119a_Project Charter Finalized

Project Charter© For Vespyro 2.0

Transcript of 119a_Project Charter Finalized

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Project Charter©For Vespyro 2.0

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Document ControlDocument Information


InformationDocument ID Recovery CafeDocument Owner Team Vespyro 2.0Issue Date 9/21/2014Last Saved Date 9/23/2014File Name T2_ProjectCharter.doc

Document History

Version Issue Date Changes

1.0 September 23 Begin charter documentation

Document Approvals

Role Name Signature© DateProject Sponsor

Dana Bainbridge

Project Members Eric AguilaCheryl PhangFrancis FuJohn You

Project ManagerRashan Talikder

Professor SponsorLarry Gee

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Table of Contents

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................22 PROJECT DEFINITION..........................................................................2

2.1 VISION..................................................................................................................................22.2 OBJECTIVES...........................................................................................................................22.3 SCOPE..................................................................................................................................32.4 DELIVERABLES.......................................................................................................................4

3 PROJECT ORGANIZATION.....................................................................43.1 CUSTOMERS..........................................................................................................................43.2 STAKEHOLDERS......................................................................................................................53.3 ROLES..................................................................................................................................53.4 RESPONSIBILITIES....................................................................................................................63.5 STRUCTURE...........................................................................................................................6

4 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN......................................................................74.1 APPROACH............................................................................................................................74.2 SCHEDULE........................................................................................................................7-104.3 MILESTONES..........................................................................................................................54.4 DEPENDENCIES.....................................................................................................................114.5 RESOURCE PLAN...................................................................................................................114.6 FINANCIAL PLAN...................................................................................................................124.7 QUALITY PLAN......................................................................................................................124.8 COMPLETION CRITERIA...........................................................................................................12

5 PROJECT CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................135.1 RISKS............................................................................................................................13-145.2 ISSUES................................................................................................................................145.3 ASSUMPTIONS.................................................................................................................14-155.4 CONSTRAINTS......................................................................................................................15

6 APPENDIX.................................................................................... 156.1 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION................................................................................................15

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1 Executive SummaryRecovery Café San Jose is a non-profit community resource center for individuals looking for long-term recovery services. They opened in April 2014 and have grown substantially in a short amount of time and believe they will continue to see rapid growth in the future. The mission of team Vespyro 2.0 is to provide a system to track and manage their client base for now and into the foreseeable future. Currently, Recovery Café is using a paper based system to log in each individual that comes in. They manually enter/search for each person in by paper. This is an incredibly time consuming process that is also constantly prone to errors. What we aim to do is find and set up a SaaS CRM that fits their current & future needs, personnel requirements, and budgetary restrictions. The interface of the SaaS needs to be easy to use for the employees of Recovery Café and might also require input/interaction from the members. Many of these members will have little to no technical experience and so, finding a way for them to check in effortlessly is critical.

2 Project DefinitionThe purpose of the project is to find a solution for Recovery Café to better track their members, provide government-required reports, etc. The ideal solution would be to implement a software package or Software Service that would serve as the organization's member tracking system, while also keeping track of Recovery's Café's recovery program participants. While keeping in the mind the low maintenance and low cost factors, the system to be implemented must be cloud based and intuitive to use. The current system to keep track of members and their participation in the recovery program is antiquated and inefficient, as it consists of paper sign-in and manual data entry at the end of the business day. By providing a cloud based software service, the data that Recovery Café will be maintaining will be secure and allow the organization to focus on other aspects of growing the organization rather than how to store and manage their data. The solution Vespyro 2.0 plans on implementing will allow the organization to be far more efficient than that of their current operations.

The use of a software and additional hardware will be greatly beneficial as it will decrease data inconsistencies due to human error and security of confidential data. Vespyro 2.0 will be researching for a viable solution based on the organization's constraints and needs, and present the options to the decision makers of Recovery Café to ultimately choose the software best fit for the organization. The research and presentation of solutions to Recovery Café will be occurring late September to early October. Actual purchase and implementation of the system will be occurring in early October to mid-October. Because the projected time frame of this project will be until mid-November, Vespyro 2.0 must work productively and efficiently to find the best solution for Recovery Café and eventually implement the system. The group will also partake in training the anticipated users of the system as to sufficiently prepare them to use the program and become self-sufficient upon the group's departure, which will be occurring in late October to early November.

2.1 Vision

To provide a member tracking system that is cost-effective, secure, efficient, and intuitive

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2.2 Objectives

To provide a better solution to Recovery Cafe's current member tracking system To enhance the ease of checking in new and current members of Recovery Café To satisfy our sponsor with a working deliverable To build a relationship between Vespyro 2.0 and Recovery Café

2.3 Scope

This project involves the modification of the member tracking system utilizing SaaS for the Recovery Café project. The way that the SaaS will be set up will allow clients to monitor tags and information of each client, check statistics on clients, and interact with the SaaS in a user-friendly way. Recovery Café plans on implementing an out of the box software package as it will offer a potentially minimal to maintenance-free software in the future. The new system will allow administrative staff to update and manage their data, without technical experience. Expectations of the project include being able to track members and their participation in the recovery program in order to remain a member at Recovery Café and maintaining confidentiality.

Because Recovery Café's has a limited source of funding, the solution needs to be cost-effective and able to meet their future growth needs. Purchase, implementation, and maintenance needs to be kept to a minimum.    

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2.4 Deliverables

Deliverable Components Description

Project Schedule MS Project Gantt Chart A detailed plan with respected to the expected start date and completed dates. Expected dates for major deliverables, milestones, and phases will be highlighted and summarized at a high level.

Project Charter/ Project Proposal

Document Provides a project governance framework for carrying out and executing the project.

Risk Management Analysis

Table/Document Any risks or assumptions that may include things that will go right or wrong that may impact the success of the project. With a provided contingency plan.

Demo Testing Functioning SaaS Dana will review the SaaS and provide feedback to our team.

Completed SaaS SaaS website A fully functional SaaS website that fulfils the user requirements.

Project Video Video A video recording of Vespyro 2.0's presentation.

Peer Evaluation Documents(s) (5) Five individual evaluations that each team member will conduct on each other's performance in the team.

Project Sponsor Sign Off Document Documentation of the sponsor's approval with a written signature for the parameters of the project.

Lessons Learned Document A document containing the experiences in terms of lessons learned; those things that the team would do the same and those that the team would do differently.

Final Project Management Plan and Final Project Report

Document(s) The plan will consist of the risk, assessment, evaluation, identification, monitoring and controlling response, and strategies that pertain to the MOV (Measurable Organizational Value). A report containing the background and history of the project.

Project Presentation Power Point A presentation with the team that outlines the business case, project charter and the project plan.

3 Project Organization

3.1 Customers

Customer Group Customer Representative

Dana Bainbridge Sponsor of Recovery CafeJenna Benson Tech person of Recovery CafeVolunteers of Recovery Cafe Recovery Cafe

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3.2 Stakeholders

Stakeholder / Group Stakeholder Interest

Recovery Cafe Improvement to their current process of keeping track of members of Recovery Cafe

Members/Guests of Recovery Cafe They would want this process to be fluidVespyro 2.0 The completion of this projectLarry Gee A satisfied sponsor

3.3 Roles

Role Resource Name

Organization Assignment Status Assignment Date

Project Sponsor

Experience with the

customers of Recovery Cafe

Recovery Cafe

To provide us with the tools necessary

in fulfilling the project requirements


Project Manager

Time management

skills and delegation experience

SJSU To provide the finalized documents

and files as deliverables


Researcher Research needed

information through the


SJSU To ensure that needed information is acquired to help

with the project


Analyst Understanding of the project

and to examine details

SJSU To provide feedback on the project throughout the



Writer/Editor Knowledge of Word, Excel,

and PowerPoint

SJSU To write and edit deliverables

throughout the project


Liaison Communication capabilities such as soft


SJSU To keep in contact with the Sponsor and

her users


Project Champion

Experience with Project


SJSU To provide all of the necessary

information and help that he can provide to assist the team

with the project


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3.4 Responsibilities

All of the members of Vespyro 2.0 will be responsible for his/her work that is assigned. We will all have to work together and delegate the necessary work required to hand in a working deliverable to our sponsor.

Dana Bainbridge is our Project Sponsor and she is responsible with giving us detailed information about Recovery Café. She should be keeping in close contact with our Project Manager so that we can discuss future problems or changes.

Rashan Talikder is our Project Manager. He is responsible for finalizing all deliverables and see that they are above satisfactory before it is turned in. He will keep in close contact with the sponsor and her users so the team can understand the constraints of the project.

Francis Fu is our Researcher. He is responsible in looking up information that will help the completion of the project. He is to exercise common sense and use any resource to find the information the team needs.

Johnny You will be our Analyst. He is responsible for understanding problems when they arise. He is to offer alternative solutions to the problem and help the team apply them.

Cheryl Phang is our writer/editor. She is responsible in documenting the information that is gathered and editing them so that it is readable. She will utilize her know-how in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to share the work that the team have attained.

Eric Aguila will be our Liaison. He is to keep in close contact with the sponsor and her users. Also, conducting interviews of the stakeholders. He will need to be able to accommodate the meeting times with the sponsor.

Larry Gee is our Project Champion. He is to share all of his knowledge to us so that we can complete the project and satisfy our Project Sponsor. He should be assisting us by answering our questions and to expedite responses from our sponsor and her users.

3.5 Structure

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4 Implementation Plan

4.1 Approach

Phase Overall Approach

Initiation Receive project from Professor Gee (Project Champion), contact project sponsors and establish meeting date, visit Recovery Café websites to establish constraints, and meet with sponsors.

Planning Meet with project sponsor and gather user requirements, interview employees and understand user requirements, document progress and split up work among the team.

Analysis Analyse current website design, research SaaS, understand target audience and build SaaS directed towards clients and administration staff.

Design Select appropriate membership tracking SaaS, design the interface, and construct MS Visio diagrams to see data flow.

Implementation Transfer current workflow into membership SaaS with additional features, implement tracking system, and test all platforms for information consistency.

Closure After project is completed and the SaaS is fully tested, present to sponsor(s) for a written sign off.

4.2 Schedule

Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names

Project Plan 44 days Tue 9/2/14 Wed 10/29/14

First Team Meeting

1 hr Tue 9/2/14 Wed 9/3/14 Rashan Talikder, Cheryl Phang, Francis Fu,John You

Establish Communication with Project Sponsor

1 hr Thu 9/4/14 Fri 9/5/14 2 Rashan Talikder,

Meet with Project Sponsor

2 hrs Fri 9/12/14 Fri 9/12/14 3 Cheryl Phang, Francis Fu,John You,

Second Meeting

4 hrs Fun 9/14/14 Fun 9/14/14 Cheryl Phang,Francis

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Fu,John You, Rashan Talikder,

Identify constraints, budget, and risks

1 hr Fun 9/14/14 Fun 9/14/14 4 Cheryl Phang,Francis Fu,John You, Rashan Talikder,

Create project schedule

3 hrs Fun 9/14/14 Fun 9/14/14 6 Cheryl Phang,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu,John You, Rashan Talikder,

Milestone: Project Schedule

0 days Fun 9/14/14 Fun 9/14/14 Cheryl Phang,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu,John You, Rashan Talikder

Third Meeting 5 hrs Fun 9/21/14 Fun 9/21/14 Cheryl Pham,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu,John You

Assemble project charter

5 hrs Fri 9/19/14 Fun 9/21/14 7 Cheryl Pham,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu,John You, Rashan Talikder

Milestone: Project Charter

0 days Fun 9/21/14 Fun 9/21/14 10 Cheryl Phang,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu,John You, Rashan Talikder

System Planning

5 days Thu 9/25/14 Wed 10/1/14

Identify system roles and requirements

1 hr Thu 9/25/14 Thu 9/25/14 11 John You,Eric Aguila

Research potential SaaS solutions

2 hrs Fri 9/26/14 Fri 9/26/14 13 Cheryl Phang

Compare and select top system

1 hr Fun 9/28/14 Fun 9/28/14 14 Rashan Talikder, John You

Finalize system proposal

2 hrs Fun 9/28/14 Fun 9/28/14 15 Eric Aguila

Milestone: Client updated

0 days Wed 10/1/14 Wed 10/1/14 16 John You,Eric Aguila,

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with solutionMembership System Setup

2 days Fri 10/10/14 Fun 10/12/14

Purchase SaaS solution

1 hr Fri 10/10/14 Fri 10/10/14 17 Rashan Talikder

Create necessary fields and forms

2 hrs Fun 10/12/14 Fun 10/12/14 19 Cheryl Phang,Francis Fu,John You

QA test as member

1 hr Fun 10/12/14 Fun 10/12/14 20FS-2 hrs Eric Aguila

Milestone: Frontend system designed and tested

0 days Fun 10/12/14 Fun 10/12/14 21 Cheryl Phang,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu,John You

Backend System Setup

1 day Fun 10/12/14

Fun 10/12/14

Setup appropriate permissions

1 hr Fun 10/12/14 Fun 10/12/14 22 Cheryl Phang

Create automated reports and dashboards

1 hr Fun 10/12/14 Fun 10/12/14 24 Rashan Talikder

QA test employee roles

1 hr Fun 10/12/14 Fun 10/12/14 25 Eric Aguila

Milestone: Backend system designed and tested

0 days Fun 10/12/14 Fun 10/12/14 26 Cheryl Phang,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu,John You, Rashan Talikder

Sponsor Update Meeting

4 days Fun 10/19/14

Wed 10/22/14

Create system presentation

1 hr Fun 10/19/14 Fun 10/19/14 27 Rashan Talikder

Create documentation

2 hrs Fun 10/19/14 Fun 10/19/14 29 Eric Aguila

Update project schedule

1 hr Fun 10/19/14 Fun 10/19/14 30 Eric Aguila

Milestone: Present deliverables and docs

0 days Wed 10/22/14

Wed 10/22/14

31 Cheryl Phang,Francis Fu,

Testing 3 days Wed 10/22/14

Fri 10/24/14

Test on-location member side

1 hr Wed 10/22/14

Wed 10/22/14

32 John You,Cheryl Phang

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Test on-location backend

1 hr Thu 10/23/14 Thu 10/23/14 34 Eric Aguila

Make Fure all reporting and feature requirements are met

1 hr Fri 10/24/14 Fri 10/24/14 35 Eric Aguila

Milestone: Testing phase complete

0 days Fri 10/24/14 Fri 10/24/14 36 Cheryl Phang,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu, Rashan Talikder

Wrap Up 4 days Fun 10/26/14

Wed 10/29/14

Check all attributes and roles

1 hr Fun 10/26/14 Fun 10/26/14 37 Cheryl Phang,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu,John You, Rashan Talikder

Create training documentation

2 hrs Fun 10/26/14 Fun 10/26/14 39 Eric Aguila

Train staff on system

2 hrs Wed 10/29/14

Wed 10/29/14

40 Cheryl Phang,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu,John You

Milestone: Hand off system to client

0 days Wed 10/29/14

Wed 10/29/14

41 Cheryl Phang,Eric Aguila,Francis Fu,John You, Rashan Talikder

4.3 Milestones

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Milestone Date Description

Project Schedule 9/14/14 Plan a schedule to identify the time and resources required for each aspect of the project.

Project Charter 9/21/14 The control document that will give everyone an overview of the scope, goals, participants, and

requirements of the project.Client Updated w/

Solution10/1/14 Identify and present a system that is appropriate for the

needs of recovery cafe.Frontend system designed and tested

10/12/14 Design and test the front end membership system to be sure it is congruent with what the client needs/wants.

Backend system designed and tested

10/12/14 Design and test the backend membership system to ensure user security roles are set correctly and reports generated are accurate and error free.

Present deliverables and docs

10/22/14 Show the system to sponsors and provide them with documentation. Gain any feedback they see and evaluate.

Testing Phase Complete

10/24/14 Make sure everything works in actual use and alleviate any issues.

Hand off system to client

10/29/14 Give the system to the sponsor and sign off on project.

4.4 Dependencies

Project Activity Impacts Is Impacted by Criticality Date

Incompatibility Redesign Current system High CompleteSponsor continually expanding requested feature set

SaaS selection Team Vespyro 2.0

High 10/1/14

4.5 Resource Plan

Role Start Date End Date % Effort

Team Vespyro 2.0 9/2/2014 10/29/2014 100 %

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4.6 Financial Plan (Hours only since there won’t be in monies involved)

Individual Position Hours (estimate)

Rashan Talikder Project Manager 105Francis Fu Researcher 90Eric Aguila Sponsor Liaison 94John You Analyst 94Cheryl Phang Editor/ Writer 94

4.7 Quality Plan

Process Description

Status Reports Updates (6) Review work and deadlines weekly to ensure project is on task.Solving Problems Issues must be handled proficiently and professionally. Upon group

discussion and consensus, a solution will be decided upon. If there is a stalemate, then the Project Manager will have the deciding vote.

Communication Frequent contact with Sponsor and team members communicating progress and issues that need to be addressed by completion time. Via: Email, GroupMe Text, Meetings, OneDrive, Phone, and/or Skype.

Documentation Meeting, assignments, deliverables, and project related work will be documented and shared with the sponsor.

4.8 Completion Criteria

Process Description

Data Transferring Transferring all data from the previous excel sheets to organized information on the SaaS.

Create Design Modify GUI and tracking features after sponsor feedback and initial beta testing.

SaaS Implementation Installation of the software, setting up the interfaces, reports, and security roles.

Demo Testing Testing of all identified environments are completed and problems resolved. Moreover, the SaaS platform must exhibit an improved and enhanced quality of information and consistency to ensure proper tracking.

Documentation Documentation is completed and provided to our client. The user guide for the project sponsors is complete and will show how to operate the SaaS.

Training/Review Documentation is reviewed and approved by sponsor.

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5 Project Considerations.

5.1 Risks




Action to be Takento Mitigate Risk

Subpar Team Member performance

3 7 Schedule must be followed and taken into consideration to meet deadlines. Members must attend meetings and provide updates on tasks, as well as, ask for help and discuss issues.

Team Communication

5 7 Members must respond to email, mobile messages, and phone calls in a timely manner. Keep everyone in the loop with consistent updates.

Project Schedule Flaws

7 3 Update schedule accordingly to track deadlines and tasks to ensure scheduling flaws does not set back the entire project. Research on how to use Microsoft Project effectively to increase efficiency of scheduling.

Scope Creep 6 3 Increase communication between involved parties. Work with project sponsor to improve quality by documenting all work and expectations.

Hardware Issues 6 5 Ensure hardware meets software or SaaS minimum requirements. Ensure all external devices are available to run software effectively. Run several tests before implementation of hardware.

Minimal SaaS Functions

4 6 Extensive research must be accomplished to ensure the SaaS meets sponsor’s needs. This means doing online research, contacting support, asking questions, and reading reviews.

Lack of End User Knowledge of Computing

7 4 It is known that end-users are not tech savvy. Therefore, training procedures must be simple and step-by-step. Also, SaaS or software must provide a simple user-interface to help decrease the risk of user error or knowledge.

Lack of User Input 5 5 Users must be engaged in process in order to determine needs. This means staying engaged with sponsor and users. Identify what works and what does not, day to day operations, work flows, and requirements.

Technical Issues 2 8 If dealing with SaaS, contact customer support to troubleshoot issues at hand.

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Research extensively on issue and look for hot fixes.

Poor Network 4 4 Based on prior network performance, using a SaaS client for member tracking will be reliant on a reliable network. Sponsor must upgrade network in order to maintain sustainable performance of member tracking system.

5.2 Issues



Action to be Takento Resolve Issues

Low budget Medium Discuss with sponsor to determine budget, compromise on budget in order to accomplish tasks to meet requirements and expectations

Learning SaaS Medium Do extensive research on SaaS. Practice doing end user requirements to meet training needs. Use resources as guidelines

Sponsor Training Medium Precisely train sponsor and users to us SaaS or implemented software. Provide guides and support.

Timing and Scheduling

High Plan more frequently and effectively to ensure deadlines are met

Testing High Testing must be done in order to ensure hardware integrity and SaaS or Software integrity.

5.3 Assumptions

A key assumption that can be made is that since each group member has been assigned a role, they will act and make decisions accordingly and pull their weight in completing the project. Because all group members have a goal of passing this course, it can be assumed that all members will be putting in the needed effort in order to successfully accomplish the project. With that being said, any planned meetings will have full participation and attendance by most, if not, usually all members. Another important assumption is that the project must be finished my given due date of November 25th. The project schedule that the group completed has activities and tasks that align accordingly and have specified due dates so that the project is completed by the final project due date. Vespyro 2.0 consists of a total of five group members. It can be assumed that all group members will remain in the project for its entirety; therefore, the work that has been divided and planned accordingly is split equally amongst the five group members. The amount of hours that have been calculated in the project schedule are the assumed number of hours that Vespyro 2.0 will be dedicating in completing this project. As mentioned previously, each group member is assigned a role based on their knowledge and skill set; therefore, we will approach each situation accordingly and will depend on said person for their expertise. Lastly, because the project schedule is a vital resource in completing the project, any tasks and activities that are accomplished must be on schedule or

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to the very least closely aligned. Consequently, it can be assumed that the dates on the project schedule are reasonably set and will be Vespyro 2.0's guidance in the Successful completion of this project.

5.4 Constraints

A major constraint is communication amongst the group. Although communication is not poor, it could definitely be improved. If all group members are in the loop, then things would run more smoothly in completing project tasks and activities. Consistent communication and updates amongst the group will lower the risk of problems due to poor communication. Although an assumption, the resources (consisting of the five group members), should be readily available, but each group member's level of commitment will vary in completing this project. It is understandable that each group member does have other commitments outside of this project, but there will be times where other commitments will place a higher priority over this project. If that is the case, other group member's will have to be ready to pick up any slack that Vespyro 2.0 comes across. A constraint that was given by Recovery Café is their budget for implementing a SaaS system. Because it is a non-profit organization, financial stability is definitely a concern. Therefore, Vespyro 2.0 must find and implement a solution that fits within their budget of under $100/month. It is a challenging objective, but Vespyro 2.0 will put forth all efforts to make it possible. A key constraint will be the unpredictability of the performance of the software and any technical issues that the group may come across after implementation. Also, the limited technical knowledge and skills of the Recovery Café users will be a concern as the group will need to determine how much training is needed in order to have everyone successfully use the software upon Vespyro 2.0's departure/completion of the project.

6 Appendix6.1 Supporting Documentation

Attendance record templateFront Desk Membership TemplateRCSJ Membership Database templateT2_091614_ Rashan_Talikder_ProjectScheduleMeeting with Sponsor Notes DocProject Charter FormRisk Management pdfTorrecillas Carmen - EFFECTIVE TEAM MEETINGS.pptxPM Network: Making Project Management Indispensable for Business Results Volume 28, Number 7


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