12100053 pulmonary contusion


Transcript of 12100053 pulmonary contusion

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Pulmonary contusion is an injury to lung parenchyma, leading to oedema and blood collecting in alveolar spaces and loss of normal lung structure & function.

Pulmonary contusions are a frequent complication of chest trauma and may have serious morbidity and mortality associated with them.

Early recognition, aggressive management, and a targeted diagnostic approach may optimize outcomes for these patients.

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Pulmonary contusions were first described in the medical literature by Giovanni Battista Morgagni in 1761, when he noted extensive underlying parenchymal lung damage without evidence of chest wall trauma in a young man who was crushed under a carriage.

Pulmonary contusions are the most common parenchymal lung injury seen in blunt thoracic trauma, present in 25-35% of cases.

Moloney JT, Fowler SJ, Chang W.Anesthetic management of thoracic trauma. Curr Opin Anesthesiology 2008;21:41-46.

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Motor vehicle and motorcycle crashes are the most common causes of this injury pattern, but it can also be seen with blast trauma.

Pulmonary contusions result in lung consolidation and alveolar collapse secondary to haemorrhage and interstitial edema.

Raghavendran K, Notter R, Davidson BA, et al. Lung contusion: Inflammatory mechanisms and interaction with other injuries. Shock 2009;32(2):122-130.

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3 components of pulmonary contusion

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Wagner et al. proposed four potential causes and types of pulmonary contusions to assist with physician understanding of the risks and etiology of this disease process.

Types Causes

Type 1 Due to direct chest wall compression against the lung parenchyma; this accounts for the majority of cases.

Type 2 Due to shearing of lung tissue across the vertebral bodies

Type 3 Localized lesions due to fractured ribs, which directly injure theunderlying lung

Type 4 Due to underlying pleuropulmonary adhesions from prior lung injury tearing the parenchyma

Wagner RB, Crawford WO, Schimpf PP.Classification of parenchymal injuries of the lung. Radiology 1988;167:77-82.

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The physical processes behind pulmonary contusion are poorly understood.

Three other possible mechanisms have been suggested:   Inertial effect - the lighter alveolar

tissue is sheared from the heavier hilar structures, an effect similar to diffuse axonal injury in head injury. It results from the fact that different tissues have different densities, and therefore different rates of acceleration or deceleration.

Costantino M, Gosselin MV, Primack SL (July 2006).The ABC's of thoracic trauma imaging. Seminars in Roentgenology 41 (3): 209–225.

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Spalling effect - lung tissue bursts or is sheared where a shock wave meets the lung tissue, at interfaces between gas and liquid.

Implosion effect - occurs when a pressure wave passes through a tissue containing bubbles of gas: the bubbles first implode, then rebound and expand beyond their original volume. The air bubbles cause many tiny explosions, resulting in tissue damage.

Bridges EJ (September 2006). Blast injuries: From triage to critical care. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America 18 (3): 333–348.

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Any blunt thoracic trauma patient who presents to the emergency department in respiratory distress should be considered to have a significant pulmonary contusion, after first excluding a tension pneumothorax or hemothorax.

However, many pulmonary contusions present without evidence of localized chest wall trauma.

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Patients with pulmonary contusions often have multiple injuries from severe mechanisms of trauma.

Other injuries may be more obvious and life-threatening, as respiratory symptoms and the radiographic findings of a pulmonary contusion can be delayed from the time of initial injury.

David I. Bruner, Amy Pritchard, Amy Hubert.Pulmonary contusions, Trauma Reports, Nov/Dec 2011, Volume 12, Number 6

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Evidence suggests that a flail chest is associated with a 75% risk of having an underlying pulmonary contusion that can double the risk of mortality.

Other injuries suggestive of significant blunt force trauma, such as scapular fractures,4 first or second rib fractures, and cardiac contusions, should prompt one to be alert for pulmonary contusions as well.

Allen GS, Coates NE. Pulmonary contusions:A collective review. American Surgeon 1996;62(11):895-900.

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Patients should be watched closely for hypoxia, hypercarbia, tachycardia, and other signs of end organ dysfunction.

Symptoms that worsen over the 24 hours after injury portend a worse short-term and long-term prognosis.

Tyburski JG, Collinge JD, Wilson RF, et al. Pulmonary contusions: Qualifying the lesions on chest-X-ray films and factors affecting prognosis. J Trauma 1999;46:833-838.

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Because an initial flat anteriorposterior chest X-ray is typically obtained in the trauma evaluation to quickly recognize injuries such as pneumothorax, hemothorax, aortic injury, or pulmonary contusions, many of these injuries will be identified early in the workup of the trauma patient.

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Some reports have suggested that pulmonary contusions that cannot be seen on initial chest X-ray in patients who have minimal symptoms are of little clinical significance, and that those contusions only seen on chest CT are less likely to result in significant morbidity.

Deunk J, Poels TC, Brink M, et al.The clinical outcome of occult pulmonary contusion on multidetector-row computed tomography in blunt trauma patients. J Trauma 2010;68(2):387-394.

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It is classically taught that the size of pulmonary contusions found on chest X-ray directly correlates with severity of the clinical symptoms and the overall prognosis.

Patients who have persistent or worsening symptoms of tachypnea, hypoxia, and respiratory distress may have a normal chest X-ray in the initial hours following injury, but subsequent films may demonstrate evolving interstitial injury seen with pulmonary contusions.

Cohn SM, DuBose JJ. Pulmonary contusion:An update on recent advances in clinical management. World J Surg 2010;34:1959-1970.

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Findings on chest X-ray suggestive of a pulmonary contusion include focal or diffuse homogenous opacification on multiple lung segments and lobes, particularly when the opacities are outside the bounds of normal anatomical limits

Kwon A, Sorrels DL, Kurkchubasche AG, et al. Isolated computed tomography diagnosis of pulmonary contusion does not correlate with increased morbidity. J Pediatr Surgery 2006;41:78-82.

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A retrospective review by Pape showed that only 47% of pulmonary contusions were seen on initial chest X-ray, while 92% were evident by 24 hours after injury.

At a minimum, a repeat chest X-ray should be obtained in 12-24 hours for the stable patient with mild to moderate symptoms.

Pape H, Remmers D, Rice J, et al. Appraisal of early evaluation of blunt chest trauma: Development of a standardized scoring system for initial clinical decision making. J Trauma 2000;49: 496-504.

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Because CT is easily obtained, highly accurate, and readily available in most emergency departments, it is considered the gold standard for diagnosing pulmonary contusions.

Initial chest X-ray has been found to be only 82% sensitive and 57% specific when compared to chest CT.

Brink M, Deunk J, Dekker HM, et al. Added value of routine chest MDCT after blunt trauma evaluation of additional findings and impact on patient management. AJR 2008;190:1591-1598.

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The primary value of CT lies in its ability to quantify the amount of lung injured, as this can help to predict overall hospital course.

CT can detect other blunt thoracic injuries such as rib fractures, hemothoraces, pneumothoraces, and aortic injuries that may be of clinical significance when compared to initial chest X-ray.

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Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is a form of computed tomography (CT) technology for diagnostic imaging.

In MDCT, a two‐dimensional array of detector elements replaces the linear array of detector elements used in typical conventional and helical CT scanners.

The two‐dimensional detector array permits CT scanners to acquire multiple slices or sections simultaneously and greatly increase the speed of CT image acquisition.

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It is able to comprehensively examine all structures of the chest with a sensitivity and specificity approaching 100 %.

Because of the isotropic data field, it allows performing two-dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) reformations in any plane and angle of view without loss of geometric resolution and to evaluate the anatomical structures, which are located adversely to the axial plane.

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A high-speed examination is needed to view the entire examination area in the proper post-contrast circulation phase and to minimise motion artefacts.

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Effect of acquisition speed on the quality of 3D images. (a) Six-row MDCT, acquisition time 20 s: significant motion artefacts on the heart and aorta. (b) Sixty-four-row MDCT, acquisition time 7 s: heart and aorta are free of artefacts.

Sangster GP, González-Beicos A, Carbo AI et al (2007) Blunt traumatic injuries of the lung parenchyma, pleura, thoracic wall, and intrathoracic airways: multidetector computer tomography imaging findings. Emerg Radiol 14:297–310

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The chest MDCT examination should be performed only in case of unclear findings or if more detailed assessment is needed.

In patients with high-energy trauma (falls from heights above 3 m and traffic accidents at speeds exceeding 50 km/h) and unknown mechanism of trauma, the chest MDCT examination should be performed as a screening method.

The examination is usually a part of the whole-body CT.

Vergnion M, Lambert JL (2006) A protocol of trauma care in the emergency service including MDCT imaging. Acta Anaesthesiol Belg 57:249–252

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Routine use of MDCT in cases of high-energy trauma is associated with higher costs, radiation burden and numerous minor additional findings.

Nevertheless, this procedure cannot be abandoned because there is a risk of omission of a clinically silent, curable life-threatening condition, such as aortic trauma.

Brink M, Deunk J, Dekker HM et al (2008) Added value of routine chestMDCTafter blunt trauma: evaluation of additional findings and impact on patient management. Am J Roentgenol 190:1591–1598

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Contusion (arrow) is an inhomogenous, ill-demarcated, relatively hypodense parenchymal condensation with preservation of air in the bronchi (air bronchogram). Atelectasis (arrowhead) appears like homogenously enhancing well-demarcated parenchymal condensation without an air bronchogram.

Webb WR, Naindich DP, Mueller NL (2001) High-resolution CT of the lung. Lippincott Willkiams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, p 604

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The chest is an area with lower absorption of radiation and higher contrast between the single structures; therefore, in examination focused on the thorax a lower value of the exposure parameters can be used compared with the whole-body examination in which the abdominal area must be taken into account.

Care concerning the radiation dose is especially important in children where we can reduce the burden from five to ten times compared with adults.

Tack D (2010) Radiation dose optimization in thoracic imaging. JBR-BTR 93:15–19

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Application of contrast media is essential for the assessment of vascular structures and parenchymal organs and for detection of active bleeding. Therefore, it is recommended to set a longer scanning delay (30–40 s.) compared with standard chest examinations.

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Active bleeding into the extrapleural hematoma, importance of extended scanning delay after contrast injection. (a) Scanning delay 20 s: no evidence of contrast material extravasation. (b) Scanning delay 40 s: extravasation of contrast material from the intercostal artery (arrow).

Ferda J, Mirka H, Baxa J, Kreuzberg B (2009) Multidetector computed tomography. Galen, Prague, pp 116–117, 210-211

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The amount of injured lung on the imaging test of choice often correlates directly with short-term and long-term prognosis.

Wagner et al and Miller et al have determined that pulmonary contusion size can be divided into mild, moderate, and severe based on the size of the contused portion of the lung.

Wagner RB, Jamieson PM. Pulmonary contusions: Evaluation and classification by computed tomography. Surg Clin North Am 1989;69:31-40.

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Mild: < 18% of lung volume affected None required intubation

Moderate: 18-28% of lung volume affected Intubate on a case-by-case basis

Severe: > 28% of the lung volume affected All required intubation

Wagner RB, Jamieson PM. Pulmonary contusions: Evaluation and classification by computed tomography. Surg Clin North Am 1989;69:31-40.

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Severe pulmonary contusions have been shown to correlate with a 10-20% risk of mortality, and those with contusions greater than 22% were shown by Miller et al to have a much higher risk of ARDS than smaller contusions.

Cohn SM. Pulmonary contusions: Review of the clinical entity. J Trauma 1997;42;973-979.

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After arrival to the hospital, the patient should be rapidly examined and treated in accordance with ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) protocols.

The primary treatment of pulmonary contusion is supportive, and initial efforts should focus on diagnosing and treating critical concordant chest injury and providing supplemental oxygen to treat hypoxia.

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The ATLS course manual states, “Patients with significant hypoxia, i.e., paO2 < 65 mmHg, SaO2 < 90%, should be intubated and ventilated within the first hour of injury.”

Intubation should be provided with the goal of reducing parenchymal edema, thereby decreasing shunting, improving functional residual capacity, and decreasing hypoxemia.

Vidhani K, Kause J. Should we follow ATLS guidelines for the management of traumatic pulmonary contusion: The role of non-invasive ventilator support. Resuscitation 2002;52:265-268.

paO2 - Arterial oxygen partial pressureSaO2 - saturation level of oxygen in hemoglobin

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There is persistent controversy surrounding the issue of fluid management in patients with pulmonary contusions.

The disagreement started in World War II when the “wet lung” was described in soldiers with thoracic injuries who had undergone extensive fluid resuscitation.

Later investigation found that fluid accumulation increased in injured lung tissue and that it was more difficult to remove the excess fluid.

Cohn SM. Pulmonary contusions: Review of the clinical entity. J Trauma 1997;42;973-979.

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Results of animal models have failed to substantiate the claim that crystalloid fluids exacerbate the hypoxia associated with pulmonary contusions.

Maintenance of euvolemia and judicious use of crystalloids and colloids are considered standard of care, although there are no prospective trials that can substantiate this claim.

Wanek S, Mayberry JC. Blunt thoracic trauma: Flail chest, pulmonary contusions, and blast injuries. Crit Care Clin 2004;20:71-81.

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Placing the “good” lung in a dependent position to improve oxygenation and selectively intubating the unaffected lung have also been suggested as a ventilatory strategy in pulmonary contusions to improve oxygenation.

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The primary goal in the management of pulmonary contusions is the maintenance of adequate oxygenation.

Treatment modalities include non-invasive and invasive ventilation, high frequency ventilation, surfactant replacement, and others.

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Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) via mechanical ventilation or non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) remains controversial as the optimal treatment of pulmonary contusion patients.

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PEEP can be associated with high peak inspiratory pressures, which can be harmful in patients with pulmonary contusions, because it can increase pulmonary edema, cause barotrauma through alveolar rupture, and may facilitate both pulmonary venous and pulmonary air embolisms.

Modalities should be used with caution and on a case by case basis.

David I. Bruner, Amy Pritchard, Amy Hubert.Pulmonary contusions, Trauma Reports, Nov/Dec 2011, Volume 12, Number 6

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Pulmonary contusions may lead to severe hypoxia and hypercarbia, which cannot be adequately controlled using conventional mechanical ventilation.

High frequency ventilation is a type of mechanical ventilation that uses very high respiratory rates (more than 60 per minute) and very small tidal volumes.

High-frequency ventilation is thought to decrease the incidence of ventilator-associated lung injury (VALI).

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High-frequency ventilation is sometimes called lung protective ventilation.

High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV): This mode of ventilation is consistent with the ARDSNet (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network) low tidal volume strategy and has been validated to provide a beneficial impact on overall mortality.

Funk DJ, Lujan E. A brief report: The use of high-frequency oscillatory ventilation for severe pulmonary contusion. J Trauma 2008;65:390-395.

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Unlike the HFOV, in which air is pushed into the lungs and then pulled out, in HFJV exhalation is passive. HFJV is known to induce an increase in functional residual capacity by an auto-PEEP mechanism.

At a hospital in France, HFJV has been used for years in the treatment of ARDS in patients with severe bilateral pulmonary contusions refractory to conventional mechanical ventilation.

Riou B, Zaier K. High-frequency jet ventilation in life-threatening bilateral pulmonary contusion. Anesthesiology 2001;94:927-930.

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The role of surfactant is thought to have a stabilizing effect on the alveoli, which may improve recruitment of non-ventilated alveoli or prevent end-expiratory collapse.

A prospective, randomized clinical trial in Greece demonstrated improved PaO2/FiO2 ratios, compliance, and decreased ventilatory support with the addition of a natural bovine surfactant.

Tsangaris I, Galiatsou E. The effect of exogenous surfactant in patients with lung contusions and acute lung injury. Intensive Care Med 2007;33:851-855.

PaO2/FiO2 - An index of arterial oxygenation efficiency that corresponds to ratio of partial pressure of arterial O2 to the fraction of inspired O2

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Researchers in Italy used saline and a porcine-derived surfactant in combination with broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) to remove breakdown products and blood components from contused lung areas.

The study found a statistically significant decrease in the duration of intubation, but this study was also unable to assess mortality benefit due to a small number of patients.

Marraro G, Denaro C. Selective nedicated (saline and natural surfactant) bronchoalveolar lavage in unilateral lung contusion.A clinical randomized controlled trial. J Clin Monitoring and Computing 2010;24:73-81.

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PROSTACYCLIN A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled

trial in the Netherlands investigated whether aerosolized prostacyclin (epoprostenol sodium) compared to aerosolized normal saline improved oxygenation in children with acute lung injury.

There was a significant (26%) improvement in oxygenation compared to placebo after three escalating doses of nebulized prostacyclin in a one-hour timeframe.

Further studies are needed to determine whether this treatment will provide a mortality benefit in patients with pulmonary contusions.

Dahlem P. Randomized controlled trial of aerosolized prostacyclin therapy in children with acute lung injury. Crit Care Med 2004;32(4):1055-1060.

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Patients need to be able to perform effective deep breathing and coughing.

Combining different modes of analgesia, such as epidurals, opioids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and acetaminophen, improves ventilation and physiotherapy.

Epidural anesthesia and even intercostal nerve blocks may also be useful in patients with persistent pain.

Vidhani K, Kause J. Should we follow ATLS guidelines for the management of traumatic pulmonary contusion: The role of non-invasive ventilator support. Resuscitation 2002;52:265-268.

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There is no indication in the literature for the prophylactic use of antibiotics or steroids in patients who have developed pulmonary contusions after sustaining chest wall trauma.

Cohn SM, DuBose JJ. Pulmonary contusion:An update on recent advances in clinical management. World J Surg 2010;34:1959-1970.

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The asymmetric lung pathology in pulmonary contusions leads to under-ventilation of the injured (noncompliant) areas and over distension of the non-injured areas of lung, which can result in barotrauma.

The resulting mismatch can lead to refractory hypoxemia that may only respond to nonconventional ventilatory strategies, such as one lung ventilation or even lobectomy.

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Most pulmonary contusions heal within one to two weeks.

Patients who have larger contusions and additional traumatic injuries may have increased morbidity.

Kishikawa et al and Leone et al both found that patients with significant pulmonary contusions had long-term problems with chronic dyspnea, lung fibrosis, and reduced pulmonary function that ultimately decreased their quality of life.

Leone M, Bregeon F, Antonini F, et al. Long-term outcome in chest trauma. Anesthesiology 2008;109:864-871.

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Children, likewise, have been shown to have excellent recovery with normal pulmonary function and chest X-rays up to one year after injury.

Haxhija EQ, Nores H, Schrober P, et al.Lung contusion-lacerations after blunt thoracic trauma in children. Pediatr Surg Int 2004;20:412-414.

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The seriousness of the complications from pulmonary contusions is typically related to the size of the pulmonary contusions as diagnosed at 24 hours from the time of injury.

The short-term negative outcomes include death and the requirement for mechanical ventilation.

Evidence suggests that pulmonary contusions increase the likelihood of posttraumatic empyema by an odds ratio of 3.06.

Eren S, Esme H, Sehitoguillari A, et al.The risk factors and management of posttraumatic empyema in trauma patients. Injury 2008;39:44-49.

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Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a well-known and frequent complication of significant pulmonary contusions that may affect up to 38% of polytrauma patients.

Pulmonary contusions decrease the lung’s ability to clear secretions and bacteria, thus increasing the risk of pneumonia. Up to 50% of patients with pulmonary contusions will develop a bacterial respiratory infection.

David I. Bruner, Amy Pritchard, Amy Hubert.Pulmonary contusions, Trauma Reports, Nov/Dec 2011, Volume 12, Number 6

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SUMMARY In years past, mortality occurred in up to 40% of

pulmonary contusions; the mortality has greatly improved to approximately 10%.

Although medicine has greatly advanced our understanding of pulmonary contusions and management issues, this disease still carries a high risk of significant morbidity and mortality.

Because there is often a delay in presentation of respiratory symptoms, diligent attention to worsening vital signs and physical exam findings, and consideration of repeat imaging are important to the physician caring for the blunt thoracic trauma patient.

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Imaging methods are an integral part of the diagnostic algorithm in chest injuries.

MDCT is its main component. It shows traumatic changes quickly,

accurately and clearly, and allows their classification.

Therefore, a traumatic radiologist becomes a significant member of the team making decisions about the therapeutic process.

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