12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT

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Transcript of 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    European Heart Journal (2011) 32, 3147–3197


    E!" #$%&E'%E!

      E!" #uideline on the *ana+e*ent o

    -ardioa-ular dieae durin+ pr e+nan-

    he a or-e on the ana+e*ent o "ardioa-ular &ieae

    durin+ re+nan- o the European !o-iet o "ardiolo+ (E!")

    Endored 5 the European !o-iet o #ne-olo+ (E!#), the 6o-iation or

    European aediatri- "ardiolo+ (6E"), and the #er*an !o-iet or #ender 

    edi-ine (e#)

    6uthor/0a or-e e*5er: era 8e+it;a+roe ("hairperon) (#er*an)

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    314 E!" #uideline

    &o-u*ent 8eie?er: Hel*ut =au*+artner ("# 8eie? "oordinator) (#er*an), "hriti &eaton ("# 8eie?

    "oordinator) ($A), "arlo 6+uiar (ortu+al), a??ar 6l6ttar (ran-e), 6n+ele 6lono #ar-ia (!pain), 6nna  

    6ntoniou (#ree-e), %oan "o*an (8o*ania), $ri Elaa* ($!6), i+uel 6n+el #o*e!an-he (!pain), ina 

    #ot-hea (=ul+aria), &enie HilierAleiner (#er*an), 8o5ert #a5or Ai (Hun+ar), 6nataia Aitiou

    (#r ee-e), Aaren . !. Aonin+ (0he etherland), #re+or L. H. 'ip ($A), 6thanaio anoli (#ree-e),

    6leCandre e5aaa (ran-e), %eta intale ('atia), arie"laude ori-e (ran-e), =ar5ara J. ulder (0he

     etherland), 6+neM a>uet (=el+iu*), !uanna ri-e ($A), !ilia #. riori (%tal), aria J. !alador (!pain),

    6raha* !hotan (%rael), "andi-e A. !ileride ("anada), !en I. !ou5@ (&en*ar), JoN r+%n+ol !tein

    (6utria), ilar orno (!pain), iel ejltrup (&en*ar), iona Baler ($A), "arole Barne ($!6).

    he di-loure or* o the author and reie?er are aaila5le on the E!" ?e5ite ???.e-ardio.or+/+ u ideline

    : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Ae?ord re+nan- @ "ardioa-ular dieae @ #uideline @ 8i ae*ent @ ana+e*ent @ "on+ential heart

    dieae @ alular heart dieae @ Hpertenion @ Heart ailure @ 6rrhth*ia

    0a5le o "ontent

    1. rea*5le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310

    2. #eneral -onideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311

    2.1. %ntrodu-tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311

    2.2. ethod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311

    2.3. Epide*iolo+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311

    2.4. Hae*odna*i-, hae*otati-, and *eta5oli- alteration

    durin+ pre+nan- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311

    2.. #eneti- tetin+ and -ounellin+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312

    2.O. "ardioa-ular dia+noi in pre+nan- . . . . . . . . . . . .312

    2.7. etal ae*ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314

    2.. %nterention in the *other durin+ pre+nan- . . . . . . .31

    2.9. i*in+ and *ode o delier: ri or *other and -hild .31

    2.10. %ne-tie endo-arditi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31O

    2.11. 8i eti*ation: -ontraindi-ation or pre+nan- . . . .317

    2.12. ethod o -ontra-eption and ter*ination o  pre+nan- , and in itro ertiliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319

    2.13. #eneral re-o**endation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31O0

    3. "on+enital heart dieae and pul*onar hpertenion . . . . .31O0

    3.1. aternal hi+h ri -ondition PBorld Health

    Ir+aniation (%%%) – %7Q ee alo !e-tion 2.11R . . . . . . . .31O0

    3.2. aternal lo? and *oderate ri -ondition (Borld Health

    Ir+aniation %, %%, and %%%Q ee alo a5le O and 7) . . . . . .31O3

    3.3. !pe-ii- -on+enital heart dee-t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31O3

    3.4. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent o -on+enital

    heart dieae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31OO

    4. 6orti- dieae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31OO

    4.1. aternal and oprin+ ri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31OO

    4.2. !pe-ii- ndro*e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31OO

    4.3. ana+e*ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31O74.4. 8e-o**endation  or  the *ana+e*ent o  aor ti- dieae  .31O

    . alular heart dieae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31O

    .1. !tenoti- ale leion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31O

    .2. 8e+ur+itant leion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31O9

    .3. alular atrial i5rillation (natie ale) . . . . . . . . . . .3170

    .4. rotheti- ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3170

    .. e-hani-al prothei and anti-oa+ulation . . . . . . . . .3170

    .O. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent o alular heart

    dieae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3172

    O. "oronar arter dieae and a-ute -oronar ndro*e . . . .3173

    O.1. aternal and oprin+ ri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3173

    O.2. ana+e*ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3174

    O.3. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent o -oronar

    arter dieae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3174

    7. "ardio*opathie and heart ailure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3174

    7.1. eripartu* -ardio*opath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3174

    7.2. &ilated -ardio*opath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317O

    7.3. Hpertrophi- -ardio*opath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317O

    7.4. 8 e-o**endation  or   the *ana+e*ent o  heart ailur e  .3177

    . 6rrhth*ia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3177

    .1. 6rrhth*ia ao-iated ?ith tru-tural and -on+enital

    heart dieae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3177

    .2. !pe-ii- arrhth*ia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3177

    .3. %nterentional therap:  -atheter a5lation . . . . . . . . . .3179

    .4. %*planta5le -ardioerterdei5rillator . . . . . . . . . . . . .3179

    .. =radarrhth*ia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3179

    .O. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent

    o arrhth*ia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310

    9. Hpertenie diorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310

    9.1. &ia+noi and ri ae*ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311

    9.2. &einition and -laii-ation o hpertenion in

     pre+nan- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311

    9.3. ana+e*ent o hpertenion in pre+nan- . . . . . . . . .311

    9.4. onphar*a-olo+i-al *ana+e*ent and preention o

    hpertenion in pre+nan- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312

    9.. har*a-olo+i-al *ana+e*ent o hpertenion in

     pre+nan- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312

    9.O. ro+noi ater pre+nan- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313

    9.7. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent

    o hpertenion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313

    10. enou thro*5oe*5oli* durin+ pre+nan- and the

     puerperiu* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313

    10.1. Epide*iolo+ and *aternal ri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313


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    E!" #uideline 3149

    10.2. 8i a-tor or pre+nan-related enou thro*5o

    e*5oli* and ri tratii-ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314

    10.3. reention o enou thro*5oe*5oli* . . . . . . . . .314

    10.4. ana+e*ent o a-ute enou thro*5oe*5oli* . . .31

    10.. 8e-o**endation or the preention and *ana+e*ent

    o enou thro*5oe*5oli* in pre+nan- and

     puerperiu* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317

    11. &ru+ durin+ pre+nan- and 5reateedin+ . . . . . . . . . . . .317

    11.1. #eneral prin-iple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317

    11.2. 8e-o**endation or dru+ ue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

    12. 6-no?led+e*ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3191

    13. 8eeren-e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3191

    'it o ta5le

    a5le 1. "lae o re-o**endation

    a5le 2. 'eel o eiden-e

    a5le 3. Eti*ated etal and *aternal ee-tie doe or ariou

    dia+noti- and interentional radiolo+ pro-edure

    a5le 4. redi-tor o *aternal -ardioa-ular eent and ri 

    -ore  r o* the "688E# tuda5le . redi-tor o *aternal -ardioa-ular eent identiied

    in -on+ential heart dieae in the ;6H686 and Ahair tud

    a5le O. odiied BHI -laii-ation o *aternal -ardioa-ular 

    ri: prin-iple

    a5le 7. odiied BHI -laii-ation o *aternal -ardioa-ular 

    ri: appli-ation

    a5le . aternal predi-tor o neonatal eent in ?o*en ?ith

    heart dieae

    a5le 9. #eneral re-o**endation

    a5le 10. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent o -on+enital

    heart dieae

    a5le 11. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent o aorti- dieae

    a5le 12. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent o alular heart

    dieaea5le 13. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent o -or onar

    arter dieae

    a5le 14. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent o -ardio*opa

    thie and heart ailure

    a5le 1. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent o arrhth*ia

    a5le 1O. 8e-o**endation or the *ana+e*ent o hpertenion

    a5le 17. "he- lit or ri a-tor or enou thr o*5oe*5oli*

    a5le 1. realen-e o -on+enital thro*5ophilia and the ao-i

    ated ri o enou thro*5oe*5oli* durin+ pre+nan-

    a5le 19. 8i +roup a--ordin+ to ri a-tor: deinition and pre

    entie *eaur e

    a5le 20. 8e-o**endation or the preention and *ana+e*ent

    o enou thro*5oe*5oli* in pre+nan- and  puerperiu*

    a5le 21. 8e-o**endation or dru+ ue

    655reiation and a-r on*

    6= a*5ulator 5lood preure *onitorin+

    6"" 6*eri-an "olle+e o "ardiolo+

    6"E an+iotenin-onertin+ en*e

    6"! a-ute -oronar ndro*e

    6 atrial i5rillation

    6H6 6*eri-an Heart 6o-iation

    a a-tiated partial thro*5oplatin ti*e

    68= an+iotenin re-eptor  5lo-er 

    6! aorti- tenoi

    6!& atrial eptal dee-t

    6 atrioentri-ular 

    6!& atrioentri-ular eptal dee-t

    =%  5od *a indeC

    = =tpe natriureti-  peptide

    = 5lood  preure

    "&" "enter or &ieae "ontrol

    "H6&! -on+etie heart ailure, hpertenion, a+e

    (.7 ear), dia5ete, tr o e

    "% -oniden-e interal

    "I -ardia- output

    "o6 -oar-tion o the aorta

    " -o*puted to*o+r aph"& -ardioa-ular dieae

    &= diatoli- 5lood  preure

    &" dilated -ardio*opath

    & deep enou thr o*5oi

    E"# ele-tr o-ardio+ra*

    E eje-tion ra-tion

    E!" European !o-iet o "ardiolo+

    E!H European !o-iet o Hpertenion

    E!%" European !o-iet o %ntenie "are edi-ine

    &6 ood and &ru+ 6d*initration

    H" hpertrophi- -ardio*opath

    %"& i*planta5le -ardioerterdei5rillator 

    %8 international nor*alied ratio

    i.. intraenou'BH lo? *ole-ular ?ei+ht heparin

    ' let entri-ular 

    'E let entri-ular eje-tion ra-tion

    'II  let entri-ular outlo? tra-t o5tru-tion

    8% *a+neti- reonan-e i*a+in+

    ! *itral tenoi

     pro= ter*inal pro =tpe natriureti-  peptide

     LH6 e? Lor Heart 6o-iation

    I6" oral anti-oa+ulant

    6H pul*onar arterial hpertenion

    6 pul*onar arter  preure

    "% per-utaneou -oronar interention

    " peripartu* -ardio*opath

    ! pul*onar ale tenoi8 ri+ht entri-ular 

    != toli- 5lood  preure

    ! upraentri-ular ta-h-ardia

    #6 -o*plete tranpoition o the +reat arterie

    8 tri-upid re+ur+itation

    $H unra-tionated heparin

    !& entri-ular eptal dee-t

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    310 E!" #uideline

    entri-ular ta-h-ardia

    E enou thr o*5oe*5oli*

    BHI Borld Health Ir+aniation

    1. r ea*5le

    #uideline u**arie and ealuate all aaila5le eiden-e, at the

    ti*e o the ?ritin+ pro-e, on a parti-ular iue ?ith the ai* o 

    aitin+ phi-ian in ele-tin+ the 5et *ana+e*ent trate+ie

    or an indiidual patient, ?ith a +ien -ondition, tain+ into

    a--ount the i*pa-t on out-o*e, a ?ell a the ri   – 5eneit

    ratio o parti-ular dia+noti- or therapeuti- *ean. #uideline

    are no u5titute 5ut are -o*ple*ent or teCt5oo and -oer 

    the European !o-iet o "ardiolo+ (E!") "ore "urri-ulu*

    topi-. #uideline and re-o**endation hould help the

     phi-ian to *ae de-iion in their dail  pra-ti-e. Ho?eer ,  the

    inal de-iion -on-ernin+ an indiidual patient *ut 5e *ade 5

    the reponi5le phi-ian().

    6 +reat nu*5er o #uideline hae 5een iued in re-ent ear

     5 the E!" a ?ell a 5 other o-ietie and or+aniation.

    =e-aue o the i*pa-t on -lini-al  pra-ti-e, >ualit -riteria or the

    deelop *ent o +uideline hae 5een eta5lihed in order to

    *ae all de-iion tranparent to the uer. he re-o**endation

    or or *ulatin+ and iuin+ E!" #uideline -an 5e ound on

    the E!" ?e 5ite (http://?? ?.e -a r dio.or+/+uideline ure/e-

    +u id eline/  a5out/a+e/r ule?r itin+.a pC).  E!" #uideline

    repreent the o i-ial poition o the E!" on a +ien  to pi- and are

    r e+ular l updated.

    *5er o thi a or-e ?ere ele-ted 5 the E!" to rep reent proeional

    ed ?ith the *edi-al -are o  patient ?ith thi patholo+. !ele-ted eCpert in the

    ndertoo a -o*  prehenie reie? o   the pu5lihed eiden-e or dia+noi,

    e *ent, and/or preention o a +ien -ondition a--ordin+ to E!" "o**ittee

    a-ti-e #uideline ("#)  poli-. 6 -riti-al

    ealuation o dia+noti- and therapeuti- pro-edure ?a  per

    or*ed in-ludin+ ae*ent o the ri   – 5eneit ratio.

    Eti*ate o eCpe-ted health out-o*e or lar+er population

    ?ere in-luded, ?here data eCit. he leel o eiden-e and

    the tren+th o re-o**endation o parti-ular treat*ent option

    ?ere ?ei+hed and +raded a--ordin+ to predeined -ale,

    a outlined in a5le 1 and 2.

    he eCpert o the ?ritin+ and reie?in+ panel illed in de-lar a

    tion o interet or* ?hi-h *i+ht 5e per-eied a real or  poten

    tial our-e o -onli-t o interet. hee or* ?ere -o*piled

    into one ile and -an 5e ound on the E!" Be5 !ite (http://

    ?? ? .e-ardio.or+/+uideline).  6n -han+e in de-laration o inter

    et that arie durin+ the ?ritin+ period *ut 5e notiied to the E!"

    and updated. he a or-e re-eied it entire inan-ial upport

    ro* the E!" ?ithout an inole*ent ro* health-are indutr.

    he E!" "# uperie and -oordinate the preparation o 

    ne? #uideline produ-ed 5 a or-e, eCpert +roup, or -on

    enu panel. he "o**ittee i alo reponi5le or the endore

    *ent pro-e o   thee #uideline. he E!" #uideline under+o

    eCtenie reie? 5 the "# and eCternal eCpert. 6ter appr opri

    ate reiion it i approed 5 all the eCpert inoled in the a or-e. he inalied do-u*ent i approed 5 the "# or  pu5li

    -ation in the European Heart Journal.

    he ta o deelopin+ #uideline -oer not onl the inte

    +ration o the *ot re-ent reear-h, 5ut alo the -reation o edu

    -ational tool and i*ple*entation pro+ra**e or the

    re-o**endation. o i*ple*ent the +uideline, -ondened

     po-et +uideline erion, u**ar lide, 5oolet ?ith eential

    *ea+e, and an ele-troni- erion or di+ital appli-ation (*art

     phone, et-.) are produ-ed. hee erion are a5rid+ed and, thu,

    i needed, one hould al?a reer to the ull teCt erion ?hi-h i

    reel aaila5le on the E!" ?e5ite.

    he ational !o-ietie o the E!" are en-oura+ed to endore,

    tranlate, and i*ple*ent the E!" #uideline. %*ple*entation

    0a5le 1 "lae o r e-o**endation

    Classes of 

    recommendationsDenition Suggested

    wording to use

    Class I Evidence and/or general agreement Is

    recommended/is that a given treatment or

    procedure indicated

    is benecial, useful, eective.

    Class II Conicting evidence

    and/or a divergence of

    opinion about the

    usefulness/e!cac" of the

    given treatment or


    Class IIa #eight of evidence/opinion is in Should beconsidered

    favour of usefulness/e!cac".

    Class IIb $sefulness/e!cac" is less well %a" beconsidered

    established b" evidence/opinion.


  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    311E!" #uideline

    0a5le 2 'eel o eiden-ethe hould 5e *ana+ed 5 interdi-iplinar tea*Q hi+h ri 

     patient hould 5e treated in pe-ialied -entreQ and dia+noti-

     pro-edure and interention hould 5e peror*ed 5 pe-ialit

    ?ith +reat eCpertie in the indiidual te-hni>ue and eCperien-e

    in treatin+ pre+nant patient. 8e+itrie and prope-tie tudie

    are ur+entl needed to i*proe the tate o no?led+e.

    2.2 ethodhe #uideline are 5aed on a te*ati- ear-h o  the literature

    o the lat 20 ear in the ational %ntitute o Health data5ae

    (u5ed). he pu5li-ation and re-o**endation o the Euro

     pean and 6*eri-an -ardiolo+i-al o-ietie are alo -onidered:

    6*eri-an Heart 6o-iation/6*eri-an "olle+e o "ardiolo+

    &evel ofData derived from multiple

    randomi'ed clinical trialsEvidence (or meta)anal"ses.

    Data derived from a single randomi'ed&evel ofclinical trial

    Evidence *or large non)randomi'ed studies.

    &evel ofConsensus of opinion of the

    e+perts and/Evidence C

    or small studies,retrospective studies,


    **e are needed 5e-aue it ha 5een ho?n that the out-o*e o dieae *a 5e

    a5l inluen-ed 5 the thorou+h appli-ation o -lini-al re-o**endation.

    e and re+itrie are needed to eri that reallie dail pra-ti-e i in eepin+

    ?hat i re-o**ended in the +uideline, thu -o*pletin+ the loop 5et?een

    l reear-h,  ?ritin+ o +uideline, and i*ple*entin+ the* into -lini-al  pra-ti-e.

    he +uideline do not, ho?eer , oerride the indiidual r epon

    i5ilit o health proeional to *ae appropriate de-iion in

    the -ir-u*tan-e o the indiidual patient, in -onultation ?ith

    that patient, and, ?here appropriate and ne-ear,  the patient

    +uar dian or -arer. %t i alo the health proeional

    reponi5ilit to eri the rule and re+ulation appli-a5le to

    dru+ and dei-e at the ti*e o pr e-ription.

    2. #eneral -onideration

    2.1 %ntr odu-tion6t preent, 0.2  – 4S o   all pre+nan-ie in ?etern

    indutrialied -ountrie are -o*pli-ated 5 -ardioa-ular 

    dieae ("&),1

    and the nu*5er o the patient ?ho deelop

    -ardia-  pro 5le* durin+ pre+nan- i in-reain+.  eerthele,

    the nu*5er o u-h patient preentin+ to the indiidual

     phi-ian i *all. Ho?eer, no?led+e o the ri ao-iated

    ?ith "& durin+ pre+nan- and their *ana+e*ent are o 

     piotal i*portan-e or adiin+ patient 5eore pre+nan-.

    hereore, +uideline on dieae *an a+e*ent in pre+nan-

    are o +reat relean-e. !u-h +uideline hae to +ie pe-ial

    -onideration to the a-t that all *eaur e

    -on-ern not onl the *other, 5ut the etu a ?ell. her eore,

    the opti*u* treat*ent o 5oth *ut 5e tar+eted. 6 therap

    aoura5le or the *other -an 5e ao-iated ?ith an i*pair*ent

    o the -hild, and in eCtre*e -ae treat*ent *eaure ?hi-h

     prote-t the urial o the *other -an -aue the death o   theetu. In the other hand, therapie to prote-t the -hild *a

    lead to a u5opti*al out-o*e or the *other. =e-aue prope-tie

    or rando*ied tudie are la-in+, ?ith a e? eC-eption, re-

    o**endation in thi +uideline *otl -orrepond to the eiden-e

    leel ".

    !o*e +eneral -on-luion hae arien ro* thee +uideline:

    -ounellin+ and *ana+e*ent o ?o*en o -hild5earin+ a+e ?ith

    upe-ted -ardia- dieae hould tart 5eore pre+nan- o--urQ


    the E!" in 2003,3

    the Borin+ #roup alular 

    Heart &ieae o the E!",4

    the +uideline o the #er*an !o-iet

    o "ardiolo+ (#er*an !o-iet o "ardiolo+),,O

    and the E!"

    a or-e on the ana+e*ent o alular Heart &ieae 2007.7

    2.3 Epide*iolo+

    he pe-tru* o "& in pre+nan- i -han+in+ and dier 5et?een -ountrie. %n the ?etern ?orld, the ri o "& in pre+

    nan- ha in-reaed due to in-reain+ a+e at irt pre+nan- and

    in-reain+ prealen-e o -ardioa-ular ri a-torTdia5ete,

    hpertenion, and o5eit.  6lo the treat*ent o -on+enital heart

    dieae ha i*proed, reultin+ in an in-reaed nu*5er o 

    ?o*en ?ith heart dieae rea-hin+ -hild5earin+ a+e.

    %n ?etern

    -ountrie *aternal heart dieae i no? the *ajor -aue o 

    *aternal death durin+ pre+nan-.9

    Hpertenie diorder are the *ot re>uent -ardioa-ular 

    eent durin+ pre+nan-, o--urrin+ in O – S o   all


    %n the ?etern ?orld, -on+enital heart dieae i the *ot re>uent

    -ardioa-ular dieae preent durin+ pre+nan- (7 – 2S),

    ?ith hunt leion predo*inatin+ (20 – OS).11,12 "on+enital

    heart dieae repreent jut 9 – 19S outide Europe and

     orth 6*eri-a. 8heu*ati- alular dieae do*inate in non

    ?etern -ountrie, -o*priin+ O – 9S o all -ardioa-ular 

    dieae in pre+nan-.11,12

    "ardio*opathie are rare, 5ut repreent eere -aue o -ar

    dioa-ular -o*pli-ation in pre+nan-. eripartu* -ardio*opa

    th (") i the *ot -o**on -aue o eere -o*pli-ation.13

    2.4 Hae*odna*i-, hae*otati-, and*eta5oli- alteration durin+ pr e+nan-re+nan- indu-e -han+e in the -ardioa-ular te* to *eet

    the in-reaed *eta5oli- de*and o the *other and etu. he

    in-lude in-reae in 5lood olu*e and -ardia- output ("I), andredu-tion in te*i- a-ular reitan-e and 5lood preure (=).

    la*a olu*e rea-he a *aCi*u* o 40S a5oe 5aeline at 24

    ?ee +etation. 6 30 – 0S in-reae in "I o--ur in nor*al

     pre+ nan-. %n earl pre+nan- in-reaed "I i pri*aril related

    to the rie in troe olu*eQ ho?eer , in late pre+nan-, heart

    rate i the *ajor a-tor. Heart rate tart to rie at 20 ?ee

    and in-reae until 32 ?ee. %t re*ain hi+h 2 – da ater 

    delier.  !te*i- = (!=) tpi-all all earl in +etation and

    diatoli- = (&=) i uuall 10 **H+ 5elo? 5aeline in the

    e-ond tri*eter. hi de-reae in = i -aued 5 a-tie

    aodilatation, a-hieed

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    312 E!" #uideline

    throu+h the a-tion o lo-al *ediator u-h a prota--lin and

    nitri- oCide. %n the third tri*eter, the &= +raduall in-reae

    and *a nor*alie to nonpre+nant alue 5 ter*.

    he heart -an in-reae it ie 5 up to 30S, ?hi-h i partiall

    due to dilatation. &ata re+ardin+ toli- and diatoli- un-tion

    in pre+nan- are -ar-e. !toli- un-tion in-reae irt 5ut

    *a de-reae in the lat tri*eter. 8eport on diatoli-

    un-tion are -onli-tin+.

    re+nan- indu-e a erie o hae*otati- -han+e, ?ith an

    in-reae in -on-entration o -oa+ulation a-tor, i5rino+en, and

     platelet adheiene, a ?ell a di*inihed i5rinoli, ?hi-h lead

    to hper-oa+ula5ilit and an in-reaed ri o thr o*5oe*5oli-

    eent. %n addition, o5tru-tion to enou return 5 the enlar+in+

    uteru -aue tai and a urther rie in ri o thro* 5o

    e*5oli*. aternal +lu-oe ho*eotai *a -han+e and

    -holeterol leel

    in-reae in adaptation to etal  – *aternalneed.

    hiolo+i-al -han+e that o--ur durin+ pre+nan- -an a e-t

    a5orption, eC-retion, and 5ioaaila5ilit o all dru+.14


    in-reaed intraa-ular 5lood olu*e partl eCplain the hi+her 

    doa+e o dru+ re>uired to a-hiee therapeuti- pla*a -on-en

    tration, and the doe adaptation needed durin+ treat*ent. ore

    oer, the raied renal peruion and the hi+her hepati- *eta5oli*

    in-reae dru+ -learan-e. he altered phar*a-oineti- o dru+

    ar in *a+nitude durin+ dierent ta+e o pre+nan-, *ain+

    -areul *onitorin+ o the patient and doe adjut*ent ne-ear.

    $terine -ontra-tion, poitionin+ (let lateral . upine), pain,

    anCiet, eCertion,  5leedin+, and uterine inolution -aue i+nii-ant

    hae*odna*i- -han+e durin+ la5our and potpartu*. 6naethe

    ia, anal+eia, hae*orrha+e, and ine-tion *a indu-e additional

    -ardioa-ular tre. != and &= in-reae 1 – 2S and 10


    1S, repe-tiel, durin+ uterine -ontra-tion. !u-h in-reae are

    ao-iated ?ith a rie in preure in the a*nioti- luid, and in the

    intrathora-i- enou, -ere5ropinal, and eCtradural luid. "I

    in-reae 5 1S in earl la5our, 5 2S durin+ ta+e 1, and 5

    0S durin+ eCpulie eort.1

    %t rea-he an in-reae o 0S

    earl potpartu* due to autotranuion ao-iated ?ith uterine

    inolution and reorption o le+ oede*a.

    %n -on-luion, the  phiolo+i-al adaptation to pre+nan- inlu

    en-e the ealuation and interpretation o -ardia- un-tion and

    -lini -al tatu.

    2. #eneti- tetin+ and -ounellin+6n i*portant ape-t -on-ernin+ the -are o oun+ ?o*en ?ith

    "& i the -onultation a5out the ri o inheritan-e o -ardia-

    dee-t or their de-endant. he ri i raied i+nii-antl in -o*

     parion ?ith parent ?ithout "& ?here the ri i 1S. %n

    addition, there are lar+e dieren-e 5et?een ea-h o the heredi

    tar heart dieae -ondition, and the ri or de-endant i

    dependent on ?hether onl the *other, onl the ather, or  5oth

     parent uer ro* hereditar -ardia- dee-t.1O

    %n +eneral,  the

    ri i hi+her ?hen the *other i ae-ted rather than the


    he re-urren-e ri arie 5et?een 3S and 0S depend

    in+ on the tpe o *aternal heart dieae.

    "hildren o parent ?ith a -ardioa-ular -ondition inherited in

    an autoo*al do*inant *anner (e.+. aran ndro*e, hper

    trophi- -ardio*opath, or lon+ U ndro*e) hae an inheri

    tan-e ri o 0S, re+ardle o +ender o the ae-ted  parent.

    he inal  phenotpe ?ill alo 5e deter*ined 5 in-o*plete  pene

    tran-e and pleiotropi- ee-t, and *a ar i+nii-antl. or 

    dee-t that are inherited in a pol+eni- *anner, re-urren-e ri 

    i le -learl deined. 6utoo*al re-eie and V-hr o*oo*al

    re-eie inheritan-e are rar e.

    #eneti- tetin+ *a 5e ueul:

    @ in -ardio*opathie and -hannelopathie, u-h a lon+ Undr o*e


    @ ?hen other a*il *e*5er are a e-ted

    @ ?hen the patient ha d*orphi- eature, deelop*ental dela/

    *ental retardation, or ?hen other non-ardia- -on+enital

    a5nor*alitie are preent, in ndro*e u-h a in aran,

    22>11 deletion, Billia* – =euren,  6la+ille, oonan, and

    Holt – Ira* ndro*e.

    or a teadil in-reain+ nu*5er o +eneti- dee-t, +eneti- -reen

    in+ 5 -horioni- illou 5iop -an 5e oered in the 12th ?ee o 

     pre+nan-. 6ll ?o*en ?ith -on+enital heart dieae hould  5e

    oered etal e-ho-ardio+raph in the 19th to 22nd ?ee o pre+

    nan-. eaure*ent o  nu-hal old thi-ne in the 12th to 13th

    ?ee o pre+nan- i an earl -reenin+ tet or ?o*en oer 3

    ear o a+e. he enitiit or the preen-e o a i+nii-ant

    heart dee-t i 40S, ?hile the pe-ii-it o the *ethod i 99S.

    he in-iden-e o -on+enital heart dieae ?ith nor*al nu-hal

    old thi-ne i 1/1000.1

    he inheritan-e pattern dier a*on+ the dieae, and ther e

    ore +eneti- -ounellin+ 5 a +eneti-it i hi+hl r e-o**ended

    or patient and their a*il *e*5er.17

    #eneti- tetin+ ater 

    -areul -ounellin+ ha the rationale o identiin+ atri a*pto

    *ati- or dieaeree relatie and to +uide -lini-al ureillan-e or 

    dieae onet, there5 enhan-in+ preentie and treat*ent inter

    ention. %t i ado-ated in patient ?ith no?n +eneti- diorder

    and i *ore adia5le i treat*ent option are aaila5le.17

    2.O "ardioa-ular dia+noiin pr e+nan-he ollo?in+  pro-edure are o relean-e or the dia+noi and

    *ana+e*ent o "& in pre+nan-.

    Hitor and -lini-al ineti+ation

    an diorder -an 5e identiied 5 tain+ a -areul peronal and

    a*il hitor, parti-ularl -ardio*opathie, the aran n

    dro*e, -on+enital heart dieae, juenile udden death, lon+

    U ndro*e, and -ate-hola*iner+i- entri-ular ta-h-ardia

    () or =ru+ada ndro*e. %t i i*portant to a pe-ii-all

    a5out poi5le udden death in the a*il. he ae*ent o 

    dpnoea i i*portant or dia+noi and pro+noi o ale

    leion and or heart ailure. 6 thorou+h phi-al eCa*ination-oniderin+ the phiolo+i-al -han+e that o--ur durin+ pre+

    nan- (!e-tion 2.4) i *andator, in-ludin+ au-ultation or 

    ne? *ur*ur, -han+e in *ur*ur, and looin+ or i+n o 

    heart ailure. Bhen dpnoea o--ur durin+ pre+nan- or 

    ?hen a ne? patholo+i-al *ur*er i heard, e-ho-ardio+raph i

    indi-ated. %t i -ru-ial to *eaure the =, in let lateral re-u*

     5en- (ee !e-tion 9) uin+ a tandardied *ethod, and to

    loo or proteinuria, epe-iall ?ith a hitor or a*il hitor

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    313E!" #uideline

    o hpertenion or pree-la*pia. ICi*etr hould 5e  per

    or*ed in patient ?ith -on+enital heart dieae.

    Ele-tro-ardio+ra ph

    he +reat *ajorit o pre+nant patient hae a nor*al ele-tro-ar

    dio+ra* (E"#). he heart i rotated to?ard the let and on the

    ura-e E"# there i a 1 – 20 let aCi deiation. "o**on

    indin+ in-lude tranient ! e+*ent and ?ae -han+e, the

     preen-e o a U ?ae and inerted ?ae in lead %%%, an

    attenuated U ?ae in lead 6, and inerted ?ae in lead 1,

    2, and, o--aionall, 3. E"# -han+e -an 5e related to a +radual

    -han+e in the poition o the heart and *a *i*i- let entri-ular 

    (') hpertroph and other tru-tural heart dieae.

    Holter *onitorin+ hould 5e peror*ed in patient ?ith no?n

     preiou paroC*al or peritent do-u*ented arrhth*ia P,

    atrial i5rillation (6), or atrial lutterR or thoe reportin+

    *p to* o palpitation.

    E-ho-ardio+r aph

    =e-aue e-ho-ardio+raph doe not inole eCpoure to radiation,

    i ea to peror*, and -an 5e repeated a oten a needed, it ha

     5e-o*e an i*portant tool durin+ pre+nan- and i the  preerred

    -reenin+ *ethod to ae -ardia- un-tion.

    ranoeopha+eal e-ho-ardio+raph

    ultiplane trandu-er hae *ade tranoeopha+eal e-ho-ardio

    +raph a er ueul e-ho-ardio+raphi- *ethod in the ae*ent

    o adult ?ith, or eCa*ple, -o*pleC -on+enital heart dieae.

    ranoeopha+eal e-ho-ardio+raph, althou+h rarel re>uired, i

    relatiel ae durin+ pre+nan-. he preen-e o to*a-h -on

    tent, ri o o*itin+ and apiration, and udden in-reae in

    intraa5do*inal preure hould 5e taen into a--ount, and etal

    *onitorin+ peror*ed i edation i ued.

    ECer-ie tetin+

    ECer-ie tetin+ i ueul to ae o5je-tiel the un-tional

    -apa-it, -hronotropi- and = repone, a ?ell a

    eCer-ieindu-ed arrhth*ia. %t ha 5e-o*e an inte+ral part o 

    the ollo?up o +ro?n up -on+enital heart dieae patient a

    ?ell a patient ?ith a*pto*ati- alular heart dieae.19,20


    hould 5e peror*ed in patient ?ith no?n heart dieae, pre er

    a5l prior to pre+nan- to ait in ri ae*ent.

    hi "o**ittee re-o**end peror*in+ u5*aCi*al eCer-ie

    tet to rea-h 0S o predi-ted *aCi*al heart rate in a*pto

    *ati- pre+nant patient ?ith upe-ted "&. here i no eiden-e

    dieae ?ith 5orderline or *ildl redu-ed 'E. u-lear -inti+ra

     ph hould 5e aoided durin+ pre+nan- 5e-aue o radiation


    8adiation eCpoure

    he ee-t o radiation on the etu depend on the radiation doe

    and the +etational a+e at ?hi-h eCpoure o--ur. % poi5le, pro

    -edure hould 5e delaed until at leat the -o*pletion o the

     period o *ajor or+ano+enei (.12 ?ee ater *ene). her e

    i no eiden-e o an in-reaed etal ri o -on+enital

    *alor*ation, intelle-tual dia5ilit, +ro?th retri-tion, or 

     pre+nan- lo at doe o radiation to the pre+nant ?o*an o ,

    0 *#22,23

    (???.5t.-d -. +o/ radiat ion/p r enata lphi-ia n .apQ

    a - -eed 31 I-to5er 2007). here * a  5e a *all in- reae in ri 

    (1:2000 .  1:3000) o -hildhood -an-er.  he thre h old at ?hi-h an

    in-reaed ri o -on+enital *al

    or*ation o--ur ha not 5een deinitel deter*ined. !o*e ei

    den-e u++et that ri o *alor*ation i in-reaed at doe

    .100 *#, ?herea the ri 5et?een 0 and 100 *# i le

    -lear. &urin+ the irt 14 da ater ertiliation, inta-t urial

    ?ithout etal a5nor*alit or death are the *ot liel out-o*e o 

    radiation eCpoure .0 *#.  6ter the irt 14 da, radiation

    eCpoure .0 *# *a 5e ao-iated ?ith an in-reaed ri o 

    -on +enital *alor*ation, +ro?th retri-tion, and intelle-tual

    dia5ilit. ot *edi-al pro-edure do not eCpoe the etu to

    u-h hi+h leel o  radiation (a5le 3). or the *ajorit o 

    dia+noti- *edi-al pro-edure, inolin+ doe to the etu o up

    to 1 *#,  the ao-iated ri o -hildhood -an-er are er

    lo?. (&o-u*ento the Health rote-tion 6+en-. 8adiation,

    "he*i-al and Eniron *ental Haard ar-h 2009. 8!E9

    rote-tion o pre+nant patient durin+ dia+noti- *edi-al

    eCpoure to ioniin+ r adiation.  6di-e ro* the Health

    rote-tion 6+en-, he 8oal "olle+e o 8adiol

    o+it, and the "olle+e o 8adio+rapher.)

    0a5le 3 Eti*ated etal and *aternal ee-tie doe

    or ariou dia+noti- and interentional r adiolo+


    re-u*5ent --le er+o*etr appear to 5e the *ot -o*orta5le

    *odalit,  5ut tread*ill ?alin+ or upri+ht --le er+o*etr *a

    alo 5e ued. &o5uta*ine tre hould 5e aoided. % re pirator+a anali i ued, the li*it i a repirator eC-han+e ratio o 

    1.0. !tre e-ho-ardio+raph uin+ 5i--le er+o*etr *a add to

    the dia+noti- pe-ii-it in dete-tin+ the preen-e and eCtent

    o i-hae*ia in hi+h ri patient ?ith poi5le -oronar

    arter dieae. hi -an alo 5e ueul  prior to -on-eption to

    ae *o

    tion Plet entri-ular eje-tion ra-tion ('E)R, and alo in patient

    ?ith other -ardio*opathie, ?ith alular or -on+enital heart

    aECpoure depend on the nu*5er o proje-tion or ie?.

    " W -o*puted to*o+raphQ 6 W poteroanteriorQ "% W per-utaneou

    -oronar interention.

    rocedure-etal e+posure




    (PA and lateral)

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    31E!" #uideline

    appropriate interention that ideall ?ill preent adere etal


    2. %nterention in the *other durin+ pr e+nan-

    2..1 er-utaneou theraphe a*e retri-tion ?hi-h appl or dia+noti- -oronar an+io

    +raph (ee !e-tion 2.O) are releant. % an interention i a5ol

    utel ne-ear, the 5et ti*e to interene i -onidered to  5e

    ater the ourth *onth in the e-ond tri*eter. = thi ti*e or+a

    no+enei i -o*plete, the etal throid i till ina-tie, and the

    olu*e o the uteru i till *all, o there i a +reater ditan-e

     5et?een the etu and the -het than in later *onth. luoro-op

    and -inean+io+raph ti*e hould 5e a 5rie a poi5le and the

    +raid uteru hould 5e hielded ro* dire-t radiation. Heparin

    ha to 5e +ien at 40 – 70 $/+, tar+etin+ an a-tiated

    -lottin+ ti*e o at leat 200 , 5ut not eC-eedin+ 300 .

    2..2 "ardia- ur+er ?ith -ardiopul*onar 5pa

    aternal *ortalit durin+ -ardiopul*onar 5pa i no? i*ilar 

    to that in nonpre+nant ?o*en ?ho under+o -o*para 5le

    -ardia- pro-edure.1

    Ho?eer, there i i+nii-ant *or5idit

    in-ludin+ late neurolo+i-al i*pair*ent in 3 – OS o   -hildren,

    and etal *ortalit re*ain hi+h.39

    or thi reaon -ardia-

    ur+er i re-o**ended onl ?hen *edi-al therap or

    interentional pro -edure ail and the *other lie i

    threatened. he 5et  period or ur+er i 5et?een the 13th

    and 2th ?ee.40,41

    !ur+er durin+ the irt tri*eter -arrie

    a hi+her ri o etal *alor *ation, and durin+ the third

    tri*eter there i a hi+her in-i den-e o preter* delier

    and *aternal -o*pli-ation. Be no? ro* preiou tudie

    that +etational a+e ha a lar+e i*pa-t on neonatal out-o*e.42

    8e-ent i*proe*ent in neonatal -are ha urther i*proedurial o pre*ature inant. 6t 2O ?ee, urial i

    +enerall 0S, ?ith 20S hain+ eriou neurolo+i-al

    i*pair*ent. or thi reaon, -aearean delier *a 5e

    -onidered 5eore -ardiopul*onar 5pa i +etational a+e i

    .2O ?ee.43

    Bhether or not delier i adanta+eou or

    the 5a5 at thi +etational a+e depend on eeral   a-tor:

    +ender, eti*ated ?ei+ht, prior ad*initration o -orti-oter oid

     5eore delier,  and the out-o*e tatiti- o the neonatal unit

    -on-erned. Bhen +etational a+e i 2 ?ee or *ore, delier

     5eore ur+er hould 5e -onidered. =eore ur+er a ull

    -oure (at leat 24 h) o   -orti-oteroid hould 5e ad*initered

    to the *other, ?heneer poi5le. &urin+ -ardiopul*onar

     5pa, etal heart rate and uterine tone hould 5e *onitored

    in addition to tandard patient *onitorin+. u*p lo?


    2. '/


    and peruion preure.

    70 **H+ are *andator to

    *aintain ade>uate uteropla-ental 5lood lo?Q pulatile lo?,

    althou+h -ontroerial, ee* *ore ee-tie or preerin+ uter

    opla-ental 5lood lo?. aternal hae*ato-rit .2S  i re-

    o**ended to opti*ie the oC+en delier.   or*other*i-

     peruion, ?hen eai5le, i ado-ated, and tate o the art  pH

    *ana+e*ent i preerred to aoid hpo-apnia reponi5le or

    uteropla-ental ao-ontri-tion and etal hpoCia. "ardiopul*on

    ar 5pa ti*e hould 5e *ini*ied.44

    2.9 i*in+ and *ode o delier: ri or *other and -hild

    Hi+h ri delier

    %ndu-tion, *ana+e*ent o la5our, delier,  and potpartu* ur

    eillan-e re>uire pe-ii- eCpertie and -olla5oratie *ana+e*ent

     5 illed -ardiolo+it, o5tetri-ian, and anaetheiolo+it, ineCperien-ed *aternal – etal *edi-ine unit.


    i*in+ o delier

    !pontaneou onet o la5our i appropriate or ?o*en ?ith

    nor*al -ardia- un-tion and i preera5le to indu-ed la5our or 

    the *ajorit o ?o*en ?ith heart dieae. i*in+ i indiidualied,

    a--ordin+ to the +raida -ardia- tatu, =ihop -ore (a -or e

     5aed upon the tation o the preentin+ part and our -har a-ter 

    iti- o the -eriC: dilatation, ea-e*ent, -oniten-, and  po

    ition), etal ?ell5ein+, and lun+ *aturit. &ue to a la- o 

     prope-tie data and the inluen-e o indiidual patient -har a-ter 

    iti-, tandard +uideline do not eCit, and *ana+e*ent hould

    thereore 5e indiidualied. %n ?o*en ?ith *ild unrepaired -on+e

    nital heart dieae and in thoe ?ho hae under+one u--eul-ardia- ur+i-al repair ?ith *ini*al reidua, the *ana+e*ent o 

    la5our and delier i the a*e a or nor*al pre+nant ?o*en.

    'a5our indu-tion

    ICto-in and artii-ial rupture o   the *e*5rane are indi-ated

    ?hen the =ihop -ore i aoura5le. 6 lon+ indu-tion ti*e

    hould 5e aoided i the -eriC i unaoura5le. Bhile there i

    no a5olute -ontraindi-ation to *iopr otol or dinoprotone,

    there i a theoreti-al ri o -oronar aopa* and a lo? ri 

    o arrhth*ia. &inoprotone alo ha *ore proound ee-t on

    = than prota+landin E1 and i thereore -ontraindi-ated in

    a-tie "&. e-hani-al *ethod u-h a a ole -atheter ?ould

     5e preera5le to phar*a-olo+i-al a+ent, parti-ularl in the

     patient ?ith -anoi ?here a drop in te*i- a-ular reitan-eand/or = ?ould 5e detri*ental.


    a+inal or -aearean delier

    he preerred *ode o delier i a+inal, ?ith an indiidualied

    delier plan ?hi-h inor* the tea* o ti*in+ o delier (pon

    taneou/indu-ed), *ethod o indu-tion, anal+eia/re+ional anae

    theia, and leel o *onitorin+ re>uired. %n hi+h ri leion,

    delier hould tae pla-e in a tertiar -entre ?ith pe-ialit

    *ultidi-iplinar tea* -are. a+inal delier i ao-iated ?ith

    le 5lood lo and ine-tion ri -o*pared ?ith -aearean deli

    er, ?hi-h alo in-reae the ri o enou thro*5oi and


    %n +eneral,  -aearean delier i reered

    or o5tetri- indi-ation. here i no -onenu re+ardin+ a5olute

    -ontraindi-ation to a+inal delier a thi i er *u-hdependent on *aternal tatu at the ti*e o delier and the

    anti-ipated -ardiopul*onar toleran-e o the patient. "aearean

    delier hould 5e -onidered or the patient on oral

    anti-oa+ulant (I6") in preter* la5our, patient ?ith aran

    ndro*e and an aorti- dia*eter .4 **, patient ?ith

    a-ute or -hroni- aorti- die-tion, and thoe in a-ute intra-ta5le

    heart ailure. "earean delier *a 5e -onidered in aran

     patient ?ith an

    aorti- dia*eter 40 – 4 **.7,49,0

    (ee alo !e-tion4.3).

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    31O E!" #uideline

    %n o*e -entr e, -aearean delier i ado-ated or ?o*en ?ith

    eere aorti- tenoi  (6!) and in  patient  ?ith eere  or *  o 

     pul *onar h per tenion (in-ludin+ Eien*en+er ndr o*e), or 

    a-ute heart  ailur e.7,4O

    (ee pe-ii- e-tion). "aearean delier 

    *a  5e -onider ed in  patient ?ith *e-hani-al heart ale

     prothee to  preent  pro 5le* ?ith  planned  a+inal delier .  %n

    u-h  patient, a prolon+ed ?it-h to he par in/lo?  *ole-ular 

    ?ei+ht  he par in

    ('BH) *a indeed  5e r e>uir ed  or a lon+ ti*e  5e or e a+inal

     5irth,  par ti-ular l, ?hen the o5tetr i-al ituation i

    unaour a5le. hi ?ould in-r eae  the *aternal ri (ee alo

    !e-tion . and .O).

    Hae*odna*i- *onitorin+

    !te*i- arterial preure and *aternal heart rate are *onitor ed,

     5e-aue lu*5ar epidural anaetheia *a -aue hpotenion.

    ule oCi*etr and -ontinuou E"# *onitorin+ are utilied a

    re>uired. 6 !?an – #an -atheter or hae*odna*i- *onitorin+

    i rarel i eer indi-ated due to the ri o arrhth*ia

     proo-ation, 5leedin+, and thro*5oe*5oli- -o*pli-ation on



    'u*5ar epidural anal+eia i oten re-o**enda5le 5e-aue it

    redu-e painrelated eleation o *patheti- a-tiit, redu-e

    the ur+e to puh, and proide anaetheia or ur+er. "ontinuou

    lu*5ar epidural anal+eia ?ith lo-al anaetheti- or opiate, or 

    -ontinuou opioid pinal anaetheia -an 5e ael ad*initered.

    8e+ional anaetheia -an, ho?eer, -aue te*i- hpotenion

    and *ut 5e ued ?ith -aution in patient ?ith o5tru-tie ale

    leion. %ntraenou (i..) peruion *ut 5e *onitored -areull.2


    In-e in la5our, the ?o*an hould 5e pla-ed in a lateral de-u5itu

     poition to attenuate the hae*odna*i- i*pa-t o uterine -ontra-tion.

    3he uterine -ontra-tion hould de-end the etal

    head to the perineu*, ?ithout *aternal puhin+, to aoid the

    un?anted ee-t o the alala *anoeur e.4,

    &elier *a 5e aited 5 lo? or-ep or a-uu* eCtra-tion.

    8outine anti5ioti- prophlaCi i not re-o**ended. "ontinuou

    ele-troni- etal heart rate *onitorin+ i r e-o**ended.

    &elier in anti-oa+ulated ?o*en ?ith protheti- ale

    I6" hould 5e ?it-hed to 'BH or unra-tionated heparin

    ($H) ro* the 3Oth ?ee. Bo*en treated ?ith 'BH hould

     5e ?it-hed to i.. $H, at leat 3O h 5eore the indu-tion o 

    la5our or -aearean delier. $H hould 5e di-ontinued 4 – O

    h 5eore planned delier,  and retarted 4 – O h ater delier

    i there are no 5leedin+ -o*pli-ation (ee alo !e-tion.). $r+ent delier in a patient ?ith a *e-hani-al ale tain+

    thera  peuti- anti-oa+ulation *a 5e ne-ear, and there i a

    hi+h ri o eere *aternal hae*orrha+e. % e*er+ent delier i

    ne-ear ?hile the patient i till on $H or 'BH,  prota*ine

    hould  5e -onidered. rota*ine ?ill onl  partiall reere the

    anti-oa+ulant ee-t o 'BH. %n the eent o ur+ent delier

    in a patient on therapeuti- I6", -aearean delier i

     preerred to redu-e the ri o intra-ranial hae*orrha+e in the

    ull anti-oa+ulated etu. % e*er+ent delier i ne-ear, reh

    roen pla*a hould  5e +ien prior to -aearean delier to

    a-hiee a tar+et international

    nor*alied ratio (%8) o Y2.4

    Iral ita*in A (0. – 1 *+)*a

    alo 5e +ien, 5ut it tae 4 – O h to inluen-e the %8. % the

    *other ?a on I6" at the ti*e o delier, the anti-oa+ulated

    ne?5orn *a 5e +ien reh roen pla*a and hould re-eie

    ita*in A. he etu *a re*ain anti-oa+ulated or – 10

    da ater di-ontinuation o *aternal I6".

    entri-ular arrhth*ia durin+ pre+nan- and la5our 

    6r rhth*ia  are the *ot -o**on -ar dia-  -o*pli-ation  durin+ pre+ nan- in ?o*en ?ith and ?ithout tru-tural heart


    he *a *ani et   or   the irt ti*e  dur in+   pr e+nan-,  or 

     pre+nan- *a eCa-er5ate  pr eeCitin+ arr hth*ia. – O0

    he 200O

    6""/6H6/ E!" +uideline   or   *ana+e*ent o patient ?ith

    entri-ular arr hth *ia and the preention o udden -ardia-

    death re-o**end that  pre+nant ?o*en ?ith  pr olon+ed  U

    ndro*e ?ho hae had *p to*  5eneit ro* -ontinued 5

     5lo-er therap throu+hout pre+ nan-, durin+ delier, and

     potpartu* unle there are deinite -ontr aindi-ation. $e o 

     55lo-er dur in+ la 5our doe not  preent uterine

    -ontra-tion and a+inal delier.O1

    otpartu* -are6 lo? i.. inuion o oCto-in (


    2 $/*in), ?hi-h aoid te*i-

    hpotenion, i ad*initered ater pla-ental delier to  preent

    *aternal hae*orrha+e. rota+landin analo+ue are ueul to

    treat potpartu* hae*orrha+e, unle an in-reae in pul*onar

    arter preure (6) i undeira5le. ethler+onoine i -ontr a

    indi-ated 5e-aue o the ri (.10S) o ao-ontri-tion and


    eti-ulou le+ -are, elati- upport to-in+,

    and earl a*5ulation are i*portant to redu-e the ri o 

    thro*5oe*5oli*. &elier i ao-iated ?ith i*portant hae*o

    dna*i- -han+e and luid hit, parti-ularl in the irt 12 – 24


    ?hi-h *a pre-ipitate heart ailure in ?o*en ?ith tru-tur al

    heart dieae. Hae*odna*i- *onitorin+ hould thereore  5e

    -ontinued or at leat 24 h ater delier.O4


    'a-tation i ao-iated ?ith a lo? ri o 5a-terae*ia e-ondar

    to *atiti. %n hi+hl *pto*ati-/un?ell patient, 5ottle

    eedin+ hould 5e -onidered.

    2.10 %ne-tie endo-ar diti%ne-tie endo-arditi durin+ pre+nan- i rare, ?ith an eti*ated

    oerall  in-iden-e o 0.00OS (1 per 100 000 pre+nan-ie)O


    an in-iden-e o 0.S in patient ?ith no?n alular or -on+enital

    heart dieae.OO

    he in-iden-e i hi+her in dru+ addi-t. atient

    ?ith the hi+het ri or ine-tie endo-arditi are thoe ?ith a

     protheti- ale or protheti- *aterial ued or -ardia- ale

    repair , a hitor o preiou ine-tie endo-arditi, and o*e

    pe-ial patient ?ith -on+enital heart dieae.

    2.10.1 rophlaCi

    he a*e *eaure a in nonpre+nant patient ?ith re-ent *odi

    i-ation o +uideline appl.O7 

    Endo-arditi prophlaCi i no? onl

    re-o**ended or patient at hi+het ri o a>uirin+ endo-arditi

    durin+ hi+h ri pro-edure, e.+. dental pro-edure. &urin+ delier

    the indi-ation or prophlaCi ha 5een -ontroerial and, +ien the

    la- o -onin-in+ eiden-e that ine-tie endo-arditi i related to

    either a+inal or -aearean delier, anti5ioti- prophlaCi i not

    re-o**ended durin+ a+inal or -aearean delier.O7,O

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    317E!" #uideline

    2.10.2 &ia+noi and ri ae*ent

    he dia+noi o ine-tie endo-arditi durin+ pre+nan-

    inole the a*e -riteria a in the nonpre+nant patient.O7


    pite o pro +re in the dia+noi and treat*ent o ine-tie

    endo-arditi, *aternal *or5idit and *ortalit re*ain hi+h,

    reportedl 33S in one tud (*ainl due to heart ailure and

    thro*5oe*5oli- -o* pli-ation).O9

    etal *ortalit i alo hi+h at

    29S. Heart ailure due to a-ute ale re+ur+itation i the *ot

    -o**on -o*pli-ation, re>uirin+ ur+ent ur+er ?hen *edi-al

    treat*ent -annot ta5ilie the patient.O7

    "ere5ral and peripheral

    e*5oliation are alo re >uent -o*pli-ation .

    2.10.3 0r eat*ent

    %ne-tie endo-arditi hould 5e treated the a*e ?a a in the

    nonpre+nant patient, 5earin+ in *ind the etotoCi- ee-t o anti

     5ioti- (ee !e-tion 11). % ine-tie endo-arditi i dia+noed, anti

     5ioti- hould 5e +ien +uided 5 -ulture and anti5ioti- enitiit

    reult and lo-al treat*ent proto-ol. 6nti5ioti- that -an 5e

    +ien durin+ all tri*eter o pre+nan- are  peni-illin, a*pi-illin,

    a*oCi -illin, erthro*-in, *elo-illin, and -ephaloporin.70

    6ll o the* are in-luded in +roup = o   the ood and &ru+

    6d*initration (&6) -laii-ation. an-o*-in, i*ipene*,

    ria*pi-in, and tei-o planin are all +roup ", ?hi-h *ean ri 

    -annot 5e eC-luded and

    their ri   – 5eneit ratio *ut 5e -areull -onidered. here i

    a deinite ri to the etu in all tri*eter o pre+nan-


    and the hould thereore onl 5e ued or ital indi-ation.71

    ale ur+er durin+ pre+nan- hould 5e reered or -ae

    ?here *edi-al therap ha ailed a per +uideline in nonpre+nant


    6 ia5le etu hould 5e deliered prior to ur+er

    ?here poi5le (ee !e-tion 2..2).

    or  pr e+nan-

    he ri o pre+nan- depend on the pe-ii- heart dieae and

    o**ended. 6dole-ent hould 5e +ien adi-e on -ontr a-eption,

    and pre+nan- iue hould 5e di-ued a oon a the 5e-o*e

     pre+nan- and dru+ reie?ed o that thoe ?hi-h are -ontraindi

    -ated in pre+nan- -an 5e topped or -han+ed to alternatie

    ?here poi5le (ee !e-tion 11.2, a5le 21). he ollo?up plan

    hould 5e di-ued ?ith the patient and, i  poi5le, her  partner.

    Bo*en ?ith i+nii-ant heart dieae hould 5e *ana+ed jointl

     5 an o5tetri-ian and a -ardiolo+it ?ith eCperien-e in treatin+

     pre+nant patient ?ith heart dieae ro* an earl ta+e. Hi+h

    ri patient hould 5e *ana+ed 5 an eCpert *ultidi-iplinar

    tea* in a pe-ialit -entre. 6ll ?o*en ?ith heart dieae hould

     5e aeed at leat on-e 5eore pre+nan- and durin+ pre+nan-,

    and hopital delier hould 5e adied.

    2.11.2 8i ae*ent: eti*ation o *aternal and

    oprin+ ri 

    o eti*ate the ri o *aternal -ardioa-ular -o*pli-ation ,

    eeral approa-he are aaila5le. &ieaepe-ii- ri -an  5e

    aeed, and i de-ri5ed in thee +uideline in the repe-tie

    0a5le 4 redi-tor o *aternal -ardioa-ular eent

    and ri -ore ro* the "688E# tud12

    Prior cardiac event (heart #ail%re' transient ischaemic

    attac' stroe &e#ore pregnancy or arrhythmia).

    aseline *+,A #%nctional class -"" or cyanosis.

    e#t heart o&str%ction (mitral valve area

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    31 E!" #uideline

    0a5le O odiied BHI -laii-ation o *aternal

    -ardioa-ular ri:  prin-iple

    0is5 class 0is5 of pregnanc" b" medical condition

    I*o detecta&le increased ris o# maternal

    mortality and no8mild increase in mor&idity.

    IISmall increased ris o# maternal mortality or

    moderate increase in mor&idity.


    Signi;cantly increased ris o# maternal

    mortality or severe mor&idity. =pert

    co%nselling re$%ired. "# pregnancy is

    decided %pon' intensive specialist

    cardiac and o&stetric monitoring needed


    =tremely high ris o# maternal mortality

    or severe mor&idity> pregnancy

    contraindicated. "# pregnancy occ%rs

    termination sho%ld &e disc%ssed. "#

    odiied ro* horne et al.72

    BHI W Borld Health Ir+aniation

    appear alua5le to predi-t *aternal  ri, althou+h

    oer eti*ation -an o--ur .7,73 

    he "688E# ri -ore i

    de-ri5ed in a5le 4.  %n ?o*en ?ith -on+enital  heart dieae, the

    "688E# -ore12

    *a alo 5e ao-iated ?ith a hi+her  ri  o  late

    -ardioa-ular eent pot pr e+nan-.74 

    he predi-tor  ro*  the

    ;6H686 tud7

    (a5le ) hae not et 5een alidated in other 

    tudie. %t hould 5e noted that predi-tor and ri -ore  r o*

    the "688E# and ;6H686 tudie are hi+hl population

    dependent. %*portant ri  a-tor in-ludin+  pul*onar arterial

    hpertenion (6H) and dilated aorta ?ere not identiied 5e-aue

    the ?ere underrepreented in thee tudie. he "688E#

    tud in-luded  a->uired and -on+enital heart dieae, ?hile the;6H686 tud ineti+ated a  population ?ith -on+enital heart

    dieae onl.

    he a or-e re-o**end that *aternal ri ae*ent i

    -arried out a--ordin+ to the *odiied Borld Health Ir+aniation

    (BHI) ri -laii-ation.72

    hi ri -laii-ation inte+rate

    all no?n *aternal -ardioa-ular ri a-tor in-ludin+ the

    underlin+ heart dieae and an other -o*or5idit. %t in-lude

    -ontraindi-a tion or pre+nan- that are not in-orporated in

    the "688E# and ;6H686 ri -ore/predi-tor. he

    +eneral prin-iple o 

    thi -laii-ation are depi-ted in a5le O.  6 pra-ti-al appli-ation

    i +ien in a5le 7.  %n ?o*en in BHI -la %, ri i er lo?,

    and -ardiolo+ ollo?up durin+ pre+nan- *a 5e li*ited to

    one or t?o iit. hoe in BHI %% are at lo? or *oderate ri,and ollo?up eer tri*eter i re-o**ended. or ?o*en in

    BHI -la %%%, there i a hi+h ri o -o*pli-ation, and re>uent

    (*onthl or 5i*onthl) -ardiolo+ and o5tetri- reie? durin+

     pre+nan- i re-o**ended. Bo*en in BHI -la %7 hould 5e

    adied a+aint pre+nan- 5ut, i the 5e-o*e pre+nant and ?ill

    not -onider ter*ination, *onthl or 5i*onthl reie? i needed.

     eonatal -o*pli-ation o--ur in 20 – 2S o patient ?ith heart


    ?ith a neonatal *ortalit 5et?een 1S and


    aternal and neonatal eent are hi+hl -orr elated.7

    redi-tor o neonatal -o*pli-ation are lited in a5le .

    0a5le 7 odiied BHI -laii-ation o *aternal

    -ardioa-ular ri: appli-ation

    Conditions in which pregnanc" ris5 is #/7 I

    ? :ncomplicated' small or mild9 p%lmonary stenosis

    9 patent d%ct%s arterios%s9 mitral valve prolapse

    ? S%ccess#%lly repaired simple lesions (atrial orventric%lar septal de#ect' patent d%ct%s arterios%s'

    anomalo%s p%lmonary veno%s drainage).

    ? Atrial or ventric%lar ectopic &eats' isolated

    Conditions in which pregnanc" ris5 is #/7 II or III

    #/7 II (i# other2ise 2ell and %ncomplicated)

    ? :noperated atrial or ventric%lar septal de#ect

    ? epaired tetralogy o# @allot

    ? 7ost arrhythmias

    #/7 II8III (depending on individ%al)

    ? 7ild le#t ventric%lar impairment

    ? ,ypertrophic cardiomyopathy

    ? *ative or tiss%e valv%lar heart disease not considered

    ? 7ar#an syndrome 2itho%t aortic dilatation? Aorta

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    319E!" #uideline

    0a5le aternal predi-tor o neonatal eent in

    ?o*en ?ith heart dieae

    3. Smoing d%ring pregnancy

    odiied ro* !iu et al.12

    ("688E# ineti+ator)Q Ahair et al.7O

    Q &renthen/7

    inlation, it i, ho?eer , not ?ithout ri in patient ?ith 6H, -a

    noi, and ontan -ir-ulation. he ri *a 5e lo?er ?ith the

    *ini *all inaie htero-opi- te-hni>ue u-h a the Eure

    dei-e. Htero-opi- teriliation i peror*ed 5 inertin+ a

    *etal *i-roinert or pol*er *atriC into the intertitial

     portion o ea-h allopian tu5e. hree *onth ater 

     pla-e*ent, -orr e-t dei-e pla-e*ent and 5ilateral tu5al

    o--luion are -onir*ed ?ith peli- i*a+in+. 6danta+e o 

    htero-opi- teriliation in-lude the a5ilit to peror* the

     pro-edure in an outpatient ettin+ and ?ithout an in-iion. 6

    diadanta+e i the 3 *onth

    ?aitin+ period until tu5al o--luion i -onir*ed.0


    or the *ale partner i another ei-a-iou option, 5ut the lon+

    ter* pro+noi o the e*ale partner *ut 5e taen into

    a--ount a the *ale partner *a outlie her or *an ear.ieper et al. (;6H686 ineti+ator). #ien the la- o pu5lihed data a5out -ontra-eption in heart

     LH6 W e? Lor Heart 6o-iation.

    2.12 ethod o -ontra-eption andter*ination o  pre+nan-, and in itro

    ertiliation2.12.1 ethod o -ontra-eption

    "ontra-eptie *ethod in-lude -o*5ined hor*onal -ontr a-ep

    tie (oetro+en/pro+etin), pro+eto+enonl *ethod, intr auter

    ine dei-e, and e*er+en- -ontra-eption. heir ue need to  5e

     5alan-ed a+aint the ri o pre+nan-.

    %n 2010, the "enter or &ieae "ontrol ("&") *odiied the

    BHI u++etion or *edi-al eli+i5ilit -riteria or -ontr a-eptie

    ue in ?o*en ?ith "&. Phttp: //???.-d - .+o/*?r/p reie?/

    **?rht*l/rr9e02a13.ht*R. onthl inje-ta5le that -ontain

    *edroCpro+eterone a-etate are inappropriate or patient ?ith

    heart ailure 5e-aue o the tenden- or luid retention. 'o?

    doe oral -ontra-eptie -ontainin+ 20 *+ o  ethinl etradiol are

    ae in ?o*en ?ith a lo? thro*5o+eni- potential, 5ut not in

    dieae, adi-e hould 5e proided 5  phi-ian or 

    +nae-olo+it ?ith appropriate trainin+.

    2.12.3 ethod o ter*ination o pr e+nan-

    re+nan- ter*ination hould 5e di-ued ?ith ?o*en in ?ho*

    +etation repreent a *ajor *aternal or etal ri. he irt tri*e

    ter i the aet ti*e or ele-tie pre+nan- ter*ination, ?hi-h

    hould 5e peror*ed in hopital, rather than in an outpatient

    a-il it, o that all e*er+en- upport eri-e are

    aaila5le. he *ethod, in-ludin+ the need or anaetheia, hould

     5e -onidered on an indiidual 5ai. Hi+h ri patient hould 5e

    *ana+ed in an eCperien-ed -entre ?ith onite -ardia- ur+er.

    Endo-arditi  pro  phlaCi i not -onitentl re-o**ended 5


     5ut treat*ent hould 5e indiidualied.

    #nae-olo+it routinel

    adie anti5ioti- prophlaCi to preent pota5ortal endo*etriti,

    ?hi-h o--ur in – 20S o ?o*en not +ien anti5ioti-.2,3

    &ilatation and ea-uation i the aet pro-edure in 5oth the

    irt and e-ond tri*eter. % ur+i-al ea-uation i not eai5le

    ?o*en ?ith -o*pleC alular dieae.77,7

    in the e-ond tri*eter, prota+landin E1 or E2,  or *iopr otol,6part ro* 5arrier *ethod (-ondo*), the leonor+etr el

    releain+ intrauterine dei-e i the aet and *ot ee-tie -ontr a

    -eptie that -an 5e ued in ?o*en ?ith -anoti- -on+enital heart

    dieae and pul*onar a-ular dieae. %t redu-e *entrual

     5lood lo 5 40 – 0S and indu-e a*enorrhoea in a i+nii-ant

     pro portion o uer.79

    %t hould 5e 5orne in *ind that S o 

     patient eCperien-e aoa+al rea-tion at the ti*e o i*plantQ

    thereore, or thoe ?ith hi+hl -o*pleC heart dieae (e.+. ontan,

    Eien*en+er) intrauterine i*plant are indi-ated onl ?hen

     pro+eter oneonl pill or der*al i*plant hae proed

    una--epta5le and, i ued, the hould onl 5e i*planted in a

    hopital eniron*ent. 6 -opper intrauterine dei-e i a--epta5le in non-anoti- or *ildl

    -anoti- ?o*en. 6nti5ioti-  prophlaCi i not re-o**ended at

    the ti*e o inertion or re*oal in-e the ri o peli- ine-tion i

    not in-reaed. % eC-eie 5leedin+ o--ur at the ti*e o *ene,

    the dei-e hould 5e re*oed. %t i -ontraindi-ated in -anoti-

    ?o*en ?ith hae*ato -rit leel .S  5e-aue intrini-

    hae*otati- dee-t in-reae the ri o eC-eie *entrual


    2.12.2 !teriliation

    u5al li+ation i uuall a--o*plihed ael, een in relatiel hi+h

    ri ?o*en. =e-aue o the ao-iated anaetheia and a5do*inal

    a ntheti- prota+landin tru-turall related to prota+landin E1,

    -an 5e ad*initered to ea-uate the uteru.4

    hee dru+ are

    a5or5ed into the te*i- -ir-ulation and -an lo?er te*i-


    -ular reitan-e and =, and in-reae heart rate, ee-t that are

    +reater ?ith E2 than ?ith E1.

    $p to 7 ?ee +etation, *iepritone i an alternatie to

    ur+er. Bhen prota+landin E -o*pound are +ien, te*i-

    arterial oC+en aturation hould 5e *onitored ?ith a tran-u

    taneou pule oCi*eter and norepinephrine inued at a rate that

    upport the &=, ?hi-h rele-t te*i- a-ular reitan-e.

    rota+landin -o*pound hould 5e aoided 5e-aue the -ani+nii-antl in-reae 6 and *a de-reae -oronar peruion.

    !aline a5ortion hould 5e aoided 5e-aue aline a5orption -an

    -aue eCpanion o the intraa-ular olu*e, heart ailure, and -lot

    tin+ a5nor*alitie.

    2.12.4 %n itro ertiliation

    %n itro ertiliation *a 5e -onidered ?here the ri o the  pro

    -edure itel, in-ludin+ hor*onal ti*ulation and pre+nan-, i lo?.

    hro*5oe*5oli* *a -o*pli-ate in itro ertiliation ?hen hi+h

    oetradiol leel *a pre-ipitate a prothro*5oti- tate.O

    1. aseline *+,A class -"" or cyanosis1/

    /. 7aternal le#t heart o&str%ction1/'D


    5. 7%ltiple gestation1/'!

    !. :se o# oral anticoag%lants d%ring pregnancy1/

    D. 7echanical valve prosthesis!


  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    31O0 E!" #uideline

    2.13 #eneral re-o**endation 3. "on+enital heart dieae and pul*onar hpertenion

    0a5le 9 #eneral r e-o**endation

    0ecommendations Classa &evel b

    Pre9pregnancy ris assessment andco%nselling is indicated in all 2omen2ith no2n or s%spected congenital orac$%ired cardiovasc%lar and aortic

    I C

    is assessment sho%ld &eper#ormed in all 2omen 2ithcardiac diseases o# child&earing

    I C

    ,igh ris patients sho%ld &e treatedin specialiEed centres &y a

    I C

    Genetic co%nselling sho%ld &e o##eredto 2omen 2ith congenital heartdisease or congenital arrhythmia'cardiomyopathies' aortic disease or

    I C

    chocardiography sho%ld &e per#ormedinany pregnant patient 2ith

    I C

    e#ore cardiac s%rgery a #%ll co%rseo# corticosteroids sho%ld &eadministered to the mother

    I C

    @or the prevention o# in#ectiveendocarditis in pregnancy thesame meas%res as in non9


    I C

    aginal delivery is recommended as;rst choice in most patients.

    I C

    7" (2itho%t gadolini%m) sho%ld &econsidered i# echocardiography is IIa C

    "n patients 2ith severehypertension' vaginal delivery 2ithepid%ral analgesia and elective


    IIa C

    hen gestational age is at least /2ees' delivery &e#ore necessarys%rgery sho%ld &e considered.

    IIa C

    Caesarean delivery sho%ld &e

    considered #or o&stetric indicationsor #or patients 2ith dilatation o# theascending aorta -5! mm'severe aortic stenosis' pre9term la&o%r2hile on oral anticoag%lants'isenmen er s ndrome or severe

    IIa C

    Caesarean delivery may &e consideredin 7ar#an patients 2ith an aortic IIb C

    A chest radiograph' 2ith shielding o#the #et%s' may &e considered i# othermethods are not s%ccess#%l in

    IIb C

    Cardiac catheteriEation may &econsidered 2ith very strictindications' timing' and shielding o#

    IIb C

    CT and electrophysiologicalst%dies' 2ith shielding o# the#et%s' may &e considered in

    IIb C

    Coronary &ypass s%rgery or valv%lar

    s%rgery may &e considered 2henconservative and medical therapyhas #ailed' in sit%ations thatthreaten the motherHs li#e and that

    IIb C

    Prophylactic anti&iotic therapy d%ringdelivery is not recommended.

    III C

    a"la o re-o**endation.

     5'eel o eiden-e.

    %n *an ?o*en ?ith -on+enital heart dieae, pre+nan- i ?ell

    tolerated. he ri o pre+nan- depend on the underlin+

    heart dieae a ?ell a on additional a-tor u-h a entri-ular 

    and alular un-tion, un-tional -la, and -anoi. he *i-arria+e rate i hi+her in *ore -o*pleC dieae (i+ure 1).


    -ardia- -o*pli-ation are preent in 12S o -o*pleted pre+nan

    -ie and are a+ain *ore  r e>uent  a the dieae 5e-o*e *ore

    -o*pleC. atient ?ho eCperien-e -o*pli-ation durin+ pre+nan-

    *a alo 5e at hi+her ri o late -ardia- eent a ter  pre+nan-.74

    Iprin+ -o*pli-ation, in-ludin+ oprin+ *ortalit (4S), ar e

    *ore re>uent than in the +eneral population.

    $uall, -on+enital heart dieae ?ill 5e no?n and dia+noed

     5eore pre+nan-. repre+nan- ae*ent in-ludin+ *edi-al

    hitor, e-ho-ardio+r aph, and eCer-ie tetin+ i indi-ated in all

     patient, ?ith other dia+noti- tet indi-ated on an indiidual

     preiou -ardia- eent are o parti-ular pro+noti- alue (ee

    a5le 4 and ). 6lo =tpe natriureti- peptide (=)/ter*inal

     pro =tpe natriureti- peptide (pro=) ae*ent *a 5e

    helpul in ri tratii-ation. 6n eCer-ie tet 5eore pre+nan-

    a-hiein+ ,70S o eCpe-ted ?orload, ho?in+ a drop in arterial

     preure or a drop in oC+en aturation *a identi ?o*en at

    ri o deelopin+ *pto* or -o*pli-ation durin+ pre+nan-.

    &ia+noti- pro-edure that -an 5e ued durin+ pre+nan- ar e

    outlined in !e-tion 2.O.21

    or urther ri ae*ent ee

    !e-tion 2.11.

    3.1 aternal hi+h ri -ondition PBorldHealth Ir+aniation (%%%) – %Q ee alo!e-tion 2.11Ratient in LH6 -la %%%/%7 or ?ith eerel redu-ed un-tion o 

    the te*i- entri-le are at hi+h ri durin+  pre+nan-,  alon+

    ?ith other pe-ii- -ondition di-ued 5elo?. %n addition,


    3.1.1 ul*onar hpertenion

    aternal ri 

    dierent pathophiolo+ie ?hi-h in-lude 6H, pul*onar hper

    tenion related to let heart dieae, pul*onar hpertenion

    related to lun+ dieae and/or hpoCia, -hroni- thro*5oe*5oli-

     pul*onar hpertenion, and pul*onar hpertenion ?ith

    un-lear and or *ultia-torial *e-hani*. 6H in-lude the idio

     pathi- and herita5le or* o the dieae a ?ell a pul*onar

    hpertenion ao-iated ?ith -on+enital heart dieae, ?ith or 

    " W-o*puted to*o+raphQ "& W -ardioa-ular dieaeQ 8% W *a+neti- ?ithout preiou -orre-tie ur+er. 6 *ean 6 Z2 **H+ at

    ret i indi-atie o pul*onar hpertenion.7

    6 hi+h *ater nalreonan-e i*a+in+ *ortalit ri i reported (30 – 0S in older erie and 17 – 33S

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    31O1E!" #uideline

    100 6

    I0 6

    0 6

    0 6

    D0 6

    !0 6



    Completed pregnancies

    50 6

    30 6

    /0 6

    10 6

    0 6

    i+ure 1 &itri5ution o *i-arria+e, -o*pleted pre+nan-ie (.20 ?ee pre+nan- duration), and ele-tie a5ortion or ea-h -on+enital

    heart dieae eparatel and the oerall rate. 6!& W atrial eptal dee-tQ 6!& W atrioentri-ular eptal dee-tQ 6I! W aorti- tenoiQ

    ""#6 W -on+enital -orre-ted tranpoition o the +reat arterieQ "H& W -on+enital heart dieaeQ "oar-tation W aorti- -oar-tationQ

    E5tein W E5tein ano*alQ Eien*en+er W Eien*en+er ndro*eQ ontan W patient ater ontan repairQ 6!& W pul*onar atreia

    ?ith entri-ular eptal dee-tQ ! W pul*onar ale tenoiQ #6 W -o*plete tranpoition o the +reat arterieQ I W tetralo+ o 

    allotQ !& W entri-ular eptal dee-t.

    in *ore re-ent paper) in patient ?ith eere 6H and

    Eien*en +er ndro*e.7,

    aternal death o--ur in the lat

    tri*eter o pre+nan- and in the irt *onth ater delier

     5e-aue o pul *onar hpertenie -rie, pul*onarthro*5oi, or rer a-tor ri+ht heart ailure. hi o--ur een in

     patient ?ith little or no di a5ilit  5eore or durin+  pre+nan-.

    8i a-tor or *aternal death are: late hopitaliation, eerit

    o pul*onar hpertenion, and +eneral  anaetheia.7

    he ri 

     pro5a5l in-reae ?ith *ore ele ated pul*onar  preure.

    Ho?eer, een *oderate or* o pul *onar a-ular dieae

    -an ?oren durin+ pre+nan- a a reult o the de-reae in

    te*i- a-ular reitan-e and oerload o the ri+ht entri-le,

    and no ae -uto alue i no?n. Bhether the ri i alo

    hi+h or -on+enital patient ater u--eul hunt -loure ?ith

    *ildl eleated pul*onar preure Pe.+. ater atrial eptal dee-t

    (6!&) -loure ?ith a *ean preure o 30 **H+R i not ?ell

    no?n,  5ut thee ri are pro5a5l lo?er and pre+ nan- -an

     5e -onidered ater a -areul ri ae*ent on the 5ai o allaaila5le dia+noti- *odalitie in a pe-ialied -entr e.


    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

     eonatal urial rate are reported to 5e 7 – 



    ollo?up. %  pre+nan- o--ur, ter*ination hould 5e oered. %n

    ie? o   the ri o anaetheia thi hould 5e peror*ed in a

    tertiar -entre eCperien-ed in the *ana+e*ent o 6H patient.

    %  patient -hooe to -ontinue pre+nan- depite the ri, the

    hould 5e *ana+ed in a -entre ?ith eCpertie in 6H ?ith all

    therapeuti- option aaila5le.O

    Eer eort hould 5e *ade to

    *aintain -ir-ulatin+ olu*e, and to aoid te*i- hpotenion,

    hpoCia, and a-idoi ?hi-h *a pre-ipitate rera-tor heart

    ailure. !upple*ental oC+en therap hould 5e +ien i there i

    hpoCae*ia. %..  prota--lin or aeroolied iloprot hae  5een

    o--aionall ued antenatall and peripartu* to i*proe hae*od

    na*i- durin+ delier.90

    %n patient ?ho are alread tain+ dru+

    therap or 6H 5eore 5e-o*in+  pre+nant, -ontinuation o thi

    therap hould 5e -onidered, 5ut patient hould 5e inor*ed

    a5out the terato+eni- ee-t o o*e therapie, u-h a 5oentan.

    Hae*odna*i- *onitorin+ 5 !?an – #an -atheter *a  5e

    ao-iated ?ith eriou -o*pli-ation u-h a pul*onar arter

    rupture, ?hile it utilit ha not 5een de*ontratedQ thereore, it

    i rarel i eer indi-ated.

    edi-al therap. %n patient ?here the indi-ation or anti-oa+ulation

    outide pre+nan- i eta5lihed, anti-oa+ulation hould alo  5e*aintained durin+ pre+nan-.

    9 %n 6H ao-iated ?ith -on+enital

    -ardia- hunt in the a5en-e o i+nii-ant hae*opti, anti-oa+u

    lant treat*ent hould 5e -onidered in patient ?ith pul*onar

    arter thro*5oi or i+n o heart ailure. %n 6H ao-iated

    ?ith -onne-tie tiue diorder, anti-oa+ulant treat*ent hould

     5e -onidered on an indiidual 5ai. %n 6H ao-iated ?ith

     portal hpertenion, anti-oa+ulation i not re-o**ended in

     patient ?ith in-reaed ri o 5leedin+.

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    31O3E!" #uideline

    3.2 aternal lo? and *oderate ri-ondition (Borld Health Ir+aniation %,%%, and %%%Q ee alo a5le O and 7)%n patient ?ho hae under+one preiou u--eul ur+i-al repair 

    ?ithout *e-hani-al heart ale i*plantation, pre+nan- i oten

    ?ell tolerated i eCer-ie toleran-e i +ood, entri-ular un-tion

    i nor*al, and un-tional tatu i +ood. 6lthou+h patient needto 5e inor*ed a5out the (oten *all) additional ri,

     pre+nan- hould not 5e di-oura+ed. atient hould 5e een

     5 the end o the irt tri*eter and a ollo?up plan ?ith ti*e

    interal or reie? and ineti+ation u-h a e-ho-ardio+ra*

    deined. he ollo?up plan hould 5e indiidualied tain+ into

    a--ount the -o*pleCit o the heart dieae and -lini-al tatu o 

    the patient. !o*e -on+enital -ondition *a deteriorate durin+

     pre+nan-, thereore ollo?up ti*eline need to 5e leCi5le.

    a+inal delier

    -an 5e planned in *ot -ae.3,93,94

    3.3 !pe-ii- -on+enital heart dee-t

    3.3.1 6trial eptal dee-t

    aternal ri 

    re+nan- i ?ell tolerated 5 *ot ?o*en ?ith an 6!&. he

    onl -ontraindi-ation i the preen-e o  6H or Eien*en+er


    (ee !e-tion 3.2.1 and 3.2.2).9

    "loure o  a hae*odna*i-all i+

    3.3.2 entri-ular eptal dee-t

    aternal ri 

    or lar+e entri-ular eptal dee-t (!&) ?ith pul*onar hper

    tenion, ee *aternal hi+h ri -ondition (!e-tion 3.1). !*all peri

    *e*5ranou !& (?ithout let heart dilatation) hae a lo? ri o 

    -o*pli-ation durin+  pre+nan-.9 

    "orre-ted !& hae a +ood

     pro+noi durin+ pre+nan-, ?hen ' un-tion i preered. r e

     pre+nan- ealuation o the preen-e o a (reidual) dee-t,

    -ardia- di*enion, and an eti*ation o pul*onar preure i


    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

    ree-la*pia *a o--ur *ore oten than in the nor*al



    $uall ollo?up t?i-e durin+ pre+nan- i ui-ient and pon

    taneou a+inal delier i appro priate.

    3.3.3 6trioentri-ular eptal dee-t

    aternal ri 

    6ter -orre-tion, pre+nan- i uuall ?ell tolerated ?hen reidual

    ale re+ur+itation i not eere and entri-ular un-tion i nor*al

    (BHI ri -la %%). atient ?ith eere (reidual) let atrioentri

    -ular (6) ale re+ur+itation ?ith *pto* and/or i*paired en

    tri-ular un-tion hould 5e treated ur+i-all  prepr e+nan-,7

    nii-ant 6!& hould 5e peror*ed 5eore  pre+nan-. aourin+ ale repair. or atrioentri-ular eptal dee-t (6!&)

    hro*5oe*5oli- -o*pli-ation hae 5een de-ri5ed in up to


    6rrhth*ia o--ur *ore oten than in health ?o*en,

    ?ith pul*onar hpertenion, ee *aternal hi+h ri -ondition

    (!e-tion 3.1.1). "orre-tion o a hae*odna*i-all i+nii-ant19

    epe-iall ?hen the 6!& i unrepaired or -loed at older a+e 6!& 5eore pre+nan- hould 5e -onidered. 6rrhth*ia

    and the pre+nant ?o*an i .30 ear old.9,9O

    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

    %n ?o*en ?ith unrepaired 6!&, pree-la*pia and *all or +eta

    tional a+e 5irth *a o--ur *ore  r e>uentl.  %n repaired 6!&, no

    eCtra ri i en-ounter ed.


    $uall ollo?up t?i-e durin+ pre+nan- i ui-ient. or a e-un

    du* dee-t, -atheter dei-e -loure -an 5e peror*ed durin+ pre+

    nan-, 5ut i onl indi-ated ?hen the -ondition o the *other i

    deterioratin+ (?ith tranoeopha+eal or intra-ardia- e-ho-ardio

    +raphi- +uidan-e). "loure o  a *all 6!& or peritent ora*en

    oale or the preention o paradoCi-al e*5oli i not indi-ated.

    =e-aue o the in-reaed ri o paradoCi-al e*5oli*, in

    ?o*en ?ith a reidual hunt, preention o enou tai (ue o 

    -o*preion to-in+ and aoidin+ the upine poition) i i*por

    tant, a i earl a*5ulation ater delier. or prolon+ed 5ed ret,

     prophla-ti- heparin ad*initration hould 5e -onidered.97


    +ent -are i i*portant to eli*inate air in i.. line ?hi-h -ould

    lead to te*i- e*5oliation due to ri+httolet huntin+ durin+


    !pontaneou a+inal delier i in *ot -ae appro priate.

    and ?orenin+ o LH6 -la a ?ell a ?orenin+ o 6 ale

    re+ur+itation hae 5een de-ri5ed durin+ pre+nan-.


    he ri o heart ailure i lo? and onl eCit in ?o*en ?ith eere re+ur 

    +itation or i*paired entri-ular un-tion.

    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

    I5tetri- -o*pli-ation are *ainl related to the ri o a-ute

    heart ailure durin+ or jut ater delier and the depend on *p

    to* and 6 durin+ pre+nan-. Iprin+ *ortalit ha  5een

    reported in OS, pri*aril due to the o--urren-e o -o*pleC -on

    +enital heart dieae.99


    ollo?up. ollo?up durin+ pre+nan- i adia5le at leat on-e

    ea-h tri*eter. "lini-al and e-ho-ardio+raphi- ollo?up i indi

    -ated *onthl or 5i*onthl in patient ?ith *oderate or eer e

    ale re+ur+itation or i*paired entri-ular un-tion. %n un-orre-ted

    6!&, the ri o paradoCi-al e*5oliation eCit. or re-

    o**ended preentie *eaure or thro*5oe*5oli*, ee

    !e-tion 3.3.1.

    &elier. !pontaneou a+inal delier i appropriate in *ot -ae.

    3.3.4 "oar-tation o the aorta

    aternal ri 

    re+nan- i oten ?ell tolerated in ?o*en ater repair o -oar -ta

    tion o the aorta ("o6) (BHI ri -la %%). !i+nii-ant (re)

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    31O4 E!" #uideline

    -oar-tation hould 5e -orre-ted 5eore pre+nan-. Bo*en ?ith

    unrepaired natie "o6 and thoe repaired ?ho hae reidual

    hpertenion, reidual "o6, or aorti- aneur* hae an

    in-reaed ri o aorti- rupture and rupture o a -ere5ral

    aneur* durin+ pre+nan- and delier. Ither ri a-tor or 

    thi -o*pli-ation in-lude aorti- dilatation and 5i-upid aorti-

    ale, and the hould 5e looed or prepr e+nan-.

    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

    6n eC-e o hpertenie diorder and *i-arria+e ha  5een



    "loe ureillan-e o = i ?arranted, and re+ular ollo?up at leat

    eer tri*eter i indi-ated. Hpertenion hould 5e treated,

    althou+h a++reie treat*ent in ?o*en ?ith reidual -oar-tation

    *ut 5e aoided to preent pla-ental hpoperuion. er-utaneou

    interention or re"o6 i poi5le durin+  pre+nan-,  5ut it i

    ao-iated ?ith a hi+her ri o aorti- die-tion than outide

     pre+ nan- and hould onl 5e peror*ed i eere hpertenion

     per it depite *aCi*al *edi-al therap and there i

    *aternal or etal -o*pro*ie. he ue o -oered tent *a

    lo?er the ri o die-tion.

    &elier. !pontaneou a+inal delier i preerred ?ith ue o epi

    dural anaetheia parti-ularl in hpertenie patient.

    3.3. ul*onar ale tenoi and r e+ur+itation

    aternal ri 

    ul*onar ale tenoi (!) i +enerall ?ell tolerated durin+

     pre+nan-.102 – 104

    Ho?eer , eere tenoi *a reult in -o*pli

    -ation in-ludin+ ri+ht entri-ular (8) ailure and arrhth*ia. re

     pre+nan- relie o tenoi (uuall 5 5alloon aluloplat)

    hould 5e peror*ed in eere tenoi ( pea &oppler +radient

    .O4 **H+).19,O,10

    !eere pul*onar re+ur+itation ha 5een identiied a an inde

     pendent predi-tor o *aternal -o*pli-ation, epe-iall in patient

    ?ith i*paired entri-ular un-tion.7O,10O

    %n *pto*ati- ?o*en or 

    ?hen 8 un-tion i a5nor*al due to eere pul*onar re+ur+ita

    tion, prepre+nan- pul*onar ale repla-e*ent ( preera5l

     5io prothei) hould 5e -onidered.

    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

    he in-iden-e o *aternal o5tetri- -o*pli-ation, parti-ularl

    hpertenionrelated diorder in-ludin+ ( pre)e-la*pia, *a  5e

    in-reaed in ?o*en ?ith !.103

    he in-iden-e o oprin+ -o*pli

    -ation alo appear to 5e hi+her than in the +eneral  population.103

    ul*onar re+ur+itation +enerall -arrie no additional oprin+



    ollo?up. ild and *oderate ! are re+arded lo?ri leion

    (BHI ri -lae % and %%) (a5le O and 7), and ollo?up on-e

    eer tri*eter i ui-ient. %n patient ?ith eere !, *onthl

    or 5i*onthl -ardia- ealuation in-ludin+ e-ho-ardio+raph ar e

    adied to deter*ine -lini-al tatu and or ureillan-e o 8 un-

    tion. &urin+ pre+nan- in eerel *pto*ati- ! not

    repondin+ to *edi-al therap and 5ed ret, per-utaneou

    aluloplat -an 5e underta en.

    &elier. a+inal delier i aoured in patient ?ith noneere

    !, or eere ! in  LH6 -la %/%%. "aearean e-tion i

    -onidered in patient ?ith eere ! and in LH6 -la %%%/%7

    depite *edi-al therap and 5ed ret, in ?ho* per-utaneou

     pul*onar alot o* -annot 5e peror*ed or ha ailed.

    3.3.O 6orti- tenoi

    "on+enital 6! i *ot oten -aued 5 a 5i-upid aorti- ale. herate o pro+reion o tenoi in thee oun+ patient i lo?er 

    than in older patient.107

    =e-aue 5i-upid aorti- ale i ao-iated

    ?ith aorti- dilatation and aorti- die-tion, aorti- di*enion

    hould 5e *eaured prepre+nan- and durin+ pre+nan-. he

    ri o die-tion i in-reaed durin+ pre+nan- (ee alo !e-tion


    6ll ?o*en ?ith a 5i-upid aorti- ale hould

    under+o i*a+in+ o the a-endin+ aorta 5eore  pre+nan-,  and

    ur+er hould 5e -onidered ?hen the aorti- dia*eter i

    .0 **. or re-o**endation on the *ana+e*ent o  pre+nant

    ?o*en ?ith 6!, ee !e-tion on alular heart dieae.

    3.3.7 0etralo+ o allot

    aternal ri 

    %n unrepaired patient, ur+i-al repair i indi-ated 5eore pre+nan-. Bo*en ?ith repaired tetralo+ o allot uuall toler ate

     pre+nan- ?ell (BHI ri -la %%). "ardia- -o*pli-ation durin+

     pre+nan- hae 5een reported in up to 12S o patient. 6rrhth

    *ia and heart ailure in parti-ular *a o--ur.110

    Ither -o*pli

    -ation in-lude thro*5oe*5oli*, pro+reie aorti- root

    dilatation, and endo-arditi. &un-tion o the ri+ht entri-le

    and/or *oderate to eere pul*onar re+ur+itation are ri 

    a-tor or -ardioa-ular -o*pli-ation, and pre+nan- *a  5e

    ao-iated ?ith a peritin+ in-reae in 8 ie. %n *pto*ati-

    ?o*en ?ith *ared dilatation o the ri+ht entri-le due to

    eere pul*onar re+ur+itation, prepre+nan- pul*onar ale

    repla-e*ent (ho*o+rat) hould 5e -onider ed.19

    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

    he ri o oprin+ -o*pli-ation i in-reaed.


    ollo?up. ollo?up eer tri*eter i ui-ient in the *ajorit o 

    ?o*en. %n ?o*en ?ith eere pul*onar re+ur+itation, *onthl

    or 5i*onthl -ardia- ealuation ?ith e-ho-ardio+raph i indi

    -ated. % 8 ailure o--ur durin+ pre+nan-, treat*ent ?ith diure

    ti- hould 5e tarted and 5ed ret adied. ran-atheter ale

    i*plantation or earl delier hould 5e -onidered in thoe

    ?ho do not repond to -oneratie treat*ent.

    &elier. he preerred *ode o delier i a+inal in al*ot all


    3.3. E5tein ano*alaternal ri 

    %n ?o*en ?ith E5tein ano*al ?ithout -anoi and heart

    ailure,  pre+nan- i oten tolerated ?ell (BHI ri -la%%).

    !*p to*ati- patient ?ith -anoi and/or heart ailure

    hould  5e treated 5eore pre+nan- or -ounelled a+aint

     pre+nan-. %n eere *pto*ati- tri-upid re+ur+itation (8),

    repair hould  5e -onidered  prepr e+nan-. he hae*odna*i-

     pro5le* een durin+ pre+nan- depend lar+el on the eerit

    o the 8 and

  • 8/17/2019 12197 PREGN Guidelines Pregnancy FT


    31OE!" #uideline

    the un-tional -apa-it o the ri+ht entri-le.111,112

    6n 6!& and

    alo the Bol   – arinon  – Bhite ndro*e are -o**on

    ao-i ated indin+. he in-iden-e o arrhth*ia *a rie

    durin+ pre+ nan- and i ao-iated ?ith a ?ore  pro+noi.111

    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

    he ri o pre*ature delier and etal *ortalit i eleated.112


    ollo?up. Een eere 8 ?ith heart ailure -an uuall 5e *ana+ed

    *edi-all durin+ pre+nan-. Bo*en ?ith E5tein ano*al and

    interatrial huntin+ -an deelop hunt reeral and -anoi in

     pre+nan-. here i alo a ri o paradoCi-al e*5oli (ee

    !e-tion 3.4.2).

    &elier. he preerred *ode o delier i a+inal in al*ot all


    3.3.9 0ranpoition o the +reat arterie

    aternal ri 

    hou+h *an ?o*en tolerate pre+nan- relatiel ?ell, ater an

    atrial ?it-h operation (!ennin+ or utard repair) patient haean in-reaed ri o deelopin+ -o*pli-ation u-h a arrhth*ia

    (o*eti*e liethreatenin+), and heart ailure (BHI ri -la


    !o*e o thee ?o*en ?ill hae underlin+ 5rad-ardia or 

     jun-tional rhth*. %n thee -enario, 55lo-er need to  5e

    ued -autioul, i at all. 6n irreeri5le de-line in 8 un-tion

    ha 5een de-ri5ed in 10S o -ae. atient ?ith *ore than *od

    erate i*pair*ent o 8 un-tion or eere 8 hould 5e adied

    a+aint pre+nan-.

    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

    ree-la*pia and pre+nan-indu-ed hpertenion a ?ell a

    o prin+ -o*pli-ation are *ore oten en-ountered than in

    nor*al pre+nan-.


    ollo?up. %t i re-o**ended that patient ?ith a utard or 

    !ennin+ repair hae *onthl or  5i*onthl -ardia- and e-ho-ardio

    +raphi- ureillan-e o *pto*, te*i- 8 un-tion, and heart


    &elier. %n a*pto*ati- patient ?ith *oderate or +ood entri-u

    lar un-tion, a+inal delier i adied. % entri-ular un-tion

    deteriorate, an earl -aearean delier hould 5e planned to

    aoid the deelop*ent or ?orenin+ o heart ailure.113

    6rterial ?it-h oper ation

    Inl *all erie o patient ?ith an arterial ?it-h operation and

     pre+nan- hae 5een de-ri5ed o ar.114

    he ri o pre+nan-

    ee* lo? in thee patient ?hen there i a +ood -lini-al -ondition

     pr epre+nan-. a+inal delier i adied.

    3.3.10 "on+enitall -orre-ted tranpoition o the +r eat


    aternal ri 

    %n patient ?ith -on+enitall -orre-ted tranpoition o the +reat

    arterie (alo -alled atrioentri-ular and entri-uloarterial

    di-ordan-e), ri depend on un-tional tatu, entri-ular un-

    tion, preen-e o arrhth*ia, and ao-iated leion. atient

    hae an in-reaed ri o deelopin+ -o*pli-ation u-h a arrhth

    *ia (o*eti*e liethreatenin+), and heart ailure (BHI ri 

    -la %%%). hee patient are predipoed to deelopin+ 6

     5lo-Q thereore, 55lo-er *ut 5e ued ?ith eCtre*e -aution.

    6n irreeri5le de-line in 8 un-tion ha 5een de-ri5ed in 10S

    o -ae.11,11O

    atient ?ith LH6 un-tional -la %%% or %7, i*por

    tant entri-ular dun-tion Peje-tion ra-tion (E) ,40SR, or 

    eere 8 hould 5e -ounelled a+aint pre+nan-.

    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

    he rate o etal lo i in-reaed.


    ollo?up. %t i re-o**ended that patient hae re>uent e-ho ur

    eillan-e o te*i- 8 un-tion (eer 4 – ?ee) and

    ae *ent o *pto* and heart rhth*.

    &elier. %n a*pto*ati- patient ?ith *oderate or +ood entri

    -ular un-tion, a+inal delier i adied. % entri-ular un-tion

    deteriorate, an earl -aearean delier hould 5e planned to

    aoid the deelop*ent or ?orenin+ o heart ailure.

    3.3.11 ontan -ir-ulation

    aternal ri 

    6lthou+h u--eul pre+nan- i poi5le in ele-ted patient ?ith

    intenie *onitorin+, thee are *oderate to hi+h ri pre+nan-ie

    and patient hould 5e -ounelled -areull (BHI ri -la %%% or 

    %). here i pro5a5l a hi+her *aternal ri i the ontan -ir-uit i

    not opti*al, and -areul ae*ent prepre+nan- i indi-ated.

    6trial arrhth*ia and LH6 -la deterioration hae  5een


    atient ?ith oC+en aturation ,S at ret,

    depreed entri-ular un-tion, and/or *oderate to eere 6re+ur+itation or ?ith proteinloin+ enteropath hould 5e -oun

    elled a+aint pre+nan-.

    I5tetri- and oprin+ ri 

    he oprin+ ri in-lude pre*ature 5irth, *all or +etational

    a+e, and etal death in up to 0S.


    ollo?up. %t i re-o**ended