13 May 2016

Jaar/Year | Uitgawe/Issue | Tel 017 712 6165 | Faks/Fax 017 712 1708 | Sel/Cell 076 411 2018 E-pos/Email [email protected] | Web www.kosmosnuus.wix.com/kosmosnuus 357 13 Mei / May 2016 6 Verspreidingsgebied: Standerton, Morgenzon, Balfour, Trichardt, Secunda, Bethal, Volksrust, Ermelo en omgewing STANDERTON ANN7’s “Decide2, my vote my future” visited Standerton on Mon- day morning, 9 May, as part of their national fact finding mission about services delivery. The channel is going around the country with a crew of 55 journalists ahead of the local elections that wil take place on 3 Au- gust. Standerton is no exception. The channel requested Cosmos News to lead the crew and make all necessary ar- rangements to get all political parties within Lekwa Municipality to take part in site visits and interview members of the community. The news crew arrived at 08:30 and was taken on a tour of the town and its people by Cosmos News. We were accompanied by party representatives from the ANC, the DA, the EFF, and the Civic Voice. An in- formal settlement in Extension 6 was the first destination. Residents opened up to the media about their situation of no electricity, water and sanitation. One resident reported that from 2008 she was living in the area, but nothing, except promises made, was done by the municipality to change their lives. DA Councillor in Ward 6, Angel Khan yile, was the first to have an interview with the channel. She was then followed by the leader of the new kid on the block, the Civic Voice, Nicholas Selepe. Both members of the opposition did not hesitate to tear apart the ruling party regarding their unfulfilled promises. They then went on to present their respective strategies about how they will deliver to the community if voted into ANN7 in Standerton News channel, ANN7, interviews Nicholas Selepe of The Civic Voice in Extension 6, while members of the ANC, the EFF and Angel Khanyile of the DA await their turn. power. The next destination was Extension 7, where the community expressed their anger about the water supply. A resident told the media that they have had no access to clean running water for five years. Gcina Mofokeng of the EFF also gave an interview. The crew concluded the tour with an interview with the Executive Mayor of Lekwa Municipality, Council- lor Linda Dhlamini, at his offices. He tabled the successes and challenges of the munici- pality. He gave an in-depth plan of how the municipality in- tends to overcome all the various service delivery chal- lenges, in order to make life better for citizens. He appealed to the community to work together with the municipality to overcome theft of electricity cables, and urged everyone to pay for the services they do re- ceive. The tour to Lekwa Municipality will be upload- ed to ANN7’s YouTube channel. DM


All the local news for the week of 13 May 2016

Transcript of 13 May 2016

Page 1: 13 May 2016

Jaar/Year | Uitgawe/Issue | Tel 017 712 6165 | Faks/Fax 017 712 1708 | Sel/Cell 076 411 2018 E-pos/Email [email protected] | Web www.kosmosnuus.wix.com/kosmosnuus 357

13 Mei / May 2016


Verspreidingsgebied: Standerton, Morgenzon, Balfour, Trichardt, Secunda, Bethal, Volksrust, Ermelo en omgewing

STANDERTON – ANN7’s “Decide2, my vote my future” visited Standerton on Mon-day morning, 9 May, as part of their national fact finding mission about services delivery. The channel is going around the country with a crew of 55 journalists ahead of the local elections that wil take place on 3 Au-gust. Standerton is no exception.

The channel requested Cosmos News to lead the crew and make all necessary ar-rangements to get all political parties within Lekwa Municipality to take part in site visits and interview members of the community.

The news crew arrived at 08:30 and was taken on a tour of the town and its people by Cosmos News. We were accompanied by party representatives from the ANC, the DA, the EFF, and the Civic Voice. An in-formal sett lement in Extension 6 was the first destination. Residents opened up to the media about their situation of no electricity, water and sanitation. One resident reported that from 2008 she was living in the area, but nothing, except promises made, was done by the municipality to change their lives.

DA Councillor in Ward 6, Angel Khan­yile, was the first to have an interview with the channel. She was then followed by the leader of the new kid on the block, the Civic Voice, Nicholas Selepe. Both members of the opposition did not hesitate to tear apart the ruling party regarding their unfulfilled promises. They then went on to present their respective strategies about how they will deliver to the community if voted into

ANN7 in Standerton

News channel, ANN7, interviews Nicholas Selepe of The Civic Voice in Extension 6, while members of the ANC, the EFF and Angel Khanyile of the DA await their turn.

power. The next destination was Extension 7, where the community expressed their anger about the water supply. A resident told the media that they have had no access to clean running water for five years. Gcina Mofokeng of the EFF also gave an interview.

The crew concluded the tour with an interview with the Executive Mayor of Lekwa Municipality, Council-lor Linda Dhlamini, at his offices.

He tabled the successes and challenges of the munici-

pality. He gave an in-depth plan of how the municipality in-

tends to overcome all the various service delivery chal-lenges, in order to make life better for citizens.

He appealed to the community to work together with the municipality to overcome theft of electricity cables, and urged everyone to pay for the services they do re-ceive. The tour to Lekwa Municipality will be upload-ed to ANN7’s YouTube channel. DM

Page 2: 13 May 2016

13 Mei / May 2016 2 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

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Award Recipient

A trench of leaking sewage spills over parts of Stand-erton taxi rank. The smell is unbearable and poses a health hazard to hundreds of people.

ERMELO - ‘n 42-jarige man, afkomstig van Mosambiek, is Sondagnag, 1 Mei, net buite Chrissiesmeer op die Ermelo-pad gearresteer nadat 52 kilogram heroine in sy besit gevind is. Inligting is ontvang dat die verdagte op pad was na Johannesburg nadat hy net voor 20:00 deur die Oshoek grenspos in ‘n Toyota Prado beweeg het.

Padblokkades is op die paaie na Chrissiesmeer, Carolina, Ermelo en ook op die N4-hoofweg gehou en om ongeveer 20:30 het die Chrissiesmeer polisie, bygestaan deur lede van die Mpumalanga Sekuriteitsgroep asook lede van die Chrissiesmeer Plaaswag die verdagte voertuig voorgekeer.

Die verdagte asook die voertuig is na die polisiestasie in Ermelo geneem waar heroine in ‘n langafstand-petroltenk ontdek is. Daar is later nog heroine in die spaarwiel ontdek. Die fonds, wat 52 kilogram weeg het ‘n geskatte straatwaarde van R52 miljoen en daar is ook beslag gelê op groot bedrae Amerikaanse dollars, Mosambiekse meticais en Suid-Afrikaanse rande. Die verdagte het Dinsdag, 3 Mei, in die Ermelo landdroshof verskyn en is nie gevra om te pleit op ‘n aanklag van onwettige besit van dwelms nie en is

in aanhouding gehou. Die saak is uitgestel tot Dinsdag, 10 Mei, en daar word vermoed dat daar dan ‘n amptelike borgaansoek ingedien sal word. JD

STANDERTON - Lekwa Local Municipality recently repaired a sewage leak on the corner of Charl Cilliers and Handel Streets close to the mosque in Standerton. This comes after the Municipality was placed on terms by AfriForum on 15 April to repair the sewage leak.

“We have reported the leak on various occasions to the Municipality, but to no avail. The necessary repairs were only done after we had directed a formal letter of demand to the Municipality,” said Eunice MacKenzie, Chairperson of AfriForum’s Standerton branch.

“It is not the responsibility of organisations such as AfriForum or individuals to place municipalities on terms to deliver basic services. Sewage spills can result in serious health risks to the community, and it is the tax payer’s constitutional right to demand a safer environment,” said Hillel Coetzer, AfriForum’s Regional Coordinator for Western Mpumalanga. JD

Mosambieker vas vir R52 mil se Heroine

Die verdagte asook die voertuig is na die polisiestasie in Ermelo geneem waar heroine in ‘n langafstand-petroltenk ontdek is. Daar is later nog heroine in die spaarwiel ontdek. (Photo supplied)

Intervention leads to repairs

After the Lekwa Local Municipality was placed on terms to repair a sewage leak and a formal letter of demand was written, this specific leak was repaired. This problem area was next to the Mosque in town, close to Standerton Bakery.

Another day another leak

Page 3: 13 May 2016

STANDERTON - Die Lekwa Plaaslike Munisi-paliteit in Standerton het op 28 April met die herstel van slaggate in die dorp begin. Dít volg nadat die plaaslike AfriForum-tak dié munisipaliteit reeds op 15 April op terme geplaas het om slaggate in die dorp te herstel.

“Hierdie slaggate hou ʼn gevaar vir motoriste in en kan lei tot die beskadiging van voertuie, motorbots-ings en noodlottige beserings. Dit is verblydend om te sien dat die Lekwa Plaaslike Munisipaliteit gehoor gegee het aan hierdie ultimatum,” het Hillel Coetzer, AfriForum se streekskoördineerder vir Mpumalan-ga-Wes, gesê.

“Hoewel daar nog verskeie diensleweringsprob-leme in Standerton is en slaggate voorkom in areas wat deur die Lekwa Munisipaliteit gediens word, verseker AfriForum met aksies soos dié dat die be-

lastingbetaler se geld korrek aangewend word.”Ondersteun AfriForum se slaggatherstelprojek wat

op 13 en 14 Mei in Standerton en binne Lekwa se munisipale grense gaan plaasvind deur die woord “GAT” na 45350 te SMS (R1). JD

3 13 Mei / May 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Die leerlinge van CF Els Dans Studio het op 30 April en 1 Mei aan ‘n danskompetisie deelgeneem wat ten bate van die Suid-Afrikaanse fon-dasie vir mense met homofilie gehou is.

Dit is ‘n jaarlikse kompetisie wat naas die Suid-Af-rikaanse-kampioenskappe die tweede grootste kompe-tisie is wat deur Solo Danca Latina gehou word.

Vier leerlinge – Carina Maree, Beandri Claassens, Zoë Lecordier en Michaela Henri – het veral hul staal gewys en verskeie medaljes ingepalm.

Lecordier het goud in die junior hip-hop-opeklas én die junior klassieke styl-afdeling verower. In laasgeno-emde afdeling het sy in ál vier dansstyle – kontemporêr, jazz, ballet en Spaans – koning gekraai. Sy het ‘n brons-medalje in die ‘junior advanced classic’-afdeling en ‘n

vierdeplek in die ‘junior energy’-afdeling losgeslaan.Claassens spog met ‘n vierdeplek in die junior hip-

hop-opeklas en die junior klassieke styl-afdeling en het ‘n bronsmedalje in die junior energy-afdeling losgeslaan waar sy met die hip-hop-dans koning gekraai het.

Hierdie vlytige jong danser het ook in die top 12 van die ‘junior advanced classic’-afdeling geëindig.

Henri het op haar beurt ‘n silwermedalje in die ‘junior youth energy’-afdeling ingepalm en spog met ‘n vierde-plek in die ‘advanced energy’-afdeling en ‘n vyfdeplek in die ‘junior youth Latin’-afdeling. Sy het ook onder die top 12 dansers van die ‘advanced classic’-afdeling geëindig. Maree het aan die ‘energy’ en die Latynse-dansstyl deelgeneem en só haar ondersteuning aan die-gene wat aan homofilie ly, gebied. DK

STANDERTON – The SAPS have received numerous reports about drug and alcohol abuse by pupils in several primary and secondary schools in the Lekwa Municipal area. Cases of unruly behaviour, disrespect, a lack of discipline and bullying are sky-high in some of the schools.

These scenarios render an unsafe environment for normal teaching and learning. According to most school principals, the safety of both teachers and pupils alike is compromised by acts of violence. This prompted SAPS to respond.

On Thursday, 28 April, Standerton SAPS cluster with the assistance of members of the Community Policing Forum and the K9 Unit arrived unannounced at Azalea Combined School and Stanwest Combined School respectively to raid classes and conduct searches on pupil’s bags and to conduct body searches for drugs and dangerous weapons. It was during a search at Azalea when a 17-year-old boy was spotted sneaking out of the class to throw a small packet of dagga into a dustbin.

Police took him for questioning and his blood tested positive for drugs.Colonel Masango who led the raid, reports that although nothing was found at Stanwest Combined School, teachers and most pupils were grateful that SAPS came to raid the classes and they encourage police to continue these unannounced searches.

She issued a stern warning to other schools that police could pounce unannounced at any time.

She warned drug lords who use pupils as drug mules, to watch their backs. “We will leave no stone unturned to track down criminals at schools,” Colonel Masango said. DM

Meisies dans vir ‘n goeie doel

Hierdie vier leerlinge van CF Els Dans Studio het op 30 April en 1 Mei aan ‘n kompetisie deelgeneem wat ten bate van die Suid-Afrikaanse fondasie vir mense met homofilie gehou is en verskeie topplekke verower. Van links na regs is Michaela Henri, Zoë Lecordier, Beandri Claassens en Carina Maree.

Slaggate in die sentrale sakegebied word herstel nadat die burgeregte-organisasie AfriForum die plaaslike munisipaliteit op terme geplaas het.

Slaggate herstel danksy AfriForum-ingryping

Police raid schools

Page 4: 13 May 2016

13 Mei / May 2016 4 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Haas Das Pre-Primêre Skool het Hemelvaartdag op Don-derdag, 5 Mei, op ‘n gepaste wyse gevier toe hulle nagenoeg R2 800 ten bate van Kosmos Aftree-Oord met ‘n spesiale muntlegging ingesamel het. Die dag se verrigtinge het vroegoggend met ds Pieter Kotzé van die NG-Suidgemeente afgeskop wat die kleuters deur middel van buikspraak meer oor die belangrikheid van naasteliefde vertel het. Die Hemel-vaartvieringe het daarna met die muntlegging afgesluit waar die kleuters met oop harte hul bydrae vir die ouetehuis gepak het.

Some time ago, I visited a friend of a church member who had cancer and wanted healing. He was all ears, lapping and soaking up everything I shared with him. Today, he worships with us and is completely healed of cancer. I remember being at another man’s home at the invitation of his family members. He too was suffering from cancer.

When I entered his home, the man had his television on. I started sharing Christ with him but he was not at all interested in what I was saying. He continued watching the television program. I knew then that his healing was a lost cause because faith for healing comes by hearing God’s Word, not by watching television, reading newspapers or listening to your favourite music.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not against these things, but they are not going to heal you. When you are sick, what you want is God’s healing flowing in your body. How does that happen? One of the primary

ways in which it happens is when you read your Bible, soaking up everything about Jesus. Before you know it, His divine health flows into your body, driving out every symptom of pain, sickness and disease. Even your discouragement dissolves effortlessly.

You find yourself encouraged, refreshed and your darkness giving way to light. You see, there is no way you can feed on Jesus through reading and hearing His Word, and still remain the same. He said, “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63) My friend, God wants Jesus to be food for you. We feed on Christ by seeing Him unveiled in the Word, by seeing and meditating on what the Holy Spirit reveals of His beauty and glory, and His finished work at Calvary. That is how we enjoy Jesus. It is like having a good meal. And when you do that, Jesus Himself promises that “he who feeds on Me will live because of Me!”

My skoonma is vanaf Februarie 2016 in die ouetehuis. Sy kan nie loop nie en is permanent in die Lenie van der Merwe vleuel, in die bed. Die diens en netheid is fantasties. Die matrone, susters en personeel gee bo-gemiddelde aandag aan al die pasiënte.

As ‘n mens kyk oor hoe die personeel van die mense voer en bedien, kan jy dit amper nie glo nie. Die kos wat die mense kry is ook uitstekend. Ons bid vir die ouetehuis, en mag ons Hemelse vader u seën vir u bydrae en diens aan al die pasiënte. Baie dankie. Mike en Maud Lottering

Feed on Jesus and live Aftree-oord is puik

Haas Dassies maak hul harte oop

INTERNASIONAAL - Mev Suid Afrika, Candice Abrahams, is in China aangewys as die mooiste getroude vrou in die wêreld en is daarna gekroon as Mev Wêreld 2016.

Abrahams het Mev Pole uitgestof om die titel te verower. Mev Amerika, Korea en Kanada was deel van die top vyf.

“Ons is oorstelp van vreugde dat Candice dié gesogte titel ontvang het,” het Joani Johnson, uitvoerende hoof van Mev, Suid-Afrika gesê. “Dit is iets waaraan ons gewerk het sedert sy verlede jaar in Oktober as Mev Suid-Afrika gekroon is. Ons was oortuig dat sy die titel kon wen en dit is ‘n oorweldigende oomblik vir die hele span dat Candice haar internasionale doel bereik het.”

Abrahams het die gehoor gaande gehad met haar Werner Day-aanddraguitrusting. Sy was ook ‘n gunstelling in die nasionalekostuumkategorie danksy Anel Botha wat ‘n uitrusting ontwerp het wat simbolies

Mev SA nou Mev Wêreld

Candice Abrahams is in China aangewys as die mooiste getroude vrou in die wêreld. Candice is in Oktober verlede jaar aangewys as Mev Suid-Afrika en het sederdien daaraan gewerk om haar internasionale dubuut te maak.

was vir die Suid-Afrikaanse natuurlewe met ‘n besonderse hooftooisel deur Riana Conradie.

“Wat ‘n eer om die kroon huis toe te bring” het Abrahams gesê. “Dit was nog altyd my droom om as Mev Suid-Afrika aangewys te word en om my land op ‘n internasionale verhoog te verteenwoordig. Van al my prestasies die afgelope jaar, is dít die kersie op die koek. Ek sien daarna uit om Suid-Afrika en die kontinent trots te maak, net soos Rolene Strauss tydens haar kroning as Mej Wêreld gedoen het. (Maroela Media) JD

Page 5: 13 May 2016

5 13 Mei / May 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

SECUNDA – The three-day-long Information and Communication Technology conference hosted by Gert Sibande TVET College held on 13-15 April at Graceland in Secunda with the theme “Inspiration for Integrated Innovation and Information” attracted delegates from all 9 provinces, including 21 speakers who where invited to give presentations. Two cabinet ministers, the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training, Mduduzi Manana and Minister of the Department of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, were guest speakers.

The objectives of the conference were to encourage TVET Colleges in South Africa to discover the new and exciting world of technologically rich teaching and learning methodologies in and outside of the lecture room.

To promote entrepreneurship in ITC as a path to economic growth and job creation.

A third objective was to develop widespread awareness of the benefits & value of the ITC for TVET staff and student community by enhancing the application of e-learning and correspondence as a mode of content delivery.

The final objective was to solicit applications from e-pioneers and e-practitioners to present papers with the exclusive aim to promote and enhance e-learning in the TVET-sector of South Africa.

The CEO and Principal of Gert Sibande TVET College, Nick Balkrishen, delivered the welcome address during a Gala Dinner. In his speech he touched on the priorities of the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030 and the White Paper on Post School Education and Training in TVET colleges.

According to the CEO, one of the main goals of the conference was to start a dialogue that will result in a collaborative ITC approach by all 50 TVET Colleges, on how they can synergistically harness the potential of ICT to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in

the TVET sector.The keynote address on the first day of the conference

was delivered by the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training Mduduzi Manana. The minister highlighted that the White Paper on Post-School Education and Training unambiguously states that the DHET’s highest priority is to strengthen and expand public TVET colleges and turn them into attractive institutions of choice for school leavers. The minister also stated that we have to do things differently, use appropriate teaching methodologies, but most importantly, we have to look at the price tag and make TVET college education and training more cost-effective. To achieve this we have to think differently about how ITC is used - not only as a tool, but as an integral part of the modern citizen’s life and contributing to the individual’s as well as the college ‘s productive attainment.

Minister Pandor delivered her address on day two of the conference. In her address the minister said: “We are familiar with the benefits that science and technology bring to our lives and national economics, for example, the internet. Access to internet is as important to economic development as access to electricity.” According to the minister, in order to enjoy the benefits of science and technology, we need human capital development and world-class research infrastructure.

“The benefits are expected to be in line with broader government socio-economic development priorities such as job creation, skills development, poverty reduction and improving the quality of life. We expect the framework to stimulate public-private partnership in IT research and innovation.” said Minister Pandor.

Speaking on behalf of the College Council, Mr Petros Magagula said “I am proud of being part of the dynamic team that is committed to contributing towards the growth of TVET-college sector. The college wish

Gert Sibande College hosts ICT Conference

Minister of Science and Technology, Mrs Naledi Pandor, deliver-ing the keynote address on day two of the ITC conference that was held at Graceland Casino in Secunda.

to express sincere appreciations for the support from government and Ministers as it has been re-affirmed by this conference that the government is fully committed and has embarked on a 10 year development strategy to enhance information technology projects by introducing world-class ITC resources and strengthening human capacity in the field.” DM

Theme: Inspiration for Integrated Innovation and Information

Page 6: 13 May 2016

13 Mei / May 2016 6 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Die mondgesondheids-department by Standerton Hospitaal het op Donderdag, 5 Mei, serpe en mussies uitgedeel aan al die leerlinge van Ukuthoko-za Laerskool. Dit is ‘n plaasskooltjie tussen Standerton en Morgenzon. Die onderwy-sers en leerlinge aan die skooltjie was verras en baie dankbaar daarvoor.

Die serpe en musse is gebrei, gehekel of

handgemaak van kombersmateriaal. Bydraes is ontvang van personeel van

die mondgesondheidskliniek by Standerton Hospitaal, dames wat oefen by Le Cycle Shoppe (Antionette) en dames uit die ge-meenskap van Standerton.

Betsie Louw spreek haar opregte dank en waardering uit aan almal wat ‘n bydrae gelewer het. JD

STANDERTON - Quantum Energy and personnel opts to give back to the community. With poverty and unemployment figures on the increase, this local Standerton business has taken on the privilege of giving back to the community. Our personnel will be getting their “hands” dirty by cleaning, painting and restoring orphanages in our municipal district.

The smallest of donations or time spent on improving the lives of those in need

means a lot to all affected by poverty, unemployment and our children in orphanages.

Quantum Energy challenges all other local businesses to also take part in this venture. “We will start off at Thusong Service Centre together with other NPO’s, as our children are tomorrow’s leaders.” Local businesses wanting to take part, can drop off blankets, paint and any other items at Quantum Energy Depot, situated at 26 Prinses Street, Standerton. JD

Met die nuwe kwartaal hier, bied dit die geleentheid aan ouers en onderwysers om te gesels oor Jannie of Sannie se punte by daardie allerbelangrike oueraand.

Die groot vraag wat altyd opkom in die Wiskundeklas is “waar kan my bloedjie meer oefening kry, juffrou/ meneer?” Wel, daar is die mediasentrum of internet, waar ou vraestelle beskikbaar is, maar wie gaan dit merk?

Die SOS bied ’n beter oplossing aan beide onderwyser en ouer. Die Markplein is die perfekte plek waar ouers kwaliteit lesse, toetse, werkkaarte, vraestelle en nog meer kan bekom teen baie

billike pryse. Én dis nie al nie. Daar is memorandums beskikbaar wat

kan aandui of hy/sy op die regte spoor is.Volg die skakel na die aanlyn platform:

www.diemarkplein.co.za. Wonderlike nuus is dat as jy nou aansluit as ondersteuner van Helpende Hand teen R50 per maand, kry jy ‘n geskenkbewys van R600 vir die Die Markplein.

Daarmee kan jy gratis vraestelle aftrek ter waarde van R600! Vir meer inligting hieroor, skandeer die QR-kode, of skakel met Mpumalanga se streekorganiseerder, Alisha de Lange by [email protected] of by 082 923 1438. JD

Mondgesondheid sorg vir hitte

Leerlinge van Ukuthokoza laerskool net buite Standerton, is op 5 Mei deur die mond-gesondheidsdepartement by Standerton Hospitaal bederf met serpe en mussies.

Jeug genooi vir braaiSTANDERTON - Die jeug in Stan-derton (ouer as 18) word genooi om op Saterdag, 14 Mei, vanaf 17:00 tot 23:00 by die Vaalrivierskool se sportsaal ‘n bring-en-braai by te woon. Kaartjies beloop slegs R10 en bykosse word voor-sien. Ingang na die saal sal by die onder-ste hek in Baumanstraat wees.

Jeugsprekers van AfriForum hoofkan-toor sal almal teenwoordig toespreek en daarvan bewus maak dat AfriForum nie ‘n politieke party is nie, maar wel ‘n burgerregte-organisasie vir alle bur-gers. Kaartjies is vooraf by Nadia Smith beskikbaar en sy kan by 082 329 5338 geskakel word. JD

Die Markplein bied hulp aan ouers

Quantum energy gives back to community

Swem speurder, swem!

Die personeel by die speurtak in Stander-ton het vroeg Dinsdagoggend ‘n verras-sing gekry toe water by die voordeur op grond vlak uitgespoel het. Die grondvlak-kantore asook die kantore op die eerste verdieping was totaal en al onder water en almal moes inspring met ’n mop en ‘n em-mer om die water te probeer opdroog. Dit is nog onbekend wat die oorsaak van die vloedstroom was, maar normale pligte kon binne ure weer hervat word.

Page 7: 13 May 2016

7 13 Mei / May 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Students of the Gert Sibande College in Standerton took to the streets on Friday to display their discontent with money they receive to pay for their study expenses.

A letter received by Cosmos News, reads as follows (sic): “We as the students of Gert Sibande are saying we do not want the R3 000 they are giving because it is stated from NS-FAS that each student should at least get R21 000 which will cover all their costs.

GS College gives students memos that are not directly from NSFAS and they are forcing the students to take the money.

Students were given diaries last year that were written that transport money should be R7 400 for transport and R18 000 for accommodation, but we were told that they had financial problems and then understood. This year they are not giving us reasons why they want us to take such amounts.They are threatening the students that they should attend classes but they know we do not have money for transport.

Students pay R900 to R1 500 per month for transport and accommodation, yet they give them money that will cover only two months. The forms of bursaries that are called refund forms are given to students to sign yet it is not written for what amount each student is sign-

ing for.Students want to know where the money is because students are not accommodated.

We have a residence to stay in but it is not given to students but to workers from different companies to stay in.

SRC and peer educators always go for meetings that we as students never get any feed-back from. They stay in hotels and the school always has functions and still claim they don’t have money to give to students.

What will happen to the money that was processed for the students that were deregistered as they never say there was this much that has to be taken back to NSFAS.

We would love for SABC and ETV to be there next week as they said the meeting will be held on Tuesday for us to know what’s happening. And one more thing, cops were called. Six vans were called and two lorries for students to be taken for no reason as they are fight-ing for their rights by protesting.”

Management was asked to comment, but they were still in talks at print. Keep your eye on our Facebook page for updates about this situation. JD

Students protest over money

Students from the Gert Sibande College took to the streets on Friday to show their discon-tent with the monies they receive for transport and accommodation. They say that they only receive R3 000 instead of R21 000 per year.

After the protest action of students at the Gert Sibande College the streets were strewn with garbage and concrete garbage bins. Motorists making use of the road had to ma-noeuvre through these ‘protesting garbage bins’ to reach their destinations.

Page 8: 13 May 2016

13 Mei / May 2016 8 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News


Neem asb kennis: Alle geklassifiseerde advertensies moet asb per faks, per e-pos of per hand gelewer word. Geen telefo-niese advertensies word geplaas nie. Die spertyd vir geklassifi-seerde advertensies is Maandae 14:00.G E E N A D V E R -TENSIE SAL GE-P L A A S W O R D SONDER BETA-LING NIE! _______________Please take note: All classified adverts must be submitted by fax, e-mail or by hand. No telephonic adverts will be pub-lished. The deadline for classified adverts are Mondays 14:00.NO ADVERTISE-MENT WILL BE PLACED WITH-OUT PAYMENT!


Rubber Coat ing Solutions: Lek of roes jou dak? “RUB-BERISE” dit! Water-en-roesdigtheid op verskeidenheid van oppervlaktes gewaar-borg. NUUT: Water-dig jou huis mure m e t “ R U B B E R ” verf. Beskikbaar in groot verskeiden-heid kleure. Skakel George Foley 082 646 3630.

Sharky’s Seafood. Big variety of seafood available. Prawns, crumbed mussels with garlic, seafood mix, kingklip, hake, soles, haddock and more. Visit us at 45 A Bey-ers Naudé, Stander-ton. (Cosmos News premises).


Klavierstem en re-parasies. Koop en verkoop van tweede-handse klaviere. Ska-kel Kobus by 082 893 4099/ 013 243 0702.



Bella Blinds. Ve-netian, aluminium & w o o d b l i n d s , 25 mm and 50 mm, all your inside win-dow requirements. Re pairs to all blinds. Phone Bella, 072 390 7490 or 017 714 1262. Fax 086 615 9985.

_______________ Phi lr i Bl inds & Awnings . We do all kinds of blinds, inside and outside. We do Venet ian , aluminium, wood blinds, vertical, bam-boo & awnings at affordable prices. We also repair blinds. Phone R ika 072 372 4191. Fax 086 639 4844.


MOVALKlopper Meubelver-voer. Groot en klein meubelvragmotors beskikbaar vir enige meubelvervoer. Eie-naartoesig en drywer met vriendelike diens. Skakel Conrad Klop-per - 082 774 6952. [email protected].


AB Wendys. Pal-letwood wendys , knotty pine & log cabin hou-ses for sa le . Each room comes with door, win-dow, zinc roof and wooden floor. Waz oil treated. Prices for pallet wood wendys 2 m x 2 m - R3 500. 3 m x 3 m - R4 000. 3 m x 4 m - R4 700. 3 m x 6 m - R7 500. For more information phone Erick 073 650 0108.

________________Awesome Wendys. We do Wendy houses at a very low price. Log cabin, knotty pine and pallet wood. Pri-ces for pallet wood 2 m x 2 m - R 3 000, 3 m x 3 m - R 3 500, 3 m x 4 m - R 4 200. We move Wendy houses from point A to B . 5 yea rs guarantee. Phone Sam 073 091 6680.

________________AB City Wendys/ Huts. Quality Wen-dys. 2 x 2 , 3 x 3, 3 x 4, 3 x 6, 4 x 4. Big sizes available. Pallet wood, Knotty pine, log cabins and steel huts. We also shift Wendys. Phone Tom 079 618 6743.


S e l f v e r d e d i g i n g klasse, Saterdag 21 Mei, 14:00 - 16:00. NG Gemeente Stan-derton-Wes Kerksaal, h/v Charl Cilliers- & Krugerstraat. R50 per persoon. Skakel Ha ro ld , 082 040 8186.

________________Shotokan Karate klasse. Maandae en Woensdae by Ro-bertstraat 46. Skakel Melony by 079 058 0184.


La’vie Gastehuis is geleë in die dorp, loopafstand na Stan-derton Hospitaal en El Condor Spur. Ons bied spesiale tariewe vir langtermyn gaste. Keuse tussen self-sorg eenhede of ontbyt, aandete en kospakkies op ver-soek. Skakel gerus vandag nog. Mil-lanie 072 879 6309.


Ebafaneni garden-ing services. Phone Sibusiso at 073 752 3862 or 076 971 0194. First come first serve.


TIONSewendedag Adven-tiste Kerk (Saterdae). Kinder en volwasse bybelstudie 9:30 - 10:45. Erediens 11:00 - 12:00. H/v Haw-thorne en Brits Straat, Meyerville. Skakel Elize 082 859 3124 of Leraar Pieter Victor 082 680 6055.


JF Auto Interior, Standerton.Uphol-stery, automotive, furni ture, canvas covers, roof linings and carpets. For more information phone Jacques 072 117 0389 or Francois 072 543 5938.


Bouwerk, algemene herstelwerk en verf-werk. Skakel 082 821 2072.

________________ Hidro Kleen. Skoonmaak van matte, los matte, blinders, sitstelle en hardevloere. Diepre-iniging van huise. Valet van voer-tuie. Skakel ons vir spe-siale aanbiedinge. Tel: 017 712 2499. Sel: 082 406 3190 / 084 299 3654.

________________ Painting and til-ing. House and roof painting. Gutters, fas-ciaboards and pali-sade. We also repair roofs. Free quota-tions. Professionals with excelent service. Phone Ben on 084 732 3319 or visit us at 851 RDP Mhala Park.

________________ A B C D r i v i n g School . Speciali-sing in code 8, 10, 14. Pre-employment assesment for em-ployment purposes. All areas. Phone 0 8 2 9 3 9 8 1 3 6 / 0 8 2 2 6 0 3 0 9 3 .

________________Is u veilig? Skakel Mac 083 363 9044 v i r d i e f w e r i n g , veiligheidshekke, Spaanse rootyster, 10 mm en 12 mm gedraaide vierkant-yster en algemene k l e i n w e r k i e s .

________________M r. S o u n d f o r all your car sound, DSTV and home theatre installations, including TV and radio repairs. Shop 1 , To r i s t o C e n -tre, Beyers Naudé S t , S t a n d e r t o n , 017 712 3642 or 0 8 2 7 9 9 4 2 7 6 . \

________________Building construc-tion and maintenance services: From foun-dation to roof, tiling, paving and painting. A chain of profes-sional persons. Phone Mlambo 074 839 7861 or Trust 073 620 2668.


Bliss Massage The-rapy. Opening spe-cial @ R 100. Neck, back and shoulder. Wednesday - Friday. Whatsapp or phone 082 435 5335.


Obrigado Cutlery and Crockery Hire. Let us help you de-cide if packages A, B or C will suite your needs best. Packages include: plates, gas stove, glasses, table clothes, chair cov-ers, pots, water jugs and under plates. The quantity of the cutlery and crockery will de-pend on the packages you choose. Phone Khosi 071 838 7592 or Khona 082 554 2822.

________________ AM Cooling her-stel en installeer van: yskaste, vrieskaste, koelkamers, vrieska-mers, lugreëlings, in-dustriële wasmasjiene, tuimeldroërs en skot-telgoedwasmasjiene. Skakel Martin by 081 529 7150.

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________________M.S Tiling, paint-i n g a n d p r o j e c t s (PTY) Ltd. Reg nr. 2014/027043/07. In-clude: building, paint-ing, ceiling, tiling, paving, wooden floors, stone work and ceiling tiles. For good quality work phone Mandla 076 520 8087/ 061 911 3859.

________________Davy’s plumbing and bathroom ren-ovation. Plumbing, new installation and maintenance. Garden sprinklers and water pumps. General build-ing renovation and tiling. Phone David 083 381 8458/ 017 712 2131.


Woonstel te huur, Standerton. 3 Slaap-kamer, 1 badkamer, voorafbetaalde krag, water ingesluit en motor afdak. Diere en kinder vriende-lik. Huur R3 900 per maand + R3 900 deposito. Skakel 082 404 1815.


1 x Singer sewing machine 1409 mo-del. 1 x Mens and 1 x lady’s wardrobe - Embuia wood, ball and claw set. Good condition. Phone 072 374 7818.


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Standerton Muslim Institute & Jamaat will be held on Fri-day, 3 June 2016, at the Madressa Hall, 20h00 (after Esha Sa-laah). Opening, ac-ceptance of previous minutes, chairman’s report, secretaries report, financial re-ports, amendments to the constitution if any (under article 8), general election of officials for the chief committee, closure. Members of the com-munity are kindly re-quested to attend. I Shahzada Secretary (SMIJ).

Die hele dorp gaan gebuk onder kragonderbrekings en daar word ver-wag dat almal moet elektrisiteit be-spaar, maar die oorhoofse spreiligte in Azalea word nie deur die plaaslike munisipaliteit afgeskakel nie. Hierdie ligte brand dag-en-nag en vermors be-lastingbetalers se geld. Daar kon nie vasgestel word waarom die ligte nie afgeskakel word nie.

Elektrisiteit word vermors

Page 9: 13 May 2016

9 13 Mei / May 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - The taxi industry is usu-ally associated with violence and instability everywhere in the country, but the Stander-ton Taxi Association is changing this per-ception and proving to everybody that they are fathers and responsible people in the community who care and have warm hearts for those in need. This was the testimony when the local association went the extra mile to plough back into the community by making a difference in the lives of 87 school children when they donated school shoes to them.

Mr Kenny Tsotetsi, the Secretary of the association, accompanied by his fellow Executive Committee members arrived at Igugulabasha Primary School in Sakhile on Friday, 6 May, and donated 20 pairs of school shoes to pupils who were identified by the school as those in need of assistance. Speaking on behalf of the association, Mr Tsotetsi mentioned that as an industry that depends of the community to use public

transport, they felt it was their social respon-sibility to give back and bring smiles to the pupils’ faces. He added that as an industry, their success depends on the participation of the community, which includes pupils travel in taxis every day.

The school’s Principal, Mrs Phila Ma-vuso, expressed her appreciation to the Taxi Association for caring. The donation will go a long way in cementing the relationship between the industry and the community. She further stated that this act of love to the needy is a blessing and the school is proud to benefit from their social responsibility. “Carry on to do good in the community and remember that that the saying goes: blessed is the hand that gives,” she concluded.

Other schools that received donations were, Leseli, Lindilanga, Hlobisa, and Grootdraai dam. A Grade 7 learner, Zimele Khumalo, entertained the guests with a poem that touched the hearts of all those who listened. DM

Is there any possibility that a licensing authority can refuse to renew a car license because of any outstanding fines? The answer is yes, but it must be made clear that this does not extend to traffic fines that have not reached legislated stages.

These stages are as follows (1) If an Enforcement Order has been issued in terms of the AARTO Act; or (2) If a Warrant of Arrest has been issued in terms of the Criminal Proce-dure Act. If you get a R114 statement of account from the licensing authority, you will note that it lists traffic fines, as well as licensing fees and penalties. Most commonly, licensing transactions are blocked because outstanding licensing fees and penalties thereon exist.

Regulation 59 of the National Road Traffic Regulations state the following:Arrear fees for licensing of motor vehicle or motor trade number

(1) If application is made for the licensing of a motor vehicle or motor trade number in a month following the month in which liability for the licensing of such motor vehicle or motor trade number arose, arrear licence fees, calculated at one twelfth per month of the annual licence fees from the first day of the month in which liability for such licensing arose until the last day of the month preceding the month in which application is made, shall be

(2) If a person who owes any penalties or fees in terms of the provisions of this Act to any registering authority or driving licence testing centre, applies for any transaction, the registering authority or driving licence testing centre to whom such application is made, may refuse to effect the transaction applied for or, in the case of an application for the licensing of a motor vehicle at a registering authority, refuse to issue a licence disc to the applicant, until such penalties and fees have been paid, and may apply any amount tendered in settlement of such penalties and fees due. [Subr.(2) substituted by r. 25, GNR.1341 of 23 September 2003 w.e.f. 23 July 2004.]

(3) If a person who has committed an offence in terms of this Act failed to appear in a Court of Law and as a result of such failure a warrant of arrest of such person has been is-sued, applies for any transaction, the registering authority or driving licence testing centre to whom such application is made, may refuse to effect the transaction applied for or, in the case of an application for the licensing of a motor vehicle at a registering authority, the registering authority may refuse to issue a licence disc to the applicant.

[Subr.3 inserted by r. 16, GNR.404 w.e.f. 4 May 2007.]In simple terms, what this all means is that licensing transactions may be refused if:

• Outstanding licensing fees and/or penalties on licensing fees exist;• If a Warrant of Arrest has been issued against the name of the registered owner; and/or• If an AARTO Enforcement Order been issued against the name of the registered owner.

A licence disc may also be withheld if the vehicle in question does not have a valid road-

Taxi Association plough back to the needy

Members from the Taxi Association in blue T-shirts and teachers with happy pupils after they received a donation of shoes from the association.

Refusing to issue a licence disk?worthy certificate. Licensing authorities may not withhold a licensing transaction because there are “outstanding traffic fines”. They may inform the alleged offender that they exist, but that’s about it.

But because eNaTIS automatically withholds licence discs when other conditions exist, licensing authorities who are part of the traffic authorities in the municipalities they operate, incorrectly tell people that it is the outstanding traffic fines that are causing the licence disk or other licensing transaction not being allowed. Effectively, they con people into believing that this is so, instead of being honest. It’s a very sad situation. JD

Page 10: 13 May 2016

13 Mei / May 2016 10 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Die tennisspelers van Laerskool Standerton – oud en jonk – is besig om vir groot opslae op die streeks- en provinsiale bane te sorg, aangesien vyf van die skool se beste spelers en afrigters onlangs aan die interdistrikte-, interprovinsiale-, en Mpumalanga-minitoernooi deelgeneem het.

Die Mpumalanga-minitoernooi is tussen 22 en 24 April in Secunda gehou waar Shené Fourie as naaswenner uit die stryd getree het en Carina Visagie met die vierdeplek huis toe is. Matthew Burger en Aldo Strydom het die skool se seunsspan volgestaan wat vanjaar vir die eerste keer in aksie tydens die minitoernooi te sien was.

Tydens die Mpumalanga-interdistriktetoernooi wat tussen 30 April en 1 Mei in Middelburg gehou is, het Visagie weer eens uitgeblink toe sy ál haar kragmetings teen die Laeveld en Mpumalanga-Wes gewen het. Sy was deel van die o-13-Hoëveldspan wat die algehele eersteplek van die toernooi opgeraap het.

Maar, dit was nie net die leerlinge wat uitgeblink het nie aangesien Renier van Wyk – afrigter en onderwyser aan Laerskool Standerton – tussen 6 en 7 Mei as deel van die Mpumalangaspan aan die interprovinsiale toernooi in Klerksdorp deelgeneem het. Die span het vir kookwaterspel gesorg en die algehele vierdeplek uit die nege provinsies ingepalm. DK

Wanneer dit by die ratse sport van muurbal kom, is daar min dinge wat daar vir hierdie vier spelers van Hoërskool Secunda geleer kan word. Hulle het die naweek van 30 April aan die Suid-Afrikaanse-kampioenskap deelgeneem en is al vier in die SA-plattelandse span opgeneem. Van links na regs is Jordan Butland, Anene Visser, FG Visser (nommer een-speler van die SA-span) en Franco van Tonder.

Charli Fourie, ‘n leerling van Hoër- en Laerskool Vrede, het Saterdag, 30 April, aan die wêreldbekende iPOP (In-ternational Presentation of Performers)-oudisies vir sang en voordrag in Sandton deel-geneem en ‘n blywende indruk op die beoordelaars gemaak. Sy kwalifiseer om deur die be-kwame talent-afrigter opgelei te word en dan later vanjaar in Los Angeles in die VSA deel te neem.

Sewe van Laerskool Kruinpark se redenaars is pas gekies om hul skool tydens die semi-finale ronde van die ATKV-redenaarskompetisie te verteenwoordig wat op 3 Junie by HTS Middelburg gehou gaan word. Agter, van links na regs, is Jason Baay (gr 7) en Lara du Toit (gr 6). In die middel is JG van Niekerk (gr 5) en Chana Dunn (gr 6) en voor is Estiaan Knoetze (gr 2) en Zandré Theron (gr 2). Stefan van der Spuy (gr 7) was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.

Stannies skitter tydens toptoernooie

Renier van Wyk, tennisafrigter en onderwyser aan Laerskool Stander-ton, en Carina Visagie, ‘n o-13-spel-er van dié skool, het vroeër hierdie maand aan die interprovinsiale- en die interdistrikte tennistoernooi deel-geneem en met topplekke huiswaarts gekeer.

SA-span vir Secunda-vier

Amerika, hier kom sy

Uitslae: 4de Mpumalanga-prysskietLigbron Akademie vir Tegnologie

Die vierde Mpumalanga-prysskietkompetisie van die jaar is op 6 en 7 Mei gehou en het die beste skuts van regoor die provinsie bymekaargebring. Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie het drie leerlinge opgelewer wat onder die top 10-skuts geëindig het.

Finaal wink vir hul

o-14 (40 skuts)5de – Drean van Breda11de – Sophia Giliomee13de – Aldo Louw

o-16 (63 skuts)5de – Reinhardt Vorster15de – Collin Henning16de – Jan Schoonraad o-21 (41 skuts)8ste – Charles Giliomee11de – Izelda Kritzinger

Elf van Laerskool Goedehoop se o-12- en o-13-netbalspelers het Maandag, 2 Mei, aan die proewe vir die Mpumalangaspan deelgeneem. Die skool het geskitter en vier meisies opgelewer wat in dié gesogte span opgeneem is. Agter, van links na regs, is Zelri de la Rey (o-12) en Nicole Lindeque (o-13) en voor is Anke Pretorius (o-12) en Michelle Jacobs (o-12).

Pumaspan vir Goedehoop-vier

Page 11: 13 May 2016

11 13 Mei / May 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Zander Fourie, ‘n o-15-tennisspeler van Hoërskool Standerton, het die naweek van 22 tot 24 April aan ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse Tennis Assosiasie-toernooi deelgeneem en sy teenstan-ders ‘n ding of twee gewys. Hy het aan die o-16-afdeling deelgeneem en die algehele tweedeplek in hierdie ouderdomsgroep opgeraap.

ERMELO - Die vakansiedag het nie die hokkiemeisies van Hoërskool Ermelo gestuit toe hulle Maandag, 2 Mei, aan die verskillende proewe van die Mpumalangaspan deelgeneem het nie. Die meisies het hul skool se vaandel met trots laat wapper toe ‘n allemintige 15 spelers in die verskillende provinsiale spanne opgeneem is.

Die o-14’s het na Curroskool Nelspruit vir hul proewe vertrek en ‘n goeie dag beleef toe Andisiwe Vilakazi die enigste speler van Hoërskool Ermelo geword het wat in die Mpumalanga A-span opgeneem is.

In sterk kontras met die o-14’s, het die o-16’s agt spelers opgelewer wat vanjaar in die provinsiale span gaan pronk. Hierdie proewe is by Curro Bankenveld se velde in Witbank gehou.

Lydia Landman, Leandri Beyer, Marla

Oosthuizen en Klarissa Joubert staan almal die Mpumalanga A-span vol, terwyl Kyla Grobler, Ansu Klopper en Nicole van der Merwe vir die B-span sal uitdraf. Berné de Kock het op haar beurt ‘n plek in die provinsiale o-16 C-span losgespeel.

Wat die o-18’s betref, spog ses van Hoërskool Ermelo se spelers met Mpumalanga-kleure na afloop van die proewe by Uplands College se astro-bane in Witrivier.

Die helfte is in die A-span opgeneem en hulle is Anra Mentz, Tanya Beukes en Zané Rothman. Carla Prinsloo gaan vir die B-span uitdraf, terwyl Carin Nel en Jana Prinsloo hul talente aan die C-span sal verleen.

Met sóveel provinsiale spelers beloof hierdie seisoen ‘n uitblinkjaar vir Hoërskool Ermelo te wees. DK

STANDERTON - On Sunday, 15 May, the Standerton Golf Club will host a fun day. Men will tee off and play the ball up to the green, where his lady partner will do the put work.

It will be played over nine holes in a four-ball, medal format allowing for only three holes over par. Normal golf rules will apply and the first tee-off will be at 12:00 with the

prize giving at 17:00. Braai fires will be lit at 15:00 and even though braai packs will be on sale and everyone is welcome to bring their own meat.

Unfortunately, people attending will not be allowed to bring their own refreshments. The entry fee is set at R100 per couple. Please contact Quina on 071 8689 404 for more information. JD

EHS lewer 15 provinsiale hokkiespelers op

Hoërskool Ermelo spog vanjaar met ‘n allemintige 15 meisies wat in die Mpumalanga-hokkiespan opgeneem is. Agter, van links na regs, is Jana Prinsloo, Carla Prinsloo, Anra Mentz, Ansu Klopper en Zané Rothman. In die middel is Berné de Kock, Marla Oosthuizen, Lydia Landman, Nicole van der Merwe en Jana Nel. Voor is Leandri Beyer, Kyla Grobler, Klarissa Joubert en Andisiwe Vilakazi.

Family fun on the golf course

SA-naaswennervir SHS

Nina-Marie en Gerhard Claassens, leerlinge van Hoërskool Oosterland, het pas aan die Noordelike Provinsiale Toutrek-klubkampioenskap in Pretoria deelgeneem en uitstekende uitslae opgelewer. Nina-Marie het ‘n gouemedalje in die 540 kg-vroueafdeling verower, terwyl Gerhard met ‘n silwermedalje in die 600 kg- en ‘n bronsmedalje in die 580 kg o-23-afdeling huis toe is.

Claassens ‘trek’ oorwinning nader

Page 12: 13 May 2016

13 Mei / May 2016 12 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Die jaarlikse geborgde Makkie Tal-jaard-rolbaldag het Woensdag, 27 April, plaasgevind. Wat dié dag méér spesiaal gemaak het, is die feit dat dit met Makkie se tagtigste verjaardag saamgeval het. Dié sport lê haar baie na aan die hart en sy neem steeds aktief deel.

SECUNDA - Stoeiers van Sasol Stoeiklub het op Saterdag, 7 Mei, aan die Sentraal-Gauteng Ope stoeikampioenskap in Menlopark deelgeneem. Altesaam 24 klubs met 319 stoeiers was teenwoordig en Zack Manaia van Sasol Stoeiklub was een van die stoeiers wat aan hierdie kampioenskap deelgeneem het.

Zack Manaia is slegs sewe jaar oud en het soos ‘n ware kampioen gestoei en sy klub baie trots op hom gemaak. Me Chanell Manaia

het opgetree as mediese beampte, mnr Zaack Manaia as afrigter, mnr Manie van den Berg as spanbestuurder en me Lollie van den Berg as administratiewe beampte.

Sasol Stoeiklub gaan Saterdag, 14 Mei, aan die Mpumalanga Pu-matjie Stoeitoernooi asook die Mpumalanga Klub-stoeikampioen-skap in Nelspruit deelneem. Stoeiers vanaf vier jaar tot tien jaar kan deelneem aan die Pumatjie Stoeitoernooi. JD

STANDERTON - Die koue wind van Saterdag, 7 Mei, was nie ‘n demper op die kookwaterspel tussen Standerton en Erme-lo se rugby spanne nie.

Die wedstryd het, na afloop van die skole­rugby, op die velde van Hoërskool Stan-derton plaasgevind en die besoekers is huis toe gestuur met ‘n telling van 15 punte teen-oor Standerton se wen-19. Standerton se tweede span speel eerskomende Saterdag, 14 Mei, in Middelburg teen Middelburg ter-wyl die eerstespan teen Sasol 2 op Sasol se velde sal uitdraf. JD

Sewe-jarige stoei soos kampioen

Die sewe jarige Zack Manaia en Zaack Manaia (afrigter) na afloop van Saterdag se ope-stoeikampioenskap. Sasol Stoei-klub is baie trots op hierdie klein tawwe tienie.

Rolbaldag ‘n sukses

Patrizia wins ladies division and jackpot

Patrizia Lombard won both the ladies division as well as the jackpot during the Monthly Mug medal golf competition.

STANDERTON - Saturday, 7 May, saw 29 players competing in the Monthly Mug medal golf com-petition. Jannie Nichols scored the best gross (78) in the A-division. The A-division was however won by Pieter Bakker (73) with Johann van Rensburg (74) in second place. Wessel van der Merwe scored the best gross in the B-division (84). This division was won by Nico Lombard with Wessel in second place. In the C-division, Fanie Bo tha scored both the best gross (96) and nett (75). Patrizia Lom-bard won the ladies division with her 79 strokes as well as the jackpot for the day. Ronald Kinnear won the lucky draw.

Two strokes were played by Nic Momberg, Aldo Arnaldi, Johan van Staden and Pieter Bakker. JD

Dorpsrugby is kookwater