12 ways to become a better communicator

12 Ways to Become a More Effective Communicator by Joe Timothy
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Transcript of 12 ways to become a better communicator

Page 1: 12 ways to become a better communicator

12 Ways to Become a

More Effective Communicator


Joe Timothy

Page 2: 12 ways to become a better communicator

12  Ways  to  Become  a  More  

Effective  Communicator

Page 3: 12 ways to become a better communicator

When   working   in   any   environment   with   various  personalities  and  people,  the  ability  to  communicate  effectively  becomes  more   and  more   important.  Not  only   that   but   when   in   business,   you   are  communicating   with   others   all   the   time   in   sales  meetings,   in   your   marketing   or   in   your   team  meetings.   Effective   and   clear   communication   is   one  of  the  most  fundamental  building  blocks  to  creating  a  great  business.  

So  how  is  your  communication?  We  could  all  do  with  improving   it;   I   have   never   met   anyone   who   is   the  ‘perfect’   communicator.   They   probably   don’t   even  exist.   However,   we   can   always   do   things   to   help  ourselves   get   our   messages   across   much   more  effectively.  

So  we   have   put  together  a   list   of  12   different  things  you   could   work   on   to   improve   that   all-­‐important  communication.  

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1. Listen  up

When  you  think   of  communication  most   of  us  would   instinctively   think  of  how  we  can  make  what  we  say  clearer.  Well  the  interesting  thing  is  the  best  way   to   do   that   is   make   sure   you   listen   to   whomever   you   are   trying   to  communicate   with.   This   will   allow   you   to   get   a   greater   understanding   of  their   view  which  will   allow  you   to  explain  your   thoughts  with  much  more  clarity   and   within   the   view   they   understand.   So   listen   up   more   and  understand   people’s   points   of   view.   People   receive   information   through  their   own   perspective   without   understanding   it,   you   are   seriously   at   a  disadvantage  when  communicating.

2. Drop  your  expectations

One  thing  that  we  are  all  guilty  of  when  trying  to  communicate  with  others  is   that  we   go   into   it   having  expectations.  This   is   a  natural   thing;  we  build  expectations   of   how   things   will   go   based   on   previous   experiences   and  learning’s.   The   problem   with   this   is   that   you   then  apply   things   to   a   new  situation  that  are  not  really  applicable   there   just  because   it   reminds  you  of  another  experience.    Take  each  experience  and  interaction  on  its  own  merits  you  will  learn  so  much  more.  

3. Look  for  the  hidden  meaning  

When  we  listen  to  what  a  person  is  saying  we  can  often  see  that  what  they  mean  is  actually  quite  different  to  the  words  they  are  saying.    For  example  if  someone  says  “I  am  no  good  at   that”  this  may  mean  that   they  are   low  on  confidence  and  need  your  encouragement  not  necessarily  that  they  are  not  good  at  the  task  itself.  Try  and  look  for  the  underlying  feeling  or  meaning.  

4. Respect  the  other

Many  of  us  suffer  from  the  problem  of  not  valuing  another  person’s  opinion  and  not  giving  it  the  respect  it  deserves.  This  acts  as  a  very  destructive  tool  when   trying  to   communicate.  Allow  time   to   listen  to  what  others   have   to  say  who   knows  you  may  just   learn  something  you  didn’t   know;  you  don’t  know  everything  after  all.

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5. Maintain  eye  contact

There   is   nothing   more   shifty   or   disconcerting   than   when   you   are   in   a  discussion   in   with   someone   and   they   avoid   looking   at   you.   Looking  someone   in  the  eye   and  maintaining  it   is   so   important   to  building  rapport  with  someone.  It  shows  a  level  of  trust  and  honesty,  which  makes  what  you  are  saying,  have  much  more  validity.

6. Question,  question,  question

One  of  the  fundamental  problems  in  any  business  is  telling  people  how  they  should  work,  act  or  think.  This  serves  no  purpose  other  than  to  devalue  that  person’s   contribution.   Through   questioning   an   individual   you   show   you  value  them  and  it  also  builds  in  a  capacity  within  that  individual  to  think  for  themselves.  This  will   improve   their  creativity,  problem   solving  and  sense  of  worth.  

7. Mirror  the  person’s  behavior

One  of  the  key  ways  to  improve  your  communication  with  someone  else  is  to  build  a  rapport  with  them.  Create  a  relationship  of  trust  and  openness.    A  proven  way  to  effectively  build  this  rapport  is  through  mirroring  their  body  language.  When  they  cross  their   legs  you  cross  yours  or  when   they  face   a  certain   way   you   face   that   way   too.   This   may   sound   a   little   far   fetched  however   it   is  a  proven  technique  for  building  an  effective   relationship  with  someone.  Obviously  keep  it  subtle  though  or  else  you  may  just  look  like  you  are  mocking  them.  

8. Be  genuine

When  we  discuss  something  or  communicate  something  you  can  often  pick  up  on  someone  who  is  not  being  genuine.  This   instantly  leads  to  a  level  of  distrust   that   makes   communication   difficult.   I   am   sure   you   may   have  experienced   this   feeling   yourself.   Be   genuine   in  what   you   say   and   it   will  build  honesty  in  what  you  say,  which  draws  people  to  you.  

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9. Always  be  positive  first

This   is   the   one   thing   that   seems   most   difficult   for   people   to   do   in   my  experience.    It  is  a  wonder  what  you  can  tell  people  if  before  you  outline  the  negative  you  praise  them,  thank  them  or   just  tell   them  what  they  are  good  at.   If  you  ensure   you   start  whatever   you  say  with  something   along   these  lines  it  really  opens  someone  up  to  criticism  or  negative  feedback.  Not  only  does  this  help  them  take  whatever  you  are  about  to  say,  it  helps  them  learn  from  it  and  you  to  get  your  point  across  easier.

10. Ask  for  clarification

One  of  the  things  that  I  see  in  office  environments  more  and  more  is  people  mishearing  someone  else  and  thereby  completely  misinterpreting  what  they  mean.  I  am  sure  we  are  all  guilty  of  this  at  some  point  in  our   lives.  One  way  around  this  is  to  try  and  ask  for  clarification  around  what  someone  has  said  to  you.  Just  say  “as  I  heard  it,  you  are  saying…  am  I  correct?”  This  gives  the  other  person  the  opportunity  to  clarify.

11. Feedback

As  I  said  in  the  introduction  there   isn’t  anyone  in  the  world  that  couldn’t  do  with   improving   some   part   of   his   or   her   communication.   The   only   way   to  grow   and   learn   is   to   make   sure   you   get   feedback   on   how   your  communication   is   seen   by   others.   You   can   then   use   this   to   amend   and  improve  your  skills.  

12. Accept  it  is  not  about  you

The  greatest  communicators,  those  that  you  remember,  fully  accept  it  is  not  about  them.  When  in  a  networking  session  or  just   chatting  with  your  team  take  an  interest   in  them,  ask  them  questions  and  enquire   about  what   they  say.  These   are   the  people   that   are   remembered   and   these  are   the   people  who  are  liked,  followed  and  people  love  working  for.

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So   there   it   is   a   list   of   12  ways   you  can   improve  your  communication.  I  hope  you  take  a  shot  at  a  few  and  see  how  they  work  out  for  you.  There  is  no  one  who  doesn’t  need  to  work  on  his  or  her  communication.  So  go   try  out  a   few  things   and  see  where  it  gets  you.    

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