111577987 MC0081 Solved Assignment

August 2012 Master of Computer Application (MCA) - Semester 5 MC0081 - . (DOT) Net Technologies - 4 Credits (Book ID: B0974) Assignment Set - 1 (40 Marks) Answer all Questions Each question carries TEN marks 1. Describe the steps involved in creating classes and objects with the help of a program in C#. 2. Describe the following with respect to creating Web Forms in .Net environment: A. Web Form Life Cycle B.Creating a Web Form Write programs with corresponding output screens to demonstrate the above concepts. 3. Describe the following with respect to State Management in ASP.Net: a. Cookies in ASP.NET b. Session State c. Application State 4. Describe the following with respect to Web Services in .Net: a. Writing and Testing a Web Service b. Implementing a Web Service Client

Transcript of 111577987 MC0081 Solved Assignment

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August 2012

Master of Computer Application (MCA) - Semester 5

MC0081 - . (DOT) Net Technologies - 4 Credits

(Book ID: B0974)

Assignment Set - 1 (40 Marks)

Answer all Questions Each question carries TEN marks

1. Describe the steps involved in creating classes and objects with the help of a program in


2. Describe the following with respect to creating Web Forms in .Net


A. Web Form Life Cycle

B.Creating a Web Form

Write programs with corresponding output screens to demonstrate the above concepts.

3. Describe the following with respect to State Management in ASP.Net:

a. Cookies in ASP.NET

b. Session State

c. Application State

4. Describe the following with respect to Web Services in .Net:

a. Writing and Testing a Web Service

b. Implementing a Web Service Client

Page 2: 111577987 MC0081 Solved Assignment

August 2012

Master of Computer Application (MCA) - Semester 5

MC0081 - . (DOT) Net Technologies - 4 Credits

(Book ID: B0974)

Assignment Set - 2 (40 Marks)

Answer all Questions Each question carries TEN marks

1. Write a program in C# language to perform the following operations:

a. Basic arithmetic operations

b. Finding greatest of n numbers

Write separate programs for each of the above points.

2. Explain the following with respect to ASP.Net:

a. Master Pages

b. Themes & Skins

Write code snippets to demonstrate the above concepts.

3. Design a simple Window based form application to perform basic arithmetic operations.

4. Describe the following with respect to Web site deployment in ASP.Net:

a. Creating Application Pools (IIS 6.0)

b. Deploying ASP.NET Applications

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1. Describe the steps involved in creating classes and objects with the help of a program in C#.

A class is a construct that enables you to create your own custom types by grouping together variables of other types, methods and events. A class is like a blueprint. It defines the data and behavior of a type. If the class is not declared as static, client code can use it by creating objects or instances which are assigned to a variable. The variable remains in memory until all references to it go out of scope. At that time, the CLR marks it as eligible for garbage collection. If the class is declared as static, then only one copy exists in memory and client code can only access it through the class itself, not an instance variable. For more information, see Static Classes and Static Class Members (C# Programming Guide). Unlike structs, classes support inheritance, a fundamental characteristic of object-oriented programming. Declaring classes public class Customer {

//Fields, properties, methods and events go here... } Creating object Customer object1 = new Customer(); Class Inheritance public class Manager : Employee {

// Employee fields, properties, methods and events are inherited // New Manager fields, properties, methods and events go here...

} EXAMPLE public class Person {

// Field public string name; // Constructor public Person() {

name = "unknown"; } // Method public void SetName(string newName) {

name = newName; }

} class TestPerson {

static void Main() {

Person person = new Person();

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Console.WriteLine(person.name); person.SetName("John Smith"); Console.WriteLine(person.name); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey();


2. Describe the following with respect to creating Web Forms in .Net environment:

A. Web Form Life Cycle

B.Creating a Web Form

Ans 2 of A

Stage 1 - Initialization

After the control hierarchy has been built, the Page, along with all of the controls in its control

hierarchy, enter the initialization stage. This stage is marked by having the Page and controls

fire their Init events. At this point in the page life cycle, the control hierarchy has been

constructed, and the Web control properties that are specified in the declarative syntax have

been assigned.

Stage 2 - Load View State

The load view state stage only happens when the page has been posted back. During this stage,

the view state data that had been saved from the previous page visit is loaded and recursively

populated into the control hierarchy of the Page. It is during this stage that the view state

is validated. As we'll discuss later in this article, the view state can become invalid due to a

number of reasons, such as view state tampering, and injecting dynamic controls into the

middle of the control hierarchy.

Stage 3 - Load Postback Data

The load postback data stage also only happens when the page has been posted back. A server

control can indicate that it is interested in examining the posted back data by implementing

the IPostBackDataHandler interface. In this stage in the page life cycle, the Page class

enumerates the posted back form fields, and searches for the corresponding server control. If it

finds the control, it checks to see if the control implements

the IPostBackDataHandler interface. If it does, it hands off the appropriate postback

data to the server control by calling the control's LoadPostData() method. The server

control would then update its state based on this postback data.

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To help clarify things, let's look at a simple example. One nice thing about ASP.NET is that the

Web controls in a Web Form remember their values across postback. That is, if you have a

TextBox Web control on a page and the user enters some value into the TextBox and posts back

the page, the TextBox's Text property is automatically updated to the user's entered value.

This happens because the TextBox Web control implements

the IPostBackDataHandler interface, and the Page class hands off the appropriate value

to the TextBox class, which then updates its Text property.

To concretize things, imagine that we have an ASP.NET Web page with a TextBox

whose ID property is set to txtName. When the page is first visited, the following HTML will

be rendered for the TextBox: <input type="text" id="txtName"

name="txtName" />. When the user enters a value into this TextBox (such as, "Hello,

World!") and submits the form, the browser will make a request to the same ASP.NET Web

page, passing the form field values back in the HTTP POST headers. These include the hidden

form field values (such as __VIEWSTATE), along with the value from the txtName TextBox.

Stage 4 - Load

This is the stage with which all ASP.NET developers are familiar, as we've all created an event

handler for a page's Load event (Page_Load). When the Load event fires, the view state has

been loaded (from stage 2, Load View State), along with the postback data (from stage 3, Load

Postback Data). If the page has been posted back, when the Load event fires we know that the

page has been restored to its state from the previous page visit.

Stage 5 - Raise Postback


Certain server controls

raise events with

respect to changes that

occurred between

postbacks. For example,

the DropDownList Web

control has

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a SelectedIndexChanged event, which fires if the DropDownList's SelectedIndex has

changed from the SelectedIndex value in the previous page load. Another example: if the

Web Form was posted back due to a Button Web control being clicked, the

Button's Click event is fired during this stage.

There are two flavors of postback events. The first is a changed event. This event fires when

some piece of data is changed between postbacks. An example is the

DropDownListsSelectedIndexChanged event, or the TextBox's TextChanged event.

Server controls that provide changed events must implement

the IPostBackDataHandler interface. The other flavor of postback events is

the raised event. These are events that are raised by the server control for whatever reason the

control sees fit. For example, the Button Web control raises the Click event when it is clicked,

and the Calendar control raises the VisibleMonthChanged event when the user moves to

another month. Controls that fire raised events must implement

the IPostBackEventHandler interface.

Stage 6 - Save View State

In the save view state stage, the Page class constructs the page's view state, which represents

the state that must persist across postbacks. The page accomplishes this by recursively calling

the SaveViewState() method of the controls in its control hierarchy. This combined, saved

state is then serialized into a base-64 encoded string. In stage 7, when the page's Web Form is

rendered, the view state is persisted in the page as a hidden form field.

In the render stage the HTML that is emitted to the client requesting the page is generated.

The Page class accomplishes this by recursively invoking the RenderControl() method of

each of the controls in its hierarchy.

These seven stages are the most important stages with respect to understanding view state.

(Note that I did omit a couple of stages, such as the PreRender and Unload stages.) As you

continue through the article, keep in mind that every single time an ASP.NET Web page is

requested, it proceeds through these series of stages.

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Ans 2 of B

Creating a New ASP.NET Web Forms Page

When you create a new Web site using the

Studio adds an ASP.NET page (Web Forms page) named Default.aspx. You can use the

Default.aspx page as the home page for your Web site. However, for this walkthrough,

you will create and work with a new page.

To add a page to the Web site

1. Close the Default.aspx page. To do this,

name and then click Close

2. In Solution Explorer, right

and then click Add New Item

The Add New Item dialog box is displayed. The following illustration shows an

example of the Add New Item

3. In the template list, select

4. In the Name box, type

programming language for that page or component. You can use different

programming languages in the same Web site.

5. Clear the Place code in separate file

Creating a New ASP.NET Web Forms Page

When you create a new Web site using the ASP.NET Web Site project template, Visual

page (Web Forms page) named Default.aspx. You can use the

Default.aspx page as the home page for your Web site. However, for this walkthrough,

you will create and work with a new page.

To add a page to the Web site

Close the Default.aspx page. To do this, right-click the tab that displays the file


, right-click the Web site (for example, C:\

Add New Item.

dialog box is displayed. The following illustration shows an

Add New Item dialog box.

In the template list, select Web Form.


When you created

the Web site project,

you specified a

default language

based on the project

template that you

selected. However,

each time

a new page or

component for your

Web site, you can

select the

programming language for that page or component. You can use different

programming languages in the same Web site.

Place code in separate file check box.

project template, Visual

page (Web Forms page) named Default.aspx. You can use the

Default.aspx page as the home page for your Web site. However, for this walkthrough,

click the tab that displays the file


dialog box is displayed. The following illustration shows an

When you created

the Web site project,

you specified a

default language

based on the project

template that you

selected. However,

each time you create

a new page or

component for your

Web site, you can

select the

programming language for that page or component. You can use different

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In this walkthrough,

you are creating a

single-file page with

the code and HTML in

the same page. The

code for ASP.NET

pages can be located

either in the page or in

a separate class file.

6. Click Add.

Visual Studio creates

the new page and

opens it.

Adding HTML to the Page

In this part of the walkthrough, you will add some static text to the page.

To add text to the page

1. At the bottom of the document window, click the Design tab to switch

to Design view.

Design view displays the page that you are working on in a WYSIWYG-like way.

At this point, you do not have any text or controls on the page, so the page is

blank except for a dashed line that outlines a rectangle. This rectangle represents

a div element on the page.

2. Click inside the rectangle that is outlined by a dashed line.

3. Type Welcome to Visual Web Developer and press ENTER twice.

The following illustration shows the text you typed in Design view.

4. Switch to Source view.

You can see the HTML that you created by typing in Design view, as shown in the

following illustration.

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Describe the following with respect to State Management in ASP.Net:

a. Cookies in ASP.NET

b. Session State

c. Application State

Cookiesin asp.net : Web applications can store small pieces of data in the client’s Web browser

by using cookies. A cookie is a small amount of data that is stored either in a text file on the

client file system (if the cookie is persistent) or in memory in the client browser session (if the

cookie is temporary). The most common use of cookies is to identify a single user as he or she

visits multiple Web pages.

Reading and Writing Cookies:

A Web application creates a cookie by sending it to the client as a header in an HTTP response.

The Web browser then submits the same cookie to the server with every new request.

Create a cookie -> add a value to the Response.Cookies HttpCookieCollection.

Read a cookie -> read values in Request.Cookies.


// Check if cookie exists, and display it if it does

if (Request.Cookies["lastVisit"] != null) // Encode the cookie in case the cookie contains client-

side script Label1.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Cookies["lastVisit"].Value);

else Label1.Text = "No value defined";

// Define the cookie for the next visit Response.Cookies["lastVisit"].Value =

DateTime.Now.ToString();Response.Cookies["lastVisit"].Expires =


If you do not define the Expires property, the browser stores it in memory and the cookie is lost

if the user closes his or her browser.

To delete a cookie, overwrite the cookie and set an expiration date in the past. You can’t directly

delete cookies because they are stored on the client’s computer.

Controlling the Cookie Scope: By default, browsers won’t send a cookie to a Web site with a

different hostname. You can control a cookie’s scope to either limit the scope to a specific folder

on the Web server or expand the scope to any server in a domain. To limit the scope of a cookie

to a folder, set the Path property, as the following example demonstrates:

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Response.Cookies["lastVisit"].Path = "/Application1";

Through this the scope is limited to the “/Application1” folder that is the browser submits the

cookie to any page with in this folder and not to pages in other folders even if the folder is in the

same server. We can expand the scope to a particular domain using the following statement:


Response.Cookies[“lastVisit”].Domain = “Contoso”;

Storing Multiple Values in a Cookie:

Though it depends on the browser, you typically can’t store more than 20 cookies per site, and

each cookie can be a maximum of 4 KB in length. To work around the 20-cookie limit, you can

store multiple values in a cookie, as the following code demonstrates:


Response.Cookies["info"]["visit"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();

Response.Cookies["info"]["firstName"].Value = "Tony";

Response.Cookies["info"]["border"].Value = "blue";

Response.Cookies["info"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

Running the code in this example sends a cookie with the following value to the Web browser:

(visit=4/5/2006 2:35:18 PM) (firstName=Tony) (border=blue)

Query Strings: Query strings are commonly used to store variables that identify specific pages,

such as search terms or page numbers. A query string is information that is appended to the end

of a page URL. A typical query string might look like the following real-world example:


In this example, the URL identifies the Default.aspx page. The query string (which starts with a

question mark [?]) contains a single parameter named “kbid,” and a value for that parameter,

“315233.” Query strings can also have multiple parameters, such as the following real-world

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URL, which specifies a language and query when searching the Microsoft.com Web site:


Value Name | ASP.NET Object | Value

mkt | Request.QueryString[“mkt”] | en-US

setlang | Request.QueryString[“setlang”] | en-US

q | Request.QueryString[“q”] | hello world

Limitations for Query Strings:

1. Some Browsers and client devices impose a 2083 – character limit on the length of the URL.

2. You must submit the page using an HTTP GET command in order for query string values to

be available during page processing. Therefore, you shouldn’t add query strings to button targets

in forms.

3. You must manually add query string values to every hyperlink that the user might click.


Label1.Text = "User: " + Server.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["user"]) +

", Prefs: " + Server.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["prefs"]) +

", Page: " + Server.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["page"]);

Server - Side State Management:

Application State: ASP.NET allows you to save values using application state, a global storage

mechanism that is accessible from all pages in the Web application. Application state is stored in

the Application key/value dictionary. Once you add your application-specific information to

application state, the server manages it, and it is never exposed to the client. Application state is

a great place to store information that is not user-specific. By storing it in the application state,

all pages can access data from a single location in memory, rather than keeping separate copies

of the data. Data stored in the Application object is not permanent and is lost any time the

application is restarted.

ASP.NET provides three events that enable you to initialize Application variables (free resources

when the application shuts down) and respond to Application errors:

a. Application_Start: Raised when the application starts. This is the perfect place to initialize

Application variables.

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b. Application_End: Raised when an application shuts down. Use this to free application

resources and perform logging.

c. Application_Error: Raised when an unhandled error occurs. Use this to perform error logging.

Session State: ASP.NET allows you to save values using session state, a storage mechanism that

is accessible from all pages requested by a single Web browser session. Therefore, you can use

session state to store user-specific information. Session state is similar to application state,

except that it is scoped to the current browser session. If different users are using your

application, each user session has a different session state. In addition, if a user leaves your

application and then returns later after the session timeout period, session state information is

lost and a new session is created for the user. Session state is stored in the Session key/value


You can use session state to accomplish the following tasks:

i. Uniquely identify browser or client-device requests and map them to individual session

instances on the server. This allows you to track which pages a user saw on your site during a

specific visit.

ii. Store session-specific data on the server for use across multiple browser or client-device

requests during the same session. This is perfect for storing shopping cart information.

iii. Raise appropriate session management events. In addition, you can write application code

leveraging these events.

ASP.NET session state supports several different storage options for session data:

a. InProc Stores session state in memory on the Web server. This is the default, and it offers

much better performance than using the ASP.NET state service or storing state information in a

database server. InProc is fine for simple applications, but robust applications that use multiple

Web servers or must persist session data between application restarts should use State Server or


b. StateServer Stores session state in a service called the ASP.NET State Service. This ensures

that session state is preserved if the Web application is restarted and also makes session state

available to multiple Web servers in a Web farm. ASP.NET State Service is included with any

computer set up to run ASP.NET Web applications; however, the service is set up to start

manually by default. Therefore, when configuring the ASP.NET State Service, you must set the

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startup type to Automatic.

c. SQLServer Stores session state in a SQL Server database. This ensures that session state is

preserved if the Web application is restarted and also makes session state available to multiple

Web servers in a Web farm. On the same hardware, the ASP.NET State Service outperforms

SQLServer. However, a SQL Server database offers more robust data integrity and reporting


d. Custom Enables you to specify a custom storage provider. You also need to implement the

custom storage provider.

e. Off Disables session state. You should disable session state if you are not using it to improve


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4. Describe the following with respect to Web Services in .Net:

a. Writing and Testing a Web Service

b. Implementing a Web Service Client

Ans 4 Of A Testing A Web Service How do you test an ASMX Web service? Simple: just call it in your browser. To demonstrate, copy Calc.asmx to wwwroot and type http://localhost/calc.asmx in your browser’s address bar. You’ll be greeted with the screen shown in Figure 8.6. What happened?

ASP.NET responded to the HTTP request for Calc.asmx by generating an HTML page that describes the

Web service.

The name and description in the ASMX file’s WebService attribute appear at the top of the page.

Underneath is a list of Web methods that the service exposes, complete with the descriptions spelled

out in the WebMethod attributes.

Calc.asmx as seen in Internet Explorer

Click ―Add‖ near the top of the page, and ASP.NET displays a page that you can use to test the Add

method (Figure 8.7). ASP.NET knows the method name and signature because it reads them from the

metadata in the DLL it compiled from Calc.asmx. It even generates an HTML form that you can use to

call the Add method with your choice of inputs. Type 2 and 2 into the ―a‖ and ―b‖ boxes and click

Invoke. The XML returned by the Web method appears in a separate browser window

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Test page for the Add method

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XML returned by the Add method

The forms that ASP.NET generates on the fly from ASMX files enable you to test the Web services that you write without writing special clients to test them with. They also let you explore a Web service built with the .NET Framework simply by pointing your browser to it. For kicks, type the following URL into your browser’s address bar: http://terraservice.net/terraservice.asmx That’s the URL of the Microsoft TerraService, an ultra-cool Web service that provides a programmatic

interface to a massive database of geographic data known as the Microsoft TerraServer. Don’t worry

about the details just yet; you’ll be using TerraService to build a Web service client later in this

chapter. But do notice how much you can learn about TerraService simply by viewing the page that

ASP.NET generated for it.

Ans 4 Of B Testing A Web Service

Implementing Web Service Clients Now that you’ve seen Web services up close and personal, it’s time to learn about Web service clients –

that is, applications that use, or consume, Web methods. It’s easy to write Web services. Writing Web

service clients is even easier, thanks to some high-level support lent by the .NET Framework class library

(FCL) and a code-generator named Wsdl.exe. If you have a WSDL contract describing a Web service (or

the URL of a DISCO file that

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