1196260390 Iniciacao Ingles

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Transcript of 1196260390 Iniciacao Ingles

  • 7/29/2019 1196260390 Iniciacao Ingles


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    Iniciao ao Ingls

    Lesson 1: Nice to Meet You!

    Learn how to greet someone, how to introduce yourself, and state the names of countries and



    Introduce ourselves

    Greet others

    Use the verb be in the Simple Present

    Identify the names of countries and cities

    Ask and answer Wh questions

    Ask and answer Yes/No questions


    Answer to the following questions.

    A. Choose the right answers.

    1- What ______ your name?

    a) are b) is c) am

    2- Is your name Susan? Yes, ______ is.

    a) he b) she c) it

    3- How old ______ you?

    a) are b) is c) am

    4- Are you from Portugal? Yes, I ______.

    a) are b) am c) is

    5- Is she from France? No, she ______.a) are b) isnt c) is

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    6- Whats this? Its ______ pen.

    a) the b) an c) a

    7- These books are old. They are ______.

    a) good books b) books good c) goods books

    8- London is in ______ Southeast of England.

    a) a b) the c) ___

    9- Peter is 12 years old and ______ brother is 8.

    a) her b) its c) his

    10- Mary is an American girl and ______ friend is French.

    a) its b) her c) his

    11- Have you got a bike? Yes, I ______ one.

    a) has b) have c) have got

    12- That one belongs to Mary. Its ______.a) of Mary b) Marys c) the Marys

    13- The baby ______ the soup now.

    a) eats b) eat c) is eating

    14- Where ______ you live?

    a) does b) dont c) do

    15- ______ she like English?

    a) Do b) Does c) Dont

    16- At the moment she ___________.

    a) are sleeping b) isnt sleeping c) sleeps

    17- ______ a car in the garage.

    a) There are b) There is c) Is

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    18- Last Summer Peter ______ in England.

    a) is b) were c) was

    19- ______ you at the concert last weekend?

    a) Are b) Were c) Was

    20- I speak English. What language _________?

    a) you speak b) speak you c) do you speak

    21- ______ does she stay there?

    a) How far b) How long c) How much

    22- Last weekend he ______ table tennis with his friends.

    a) played b) plays c) play

    23- Who ______ you see yesterday?

    a) does b) do c) did

    24- ______ you enjoy yourself at the party last night?a) Do b) Did c) Were

    25- ______ do you eat at breakfast?

    a) Who b) What c) Whose

    26- ______ do you generally play games with?

    a) Whose b) What c) Who

    27- I ______ cross the street four years ago.

    a) can b) couldnt c) cant

    28- Can you help John? No, I ______.

    a) couldnt b) can c) cant

    29- John is ______ than Mary.

    a) tallest b) tall c) taller

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    30- He is also ______ than her.

    a) younger b) youngest c) young

    31- Jane is the ______ of all of them.

    a) funniest b) funny c) funnier

    32- This is the ______ house in this place.

    a) most expensive b) more expensive c) expensive

    B. Complete the text with the correct prepositions. Use: b y , a t , o n , f r om , o f , in , f o r , w i t h .

    She is _______ Oxford, but she lives _____ two friends ______ London, a city in the Southeast

    _______ England. She works ______ a travel agency and gets there ______ bus ______ nine

    oclock. ______ Saturday she stays at home.

    C. Choose the most appropriate answer:

    1. A person who doesnt like working is ______

    a) lonely

    b) lazy

    2. A hard worker is someone who works:

    a) hardly

    b) hard

    3. If I were you, I _______ buy that old car.a) wouldnt

    b) wont

    D. Answer these questions:

    1. What time did you get up yesterday?

    2. What did you have for breakfast?

    3. When did you arrive at school/work?4. Where are you going to next summer holidays?

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    1. What time did you get up yesterday?

    Yesterday, I got up at (nine oclock).

    2. What did you have for breakfast?

    For breakfast I had (bread and milk/cereals/orange juice/etc...).

    3. When did you arrive at school/work?

    I arrived at school/work at (ten oclock).

    4. Where are you going to next Summer holidays?

    Next Summer holidays Im going to (England).

    Good Work!!

    W o r d s / Ex p r e s s io n s : P a la v r a s / Ex p r e s s e s :




    Bulletin board

    Come from


    Favorite (American accent)

    Favourite (English accent)





    How about you?

    Ice hockey


    MovieNice to meet you

    Acerca, sobre



    Quadro de registo

    Vir de


    Favorito, preferido (Ingls dos EUA)

    Favorito, preferido (Ingls de Inglaterra)





    E tu?

    Hquei no gelo

    Palavras, expresses

    FilmePrazer em conhecer-te


    Lesson 1

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    Pen friend



    Amigo que conhecemos atravs de

    correspondncia por cartas


    Tu prprio

    V e r b s : V e r b o s :

    To ask

    To be

    To come

    To greet

    To meet

    To learn

    To read

    To say

    To try

    To use

    To write












    Language Focus

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    Personal Pronouns (Pronomes Pessoais):

    I (eu)

    You (tu)

    He (ele)

    She (ela)

    It (relativo a coisas, objectos, etc.)

    We (ns)

    You (vs)

    They (eles)

    Repare nas formas contrada (Im from...) e no contrada (I am from...). Pode usar ambas

    as formas, embora a forma contrada seja a mais corrente.

    Para se perguntar a origem de algum (de onde algum vem), utilizam-se as seguintes

    duas formas:

    - Where are you from?Im from Osaka.

    - Where do you come from?I come from Osaka.

    Prepositions: in, from, of


    - Its in California- He from France

    - Here is a map of France

    Everyday Culture

    1. This is Brad Hunter. Which is correct? Why?

    Nota: Pleased to meet you, Mr. Hunter a forma correcta. Um ttulo, tal como Mr., Ms., Miss e

    Mrs. s pode ser usado com o ltimo nome ou com o nome completo (apesar da utilizao de um

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    ttulo ou do nome completo se utilizar somente em apresentaes formais). Miss e Mrs. esto a

    tornar-se fora do vulgar, especialmente Miss. Nos E.U.A. e na Inglaterra, Mrs. ainda usado,

    apesar de se usar mais para mulheres mais velhas, ou para casais quando apresentados juntos.

    Ms. est a tornar-se o ttulo universal para mulheres de negcios. Em alguns pases, considerado

    m educao apertar as mos, quando a outra mo est enfiada no bolso, tal como mostra a

    imagem anterior.

    Answer: Free answer.


    1. What are they saying?

    Nota: Todas as frases tm um sujeito (subject) e um verbo (verb):

    Ex.: I (s u b j e c t ) am (v e r b ) Susan.

    Answer: Just to read and comprehend the dialogue.

    Hi, my name

    is Akira.

    Im fromOsaka.

    Nice to meet you.Im Susan. Where

    are you from?

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    2. Complete the conversation with the following words:

    A: Hello. My name __________ Ken.

    B: Nice to meet you, Ken. Where __________ you from?

    A: __________ from Vancouver, Canada. __________ are you from?

    B: Im __________ California.

    A: Are __________ from Los Angeles?

    B: No, Im __________. Im from San Francisco.


    A: Hello. My name is Ken.

    B: Nice to meet you, Ken. Where are you from?

    A: Im from Vancouver, Canada. Where are you from?

    B: Im from California.

    A: Are you from Los Angeles?

    B: No, Im not. Im from San Francisco.








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    3. Ask and answer questions, as the example below.


    A. Susan/from/is/where/? B. Japan/from/the doll/is/?

    - Where is Susan from?

    - Shes from Australia.

    C. Anita/her/name/is/? D. from/where/are/you/?



    - Is the doll from Japan?

    - Yes, it is.


    - Is her name Anita?

    - No, it isnt. He name is Andrea.


    - Where are you from?

    - Im from Lisboa, Portugal.

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    1. Read the following dialogue.

    - What is your name?

    - My name is Kathy. What is your name?

    - My name is Max.

    - Max?

    - Yes, thats right. My name is Max.

    - Where do you come from, Max?

    - I come from San Francisco.

    - San Francisco?

    - Yes, San Francisco, California. How about you?

    - I come from New York.

    Answer: Just to read and comprehend.

    1.1. Make a sentence with these words:

    Example:Max/name/my/is My name is Max.

    a) is/Kathy/name/my

    b) come/New York/from/I

    c) Max/is/this

    d) from/comes/San Francisco/he

    e) from/comes/New York/Kathy


    a) My name is Kathy.

    b) I come from New York.

    c) This is Max.

    d) He comes from San Francisco.

    e) Kathy comes from New York.

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    1.2. Circle the correct word.

    Example: This am Max.

    Nota: A 3. pessoa do singular no Presente termina com um s. Ex.: She c om e s from

    Lisbon (Ela vem de Lisboa).

    a) Max come, comes from San Francisco.

    b) Hello. My name is, am Max.

    c) I come, comes from San Francisco.

    d) Kathy come, comes from New York.

    e) She come from, comes from New York.


    a) Max c om e s from San Francisco.

    b) Hello. My name i sMax.

    c) I c o m e from San Francisco.

    d) Kathy c om e s from New York.

    e) She c om e s f r o m New York.

    1.3. Answer the questions.

    Example: Where is Max from? Max is from San Francisco.

    (De onde o Max?) (O Max de So Francisco)

    Nota: Where (Onde, de onde), Who (Quem) e Which (Que, qual) pertencem s

    chamadas Wh questions.

    a) Where does Max come from?

    b) Where is Kathy from?

    c) Who comes from New York?

    d) Who is from San Francisco?

    e) Which person is a woman?


    a) Max comes from San Francisco.

    b) Kathy comes from New York.

    c) Kathy does.

    d) Max is.


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    e) Kathy is.


    1. Read the notes.

    Answer: Just to read and comprehend.

    1.1. Now, write about yourself.

    My name

    Im from

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    Answer: Free answer.


    My name is Ana, and I come from Lisboa, Portugal.

    My favourite movie is Matrix, with Keanu Reeves.

    Next Lesson: Ask personal information, ask where people live, and use the verb be in the



    - Dicionrio bilngue: Portugus-Ingls e Ingls-Portugus da Oxford, da Macmillan

    Heinemann ou da Porto Editora, etc.;

    - Gramtica de Ingls da Oxford ou da Macmillan Heinemann.


    Os alunos percebem o que so Personal Pronouns e a sua colocao na frase. Compreendem que

    todas as frases so constitudas por um sujeito e por um verbo. Diferenciam a 3. pessoa do sing.

    no Presente das restantes pessoas. Os alunos constrem frases na interrogativa, afirmativa e

    negativa com o Presente do verbo be. Compreendem como se desenrola uma determinada

    situao cultural em Inglaterra e/ou nos EUA e comparam-na com o seu pas natal. Completam um

    dilogo, utilizando palavras dadas. Constrem perguntas e respostas, seguindo exemplos. Lem e

    interpretam textos. Redigem um pequeno texto, utilizando as novas palavras aprendidas.

    Have a nice
