nlli.liiN,! dated today Mr.BwaU "avs thatoti

fte evening ol Janaarv .*>. ia-wu* Informed bvatrost*worthy person tbs! ho be hadtteen o-Tere. gl.OOOb** om*

af Un* Bfrenta of Un* Bepnbllcan party tn rcaiKii inn post-Bon as H. |u r,t .1 *.' to tin- Legialature, lind Hutr.ct with tuc Qreenoaek or Democratic party. Er.Bosun rn i, upi,ii consulted wllh tho leadlna member*nf Iii" lllceint.iii; partv. ami Inforrneil lin tn Hint if h.'

¦multi liavi* hinted ti.nt bis realgnatton oould beeffectim nv ic n* v. uml If lt.- was 0__red Bl.OOO,no uuii i'a* "lt, alcn the papen reno¦nd theil rxpoMS their plan- to defoe! tin- will of the

,., ,...i,* i.y bribery. Tn pei-.'ii wit.,ni tin* Ropublleansiren t attempted Pi hrlbo on tho ovtnf ttic alta n. I. ii tniil hini (Ibo iu*,iit(tlmt Mi. Bwsnn eould ne purebased. An arruiiinv¦aaal .*. .- -un Bade to bring Mr. swann umltb- nc nt together ..t i"::»> p. m. on tl..- nu.A itaiie iras nedo, nmi tnt ;.»-..-:> pal-Mr. K-wan iH.ihki m eaeh, ami informed..i.n lhat tin- Bepubllcans timi pit three or fourui, ii in remain sway from tin* House. "I now hsvenie ».].nun in in v |.,.*-.-..," Mr. Swan ..H'M, "andhn\ r nbori lt lt tn -. v. lal p >f OM."In an alli.Ia\ ll .lat.al y. -.ter-l :.\, Mr. fm ntl Hiv* he

tin* following »l tten ont :.. B .hm¦li I S.ci.-t.i: v I.II. f-O0a I " I ll i\ <. Un*.tit ii.i.i. Ire I bj all ili-fiit nf tin- Ilpili.'icni

.. i, .* tn a* n Representative for mouoy. I *m

going to lake the niiiii.y to-moorow, snd thu*... i.. fi.mt rni'l i ,n iiiptioii of Ihe nepabu¬

nna .f. l w'*t '" bate southe! party elsotakem.,!,. a.i 11, .me pi-Tim-.."Moms Han-man baa abo made an affidavit, a aum-

¦Bry of which is given below!lie nyi thal during the evening of Janu¬

ary .**. rued thal elf..rt* wereby Republicans lo bub.* opposition

ii. -... ol I'm- Iimi-,' lo ic .l»c to act. Billi Ile i, bi priqnornm on Wednesday, He theretoi

tin. rem tai io ti t tin- qnesttoa ami -rei)itt,.,f. if pom lil e. to lay liefer**

IP-i nit |. .I erl., tin ii.'iil'.'Iiii ut to meei ll llian

i ii. -..-. * ii. i. eeive. Sl.ooO Ini.an.i in eumudi ral ¦ t tain

tbst i.e -Inubi nol.ii-ai.|.i..\ ma ..I tko aol lon .>i in-

di,i. in..r iii-i Council, approving tko optnkMi of tbs.lill. ¦-..Ill .. 1,1 C., eld ile -.ITrl Ile u-r I

in.,! ..m.a ,. Ki puhlli... in _t-ttun; futr..l ol the Hon- be wm.1,1 be tested si .1 well providedir.

I. H. Gore, before whom the affldarita were

made, .'nd Et M. Springer, certify thaiHardman exhibited to them on Tues¬

day afternoon a package <>f money, end re-

qaeated na to ronntit. '"We did ao," they any,*¦ ned it made fl,IBM), which be rani In- received, sa

PSI lilith in lita alli i-ivit."


Bl IPI! nv n|- -t u IDE.Ci\<i ..'. \ ri, Jan. .;..A dispatch lunn Clere-

lan.1 mys tint Leonard Caa . awoaltaj reeMeol al ItelOlly, died 'ails tin. mm nug nri-It r oin B-BStSOt - skti li

mee ri rion of .iii.iie. Mi. Cine waa a bach*cl ia n\ -i\ y rt ara ol sge, ir ii tu wort ti between

nt ...ai millions of dollars. Be wan do!in-,-, barina -.-i-ku some years ago a Isrgs

yta ...¦! to Dir i evi laud Ubi srj


TbEXTOB, N. J., Jan. C..An adjourned ron-

¦ ..r ne .1, i.-.ar * of im B aBsnies* sad Work-logmen's (Taloa of tin- Stall ¦! la IBE mv mday.('bal It I II. Kui-innn, of C muli -ti. pic lided, Tin. otij -el nfihe m.-. tin.; waa to mi.ipi resolutions laying dows car¬

un prtaolptes proeented at a Beetles la Bew-Braae-¦ i, k en tbe -J"il lt nf Niivi-oilii-r. Tbe*e principle* are ai

tallowa:,1.aI'M,.n of convict tallar by contract ; th*> par-

iin nt in niv, tai a.,,!,i v i.r tin (J..it..il atalesof tbo wsseaof liilior.-l* uml tn. I. ir, - a reorganisation of lie

Bon .1 ol Btatlatlt.f t abor snd Industry tho enforce-m< nt of tin- ti ii-tii.iir law. ninl Un- intuit ..incut of tin-Ian governing IM laBoi ol . hlldreu.


J'., .-ton, Jan. 8..Tba funeral of Bishop Gil¬bert Haven tonk ..in.. u int st hE reeBkuoa i'he re¬

in.tin- wen ia kc ii io Un Pleasent m, i;, i hank, la E ii-

Sen,walshwaecrowded,nearly warr ariaieterof inaMetini.ti-t deaonili all ia In Bi ¦ England bi imi presentBawellMSsany albara from various leotloeaof theoountry, I'M deeorsttoas were elaborate. BkbopPus-n i, i.i ih.* burial h. ii,ii. ali siter Ihe rending ol tin-s .! linn,ct na.l prayer, ta delivered sa address on thenie .tmi - rvteoa ..I tin* ti,.,, gnat,

A RAILROAD BOBBOB PALELY AVRRTRD.Ht halo, K, Y., Jan. G..Au attempt w-.m

¦sada te ar.-.-k tb. Blame fella train b tba Bow-Yorkt'.-iitru1 Braaeh inni avsatag goveral raii» bad beenwMgMhetweea Um tro-ui m-rtr TonawaMa. wklek the»i ceil of tiie train removed. The engineer whistled" tliiwn tinuka," an.! tin-trmii Hopped |unf In ttine. Asnakes ol Bes bad been pited aeresi lae track |_ un in¦lined i o«ttion -, ami the pilot ol tbi angina mounted tbs

aobofoi. n.t.-to n .tion. No Saw to the perpe*irnli.in Iiut j el tndr lound.

sus atop iiorsm.X's SUCCESSOR.

MOETOCBIEET, Alu., Jan. G..GoveriKir Cobbtte.lay appointe.l l.iikt* Pryor, of Atlien*. to Bil the

vaeaoej la Mm I alted Ht.-ite*i fftneta. eaaaod by tim

death of BsMter Heaatoa, Mr. Pryor bsa never beforebeen aa ..nice hoi.icr, alarruTB deellalag. De Is'aasblsman ami a lawyer ol tine nltility. Hit was the laupartner el Ike late Senator Houston. An election tnim- Lngiaiators ol .-. United Btatoo Hcnutor wUl takepinn- lu N'j\emiter next.


Ati.ama, (Jil., Jun. Ci..Governor Cidquitttadaj -ne,i rf. ma saatnsl TlMainer Eenfroe nmi hinnih til n for BOOUl IBO.000, ti- lng UM amount nf Int. n-tt

tiikcti By tbem fin- tin- BM nf HM Staie'n BIMSy BBd IMlase for tM aaaso. Tho/I fay arr leaae- wadnr « m«o*intuit, of tn.* imt Legislature. Kr, Benfrae sad liladiu-clles mill light tile c iee tn the ci urtu.


Borrroa, Jan. fi. \ negro woman, kn-iwn na "O'dAunt n.tt.-i r.' ni .1 ut ."-nrili Ailnin, Essa, imlay at tho

t ll.", J. al*.

TEE l'KN'N*-Vi.VASIA aHlEI-ia KI NI).lill.Itl-lii 'in;. I'.-on.. Jan. ''¦ H.\ i-rnor lltiyf .-ili¬

lli.iimi* ll-ut 'tn- li.lian,a iu IhS -Ink.li-; fnrnl NOVSsioi t .',ia**-, wtati.-an.ina ia

i.it pun rmi naaBEEBE.-i Inn', N. I'.. Jan. il..Tin-catch nf berrin ir in

I', .-tat, ,^.|i, ol. ly Ba) baa 1,,*, n Vb ry l:n>ii, un,! thc WiiU-r Inlil. lally MlVO «lt!l I It* fl*

|.ITU lill.Ul v PEEVALKKT IR ll'i-TON.

Bosnia, Mass., Jan. fl Diphtheria ls more thanonUnart prrrsleni In Ulla lt;, ttuniub the natboHUss Moinn jd y.V ...n-l'ii r tl, |,aleta .c.

lanaBY nEEBMBAOEEBS IE C0E1*BEBE0&'l itt**. I. .*. !f.J.. Jan. il.A nonforeoce nf shout

tltiitv Hr-esbso-ena vii* bald bars tn.liy. Dot-gsM weraap,»lim.<l io iti'- N«.i '.a .1 DoovesUoo.

-.'..is:*, n.i , i:AonmsTs, Os., Jan. H, Poi llierooes hore to-day

Un-weal I..-) «»i mus ii.e Inti iii i--ci'lli*iit coi..luton, amitu.* ut:, il ne lalSI r ¦>. Un lu .Ut.

roKSO mn ID BOB M \* V * .CB '. l'I.'iii->\ ii i r. Ki ..I'', fl. There ia no ti nt lt In the

iii.* ia..- inn*., bsa boon raised Onlytbri- nf bli n.tiii leola "er looeaoed,

I BB I'ATi I LIBBI BCIT.l.<* vrvwiniil. K -m.. I ti. »l l»e»cialtinn« In the

lia. .alt of I .nan. a. Hain sgalssl f»i FOtt-DUpatI sula sato ataoinaeil rkient -e a-am-ii tka wormy et l-a'tiuu Un* o.tte n nf b ) .-"Di- ri lire.' a thou tune Agu.

a 11 LROEarE ra xmiiisk.rim.uni rn;.*. Jan. .'. lt i* stated, nn tlie

-ul'.ml.y of ol.in.*! 111.,...,- A. Minti, thal I ie ,|a'.li,.|, ..I

imatili .ir ike rn-li. o it ny on Utr i n*_a»|*ii wir. .* ol tuaI eat t- i*. .in, i tuilfni 'n-ipal'.r **'!' P -bailly bc neltltxl on

sstsrasy. a ut:ii K thu*.li ami-ax. Jan, *>. Hie Allua Line steamer

PsravUn. -»ln.b taft ii»,lf«i al 8:;t()p.in.on ih_ C7tlinit,,ant i I riv ri! r.r hrr-tor'- n Ins poil i Mtatilai ni Mp m.. In-¦tainui 'n;)ii«r at Moville, icorei ona ol lfi»" tia'.trte.tpanntto-n acro^a thc AI lau li.

I lil. BLBOTIUE ON -C'HA*«'ir. IB ( IIKAliO.Pilli Adi). Jan. 6. 'I In -anvnaH of the vote nf tin*

Hi.aii nf li_.1.-f >r oflleura waa roin*lntlTil latt nl/ctil at lubltilaht. Ih» Itallnt wan cluan, lunn ll. Hw.Ktit waa el^i'lmlin-.*«iiii ni, uml lt. W. Dnnhiui vtco-vresuioBl Tho otbrroSlrta'.a on tbe tamo Ui kel ut ro a'.*u eb.\ le 1.




TBODf-CEO IE THK SKNtTR.Hotli houses of tho New-York Legislature

organized yesterday by the election of alltho Republican caucus tBIlfl-tlalBe Ail-(lresse.-i were made hy the Presidentof tin- Semite and hy Speaker Sharpe ofthe Assi-mlily. The GrOTerBOT. MessaireWBS icceivcil and read. In the Senate, hillswere introduced rep.-aling the Rapid TransitA.t of l-,7~>, in relation to the legal rate ofinterest, pilotage ir* New-York Harbor, andthe protection of wharves in Xew-York andBrooklyn.

PROCEEDINGS IN MIK SENATE.OBBBiEO ADi)i:t-ss by the ii_t;rK\A\T-iiovrnNon


IFfinV TIIK KKtiri.All rOlllt.srONl.l-NT 11F TIIF. TKII"iC**E.|Albany, Jae, 6..Tbe new Bsoats came logatbet

to-day, anil nhl meinbera kinked up al a new preeid-Lng nllirer, in the person nf l.ier.tenant-linv-crntir Hoskins. Mr. Hookina is a tall man, hutbe cannot expect to strike awe into ail beholder.during hi.i mle, laeklng William Dorsheimer'a Riantft lim- ninl Impraaslvemanner. Mr. Hoskins proml*ara tn atone for uny deficiencies in this ncpect,however, bj bia excellence as a perlieinentarian.His experience aa Speaker nf th.- Aseemblr vis

¦-lui-,-.:, fn-ilay 1:1 ninny good nilli).* ri ml tn Insakllfni management of tbe boMnesa nt tin* Benate,

The new Sen,it,* Iseompoaed of Bach a large pro-

poi him ni m. ii w'm have hail experience af Albany!¦ for that tin- jndgmenl tba! pronounces tbe bodysuperior tn Cn- one pr ceding it niii-t h.- regarded as

having good groonda for forming sneh an opinion.I lie ines ni' New-Tork ami Brooklyn have a lnrrcrrepresentation than they erer bad I afore, and tbeinerease aeetna to have bronght tn tin*. Cronl mea nfbetter quality. George H. Forster aneeeeda P. (.'. E.Ia clesine, snd Will; mi Waldorf Astor tli-* aprightlyAlu n Wa.-1 a lt.both these are improvements. TheHi 'publicans nt line1,lyn have at laal Beean, repte*

on in Hi.- Ben iff in th.- person nf Frederick A.Schroeder,ex-Mayor of tin* city. Mr. >r\i'..

promises tn take as prominent a position tn theBenate tn; In- bas long occupied in Brooklyn. It was

fortunate fnr itu- Benate tbat William ll. Robertsonconsented to be returned to it ami aeain fake Inspl.n .- a' tl:*- bead nf that committee tbe Judiciary.whieh has abaped legislation fur thc peal ten

years...tnt- Wooilin was the leader of the Benate

win n a un miter nf it fm- several yean. It is doubt¬ful whether bis inflaence will be as great orer tbepresent as over pest Senates- Ile has Just beenoverthrown in bia liist attempt t<> Bssame leader¬ship, by anpporting Mr. Qltddea for derk. Mora-over, tin- present Bennie ls composed of a vi rv

lan-.- proportion nf Independent, strong-willed nen.

They have just, shown tbeir mettle hy defeatinaMr. Qlidden, who was largely supported hy the" ur it -little" el iment In the Eb publican party. Theywill in- like'.,-ttl prove very intractable spirits, ifan\ Benator abell attempt tn erac!; t!-..- whip e.flt ail, rabip over th. lr benda The untried memben.Senator* Birdaall, Fowler, Winslow, Stevens. M:iis,and Williams.aaM a valaaUe addition to theranka "t legislatotSbLieateneat-Qovernof IP-kins upon taking the

.bali mads tba following sddiaas:Titi* I.n*UTi:NA.NT-(ii)VI'I:M)I:'S ADDI.ESS.

Baaaroaa.The Conatliauoa it this Hmte BaskeetheLil iiteinintiiovi-riior tlie presWlag officer of iboIn enterlas noon UM dalles of tue niue. I .tn not nn-mlr'tfitl af the lahon* snd nsp-Bt*tbtlttt-S If liri;¦ot tbe crest Importance ot s faithful and Inteltlseniiii*.ai.ilin* of lt* lii.tliv ,Ui,l iii llc.tte ol>li>:.ltlo|i-.. Knit**are ni nie cl,,i Hy lu fa, IllUt. t-"- puli.lf !m.«iii. M and torust, u... rt.iit* of the minority; tue ma|oritr pron ciaIts. If by ita own iiilicrent power. It snail he luy pur-pOSC io ailniliiNi. r lie ratal vin: mny sdopl for your gur-eminent with HrInpe**, luiparltaltty sad ii MCTSd regardI. r 1.1 rights an'i pm llegea >.i every Benator. Coming tnihecitii'.r with *-onn- experience in nlmllsr dnttes snd.a it ti in .uiin*i purnoo-, to dlecbsrse every obligationfsitbfullj aini c,iii*i-iei'iiiiii*!v, I -hal! get rely ter soe-Ci ia upon your gem nut sid ami rapport, uml al,ali bonefor such .'.'era::.m snd tn,'i Intcreoorss in ail r, a-

i.oua ss will rendel tbe aasslea pic-.iaunt io onraelveaamt sdvsntagsona to tbs people.

I need not remind you ol vniirhl.h preroirntlves ant!linties a* tue Bspre-rntatlves of tins areal Btate, tbefmciiioKi In Hu* Luton in pollination, vi.nilli anti COBB*meielsl tmportsnee. Reapondblllfy latn*epai ibljlated wi:;a iwwi i. sad tin- party to wblcb les been eon*

Oded tin* complete eontrol ol thc executive, .iilinitilHtrii-tlve and leenlstlve departments af tin-"-tate Govern-Bl Bl v.lll I ii-'ly be I" M IO ii r*t: 'et ii.count al,illly for themanner in wblcb ti fuiilia tim exslted Mst. lite

ii ir.trtei of tbs it t.'i*i_"on **\ depend largely anontins ti...lr. mui von will permit BC to auiriieat and ur-j,*tiie vallie and Importance ol earlv action aa the botsprennliiK iiii'-hIIi un if hleh ili-maiitl your utieirtiou. Bylins tline,v disposition you will avert the laiaiv, la-coti-iiici.Wi* :iii.| iiijiirioiu reauita which too often markthe postponement ol IckIsIikIuu to tbe ci.sinK boura ofrhe -i ~nn :i.

1 vent nie only one further sn eire stlon : You le?lsl.1enot for an hour, or a day, bal to atump yoiir impressni on the fut iii-i-. V. ii can ito i-iiich to make or max tbei_ii-ttent of .uierloan i-i>timiotiwe_ithP, an-1 will hourinri In nioaldlna tbs destiny of tbe wilgie country.Tour acta, aa iee? iball ripen into iaw«, will brina roodfiuim, or, if huh,mud, will earry tbn.iuh tBeeessinayenni tbe tate! of tbs seeds yon bow, aaa thu relied mni. :,-:.mily t ilu rinln tl will dutpou ymir sense or rcspon-Ubi itv.luvoklnc the irnMrniee unil protection of the Supreme

Ruler of ns all. reoo-rnlahu; tbal from Li. bunda $n~*ei*i. good aad even hlcstfn^ I bavo bat te aita thatthe Benste ls uow otgaalasd nutt mady to proceed tobnalnsssTbe Bcnatfi then sleeted the ofi-eexa sbeaaa at tbs

Bepubliean eaaeas la-*t evening.HIMS ih'I.aiini] Tn KBW-T-MU (BIT,

Benator Forster, when the limecame for ine-eutingbilla, sstonisbed ami prtoved kia feiinw usam-tHiea

fmin New-Vntk hy introduotng seven bills in rela-litiii tn that city. The one nt perhaps greatest in-

terest wea fog tbe repeal of tbe Kapid Transit net

pesssd la 1875, wbicb saabled tba ewaeia al lbsnrasenl elevated roads to buildthem, Tbe passageoltba repeal act wonld prevent tbs baUdlug of aoynu,re rapid tiatiTit maila in the State. Mr. FoCStttt,iiil tbat he thought tbe npid transit tut a

very defective and oppressive onie, and accordinglypresented a lull lor it*, repeal. Hm special criticismwaa ttiat it gave any fifty booaebolden thoruilit to petition tnr the appointment of a

commiaeion to select rapid transit routetaad thus,perhaps, to damage the property of tbooaanda nfotbera. He criticised the -piKiintment nf tworaptdtranait commiaaiona to tar ont rapid trauait routesin Westchester County nmi Ral.I lhat a third com¬mission mlirht perkana be appointed. VA hen toldthat Mich a reai-itliiu. set might pnvonl npid tr.in-hi: in Brooklyn, he b.hiI thai he wouldeoaaenl teaur reasonable modification of hm bill.A ar-cond tull be presented la probably an attempt

to break the fores ol tin-law i___e|ngtkc legal rateni Intereel in thm state from 7 to il par cent, whichwent Into effect Jaunary l. Tbe title ni (he hill is" An :n.( to ant hm IBS corp 'rations to contract tnimtN m*/ eonreuttonal rate of Interest, and to prohi¬bit! corpontiona from Interpoaiug the defence ofusury in anv actooa.'* Aa tho bill m a stmrt one. lti* . .vin below tn full:

,-. .'_ .Tin' term corporation, n-t u*"il lu tb'.n act, shollbei t'l-tiin il to;i cliiile allaasoelatlons ami (oint-itoekroiupauleo bsviaa any ef tba powen and pnvUeacorporstlosa not poa-a-hi-cil ly nitltvnluuN or p.rtitcr-T-lll'.'t*..Bee. :i.Thia not «hsii take fir it IsaaMdlstsly.BU ans l..Corporation* of I bia ur other nf Sta tea.or of

other countries, antborlaed to o >utruct. muv make ob.i*Ciiflon* tn tm- stat.*, na.I mat mike ohllsatlong out ofI ',(* Stitt* p lysble tn Una Ktur^. nt an-, »tl;-ulnfcd rate ofinterest,aaS *uni oorporstaon* shall not Interpose la anyaction <»n loeb obil-tatloas tbs defeate of aenry er of111. uni rate Of inter, st, nor have any I k'iI <>r ne-lon to

r.e..v.-r Interest im tba (leond of taierrsi having beenpaid ia rzeeaa ol thc nts or p-.- mbi ncr aannoa.

it. :so latroJneed a bttlrslstiva t» pilots aad p lotuire->>i. li pri)Yi.leT- tor s Hoaril of Conuelaatoasn of i'notsto be composed of Bve persons, (bree to ba elected bytheCbsntbei af 0 ia maree el Bea-Verli, and ivrotoboci, t.-1 in tin-ii ..mi of Ueosrwrttsrs,eaeh Btosraaoe,.piny to im entitled to eas vote al aaebelection. Tlii* lmanl -ball hire power to llcenaopiluts, Hm pllolaga fssa to he cs follows iFor ev**ry nieiclnilit v,*ael iliwan! tniuad, tlrawinsle*, tbau 14 feet of water, pg 44 per foul : for everyT.-TTi"! tli-MltiK 14 reel, uii.lli'i-i T li r. li 1H tee', til 64 l«-ifool; for vi'.*.ai*ln drawluif lb feet omi uii.ifi- _l ic.*t.

|B 00 per foot I for veiaels drawlUK -1 hat aud Bfwm iln, *?4:il'4per lootThe pilotage oa outward be m.! ve.m-1* ahall b*: wmt

ves«el« ilruaim:'i">a tbau 1- feet, tjl 81 prr f. ot ; forreeastadrawing linet aad i.-w tbsn is teet, a. i.i_

rer foot: for verinela drs~'lll- IS feet -jul leastiau _i feet, $'.75 per t<.»t; for vcatuladraw lng -i feet sort upwind). ".'I Im1* per foot,The rate-, of pilotage for Interuiritlnte. ilia imt-. a tire to

be fte rer in ned by the Hoare of C'omuii-Hiouere Mr.Kui ncr'n bill to protect wbarieaprovlilna dint a -Metala,own*"., or other person wbo .mil rtiaeberjra. or eauae tole- liiiobartfcd from suy th'.n or vessel, lumber, orlok,

.mile, or otw-r ntnteriai upon unv vruar', noe-c or pier ine ther "few.Y-f-S or KriMiklvn wtthoat tt)-* consent of theswear or lessee of suth dock, m.mi be guilty of a mia-ft' moaner.Mr. S-^sssloua introilnoed lila ol.l bill providing thsl

th" aniotiut nf in*ur.iin e, written .11 a nullcy of mau*rance on all the 1..111.11 u«r« in and, Fhult be tehee satdeemed to he the true value of tbe omi ct tv at tbe timeOf the lia*.*.Mr. strahan Introduced n Mil providing that i*vrry

prisoner In the j.illri throughout th. State shall bc con¬tine, separately tu a cell.



DKKf-S ON THK l>! IDS OB I.H,l-l \ lui:*.

Il ROM TIIE ni-r.ri.AR CORKESPOIIIF.NT OK THK M-B-BB.]Albany, Jan. 0..The Aaaeinhly w.-is organized to¬

day and dnSB its olllceia. lin* (..illeriea werecrowded Britta Lt.ln- -.

Clerk Jobaaoo'a well-known face :ip;t.*:ir. d aliovethe Clerk's desk a little after ll n. m., ninl hacalled tho Assemblr to order. The l'emo-iratie mem hers, who had not seen theI.cpiililieaii un milers tSBBtfcer hcfnre, looked MpwtSthem with iniicii eiirinaify. The Kev. Dr, HBBBathen prayed fnr ten minutes that thoisssaably would ba a psai ono in amoral sense. The calling of the roll of mein*hera and tho aduiiiiiatratiiin of the oathof lillico hy Secretary nf State Carr followed.The Dcinncr-itie membera patt, New-York andBrooklyn dtattagalsbeal thossaalvsa i»y tin-irstolidity of countenance while the partof tho oath in ngari ta expendituresof money at ilectii.ii time waa Magmail tn them. Apnlau*«* waa inv.-n when QeasfsJSiiarne, Mr. Alv..rd. BBB. Osasral Pasted ad vam iltn Ink.- the nain.The election of tx BasekeB followed. Each

member arose and stated his choice. luabout live mitinica, Clerk MBBB-B fn'iinllyannonnced tint Geoqea H. Bbarpe, of ihad i-ecetved M v..t. *, and John Slnmley, nf Kings,'AH votes for Bpeaber. QBBBIBl Sharpe was

conducted to the chair by Mcahra. Alvordand -bealey, Upoa making bis appaaresesia thc speaker's desk, ('encr.il Sharpe wai receivedwith loiiil applaine. Taking the manu-

Heriot of his spc eh finn his pockethi. began rending it. He n'lnko in u

Imiil time, hut apparoultv with peal tuck, At )eee>ent he is the inn*t plcssonl ipciki r to in ar in thuLegis-stnre, his mies being BelodleBeaaal Ins ____.-

agetnent of a geeUeat. Eb .-aid:...Illili! -s HY Till * fTUEBB,

Deana.sa "vrna tairtrnti tot tbs banar "f beingia* your I. peaker 1 offer ron un alaecn tbaaha.

I nu*- bs m neible .-t the fran, "irit :n,ii tbe eblmltoosfeeling ti.rn.icu wt.lch beeorsbts n-eiben fr.-m dlBbrenllections .nul milli ilifferlui* er. f-ri-i.eea reachedone coin lu-lon. I t.-o nefen int- Mad millhonoreil legtslstors, Hint I thoroughly feel theIndalgent sentiment through which alone anet ebasaecould have fallen npon ma Itreaeasdtssas^lil..nee Ol 'Ire t.'.-lietii«ity of the A-Scinbly.

Ibis position Imposes high pabile sbti.attona, asal intbe present Inataaec tin re is sddad a keen Kenn- of theneut (-nile ivor which N due lu return for lour coiil!iiciii-e.in 11 le.-t- unv body the minority bsa rights amithe iiiaj'-iitt, has re-m-nail-llties. To prated nun

an ito execute tin-, will of th, other an tgnalli the,i ittet of the i-fll'-er who presides ever lilith. Anklngvmir rapport aad furbearsnoe, it will he mv ann ta a 1-inttii*ii fin* c. nail--:.ci Biron nu-with Bainton sadImpartiality, sod with ni-on*taiit nawmhrnnes of thehlifher allegiance, we owe to tuc people who scut ushere.Wc meet at cn Important time and under ini-i'leiou-i

circumstance-, lin rein neither here nor in coordinatebranches ¦aehBdlvisBM us srtsM mire sa a aBssBiwhile, on tlie oilier bund, ilier*-1- i uniiv nf stren.tiia blob, rightly uw.l, confers the Inraesi power ter gees*

-i ri spooslbllltles ara eommensufate « li a ths deansof tba p.liiin- treat Recent constitutional smend'mints bave greatly redwood tao votasie oj legislation.1 it, m wholesome ciniiiifi-, and a galchened aenn >.fpublic demands,have raised ihe lem inn!.To iiiiiiiit-On till-* churacter will enact VlglUan .md.fiieiiy; to sdvsan u still farther, which shouldhe our aim, will ri finite our highest purponi)mid bent endeavor. Let iw be prompt tnaction, faithful an.1 Intelligent In oar r. -nousolo public eeotintent, aad let us hen a short session. Itls uot for tuc to indicate yum pulley, bat ll is fer all etus to remember that, whetevcr our profession*, ourgool r_it!i can only he site td ...» pnetwal settee.BTe shall be lu,tired, not liy \?b,C WS -nv, Inn what we

do. Tin- mult.il'v appealed t.. IBs pcunic upon clearprincipli- anddeflstte public nbjecta, snd we sba 11 bojustly held inti.ni.lilllie turtle ui.iuuer fal which Ibonh dirts are kept. Belief .-rom public bu nie es an¬the ur-'.'-, tl ,n or i>ubIto rt*-br~ should botho Bret eire of public renresentsttrea.After along narlo, of Noeaclsl denoaeawal isa coun*tn ls re-stonllahed npon the eadnrtag i.asi-i of ¦peelapa-. 11,1 tils, nuil lt 1* expected that the putille extwinli,

..I. be in-.' to conloi in to this standard, Isiralburdens ure mos: oppresslve.sBd the people ileinand tho."I'll.,Cition Of the plUUlllL'-lilllfe Wbeli-Vl Il ts incti-ciiltl. >, Tlier,* ere oilier sanction upon wan-li .1 nunnetII peel vt** maje Hint upou winch tuc people m.ide dls-llnct deelaraiti.ii.Ic c g .nerd lin tpiallties nnd eva-lntis of tanina de¬

li: iii.I effective tn. asor. - for an nu pu Ulai dl-trin.it nm ofUs wa-tgbla The n lan,ins ot the aubils to corporal aaaie.I .ne carcfu, conslileraiton, iiinl the neal rin-titu-ency w.- represent is sntltlad ta the shh ld of i- idsietlvspr..;.-, lion sK-ii>'t an invasion of ifs rt. hts or 11 du*! ills-riiuiiiiiiioiis. The imbin- works and lastltethHM <>f tim

"-tute will In-tuiiugtit io our aticniion. sud the snide ofat tm inoa'.O bc tbe plain rule of liouest, clticicut aniltiu.H! muiis-vmeut.Iteceat events wbieh have msde a profound lniores-

stou b.ve given uew slgiiillcHnee tu (he ittnli th.tf iheDBOs! s Ital safeguards of afieo .overniuent are lawsulm h Mean lae pnrltv of the halloc-hoa and the *nereilebsorvaneae. ieepopalar wilt in other binds free iu-¦tiiutlous have beea ulalu by tlie blow ol tin- ininiinrhtusurper, and ia oar esra we sire Ihe d.niger tbettaaytuav be ttiflpd by fraud or Uv tu- uclicmos oftnaeharene rulers or nfflcers. *gew*TarB has notin tkopast ban beea exempt rr-oi.i such p. ru, ami theroure localities wUere tbo OtoCttoBB .-re coiii'.ncti'il tsttbfrau,!, or their trna result* are boldly overtime B. oarli.v.i aced tia':*' i'rin_eut ptOV-Oees, ami wv aaa renderaa greater service tbuu by rmSOItag Bli in-nii s which willra.ilri) ev 1* l'J b.iilot emu ced Ibo In nest SZanSSton of i»

1'rceiu.rii'i will, i.entlitiiieu, our tut vice hero at ihe !ong-ent will bc briif, but tbo c.'.tsi i|i..-aci s may be ciidurliig.Oue of -lb __fcocUtes of last ) e.r. lovel alni boirored,

willi r.iInIio m. promises St-hlag over bis youug mau-

ht,ad, bSS BBSWI red his last nill--:ill. I^-t ns so ::t-l 101 to«c: ari: the only lasting reward (ui oar tel v.c.-the ap-i).n\ ii of cm,science. Aad wita a hearty wish for thobeaitb, happmem aad anaeem af each, I await yourfurther -tteettoa-His rcfercnccH to the 11 in -sity of free elections

a!)d of htiving some law in regard to iii criminationsin rates hy railroads VOOoed load appmife. Approv¬ing iiprlalise was also give'l to his sentuiient

in regard tn a short session. At the coucluaioa oftho speech the miiiattiiug otHcts were sbSBBO, andthe A-sctnhiy informed the QoreraOT thal tin I] hadiiiL'air/.ed.Pending tho return of the commit* .-. Mr. Vlvnrd

Intndnoad a bill expieaacery ol tin-act Hxim-sixper cent aa the rate al interest. It provides thatmi nil obligations dat.-ii prior to Jaunm-y 1ihho. tim rate ol interest shall bs 7 per -nt,whether (bay an peat dae er not. Mr. Deane in*tr. ttl need a lull to pioviiln for additional l.icillttesfor the sale of garden produce by bratan la New*V.uk.Tbs message of tba Goren *r waa v sir <1 ann iti

nadingproceeded aitb. At its com Ins.on tin Mouseadjonrued, _______________

A BIBBIOa ol Mo Di. 1. m: i;v 1 rv.

EIabtfobo, ('omi., .1.111. 6..Tba LagUlatmsf 1870 sdjaernsd Ita eeaelea ia*t giater salli i.-dsy.Tin- 1icie.1t of 11-('on* itaUanal v :.i>- ii-i iiifi 11, pt nilingfor biennial election , tiia.le the eic. ti ni nf :i MW I.cgis-I.lillie nccat-arv. Tala BOW LsgtelSlarS villi mutt to*monow, i'litt .i'd oue, Uicn .m.-. ivuiiout trainwn tmganv important bastneaa, adloeraed Hine dla ti -Bay aftera aaart aessiee,

CEIHES4NDCA8UAI lll.s-RY lilt i.paph.

BOW THB r .m.s no.

r,i*si..\, Jan. <!. Kuiicl Ivnnit'.i. Town Trea-i-nt_r et-Everett, Ms.*.*., whois s*iu maasa.^ll a AetnaMm intun nam ot $10,01 m. Iii 1* sti|tiio«-1 io bc lu .New VorS.

ki 1.i.Ki) iou ran cbbtblI.ocisvii.t.r, Kv., Jan. 6.. three negroe-i, ¦.Jack"

Itilitley, ".lim" Kit.* -nt "JmI" l*.irk. 1. ijmrifli.*.! ;uttiilirht over 10 c«.t*, sml EBBS ki'le. Ilrlnlny by shootlu. lilia.

CH A KC KI) B I'i'll *' A ..PH I"PfflLADsuBiA. .Ian. r..- A coroners jiu, to-lsy

i-Ttiiiii. a v.-ttln 1 .-Lui emu Ur. J. II. Mm-i-inhi! with beings., t>«i_ty t«. iii» ,!Tnr,.>f *.ii». i un..in.* Kr..M, wbo .;:c_ rs

centiy from malpracticeTW'u TH*iINtI WBMBMmnm,

0.11.1'SBfHQ. III., Jan. (I..I.i t i.i_tit, an the llpr-lli.gt..ii lir.un ti i.t thc rhh aim, Hm Iiiiffiuii mut (in my Kantu J. mic bick li -lu mn lalo anet Ur aud c-used » iieosralwntk Ton nn-n wore KU ed.

A CHII.n lil'lt.NKIi TD UKATII.Pl I WTO**, I'enn.. .lau. 0..W lille Mir. Marv Honk

waHSlmvnt fruin home Hut awtdst hu lu ile hoy win bretliceii leif nu -e.1 np In Ih- hollie, was bniuetl lo death II*bad Iiocn playing willi the Br_.

A BBBBATIOM AT AW KY SIATI11.V.Kansas ('itv, Mo., Jan ll..A train wu* thrown

1-oiu lin* IraTk of Hit Ktt--..sr-., .. K.,r» t-c-it SMS Owl! Hullroan st r-hawnto ntatlou .HMtecuy, seven cars leaving las

track soft smash ag Coe pl illili in

HI KIUE IX IMltAVA.I Niii a na i' )i 1*. lii'l. Jan. (i.-John M. Cit, a

nr.nitue: t e'.ll/..'_ ot Ku-itiVille. Iud.. 1 urma ill. tl mut Hit ibu

incl mug. Ile ws.le.1 lulu a milba.a* lu «,,* .lej-lb oi Ibrre trutai.u iltcu Minx liliusv-if iii tbe rigiti tempi. .ih a rsvt.i-Tt.

Jl'Diji: M. IO KB fl KI MM- UlWN A lit'H'.t.AK.('l\ilSMTi,,l:ii:. M..-J til te Moore, nf th* Com*

mun Pie+i fnuri, fnnnrt . bnrgltr In bl* h..use la-l night. EtCmt foin'-b'.ank at Un-nu-, itiio nil tiemiw-g .unn siiur*.The bnr-rtir was Ataxaet frowi the hii-S* by hi* aci.nr| Hiern,wbo succtaib I.i cmrj lug him off.